Cicl in Asia
Cicl in Asia
Cicl in Asia
As parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international
instruments, States are bound by the provisions enshrined in those treaties. Despite
the States commitments and obligations, children experience arbitrary arrest, torture
and ill-treatment while in custody in South Asia1 . Still too often, they are deprived of
liberty for minor offences, non-violent offences or even without committing any offence.
Separate systems to deal with the special needs of children in conflict with the law
are lacking, and precise data are missing since records of the number of children
detained or imprisoned are hardly maintained.
Many countries in the region have taken initiatives in an effort to safeguard childrens
rights, eradicate abuse and take into account their special needs. Their commitment
is the first step towards improving the protection of children in conflict with the law,
laying the ground for necessary reform. As highlighted by the Child Protection
Handbook for Parliamentarians produced jointly by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and
UNICEF, parliamentarians have a key role to play in child rights, child protection and
in the field of juvenile justice. They can help fashion policy, adopt the requisite national
legislation, vote for the necessary budgets, oversee the actions of their governments
and raise awareness of these issues.
The themes selected in the ensuing sections cannot be regarded as an exhaustive
examination of every issue falling within the scope of the juvenile justice system. They
have been selected for their relevance to the South Asian context based on the report
Juvenile Justice in South Asia: Improving Protection for Children in Conflict with the
Law (UNICEF ROSA, 20062).
This handbook is a shortened version of that report suitable for use by
parliamentarians and persons concerned with juvenile justice issues. It highlights
innovative local practices that, with consideration for contextual issues, could be
replicated in other countries. It also outlines measures that parliamentarians can take
to improve the situation of children in conflict with the law. This is especially crucial
in light of the juvenile justice reforms currently underway or due to be undertaken in
a number of South Asian countries.
Table of Contents
Crucial advocacy messages for parliamentarians to consider ------------ 1
Section 1
Introducing juvenile justice --------------------------------------------------------- 3
Section 2
The scope of the juvenile justice system --------------------------------------- 9
Section 3
Diversion and alternative solutions ---------------------------------------------- 15
Section 4
Police, arrest and interrogation -------------------------------------------------- 21
Section 5
After arrest and in court ------------------------------------------------------------ 27
Section 6
Sentencing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Section 7
Conditions in detention ------------------------------------------------------------- 41
Section 8
Rehabilitation and reintegration into society ---------------------------------- 47
Annex 1
Selected international models and promising practices ------------------- 53
Section 1
The term criminal justice system describes the legal processes applied to those who
commit an offence or fail to comply with the criminal law. Juvenile justice is the term
used to describe a criminal justice system developed for children. It covers a vast
and complex range of issues from prevention through first contact with the police,
judicial process, conditions of detention and social reintegration, and involves a wide
range of actors.
The Committee on the Rights of the Child has reviewed the reports of all
the countries in the region. While welcoming improvements such as new
laws or codes (India), the establishment of juvenile courts or benches (India,
Nepal, Pakistan), establishment of a rehabilitation centre (Bhutan) and
training programme for law enforcement officials, the Committee has
expressed concern over the lack of compatibility of legislation and policies
with international juvenile justice standards. It has repeatedly noted that the
minimum age of criminal responsibility is too low (Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), that deprivation of liberty is not used
only as a measure of last resort (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), that children
between 16 and 18 are considered as adults (Maldives, Sri Lanka) and that
children under 18 are, in most cases, not separated from adults while in
detention and kept in very poor conditions and without access to basic
services (Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan). The Committee has also expressed
concern about reports of persons under 18 years held under specific acts
or procedures (India, Nepal).
The Committee has often recommended that the regions States review their
legislation and practice to ensure the full implementation of juvenile justice
standards, in particular to:
z Raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to an internationally
acceptable level.
z Ensure that deprivation of liberty is used only as a measure of last resort,
for the shortest possible time, and that appropriate conditions are
z Consider alternative measures to deprivation of liberty.
z Ensure that children are separated from adults in all places of detention
and have access to independent and effective complaint mechanisms.
z Review, and where necessary amend, all judicial, legal and protection
procedures to ensure that children under 18 who are alleged to have
broken the law are fully guaranteed the rights to a fair trial and to legal
z Ensure that the imposition of the death penalty, of life imprisonment
without possibility of release, and of caning and whipping as sanctions
for crimes committed by persons under 18 is prohibited by law.
z Provide formal training for judicial professionals, including in the area
of rehabilitation and reintegration.
