Seeing Christ Ebook PDF
Seeing Christ Ebook PDF
Seeing Christ Ebook PDF
Hermeneutics at Westminster
Theological Seminary
P OY T H R E S S | D U G U I D | B E A L E | G A F F I N
At its founding in 1929, Westminster Theological Seminary dedicated itself to upholding the authority of the inerrant Word of God
and to training its students to study the Bible confessionally and
covenantally. Over eighty-five years later, it is a delight to see several
senior members of Westminsters faculty unapologetically reaffirming these core commitments. . . . Whether you are new to the study
of the Scripture or a seasoned reader of the Bible, Seeing Christ in
All of Scripture will help you become a more thoughtful and careful
student of the Old and New Testaments.
Guy Prentiss Waters, James M. Baird Jr. Professor of
New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson
Ours is an age rife with relativism and self-absorption. How refreshing, then, to read a book like this that makes the case for saying
that Gods Word is coherent, its truth consistent, and that it is the
means by which we stand addressed by God. But the authors do
more. They also develop the principles by which we should understand this Word. Even though it was given over many centuries, its
primary author, God, always had in view the incarnation and death
of Christ. Christ is at the center of this revelation. This is what Westminster has always stood for, sometimes against great odds, and it is
most commendable that this is being reaffirmed today so clearly and
David F. Wells, Distinguished Senior Research Professor,
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
What a delight to read this simple (but not simplistic) book on how
to interpret the scriptures from members of the Westminster faculty.
We are reminded of a fundamental principle of biblical interpretation: the scriptures are the word of God. . . . Warmly commended.
Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of
New Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology
and Associate Dean of the School of Theology, The Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary
This is the clearest, most concise, and most compelling case for the
Christ-centered interpretation of all Scripture. Since the day Machen
opened the door, Westminster has produced generations of pastors
and teachers who faithfully and persuasively proclaim the gospel of
Jesus Christ. These essays by Westminsters current scholars tell us
that Machens legacy is in good hands.
Stephen J. Nichols, President, Reformation Bible College;
Chief Academic Officer, Ligonier Ministries
Every text has a context. Thats not just for verses in chapters or
chapters in books, but books within the context of the Bible. This
book, by some of the most respected scholars in the world, rightly
argues that the context of every biblical verse is the scriptural witness
to Jesus Christ and his gospel. I commend this fine work to anyone
who preaches or teaches or studies the Bible.
Russell Moore, President, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious
Liberty Commission
This book is a succinct affirmation of the unity, progressive unfolding, and Christ-centered character of the Old and New Testaments.
The four articles interact effectively with contemporary efforts to
modify unqualified commitment to the written form of the Bible.
O. Palmer Robertson, Director, African Bible University of
Uganda; author, The Christ of the Covenants
What this book does is set out in a superb way the basic hermeneutical principles that must underlie a Reformed evangelical approach
to Scripture. For over seventy years Westminster was known for a
unified approach to Scripture by all its faculty. After the more recent
disputes, this book reaffirms with delightful clarity how we are to
approach the interpretation of inspired Scripture, and in particular
where Westminster stands on these issues. Peter Lillback introduces
the book, and Vern Poythress, Iain Duguid, Greg Beale, and Richard
Gaffin have contributed outstanding chapters that are going to serve
a wide readership. They have brought the discussion down to a level
that will ensure many Christian readers will grasp what is at stake,
and find the content of this book sets out principles that will help direct their study of the Scriptures. This book, notable for both its clear
exposition of the subject and its concise discussion, needs extensive
distribution and use.
Allan M. Harman, Research Professor, Presbyterian
Theological College
Perhaps no other issue facing the church today carries with it pitfalls
and trajectories for error and for damage to the Bride of Christ than
that of faulty biblical interpretation. Westminster Theological Seminary has a glorious track record of pulling us back again and again
to the essential components of biblical hermeneutics. In our day the
seminary has brought together biblical scholars and teachers with a
heart for the glory of Christ in their interpretation of the Scriptures.
Here in one place you will find a safe guide to the riches of the Bibles
Seeing Christ in All of Scripture nicely captures how the Westminster faculty handles the Bible. As a God-Authored whole, Scripture
reveals the saving, exalted Christ. He comes to us, clothed in these
words. . . . Deep orthodoxy and profound commitment to the written Word continue to make Westminster a blessed place to train for
Howard Griffith, Associate Professor of Systematic
Theology and Academic Dean, Reformed Theological Seminary,
Washington DC
For generations, the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary has called for scholars, pastors, and lay people alike to see
Christ throughout Scripture. This volume sketches approaches to
The four essays in this small volume do more than declare the position of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia; they also
succinctly and clearly promote the historic Reformed and covenantal
understanding of how Scriptures (and especially the OT in relation
to the NT) are to be interpreted. These essaysfor their conciseness
and claritywill prove to be an excellent introduction to biblical
T. David Gordon, Professor of Religion and Greek,
Grove City College
That Christ is both the center and goal of the Old Testament is a
distinctive perspective which Westminster greatly underscores. This
is drawn from Scriptural attestation that Christ is the last spoken
word of God which encompasses Gods spoken word in the Old
Testament past. . . . The representative scholars in this great work
have left no one in doubt about their collective determination to
bequeath a legacy of faithful and distinctive scholarship to their successors. I wholly recommend this work to all.
Philip Tachin, Lecturer, National Open University
of Nigeria, Lagos
Reformed theology helps us see the gospel and read the Bible more
faithfully. These brief essays help suggest ways in which our confession might better enable us in both tasks.
Michael Allen, Associate Professor of Systematic and
Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
This small book was forged out of the recent controversy over
Scripture and hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary.
Written clearly and with minimal jargon, it can be read in one sittingbut dont be deceived, for it is bursting with rich insights.
Lillback and his A-team have effectively given us a short theological
meditation on Luke 24, one that clarifies what Christocentric reading of the Bible means for Machens Seminary and the Old Princeton
tradition that it represents. I recommend the book highly.
Hans Madueme, Assistant Professor of Theological Studies,
Covenant College
Hermeneutics at Westminster
Theological Seminary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Acknowledgments | xxi
Introduction | 1
Peter A. Lillback
1 Biblical Hermeneutics | 9
Vern S. Poythress
2 Old Testament Hermeneutics | 17
Iain M. Duguid
3 New Testament Hermeneutics | 25
G. K. Beale
4 Systematic Theology and Hermeneutics | 39
Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
P E T E R A. L I L L B A C K
Dr. J. Gresham Machen established Westminster Theological Seminary to produce specialists in the Bible who would preach and
teach the whole counsel of God. Following Machens lead, Westminster has historically stood for the truth of Scripture. One dimension of this commitment is that Westminster teaches its students to
preach Christ from the entire Biblefrom both the Old Testament
and the New Testament.
