Synchronous Machine Design

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Design of Synchronous


Output Equation
Vph = phase voltage ;

Iph = phase current

Zph = no of conductors/phase;

Tph = no of turns/phase

Ns = Synchronous speed in rpm;

ns = synchronous speed in rps

p = no of poles ;

ac = Specific electric loading

= air gap flux/pole;

Bav = Average flux density

Kw = winding factor ;

D = Diameter of the stator;

L = Gross core length

Co = Output coefficient;

P = Bav DL, and

3Iph Zph/ D = ac

Q = 3* 2.22*Pns/2* Zph Kw Iph * 10-3 kVA

Output to motor = 1.11 * Bav D L * D ac * ns Kw 10-3 kVA
Q = (1.11 2 Bav ac Kw 10-3) D2 L ns kVA

Q = (11 Bav ac Kw 10-3) D2 L ns kVA

Therefore Output Q = Co D2 L ns kVA
where Co = (11 Bav ac Kw 10-3) = Output coefficient

Choice of Specific loadings: From the output equation it is seen that

choice of higher value of specific magnetic and electric loading
leads to reduced cost and size of the machine.
Specific magnetic loading: Following are the factors which
influences the performance of the machine.
(i) Iron loss: A high value of flux density in the air gap leads to
higher value of flux in the iron parts of the machine which results
in increased iron losses and reduced efficiency.
(ii) Voltage: When the machine is designed for higher voltage space
occupied by the insulation becomes more thus making the teeth
smaller and hence lower value of gap density should be used.

(iii) Transient short circuit current: A high value of gap density

results in decrease in leakage reactance and hence increased value
of armature current under short circuit conditions.

(iv) Stability: The maximum power output of a machine under steady

state condition is inversely proportional to synchronous reactance. If
higher value of flux density is used it leads to smaller number of
turns per phase in armature winding. This results in reduced value of
leakage reactance and hence increased value of power and hence
increased steady state stability.
(v) Parallel operation: The satisfactory parallel operation of
synchronous generators depends on the synchronizing power.
Higher the synchronizing power higher will be the ability of the
machine to operate in synchronism. The synchronizing power is
inversely proportional to the synchronous reactance and hence the
machines designed with higher value air gap flux density will have
better ability to operate in parallel with other machines.
Following are the usual Bav assumed
Cylindrical rotor machine : 0.55 to 0.65 wb/m2
Salient pole machine : 0.50 to 0.65 wb/m2

Specific Electric Loading: Following are the some of the factors

which influence the choice of specific electric loadings.
(i) Copper loss: Higher the value of ac, larger will be the
number of armature conductors which results in higher
copper loss. This will result in higher temperature rise and
reduction in efficiency.
(ii) Voltage: A higher value of ac can be used for low voltage
machines since the space required for the insulation will be
(iii) Synchronous reactance: High value of ac leads to higher
value of leakage reactance and armature reaction and hence
higher value of synchronous reactance. Such machines will
have poor voltage regulation, lower value of current under
short circuit condition and low value of steady state stability
limit and small value of synchronizing power.

iv) Stray load losses: With increased value of ac stray load

losses will increase.
The usual values of ac:
Turbo machines : 50000 to 100000 amp-cond/m
Salient pole machines : 20000 to 50000 amp-cond/m

Salient Pole Machine: In case of salient pole machines either

round or rectangular pole construction is employed. In these
types of machines the diameter of the machine will be quite
larger than the axial length.
Round Poles: The ratio of pole arc to pole pitch may be assumed
varying between 0.6 to 0.7 and pole arc may be taken as
approximately equal to axial length of the stator core. Hence
Axial length of the core/ pole pitch = L/p = 0.6 to 0.7
Rectangular poles: The ratio of axial length to pole pitch may be
assumed varying between 0.8 to 3 and a suitable value may be
assumed based on the design specifications.
Axial length of the core/ pole pitch = L/ p = 0.8 to 3

