Introduction To Processor Based Embedded System Design
Introduction To Processor Based Embedded System Design
Introduction To Processor Based Embedded System Design
EMBEDDED SYSTEM: An embedded system is one that has a dedicated purpose
software embedded in computer hardware.The computer hardware includes
i/o ports
ARM Processor
INTRODUCTION ARM is the industry standard embedded microprocessor architecture
The ALU has two 32-bits inputs. The first comes from the register
file while the other comes from the shifter. ALU outputs modify the status
register flags. The V-bit output goes to the V flag as well as the Cout
goes to the C flag. While the most significant bit actually represents the
S flag, the ALU output is NORed to get the Z flag. The entity
representation of the ALU is shown in figure below(aluin1,aluin2,cin,u,alu out,out)
The multiplier has three 32-bit inputs. All the inputs come from
the register file. The multiplier output is only the 32 least significant bitsof the product.
The entity representation of the multiplier The multiplication starts whenever the
start input goes active. The output fin goes high whenfinishing.the figure is given below
block diagram
The multiplier is implemented using the modified booth
algorithm. multiplier is scanned sequentially from right to left. In this case,however,
three adjacent bits are examined during each step of theprocedure. According to
the value of the three
algorithm to multiply two 32-bits fractions using the logic circuit .Booth algorithm is
an interesting multiplication algorithm for twos complement numbers. It treats
multiplier are skipper over without any addition or subtraction being performed,
thereby making possible fastermultiplication.
Barrel shifter:
The barrel shifter has a 32-bit input to be shifted. This input is coming from the
register file or it could be immediate data. The shifterhas other control inputs coming
from instruction register. Shift field inthe instruction controls the operation of the
barrel shifter. This field indicates the type of shift to be performed (logical left or
right,arithmetic right or rotate right). The amount by which the register shouldbe shifted
is contained in an immediate field in the instruction or it could be the lower 6 bits of
a register in the register file.
Control unit :For any microprocessor, control unit is the heart of the system. Itis
responsible for the system operation and so the control unit design isthe most important
part in the hole design. Control unit is usually a purecombinational circuit. In our
design, the control unit is implemented bysimple state machine. The processor timing
is also included in the control.Signals from the control unit are connected to every
component in theprocessor to supervise its operation.
Program status register: It contains the processor flags (Z, S, V and C).The modes
bits also exist in the program status register in addition to the interrupt and fast interrupt
disable bits Some special registers: Some registers are used like the instruction
register, memory data read and write register and memory address register Priority
encoder: The encoder is used in the multiple load and storeinstruction to indicate
which register in the register file to be loaded or stored.