In order to fulfill its founding vision, Westminsters faculty members, throughout the seminarys history, have taken an ex animo
vow, that is, a sincere, heartfelt commitment, to the Westminster
Standards. These confessional documents, the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, are held as the
best expression of the system of biblical truththe whole counsel of
Godthus far developed in the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. It
is from these documents that the seminary takes its name.
This introduction calls attention to the consistency of biblical
interpretation that exists today at Westminster Theological Seminary. The harmony among the theological disciplines at Westminster
is due to a shared method of interpreting Scripture, a shared hermeneutic, that is drawn from Westminsters confessional standards.
Although expressed in distinctive ways, Westminsters hermeneutic
remains cohesive and compatible throughout the theological curriculum. It is my privilege, then, to introduce this collection of brief
essays written by four of Westminsters leading scholars. Herein,
you will find a witness to the hermeneutical unity at Westminster
through the perspectives of Dr. Vern Poythress, Dr. Iain Duguid, Dr.
Greg Beale, and Dr. Richard Gaffin. Their reflections span the whole
of Scripture and express the deep continuity that courses through the
diverse fields of biblical interpretation at Westminster Theological
In chapter 1, Dr. Poythress, professor of New Testament interpretation, draws our attention to how the concept of covenant
bears on the work of hermeneutics, reaffirming the perspective of
Westminsters founding professor Cornelius Van Til:
Cornelius Van Til was right in teaching that there is an antithesis in principle between the thinking of Christians and
non-Christians, covenant keepers and covenant breakers. Presuppositionsones basic commitmentsmake a difference in
how one approaches any subject. . . . One always has to think
through what difference the antithesis Van Til speaks of makes
in the arena of hermeneutics.
First, there is a difference particularly when we consider
the interpretation of Scripture. Christians should treat the
Bible in harmony with its actual character: it is the Word of
God. Non-Christians do not share this commitment. This
makes a difference because we must pay attention to the
intention of the author if we are to interpret his work correctly.
The Bible has human authors, of course, but its main author is
God himself.
In chapter 4, Dr. Gaffin, emeritus professor of biblical and systematic theology, explains the importance of hermeneutics for all the
theological disciplines at Westminster, especially systematic theology:
Systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary
is radically nonspeculative. This is so in the sense that the
distinguishing concern of systematic theology is to provide a
presentation of the unified teaching of Scripture as a whole.
me; for he wrote of me. But if you do not believe his writings, how
will you believe my words? Following the teaching of Jesus, our Reformed forefathers interpreted many passages as portraying Christ as
the heart and goal of biblical revelation.2 The Christ-centered manner in which the Reformed hermeneutical method engaged Scripture
developed out of the unifying principle of the covenant. The essence
of covenant theology was well captured in the climax of the Reformations confessional compositions, namely, the Westminster Standards.
Chapter 7 of the Westminster Confession of Faith addresses the relevance of the covenant for biblical interpretation:
3. Man, by his fall, having made himself incapable of life by
that covenant, the Lord was pleased to make a second, commonly called the covenant of grace; wherein he freely offereth
unto sinners life and salvation by Jesus Christ; requiring of
them faith in him, that they may be saved, and promising to
give unto all those that are ordained unto eternal life his Holy
Spirit, to make them willing, and able to believe.
5. This covenant was differently administered in the time of
the law, and in the time of the gospel: under the law, it was
administered by promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision,
the paschal lamb, and other types and ordinances delivered to
the people of the Jews, all foresignifying Christ to come; which
were, for that time, sufficient and efficacious, through the operation of the Spirit, to instruct and build up the elect in faith
in the promised Messiah, by whom they had full remission
of sins, and eternal salvation; and is called the Old Testament.
6. Under the gospel, when Christ, the substance, was exhib2. See, for example, Gen 3:15; 15:6; Deut 18:15;Ps 22:30; 32:12, 5; Isa 9:56; 42:1;
53:10; 55:45, 6; Jer 31:3334; Ezek 36:2627; Luke 2:32; John 6:37, 4445; 8:56; Acts
2:2936;3:20, 22; Rom 4:11, 1624; 10:610; 1 Cor 10:14; Col 1:13; 2:1112; Gal 3:79,
10; 1 Pet 1:1920; Heb 4:2; 810; 11:13.
3. This quote is from appendix A, Westminster Theological Seminary: Its Plan and
Purpose, which previously appeared in J. Gresham Machen, What is Christianity? And Other
Addresses, ed. Ned Bernard Stonehouse (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1951), 224233.
V E R N S. P O Y T H R E S S
Biblical Hermeneutics
Hermeneutical Circularity?
When people hear about using the Bible to transform our ideas about
hermeneutics, it can be disturbing to some of them. The process
sounds circular. The circle begins with the Bible. We use the Bible
to derive hermeneutical principles. Then we use hermeneutics to interpret the Bible. And so our interpretation of the Bible depends on
itself! How can we be sure that we have it right? To make the process
more complicated, we can add a third stage to the circle, namely, systematic theology. We use the Bible as our source for systematic theology, which is supposed to be a summary of what the Bible teaches.
Then we use systematic theology as a presupposition for hermeneutics. And then hermeneutics guides how we interpret the Bible. In
this process, we never leave behind our initial use of the Bible, which
might be flawed.
Instead of this picture, some people would prefer not a circle but
a line. They advise us first to establish sound hermeneutical principles. Then interpret the Bible. Then form a systematic theology.
Only in this way can you be sure of your foundations and be sure
that you are not departing from a flawed starting point.
Ah, but it is not so simple. There is no way to form sound hermeneutical principles in a vacuum, apart from religious commitments. You are either for God or against him. And even if you are for
him, you need growth and sanctification. You are not perfectly pure,
your mind is not perfectly pure, and your hermeneutical preferences
are not perfectly sound. That is the nature of life in a fallen world.
Therefore, we praise God for his provision. He has sent Christ
precisely for the purpose of rescuing us out of this fallen world:
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we
have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Col 1:1314)
Biblical Hermeneutics
Human Authors
Let us consider one area of discussion in hermeneutics: how do we
analyze the human authors? The presuppositions of the world will
tell us that the human authors of the Bible were merely men of their
times. How could they be otherwise? So, interpretation must proceed wholly by fitting those authors into their social and historical
environments. Anything else is alleged to be a denial of history or a
denial of humanity.
But the authors of Scripture received the aid of the Holy Spirit.
Through the working of the Holy Spirit, they inwardly wanted to
do whatever God wished to do. And the Spirit is God himself, who
is the source of infinite creativity. His presence and his special work
in inspiration do not make human beings less than human. Rather,
he transforms sinful humanity toward humanity as God originally
designed it. More than that, the authors humanity is transformed
into the image of Christ, who is the perfect man, the last Adam. This
transformation took place in a measure even in the Old Testament,
because the Holy Spirit even then was the same Holy Spirit who is
one with the Father and the Son. He acted in mercy and grace toward human beings on the basis of the atonement that Christ was yet
to accomplish in the future.
