The Relationship Between The Colburn and Silver Methods of Condenser Design

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Ini. J.

Heat Mass



Vol. 39, No. 15, pp. 3147-3156. 1996

0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
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The relationship between the Colburn and

Silver methods of condenser design
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, PO Box 88, Manchester,
M60 lQD, U.K.


lnstitut fur Technische Thermodynamik und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik,
Stuttgart, Germany

Universitlt Stuttgart,

(Received 2 August 1995 and inJinalform 6 December 1995)

most widely applied method for the design of mixed vapour condensers is the approximate
method of Silver [1, Trans. Ins?. Chem. Engng 25,3&42 (1947)] as modified by Bell and Ghaly [2, AIChE
Symp. Ser. 69, 72-79 (1972)]. However the older, and physically more realistic method of Colbum and
Hougen [3,Znd. Engng Chem. 26,1178-l 182 (1934)] and Colburn and Drew [4, Trans. AIChemE 33, 197215 (1937)] is often applied to the case of binary condensation. The relationship between these two methods
is treated in a more complete and useful manner than in previous work. There has been an assumption
that the two methods are equivalent at Lewis numbers near unity, but the approximate method may then
he unsafe in design by up to 50%. The predictions are even less safe when the Lewis number is greater than
unity, and cases are reported where the methods show discrepancies as large as 150% in gas film heat
transfer coefficients. Discrepancies of similar magnitude are also found when the Lewis number is much
less than unity, but the approximate method is then safe. The improved understanding that is reached leads
to a new correction factor allowing the approximate method to be brought into good agreement with the
Colbum approach in a self-consistent manner. The work is validated by comparison with the experimental
data of Lehr [5, Doktor Dissertation Warme und Stoffiibergang bei der Kondensation von Dampfen aus
einem Gemisch mit einem Inertgas, Technische Universitlt, Hannover (1972)]. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier
Science Ltd.


This paper makes a direct comparison of the popular

Silver-Bell method, termed the equilibrium method,
with the film methods due to Colbum and Hougen
[3], Colbum and Drew [4] and Ackermann
[6]. It is
therefore of direct industrial relevance showing the
error in the calculation of the gas side heat transfer
coefficient. Both methods have long been available
and have been compared
before, most notably by
[9, lo]. The present work extends that
of McNaught to give more physical insight into the
of the important
difference in the gas phase and Lewis number, so that
better judgement can be exercised to decide whether
the Silver method is acceptable.
All previous published work shows the superiority
of the film model in predicting condensation
of mixed
vapours, Webb [8] and McNaught
[lo], with condensation rates predicted within 15% at worst. The
Colbum method is a suitable reference for assessment
of the Silver approach. Both methods may be applied
to industrial design calculations, but the approximate
method is preferred because it makes lesser demands
for physical property data and does not require a
full analysis of the composition
of the mixture. The

present work agrees with McNaught on the magnitude

of the error incurred
in using the equilibrium
approach, but shows cases where gas side heat transfer
coefficients are under or over-estimated
by up to
150%) even when his correction factor [9] is included.
A new way of correcting the equilibrium approach
is suggested which allows the two methods to be
brought into good agreement for the case of binary
mixtures, without solving the film model equations,
and this is demonstrated
based on the data of Lehr
[5]. His data are particularly suitable for this purpose
because they have been taken in a simple geometry,
inside a single vertical tube without significant vapour shear, and show the effect of downstream length. Of the data considered by McNaught,
it is the only set which presents the measured gas side
rather than overall heat transfer coefficients, and is
therefore more reliable. Significantly these are the data
that are least well predicted by McNaught. The present work is an indication that considerable
errors arise in the application of the Silver method.
The widespread
use of the approximate
in industrial practice and its apparent success is a
reflection that many industrial condensers may be significantly over-surfaced.


D. R. WEBB et al



molar concentration
molar heat capacity
molar latent heat
molar diffusive flux
molar mass
molar flowrate
number of components
molar flux of condensation
heat transfer rate
heat flux
dirt resistance
ratio of fluxes, ii,/&
coordinate direction
thickness of mass and heat transfer
overall heat transfer coefficient based
on outside area
liquid mole fraction
vapour mole fraction
overall mole fraction
r&/& by equilibrium and film methods.
Greek symbols
heat transfer coefficient
mass transfer coefficient for the ij pair
finite change of quantity
binary diffusivity
factor Cri&,/a,, ratio of sensible to
conductive heat flux
molar vapour fraction
thermal conductivity
mass and thermal rate factors
factor for binary mixture.


