More Tales of Terror and Creepy Stories of The Unknown, Paranormal, and Unsolved

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The document appears to be about horror stories and paranormal/unexplained events.

The document discusses various horror stories and supernatural/unexplained events.

The case of Anneliese Michel, a girl who was believed to be possessed and underwent an exorcism, is discussed on pages 6-7.


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Anneiese Michel, deep into the possession

As far as I know, Anneliese Michel is the most popular exorcism story, besides maybe
Robbie Mannheim (who the original Exorcist was based on) well get to him next.
First is a video with visuals, pictures, information, and the actual audio of the exorcism.
(The video where she names the ones who dwell within is further down), Theres no
actual video footage because the technology wasnt available yet, but audio was and it
is absolutely bone-chilling. She speaks multiple-languages including ancient tongues
which can not be explained. This is the same unedited recording that was used in the
Disclaimer: If youre easily disturbed, listen at your own risk.

Anneliese Michel was a controversial case, as well as the subject of many fictional
accounts of her tragic story, most notably the 2005 courtroom drama The Exorcism of
Emily Rose. Sixteen year-old Anneliese Michel had a history of epilepsy and mental
illness, for which she had often been treated at a psychiatric hospital. However, in
1973 Michel become suicidal, spurned all religious artifacts, drank her own urine, and
began to hear voices. Medicine did nothing to help the girl, who begged her family to
bring in a priest because she believed that she was possessed by demons. Though her
request was rejected, two local priests secretly began treating her with exorcism rites.
Meanwhile, her parents stopped treating her epilepsy and mental disorders. She was
dead within a year.

Michel had almost seventy exorcisms performed on her over the course of ten months.
She refused to eat, and often talked of dying as a martyr. Anneliese Michel died from
emaciation and starvation. Consequently, her parents and the priests responsible
were charged with negligent homicide..

(Side note: when the priest asked the demon to say its name, supposedly there were 6 of
them possessing her and one of them said its name was Hitler.. Hitler was a criminal
that rose to unbelievable power to the point some people basically worshipped him even
though he committed some of the most horrific acts in history to a certain
race/RELIGION. There were almost 20 attempted assassinations on him, even by his
own men, all of which failed. He took over about 25% of the planet, and was never
technically brought to justice or killed. They say he committed suicide, but just a
personal what-if-theory for fun, maybe demons or possession played a part?)

There were a lot of Coincidences in his life

Anneliese Michels 6 Demons

*Its been said the demons were the
ones that also possessed the 6
named, or actually were the named
damned since they were damned to
hell because at one point a demon
says it was with Legion during the
famous exorcism that Jesus himself
prrformed on the man in the
*Notice all of the named, besides 6
obviously, were thought to be
possessed, related to fallen angels,
and/or anti-christs.
1. CAIN Jealousy and Pride
The first child of Eve, the first
murderer, and the first human being
to fall under a curse. Cain
treacherously murdered his own
brother Abel, lied about the murder
to God, and as a result was cursed to
wander with no home and marked
for life.
The motive for murder was jealousy
due to God rejecting his farm
offering among other things, also a
millennia-old explanation for Cain
being capable of murder is that he
may have been the offspring of a
fallen angel or Satan himself, rather
than being from Adam.
2. NERO Vanity, Greed, Cruelty,
and Lust for Power
A Roman Emperor that was
rumored to have captured

Christians dipped in oil and set on

fire for a source of light in his garden.
Also, most historians believe to have
been the cause of the Great fire of
Rome, while playing the fiddle as
Rome was set on flame.
Nero is also said to have killed his
mother and step-sinlings, he is also
often blamed as one of the suspects
because of his want to clear land and
expand the palatial complex, the
Domus Aurea. Romans believed
Nero himself had started the fire in
order to clear land for his planned
palatial complex, the Domus Aurea.
On 6-9-68 he became the first
Emperor who committed suicide.
Nero was thought to be the antichrist by some including Augustine
and in Preterist eschatology, it is
also contended that the number
666 in book of Revelation was a
code for Nero. In some religions
though, it is believed that during his
time as emperor, Nero was
possessed by a demon which
convinced him to burn down the
Judas Iscariot, (died c. ad 30), one
of the Twelve Apostles, notorious
for betraying Jesus. Judas surname
is more probably a corruption of the
Latin sicarius (murderer or
assassin) than an indication of
family origin, suggesting that he
would have belonged to the Sicarii,
the most radical Jewish group, some
of whom were terrorists. Other than
his apostleship, his betrayal, and his
death, little else is revealed about
Judas in the Gospels. Always the
last on the list of the Apostles, he
was their treasurer. John 12:6
introduces Judas thievery by saying,
. . . as he had the money box he used
to take what was put into it.
He disclosed Jesus whereabouts to

