Tony Stark Final PDF
Tony Stark Final PDF
Tony Stark Final PDF
Yo, whats going on man? Jason Capital here and welcome to the Tony Stark
Formula. I feel like, this is between me and you here, this training has been in the
works for six years. Probably, about six years.
The reason I say that is before we even get into the Tony Stark Formula, the
various, very powerful, very unique, very different things that Tony Stark does
to give him just this incredibly magnetic respect, commanding respect, getting
attraction, getting success, getting the things he does that get him all those
things, before we get into those things, and when I said theyre unique or
different, I really mean that.
They are unique and they are different and if youre going to model anyone
because you want money or you want success or you want women or you just
want to be a fucking bad ass, you just want a little bit more of all the good stuff in
your life, Tony Stark, he most definitely, the right kind of guy to model for that.
Before I actually get into all those things, into the entire formula, I want to tell you
a quick story. The time, its about 8:00 pm. The date, late fall 2009, possibly early
winter 2009. Im sick at Michigan State University. Im 20 years old. I just started
learning game maybe a few months before.
Im getting some early results, but nothing amazing or ground breaking or
anything like that, but Im sick in my college apartment. I have like a three day
cold and a little flu and all that shit. Im at the apartment not really doing much,
not really going anywhere, kind of wondering what ...
You know whenever youre in the middle of a cold you feel like youll never get
better. I was in the middle part where Im like, Im going to be sick forever. Life
sucks. For some reason, I dont really know how it happened, I decided to watch
Ironman. I didnt know that much about Ironman.
I didnt even know anything about the comic book or the story or anything like
that. I just had nothing else to do so I was like, Well, may as well watch this
movie, so I turned it on.
Within the first ten minutes I am just shocked and Im amazed at what Im seeing
because what I see before me appears to be the most powerful, magnetic,
attractive man in a 58 frame that Ive ever seen before. The character, as played
by Robert Downey, Jr., this character of Tony Stark, just blew me away.
I spent the rest of those couple days, as I was getting better from the sickness,
probably watching Tony Stark two, three, four times; rewinding things and rewatching them and taking notes.
After that over the last six years Ive probably watched Tony Stark and Ironman,
in the various Ironman movies, forty to fifty times simply because there might
not be a better model when it comes to attractive sub-communications, when it
comes to powerful, magnetic, charismatic, sub-communications.
Ive learned a lot from the guy and Ive very, damn, Im stoked. Im just stoked
that I can share some of the stuff that I have learned from studying Tony
Stark that has helped me so much in my career, with women and money
and everything, with you today. I just want to congratulate you on making an
incredible decision in yourself. That is what we do on Team Capital, invest in
Invest in yourself with the Tony Stark Formula because I assure you what
youre about to learn here is most certainly going to pay off so that any further
storytelling, without any further ado, lets finally, lets get into and lets reveal
the things that make Tony Stark. Tony Stark and pretty soon are going to be the
things that make you as powerful as everyone sees you.
Lets begin.
Its a straight delivery. How he looked before hes had the thing is the most likely
how hes going to look during the process of saying the thing and at the end of
him saying the thing. It seems so small.
Most dating coaches would never pick this out. They would never talk about this,
even if they ever made a training on Tony Stark. But it is this little thing that he
does in his delivery and everything that he says that makes him so powerful.
A great idea is simply go back to Iron Man, the first one. Watch that opening
scene, when hes in the car with the other people in the army and hes sitting
there and hes got a glass of scotch in his hand.
Watch that one scene. Watch how he says every line. The tonality is straight.
There is no seeking anything. He is saying things because he likes to say them.
He is saying them because theyre amusing to him. Theyre straight. Theyre
strong. Theyre powereful. Theyre higher status. Theyre Tony Stark. Very, very
Number two: Tony Stark, besides having that great, straight non-reactionseeking tonality in everything he does and every situation with every person, he
also has excellent timing. He has excellent timing.
The way he says things, there is a theatrical component to the way that he
says them. All of the top-paid men in the world where it involves any type of
interpersonal communication, whether its negotiations, whether its networking,
whether its youre the CEO o one company and youre meeting with another
CEO or you have to give a speech to 100 people.
They have a great theatrical component. Its the way they say things. Really
polished, really articulate, really entertaining really powerful men all have this
down. Tony Stark is fantastic at it.
