Polypoxy FC(S)
Polypoxy FC(S)
Polypoxy FC(S)
4 Easy to use and economical
4 Good wear and abrasion resistance
4 Good resistance to a wide range of chemicals
4 Provides a dust free surface
4 Easily cleanable
Fields oF application
Used as a continuous floor & wall coating to
provide a hard bearing and dust free surface in
the following areas:
4 Air craft maintenance and assembly units
4 Warehouses
4 Pump rooms
4 Car parking decks
application instructions
Surface preparation
Clean the surface of all dust, dirt, oil & grease,
cement laitance and all loosely adhering particles.
New concrete surface shall be at least 28 days old
and the surface moisture content less than 5%.
recommended for the most effective surface
preparation. Surface irregularities and blow holes
shall be repaired with PolyPoxy BF* (Epoxy resin
based blow hole filler and skimming mortar) or
ThomSiT RS 88* (cementitious repair mortar).
Alternatively an epoxy resin based scratch coat can
be used when repairing larger areas (> 0.5m2).
The surface after carrying out the necessary
cleaning shall be vacuumed for removing the dust
debris left over after the cleaning process.
Product Guide V6 - industrial Flooring
on new concrete floors priming is not required.
PolyPoxy FC(S) can be directly applied as a primer
and the first coat. Take a suitable container and
pour the resin (A) into it. Add the hardener (B) into
the resin and mix thoroughly with a spiral paddle
mixer. Use of a slow speed drill is recommended to
reduce the formation of air bubbles.
A complete kit is to be mixed at a time. Part mixing
is strictly forbidden.
once the material is mixed, apply the coating
immediately within its pot life. Application on
horizontal surface can be done with a squeegee.
on vertical surfaces, it can be applied with a roller
or airless spray. Apply the 1st coat @ 6-7 m2/l. To
get an anti skid finish broad cast Aggregate No.3
onto the 1st coat whilst it is still wet. After the
coating dries off completely, brush away the excess
aggregates and apply the 2nd coat at the same
coverage rate. Various textures can be obtained
by varying the quantity of the aggregates from 0.3
kg to 1.0 kg/m2 on to the base coat. For a smooth
coating, apply 2 coats @ 6-7m2/ lit observing min
and max overcoating times.
As a good maintenance practice and increasing
the life of the flooring, a regular cleaning with a
light cleaning agent is suggested. Steam cleaning
is not recommended.
Clean all tools with a PolySolVENT immediately
after use. hardened materials can be removed
mechanically only.
PolyPoxy FC(S)
Aggregate No. 3
technical speciFication
6m /lit/coat
will give a DFT of 100
0.3 to 1kg/m2
Density, [g/cc]
Solid content,
[% by weight]
6 (min)
24 (max)
5 to 35
5 to 60
PolyPoxy FC(S)
PolyPoxy BF
3kg kit
ThomSiT RS 88
25kg bag
5l & 20l
Aggregate No. 3
25kg bag
Apart from the information given here it is also important to observe the relevant guidelines and regulations of various organisations and trade associations as well
as the respective standards. The aforementioned characteristics are based on practical experience and applied testing. Warranted properties and possible uses which
go beyond those warranted in this information sheet require our written confirmation. All data given was obtained at an ambient and material temperature of
+23C and 50 % relative air humidity unless specified otherwise. Please note that under other climatic conditions hardening can be accelerated or delayed.
The information contained herein, particularly recommendations for the handling and use of our products, is based on our professional experience. As materials
and conditions may vary with each intended application, and thus are beyond our sphere of influence, we strongly recommend that in each case sufficient tests are
conducted to check the suitability of our products for their intended use. legal liability cannot be accepted on the basis of the contents of this data sheet or any verbal advice given, unless there is a case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our part. This technical data sheet supersedes all previous editions relevant to
this product.
manufactured in G.C.C.