User Tutorial For Aqua Sim 10 26
User Tutorial For Aqua Sim 10 26
User Tutorial For Aqua Sim 10 26
I. Introduction
Disclaimer: This tutorial is maintained and being expanded by the UWSN Research group at the
University of Connecticut.
The purpose of this tutorial is to make it easier for new Aqua-Sim users to use Aqua-Sim, to
create their own underwater network scenarios for simulation purposes. In this tutorial, we will
lead you through some simple examples, introducing more and more new features about AquaSim as we go along. The ultimate goal is that after a short time you are able to use Aqua-Sim
Aqua-Sim is based on network simulator NS-2. Please understand that we cannot give you a full
reference manual for NS-2 here. There are better sources for NS-2 on
If you have any suggestions, find any bugs or problems, have any comments and also if you have
any new (well-documented) examples that could be added here, please send email to the AquaSim user mailing list.
And then go to the sub-directory ns-2.30 run ./install, which will install the whole package of
Aqua-Sim automatically. If there are any problems about the installation , you might report to us
or ask the the Aqua-Sim user mailing list.
After the installation is complete, you should make sure that your path points to the 'nsallinone/bin' directory where links to the ns and nam executables in the 'ns-2' and 'nam-1'
directories can be found.
Aqua-Sim follows the object-oriented design style of NS- 2, and all network entities are
implemented as classes in C++. Currently, Aqua-Sim is organized into four folders, uw-common,
uw-mac, uw-routing and uw-tcl. The codes simulating underwater sensor nodes and traffic are
grouped in folder uw-common; the codes simulating acoustic channels and MAC protocols are
organized in the folder of uw-mac. The folder uw-routing contains all routing protocols. The
folder uw-tcl includes all Otcl script examples to validate Aqua-Sim.
Fig. 2 plots the class diagram of Aqua-Sim. In the figure, the UnderwaterNode object is the
abstraction of the underwater sensor node. It encapsulates many useful information of the node
such as its location and its moving speed. It is a global object and can be accessed by any object
in Aqua-Sim. The UnderwaterChannel object represents the underwater acoustic channel.
There is only one UnderwaterChannel object in the network and all packets are queued here
before being delivered. The UnderwaterChannel object also provides public interface to upper
layers and thus the object in the upper layer, such as a routing layer object, can easily get to
know the channel properties.
set opt(chan)
Here, we specify the communication channel that we will use for this simulation is the
underwater acoustic channel. Channel/UnderwaterChannel here means UnderwaterChannel
which defined as one type of channel in Aqua-Sim.
set opt(prop)
The propagation model here is UnderwaterPropagation, which simulates the underwater acoustic
signal propagation in the underwater environment. Both the long propagation delay and the high
attenuation ratio are considered in this model. You can change the parameters in this
propagation model. For example, we can set the propagation speed and the attenuation rate.
set opt(netif)
The physical layer model for this example is UnderwaterPhy, which is a kind of physical layer
model adopted by Aqua-Sim. In this physical layer model, the half-duplex property as well as the
energy model is modeled here.
set opt(mac)
set opt(ifq)
The MAC protocol we will use in this example is R-MAC protocol and the queue model in the
network is DropTail queue, which always drops packets at the tail if the queue is full.
set opt(txpower) 1
set opt(rxpower) 0.1
set opt(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna
The transmitting power of every underwater node is 1 watt and the receiving power is 0.1 watt.
The antenna we use is the omni-antenna which can transmit signal in all direction equally
Next, we specify the parameters for the R-MAC protocol.
Mac/UnderwaterMac set bit_rate_ 1.0e4
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set ND_window_ 2
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set ACKND_window_ 4
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set PhaseOne_window_ 7
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set PhaseTwo_window_ 2
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set IntervalPhase2Phase3_ 2
#Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set ACKRevInterval_ 0.1
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set duration_ 0.1
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set PhyOverhead_ 8
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set large_packet_size_ 560 ;# 70 bytes
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set short_packet_size_ 80 ;# 10 bytes
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set PhaseOne_cycle_ 1;#deleted later
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set PeriodInterval_ 1
Mac/UnderwaterMac/RMac set transmission_time_error_ 0.0;
Next, we set up a underwater channel chan_1_ which will be used in our network.
set chan_1_ [new $opt(chan)]
And we then construct the underwater node by combining all different network layers as follows.
All nodes in the network will use this node model.
All nodes in the network are managed by a global object god_ and here, we add this node to
the god_ object.
$god_ new_node $node_(0)
Here, we set the position of this node as (0, 0, 0).
$node_(0) set X_ 0
$node_(0) set Y_ 0
$node_(0) set Z_ 0
Here, we construct a underwater sink which is responsible for data sending and receiving. We
then attach this sink to the node.
set a_(0) [new Agent/UWSink]
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $a_(0)
In this example, we do not simulate the routing protocol and thus we set its next hop to node 0.
Every packet generated by node(0) will be sent to node (0).
$node_(0) set_next_hop
In the same way, we will construct other three nodes in the network. In this example, every node
in the network will send its data to node (0). And then we create a new ns_ object.
set ns_ [new Simulator]
Then, we set node 1, 2, 3 to start its data transmission at 20 seconds. Node 1 and node 3 will start
a traffic pattern with exponential distribution and node 3 will transmit at a constant bit rate.
$ns_ at 20 "$a_(1) exp-start"
$ns_ at 20 "$a_(2) cbr-start"
$ns_ at 20 "$a_(3) exp-start"
And every node will stop its data transmission when the simulation ends.
$ns_ at $opt(stop).001 "$a_(0) terminate"
$ns_ at $opt(stop).002 "$a_(3) terminate"
$ns_ at $opt(stop).003 "$a_(1) terminate"
$ns_ at $opt(stop).004 "$a_(2) terminate"
Finally, we will run our simulation with the following command.
$ns run
In this example, we have constructed a one-hop fully connected network. Every node will
transmit its data to the sink node. R-MAC protocol is used in the MAC layer to coordinate the
data transmission.
After the simulation, we can see the simulation results as follows,
SINK 0 : terminates (send 0, recv 23)
SINK 3 : terminates (send 6, recv 0)
SINK 1 : terminates (send 10, recv 0)
SINK 2 : terminates (send 9, recv 0)
god: the energy consumption is 0.448000
which calculates the throughput for every node and the overall energy consumption.
In this example, we will show you how to set up a mobile multi-hop underwater network.
Broadcast MAC protocol and VBF routing protocol will be used here. And the complete Tcl file
for this example can be found on underwatersensor/uw_tcl/vbf_example.tcl
VBF protocol is a geographic routing protocol. Based on location information, a forwarding path
is specified by the vector from the source to the destination and forms a routing pipe. As shown
in Fig 3, when S1 sends its packets to the surface buoy S0, every node in the routing pipe will
participate in the packet relay.