(Latest CRC Concluding Observations / Comments are available on http:// for the following countries: Bangladesh (2003).
Bhutan (2001), India (2004), Maldives (1998), Nepal (2005), Pakistan
(2003) and Sri Lanka (2003)
Section 2
In most countries, only those who are old enough to understand the significance of
their behaviour can be brought before a juvenile court. Legislation in most countries
limits the discretion of the court by establishing a lower age limit (the minimum age
of criminal responsibility), below which it has no competence to hold a child
responsible for his or her conduct.
The minimum age of criminal responsibility varies between countries. However, in
most South Asian countries the low age of criminal responsibility remains a serious
cause for concern. The Committee on the Rights of the Child has concluded that the
minimum age of criminal responsibility at below 12 years is not internationally
acceptable and has recommended increasing it in its General Comment3.
Minimum age of criminal responsibility in South Asia
7 years
8 years
9 years
10 years
12 years
Sri Lanka
Source: South Asia and The Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility, UNICEF ROSA, 2005
In several countries (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), the given ages may
be altered, depending on the judicial assessment of the childs capacity to understand
the consequences of his or her actions. In Maldives, the minimum age of criminal
responsibility of seven years applies to all offences under Sharia law, as well as certain
property-related offences, intentional killing and narcotics offences. For all other
offences, children become criminally responsible at the age of 14.
Many children in the region face trial even when they are below the age of criminal
responsibility because they cannot prove their age. In practice, determining the age
of an arrested child might be problematic. It is often difficult to find any formal birth
registration. Children whose births have not been registered or those who have never
attended school do not possess any valid record of their age. Police reportedly either
fail to record the childs age or deliberately note an increased age to avoid having to
comply with procedural protections.
Children who commit an illegal act but are too young to be held responsible under
the laws on juvenile offenders might be dealt with under other procedures - mostly
within the welfare approach. The child can be placed in an institution on welfare
grounds without trial and has no possibility of a judicial review or appeal, which means
that an independent monitoring system should follow up and review these welfare
The CRC requires all State parties to extend juvenile justice protection to all children
under the age of 18. However, in most countries of the region, there are additional
restrictions, and special protections do not apply to all children alleged to have
committed an offence.
According to legislation in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, children between 16
and 18, or those who are jointly charged with adults, can be tried in an adult court
under ordinary procedures. In Bangladesh, children above 16 could be subject to
provisions which allow life imprisonment and even the death penalty. Countries with
federal systems, like India and Pakistan, have additional restrictions on the equal
applicability of juvenile laws. In India, legislation on juvenile justice does not apply in
Jammu and Kashmir. In Pakistan, it has not been extended in the Federally
Administered Tribal Areas or in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
police without being formally charged and without any record of their arrest, and may
be detained in so called safe custody until they can be brought before a court
(Bangladesh, Sri Lanka). Street children and child sex workers, in particular girls, are
especially vulnerable to arbitrary arrest under these provisions.
Sometimes, the system wrongfully does not differentiate between a child as the
perpetrator of a crime and a child as the victim of a crime. There are many cases
where child victims of a crime are subject to pre-trial detention in closed facilities,
including adult prisons, to safeguard their evidence or to obtain information from them
(Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka). In such cases, the child victim, who may be in
need of special care and protection, suffers twice: first in the hands of the perpetrator
and then in detention.
While the Juvenile Justice Care and Protection of Children Act, adopted in
2000, governs both children in conflict with the law and children in need
of protection, it has introduced a conceptual distinction between the two
categories. This legislation prohibits the detention of neglected and
delinquent children in police lock-ups and jails. Neglected children should
be sent to juvenile welfare boards and child offenders to juvenile courts.
Distinction is made between Observation Homes (for children subject to
pre-trial detention), Special Homes (for children convicted of an offence)
and Childrens Homes (for children in need of protection).
Age determination
Ensuring the childrens right to be registered helps safeguard against illegal
arrest. Requirements that prevent birth registration, such as sanctions for
late registration or stipulations that parents present valid documents, should
be removed.
Additional measures include:
z Eliminating all costs of birth registration
z Encouraging the use of mobile registration teams in rural areas
z Encouraging late registration of older children who were not registered
at birth.
