Job's Redeemer: Date Easy Reading Edition December 10-16

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Jobs Redeemer

December 1016

Easy Reading Edition

1:114; Job 10:4, 5; Luke 2:11; Galatians 4:19; Luke 9:22.

MEMORY VERSE: He [Jesus] suffered the things we

should have suffered. He took on himself the pain that
should have been ours. But we thought God was punishing him. We thought God was wounding him and
making him suffer (Isaiah 53:4, NIrV).
Gods appearance is the climax or the high point of the book
of Job. The climax or high point is the most exciting and
powerful part of a story. It comes right before the story ends.
God shows Himself to Job in a powerful and miraculous way.
And this leads Job to confess and repent (to show sorrow for
his sins). The Lord then rebukes (scolds) Jobs three friends
for their wrong words. And Job prays for them. The Lord
made him [Job] successful again. He [God] gave him [Job]
twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10, NIrV), and Job
lives a long and full life afterward.
There is something unsatisfactory about the story and how
it ends. God and Satan argue in heaven and battle it out here
on earth in the life and flesh of poor Job. It just does not seem
fair and right that Job would be an innocent victim in this war
while the Lord remains in heaven and simply watches it.
There must be more to the story. And there is. It is shown,
many centuries later, in Jesus and His death on the cross. In
Jesus alone we find wonderful and comforting answers to the
questions that the book of Job does not answer fully.

1. Redeemera person who
buys back something. Jesus
bought our lives with His blood
when He paid the price for our
sins on the cross.


Lesson 12


When God appears to Job in chapter 38, He makes

Himself known to Job as the Creator, who tells the rain
where it should fall, and the One who makes paths for
the thunderstorms . . . and who brings water to places
where no one lives (Job 38:25, 26, NIrV). But our Lord is
not only the Creator. He has another important title and job
Read Job 19:2527. What do these words teach us
about Jobs hope of salvation?

The words of Job point to

the most important truth
in the Bible: God as our

With these famous verses, Job shows that he has some

knowledge of the Redeemer (Savior). He knows that people die but that there is hope beyond the grave. And this
hope is found in the Redeemer, who is to come to the earth
one day.
These words of Job point to what is the most important
truth in the Bible: God as our Redeemer. Yes, God is our
Creator. But we live in a world of sin, in a world of sinners,
who are doomed to die eternally in their sins. So we need
more than a Creator. We need a Redeemer too. And that
is exactly who our God is: He is both our Creator and our
Redeemer (read Isaiah 48:1317). And it is from Him in
both those jobs (Creator and Redeemer) that we have the
great hope of eternal life.
Read John 1:114. In these verses, how does John tie
together Jesus as Creator with Jesus as our Redeemer?
John 1:1 clearly hints at or brings to mind Genesis 1:1,
which points to God as Creator. And John 1:1012 shows
a connection between Jesus as Creator and His work as
Redeemer. The Word [Jesus] was in the world that was
made through him. . . . But his own people did not accept
him. Some people did accept him. They believed in his
name. He [Jesus] gave them the right to become children
of God (John 1:1012, NIrV). It is because Jesus is the
Creator that He can be our Redeemer too.
If we had only a Creator but no Redeemer, what hope
would we have? What does your answer say about why
Jesus as Redeemer is so important to us?



THE SON OF MAN (Job 10:4, 5)

Lesson 12

In the earliest chapters of Job, we are given a quick view

of just how real the great controversy (war between Christ
and Satan) is. As we know, it is a battle that starts in heaven. Later, it comes to the earth (read Revelation 12:712).
In the book of Job we find that same theme: a war in heaven that comes to earth. Unhappily, for Job, that war on
earth centers on him.
Read Job 10:4, 5. What is Jobs complaint? And what
point does he make?
Jobs point is simple. You are God, the Ruler of the universe, the Creator. How can You know what it is like to be a
human, to suffer the things that we suffer?
Read Luke 2:11; John 1:14; Luke 19:10; Matthew 4:2;
1 Timothy 2:5; and Hebrews 4:15. How do these verses
answer Jobs complaint?
Jobs complaint is that God is not a human and for that
reason could not know human suffering. But God answers
these charges2 fully and completely when Jesus comes into While in human form, Jesus
the world as a human. Jesus never loses His divine (godly)
knows what it is like to
nature. But He is also fully human. And while in human suffer and struggle, just as
form, He knows what it is like to suffer and struggle, just
Job and all humans do.
as Job and all humans do. In fact, all through the Gospels,3
we read about how real Jesus is in His human form and
the sufferings that He went through as a human. So Jesus
answers Jobs complaint.
It was not make-believe [not real] human form that
Christ took upon Himself. He took human nature and lived
human nature. . . . He was made flesh, and He was made in
the likeness of sinful flesh.Adapted from Ellen G. White
Comments, The SDA Bible Commentary [Explanation],
volume 5, page 1124.
2. chargeswords that blame
someone for wrongdoing.

