SWOT Analysis and Power Productivity Estimation Through Solar Radiation Assessment

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SWOT analysis and power productivity estimation through

solar radiation assessment.

Solar power is a source of renewable energy that uses radiation
which is emitted by the Sun. It is a renewable energy source which has
been used in many different technologies for centuries. It also finds an
extensive use in remote locations such as hilly areas, space and rustic
regions where it is difficult to access other power supplies [1]. The
spectrum of solar radiation is equal to that of a black body having
temperature of about 5800 K. [2] Approx. half of the radiation is
visible short-wave part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Remaining half
is infrared part. Pyranometer or pyrheliometer is used to measure solar
radiation. [3] A solar radiation reaches at a rate of 1366 watts per
square meter (W/[m.sup.2] at the Earth's upper atmosphere. While
traveling through the atmosphere, about 6% of the incoming solar
insolation is reflected and 16% is absorbed which results in peak
irradiance at the equator of 1,020 W/[m.sup.2]. Insolation reduces by
20% through reflection and 3% through absorption due to Average
atmospheric conditions i.e. clouds, dust and pollutants. [4]
For the design and study of solar energy conversion devices, solar
radiation is the most important parameter. The choice of a proper
location is very essential step in solar system design procedure. [5]
If the location isn't properly chosen, then the properly
planned solar system doesn't work satisfactory. It is utmost
important that the modules should be exposed to sunlight without

shadowing at least from 9 am to 3 pm; therefore, the properties and

values of solar insolation should be studied carefully. [6] The modules
should be fixed with proper tilt angle to allow the system operating
efficiently. [7] A recent concern is global dimming, due to pollution,
less sunlight reaches the Earth's surface, and it is most
responsible for global climate change. In this study, statistical
methods were used to analyze the solar radiation data for the city of
Bhopal in the central region of India.
SWOT Analysis of Solar Radiation Utilization Strength
* Among the various renewable energies, electricity generation from
solar energy has the highest power density i.e.170 W/[m.sup.2]. [8]
* During use solar energy doesn't create any pollution.
* The system can operate with negligible maintenance after initial
* Tropical oceans absorb 560 trillion Gigajoules (GJ) of solar
energy each year, equivalent to 1,600 times the world's annual
energy use. [9]

* Electricity generation from solar energy is economically feasible

where grid connection or fuel transport is difficult, costly or
* When grid-connected, electricity generation from solar energy can

give substitute to the highest cost electricity during peak demand times
in most climatic regions, it can reduce grid loading, and can also
eliminate the need for local battery power and fulfill high local
* To minimize transmission and distribution losses approximately
7.2%. Gridconnected solar power can be used locally. [10]
* Once the initial capital cost of installing a solar power plant
has been invested, maintenance costs are low compared to existing
electricity generation technologies.
* Solar electricity is currently more expensive than electricity
generated by other technologies.
* Solar energy and electricity are not available at night and it
can be unavailable due to weather conditions and hence, a storage or
complementary power system is required for most applications especially
in non sunny days.
* Solar resource has limited power density: Average daily
insolation is 3-7 kW*h/[m.sup.2]. [11]
* Solar panel consumes lot of space over the roof
* Recycling of the production end waste is still under development
* The 89 petawatts of sunlight energy reaches the earth's
surface which is very large compared to the 15 terawatts of average
energy utilized by human beings. [12]
* There is adequate amount of solar-derived energy on Earth. The

quantity of solar energy received by the Earth every minute is greater

than the quantity of energy the world uses in fossil fuels each year.
* Pollution control techniques are enough to manage the emissions
and wastes. End-of-use recycling technologies are also being developed
for a better cause.
* Such application is favored by net metering. Use of net metering
can be highly favorable to small photovoltaic systems.
* Companies are offering more reasonably priced options, as they
wants to make solar home energy affordable and available to wide range

of the public.
* Local and state governments are supporting to help offset high
costs with subsidies, tax breaks, and tax credits.
* Adverse space weather is one of the principal threats to modern
solar electricity generation technologies.
* Solar cells produce DC power which must be converted to AC power
by using a grid tie inverter when used in distribution grids. This may
incurs an energy loss of 4-12%. [11]
* High-speed solar wind streams often leads to damage disturbances
within the earth's magnetosphere, in the atmosphere
* High-energy particles can damage satellite solar power panels,
confuse optical trackers, and harmful charges is deposited into
sensitive electronic components.
Evolution of Solar Time in Bhopal (MP, India)
For solar time it is considered that when the sun goes at its