Using the above relations D and L can be separated. However

once these values are obtained diameter of the machine must
satisfy the limiting value of peripheral speed so that the rotor
can withstand centrifugal forces produced.
Limiting values of peripheral speeds are as follows:
Bolted pole construction = 50 m/s
Dove tail pole construction = 80 m/s
Normal design = 30 m/s
Turbo alternators: These alternators will have larger speed of
the order of 3000 rpm. Hence the diameter of the machine will
be smaller than the axial length. As such the diameter of the
rotor is limited from the consideration of permissible peripheral
speed limit. Hence the internal diameter of the stator is normally
calculated based on peripheral speed. Peripheral speed for these
alternators must be below 175 m/s.

Short Circuit Ratio

Voltage regulation:- A high value of SCR means that the

synchronous reactance has a low value resulting in to good
voltage regulation.
Stability:- A machine with high value of SCR. i.e. lower value
of Xd, will lead to higher synchronizing power and thus giving a
higher stability limit.
Parallel operation:- A machine with low value of SCR means a
large value of Xd giving a small value of synchronizing power.
Such a machine have problem during parallel operation.
Short circuit current:- A small value of SCR means a large
value of Xd which will limit the short circuit current during fault
For salient pole machines SCR value varies from 0.9 to 1.3
For turbo alternators SCR value varies from 0.7 to 1.1

Length of the air gap: Length of the air gap is a very

important parameter as it greatly affects the performance of the
machine. Air gap in synchronous machine affects the value of
SCR and hence it influences many other parameters. Hence,
choice of air gap length is very critical in case of synchronous
Following are the advantages and disadvantages of larger air
(i) Stability: Higher value of stability limit
(ii) Regulation: Smaller value of inherent regulation
(iii) Synchronizing power: Higher value of synchronizing power
(iv) Cooling: Better cooling
(v) Noise: Reduction in noise
(vi) Magnetic pull: Smaller value of unbalanced magnetic pull

(i) Field mmf: Larger value of field mmf is required
(ii) Size: Larger diameter and hence larger size
(iii) Magnetic leakage: Increased magnetic leakage
(iv)Weight of copper: Higher weight of copper in the field
(v) Cost: Increase over all cost.
The approximate value of air gap length can be expressed in
terms of pole pitch.
For salient pole alternators: lg = (0.012 to 0.016) x pole pitch
For turbo alternators: lg = (0.02 to 0.026) x pole pitch
Synchronous machines are generally designed with larger air
gap length compared to that of Induction motors.

Estimation of length of air gap:

Length of the air gap is usually estimated based on the ampere
turns required for the air gap.
Armature ampere turns per pole required
ATa = 1.35 Iph Tph Kw /p
Where Tph = Turns per phase, Iph = Phase current,
Kw = winding factor, p = pairs of poles
No load field ampere turns per pole
ATfo = SCR x Armature ampere turns per pole
ATfo = SCR x Ata
Ampere turns required for the air gap will be approximately
equal to 80% of the no load field ampere turns per pole.
Mmf for air gap is also equal to 800000Bg Kg lg
0.8 ATfo = 800000 Bg Kg lg
lg = 0.8 ATfo/800000 Bg Kg

Selection of number of slots:

Following factors are considered for selection of number of
Balanced winding:- The number of slots are so selected that a
balanced 3-phase winding is obtained. Unbalance winding
will leads to generation of space harmonics and over heating.
Tooth flux density:- selection of large number of slots will lead
to narrower teeth resulting in to increased tooth flux density
beyond permissible limits.
Leakage reactance:- With less number of slots, the conductors
are nearer leading to increased leakage flux and thereby
increased leakage reactance.
Tooth ripples:- With large number of slots tooth ripples and
therefore pulsation loss decreases.

