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App Designer

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App Designer for MATLAB

Users Guide

R2014b Tech Preview

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The MathWorks, Inc.

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App Designer for MATLAB Users Guide
COPYRIGHT 2014 by The MathWorks, Inc.
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or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or
reproduced in any form without prior written consent from The MathWorks, Inc.
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Revision History

October 2014

Online only

New for MATLAB Version 8.4 (Release 2014b

Tech Preview)


App Designer Basics

Open App Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


App Creation and Modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Create and Run a Simple App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Run an Existing App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edit an Existing App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Uninstall App Designer Tech Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


App Layout
Add and Delete Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Component Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Resize App Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Move Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Align Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manual Component Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automatic Component Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Space Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



App Programming
App Designer Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Component Name in App Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Callbacks Programmed Response to User Actions . . . . . .

Callback Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
App Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Debug App Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Share Data Across Callbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


App Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Rename Components, Properties, Callbacks, and

Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rename Elements from Code View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rename Components from Design View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Delete Components, Properties, Callbacks, and Functions

Delete Elements from Code View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Delete Components from Design View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


App Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
App Displaying Single Plot in an Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
App Displaying Multiple Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
App Displaying Two Plots in One Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
App Displaying Slider Value as it Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . .
App to Change Lamp Color Based on Button Group Selection
App That Resizes Component When Window Resizes . . . . .


Keyboard Shortcuts
Component Selection Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Component Move Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Component Resize Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Component Copy, Paste, Duplicate, and Delete Shortcuts . .


Component Alignment Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Redo, Undo, and Cancel Operation Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . .


Run, Save, and Open App Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Property Reference

Function Reference


App Designer Basics
Open App Designer on page 1-2
App Creation and Modification on page 1-3
Uninstall App Designer Tech Preview on page 1-6

App Designer Basics

Open App Designer

In the MATLAB Command Window, type:

To open a previously created app with App Designer, type the following, where filename
the name of an app file (.mlapp) on the MATLAB search path:
appdesigner filename


App Creation and Modification

App Creation and Modification

In this section...
Create and Run a Simple App on page 1-3
Run an Existing App on page 1-4
Edit an Existing App on page 1-5

Create and Run a Simple App

This example shows how to create and run a simple app. The app displays the value of a
slider after the user moves the slider bar to a new location.

Open App Designer.

In the MATLAB Command Window, type appdesigner.

From the App Designer component palette on the left, drag a Slider and a Numeric
Edit Field into the central design area.

App Designer Basics

In the central design area, right-click the slider and select Callbacks > Edit

In the Edit ValueChangedFcn Callback dialog box, accept the default name by
clicking OK.
Although not done here (to keep the example simple), changing the function name
makes it easier to associate the callback code with a component, particularly when
there are multiple instances of the same component in an app.

In the code file that opens, add the following code under function
SliderValueChanged(app). The code directs MATLAB to update the numeric edit
field to reflect the slider bar location.
app.NumericEditField.Value = app.Slider.Value;

Your code can access all components and their values directly, similar to the way
that you access fields of a structure array. To access or set a property value, specify
the app that you are designing (which is always app), the component, and the
component property name.

On the Editor tab, click Run App.

Save the app when prompted.

Test the app by changing the slider value and releasing the mouse button. The numeric
edit field reflects the new value.
App Displaying Slider Value as it Changes on page 3-27, updates the edit field
continuously as the slider is moved.

Run an Existing App

To run an app you created previously:

Open App Designer:



On the Designer tab, click Open.

In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder containing your MLAPP file and
specify the name in the File name field.

Click Open.

App Creation and Modification

App Designer displays the app in design view.


On the Designer tab, click Run.

Alternatively, you can type the file name (excluding the .mlapp file extension) in the
MATLAB Command Window. The file must be in a folder on your MATLAB path.

Edit an Existing App

To open App Designer and edit an existing app:

Open App Designer


On the Designer tab, click Open.

In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder containing your MLAPP file and
specify the name in the File name field.

Click Open.
App Designer displays the app in design view.

Click Code View to view and edit the app code.

Alternatively, in MATLAB Command Window, type this command, where filespec is the
file name, full file path, or partial file path of the app file (.mlapp):
appdesigner filespec

If you type just the file name, the file must be in a folder on your MATLAB path.


App Designer Basics

Uninstall App Designer Tech Preview

To uninstall the App Designer tech preview software and documentation, type this
command in the MATLAB Command Window:


App Layout
Add and Delete Components on page 2-2
Component Selection on page 2-3
Resize App Window on page 2-4
Move Components on page 2-5
Align Components on page 2-6
Space Components on page 2-7

App Layout

Add and Delete Components

When you first open App Designer, the design area, which represents your app, is empty.
To populate it with components, drag components from the component palette (on the
left) into the design area (in the middle).
To add or remove components, you can then:
Cut, copy, paste, or delete a single component in the design area.
Right-click the component and select an option from the context menu.
Cut, copy, paste, or delete multiple components in the design area.
Multiselect the components, right-click, and then select an option from the context
Duplicate a component.
Right-click the component and drag the duplicate to a new location within the current
Note: When you duplicate or copy and paste components, the new components have
the same property values as the original components, with the exception of callbacks,
Name in Code and Position properties. Those properties are set to their default
You can copy or cut components from one app and paste them in another.


Component Selection

Component Selection
Component selection is the first step in performing many operations.

How To

Single component

Click the component.

Multiple components

Hold down the Shift key as you click each

component that you want to include in the
Click an empty region in the design area,
and then drag a selection border around
all the components that you want to select.
App Designer selects only components
completely contained within the selection.

All selectable components, excluding those

that are children of another component.

Press Ctrl+A.

Unselect a previously selected component

Press Shift+Click.
or reselect an unselected component (toggle
To move the selection to the next component, container, or app window in the design
areas tab key navigation sequence, press the Tab key. To move the selection to the
previous component, container, or app window in the tab key navigation sequences, press


App Layout

Resize App Window

To resize the app window, click its border in the design area, and then drag an expander.
To maintain the current aspect ratio, place the cursor over the expander. Hold down the
Shift key as you drag the expander.

To cancel an in-process resize operation, press the Escape key.


Move Components

Move Components
You can move components manually (freehand) or by set increments, as follows:
Freehand Drag the component or components.
1-pixel increments Select the component or components. Press a keyboard Arrow
key in the direction that you want to move the component.
10-pixel increments Select the component or components. Press Shift+Arrow in
the direction that you want to move the component.
To cancel an in-process freehand move operation, press the Escape key.


App Layout

Align Components
You can direct App Designer to align components automatically, or you can align them
manually. For instance, you can use the manual method for an initial layout, and then
polish the layout using automatic alignment.

Manual Component Alignment

As you drag components in the design area, you see alignment hints that assist you in
arranging the components.

Dashed orange lines indicate that components are center-aligned.

Solid orange lines indicate that components are aligned along their edges (top,
bottom, or sides).
Alignment hints are not displayed if you select a component and then press arrow keys to
move the component.

Automatic Component Alignment

To use the automatic alignment feature:


In the design area, select two or more components.

On the Layout tab, in the Alignment section, click a control to indicate how you
want those components to align.

Space Components

Space Components
You can direct App Designer to space components automatically, or you can manually
specify spacing, as follows:

In the design area, select the components that you want to space.
You must select two or more components to space manually and three or more
components to space automatically.

On the Layout tab, in the Spacing section, do one of the following:

For manual spacing, select Use .... pixels and type a value in the pixels field.
For autospacing, select Autospacing.
App Designer autospaces by:
Evenly distributing components between the top and bottom components
when you apply vertical spacing.
Evenly distributing components between the leftmost and rightmost
components when you apply horizontal spacing.
Sometimes, the number of pixels between the two components prevents App
Designer from making the space between each component identical. However, the
spacing difference is never more than 1 pixel.

Select how you want spacing applied by selecting Apply horizontally or Apply



App Programming
App Designer Code Generation on page 3-2
Component Name in App Code on page 3-5
Callbacks Programmed Response to User Actions on page 3-6
Debug App Code on page 3-10
Share Data Across Callbacks on page 3-11
App Functions on page 3-13
Rename Components, Properties, Callbacks, and Functions on page 3-16
Delete Components, Properties, Callbacks, and Functions on page 3-18
App Examples on page 3-19

App Programming

App Designer Code Generation

As you create an app, App Designer generates code to reflect your component layout
and customizations. In addition, it generates the framework for the callback functions,
which control app behavior. When you save your app, App Designer saves the code in an
MLAPP file. When MATLAB runs your app, it executes this file.
App Designer autogenerates and manages the code for creating the app, its components,
and the framework for functions. To prevent you from accidentally overwriting the
code that App Designer manages, that code is read only (indicated with a light gray
The code that App Designer autogenerates is modularized. For example, when you add
a button and an edit field to the design area the generated code is as shown in the image
that follows.


App Designer Code Generation


App Programming

Notice that:
The first section of code defines the app properties.
Initially, this section contains the properties that correspond to the app and the app
components. If you add properties to share data, App Designer adds your properties to
this region. For information on adding properties, see Share Data Across Callbacks
on page 3-11
The second section of code contains the app functions.
Initially, this section contains the framework for the startup function. If you add
callbacks or other functions to the app, App Designer adds them to this region. For
information on adding functions, see Callbacks Programmed Response to User
Actions on page 3-6 and App Functions on page 3-13.
The third section of code initializes and creates the app and its components.
If you select a component in design view and use the Properties tab to change
property values for that component, App Designer reflects those changes in this
section of the code.
If you rename a component,property, or function (including a callback function), App
Designer updates the name in the read-only and read-write areas of the code.


Component Name in App Code

Component Name in App Code

App Designer references components in the code using the component name. If there is
more than one of a given component, App Designer appends the component name with a
numeric value. For example, if you include three push buttons in your app, App Designer
names them Button, Button2, and Button3.
The best practice is to rename each component with a name that helps you to identify it
when you read the code. For instance, if a push button causes the app to display results,
you might rename it ResultsButton. If you create an app and accept the default names,
but later decide to change them, you can do so, as described in Rename Components,
Properties, Callbacks, and Functions on page 3-16.


App Programming

Callbacks Programmed Response to User Actions

A callback is a function that executes in response to some predefined user action, such as
pressing a button or entering a value in a numeric edit field.
Most app components support callbacks. Labels, axes, radio buttons, toggle buttons,
lamps, and gauges do not. (However, button groups that contain radio or toggle buttons
do have callback functions.)

Callback Creation
You can create a component callback from design view or code view:
To create a callback from design view, right-click the component and select Callbacks
> Edit callback-name.

To create a callback from code view, in the code browser, right-click the component
and select Callbacks > Edit callback-name.


Callbacks Programmed Response to User Actions

Then, follow these steps:


In the Add Callback Function dialog box, enter a name for your callback and click
App Designer displays code view.
A best practice is to name the callback so that you can easily identify the control
with which it is associated in the app code and what the callback does. For instance,
if you intend for a button push to result in data being plotted, you might name the
button callback PlotButtonPushed.

At the location in the code where App Designer places the cursor, type the code that
you want MATLAB to run when the user manipulates the control.
Refer to components and their properties using app. as a prefix for each component.
This makes it possible to access properties directly, similar to the way you access
fields of a structure. For example, to set the Enabled property of the slider named
TempSlider to 'off', use the following code:
app.TempSlider.Enabled = 'off';

Tip To view component property names and a brief description of each, click the info
icon next to a component in the code browser.


App Programming

Complete property descriptions are available in Chapter5.


Run your app.

Test to ensure that manipulating the component has the effect you want. If your app
returns errors, debug your code as described in Debug App Code on page 3-10.

Note: Multiple components cannot share a callback. If you want to share code among
callbacks, consider writing a function and calling it from multiple callbacks, as described
in App Functions on page 3-13.
For detailed callback examples, see App Examples on page 3-19.

App Initialization
Use the app startup function to perform tasks that you want MATLAB to perform when
the app first opens. MATLAB runs the startup function after creating the components.
For instance, use the startup function if you want an axes to appear with a default plot
when the app opens or if you want to initialize app properties.
To access the startup function in your app, from code view, click View Startup
Function on the Editor tab.
Display Plot in Axes When the App Opens
This example shows how to create an app that opens with a plot in an axes.


Callbacks Programmed Response to User Actions

In App Designer:

Drag an axes into the design area.

Click Code View.

On the Editor tab, click View Startup Function.

App Designer places your cursor under function startup(app).

Add the following code:

x = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
y = sin(x);

Save and run the app.

When the app opens, the app displays the axes with the specified plot.


App Programming

Debug App Code

Many of the debugging features available in the MATLAB Editor are also provided in the
App Designer code view. In particular, you can:
Set and clear standard breakpoints.
Step through a file, pausing at points where you want to examine values.
After you set one or more breakpoints and click Run App, the App Designer Editor
tab displays Continue, Step, and Quit Debugging buttons.
View variable values in the MATLAB Workspace browser.
Clear a breakpoint by clicking it.
For details on these debugging features, see the Debugging Process and Features topic
in the MATLAB documentation.


Share Data Across Callbacks

Share Data Across Callbacks

Create properties to store data that you want to share across callbacks. For instance, you
can create a property to hold the result of a calculation. App Designer prefixes properties
that you create with app., which make it possible to access properties directly, similar to
the way you access fields of a structure array.
Store and Display Count of Button Presses
This example shows how to create an app that maintains a count of how many times a
button is pressed during an app session.

Drag a Button and a Numeric Edit Field into the design area.

Click Code View.

In the code browser, under App Properties, click Add property.

In the edit field that opens, type Counter.

App Designer adds the app. prefix to Counter and lists your property in the code

Initialize the counter property.


On the tool strip Editor tab, click View Startup Function


App Programming

In the code, on the line following function startup(app) type:

app.Counter = 0;

In the code browser, right-click app.Button and select Callbacks > Edit

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, click OK . (Accept the default callback
function name.)

Add code to increment the counter and display the counter value in the numeric edit
field each time the user clicks the push button.
Immediately after the function ButtonButtonPushed(app) line, add:
app.Counter = app.Counter + 1;
app.NumericEditField.Value = app.Counter;


Save, run, and test the app.

App Functions

App Functions
In addition to coding callback functions for your app, you can create app functions
that are independent of any particular component. For example, you can create an
app function to perform a calculation. You can then call that function from multiple
callback functions, eliminating the need to repeat that code in each callback that uses the
App to Perform a Calculation
This example shows how to create an app that performs a calculation. It uses a function,
mycalc, to calculate the sum and product of two values specified by the user. When the
user changes either value, the app recalculates the sum and product by calling mycalc.

In App Designer:

Add four numeric edit fields and labels to the design area, as shown in the preceding
image and described in this table.


Associated Label

Component Name in Code

Nondefault Property Values

Numeric Edit Field

Value 1:



App Programming


Associated Label

Component Name in Code

Nondefault Property Values

Numeric Edit Field

Value 2:



Numeric Edit Field



Maximum: Inf
Editable: Clear this check

Numeric Edit Field



Maximum: Inf
Editable: Clear this check

Click Code View.

Create the function to calculate the sum and the product of the values that the user
enters for value 1 and value 2:

In the code browser, click Add function.

In the add function field, type the function name, mycalc.

Add code to get the user-entered values, perform calculations, and assign a
vector to the function output argument, result.
Immediately after the function result = mycalc(app) line, add:
a = app.Value1.Value;
b = app.Value2.Value;
sum = a+b;
prod = a*b;
result = [sum,prod];


Code the callback for the Value 1 numeric edit field to call the mycalc function
whenever the user changes the field value:

In the code browser, right-click app.Value1 and select Callbacks > Edit

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, change the name to Value1Changed,
and then click OK.

App Functions

In the code, beginning with the line after function Value1Changed(app),

add the following code:
calc = mycalc(app);
app.Sum.Value = calc(1);
app.Product.Value = calc(2);

Code the callback for the Value 2 numeric edit field to call the mycalc function
whenever the user changes the field value:

In the code browser, right-click app.Value2 and select Callbacks > Edit

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, change the name to Value2Changed,
and then click OK.

In the code, beginning with the line after function Value2Changed(app),

add the following code:
calc = mycalc(app);
app.Sum.Value = calc(1);
app.Product.Value = calc(2);

On the Editor tab, click Run App.

Save the app when prompted.

Test the app by entering values for Value 1 and Value 2.


App Programming

Rename Components, Properties, Callbacks, and Functions

You can rename components, properties, and functions (including callbacks) in your
app. App Designer propagates the name change throughout the app code. You can
rename any of these app elements from code view. From design view, you can rename
app components only.

Rename Elements from Code View

To rename a component, property, or function from code view:

In the code browser, double-click the code name.

In the edit field that opens, type a new name.

App Designer updates the code to reflect the components new name when you press
Enter or click away from the edit field.
You cannot change the app. prefix. All app component names must have the app.

Tip If you are unsure which name corresponds to a particular component, use the
thumbnail view of the app that appears below the code browser. Click the component
that you want to identify. App Designer highlights the name of that component in the
code browser.

Rename Components from Design View


In the design area, select the component for which you want to change the code

Click the Properties tab.

Rename Components, Properties, Callbacks, and Functions

The Name in Code field displays the name by which that component is referenced
in the code.

In the Name in Code field, type a new name.

Press Enter or click away from the field. App Designer updates the code to reflect
the components new name.


App Programming

Delete Components, Properties, Callbacks, and Functions

You can delete components, properties, and functions (including callbacks) from your
app. You can delete any of these app elements from code view. From design view, you can
delete app components only.

Delete Elements from Code View

To delete a component, property, or function from code view, in the code browser, select
the code name, and then press the Delete key.
App designer updates the code to remove the deleted element. If you delete a component,
App Designer also removes it from design view. When you delete a component, callbacks
created for that component are not deleted. Therefore, the code you wrote for the callback
is preserved.
Tip If you are unsure which name corresponds to a particular component, use the
thumbnail view of the app that appears below the code browser. Click the component
that you want to identify. App Designer highlights the name of that component in the
code browser.

Delete Components from Design View

In the design area, select the component or components that you want to delete, and then
press the Delete or Backspace key.
App Designer updates the code and the design area to remove the deleted component.
Callbacks created for that component are not deleted. Therefore, the code you wrote for
the callback is preserved.


App Examples

App Examples
In this section...
App Displaying Single Plot in an Axes on page 3-19
App Displaying Multiple Axes on page 3-22
App Displaying Two Plots in One Axes on page 3-25
App Displaying Slider Value as it Changes on page 3-27
App to Change Lamp Color Based on Button Group Selection on page 3-29
App That Resizes Component When Window Resizes on page 3-30

App Displaying Single Plot in an Axes

This example shows how to create an app for users to control the charting method for
plotting data. The user selects a charting option from a drop down.


App Programming

To create the app:


In App Designer, drag an axes and a drop down into the central design area. Arrange
them as shown in the preceding image.

In the design area, select the drop down, and then, on the Properties tab, click

Set the properties for the drop down as shown in the image that follows.

App Examples

To delete a row, select it, and then click the minus button.

The user will see the text values in the drop down. The text data values are numeric
values associated with each option. You might find it easier to code callbacks using
functions that operate on numeric values rather than string values.

Close the Options dialog box, and then click Code View.

Add an app property to hold plotting data for your app.

In the code browser, click Add property, and then type Data in the field that opens.
App Designer appends the name with the app. prefix.

Specify the plot that you want to appear in the app when it first opens by adding
code to the startup function.
On the Editor tab, click View Startup Function. Add this code to the startup
app.Data = [75 91 105 123.5 131 150 179 203 226 249 281.5];
bar(app.Axes, app.Data);

Create a callback for the drop down.

In the code browser, right-click app.DropDown and select Callbacks > Edit


App Programming

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, click OK. (Accept the default callback
function name.)

In the code, beginning on the line after function DropDownValueChanged(app),

add the following code:
% Get the value data for the option selected by the user
val = app.DropDown.ValueData;
% Plot the data using the selected charting method
if (val == 1)
elseif (val == 2)
elseif (val == 3)

10 Save and run the app.

On the Editor tab, click Run App.
Save the app when prompted.
Test the app by trying the various app controls in the running app.

App Displaying Multiple Axes

This example shows how to create an app that accepts input parameters and plots
data in two axes. The parameters define a time-varying and frequency-varying signal.
One plot displays the data in the time domain. The other plot displays the data in the
frequency domain.


App Examples

To create the app:


In the App Designer, drag the components described in the following table into the
central design area. Arrange the components as shown in the preceding image.

Name in Code

Nondefault Property

Label Associated with




Not Applicable




Not Applicable


Numeric Edit Field NumericEditFieldf1 Maximum: 500


Numeric Edit Field NumericEditFieldf2 Maximum: 500


Edit Field


Not Applicable


App Programming



Name in Code

Nondefault Property

Label Associated with




Text: Plot

Not Applicable

Right-click the Plot button and select Callbacks > Edit ButtonPushedFcn.

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, click OK . (Accept the default callback
function name.)
App Designer opens code view.

Get the input values, perform calculations, and plot the data in the appropriate axes.
Beginning on the line following function ButtonButtonPushed(app) add:
% Get user input
f1 = app.NumericEditFieldf1.Value;
f2 = app.NumericEditFieldf2.Value;
t = eval(app.EditFieldTime.Value);

Calculate data
= sin(2*pi*f1*t) + sin(2*pi*f2*t);
= fft(x,512);
= y.*conj(y)/512;
= 1000*(0:256)/512;

% Create frequency plot in proper axes

app.AxesFreq.XMinorTick = 'on';
grid on
% Create time plot in proper axes
app.AxesTime.XMinorTick = 'on';
grid on

Save and run the app.

On the Editor tab, click Run App.
Save the app when prompted.

Test the app by trying the various app controls in the running app. Notice that:
The numeric edit fields, f1 and f2, display an error message if you enter a
nonnumeric value or one that exceeds the maximum that you set.


App Examples

The edit field for the time vector does not prevent you from entering an invalid vector.
To handle invalid time vector values, define a ValueChangedFcn callback function for
the EditFieldTime component, and then code it to determine if the users entries
are valid.

App Displaying Two Plots in One Axes

This example shows how to create an app that enables the user to control data plotted
in an axes using push buttons. The push buttons create different plots in the same axes.
After the user presses a button, it is disabled. Because the data being plotted does not
change, there is no reason for the user to press each button more than once.

To create the app:


App Programming

In App Designer, drag an axes and two buttons into the central design area. Arrange
them as shown in the preceding image and as described in this table.


Name in Code


Plot 1 (line x)



Plot 2 (line o)


Click Code View.

Add an app property to hold data for your app.

In the code browser, click Add property, and type X in the field that opens.
App Designer appends the name with the app. prefix.

Specify the value for the x-axis in the startup function.

On the Editor tab, click View Startup Function. Add this code to the startup
app.X = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi);

Create a callback for the Plot1 push button.

In the code browser, right-click app.Plot1 and select Callbacks > Edit

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, click OK . (Accept the default callback
function name.)

In the code, beginning on the line after function Plot1ButtonPushed(app), add

the following code:
y = sin(app.X);
app.Plot1.Enabled = false;

The last input argument to the plot function specifies that the plot will be
represented with a series of x characters.
The hold statement ensures that additional plots will not overwrite any existing
plots in the specified axes.

Create a callback for the Plot2 push button.

App Examples

In the code browser, right-click app.Plot2 and select Callbacks > Edit

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, click OK . (Accept the default callback
function name.)

10 In the code, beginning on the line afterfunction Plot2ButtonPushed(app), add

the following code:
y = cos(app.X);
app.Plot2.Enabled = false;

11 Save and run the app.

On the Editor tab, click Run App.
Save the app when prompted.
Test the app by trying the various controls in the running app.

App Displaying Slider Value as it Changes

This example shows how to create an app that displays a slider value in an edit field. The
edit field is continuously updated to reflect the current slider value. (Another example,
Create and Run a Simple App on page 1-3, updates the edit field only when the app
user releases the mouse button from the slider.)


App Programming

To create the app:


In App Designer, drag a Slider and a Numeric Edit Field into the central design
area, arranging them as shown in the preceding image.

Right-click the slider and select Callbacks > ValueChangingFcn.

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, click OK. (Accept the default callback
function name.)

In the code, beginning on the line after function

SliderValueChanging(app,event) add this code:
app.NumericEditField.Value = event.Value;

Save and run the app.

On the Editor tab, click Run App.
Save the app when prompted.

Test the app by doing each of the following:

Drag the slider to a new value.

App Examples

As you do so, the numeric edit field is continuously updated to display the current
slider value.
Click the slider.
The numeric edit field is updated to display the new slider value.