This presence of the Holy Spirit has implications. If an interpreter tries to eliminate the presence of God through the Holy Spirit,
he might claim that an Old Testament passage merely reflects its Ancient Near Eastern environment and a human author caught in that
environment, an environment that itself is purely human, without
the presence of God.
Biblical Hermeneutics
Old Testament
I A I N M. D U G U I D
This is the same message that Jesus gave to all of his followers
during his forty-day master class on Old Testament interpretation,
delivered between his resurrection and his ascension:
Then he said to them, These are my words that I spoke to
you while I was still with you, that everything written about
me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms
must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds to understand
the Scriptures, and said to them, Thus it is written, that the
Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead,
and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:4447)
extravagantly precise detail (for example, Isa 44:28; Dan 11). Part of
the Lords claim to uniqueness among the gods of the Ancient Near
East is the fact that he alone spoke the future accurately through his
prophets (Isa 45:1821; Amos 3:7).2 Indeed, one of the scriptural
tests of a prophets authenticity is the fact that the words he speaks
are fulfilled (Deut 18:22); such a test of course requires fulfilled predictions. Those predictions that came true in the short term were
intended as encouragements to believe the promises of God that had
not yet been fulfilled.
These first two principles lead us to make two further observations about interpreting the Old Testament.
III. The Old Testament Writers Did Not Fully
Understand Everything about Which They Wrote
This reality is clear in a number of places in the Old Testament itself.
Prophets like Daniel and Zechariah frequently did not completely
grasp the visions that they were shown (see Dan 8:27; Zech 4:13).
Indeed, it is hard to imagine how Daniel could have fully understood
a prophecy like that in Daniel 11, which contains so many specific
references to people and events during the period between Alexander
the Great and Antiochus Epiphanes.3 As Numbers 12:68 reminds
us, prophecy by its very nature is often dark and obscure, unlike
the Lords clear word through Moses. In particular, some aspects of
Gods purposes in Christ necessarily remained veiled throughout the
Old Testament period, only to be clarified through the coming of
the Son.
2. Hence the repeated refrain, Then you will know that I am the Lord. Fulfillment of the
prophetic word attests the identity of Yahweh as well as that of his messengers.
3. According to John Goldingay, Daniel 11 refers in a specific, historically identifiable
way to thirteen of the sixteen rulers of the Ptolemaic and Seleucid kingdoms between 322
and 163 BC. See Goldingay, Daniel (Word Biblical Commentary; Dallas: Word, 1989),
One way to think about this is to imagine attending a prophecy conference in the year 10 BC. By then, the participants would
have had the entire Old Testament, as well as several centuries of
reflection on it during the intertestamental period. Yet if someone
had presented a paper anticipating the crucifixion of the Messiah
on the basis of Psalm 22, or his resurrection on the basis of Psalm
16, or even the virgin birth on the basis of Isaiah 7, some vigorous
debate might have ensued. It was not obvious ahead of time that
these prophecies should be interpreted in that way. However, with
the benefit of hindsight, the New Testament authors rightly identified these texts as finding their anticipated fulfilment in Christs life,
death, and resurrection. It is not that the New Testament writers
were creatively assigning new and alien meanings to these old texts.
Rather, the force of Jesuss statement that it was necessary that the
Christ should suffer these things (Luke 24:26) suggests that a proper
reading of the Old Testament expectation of the messiah necessarily
compelled them to recognize Jesus Christ as its true fulfillment. This
is why Paul could argue from the Old Testament so convincingly in
the context of Jewish evangelism.
IV. The Old Testament Writers Truly
Understood Some Things They Described
For that reason, it is important not to overstress the ignorance of the
divinely inspired prophets, as well as the other writers of the Old
Testament. No one was in doubt as to the signification of Micahs
prophecy of a coming ruler to be born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2):
when Herod asked the birthplace of the messiah the answer was
unequivocal (Matt 2:56). When Jesus says that Abraham saw his
day and rejoiced (John 8:58), he surely had in mind (at least) the
events that transpired in Genesis 22. Abraham did not have a full
understanding of the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would
by faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ just as we are and not by some
other method of salvation. In order to maintain that notion, it is
necessary to affirm (as Paul does), that the gospel message was genuinely visible to the eyes of faith in the Old Testament long before its
revelation in fullness in the coming of Christ.
In many ways, the situation of the Old Testament saints is not so
different from our own as we live between the now and the not yet.
We still see Gods ultimate plan for the world through a glass darkly
just as the believers in our hypothetical first century BC prophecy
conference did. Like them, we know clearly and unmistakably some
things about Gods plans for the future. Christ will return bodily
and triumph over all of his enemies (Ps 2). The kingdoms of this
world must become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ (Rev
11:15). Whoever believes in Christ will never be abandoned by him
(Heb 13:5). At the same time, there are many things about Christs
return that we know only vaguely; in some details we may be surprised to find our expectations proven wrong. Nonetheless, when
we look back from the vantage point of fulfillment, our hearts, too,
will burn, and we will judge ourselves foolish of heart and slow to
believe all that God had revealed to us in his Word. In other words,
our astonishment will not be because the fulfillment differed from
the promise, or because some parts of the promise proved to be dead
ends, but because we had not begun to grasp the height and depth of
the wisdom of God that is at work for our salvation in Christ.
Many things that were concealed during the Old Testament period have now been revealed in the light of Christs appearing. Some
things will remain partially hidden from our eyes until the consummation. Nevertheless, the consistent and plain message of the gospel
runs throughout every page of Gods Word, from Genesis to Revelation. The Bibles message of the gospel repeatedly points the saints
of all ages and generations back to the sufferings of Christ and the
glories that will follow.
New Testament
G. K. B E A L E
This brief essay offers some notes on the practice of hermeneutics and
sets forth a collection of principles and presuppositions that should
direct how we interpret particular biblical texts. Numerous books
have been written on hermeneutics, so what follows will merely give
an overview of the most essential guiding truths for biblical interpretation. While the focus will be on the New Testament, some discussion will include the Old Testament.
I. Biblical Exegesis
Biblical exegesis can be defined in the following way: the attempt
to determine an authors meaningand ultimately Gods meaning,
which is more exhaustive than that of the human authorin one particular passage through such means as the analysis of its genre (each
genreapocalyptic, poetry, narrative, epistles, etc.has unique rules
of interpretation), textual criticism, grammar, flow of ideas, historical background, word meaning, figures of speech, and relationship
with other biblical passages through direct quotation or allusion. The
greatest rule in doing biblical exegesis is that the immediate context
1. See D. A. Carson, Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: The Possibility of Systematic Theology, in Scripture and Truth, ed. D. A. Carson and John D. Woodbridge (Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 1983), 69.
an individual represents a group. The individuals actions and the resulting consequences apply to all persons
in the relevant group, even though they did not perform
the action of the individual. For example, Adams disobedience and condemnation represented all humanity,
so that humanity as a whole was seen as disobeying like
Adam and therefore is condemned in him.
