Traction System Case Study

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L Buhrkall
Consultant, Traction Systems and EMC, Denmark.
The development of a cost-optimal traction system
towards a specific set of customer requirements is a
complex, iterative process with many pitfalls. The new
European market situation, with business-oriented
operators specifying only their basic performance
requirements and no technical details, and with a
multinational industry where components such as
motors, inverters, etc. are supplied not only from
different departments but from different countries,
increases the complexity of the process even further, and
with that the risk of sub optimisation. Even in the
simplest case, with the only requirement being a
maximum run time between two stations with a certain
train weight, several very different solutions are all
technically possible.

Figure 1. London Underground Bakerloo Line EMU.

Photo: Ross Aitken ( [12]

Among the most important (costly!) trade-offs that must

be balanced are:
* The number of traction motors vs. the installed
traction power;
* Traction motor size, rated power of the 3-phase
inverter, and traction motor cooling system;
* Interference requirements and AC and DC line filters;
* DC link voltage, main transformer layout, and line
converter design;
* Step-up choppers or direct supply from the DC line


Small metro trains such as London Underground are
typically designed as Electrical Multiple Units (EMUs),
with distributed traction systems and all axles driven. In
the other end of the scale, a typical high-speed train such
as the French TGV is designed with a locomotive at
each end and a number of intermediate trailing cars, i. e.,
only a minor number of the axles are driven. On the
other hand, the TGV has a much higher power rating
and a much higher max. speed than the Underground
train. In between these two extremes, lots of different
designs are seen: 4-car EMUs with 50 % of the axles
driven (e. g., Class 465), and many more.

Figure 2. SNCF TGV Atlantique # 325 (holder of the

world speed record, 515.3 km/h). Photo by Didier Egiole
( [12]

It is quite obvious even to a non-expert that the TGV is

superior to the Underground train when it comes to
moving people from Paris to Lyon within a given
timeframe. It might be more surprising, but nonetheless
true, that the Underground train also performs its duties
far more efficient than a TGV would do, provided it
could be shrunk to fit the narrow loading gauge of the
This leads to an interesting question: When are a high
number of small motors superior to a few high-power
ones, and vice-versa? All taken more general: What is
the cost-optimal solution with respect to a) the number
of driven axles and b) the installed power in the train, if
a given set of performance requirements (such as run
time over a certain route) must be met?
This problem will be analysed by designing a traction
system against the following very basic performance

* The train must run this 5 km distance in 4 min or

less, from start to stop.

Over and above this, the changing market situation

means that questions like Total Cost of Ownership,
flexibility (it must be possible to lease out a given
vehicle to many different operators), and reliability (the
operator has a contractual obligation that say 99 % of
the trains must be on time) are becoming increasingly
important. Typically, such considerations lead to an
increased number of iteration loops in the traction
system design process.

* The train is designed as a conventional 4-car EMU,

with 2 2-axle bogies per car.

Tractive effort (TE) diagram. Generally, 3 factors

limit the tractive effort vs. speed F(v) (figure 3):

* The estimated train weight at max. load is m = 170 t.

The axle load of non-driven axles is 10 t, while the
remaining weight is distributed evenly on the
motorised axles.

* Max. tractive effort FMAX

Performance Specification
* The route is a single 5 km long line with an uphill
gradient of G = 10 between km 1 and km 3, while
the rest of the track is horizontal.

* Max. speed vMAX

* Max. power PMAX, giving F(v) = PMAX/v

* A maximum value of the wheel-to-rail friction

coefficient = 15 % must be taken into account in the
performance calculations, in order to make sure that
the timetable can be met also at wet rail conditions.
* No other performance requirements or customer
preferences (such as redundancy, Life Cycle Cost, or
whatever) are considered.
Already at this point it is clear that the design process
must be iterative with several loops, and that
guesstimates must be made at several levels. There is
no way a traction system can be designed without
knowledge about the total weight of the train, but this
weight is not known until the traction system has been
designed. The weight of similar already existing trains
can give a starting point, but be careful - train weights
are often underestimated at the beginning of a new
It is also clear that the given performance specification
is very basic. In practice, specifications that simple are
only seen in the special case of dedicated Airport
Express Shuttle Trains.
In the general EMU
specification, minimum run times are specified for a
number of longer routes each with several station stops,
and special requirements concern the emergency
operation in case parts of the traction system are cut-out
due to faults.
A typical locomotive specification requires that a certain
train weight must be accelerated from stand still on a
certain uphill gradient, and the track must be cleared
within a certain minimum time. Additional technical
requirements could be anything from line current or line
power limitations down to customer preferences for
certain types of power semiconductors.
Altogether this means that the typical performance
simulation will be much more comprehensive than the
one given in the example below which should be seen as
an illustration of the basic principles only.


(A 4th potentially limiting factor, the pullout torque of

the asynchronous motor, will be treated in section 2.)

F (kN)

v (m/s, km/h)
Figure 3. Generic tractive effort (TE) diagram.

The maximum tractive effort that can be transferred to

the rail and thus utilised for acceleration is limited by the
total axle load of the motorised axles mm and by the
friction coefficient :
FMAX mmg


With 4, 6, or 8 motorised axles and the specified weight

distribution, {1} leads to:
Total axle load,
Maximum tractive
No. of
motorised axles
mm = 170-(16-n)10
FMAX = mmg
50 t
73.6 kN
70 t
103 kN
90 t
132 kN
Table 1. Maximum TE vs. number of motors.
In the actual case, PMAX and vMAX are outputs from the
performance simulation, see below.

Running resistance. The running resistance is due to

static friction, dynamic friction, and aerodynamic
resistance. Numerous formulas have been suggested;
here the simple one from [1] is used:

4. Calculate a time vector t(s):

2 s
t (s ) = t (s s ) +
v(s ) + v(s s )

FR(v) = 10-3(2.5 + 10-3k(v+v)2)mg

5. Repeat - if necessary - with new PMAX and/or vMAX

values until the run time is as specified.


where k 0.33 for normal passenger trains and v 15

km/h accounts for the wind speed. It should be noted
however that many other formulas such as Davies
include a linear (i. e., proportional to v) term.

Simulation results. The figures 5 and 6 can be made by

means of the above procedure and a few lines of Matlab
code. B(v) has been assumed to be equal to -F(v).

