Next Generation Parent Handbook

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Next Generation Learning Center

and Daycare
617 Second St
Henderson, Ky 42420
(270)827-4845 or (270)577-0715

Welcome to Next Generation Learning Center and Daycare. We are glad you chose to enroll
your child in our program.
You have made a great choice for your child. Your child will feel loved and safe here. You, the
parent or guardian, will have full trust that your child is being cared for. We are ready to assist with
any questions or concerns you may have about our program.

Purpose & Philosophy

Our purpose at Next Generation Learning Center and Daycare is to provide quality child care
to children from 1 year to school age. Our goal is for each child to feel the love of Christ through the
care given to them. We will provide your child with every opportunity to build a solid foundation in
Jesus at every stage of development. We will give children the opportunity to pray together and to learn
to recognize the needs of others. We will encourage sharing with others as well as helping others. We
will also stress the importance of all the many aspects of respect, including the use of manners.

We believe all areas of a child's development are important, so the program is designed to stimulate and
nurture growth in all areas: spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively.

We believe growth and development occur when children have the opportunities to explore their world
through play. Because we endorse these principles, our program allows learning through:

• Creative expression: using crayons, paint, glue, scissors, and playdough for creative
expression and experimentation.
• Music: worship songs, educational songs, dances, drama(using sign language), rhythm games
and instruments.
• Language: communication with God, adults and other children, sharing bible stories, other
books, drama, and learning to listen in pleasant and satisfying activities.
• Self-directed activities: building with blocks, using small manipulative toys, and playing in
imaginary situations foster a sense of self-confidence and self esteem.
• Teacher-directed activities: opportunities for small group discussion and experiences with the
Bible, science, math and other topics of interests.
• Outdoor play: group games, running, getting a breath of fresh air and enjoying God's wonders.
• Communication: introducing basic signing using American Sign Language and learning basic

Since play is the language and primary learning mode for children we expect to plan for it and
recognize its value for the young child.

Television is not a part of the daily schedule. However, we may occasionally watch a program or dvd,
which will be age appropriate.

Open Door Policy

Parents are welcome in the center at any time during the hour of operation to observe their child's
activities and or to participate in the center activities. We do ask that you timing be sensitive to rest


Parents and other volunteers are a special treat for children and teachers. You are invited to help out
whenever your schedule permits.
All persons participating in classroom activities must show a negative TB skin test and have a Central
Registry Check, forms available upon request.

Parent Communication

Parents of toddlers still in diapers will receive a daily report of their child's activity( food eaten,
diapering, sleeping, behavior patterns,etc).

Please check the parent bulletin board located in the foyer for information on policies, upcoming
events, menus, parenting articles, etc.

Hours of Operation

Childcare hours are from 7:00 am. To 5:30 pm. Monday thru Friday. Please notify center by 9:00 am
if your child will be absent on any given day.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) recommends a restriction of
10 hours per day in a daycare for the welfare of the child. We ask parents to follow this
recommendation on a daily basis.

I will be closed on the following Holidays:

New Years Day
Memorial Day
July 4th (if falls on Sat or Sun the following Mon will be taken)
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day and Friday after.
Christmas Holidays, Christmas Eve , Christmas

*Note: Closure for the holidays will not be deducted from your child's weekly
Each child will be given 5 non-paid days in a calendar year, you will not be charged for that day as
long as you notify the center before 9:00 am that day or the day before and specify you want to use a
no charge day. Parents may choose to save them for vacations.

Weather-Related Closing
The center will be open , UNLESS, the city, county, or state declares state-of-emergency.

Admissions, Enrollment, and Termination of Care

Full-time: Full days Monday thru Friday(maximum of 10 hours a day).

*we do not accept part-time enrollment*

Ages of admission is 1 year-school age.

The following is a list of forms required by the KY State Department of Health and must be completed
prior to placement.