App to Change Lamp Color Based on Button Group Selection

This example shows how to create an app that changes the color of a lamp based on
which radio button the user selects.

To create the app:


In App Designer, drag a Radio Button Group, a Lamp, and a Label into the
central design area. Arrange them as shown in the preceding image and described in
this table.

Title or Text

Name in Code



ButtonGroup (default)








App Programming


Title or Text

Name in Code





Not applicable

Lamp (default)



Label (default)

Select the Go radio button.

On the Properties tab, select the Selected check box.

Click Code View.

In the code browser, right click app.ButtonGroup, and then select Callbacks >

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, click OK . (Accept the default callback
function name.)

Add code to determine which radio button is selected and set the lamp color
In the code, beginning on the line after function
ButtonGroupSelectionChange(app, event), add:
switch app.ButtonGroup.SelectedObject
case app.GoRadioButton
app.Lamp.Color = 'green';
case app.CautionRadioButton
app.Lamp.Color = 'yellow';
case app.StopRadioButton
app.Lamp.Color = 'red';

Save and run the app.

On the Editor tab, click Run App.
Save the app when prompted.

Test the app by selecting each radio button.

App That Resizes Component When Window Resizes

This example shows how to code the callback for app window so that when a user resizes
the window, a slider within the window resizes accordingly, remaining centered in the

App Examples

To create the app:


In App Designer, drag a Slider into the middle of the central design area.

Click Code View.

In the code browser, right-click app.AppWindow, and then select Callbacks >
Edit SizeChangedFcn.

In the Add Callback Function dialog box, click OK. (Accept the default callback
function name.)

At the cursor location in code view, beginning with the line after function
AppWindowSizeChange(app) add this code.
windowpos = app.AppWindow.Position;
slidersize = app.Slider.Size;
% Subtract the slider height from the
% window height and divide by 2.
app.Slider.Location = [30, (windowpos(4)-6)/2];
% Subtract 60 from the window width.
app.Slider.Size = [windowpos(3)-60, slidersize(2)];

The code gets the app window width and height after a resize operation. The code
updates the location and size of the slider to keep it centered in the app window, 30
pixels from the left and right sides of the window.

App Programming

Save and run the app.

On the Editor tab, click Run App.
Save the app when prompted.

Test the app by resizing the app window.


Keyboard Shortcuts
Component Selection Shortcuts on page 4-2
Component Move Shortcuts on page 4-3
Component Resize Shortcuts on page 4-4
Component Copy, Paste, Duplicate, and Delete Shortcuts on page 4-5
Component Alignment Shortcuts on page 4-6
Redo, Undo, and Cancel Operation Shortcuts on page 4-7
Run, Save, and Open App Shortcuts on page 4-8

Keyboard Shortcuts

Component Selection Shortcuts


Key or Keys

Move the selection to the next component,

container, or app window in the design
areas tab key navigation sequence.


Move the selection to the previous

component, container, or app window in the
design areas tab key navigation sequence.
Select all selectable components, excluding Ctrl+A
those that are children of another
Unselect a previously selected component
Press Shift+Click.
or reselect an unselected component (toggle


Component Move Shortcuts

Component Move Shortcuts


Key or Keys

Move selected components down 1 pixel.

Down Arrow

Move selected components left 1 pixel.

Left Arrow

Move selected components right 1 pixel.

Right Arrow

Move selected components up 1 pixel.

Up Arrow

Move selected components down 10 pixels.

Shift+Down Arrow

Move selected components left 10 pixels.

Shift+Left Arrow

Move selected components right 10 pixels.

Shift+Right Arrow

Move selected components up 10 pixels.

Shift+Up Arrow

Cancel an in-progress operation.



Keyboard Shortcuts

Component Resize Shortcuts



Resize component while maintaining aspect Press and hold down the Shift key before
you begin to drag the component expander.
Cancel an in-progress resize operation.



Component Copy, Paste, Duplicate, and Delete Shortcuts

Component Copy, Paste, Duplicate, and Delete Shortcuts


Key or Keys

Copy selected components to the clipboard. Ctrl+C

Duplicate the selected component (without Ctrl+D
copying to the clipboard).
Paste components on the clipboard into the Ctrl+V
design area.
Cut selected components (by copying them
to the clipboard and removing them from
the design area).


Delete the selected components from the

design area.

Backspace or Delete


Keyboard Shortcuts

Component Alignment Shortcuts



Align selected components on their left



Align selected components on their

horizontal centers.


Align selected components on their right



Align selected components on their top



Align selected components on their vertical Ctrl+5

Align selected components on their bottom



Redo, Undo, and Cancel Operation Shortcuts

Redo, Undo, and Cancel Operation Shortcuts


Key or Keys

Redo an undone design area modification,

returning it to the changed state.

Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z

Redo an undone code editor modification,

returning it to the changed state.


Undo a design area or code editor

modification, returning it to the previous


Cancel an in-progress resize or move




Keyboard Shortcuts

Run, Save, and Open App Shortcuts



Key or Keys

Save the active app.


Run the active app.


Open a previously saved app.


Property Reference
App Window Properties
Axes Properties
Button Properties
Button Group Properties
Check Box Properties
Discrete Knob Properties
Drop Down Properties
Edit Field Properties
Editable Drop Down Properties
Gauge Properties
Knob Properties
Label Properties
Lamp Properties
Linear Gauge Properties
List Box Properties
Ninety Degree Gauge Properties
Numeric Edit Field Properties
Panel Properties
Radio Button Properties
Rocker Switch Properties
Semicircular Gauge Properties
Slider Properties
State Button Properties
Switch Properties
Text Area Properties
Toggle Button Properties
Toggle Switch Properties

Property Reference

App Window Properties

Control App Window appearance and behavior
An App windows contains an app you create using App Designer. An app window is
a figure window tailored for App Designer. The figure properties that are supported
and relevant to the App Designer workflow are documented in this section of the
documentation. Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance
of an app window. To modify aspects of an app window, change property values. Use dot
notation to refer to a particular object and property:
window = appwindow;
name = window.Name;
window.Name = 'My Results';

Children Objects for which App Window is the parent

empty GraphicsPlaceholder array (default) | vector of objects
The objects for which App Window is the parent, specified as an array of objects.
To change the stacking of the objects on the display, change their order in the vector.
Example: [o1,o2,o3,o4]
where each o is an object.
Name App Window window title
'App Window' (default) | string

App Window Properties

App Window title, specified as a string.

Example: 'Results'
Parent App Window parent
root object
App Window parent, returned as a root object.
Position App Window size and location
app window size and location on screen (excluding the title bar, menu bar, tool bars, and
outer edges), specified as [left, bottom, width, height].
The left and bottom values define the distance from the lower-left corner of the screen
to the lower-left corner of the app window. The width and height values define the
dimensions of the window. The left and bottom elements can be negative on systems
that have more than one monitor. All measurements are in pixels.
Example: [230,250,570,510]
SizeChangedFcn Callback function that executes when app window window changes size
function handle | cell array | string
Callback function that executes when the app window size changes, specified as a
function handle, cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments, or a
string. MATLAB executes this callback routine when any of the following occur:
A user manually resizes the app window.
The code resizes the app window.
During execution of the callback function, the handle to the app window being resized
is accessible only through the root CallbackObject property, which you can query using
If you change the app window Position from within the SizeChangedFcn callback, the
SizeChangedFcn is not called again.
Example: @myfun
Example: {@myfun,x}
Example: {'myfun',x}

Property Reference

Units Units of measurement

'pixels' (default) | 'inches' | 'centimeters' | 'normalized' | 'points' |
Units of measurement, specified as 'pixels', 'inches', 'centimeters',
'normalized', 'points', or 'characters'.
Note: Regardless of the Units property value that you specify, MATLAB always uses
pixel units.
Visible App Window visibility
'on' (default) | 'off'
App Window visibility, specified as 'on' or 'off'. The Visible property determines
whether the app window is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of an app
window is set to 'off', the entire app window is hidden, but you can still specify and
access its properties.
Changing the size of a hidden app window triggers the SizeChangedFcn callback if and
when the app window becomes visible.
Note Changing the Visible property of an app window does not change the values of the
Visible properties of its child components, even though hiding the app window causes the
components to be hidden.


Axes Properties

Axes Properties
Control axes appearance and behavior
Axes properties control the appearance and behavior of an axes object. By changing
property values, you can modify certain aspects of the axes. Use dot notation to refer to a
particular object and property:
window = appwindow;
ax = axes('Parent',window);
color = ax.Color;
ax.Color = 'blue';

ActivePositionProperty Position property to hold constant during resize operation

'outerposition' (default) | 'position'
Position property to hold constant during a resize operation, specified as one of these
'outerposition' Hold the OuterPosition property constant. If you resize the
app window, the window layout adjusts to accommodate the the xlabel, ylabel and
title strings.
'position' Hold the Position property constant. If you resize the app window,
the window layout does not adjust to accommodate the xlabel, ylabel and title strings.
An app window can change size either interactively or during a printing or exporting

Property Reference

BeingDeleted Deletion status of axes

'off' (default) | 'on'
Deletion status of axes, returned as 'on' or 'off'. MATLAB sets the BeingDeleted
property to 'on' when the delete function of the axes begins execution (see the
DeleteFcn property). The BeingDeleted property remains set to 'on' until the axes no
longer exists.
Check the value of the BeingDeleted property to verify that the axes is not about to be
deleted before querying or modifying the axes properties.
Box Axes box outline
'off' (default) | 'on'
Axes box outline, specified as one of these values:
'off' Does not display the box outline around the axes.
'on' Displays the box outline around the axes.
The XColor and YColor properties control the color of the outline.
Children Children of axes object
empty GraphicsPlaceholder array (default) | array of graphics objects
Children of axes object, returned as an array of graphics objects. You cannot add or
remove children using the Children property of the axes.
To add a child to this list, set the Parent property of the child graphics object to the axes
CLim Color mapping for objects using colormap
[0 1] (default) | [cmin cmax]
Color mapping for objects in axes that use the colormap, specified as a two-element
vector of the form [cmin cmax].
The CLim property determines how MATLAB maps data values to the colors in the
colormap, where:
cmin specifies the data value that maps to the first color in the colormap.
cmax specifies the data value that maps to the last color in the colormap.
The axes linearly interpolates data values between cmin and cmax across the colormap.
Values outside this range use either the first or last colormap color, whichever is closest.

Axes Properties

For information on changing the colormap, see the colormap function. For information
on color mapping, see the caxis function.
Setting this property sets the CLimMode property to 'manual'.
CLimMode Selection mode for CLim
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Selection mode for the CLim property, specified as one of these values:
'auto' Set the CLim property to span the CData limits of the graphics objects
displayed in the axes.
'manual' Use the manually specified CLim values. To specify the values, set the
CLim property. The axes does not change the value of the CLim property when the
limits of axes children change.
Color Color of axes back planes
[1 1 1] (default) | RGB triplet | color string | 'none'
Color of axes back planes, specified as an RGB triplet, a color string, or 'none'. If
you set the color to 'none', then the axes is invisible and the app window color shows
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.
Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]



[0 0 0]

Example: [0 0 1]

Property Reference

Example: 'b'
Example: 'blue'
ColorOrder Colors for multiline plots
seven predefined colors (default) | three-column matrix of RGB triplets
Colors for multiline plots, specified as a three-column matrix of RGB triplets, where each
row defines one color in the color order. The functions that create line plots cycle through
the colors defined by the ColorOrder property to color each line plotted.
The default color order has seven colors.
Default Color Order

Associated RGB Triplets




The functions that create line plots cycle through the colors to color each line. The hold
state for the axes affects the colors used:
If the hold state for the axes is off (when the NextPlot property is set to 'replace',
then high-level plotting functions such as plot reset the color order to the default
colors before plotting. If you want to specify new colors for the color order and
do not want high-level plotting functions to reset them, then set the NextPlot
property to 'replacechildren'. Alternatively, you can specify a new default
value for the ColorOrder property on the root using the set function. For example,
set(groot,'defaultAxesColorOrder',[0 1 0; 0 0 1]).
If the hold state from the axes is on (when the NextPlot property is set to 'add'),
then plotting functions cycle through the colors starting from the place in the color
order where the last plot ended.
Data Types: single | double
CreateFcn Creation callback
'' (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Creation callback, specified as one of these values:

Axes Properties

Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB command or function, which is evaluated in the base
workspace (not recommended)
Use this property to execute code when the axes is created. Setting the CreateFcn
property on an existing axes has no effect. You must define a default value for this
property, or define this property using a Name,Value pair during axes creation.
MATLAB executes the callback after creating the axes and setting all of its properties.
If you specify this callback using a function handle, MATLAB passes two arguments to
the callback function when executing the callback:
The axes object You can access properties of the axes object from within the
callback function. You also can access the axes object through the CallbackObject
property of the root, which can be queried using the gcbo function.
Event data This argument is empty for this property. Replace it with the tilde
character (~) in the function definition to indicate that this argument is not used.
For more information on how to use function handles to define callback functions, see the
Callback Definition topic in the MATLAB documentation.
Example: @myCallback
Example: {@myCallback,arg3}
DataAspectRatio Relative length of data units along each axis
[1 1 1] (default) | three-element vector of the form [dx dy n]
Relative length of data units along each axis, specified as a three-element vector of
the form [dx dy n]. The first two vector elements define the relative x and y data
scale factors. The third vector element is ignored, but must be included. For example,
specifying this property as [1 2 1] sets the length of one unit of data in the x-direction
to be the same length as two units of data in the y-direction.
The DataAspectRatio property interacts with the PlotBoxAspectRatio, XLimMode,
and YLimMode properties to control how MATLAB scales the x-axis and y-axis.
Setting a value for the DataAspectRatio disables the stretch-to-fill the app window
shape behavior if DataAspectRatioMode and PlotBoxAspectRatioMode are both set to

Property Reference

If the associated mode property is set to 'auto', then MATLAB chooses the ratio values.
If you set this property, then MATLAB sets the mode to 'manual'.
Example: [1 1 1]
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 |
uint32 | uint64
DataAspectRatioMode Selection mode for DataAspectRatio
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Selection mode for DataAspectRatio specified as one of these values:
'auto' Use values that make best use of the area provided by the app window.
'manual' Use the manually specified values. To specify the values, set the
DataAspectRatioMode to 'manual'. Changing DataAspectRatioMode to 'manual'
disables the stretch-to-fill the app window shape behavior if DataAspectRatioMode
and PlotBoxAspectRatioMode property values are both set to 'auto'.
This table describes the interactions among properties when you disable the stretchto-fill behavior.
XLimitMode, and


PlotBoxAspectRatioMode Behavior




Limits chosen to span

data range in all




Limits chosen to
span data range
in all dimensions.
MATLAB modifies
DataAspectRatio to
achieve the requested
within the limits the
software selected.




Limits chosen to
span data range
in all dimensions.
MATLAB modifies


Axes Properties

XLimitMode, and


PlotBoxAspectRatioMode Behavior




Limits chosen to
completely fit and
center the plot
within the requested
given the requested
DataAspectRatio (this
might produce empty
space around 2 of the 3




MATLAB honors
limits and modifies the
DataAspectRatio and
PlotBoxAspectRatio as




MATLAB honors
limits and
and modifies
DataAspectRatio as




MATLAB honors limits

and DataAspectRatio
and modifies the
PlotBoxAspectRatio as

PlotBoxAspectRatio to
achieve the requested
within the limits the
software selected.

DeleteFcn Deletion callback

'' (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Deletion callback, specified as one of these values:

Property Reference

Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB command or function, which is evaluated in the base
workspace (not recommended)
Use this property to execute code when the axes is deleted. MATLAB executes the
callback before destroying the axes so that the callback can access its property values.
If you specify this callback using a function handle, MATLAB passes two arguments to
the callback function when executing the callback:
The axes object You can access properties of the axes object from within the
callback function. You also can access the axes object through the CallbackObject
property of the root, which can be queried using the gcbo function.
Event data This argument is empty for this property. Replace it with the tilde
character (~) in the function definition to indicate that this argument is not used.
For more information on how to use function handles to define callback functions, see the
Callback Definition topic in the MATLAB documentation.
Example: @myCallback
Example: {@myCallback,arg3}
FontAngle Character slant
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this property to italic
selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users system. Not all
fonts have both font styles, therefore, the italic font might look the same as the normal
FontSize Font size
10 (default) | scalar numeric value
Font size, specified as a scalar numeric value. The FontSize property determines the size
of the text used for the axis labels and the title. The FontUnits property determines the
units used to interpret the font size.
Example: 12


Axes Properties

FontUnits Font size units

'points' (default) | 'inches' | 'centimeters' | 'characters' | 'normalized'
| 'pixels'
Font size units, specified as one of the values in the table that follows.



Points. One point equals 1/72 inches.






Based on the size of characters in the

default system font. The width of one
character unit is the width of the letter
x. The height of one character unit is the
distance between the baselines of two lines
of text.


Interpreted as a fraction of the axes height.

If you resize the axes, MATLAB modifies
the font size accordingly. For example, if
the FontSize is 0.1 in normalized units,
then the text is 1/10 of the axes height.


Pixels. Pixel size depends on the screen


If you set the FontSize and the FontUnits in one function call, you must set the
FontUnits property first so that the axes correctly interprets the specified FontSize.
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
GridColor Color of grid lines
[0.15 0.15 0.15] (default) | RGB triplet | color string | 'none'

Property Reference

Color of grid lines, specified as an RGB triplet, a color string, or 'none'.

An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.
Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]



[0 0 0]

To set the colors for the axes box outline, use the XColor and YColor properties.
Example: [0 0 1]
Example: 'b'
Example: 'blue'
GridColorMode Selection mode for GridColor
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Selection mode for the GridColor property, specified as 'auto' or 'manual'. The color is
based on the values of the GridColorMode, XColorMode, and YColorMode properties.
These table lists the grid line colors for different combinations of color modes.


GridColorMode Property

XColorMode Property

x-Axis Grid Line Color



Determined by GridColor



Determine by

Axes Properties

GridColorMode Property

XColorMode Property

x-Axis Grid Line Color



Determined by GridColor



Determined by GridColor

GridColorMode Property

YColorMode Property

y-Axis Grid Line Color



Determined by GridColor



Determine by



Determined by GridColor



Determined by GridColor

LineStyleOrder Line styles and markers for multiline plots

'-' solid line (default) | cell array of specifiers
Line styles and markers for multiline plots, specified as a cell array of any number and
combination of the specifiers in this table.

Line Style


Solid line


Plus sign markers


Circle markers


Star markers


Point markers


Cross markers


Square markers


Diamond markers


Upward-pointing triangle markers


Downward-pointing triangle markers


Right-pointing triangle markers


Property Reference


Line Style


Left-pointing triangle markers


Five-pointed star (pentagram) markers


Six-pointed star (hexagram) markers

Combine strings to specify lines with markers, such as '-*'. The plot cycles through the
line styles only after using all the colors contained in the ColorOrder property. If the hold
state for the axes is off (when the NextPlot property of the axes is set to 'replace'),
then high-level plotting functions such as plot reset the line style order to the default
line styles before plotting.
If you want to specify a set of line styles that is different from the default and do not
want high-level plotting functions to reset the LineStyleOrder property, then set
NextPlot to 'replacechildren'. Alternatively, you can specify a new default value
for the LineStyleOrder property on the root using the set function. For example,
Example: {'-*',':','o'}
LineWidth Width of axes outline, tick marks, and grid lines
0.5 (default) | scalar value
Width of axes outline, tick marks, and grid lines, specified as a scalar value in point
units. One point equals 1/72 inch. The default value is 0.5 point.
Example: 1.5
MinorGridColor Color of minor grid lines
[0.1 0.1 0.1] (default) | RGB triplet | color string
Color of minor grid lines, specified as an RGB triplet, a color string, or 'none'.
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.


Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]

Axes Properties

Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]



[0 0 0]

Example: [0 0 1]
Example: 'b'
Example: 'blue'
NextPlot Properties to reset when adding new plot
'replace' (default) | 'add' | 'replacechildren'
Properties to reset when adding a new plot to the axes, specified as one of these values:
'replace' Reset all axes properties, except Position and Units, to their default
values and delete all axes children before displaying the new plot. Using this value is
similar to using cla reset.
'add' Use the existing axes to add more plots to the axes and do not reset
'replacechildren' Remove all child objects before adding new plots, but do not
reset axes properties. This is similar to using cla.
The newplot function simplifies the use of the NextPlot property and is useful for
writing custom graphing functions.
OuterPosition Size and location of axes including labels, title, and margins
[0 0 1 1] (default) | [left bottom width height]
Size and location of axes including labels, title, and margins, specified as a four-element
vector of the form [left bottom width height]. This vector defines the extents of
the rectangle that encloses the outer bounds of the axes. The left and bottom elements
define the distance from the lower-left corner of the app window that contains the axes
to the lower-left corner of the rectangle. The last two elements, width and height
elements are the rectangle dimensions.

Property Reference

The values are measured in units normalized to the container. The default value of [0 0
1 1] includes the whole interior of the container.
In the following image, the red rectangle encloses the region defined by the OuterPosition
property. The green rectangle encloses the region defined by the Position property.

For more information, see the Axes Resize to Accommodate Titles and Labels topic in
the MATLAB documentation.
Parent Parent of axes
app window object

Axes Properties

Parent of axes, specified an app window object.

PlotBoxAspectRatio Relative length of each axis
[1 1 1] | [px py n]
Relative length of each axis, specified as a three-element vector of the form [px py n]
defining the relative x-axis and y-axis scale factors. The third vector element is ignored,
but must be present. The plot box is a box enclosing the axes data region as defined by
the axis limits.
The PlotBoxAspectRatio property interacts with the DataAspectRatio, XLimMode and
YLimMode properties. Setting the PlotBoxAspectRatio disables the stretch-to-fill the
app window shape behavior, if DataAspectRatioMode and PlotBoxAspectRatioMode
property values are both 'auto'.
If the associated mode property is set to 'auto', then MATLAB chooses the ratio values.
If you set this property, then MATLAB sets the mode to 'manual'.
Example: [1,0.75,0.75]
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 |
uint32 | uint64
PlotBoxAspectRatioMode Selection mode for PlotBoxAspectRatio
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Selection mode for the PlotBoxAspectRatio property, specified as one of these values:
'auto' Use values that make best use of the area provided by the app window.
'manual' Use the manually specified values. To specify the values, set
the PlotBoxAspectRatio property. Changing PlotBoxAspectRatioMode to
'manual' disables the stretch-to-fill the app window shape behavior if
PlotBoxAspectRatioMode and DataAspectRatioMode property values are both
This table describes the behavior for various combinations of properties when you disable
the stretch-to-fill behavior.
XLimitMode, and


PlotBoxAspectRatioMode Behavior




Limits chosen to span

data range in all

Property Reference

XLimitMode, and


PlotBoxAspectRatioMode Behavior




Limits chosen to
span data range
in all dimensions.
MATLAB modifies
DataAspectRatio to
achieve the requested
within the limits the
software selected.




Limits chosen to
span data range
in all dimensions.
MATLAB modifies
PlotBoxAspectRatio to
achieve the requested
within the limits the
software selected.




Limits chosen to
completely fit and
center the plot
within the requested
given the requested
DataAspectRatio (this
might produce empty
space around 2 of the 3




MATLAB honors
limits and modifies the
DataAspectRatio and
PlotBoxAspectRatio as


Axes Properties

XLimitMode, and


PlotBoxAspectRatioMode Behavior




MATLAB honors
limits and
and modifies
DataAspectRatio as




MATLAB honors limits

and DataAspectRatio
and modifies the
PlotBoxAspectRatio as

Position Size and position of axes within app window

[0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150] (default) | [left bottom width height]
Size and position of the axes within the app window that contains the axes, specified as a
four-element vector of the form [left bottom width height]. The left and bottom
elements define the distance from the lower-left corner of the app window to the lowerleft corner of the axes. The width and height elements are the axes dimensions.
The values are measured in units normalized to the app window.
The axes dimensions are the largest possible values that conform to all other properties
and do not extend outside the Position rectangle. Axes properties that affect the axes
size and shape include the DataAspectRatio and PlotBoxAspectRatio.
Example: [0 0 1 1]
TickDir Tick mark direction
'in' (default) | 'out'
Tick mark direction, specified as one of these values:
'in' Directs tick marks inward from the axis lines.
'out' Directs tick marks outward from the axis lines.
Setting this property sets the TickDirMode property to 'manual'.
TickDirMode Selection mode for TickDir
'auto' (default) | 'manual'

Property Reference

Selection mode for the TickDir property, specified as one of these values:
'auto' Use default tick direction
'manual' Use manually specified tick mark direction. To specify the tick mark
direction, set the TickDir property.
TickLength Tick mark length
[0.01 0.025] (default) | [length,n]
Tick mark length, specified as a two-element vector of the form [length, n]. The first
element is the tick mark length. The second element is ignored (but must be specified).
Specify the values in units normalized relative to the longest of the visible x-axis or y-axis
Example: [0.02 0.035]
Title Text object used for axes title
text object (default)
Text object used for axes title. Use this text object to change properties of the title text.
window = appwindow;
ax = axes('Parent',window);
ax.Title.String = 'My Graph Title';
ax.Title.FontWeight = 'normal';

Note: To access the axes title text object, use the Title property or the title function.
This text object is not contained in the axes Children property, it cannot be returned by
findobj, and it does not use default values defined for text objects.
Type Type of graphics object
'axes' (default)
Type of graphics object returned as the string 'axes'.
Data Types: char
Units Position units
'normalized' (default) | 'inches' | 'centimeters' | 'pixels' | 'points' |

Axes Properties

Position units, specified as one of the values in the table that follows.