Section 3
Diversion and
alternative solutions
Family group conferencing involves the community of people most affected by a crime.
The victim, the offender, their families, friends and key supporters of both the sides
are involved in finding a resolution to a criminal incident. The affected parties are
brought together by a facilitator to discuss how they have been harmed by the offence
and how it might be repaired.
Under the countrys Strategic Plan for the Reform of the Juvenile Justice
System, the police and prosecutors are given discretionary powers to divert
majority of the children in conflict with the law from the formal justice
system. Formal investigation and court proceedings should only be used
for children who commit serious offences (murder, manslaughter, armed
robbery or other serious violent crimes) or who are repeat offenders or who
do not admit the offence or where previous diversion attempts have been
unsuccessful. All other children should be dealt with informally through
police cautioning or referral to a Community Conference (family mediation),
where the child comes face-to-face with the victim to discuss his/her
offending behaviour and to develop an agreed plan for repairing the harm
Section 4
Despite CRC provisions, no country in the region requires that arrest be used only
as a measure of last resort, or offers alternatives to formal arrest.
In all the countries of South Asia except Maldives, police officers are required to
produce an arrested person before a magistrate within 24 hours of the arrest. Maldives
permits police custody of children for up to seven days to facilitate investigation or
prevent re-offending. It is up to the magistrate to decide whether to remand the
detainees to custody, grant bail or to order their release if there are insufficient grounds
for detention.
These systems, however, fail in practice, and children are often held in police custody
illegally and arbitrarily for long periods. Police officers often dont follow proper
procedures, either due to a lack of familiarity with the law or a deliberate abuse of
their power. Not all police stations have facilities to separate children from adults,
and the detention of children in overcrowded police lock-ups for days or even weeks
is reportedly common (Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan). Welfare officials do not regularly
visit the police stations or jails to monitor the situation of children, and the police do
not consistently inform the welfare officials of the arrests.
With the exception of Maldives and Nepal, the police are required to make efforts to
locate and inform parents of their childs arrest. In India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, they
must also notify a probation officer. However, no country requires the presence of a
parent, support person or legal representative with the child during police questioning.
In practice, parental notification poses a significant challenge, particularly in urban
areas where children are displaced from their families, and the police often lack time
and resources.
In some countries, the police rely increasingly on the support of probation officers,
NGOs and child advocates to help them find families (see Box 7 for example).
Under the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance (JJSO), adopted in 2000, no
child under 15 shall be arrested under any of the laws dealing with
preventive detention or under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code
(Chapter VII). The use of handcuffs and fetters is prohibited, unless there
is sufficient reason to believe that the child may escape custody. The officer
in charge of the police station where the child is detained must inform the
childs guardian as soon as possible, if he or she can be found, of the childs
arrest and the date/time/location of the relevant Juvenile Court. The officer
must also inform a probation officer to enable the gathering of information
about the juveniles background and circumstances.
If these provisions are fully enforced and universally applied, they will
reinforce the protection of children in line with international instruments,
significantly reduce the number of children unnecessarily detained in police
locks-ups and limit their abuse.
Since 1999, all cases involving children under 18 are referred to a Police
Family and Child Protection Unit (FCPU). Investigation of children in
conflict with the law must be carried out by plain-clothed members of the
FCPU, who must conduct the investigation with due consideration of their
age. All aspects of the investigation shall be considered confidential. In
practice, the police reportedly refer all juvenile offenders in the first instance
to the FCPU. If the child is between 7 and 14 years, an investigation may
only be initiated in relation to an offence prescribed under Islamic law or
other specified serious offences. In all other cases, the child is referred to
the Unit for the Rights of the Child (URC), under the Ministry of Gender
and Family, where social workers provide various counselling and advocacy
services. Crimes committed by children between 14 and 18 are investigated
only in cases where such a necessity arises, and they may be referred to
the URC.
Section 5
Detention shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the
shortest appropriate period of time (CRC article 37).Whenever possible,
detention pending trial must be replaced by alternative measures, such as
close supervision, intensive care or placement with a family or in an
educational setting or home. Children must be kept separate from adults.
