Baaaarrrr Nica
Baaaarrrr Nica
Baaaarrrr Nica
George F. Patrick,
Purdue University
Farmers make decisions in a risky, ever changing environment. The consequences of
their decisions are generally not known when the decisions are made, and outcomes
may be better or worse than expected. Variability of prices and yields are major
sources of risk in agriculture. Changes in technology, legal and social concerns, and
the human factor itself also contribute to the risky environment for farmers. Risky
situations of concern are typically those in which 1) there is a high possibility of
adverse consequences and/or 2) the adverse consequences, should they occur, would
cause significant disruptions.
Farmers and other business people generally do not get into risky situations unless
there is a probability of making money. Higher profits are typically associated with
higher risks. It is to their advantage that these risky but potentially profitable
situations be managed as carefully as possible. Effective risk management involves
anticipating possible difficulties and planning to reduce their consequences, not just
reacting to unfavorable events after they occur. The two primary aspects of risk
management are: 1) anticipating that an unfavorable event may occur and acting to
reduce the probability of its occurrence and 2) taking actions which will reduce the
adverse consequences should the unfavorable event occur.
For example, risk management in the machinery area might involve a complete
overhaul of an old tractor before the busy season to reduce the chances of a major
breakdown. Also, during planting and harvesting, most farmers keep some key spare
parts readily available. While the spare parts do not prevent a breakdown from
occurring, the unfavorable consequences are reduced.
Some responses to risk, like hedging, may narrow the range of possible outcomes.
With hedging, a farmer gives up the chance of a very high price, but is protected from
a low price. Other risk responses, like insurance, may involve paying a premium to
eliminate the consequences of a ``bad'' event. All of the responses to risk involve a
cost, whether explicit like the insurance premium or implicit like the possible high
price given up. A risk management strategy is developed using a variety of the
available responses to risk.
Individuals are not the same, nor are their personal and financial circumstances. This
publication is designed to help farmers develop their own integrated risk management
strategies, ones appropriate to their own attitudes and circumstances. First, the
publication reviews factors affecting decision making in a risky environment. Then it
discusses sources of risk, producers' views of variability, and information to improve
decision making. Third, it outlines risk management strategies available to producers.
The publication concludes with a brief discussion of development of an overall risk
management strategy.
Decision Making in a Risky Environment
Making decisions would be easy if we knew what the outcome was going to be. We
have all probably made statements like: ``If I'd known this was going to happen, I
never would have done it''; ``If I'd known that corn was going to drop $.10 a bushel,
I'd have sold last week''; or ``If I'd known that hog prices were going that high, I'd
have bred more sows.'' The consequences of a decision are generally not known when
the decision is made. Nonetheless, decisions must be made and actions taken (taking
no action is also a decision).
Decision making involves setting your goals and objectives, identifying the problem,
determining your alternatives, evaluating these alternatives, selecting an alternative,
implementing that alternative, and bearing responsibility for the outcome. Decision
making in a risky environment also involves attitudes toward risk, ability to bear risk,
and formation of expectations about the future. The decision making process is
complex, and farmers differ both in how they make decisions and in the decisions they
This section focuses on the factor that are important when decisions must be made in
a risky environment. Attention is first briefly directed at setting farm family goals.
Then types of individuals and their risk attitudes are discussed. (A ``quiz'' intended to
help an individual gain a better understanding of his or her attitudes toward risk is
included in Appendix A.) Next, the way individuals differ in their financial ability to
bear risk is discussed. The section concludes with a discussion of the formulation of
expectations. (Elements for decision-making under risk, which deals with
probabilities, measures of variability, and how expected values can be calculated are
included in Appendix B.)
Setting Farm Family Goals
Where are you headed? What do you want? These are questions which face
everybody. Most of us do not have very definite answers to these questions. Often,
unless there is some kind of pressure (family crisis, investment opportunity, etc.), we
tend not to think about our goals and objectives very much. We may have a ``to do''
list, but commonly our goals or objectives are vague and indefinite.
Setting goals requires some time and thought. If we think about our goals and
objectives, we would probably find that we could identify a number of goals, some
short-term and other long-term goals. Most people have family, business, and personal
goals. Typically, we will have some goals that will compete with and others that
complement one another. We need to be aware of these interrelationships among our
A second point is that our goals are not independent of other people and their goals.
Spouses, children, parents, and others play an important role. Even our purely
personal goals are likely to have effects on these other individuals. If we are vague
about our own goals, how much do we know about others' goals? How many times
have family difficulties developed because one person did not know what another was
trying to accomplish?
Goal setting is important because goals are a major part of our guidance system.
Decisions can be made concerning the likely effects that alternative actions will have
on our goals. Goal setting is a dynamic process. A goal may be achieved, and this
should be a source of a feeling of accomplishment. New goals may become important
to us. The priorities of various goals can also change over time. Individuals may have
unrealistic goals which, if not revised, may be a source of frustration and stress.