• Child Care Application/Enrollment Form

• Certificate of Immunization Compliance
• Signed policy and procedures agreement

Termination of care: Next Generation Learning Center will do everything that we feel that is in
reason to resolve an issue with you. If you feel we can no longer care for your child, I will give you a
two week notice. Reasons for termination are as follows:

• Failure to make timely payments

• Failure to complete and return required forms
• Lack of parental cooperation
• If your child is making it difficult to properly care for the other children in the class
• If your child exhibits severe emotional, social or behavioral problems that are detrimental
to the other children at the center.
• If your child is prone to destructive behaviors that result in constant, severe, or recurrent
harm to others or damage to the center or its contents
• Absences of over one week without notification or payment of tuition will result on an
automatic withdrawal (parents will still be responsible for the two full weeks of tuition)

Withdrawal of child: We require a two week written notice if you decide to withdraw your child from
Next Generation for any reason. This will give us time to fill your child's slot. Payment is due for the
full two-week period whether or not if your child is present at the center. Any outstanding fees
must be paid on or before the child's last day. Any fees not paid within 30 days will be turned
over to a collection agency.
Tuition and other Fees

Tuition is $ 125.00 per week for all ages.

A 15% discount is given to a second child. Families who have 3 or more children enrolled will receive
a 20% discount for the 3rd and so on.

Payments are due on Monday for the week of service by 9:00 am. Late payments will incur a $5.00
per day late charge until the account is brought up to date.

Parents are responsible for the payment of tuition regardless if your child is present at the center
or not. There are no discounts for days absent. If you use a non-paid day, remember to notify the
center by 9:00 am that day. You get 5 unpaid days in a calendar year,

Other Fees: A $100.00 non-refundable registration fee will be due upon enrollment.
An annual enrollment fee of $30.00 will be due on the anniversary of your child's enrollment date.
A curriculum fee of $35 will be due July 1st annually.

Overtime fees are as follows: in the event you arrive at the center after 5:30 pm to pick up your child,
you will be assessed $1 for each minute past 5:30pm. If you have not arrived by 6:00pm. There will be
an additional $15 assessed in addition to the $1 per minute late fee. This fee will be due on Monday of
the occurring week along with your tuition payment.

Responsible Parent: in the event that you have shared custody of your child, one parent will be the
responsible parent to pay all tuition and fees, then the separate parents can settle the payment
agreement amongst themselves.

Returned Checks: A $50.00 returned check fee plus any county attorney fees acquired will be assessed
for each returned check plus the $5.00 a day late payment charge until a cash payment is made in full.
After you have a returned check you will be placed on a “Cash Only” basis.

Court fees: shall it become necessary, the parent shall be responsible for any and all court, filing, and
attorney fees resulting in non-payment of fees.

*You will receive a minimum of a two week notice of any changes in our fees or policies.

Drop Off and Pick up Procedures

All children must be signed in by the adult bringing the child to the center. As you sign in note the time
of arrival. When your child is picked up he/she must be picked up by an authorized person, at which
time the authorized person must sign the child out noting the time of departure.

If a person other than a parent is picking up the child, picture identification is required. If a person
who is not on the pre-approved pick up list will be picking up the child, the director MUST be
notified in advance of the person's full name. The child will not be released if notification is not made.
Parents may have access to their child at any time unless we have LEGAL DOCUMENTATION on
file stating otherwise. It is requested that non-custodial parents arrange visitation pick-up and return
around non-center hours.