the chief Sanhedrin priests and

elders for 30 pieces of silver. They
provided the armed guard that he
brought to the Garden of
Gethsemane, near Jerusalem, where
Jesus went to pray with the other 11
Apostles after the Last Supper.
There he identified Jesus by walking
up and kissing his cheek, addressing
him as master.
Luke 22:36 ascribes his action to
the ENTRANCE OF SATAN into his
body, paralleling John 13:27, where,
after Judas took the bread at the
Last Supper, Satan entered into
him. Jesus then says, What you are
going to do, do quickly. This is the
culmination of John 6:7071, which,
after Jesus says, Did I not choose
you, the Twelve, and one of you is a
DEVIL? discloses that he meant
Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for
he, one of the Twelve, was to betray
Some say he hung himself, but in
Acts 1:18, he bought a field with
the reward of his wickedness; and
falling headlong he burst open in the
middle and all his bowels gushed
out, implying that he threw himself
down, rather than that he died
accidentally. Apocryphal gospels
developed the point in Acts that
calls the spot of his death the place
(field) of blood. His place among the
Twelve Apostles was later filled by
In Dantes Inferno, Judas appears in
the deepest chasm of hell with Julius
Caesars assassins, Brutus and
A disgraced Frankish Priest from
the 16th century. He was a a roman
catholic priest in Ettlebin, Barvaria
(Germany) he was defrocked and
excommunicated from the Catholic
Church because of his drunken

behavior and assaults among other

sins including murder. He is said to
represent the corruption of the
priesthood and of the catholic
*She also refers to the ones dwelled
within these humans when they
were alive, Legion and Belial.

(Legion) A demon described in the

Christian Bible, a creature
composed of many different evil
spirits the demon had taken
possession of a man from the
ancient Roman town of Gadarenes
(Gadara) in Jordan during the
travelings of Jesus Christ and the
Son of God spoke with the spirit and
asked it its name (to which it replied
the now famous quote of My name
is Legion, for we are many).
(Belial) Meaning Wicked One, in
demonology Belial is one of Satans
most venerable demons. In fact,
before the New Testament firmly
established Satan as the leader of
the forces of evil, Belial was the one
in charge. In the Old Testament the
word had the meaning of
wickedness or pure evil, but it later
came to be used as a proper noun
for the Devil or Satan.
According to one of the Dead Sea
Scrolls (The War of the Sons of Light
and the Sons of Darkness) he was
the uncontested ruler of the dark

But for corruption thou hast made

Belial, an angel of hostility. All his
dominion is in darkness, and his
purpose is to bring about
wickedness and guilt.
The demon of lies, he was
acknowledged in the Bible as a
source of great evil, and even as the
lord of all demons. Some apocrypha
declare that Belial was created next
to Lucifer, and that he was a king of
Hell governing 80 Infernal Legions.
Others credit Belial as being the
father of Lucifer and the angel that
convinced him to wage a rebellion in
Heaven against God, and that as
such he was the first of the fallen
angels to be expelled. There were
once a series of murders in San
Francisco related to rituals to raise
Popular culture contains many
references to Belial; notably in the
1922 film Nosferatu,

Philip K. Dicks novel The Divine

Invasion, the novel Master of Lies,

Aldous Huxleys novel Ape and

Essence, contemporary horror
The Exorcism of Emily Rose, and
Dean Koontzs novel Phantoms.

In the 2005 movie The Prophecy:

Uprising, Belial was primarily played
by horror legend Doug Bradley. In

Aldous Huxleys Ape and Essence,

the post-apocalyptic civilization in
Los Angeles worships Belial.