However, some Adventurers may get in over their heads. This may be from peer
pressure or from a change in external conditions.
``Calculators'' understand they must take some chances to get ahead, but recognize
that there are degrees of risk in every situation. Before making a decision or taking
action they gather information and analyze the odds. Calculators try to be realistic,
recognize the risks, and try to reduce risks to acceptable levels. Most farmers are
Calculators, at least in the majority of their decisions.
Table 1. Simplified Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements of Three Farmers.
Total Assets
Net Worth
$ 50,000
Debt/Asset Ratio
Cash Requirements
$ 73,000
$ 54,000
Expected Gross
$ 60,000
Cash Required/Expected Gross
cushion, Bob does have a larger net worth base on which to fall back. For example, a
16.7 percent or $20,000 reduction in gross farm income ($10,000 in the case of Sam)
results in a cash flow shortfall of $6,000 for Sam and $12,000 for Bob. However, the
$6,000 cash flow shortfall represents 12 percent of Sam's net worth, but the $12,000
shortfall is only 8 percent of Bob's net worth.
Formulating Expectations
Expectations about the future are also factors in decision making. For instance,
expected prices for corn and soybeans have some impact on farmers' planting
decisions. Investment decisions implicitly or explicitly involve expectations about
future prices, costs, yields, and a number of other factors. No doubt the past has a
significant impact on most expectations for the future. However, exactly how
individuals form their expectations is unknown. Furthermore, all individuals probably
use somewhat different procedures.
People tend to have selective memories. If the tractor recently broke down, they tend
to overestimate the probability of a breakdown. Extreme events are sometimes
remembered and given excessive weight in expectations. However, people who have
not experienced a particular event, like the severe drought of 1988, may underestimate
the probability of that event.
The recent past tends to be weighted more heavily than events occurring some time
ago. This is part of the explanation for the hog and cattle cycles. In other situations,
when circumstances have changed, the past may provide very little basis for future
expectations. Basing future expectations on the past implicitly assumes that the factors
responsible for past events will continue in the future. Long run expectations based on
recent changes can be especially misleading. Some farmers assumed that land values
would continue to increase based on their experiences in the 1970s. But very strong
trends are likely to experience reversals, as land values demonstrated in the mid1980s.
Formulating expectations is an important phase of the decision making process, and it
involves judgement. Most farmers rely heavily on personal experience, but
supplement this with other information. Futures prices and outlook information, as
well as a view to the past, can be helpful in formulating price expectations. Short-run
expectations are generally more precise than long-run expectations because more
information is available. Technical materials, discussion with other farmers, and
expert opinion can play a major role in formulating other expectations. Expectations
are personal, and each individual has his or her own. However, individual differences
in goals, attitudes toward risk, and ability to bear risk also affect decision making
under risk.
Furthermore, changing objectives of individuals and family members can have major
effects on a farm's long run changes and viability.
Producers' Views of Variability
A study was conducted in 12 states to determine which sources of variability are
important and how the importance differs geographically.** A small number of
producers were asked to indicate what they considered to be the most important
sources of variability in crop and livestock production. Weather and output prices
were selected as the most important sources of variability in crop production.
Livestock prices were the leading source of variability in livestock production, with
operating input costs being slightly more important than weather.
Midwestern farmers considered diseases and pests as more important sources of
variability in livestock production than in crop production. This was generally a
contrast to other areas of the country. The midwestern farmers gave greater
importance to safety and health, family plans, inflation, and the world economic and
political situation than producers in the other regions. Government commodity
programs as well as government laws and regulations were considered less important
by midwestern producers as a source of variability in crop production than by
producers in other areas.
Producers' views of the importance of different sources of variability also differed
with their individual circumstances. Farmers operating primarily rented land
considered changes in the availability of land and conditions of leasing as much more
important than farmers who operated primarily owned land. The availability and cost
of credit, as would be expected, were more important as sources of variability for
farmers with considerable indebtedness than those with little or no debt.
Information Useful for Decision Making
The most useful asset a producer can have to help with the management of risk is
good information. There are many sources of information available to the producer.
The most appropriate place to look for information depends on the type of risk with
which the farmer is concerned.
Farm Records
The best source of historical production and marketing information is (or should be)
the farm records maintained for the farm business. The records may be supplemented
and complemented by off farm information, forecasts, and predictions. But there is no
substitute for farm record data.
The crop yield, livestock production, and cost information generated by farm records
reflect the production capabilities of the specific assets controlled by the business. The
business management capability is also reflected for both production and marketing
aspects of the business. As such, this record information should provide insights into
the actual production and price variability experienced by the farm business in the
This individual farm information should prove useful in a number of ways. It should
provide a good picture of the risk faced by the business in the past. The records should
also indicate how successful past risk management efforts have been. Combining
these historical results with the producer's risk preferences should point out what, if
any, changes in risk management should be made in the future.
