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Unit 8


Roll-on/Roll-off Ships, Vehicle Carriers and

Specialized Craft
Roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ships

Ro-ro ships are vessels designed to carry wheeled cargo, such as

automobiles, trucks, semi-trailer trucks, trailers, and railroad cars, that are
driven on and off the ship on their own wheels or using a platform vehicle,
such as a self-propelled modular transporter (called tugmaster). This is in
contrast to Lift-on/Lift-off (LoLo) vessels, which use a crane to load and
unload cargo.
RORO vessels have built-in ramps that allow the cargo to be efficiently
rolled on and off the vessel when in port. While smaller ferries that
operate across rivers and other short distances often have built-in ramps,
the term RORO is generally reserved for larger oceangoing vessels. The
ramps and doors may be stern-only, or bow and stern for quick loading.
The ro-ro ship is different from lo-lo (lift on-lift off) ship that uses a crane
to load the cargo.

MS Ulysses (largest capacity car ferry in the world)

There are various types of ro-ro vessels, such as ferries, cruise ferries,
cargo ships, and barges. The ro-ro vessels that are exclusively used for
transporting cars and trucks across oceans are known as Pure Car
Carriers (PCC) and Pure Truck & Car Carriers (PCTC) respectively.
Unlike other cargos that are measured in metric tonnes, the ro-ro cargo is
measured in a unit called lanes in meters (LIMs). LIM is calculated by
multiplying cargo length in meters by the number of decks and by its

width in lanes. The lane width will differ from vessel to vessel and there
are a number of industry standards.
The largest ro-ro passenger ferry is MS Color Magic. It weighs 75,100 GT
(Gross Ton). It entered the service in September 2007 for Color Line. It
was built in Finland by Aker Finnyards. The ferry is 223.70 m long, 35 m
wide and can carry 550 cars as well as 1270 lane meters of cargo.
The ro-ro passenger ferry with the greatest car-carrying capacity is the
Ulysses. The ferry was named after a novel by James Joyce and is
owned by Irish Ferries. It entered the service on 25 March 2001 and
operates between Dublin and Holyhead. It weighs 50,938 GT and is
209.02 m long and 31.84 m wide. It can carry 1342 cars and 4101 lane
meters of cargo.
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences below:
1. Ro-ro ships are vessels designed to carry wheeled cargo, such as
2. The cargo is driven on and off the ship on their own
3. In contrast to Lift-on/Lift-off (LoLo) vessels use a crane
4. RORO vessels have built-in ramps that allow the cargo
5. Smaller ferries operate across .. and .. and
have .
6. The ramps and doors may be .
7. The ro-ro ship is different from lo-lo (lift on-lift off) ship that uses

Exercise 2
Fill in the missing term:
There are various types of __________, such as ferries, cruise ferries,
cargo ships, and barges. The ro-ro vessels that are exclusively used for
transporting cars and trucks across oceans are known as __________
(PCC) and _____________ (PCTC) respectively. Unlike other cargos that
are measured in metric tonnes, the ro-ro cargo is measured in a unit
called __________ (LIMs). LIM is calculated by multiplying cargo
__________ in meters by the number of __________ and by its
__________ in lanes. The lane width will differ from vessel to vessel and
there are a number of industry standards.

Exercise 3
Cloze (supply the missing word: every fifth wors is omitted):
The largest ro-ro passenger _______ is MS Color Magic. _______
weighs 75,100 GT (Gross Ton). It _______ the service in September
_______ for Color Line. It _______ built in Finland by _______
Finnyards. The ferry is 223.70 m _______, 35 m wide and _______
carry 550 cars as _______ as 1270 lane meters _______ cargo.
The ro-ro passenger ferry _______ the greatest car-carrying capacity
_______ the Ulysses. The ferry _______ named after a novel _______
James Joyce and is _______ by Irish Ferries. It _______ the service on
25 _______ 2001 and operates _______ Dublin and Holyhead. It
_______ 50,938 GT and is _______ m long and 31.84 _______ wide.
It can carry _______ cars and 4101 lane _______ of cargo.

Advantages of a ro-ro ship

A ro-ro ship offers a number of advantages over traditional ships. Some
of the advantages are as follows:
1. For the shipper, the advantage is speed. Since cars and lorries
can drive straight on to the ship at one port and then drive off at
the other port within a few minutes of the ship docking, it saves a
lot of time of the shipper.
2. It can also integrate well with other transport development, such as
containers. The use of Customs-sealed units has enabled frontiers
to be crossed with the minimum of delay. Therefore, it increases
the speed and efficiency for the shipper.
3. The ship has also proved extremely popular with holiday makers
and private car owners. It has significantly contributed to the
growth of tourism. A person can take his car from one country to
another by sea with the help of a ro-ro vessel.
Exercise 4
Pair work. Speaking skills. Take written notes of the text on the
Advantages of a ro-ro ship (use keywords, etc.) and make an outline
of the text. Then tell the story about the advantages to your partner.
Here is an example of a possible outline (given in parts only; work
out the rest fro yourself; add as many headings and sub-headings
as you find appropriate)
1.1 driving strainght to the ship

1. etc.