'normalized' (default)

Normalized with respect to the container,

which is typically the figure or a uipanel.
The lower-left corner of the conatiner maps
to (0,0) and the upper-right corner maps
to (1,1).






Based on the size of characters in the

default system font. The width of one
character unit is the width of the letter
x. The height of one character unit is the
distance between the baselines of two lines
of text.


Points. One point equals 1/72 inch.


Pixels. Pixel size depends on the screen


When specifying the units as a Name,Value pair during object creation, you must set the
Units property before specifying the properties that you want to use these units, such as
Visible Visibility of axes
'on' (default) | 'off'
Visibility of axes, specified as one of these values:
'on' Display the axes.
'off' Hide the axes without deleting it. You still can access the properties of a
invisible axes object.
XAxisLocation Location of x-axis
'bottom' (default) | 'top'
Location of the x-axis, specified as one of these values:
'bottom' Display x-axis at bottom of axes

Property Reference

or 'top' Display x-axis at top of axes

XColor, YColor Color of axes outline and tick marks
[0.15 0.15 0.15] (default) | RGB triplet | color string | 'none'
Color of the axes outline in the x or y direction and the associated tick marks, specified
as an RGB triplet, a color string, or 'none'. If you set the color to 'none', then the axes
outline is invisible.
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.
Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]



[0 0 0]

Example: [1 1 0]
Example: 'y'
Example: 'yellow'
XColorMode, YColorMode Selection mode for axes outline color
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Selection mode for the axis outline color, specified as one of these values:
'auto' Use the default color.
'manual' Use the manually specified color. To specify the color, set the XColor or
YColor property.

Axes Properties

See GridColorMode for related information about grid line color selection.
XDir, YDir Direction of increasing values along axis
'normal' (default) | 'reverse'
Direction of increasing values along axis, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Normal direction of increasing values:
x-axis values increase from left to right.
y-axis values increase from bottom to top.
'reverse' Reverse direction of increasing values:
x-axis values decrease from left to right.
y-axis values decrease from bottom to top.
XGrid, YGrid Display of grid lines
'off' (default) | 'on'
Display of grid lines, specified as one of these values:
'off' Do not display the grid lines.
'on' Displays grid lines perpendicular to the axis, for example, along lines of
constant x or y values. Use the grid command to set both properties 'on' or 'off'.
XLabel, YLabel Text object
text object (default)
Text object for x-axis or y-axis, label. Use this text object to change the properties of the
axis label text.
window = appwindow;
ax = axes('Parent',window);
ax.YLabel.String = 'Y Axis';
ax.YLabel.FontSize = 12;

Note: To access the axis label text objects, use XLabel and YLabel, properties or
the xlabel and ylabel functions. These text objects are not contained in the axes
Children property, they cannot be returned by findobj, and they do not use default
values defined for text objects.

Property Reference

XLim, YLim Minimum and maximum axis limits

[0 1] (default) | [min max]
Minimum and maximum x-axis or y-axis limits, specified as a two-element vector of the
form [min max].
If the associated mode property is set to 'auto', then MATLAB chooses the axis limits.
If you assign a value to this property, then MATLAB sets the mode to 'manual' and
does not automatically compute the limits.
XLimMode, YLimMode Selection mode for axis limits
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Selection mode for axis limits, specified as one of these values:
'auto' Select axis limits based on the data plotted. That is, the total span of the
XData or YData of all the objects displayed in the axes.
'manual' Use manually specified axis limits. To specify the axis limits, set the
XLim or YLim property.
XMinorGrid, YMinorGrid Display of minor grid lines
'off' (default) | 'on'
Display of minor grid lines, specified as one of these values:
'off' Do not display grid lines.
'on' Display grid lines aligned with the minor tick marks of the axis. You do not
need to enable minor ticks to display minor grid lines.
XMinorTick, YMinorTick Display of minor tick marks
'off' (default) | 'on'
Display of minor tick marks, specified as one of these values:
'off' Do not display minor tick marks.
'on' Display minor tick marks between the major tick marks on the axis. The
space between the major tick marks determines the number of minor tick marks.
XScale, YScale Scale of values along axis
'linear' (default) | 'log'
Scale of values along axis, specified as 'linear' or 'log'.

Axes Properties

XTick, YTick Tick mark locations

[] (default) | vector of increasing values
Tick mark locations, specified as a vector of increasing values.
If the associated mode property is set to 'auto', then MATLAB chooses the tick values.
If you assign a value to this property, then MATLAB sets the mode to 'manual' and
does not automatically recompute the tick values.
Example: [2 4 6 8 10]
Example: 0:10:100
Data Types: single | double
XTickLabel, YTickLabel Tick mark labels
'' (default) | cell array of strings
Tick mark labels, specified as a cell array of strings. If you do not specify enough strings
for all the ticks marks, then the axes cycles through the specified strings.
If the associated mode property is set to 'auto', then MATLAB chooses the labels. If
you assign a value to this property, then MATLAB sets the mode to 'manual' and does
not automatically choose the labels.
XTickLabelMode, YTickLabelMode Selection mode for tick mark labels
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Selection mode for tick mark labels, specified as one of these values:
'auto' Label tick marks with numeric values that span the range of the plotted
'manual' Use manually specified tick mark labels. To specify the labels, set the
XTickLabel or YTickLabel property.
XTickMode, YTickMode Selection mode for tick mark locations
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Selection mode for tick mark locations, specified as one of these values:
'auto' Select the tick mark locations based on the range of data for the axis.
'manual' Use manually specified tick mark locations. To specify the values, set
the XTick or YTick property.

Property Reference

YAxisLocation Location of y-axis

'left' (default) | 'right'
Location of y-axis, specified as one of these values:
'left' Display y-axis on right side of axes.
'right' Display y-axis on left side of axes.

See Also

axes | axis | box | caxis | cla | gca | grid

More About


Access Property Values

Button Properties

Button Properties
Control push button appearance and behavior
Buttons are app components that typically generate an action when an app user presses
and releases them. Button properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular
instance of a button. To modify aspects of a button, change property values. Use dot
notation to refer to a particular object and property:
button = uibutton;
txt = button.Text;
button.Text = 'Plot';

ButtonPushedFcn Code to execute after app user clicks and releases button
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Code to execute when the app user clicks and releases the button, specified as a function
handle, a cell array containing function handle and additional arguments, or a string.
MATLAB does not execute the callback function if the app user clicks the button, but
then moves the mouse and releases the mouse button while the cursor is outside the
bounds of the button.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Enabled Operational state of Button
true (default) | false
Operational state of button, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the app user can press the button.
If you set this property to false, the button appears dimmed, indicating that an app
user cannot press it and the button will not trigger a callback.
FontAngle Character slant of button text
'normal' (default) | 'italic'

Property Reference

Character slant of the button text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this
property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users
FontName Font in which to display button text
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the button text, specified as a string. If the specified font is
not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If 'Helvetica' is not
available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
Example: 'Arial'
FontSize Font size of button text
12 (default) | positive number
Font size of button text, specified as a positive number. The units are points.
Example: 14
Data Types: double
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of icon and text within button
'center' (default) | 'left' | 'right'
Horizontal alignment of text and icon within the button, specified as 'center', 'left',
or 'right'.
The following image shows the three horizontal alignment options, center, left, and right,
when the VerticalAlignment and IconAlignment properties are set to their default values
('center' and 'left', respectively).

Button Properties

Icon File name of icon to display on button

'' (default) | string
File name of icon to display on button, specified as a string.
The string must be the name and extension of an image file on the MATLAB path, or the
full path to an image file.
The image file type must be JPEG, GIF, or PNG.
MATLAB clips the image if does not fit within the bounds specified by the button Size
property value.
Example: 'icon.png'
Example: 'C:\Documents\icon.png'
IconAlignment Location of button icon relative to Text
'left' (default) | 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'right'
Location of button icon relative to button Text (if any), specified as one of the following






Property Reference

Note: The preceding images reflect the icon location when HorizontalAlignment and
VerticalAlignment are each set to their default value, 'center'.
If you specify an empty string ('') for the Text property, then the icon aligns as though
it is text, according to the values set for HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment.
The IconAlignment property value has no effect in this case.
Location Location of button relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of button relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the button. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of button relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for buttons.
OuterSize Size of button, including Text value
[100,20] (default) | [width,height]
Size of the button, returned as [width,height]. The units of measurement are pixels.
Parent Parent container of button
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of the button, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Size of button
[100,20] (default) | [width,height].
Size of the button, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are pixels.
Text Characters that display on button
'Button' (default) | string | cell array of strings
Characters that display on button, specified as one of the following:
string Displayed as a single line string. For example:

Button Properties

uibutton('Text', 'Press');

cell array of strings Displayed as multiline text. Each row of the cell array is one
line of text. Adjust button Size property value accordingly.
uibutton('Text', {'Press','Here'}, 'Size',[40,40]);

Example: 'Restart Simulation'

Example: {'Restart', 'Simulation'}
VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment of text within button
'center' (default) | 'top' | 'bottom'
Vertical alignment of text within the button, specified as 'center', 'top', or
The following image shows the three vertical alignment options when the
HorizontalAlignment is 'center'.

Note: Vertical alignment values appear to have no effect when the button is the default
Visible Button visibility
true (default) | false


Property Reference

Button visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines whether
the button is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a button is set to false,
the entire button is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


Button Group Properties

Button Group Properties

Control button group appearance and behavior
Button groups are app components that manage the mutual exclusiveness of the radio
buttons or toggle buttons that it contains. A button group can contain radio buttons or
toggle buttons, but not both. Typically, the button group generates an action when the
selected button changes. Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular
instance of a button group. To modify aspects of a button group, change property values.
Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
window = appwindow;
bg = matlab.ui.control.ButtonGroup('Parent',window);
title = bg.Title;
bg.Title = 'Options';

BorderVisibility Whether the button group border is displayed

true (default) | false
Whether button group border is displayed, specified as true or false.
Enabled Operational status of button group
true (default) | false
Operational status of button group, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the button group appearance indicates that the app user
can interact with child components (unless you disable individual components within the
button group).
If you set this property to false, the button group appears dimmed, indicating that the
app user cannot interact with child components, and the button group will not trigger a

Property Reference

Note Changing the Enabled property of a button group does not change the values of
the Enabled properties of its child components, even though disabling the button group
causes the children to be disabled.
FontAngle Character slant of button group title
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of the Button Group title, value specified as 'normal' or 'italic'.
Setting this property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on
the app users system.
FontName Font in which to display button group title
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the button group Title property value, specified as a string.
If the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
Example: 'Arial'
FontSize Font size of button group title
12 (default) | positive number
Font size of button group title, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement
are points.
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
Location Location of button group relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]

Button Group Properties

Location of button group relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the button group. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterSize Button Group size, including the title bar
[123,106] (default) | [width,height]
The button group size, including the title bar, returned as [width,height]. The units
of measurement are pixels.
Parent Parent container of button group
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of button group, specified as an app window, panel, or button group
SelectedObject Currently selected radio or toggle button
first radio or toggle button in button group (default)
Currently selected radio button or toggle button, specified as a radio button or a toggle
button object.
Get the value of this property to determine which radio or toggle button is currently
selected within the button group.
Set the value of this property to change the currently selected radio or toggle button.
When you change the selection using this property, MATLAB adjusts the Value property
for the other radio or toggle buttons within the button group accordingly.
For example, suppose your button group contains three radio buttons and you set the
SelectedObject property to radiobutton3. MATLAB sets the Value property for each
child radio button as follows:
radiobutton1.Value = false;
radiobutton2.Value = false;
radiobutton3.Value = true;
In other words, setting the SelectedObject property for a button group has the same
effect as setting the Value property for a child button.
SelectionChangeFcn Function that executes when an app user changes the button
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string

Property Reference

Function that executes when an app user changes the button selection, specified as one of
these values:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace
This callback function does not execute if a radio or toggle button Value property changes
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Size Button Group size, excluding title bar
[123,85] (default) | [width,height]
The button group size, excluding the title bar, specified as [width,height]. The units
of measurement are pixels.
Title Button Group title
'Button Group' (default) | string | cell array of strings
The button group title, specified as a string.
Visible Button Group visibility
true (default) | false
Button Group visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the button group is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a button
group is set to false, the entire button group is hidden. However, you can still specify
and access its properties.
Note Changing the Visible property of a button group does not change the values of the
Visible properties of its child components, even though hiding the button group causes
the children to be hidden.


Check Box Properties

Check Box Properties

Control check box appearance and behavior
Check boxes are app components that indicate one of two states. Typically, check boxes
generate an action when checked or cleared. Properties control the appearance and
behavior of a particular instance of a check box. To modify aspects of a check box, change
property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
checkbox = uicheckbox;
txt = checkbox.Text;
checkbox.Text = 'Show value';

Enabled Operational state of check box

true (default) | false
Operational state of check box, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the app user can select or clear it.
If you set this property to false, the check box appears dimmed, indicating that the app
user cannot select or clear it and it will not trigger a callback.
FontAngle Character slant of check box text
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of check box text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this
property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users
FontName Font in which to display check box text
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the check box Text property value, specified as a string. If
the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
FontSize Font size of check box text
12 (default) | positive number

Property Reference

Font size of check box text, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement are
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
Location Location of check box relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of check box relative to parent container, specified as [x,y], where x and y
specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container (panel or app
window) to the lower-left corner of the Check Box. The units of measurement are pixels.
Example: [100,150]
OuterLocation Location of check box relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Check Boxes.
OuterSize Size of check box, including Text value
[84,15] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to Size for Check Boxes.
Parent Parent container of check box
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of check box, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Size of check box, including Text value
[84,15] (default) | [width,height]

Check Box Properties

Size of the check box, including the Text value, specified as [width,height]. The units
of measurement are pixels.
Text Check box label
'Check Box' (default) | string | cell array of strings
Check Box label, specified as one of the following:
string Displayed as a single line string. For example:
uicheckbox('Text', 'Filter');

cell array of strings Displayed as multiline text. Each row of the cell array is one
line of text. (You must increase the size from the default value to accommodate the
additional line of text.)

If you set the Text property to a cell array of strings, you must change the check box Size
property value to accommodate the additional lines of text.
Value State of check box
false (default) | true
State of check box specified as true or false. When the Value property is set to true,
the check box is checked; when set to false, the check box is not checked.
ValueChangedFcn Function that executes when app user selects or clears check box
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Function that executes when app user selects or clears the check box, specified as one of
these values:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
This callback function does not execute if the check box Value changes programmatically.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Visible Check Box visibility
true (default) | false

Property Reference

Check Box visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the check box is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a check box
is set to false, the entire check box is hidden, but you can still specify and access its


Discrete Knob Properties

Discrete Knob Properties

Control discrete knob appearance and behavior
Discrete knobs are app components from which a user can select one option from a set.
Typically, discrete knobs generate an action when a user changes the knob selection.
Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a discrete
knob. To modify aspects of a discrete knob, change property values. Use dot notation to
refer to a particular object and property:
knob = uiknob('discrete');
val = knob.Value;
knob.Value = 'Low';

Enabled Operational state of discrete knob

true (default) | false
Operational state of discrete knob, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the app user can turn the discrete knob.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the discrete knob appears dimmed,
indicating that the app user cannot turn the discrete knob and it will not trigger a
Location Location of knob, exclusive of state marks and labels, relative to parent
[126,111] (default) | [x,y]
Location of discrete knob, exclusive of state marks and labels, relative to parent, specified
as [x,y], where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent
container to the lower-left corner of the discrete knob. The units of measurement are
OuterLocation Location of knob, including state marks and labels, relative to parent
[101,110] (default) | [x,y]

Property Reference

Location of knob, including tick marks, relative to parent, specified as [x,y]. The units
of measurement are pixels.
OuterSize Size of knob, including state marks and labels
[127,86] (default) | [height,width]
Size of knob, including state marks and labels, returned as [height,width]. The units
of measurement are pixels.
Parent Parent container of discrete knob
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of discrete knob, specified as an app window, panel, or button group
Size Size of knob, exclusive of state marks and labels
[60,60] (default) | [width,height]
Size of knob, exclusive of state marks and labels, specified as [width,height]. The
units of measurement are pixels.
Text Set of discrete knob labels
{'Off','Low','Medium','High'} (default) | 1-by-n cell array of strings
The set of discrete knob labels, specified as a 1-by-n cell array of strings. The cell array
must contain at least two elements. The discrete knob displays as many options as there
are elements in the Text property value. MATLAB labels the knob tick marks using the
cell array values, applied in clockwise order on the knob.
Example: {'Off','Slow','Fast'}
Example: {'1','2','3','4'}
TextData Data associated with each element of the Text property
{1,2,3,4} (default) | 1-by-n cell array of integers
Data associated with each element of the Text property, specified as a 1by-n cell
array of integers, where n is greater than 0. For example, if you set the Text property to
temperature descriptions ('boiling','lukewarm','freezing') you might set the
TextData property to corresponding temperature values ({212, 90, 32} in degrees
in Fahrenheit).
If you change the number of elements in the Text property value, then the TextData
property is updated accordingly, unless you previously explicitly set TextData. If you

Discrete Knob Properties

explicitly set the TextData property, then it is not updated automatically when the
number of elements in the Text property changes.
If the TextData property value contains more elements than the Text property value,
then MATLAB ignores the extra TextData property value elements.
If the TextData property value contains fewer elements than the Text property value,
and an app user selects an option that has no corresponding TextData property element,
then MATLAB sets the ValueData property to an empty cell array ({}) and MATLAB
displays a warning at the command prompt.
Value Value to which knob points
element of Text property array
The value to which the discrete knob points, specified as an element of the Text property
array. The default is the first element of the Text property array.
If the Text property array is empty, MATLAB sets the Value property to an empty double
array [].
If the Text property array changes programmatically and the current Value setting is an
element of the Text property array, then the Value remains unchanged.
If the Text property array changes programmatically and the Value setting is no longer
an element of the Text property array, MATLAB sets Value to the first element of the
Text property array.
If the ValueData property changes programmatically, MATLAB updates the Value
property to the Text property array element corresponding to the new selection.
If the Value property changes programmatically to an element in ValueData that
appears more than once in ValueData, then the item selected in the app corresponds to
the first match.
ValueChangedFcn Callback to execute when app user changes the knob control location
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Callback to execute when the app user changes the discrete knob control setting,
specified as one of the following:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments

Property Reference

String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
ValueData Data associated with selected value
element of TextData
The data associated with the selected value, specified as an element of the TextData
property value. MATLAB uses isequal to determine if the ValueData property value
matches an element of the TextData property value. If TextData is empty, MATLAB sets
the Value property to an empty double array [].
If you programmatically set the ValueData property value, then the Value property
setting and the selection in the app change accordingly.
If you programmatically set ValueData to an element in TextData that appears more
than once in TextData, then the item selected in the app corresponds to the first match.
If you programmatically change TextData, the current selection in the app does not
change. However, ValueData is updated to the new data of the selected option.
If the Value property setting changes, the ValueData property value is updated to the
data associated with the new value.
Visible Discrete Knob visibility
true (default) | false
Discrete Knob visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the discrete knob is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a discrete
knob is set to false, the entire discrete knob is hidden, but you can still specify and
access its properties.


Drop Down Properties

Drop Down Properties

Control drop down appearance and behavior
Drop downs are app components from which a user can select one option from a set. Until
the user clicks the component, only the currently selected option is displayed. Typically,
drop downs generate an action when a user changes the selection. Properties control the
appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a drop down. To modify aspects of a
drop down, change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and
dropdown = uidropdown;
txt = dropdown.Text;
dropdown.Text = {'Coccus', 'Bacillus',...
'Rickettsia', 'Spirillium'};

Enabled Operational state of drop down

true (default) | false
Operational state of drop down, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the drop down indicates that the app
user can open and make a selection from the drop down.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the drop down appears dimmed,
indicating that the app user cannot open or make a selection from the drop down and it
will not trigger any callbacks.
FontAngle Character slant of drop down text
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of drop down text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this
property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users

Property Reference

FontName Font in which to display drop down text

'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the drop down Text property value, specified as a string. If
the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
FontSize Font size of drop down text
12 (default) | positive number
Font size of drop down text, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement
are points.
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
Location Location of drop down relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of drop down relative to parent, specified as [x, y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the closed drop down. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of drop down relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for drop downs.
OuterSize Size of drop down
[100, 20] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to Size for drop downs.

Drop Down Properties

Parent Parent container of drop down

app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of drop down, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Size of drop down
[100,20] (default) | [width,height].
Size of the drop down, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are
Text Set of drop down options presented to app user
{'Option 1','Option 2','Option 3','Option 4'} (default) | 1-by-n cell array of
The set of drop down labels, specified as a 1-by-n cell array of strings. The drop down
displays as many options as there are elements in the Text property value.
Example: {'Red','Yellow','Blue'}
Example: {'1','2','3'}
TextData Set of drop down values
{1, 2, 3, 4} (default) | 1-by-n cell array
Data associated with each element of the Text property, specified as a 1-by-n cell array
of integers, where n is greater than 0. For example, if you set the Text property to
employee names, you might set the TextData property to corresponding employee id
If you change the number of elements in the Text property value, then the TextData
property is updated accordingly, unless you previously explicitly set TextData. If you
explicitly set the TextData property, then it is not updated automatically when the
number of elements in the Text property changes.
If the TextData property value contains more elements than the Text property value,
then MATLAB ignores the extra TextData property value elements.
If the TextData property value contains fewer elements than the Text property value,
and an app user selects an option that has no corresponding TextData property element,
then MATLAB sets the ValueData property to an empty cell array ({}). MATLAB
displays a warning at the command prompt.
Example: {'Red' 'Green' 'Blue'}

Property Reference

Example: {10 20 30 40}

Example: {true false}
Value Selected value
element of Text property cell array | string
Selected value, specified as an element of the Text property cell array.
The default is the first element of the Text property array.
If the Text property array is empty, MATLAB sets the Value property to an empty double
array [].
If the Text property array changes programmatically and the current Value setting is an
element of the Text property array, then the Value remains unchanged.
If the Text property array changes programmatically and the Value setting is no longer
an element of the Text property array, MATLAB sets Value to the first element of the
Text property array.
If the ValueData property changes programmatically, MATLAB updates the Value
property to the Text property array element corresponding to the new selection.
If the Value property changes programmatically to an element in ValueData that
appears more than once in ValueData, then the item selected in the app corresponds to
the first match.
ValueChangedFcn Code to execute when app user changes drop down selection
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Callback function to execute when the app user changes the drop down selection,
specified as a function handle, a cell array containing a function handle and additional
arguments, or a string.
This callback does not execute if the app user clicks the currently selected option, or if
the Value property setting changes programmatically.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
ValueData Data associated with selected value
element of TextData

Drop Down Properties

The data associated with the selected value, specified as an element of the TextData
property value. MATLAB uses isequal to determine if the ValueData property value
matches an element of the TextData property value. If TextData is empty, MATLAB sets
the Value property to an empty double array [].
If you programmatically set the ValueData property value, then the Value property
setting and the selection in the app change accordingly.
If you programmatically set ValueData to an element in TextData that appears more
than once in TextData, then the item selected in the app corresponds to the first match.
If you programmatically change TextData, the current selection in the app does not
change. However, ValueData is updated to the new data of the selected option.
If the Value property setting changes, the ValueData property value is updated to the
data associated with the new value.
Visible Drop Down visibility
true (default) | false
Drop Down visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the drop down is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a drop down
is set to false, the entire drop down is hidden, but you can still specify and access its


Property Reference

Edit Field Properties

Control edit field appearance and behavior
Edit fields are app components into which app users can type text. Typically, edit fields
generate an action when the user adds or changes text. Properties control the appearance
and behavior of a particular instance of an edit field. To modify aspects of an edit field,
change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
txtfield = uieditfield;
txt = txtfield.Value;
txtfield.Value = 'Penicillin';

Enabled Operational state of edit field

true (default) | false
Operational state of edit field, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the edit field accepts input.
If you set this property to false, the edit field appears dimmed, indicating that it does
not accept input and the edit field will not trigger a callback.
As shown in the following table, the Editable property value also affects whether a edit
field is operational.




