CHEM I Full Syllabus 16-17-1
CHEM I Full Syllabus 16-17-1
CHEM I Full Syllabus 16-17-1
2016 2017
Chemistry I is a course based on regular laboratory investigations of matter, chemical reactions, and the role of
energy in those reactions. Students compare, contrast, and synthesize useful models of the structure and
properties of matter and the mechanisms of its interactions. In addition, students enrolled in this course are
expected to: 1) gain an understanding of the history of chemistry; 2) explore the uses of chemistry in various
careers; 3) investigate chemical questions and problems related to personal needs and societal issues; and 4)
learn and practice laboratory safety. APPLIED ALGEBRAIC SKILLS ARE A NECESSARY part of this
course in satisfying state standards such as pH calculations, logarithms, graphing, light and energy equations,
gas laws, scientific notation and mole problems.
At the completion of a year of chemistry, the student should understand the following concepts:
1. Define and describe principles of the natural world, effectively communicating them using appropriate
scientific language.
2. Quantitatively and qualitatively describe matter macroscopically and microscopically.
3. Quantitatively and qualitatively describe interactions between matter at the macroscopic and
microscopic levels.
All CHS classes with the same title give four common assessments throughout the school year. Two of
these are formative and given near the middle of the fall and spring semesters. The formative assessments
allow students and teachers to see how they are progressing approximately midway through a semester. The
remaining two common assessments are summative (known as semester exams) and are given at the end of
each semester. The summative assessments measure student achievement for the entire semester and
account for 20% of the semester grade as per the science department policy.
The remaining 80% of the semester grade is comprised of the coursework done throughout the semester.
Tests and quizzes (including assessment of lab concepts and skills) will account for 75% of the coursework
grade. Laboratory work and reports account for 20% of the coursework grade. Homework and in-class
activities, grades will be responsible for remaining 5% of the coursework grade.
Chemistry I Grading
18 Week Grade:
75% Tests and Quizzes
25% Lab work/ In-class activities
Semester Grade:
18 Week Coursework Grade (80%) + Semester Exam (20%)
Teacher: Scott Chapman
Email address:
Chemistry I may cover, but is not limited to the following:
First Semester
Unit V Matter
ActivityIdentification of Different Types of Mixtures
DemonstrationSeparation of Magnesium Hydroxide From Milk of Magnesia by Centrifugation
LabGold and Silver Pennies
Unit VI Energy
Lab Heating/Cooling Curve Lab
Second Semester
Unit X Stoichiometry
ActivityMaking Brownies
LabDecomposition of Baking Soda
LabDetermining Percent Yield
Parent signature_______________________________
Academic Integrity/Cheating: The faculty in this course view academic dishonesty as a serious offense, so
we hope that cheating is a problem that never arises in this course.
For a first offense involving a laboratory* or homework assignment the person(s) involved will
receive a zero for that assignment.
lose any benefit of the doubt for a borderline grade.
be reported to the Dean of Students Office.
For a second offense involving a laboratory or homework assignment, or for any cheating on an exam, the
person(s) involved will
receive an F for the course.
be reported to the Dean of Students Office.
The following are examples of academic dishonesty (cheating):
Copying a lab report: giving your lab report to someone else to copy.
Changing data for a lab experiment to fit a perceived answer.
Using someone elses data without explaining why.
Submitting a lab report or other work that you did not do.
Copying or possessing an unauthorized crib (written or electronic) during a quiz or exam.
While this list of examples of academic dishonesty (cheating) is not complete, these examples are provided for
your information. If you have any questions at all about permissible behavior, save yourself some heartache and
ask before acting.
*As you know, labs often involve group work. Another professor notes any work that you submit as your own must represent
your understanding of the assignment. Written materials containing the same sentences or similar paragraph structures do
not meet this criterion. Be sure to understand how your professor expects you to share information with your lab partner.
For CHS, academic fraud/cheating is addressed on page 28 of the 2016-2017 Student Handbook. In short, there
is NO reason any student should be in possession of any other students work, NOR should answers be
QUOTED OR COPIED between students. This includes lab partners. Each student MUST do his/her own
calculations and questions. Violation of these rules will earn BOTH students a zero on the entire assignment.
Remember, all lab data must be in ink and initialed by the teacher in order to verify its authenticity and to
receive credit for the lab.
Sign below to indicate you have read and understand the foregoing information on academic integrity/fraud/and
Student ________________________________________
Date ____________________________
Parent _______________________________________
Date ____________________________