Variations of a ro-ro ship

The certain variations of a ro-ro ship are as follows:
ROPAX is an acronym for roll on/roll off passenger. It is a ro-ro
vessel built for freight vehicle transport with passenger
accommodation. The vessels with facilities for more than 500
passengers are often referred to as cruise ferries.
2. ConRO
The ConRo vessel is a hybrid between a ro-ro and a container
ship. This type of vessel uses the area below the decks for vehicle
storage while stacking containerized freight on the top of the
3. RoLo
RoLo is an acronym for roll-on lift-off vessel. It is also a hybrid
vessel type with ramps serving vehicle decks but the other cargo
decks are accessible only by crane.
Types of RORO vessels include ferries, cruiseferries, cargo ships,
barges, and RoRo service for air deliveries. New automobiles that are
transported by ship are often moved on a large type of RORO called a
pure car carrier (PCC) or pure car/truck carrier (PCTC).
Exercise 5
Group work. Discuss the acronyms (RoPax, ConRO, RoLo) for the
types of ro-ro ships above.





Sea-Cargo Skips AS
DNV 1A1 1CA/1A
General cargo carrier RO-RO
Langsten Slip & Btbyggeri
Main engine: Wrtsila VASA 12V32E
4856 kW
Aux engines:
Cat 2 x 431 kW
380cSt, 19 mt HFO at sea
Communication: GSM phone, fax, email
Service Speed: 13,5 knots

79.10 x 17.72 m

Clear opening

1.75 tons/m2


224 x 20 + 21 x 40, or alternat.


133 x 40 + 9 x 20
Stack load: 37 tons per 20 stack 48 tons per






Reefer sockets
Stern ramp:

MacGregor Navire

Length 13.0 m + flaps 2.0 m x width 14.97 m

Width of drive way:
Max. load
Clear opening (B x H):

7,301 mts
Draught (SW):
6,70 m
Length overall:
129,00 m
Moulded breadth:
21,00 m
Gross tonnage:
9,528 mts
Net tonnage:
2,858 mts

MacGregor Navire Stacking type



13.74 m
120 mtons
14.97 x 6.92 m

Ramp to LH
Length: 56 m, width: 4.5 m, free height 4.5 m,
angle 7.00.
Flush hatch covering ramp opening.
Lower hold
Height: 4.5 m abt. 810 sq.m., abt. 260 l.m.
Air changes
10 a/c per hour (at sea)
21 a/c per hour (at port)
Main deck/hold
Height max 6.7 m basis RoRo access
Bulk head door opening: 17.7 x 6.7 m (WxH)
Height 7.6 m in hold under hatchcovers (LoLo)
abt. 1 833 sq.m., abt. 600 l.m.
Containers: 207 x 20 or 99 x 40 basis LoLo
Stack load:
48 tons per 20 stack 60 tons per 40
stack (Intakes always subject to
weights/stability /trim)
3 reefer sockets
Air changes
10 a/c per hour (at sea)
20 a/c per hour (at port)
Box shaped cargo hold 11.070 CBM gr/bale
Deck strengths MD/LH
20/40 rolltrailer, axle load 14/24 tons
Fork lift truck 4 wheels/axle, 50 tons
Fork lift truck 6 wheels/axle, 60 tons
Road trailer double tyres, 2 axles, axle load 17

Exercise 6
Speaking and writing skills. Pair work. Find missing
information/data. Divide the class into pairs: A and B. Give the
students A the card containing only the information shown in bold
(Tasks 1, 2, and 3 in the above table). Students B have cards with

the complete text. Student A asks as many questions as necessary

to fill in the missing information on his card in writing.

Exercise 6

Group work. Discuss the details about HATCHES AND

RAMPS and the characteristics of the ramp, lower hold and
main hold of a ro-ro ship. Prepare a group dictionary of terms
on hatches, ramps, holds an decks. Try and establish your
own language equivalents for the terms on the ro-ro ship.

The roll-on/roll-off type of vessel was developed after the Second World War, and is
frequently termed a vehicle ferry. It was designed for the conveyance of road
haulage1 vehicles and private cars. At each terminal, a ramp or link span (i.e. hydraulic
shore ramp) is provided enabling the vehicle to drive on or off the vessel. This, of
course, eliminates cranage and allows a quick turn-round. It also permits throughtransits, eliminates cargo handling, and reduces pilferage to a minimum. This type of
vessel operates both in the deep-sea and short sea trade.

Exercise 7
Pair work. Describe the images above to your partner.

Road haulage transport by road


Ferries are types of boats which are very commonly found in areas where
the main modem of transportation happens through water. In such areas,
ferries are used not just to transport passengers from one shore to
another but to carry cargo as well. Ferries are native to Greece and over
the centuries have made their presence known not just in Greece and
Europe but wide across the world.
However, the term ferry is a very generic one. There are many different
types of ferries that are in existence today. The name by which each ferry
is known is unique and is named so because of its major characteristic or
feature. Some of the main types of ferries can be listed as follows:

Catamarans: Catamarans are generally operated as passenger boats

and are exceedingly popular wherever they are used. Speed is the major
feature of a catamaran. One of the most famous catamaran services are
operated in the UK by the shipping company Stena Line.