App user can update

the edit field. A
callback associated
with the edit field
executes when text



App user cannot update

the edit field.


Visual Result

Functional Result

Edit Field Properties





Visual Result

Functional Result
App user cannot update
the edit field.
Use this combination
of property values
when you want the
text to be easy to read,
even though it is not


App user cannot update

the edit field.

Editable Whether edit field is editable
true (default) | false
Whether edit field is editable, specified as true or false.

As shown in the following table, the Enabled property value also affects whether a edit
field is editable.


Visual Result

Functional Result



App user can update

the edit field. A
callback associated
with the edit field
executes when text



App user cannot update

the edit field.



App user cannot update

the edit field.
Use this combination
of property values
when you want the
text to be easy to read,
even though it is not

Property Reference





Visual Result

Functional Result
App user cannot update
the edit field.

FontAngle Character slant of edit field text

'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of edit field text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this
property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users
FontName Font in which to display edit field text
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the edit field Text property value, specified as a string. If
the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
FontSize Font size of edit field text
12 (default) | positive number
Font size of edit field text, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement are
Example: 14
Data Types: double
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of text within edit field
'left' (default) | 'right' | 'center'

Edit Field Properties

Alignment of text within the edit field, specified as 'left', 'right', or 'center'. The
alignment affects the display as the app user edits the edit field.
Location Location of edit field relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of edit field relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the edit field. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of edit field relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Edit Fields.
OuterSize Size of edit field
[100,20] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to Size for Edit Fields.
Parent Parent container of edit field
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of the edit field, specified as an app window handle, panel, or button
group object.
Size Size of edit field
[100,20] (default) | [width,height].
Size of the edit field, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are
Value Text in text field
'' (default) | string
Text in the edit field, specified as a string. MATLAB displays the string as a single line.
If you want to allow multiple lines of text, create a Text Area instead.
Example: 'E. coli'
ValueChangedFcn Callback to execute after text entry or update
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string

Property Reference

Callback function to execute after text entry or update, specified as one of these values:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
The callback executes after the app user changes text in the edit field, and then either
presses Enter, or clicks outside the edit field.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Visible Edit Field visibility
true (default) | false
Edit Field visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the edit field is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a edit field
is set to false, the entire edit field is hidden, but you can still specify and access its


Editable Drop Down Properties

Editable Drop Down Properties

Control editable drop down appearance and behavior
Editable drop downs are app components from which a user can select one option from a
set, or type in a string. Until the user clicks the down arrow, only the currently selected
option is displayed. Typically, editable drop downs generate an action when a user
changes the selection. Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular
instance of an editable drop down. To modify aspects of an editable drop down, change
property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
edropdown = uidropdown('editable');
txt = edropdown.Text;
edropdown.Text = {'Coccus', 'Bacillus',...
'Rickettsia', 'Spirillium'};

Enabled Whether editable drop down is operational

true (default) | false
Whether editable drop down is operational, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the editable drop down is bright.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the editable drop down appears
As shown in the following table, the Editable property value also affects whether a
editable drop down is operational.




Visual Result

Functional Result
App user can edit
text or change the

Property Reference



Visual Result

Functional Result
selection in the editable
drop down. A callback
associated with the
editable drop down
executes when an
option changes.



App user cannot change

the editable drop down
selection or text.



App user cannot change

the editable drop down
selection or text.



App user cannot change

the editable drop down
selection or text.

Editable Editable state of editable drop down

true (default) | false
Editable state of editable drop down, specified as true or false.
As shown in the following table, the Enabled property value also affects whether a
editable drop down is editable.




App user can edit

text or change the
selection in the editable
drop down. A callback
associated with the
editable drop down
executes when an
option changes.



App user cannot change

the editable drop down
selection or text.


Visual Result

Functional Result

Editable Drop Down Properties



Visual Result

Functional Result



App user cannot change

the editable drop down
selection or text.



App user cannot change

the editable drop down
selection or text.

FontAngle Character slant of editable drop down text

'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of editable drop down text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting
this property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app
users system.
FontName Font in which to display editable drop down text
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the editable drop down Text property value, specified as a
string. If the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'.
If 'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
FontSize Font size of editable drop down text
12 (default) | positive number
Font size of editable drop down text, specified as a positive number. The units are pixels.
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
Location Location of editable drop down relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]

Property Reference

Location of editable drop down relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y
specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left
corner of the editable drop down. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of editable drop down relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for editable drop downs.
OuterSize Size of editable drop down
[100, 20] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to Size for editable drop downs.
Parent Parent container of editable drop down
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of editable drop down, specified as an app window, panel, or button
group object.
Size Size of editable drop down
[100 20] (default) | [width, height].
Size of the closed editable drop down, specified as [width, height]. The units of
measurement are pixels.
Text Set of editable drop down options presented to app user
{'Option 1','Option 2','Option 3','Option 4'} (default) | 1-by-n cell array of
The set of editable drop down labels, specified as a 1-by-n cell array of strings. The
editable drop down displays as many options as there are elements in the Text property
Example: {'Centigrade','Farenheit','kelvin'}
Example: {'1','2','3'}
TextData Set of Editable Drop Down values
{1, 2, 3, 4} (default) | 1-by-n cell array
Data associated with each element of the Text property, specified as a 1-by-n cell array
of integers, where n is greater than 0. For example, if you set the Text property to

Editable Drop Down Properties

employee names, you might set the TextData property to corresponding employee id
If you change the number of elements in the Text property value, then the TextData
property is updated accordingly, unless you previously explicitly set TextData. If you
explicitly set the TextData property, then it is not updated automatically when the
number of elements in the Text property changes.
If the TextData property value contains more elements than the Text property value,
then MATLAB ignores the extra TextData property value elements.
If the TextData property value contains fewer elements than the Text property value,
and an app user selects an option that has no corresponding TextData property element,
then MATLAB sets the ValueData property to an empty cell array ({}) and displays a
warning at the command prompt.
Example: {'Red' 'Green' 'Blue'}
Example: {'10' '20' '30' '40'}
Value Selected or typed value
'Option 1' (default) | element of Text property cell array | string
Selected or typed value, specified as an element of the Text property cell array or an app
user-entered string.
If the Text property array is empty, MATLAB sets the Value property to the user-entered
string or an empty double array [] when no string is entered.
If an app user types a string in the Editable Drop Down, the Value property setting
becomes that string, the Text and TextData property value remains unchanged, and the
ValueData property value is an empty vector.
If the Text property array changes programmatically and the current Value setting is an
element of the Text property array, then the Value remains unchanged.
If the Text property array changes programmatically and the Value setting is no longer
an element of the Text property array, then MATLAB sets Value to the first element of
the Text property array.
If the ValueData property changes programmatically, MATLAB updates the Value
property to the Text property array element corresponding to the new selection.

Property Reference

If the Value property changes programmatically to an element in ValueData that

appears more than once in ValueData, then the item selected in the app corresponds to
the first match.
ValueChangedFcn Code to execute when app user changes the editable drop down
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Callback function to execute when the app user changes theeditable drop down option
(by selecting a new option or entering text), specified as a function handle, a cell array
containing a function handle and additional arguments, or a string.
This callback does not execute if the app user clicks the currently selected option, or if
the Value property setting changes programmatically.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
ValueData Data associated with specified value
element of TextData | []
The data associated with specified value, specified as one of the following:
An element of TextData
MATLAB uses isequal to determine if the ValueData property value matches an
element of the TextData property value.
An empty double array ([]), if the TextData property is empty
If you programmatically change the ValueData property value, then the selection in the
app changes accordingly.
If you programmatically set ValueData to an element in TextData that appears more
than once in TextData, then the item selected in the app corresponds to the first match.
If you programmatically change TextData, the current selection in the app does not
change. However, ValueData is updated to the new data of the selected option.
If Value property setting changes, the ValueData property value is updated to the data
associated with the new value.
Visible Editable Drop Down visibility
true (default) | false

Editable Drop Down Properties

Editable Drop Down visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property
determines whether the editable drop down is displayed on the screen. If the Visible
property of a editable drop down is set to false, the entire editable drop down is hidden,
but you can still specify and access its properties.


Property Reference

Gauge Properties
Control gauge appearance and behavior
Gauges are app components that represent a measurement instrument. Properties
control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a gauge. To modify
aspects of a gauge, change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular
object and property:
gauge = uigauge;
val = gauge.Value;
gauge.Value = 45;

Enabled Operational state of gauge

true (default) | false
Operational state of gauge, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the gauge indicates that thegauge is
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the gauge appears dimmed,
indicating that the gauge is not operational. However, app code can change the gauge
property values.
Limits Minimum and maximum gauge scale values
[0,100] (default) | array
Minimum and maximum gauge scale values, specified as a 2-element numeric array. The
first value in the array must be lower than the second value.

Gauge Properties

Location Location of gauge relative to parent container

[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of gauge relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
an imaginary box surrounding the gauge. The units of measurement are pixels.
MajorTicks Major tick mark values
[0, 20,40,60,80,100] (default) | array of numeric values
Major tick mark values, specified as an array of numeric values. Any array values that
fall outside Limits property value are not displayed on the gauge. MATLAB removes
duplicate array values.
Setting the MajorTicks property value sets the MajorTicksMode property value to
MajorTickLabels Major tick mark labels
{'0','20','40','60','80','100'} (default) | cell array of strings
Major tick mark labels, specified as a cell array of strings. MATLAB uses each element
as the label for the corresponding major tick mark.
Setting the MajorTickLabels property value changes the MajorTickLabelsMode property
value to 'manual'.
To create a blank label to a major tick, specify an empty string for the corresponding
MajorTickLabels property value element.
If you specify more MajorTickLabels property value elements than MajorTicks property
value elements, MATLAB ignores the extra labels.
If you specify fewer MajorTickLabels property value elements than MajorTicks property
value elements, MATLAB leaves the extra ticks unlabeled.
MajorTickLabelsMode Major tick label creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick label creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB creates a cell array of strings to populate the major tick labels.
MATLAB transforms each numeric major tick element to a string using num2str.

Property Reference

'manual'- You specify the major tick labels by specifying the MajorTickLabels
property value.
MajorTicksMode Major tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB populates the MajorTicks property value by creating several
major tick marks in the range specified by the Limits property (inclusive).
'manual'- You specify the major ticks by specifying the MajorTicks property value.
MinorTicks Minor tick values
[0:4:100] (default) | numeric array
Minor tick values, specified as a numeric array. Any MinorTicks elements that fall
outside Limits are not displayed on the gauge. If a minor tick falls on the same value as
a major tick, only the major tick is displayed. MATLAB removes duplicate MinorTicks
element values. Setting the MinorTicks property value sets the MinorTicksMode
property value to 'manual'.
To exclude minor ticks from the gauge, specify an empty array.
MinorTicksMode Minor tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Minor tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' Minor ticks display at positions around the gauge determined by
calculating the difference between the largest major tick interval between any two
major consecutive major ticks and dividing it by five. For example, if major ticks are
uniformly distributed, the resulting gauge has four minor ticks between every major
Minor ticks depend only on the visible major ticks (that is, Major Ticks within scale
MATLAB does not generate minor ticks for Major Ticks that are beyond scale limits.
When the Limits property value changes, minor ticks are updated to populate the full
scale range (the MinorTicks property is updated accordingly).

Gauge Properties

'manual'- You specify the MinorTicks property numeric array. The MinorTicks
property value does not change size or content on its own.
OuterLocation Location of gauge relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Gauges.
OuterSize Size of gauge
[120,120] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to the Size property for Gauges.
Parent Parent container of gauge
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of gauge, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
ScaleColorLimits Range of values specifying start and end of colored scale regions
[ ] (default) | array
Range of values specifying start and end of colored scale regions, specified as a n-by-2
array of numeric values. For every row in the array, the first element must be less than
the second element.
When applying colors to the gauges scale, MATLAB applies the colors starting at the
first row in the ScaleColors property value. Therefore, if two rows in ScaleColorLimits
property value overlap, then the color applied later takes precedence.
A gauge does not display any portion of a ScaleColorLimits property value element that
falls outside of Limits property value.
If ScaleColors and ScaleColorLimits property values are different sizes, then the gauge
shows only the colors that have matching limits. For example, if the ScaleColors property
value has 3 rows, but the ScaleColorLimits property value has only 2 rows, the gauge
displays the first two color/ limit pairs only.
Example: [10,20; 20,30]
ScaleColors Colors that appear on gauge scale
[ ] (default) | RGB triplet | predefined color name | 1-by-n cell array
Colors that appear on gauge scale, specified as one of the following:

Property Reference

An n-by-3 array of RGB values, where each element is a valid RGB value between 0
and 1.
A 1-by-n cell array, where each element is a color name or an RGB triplet. The cell
array can contain a mix of RGB triplets and color names.
MATLAB stores and returns all color names and RGB triplets as an n-by-3 array.
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.
Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]



[0 0 0]

Each row of the ScaleColors array represents the color for the i the colored scale region.
If you set ScaleColors property without explicitly setting ScaleColorLimits property,
then MATLAB determines the ScaleColorLimits property value by creating n equally
spaced, nonoverlapping limits that span the gauges entire scale. For example,
if the Limits property value is [0,75], and the ScaleColors property value is
{'green','yellow','red'}, then MATLAB sets ScaleColorLimits to [0,25;
25,50; 50,75]
Similarly, if you change Limits, without explicitly setting ScaleColorLimits, then
MATLAB sets the ScaleColorLimits property value as described in the preceding
Example: {'blue','green'}
Example: {[0,.5,.2], 'green'}

Gauge Properties

Example: {[0,.5,.2], [.2,.6,0]}

ScaleDirection Direction of scale
'clockwise' (default) | 'counterclockwise'
Direction of scale, specified as one of the following:
'clockwise' The scale appears such that the scale tick values increase in a
clockwise manner.
'counterclockwise' The scale appears such that the scale tick values increase
in a counterclockwise manner.
Size Gauge size
[120,120] (default) | [width,height]
Gauge size, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are pixels.
Value gauge needle location
0 (default) | numeric
The gauge needle location, specified as any numeric value. If the value is less than the
minimum Limits property value, then the needle points to a location immediately before
the beginning of the scale. If the value is more than the maximum Limits property value,
then the needle points to a location immediately after the end of the scale.
Changing the Limits property value has no effect on the Value property setting.
Example: 60
Visible Gauge visibility
true (default) | false
Gauge visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines whether
the gauge is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a gauge is set to false,
the entire gauge is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


Property Reference

Knob Properties
Control knob appearance and behavior
Knobs are app components representing instrument control knobs that app users can
adjust to control a value. Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular
instance of a knob. To modify aspects of a knob, change property values. Use dot notation
to refer to a particular object and property:
knob = uiknob;
knob.Value = 45;
val = knob.Value;

Enabled Visual appearance and behavior

true (default) | false
Visual appearance and behavior of the knob, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the knob appearance is bright, indicating that the app
user can move the it.
If you set this property to false, the knob appears dimmed, indicating that the app user
cannot move it and it will not trigger a callback.
Limits Minimum and maximum knob values
[0,100] (default) | array
Minimum and maximum knob values, specified as a 2-element numeric array.
If you change Limits such that the knob Value is less than the new lower limit, MATLAB
sets the Value to the new lower limit. For example, suppose Limits is [0,100] and the
knob Value is 20. If the Limits changes to [50,100], then MATLAB sets the knob Value
to 50.

Knob Properties

Likewise, if you change Limits such that the knob Value is greater than the new upper
limit, MATLAB sets the Value to the new upper limit.
Location Location of knob, exclusive of tick marks, relative to parent
[126,111] (default) | [x,y]
Location of knob, exclusive of tick marks, relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where
x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the
lower-left corner of the knob. The units of measurement are pixels.
MajorTicks Major tick mark values
[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100] (default) | array of numeric values
Major tick mark values, specified as an array of numeric values. Each value must be
equal to or greater than 0. Any array values that fall outside Limits are not displayed on
the knob. MATLAB removes duplicate array values.
Setting the MajorTicks property value sets the MajorTicksMode property value to
MajorTickLabels Labels on each major tick mark
{'0','10','20','30','40','50','60','70','80','90','100'} (default) | cell
array of strings
Labels on each major tick mark, specified as a cell array of strings. MATLAB uses each
element as the label for the corresponding major tick mark.
Setting MajorTickLabels changes the MajorTickLabelsMode value to 'manual'.
To create a blank label to a major tick, specify an empty string for that ticks
corresponding MajorTickLabels element.
If you specify more MajorTickLabels elements than MajorTicks elements, MATLAB
ignores the extra labels.
If you specify fewer MajorTickLabels elements than MajorTicks elements, MATLAB
leaves the extra ticks unlabeled.
Example: {'high','medium', 'low'}
MajorTickLabelsMode Major tick labels creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'

Property Reference

Major tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:

'auto' MATLAB creates a cell array of strings to populate MajorTickLabels.
MATLAB transforms each numeric major tick element to a string using num2str.
'manual'- You specify the MajorTickLabels cell array of strings.
MajorTicksMode Major tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB populates MajorTicks by creating several major tick marks in
the range specified by Limits (inclusive).
'manual' You specify the MajorTicks value array.
MinorTicks Minor tick mark values
[0:2:100] (default) | numeric array
Minor tick mark values, specified as a numeric array. Any MinorTicks elements that fall
outside Limits are not displayed on the gauge. If a minor tick falls on the same value as
a major tick, only the major tick is displayed. MATLAB removes duplicate MinorTicks
element values. Setting the MinorTicks property value sets the MinorTicksMode
property value to 'manual'.
To exclude minor ticks from the gauge, specify an empty array.
MinorTicksMode Minor tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Minor tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB displays minor ticks at positions around the Knob determined
by calculating the difference between the largest major tick interval between any two
major consecutive major ticks and dividing it by five. For example, if major ticks are
uniformly distributed, the resulting knob has four minor ticks between every major
Minor ticks depend only on the visible major ticks (that is, Major Ticks within scale
MATLAB does not generate minor ticks for Major Ticks that are beyond scale limits.

Knob Properties

When the Limits value changes, minor ticks are updated to populate the full scale
range (the MinorTicks property is updated accordingly).
'manual'- You specify the MinorTicks numeric array. The MinorTicks value does not
change size or content on its own.
OuterLocation Location of knob, including tick marks, relative to parent
[100,104] (default) | [x,y]
Location of knob, including tick marks, relative to parent, specified as [x,y]. The units
are pixels.
OuterSize Size of knob, including tick marks
[112,100] (default) | [height,width]
Size of knob, including tick marks, returned as [height,width].
Parent Parent container of knob
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of knob, specified as an app window handle, panel, or button group
Size Size of knob, exclusive of tick marks
[60,60] (default) | [width,height]
Size of knob, exclusive of tick marks, specified as [width,height].
Value Knob value
0 (default) | numeric
The knob value, specified as a numeric. The numeric value must be within the range
specified for Limits.
ValueChangedFcn Callback function to execute when app user changes knob value
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Callback function to execute once when an app user changes the knob value (by dragging
and releasing the knob), specified as one of these values:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments


Property Reference

String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
ValueChangingFcn Callback function to execute as the app user changes knob value
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
The callback function to execute as the app user changes the knob value, specified as one
of these values:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
When an app user drags the knob, MATLAB generates event data and stores it in the
event Value property, which you can query.
For example, to display the event value in the MATLAB Command Window, specify this
code in the ValueChangingFcn callback:

The callback executes as follows:

If an app user clicks the knob value, the callback executes once. For example, if the
knob is on 1.0, and the user single clicks 1.1, the callback executes and the event
value is updated once, with a value of 1.1.
If an app user clicks and drags the knob to a new position, the callback executes
repeatedly. For example, if the knob value is 1.0, and the user clicks, holds, and drags
to value 1.1, the callback executes and the event Value is updated to 1.1. If the user
continues the drag to 1.2, the callback executes again and the event Value is updated
to 1.2. When the user releases the mouse, the callback does not execute.
If the knob Value property changes programmatically, then the callback does not
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Visible Knob visibility
true (default) | false

Knob Properties

Knob visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines whether
the knob is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a knob is set to false, the
entire knob is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


Property Reference

Label Properties
Control label appearance
Labels are app components that use text to identify other components or specify the
purpose of those other components. To modify aspects of a label, change property values.
Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
label = uilabel;
label.Text = 'Type:';
txt = label.Text;

Enabled Visual appearance of label

true (default) | false
Visual appearance of label, specified as one of the following:
true Label is displayed normally

false Label is displayed dimmed

FontAngle Character slant of label text

'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of label text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this property
to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users system.
FontName Font in which to display label Text
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the label Text property value, specified as a string. If the
specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.

Label Properties

FontSize Font size of label text

12 (default) | positive number
Font size of label text, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement are
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of label text
'left' (default) | 'right' | 'center'
Alignment of label text, specified as:
'right' Text aligns on the right side of the area specified by the label Size
'left' Text aligns on the left side of the area specified by the label Size property.
'center' Text centers horizontally in the area specified as the label Size property.
Aligning label text is useful when the text spans multiple lines.
Location Location of label relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of label relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the label. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of label relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Labels.

Property Reference

OuterSize Size of label

[31,15] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to Size for Labels.
Parent Label container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
The label container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Size of display area for label
[31,15] (default) | [width,20].
Size of the display area for the label, specified as [width,height]. If the Size property
value is too small to display the Text value, MATLAB crops the text in the app. The units
of measurement are pixels.
Text Label text
'Label' (default) | string | cell array of strings
The label text, specified as a string or a cell array of strings. Use a cell array of strings to
specify a multiline label.
MATLAB can properly render formatted text, such as this:
text = sprintf('%s\n%s', 'Line 1', 'Line 2')
label = uilabel('Text', text, 'Size',[100,100])

However, MATLAB does not automatically interpret and render text such as this:
label = uilabel('Text', 'Line 1\nLine2', 'Size',[100,150])

Example: 'Threshold'
Example: {'Threshold' 'Value'}

Label Properties

VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment of text

'top' (default) | 'bottom' | 'center'
Vertical alignment of label text, specified as one of the following:
'top' Text aligns on the top of the area specified by the Label Size property.
'bottom' Text aligns on the bottom of the area specified by the Label Size
'center' Text is centered vertically in the center of the area specified by the label
Size property.
Aligning label text is useful when the text spans multiple lines.
Visible Label visibility
true (default) | false
Label visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines whether
the label is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a label is set to false, the
entire label is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


Property Reference

Lamp Properties
Control lamp appearance
Lamps are app components that indicate state using color. Lamp properties control
the appearance of a particular instance of a lamp. To modify aspects of a lamp, change
property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
lamp = uilamp;
color = lamp.Color;
lamp.Color = 'red';

Color lamp color

[0,1,0] (green) (default) | RGB triplet | predefined color name
Lamp color, specified as one of the following:
RGB triplet
Predefined color name
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.


Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]



[0 0 0]

Lamp Properties

Regardless of how you specify the colors, MATLAB stores and returns them as RGB
triplets. For example:
lamp = uilamp('Color','blue');
x = lamp.Color
ans =

Example: [0,1,0]
Example: 'g'
Example: 'green'
Enabled Operational state of lamp
true (default) | false
Operational state of lamp, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the lamp appears bright, indicating that the lamp is
If you set this property to false, the Lamp appears dimmed.
Location Location of lamp relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of lamp relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the lamp. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of lamp relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Lamps.
OuterSize Size of lamp
[20,20] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to Size for Lamps.
Parent Parent container of lamp
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object

Property Reference

Parent container of lamp, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Size of lamp
[20,20] (default) | [width,height].
Size of the lamp, specified as [width, height]. The units of measurement are pixels.
Visible Lamp visibility
true (default) | false
Lamp visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines whether
the lamp is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a lamp is set to false, the
entire lamp is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


Linear Gauge Properties

Linear Gauge Properties

Control linear gauge appearance and behavior
Linear degree gauges are app components that represent a measurement instrument.
Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a linear gauge.
To modify aspects of a linear gauge, change property values. Use dot notation to refer to
a particular object and property:
gauge = uigauge('linear');
val = gauge.Value;
gauge.Value = 45;

Enabled Operational state of linear gauge

true (default) | false
Operational state of linear gauge, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the linear gauge indicates that
thelinear gauge is operational.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the linear gauge appears dimmed,
indicating that the linear gauge is not operational. However, app code can change the
linear gauge property values.
Limits Minimum and maximum linear gauge scale values
[0,100] (default) | array
Minimum and maximum linear gaugescale values, specified as a 2-element numeric
array. The first value in the array must be lower than the second value.
Location Location of linear gauge relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of linear gauge relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the linear gauge. The units of measurement are pixels.