To Reign in Hell features Belial as

one of the Firstborn, an angel of the
highest order that takes the form of

a dragon.
(you might be thinking wtf? but
heres a little background)
Vatican exorcism specialists of the
time said he was possessed by the
Devil. Winston Churchill was
quoted saying he was possessed by
Moloch. It was said that Hitler
followed and often took part in
satanic rituals meant to twist,
pervert, and corrupt the mind to
lose any empathy or humanity and
become closer with the demons.
Furthermore, others said it was
Baphomet that possessed his soul.
Baphomet was the demon/devil that
would offer wealth and power in
exchange for worship and sacrifices
(not to mention your soul), thats
who the Knights Templar and
Solomon turned to when they
became corrupted, even having
hollow statues of Baphomet outside
of Solomons Temple with fires lit
beneath them and people would
throw their children, even infants,
inside as a sacrifice.
For all we know the
Devil/Moloch/Baphomet referred to
could all be the same entity and
some, if not all, of Hitlers countless
victims were sacrifices. According to
secret Vatican documents recently
released, wartime pontiff Pope Pius
XII attempted a long distance
exorcism on Hitler, but it failed to
have any effect. In 1904, when Hitler
was 15 years of age, he was with a
friend, August Kubizek, when
suddenly, he grabbed Kubizeks
hands and held them extremely
tight. His eyes turned feverish and
he began to speak in a voice that
was loud, hoarse, and raucous.
Kubizek felt that some strange being
had seized control of Adolf, and was
inhabiting his body. Hitler began to
speak eloquently about a Mandate

to rule Germany, leading her back to

her rightful glory. It was also at this
time that Hitlers eyes changed to a
pale blue color, a very common
occurrence in people who are
demon possessed. Even Nazis close
to Hitler said he was awkward and
different, but at times like when
giving speeches he would change
into a well-spoken aggressive
charasmatic man as if possessed
and would pour sweat eventually
becoming exhausted.
They also said he had Satans luck.
He was saved from drowning by a
priest at a young age, he himself said
that during a war he was in the
trenches when he heard to voice
telling him to run a certain direction,
and as he did there was an explosion
where he just stood killing his
platoon, but missing him. There
were even around 20 assassination
attempts on him by his own trusted
men, like the famous Project ?
Valkery? but for some unknown
reason every single one of them was
a failure and some coincidence
would happen to make things go
wrong. Some people, including me,
refer to him as the failed anti-christ.
The Light/fire Bringer or
Illuminating One The fall of Lucifer
described in Isaiah 14:12 is likely the
same that Jesus referred to in Luke
10:18: I saw Satan fall like lightning
from heaven. A similar fall is
depicted in Ezekiel 28. Hence it can
be concluded that Lucifer, Satan and
the Devil are three different names
for the same angel. Lucifer refers to
this angel when he lived in heaven.
Satan and the Devil are names for
this angel after he became evil and
came to our earth. Satan is the name
that is used for Lucifer after he was
thrown out of heaven. He is also
called the devil.

Satan was a sinful traitor who

challenged Gods authority and was
cast from the heavens for it, a (the)
fallen angel. He has lived on this
earth for about 6,000 years. But
Satan has lived in the spirit world
only crossing over through
possessing the living and most of
the time staying in the shadows
unknown to people on earth. Look
around these days and its not hard
to see that his influence is
everwhere on Earth. Very soon the
devil will leave the spirit world and
appear on earth in a visible form for
the final battle as the Beast.
They say that God gave us free will
and doesnt interfere, but the Devil
has no problem getting hands on
manipulating and influencing and
making false promises or whatever
he has to do to spite God and reach
his final goal of taking the throne
and making hell on earth. He
despises anything that has to do
with god and religion, and most
everything is done with or involves
3s and 6s. Being The master of
deception and lies, Baphomet,
Moloch, Belial, Beelzebub, etc..
Anneliese Michel and other
The Father Urbain Possessions and
Recent verified Exorcism +more




i was walking with my dog in the
evening just before sunset, we were
traveling into vast fields of nature to
escape common modern view. By
accident I found a frozen pond. It caught
my interest since i saw a waterhole in
the middle of it. Usually people drill
waterholes in their ponds where fish live
at winter time, so fish can breathe. I
thought i will see some fishes and
stuff But as soon as i came closer, i
noticed that it was evaporating. I was
filming with my phone which has shitty
camera. When i stepped on that frozen
pond, far away from the waterhole
where i was standing the ice was 20
centimeters thick or even more. And
that waterhole looked like it was melted
with fire or something You can see
around that waterhole that there is snow
or maybe ice particles blasted away
from the center of it. What was
underwater there is still unknown to me.
It is not volcanic activity. In the middle
of Europe there are no volcanoes or
underground volcanic currents. Plus
water would be boiling. There are no
pipes there, so not a damaged pipe
Natural Gas or oil? Impossible, it is not
hot and why only the part of this whole
pond is melted just above this
thing/activity? I dont know anymore.