Car Ferries: Car ferries are basically cargo ferries that help carry cars
and other automobile vehicles on short hauls between the mainland and
the nearby islands. Car ferries have two different interpretations. In the
United States, car ferries are used to ferry railway carts or cars.

Roll-On/Roll-Off Ferries: These ferries are also known as Ro-Ro

ferries. They are a very useful ferry type especially when it comes to
cargo hauling in the form of other vehicles. This type of ferry is mainly
used in the United Kingdom. There are also certain other ferries that use
such Ro-Ro ramps for boarding of vehicles in addition to the ferrying of
passengers. Such ferries are called as cruise ferries.

Exercise 8
In the following text the verbs are missing. Supply the verbs in the
brackets below in the right place of the text.
Ferries types of boats which are very commonly in areas where the main
modem of transportation happens through water. In such areas, ferries
are not just to transport passengers from one shore to another but to
cargo as well. Ferries are native to Greece and over the centuries have
their presence known not just in Greece and Europe but wide across the
However, the term ferry a very generic one. There many different types
of ferries that are in existence today. The name by which each ferry is is
unique and is named so because of its major characteristic or feature.
(are, found, used, carry, made, is, are, known)

Vehicle / Car Carriers

Every day, thousands upon thousands of new cars are being transported
overseas on ships. They are carried by car carriers. Many car carriers
carry over 4,000 vehicles, some closer to 6,000. As an example, here are
the stats for one infamous car carrier, the MV Cougar Ace:

length: 652 ft. 11 in. / 199 meters

beam (width): 105 ft. 10 in. / 32.26 meters
decks: 14
capacity: 5,542 vehicles
engine: 15,683 horsepower
speed: 18.6 knots / 21 mph
cost: over $100 million

Fruit carriers are similar in design to refrigerated vessels. Cool air

systems are installed in the holds to keep the fruit from over-ripening.
Such vessels convey apples, citrus fruits, and bananas, and are often
owned by the cargo owners. Fast voyage times are essential, otherwise
the fruit over-ripens and deteriorates. Refrigerated vessels, or reefers are
designed for the carriage of chilled or frozen meat, butter or eggs and
other perishable cargo. Such vessels operate on liner cargo and tramp
services, and are provided with large insulated holds with refrigerating
machinery to control the temperature of the cargo.


The most noteworthy characteristic about the vessel is the storage

module devised to successfully transport the intended cargo. Considering
that the vessel carries juices, a perishable commodity, its refrigeration
and storage system is state-of-the-art and specially built to ensure the
longevity of the cargo transited.

Four refrigeration compartments house four-juice storage tanks each,

providing a total storage area of over 37,000 tonnes of juice. The juices
which are stored at a temperature of 0Celsius, in order to preserve the
quality, are transferred from the pipelines into the containers at a
temperature of -10 Celsius, in a slush-like state instead of being
completely liquid.

Cylindrically shaped, the storing tanks are deeper in depth and

taper on their top. The depth ensures that at the time of relieving
the cargo, no residual juices remain in the tanks. The tapered topportion of the storing tanks is equipped with various technological
systems like temperature and radar gauges and nitrogen piping.
Along with three electrical compressing systems, the refrigeration
for the storing tanks is provided by way of ammonium and brine.
The refrigeration compartments are suitably constructed and
placed in such a way that air-passage is amply provided to them
and in-turn to the storing tanks.

Exercise 9
Compiling your own maritime dictionary. Underline the words in the
text on fruit carriers that you would list as fruit carrier terms and
find your own language equivalents for these terms. Two terms have
been underlined for you: cool air systems; over-ripening.

Timber carriers are provided with large unobstructed holds and large
hatches to facilitate cargo handling. They are frequently called threeisland vessels and incorporate a raised forecastle, bridge and poop,
thereby facilitating the stowage of deck cargo which is usually packaged.

Exercise 10
The features of timber carriers:

Heavy lift ships

Heavy lift ships are designed to transport unusually heavy or bulky
cargoes which are likely to be troublesome or impossible to carry for the
ordinary liner cargo vessel. These ships are equipped with jumbo
derricks, which are capable of lifting over 500 tons.
Heavy lift or heavy load ships are of two types: semi-submerging
capable of lifting another ship out of the water and transporting it; and
vessels that augment unloading facilities at inadequately equipped ports.
Semi-submerging are more commonly known as a "flo/flo" for floaton/float-off. These vessels have a long and low well deck that can go
down under water allowing oil platforms, other vessels, or other floating
cargo to be moved into position for loading. The tanks are then pumped
out, and the well deck rises higher in the water, lifting its cargo, and is
ready to sail wherever in the world the cargo needs to be transported.

http://www.amusingplanet.com/2012/05/heavy-lift-ships-and-their-impossibly.h tml

Exercise 11

Complete the following text:


Heavy lift ships are designed to

They are equipped with ...
The features of semi-submerging type of heavy lift ships are:
"flo/flo" stand for ....................................................................
These vessels have a long and low well deck that can go down
........................ allowing oil platforms, other vessels, or other
floating cargo to .....................................................................
The tanks are then .................................................................