Is the farm primarily bottom land prone to flooding? Are hills which are susceptible to
drought a major problem? Have these situations contributed to greater yield variability
than desired? Which crops are the worst? Can crop mix or rotation be changed to
provide more desirable results? Would a change in cultural practices, tillage systems,
or operation timing help to reduce yield variability to a more desirable level? Are
crops always sold at harvest? Is grain sold when the operating note comes due? Has
this marketing method (as opposed to a marketing plan) produced greater price
variability than desired?
The information provided by farm records should help answer these questions. If past
production and marketing decisions have not provided desirable results, the records
should show it. Record analysis should also point out things that should be changed to
provide better results that are more compatible with the manager's risk preferences.
The kind of information not available from on farm sources is that concerning
technological, human, legal, and social risk. Farm records should prove useful in
providing information about past decisions in these areas. But they will provide little
information about what is going to happen in the future in these areas. Off farm
sources are required for this information.
Off Farm Information
Information from other than farm sources can prove useful in the management of all
aspects of business risk. Your state Agricultural Statistics Service, Cooperative
Extension Service, and other USDA agencies as well as consulting advisory services,
newsletters, magazines, agricultural suppliers, and neighbors can all prove to be
valuable sources of information for a producer.
Table 2. Average Indiana, Tippecanoe County, and Typical Farmer Yields and
Variability for Selected Crops 1965 to 1990.
(%) *
Indiana **
Tippecanoe County
Typical Farmer
* Coefficient of variation in percent.
** State and county information from Department of Agricultural
Statistics, Purdue University.
The selection of crop and livestock enterprises can affect the production variability
faced by farmers. Often there is little difference in the yield variability (Table 2) of the
most common crops in a county or state.
The yield variability of individual farmers is likely to be considerably greater than that
indicated by county or state average yields. Farmers are also likely to be aware of
differences in the yield variability of crops associated with soils, management, and
other factors on their own farm. Because of these factors, an enterprise may be
considered a high risk activity by one farmer and a low risk activity by another.
Specialty crops, such as tomatoes and vegetables for processing, commonly have
greater year to year production variability than the more common crops. Although
specialty crops may offer the possibility of high gross returns, they may also involve
higher production costs and difficulties in finding marketing outlets. Because of these
factors, specialty crops would not be considered low risk activities for most producers.
Some farmers may undertake only part of a production activity as a means of reducing
risk. For example, custom cattle feeding largely eliminates the marketing and financial
risks faced by the producer. Custom work and custom farming are other examples of
undertaking only part of an activity to reduce risk.
Diversifying Enterprises
Diversification is a risk management technique traditionally used by farmers. If one
enterprise did not do well, the farm had other enterprises on which to rely. Returns
were generally not as high as with specialization, but year to year variability was
Economics and agronomics lead many cornbelt farmers to a corn/soybean rotation.
Costs are reduced and yields improved relative to continuous corn. In addition,
because corn and soybean yields do not vary exactly together, there are risk reduction
benefits from diversification. Diversification may also result in greater timeliness of
operations and in increased returns. For most farmers, combining corn and soybeans is
not risk management--it is good management! Risk management begins after these
production efficiencies are gained.
Some factors can work against diversification in crops. For example, corn and
soybeans use similar machinery and equipment, but many specialty crops which can
be grown may require special equipment. Thus the benefits of diversification may be
offset by increased costs. Other crop enterprises may provide very low returns to
capital, labor, and management. Although variability could be reduced by including
these enterprises in the farm business, most farmers are unwilling to accept the
reduced income which also results.
Combining livestock with crop enterprises is a common means of diversification on
many midwestern farms. Although relatively small hog and/or cattle operations are
common on many farms to utilize surplus resources, there is increasing specialization
of livestock enterprises.
This trend toward increased specialization suggests that cost savings associated with
specialization and size more than offset the benefits of diversification for many
farmers. However, with the decline of diversification, farmers need to be aware of the
need for other management responses to risk.
Dispersing Production Geographically
Geographic dispersion of production activities reduces the impact of localized weather
conditions. Availability of land for rent or purchase has some impact on this. Often,
farmers trying to increase the size of their crop operations must farm over a wide area.
However, farmers also recognize the added costs of operating over a wide area. Often
farmers have a variety of soil types, some heavy and some lighter soils within a
limited geographic area. Having some ground which they can work early is one way
of spreading risk as well as getting increased efficiency in machinery and labor use.
Selecting and Diversifying Production Practices
Selection and diversification of production practices is fairly common. Usually,
production practices are selected because they are effective under a variety of
situations. Planting several hybrids with different pollination dates and applying
different herbicides are examples of production practice diversification.