Every child alleged as or accused of having infringed the penal law has
the right to:
be presumed innocent, be notified of charges, remain silent, assistance of
parents or guardians, legal or other appropriate assistance, fair
determination of case without delay, not be compelled to give testimony or
confess guilt, call witnesses, appeal, an interpreter, privacy (CRC article
Under international standards, children going through the criminal justice system
should be tried by a competent authority in an atmosphere of understanding conducive
to their best interests. Children should be able to participate in decision-making and
have legal and parental assistance. All proceedings should take place within the
shortest appropriate period after arrest without unnecessary delays.
In matters involving a child offender, the court should be guided by the principle of
the least possible restriction on the childs liberty. Depriving children of their liberty,
either while they await trial or as a sentence, should be a measure of last resort and
should be restricted to the shortest possible period of time.
No country in the region has an explicit requirement that pre-trial detention be used
as a measure of last resort. However, India, Nepal and Pakistan have specific limits
on the length of pre-trial detention of children. Only Afghanistan has time limits for
each stage of the process from arrest to the issuance of the courts decision. Due to
limited court resources, these time limits are reportedly not always respected.
The number and condition of children subject to pre-trial detention have received
significant attention, leading High Courts in Bangladesh, India and Nepal to issue
directives requiring the release of children detained illegally or for lengthy periods of
time. NGOs have also been active in providing alternatives to pre-trial detention in
order to facilitate their release at an early stage (see Box 9).
Aparajeyo, a local child rights NGO, has been promoting alternatives to
pre-trial detention in selected districts through its Juvenile Justice Project,
which is staffed by a team of legal advisers, social workers and child rights
officers. The social workers regularly visit police stations to monitor children
and to negotiate their release. The legal advisers represent children in court
and advocate their release on bail. Aparajeyo may provide bail bond funding
if the childs parents cannot be located or cannot afford to pay. Children
released from police custody or granted bail are taken to one of Aparajeyos
24 safe shelters, where they receive counselling and support for family
reunification. The social workers attempt to locate the childs parents and
make follow-up visits to check on children after their return. Parents are
advised of the childs court date and of the importance of ensuring the childs
attendance. Children whose parents cannot be traced or are unwilling to
return to their family remain in the care of Aparajeyo, where they get an
education and learn skills.
The resources spent tracing families can result in a significant number of
children being placed under parental supervision rather than in the more
costly remand facilities.
Release on bail
In every country, the court has the authority to release a child on bail or place him/
her in parental care or the care of some other person or organisation pending the
completion of the case. In a significant number of countries, the bail is favoured. But
grounds for refusal are broad, such as that the child, if released, would be exposed
to moral danger or have contact with known criminals (India, Pakistan), or that the
truth is not forthcoming from the child (Maldives), or in the case of children charged
with felony (Afghanistan). Monetary bonds continue to be required to guarantee a
childs release (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) and are often set
beyond the means of many families. As a result, street children and those from
disadvantaged families are at greater risk of pre-trial detention. Not because of the
seriousness of an alleged offence, but because their parents cannot be located, or
they cannot afford to pay for their release, or the children have been deemed unfit
for release by the courts or probation officers.
BOX 10
Under the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance (JJSO), children accused of
a bailable offence must be released by the Juvenile Court, with or without
surety, unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that the release of
the child will bring him into association with a criminal or expose the child
to danger. For children under 15, the definition of a bailable offence has
been extended to include all offences punishable with imprisonment for less
than 10 years. If children charged with bailable offences are not released
on bail, they must be placed under the custody of a probation officer or a
suitable person or institution, but not under any circumstances in a police
station or jail. If a childs parents are not present, the court must direct that
they be traced, and once located, the child can be immediately released on
bail. Provisions also limit the length of time a child may spend in pre-trial
detention, or while waiting for the trial to be completed, depending on the
seriousness of the charge.
If liberally interpreted and applied to all children, these provisions have the
potential to significantly reduce the number of children on pre-trial detention
and the length of time they spend there.
In Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, NGOs have been
active in providing free legal assistance and/or bail money to facilitate the release of
children in pre-trial detention. This has been a very successful means of facilitating
the release of children detained illegally or unnecessarily.
Legislation in all countries except Bhutan, where there is no separate legislation for
children in conflict with the law, requires that fully separate juvenile courts be
established or provide the option of separate courts or specialised childrens
magistrates/prosecutors. In India and Nepal, childrens cases are heard by a panel
that includes a magistrate and social workers.