A tugboat (tug) is a boat that maneuvers vessels by pushing or towing
them. Usually they are divided into harbour and salvage (ocean-going)
tugs. Tugs move vessels that either should not move themselves, such
as ships in a crowded harbor or a narrow canal, or those that cannot
move by themselves, such as barges, disabled ships, log rafts, or oil
platforms. Tugboats are powerful for their size and strongly built, and
some are ocean-going. Some tugboats serve as icebreakers or salvage

The fixed or spring-loaded towing hook is at the after end of the

superstructure. The transverse, curved steel hoops known as towbeams
or strongbacks, are fitted so that the towline does not foul the after-deck
fittings. The tug's engines need to be very powerful and, to increase
manoeuvrability, the controllable pitch propeller and Kort's nozzle are
now commonly fitted.
Every port has at least one (harbour) tug equipped with fire fighting
apparatus, which consists of foam and fire monitors working from a
platform on the mast. American tugs/towboats differ in appearance as
regulations for crew accommodation result in a longer superstructure.
Moreover, these tugs usually push and nose ships about harbours
instead of towing them.
The capacity of a tug is measured by the bollard pull, i.e. the force (in
tons or kiloNewtons (kN)) exerted by a vessel under full power, on a
shore-mounted bollard through a tow-line, commonly measured in a
practical test (but sometimes simulated) under test conditions that include
calm water, no tide, level trim, and sufficient depth and side clearance for
a free propeller stream.

Harley Marine z-drive

of Seattle
delivery in
2013 of
the z-drive
by Jensen
Franco is
the eighth
in this

Brian Gauvin
The 100-foot Ahbra Franco named for the daughter of
Harley Marine Services founder Harley Franco, performs
ship-assist and escort duties in the ports of Oakland and
San Francisco for HMS subsidiary Starlight Marine

Ahbra Franco is powered by two Caterpillar C-175 Tier 3 engines with a

total of 6,890 hp at 1,800 rpm. The engines are coupled with RollsRoyce US 255 FP z-drives turning four-blade fixed-pitch propellers,
producing 90 Ton Bollard Pull for exceptional maneuverability.
Deck machinery includes a Markey ship-assist bow winch and a Markey
tow winch with 2,600 feet of 2.25-inch wire. Fendering is from Schuyler
and Shibata.

Exercise 11
Match the sentences in the two columns below:
1. A tugboat (tug) is a boat that

A. harbour and salvage (oceangoing) tugs

2. Usually they are divided into

B. as icebreakers or salvage.

3. Some tugboats serve

C. is at the after end of the


4. The fixed or spring-loaded

towing hook

D. towbeams or strongbacks,
are fitted so that the towline
does not foul the after-deck

5. The transverse, curved steel

hoops known as

E. maneuvers vessels by
pushing or towing them.

6. The tug's engines need to be

very powerful and, to increase

F. which consists of foam and

fire monitors working from a
platform on the mast.

7. Every port has at least one

(harbour) tug equipped with fire
fighting apparatus,

G. nose ships about harbours

instead of towing them.

8. American tugs/towboats usually

push and

H. by the bollard pull.

9. The capacity of a tug is



kiloNewtons (kN)) exerted by

a vessel under full power, on
a shore-mounted bollard
through a tow-line.

10. The bollard pull is the force (in

tons or


the controllable pitch

propeller and Kort's nozzle
are now commonly fitted.


Salvage Tug
The ocean-going salvage tug is the largest of the family and she may be
employed in towing a floating dock halfway round the world, or an oil rig
from shipyard to drilling station. But most of her time is spent patrolling
the international shipping lanes, just waiting for a distress signal. When
this is received, the tug and other craft which have heard the signal, race
to the disabled ship to compete for the salvage work.

Assistance to ships in distress

SMIT Salvage is involved in emergency response, wreck removal operations and
environmental care services. SMIT Salvage is one of world's largest salvage
companies offering worldwide marine emergency response coverage.
The track record of SMIT Salvage is without parallel. The company maintains
specialized equipment and expert personnel in a state of round-the-clock readiness
to respond to incidents anywhere in the world. It does this by operating out of four
locations which are strategically situated in relation to the main international
shipping routes: Rotterdam, Houston, Cape Town and Singapore.
SMITs communication centres in Rotterdam, Houston, Cape Town, and Singapore
provide a 24-hour link to customers, vessels, SMIT Group offices and agents
around the world. This communication system guarantees an immediate response
and rapid service. In addition, SMIT Salvage can rely on an extensive worldwide

Oil Rig Supply Vessels

These ships can be seen in various ports associated with underwater
drilling for oil. The main functions of the ship are to carry stores, fuel oil,
drilling water, cement, drilling gear and personnel to the offshore rigs, and
to tow the rigs themselves to new stations and to handle their heavy
anchor gear. All this work may have to be done in extremely bad weather
and, therefore, these ships must be seaworthy and powerful.