In the light of corporate solidarity or representation,
the New Testament writers view Christ the Messiah as
representing the true Israel of the Old Testament (e.g.,
Isa 49:3) and the church as the true Israel of the New
Testament (cf. Gal 3:16 and 3:29).
The New Testament writers see history as unified by
a wise and sovereign plan so that the earlier events are
designed to correspond and point to the latter events
(cf. Matt 5:17; 11:13; 13:1617).
The New Testament writers believe that the age of eschatological fulfillment has come in Christ (cf., Gal 4:4;
Heb 9:26).
As a consequence of the preceding presupposition, the
New Testament writers hold that the latter parts of
biblical history function as the broader context in which
to interpret earlier parts because the various human authors all have the same, ultimate divine author inspiring
them. One deduction from this premise is that Christ is
both the goal toward which the Old Testament points
and the end-time center of redemptive history, which
is the key to interpreting the earlier portions of the Old
Testament and its promises.4
4. Cf. 2 Cor 1:20; Matt 5:17; 13:11, 1617; Luke 24:2527, 32, 4445; John 5:39; 20:9;
Rom 10:4.
succeeding in the matter for which I sent it(nasb). Thus, the Spirit
is the agent who accomplishes the goals God desires his Word to
achieve, whether that be obedience, faithfulness, repentance, hardening, or judgmentand ultimately all these things are to work
toward his own glory. Accordingly, the Spirit enables Gods people
to believe for salvation, to grow in sanctification, and to think and
do that which glorifies God. Gods inerrant written Word is the
window through which we encounter his beautiful presence.
The Spirits role is also to keep us humble, abolish our pride,
and cause us to be open to the message of the Scriptures. If we want
to please God and not ourselves, then we will not be threatened if
Scripture presents to us a meaning that goes against one of our previously held theological or ethical views. The Holy Spirit leads us
to love the true God, and thus to love what is true. This means that
when Gods Word presents to us an idea that goes against something
that we have greatly valued, we love Gods Word and acknowledge
that our own ideas were wrong. The Spirit also convicts us when we
are foolish and slow of heart to believe in what the Bible says (cf.
Luke 24:25; my translation), thus enabling us to understand and to
be receptive to what Scripture says (Luke 24:32, 45).7
IX. Hermeneutics for Contemporary Application
It is clear that some commands and examples set in Scripture are not
to be followed in the way originally intended, as with the command
not to boil a kid in its mothers milk (Exod 34:26) or the example of
casting lots to choose church leaders (Acts 1:2226). Christ fulfills
many of the Old Testament laws (e.g., as partly expressed by Matt
7. I am grateful to John Piper, The Goal of Exegesis and the Rationale for Finding
Relationships between Propositions (unpublished article), for some of the thoughts in this
5:17 and Rom 10:4), so the way these are obeyed in the New Testament era must be understood in light of Christ. As this is a large
area of discussion, this essay will not address such commands and
examples from Scripture exhaustively. Offered here instead are some
general guidelines with which to approach the question of application, especially from the New Testament perspective.
Some scholars contend that a New Testament command carries
over to the present only when the situation is comparable to that to
which the New Testament command was originally addressed. For
example, some believe that the office of elder was created for churches
where false teaching was a problem. Thus, this view would say that
the office of elder (which excludes female candidates) is applicable
only for churches throughout the church age that are affected by false
teaching and not for other churches.
How could redemptive-historical considerations bear upon this
issue? According to the New Testament, the latter days have been
inaugurated with the first coming of Christ (e.g., Acts 2:17; 1 Cor
10:11; Gal 4:4; Heb 1:2; 9:26; 1 John 2:18) but will not be consummated until he comes at the end of the age (e.g., Heb 9:2628; cf. 1
Pet 1:20 with 1:5). The ethical commands given to Gods latter-day
people will naturally remain valid for them until the period of the
end times is concluded. Part of what this entails is that the latter-day
tribulation has commenced with the coming of Jesus and the establishment of the church (e.g., 1 Tim 4:1 and 2 Tim 3:1, the contexts
of which show that the end-time tribulation involving false teaching
has begun but is not consummated; see likewise 2 Pet 3:3; Jude
18; 1 John 2:18). Accordingly, the end-time trial, including that of
false teaching, is a condition that continues throughout the church
age. This means that churches are either affected internally by false
teaching or are threatened externally by it. Since the office of elder
was created, at least in part, to guard the doctrine of the church,
and if all churches are either affected or threatened by eschatological false doctrine, then there is no church situation throughout the
church age that does not require the presence of elders.8
Another redemptive-historical consideration bears upon this
issue of contemporary application. One way to describe believers
collectively throughout the entire interadvent era is as those who are
in the visible church and who profess to be in Christ. Paul, for
example, says that it is those in the church for whom his commands
have ongoing validity. Such commands are not intended for only a
particular church in a particular situation but for all the churches
(1 Cor 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:3337; 1 Tim 3:1516). The references
to the churches in 1 Corinthians are not only to multiple house
churches in Corinth but also to other churches in other regions (as
is apparent from 1 Cor 4:17; 11:16; and 1 Tim 3:1516). As long as
there are churches and as long as there are people in Christ, which
is a condition enduring throughout the interadvent age, the commands to the churches and those in Christ are valid.
In the light of the interadvent age being a latter-day age of the
church and all those who are in Christ, the vast majority of the
commandments given in the New Testament are valid because they
are given to those living during this age. The burden of proof is on an
interpreter to show that a command does not apply throughout the
interadvent epoch, and this does occasionally occur.
There has also been debate about how to apply historical narratives to Christians today. Some believe that characters in these narratives are examples that we are to imitate. While there is some truth
to this, it is a secondary consideration. In Old Testament narratives
one should see what the segment is saying about God and then see
how the characters in the narrative relate to the redemptive-historical
8. Christ, as Lord of the church, in his mediatorial office, appoints undershepherd elders
as a continuation of the Old Testament office of elder (see Edmond P. Clowney, The Church
[Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1995], 20612).
message about God. Only then can one perceive how the narrative
relates to today and applies to us. For example, some want to copy
Joseph as either an example of one who unconditionally loves his
family or as someone who faithfully perseveres through trial. But,
in fact, the main point of the narrative about Joseph is how God
graciously preserves Israel by bringing his people into Egypt with the
intent to bring them out again (cf. Gen 50:1950). By first recognizing the narrative of Gods preservation of Israel, one can properly
understand that Joseph is an example to copy in his faithful perseverance in Gods sovereign dealings (e.g., see Ps 105:1622).