Gradient force. The gradient force is calculated as

FG(s) mgG(s)/1000


which is an acceptable approximation for all normal

gradients G < 100 . The route profile of the actual
example with the 10 gradient is shown in figure 4.

Figure 5. Tractive effort curves.

Figure 4. Route profile.

Performance simulation.
A simple performance
simulation program could have the following structure:

1. Define a tractive effort vs. speed curve F(v) based on

FMAX, and (in the actual case) guessed values of PMAX
and vMAX (in other cases, these figures might already be
fixed). Define a similar curve B(v) for braking.
2. Calculate a vector with train speed vs. distance by
means of a discrete integration. The generic formula
v 2 v02 = 2as leads to:
F (v(s s )) FR (v(s s )) FG (s )
v (s ) = 2
s + (v(s s ))

however, v(s) must be limited to vMAX. Select s small

enough to avoid numerical problems, e. g., s = 1 m.
mDYN is the "dynamic mass" of the train, i. e., including
the rotating masses. Typically, mDYN 1.15m.
3. Repeat 2., but running backwards on the route from s
= sMAX with B(v) instead of F(v), and with negative
values of FR and FG. Compare the two v(s) vectors, and
select the smallest values.

Figure 6. Train speed vs. time.

The following combinations of number of traction

motors and PMAX and vMAX meet the run time
requirement of 4 min. (240 s):
No. of motors
137 km/h
2.0 MW
117 km/h
1.2 MW
1.08 MW
Table 2. Specification compliant traction systems
Energy Consumption. In addition to the installed
power, the energy consumption is traditionally an
important parameter when comparing different designs.

The fundamental relationships P = F v and W = P dt

lead to the curves in figure 7. The losses of the overall

traction system have been assumed to be 15 % of the rail
power. In a detailed simulation, more accurate models
of the traction motor and other systems should be used,
cf. section 2.
The higher power and the higher top speed with 4
motors lead to a 20-30 % increase of the energy
consumption, compared to the other alternatives.
The regenerative braking (100 % regeneration has been
assumed) feeds approximately 1/3 of the gross energy
back to the supply system.


Max. motor torque. The torque of the asynchronous
motor is given by the equation
T = k1 V ROTOR J B cos( i )


where VROTOR is the active volume of the rotor, J is the

stator surface current density, B is the air gap flux
density, i is the angle between the J and B vectors, and
k1 is a constant which depends on the winding details,
number of poles, etc. [2].
As the maximum flux density is limited due to the
magnetic saturation of the iron, {5} shows that in
principle we have 2 ways of getting more torque:
* Take a physically bigger motor (increase VROTOR)
* Increase the current density J
However, cos(i) decreases if the torque level is
increased by means of more current. This leads to the
characteristic relationship between torque and slip of the
asynchronous motor (figure 8), with the pullout torque
limitation. I. e., it is useless to increase J in excess of
the limit given by the pullout torque.

Figure 7. Energy consumption.

Discussion. It seems quite clear - provided no other
factors are considered - that the 8 motor solution is less
attractive compared to 6 motors. It is unlikely that the
marginal savings in speed, power, and energy
consumption can balance the cost of another 2 motors
and drive systems, except maybe at certain special

The choice between 4 and 6 motors is less evident. It is

possible that a definite answer can only be given if both
designs are completed in parallel, and the total costs are
evaluated. So in order to continue, a shortcut is made:
Specification addendum # 1

* A design with 3 independent traction systems

provides better performance in case one system fails.
* The lower peak power of the 6 motor solution is
favourable from a power supply point of view.
* In any case, the speed limit of the line is 120 km/h.
* The wheel diameter and gear ratio are such that a
motor speed of 4500 r/min corresponds to 120 km/h.

Figure 8. Speed-torque characteristic

The pullout torque of a given motor is a function of

voltage and speed, approximated by




where U1 and f1 are stator voltage and frequency, L is

the leakage inductance, and k2 is a constant [3]. As the
train speed is proportional to f1 (except for a small slip),
{6} shows that the pullout torque will decrease rapidly
at high speeds where the 3-phase voltage cannot be
increased in proportion to the frequency. This is one of

the fundamental limitations of a 3-phase inverter drive

supplied from a basically constant DC link voltage.

2 different designs. Suppose the train is being designed

to run directly on a 750 V DC supply. This means that
the maximum phase-to-phase voltage fundamental at the
inverter output is


= 0.78 750 = 624 V

U INV , MAX = 750


This comes from the Fourier series of the phase-to-phase

voltage wave shape in figure 10.

Figure 9. Tractive effort diagram of the BB locomotive

class 1116. Notice the reduction of the short time power
(Kurzzeitleistung) at high speeds, due to pullout torque
limitations. Diagram courtesy Siemens.
Torque and Power. The required motor torque vs.
speed T(v) is calculated from the F(v) characteristic
based on power balance:
T (v ) =

F (v ) v
F (v ) v
GEAR GEAR 2 n 60


Expressed in %, the gearbox efficiency GEAR can

typically be assumed to be (100 - no. of gear stages), i.
e., 99 % if a 1-stage gearbox is used.
{8} below gives the required electrical power from the
inverter, which is calculated from the TE (and BE for
braking) diagram as
PINV (v ) =

F (v )




Figure 10. Wave shape at max. inverter output voltage

Now let the inverter output voltage hit its maximum

value at 42 km/h and at 70 km/h, respectively. Below
these so-called base speeds, voltage is kept proportional
to frequency (i. e., the flux is constant) by means of
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
The details of the corresponding motor designs (number
of windings, etc.) are optimised to each of these
strategies. It is normally possible (within certain limits)
to adapt a given motor to another voltage vs. frequency
characteristic by rewinding the stator. An increased
base speed requires fewer winding turns but a thicker
The figures 11 and 12 show the characteristics of these
two options. It should be noticed that the torque curves
T(v) are equal in the two figures.

where the efficiency of the traction motor is assumed

to be 0.9 in the following calculations. In more exact
calculations, {8} should be replaced by a proper motor
Provided the voltage characteristic of the inverter is
known, the required current supplied from the inverter
can be found as
I INV (v ) =

PINV (v )

3 U INV (v ) cos( )


where cos() in these simplified calculations is assumed

to be 0.85. (Normally cos() will vary with speed and
Again, a more detailed model should be

Figure 11. Small motor, big inverter

It must be stressed that the given performance

requirements can not be met by combining the small
inverter of figure 12 with the small motor of figure 11.
The system of figure 12 was generally recommended in
the early days of asynchronous traction (e. g., [4]), but
the development of cheaper and more efficient
semiconductors such as IGBT's has made it possible to
increase the power of a single normal-gauge traction
motor to 1.6 MW [5], thus moving the trend towards
figure 11.