< A man viciously attacks

another passenger, biting and
tearing at his flesh for no apparent

From the vast, invisible ocean of

moonlight overhead fell, here and
there, a slender, broken stream that
seemed to plash against the
intercepting branches and trickle to
earth, forming small white pools
among the clumps of laurel. But these
leaks were few and served only to
accentuate the blackness of his
environment, which his imagination
found it easy to people with all manner
of unfamiliar, to find shapes menacing,
uncanny, or merely grotesque.

He to whom the portentous

conspiracy of night and solitude and

silence in the heart of a great forest is

not an unknown experience needs
not to be told what another world it
all is, how even the most
commonplace and familiar objects
take on another character. The trees
group themselves differently; they
draw closer together, as if in fear.
The very silence has another quality
than the silence of the day, and it is
full of half-heard whispers, whispers
that startle, ghosts of sounds long
dead. There are living sounds, too,
such as are never heard under other
notes of strange night birds, the cries
of small animals in sudden
encounters with stealthy foes,

or in their dreams, a rustling in the

dead leaves, it may be the leap of a
wood rat, it may be the footstep of a
panther. What caused the breaking
of that twig? What the low, alarmed
twittering in that bushful of birds?
There are sounds without a name,
forms without substance,
translations in space of objects which
have not been seen to
move, movements wherein nothing
is observed to change its place. Ah,
children of the sunlight and the
gaslight, how little you know of the
world in which you live!
Ambrose Bierce, Ghost Stories

[vimeo 70775770 w=550 h=400]

v= text-align:center

-EXPLODING HEAD SYNDROME Exploding head syndrome (EHS)

is a form of hypnagogic auditory
hallucination and is a rare and
relatively undocumented
parasomnia event in which the
subject experiences a loud bang in
their head similar to a bomb
exploding, a gun going off, a clash
of cymbals, ringing, an earthquake,
or any other form of loud,
indecipherable noise that seems to
originate from inside the head.

This noise usually happens at the

onset of sleep or within an hour or
two of falling asleep, but is not
necessarily the result of a dream.
An episode can last from a few
seconds to a couple of minutes.
Most episodes occur just after
falling asleep or just prior to
waking up, and are not associated
with occurring in any certain sleep
stage. EHS is an uncommon,
usually nocturnal parasomnia that
arises from the transition between
different sleep stages. Although
the sound is perceived as
extremely loud, it is usually not
accompanied by pain. Attacks
appear to change in number over
time, with several attacks
happening in a space of days or
weeks, followed by months of
remission. Sufferers often feel a
sense of fear and anxiety before
and after an attack, accompanied
by elevated heart rate.

Attacks may also be accompanied

by perceived flashes of light (when
perceived on their own, known as

a visual sleep start) or difficulty in

breathing. The condition is also
known as auditory sleep starts.
The associated symptoms are
varied, but the benign nature of
the condition is emphasized and
neither extensive investigation nor
treatment are indicated. Sufferers
may experience an inability to
vocalize any sound, or mild forms
of sleep paralysis during an attack.
There is no known treatment

-Security film at Hampton Court

Palace has captured a ghostly
image. CCTV cameras picked up the
vision at the 16th Century Surrey
palace, which has a reputation for
being haunted.
-Security guards noticed that fire
doors kept opening in an exhibition
area, and on one occasion checked
the footage and saw a figure in
period dress.
-I thought someone was having
a laugh, but our costumed
guides dont own a costume like that.
It is actually quite unnerving, said
warder James Faukes. -It was
incredibly spooky because the face
just didnt look human, he said. State apartment warder Ian Franklin
added: Someone who appears to be
in a full cloak walks forward, brings

one door in, then the other and

closes it behind them. Hampton
Court has seen many dramatic royal
events and it is really difficult to
come up with a rational explanation
for it.
-Even before the security film was
checked a visitor had noted in the
palaces visitor book that she
thought she had seen a ghost in
that area -The palace, a home of
King Henry VIII, has seen many
dramatic royal events, executions,
and deaths, from Henrys third
wife, Jane Seymours death, to the
condemnation and house arrest of
his fifth, Catherine Howard, for
adultery. -Staff, visitors, workmen
and residents have reported
seeing Catherines ghost and heard
her uttering terrible cries in an
area of the palace called the
Haunted Gallery.