A primary function of a platform supply vessel is to transport supplies to

the oil platform and return other cargoes to shore. Cargo tanks for drilling
mud, pulverized cement, diesel fuel, potable and non-potable water, and
chemicals used in the drilling process comprise the bulk of the cargo
spaces. Fuel, water, and chemicals are almost always required by oil
A platform supply vessel (often abbreviated as PSV) is a ship specially
designed to supply offshore oil platforms. These ships range from 20 to
100 meters in length and accomplish a variety of tasks. The primary
function for most of these vessels is transportation of goods and
personnel to and from offshore oil platforms and other offshore structures.

In the recent years a new generation of Platform Supply Vessel entered

the market, usually equipped with Class 1 or Class 2 Dynamic Positioning
Exercise 12

Fill in the missing terms

Oil Rig Supply Vessels
These ships can be seen in various ports associated with underwater
_________ for oil. The main functions of the ship are to carry _________, fuel
oil, drilling water, _________, drilling gear and _________l to the offshore rigs,
and to _________ the rigs themselves to new stations and to _________ their
heavy anchor gear. All this work may have to be done in extremely bad weather
and, therefore, these ships must be _________ and powerful.
A primary function of a platform supply vessel is to transport _________ to the
oil platform and return other cargoes to _________. Cargo tanks for drilling
_________, pulverized cement, diesel fuel, _________ and non-potable water,
and chemicals used in the drilling process comprise the bulk of the cargo
spaces. Fuel, water, and _________ are almost always required by oil
A _________ (often abbreviated as PSV) is a ship specially designed to supply
offshore oil platforms. These ships range from 20 to 100 meters in length and
_________ a variety of tasks. The primary _________ for most of these vessels
is transportation of goods and personnel to and from offshore _________and
other offshore structures.
In the recent years a new generation of Platform Supply Vessel entered the
market, usually equipped with Class 1 or Class 2 _________ System

In Canada and in the Baltic many ferries and other craft have hulls which
are strengthened for navigation in ice, but harbour and seagoing
icebreakers are specially constructed to clear passages for other ships.
The all-welded hull is different from any other type of vessel.
Characteristics of Ice Breakers
- Ice breakers have the
features of ice strengthened
ships and then some of their
own too.
- They are heavy for their
size, to make them more
effective at breaking through
ice when they are pushed

up above it by their engines.

They are designed with very gradual upwards slope at the bow,
particularly at the water line to allow the bow to ride up over ice
before the weight breaks through.

Hull made from special steels is designed for optimum strength at

low temperatures Air bubbling systems assist ice-breaking. Air is
forced under pressure from 2m or so below the water line where
ice is met, helping to break it and move it out of the way.
Heated water jets below the waterline are provided to help when
breaking through ice.
Ability to rapidly move large amounts of water ballast within the
ship to shift the weight when needing to break ice. The ships can
be rocked from side to side in this manner.
Hull divided by bulkheads into a series of watertight compartments
in case it is holed.
Extra thick steel at the bow, the stern and at the waterline.
An "ice horn" to protect the rudder and propeller when in reverse,
and an "ice knife" in front to protect it when in forwards motion.
Electric propulsion to the propellers. Electric motors can apply
torque when not actually turning or when only turning slowly, so
hitting a large piece of ice will not stop the engine.
Extra strong propellers with replaceable blades. There may also be
a propeller inspection well to examine them in operation and the
facility to change blades while at sea.
Very powerful engines. The engine may be diesel possibly with
extra power supplied by gas turbines for ice breaking or be nuclear
Powerful searchlights for use in dark winter conditions.

Grab Dredger and Hopper

The grab dredger is in its simplest form a pontoon with a slewing and
hoisting crane capable of operating a double-chain grab. Many
improvised craft are like this, but others have a seaworthy hull and
propelling machinery. The grab dredger has an advantage over the
bucket dredger in docks and basins, as it can work in awkward corners.

Grab hopper dredgers are generally used for maintenance dredging and
in particular small-scale applications for port authorities responsible for
maintaining smaller national ports. These dredgers are important for their
multipurpose characteristics and capability of being operated
independently. Mechanical dredgers share a number of common
features, such as being economical to operate and designed to achieve
the specified production level.
Bucket Ladder Dredger
The bucket ladder dredger has no hopper space, so the spoil must be
transferred to hopper barges alongside. It may or may not be selfpropelled. The endless belt of buckets moves round and, as each bucket

reaches the bottom, it scoops up some spoil and carries it to the top of
the ladder.
Fishing Vessels:
The trawler is a fishing vessel and is engaged in all-the-year-round
fishing, often in some of the stormiest waters in the world, and
must therefore be a strong, sturdy vessel able to work in the worst
of weather.