The same is the case in the historical narratives of the Gospels
and Acts in the New Testament. Ones first impulse should not be to
emulate the characters in these narratives, but to see what the narratives teach about the person of Christ (in the Gospels) or the work of
Christs Spirit in causing the kingdom to expand (in Acts). Once one
understands these main perspectives, then one will better understand
what these narratives demand of their readers: first to trust in and
worship Christ and his Spirit, and then, secondarily, to determine
how these narratives work to encourage believers to emulate Christ.
Acts, for example, typically portrays believers as following the cruciform pattern of Christs life in the Gospels, a pattern believers today
should follow.
In this short essay we have focused on the principles most crucial for
proper interpretation of Scripture in accord with its divine purpose
in Christ. As we have seen, the presuppositions that the Bible demands us to bring to the interpretive process help us to understand
how all of Scripture is focused christologically.
Systematic Theology
and Hermeneutics
R I C H A R D B. G A F F I N J R .
Systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary is radically nonspeculative. This is so in the sense that the distinguishing
concern of systematic theology is to provide a presentation of the
unified teaching of Scripture as a whole. Accordingly, its very existence depends upon sound biblical interpretation. As systematic
theology is a comprehensive statement of what is either expressly
set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may
be deduced from Scripture (Westminster Confession of Faith 1.6),
exegesis is its lifeblood.
Plainly, then, systematic theology has a hermeneutical concern,
no less than all the other theological disciplines.1 Though this concern is not so formally explicit as in Old and New Testament studies,
it ought to be alert to issues of exegetical method as well as to the
wide range of principles and procedures that inform valid interpretation. Systematic theology, accordingly, does not have a special
hermeneutic of its own but one it shares with all other theological
1. At first glance, that may not appear to be the case for church history. But, as has been
aptly observed, church history as a whole may be profitably considered, as much as anything,
as the history of the interpretation of Scripture, particularly when interpretation is understood as the lived-out understanding (or misunderstanding, as the case may be) of Scripture.
ture; the role of the former as authors is secondary. God, then, is not
merely in back of the Bible and its origin in a general, loosely providential or indirect way. Rather, he is ultimately responsible for every
word in the Bible with nothing less than full and proper authorial
accountability. Put negatively, were the Bible to be in error, God, not
just the human authors, would be chargeable with error.
The Unity of the Bible
Given, then, that Scripture is Gods very own Word, the first principle of hermeneutics is the Bibles unity. Hermeneutical reflection
has no more important task than to think through the unity of the
Bible, to clarify this unity and the way in which it controls interpretation. This is true for all the theological disciplines but clearly so
for systematic theology, concerned as it is with providing an explicit
statement, under appropriate topics (loci), of the teaching of Scripture as a whole.
The churchs recognition of the Bibles unity goes back to its beginnings, but the hermeneutical significance of this recognition has
been grasped best in the churches of the Reformation. The Protestant
Scripture principle scriptura solait should not be missedis pointedly hermeneutical; it involves a hermeneutical proposition. So, it is
not a detachable or additional principle but brings out and makes
explicit the hermeneutical significance of Scripture alone when the
Reformation and subsequent fidelity to it insist that Scripture is its
own interpreter, Scripture is the interpreter of Scripture.
This of course does not mean that the Bible is to be understood
in isolation, apart from extra-biblical materials insofar as the latter
shed light on the background and circumstances in which each biblical book was written. Rather, the thought is that Scripture has a unified sense, a single pervasive meaning, and because of this, it is its own
best interpreter, or better, God, its author, is his own best interpreter.
to be marked by a more or less self-conscious and forthright rejection of the formal origin and authority of the Bible as Gods Word,
by a denial that it is Gods Word in form as well as content. Assessments of the biblical documents are made from the vantage point of
commitment to the rational autonomy of the interpreter (historicalcritical method). As a result of this approach, the contents of Scripture are distorted and falsified in various ways and its authority
relativized and effectively abandoned. Without a controlling commitment to the formal origin and authority of Scripture as Gods
Word (God as its primary author), its meaning, especially as a whole,
becomes obscured and elusive at best.
Adapting here questions posed in Platos Euthyphro, we may
ask: (a) is something right/true because its in the Bible, or is it in
the Bible because its right/true? The answer is yes. Both are true:
(a) something is right and true because its in the Bible, and (b) its
in the Bible because its right and true. But proposition (b) can be
affirmedits in the Bible because its truewith confidence for
the entire Bible, only if proposition (a) is truebecause its in the
Biblethat is, because God, the Bibles author, says so. Otherwise,
if (a) is denied or not affirmed antecedently, then (b) will necessarily
be assessed by standards of what is true and right from outside and
above the Bible, standards brought by interpreters and carrying the
demand for them to decide what in the Bible may or may not be true
or right. For sound interpretation of Scripture, form and content
both ultimately divine in origincannot be separated; the formal
and the material stand or fall together.
The formal unity of Scripture as Gods Word, rightly understood,
entails its entire truthfulness and reliability. Its statements do not
conflict with each other; what it teaches is not internally contradictory. Doubt about this inhibits proper exegesis. But this does not yet
say anything about the unity of Scripture in terms of its specific subject matter, its distinguishing content. Formal unity could plausibly
are what the Holy Spirit indicates. In 10:15, the promise of the
new covenant in Jeremiah 31 is what the Holy Spirit bears witness
to and says. Hebrews, accordingly, plainly supports what amounts
to the classical distinction between God as the primary author of
Scripture and the human writers as secondary authors.
A redemptive-historical orientation requires giving careful attention to this instrumental role of the human authors of the biblical
documents. But that interest is not due to captivation with the humanity of Scripture or preoccupation with the limitations of the
human authors at the expense of downplaying or denying Scriptures
primary divine authorship. A concern with revelation as a historical
process should inevitably draw one to the varied human instrumentality that is an integral factor in giving shape to that process. The
distinguishing characteristics and peculiarities of each of the human
authors and what they have written are essential to revelation as historically differentiated. But divine and human authorship, the unity
and diversity of Scripture, are not in conflict. Attention to the writings of the various authors in all their respective individuality and
particularity serves to disclose in its rich diversity the organic unity
and coherence of the Bible as revelation. Nothing in Hebrews suggests that diversity involves conflict or disunity. Every indication is
to the contrary. Particularly chapters 910 work out the unity of the
old covenant/new covenant relationship in terms of the organic tie
that exists between a type and its antitype, between the shadow and
the reality foreshadowed: Christ, primarily in his identity as (high)
In summary, the material unity of Scripture, its overall unity in
terms of its content, has no more basic characterization than that
this unityagainst the background of the originally very good creation (Gen 1:31) and the subsequent entrance of sin in the fallis
redemptive-historical. The substance of the Bible as a whole is Christ
as the consummate saving revelation of the triune God. In his com-
ing in the fullness of time (Gal 4:4), covenant history reaches its
nothing less than eschatological culmination. In terms of hermeneutical significance, then, sound interpretation has no more essential
task than to consider a text, however factored, within its redemptiveor revelation-historical context.
Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology
The discipline that gives explicit attention to redemptive history in
its actual unfolding, and so to the specific contributions made by
each of the Bibles human authors in the instrumental role they have
within the ongoing history of special revelation, is biblical theology.
This raises the question, important hermeneutically, of the difference
between biblical theology and systematic theology and how they are
Negatively, the difference is not, as is too often maintained, that
biblical theology considers the Bible purely in terms of its humanity and historically diverse make-up, leaving systematic theology to
attend to whatever may be said about its divinely qualified unity.
On this understanding the inevitable result is an irremovable tension
between divine and human in Scripture, between its unity and its
Positively, the basic difference between them may be seen in
terms of their relationship. Noncompetitive and mutually dependent, biblical theology is the indispensable servant of systematic theology. Biblical theology, taking a cue from Hebrews 1:12, considers
Gods speech specifically as it consists in the diverse and historically
situated contributions of the various human writers. In doing so,
always presupposing the unity of that speech, it serves the more
ultimate task of systematic theology to present the overall unified
content of that speech, comprehensively, under appropriate headings (God, creation, man, sin, salvation, etc.). To that end, biblical
theology is indispensable, simply because, as we have seen, it is indispensable for sound exegesis, the exegesis on which the very existence
of systematic theology is staked.
At any one point in actual practice, the relationship between biblical theology and systematic theology is reciprocal. As the systematic
theologian is to build on biblical-theological interpretation, so the
biblical theologian ought not to operate indifferent to the assessment
of the Bible as a whole that systematic theology provides.
This reciprocal relationship may be aptly compared to literary
analysis of a great epic drama. Biblical theology is concerned with
the redemptive-historical plot as it actually unfolds scene by scene
and over time. With an eye to that entire plot, systematic theology
considers the roles of the primary actors, God and man. It highlights
the constants that mark their characters as well as the dynamics of
their ongoing activities and interactions.
As systematic theology builds on biblical theology, as its formulations are informed or, where necessary, reformed by redemptivehistorical exegesis, that will serve toward realizing its high calling: to
exalt Christ, the one Mediator between God and sinners as he is the
final saving revelation of the triune God. Doing that will ensure the
soundness and value of the essential contribution systematic theology has to make to the church and its mission in and to the world.
Westminster Theological
Its Purpose and Plan
J. G R E S H A M M A C H E N
repeat the assertion of the Creed. The third day he rose again from
the dead, but we interpret that to mean, The third day he did not
rise again from the dead.
In the presence of this modern business of interpreting perfectly
plain assertions to mean their exact opposite, do you know what I
verily believe? I verily believe that the new Reformation, for which we
long, will be like the Reformation of the sixteenth century in that it
will mean a return to plain common honesty and common sense. At
the end of the middle ages the Bible had become a book with seven
seals; it had been covered with the rubbish of the fourfold sense of
Scripture and all that. The Reformation brushed that rubbish away.
So again today the Bible has been covered with an elaborate business
of interpretation that is worse in some respects than anything that
the middle ages could produce. The new Reformation will brush all
that away. There will be a rediscovery of the great Reformation doctrine of the perspicuity of Scripture; men will make the astonishing
discovery that the Bible is a plain book addressed to plain men, and
that it means exactly what it says.
In our work in exegesis at Westminster Theological Seminary, at
any rate, we shall seek to cultivate common sense. But common sense
is not so common as is sometimes supposed, and for the cultivation
of it true learning is not out of place. What a world of vagaries, what
a sad waste of time, could be avoided if men would come into contact
with the truly fine exegetical tradition of the Christian church! Such
contact with the devout and learned minds of the past would not discourage freshness or originality. Far from it; it would help to shake us
out of a rut and lead us into fields of fruitful thinking.
In true biblical exegesis, the Bible must be taken as God has been
pleased to give it to the church. And as God has been pleased to give
it to the church, it is not a mere textbook of religion written all at
one time and in one way. On the contrary, it is composed of sixty-six
books written at widely different times and by the instrumentality of
widely different men. Let us not regret that fact. If the Bible were a
systematic textbook on religion, it would, indeed, possess some advantages: it would presumably be easier to interpret; for much of our
present difficulty of interpretation comes from the fact that the biblical books are rooted in historical conditions long gone by. But if
the Bible, under those circumstances, would be easier to interpret,
it would speak far less powerfully to the heart of man. As it is, God
has been very good. He has given us no cold textbook on religion,
but a Book that reaches every heart and answers to every need. He
has condescended to touch our hearts and arouse our minds by the
wonderful variety and beauty of his Book.
When we have learned to read that Book aright, we can trace the
history of the revelation that it sets forth. When we do so, we are
engaging in an important part of the theological curriculum. Biblical theology, it is called. Whether it is set forth in a separate course,
or whether it is interwoven, as will probably be done in Westminster
Theological Seminary, with the work of the Old and New Testament
departments, in either case it is a vital part of that with which we have
to deal. God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in
time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Sonthere is the program of biblical theology; it
traces the history of revelation through Old and New Testament times.
But biblical theology is not all the theology that will be taught at
Westminster Theological Seminary; for systematic theology will be
at the very center of the Seminarys course. At that point an error
should be avoided: it must not be thought that systematic theology
is one whit less biblical than biblical theology is. But it differs from
biblical theology in that, standing on the foundation of biblical theology, it seeks to set forth, no longer in the order of the time when
it was revealed, but in the order of logical relationships, the grand
sum of what God has told us in his Word. There are those who think
that systematic theology on the basis of the Bible is impossible; there
are those who think that the Bible contains a mere record of human
seeking after God and that its teachings are a mass of contradiction
which can never be resolved. But to the number of those persons we
do not belong. We believe for our part that God has spoken to us in
his Word, and that he has given us not merely theology, but a system
of theology, a great logically consistent body of truth.
That system of theology, that body of truth, which we find in the
Bible is the Reformed faith, the faith commonly called Calvinistic,
which is set forth so gloriously in the Confession and Catechisms of
the Presbyterian Church. It is sometimes referred to as a man-made
creed. But we do not regard it as such. We regard it, in accordance
with our ordination pledge as ministers in the Presbyterian Church, as
the creed which God has taught us in his Word. If it is contrary to the
Bible, it is false. But we hold that it is not contrary to the Bible, but in
accordance with the Bible, and true. We rejoice in the approximations
to that body of truth which other systems of theology contain; we rejoice in our Christian fellowship with other evangelical churches; we
hope that members of other churches, despite our Calvinism, may be
willing to enter into Westminster Theological Seminary as students
and to listen to what we may have to say. But we cannot consent to
impoverish our message by setting forth less than what we find the
Scriptures to contain; and we believe that we shall best serve our fellow Christians, from whatever church they may come, if we set forth
not some vague greatest common measure among various creeds, but
that great historic faith that has come through Augustine and Calvin
to our own Presbyterian Church. Glorious is the heritage of the Reformed faith. God grant that it may go forth to new triumphs even in
the present time of unbelief!
