A Fathers Guide To Upanayana
A Fathers Guide To Upanayana
A Fathers Guide To Upanayana
What if, just WHAT IF, our children get all that as side-benefits from chanting
Gayatri as part of their Sandhyavandan with a upadesha by the parent that has
met his own benchmark for the same? Sounds like a good deal isnt it? Most
parents would trade a life time of howling and advising (and getting throat hoarse
as a result) for this 24,000 Gayatri in a heartbeat.
We all strive hard to give good education, best seats in professional education to
children because we think it is our duty to help them prosper. This sincere and
correct Gayatri upadesha can be a cornerstone for all that.
Ladies and Gentlemen.Well, Thats that..
Now that I have grabbed your attention, please read carefully :-D
When to do Upanayana
GarbhAsTama is the age calculated by including the time in the womb. For
example, if son is 7 years and 3 months upto 8 years 3 months, then it is
considered GarbhAsTama.
Those children that show interest in vedA adhyayana from a smaller age can even
get it earlier - at 5 or 6 !!
{brahmavarchasakAmasya kAryaM viprasya panchamE }
GarbhAsTama is parama-mukya kAla. 9 upto 11, 12 is mukhya kAla. 13 to 16 is
gauNa. There is NO POINT in getting upanayana after 16!!
All ages above are calculated including the time in womb.
If GarbhAsTama is missed then period when gurubala becomes available is to be
Give the birth star of the father, mother and the son to a purohit to identify
sadhaka tara. It is best for a parent to start the pre-requisite japa on a day with
sadhaka tara for his son.
The japa can be done after finishing ones own morning and evening
1. One or two achamana,
2. prAnAyAma with deEsha-kAla Sankalpa (end part) is as "upanEtRutva adhikAra
siddhyarthaM gAyatri japaM karishyE".
3. Then start with the Gayatri Japa Unit and follow it with Narayana Ashtakashara
Japa Unit.
4. Finally nyunAtirikta dosha parihAra namatraya japa - achyuta ananta govinda
vishNavE namah
PS: Some say all the Japa is to be completed before noon. It may be a
sampradaya, but it is not known if such a pramAna exists. Whatever it is, at least
one should try to do at least 12,000 or worst case, as much as possible and then
give the upadesha.