Trawling is a method of fishing that involves pulling a fishing net

through the water behind one or more boats. The net that is used
for trawling is called a trawl.
The boats that are used for trawling are called trawlers or
draggers. Trawlers vary in size; from small open boats with only 30
hp engines to large factory trawlers with over 10,000 hp. Trawling
can be carried out by one trawler or by two trawlers fishing
cooperatively (pair trawling).
Trawling can be contrasted with trolling, where baited fishing lines
instead of trawls are drawn through the water. Trolling is used both
for recreational and commercial fishing whereas trawling is used
mainly for commercial fishing. Trawling is also commonly used as
a scientific sampling, or survey, method.
Trawling can be divided into bottom trawling and midwater
trawling, depending on how high the trawl (net) is in the water
column. Bottom trawling is towing the trawl along (benthic trawling)
or close to (demersal trawling) the sea floor. Midwater trawling is
towing the trawl through free water above the bottom of the ocean
or benthic zone.
Midwater trawling is also known as pelagic trawling. Midwater
trawling catches pelagic fish such as anchovies, shrimp, tuna and
mackerel, whereas bottom trawling targets both bottom living fish
(groundfish) and semi-pelagic fish such as cod, squid, halibut and
The gear itself can vary a great deal. Pelagic trawls are typically
much larger than bottom trawls, with very large mesh openings in
the net, little or no ground gear, and little or no chaffing gear.
Additionally, pelagic trawl doors have different shapes than bottom
trawl doors, although doors that can be used with both nets do

Exercise 13

Writing skills. Read the text above to find the necessary

information and then complete the following sentences in
- the trawler must be .
- trawling is a method of ......
- trolling means
- the trawl is .
- trawling can be divided into ....................................
(describe the two types) .........................................
- benthic, demersal and pelagic trawling differ in that .

- midwater trawling catches such kinds of fish as .......

- bottom trawling targets the following kinds of fish

The seine net is shot, and hauled in, over the stem of the seiner. It
is therefore necessary to have a clear space between the wheelhouse and the stem.
Seine fishing (or seine-haul fishing) is a method of fishing that
employs a seine or dragnet. A seine is a fishing net that hangs
vertically in the water with its bottom edge held down by weights
and its top edge buoyed by floats. Seine nets can be deployed
from the shore as a beach seine, or from a boat.

Boats deploying (i.e. lowering or shooting) seine nets are known

as seiners. There are two main types of seine net deployed from
seiners: purse seines and Danish seines
Exercise 14

Fill in the missing words:

The seine net is ________, and ________ in, over the stem of the
seiner. It is therefore necessary to have a clear space between the
wheel-house and the ________.
Seine fishing (or ________ fishing) is a method of fishing that
employs a seine or ________. A seine is a fishing net that
________ vertically in the water with its bottom edge held down by
________ and its top edge buoyed by ________. Seine nets can
be ________ from the shore as a beach seine, or from a boat.

Freezer Trawler and Factory Ship

On the normal trawler the crew wash and gut the fish, and pack it
on ice in boxes, where it will remain fresh for about fourteen days.
The time which a vessel remains at sea is therefore restricted.
The freezer trawler can remain at sea for many weeks longer than
this as the catch is sorted, washed, gutted and then frozen into
about 40 kg-blocks and retained at a temperature of about -28C,
until port is reached. The fish is then thawed out and either sold
as fresh fish or kept in storage. The fish factory trawler carries the
work a stage further while still at sea. The catch is not only
cleaned and gutted, but also filleted, skinned and processed
ready for the market
Cruise Ships

A cruise ship in Dubrovnik

A cruise ship or cruise liner is a passenger ship used for pleasure

voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship's amenities are a part of
the experience, as well as the different destinations along the way.
Transportation is not the prime purpose, as cruise ships operate mostly
on routes that return passengers to their originating port, so the ports of
call are usually in a specified region of a continent. There are even
"cruises to nowhere" or "nowhere voyages" where the ship makes 2-3
day round trips without any ports of call.
By contrast, dedicated transport oriented ocean liners do "line voyages"
and typically transport passengers from one point to another, rather than
on round trips. Traditionally, an ocean liner for the transoceanic trade will
be built to a higher standard than a typical cruise ship, including high
freeboard and stronger plating to withstand rough seas and adverse
conditions encountered in the open ocean, such as the North Atlantic.
Ocean liners also usually have larger capacities for fuel, victuals, and
other stores for consumption on long voyages, compared to dedicated
cruise ships.
Although often luxurious, ocean liners had characteristics that made them
unsuitable for cruising, such as high fuel consumption, deep draught that
prevented them from entering shallow ports, enclosed weatherproof
decks that were not appropriate for tropical weather, and cabins designed
to maximize passenger numbers rather than comfort (such as a high
proportion of windowless suites). The gradual evolution of passenger ship
design from ocean liners to cruise ships has seen passenger cabins
shifted from inside the hull to the superstructure with private verandas.

The modern cruise ships, while sacrificing qualities of seaworthiness,

have added amenities to cater to water tourists, and recent vessels have
been described as "balcony-laden floating condominiums".
Exercise 15: State whether the following statements are true or
false. Give the correct answer in case the statement is false



A cruise ship or cruise liner is a cargo ship used for pleasure

Transportation is not the prime purpose, as cruise ships operate
mostly on routes that return passengers to their originating port.
The ports of call are not usually specified in the voyage plan.
In "cruises to nowhere" or "nowhere voyages" the ship makes 23 day round trips without any ports of call.
Dedicated transport oriented ocean liners typically transport
passengers from one point to another, rather than on round trips.
Traditionally, an ocean liner for the coastal trade will be built to a
higher standard than a typical cruise ship.
Ocean liners have high freeboard and stronger plating to
withstand rough seas and adverse conditions encountered in the
open ocean, such as the Black Sea.
Ocean liners also usually have larger capacities for fuel, victuals,
and other stores for consumption on long voyages, compared to
dedicated cruise ships.