Figure 12. Big motor, small inverter

Discussion. The motor in figure 12 operates in the field
weakening range (i. e., at constant 3-phase voltage
(figure 10), meaning that the U1/f1 ratio decreases with
increasing frequency) for almost 2/3 of the entire speed
range. In order to compensate for the low air gap flux
density at max. speed, {5} gives that the rotor volume
and thus the entire motor must be big.

Figure 13. 6.4 MW locomotive (1.6 MW per traction

motor), BB class 1116, cf. figure 9. Photo by Istvn Halsz
( [12]

Thermal considerations. The higher current at low

speeds means that the total RMS current during a run is
20 % higher with the smaller motor than with the bigger
one (figure 14).

In figure 11, the motor size is more optimal. The field

weakening range is smaller, meaning that the relative air
gap flux density is higher at max. speed. This allows the
motor to be much smaller than the one in figure 12, and
the pullout torque is just slightly higher than the actual
torque in most of the speed range.
The penalty is an oversized inverter. The semiconductor
ratings are basically determined by the maximum current
and the DC link voltage. The 70 % higher current at
low speed necessitates an inverter with a higher kVA
rating, even though the rated power of the total system
has not increased.
The systems can be summarised as follows:
Rel. motor size Rel. inverter size
Figure 11
Figure 12
Table 3. Comparison of system designs

Figure 14. Motor current profile.

It is clear that the cooling of the heavier loaded but

physically smaller motor must be designed with higher
capacity in comparison with that of the bigger motor. 4
main types of traction motor cooling arrangements exist:
* Self-cooling, encapsulated motor with an axial fan
* Self-cooling, open motor with an axial fan

* Forced air cooling with an external fan

Stator flux vector. The trajectory of the stator flux

vector of the 3-phase motor provides an informative
illustration of the origin of the current harmonics and as
such, it is a helpful tool for qualitative analysis.

* Water-cooling
The cost of the cooling equipment is an important factor
when choosing between different traction system
layouts. If, as an example, the small motor of figure 11
requires forced air cooling, meaning that fans, ducts,
filters, etc., must be installed in the carbody, while the
bigger motor of figure 12 can be totally encapsulated
and self-cooled like an industrial motor, then that is an
important argument in favour of the big motor - small
inverter solution.


In-depth information about the concept of flux control

can be found in several books and papers (e. g., [6] and
[7]). For the purpose of the present analysis, however, it
is only necessary to recognize that the stator flux vector
of an AC motor supplied from an ideal 3-phase
sinusoidal voltage source (e. g., the 3x400 V AC mains)
rotates with constant angular velocity on a circular
trajectory that is symmetrically located in the - plane,
according to figure 16 below.

System layout. The majority of DC-AC traction

systems (i. e., systems with supply from a DC electrified
3rd rail or overhead line and with 3-phase AC traction
motors) are equipped with 3-phase inverters that are
basically designed to operate directly at the supply
voltage, only protected by the High Speed Circuit
Breaker and the line filter.



Line filter UDC
and DC link -

Figure 16. Stator flux trajectory, sinusoidal voltage

Regular current harmonics. Any deviation from the
ideal conditions of a circular flux trajectory leads to
generation of current harmonics. The greater the
deviation, the higher the levels. As an example, take the
square wave voltage of figure 10. This voltage
generates a hexagon stator flux trajectory.

750 V DC / 1500 V DC / 3000 V DC




Figure 15. DC traction system

One of the important issues when designing such a

system is line interference. The 3-phase inverter
converts the basically constant DC link voltage into a 3phase AC voltage with variable amplitude and variable
The 3-phase voltage however is not
sinusoidal, and consequently, the currents at both the
DC side (iDM) and the AC side (iM) of the inverter have
rather high contents of current harmonics. The current
harmonics at the DC side are generally undesirable
because they have the potential of interfering with
signalling and communication systems. The line filter
attenuates these currents, but as passive filter
components are heavy and bulky it is important to
consider the problems of line interference already when
selecting the motor/inverter combination, and when
designing the control systems for the 3-phase inverter.

Figure 17. Hexagon flux trajectory

The hexagon trajectory deviates from the ideal circle in

two ways:
* The amplitude of the stator flux (length of the vector)
varies - the amplitude is higher in the corners of the
* The vector moves with a constant speed along the
perimeter of the hexagon. This means that the angular
speed is not constant - it is lower in the corners.
The fact that these deviations are repeated 6 times
during each complete revolution of the flux vector
means that current harmonics with frequencies of 6, 12,

18, . . . times the actual stator frequency are found at the

DC side of the inverter (i. e., as components in iDM)
when it operates at the given conditions with maximum
output voltage, i. e., throughout the field weakening
Specification addendum # 2

* Both of the motor/inverter combinations described in

section 2 utilise a 4-pole traction motor (nPP = number
of pole pairs = 2).
Reed track circuit interference. The previously
specified gear ratio / wheel diameter combination
(120 km/h 4500 r/min) and the base speeds of 42 km/h
and 70 km/h, respectively, lead to the following where
the base frequency fB (i. e., the stator frequency at the
4500 v B n PP
base speed vB) is calculated as f B =
120 60

Inverter/motor Base
Base frequency 6fB
speed vB fB
Big motor/
42 km/h
52.5 Hz
315 Hz
small inverter
Small motor/
70 km/h
87.5 Hz
525 Hz
big inverter
Table 4. Base frequencies and 6th harmonics
The reed track circuits commonly used in the UK
operate at a number of frequencies in the band from
363 Hz to 423 Hz. This means that the 6th harmonic of
the big motor / small inverter combination will sweep
right across the reed frequency band during every
acceleration. This will put severe requirements on the
line filter, and probably lead to an overall heavy
The base frequency of small motor / big inverter
combination on the other hand is so high that its 6th
harmonic is located way above the critical frequency
band. The sweep of 6fS through the reed frequencies
takes place below fB, where the level of the 6th harmonic
can be significantly reduced by means of pulse pattern
Current harmonics below base speed. In terms of the
stator flux vector, operation below base speed (i. e., with
reduced inverter output voltage and constant U/f ratio) is
characterised by the introduction of stop points along the
perimeter of the stator flux trajectory. By stopping the
flux vector on a regular basis, the average rotational
speed becomes lower (reduced stator frequency), and as
the stop points correspond to zero voltage, the average
voltage is reduced too.