[vimeo 21121989 w=500 h=281]

Psychological Haute Macabre


This system is completely
secure because the messages
cant be tracked, the recipient could
be anywhere, says Akin
Fernandez, the creator of the Conet
Project, a comprehensive archive of
the phenomenon of numbers
stations.Its easy. You just send the
spies to a country, they buy a radio,
and they know exactly when and
where to tune so they can recieve
the message, he says.This track in
particular is nightmare-inducing
because of the distorted ice cream
truck music and the little girl
speaking German numbers over and
over. It becomes even more sinister
when you realize that this message
was most likely used as an order to
kill someone.


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The Thing That Stalks the Woods

Within a few days, though, the bales began to approach the boundaries of the
farm. I was tired of the whole game by then, and decided to move them back. It
took a tedious hour to bring them all from where they were to over near the house
again, and by the time I was done I was ready to snap the neck of whatever little
pissant was deciding to screw with me.
The next morning, I found each and every one of my horses messily decapitated.
The smell was what woke me up. Each one was slumped over against the side of its
stall. There were no signs of the heads. I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the
mess and burying the remains. It was only when I was done that I noticed the bales
of hay had all returned to their positions from the day before, scattered far out
into the fields. This time I left them where they were.
That night I sat on my porch with my shotgun in hand and a pot of coffee on the
table beside me. I sat for hours, straining my eyes into the fields to catch a glimpse
of who was moving my hay bales. Finally, I was beginning to nod off. I would have,
but just as my eyes began to close I heard a clamor and a rustling of trees from the
nearby woods. I leaned forward, my heart racing with excitement; I was going to
catch the bastard. I fumbled with my gun and fidgeted in my seat, waiting
anxiously for whoever it was to get close enough to ambush. It was only when the
thing got close enough for me to make out its silhouette in the dark that I was
frozen still. The thing that crept into my fields from the nearby woods didnt seem
to notice me sitting there.

It stalked, hunched and deliberate, through the field with the posture of a
tiptoeing thief. If not for the fact that it must have towered to over ten feet tall
even in its crouched position, it might have seemed almost frail. The thinness of
its arms and legs and the emaciated, caved-in quality of its chest reminded me of a
starving animal. Still, this thing was undeniably strong, and I watched it hoist each
bale up into its arms with ease, and set it down carefully a while away, taking only
a few strides to cover the distance. I watched it work, moving each bale
thoughtfully. Every once in a while it would straighten up to look around at the

other bales positions in the field, before adjusting the one it was working on ever
so slightly.
Before it left, it looked towards the house. I felt its eyes sweep over me in the
dark, but whether it saw me or not I couldnt tell. Then, it turned silently and
crept back the way it came, disappearing into the dark of the woods. It took me an
hour before I had the courage to move at all. I went inside after a while, but didnt
sleep that night. It was only when the sun rose that I dared step off my porch into
the fields. The hay bales were where it left them. Strangely, it didnt move them as
far as it had in the previous days.
They were approaching something invisible in the fields, and as I looked at them
I realized that they seemed to be marking some line. Indeed, as I walked around
the house, I saw the distinct circle that they formed with me at the center. At first
I thought the bales were just being haphazardly moved away from the house, but
now I could see that they were instead being moved towards some boundary. The
thing was sending me a message. I slept uneasily that night, and only because I was
The next morning the bales hadnt moved at all. They didnt move at all for the
rest of that week, in fact. They were finally where the thing wanted them. I made
myself sick trying to interpret them. Why would this thing expend so much
energy moving my hay bales, and threaten me with such violence should I try to
interfere? Killing my horses was just that a threat. An intelligent threat, at that.
It knew what would scare me, and it knew that I would understand the