Production practices selected may be informal insurance schemes. Many farmers
routinely use antibiotics in livestock feed or use insecticides and other chemicals in
crop production even though these inputs are not always required. Maintaining excess
machinery capacity or feed reserves to offset unfavorable weather are other examples.
The periodic overhaul and routine maintenance of machinery and equipment are also
means of reducing the probability of breakdowns during critical times. The costs of
the additional antibiotics, insecticides, chemicals, machinery, and feed reserves must
be compared with possible losses when not using these inputs.
Maintaining Flexibility
Some marketing responses reduce risk by reducing variability, but other marketing
responses involve the transfer of risks to others. Commonly, producers utilize a
combination of the marketing responses in their farm operations.
Obtaining Market Information
Most farmers indicate they follow the commodity markets regularly. Many farmers
also obtain outlook information, chart or use charting services, and subscribe to
various marketing services. Obtaining market information is not difficult, according to
many farmers, but obtaining ``good'' information is.
Acquiring market information does not constitute a response to risk or variability.
Although acquiring market information is a starting place, this information must be
combined with other actions before there is an effect on price and income variability.
Participating in Government Programs
Participating in or maintaining eligibility for government commodity programs is a
marketing response to variability used by many producers. Government programs
provide downside price protection for some commodities. At different times, this
protection has taken the form of price supports, loan programs, target prices,
deficiency payments, and payments in kind. Cost of this protection has varied by
commodity and from year to year. In some instances, there have been no restrictions
on eligibility for participation, thus the government program has functioned as no cost
price insurance. Acreage controls, set asides, reduced marketing flexibility, and
storage requirements have been associated with other government programs.
Generally, the costs of participation have been higher when potential benefits from
participation have also been higher.
Typically, farmers can determine whether to participate in a government program on
an annual basis. Participation in one program may require participation in other
applicable programs (cross compliance). However, farmers can analyze potential
effects of participation or nonparticipation based on their individual circumstances
and specifics of the program. Participation may be advantageous in some years and
not in others.
Spreading Sales
The spreading of sales, making several sales of a commodity during a year, is
commonly used by agricultural producers. Dairymen and many other livestock
producers are forced to spread their marketing over the entire year because of the
nature of their production. With frequent sales throughout the year, the average price
received by a producer is nearly equal to the season or annual average price.
Producers with marketing flexibility can also spread cash sales and obtain a price
similar to the season average price. This procedure enables a producer to avoid selling
all of the production at the bottom of the market. Spreading sales guarantees that the
producer's average price will be close to the season average price, but also guarantees
that the price received will not be much above average. Furthermore, although
spreading sales throughout the year essentially averages out the within year
variability, it does little to reduce year to year variability.
Forward Contracting
The practice of forward contracting can be used for both inputs and outputs. Some
farmers contract needed quantities of inputs at specified prices to avoid the risk of
price increases and unavailability of inputs. Similarly, some producers forward price
some of their production. Although farmers differed in their views of forward
contracting, almost 77 percent of the producers interviewed in the 12-state-study did
some forward contracting of production or needed inputs.
Hedging, the use of futures contracts, is another marketing response which has the
potential for reducing risk. Farmers can sell commodities on the futures market and
assure themselves of a price, except for basis changes. Futures contracts are also
available on some inputs used by some farmers, especially livestock feeders. Futures
contracts introduce additional flexibility into an individual farmer's marketing
Options Trading
A marketing response which has recently become available in some agricultural
commodities is options trading. Agricultural options provide a farmer with the
opportunity to secure price insurance. However, options will not always be able to
guarantee a profit. Options can eliminate the negative financial impacts of an adverse
price move and allow the farmer to share in the positive financial impacts of a
favorable price move. Costs associated with options trading may be higher than an
individual anticipates.
Minimum price contracts and other marketing arrangements are being developed
based on options. These new marketing techniques provide producers with greater
flexibility and more risk management alternatives.
substantial discount in sales price. In times of general farm financial stress, many
durable agricultural assets can be very illiquid.
Insuring Against Losses
Insurance is a financial response to risk which provides a specialized source of
liquidity. Most farmers use various forms of insurance to protect against specific types
of losses. Fire insurance provides liquidity to replace losses due to fire. Most farmers
find that commercial fire insurance is more cost effective than self insurance
(maintaining a reserve of funds to offset a loss). Self insurance and commercial
insurance both involve costs for risk protection.
The idea of insurance is to buy protection against a loss. Expenses associated with
providing commercial insurance (the insurance load factor) may vary from 10 to 50
percent or more of the premium. The premiums paid by most individuals will far
exceed the amount they receive back from the insurance company.
Risks which have a low probability of occurrence and very adverse consequences are
the most logical risks to insure against. Liability, major medical, disability, and
fire/extended coverage on buildings, equipment, and livestock are examples of
insurance which many farmers carry. Self insurance, included in the normal cost of
doing business, is generally more cost effective for risks which occur frequently and
cause only minor problems. Insurance to protect against hog deaths in finishing could
probably be obtained, but farmers typically average out these losses as part of normal
production costs.