Numerous strategies have been proposed for this mode

of operation, and it is quite common that different
methods are used throughout the speed range from stand
still to base speed:

* The flux trajectory can be hexagon shaped like in

figure 17, or a more circular shape can be aimed for, e.
g., by locating all stop points equidistant along the
perimeter of a circle
* The switching frequency of the 3-phase inverter can
be synchronised to the stator frequency, or it can vary
independently or be constant
* The switching pattern (i. e., the shape of the flux
trajectory and the location of the stops) can be
predetermined at any stator frequency, or it can be the
result of an on-line calculation (e. g., by hysteresis
control or similar)
The choice between one or another strategy depends on
a number of factors such as the maximum switching
frequency of the inverter (determined by the power level
and the type of semiconductors used), the interference
requirements, and last but not least by tradition and by
the emotional feelings of the engineers who design the
inverter control system.

Figure 18. Flux trajectory with corner folding and stops

Figure 18 shows an example of a flux trajectory that has

been modified to become more circular by means of socalled corner folding, and with a number of stops along
the perimeter. In this case, the current harmonics at the
DC side of the inverter are located at the following
* The stop frequency fSTOP and its multiples, where
fSTOP = 3fSW - 9fS, (fSW is the switching frequency and fS
the stator frequency)
* 6, 12, 18, . . . times fS, due to the shape of the flux
polygon. The corner folding provides a significant
reduction (but not a complete cancellation!) of the level
of the 6th harmonic compared to the hexagon shape of
figure 17
* Intermodulation products between the above

As another example, the DC-side current harmonics

caused by the sine modulation strategy are located at the
frequencies fH = nfSW ((3/2)(1-(-1)n) + 6k)fS, where
n = 1, 2, 3, . . . and k = 0, 1, 2, . . .
Irregular harmonics. The term irregular harmonics is
commonly used to characterise the additional DC side
current harmonics that are caused by power circuit
asymmetries, component tolerances (e. g., variations in
switching characteristics, time delays, and voltage drops
of the power semiconductors), and other imperfections.
Typically, such irregularities lead to the generation of a
DC component in the 3-phase motor currents, a
condition that in turn causes the stator frequency fS to be
present in the DC side current components.

In terms of stator flux, this condition (DC in the motor

currents) corresponds to an asymmetrical location of the
flux trajectory in the - plane.

Line filter design. The design of the line filter is

governed by several requirements:

* The filter must be able to attenuate the harmonic

currents generated by the 3-phase inverter to levels that
are safe from an interference point of view, in particular
at the carrier frequencies of the signalling systems
* The input impedance of the vehicle must be high
enough such that the interference currents generated by
external sources (if any) become acceptably low
* The dynamics of the closed loop control systems for
the inverters and AC motors must be acceptable, i. e.,
enough energy must be stored in the DC link capacitor,
and the time constant for current changes in the line
inductor must be acceptably low
* Several infrastructure authorities have their own rules,
such as "The input impedance must be inductive above
xx Hz", or "The input impedance must be at least xx
at xx Hz"

Specification addendum # 3

* The RMS value of the 6th harmonic component in iDM

in the big motor / small inverter combination is
approximately 200 A as fS sweeps through the 60 Hz to
70 Hz band.
Figure 19. Displaced stator flux polygon

Other irregularities can cause the flux trajectory to

become slightly flat or ellipsoid (causes 2fS at the DC
side) or triangular (e. g., due to unsymmetrical snubber
circuits, causes 3fS).
Figure 20 below shows a measured example of the
current components that are seen at the DC side of a 3phase inverter during acceleration. Notice the switching
pattern changes ("gearshifts") at t 45 s and t 50 s.

* The interference limit for Reed track circuits is

10 mA
Filter attenuation. The requirements above give that
the filter must have a gain at 360 Hz of max. 50 A/A.
Neglecting resistances and assuming zero substation
impedance, the gain of a normal L-C low-pass filter as
shown in figure 15 is given by
i DM

1 2 LC

(must be 50 A A)

Filter components. If a typical DC link capacitor value

of 15 mF is used, this leads to a minimum inductance
value of the line inductor of 260 mH. This is a
completely unrealistic value, and other solutions must be
considered, such as (combinations of) the following:

* A 4th order filter in a L-C-L-C configuration (as

described in section 5, figure 38)
* Take the small motor - big inverter combination
instead, with pulse pattern optimisation such that the 6th
harmonic is minimized

Figure 20. Inverter DC side current spectrum

* With the big motor - small inverter combination,

corner folding could be used up to fS 72 Hz. This
would reduce the inverter power by approximately 5 %




traction windings (i. e., one 4QC for each motor

Specification addendum # 4

The 4-quadrant converter (4QC) converts the singlephase line voltage (15 kV 16 2/3 Hz or 25 kV 50 Hz)
into a basically constant DC link voltage. This makes
the 4QC very suitable in a back-to-back configuration
with a 3-phase inverter for an asynchronous motor drive.




* The system must be able to operate at reduced power

at line voltages up to 29 kV and down to 18 kV.




DC link



In principle, the 4QC controls the power flow to the

train by controlling the voltage drop across the shortcircuit impedance of the main transformer [8]. Figure
22 shows the equivalent scheme of the line side circuits
and the corresponding phasor diagram in motoring, with
all quantities referred to the primary side.







The 4QC generates a voltage UB' (' denotes reference to

the primary side) with a variable fundamental amplitude
and a variable phase angle relative the line voltage UL.
The current is determined by Ohms law:
RT + jX T

The required primary bridge voltage is calculated from

the phasor diagram:


Figure 22. Equivalent scheme, line side circuits

IL =

Transformer ratio.
The transformer ratio tr is
determined from the ratio between the highest required
bridge voltage |UB'| (referred to the primary), and the
maximum voltage that can be generated by the 4QC
from the DC link voltage (by PWM).



