Expert AWS Cheat Sheet
Expert AWS Cheat Sheet
Expert AWS Cheat Sheet
CloudEndure 2014
Picking the best EC2 instance for your application stack is not always as easy as it might seem, especially when you
consider not every instance is always available in different regions. AWS categorizes EC2 instances into six
families Micro, General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, Storage Optimized, and GPU. While
this categorization can be useful as a rule of thumb, every EC2 instance is defined by 9 parameters, the three most
important being number of Virtual CPUs, ECU (Elastic Compute Units), and RAM. Reviewing the Periodic Table of
the Elastic Compute Cloud, you can see every EC2 instance based on these defining parameters.
As an example, r3.8xlarge and i2.8xlarge are categorized as memory vs. storage optimized families respectively
by AWS, but they are virtually identical when looking at the three parameters (32 virtual processors, 104 elastic
compute units, and 244 gigs of RAM). The only difference is in ephemeral SSD Storage (2X320 for r3.8xlarge and
8X800 for i2.8xlarge). While some applications might require significantly more SSD storage, most others probably
do not. As expected, i2.8xlarge costs more than double the price of an r3.8xlarge. So by switching around just one
instance type, you could potentially slash your EC2 bill in two!
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CloudEndure 2014
Tip 6: Get Some Sleep! Turn Alerts into Notifications with CloudWatch
AWS CloudWatch enables you to monitor cloud resources and optimize them accordingly. It's also a great tool to
help you get in the habit of automating your operations. As CloudWatch alerts form a pattern, you'll be able to tweak
your application to the point where alerts simply become an organic part of the application (e.g. spawning new
instances automatically to replace terminated ones).
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