Temperature rise and cost:- Selection of too small a number of

slots will lead to crowding of conductors, disturbance in air
circulation and hence developing high internal temperature.
Also, smaller number of slots result in saving in labour
because of less number of coils to wind, insulate, place in to
slots and connect.
Considering all the above points number of slots per pole phase
for salient pole machines may be taken as 3 to 4 and for turbo
alternators it may be selected as 7 to 9 slots per pole per
Slot pitch must be with in the following limitations
(i) Low voltage machines 2.5 cm
(ii) Medium voltage machines up to 6kV 4.0 cm
(iv) High voltage machines up to 15 kV
6.0 cm

Conductor section:
Current per phase = (kVA x 1000)/ 3* Eph
The conductor current Iz = Iph, when all the turns per phase are
connected in series.
But Iz = Iph/A , if there are A number of parallel paths per
Sectional area of the stator conductor as = Is /s where s is the
current density in stator windings and Is is stator current per
phase. A suitable value of current density has to be assumed
considering the advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of higher value of current density:
(i) reduction in cross section
(ii) reduction in weight
(iii) reduction in cost

Disadvantages of higher value of current density

(i) increase in resistance
(ii) increase in cu loss
(iii) increase in temperature rise
(iv) reduction in efficiency
Hence higher value is assumed for low voltage machines and
small machines. Usual value of current density for stator
windings is 3 to 5 amps/mm2.

Stator slot dimensions: Because parallel sided slots are used the
teeth are tapered having minimum width at the gap surface. The
flux density in teeth at the air gap surface at no load does not
exceed about 1.7 to 1.8 wb/m2 .

Where = ratio of pole arc to pole pitch

The depth of the slot ds is now determined by the space
requirement for copper and insulation. The depth of slot is
normally about 3 times the width.
The length of mean turn:
Lmt = 2L + 2.5 p + 0.06 kV + 0.2 m

Design of field system - Salient pole rotor

Dimension of the pole:
(i) Axial Length of the pole: Axial length of the pole may be assumed
1 to 1.5 cm less than that of the stator core.
(ii) Width of the pole: Leakage factor for the pole is assumed varying
between 1.1 to 1.15.
Thus the flux in the pole body = 1.1 to 1.15
Area of the pole = Flux in the pole body/ Flux density in the pole
Flux density in the pole body is assumed between 1.4 to 1.6 wb/m2.
Area of the pole = width of the pole x net axial length of the pole.
Net axial length of the pole = gross length x stacking factor
Stacking factor may be assumed as 0.93 to 0.95.
Hence width of the pole = Area of the pole / net axial length of the

(iii) Height of the pole:

Height of the pole is decided based on the mmf to be provided
on the pole by the field winding at full load. Hence it is required
to find out the mmf to be provided on the pole at full load
before finding the height of the pole. Full load field ampere
turns required for the pole can be calculated based on the
armature ampere turns per pole.
Hence full load field ampere turns per pole can be assumed 1.7
to 2.0 times the armature ampere turns per pole.
Armature ampere turns per pole ATa = 1.35 Iph Tph Kw /p
ATfl = (1.7 to 2.0) ATa
Height of the pole is calculated based on the height of the filed
coil required and the insulation.

Height of the filed coil:

If = current in the field coil;
af = area of the field conductor
Tf = number of turns in the field coil; Rf = resistance of the
field coil
lmt = length of the mean turn of the field coil
sf = copper space factor; hf = height of the field coil
df = depth of the field coil
pf = permissible loss per m2 of the cooling surface of the field
= specific resistance of copper
qf = heat generated per unit volume
Watts radiated from the field coil = External surface in cm2 x
= External periphery of the field coil x Height of
the field coil x watts/cm2

Total loss in the coil = (If 2 x Rf) = (If2 x x lmt x Tf / af)

Total copper area in the field coil = af x Tf = sf hf df
Hence af = sf df hf / Tf
Thus watts lost per coil = ( If2 x x lmt x Tf ) Tf / sf hf df
= (If Tf)2 x lmt/ sf hf df

Loss dissipated form the field coil = qf x cooling surface of

the field coil
Normally inner and outer surface of the coils are effective in
dissipating the heat. The heat dissipated from the top and
bottom surfaces are negligible.