The sound of an automobile working its way along the road to my farm one
morning gave me a little rush of excitement. Id been planning to abandon the farm
since I saw the thing, but I couldnt hope to leave on foot without risking it
treating me like it treated my horses. But, if I could get in the car with whoever
was coming my way, I might be able to escape before it could stop me. I didnt
know or care who it was. I decided that the moment they stopped the car, I would
jump in the passengers seat and tell them to get the hell out of here. I didnt get
the chance.
The car worked its way slowly along the road, trundling across the uneven
ground. I urged it silently to hurry. It was when it passed between the two bales
placed on either side of the road that I began to hear a booming clatter from the
woods. The thing burst suddenly from between the trees, sprinting on all four of
its terrible, gangly limbs towards the car. Within a few seconds it was there,
pouncing on the automobile like a predatory cat. Within moments it was picking
and peeling the vehicles steel frame apart, working to get at the driver.
The man, whoever he was, screamed all the while and I could hear him even over
the crunching of metal and the shattering of glass. It was only when the thing
crushed him carelessly in its hand that the screaming stopped. It tossed him away,
and straightened up to look at me once again. In the sunlight, I could see the
inhumanity of it. It was composed entirely of something awful and alive which was
lashed together in a messy semblance of a human form. Whatever it was made of

looked so polished and hard, that if it werent for the minute writhing of the stuff,
Id think it was made of granite.
The thing retreated back into the woods, and I was left to my shock. My eyes
wandered to where the car sat, the engine still sputtering, between two of the hay
bales. Suddenly, I understood. The message was clear. I am this things captive, and
I am not allowed visitors. Nothing may cross the borders it has set. Im trapped
here, by the thing that stalks the fields, and it demands nothing except that I
never leave.
Still, I dont know if I can handle being that things canary. Ive been thinking
hard for the last few days since I saw it crush that mans chest, and silence him
before he could finish his scream. If I crossed the hay bale border, itd probably do
the same. Itd smash my skull before I could put my hands up to protect myself.
Itd go and find a new pet, and probably keep looking until it found someone who
could stand knowing that it was waiting just outside, watching it at all hours with
its shiny, insect eyes.
Ive been thinking hard for the last few days, and I might just make a run for it.

When youre done checking out this page,

check out the links below. Each one contains
its own set of Nightmares

*Tales of Terror 1*
*Tales of Terror 2*
*Tales of Terror 3*
*Tales of Terror 4*
*Tales of Terror 5*

WTF is that?

Attack of The Red Caps!

Red Caps originated in Scotland and were like the Jason Voorhees of the
mystical worldmurderous and unstoppable. Although depicted as gaunt old men,
Red Caps were also armed with sharp claws and teeth. They had super strength and
could overpower a fully grown man. As if that wasnt scary enough, they sometimes
also carried around a scythe, which they used to hack and slash people to death. After
they brutally murdered their victims, the Red Cap would mop up the blood with its
cap, hence the name. These fairies were also alleged to be cannibals who ate both
humans and fairies. The only way to ward off these murderous critters was to recite
biblical verses. The victim had to be pretty quick tho, because not only were Red Caps
insanely strong, they were also incredibly fast


Do you Believe?



According to an old intern from Nickelodeon about five years ago, he, other interns
and the lead animators for Spongebob Squarepants were in the editing room to
clean up and produce the final cut of a SB episode, Fear of the Krabby Patty. Now,
in their office, they usually named episode titles something that was completely
unrelated to the content. For example, the title in the production office for Rocka-by-Bivalve an episode where Spongebob and Patrick adopt a baby scallop
was How Sex Doesnt Work. Its their little inside joke. So when the title card
said Squidwards Suicide, no one took it seriously. As usual, the usual cheery,
beachy music played and the first scene came up. Squidward was playing his
clarinet (badly, as usual) while Spongebob laughed noisily outside. Squidward told
him to shut up because he needed to practice for his concert that night. Spongebob
agreed and went to goof around with Patrick and Sandy. This was where all the
normal scenes end. The bubbles rushed up the screen a usual scene transition for
the show and the last bits of Squidward playing was shown. Frames start to
repeat themselves and no sound was played despite the fact that during that stage
of animation, scenes were already synced with the sound and that their speakers
were working perfectly. When he was done with his clarinet, the sound came back
again and murmuring was heard from the crowd of fishes. After a few seconds, the
mumbling turned into booing. Yeah, any Spongebob fan or watcher knows that
Squidwards ALWAYS booed, but this time it was different. The jeers had malice in
them, and the worst part was, Spongebob was part of the taunting crowd, which
was definitely weird because hes practically the only supporter Squidwards got.
The bubbles transitioned again, this time cutting to Squidward sitting on his bed
directly after the concert. He looked very sad and depressed, which is
understandable, I guess. Again, the sound was absolutely cut. For about thirty
seconds, Squidward did nothing but stare and blink. After that, the silence broke