Property Reference

MajorTicks Major tick mark values

[0,20,40,60,80,100] (default) | array of numeric values
Major tick mark values, specified as an array of numeric values. Each value must be
equal to or greater than 0. Any array values that fall outside Limits property value are
not displayed on the linear gauge. MATLAB removes duplicate array values.
Setting the MajorTicks property value sets the MajorTicksMode property value to
MajorTickLabels Major tick mark labels
{'0','20','40','60','80','100'} (default) | cell array of strings
Major tick mark labels, specified as a cell array of strings. MATLAB uses each element
as the label for the corresponding major tick mark.
Setting the MajorTickLabels property value changes the MajorTickLabelsMode property
value to 'manual'.
To create a blank label to a major tick, specify an empty string for the corresponding
MajorTickLabels property value element.
If you specify more MajorTickLabels property value elements than MajorTicks property
value elements, MATLAB ignores the extra labels.
If you specify fewer MajorTickLabels property value elements than MajorTicks property
value elements, MATLAB leaves the extra ticks unlabeled.
MajorTickLabelsMode Major tick label creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick label creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB creates a cell array of strings to populate the major tick labels.
MATLAB transforms each numeric major tick element to a string using num2str.
'manual' You specify the major tick labels by specifying the MajorTickLabels
property value.
MajorTickLabels Major tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'

Linear Gauge Properties

Major tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:

'auto' MATLAB populates the MajorTicks property value by creating 6 equally
spaced major tick marks in the range specified by the Limits property (inclusive).
'manual' You specify the major ticks by specifying the MajorTicks property value.
MinorTicks Minor tick values
[0:4:100] (default) | numeric array
Minor tick values, specified as a numeric array. Any MinorTicks elements that fall
outside Limits are not displayed on the gauge. If a minor tick falls on the same value as
a major tick, only the major tick is displayed. MATLAB removes duplicate MinorTicks
element values. Setting the MinorTicks property value sets the MinorTicksMode
property value to 'manual'.
To exclude minor ticks from the gauge, specify an empty array.
MinorTicksMode Minor tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Minor tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' Minor ticks display at positions across the gauge determined by
calculating the difference between the largest major tick interval between any two
major consecutive major ticks and dividing it by five. For example, if major ticks are
uniformly distributed, the resulting gauge has four minor ticks between every major
Minor ticks depend only on the visible major ticks (that is, Major Ticks within scale
MATLAB does not generate minor ticks for Major Ticks that are beyond scale limits.
When the Limits property value changes, minor ticks are updated to populate the full
scale range (the MinorTicks property is updated accordingly).
'manual' You specify the MinorTicks property numeric array. The MinorTicks
property value does not change size or content on its own.
Orientation Layout position of linear gauge
'horizontal' (default) | 'vertical'
Layout position of linear gauge, specified as 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.

Property Reference

OuterLocation Location of linear gauge relative to parent container

[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Linear Gauges.
OuterSize Size of linear gauge
[120,40] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to the Size property for Linear Gauges.
Parent Parent container of linear gauge
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of linear gauge, specified as an app window, panel, or button group
ScaleColorLimits Range of values specifying start and end of colored scale regions
[ ] (default) | array
Range of values specifying start and end of colored scale regions, specified as a n-by-2
array of numeric values. For every row in the array, the first element must be less than
the second element.
When applying colors to the linear gauges scale, MATLAB applies the colors
starting at the first row in the ScaleColors property value. Therefore, if two rows in
ScaleColorLimits property value overlap, then the color applied later takes precedence.
A gauge does not display any portion of a ScaleColorLimits property value element that
falls outside of Limits property value.
If ScaleColors and ScaleColorLimits property values are different sizes, then the gauge
shows only the colors that have matching limits. For example, if the ScaleColors property
value has 3 rows, but the ScaleColorLimits property value has only 2 rows, the gauge
displays the first two color/ limit pairs only.
Example: [10,20; 20,30]
ScaleColors Colors that appear on gauge scale
[ ] (default) | RGB triplet | predefined color name | 1-by-n cell array
Colors that appear on linear gauge scale, specified as one of the following:
An n-by-3 array of RGB values, where each element is a valid RGB value between 0
and 1.

Linear Gauge Properties

A 1-by-n cell array, where each element is a color name or an RGB triplet. The cell
array can contain a mix of RGB triplets and color names.
MATLAB stores and returns all color names and RGB triplets as an n-by-3 array.
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.
Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]



[0 0 0]

Each row of the ScaleColors array represents the color for the ith colored scale region.
If you set ScaleColors property without explicitly setting ScaleColorLimits property,
then MATLAB determines the ScaleColorLimits property value by creating n equally
spaced, nonoverlapping limits that span the linear gauges entire scale. For example, if
the Limits property value is [0,75], and the ScaleColors property value is {'green',
'yellow', 'red'}, then MATLAB sets ScaleColorLimits to [0,25; 25,50; 50,75]
Similarly, if you change Limits, without explicitly setting ScaleColorLimits, then
MATLAB sets the ScaleColorLimits property value as described in the preceding
Example: {'blue', 'green'}
Example: {[0,.5,.2], 'green'}
Example: {[0,.5,.2], [.2,.6,0]}
Size Size of linear gauge
[120,40] (default) | [width,height]

Property Reference

Size of the linear gauge, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are
Value gauge needle location
0 (default) | numeric
The linear gauge needle location, specified as any numeric value. If the value is less than
the minimum Limits property value, then the needle points to a location immediately
before the beginning of the scale. If the value is more than the maximum Limits property
value, then the needle points to a location immediately after the end of the scale.
Changing the Limits property value has no effect on the Value property setting.
Example: 60
Visible Linear Gauge visibility
true (default) | false
Linear Gauge visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the linear gauge is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a linear
gauge is set to false, the entire linear gauge is hidden, but you can still specify and
access its properties.


List Box Properties

List Box Properties

Control list box appearance and behavior
List boxes are app components that display a list of items from which an app user can
select one or more items. Typically, list boxes generate an action when one or more items
are selected. Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a
list box. To modify aspects of a list box, change property values. Use dot notation to refer
to a particular object and property:
listbox = uilistbox;
selection = listbox.Value;
listbox.Value = 'Item 3';

Enabled Operational state of list box

true (default) | false
Operational state of list box, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, an app user can make a selection from the list box.
If you set this property to false, the list box appears dimmed, indicating that an app
user cannot make a selection and the list box will not trigger a callback.
Location Location of list box relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of the list box relative to the parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify
the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner
of the list box. The units of measurement are pixels.
Multiselect If app user can select multiple list box elements
false (default) | true
If app user can select multiple list box elements, specified as true or false.

Property Reference

OuterLocation Location of list box relative to parent

[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for List Boxes.
OuterSize Size of list box
[77,86] (default) | [width,height].
Identical to Size for List Boxes.
Parent Parent container of List Box
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of List Box, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Size of list box
[77,86] (default) | [width,height].
Size of the list box, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are pixels.
Text List Box options presented to app user
{'Item 1','Item 2', 'Item 3', 'Item 4'} (default) | 1-by-n cell array of strings
The list box options presented to the app user, specified as a 1-by-n cell array of strings.
Duplicate elements are allowed. MATLAB displays the Text property cell array elements
from top to bottom in the list box.
Each string corresponds to a TextData property cell array element. For example, if you
set the Text property to display employee names, you might set the TextData property to
corresponding employee id numbers.
If you specify fewer elements for the Text property cell array than for the TextData
property cell array, MATLAB ignores the extra elements specified for the TextData
property cell array.
If you specify more elements for the Text property cell array than for the TextData
property cell array and an app user selects an option that has no corresponding TextData
property cell array element, then MATLAB sets the ValueData property as follows,
depending on the value of the Multiselect property:
If the Multiselect property is set to true, then the ValueData property is set to an
empty double array ([]).

List Box Properties

If the Multiselect property is set to false, then the ValueData property is set to
an empty cell array ({}).
an empty double array if the Multiselect property value is false,
TextData Set of List Box values
{1, 2, 3, 4} (default) | 1-by-n cell array | empty cell array ({})
The set of list box values, specified as a 1-by-n cell array or an empty cell array.
Duplicate elements are allowed.
If the number of elements in the Text property changes, MATLAB automatically updates
the TextData cell array to {1, 2, 3, N}, where N is the number of elements in the Text
property cell array. However, if you explicitly set the TextData property, it ceases to
update automatically as the Text property cell array changes.
Example: {'Red', 'Green', 'Blue'}
Example: {10, 20, 30, 40}
Example: {true, false}
Value List Box selection
'Item 1' (default) | element or elements of Text property cell array
List Box selection, specified as an element or elements (if the Multiselect property is set
to true) of the Text property cell array.
The default is the first element of the Text property cell array. The Value property
setting must be an element of the Text property cell array, as determined by isequal.
If the Text property cell array is empty, MATLAB sets the Value property depending on
the value of the Multiselect property, as follows:
If the Multiselect property is set to false, MATLAB sets the Value property to an
empty double array [].
If the Multiselect property is set to true, MATLAB sets the Value property to an
empty cell array ({}).
Setting the Value property updates the selection displaying in the running app.
Therefore, if Value is set to an element that appears more than once in the Text property
cell array, then the selected item corresponds to the first match.

Property Reference

If the Multiselect property is set to true, then the selected items correspond to the
elements that match. The matching elements can be repeated in the Value property
value up to the number of times they appear in the Text property cell array.
If code changes the Text property cell array elements, it has one of the following effects:
If the currently selected option in the running app is an element of the updated Text
property cell array, then the Value property setting remain unchanged.
If the currently selected value in a running app is not an element of the updated Text
cell array, then MATLAB sets the Value property to the first element of the Text
property cell array.
If the ValueData property changes, MATLAB updates the Value property to the Text cell
array element corresponding to the new ValueData property value.
ValueChangedFcn Callback function that executes when app user changes list box
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Callback function that executes when app user changes list box selections, specified as
one of the following:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
ValueData Data associated with the list box selection
1 (default) | element of TextData
Data associated with the list box selection, specified as an element or elements (if the
Multiselect property is set to true) of the TextData property cell array.
If the TextData property cell array is empty, valid values for the ValueData property
depends on the MultiSelect property value, as follows:
If the Multiselect property is set to false, the ValueData property must be an empty
double array [].

List Box Properties

If the Multiselect property is set to true, the ValueData property must be an empty
cell array ({}).
Visible List Box visibility
true (default) | false
List Box visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines whether
the list box is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a list box is set to false,
the entire list box is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


Property Reference

Ninety Degree Gauge Properties

Control ninety degree gauge appearance and behavior
Ninety degree gauges are app components that represent a measurement instrument.
Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a ninety
degree gauge. To modify aspects of a ninety degree gauge, change property values. Use
dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
gauge = uigauge('ninetydegree');
val = gauge.Value;
gauge.Value = 45;

Enabled Operational state of ninety degree gauge

true (default) | false
Operational state of ninety degree gauge, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the ninety degree gauge indicates that
theninety degree gauge is operational.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the ninety degree gauge appears
dimmed, indicating that the ninety degree gauge is not operational. However, app code
can change the ninety degree gauge property values.
Limits Minimum and maximum ninety degree gauge scale values
[0,100] (default) | array
Minimum and maximum ninety degree gauge scale values, specified as a 2-element
numeric array. The first value in the array must be lower than the second value.
Location Location of ninety degree gauge relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of ninety degree gauge relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y
specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left
corner of the ninety degree gauge. The units of measurement are pixels.

Ninety Degree Gauge Properties

If the orientation of the gauge is such that a rounded edge is closest to the lower left
corner of the parent container, thenx and y specify the coordinates to the southwest
corner of an imaginary box surrounding the gauge.
MajorTicks Major tick mark values
[0,50,100] (default) | array of numeric values
Major tick mark values, specified as an array of numeric values. Each value must be
equal to or greater than 0. Any array values that fall outside Limits property value are
not displayed on the ninety degree gauge. MATLAB removes duplicate array values.
Setting the MajorTicks property value sets the MajorTicksMode property value to
MajorTickLabels Major tick mark labels
{'0', ''50','100']} (default) | cell array of strings
Major tick mark labels, specified as a cell array of strings. MATLAB uses each element
as the label for the corresponding major tick mark.
Setting the MajorTickLabels property value changes the MajorTickLabelsMode property
value to 'manual'.
To create a blank label to a major tick, specify an empty string for the corresponding
MajorTickLabels property value element.
If you specify more MajorTickLabels property value elements than MajorTicks property
value elements, MATLAB ignores the extra labels.
If you specify fewer MajorTickLabels property value elements than MajorTicks property
value elements, MATLAB leaves the extra ticks unlabeled.
MajorTickLabelsMode Major tick label creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick label creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB creates a cell array of strings to populate the major tick labels.
MATLAB transforms each numeric major tick element to a string using num2str.
'manual' You specify the major tick labels by specifying the MajorTickLabels
property value.
MajorTicksMode Major tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'

Property Reference

Major tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:

'auto' MATLAB populates the MajorTicks property value by creating several
major tick marks in the range specified by the Limits property (inclusive).
'manual' You specify the major ticks by specifying the MajorTicks property value.
MinorTicks Minor tick values
[0:10:100] (default) | numeric array
Minor tick values, specified as a numeric array. Any MinorTicks elements that fall
outside Limits are not displayed on the gauge. If a minor tick falls on the same value as
a major tick, only the major tick is displayed. MATLAB removes duplicate MinorTicks
element values. Setting the MinorTicks property value sets the MinorTicksMode
property value to 'manual'.
To exclude minor ticks from the gauge, specify an empty array.
MinorTicksMode Minor tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Minor tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' Minor ticks display at positions around the gauge determined by
calculating the difference between the largest major tick interval between any two
major consecutive major ticks and dividing it by five. For example, if major ticks are
uniformly distributed, the resulting gauge has four minor ticks between every major
Minor ticks depend only on the visible major ticks (that is, Major Ticks within scale
MATLAB does not generate minor ticks for Major Ticks that are beyond scale limits.
When the Limits property value changes, minor ticks are updated to populate the full
scale range (the MinorTicks property is updated accordingly).
'manual' You specify the MinorTicks property numeric array. The MinorTicks
property value does not change size or content on its own.
Orientation Layout position of ninety degree gauge
'northwest' (default) | 'northeast' | 'southwest' | 'southeast'
Layout position of ninety degree gauge, specified as one of the following positions:

Ninety Degree Gauge Properties





OuterLocation Location of ninety degree gauge relative to parent container

[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Ninety Degree Gauges.
OuterSize Size of ninety degree gauge
[60,60] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to the Size property for Ninety Degree Gauges.
Parent Parent container of ninety degree gauge
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of ninety degree gauge, specified as an app window, panel, or button
group object.
ScaleColorLimits Range of values specifying start and end of colored scale regions
[ ] (default) | array
Range of values specifying start and end of colored scale regions, specified as a n-by-2
array of numeric values. For every row in the array, the first element must be less than
the second element.

Property Reference

When applying colors to the ninety degree gauges scale, MATLAB applies the colors
starting at the first row in the ScaleColors property value. Therefore, if two rows in
ScaleColorLimits property value overlap, then the color applied later takes precedence.
A gauge does not display any portion of a ScaleColorLimits property value element that
falls outside of Limits property value.
If ScaleColors and ScaleColorLimits property values are different sizes, then the gauge
shows only the colors that have matching limits. For example, if the ScaleColors property
value has 3 rows, but the ScaleColorLimits property value has only 2 rows, the gauge
displays the first two color/ limit pairs only.
Example: [10,20; 20,30]
ScaleColors Colors that appear on gauge scale
[ ] (default) | RGB triplet | predefined color name | 1-by-n cell array
Colors that appear on ninety degree gauge scale, specified as one of the following:
An n-by-3 array of RGB values, where each element is a valid RGB value between 0
and 1
A 1-by-n cell array, where each element is a color name or an RGB triplet. The cell
array can contain a mix of RGB triplets and color names.
MATLAB stores and returns all color names and RGB triplets as an n-by-3 array.
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.


Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]

Ninety Degree Gauge Properties

Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[0 0 0]

Each row of the ScaleColors array represents the color for the ith colored scale region.
If you set ScaleColors property without explicitly setting ScaleColorLimits property, then
MATLAB determines the ScaleColorLimits property value by creating n equally spaced,
nonoverlapping limits that span the ninety degree gauges entire scale. For example, if
the Limits property value is [0,75], and the ScaleColors property value is {'green',
'yellow', 'red'}, then MATLAB sets ScaleColorLimits to [0,25; 25,50; 50,75]
Similarly, if you change Limits, without explicitly setting ScaleColorLimits, then
MATLAB sets the ScaleColorLimits property value as described in the preceding
Example: {'blue', 'green'}
Example: {[0,.5,.2], 'green'}
Example: {[0,.5,.2], [.2,.6,0]}
ScaleDirection Direction of scale
'clockwise' (default) | 'counterclockwise'
Direction of scale, specified as one of the following:
'clockwise' The scale appears such that the scale tick values increase in a
clockwise manner.
'counterclockwise' The scale appears such that the scale tick values increase
in a counterclockwise manner.
Size Size of ninety degree gauge
[60,60] (default) | [width,height].
Size of the ninety degree gauge, specified as [width,height]. The width and height of
the gauge is determined by the length of the two straight edges of the gauge, regardless
of orientation. The units of measurement are pixels.
Value gauge needle location
0 (default) | numeric
The ninety degree gauge needle location, specified as any numeric value. If the value
is less than the minimum Limits property value, then the needle points to a location

Property Reference

immediately before the beginning of the scale. If the value is more than the maximum
Limits property value, then the needle points to a location immediately after the end of
the scale.
Changing the Limits property value has no effect on the Value property setting.
Example: 60
Visible Ninety Degree Gauge visibility
true (default) | false
Ninety Degree Gauge visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property
determines whether the ninety degree gauge is displayed on the screen. If the Visible
property of a ninety degree gauge is set to false, the entire ninety degree gauge is
hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


Numeric Edit Field Properties

Numeric Edit Field Properties

Control numeric edit field appearance and behavior
Numeric edit fields are app components that enable app users to enter numeric values.
Typically, numeric edit fields generate an action when an app user changes the value.
Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a numeric edit
field. To modify aspects of a numeric edit field, change property values. Use dot notation
to refer to a particular object and property:
numberfield = uieditfield('numeric');
val = numberfield.Value;
numberfield.Value = 20;

Enabled Operational state of numeric edit field

true (default) | false
Operational state of numeric edit field, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the numeric edit field accepts input.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the numeric edit field appears
dimmed indicating that it does not accept input and the numeric edit field will not trigger
a callback.
As shown in the following table, the Editable property value also affects whether a
numeric edit field is operational.


Visual Result

Functional Result



App user can update

the edit field. A
callback associated
with the edit field will
execute when text



App user cannot update

the edit field.

Property Reference



Visual Result

Functional Result



App user cannot update

the edit field.



App user cannot update

the edit field.

Editable Whether numeric edit field is editable

true (default) | false
Whether numeric edit field is editable, specified as true or false.
As shown in the following table, the Enabled property value also affects whether a
numeric edit field is editable.


Visual Result

Functional Result



App user can update

the edit field. A
callback associated
with the edit field will
execute when text



App user cannot update

the edit field.



App user cannot update

the edit field.



App user cannot update

the edit field.

HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of numbers within numeric edit field

'right' (default) | 'left'
Horizontal alignment of numbers within the numeric edit field, specified as:
'right' Numbers align on the right side of the numeric edit field.

'left' Numbers align on the left side of the numeric edit field.

Numeric Edit Field Properties

Limits Minimum and maximum numeric edit field values

[0,100] (default) | array
Minimum and maximum values, specified as a 2-element numeric array. The first value
must be lower than the second value. Set array elements to -Inf or Inf to specify no
minimum or no maximum, respectively.
Example: [-Inf,200]
Example: [-100,Inf]
Example: [-100,200]
Location Location of numeric edit field relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of numeric edit field relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y
specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left
corner of the numeric edit field. The units of measurement are pixels.
LowerLimitInclusivity Whether Value property setting can be equal to Limit
property lower value
false (default) | true
Whether Value property setting can be equal to the Limits property lower value,
specified as one of the following:
true Value property setting must be equal to or greater than the lower limit
false Value property setting must be greater than the lower limit
OuterLocation Location of numeric edit field relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Numeric Edit Fields.
OuterSize Size of numeric edit field, including Text value
[100,20] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to Size for Numeric Edit Fields.


Property Reference

Parent Parent container of numeric edit field

app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of numeric edit field, specified as an app window, panel, or button group
RoundFractionalValues Whether MATLAB changes fractional value entered by app
user to whole number
false (default) | true
Whether MATLAB changes a fractional value entered by the app user to a whole
number, specified as one of the following:
true MATLAB rounds the value if it results in a valid value, and then executes
the ValueChangedFcn callback. If the resulting value is outside the lower or upper
limits, then MATLAB reverts the value to the preceding value, and does not execute
the ValueChangedFcn callback.
false MATLAB does not change a user-specified fractional value to a whole
If the RoundFractionalValues property value changes from false to true in a running
app, then MATLAB applies these rules:
If rounding the existing value yields an integer that lies inside the limit range
specified by the Limits property, then MATLAB rounds up the existing value.
If rounding the existing value yields an integer that is less than the lower limit, then
MATLAB rounds up the existing value.
If rounding the existing value yields an integer that is greater than the upper limit,
then MATLAB rounds down the existing value.
If the limits are configured such that here is no valid integer in the range, then
MATLAB sets RoundFractionalValues back to false and displays an error message.
Size Size of numeric edit field
[100,20] (default) | [width,height]
Size of the numeric edit field, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement
are pixels.
UpperLimitInclusivity Whether Value property setting can be equal to Limit
property upper value
false (default) | true

Numeric Edit Field Properties

Whether Value can be equal to the Limits property upper value, specified as one of the
true Value property setting must be equal to or less than the upper limit
false Value property setting must be less than the upper limit
For example, if you want the numeric input to be between 0 and 1, excluding 0 and 1, set
the Limit property value to [0,1], the UpperLimitInclusivity property to false and the
LowerLimitInclusivity property to false.
Value Value in numeric edit field
0 (default) | double-precision number
Value in the numeric edit field, specified as a double-precision number.
When an app user types or changes a value in the numeric edit field it is a string. When
the user presses the Enter key or changes focus, MATLAB converts the user-entered
string to a double-precision number.
MATLAB rejects the value if:
It cannot convert the string to a scalar number.
The value is NaN, blank, or a complex number.
The value is a mathematical expression, such as 1 + 2.
The value is less than the Limit property lower limit or greater than the upper limit.
When MATLAB rejects a user-entered value, a tooltip appears describing the value
requirements. The edit field text immediately reverts to the previous numeric edit field
value. In this case, no ValueChangedFcn fires.
Example: 10
ValueChangedFcn Code to execute when app user changes numeric edit field value
function handle (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Code to execute when app user changes the numeric edit field value, specified as one of
these values:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.

Property Reference

This function executes whenever an app user changes the value in the numeric edit
field and changes focus or presses the Enter key. This function does not execute if the
numeric edit field value changes programmatically.
Example: @function-name
Example: {@function-name, argument}
ValueDisplayFormat Format of numeral in edit field
'%11.4g' (default) | format string
The format of the numeral in the numeric edit field, specified as a format string.
MATLAB uses num2str(NumericDisplayFormat,Value) to convert the edit field
Value property to a string and displays it.
You can mix text with format strings. For example:
numfield = uieditfield('numeric','ValueDisplayFormat','%.0f MS/s');

The resulting numeric edit field looks like this image:

When the user clicks in the numeric edit field, the field shows the value without the

For a complete list of supported format strings, see num2str in the MATLAB
Example: '%.0f MS/s'
Visible Numeric Edit Field visibility
true (default) | false
Numeric Edit Field visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property
determines whether the numeric edit field is displayed on the screen. If the Visible
property of a numeric edit field is set to false, the entire numeric edit field is hidden,
but you can still specify and access its properties.