A great example from the Iron Man movies is after Iron Man 1, after he has
been found in the desert and they bring him back to America and they save
him. He gets off the plane and hes sitting in the car with Pepper Potts and he
says, Pepper, now there are two things I want to do. Number one, I want a
cheeseburger. And number two... and then he pauses.
Obviously, he doesnt say number two like, I want to go bang some chicks or get
some chicks to my house or whatever. Thats just implied. Its just implied and
its funny and its really funny and its cocky and its really attractive. But its the
timing. Its the way he delivers it that makes it so powerful.
He couldve easily ... Most people in that situation, even if you gave them those
lines to say, they wouldnt have delivered it that way. They wouldve delivered it in
a lower-status way.
They wouldve said, Listen, there are two things rah rah rah. Number one, I want
a cheeseburger and number two, I, uh.. Delivery would be different It wouldnt be
as strong. It wouldnt be nearly as strong. He has tremendous timing.
This is something I want you to work on. This is something that no one will really
teach you unless youre training to be a higher-status actor of some sort. Is your
timing. Your timing with your jokes. Your timing with everything that you do. Its
not very well-known because most people just gloss over it.
But Julius Caesar, who is one of the greatest leaders in the history of our
recorded time, was obsessed with presentation, with oratory, with delivering
incredible speeches. Everything he said, he looked at everything like a practice
for his speeches.
Every conversation, when hes even off to war and hes talking to the generals
below him. When hes speaking with them, hes not just talking to them. Hes not
just unconscious about it and flopping around and letting the words just flow out
weakly or just come out.
He is still, 24 hours a day, practicing his delivery, mastering his timing. This is
something I want to you watch. Really great characters who have great timing
and how what they do. It wont take you very long before you start having that
incredible timing yourself.
Number three: Tony Stark always holds aces to the girls kings. He always aces
to the girls kings. Heres what I mean by this: when you start dating hot and
intelligent girls, girls who are socially savvy, who are very good conversationally...
Youre going to notice that girls who are very social, who know a lot of people
who are very attractive, who are very socially savvy and carry themselves well,
theyre going to be really interesting people to talk to.
Youre going to find yourself really attracted to them because they are good
people in your lives. Theyre high-value. Theyre girls you want to spend more
time with if they, of course, get to earn it with you. But, if they meet all those
qualifications, and they are that socially savvy, youre going to find that they
always seem to have something really good to say.
They always have a good remark. Youre going to do banter with them. They
always have something good to throw back at you. They have good delivery with
it. They have good timing with it. Theyre good at it. They do it all the time.
The reason theyre so good at it is because theyre in it. Theyre in social
situations all the time, so theyre constantly practicing on it and something that
they value. But theyre always, what I would call, theyre always throwing out
Have you ever played poker and someone shows that they pocket kings? Thats
a big hand. Girls, at that level, are socially savvy and they throw out kings.
Now with Tony Stark, and all the girls that he deals with, whether its Pepper
Potts, whether its the blonde chick at the start of the first Iron Man, or any of the
later Iron Mans, theyre always bantering. Of course, hes always bantering with
them which is another thing to look out for. But whenever they throw something
at him, he always has something better to say.
He always has aces to their kings. They lay down pocket kings and he always
lays down pocket aces and he wins. Every time. I think this is no more evident
than in the scene in the beginning of the first Iron Man, talking to the blonde chick
and she says something like, Do you rehearse that every night?
Thats a good line of her, her to throw that out. Thats good. He immediately,
quickly, strongly, with great timing, responds with something even better. Hes
holding aces to her kings. I got to tell you, a huge part of that line being better...
Because its not necessarily any better. He says, Yes. Every night before bed. Id
like to show you sometime. Thats okay. Its a solid line. Its not the greatest line
of all time.
It is the straight tonality, the non-reaction seeking part of it. It is the part where the
way he says it, by the time the last word of that sentence comes out of his mouth,
hes almost thinking...
You can almost see it on his face where hes like, Thats one of the greatest
things that anyone has ever said. What I just said is amazing. He doesnt say
that out loud, but its just obvious in the way his tonality comes out.
Thats going back to number one. But its strong that way. Its beautiful. Aces to
her kings. I love it.
Number four: For Tony Stark, his mission is always number one. In life, his
mission is always number one. He has always something more important going on
in his life than women and that allows him to attract so many women into his life.
That allows him to say banter lines because he doesnt care. Im going to break
this down if youre newer to Team Capital. This is going to be one of the most
important lessons that you will ever learn here.