BOX 11
The 1992 Childrens Act calls for the creation of specialised Juvenile Courts,
or the designation of a Juvenile Bench in each district, to hear all cases
involving children. The Juvenile Bench is composed of a judge, a social
worker and a child specialist or child psychologist. Proceedings are closed
to the public and must follow special procedures. The court cannot proceed
with or decide a juvenile case unless there is a legal practitioner to defend
the child. The childs name and address cannot be disclosed to the public.
If the Juvenile Court system is made fully operational, it will enable a childfriendly system promoting minimum use of detention and pre-and post-trial.
The implementation of the Code of Conduct developed by Nepal Journalists
Association and Nepal Press Council prohibiting the media from revealing
the names of child offenders would ensure the respect of the rights of the
child offender.
In all countries, legislation includes some provision to reduce the formality and
intimidation of the courtroom and requires child and adult cases to be scheduled
separately. Proceedings are closed to the public, and the publication of the childs
name or photograph is prohibited.
Countries have been slow to introduce differentiated court proceedings for children.
Cases are not systematically separated and scheduled differently from those involving
adults, with little to differentiate them from regular court proceedings. Even where
separate juvenile courts have been established, they tend to replicate the same
formalities as the normal courts.
However, there have been some innovative precedents (see Box 12).
BOX 12
Under the Children Act, specialised Juvenile Courts and courts at all levels
must follow special juvenile court procedures when hearing cases involving
an alleged offender under the age of 16. The court must be closed to the
public and sit in a different building or room from the ordinary court sitting,
or at a different time. The media is prohibited from disclosing the childs
identity. Proceedings must be conducted in a simple manner. When being
brought before the court, children should be permitted to sit with a relative
or probation officer. The childs parents or guardian have the right to be
present and may be required by the court to attend. To date, only two
separate Juvenile Courts have been established. Meanwhile, lawyers and
magistrates are reportedly becoming more aware about the Children Act,
and are becoming more sensitive to childrens issues. There have been
significant efforts by the courts to hold proceedings in chambers and to
encourage the separation of children from adults as they are brought to court.
Many countries lack the infrastructure to administer juvenile justice properly: courts
often fail to sit regularly and to request reports on the child; police, prosecutors and
judges do not prioritise cases involving children; children are not guaranteed the right
to attend proceedings and seek legal assistance, or to express their views during
the proceedings.
Parents are entitled to attend proceedings and can be required by the court to be
present (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Sri Lanka). However, no country
explicitly recognises the childrens right to express their views in the proceedings,
and legal provisions in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan that permit the
court to dispense with childrens attendance violate the right of participation and due
process. In Bhutan, guilty pleas are entered by the childs parent rather than the child.
Limit pre-trial detention
Legislation should be reviewed to ensure that:
z The last resort and shortest appropriate time principles concerning the
pre-trial detention of children are incorporated.
z The authority to impose detention and to make determination against
children is limited to judicial authorities.
z Reviews of detention orders at set intervals are imposed.
Encourage childrens release
Legislation should encourage childrens release on bail, and offer alternatives
to childrens bail when children and their families are not able to afford
monetary bonds.
Establish specialised courts and child- friendly procedures
Consideration should be given to establishing specialised courts for cases
involving child offenders or to expanding existing specialised court systems
across the country. Court procedures should be adapted in order to ensure:
z The imposition of binding time limits for reviewing childrens cases
z The recognition of the right of the child to attend proceedings and to
express his/her views
Secure adequate training
Prosecutors and judges should receive interdisciplinary training on the rights
of the child, child psychology and related areas.
Ensuring budget allocations
Parliamentarians should ensure that sufficient funding is allocated in the
national budget for the establishment and good functioning of specialised
courts and child-friendly procedures
Section 6
Only Afghanistan and Maldives have adopted the principles of the deprivation of liberty
as a last resort and for the shortest appropriate period and of proportionality.
Institutionalisation, both in law and in practice, is the primary tool used to rehabilitate
children in conflict with the law, regardless of the seriousness of the offence committed.
Even where alternatives exist in the law, children are routinely subject to detention.