The film and equilibrium methods are extensively

documented and only sufficient of the theory is given
to make the paper readable. Fuller descriptions have
been presented by Webb and McNaught [7] and Webb
Mass transfer relations
The methods differ in their treatment of the gas
side. The approximate
method does not consider the
mass transfer process directly, as now described for
the film method. Condensation
of binary mixtures is
treated in this work and Fig. 1 shows the underlying
physical situation on which the film models of condensation are built.
The gas is a saturated or superheated mixture of n
species which may contain noncondensing
gases as

Lewis number
Prandtl number
Schmidt number.

bubble point
relating to condensate
Dew point
relating to equilibrium method
denoting film average (flux in &r and



relating to film method
relating to gas phase
indices giving component number
relating to coolant
relating to interface
total, as in ri,
thermal layer as in s, and 5,
relating to wall
relating to inside wall
relating to mean wall
relating to outside wall as in U,,.

modified variables in equations
saturation quantity.


molar quantity as in 2
flow rate as in IQ.

well as vapours. It is separated from the coolant by a

solid wall on which condensate flows as a continuous
film. Hypothetical,
steady, laminar
films are imagined adjacent to the condensate surface
where all gas side resistance to heat and mass transfer
lies. Mass transfer is described by equation (l), and
for a mixture of n components
the n independent
fluxes of condensation,
ri,, are given by,
tii = J,+@,.




rates, ri, the number of moles
cross unit surface in unit time, are needed in
and equation (1) shows a diffusive and a concontribution
to these fluxes. The particular


The Colbum and Silver methods of condenser design

. .

. .

. .
. .



* .
. .,
. .

. .
















Fig 1. Film model of condensation.

conditions of the film model, steady-state and onedimensional, ensure that the fii are constant across the
film. Ficks law of diffusion allows the evaluation of
the Ji, the diffusive fluxes, and therefore the prediction
of mass transfer effects in condensation. The term
y#, is the bulk flow or convective contribution to the
condensation rate, induced by the removal of heat to
the coolant.
With two components, which may be two vapours
or a vapour and a noncondensing gas, (n = 2, y,< l),
Ficks Law gives J, as,

Neither equation (3), nor equation (4) is a complete

of condensation,
because only the
diffusional part of equation (1) is specified. Another
relation, known as a determinacy condition, is
required and it leads, directly or indirectly, to the
specification of ri,. It is needed because there are n
independent fluxes, ri,, but only (n- 1) independent
diffusive fluxes, Jp The condensation rate is not fully
defined by diffusional processes.
Heat transfer relations

where c is the molar concentration. Equation (2) is

used to solve equation (1) with the boundary conditions of Fig. 1, to give two equivalent equations for
the mass transfer rate,

4 = h/B12 where/?,, =~f.


The binary mass transfer coefficient, p,* is defined

by equation (5) and includes the unknown layer thickness, sf, which is obtained from experiment. Equation
(3) shows, through the so called rate factor,
5 = b/(e4-- l), an effect of mass transfer rate on the
mass transfer coefficient, and the following definition
of the modified mass transfer coefficient, /Ii20, is used :

The energy equation, with terms which describe

steady conduction and convection, equation (7) is
used to obtain rates of heat transfer across the gas
film in Fig. 1.

Equation (7) is readily integrated to give the conductive flux at the interface, 4.
4s = a(ee_l)
4s = % --+r,-T,)
(,p 1)


D. R. WEBB et al.


The heat transfer coefficient, agr is defined by equation (9) and incorporates,
s,, the hypothetical thermal
film thickness. It is obtained empirically. Equation (8)
shows, through the Ackermann [6] correction factor,
5, = a/(e- l), an effect of mass transfer rate on the
heat transfer coefficient. The following definition of
the modified heat transfer coefficient, a,@, is used :
a,. = ag




The heat transfer coefficient. ag, is that for conductive transfer alone for, in the limit of a approaching
zero, & approaches
1 and LX,= ago. The similar roles
of $J in equation (6) and E in equation (10) are clear.
(8) leads also to the rate of gas phase
cooling, &, as heat fluxes, 4, and & in Fig. 1, differ by
the sensible heat change over the gas film. The rate of
gas cooling is less than the heat transfer rate at the
condensate surface.