The distinction between ocean liners and cruise ships has blurred,
particularly with respect to deployment. Differences in construction
remain. Larger cruise ships have also engaged in longer trips such as
transoceanic voyages which may not return to the same port for months
(longer round trips). Some former ocean liners operate as cruise ships,
such as Marco Polo. This number is diminishing. The only dedicated
transatlantic ocean liner in operation as a liner (as of December 2013) is
the Queen Mary 2 of the Cunard fleet. She also has the amenities of
contemporary cruise ships and sees significant service on cruises.
The world's largest cruise ships are Royal Caribbean International's
Oasis of the Seas and its sister ship Allure of the Seas.
Exercise 15:
Find the general information on the Oasis of the Seas (or any other
cruise liner of your choice) on the web and prepare a ten-minute ppt

Other on-board facilities. Most modern cruise ships feature the

following facilities:

Casino Only open when the ship is at sea to avoid conflict with
local laws
Fitness center
Shops Only open when ship is at sea to avoid merchandising
licensing and local taxes
Theatre with Broadway style shows
Indoor and/or outdoor swimming pool with water slides
Hot tub
Buffet restaurant
Basketball courts
Pool tables
Ping pong tables

Some ships have bowling alleys, ice skating rinks, rock climbing walls,
miniature golf courses, video arcades, ziplines, surfing simulators,
basketball courts, tennis courts, chain restaurants and/or ropes obstacle

A. Comprehension & vocabulary

A.1 State whether the statements below are true or
1. The hooks at the after ends of tugs prevent the
from fouling the deck fittings.
2. Harbour tugs are used in deep sea salvage.
3. Salvage tugs are available for assistance in cases
4. Oil rig supply boats cannot handle the heavy anchor
of the rig.
5. Supply boats are seaworthy and powerful.
6. Icebreakers are strengthened for heavy strains.
7. A trawler can keep the catch for a month.
8. The seine net is shot and hauled over the bow.
A.2 Supply the following missing word:
towing line harbour tug-boat propellers ocean-going
tow-boat unberthing towage engine feature confined

A tug is a relatively small and heavily built vessel of considerable l.
__________ power, used for the 2. ____________ of ships at sea or to
assist ships in manoeuvring in 3. _________________ waters,
particularly when berthing and 4. _________________ . The full name for
a tug is a 5. _________________ or 6. ________________ in American
English. Tugs can generally be divided into 7. _______________ or
short-haul tugs and 8. ____________ or long-haul tugs. A special 9.
____________ of all tugs is the very pronounced over-hang of the
counter. In this way, if the 10. ____________ parts or falls slack into the
water, it cannot foul the tug's 11. ____________ .
A.3 Which types of ships are described below:

___________ : a vessel with specially shaped how to make a

navigable lane by cutting ice.
___________ : a strongly built and fully engined vessel designed for
hauling, assisting, servicing and pushing other ships.
___________ : a craft for fishing with seine net.
___________ : a vessel fitted with buckets engaged for deepening
and cleaning a channel, fairway or an area.
___________ : a vessel fitted for catching fish with trawls and for
sorting, washing, gutting, freezing, filletting and processing fish.
_____ _____ : a vessel engaged for assisting disabled vessels at
sea, fighting fires and other types of assistance.

A.4 Answer the questions below:

1. What are the actions performed by a tug-boat?
2. What is the purpose of the towbeam?
3. What are the means of propulsion in modern tugs?
4. What are the fire-fighting appliances on board a tug?
5. Where and when are salvage tugs employed?
6. What are the main functions of an oil rig supply vessel?
7. Where are icebreakers employed?
8. What are the commonest types of dredgers?
9. What is the advantage of grab hoppers?
10. How does a normal trawler differ from a freezing trawler or a factory
11. How is a seine net handled?

B. Grammar
B.1 Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses:
Fisheries can (divide) 1. __________ into three main categories. Drift net
fishing (employ) 2. __________ mainly in relatively shallow waters and
(prefer) 3. ______________ to (catch) 4. ___________ fish which
normally (not lie) 5. __________ on the bottom. The most usual types of
such fish (be) 6. ___________ herring, mackerel and pilchard.