In a significant number of countries (Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives5, Nepal), childrens
sentences are a fixed percentage of the adult penalty for specific crimes. In others,
legislation stipulates a specific term that is applied to all children subject to a custody
order (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) or imposes a presumption in favour of institutionalisation
until the child reaches 18 (India, Pakistan). When applied to minor crimes, these terms
are harsher than an adults sentence for the same crime. For example, while petty
theft would rarely result in a prison term for an adult in India, a seven-year-old who
commits theft can be subject to deprivation of liberty for 11 years.
All countries require that a childs background and circumstances be taken into
consideration when deciding a penalty. In all countries except Afghanistan, Bhutan
and Nepal, probation officers assist the courts by providing background reports on
the child. However, courts do not consistently request these reports, and probation
officers throughout the region generally lack the skills and resources to conduct
comprehensive assessments. Delays in the preparation of social reports contribute
significantly to childrens extended pre-trial detention. Reportedly, the number of
probation officers in many countries is barely adequate.
The CRC states that neither capital punishment nor life imprisonment without the
possibility of release shall be imposed on children under the age of 18.
In Nepal and Pakistan, all children between 16 and 18 or those who are convicted
under anti-terrorism laws are subject to adult penalties including the death penalty
or life imprisonment. Children may also be subject to adult terms of detention if they
are found to be unruly or depraved (Bangladesh), if they commit stipulated serious
offences (Sri Lanka), or if they are 16 years or older and commit a serious offence
(India). Under special provisions, children as young as nine in Bangladesh and eight
in Sri Lanka are subject to life imprisonment. Sri Lanka also permits court-imposed
corporal punishment against boys. In Pakistan and Maldives, children who have
reached puberty are subject to corporal punishment for certain offences under Islamic
law. This is in contravention of the provisions in the CRC. The death penalty as well
as life imprisonment for children should be prohibited. Strict regulations should be in
place to ensure that children are not subject to corporal punishment, solitary
confinement or other cruel and inhuman punishments.
Once formal proceedings have been initiated against a child, there is no scope for
diversion from the system, and all cases proceed to a determination of whether he
or she is guilty or innocent and a disposition order from the court. However, the court
may opt for non-custodial dispositions for child offenders. The most common is to
release the child under the supervision of a parent, a probation officer or another
person, though some countries include provision for counselling orders (India),
community service (Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka), home confinement (Afghanistan,
Maldives) or referral to a non-residential social institution (Afghanistan, India).
Throughout the region, however, these options are underutilised due to a systemic
bias in favour of institutional rehabilitation and a limited commitment to establishing
the necessary infrastructure.
BOX 13
The Community-Based Corrections System, introduced in 1999, is currently
operating in 64 districts through a network of Community-Based Corrections
Centres. Community-based correction orders can include a broad range of
conditions aimed at holding offenders accountable for their actions and
requiring their participation in programmes that address the factors
contributing to the offending behaviour. This may include performing
community service work, participating in educational, vocational training
and personal development programmes, or undergoing treatment for drug
or alcohol addiction. However, the programme is not currently available
for children under the age of 16.
Section 7
Conditions in detention
Most countries have introduced special legislation or procedures taking into account
the specific needs of children in custody. Laws and/or prison rules require that children
are separated from adults in prisons and other detention facilities, or that they are
sent to special childrens remand homes or specialised juvenile rehabilitation centres.
These systems, however, break down in practice. Many children are denied special
procedures to uphold their rights in custody, and they are also often denied basic
rights. Breaches of the law and failings in the juvenile justice system see children
lost in the custodial system, sometimes for years, without judicial supervision or trial.
Lack of protection puts them at serious risk of torture, ill-treatment and other forms
of abuse.
In all countries, the number of separate facilities for children is quite limited, and the
poor geographical distribution of childrens institutions means that they are either
transferred a long distance away from their families, or detained in adult jails. This is
of particular concern to girls, since most countries either do not ensure their separation
from adults or have no, or fewer, separate facilities (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal,
Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka).
BOX 14
Section 8
Rehabilitation and
reintegration into society
Conditions in institutions in all countries of the region have raised serious concerns
as reports of physical abuse of children persist. The main function of these institutions
is containment, and most lack the necessary staff and resources to effectively promote
rehabilitation and reintegration. Basic facilities are often poor and in disrepair; few
institutions provide education; and family visits are restricted. Due to prolonged periods
of institutionalisation and limited community contact, many children lack basic living
skills and the support needed for their reintegration into the community.