* The switching frequency of the 4QC is fSW = 250 Hz

per phase, and the minimum pulse time is tMIN = 50 s.
* The relative short-circuit transformer resistance is
rX = 2 %.

Figure 21. AC-AC traction system


* The auxiliary converters (for the 3400 V and battery

voltage supply on the train) are fed from the DC links,
giving a total power including traction of 1500 kW.
* The system must be able to operate at full power at
line voltages from 22 kV to 28 kV.

15 kV 16 2/3 Hz, 25 kV 50 Hz

* The DC link voltage at AC supply is 800 V.


It is normally desirable to adjust UB' such that the

reactive power is zero, i. e., cos() = 1 in motoring as
shown, and cos() = -1 in regenerative braking.
Based on this, the main data of the line side circuits will
now be calculated, i. e., the voltage ratio and shortcircuit reactance of the main transformer, and the current
rating of the 4QC. Given that a layout with 3 traction
inverters was selected in section 1, the analysis will
focus on a rather odd transformer with 3 secondary

= max


RT +


where UL and P are varied within the actual limits for

full operation. P is inserted with sign.
With the given parameters, the maximum 4QC bridge
voltage is found as
U B ,MAX =


f SW t MIN ) U DC

= 558 V


The transformer ratio tr is the result of {12} divided by

the 558 V of {13}. This is shown in figure 23 below,
vs. the relative short-circuit reactance of the transformer.
High transformer reactance values require a higher turn
ratio. This is normally considered to be a disadvantage,
because the secondary currents become higher at a given
power level.


the ripple frequency, unless the inverter is capable of

compensating the ripple and deliver a symmetrical
voltage wave shape. At 50 Hz line frequency, the
inverter is typically operating in the full voltage mode
according to figure 10, and an efficient compensation is
hardly possible. This can put tight limits on the
tolerances of the capacitor and inductor of the 2nd
harmonic link.

Figure 23. Max bridge voltage, transformer ratio.

4QC current capacity. The maximum RMS line

current is found at maximum train power and minimum
line voltage. Multiplying this current by the transformer
ratio and dividing by the number of 4QCs (3 in this
example) gives the maximum 4QC RMS current, shown
by the solid curve in figure 25 below.

2nd harmonic link. The current supplied to the DC link

can be calculated by assuming the DC link voltage UDC
to be constant, and by neglecting the small power losses
of the 4QC. The latter means that the power at the AC
and DC sides must be equal:
p(t ) =

2U B cos(t ) 2 I L cos(t )

= U DC iD (t )


Carrying out the multiplications of the two cosine

functions, and solving for iD(t) gives
iD (t ) =

(cos( ) + cos(2t ))


However, from the point of view of semiconductor

rating, the peak current is just as important as the RMS
current. The highest instantaneous current is found
when a notch in the 4QC PWM voltage pattern is
located just at the peak of the current fundamental
sinusoid. A voltage notch means that the 4QC shortcircuits the transformer secondary winding, and the line
voltage builds up the current.


The first term of {15} equals the active line power

minus the power losses of the transformer, while the 2nd
term expresses the normal double frequency power
oscillation of a single phase AC system plus the reactive
power consumed by the main transformer. It is
customary to equip the DC link with a special filter
branch tuned to the 2nd harmonic, in order to avoid
excessive ripple voltages.

Figure 25. 4QC currents


Figure 26. 4QC current ripple

Figure 24. 2nd harmonic current

A voltage ripple across the DC link will lead to DC

currents and torque pulsations in the traction motor
when it operate with a stator frequency equal or close to



The peak 4QC current is found as

i4QC = 2 I 1, 4QC +


with i approximately being calculated as

i =

2 (U L RT I L )(1 cos( )) tr


f SW
X T ,W

where XT,W is the transformer reactance per secondary

winding, and is the control ratio of the 4QC:

2 U B ,1



The dash-dot line in figure 25 presents the calculated

result with the actual set of parameters. In the typical
case, this curve has a minimum at a relatively high
transformer reactance value, meaning that the smallest
converter size is obtained with a rather big transformer.
It should be noted, however, that the technical
development goes towards higher switching frequencies,
meaning that the current ripple becomes less of an issue.
Today, the 250 Hz used in this example is only seen in
high-power locomotives.
4QC voltage spectrum. The 4QC bridge voltage is
generated by means of PWM. The upper curves in
figure 21 show the voltage references of the two phases
of one 4QC (solid and dot-dash sinusoidals,
respectively). The amplitude of these sinusoidals equals
the modulation index . The points of intersection with
the triangular carrier (which has an amplitude = 1, and a
frequency = fSW) determines the switching instants as
given by the phase potential references (middle curves).
Finally, the lower curve shows the 4QC bridge voltage
as the difference between the two-phase voltages.

with the main components located at the frequencies

n2fSW kf1, with n = 1, 2, . . . and k = 1, 3, . . ., with
the upper limit of k increasing as n increases.
When more 4QCs operate in parallel, with each unit
connected to its own secondary winding on the
transformer, it is common to interlace the switching, i.
e., to introduce an appropriate phase shift between the
triangular modulation carriers. This cancels the lowerorder PWM harmonics, meaning that the main
components of the interlaced spectrum are located at the
frequencies n4QCn2fSW kf1.
The harmonic spectrum (referred to the primary side)
from the 3 interlaced 4QC bridges (n4QC = 3) of the
example is shown in figure 28. The levels of the
individual odd harmonics vary with the control ratio ,
such that the O's indicate the levels seen at 25 kV and no
load, while the 's show the highest levels that are seen
as the line voltage varies between 18 and 29 kV.

Figure 28. Bridge voltage spectrum, primary side

The main components of the spectrum are located

around n4QC2fSW = 1500 Hz.
Line impedance characteristics. The calculation of the
harmonic contents of the traction return current, e. g., in
order to determine the psophometric current, must
consider the impedance characteristics of the overhead
supply line and return current system [9]. It is a
common misunderstanding that a "conservative
estimate" of the current harmonics can be made by
assuming that the line impedance is 0. Actually, a line
impedance of zero is far from worst-case.