Systematic theology, on the basis of Holy Scripture, is the very
center of what we have to teach; every other theological department
is contributory to that; that department gives a man the message that
he has to proclaim. But we have already spoken of the heritage of the
Sunday School Times. Many things are omitted from this brief summary of ours. Some of them are omitted because of the imperfections
of the speaker or from lack of time. But others are omitted of deliberate purpose. There are many thingsmany useful things, toowith
which a theological seminary should not attempt to deal. Let it never
be forgotten that a theological seminary is a school for specialists.
We are living in an age of specialization. There are specialists on eyes
and specialists on noses, and throats, and stomachs, and feet, and
skin; there are specialists on teethone set of specialists on putting
teeth in, and another set of specialists on pulling teeth outthere are
specialists on Shakespeare and specialists on electric wires; there are
specialists on Plato and specialists on pipes. Amid all these specialties, we at Westminster Theological Seminary have a specialty which
we think, in comparison with these others, is not so very small. Our
specialty is found in the Word of God. Specialists in the Biblethat
is what Westminster Theological Seminary will endeavor to produce.
Please do not forget it; please do not call on us for a product that we
are not endeavoring to provide. If you want specialists in social science or in hygiene or even in religion (in the vague modern sense),
then you must go elsewhere for what you want. But if you want men
who know the Bible and know it in something more than a laymans
sort of way, then call on us. If we can give you such men, we have
succeeded; if we cannot give them to you, we have failed. It is a large
contract indeed, a contract far too great for human strength. But at
least, by Gods grace, we shall do our best.
Such is the task of Westminster Theological Seminary. It is a task
that needs especially to be undertaken at the present time. Fifty years
ago many colleges and universities and theological seminaries were
devoted to the truth of Gods Word. But one by one they have drifted
away, often with all sorts of professions of orthodoxy on the part of
those who were responsible for the change. Until May 1929 one great
theological seminary, the Seminary at Princeton, resisted bravely the
current of the age. But now that seminary has been made to conform to the general drift. Signers of the Auburn Affirmation, a formal
document which declares that acceptance of the virgin birth and of
four other basic articles of the Christian faith is nonessential even for
ministers, actually sit upon the new governing Board. And they do so
apparently with the acquiescence of the rest. Not one word of protest
against the outrage involved in their presence has been uttered, so
far as I know, by the other members of the Board; and a formal pronouncement, signed by the President of the Seminary and the President of the Board, actually commends the thirty-three members of
the Board as men who have the confidence of the church. Surely it is
quite clear, in view of that pronouncement, as well as in view of the
personnel of the Board, that under such a governing body, Princeton
Seminary is lost to the evangelical cause.
At first it might seem to be a great calamity; and sad are the hearts
of those Christian men and women throughout the world who love
the gospel that the old Princeton proclaimed. We cannot fully understand the ways of God in permitting so great a wrong. Yet good
may come even out of a thing so evil as that. Perhaps the evangelical
people in the Presbyterian Church were too contented, too confident
in material resources; perhaps God has taken away worldly props in
order that we may rely more fully upon him; perhaps the pathway of
sacrifice may prove to be the pathway of power.
That pathway of sacrifice is the pathway which students and
supporters of Westminster Theological Seminary are called upon to
tread. For that we can thank God. Because of the sacrifices involved,
no doubt many have been deterred from coming to us; they have
feared the opposition of the machinery of the church; some of them
may have feared, perhaps, to bear fully the reproach of Christ. We do
not judge them. But whatever may be said about the students who
have not come to us, one thing can certainly be said about those who
have comethey are real men.
Affirmations and
Denials Regarding
Recent Issues
the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of the Presbyterian Church in America in the form which they possessed
in 1936, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the
Holy Scriptures, (3) that, approving the Charter of Westminster Theological Seminary, I will faithfully endeavor to
carry into effect the articles and provisions of said Charter
and to promote the great design of the Seminary. I do further
solemnly declare that, being convinced of my sin and misery
and of my inability to rescue myself from my lost condition
not only have I assented to the truth of the promises of the
Gospel, but also I have received and rest upon Christ and His
righteousness for pardon of my sin and for my acceptance as
righteous in the sight of God.
We deny that Board and faculty judgments about compatibility with the Standards constitute an illegitimate interference with
an individuals conscience or an illegitimate abridgment of academic
We affirm that, in the context of subscription by voting faculty
and Board members, the meaning of any particular teaching in the
Standards is determined by the Board, by referring to the historical
record of orthodox Reformed tradition, and is not determined by the
private interpretation of any one individual faculty member.
We deny that an individual faculty member has the right to
import a private meaning into the Standards when he subscribes,
thereby avoiding the meaning commonly understood in the Reformed tradition.
II. Confession and Mission
We affirm that the truths affirmed in the Standards are true for
all times, all places, all languages, and all cultures (WCF 1.1, 6, 8).
We deny that the truths affirmed in the Standards are true only
for their seventeenth-century situation or only for some cultures or
We affirm that a persons agreement with the content of the
Standards includes agreement with all its affirmations as perennially normative, not merely agreement that they were an appropriate
response to the theological, ecclesiastical, and pastoral needs of the
seventeenth century.
We deny that a persons agreement with the Standards is adequate
if, at any point, it merely means agreeing pragmatically with the way
in which the Standards addressed the needs of their situation.
We affirm that the Standards have instructional value for all
times and all cultures. We deny that the Standards have instructional
value only in some cultures.
We affirm that the work of the Holy Spirit in a person is necessary for that person properly and savingly to understand the Scripture
and that full acceptance and a willingness to submit unconditionally
to its teaching is essential to such proper understanding (WCF 10.1;
14.2; WLC 104; 155; 157; WSC 89).
We deny that exercise of the rational powers of fallen man is
sufficient for a right understanding of Scripture.
We affirm that Gods truthfulness and self-consistency belong to
what the Scripture says, not merely to what the Holy Spirit may be
later alleged to show us through the Scripture (WCF 1.4).
We deny that Gods authority belongs only to the Spirits teaching from the Scripture, rather than to the Scripture itself as well.
IV. Special Areas of Interest
We affirm that some things in Scripture are difficult to understand, and that we may not always be able easily to explain apparent
contradictions (WCF 1.7).
We deny that all parts of Scripture are easy to understand.
We affirm that, through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, we
can rightly become convinced from Scripture itself that it is the word
of God, even when we do not have an explanation for some of the
apparent discrepancies in Scripture (WCF 1.5).
We deny that we must find explanations for each apparent discrepancy before accepting the divine authority of Scripture and submitting to its teaching.