Many other types of insurance with different levels of coverage are available. One's
financial position is important in determining whether to self insure or buy
commercial insurance. A farmer in a strong financial position using the car only to
drive to church might logically decide not to carry collision insurance, even with a
very high deductible. In contrast, another farmer in a weaker financial position whose
spouse drives to work every day may logically carry collision insurance with the
minimum deductible.
Multiple peril crop insurance and hail/fire insurance are examples of insurance
options which depend heavily on the financial position of the farmer. Multiple peril
crop insurance (MPCI) has options for coverage of 50, 65, and 75 percent levels of
yield coverage. A farmer in a strong financial situation may decide to forgo
purchasing MPCI, electing to self insure for possible losses. In contrast, a farmer in a
weak condition may elect, or be required by the lender, to carry MPCI. Decisions on
whether to carry hail insurance are influenced by similar factors, as well as producers'
perceptions of the probability and extent of hail damage.
Maintaining Reserves
Having reserves to provide liquidity is another financial strategy for dealing with
variability. Many farmers use inventory reserves as a cushion that can be drawn upon
in times of adversity. Inventory reserves, like a bin of grain, would be a current asset
on the farmer's balance sheet. If an unexpected event occurs, the grain can be sold and
the proceeds used. Although a bin of grain is better than no reserve, stored grain does
have some risks associated with it. The price could go down, reducing the value of the
reserve. Stored grain earns no interest, and the grain could go out of condition.
Insurance and taxes, as well as interest foregone, are other costs associated with
maintaining inventory reserves.
Some farmers in the 12-state study maintained financial reserves such as bank
accounts, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and other financial assets for bad times. Most
of the farmers interviewed indicate that they would like to maintain greater financial
reserves. However, for many farmers in the growth and expansion phase (or perhaps
even in a holding phase), major financial reserves are not feasible because any
earnings are reinvested in the farm business.
Farmers should consider what returns are likely to be for both farm and nonfarm
activities. Some nonfarm investments may offer high returns and diversification in
investments. Furthermore, these nonfarm investments can serve as financial reserves.
Farm families do need a personal or family financial reserve if at all possible. The
purpose of this reserve is to reduce stress in the family and allow the household to
operate. For example, if the washing machine breaks down, a family should be able to
fix it without having to consult their lender. This type of a reserve is important, but it
should not be abused. Many lenders can tell stories of personal expenses making good
loans go bad.
For most farmers, the size of inventory and/or actual financial reserves they can hold
is small relative to their capital needs. Therefore, holding a credit reserve is a common
financial response to variability. A farmer may limit borrowing to have a reserve of
unborrowed funds to draw upon in response to unexpected events. In some cases, an
individual may actually borrow $100,000 and only use $75,000. The ``extra'' $25,000
may be deposited in an interest bearing account. There is a cost involved in this,
however, because the interest rate paid is generally greater than the interest rate
Some farmers have established a line of credit at a financial institution in excess of
their anticipated needs. They are charged interest only on the amount actually
borrowed, but can obtain the full amount if desired. Generally, this line of credit
would be for operating expenses and not for capital expenditures. Most lenders will
probably restrict this type of arrangement to their better borrowers, but it is a
convenient arrangement for those who qualify.
Pacing of Investments
Managing the pace of investments was considered the most important response to
variability by the producers interviewed in the 12-state study. Pacing investments was
used by almost 90 percent of the producers interviewed. Postponing capital
expenditures, including replacement of durable assets, is a response to adversity.
Some control over withdrawals for consumption, taxes, and other purposes is also
possible, but many farm families have less flexibility than they had in the past on
withdrawals from the business.
Budgeting and cash flow analysis are tools which are commonly used in helping to
decide whether an investment or expenditure should be made. It is important that
budgets reflect the individual producer's situation and risk costs. Budgeting typically
averages out variations in prices, costs, and yields. The costs incurred if an
unfavorable event occurred in the first year are commonly not included. This cost
would be at least equal to the interest on the income shortfall.
Cash flow analysis based on ``the going concern'' results can be misleading if there
are substantial start up costs. Beginning or expanding livestock enterprises or major
changes in crop technology can involve substantial start up expenses. Budgets and
cash flow analysis should also include a risk cushion, a reserve for unknown or
overlooked risks.
Acquiring Assets
Procedures to acquire assets are an important risk response which is closely related to
managing the pace of investments. Leasing rather than purchasing assets may be
another way to maintain greater liquidity in the farm business. Very commonly,
farmers cash rent or share lease land, allowing greater investment in short- and
intermediate-term assets. Debt commitments are avoided, and liquidity of the firm is
preserved. Cash rents for land represent fixed commitments and do not adjust rapidly
to changing conditions. In contrast, crop share leases are highly efficient in sharing
risks of changing conditions between the farm operator and landlord. Any leasing of
land involves the risk of losing control of the leased ground, a risk not present with
land ownership.