The impedance of an overhead supply line (OHL)

system is characterised by the following per unit length

Figure 27. 4QC modulation

In addition to the 50 Hz fundamental, the (ideal) PWM

pattern of one 4QC bridge produces a voltage spectrum


* Series resistance


* Series inductance


* Capacitance to earth


* Conductance to earth


With these typical data, the calculated impedances seen

from the far end of a 30 km and 40 km long line,
respectively, are shown in figure 29. The impedance
characteristics are subsequently inductive and
capacitive, with parallel resonance at the peaks and
series resonance at the minimums. Increasing the line
length moves the resonance points downwards in

Typically, r is frequency dependent r(), and at certain

conditions, it might be necessary to include a frequency
dependency of l as well.
The supply system for 50 Hz electrified railways is
usually designed with a sectionised OHL. Each section
is typically 10-40 km long with a substation at one end
and a neutral section at the other. Seen from the neutral
section (open end), the (complex) impedance ZL of such
a line is calculated as

Z S + Z C tanh ( l L )
Z C + Z S tanh ( l L )

Figure 30, upper plot shows the impedance of the 40 km

long line again, together with the input impedances of
two different layouts of the actual train: One with a
relative short-circuit reactance of 10 % ( 134 mH) and
another with 40 % ( 535 mH), respectively.


with the characteristic impedance ZC

ZC =

r ( ) + jl
g + j c


the propagation constant

(r ( ) + jl )(g + jc )


the line length lL, and the substation (or other

termination) impedance ZS. If the OHL is fed from the
substation transformer via cables, the impedance of
these must be included in ZS.
Specification addendum # 5

* The line impedance parameters are r = 0.15 /km,

l = 1 mH/km, c = 15 nF/km, and g = 1 /km.
r(f) = r(f/50)^0.5.
* The substation impedance is ZS = 0.15 + j0.015 .

Figure 30. Line-vehicle resonance

The train and line impedance curves intersects each

other in the 1 - 1.5 kHz band, where the line is
capacitive (the impedance decreases with increasing
Seen from the 4QS, the capacitive line is connected in
series with the inductive transformer, and the
intersection of the curves is seen as a series resonance
between these two impedances. The impedance of the
series connection transformer + line is much lower with
the lower transformer inductance, because the real part
of the line impedance is much lower at this point. This
is shown in the middle plot of figure 30.
The lower plot figure 30 shows that the peak admittance
is 4.5 mA/V with the small transformer, but only
0.5m A/V with the bigger one.

Figure 29. Line impedance characteristics

4QC line current harmonics. Figure 28 showed that

the RMS values of the 4QC voltage components (odd
harmonics) in the example are approximately 2 kV in
the 1 - 2 kHz band. If the peak of the admittance curve
of figure 30 (lower) is located exactly at one of these
odd harmonics, then the line current at this harmonic
becomes very high: Approximately 9 A (4.5 mA/V


times 2 kV) with the 10 % transformer, and 1 A with the

40 % transformer.
This should be compared to the currents that would have
been calculated if the line impedance had
"conservatively" been assumed to be zero:
Approximately 2.2 A and 0.55 A, respectively.

In general, a full impedance matrix with all frequency

dependent self and mutual impedances is required1,
and/or the T equivalent should be based on a set of
measurements that exactly reflects the winding
connections in actual operation.
Specification addendum # 6.

This leads to two important conclusions:

* The transformer has the following T equivalent:

25 % of the impedance to the primary, 75 % to the
parallel secondary, and 0 to the filter.

* The line harmonic interference can not be predicted

without taking the line impedance into account

* The filter is designed with a 350 resistor in

parallel with a 350 mH inductor, all of this in series
with a 0.7 F capacitor. All values referred to the
primary side.

* The 4-fold increase in transformer inductance actually

provides a 9-fold reduction of the harmonic interference
It is clear that the line-vehicle resonance will only be
located exactly at a critical odd harmonic at certain
specific line lengths. But given the number of different
line feeding sections, and the number of parameters that
can be varied within each feeding section (single or
double track, normal or extended feeding, side tracks
disconnected for maintenance, other vehicles on the line,
etc.), the resonant condition will occur at some instant.

This gives the equivalent circuit shown in figure 32,

which is valid for frequencies the fundamental.
(transmission line)










Figure 32. Equivalent circuit with AC line filter

Figure 31. Measured line voltage at line-vehicle

resonance conditions. The 4QCs are activated at t
30.28 s.

The upper plot in figure 33 shows the new input

impedances of the train including the filter, with xT =
10 % and 40 %, respectively. Also the impedance of a
40 km line is shown as before.

AC line filter. Another way of counteracting the linevehicle resonance is by adding more resistance to the
circuit. Seen from the pantograph, the two impedances
(line and vehicle) are effectively connected in parallel,
and the admittance peak corresponds to a parallel
resonance between the two. The most efficient damping
of a parallel resonance is provided by a shunt resistor.
However, in order to minimise the losses at the 50 Hz
fundamental, the resistor must be equipped with a series
capacitor, and in some cases also with a shunt inductor.
For practical reasons, such filters are normally
connected to a dedicated, tertiary transformer winding,
but in principle, such an arrangement is not different
from a high voltage filter.

For simplified calculations, a T equivalent calculated

from the standard short circuit impedances of the
multiwinding transformer is sufficient.

Figure 33. Line-vehicle interaction with AC line filter

This is true in particular with the actual and non-typical transformer

with 3 traction windings. There is no practical way such a transformer
can be made with full symmetry.


The lower plot in figure 33 shows the transfer functions

(or transadmittances) from 4QC voltage harmonics to
line current harmonics (lL = 40 km). In the critical 1 - 2
kHz band, these curves are considerably lower than the
corresponding curves without a filter (figure 30).
Closed loop system stability. An AC line filter
provides the further advantage that the stability margin
of the 4QC control is improved [10]. The closed
feedback loop of this control system comprises not only
the vehicle itself, but also the overall electrical system
outside the vehicle (supply system, other vehicles, etc.).
Consequently, it is important to design the control
systems in a robust fashion, and the design process must
be supported by theoretical analysis.
Figure 35. Class 92 dual system locomotive. Photo by Mike

A particularly adequate way of assessing the closed loop

stability is given by the so-called input admittance
criterion. An example is shown in figure 34 below.