highest point in the sky, it is noon. Apparent solar time is depends on

the apparent solar day i.e. time interval between two consecutive
returns of the sun to the local meridian. A sundial is used to measure
solar time. Mean solar time is nothing but the artificial clock time
adjusted by readings of the diurnal rotation of the fixed stars to match
with average apparent solar time. The mean solar day length is a
constant 24 hours throughout the year. Equation of time is the
difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time.13
Many methods have been used to evaluate mean solar time so far. The
water clock was one of them. Mechanical clocks did not obtain the
accuracy of Earth's 'star clock' up to the twentieth
century. Today's atomic clocks are having a greater constant rate
than the Earth.
Local civil time can be derived from the Indian standard time with
the help of the following equation: [14,15]
LCT= Standard time [+ or -] ([L.sub.st]-[L.sub.local]) * 4.... (1)
And solar time
LST= standard time +E [+ or -] ([L.sub.st]-[L.sub.local]) * 4....
(2) (+Sign for west and --ve for east)
E = the equation of time in minutes
[L.sub.st] = the standard meridian for the local time zone,
[L.sub.loc] = the longitude of the location in question in degrees
west or useful reference east.
Positive sign is for western and negative sign for eastern

hemisphere. Hence for India, negative sign is taken, and hence equation
LST = Indian standard time +E--([L.sub.st]--[L.sub.loc]) * 4
[Note that sun takes 4 minutes to traverse 1[degrees] of
longitudinal and that the terms are minutes]. [15]
Hence we conclude that the time specified in all the sun-angle
relationship is solar time, which does not coincide with the local clock
time. It is necessary to convert standard time to solar time by applying
two corrections. First there is a constant correction for any difference
in longitude between the location and the meridian on which the local
standard time is based (e.g. 82.5[degrees] E for India). The second
correction is from the equation of time that takes into account the
various perturbations in the earth's orbit and the rate of rotation
that affect the time, the sun appears to cross the observer's
meridian. This correction is obtained from published charts.
Local civil time is given by the equation. [14]
LCT = standard time--([L.sub.st]--[L.sub.loc]) * 4 = 12h
30'--(82[degrees] 30'-77[degrees] 30') * 4 = 12h
30'--(5)*4 = [12.sup.h] 30'-20' = 12:10
Local solar time is given by
LST = LCT + Eq. of time
Equation of time is interpolated.
For June 19, E = (1'01")
Hence LST = 12h 10'--(1'01") = 12h 8'59"
Declination [delta] can be found by using the equation
[DELTA] = 23.45 sin 360 * (284+n/365).... (3) = 23.45 sin 360 *

(284+170/365) = 23.45 sin 446 = 23.45 sin86[degrees] = 23.45 * 0.9976 =

23.43[degrees] = 23[degrees]25'56"
Length of A Solar Day
There are two reasons for variation of a solar day length
throughout the year. First, earth's orbit is an elliptical, so when
it is nearest the Sun the earth move faster and slower when it is
farthest from the sun. Second, the sun moves along a great circle that
is tilted to earth's celestial equator due to earth's axial
tilt. [16] When the Sun is farthest from the equator at both solstices,
it moves parallel to it, so the projection of this parallel motion onto
the equator is faster than its mean motion. Hence, apparent solar days
are shorter in March (26-27) and September (12-13) than they are in June
(18-19) or December (20-21). [13]
Estimation of Day Length in Bhopal (MP, India)
At the time of sunrise (or sunset), the zenith angle, [theta]z =
90[degrees]. [14]
Substituting this in equation,
Sunrise hour angle,
Cos [[omega].sub.s] = - (sin [THETA] sin [delta]/cos [THETA] cos
[delta]) = - tan [THETA] tan [delta] [[omega].sub.s] = [cos.sup.-1]
(-tan [THETA] tan [delta]).... (4)
The day length is
[T.sub.d] =2 [omega]s
[T.sub.d] = 2/15 [cos.sup.-1] (tan [THETA] tan [delta]), hours....
Therefore, the length of the day is a function of latitude and