Table 3. Risk Responses by Area of the Farm Business and Primary Effect in
Risk Management.
Area of the
Farm Business
chance that an adverse event will occur, while other responses have the effect of
providing protection against adverse consequences should the unfavorable event
occur. Farmers find many different ways to implement these principal risk responses.
Grain and livestock producers typically use a combination of production responses in
their risk management. Corn, soybeans, wheat, hogs, and dairy cattle are the major
enterprises on most farms, and these are among the low risk activities. Farmers
commonly combine enterprises, although diversification possibilities may be limited.
Typically, farmers use production practices selected to be effective in a variety of
circumstances. Dispersing production geographically, maintaining flexibility, and
varying production capacity are of lesser importance to many farmers.
The marketing responses of spreading sales and forward or minimum price contracts,
combined with market information, are very common for producers. Most producers
also maintain their eligibility to participate in government commodity program,
although their participation is likely to depend on program specifics. Use of hedging
and options trading is less common, but many producers are following developments
and learning about these alternatives.
The financial responses are used to increase a farm's capacity to bear production and
marketing risk and to cope with financial risks as well. The adverse conditions in
much of the 1980s have increased producers' awareness of financial responses. Many
producers combine several, if not all, of the financial risk responses.
The risk responses available to an individual and the degree to which one can make
use of a response are affected by factors outside the individual's control. For example,
most farmers would like to forward contract corn for $5.00 per bushel, but the
opportunity does not exist. Maintaining a $100,000 credit reserve is also not feasible
for many farmers. Part of good risk management is recognizing what is feasible and
effective in individual circumstances.
A comprehensive strategy integrating production, marketing and financial responses
will reduce risk more effectively than will a series of separate and individual
responses. Which integrated risk management strategy is best depends, again, on
individual circumstances. A farmer's goals and risk attitudes, expectations about the
future, equity position, resources available, financing available, market availability,
and other factors affect which combination of responses is best. As these factors
change, so will the best strategy.
The following quiz may help measure your risk attitudes. Knowledge of your risk
attitudes can be helpful in understanding your feelings in certain situations and why
you may make particular decisions. There are no right or wrong answers; answer
according to your own preference.
Risk Quiz ***
What are your attitudes toward these risky situations?
1. Imagine yourself on your way to a ballgame with a pair of tickets for which you
have paid $30. After parking your car, you realize that you have lost the tickets. The
box office has two tickets for sale for $30. Would you buy the tickets?
a. yes
b. no
2. Imagine yourself on your way to a ballgame. You intend to spend $30 for the tickets
at the box office. After parking your car, you realize you have lost $30. However, you
still have enough cash to purchase the tickets. Would you buy the tickets to the game?
a. yes
b. no
3. Imagine you are given the choice between two options. The first is a sure gain of
$700. The second is a risky prospect that offers a 75 percent chance of winning $1,000
and a 25 percent chance of winning nothing. Which option would you select?
a. a sure gain of $700
b. a 75 percent chance of winning $1,000 and a 25 percent chance
of winning nothing
4. Imagine you are given the choice between two options. The first is a sure loss of
$700. The second is a risky prospect that offers a 75 percent chance of losing $1,000
and a 25 percent chance of losing nothing. Which option would you select?
a. a sure loss of $700
b. a 75 percent chance of losing $1,000 and a 25 percent chance
of losing nothing
5. Imagine the U.S. preparing for the outbreak of a rare Asian disease which is
expected to kill 600 people. Two alternative programs to combat the disease have
been proposed. If the first program is adopted, estimates are that 375 people will die.
If the second program is adopted, there is a 1/3 probability that nobody will die and a
2/3 probability that 600 people will die. Which program would you select?
6. Imagine you have been offered a choice between (a) winning a sure cash prize and
(b) a risky option with a 50 percent chance of winning $100 and a 50 percent chance
of winning nothing. How big would the sure cash prize have to be to make the prize
just as attractive as the risky option for you?
7. Consider a situation in which you face a 50 percent chance of losing $100 and a 50
percent chance of winning a cash prize. What is the smallest cash prize that would
make this risky option acceptable to you?
e. $150
f. $175
g. $200 or more
8. How many lottery tickets do you buy each week, on the average?
three or more
9. Imagine you are about to buy a tie for $10. The salesman tells you that the tie you
want to buy is on sale for $5 at the other branch of the store. It would cost you 20
minutes of effort to buy the tie at the other store. Would you make the trip to the other
a. yes
b. no
10. Imagine you are about to purchase a new car. The dealer offers to sell you the car
for $13,505 without a radio and $13,595 with the radio you want. You can go to a
stereo shop and have the desired radio installed for $75, but it will require an hour of
your effort. Which would you do?
a. Buy the car equipped with the desired radio for $13,595
b. Buy the car without a radio for $13,505 and have the desired
radio installed at a stereo shop for $75
11. Paul has an investment in money market funds. During the past year, he could
have invested this money in the stock market, and he would have been $25,000 ahead.
