This document contains a human rights assignment submitted on November 5th, 2016 for an MBA class at Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research in Pune, India. The assignment contains multiple choice questions about articles in international agreements related to human rights. It also includes short answer questions defining key human rights terms and concepts as well as describing the right to participate in government, freedom of thought and religion, the International Court of Justice, and the differences between a charter and statute.
This document contains a human rights assignment submitted on November 5th, 2016 for an MBA class at Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research in Pune, India. The assignment contains multiple choice questions about articles in international agreements related to human rights. It also includes short answer questions defining key human rights terms and concepts as well as describing the right to participate in government, freedom of thought and religion, the International Court of Justice, and the differences between a charter and statute.
This document contains a human rights assignment submitted on November 5th, 2016 for an MBA class at Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research in Pune, India. The assignment contains multiple choice questions about articles in international agreements related to human rights. It also includes short answer questions defining key human rights terms and concepts as well as describing the right to participate in government, freedom of thought and religion, the International Court of Justice, and the differences between a charter and statute.
This document contains a human rights assignment submitted on November 5th, 2016 for an MBA class at Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research in Pune, India. The assignment contains multiple choice questions about articles in international agreements related to human rights. It also includes short answer questions defining key human rights terms and concepts as well as describing the right to participate in government, freedom of thought and religion, the International Court of Justice, and the differences between a charter and statute.
(i) Which article deals with the concept of Slavery?
(a) Article 3 (b) Article 5 (c) Article 6 (d) Article 4 (ii) Who donated the peace bell to the United Nations? (a) Kapil Dev (b) Sachin Tendulkar (c) Vinod Kamble (d) George Bush (iii) Who was the Chairman of drafting Committee of UDHR? (a) Margret Thatcher (b) Indira Gandhi (c) Eleanor Roosevelt (d) Srimavo Bandaranayke (iv) In which year was the World Conference on Human Rights was conducted? (a) 1993 (b) 1992 (c) 1995 (d) 1996 Q.2 Define or answer in one word.
(3 Marks)
(i) What is signified by Bonder Labour?
(ii) The International Criminal Court is Located in which Country? (iii) Double Jeopardy means........... Q.3 Write answers in short.
(8 Marks)
(i) What is the Right of Participation in Government?
(ii) What is the Right of Freedom of thought, conscience and religion? (iii Write a note on International Court of Justice (ICJ) (iv) What is Charter and Statute? *****