We affirm that each individual passage of Scripture is consistent
in its affirmations with every other passage (WCF 1.9).
We deny that passages may contradict one another.
We affirm that when interpreting any passage, the true meaning
must be found by comparing the one passage with the rest of Scripture (WCF 1.9).
We deny that it is legitimate to give an interpretation of a passage
that is not in harmony with what is affirmed in another passage or
We affirm doctrinal unity and coherence in a given passage between the meaning of God, as its primary author, and the meaning
of the human author, however limited may have been the understanding of the latter of what he wrote (WCF 1.4, 5).
We deny that in a given passage the intentions of God and the
human writer are doctrinally divergent or discordant.
We affirm that in the Old Testament God spoke to his people in a way that took into account their lack of detailed knowl-
We affirm that Adam and Eve were real, flesh-and-blood individual human beings and that their fall into sin was subsequent to
their creation as the first human beings (WCF 6.1; 7.2; WLC 17).
Christ, man, sin, salvation, and other topics, as those teachings are
summarized in systematic theology, offer a sound framework in
which to conduct the work of exegesis and biblical theology.
We deny that exegesis or biblical theology can be properly conducted without submission to or in tension with the teaching of
Scripture as a whole.
Biblical Theology
at Westminster
Theological Seminary
R I C H A R D B. G A F F I N J R .
I certainly do not mean to suggest an exact correspondence between the interpretive approach Vos was opposing in his day and the
Christotelic approach approved by Dr. Davis as belonging in the line
2. Geerhardus Vos, Hebrews, the Epistle of the Diatheke, in Redemptive History and
Biblical Interpretation, ed. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2001), 23233.
3. Geerhardus Vos, The Idea of Biblical Theology as a Science and as a Theological Discipline, in Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation, ed. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2001), 19.
It is this point of the entire truthfulness of the history of revelation and Scriptureinvolving the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth, as Vos says, and critically essential for any
doctrine of Scripture, like that set out in chapter 1 of the Westminster Confession of Faith, intent on doing justice to the unity and
coherent harmony of the Bible as Gods own written Wordit is
just this crucially important point that is compromised or at best
obscured by the Christotelic approach to Scripture. This happens
through the first read-second read treatment of the Old Testament
that it adopts. The first read seeks to establish the original historical
meaning or original human author meaning of an Old Testament
passage on its own terms without any reference to the New Testament. The second read of the passage then seeks to show how in the
light of the New Testament it is about Christ, to disclose its Christotelic content.
This approach as a whole is ill-conceived and seriously flawed.
Though it is motivated in part by the legitimate concern to avoid
reading New Testament meanings back into Old Testament texts
no doubt a dangerthere is a difference between reading the New
Testament back into the Old and reading the Old Testament in light
of the New. The former is wrong; the latter is not only legitimate
but also requisite. As it is carried out, the first read tends toward
highlighting the messiness of the Old Testament, as its proponents
put it, toward finding unrelated or discordant trajectories of meaning
in the Old Testament. It obscures both the organic connection between the meaning of the divine author and what the human authors
wrote, as well as the organic connection and unity between the Old
Testament and New Testament.
Multivalent, even contradictory trajectories will appear to be
the case when the Old Testament documents are read on their own
terms in the sense of bracketing out their fulfillment in Christ and
the interpretive bearing of the New Testament.
For new covenant readers submissive to both the Old and New
Testaments as the Word of God, such a disjunctive reading of the
Old Testament is illegitimate, as well as redemptive-historically (and
canonically) anachronistic. To seek to interpret the various Old Testament documents for themselves and apart from the vantage point
of the New exposes one ultimately to misinterpreting them. The Old
Testament is to be read in the light of the New not only because Jesus
and the New Testament writers read it this way, but also because Jesus
and the New Testament writers are clear about the continuity in intention and meaning that exists between themselves and the various
Old Testament authors and what those authors wrote in their own
time and place. Passages like Luke 24:4445, John 5:3947 and 1 Pet
1:1012, not to mention numerous others, put this beyond questionunless we are to dismiss such passages, as advocates of Christotelic interpretation characteristically do, as reflecting a Second Temple
Jewish hermeneutic that attributes meaning to Old Testament passages that is not their original human author meaning.
The Old Testament reveals a unidirectional path or set of multiple paths that lead to Christ. Certainly at points that way is obscure
and difficult to follow; that remains and will always be a challenge
to sound interpretation of the Old Testament. Nor did the Old Testament authors grasp with any fullness the meaning of what they
wrote. But, as Vos says elsewhere, that they did not understand all
this in detail is not relevant.4 At the same time, their understanding of what they wrote does not disclose discordant and inorganic
discontinuity. As Vos immediately adds, But without doubt, they
would have grasped the heart of the matter. To cite a few examples
among many more: Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would
see my day. He saw it and was glad (John 8:56). Isaiah said this
4. Geerhardus Vos, Reformed Dogmatics, ed. and trans. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. (Bellingham,
WA: Lexham, 2014), 2:127, on the unity of the covenant of grace.
because he saw Jesus glory and spoke about him (John 12:41). Not
only did Isaiah speak (or write) but also, in speaking, he himself saw
or understood. In fact, with an eye to the syntax of verse 41, he spoke
because he saw; he said it because he saw it. Again, the intense
interest of the Old Testament prophets as a whole was in what the
Spirit of Christ at work in them was disclosing about his own eventual coming, his sufferings, and consequent glory (1 Pet 1:1011).
As Vos indicates in the first quote above, at stake here is what
is essential for the Reformed faith (e.g., Westminster Confession of
Faith 7.56; 8.6; 11.6; Westminster Larger Catechism 3335), for
true, biblical religion since the fall: the unity of the religion of the
Old and New Testaments focused on Christ. Central for the faith
of the former is the future fulfillment of the promise of the Messiah
to come; for the faith of the latter, the realized fulfillment of that
Finally, it seems fair to observe that the term Christotelic has
been coined in part to replace Christocentric. Advocates of Christotelic interpretation will speak of the Old Testament being Christological in a general sense, in view of the pervasive reference to Christ
that the New Testament finds in the Old Testament in all its parts.
But they avoid applying Christocentric to the Old Testament because in their view, their first read approach shows that its original
historical, human author meaning is, all told, not Christ-centered.
There can be no objection to Christotelic in itself. But Scripture is Christotelic just because it is Christocentric. It is Christotelic
only as it is Christocentric, and as it is that in every part, the Old
Testament included. Or, as we may, in fact must, put the issue here
in its most ultimate consideration, Christ is the mediatorial Lord
and Savior of redemptive history not only at its end but also from
beginning to end. He is not only its omega but also its alpha, and he
is and can be its omega only as he is its alpha.
Biblical theology in the tradition of Vos, as it will continue at
From left to right: Iain M. Duguid, G. K. Beale, Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Vern S. Poythress