Unfortunately, Paul retained his money market funds. Dave had an investment in the
stock market. But last year he sold all his shares and invested in money market funds.
His investment is now worth $25,000 less than it would have been if the stock had
been retained. Who feels worse?
a. Paul
b. Dave
(hoping that we lose nothing or that nobody dies) rather than accept a smaller sure
Many farmers follow this principle in their marketing. They hesitate to lock in a sure
loss by forward contracting for a price below their cost of production. They prefer to
gamble that prices might increase. In many instances, the gamble will result in even
larger losses than those associated with the forward contracting strategy.
Question 6
Most people answer ``a,'' ``b,'' ``c,'' or ``d'' ($45 or less). The lower the amount of
money you need for the sure thing, the more risk averse you are. If you answered ``e,''
$50, that is the expected value of the prize and indicates neutrality with respect to risk.
Answers ``f,'' ``g,'' and ``h'' ($55 to $65) indicate you are willing to pay for the
opportunity to win an expected value of $50. Adventurers and Daredevils would
probably come in this category. Slot machines, roulette, and shooting craps are
examples in which the expected return, the average outcome of repeated tries, is less
than the cost of playing. An individual pays for the privilege of gambling.
Farmers differ in their degree of risk aversion. Some farmers, like Avoiders, follow
more conservative, risk reducing strategies than others. The lower the amount of
money needed for you to accept the sure thing, the more you would probably avoid
risks in your farm decision making.
Question 7
Most people will answer more than $100, choosing answer ``d'' and beyond. For most
people, the pain of losing a sum of money is more intense than the pleasure of
winning the same sum. Most people act somewhat like Avoiders, only taking a risky
option at even odds when the possible gain is substantially larger than the possible
An individual who takes a speculative position in the market and loses $10,000 will
typically feel the loss more intensely than the pleasure associated with a gain of the
same amount.
Question 8
Lotteries are a form of tax. Payoffs to individuals are considerably less than the
income to the state and should be of interest only to Daredevils. However, many
people will buy one or more lottery tickets a week. This illustrates that the low
probability of an occurrence (your chance of winning) is commonly overweighted by
Calculators in decision making. Other individuals, perhaps even Avoiders, may look at
buying lottery tickets as a form of entertainment.
Questions 9 and 10
Most people answer question 9, with ``a'' and question 10 with ``b,'' indicating that
one's frame of reference is important. In question 9, you can save 50 percent, $5, for
20 minutes effort. In question 10, the extra $15 it costs to get the desired radio from
the dealer is very small relative to the cost of the car. However, the Calculator will
note that the savings by having the radio installed at the stereo shop, $15 for one
hour's effort, is the same return for your time as buying the tie at half price.
Individuals differ in their ability to handle risky situations involving large sums of
money. Experience can also be important. Making a decision the first time may
involve restless nights, agony over the decision, and worry about the outcome. The
next time, the decision is easier to make. A farmer's decisions have generally grown
over time as responsibility and size of the farm increased. Gradual expansion of a
farmer's frame of reference makes risky decisions easier.
Question 11
Who feels worse, Paul or Dave? Most people answer ``Dave.'' For most people, the
regret associated with a loss from taking an action is greater than that from inaction.
This principle helps to explain some farmers' marketing behavior. Many farmers
regret the loss associated with selling corn at $2.50 and seeing the market go to $3.00
more than they regret not selling at $2.50 and the market going to $2.00. People,
regardless of their risk type, tend to be more critical of their decisions to act than their
decisions to be passive or to do nothing.
As indicated before, there are no ``right'' or ``wrong'' answers to these questions. The
typical answers help explain the attitudes of many people toward risky situations.
Gains and losses do tend to be viewed differently by individuals. The particular
context in which a risky choice is presented can also be important. If your answers
were generally the same as the typical answers, it suggests that your risk attitudes are
like those of many other people. If your answers were different, it suggests that your
attitude toward risk may also be different. These differences in our risk attitudes help
explain why people in similar situations reach different decisions.
If we consider 3 flips, things become a little more complicated. There are a total of
eight possible sequences. They are:
Again, the probability of any given sequence of outcomes is the same (1 in 8 or 12.5
percent). The probability of 3 heads is the same as the sequence heads, tails, and then
heads. However, there are 3 ways to have 2 heads and a tail. If the frequency of the
outcomes or number of times a result occurs is plotted as in Figure 1, the frequency
humps up in the middle. The frequency of getting a combination of heads and tails is
much more likely than getting strictly heads or strictly tails. Thus, a combination of
good and bad years weatherwise is more likely than a run of good or bad years.