The key to calculating the rates of combined heat

and mass transfer is the continuity of energy across
the interface, which from Fig. 1 may be written.
& = gc = &+&A&,, if condensate sub-cooling is neglected. An overall liquid side heat transfer coefficient,
a,,, is defined including condensate. wall and coolant

where Zr is the ratio of gas-side to total heat fluxes,

&/&. It is present because the conductive flux across
the gas film is less than the conductive flux to the
In the equilibrium
the detailed mass
transfer equations are not used. However, a gas side
resistance is included by assuming that the sensible
heat change of the saturated gas mixture must be
conducted across the gas film. Bell [2] states that this
assumption is usually conservative, but this is untrue,
as shown by McNaught and the present work. The
overall heat transfer coefficient is calculated by equation (15), where a,, and R, are defined exactly as in
the film approach. The term reflecting the gas side
resistance is replaced by Zeq/as,.R. Figure 2 shows how
Z,, is determined within an interval of heat load.
Figure 2 shows a condensate film on a vertical wall,
but the horizontal case might equally well have been
chosen. A(j is the rate of heat removal in the interval
as given by the cooling curve, and A& is the corresponding rate of sensible cooling of the gas phase
to maintain saturation. Then Zc4 is defined as follows :

Equation (16) shows Z,, proportional

to the slope
of the condensation
curve. The proper heat transfer
coefficient for use in equation (15) has been investigated. In early work it was taken as the gas film heat
transfer coefficient. ag, for the geometry in question.
However McNaught [9] found that better results are
given when it is corrected by the Ackermann [6] factor,
c = F&/a,. see equation (10).
a g.eff = a,(e


The latent heat in equation (12) is a flux averaged

value of the latent heats of the components
at the
interfacial temperature.
Equation (12) is the general
form of determinacy condition and can be solved for

ri, = a,,(T,-



&A Tg- T)



The overall heat transfer coefficient, U,,, follows

from equations (11) and (12) which with dirt resistance, Rf, gives



a,* < ag.


Price and Bell [ 1l] proposed a two-phase enhancement factor to account for the surface wave effects,
but Owen et al. [ 121 found that this was not beneficial
in predicting their data. In the absence of a reliable
study resolving this contradiction,
such a modification
is not recommended.
The method is approximate,
because mass transfer
effects are not rigorously
included by the above
approach, nor as will be shown later is it always safe
in design relative to the Colburn approach. The above
equations are a sufficient set for the determination
of the local condensation
rates at a point within a
condenser by both the film and equilibrium methods.
The following equation, which appears in Schwaab
[ 131, is important because it allows Z,, = 4,/q to be
obtained locally, i.e. at a single plane by the equilibrium method

where 0 is the molar fraction

as vapour.


The Colbum and Silver methods of condenser design


Fig. 2. Heat fluxes in an interval.



The adverse effect of noncondensing gas on the

rate of condensation of mixed vapours is well known.
However, a diffusional limitation is also imposed
when two vapours condense in the absence of a gas.
The extent of this diffusional effect is now demonstrated.
Two vapours

Figure 3, the phase or (T, x), diagram for a binary

mixture shows a saturated vapour at B, where
T, = Tdcw,and coolant at TO.The corresponding interfacial temperature must lie between Tdewand Tbuband
is given by a tieline, such as FG, which defines the
interfacial condensate and vapour compositions. The
Colburn-Drew equation, equation (4), may be written
in the following form, with the determinacy condition,
x,,= ri,/r~,,corresponding to unmixed condensate [8] :



= exp

-- 1

8,2 = ew[-41.


In this case the tieline is determined by equation

(19), which depends on the saturated interfacial conditions between condensate and vapour, f,, and y,..
A second determinacy condition for mixed vapours is

I,, specified and FG is then defined by a bubble point

calculation at an ZIs defined by prior condensation.
This corresponds to a fully mixed condensate. Real
cases should lie between these two cases, which correspond to the limits of condensate side mass transfer.
For many cases of condensation, &, the mass
transfer coefficient is small, fl,20(&-~,J
<<j& ir, in
equation (1) and exp [ - 41 approaches zero in equation (19). Point G lies close to C and zZ,$tends to jJ,.
The gas side transfer process is then the diffusion
limited and (j+&)
and (T,-- TJ become as large
as possible. However, the bubble temperature of the
gas mixture limits the mass transfer inhibition of condensation. A temperature driving force of ( Tbub- T,,)
on the coolant side is the worst case.
The larger the mass transfer coefficient, the closer
the interfacial composition lies to H. The gas side
mass transfer resistance is small, T, Y Tdew, and the
driving force ( Tdnv- TO)is available for transfer to the
coolant. Real cases lie in between as shown by point
Vapour and noncondensing gas

When a vapour is condensing in the presence of

a noncondensing gas, the determinacy condition is
ri, = li, or r, = 1. Equation (4) holds with r, = 1.0,
and the tieline FG can be drawn as in the previous
case, Fig. 4.





Fig. 3. Condensation of two vapours.