Emergency Procedures

We make every effort to provide a safe and secure environment for children. If an accident should
occur a written report will be made with one copy going to the parent and one copy remaining in the
child's file. For any accident requiring medical attention beyond first aid, parents/ guardian will be
notified as soon as possible. In the event of a medical emergency we will call “911” and follow
appropriate procedures, if an emergency room visit is required your child will be taken to the nearest
emergency room, which is located at Methodist Hospital at 1305 N. Elm St. in Henderson KY. If you
prefer an alternative facility, you may meet your child and a representative from the center at the
emergency room at the hospital listed above. In the event of an emergency an extra copy of the
accident report will be sent to the Cabinet for Families and Children if required by licensing

Biting is an age/stage related concern, meaning that it happens at a specific developmental period.
Biting usually occurs during the toddler years (12 to 35 mos). If your child is bitten while in our care,
first-aid will be applied and you will receive an accident report form. However, due to confidentiality,
we may not disclose the name of the child who did the biting. If your child bites another child , you
will be notified in writing with an incident report. The staff will work with the family and the child to
stop any biting behavior as quickly as possible. In the event that your child's biting behavior cannot be
controlled and other children continue to be bitten you may be asked to withdrawal your child
temporarily. Your child may return to the center if you the parent/guardian can ensure the biting
behavior has stopped. In the event that after a temporary withdrawal, your child continues to exhibit
biting behavior you may be asked to withdrawal your child permanently. This is to ensure the safety
and well being of all the children here at Next Generation.

Health Policies
Good health , hygiene and safety are promoted for our children.
• Hand washing: hands will be washed before and after meals, after bathroom use, after
diapering, nose blowing or wiping and after handling a sick child.
• Diaper changing: gloves will be worn when changing all diapers and during any bathroom help
needed. The child's hands will be washed also and the diaper changing area will be cleaned with
germicidal spray. Bathrooms will be cleaned daily.
• Soiled clothes will be changed please always have 2 full changes of clothes for your child at the
• Immunizations: only children who are current on immunizations will be allowed at the Center.
If your child is not current he/she will not be able to return until The Immunization Form is up
to date.
We want to protect the health of all children and staff at Next Generation Learning Center and
Daycare. In order to do this, we ask that you follow the guidelines below:

Please keep your child home or will be sent home if:

• S/he has a temperature of 101 degrees or higher. Child must be fever free for 24 hours without
medication before returning to center.
• S/he has had two or more episodes of diarrhea in the past 24 hours.
• S/he has vomited more than once in the last 24 hours.
• S/he has mouth sores, unless a doctor determines the child is not communicable.
• S/he has a rash, unless a doctor determines the child is not communicable.
• S/he has pink eye or white or yellow discharge until 24 hours after treatment has started.
• S/he has scabies, head lice or other infestations until 24 hours after treatment is started and
declared nit-free by a health care professional.
• S/he has any of the contagious diseases until a health care professional determines the child
may be in the center.

1. tuberculosis
2. impetigo
3. chicken pox
4. pertussis (whooping cough)
5. strep throat or other strep infection
6. hepatitis
7. pin worms
8. measles
9. mumps
10. rubella
11. shingles

We will not accept child for care if any of the above illness/symptoms are present. If your child
becomes sick at the center, we will isolate him or her as much as possible and contact you immediately.
After you have been contacted; please make arrangements to pick up your child within one hour. If you
are unavailable, we will contact the emergency contact person(s) to pick up your child.

Medications, Allergies and Special Diets

• Written parental and/or physician's consent is required to administer any medication.

• The medicine log must be filled out daily.( in foyer at check-in area)
• All medication must be in original container with child's name.
• Any non-prescription medication must have child's weight and age if if is not within your
child's range a physician's note is required.
• The center cannot administer any fever-reducing medication to any child who is ill.
• All prescription and non-prescription medication must be poured to the correct dose into
a measure spoon/cup or syringe by the parent/guardian. The dose will be covered until
time that is on medication log at which time will be administered.
A first aid kit is kept at the center for minor injuries.

Allergies and Special Diets, A physician's note is required for all allergies and special diets. We will
decide on a case-by-case basis whether the parent is required to provide food for your child.

Meals and Snacks

Meals and snacks served by Next Generation Learning Center and Daycare are nutritious and meet the
guidelines set by the federal child care food program. Food is served on the following schedule:

8:00 Breakfast
11:00 Lunch
2:00 Snack

If your child arrives after 8:00 am please make sure he/she has eaten.