Panel Properties

Panel Properties
Control panel appearance
Panels are app components that contain other components. Typically, you use them to
organize components in your app. Properties control the appearance and behavior of a
particular instance of a panel. To modify aspects of a panel, change property values. Use
dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
window = appwindow;
panel = matlab.ui.control.Panel('Parent', window);
title = panel.Title;
panel.Title = 'Display Options';

BorderVisibility Whether panel border is displayed

true (default) | false
Whether panel border is displayed, specified as true or false.
Children Children of panel
empty GraphicsPlaceholder array (default) | 1-D array of component objects
Children of panel, returned as an empty GraphicsPlaceholder or a 1-D array of
component objects. The children of a panel can be any component, including another

Property Reference

You cannot add or remove children components using the Children property of the
panel. Use this property to view the list of children or to reorder the children. The
order of the children in this array reflects the front-to-back order (stacking order) of the
components on the screen.
To add a child to this list, set the Parent property of the child component to this panel.
Enabled Operational status of panel
true (default) | false
Visual appearance of panel, specified as
true Panel and its child components (unless you disable a child component within
it) appear operational.
false Panel and its child components appear dimmed and you cannot manipulate
any components within it.
Note Changing the Enabled property of a panel does not change the values of the
Enabled properties of its child components, even though disabling the panel causes the
children to be disabled.
FontAngle Character slant of panel title
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of the Panel title, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this
property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users
FontName Font in which to display panel title
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the panel Title property value, specified as a string. If
the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
Example: 'Arial'
FontSize Font size of panel title
12 (default) | positive number

Panel Properties

Font size of panel title, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement are
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
Location Location of panel relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of panel relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the panel. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of panel relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Panels.
OuterSize Panel size, including the title bar
[260,221] (default) | [width,height]
The panel size, including the title bar, returned as [width,height]. The units of
measurement are pixels.
Parent Parent container of panel
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of panel, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Panel size, excluding the title bar
[260,200] (default) | [width,height]
The panel size, excluding the title bar, specified as [width,height]. The units of
measurement are pixels.

Property Reference

Title Panel title

'Panel' (default) | string
The panel title, specified as a string.
Visible Panel visibility
'on' (default) | 'off'
Panel handle visibility, specified as 'on' or 'off'. The Visible property determines
whether the panel is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a panel is set to
'off', the entire panel is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.
Note Changing the Visible property of a panel does not change the values of the Visible
properties of its child components, even though hiding the panel causes the components
to be hidden.


Radio Button Properties

Radio Button Properties

Control radio button appearance
Radio buttons are app components that appear in a button group, as a set of mutually
exclusive options. Typically, the button group to which the radio button belongs
generates an action when the selection changes. Properties control the appearance and
behavior of a particular instance of a radio button. To modify aspects of a radio button,
change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
radiobutton = uiradiobutton;
txt = radiobutton.Text;
radiobutton.Text = 'One';

Note: To specify how you want your app to respond when a user changes a radio button
selection, code the ValueChangedFcn callback for the Button Group to which the radio
buttons are parented.
Enabled Operational state of radio button
true (default) | false
Operational state of radio button, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the radio button indicates that an app
user can select it.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the radio button appears dimmed,
indicating that an app user cannot select it.
FontAngle Character slant of radio button text
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of the radio button text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting
this property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app
users system.
FontName Font in which to display radio button text
'Helvetica' (default) | string

Property Reference

Font in which to display the radio button Text property value, specified as a string.
If the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
Example: 'Arial'
FontSize Font size of radio button text
12 (default) | positive number
Font size of radio button text, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement
are points.
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
Location Location of radio button relative to button group
[10,10] (default) | [x,y]
Location of the radio button relative to the parent button group container, specified as
[x,y], where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the button
group container to the lower-left corner of the Radio Button. The units of measurement
are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of radio button relative to parent container
[10,10] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Radio Buttons.
OuterSize Size of radio button, including text
[123,106] (default) | [width, height]
Identical to Size for Radio Buttons.

Radio Button Properties

Parent Parent button group container of radio button

button group object
Parent button group container of radio button, specified as a button group object. For
details, see Button Group.
Size Radio Button size, including text
[123,85] (default) | [width,height]
The radio button size, including Text property value, specified as [width, height].
The units of measurement are pixels.
Text Radio Button text
'Radio Button' (default) | string
The radio button text, specified as a string.
Example: 'Steady state'
Value Selection state of radio button
true | false
Selection state of radio button, specified as true or false.
Within a given radio button group, one and only one radio button can be selected at a
When the Value property for a radio button changes to true, the Value property for the
previously selected radio button parented to the same button group changes to false. In
addition, the SelectedObject property value of the button group is updated to reflect the
selected radio button.
If you programmatically change the Value property for a radio button to false,
MATLAB sets the first radio button in the button group to true. If the first radio
button is the one for which you set the Value property for a radio button to false, then
MATLAB sets the second radio button in the button group to true.
Visible Radio Button visibility
true (default) | false
Radio Button visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the radio button is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a radio

Property Reference

button is set to false, the entire radio button is hidden, but you can still specify and
access its properties.


Rocker Switch Properties

Rocker Switch Properties

Control rocker switch appearance and behavior
Rocker switches are app components that indicate a logical state. Typically, rocker
switches generate an action when the state changes. Properties control the appearance
and behavior of a particular instance of a rocker switch. To modify aspects of a rocker
switch, change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and
rswitch = uiswitch('rocker');
val = rswitch.Value;
rswitch.Value = true;

Enabled Operational state of rocker switch

true (default) | false
Operational state of rocker switch, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the app user can slide the rocker switch.
If you set this property to false, the rocker switch appears dimmed, indicating that an
app user cannot slide the rocker switch and it will not trigger a callback.
Location Location of rocker switch, exclusive of state labels, relative to parent
[100,121] (default) | [x,y]
Location of rocker switch, exclusive of state labels, relative to parent, specified as [x,y],
where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container
to the lower-left corner of the rocker switch. The units of measurement are pixels.
Orientation Direction in which rocker switch is displayed
'vertical' (default) | 'horizontal'
Direction in which rocker switch is displayed, specified as 'horizontal' or

Property Reference

OuterLocation Location of rocker switch, inclusive of state labels, relative to parent

[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of rocker switch, inclusive of state labels, relative to parent, returned as
[x,y], where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent
container to the lower-left corner of the rocker switch, including state labels. The units of
measurement are pixels.
OuterSize Size of switch, inclusive of state labels
[20,87] (default) | [width,height]
Size of rocker switch, inclusive of state labels, returned as [width,height].
Parent Parent container of rocker switch
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of rocker switch, specified as an app window, panel, or button group
Size Size of rocker switch, exclusive of state labels
[20,45] | [width,height]
Size of rocker switch, exclusive of state labels, specified as [width,height]. The units
of measurement are pixels.
Text Rocker Switch state labels
{'Off', 'On'} (default) | n-by-2 cell array strings
Rocker Switch state labels, specified as a n-by-2 cell array of strings.
When the rocker switch Orientation property is set to 'vertical', the first element
of the array appears on the bottom of the rocker switch. When the Orientation property
is set to 'horizontal', the first element of the array appears to the left of the rocker
Value State of rocker switch
false (default) | true
State of rocker switch, specified as one of the following values:

Rocker Switch Properties

The rocker switch points down when the Orientation property is set to 'vertical'.
It points left when the Orientation property is set to 'horizontal'.
The rocker switch points up when the Orientation property is set to 'vertical'. It
points right when the Orientation property is set to 'horizontal'.
ValueChangedFcn Code to execute when app user flips rocker switch
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Code to execute when app user flips the rocker switch control, specified as one of the
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
The app user can change the rocker switch state by clicking and releasing the mouse
button anywhere on the rocker switch (including the state labels), or by clicking on the
rocker switch, dragging, and then releasing the mouse button while still on the rocker
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Visible Rocker Switch visibility
true (default) | false
Rocker Switch visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the rocker switch is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a rocker
switch is set to false, the entire rocker switch is hidden, but you can still specify and
access its properties.


Property Reference

Semicircular Gauge Properties

Control semicircular gauge appearance
Semicircular gauges are app components that represent a measurement instrument.
Properties control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a semicircular
gauge. To modify aspects of a semicircular gauge, change property values. Use dot
notation to refer to a particular object and property:
gauge = uigauge('semicircular');
val = gauge.Value;
gauge.Value = 45;

Enabled Operational state of semicircular gauge

true (default) | false
Operational state of semicircular gauge, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the semicircular gauge indicates that
thesemicircular gauge is operational.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the semicircular gauge appears
dimmed, indicating that the semicircular gauge is not operational. However, app code
can change the semicircular gauge property values.
Limits Minimum and maximum semicircular gauge scale values
[0,100] (default) | array
Minimum and maximum semicircular gaugescale values, specified as a 2-element
numeric array. The first value in the array must be lower than the second value.
Location Location of semicircular gauge relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of semicircular gauge relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y
specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left
corner of the semicircular gauge. The units of measurement are pixels.

Semicircular Gauge Properties

If the orientation of the gauge is such that a rounded edge is closest to the lower left
corner of the parent container, thenx and y specify the coordinates to the southwest
corner of an imaginary box surrounding the gauge.
MajorTicks Major tick mark values
[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100] (default) | array of numeric values
Major tick mark values, specified as an array of numeric values. Each value must be
equal to or greater than 0. Any array values that fall outside Limits property value are
not displayed on the semicircular gauge. MATLAB removes duplicate array values.
Setting the MajorTicks property value sets the MajorTicksMode property value to
MajorTickLabels Major tick mark labels
{'0','10','20','30','40','50','60','70','80','90','100'} (default) | cell
array of strings
Major tick mark labels, specified as a cell array of strings. MATLAB uses each element
as the label for the corresponding major tick mark.
Setting the MajorTickLabels property value changes the MajorTickLabelsMode property
value to 'manual'.
To create a blank label to a major tick, specify an empty string for the corresponding
MajorTickLabels property value element.
If you specify more MajorTickLabels property value elements than MajorTicks property
value elements, MATLAB ignores the extra labels.
If you specify fewer MajorTickLabels property value elements than MajorTicks property
value elements, MATLAB leaves the extra ticks unlabeled.
MajorTicksMode Major tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB populates the MajorTicks property value by creating several
major tick marks in the range specified by the Limits property (inclusive).
'manual' You specify the major ticks by specifying the MajorTicks property value.

Property Reference

MajorTickLabelsMode Major tick label creation mode

'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick label creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB creates a cell array of strings to populate the major tick labels.
MATLAB transforms each numeric major tick element to a string using num2str.
'manual' You specify the major tick labels by specifying the MajorTickLabels
property value.
MinorTicks Minor tick values
[0:4:100] (default) | numeric array
Minor tick values, specified as a numeric array. Any MinorTicks elements that fall
outside Limits are not displayed on the gauge. If a minor tick falls on the same value as
a major tick, only the major tick is displayed. MATLAB removes duplicate MinorTicks
element values. Setting the MinorTicks property value sets the MinorTicksMode
property value to 'manual'.
To exclude minor ticks from the gauge, specify an empty array.
MinorTicksMode Minor tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Minor tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' Minor ticks display at positions around the gauge determined by
calculating the difference between the largest major tick interval between any two
major consecutive major ticks and dividing it by five. For example, if major ticks are
uniformly distributed, the resulting gauge has four minor ticks between every major
Minor ticks depend only on the visible major ticks (that is, Major Ticks within scale
MATLAB does not generate minor ticks for Major Ticks that are beyond scale limits.
When the Limits property value changes, minor ticks are updated to populate the full
scale range (the MinorTicks property is updated accordingly).
'manual' You specify the MinorTicks property numeric array. The MinorTicks
property value does not change size or content on its own.

Semicircular Gauge Properties

Orientation Layout position of semicircular gauge

'north' (default) | 'south' | 'east' | 'west'
Layout position of semicircular gauge, specified as one of the following:




OuterLocation Location of semicircular gauge relative to parent container

[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Semicircular Gauges.
OuterSize Size of semicircular gauge
[120,65] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to the Size property for Semicircular Gauges.

Property Reference

Parent Parent container of semicircular gauge

app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of semicircular gauge, specified as an app window, panel, or button
group object.
ScaleColorLimits Range of values specifying start and end of colored scale regions
[ ] (default) | array
Range of values specifying start and end of colored scale regions, specified as a n-by-2
array of numeric values. For every row in the array, the first element must be less than
the second element.
When applying colors to the semicircular gauges scale, MATLAB applies the colors
starting at the first row in the ScaleColors property value. Therefore, if two rows in
ScaleColorLimits property value overlap, then the color applied later takes precedence.
A gauge does not display any portion of a ScaleColorLimits property value element that
falls outside of Limits property value.
If ScaleColors and ScaleColorLimits property values are different sizes, then the gauge
shows only the colors that have matching limits. For example, if the ScaleColors property
value has 3 rows, but the ScaleColorLimits property value has only 2 rows, the gauge
displays the first two color/ limit pairs only.
Example: [10,20; 20,30]
ScaleColors Colors that appear on gauge scale
[ ] (default) | RGB triplet | predefined color name | 1-by-n cell array
Colors that appear on semicircular gauge scale, specified as one of the following:
An n-by-3 array of RGB values, where each element is a valid RGB value between 0
and 1
A 1-by-n cell array, where each element is a color name or an RGB triplet. The cell
array can contain a mix of RGB triplets and color names.
MATLAB stores and returns all color names and RGB triplets as an n-by-3 array.
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of
the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range

Semicircular Gauge Properties

[0,1], for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7]. This table lists RGB triplet values that have
equivalent color strings.
Long Name

Short Name

RGB Triplet



[1 1 0]



[1 0 1]



[0 1 1]



[1 0 0]



[0 1 0]



[0 0 1]



[1 1 1]



[0 0 0]

Each row of the ScaleColors array represents the color for the ith colored scale region.
If you set ScaleColors property without explicitly setting ScaleColorLimits property, then
MATLAB determines the ScaleColorLimits property value by creating n equally spaced,
nonoverlapping limits that span the semicircular gauges entire scale. For example, if
the Limits property value is [0,75], and the ScaleColors property value is {'green',
'yellow', 'red'}, then MATLAB sets ScaleColorLimits to [0,25; 25,50; 50,75]
Similarly, if you change Limits, without explicitly setting ScaleColorLimits, then
MATLAB sets the ScaleColorLimits property value as described in the preceding
Example: {'blue','green'}
Example: {[0,.5,.2],'green'}
Example: {[0,.5,.2], [.2,.6,0]}
ScaleDirection Direction of scale
'clockwise' (default) | 'counterclockwise'
Direction of scale, specified as one of the following:
'clockwise' The scale appears such that the scale tick values increase in a
clockwise manner.
'counterclockwise' The scale appears such that the scale tick values increase
in a counterclockwise manner.

Property Reference

Size Semicircular Gauge size

[120,65] (default) | [width,height]
Semicircular Gauge size, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are
pixels. The Size property value changes if you change the orientation.
Value gauge needle location
0 (default) | numeric
The semicircular gauge needle location, specified as any numeric value. If the value
is less than the minimum Limits property value, then the needle points to a location
immediately before the beginning of the scale. If the value is more than the maximum
Limits property value, then the needle points to a location immediately after the end of
the scale.
Changing the Limits property value has no effect on the Value property setting.
Example: 60
Visible Semicircular Gauge visibility
true (default) | false
Semicircular Gauge visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property
determines whether the semicircular gauge is displayed on the screen. If the Visible
property of a semicircular gauge is set to false, the entire semicircular gauge is hidden,
but you can still specify and access its properties.


Slider Properties

Slider Properties
Control slider appearance and behavior
Sliders are app components that allow users to select a value along a continuum.
Typically, sliders generate an action when an app user changes the value. Properties
control the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a slider. To modify
aspects of a slider, change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object
and property:
slider = uislider;
val = slider.Value;
slider.Value = 20;

Enabled Operational state of slider

true (default) | false
Operational state of slider, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the app user can change the slider value.
If you set this property to false, the slider appears dimmed, indicating that the app
user cannot change the slider value and the slider will not trigger a callback.
FontAngle Character slant of slider major tick labels
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of slider major tick labels, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting
this property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app
users system.
FontName Font in which to display slider major tick labels
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the slider MajorTickLabels property value, specified as a string.
If the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.

Property Reference

FontSize Font size of slider major tick labels

12 (default) | positive number
Font size of slider major tick labels, specified as a positive number. The units of
measurement are points.
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
Limits Minimum and maximum slider values
[0,100] (default) | array
Minimum and maximum slider values, specified as a 2-element numeric array. The first
value must be lower than the second value.
Location Location of slider, excluding tick marks and labels, relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of slider, excluding tick marks and labels, relative to parent, specified as [x,y],
where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container
to the lower-left corner of the slider. The units of measurement are pixels.
MajorTicks Major tick mark values
[0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100] (default) | numeric vector
Major tick mark values, specified as a numeric vector. Any array values that fall outside
Limits are not displayed on the slider. MATLAB removes duplicate array values.
Setting the MajorTicks property value sets the MajorTicksMode property value to
MajorTickLabels Labels on each major tick mark
{'0','20','40','60','80','100'} (default) | cell array of strings

Slider Properties

Labels on each major tick mark, specified as a cell array of strings. MATLAB uses each
element as the label for the corresponding major tick mark.
Setting MajorTickLabels changes the MajorTickLabelsMode value to 'manual'.
To create a blank label to a major tick, specify an empty string for that ticks
corresponding MajorTickLabels element.
If you specify more MajorTickLabels elements than MajorTicks elements, MATLAB
ignores the extra labels.
If you specify fewer MajorTickLabels elements than MajorTicks elements, MATLAB
leaves the extra ticks unlabeled.
Example: {'100','80','60','40','20','0'}
Example: {'Min','Max'}
MajorTickLabelsMode Major tick labels creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB creates a cell array of strings to populate MajorTickLabels.
MATLAB transforms each numeric major tick element to a string using num2str.
'manual' You specify the MajorTickLabels cell array of strings.
MajorTicksMode Major tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Major tick creation mode, specified as one of the following:
'auto' MATLAB populates MajorTicks by creating several major tick marks in
the range specified by the Limits property (inclusive).
'manual' You specify the MajorTicks value array.
MinorTicks Minor tick mark values
[0:5:100] (default) | numeric vector
Minor tick mark values, specified as a numeric vector. Any MinorTicks elements that fall
outside Limits are not displayed on the gauge. If a minor tick falls on the same value as
a major tick, only the major tick is displayed. MATLAB removes duplicate MinorTicks

Property Reference

element values. Setting the MinorTicks property value sets the MinorTicksMode
property value to 'manual'.
MinorTicksMode Minor tick creation mode
'auto' (default) | 'manual'
Minor tick creation mode, specified as 'auto' or 'manual'.
When MinorTicksMode is set to 'auto', MATLAB determines the placement of minor
ticks by finding the largest interval between two consecutive major ticks and dividing
that interval by 4. For example, if major ticks are uniformly distributed, then the slider
will have 3 minor ticks between every major tick.
Orientation Direction in which slider is displayed
'horizontal' (default) | 'vertical'
Direction in which slider is displayed, specified as 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.
OuterLocation Location of slider, including tick marks and state labels, relative to parent
[93, 72] (default) | [x,y]
Location of slider, including tick marks and state labels, relative to parent, returned as
[x,y], where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent
container to the lower-left corner of the slider. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterSize Size of Slider, including tick marks and labels
[136,40] (default) | [width,height]
Size of the slider, including tick marks and labels, returned as [width,height]. The
units of measurement are pixels.
Parent Parent container of slider
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of the slider, specified as an app window handle, panel, or button group
Size Size of slider, excluding tick marks and labels
[120,6] (default) | [width,height].
Size of the slider, excluding tick marks and state labels, specified as [width,height].
The units of measurement are pixels.

Slider Properties

Value slider value

0 (default) | numeric
The slider value, specified as a numeric. The numeric must be within the range specified
for Limits.
ValueChangedFcn Callback function to execute once when app user changes the slider
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Callback function to execute once when an app user changes the slider value, specified as
one of the following:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
ValueChangingFcn Callback function to execute as app user changes the slider value
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
The callback function to execute as the app user changes the slider value, specified as one
of the following:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
When an app user drags the slider, MATLAB generates event data and stores it in the
event Value property, which you can query.
For example, to display the event value in the MATLAB Command Window, specify this
code in the ValueChangingFcn callback:

The callback executes as follows:

If an app user clicks to move the slider to a new value, the callback executes once.

Property Reference

For example, if the slider is on 1.0, and the user single clicks 1.1, the callback
executes and the event value updates once to 1.1.
If an app user clicks and drags the slider to a new value, the callback executes
For example, if the slider value is 1.0, and the user clicks, holds, and drags to value
1.1, the callback executes and the event Value is updated to 1.1. If the user continues
the drag to 1.2, the callback executes again and the event Value is updated to 1.2.
When the user releases the mouse, the callback does not execute.
If the Slider Value property changes programmatically, then the callback does not
The number of events sent varies, depending on factors such as the mouse speed, the
operating system, and the screen resolution.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Visible Slider visibility
true (default) | false
Slider visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines whether
the slider is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a slider is set to false, the
entire slider is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


State Button Properties

State Button Properties

Control state button appearance and behavior
State buttons are app components that indicate a logical state. Typically, state buttons
generate an action when the state changes. Properties control the appearance and
behavior of a particular instance of a state button. To modify aspects of a state button,
change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
button = uibutton('state');
selected = button.Value;
button.Value = true;

Enabled Operational state of state button

true (default) | false
Operational state of state button, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the state button is normal and an app
user can select it.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the state button appears dimmed,
indicating that an app user cannot select it.
FontAngle Character slant of state button text
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of the state button text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this
property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users
FontName Font in which to display state button text
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the state button Text property value, specified as a string.
If the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
Example: 'Arial'

Property Reference

FontSize Font size of state button text

12 (default) | positive number
Font size of state button text, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement
are points.
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of text and icon within state button
'center' (default) | 'left' | 'right'
Horizontal alignment of text and icon within the state button, specified as 'center',
'left', or 'right'.
The following image shows the three horizontal alignment options, center, left, and right,
when the VerticalAlignment and IconAlignment properties are set to their default values
('center' and 'left', respectively).

Icon File name of icon to display on button

'' (default) | string
File name of icon to display on state button, specified as a string.
The string must be the name and extension of an image file on the MATLAB path, or the
full path to an image file.

State Button Properties

The image file type must be JPEG, GIF, or PNG.

MATLAB clips the image if does not fit within the bounds specified by the state button
Size property.
Example: 'icon.png'
Example: 'C:\Documents\icon.png'
IconAlignment Location of button icon relative to Text
'left' (default) | 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'right'
Location of state button icon relative to state button Text (if any), specified as one of the





Note: The preceding images reflect the icon location when HorizontalAlignment and
VerticalAlignment are each set to their default value, 'center'.
If you specify an empty string ('') for the Text property, the IconAlignment property
has no effect.
Location Location of state button relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of the state button relative to parent container, specified as [x,y], where x and
y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lowerleft corner of the State Button. The units of measurement are pixels.

Property Reference

OuterLocation Location of state button relative to parent container

[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for State Buttons.
OuterSize Size of state button
[100,20] (default) | [width, height]
Identical to Size for State Buttons.
Parent Parent container of state button
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of state button, specified as an app window, panel, or button group
Size State Button size
[100,20] (default) | [width,height]
The state button size, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are
Text State Button text
'State Button' (default) | string
The state button text, specified as a string.
Example: 'Steady state'
Value Whether state button is depressed
true (default) | false
Whether state button is depressed, specified as true or false.
ValueChangedFcn Callback function that executes when app user presses or releases
state button
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Callback function that executes when app user presses or releases the state button,
specified as one of the following:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments

State Button Properties

String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment of text within state button
'center' (default) | 'top' | 'bottom'
Vertical alignment of text within the state button. specified as 'center', 'top', or
The following image shows the three vertical alignment options when the
HorizontalAlignment is 'center'. In the image, from top to bottom, the vertical
alignment values are , 'top', 'center', 'bottom'.

Note: Vertical alignment values appear to have the no effect when the button is the
default height.
Visible State Button visibility
true (default) | false
State Button visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the state button is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a state
button is set to false, the entire state button is hidden, but you can still specify and
access its properties.