In line fishing hooks (attach) 7. ________ at three to four foot intervals to

a long line. The hooks (bait) 8. _____________ and then (lay) 9.
________ in the sea. This method (use) 10. ___________ for bottomlying fish such as cod.
The more usual method (employ) 11. ____________ for bottom-lying-fish
(be) 12. __________ the trawl which (operate) 13. ____________ by a


Port Hole

Sinking of the MV Sewol
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from 2014 South Korean ferry capsizing)
The sinking of the MV Sewol occurred on 16 April 2014 en route from Incheon
to Jeju. The Japanese-built South Korean ferry capsized while carrying 476
people, mostly secondary school students from Danwon High School (Ansan
City). The 6,825-ton vessel sent a distress signal from about 2.7 kilometres
(1.7 mi) north off Byeongpungdo at 08:58 Korea Standard Time (23:58 UTC, 15
April 2014).
The ship departed Incheon on 9 p.m. of 15 April after a two-and-a-half-hour fog
delay. The frequently-traveled 400-kilometre (250 mi) route from Incheon to Jeju
usually took 13.5 hours. The vessel did not deviate from previous routes.
The capsizing began about 25 kilometres (16 mi) off the southwest coast. From
8:48 to 8:49 am (KST), there was a 36-second power outage. One minute after
the blackout, the ship made a 45-degree turn and began drifting sideways. Soon
afterwards, the ship began to take on water. The sinking has been attributed to
making the sharp turn, being overloaded, having unsecured cargo, and being
affected by past renovations. A passenger later testified that lights went out after
the ferry started listing. Passengers reported feeling a tilt of the ship and hearing
a loud 'bang.'
Near the time of the accident, the ship was navigating a channel. Conditions
were calm and the area did not contain rocks or reefs. However, the area has
been described as 'treacherous.
At the time of the accident, the captain was in his private cabinand the third
mate was at the helm. The captain is reported to have returned to the bridge
and attempted to re-balance the ship immediately after the accident. At 8:52,
Choi Duk-ha, a student, called the national emergency service number and was
connected to the Jeollanam-do fire station and reported that the ship was
capsizing. Choi was connected to the Mokpo coast guard and talked for 6
minutes. At 8:55 a.m., the ferry established contact with the Jeju vessel traffic
service and asked the Jeju VTS to notify the coast guard that the ship was
rolling and in danger. At 8:56 a.m., the Jeju VTS called the Jeju Coast Guard.[69]
At 8:58 a.m., the Mokpo Coast Guard dispatched a patrol vessel as a response
to Choi's call. During this time, the captain told passengers to stay in their
rooms. The communications officer, using the ship's intercom, repeatedly
ordered passengers not to move.
On 9:07 am, the ship began communicating with the Jindo VTS, which was
closer to her location. At this point, the crew confirmed to VTS that the ferry was
capsizing. At 9:14 a.m., the crew stated that the ship's angle of heel made
evacuation impossible. At 9:18 a.m., the crew reported that the ferry had heeled
more than 50 degrees to port. The heeling was later confirmed by the Central
Disaster Countermeasure Headquarters. At 9:23 a.m., VTS ordered the crew to
inform the passengers to wear personal flotation devices. When the crew replied
that the broadcasting equipment was out of order, VTS told them to personally
order the passengers to wear life jackets and more clothing. At 9:25 a.m., VTS
asked the captain to decide quickly whether to evacuate the ship, stating that
VTS did not have enough information to make the decision. When the captain
inquired about the rescue, VTS replied that patrol boats were due to arrive in 10

minutes and a helicopter in one minute. The captain then replied that there were
too many passengers for the helicopter.
Around 9:30 a.m., the captain gave orders to evacuate the ship, though the
order may not have been relayed to all the passengers. At 9:33 a.m., after
confirming that nearby ships had volunteered to help in the rescue operations,
VTS told all ships to drop lifeboats for the passengers. At 9:38 a.m., all
communications were cut off between VTS and the ferry. About three minutes
after all communications were cut, about 150 to 160 passengers and crew
jumped overboard.
The Sewol took two and a half hours to sink. By around 11:18 a.m., the bow of
the ship was submerged, with a section of the hull about 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) high
and 20 to 30 metres (66 to 98 ft) long showing above the water. At 9:00 a.m. on
18 April, only 50 centimetres (20 in) of the bulbous bow was above water. As of
1:03 p.m., the ship was completely submerged.

Oasis of the Seas at Nassau, Bahamas, in January 2010



Oasis of the Seas

of Nassau,

February 2006
US$1.4 billion (2006)[3]
Yard number: 1363[4]
Laid down:
12 November 2007[5]
21 November 2008 (floatout)[6]
30 November 2009[7]
28 October 2009[4]
5 December 2009[7]
Identification: Call
IMO number: 9383936
MMSI number: 311020600
In service
General characteristics

Class & type: Oasis-class cruise ship

225,282 GT[8]
242,999 NT[8]
15,000 DWT[8]
361.6 m
(1,186.5 ft)
47 m (154 ft) waterline[8]
60.5 m (198 ft) max beam[8]





72 m (236 ft) above water

9.3 m (31 ft)[8]
22.55 m (74 ft)[8]
16 passenger decks[2]
3 13,860 kW (18,590 hp)
3 18,480 kW (24,780 hp)
Wrtsil 16V46D
3 20 MW (27,000 hp)
4 5.5 MW (7,400 hp)
bow thrusters[10][11]
22.6 knots (41.9 km/h;
26.0 mph)[2]
5,400 passengers at double
6,296 maximum[2]
2,165 on maiden voyage[2]
2,394 as of July 2012[9]

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