Think what it means that Jesus accepted human

Gospelsthe first four
nature. What should this tell you about how closely He 3.
of the New Testament:
can relate to you in any of the struggles that you are
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
facing right now?


Lesson 12


Read 1 John 2:6 and Galatians 4:19. What do these

verses tell us about Jesus and how we are to think
about Him?

Without question, Jesus is the model Man. His lifeHis

character (thoughts; feelings; actions)is the example
that all who follow Him should copy with the help of Gods
grace (godly power and strength). Jesus is the only perfect
example we have of how to live the kind of life to which God
calls us.
Still, Jesus does not come to this earth just to give us
an example. Our situation as sinners called for more than
just character growth. Yes, changing our characters and
Jesus came to die the death
forming us into His image is important work for Jesus as
that we deserve so that His
perfect life can be given to our Redeemer. But we need more than that. We need a
Substitute, Someone to pay the price for our sins. Jesus
us as our own.
came not just to live a perfect life as an example to us all.
He came also to die the death that we deserve so that His
perfect life can be given to us as our own.
Read Mark 8:31; Luke 9:22; Luke 24:7; and Galatians
2:21. What do these verses teach us about why Christs
death for us is necessary?

Obedience to the law is important. But it does not save

sinners. For this reason, Christ had to die for us. So is the
law opposed to Gods promises? Certainly not! What if a
law had been given that could give life? Then people could
become right with God by obeying the law (Galatians 3:21,
NIrV). If any law could save a sinner, it would be Gods. But
even that law cannot save us. Only the perfect life of our
perfect Example, Jesus, could save us. And so Christ came
to offer Himself as one sacrifice for sins forever (Hebrews
10:12, NKJV).
How does your own record of law keeping show you
why you need a Substitute?



(Isaiah 53:16)

Lesson 12

Read Isaiah 53:16. What do these verses tell us about

the sufferings of the Lord on the cross?
Isaiah 53:4 says that Jesus carried (accepted) our griefs and
sorrows. That must include Jobs griefs and sorrows too. And
not just Jobs alone but the whole worlds also. It was for the
sin of all humans who ever lived that Jesus died on the cross.
Only at the cross can we better understand the book of
Job. Here we have the same God who shows Himself to
Job. He is the God who teaches the eagle to fly. He is the
God who sets all the atoms working together for the good of
all humans. How He suffered more than any human, even
Job, ever suffered or could suffer! The griefs and sorrows
that each one of us knows, He accepted them all together.
No one, then, can lecture4 God on suffering, not when He as
a human carries in Himself the full load of all the suffering
that sin has spread around the world. We know only our own
private griefs, only our own private sorrows. But at the cross,
Jesus experienced them all.
God asks Job, Do you know the laws that govern [rule]
the heavens? Can you rule over the earth the way I do?
(Job 38:33, NIrV). God becomes more amazing (wonderful)
when we understand that He created the laws that govern
the heavens. And He also took upon Himself human form,
and as a human He dies so that He could destroy the one
who rules over the kingdom of death. Im [I am] talking about
the devil (Hebrews 2:14, NIrV).
The book of Job makes more sense with the Cross than it
does without it. The Cross answers many questions the book
of Job leaves unanswered. And the biggest question of all
deals with how fair it is for God to be up in heaven while Job
is forced to suffer in order to help deny Satans charges. The
Cross shows that our Lord voluntarily suffered so much worse
than any of us could in order to give us the hope of salvation.
Job sees God as Creator. After the Cross, we see Him as 4. lectureto give a talk, or a
Creator and Redeemer. More exactly, we see Him as the series of talks, that teaches a
Creator who became our Redeemer (Philippians 2:68). lesson or subject.
And to do that, Jesus had to suffer from sin in ways that no
human being, Job included, would or could ever suffer. So,
like Job, what can we do but say: I hate myself. Im [I am]
really sorry for what I said about you. Thats [that is] why Im
[I am] sitting in dust and ashes (Job 42:6, NIrV)?