OHL (transmission line segments)

Arm ( [12]

In the system without a step-up chopper (figure 36), DC

power is fed directly to the inverter via a line inductor.
The low-voltage side of the DC link is connected to
earth in order to provide a return current path.




Train 1

Train 2


Figure 34. Stability analysis, input admittance criterion

The input admittance criterion says that if the imaginary

part of the admittance Im{YIN} seen at any point in the
system is equal to zero at any frequency fRES (this
condition implies the existence of a resonance point),
then the system is stable only if the real part of the input
admittance Re{YIN} is greater than zero at that
System stability can also be assessed by means of
measurements [11], by using a locomotive as noise



In some dual-system vehicles (25 kV AC and 750 V

DC) such as the Class 92, the 4QCs are reconfigured at
DC supply into step-up choppers that boost the 750 V
DC line voltage to a DC link voltage of typically 1500 V
DC. Other vehicles such as Class 375 are designed
without a step-up chopper and operate with a DC link
voltage equal to the line voltage. The following section
will compare these designs to each other, and consider a
number of typical problems in relation to EMI.

DC link




Figure 36. Dual voltage system, "direct on line"

In figure 37, each of the two 4QC phases make up a

step-up chopper. Each chopper phase requires a phase
inductor, meaning that an additional C-L line filter
configuration is normally required.


DC link



Figure 37. System using the 4QC as step-up choppers

EMI comparison. One of the arguments in favour of
the system with step-up choppers is "better EMI
performance", i. e., lower levels of line interference
currents. The step-up chopper is claimed to provide a


barrier for the harmonic currents injected into the DC

link by the 3-phase inverter.
A fair comparison must be made on an equal basis. So
first, the 2nd order filter configuration in figure 36 is
changed to a 4th order filter, like the one in figure 38.

Harmonic intermodulation. The upper plot in figure

32 shows the harmonic components of the chopper
phase voltage at ideal conditions with a constant DC link
voltage of 1875 V. With a DC line voltage of 750 V,
this gives a chopper control ratio = 0.4, i. e., k = 2.5.
The chopper frequency is fC = 300 Hz, and the
amplitude values of the voltage harmonics at n times fC
are found as
un = U DC


sin (n )


Values for n = 1, 2, and 3 are given in table 5. These

levels are also found in figure 40, upper plot.



DC link



Figure 38. 4th order line filter, no step-up chopper

Now let all voltages, currents, and component values of

the system without step-up chopper have the relative
value 1, and let the DC link voltage of the step-up
chopper solution be k (k > 1). This means that the
choppers must have the control ratio = 1/k.

sin (n )

300 Hz
1135 V
600 Hz
351 V
900 Hz
234 V
Table 5. Harmonic voltage amplitudes
In the middle plot, a 50 Hz component with an
amplitude of R = 1875/2 = 937.5 V has been added to
the DC link voltage. 50 Hz is a common signal system
frequency. 937.5 V is obviously an unrealistic high
value, selected only to make the plots visible.

The step-up chopper is the equivalent of a transformer

with the voltage ratio k. Assuming that the impedance
of the DC supply is zero and that the harmonic currents
injected into the DC link by the inverter are proportional
to the motor currents, and by giving components in
equal positions the same rated power, figure 39 provides
a comparison.




i L




L i




i L

L i


Figure 39. Comparison of currents and voltages

In the step-up chopper solution, the motor currents and

thus the currents into the DC link are only 1/k'th of the
levels in the system without step-up chopper. But due to
the smaller capacitor (or more correctly, the lower
capacitance, as the stored energy and thus the physical
size of the capacitor is equal), this turns into a voltage
ripple that is k times higher. With the voltage being
reduced k times by the step-up chopper, the line currents
become equal in the two systems.

Figure 40. Chopper low-side voltage components

The 50 Hz component in the plot is 937.5 = 375 V as

expected. But additional voltage harmonic components
are seen as sidebands to nfC, in 50 Hz distance. The
amplitude of each sideband voltage component is:
us , n = uR

sin (n )


In the lower plot, the frequency of the 937,5 V DC link

ripple is 350 Hz, meaning that the sidebands now occur
in 350 Hz distance from the chopper harmonics nfC. I.
e., with a step-up chopper running at fC = 300 Hz, a
350 Hz component generated by the 3-phase inverter
turns out to cause 50 Hz signal interference.


This harmonic intermodulation is generally undesirable,

and restricts the overall system design in several ways.
Consequently, step-up choppers should be restricted to
cases where the required inverter power is so high that
no semiconductors exist with a sufficient current rating.
The Class 92 locomotive shown in figure 35 is an
example of such a case.
Harmonic intermodulation in AC-AC traction.
Harmonic intermodulation is also seen in AC-AC
traction systems where any voltage ripple across the DC
link is modulated by the fundamental frequency of the
supply line. As an example, a 313 Hz DC link ripple
voltage modulated by 50 Hz generates 363 Hz (as well
as 263 Hz), and a 473 Hz ripple gives 423 Hz (and
523 Hz), meaning that the critical frequency band for
reed track circuit interference caused by the 3-phase
inverter is much wider than the reed band itself.

Other critical signalling frequencies at 50 Hz supply are

75 Hz and 125 Hz because interference components at
these frequencies can be modulated forth and back
between DC link voltage ripple and line current
interference [10].


The purpose of testing is 3-fold:

* The train manufacturer must convince himself that the
train has been properly designed and built
* It must be demonstrated to the buyer of the train that
all his performance requirements and other conditions
have been met

* Commissioning testing, i. e., the final testing of the

first vehicle.
The following principles should apply to the testing:
* The test procedures and methods should not be
specified by the person being responsible for the design
himself, but by another person. The tests should not aim
for demonstrating that everything has been done
correctly, but with the purpose of finding the weak
points, if any.
* The required amount of testing, and the complexity of
the tests, increase at least in proportion to the technical
complexity of the device under test.
Performance Testing. The performance of the vehicle
used as example throughout this paper would typically
be tested by loading it with sand bags to simulate
maximum passenger load, and running it forth and back
on the line. The run time between the two stations (or,
in the general case, between any two stations as well as
the complete line) is monitored, and it is checked that no
components overheat after say 6 h of running according
to the specified timetable.