Property Reference

Switch Properties
Control switch appearance and behavior
Switches are app components that indicate a logical state. Typically, switches generate
an action when the state changes. Properties control the appearance and behavior of a
particular instance of a switch. To modify aspects of a check box, change property values.
Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
sliderswitch = uiswitch;
val = sliderswitch.Value;
sliderswitch.Value = true;

Enabled Operational state of switch

true (default) | false
Operational state of switch, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the app user can slide the switch.
If you set this property to false, the switch appears dimmed, indicating that an app
user cannot slide the switch and it will not trigger a callback.
Location Location of switch, exclusive of state labels relative to parent
[121,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of switch, relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the switch. The units of measurement are pixels.
Orientation Direction in which switch is displayed
'horizontal' (default) | 'vertical'
Direction in which switch is displayed, specified as 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.
OuterLocation Location of switch, inclusive of state labels, relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]

Switch Properties

Location of switch, inclusive of state labels, relative to parent, returned as [x,y], where
x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the
lower-left corner of the switch, including state labels. The units of measurement are
OuterSize Size of switch, inclusive of state labels
[88,20] (default) | [width height]
Size of switch, inclusive of state labels, returned as [width,height]. The units of
measurement are pixels.
Parent Parent container of switch
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of switch, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Size of switch, exclusive of state labels
[45,20] (default) | [width,height]
Size of switch, exclusive of state labels, specified as [width,height]. The units of
measurement are pixels.
Text Switch state labels
{'Off', 'On'} (default) | 1-by2 cell array strings
Switch state labels, specified as a 1-by-2 cell array of strings.
When the switch Orientation property is set to 'vertical', the first element of the
array appears on the bottom of the switch. When the Orientation property is set to
'horizontal', the first element of the array appears to the left of the switch.
Value State of switch
false (default) | true
State of switch, specified as one of the following values:
The switch points down when the Orientation property is set to 'vertical' and
points left when the Orientation property is set to 'horizontal'.

Property Reference

The switch points up when the Orientation property is set to 'vertical' and points
right when the Orientation property is set to 'horizontal'.
ValueChangedFcn Code to execute when app user changes switch state
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Code to execute when app user changes switch state, specified as one of these values:
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
The app user can change the switch state by clicking and releasing the mouse button
anywhere on the switch (including the state labels), or by clicking on the switch,
dragging, and releasing the mouse button while still on the switch.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Visible Switch visibility
true (default) | false
Switch visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines whether
the switch is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a switch is set to false,
the entire switch is hidden, but you can still specify and access its properties.


Text Area Properties

Text Area Properties

Control text area appearance and behavior
Text areas are app components that enable app users to specify multiple lines of text.
Typically, text areas generate an action after an app user enters text. Properties control
the appearance and behavior of a particular instance of a text area. To modify aspects of
a text area, change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and
textarea = uitextarea;
text = textarea.Value;
textarea.Value = {'Joseph Welford';'Mary Reilly';'Roberta Silberlicht'};

Font Style
Editable Whether text area is editable
true (default) | false
Whether the text area is editable, specified as true or false.
This table summarizes the visual and functional results of various combinations of
property values for the Editable and Enabled properties:


Visual Results

Functional Results



App user can update the text

field. A callback associated
with the text field will
execute when text changes.



App user cannot update the

text field.


Property Reference



Visual Results

Functional Results



App user cannot update the

text field.



App user cannot update the

text field.

Enabled Operational state of Text Area

true (default) | false
Operational state of Text Area, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of text in the text area is normal.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of text in the text area appears
dimmed, indicating that the text area cannot be updated and will not trigger a callback.
This table summarizes the visual and functional results of various combinations of
property values for the Editable and Enabled properties:




App user can update the text

field. A callback associated
with the text field will
execute when text changes.



App user cannot update the

text field.



App user cannot update the

text field.


Visual Results

Functional Results

Text Area Properties





Visual Results

Functional Results
App user cannot update the
text field.

FontAngle Character slant of text area text

'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of text area text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting this
property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app users
FontName Font in which to display text area text
'Helvetica' (default) | string
Font in which to display the text area Value property value, specified as a string. If
the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
FontSize Font size of text area text
12 (default) | positive number
Font size of text area text, specified as a positive number. The units are points.
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of text within text area
'left' (default) | 'right' | 'center'

Property Reference

Alignment of text within the text area, specified as 'left', 'right', or 'center'.
The alignment affects the display as the app user edits the text area and how MATLAB
displays the text in the app.
Location Location of text area relative to parent
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of text area relative to parent, specified as [x,y], where x and y specify the
coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container to the lower-left corner of
the text area. The units of measurement are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of text area relative to parent container
[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Identical to Location for Text Areas.
OuterSize Size of text area, including Text value
[150,50] (default) | [width,height]
Identical to Size for Text Areas.
Parent Parent container of text area
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of text area, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.
Size Size of text area
[150,50] (default) | [width,height]
Size of thetext area, specified as [width,height]. The units of measurement are pixels.
Value Text in text area
{''} (default) | cell array of strings
Text in text area, specified as a cell array of strings. MATLAB can properly render
formatted text, such as this:
cellArrayText{1} = sprintf('%s\n%s', 'Line 1', 'Line 2')
cellArrayText{2} = sprintf('%s\n%s', 'Line 3', 'Line 4')
textarea = uitextarea('Value',cellArrayText);


Text Area Properties

If a row of text in the cell array does not fit into the width of the Text Area, MATLAB
wraps the text.
If there are too many rows to display in the Text Area size, MATLAB adds a scroll bar.
Example: {'Joseph Welford'; 'Mary Reilly'; 'Roberta Silberlicht'}
ValueChangedFcn Callback to execute after app user commits text entry
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Callback function to execute after app user enters text, specified as a function handle,
a cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments, or a string. The
callback executes after the app user types text in the text area and then either presses
Enter, or clicks outside the text area.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Visible Text Area visibility
true (default) | false
Text Area visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the text area is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a text area
is set to false, the entire text area is hidden, but you can still specify and access its


Property Reference

Toggle Button Properties

Control toggle button appearance
Toggle buttons are app components that appear in a button group, as a set of mutually
exclusive options. Typically, the button group to which the toggle button belongs
generates an action when the selection changes. Properties control the appearance and
behavior of a particular instance of a toggle button. To modify aspects of a toggle button,
change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and property:
togbutton = uitogglebutton;
txt = togbutton.Text;
togbutton.Text = 'Histogram';

Note: To specify how you want your app to respond when a user changes a toggle button
selection, code the ValueChangedFcn callback for the Button Group to which the toggle
buttons are parented.
Enabled Operational state of toggle button
true (default) | false
Operational state of toggle button, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the appearance of the toggle button indicates that an
app user can select it.
If you set this property to false, the appearance of the toggle button appears dimmed,
indicating that an app user cannot select it.
FontAngle Character slant of toggle button text
'normal' (default) | 'italic'
Character slant of the toggle button text, specified as 'normal' or 'italic'. Setting
this property to italic selects a slanted version of the font, if it is available on the app
users system.
FontName Font in which to display toggle button text
'Helvetica' (default) | string

Toggle Button Properties

Font in which to display the toggle button Text property value, specified as a string.
If the specified font is not available to the app user, MATLAB uses 'Helvetica'. If
'Helvetica' is not available, MATLAB uses an available sans serif font.
Example: 'Arial'
FontSize Font size of toggle button text
12 (default) | positive number
Font size of toggle button text, specified as a positive number. The units of measurement
are points.
Example: 14
FontWeight Thickness of text characters
'normal' (default) | 'bold'
Thickness of the text characters, specified as one of these values:
'normal' Default weight as defined by the particular font
'bold' Thicker character outlines than 'normal'
Not all fonts have a bold font weight. Therefore, specifying a bold font weight can result
in the normal font weight.
HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of icon and text within toggle button
'center' (default) | 'left' | 'right'
Horizontal alignment of text and icon within the toggle button, specified as 'center',
'left', or 'right'.
The following image shows the three horizontal alignment options, center, left, and right,
when the VerticalAlignment and IconAlignment properties are set to their default values
('center' and 'left', respectively).

Icon File name of icon to display on button

'' (default) | string

Property Reference

File name of icon to display on toggle button, specified as a string.

The string must be the name and extension of an image file on the MATLAB path, or the
full path to an image file.
The image file type must be JPEG, GIF, or PNG.
MATLAB clips the image if does not fit within the bounds specified by the toggle button
Size property value.
Example: 'icon.png'
Example: 'C:\Documents\icon.png'
IconAlignment Location of button icon relative to Text
'left' (default) | 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'right'
Location of toggle button icon relative to toggle button Text (if any), specified as one of
the following:





Note: The preceding images reflect the icon location when HorizontalAlignment and
VerticalAlignment are each set to their default value, 'center'.
If you specify an empty string ('') for the Text property, then the icon aligns as though
it is text, according to the values set for HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment.
The IconAlignment property value has no effect in this case.

Toggle Button Properties

Location Location of toggle button relative to button group

[10,10] (default) | [x,y]
Location of the toggle button relative to the parent button group container, specified as
[x,y], where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the button
group container to the lower-left corner of the Toggle Button. The units of measurement
are pixels.
OuterLocation Location of toggle button relative to parent container
[10,10] (default) | [x y]
Identical to Location for Toggle Buttons.
OuterSize Size of toggle button
[100,20] (default) | [width, height]
Identical to Size for Toggle Buttons.
Parent Parent button group container of toggle button
button group object
Parent button group container of toggle button, specified as a button group object. See
Button Group for details.
Size Toggle Button size
[100,20] (default) | [width, height]
The toggle button size, specified as [width, height]. The units of measurement are
Text Toggle Button text
'Toggle Button' (default) | string
The toggle button text, specified as a string.
Example: 'Steady state'
Value Selection state of toggle button
true | false
Selection state of toggle button, specified as true or false.
Within a given toggle button group, only one toggle button can be selected (depressed) at
a time.

Property Reference

When the Value property for a toggle button changes to true, the Value property for the
previously selected toggle button parented to the same button group changes to false.
In addition, the SelectedObject property value of the button group is updated to reflect
the selected toggle button.
If you programmatically change the Value property for a toggle button to false,
MATLAB sets the first toggle button in the button group to true. If the first toggle
button is the one for which you set the Value property for a toggle button to false, then
MATLAB sets the second toggle button in the button group to true.
VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment of text within toggle button
'center' (default) | 'top' | 'bottom'
Vertical alignment of text within the toggle button. specified as 'center', 'top', or
Note: Vertical alignment values appear to have the no effect when the toggle button is
the default height.
Visible Toggle Button visibility
true (default) | false
Toggle Button visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the toggle button is displayed on the screen.


Toggle Switch Properties

Toggle Switch Properties

Control toggle switch appearance and behavior
Toggle switches are app components that indicate a logical state. Typically, toggle
switches generate an action when the state changes. Properties control the appearance
and behavior of a particular instance of a toggle switch. To modify aspects of a toggle
switch, change property values. Use dot notation to refer to a particular object and
togswitch = uiswitch('toggle');
val = togswitch.Value;
togswitch.Value = true;

Enabled Operational state of toggle switch

true (default) | false
Operational state of toggle switch, specified as true or false.
If you set this property to true, the end user can toggle the switch.
If you set this property to false, the toggle switch appears dimmed, indicating that an
app user cannot toggle the switch and it will not trigger a callback.
Location Location of toggle switch, exclusive of state labels, relative to parent
[121,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of toggle switch, exclusive of state labels, relative to parent, specified as [x,y],
where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent container
to the lower-left corner of the toggle switch. The units of measurement are pixels.
Orientation Direction in which toggle switch is displayed
'vertical' (default) | 'horizontal'
Direction in which toggle switch is displayed, specified as 'horizontal' or

Property Reference

OuterLocation Location of toggle switch, inclusive of state labels, relative to parent

[100,100] (default) | [x,y]
Location of toggle switch, inclusive of state labels, relative to parent, returned as
[x,y], where x and y specify the coordinates from the lower-left corner of the parent
container to the lower-left corner of the toggle switch, including state labels. The units of
measurement are pixels.
OuterSize Size of toggle switch, inclusive of state labels
[20,87] (default) | [width,height]
Size of toggle switch, inclusive of state labels, returned as [width,height]. The units
of measurement are pixels.
Parent Parent container of toggle switch
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of toggle switch, specified as an app window, panel, or button group
Size Size of toggle switch, exclusive of state labels
[20,45] (default) | [width,height]
Size of toggle switch, exclusive of state labels, specified as [width,height].
Text Toggle Switch state labels
{'Off', 'On'} (default) | 1-by-2 cell array strings
Toggle Switch state labels, specified as a 1-by-2 cell array of strings.
When the toggle switch Orientation property is set to 'vertical', the first element
of the array appears on the bottom of the toggle switch. When the Orientation property
is set to 'horizontal', the first element of the array appears to the left of the toggle
Value State of toggle switch
false (default) | true
State of toggle switch, specified as one of the following values:

Toggle Switch Properties

The toggle switch points down when the Orientation property is set to 'vertical'
and points left when the Orientation property is set to 'horizontal'.
The toggle switch points up when the Orientation property is set to 'vertical' and
points right when the Orientation property is set to 'horizontal'.
ValueChangedFcn Code to execute when app user changes toggle switch state
[] (default) | function handle | cell array | string
Code to execute when app user changes toggle switch state, specified as one of the
Function handle
Cell array containing a function handle and additional arguments
String that is a valid MATLAB expression, which is evaluated in the base workspace.
The app user can change the toggle switch state by clicking and releasing the mouse
button anywhere on the toggle switch (including the state labels), or by clicking on the
toggle switch, dragging, and releasing the mouse button while still on the toggle switch.
Example: @function
Example: {@function, x}
Visible Toggle Switch visibility
true (default) | false
Toggle Switch visibility, specified as true or false. The Visible property determines
whether the toggle switch is displayed on the screen. If the Visible property of a toggle
switch is set to false, the entire toggle switch is hidden, but you can still specify and
access its properties.



Function Reference

Function Reference

Create or edit app file in App Designer

appdesigner file

appdesigner opens the app building environment, App Designer.
appdesigner file opens the specified app file in App Designer.
appdesigner myappfile

Input Arguments
file Name of app file
Name of an app file, specified as a string. If file is overloaded (that is, it appears in
multiple folders on the search path), then include a path to the file. The file specification
must be the complete or relative path to the file, or the name of a file on the MATLAB
path. Otherwise, MATLAB returns an error.
Example: appdesigner App1

Open a New App File



A new file titled App1.mlapp opens in App Designer. App1.mlapp does not appear in
the MATLAB Current Folder browser until you save the file.
Open an Existing App File
appdesigner valueplots

App Designer opens and displays the existing valueplots.mlapp file, assuming that
file is in the current folder or on the MATLAB search path. Otherwise, MATLAB returns
a file not found error.


Function Reference

Create app window component

window = appwindow(Name,Value)

appwindow creates a new app window using default property values.
window = appwindow(Name,Value) specifies app window properties using one or
more Name,Value pair arguments.

Input Arguments
Name-Value Pair Arguments
Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a list and description of properties (name-value pair arguments), see App Window
Example: 'Name','Results'

Create Default App Window



Access App Window Properties

Create an app window with a specified title.
window = appwindow('Name','Plotted Results');


Function Reference

Get the app window Position property value.

position = window.Position
ans =



See Also
App Window Properties




Create axes graphics object

ax = axes('Parent',app)
ax = axes('Parent',app,Name,Value)

ax = axes('Parent',app) creates an axes object within the specified app window.
ax = axes('Parent',app,Name,Value) specifies axes properties using one or more
Name,Value pair arguments.

Input Arguments
app app window
app window object
App window, specified as an app window object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a list of properties, see Axes Properties.
Example: 'Color','red' specifies the color red for the axes back planes.


Function Reference

Multiple Axes in Single App Window
Create and plot into multiple axes in a single app window.
Specify the axes object in the plot command to indicate in which axes you want each plot
to be displayed.
window = appwindow;
a = [1,4,7,9];
b = [10,12,30,4];
ax1 = axes('Parent',window,'Units','pixels',...
'Position',[67, 171, 175, 152]);
ax2 = axes('Parent',window,'Units','pixels',...



Change the back plane color of ax2.

ax2.Color = 'red';

Determine the scale of values along the x-axis in ax1.

xscale = ax1.XScale
ans =

More About
The axis (not axes) function provides simplified access to commonly used properties
that control the scaling and appearance of axes.

Function Reference

For information on setting default axes properties, see the MATLAB help topic,
Default Property Values.

See Also
axis | cla | clf | gca | grid | subplot | title | view | xlabel | ylabel
Axes Properties



Create push button or state button component



uibutton( ___ ,Name,Value)

button = uibutton creates a push button in a new app window.
button = uibutton(style) creates a button of the specified style.
button = uibutton(parent) specifies the object in which to create the button.
button = uibutton(parent,style) creates a button of the specified style in the
specified parent object.
button = uibutton( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies button properties using one or
more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
style Type of button
'push' (default) | 'state'
Type of button, specified as one of the following:

Function Reference

When pressed once, the button appears to depress and release.

When pressed once, the button remains in the depressed or released state until it is
pressed again.
Parent Parent container of button
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Parent container of button, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a style-specific list and description of properties (name-value pair arguments), see
Push Button Properties and State Button Properties.
Example: 'Text', 'Start' specifies that the text, Start, is displayed on the button.

Create a Push Button
Create a push button, the default style for a button.
button = uibutton;



Create a State Button

Create a state button by specifying the style as state.
button = uibutton('state');

Specify the Parent Object for a Push Button

Specify an app window as the parent object for a push button.

Function Reference

Create two app windows, app1 and app2. Specify app2 as the parent app window for the
window1 = appwindow('Name','One');
window2 = appwindow('Name','Two');
button = uibutton(window2);

Access State Button Property Values

Create a state button and specify property values.
button = uibutton('state',...
'Text', 'Record',...
'Value', true,...

Determine the font size of the state button text:

fname = button.FontName
fname =

Change the font of the button text:



button.FontName = 'Arial Narrow';

Code the ButtonPushedFcn Callback for a Push Button

Create an app window containing a push button and axes. Code the callback for the push
button so that when a user presses the push button, MATLAB plots the specified data in
the axes.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function buttonPlot
% Create an app window
window = appwindow;
% Create an axes
ax = axes('Parent',window,...
'Position', [104, 123, 198, 201]);
% Create a push button
button = uibutton(window,'push',...
'Location',[384, 218],...
'ButtonPushedFcn', @(button,event) plotButtonPushed(button,ax));
% Create the function for the ButtonPushedFcn callback
function plotButtonPushed(button,ax)
x = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
y = sin(x);

Run buttonPlot, and then press the push button.


Function Reference

See Also
Button Properties | State Button Properties



Create check box component

checkbox = uicheckbox
checkbox = uicheckbox(parent)
checkbox = uicheckbox( ___ ,Name,Value)

checkbox = uicheckbox creates a check box in a new app window.
checkbox = uicheckbox(parent) specifies the object in which to create the check
checkbox = uicheckbox( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies check box properties using one
or more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
parent Check box parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Check box parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as

Function Reference

For a list and description of properties (name-value pair arguments), see Check Box
Example: 'Value',true specifies that the check box is displayed with a check mark.

Create Check Box
checkbox = uicheckbox;

Specify the Parent Object for a Check Box

window = appwindow;
checkbox = uicheckbox(window);

Access Check Box Property Values

Create a check box and specify property values.


checkbox = uicheckbox('Text','Show Value',...

'Value', true,...

Clear the check box:

checkbox.Value = false;

Determine the font size of the check box text:

fsize = checkbox.FontSize
fsize =

Code the Check Box ValueChangedFcn Callback

Create an app window containing a check box and a button group containing three radio
buttons. Code the callback for the check box such that when the user selects the check

Function Reference

box, the third button in the button group is disabled. When the user clears the check box,
the radio button is enabled again.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function disableRadioButton
% Create an app window:
window = appwindow('Position',[100, 100, 229, 276]);

% Create a button group and radio buttons:

buttongroup = matlab.ui.control.ButtonGroup('Parent',window,...
'Location',[56, 77]);
rb1 = uiradiobutton(buttongroup,'Location',[10,60]);
rb2 = uiradiobutton(buttongroup,'Location',[10,38]);
rb3 = uiradiobutton(buttongroup,'Location',[10,16]);

% Create a checkbox:
uicheckbox(window,'Location',[55, 217],...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(checkbox,event) cBoxChanged(checkbox,rb3));
% Create the function for the ValueChangedFcn callback:
function cBoxChanged(checkbox,rb3)
val = checkbox.Value;
rb3.Enabled = ~val;

Run disableRadioButton, and then clear the check box.



See Also
Check Box Properties


Function Reference

Create drop down component



uidropdown( ___ ,Name,Value)

dropdown = uidropdown creates a drop down in a new app window.
dropdown = uidropdown(style) creates a drop down of the specified style.
dropdown = uidropdown(parent) specifies the object in which to create the drop
dropdown = uidropdown(parent,style) creates a drop down of the specified style
in the specified parent object.
dropdown = uidropdown( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies drop down properties
using one or more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input
argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
style Type of drop down
'dropdown' (default) | 'editable'
Type of drop down, specified as one of the following:


Enables user to select from a fixed list of options.

Enables user to type text or select from a fixed list of options.
parent Drop down parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Drop down parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a style-specific list and description of properties (name-value pair arguments), see
Drop Down Properties and Editable Drop Down Properties.
Example: 'Text',{'Red','Yellow','Blue'} specifies the options presented in the
drop down.

Create a Drop Down
dropdown = uidropdown;


Function Reference

Create an Editable Drop Down

dropdown = uidropdown('editable');



Specify the Parent Object for a Drop Down

Specify an app window as the parent object for a drop down.
window = appwindow;
dropdown = uidropdown(window);

Access Drop Down Properties

Create a drop down and specify property values.
dropdown = uidropdown('Text',{'Red','Yellow','Blue','Green'},...
'Value', 'Blue');


Function Reference

Determine the data value associated with the selected option:

vdata = dropdown.ValueData
vdata =

Make the font of the text that is displayed in the drop down italic:
dropdown.FontAngle = 'italic';

Code the Drop Down ValueChangedFcn Callback

Create an app window containing an axes and a drop down. Code the callback for the
drop down such that when the user selects an option, the plot in the axes changes color.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function plotOptions
% Create app window and components:



window = appwindow('Position',[100, 100, 350, 275]);

ax = axes('Parent',window,...
'Position',[93, 51, 100, 77]);
% Create a plot
x = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi);
y = sin(x);
p = plot(ax,x,y);
p.Color = 'Blue';
dropdown = uidropdown(window,...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(dropdown,event) selection(dropdown,p));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback:
function selection(dropdown,p)
val = dropdown.Value;
p.Color = val;

Run plotOptions. Select an option from the drop down to change the plot color.


Function Reference

Code the Editable Drop Down ValueChangedFcn Callback Using Value and Data Properties
Create an app window containing an editable drop down and a lamp. Code the callback
for the drop down such that when the user selects an option or types a numeric value in
the drop down, the size of the lamp is multiplied by that value. This example illustrates
how to use the Text and Value properties to determine the app user selection.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function lampSize
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100, 100, 300, 275]);
lamp = uilamp(window,...
'Location',[100, 25]);
dropdown = uidropdown(window,'editable',...



'ValueChangedFcn',@(dropdown,event) optionSelected(dropdown,lamp));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function optionSelected(dropdown,lamp)
val = dropdown.Value;
s = [20 20];
switch val
case 'Option 1'
lamp.Size = s;
case 'Option 2'
lamp.Size = s.*[2, 2];
case 'Option 3'
lamp.Size = s.*[3, 3];
case 'Option 4'
lamp.Size = s.*[4, 4];
v = dropdown.Value;
m = str2num(v);
lamp.Size = s.*[m, m];

Run lampSize and select various options from the drop down.
Enter a value in the drop down. (If you enter a large value, you might have to resize the
app window to see the lamp.)


Function Reference

Code the Editable Drop Down ValueChangedFcn Callback Using ValueData and TextData
Create an app window containing an editable drop down and a lamp. Code the callback
for the drop down such that when the user selects an option the lamp size changes to
a size appropriate for the selection. When the user types a numeric value in the drop
down, the lamp dimension become that value. This example illustrates how to use the
ValueData and TextData properties to determine the app user selection.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function lampSizer
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100, 100, 300, 275]);
lamp = uilamp(window,...
'Location',[100, 25]);
dropdown = uidropdown(window,'editable',...