All the top guys have heard this so many times and Im going to reiterate it again
because it is so fucking important for us, for us guys on Team Capital, who are so
powerful and dominant and are so destined for such greatness. We harbor the 1%.
Your mission is number one in life. Women are number two, are number three,
are number four, depending on where youve place them at the current moment
in your life. Your mission is number one. Your mission is number one.
Whatever that thing is, that big goal youve set for yourself, that vision, that thing
youre working towards, that thing that turns you on the minute you think about it.
Because its number one, women are no longer nearly as important.
You dont put as much value on getting them, attracting them, getting the results
you want with them. You become almost carefree. You become almost indifferent.
You become almost nonchalant about the whole thing.
When you are nonchalant about the whole thing, you find that when youre
talking to them, you dont really care. You dont really care about what they think
anymore because its not number one anymore. Its not a big deal.
So you tend to amuse yourself when youre talking to them. You tease them.
You flirt with them. You have fun with them. Youre indifferent. You dont care
and when they see youre indifferent and you dont care and youre sort of selfentertaining while youre talking to them, they become attracted to you.
As they become attracted to you, you find that you still dont even care. Because
its not important. Nothing really changes. When they find that youre indifferent
and still strong even when theyre giving signals that theyre interested, they
rarely let a man with that much indifference and power and they pursue it. They
chase it. Eventually, they jump on it and ride it for awhile. Thats what happens.
Your mission is number one. Not to mention, because your mission is number
one, you end up really succeeding at that thing in life. Most guys fail at the shit,
at the goals that theyve set for themselves in life because its not number one in
their life. Its number three.
So they kind of do it. They kind of dont do it. If it doesnt work, they dont really
give a shit because its not number one. They dont even know what theyre
number one is and they end up failing.
They end up flopping around the world like a flaccid cock instead of a man who
made his mission number one and strong. Its straight. He bends the world over
and he fucks the shit out of it. Thats the man who gets what he wants in life. The
man whose made his mission number one.
Tony Stark has made his mission number one and its evident in everything that
he does. When hes in his cave, even in his lab, and hes working on his Iron Man
thing and theres other opportunities coming in.
He says no to them because he knows what his number one is. Sure, in that
moment hes making a sacrifice. But long-term, whos the one whos going to
succeed? Whos the others who are going to be watching him, wondering, how
did he do it?
I wish I could be like that. Saying things like hes lucky. He was born with it. Other
bullshit things like that that people who dont succeed in life, who arent on Team
Capital, tend to say about top guys like us. That is number four.
Mission is always number one. He always has something more important going
on. Lets get to number five.
sunglasses or something. You should have something that really makes you
stand out and says, Yeah, Im a fucking man. What up? Okay? You need that.
Ninety-five percent of guys dont have that.
Theyd rather fit the bill, which is not how Team Capital rules, have something like
that and never leave the house without it. Always have something like that.
Youre probably not going to have a billion dollars, like Tony Stark, to buy the cars
and the clothes and all that kind of stuff and thats what Im saying. You dont
need all that stuff. Just a couple things.
Find a couple things that will make you stand out, that are going to make you
a little bit of a showman. A showman is a man who he is just presenting an
awesome special to the world most of the time. Hes not doing it for a reaction,
hes doing it because he likes to show off a little bit.
Thats okay because between me and you, people who do that tend to succeed
in life. Okay, theres a very strong correlation as much as mediocrely, like they tell
you, Dont show off. Showing off is bad. Or bragging or shit like that.
Well, the truth is, most of the people who are fucking really successful in life do it
all the time. Okay? They do it all the time, including Tony Stark.
You see it in his cars, you see it in his house, you see it in his appearance, you
see it at the beginning of Iron Man 2 when he steps onto the stage and he gives
a speech. watch him.
Literally, go back and watch the beginning of Iron Man 2 and look for the showman
characteristics, the way he steps on stage. Really consider, you want to go deeper
into his mindset and ask yourself a question like, Why did he do that?
Why did he say that? What was his reasoning for saying that? What does he
believe about himself in that moment? Really start to dig but the showman
quality should not be ignored. Every really successful guy that I know in business
and with women has this quality.
Next. With Tony Stark, the time. The time between an idea and the action and
implementing the idea and taking action on that idea is zero. All right, this is the
zero factor. Tony Stark is the best in the world at it and it is probably the number
1 reason for his success.
The time between he has an idea to work on something, to build something, to
say something, to make something happen. The time between that idea bubbling
up an him taking actin on that idea is zero. Okay?
