Ed Case 2016
Ed Case 2016
Ed Case 2016
in Our Schools
What is social
emotional learning and
why does it matter?
Educators agree that it is the responsibility
of schools to prepare students to become
knowledgeable, responsible, caring adults.1
Most educators enter the profession with a belief
that education should develop the whole child,
including their social and emotional development,
but the direction of education in the past few
decades has shifted into a focus on test scores
and the development of technical skills to the
exclusion of the whole person.2
We often get asked by educators and advocates for information
that will bolster the case for emotional intelligence in education.
They know in their gut this is important, but they want studies to
back up their convictions. In this document, we explore the current
research and thinking around the need for emotional intelligence
and social emotional learning in schools and why it matters. We
hope that educators, policymakers, and anyone wanting a more
well-rounded education for our children will find this summary useful.
In the 21st century, schools are challenged to serve students who
have varying abilities and motivation for learning, and who come
from diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.3 Attention to
the non-cognitive, emotional needs of students has greatly lagged
A schoolwide
commitment to SEL
leads students to
re-engage, to find a
place in school where
they can feel safe in
their relationships,
ready to learn and
motivated to succeed.
4 Darling-Hammond, 2015
5 Blad, 2014
6 Hoffman, 2015
7 Dynarski, 2015
8 Weissberg, Durlak, Domitrovich, & Gullotta, 2015
9 Cozolino, 2014
10 Elias et al., 1997; Bridgeland, Bruce, and Hariharan, 2013
Over the past two decades, hundreds of researchers have studied the effects of social emotional
learning programs and processes on youth, educators, schools and communities. They have
discovered that SEL supports and, in fact, significantly increases students academic development,
promotes engagement and motivation, and strongly decreases problem behavior and attitudes.11
As the authors of a major volume on social emotional learning stated, the achievements of the field
have exceeded the expectations of those who introduced and defined SEL 20 years ago.11
Our wish is that all schools embrace SEL so that it becomes available to students, teachers,
administrators, and parents so that all members of our global learning community become kinder,
more compassionate, more knowledgeable and more engaged citizens of the world.
Anabel Jensen, Ph.D.
Joshua Freedman
Susan Stillman, Ed.D.
11 Weissberg, Durlak, Domitrovich, & Gullotta, 2015
What are some key trends outlined in this Case?
The field of social emotional learning has matured
to the point that best practices for implementation
can be outlined with confidence.
This document includes data on:
Recent trends in SEL science, practice, and
We cite the overwhelming evidence for the correlation between SEL and academic achievement and
student success. We explore key implementation
strategies and new directions in the field.
Emerging interest in school climate and the
SEL development of both students and adults.
Recent discoveries in neuroscience confirm
what progressive educators have always known;
that learning is social, and that the key to social
emotional learning may well lie in the relationships
established between student and teacher, and
between students and their peers.
and SEL
What does it mean to be smart with feelings?
Emotions are valuable signals that help us survive
and thrive. When we learn how to use them,
emotions support us in making more effective
decisions, connect with others, find and follow
purpose and lead a more whole-hearted life.
Know Y
Enhance E m
o ti
R e c og n
i ze
P a l Li
igate Emotion
Why SEL?
Social-emotional skills
Improved attitudes
about self, others &
Positive classroom
11 percentile-point
gain on standardized
achievement tests
Benefits of
(Durlak et al.,
Conduct problems
Aggressive behavior
Emotional distress
Risks For
positive academic
SEL competencies are important for student achievement, motivation, and school engagement. They are also critical ingredients for
supportive teacher-student relationships; for classroom management;
and as a solution to teacher burnout (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009;
Jones, Bouffard, & Weissbourd, 2013).
SEL is most effective when it begins from the inside out, with
teachers deepening their own competencies, forming deep and
quality relationships with students and modeling SEL behaviors
and attitudes for their youth.
According to Shriver and Buffett (2015) the relationship between
teacher and student is strengthened when teachers focus
on their own SEL skills. The Missing Piece Report warns
that to the extent that we ignore SEL, we are disengaging both teachers and students from learning and
from contributing to a thriving learning community
(Bridgeland, Bruce, & Hariharan, 2013).
SEL is a comprehensive approach as it involves
all the stakeholders of a school organization,
including teachers, administrators, counselors,
and students. Moreover, it must include parents.
Putting the parents front and center is one
key component of SEL best practices. When
parents can use and teach a common language
based on emotions, SEL is modeled and
reinforced at home. With EQ skills, parents can
build thriving relationships with their children
(Freedman, 2016).
When applied, these EQ competencies can
contribute significantly to their childrens
happiness, purpose and success in life. EQ
skills will help the whole family to:
School Administrators
While evidence has long existed that successful
leadership in the global business community
is linked to emotional intelligence competencies (Goleman, 1995; Freedman, 2010, 2012)
this correlation has not always been evident
to educational leaders. As an understanding
of the components of school climate grows,
leaders in the educational field are realizing that
school reform and change requires educational
leaders who develop their own social emotional
competencies, which, in turn, enables them
to transform others (Patti, Senge, Madrazo,
& Stern, 2015).
A Learning Continuum
Greenberg et al. (2003) showed that a welldesigned and implemented SEL program
could positively influence youth development in
health, social-emotional skills and academics.
More recently a host of studies have continued
to demonstrate the impact of SEL for youth
problem prevention and positive health, social,
and academic outcomes. Researchers and
educators have demonstrated the value of SEL
across the spectrum of learning contexts, from
Pre-K to post-secondary, from brick and mortar
to online learning, from stand-alone curriculum
to after school programs, and school-familycommunity partnerships.
Go for a
slow and
mindful walk.
Show them
every little
thing that
catches your
Notice every
little thing
that catches
Dont look
for lessons
or seek to
teach great
Just notice.
The lesson
will teach
Martin (1999)
a New
Vision for
In the 1990s, the science of emotional intelligence was established.
In the 2000s, the case was built. Now in the third decade, its time
to focus on application. At Six Seconds, we believe the essential
ingredient is for educators to develop their own EQ. Then, we
hope every school will apply SEL in an integrated, seamless and
unique way that honors the school community and its diversity.
To get the benefits of SEL: build engagement with all stakeholders; develop a school wide learning community practicing emotional intelligence; measure results to guide intervention; sustain
the SEL initiative; ensure that individual students, the teachers,
the entire school staff, and the community obtain lasting benefit
from its value.
This is an exciting time for social emotional learning.
Blad, E. (2014, April 9). More than half of students engaged in school, says poll. Education Week. Retrieved from
Brackett, M. A. (2015). Emotional intelligence: Our best hope for safe, caring, and effective schools. New Haven,
CT: Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.
Bridgeland, J., Bruce, M., & Hariharan, A. (2013). The missing piece: A national teacher survey on how social and
emotional learning can empower children and transform schools. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and
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Cozolino, L. (2014). The neuroscience of human relationships: Attachment and the developing social brain (2nd ed.).
New York, NY: W. W. Norton.
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