Cooling surface of the field coil = 2 x lmt x hf

Hence loss dissipated from the field coil = 2 x lmt x hf x qf

For the temperature rise to be with in limitations

Watts lost per coil = watts radiated from the coil
(If Tf)2 x lmt/ sf hf df = 2 x lmt x hf x qf
Hence hf = (If Tf) / [ 104 x (sf df qf)]
= ATfl x 10-4/ (sf df qf)
Depth of the field coil is assumed from 3 to 5 cm,
Copper space factor may be assumed as 0.6 to 0.8,
Loss per m2 may be assumed as 700 to 750 w/m2
Hence the height of the pole =
= hf + height of the pole shoe + height taken by insulation

Design of field winding

(i) Generally the exciter voltage will be in the range of 110 volts
to 440 volts. 15-20 % of voltage is kept as drop across the field
Hence voltage per coil Vc = (0.8 to 0.85) exciter voltage /
Number of field coils

(ii) Assume suitable value for the depth of the field coil
(iii) Mean length of the turn in field coil is estimated from the
dimensions of the pole and the depth of the field windings. Mean
length of the turn = 2( lp + bp) + (df + 2ti) where ti is the
thickness of insulation on the pole.

(iv) Sectional area of the conductor can be calculated as follows

Resistance of the field coil Rf = x lmt x Tf / af = voltage across
the coil/ field coil
Vc/ If = x lmt x Tf / af
Hence af = x lmt x If Tf / Vc
(v) Field current can be estimated by assuming a suitable value
of current density in the field winding. Generally the value of
current density may be taken as 3.5 to 4 amp/mm2.
Hence If =f x af
(vi) Number of turns in the field winding
Tf = Full load field ampere turns / field current
= ATfl/ If

(vii) Height of the field winding hf = ATfl x 10-4/ (sf df qf)

(viii) Resistance of the field winding Rf = x lmt x Tf / af
(ix) Copper loss in the field winding = If2 x Rf

Design of the field System: Non-Salient pole Alternator

In case of turbo alternators, the rotor windings or the field
windings are distributed in the rotor slots.

Normally 70% of the rotor is slotted and remaining portion is

unslotted in order to form the pole.

The design of the field can be explained as follows.

(i) Selection of rotor slots: Total number of rotor slots may be
assumed as 50 70 % of stator slots pitch. However the rotor
slots must satisfy the following conditions in order to avoid
the undesirable effects of harmonics in the flux density wave
(a) There should be no common factor between the number of
rotor slot pitches and number of stator slot pitches.
(b) Number of rotor slots should be divisible by 4 for a 2 pole
synchronous machine. That means the number of rotor
slots must be multiple of 4.
(c) Width of the rotor slot is limited by the stresses developed
at the rotor teeth and end rings.

(ii) Design of rotor winding

(a) Full load field mmf can be taken as twice the armature mmf.

ATfl = 2 x ATa = 2 x 1.35 x Iph x Tph x kw /p

(b) Standard exciter voltage of 110 - 220 volts may be taken.
With 15-20 % of this may be reserved for field control.
Hence voltage across each field coil Vf = (0.8 to 0.85) V/p
(c) Length of the mean turn lmt = 2L + 1.8 p + 0.25 m
(d) Sectional area of each conductor af = x lmt x (If x Tf) / vf
(e) Assume suitable value of current density in the rotor
winding. 2.5 3.0 amp/mm2 for conventionally cooled
machines and 8 12 amp/mm2 for large and special cooled
(f) Find area of all the rotor conductors per pole = 2 x (If x Tf)/f

(g) Find the number of rotor conductors per pole

= 2 x (If x Tf) / (f x af)
(h) Number of field conductors per slot
= 2 x (If x Tf) / (f x af x sr),

where sr is the number of rotor slots.

(i) Resistance of each field coil Rf = x lmt x Tf / af
(j) Calculate the current in the field coil If = vf/ Rf

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