These possible outcomes can also be expressed in graphic form (Figure 2) as the
number of chances of occurrence in 36. Getting a 7 is the most likely outcome (6 in
36). ``Snake eyes'' (double ones) are uncommon (1 in 36), as are double sixes. The
probability of an outcome of four or less (a pessimistic outcome) is six of thirty six or
one sixth. Likewise, the probability of a ten or more (an optimistic outcome) is one
sixth. Two thirds of the time the outcome will be a 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
The normal bell shaped curve distribution (Figure 3) is closely related to the outcomes
of tossing two dice, with the most common outcome being the average or mean value.
Two thirds of the time, the outcome will be in the 5 through 9 range. One sixth of the
time the outcome will be 4 or less. On the other side, one sixth of the time the
outcome will be 10 or more. These less frequent outcomes may be considered
``optimistic'' or ``pessimistic'' depending on whether they are good or bad.
In this case, the number of tickets and the prize are both known with certainty.
Whether an individual buys a raffle ticket with an expected value of $2.50 for $2.50
depends on one's attitude toward risk in this situation. A risk averse individual would
not buy the ticket, but a risk preferrer would be willing to pay more than $2.50. (Even
a risk avoider may buy a raffle ticket with an expected value of $2.50 for $5.00 if sold
by a charitable organization, but risk concerns are unimportant in this situation.)
In other situations, the probabilities and/or the outcomes may not be known with
certainty. In this case, individuals typically use their expectations about the future to
determine expected values. For example, assume that enterprise ``A'' is ``most likely''
to give a net return of $50 per acre. An ``optimistic'' estimate of net returns is $150,
and a ``pessimistic'' estimate is a loss of $100 per acre. If the optimistic and
pessimistic outcomes each occur one year in six, the expected value of enterprise A
can be computed as:
Note that the probabilities 1/6, 4/6, and 1/6 sum to one. All of the outcomes which
could occur have been accounted for in estimating the expected value.
An alternative enterprise, ``B,'' may have a ``most likely'' net return of $40 per acre.
The ``optimistic'' and ``pessimistic'' estimates of net returns are $90 and $20 per acre
respectively. Assuming the same probabilities of outcomes for enterprises A and B, the
expected value of enterprise B can be calculated as:
In these examples, the expected value of enterprise B is greater than that of enterprise
A. Although the estimates of the most likely and optimistic estimates of returns for
enterprise A are higher than for enterprise B, this is more than offset by the differences
in the pessimistic returns. In this situation, with other things being equal, most
decision makers would prefer enterprise B.
The expected value of an alternative is affected by estimates of both probabilities and
net returns. The two calculations below indicate different assumptions for enterprise
A. In the first, it is assumed that the optimistic returns will occur 2 years in 6 and the
most likely 3 years in 6. In the second, it is assumed that the most likely return is $75
instead of $50 with the same probabilities as in the original example. The expected
values are:
Calculation l
$150 x 2/6 = $50.00
50 x 3/6 = 25.00
-100 x 1/6 = -16.67
Calculation 2
$150 x 1/6 = $25.00
75 x 4/6 = 50.00
-100 x 1/6 = -16.67
The expected values in both calculations are exactly the same and are higher than the
expected value for enterprise B.
Although computing an expected value of an alternative is a mathematically precise
procedure, individuals may have different expected values for the same alternative.
This occurs because people differ in their assessments of both the outcomes which
may occur and the probabilities with which they may occur. Very few individuals will
routinely compute the mathematically expected value, but the concept is useful in
decision making because both the range and probability of possible outcomes are
** George F. Patrick, ``Producers' Attitudes, Perceptions and Management Responses
to Variability,'' Risk Analysis for Agricultural Production Firms: Concepts,
Information Requirements and Policy Issues, Department of Agricultural Economics,
University of Illinois, AE-4574, July 1984, pp. 197-236, and George F. Patrick et al.,
``Risk Perceptions and Management Responses: Producer-Generated Hypotheses for
Risk Modeling,'' Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 17, No. 2,
December 1985, p. 231-238.
*** Adapted from D. Lynn Forster, Ohio State University, ``Interfacing Farm Finance
and Marketing,'' Workshop for Extension Specialists on Marketing, Risk and Financial
Management, Minneapolis, April 2-3, 1984.
**** This section draws on Kim B. Anderson and John E. Ikerd, ``Risk Rated
Management Strategies for Farm and Ranch Decisions,'' Extension Circular E-841,
Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service.
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Appreciation is expressed to John A. Anderson, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and
Food; J. Roy Black and Ralph E. Hepp, Michigan State University; William Edwards,
Iowa State University; Jim Polson, Ohio State University; Richard L. Trimble,
University of Kentucky; and Dave Bache, Freddie Barnard, and Don Pershing,
Purdue University, for comments helping to clarify earlier versions.
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