It is as close to zero as anyone Ive ever seen, studied or watched or observed.
When you can make the amount of time between you having that idea and then
taking action on that idea, when you can make it fucking zero.
Boom, you have the idea and then boom, right fucking there, you go and you
take action on it. Youre already in motion. When you start doing that, you start
implementing and activating the zero factor in your life. Success will come at you
so fast and so hard youll wonder where the fuck it was all along.
This is one of those key secrets to success that youre not going to find in a selfhelp book or those personal development trainings or anything like that because
its not easy. They like to sell easy. I like to sell results. I like to get results. Thats
what I do.
Tony Stark, same way. He likes results. Because he likes results, when he has an
idea, he goes boom! There is no time, there is no hesitation, theres no waiting.
He just takes fucking action on that idea.
The more you can do this, the more you can activate the zero factor in your life,
the more successful you are going to be. If theres one thing you get out of this
report, this audio, I really truly from the bottom of the heart, my soul and my balls,
Ill be its this in your life. The time between the idea and the action is zero.
Next. When Tony Stark is communicating, he communicates most of the
emotions that hes experiencing in that moment in his eyes and nowhere else.
This is one of those deep things that you probably never heard before.
Now that you go back and watch Iron Man and Iron Man 2 and so on, youre
going to see it. Youre going to be amazed at it. The reason youre going to be
amazed at it is because its one of the ultimate higher status qualities.
All of his emotion is communicated through his eyes and really nowhere else.
When hes talking with someone and hes feeling something and you can see
that hes feeling something, youre going to ask yourself, How can I tell that hes
experiencing that emotion?
How can I tell that he feels that thing? The only way you can tell is because of
what his eyes are doing. His mouth is the same. There is no big smile that he
holds. Theres no grimace. Theres none of that.
His body language doesnt change. Hes still. Hes very still, like a higher status
person would be. He doesnt fidget. Hes very still but his eyes, theyre widening,
theyre closing, theyre darting back and forth, the way he looks. Sometimes he
wont even move his neck. Its just his eyes that are moving.
This is something where Im not going to be able to give you a chart and be like,
Okay, well you move your eyes like this when you want to display this emotion.
You move your eyes like that when you want to display that emotion.
This is something that youre going to have to go back and watch very closely
for and study it. Give it a shot in your own life, when youre talking to a girl, when
youre talking to your friends, when youre talking to someone youre working with.
Give it a shot and watch how by modeling this behavior, how these other people
seem to start to respond to you in a way that they maybe never have before, in
a way where its almost like theyre just giving you this respect and this power
almost automatically for reasons you dont even know why.
They dont even know why but they feel it. Its because they can tell your in
complete control of your emotions. The emotions are not leaking through your
mouth or your body language or anywhere. Its just boom. They can see that fire
in your yes because all the emotion is in your eyes.
Its this burning dominant fire that they see clearly in the eyes and its powerful.
Very, very, very powerful trick that we just talked about there with the eyes thing. I
dont even know how I figured that one out.
This is when you study something and you really want to make a study of it, you
cant just do it once or twice. You cant half-ass it. Its why my standards are so
high. It forces me to study a character like Tony Stark, so many times over and
over and over again.
It might not have been until the 20th or 30th time that Im watching one of these
movies that I pick up on this incredibly fine detail that has made such a powerful
impact in my own life. All right. Its very important. Got 2 more here.
Next, facial hair. Facial hair. This is a, I wont say its a whimsical one but its
something that most people might gloss over. You go and you Google Tony Stark
facial hair and youll find dozens of websites of guys who are just talking about
how awesome Tony Starks facial hair is. Theyre trying to model his facial hair
exactly the way he sets up his goatee and everything because its very unique.
Again, the man is a showman. There is no piece of the visual display that is being
left to chance. He is controlling all of it and he is being a showman in all of it. The
big thing about his facial hair that I want you to take from it isnt that you need the
same goatee that he has.
Thats not what John wants you to take from here. What I want you to take from
here is simply the fact that as fine and small a detail as facial hair, he has put
time into, he has put thought into.
Maybe hes not obviously the one shaving it himself or doing it but hes the one
whos going to the barber or whatever saying, Do something cool with it. Let me
see your ideas. The reason for it by the way that its set up exactly the way his is
is because I makes his jawline distinct.
It makes it look like a really strong attractive jawline, on a primal level. Literally, you
can leverage your facial hair to shape your face in the most attractive way possible.