Fig. 4. Condensation of vapour from gas.

D. R. WEBB et al


In strong contrast to two vapours, there is now no

limit on the inhibition of mass transfer by diffusion.
Thus, as fi,2 becomes small, the driving force for heat
the liquid side, (T,- To), also
approaches zero. The difference between diffusional
in vapour mixtures
and with a noncondensing gas is clear.
The condensing vapour sweeps noncondensing
towards the interface, where it accumulates. At steadystate a balance is achieved, where the diffusion of
gas away from the surface balances the flow due to
With two vapours, the more volatile
to some extent as a noncondensing species in that it accumulates at the interface, but the effect is smaller because it also condenses.
Although these arguments are based on binaries, the
same general behaviour is shown by multicomponent
Diffusional effects are limited in vapour mixtures
by the bubble temperature
of the mixture which
defines the lowest possible interfacial temperature and
hence, the lowest heat transfer rate. There is no such
limit with noncondensing



Lewis Number

Fig. 5. Discrepancy between Silver and Colburn.









- 0.4

Schwaab [ 131 carried out an extensive theoretical

of the Silver and Colburn methods for
vertical downwards flow in a tube of 0.022 m diameter
under the following conditions :
J,, and AT

water and n heptane ;

helium, air and refrigerant 12 ;
0.5-2.0 bar;
0.110.9 mole fraction and 1&3OC.

The most important

quantities in comparing
mixtures are the species present and the composition,
(Le = Sc/Pr) very strongly. The above mixtures have
been chosen because they have a very large range of
constituent molar masses and hence, of binary diffusivities and Lewis number. An error, e, in effective gas
film heat transfer coefficient is defined by equation
(20), referred to Colburn because of its accepted
reliability. The calculated errors are shown in the form
E = F{&). The Silver method is unsafe when E > 0.
Values of a = 1 and E = -0.5 imply errors of & 100%.
unsafe and safe, respectively, in prediction of gas film
heat transfer coefficient.
e = (@&)/(a.&&)

- 1


The discrepancies in the local gas film heat transfer

coefficients are very large. Thus, at a Lewis number
of unity, where current thinking would have suggested
that the methods should be in good agreement, the
show the approximate
method to be
unsafe in the prediction
of gas film heat transfer
coefficients, by up to 50%. The approximate

Lewis Number

Fig. 6. Discrepancy between Silver and Colbum for some


shows errors of _t 150%, when the Lewis number is

sufficiently different from unity. Limiting curves, of
form A Lc?~, as shown in Fig. 5, bracket the calculated
errors. the form of the relationship
being justified
later. These curves represent safe limits.
Figure 6 shows some of the curves of individual
which in all cases correspond
to compositions from 0.1 to 0.9 by mole fraction. Thus, a
particular curve shows the effect of composition on the
Lewis number at constant pressure and temperature
difference. If the condensing
curve for a particular
design straddles the abscissa E = 0, there will be a
effect in the prediction of area requirement and this may account for the satisfactory behaviour of the Silver method in some cases. This is probably true of steam-air mixtures, where most data are
available, because, as shown by the curve in Fig. 6,
both positive and negative discrepancies are exhibited
over a typical condensing range. It follows that the
Silver method may become unacceptable
by merely
changing the range of composition shown in the condensation. Where a curve lies wholly above or below
the abscissa in Fig. 6. no compensation
will occur,
and larger discrepancies will be realized.
There are considerations
which tend to make the
above errors somewhat less serious in practice. In
design, the coolant side resistance may be of comparable size to that of the gas side and a conservative

The Colburn and Silver methods of condenser design


Y, -


Fig. 7. The effect of Lewis number on Tg.

fouling factor may be allowed. The overall heat transfer coefficient may not, as a result, be strongly affected
by the gas side. Nevertheless, the discrepancies are
very significant, and the Colburn method is always
preferable in design.





In the equilibrium method it is assumed that the

gas remains saturated. Its temperature and composition will change along the dew line in Fig. 7, and
locally the condensation path, (dT,/dy^,&, will follow
the tangent at B. In the film method, however, the gas
temperature follows a path determined by the relative
rates at which heat and mass transfer occur across the
gas film. The description of this is provided by the
Colburn-Edison equation [14], written as,

dT,_ (Ts- Ts) rfLe2,3

$3, - (Plg-Yls) 5


tendency to subcool, but with Le < 1 a smaller tendency, as shown in Fig. 7.