and he began to sob and cry with his tentacles on his eyes. The background
sounded somewhat like a breeze blowing through a forest. A close up of
Squidwards face then came to view. His soft cries turned into loud and tortured
sounds of clear sullenness, offense, and anger. The breeze turned into a storm as it
blasted through the speakers and Squidwards sobs no longer sounded cartoonish. They sounded dead real, like a real person was crying from behind the screen.
The scene started to twitch and return to normal then back again in a fast speed.
At this point, all the people in the room were starting to wonder if the episode was
really appropriate for children to watch, and how it relates to Fear of the Krabby
Patty, which was the episode they thought they were watching. Anyway, mixing
in with the sound of the crying and blazing storm was that of faint laughter. Thirty
seconds of this later, the screen blurred and started twitching again. There was a
sudden change in scenery, like a single frame was cut and replaced. The animator
went through that part again in slow motion to see what the replaced picture was
only to find a gruesome picture of a six year old boy. He was clearly dead on the
pavement of what seemed like a road in nothing but his underwear. His left eye
was popped out and there was a messy gash somewhere on his stomach. Lying
beside him was a pile of his entrails. While they looked at the picture, one of the
interns noticed that there was a shadow of a man on the road. He had his arms
raised in the manner you would if you were taking a picture, which meant that he
was the photographer and possibly the killer of the boy. No tags or police lines
were found, which meant that the still was clearly not part of an evidence file.

Of course, everyone was horrified, but watched further in hopes of finding an

explanation for all this. The scene flicked back to Squidward, still crying. His sobs
were louder now, more disturbing. The camera focused on the Squidward to show
his eyes blood running down from them. The storm was starting to sound like a
full out cyclone and the laughing grew louder, longer, and more disturbing. The
scene twisted into another morbid scene, this time of a little girl about the same
age as the boy. Her hair was drenched in her own blood and she was laying face
down on the street. A similar opening was found at her lower back, her left eye was
popped out and again a pile of entrails was found beside her. Like the previous
image, she was only in her underwear and the photog/killers shadow was part of
the still. The only female intern couldnt take it anymore and ran out of the room
and the others looked like they just choked down vomit. The show went on again,
this time with Squidwards eyes bloodshot, still with the blood dripping from it.
He did nothing nor say anything. He just stared forward, as if watching whoever
was watching him.

Squidwards Suicide
He started crying again, only this time his moans were absolutely scary. It was
loud, painful, with screams mixed into it and the tears of blood were gushing out
at a heavy rate. The screen twitched again and another photo of a dead child
flashed. This time, no one could take it anymore. The lead animator stopped
playing the video and called Stephen Hillenburg, Spongebob Squarepants
producer. Since he had no idea what was going on, they had to play the final parts
of the episode to show him. The show had no sound again and Squidwards face
was on the screen. The same voice that was laughing earlier distinctly said DO IT
and the next thing they knew, Squidward had a shotgun on his hands. He
positioned it to his head, the screen went black, and the sound of a gunshot was
heard. The episode ended with a few seconds of Squidwards dead body.
Hillenburg was obviously angry, demanding someone explain what just happened.
Since no one could, they checked all their equipment for any foreign software
because it was possible that someone bugged their system. They also checked for
glitches, anything that could have made what just happened happen, but found

**Like Spongbob? See how the 7 main characters on Spongebob represent the 7
Deadly Sins and more, check out the DYK Page**

Late-Night Creepin


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stories of the Unknown, Paranormal, and Unsolved
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story | Mind Space Apocalypse

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and Unsolved | Mind Space Apocalypse

Pingback: Tales of Terror 6 Verified Real Exorcism caught on tape (2014)

+PLUS+ The video from a few years ago when 20/20 covered a real exorcism, and
The Entity Haunting of Doris Bither. | Mind Space Apocalypse

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Pingback: Unsolved Mysteries, Occult, and the Unknown

Pingback: Death and The Maiden | Mind Space Apocalypse

Pingback: Tales of Terror: Real Exorcisms| Mind Space Apocalypse

JANUARY 11, 2015 AT 7:57 AM

! =)

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MARCH 28, 2015 AT 7:45 PM

Thanks, its been updated it again too

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SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 AT 12:48 PM

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story | Mind Space Apocalypse

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