solar declination.
The hour angle at sunrise or sunset on an inclined surface
[omega]st will be lesser than the value obtained by equation. If the
corresponding incidence angle comes out to be more than 90[degrees].
Under this condition, by putting [theta] = 90[degrees], in Equation or
one of its simpler versions. Thus, for an inclined surface facing south,
substituting [theta] = 90[degrees], in equation, we obtain
[omega]st = [cos.sup.-1] [-tan ([THETA]-s) tan [delta]].... (6)
The corresponding day length (in hours) is then given by
[T.sub.d] = 2/15 [cos.sup.-1][-tan ([THETA]-s) tan [delta]].... (7)
From equation we can derive for south facing surface ([gamma] = 0).
Cos [[theta].sub.T] = cos ([THETA]-s) cos [delta] cos[omega] + sin
([THETA]-s) sin [delta].... (8)
Day length is given by the expression
[T.sub.d] = 2/15 [cos.sup.-1] (-tan [THETA] tan [delta]),
Where [THETA] = latitude of the place and
[delta] = declination.
Declination [delta] on dec.1 (i.e. n=335) = 23.45 sin
[360*(284+335) /365] = -22.107[degrees] [T.sub.d] = 2/15 [cos.sup.-1]
[- tan 23.25[degrees] tan (-22.107[degrees])] =2*77/15 =10.3 hours.
Obtaining Clearness Index for Solar Resource Using Homer Software
The clearness of the atmosphere is expressed in terms of clearness
index. It is the fraction of solar radiation which is transmitted
through the atmosphere for striking the surface of the earth. It is a
dimensionless number between 0 and 1.It is defined as the surface

radiation divided by the extraterrestrial radiation. The clearness index

has a high value under clear, sunny conditions, and a low value under
cloudy conditions. The clearness index can be defined on an hourly or
monthly basis. The clearness index values in HOMER's solar resource
input window are monthly average values. The symbol for the monthly
average clearness index is [K.sub.t]. Typical values of [K.sub.t] range
from 0.25 (a very loudy month, such as an average December in London) to
0.75 (a very sunny month, such as in June).
Solar panels can be attached to each house or building, to take
advantage of the incoming electromagnetic radiation from the sun. To
maximize usefulness the panels should be mounted perpendicular to the
arc of the sun. The better way to use this electricity is by connecting
the solar panels to a grid tie inverter. Further, these solar panels may
also be used to charge batteries. During summer months, solar panels
produce more power
Because they receive more sunlight. Depending on the cost of grid
electricity and tax rebates, the cost payback time may take over 10
years. [17]
Due to continuous reduction in manufacturing costs dropping at 3 to
5% a year in recent years cost-effective uses are increasing rapidly.
The average retail cost of a large photovoltaic array reduced from $7.50
to $4 per watt between 1990 and 2005. Many Government agencies now
giving tax and rebate incentives, hence solar electric power can now

gives return in five to ten years in many places. [18]

"Grid-connected" systems are those systems which use an
inverter to connect to the utility grid instead of depending on
batteries now becomes the largest part of the market. In 2003, worldwide
production of solar cells increased by 32%. Between 2000 and 2004, the
increase in worldwide solar energy capacity was an annualized 60%. 2005
was expected to see large growth again, but due to shortages of refined
silicon production of solar cells hampered worldwide since late 2004.
Analysts have forecasted same supply problems for 2006 and 2007.
The SWOT analysis performed by various parameters involved in solar
power production illustrates the feasibility of solar photovoltaic
system for electricity generation at particular location. Experimental
data were obtained from the State Meteorological Station in Bhopal over
a 2 year period from 2005 to 2006. The values of the monthly
average-daily clearness index ([K.sub.T]) were calculated using HOMER
software. A nonlinear model was also developed between the monthly
average daily global radiation (H) and ambient temperature. The values
of the monthly average-daily hours of bright sunshine (S) varied between
9.41 and 14.58. The values of [K.sub.T] ranged from 0.54 to 0.60,
averaged for the period studied. It may be concluded that the present
model estimates the values of H for Bhopal reasonably well. Local solar
time is calculated i.e.12h 8'59" .Declination is
23[degrees]25'56" .Day length is estimated i.e. 10.3 hours.
The authors are very much thankful to All India Council of

Technical Education (AICTE)for sponsoring under Research Promotion

Scheme(R.P.S.) The authors gratefully acknowledge to the vice chancellor
Dr. P.B. Sharma and Director Energy Centre Dr. V.K. Sethi of the
technical university of M.P. India for their kind permission and
directions to conduct the experimentation and research work on
integrated renewable energy system (solar-wind hybrid system) located at
Green Power Technology Center of RGTU, M.P. India.
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[11] http://www.howtosolarpower.com/links.html.
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[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_time.
[14] Rai,G.D., 2000, "Solar Energy Utilization", New
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[15] Garg, H.P., Prakash J.2000. Solar Energy, New Delhi, Tata
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[18] Hovsepian Armen, Kaiser Mark, 1997, "Economic assessment
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Prashant Baredar (1) *, V.K. Sethi (2) and Mukesh Pandey (2)
(1) Laxmi Narain College of Technology Bhopal
(2) University Institute of Technology, Rajeev Gandhi Technological
University, Bhopal, M.P., India
(1,2,3) E-Mails: pbaredar@rediffmail.com;
* Corresponding Author; prashant_baredar@yahoo.com

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