Its a showman kind of facial hair but its also incredibly specific an set up in a
way to maximize his facial structure to be as attractive as possible. There is
absolutely no fucking reason why you should ever go another day letting your
facial hair just be there not working for you.
Not making you as attractive as you can be. I certainly want you to make a note
right now. Make a note that youre going to find out, How can I shave my facial
hair to best support my bone structure? To best support and maximize my jawline
so that I can present the most attractive version of my face as well?
Because if you know this which you do now, you just learned this. If you know
this information and you dont use it, one, how much time did you just put in
between the idea and the action? A lot of time.
On top of that, if you werent going to take action on something like this which is
so easy and its so effective, then you would basically be saying, I dont really
care about being the most attractive version of myself.
I dont really really care about being the most powerful version of myself. I dont
really care about maximizing the success in my life. That really would make you
not part of Team Capital but I know you are so make sure you do this one, all
right, champ? Thank you. All right. Final one. Tony Stark uses nicknames right
away and he uses them with everybody.
He uses nicknames right away and he uses them with everybody. You go in the
first movie and its when hes going on the plane. Theyre going to fly across the
country at the start with his friend, I dont remember the dudes name. The guy
that works in the army.
Works in the army, the guy who is the general in the army. Theyre flying across
to Afghanistan to make the weapons presentation. The minute he walks in the
plane, the guys mad at him because he was late. First of all hes like, We waited
3 hours for you, etc.
Tony Stark of course, hes non-reactive. Doesnt even react to it, just keeps
walking by them, as the guys. Weve been waiting 3 hours for you, and Tony
just kind of smirks, walks right by him and says, Well, waiting on you now. Come
on. Instantly steals the frame because of his non-reaction and basically just
steals the frame.
Its beautiful. They sit down and the guys mad at him because hes like, Youre
so late. You just dont respect me. Obviously you dont respect yourself and if you
dont respect yourself, I cant respect you. Giving him the whole stern but loving
parent kind of thing which is funny.
Tony Stark of course is not being un-reactive. Hes got the same tonality,
got the same thing, everything weve talked about here so far. Hes just like,
Whats the matter, platypus? Whats wrong sour patch? Come on. Its this
playful thing hes doing.
If he was just saying, Whats wrong? Or whats the matter, whats wrong? If
he was just saying that without the nickname at the end, it wouldnt have that
That playfulness, sure its kind of funny and entertaining to the audience but
what its really saying between these 2 characters is they have a deep and wide
rapport with each other because the only people who use nicknames so casually
and so freely and so playfully with each other are people who have a deep and
wide rapport.
Tony Stark uses nicknames with everybody. Go back to the beginning of the first
movie when he meets the blonde chick at the start. He goes, Let me guess.
Brown. Excuse me? He goes, Let me guess, Berkeley, right?
She goes, No, Brown. Hes basically cold reading what college she went to
which again, another great games that you know because youre Team Capital.
When he says that and she says, Brown, what is the next thing he says? He
goes, All right, Miss Brown. Then he goes on to his rap.
Hes already calling her Miss Brown because she went to Brown. Hes giving
everyone nicknames right away and what its doing again, is the only people who
use playful nicknames between each other are people who have a deep and
wide rapport.
If hes using a nickname with her then it it subconsciously implying that between
them they already have a deep and wide rapport. It assumes full rapport. With
you and your life, start doing this.
Start finding out whether its where shes from, when she went to college,
whatever it is. Start giving everyone nicknames in a playful way. Dont call it them
every single time but do it early on, assume that full wide, that full deep rapport
between you guys and just let it ride from there.
Just like Iron Man, Tony Stark always does.
Whip out your journal and tell me, what is your current mission in life?
Write it down.
Does it get you all turned on and excited just thinking about it?
If yes, good, Go on to Step 3.
But if you think it could be even better, then answer this question now:
What would you rate your excitement for your mission right now, on a scale
of 1-10?
If you had to increase that number by just 1 point, what would you do?
Think wide and tall. Write that answer down. Notice how your excitement
is already starting to grow, and..
..Now, if you had to increase it by 2 more points on the scale from 1-10 (I know
its big but you got this),
what would you do to do it? What would you add? How would you get your
excitement up by 2 full points?
Channel that booming excitement were both feeling right now and WRITE THAT
Now youve got a mission worth putting above all else, just like me and Tony
Stark :-)