'Text',{'small','medium','large','extra large'},...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(dropdown,event) optionSelected(dropdown,lamp));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function optionSelected(dropdown,lamp)
val = dropdown.ValueData;
if (~isempty(val))
% User selected option
lamp.Size = val * [1,1];
% User typed a value
v = dropdown.Value;
n = str2num(v);
if (~isempty(n))
% User typed a number
lamp.Size = n *[1,1];
% If user did not type a number,
% use the default lamp size
lamp.Size = [20,20];

Run lampSizer and select various options from the drop down.
Enter a numeric value in the drop down. (If you enter a large value, you may need to
resize the app window to see the lamp.)


Function Reference

See Also
Drop Down Properties | Editable Drop Down Properties



Create text or numeric edit field component



uieditfield( ___ ,Name,Value)

editfield = uieditfield creates a text edit field in a new app window.
editfield = uieditfield(style) creates an edit field of the specified style.
editfield = uieditfield(parent) specifies the object in which to create the edit
editfield = uieditfield(parent,style) creates an edit field of the specified style
in the specified parent object.
editfield = uieditfield( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies edit field properties
using one or more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input
argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
style Type of edit field
'text' (default) | 'numeric'
Type of edit field, specified as one of the following:

Function Reference

By default, text edit fields display no text.

By default, numeric edit fields display the value 0.
parent Edit field parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Edit field parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a style-specific list and description of properties (name-value pair arguments), see
Edit Field Properties and Numeric Edit Field Properties.
Example: 'Location',[150,150] specifies the coordinates from the lower-left corner
of the parent container to the lower-left corner of the edit field (in pixels).

Create a Text Edit Field
Create a text edit field, the default style for an edit field.
editfield = uieditfield;



Create a Numeric Edit Field

Create a numeric edit field by specifying the style as numeric.
editfield = uieditfield('numeric');


Function Reference

Specify the Parent Object for a Numeric Edit Field

Specify an app window as the parent object for a numeric edit field.
window = appwindow;
editfield = uieditfield(window,'numeric');

Access Numeric Edit Field Property Values

Create a numeric edit field.
editfield = uieditfield('numeric');

Determine the limits:

limits = editfield.Limits
limits =


The returned values indicate that there are no limits.



Specify the limits as between 0 and 100, exclusive.

editfield.Limits = [0,100];

Create a Numeric Edit Field and Specify Limit Inclusivity

Create a numeric edit field that allows users to enter a value greater than -5 and less
than or equal to 10.
editfield = uieditfield('numeric',...
'Limits', [-5, 10],...
'Value', 5);

Run the command. If you enter a value in the numeric edit field that is outside the limits,
MATLAB automatically displays a message indicating the problem and restores the
value to the previous valid value.
Create a Numeric Edit Field That Displays Values Using Exactly Two Decimals
Create a numeric edit field that allows users to enter any value, but always displays the
value using exactly two decimals. Be aware than MATLAB stores the exact value that
the user enters.
editfield = uieditfield('numeric',...
'ValueDisplayFormat', '%.2f');

Enter 5.555 in the numeric edit field, and then click away from the edit field. The edit
field displays 5.55.
MATLAB stores the original value, 5.555.
Click in the edit field, it displays the value originally typed.
Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a Text Edit Field
Code the ValueChangedFcn callback for a text edit field such that when the user
changes text in the edit field, the label is updated to match that text.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function textValue
% Create app window and components


Function Reference

window = appwindow('Position',[100,100,350,275]);
label = uilabel(window,...
'Location',[130, 100],...
textfield = uieditfield(window,...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(textfield,event) textChanged(textfield,label));
function textChanged(textfield,label)
label.Text = textfield.Value;

Run textValue, and type Velocity in the edit field. Click outside the edit field to
trigger the callback.

Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a Numeric Edit Field

Code the ValueChangedFcn callback for an numeric edit field such that when the user
changes the value in the edit field, the slider is updated to match that value.


Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.

function numericEditFieldValue
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100,100,350,275]);
slider = uislider(window,...
'Location',[90, 220]);
numericfield = uieditfield(window,'numeric',...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(numericfield,event) numberChanged(numericfield,slider));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function numberChanged(numericfield,slider)
slider.Value = numericfield.Value;

Run numericEditFieldValue.
Enter a value between 0 and 100 in the numeric edit field and click outside the field. The
slider moves to indicate the numeric edit field value.


Function Reference

See Also
Edit Field Properties | Numeric Edit Field Properties



Create circular, linear, ninety-degree, or semicircular gauge component



uigauge( ___ ,Name,Value)

gauge = uigauge creates a circular gauge in a new app window.
gauge = uigauge(style) specifies the gauge style.
gauge = uigauge(parent) specifies the object in which to create the gauge.
gauge = uigauge(parent,style) creates a gauge of the specified style in the
specified parent object.
gauge = uigauge( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies gauge properties using one or
more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
style Type of gauge
'circular' (default) | 'linear' | 'ninetydegree' | 'semicircular'
Type of gauge, specified as any one of the following values:


Function Reference


Default Visual



Component for displaying

value over circular span.
It always sweeps from
225 degrees in a clockwise
direction to 315 degrees.


Component for displaying

value over a linear span.


Component for displaying

value over a 90 degree span.


Component for displaying

value over a semicircular
span. The sweep angle is
fixed at 180 degrees.

parent Gauge parent container

app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Gauge parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a style-specific list and description of properties ( name-value pair arguments), see
Gauge Properties, Semicircular Gauge Properties, Ninety Degree Gauge Properties, and
Linear Gauge Properties.
Example: 'Value',150 specifies that the gauge needle points to 150.



Create a Circular Gauge
gauge = uigauge;

Create a Linear Gauge

gauge = uigauge('linear');


Function Reference

Specify the Parent Object for a Gauge

Specify an app window as the parent object for a linear gauge.
window = appwindow;
gauge = uigauge(window,'linear');

Access Gauge Property Values

Create a circular gauge:
gauge = uigauge;

Change gauge major ticks, specify matching tick labels, and remove minor ticks.
gauge.MajorTicks = [0:10:100];
gauge.MajorTickLabels = {'0','10','20','30','40','50','60','70','80','90','100'};
gauge.MinorTicks = [];

Determine the gauge size:

size = gauge.Size



size =


Create a Circular Gauge, Specifying Scale Colors and Scale Color Limits
gauge = uigauge('ScaleColors', {'yellow', 'red'},...
'ScaleColorLimits', [60,80; 80,100]);


Function Reference

See Also
Gauge Properties | Linear Gauge Properties | Ninety-Degree Gauge Properties |
Semicircular Gauge Properties



Create knob or discrete knob app component



uiknob( ___ ,Name,Value)

knob = uiknob creates a knob in a new app window.
knob = uiknob(style) specifies the knob style.
knob = uiknob(parent) specifies the object in which to create the knob.
knob = uiknob(parent,style) creates a knob of the specified style in the specified
parent object.
knob = uiknob( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies knob properties using one or more
Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
style Type of knob
'continuous' (default) | 'discrete'
Type of knob, specified as one of the following values:


Function Reference


Default Visual



parent Knob box parent container

app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Knob parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a style-specific list and description of properties, see Knob Properties and Discrete
Knob Properties.
Example: 'Enabled',false specifies that the knob is displayed dimmed and is not

Create a Default Knob
Create a continuous knob, the default knob style.


knob = uiknob;

Create a Discrete Knob

Create a discrete knob by specifying the style as discrete.
knob = uiknob('discrete');


Function Reference

Specify the Parent Object for a Discrete Knob

Specify an app window as the parent object for a discrete knob.
window = appwindow;
knob = uiknob(window,'discrete');

Access Continuous Knob Property Values

Create a continuous knob.
knob = uiknob;

Determine the knob limits.

limits = knob.Limits
limits =


Change the limits and the value.



knob.Limits = [-10,10];
knob.Value = 5;

Access Discrete Knob Property Values

Create a discrete knob.
knob = uiknob('discrete');

Change the knob states. Set the data associated with the knob states to reflect
temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit.
knob.Text = {'Cold', 'Warm', 'Hot'};
knob.TextData = {32, 80, 212};


Function Reference

Get the data value (temperature) associated with the current knob value.
degrees = knob.ValueData
degrees =

Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a Discrete Knob

Create an app window containing a discrete knob and a text field. Code the
ValueChangedFcn callback such that when the user changes the knob position, the text
field is updated to reflect the users choice.
Copy and paste the following code into a file named displayknobvalue.m on your
MATLAB path.
function displayKnobValue
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100, 100, 283, 275]);
textfield = uieditfield(window,'text',...



'Location', [69, 82]);

knob = uiknob(window,'discrete',...
'Location',[89, 142],...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(knob,event) knobTurned(knob,textfield));
function knobTurned(knob,textfield)
textfield.Value = knob.Value;

Run displayKnobValue, and then turn the knob. When you release the mouse button,
the edit field is updated to reflect the knob value.

Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a Continuous Knob

Create an app window containing a continuous knob and a label. Code the
ValueChangedFcn callback such that when the user changes the knob position, the label
is updated to reflect the users choice.
Copy and paste the following code into a file named showknobvalue.m on your
MATLAB path.
function showKnobValue
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100, 100, 283, 275]);


Function Reference

label = uilabel(window,'Location',[218,177],...
'Size', [50,15]);
knob = uiknob(window,...
'Location',[89, 142],...
'ValueChangedFcn', @(knob,event) knobTurned(knob,label));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function knobTurned(knob,label)
num = knob.Value;
label.Text = num2str(num);

Run showKnobValue and turn the knob. When you release the mouse button, the label is
updated to reflect the knob value.

Code the ValueChangingFcn Callback for a Continuous Knob

Create an app window containing a continuous knob and a numeric edit field. Code the
knob ValueChangingFcn callback such that when the user changes the knob position,


the edit field is continuously updated to reflect the knob value. MATLAB stores the
changing knob value in the callback event data.
Copy and paste the following code into a file named showchangingvalue.m on your
MATLAB path.
function showChangingValue
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100, 100, 350, 275]);
numberfield = uieditfield(window,'numeric',...
knob = uiknob(window,...
'Location',[89, 142],...
'ValueChangingFcn',@(knob,event) knobTurned(knob,event,numberfield));
% Create ValueChangingFcn callback
function knobTurned(knob,event,numberfield)
numberfield.Value = event.Value;

Run showChangingValue, and turn the knob. As you do so, the numeric edit field is
updated to show the changing knob values.


Function Reference

See Also
Discrete Knob Properties | Knob Properties



Create label component

label = uilabel
label = uilabel(parent)
label = uilabel( ___ ,Name,Value)

label = uilabel creates a component label with the text Label.
label = uilabel(parent) specifies the object in which to create the label.
label = uilabel( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies label properties using one or
more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
parent Label parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Label parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a list and description of properties (name-value pair arguments), see Label

Function Reference

Example: 'Text','Size:' specifies the label displays the text Size:.

'Text' Label text
'Label' (default) | string | cell array of strings
The label text, specified as a string or a cell array of strings. Use a cell array of strings to
specify a multiline label.
MATLAB can properly render formatted text, such as this:
text = sprintf('%s\n%s', 'Line 1', 'Line 2')
label = uilabel('Text', text, 'Size',[100,100])

However, MATLAB does not automatically interpret and render text such as this:
label = uilabel('Text', 'Line 1\nLine2', 'Size',[100,150])

Example: 'Threshold'
Example: {'Threshold' 'Value'}

Create a Label Component
label = uilabel;



Specify the Parent Object for a Lamp Component

Specify an app window as the parent object for a label.
window = appwindow;
label = uilabel(window);

Access Label Properties

Create a default label.
label = uilabel;


Function Reference

Change the label text and font size.

label.Text = 'Result';
label.FontSize = 14;

The label is clipped because the current size is not large enough for the changed text.
Determine the current label size.
size = label.Size



size =


Change the label size to accommodate the changed text.

label.Size = [60,20];

See Also
Label Properties


Function Reference

Create lamp component

lamp = uilamp
lamp = uilamp(parent)
lamp = uilamp( ___ ,Name,Value)

lamp = uilamp creates a lamp component in a new app window.
lamp = uilamp(parent) specifies the object in which to create the lamp.
lamp = uilamp( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies lamp properties using one or more
Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
parent Lamp parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Lamp parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a list and description of properties, see Lamp Properties.
Example: 'Color','red' specifies that the lamp color is red.


Create a Lamp Component
Create a green lamp component.
lamp = uilamp;

Specify the Parent Object for a Lamp Component

Specify an app window as the parent object for a lamp.
window = appwindow;
lamp = uilamp(window);

Access Lamp Properties

Create a default lamp.
lamp = uilamp;


Function Reference

Determine the current color of the lamp.

color = lamp.Color
color =

MATLAB returns the RGB value for green.

Change the lamp color to red.
lamp.Color = 'red';



Change the lamp color to blue.

lamp.Color = [0,0,1];

See Also
Lamp Properties


Function Reference

Create list box component

listbox = uilistbox
listbox = uilistbox(parent)
listbox = uilistbox( ___ ,Name,Value)

listbox = uilistbox creates a list box in a new app window.
listbox = uilistbox(parent) specifies the object in which to create the list box.
listbox = uilistbox( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies list box properties using one
or more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
parent List box parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
List box parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a list of properties, see List Box Properties.


Example: 'Text',{'Model 1','Model 2', 'Model 3', 'Model 4'} specifies the
list box options that the user sees, from top to bottom.

Create a List Box
listbox = uilistbox;

Specify the Parent Object for a List Box

Specify an app window as the parent object for a list box.
window = appwindow;
listbox = uilistbox(window);

Access List Box Property Values

Create a default list box.

Function Reference

listbox = uilistbox;

Determine whether the list box allows multiple selections.

multi = listbox.MultiSelect
multi =

MATLAB returns zero, indicating that multiselection is not enabled.

Enable multiselection.
listbox.MultiSelect = true;

Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a List Box to Display Selection

Create an app window containing a list box and a text edit field. Code the callback for the
list box so that when a user selects a list option, MATLAB displays that option in the text
edit field.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function listBoxSelection
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100,100,350,275]);
textfield = uieditfield(window,...
textfield.Value = 'Item 1';
lbox = uilistbox(window,...
'Location',[100, 120],...
'ValueChangedFcn', @(lbox,event) selectionChanged(lbox,textfield));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function selectionChanged(lbox,textfield)
textfield.Value = lbox.Value;

Run listBoxSelection and select an option from the list. The text edit field is updated
to reflect your choice.


Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a List Box to Display Data Associated with Selection
Create an app window containing a list box and a numeric edit field. Code the callback
for the list box so that when a user selects a list option, MATLAB displays the data
associated with that option in the numeric edit field.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function dataSelection
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100,100,350,275]);
numericfield = uieditfield(window,'numeric',...

lbox = uilistbox(window,...
'Text', {'Freezing', 'Warm', 'Hot', 'Boiling'},...
'TextData', {0, 25, 40, 100},...
'Location',[100, 120],...


Function Reference

'ValueChangedFcn', @(lbox,event) selectionChanged(lbox,numericfield));

% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function selectionChanged(lbox,numericfield)
numericfield.Value = lbox.ValueData;

Run dataSelection and select an option from the list. The numeric edit field is
updated to reflect the data associated with your choice.

Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a Multiselection List Box

Create an app window containing a list box and a text area field. Code the callback for
the list box so that when a user selects one or more list options, MATLAB displays those
options in the text area.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function multiselect



% Create app window and components

window = appwindow('Position',[100,100,350,275]);
textarea = uitextarea(window,...
listbox = uilistbox(window,...
'Location',[100, 150],...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(listbox,event) selectionChanged(listbox,textarea));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function selectionChanged(listbox,textarea)
textarea.Value = listbox.Value;

Run multiselect and select options from the list. The text edit field is updated to
reflect your choice.


Function Reference

See Also
List Box Properties



Create radio button component

radiobutton = uiradiobutton(parent)
radiobutton = uiradiobutton(parent,Name,Value)

radiobutton = uiradiobutton(parent) creates a radio button within the specified
parent button group.
radiobutton = uiradiobutton(parent,Name,Value) specifies radio button
properties using one or more Name,Value pair arguments.

Input Arguments
parent Radio button parent container
matlab.ui.control.ButtonGroup object
Radio button parent container, specified as a matlab.ui.control.ButtonGroup

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
Example: 'Text', 'French' specifies that the text, French, displays next to the radio

Function Reference

Create Radio Buttons Within a Button Group and Access Property Values
To create a radio button, first create an app window and a button group object.
window = appwindow;
bg = matlab.ui.control.ButtonGroup('Parent',window);

Create three radio buttons and specify the location of each.

rb1 = uiradiobutton(bg,'Location',[10,60]);
rb2 = uiradiobutton(bg,'Location',[10,38]);
rb3 = uiradiobutton(bg,'Location',[10,16]);

Change the text associated with each radio button.

rb1.Text = 'English';
rb2.Text = 'French';
rb3.Text = 'German';



Change the radio button selection to German.

rb3.Value = true;


Function Reference

Determine the font name of the German radio button text.

font = rb3.FontName
font =

See Also



Create slider component

slider = uislider
slider = uislider(parent)
slider = uislider( ___ ,Name,Value)

slider = uislider creates a slider in a new app window.
slider = uislider(parent) specifies the object in which to create the slider.
slider = uislider( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies slider properties using one or
more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
parent Slider parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Slider parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a list and description of properties (name-value pairs), see Slider Properties.
Example: 'Limits',[0,50] specifies the minimum slider value as 0and the maximum
slider value as 50.

Function Reference

Create a Slider
slider = uislider;

Specify the Parent Object for a Slider

window = appwindow;
slider = uislider(window);

Access Slider Property Values

Create a default slider.
slider = uislider;

Determine the current slider limits.

limits = slider.Limits
limits =




Change the slider limits and set the value to 35.

slider.Limits = [-50,50];
slider.Value = 35;

Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a Slider

Code the ValueChangedFcn callback for a slider to control the circular gauge needle.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function sliderValue
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100,100,350,275]);
gauge = uigauge(window,'Location',[100,100]);
slider = uislider(window,...
'Location',[100, 75],...


Function Reference

'ValueChangedFcn',@(slider,event) sliderMoved(slider,gauge));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function sliderMoved(slider,gauge)
gauge.Value = slider.Value;

Run sliderValue, and then move the slider. When you release the mouse button, the
circular gauge needle moves to the matching value on the gauge.

Code the ValueChangingFcn Callback for a Slider

Code the ValueChangingFcn callback for a slider to control the circular gauge needle.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function sliderChanging
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100,100,350,275]);



gauge = uigauge(window,'Location',[100,100]);
slider = uislider(window,...
'Location',[100, 75],...
'ValueChangingFcn',@(slider,event) sliderMoving(event,gauge));
% Create ValueChangingFcn callback
function sliderMoving(event,gauge)
gauge.Value = event.Value;

Run sliderChanging, and then move the slider. As you move the slider, the circular
gauge needle moves, reflecting the slider value.

See Also
Slider Properties

Function Reference

Create slider switch, rocker switch, or toggle switch component



uiswitch( ___ ,Name,Value)

control = uiswitch creates a slider switch component in a new app window.
control = uiswitch(style) creates a switch of the specified style.
control = uiswitch(parent) specifies the object in which to create the switch.
control = uiswitch(parent,style) creates a switch of the specified style in the
specified parent object.
control = uiswitch( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies switch properties using one or
more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
style Type of switch
'slider' (default) | 'rocker' | 'toggle'
Type of switch, specified as one of the following styles:


Default Visual



Default Visual



parent Switch parent container

app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Switch parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a style-specific list and description of properties, see Switch Properties, Rocker
Switch Properties, and Toggle Switch Properties.
Example: 'Text',{'1','2'} specifies the text that diplays for the two
switch states.

Create a Slider Switch
Create a slider switch, the default style for a switch.
sliderswitch = uiswitch;


Function Reference

Create a Toggle Switch

Create a toggle switch by specifying the style as toggle.
toggleswitch = uiswitch('toggle');



Specify the Parent Object for a Rocker Switch

Specify an app window as the parent object for a rocker switch.
window = appwindow;
rockerswitch = uiswitch(window,'rocker');

Access Switch Property Values

Create a rocker switch.
rockerswitch = uiswitch('rocker');


Change the switch text.

rockerswitch.Text = {'Stop','Start'};

Determine the current switch value.

val = rockerswitch.Value
val =


Function Reference

MATLAB returns zero, indicating that the switch points downward to the Stop position.
(If you change the Orientation property value to 'horizontal', the switch points to the
left when the Value property is zero.)
Code the ValueChangedFcn Callback for a Rocker Switch
Create an app window containing a lamp and a rocker switch. Code the callback for the
rocker switch so that when a user presses moves the switch, the lamp changes color.
Save the following code to a file on your MATLAB path.
function lampSwitch
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow('Position',[100,100,350,275]);
lamp = uilamp(window,...
rockerswitch = uiswitch(window,'toggle',...
'Location',[150, 160],...
'Value', true,...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(rockerswitch,event) switchMoved(rockerswitch,lamp));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function switchMoved(rockerswitch,lamp)
switch rockerswitch.Value
case 1
lamp.Color = 'green';
case 0
lamp.Color = 'black';

Run lampSwitch, and then move the switch up and down.



See Also
Rocker Switch Properties | Switch Properties | Toggle Switch Properties


Function Reference

Create text area component

textarea = uitextarea
textarea = uitextarea(parent)
textarea = uitextarea( ___ ,Name,Value)

textarea = uitextarea creates a text area in a new app window.
textarea = uitextarea(parent) specifies the object in which to create the text area.
textarea = uitextarea( ___ ,Name,Value) specifies text area properties using one
or more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments
parent Text area parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Text area parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group object.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
For a list and description of properties, see Text Area Properties.
Example: 'Editable',false specifies that the user cannot change the text area text.


Create Text Area
textarea = uitextarea;

Specify the Parent Object for a Text Area

Specify an app window as the parent object for a text area.
window = appwindow;
textarea = uitextarea(window);

Access Text Area Properties

Create a populated text area.
textareafield = uitextarea(...
'Value', {'First Name Last Name';...
'Address 1'; 'Address 2';'City, State, Postal Code'});


Function Reference

Notice that the default size of the text area is not large enough to display all the specified
Determine the current size of the text area.
size = textareafield.Size
size =


Increase the text area size to accommodate all the text.

textareafield.Size = [150,67];



Code the ValueChangedFcn for a Text Area

Create an app window containing a text area and two labels. Code the callback for the
text area so that when a user types text and clicks away from the text area, a label is
updated to thank the user for the input. If the user removes the text, the thank you text
is removed.
function comments
% Create app window and components
window = appwindow;
label1 = uilabel(window,...
'Text', 'Enter Comments:');
label2 = uilabel(window,...
'Text', '');


Function Reference

textarea = uitextarea(window,...
'Location', [100,100],...
'ValueChangedFcn',@(textarea,event) textEntered(textarea, label2));
% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function textEntered(textarea,label2)
val = textarea.Value;
label2.Text = '';
% Check each element of text area cell array for text
for k = 1:length(val)
label2.Text = 'Thank you for your comments!';

Run comments, and type text in the text area field. Click away from the text area to
trigger the callback.



See Also
Text Area Properties


Function Reference

Create toggle button component

togglebutton = uitogglebutton(parent)
togglebutton = uitogglebutton(parent,Name,Value)

togglebutton = uitogglebutton(parent) creates a toggle button within the
specified parent button group.
togglebutton = uitogglebutton(parent,Name,Value) specifies toggle button
properties using one or more Name,Value pair arguments.

Input Arguments
parent Toggle button parent container
app window object (default) | panel object | button group object
Toggle button parent container, specified as an app window, panel, or button group

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the
argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single
quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
Example: 'Text', 'French' specifies that the text, French, displays on the toggle


Create Toggle Buttons Within a Button Group and Access Property Values
To create a toggle button, first create an app window and a button group object.
window = appwindow;
bg = matlab.ui.control.ButtonGroup('Parent',window);

Create three toggle buttons and specify the location of each.

tb1 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Location',[10,60]);
tb2 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Location',[10,38]);
tb3 = uitogglebutton(bg,'Location',[10,16]);

Change the text associated with each toggle button.

tb1.Text = 'English';
tb2.Text = 'French';
tb3.Text = 'German';


Function Reference

Change the toggle button selection to German.

tb3.Value = true;



Determine the font name of the German toggle button text.

font = tb3.FontName
font =

See Also



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