Lesson 12


Read John 12:3032. What is Jesus saying will happen to Satan as a result of the Cross and the great controversy?

Lucifer opened the door

for the entrance of sin
by his desire for glory

Ellen G. White in The Great Controversy talks about the

death of Jesus on the cross. Then she explains the powerful influence His death has in heaven and for the watching
universe. Satans lying charges against Gods character
and government appeared in their true light. Satan had
accused God of glorifying [honoring and praising] Himself
by requiring surrender and obedience from His people.
Satan also had claimed that the Creator required selfdenial from all others. But He Himself practiced no selfdenial and made no sacrifice. Now angels and heavenly
beings could see that it was love that encouraged the
Ruler of the universe to make the greatest sacrifice to save
all sinners. It was God bringing the world back to Himself
through Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:19, NIrV. It was seen also
that Lucifer had opened the door for the entrance of sin by
his desire for glory [praise] and his desire to rule over God.
Christ had, in order to destroy sin, humbled Himself and
become obedient unto death.Adapted from The Great
Controversy, page 502.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:19. How does Christs death
bring the fallen world back to God?
The world had fallen into sin, into rebellion (war against
God). It had left itself open to the evil plans of Satan as we
understand so clearly in the book of Job. But Jesus volunteered to become a human while never losing His nature
as God. While so doing, He made an unbreakable bond
between heaven and earth. And with His death, He guaranteed the final destruction and removal of sin and Satan.
At the cross, Jesus paid the legal price for sin, bringing
the fallen world back to God. We are sinners. Our sins are
punishable by death. But by faith we can have the promise
of eternal life in Jesus.
Whatever sins you have done, Jesus paid the full
price for them at the cross. Why should this amazing
(wonderful) truth change your life and cause you to want
to live in obedience to Him?



ADDITIONAL THOUGHT: Now it is time for the world
to be judged, Jesus said. Now the prince of this world
[Satan] will be thrown out. But I am going to be lifted up
from the earth. When I am, I will bring all people to myself.
He said this to show them how he was going to die (John
12:3133, NIrV). This is the crisis of the world. Jesus
thought to Himself, If I become the sacrifice for the sins
of men, the world will be lighted up. Satans hold upon the
souls of men will be broken. The spoiled image of God will
be restored [made new; brought back] in humans. And a
family of believing saints finally will receive the heavenly
home. This newness is the result of Christs death. The
Saviour is lost in deep thought over the glorious [beautiful;
wonderful] scene that appeared before Him in the near
future. He sees the cross, the cruel cross, with all its horrors. But it is lighted up with glory [beauty and praise].
But the work of human salvation is not all that is done
by the cross. The love of God is shown to the universe. The
prince of this world is thrown out. The charges that Satan
has brought against God are proven false. The stain that
Satan has thrown upon heaven is forever removed. Angels
and humans are attracted to the Redeemer.Adapted
from Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, pages 625, 626.

Lesson 12


1 What other ways can you think of that show how the life
and death of Jesus answered questions that the book of Job
left unanswered?

2 Think over what the Cross teaches us about the character

of God. This is especially true when we realize that the One
who created us was the One who died for us on the cross. Why
should this give us so much hope and comfort, no matter what
troubles we are now facing? How can this wonderful truth teach
us to trust in God and in His goodness? (Read Romans 8:32.)

3 The book of Job shows that the great controversy between

Christ and Satan has been going on both in heaven and on
the earth itself. Imagine what it must have been like for angels,
who knew Jesus only in His heavenly glory (great honor and
praise), to see Him go through what He did on the cross. How
can thinking deeply about this amazing idea help us to better
appreciate what we have been given in Jesus?

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