Probation services have been in operation for many years, but they lack staff and
resources. Where they exist, support for children on probation tends to focus on
monthly visits and reporting, rather than individual case planning and referral. In
addition, there are limited systems in place to ensure that children on probation are
referred to appropriate programmes and services in the community.
However, some countries (Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka) have made progress
in improving probation and other community-based alternatives to imprisonment,
mostly through partnerships with local NGO communities.
BOX 16
A number of innovative programmes are used to support community-based
rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law through a diversion
scheme, or as part of a probation order.
Children who commit minor offences can be referred by the police or
probation officers to:
z Youth activities and peer programmes under the Scouts Programme;
z Counselling and support through school-based Youth Guidance and
Counselling Services;
z Training and life-skills programmes through a Youth Centre;
z Youth in action groups, career guidance, counselling and basic skills
learning programmes sponsored by the Youth Development Fund;
z The Youth Development and Rehabilitation Centre, which provides
reformative and rehabilitative training and basic education, vocational
training and counselling. Children continue to live at home.
These programmes build childrens basic social competencies, involving
them with pro-social peers and positive adult role models, and filling their
free time with constructive activities.
Annex 1
2. Legislative Reform
Philippines Study on the Age of Discernment of Out-of-School Children
As in other contexts, raising the age of criminal responsibility had been a contentious
issue in the Philippines. In order to support the proposed increase in the age of criminal
responsibility from 9 to 12, the Philippine Action for Youth Offenders (PAYO) conducted
a Study on Age of Discernment of Out-of-School Children. Researchers interviewed
300 out-of-school children aged between 7 and 18, most of whom were street children.
The study, which followed up on a similar study conducted with school children,
concluded that out-of-school youth have a lower ability to make positive choices in
life and were generally at a very low level of discernment. At the age of 18, the outof-school children tested were at a level of discernment comparable to a seven-yearold. This dispelled the common myth that street children "grow up faster" than schoolgoing children, and the fact demonstrated that the contrary was true. While street
children had become "street smarts", their moral reasoning and cognitive development
were impaired by the surroundings in which they were living.
When a case is referred to the CJC by the community or the police, the Committee
members convene to verify the facts of the complaint. Community volunteers
immediately inform the parents of the child and explain the mechanisms of the
diversion programme to the victim.
The CJC members summon both parties to discuss possible settlement/mediation of
the case and to schedule subsequent meetings. If all the parties agree to the
mediation, the offender is asked to present his/her written or oral apologises to the
victim and/or verbal reasons explaining why he/she committed the crime(s). Mediation
must be heard in a private room, usually in one of the rooms of the CJC's Centre. In
case no settlement is reached, a formal case is filed.
Where settlement is reached, CJC members recommend steps for further psychosocial intervention for the juvenile through a centre-based or family-based approach.
Community volunteers continue to monitor the child in conflict with the law through
centre/family visits. The secretariat of the CJC keeps track of the records through a
system of data collection and monitoring.
FREELAVA offers a number of programmes to support juveniles who have been
diverted through this process.
Youth Shelters/Open Custody: Shelters provide an alternative for juveniles who require
a residential placement because they are homeless and do not have a parent or other
relative to provide supervision. Instead of being sent to a detention centre, the juveniles
are placed in home-like centres located in regular residential areas. The centres
generally house between 10-15 youth and are staffed by workers who have been
specially trained to deal with troubled adolescents.
End Note
South Asia includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and
Sri Lanka.
This report is based on a desk review of existing documents, direct and phone interviews,
including questionnaire response from UNICEF country offices and related agencies in the
region (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka).
The review was conducted in 2005, and the report was published in 2006.
The full report, Juvenile Justice in South Asia: Improving Protection for Children in Conflict
with the Law, is available on
General Comment No.10 (2007) Childrens Rights in Juvenile Justice by Committee of the
Rights of the Child
The 1979 Hudood Ordinances hold all Pakistanis criminally responsible - regardless of
age - for offenses such as rape, adultery, the use of alcohol and drugs, theft, armed
robbery and slander.
The primary disposition used in juvenile cases is house arrest though children who commit
serious crimes are subject to two-thirds of the lightest punishment prescribed for the offence
with the exception of offences against Islamic law.
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