The performance of a locomotive is typically tested at an

acceleration test. A number of laden freight wagons
corresponding to the maximum specified train weight
are coupled after the locomotive, and this train is
accelerated from standstill at the maximum specified
gradient. The test is performed at different adhesion
conditions (dry rail, wet rail, dry+sand, wet+sand, etc.),
and relevant signals such as line voltage and current,
drawbar force, speed, and distance, are recorded. Also
continuous operation at maximum power for longer time
must be part of the test program.

* It must be demonstrated to the infrastructure owner

and the relevant authorities that the train complies with
all legal requirements, European and/or other standards,
local interface specifications, etc.
The manufacturers own testing. Tests should be
performed at several stages of a project:

* Component testing, e. g., 1000 h endurance testing of

capacitors, or single-shot testing of semiconductors.
* Prototype testing, e. g., with a new inverter design
using an inductive load in order to exactly define the
operation points.
* Train control and communication system testing, i. e.,
running all computer-based systems against each other
and (typically) against real time simulators.
* System testing with the complete traction system,
using speed controlled motors as loads for the traction

Figure 41. Tractive effort test, SNCB locomotive class

13 in Wasserbillig, Luxembourg. Photo by Paul Kettels, CFL


Other relevant performance tests could be the following:

* Winter tests (low temperatures, different types of
snow, performance of the snow plough, etc.)
* Tunnel tests, i. e., testing for condensation of the air
humidity at rapid changes of temperature (the so-called
Simplon effect)

from his customer are incomplete, and seek his own

additional information.
* No matter what else has been specified or not
specified, certain requirements such as the European
EMC Directive are mandatory within the EU.
* It is not customary to specify physical constants such
as the gravitational acceleration g 9.82 m/s2. This
means, as an example, that the manufacturer must
consider the transmission line behaviour of the OHL
(section 4 above), even if the line impedance parameters
have not been explicitly specified. The manufacturer
must accept that he is expected to have a high level of
technical competence, and that it is his own
responsibility to maintain and develop this competence
through journals, magazines, etc., and through adequate
training and education of his personnel.

Figure 42. Winter tests, DB Cargo locomotives class

BR185 and BR189 in Gllivare, Sweden, January 2003.
Photo by Dietmar Aurich, Bombardier Transportation

Legal requirements, international standards, and

local specifications. The split-up of the former national
railway companies that has led to the present situation
with at least 4 players in the game (the train
manufacturer, the operator, the infrastructure owner, and
the approving authority or inspectorate), has had a
mushrooming effect on the acceptance procedures in
most European countries. Even a brief discussion of this
whole problem area could easily be the subject of
several papers on their own, so here, only a few of the
most important points will be listed:

* Each country is different, and all infrastructure owners

and authorities have different requirements, traditions
and expectations. It cannot be expected that experience
from one country can be transferred to another.
* In general, the rules of the game are poorly specified.
The interface specifications, if any, are faulty and
incomplete, and the approval processes are not described
at all or they are only described in general terms with a
poor connection to the real world.
* The manufacturer must thoroughly consider the
problems of vehicle acceptance already at the start of a
new project, and develop comprehensive requirement
specifications and approval procedures before any costly
design work starts. In cooperation with the buyer of the
vehicle, these documents should be discussed and
agreed with the local infrastructure owner and
authorities at an early stage. Basically, the manufacturer
should always act as if the specifications he has received

Figure 43. Interference Tests, Class 357 "Electrostar"

EMU in Cerhenice, Czech Republic. Photo by Peter
Mellberg, Bombardier Transportation



Abbreviations and Symbols

1. Filipovi ,1991,
"Elektrische Bahnen", Springer Verlag, Berlin, DE



I, i

Modulation index, control ratio
Braking effort, magnetic flux density
Capacitance per unit length
Delta, e. g.: s: small distance
Force, tractive effort
(Phase) Angle
Gravitational acceleration 9.82 m/s2,
conductance per unit length
Wave propagation constant
Surface current density

8. Kehrmann H, Lienau W, Nill R, 1974,

"Vierquadrantensteller - eine netzfreundliche
Einspeisung fr Triebfahrzeuge mit
Drehstromantrieb", Elektrische Bahnen 45 (1974),


P, p

U, u

Imaginary unit = 1
Length, inductance per unit length
Friction coefficient
Integer number
Rotational speed, angular frequency
(Phase) Angle
Resistance per unit length
Velocity, speed

9. Holtz J, Klein H-J, 1989,

"The Propagation of Harmonic Currents Generated
by Inverter-Fed Locomotives in the Distributed
Overhead Supply System", IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1989, 168174

Address of the author:

2. stlund S, and Leksell M, 1992,

"Elektrisk Traktionsteknik", KtH Stockholm, SE
3. Fischer R, 1986,
"Elektrische Maschinen", Carl Hanser Verlag,
Mnchen, DE
4. Teich W, 1972,
"Dieselelektrische Triebfahrzeuge mit
schleifringlosen Asynchronfahrmotoren", Elektrische
Bahnen 43 (1972) 4, 74-88
5. Lege B and Thoma C, 2000,
"Viersystemlokomotive Baureihe 189 fr DB
Cargo", Elektrische Bahnen 98 (2000) 8, 298-299
6. Depenbrock M, 1985,
"Direkte Selbstregelung (DSR) fr hochdynamische
Drehfeldantriebe mit Stromrichterspeisung",
etz-Archiv 7 (1985), Heft 7, 211-218
7. Takahashi I and Noguchi T, 1986,
"A New Quick-Response and High-Efficiency
Control Strategy of an Induction Motor", IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-22,
No. 5, 9/10 (1986)

10. Buhrkall L, 1999,

"AC-AC Traction",
11. Lrtscher M, Meyer M, Hemmer B, Schneeberger A,
"Kompatibilittsuntersuchungen am schweizerischen 16.7-Hz-Bahnstromnetz", Elektrische Bahnen
99 H 6-7 (2001), 292-300

Lars Buhrkall
Sviegade 3
DK - 6760 Ribe
Tel. +45 74 84 60 11
Fax +45 74 84 60 33
GSM +45 24 40 76 97

12. Photo copied from The European Railway Picture

Revision 7, 2004-09-13

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