Since we serve nutritionally adequate meals and snacks please refrain from bringing food to the center
unless your child is on a special diet.

We will all sit together and eat. Food will be sat on the table family style and the children will serve
themselves with assistance. We will say Grace and practice table manners. Children will be encourage
to try new foods.

Weekly menus will be posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.

Rest Time

After lunch we will have a rest time. The Center will provide a cot for each child. Blankets and
pillows are to be brought by the parent. Every Friday blankets are to be taken home to be washed or
exchanged. Children may bring security items for rest time other than that all other toys should be left
at home or in the car.
Outdoor Play

We will play outside weather permitting. As long as the temperature is at least 32 degrees F and the
heat index is not on alert. Please bring proper clothing for your child.

Holiday Celebrations/Birthday

We will have Holiday Parties and Celebrate each child's Birthday. I will send information home as time
approaches. I will ask for each parent to bring in items to help celebrate. Gifts will not be exchanged,
we will adopt a child during Christmas. Also, I know parents like to give gifts to teachers from the
child, I request that if you want to do this please purchase items for the center. ( puzzles, games,
anything that your child would enjoy learning with).

Code of Conduct
Corporal punishment (spanking, slapping, hitting,) is prohibited. This applies to parents and staff while
on center property. We also will not allow any type of verbal or emotional abuse of any persons. By law
we are obligated to report incidence of such abuse directed to the Department of Protection and

Parents are expected to adhere to these rules as well. Offensive language is strongly discouraged
because young children are listening and imitating all the time. Also smoking, alcohol or drugs are not
permitted on the center's property at any time.

We believe that a child's self-esteem should be protected at all times. We will use positive guidance
techniques to help children learn self-discipline such as redirection, encouragement, evaluation,
removing child from area of conflict and talking with them at eye level. These strategies address
behavior BEFORE problems arise. If a problem should arise and persist, we shall talk about solutions
with parents.

Very occasionally, a child may be so out of control that he may cause harm to himself or others, gentle
physical restraint may be used to help the child regain control.
In any event that a child continues to have out of control outburst or aggressive behavior such as
hitting, biting, any physical behavior that will cause harm to himself or others or continually has out of
control crying or tantrums, we will do everything we can to work with the parent or guardian but if no
solution can be reached Next Generation Learning Center and Daycare has the right to dismiss the
child from care without notice, this action is to be fair to all the children at the center.

Next Generation Learning Center and Daycare is currently certified for 6 children. We are working to
obtain licensing as a type II center at which time the ratio will be 12 children.

Occasionally we will be taking pictures and video if you do not want your child photographed or
videoed please notify in the form of writing.
No information will be given out about a child or family without written permission from the parent or
guardian. The only exception to the would be case of suspected abuse or neglect. In the event a staff
person knows or has reason to believe that a child is being abused or neglected, we shall report or
cause a report to be made immediately to the Department for Protection and Permanency.

All children a Next Generation Learning Center and Daycare are treated with love and respect and
provided with the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of activities. Our most fundamental
objective is to provide your child a safe, clean, and loving environment that fosters learning and
allows the child to feel the love of Jesus, valued for who God made them to be and the opportunity
to be happy.
On your child's first day please bring the following items:
• Application for Enrollment
• Signed policy and procedures form
• Immunization Record
• Tuition of $125 and Enrollment fee of $100 with a total of $225.00 due of first
• Change of clothes for the season including socks, if your child is potty training
then several changes of clothes should be brought.
• If your child is not potty trained please bring in diapers and wipes with your
child's name to be left at the center.
• Blankets and pillow for rest time.
• School box with following items:
Jumbo Crayons
Age appropriate scissors
Glue sticks
Small bottle of glue
2 pencils
Jumbo Markers
Please sign and return

I have read and understand the policy and procedures handbook. I agree to adhere
to the policies and procedures of Next Generation Learning Center and Daycare.

X______________________________ _________________
(signature of parent or guardian) (date)

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