These trends are summarized. The film methods
predict that during condensation
the saturated
vapours have an inherent tendency to subcool, even
at Le = 1 and low transfer rates, because the condensation path is directed along the chord at B,
defined by the interfacial tieline FG. This tendency is
increased at Le > 1, but decreased at Le < 1. At high
transfer rates the tendency with Lewis number is
increased. Only when Le is somewhat smaller than 1
is there a tendency to superheat, see Fig. 7. corresponding to the condensing path lying above the
tangent at B.
It is now possible to make a simple comparison of
the film and equilibrium methods, by comparison of
the effective gas side resistance, (Z/a,.), as predicted
by the two methods. This term may be expressed,
using the equation of downstream change of gas temperature,


The comparison is made for the same gas mixture,

fixed ni,&,,,.As suggested by McNaught, both methods
use the same heat transfer coefficient up. However,
the total heat flux, 4, usually differs because different
condensate temperatures are assumed. In the equilibrium approach the saturation temperature of the
gas is used, while with the film method it is the subcooled condensate temperature. Since the heat of subcooling is usually small, the difference is not important. Now it is apparent that both dy,,/dA and 4 are
proportional to A, and that equation (22) may be


where Le is the Lewis number (Sc/Pr). It is necessary

to understand the behaviour of the term


E (e@-1)

For small E and 4 (cO.l), the term lies within 5% of

unity. For larger E and 4, it varies weakly with Lewis
number and intensifies the effect of the Lewis number
in determining the condensation path.
The influence of each factor in equation (21) can
now be described. The first is considered in relation
to the tieline FG, which defines the interfacial conditions of temperature and composition, T,, frs and
_&, (Fig. 3). As the slope of chord BF it shows a
tendency of the gas temperature to follow chord BF,
in Fig. 7, and to become subcooled. The second factor,
<,/l, is neutral at low fluxes, but has a weak effect of
increasing the power of Lewis number above 2/3 at
high fluxes. The third factor shows the direct effect of
Lewis number. With Le > 1, the gas has an increased

Equations (23) and (24) explain the discrepancy
between the film and equilibrium methods for binary
mixtures. The effective gas side heat transfer
coefficients are in the ratio shown by the slopes of the
condensation paths in Fig. 7. This allows the relationship between the methods to be quantified.
When (dT,/dY& > (dTJdJ&
= (dT,ld.Y&, the
Silver method is unsafe compared with the film
method, as used in industrial design, showing a higher
gas film heat transfer coefficient. This is the usual case,
because, as seen in Fig. 7, a comparison is being made
between the chord and the tangent at B. When Le > 1,
the value of dT,/dj& is even greater and the Silver
method still less safe in design. Conversely at Le < 1,
the methods are in better agreement. If Le is small
enough the Silver method will become safe.





l..aviac0rrccti00 onv

Full New Corredion

Film Method


Tube Length (m)

Fig. 8. Comparisons wth experiment (benzene-nitrogen).

The features seen in Fig. 5 are now readily understood. It is the difference between the slopes of the
tangent and the chord in Fig. 7 and their appearance
in equation (24) that causes the approximate
to be unsafe at Lc = I. The Lewis number, through
the factor Lr. is responsible for the genera1 shape of
Fig. 5. The general variability is the effect of the flux
ratio 5,/f and liquid subcooling.
The role of an increased gas side temperature driving force is also clear, because it serves to increase the
slope of the chord BF in Fig. 7. It is also important
to recognize that the treatment
of the equilibrium
method here is differential. When the cooling curve is
calculated at discrete intervals the condensation
follows a chord in Fig. 7, improving the agreement
between film and equilibrium approaches.
The Silver approach is more commonly used in the
industrial design ofmulticomponent
condensers. With
unspecified mixtures. where only a cooling curve is
available, it must be used. Its advantage is that no
further vapour-liquid
needed, irrespective of geometry. It has been corrected
and improved by use of the more physically realistic
film model. but it is shown above that substantial
between the methods can occur. even
when all published correction
factors are included.
The success of the Silver method in industrial practice
must be ascribed to the fact that industrial design is
extremely conservative.




The experimental
verification of the present work
has been carried out by Fahrner [ 151, using the experimental data of Lehr [5]. Figs. 8 and 9. which are for
binary condensation
of benzene and toluene, respectively, from nitrogen. The comparisons
allow the
assessment of the relative predictions of the film and
equilibrium methods as described in this paper, and
the improvements
that are possible based on appli-

cation of equation (24). which provides a way of correcting the gas side heat transfer resistance to bring
the equilibrium method into closer agreement with the
film model.


The data are taken for downwards flow of vapour

and condensate
in a single. vertical tube of 0.04 m
and downstream
length of 5 m. with
of condensation
rate made at I m intervals. The wall temperature
is constant and in consequence the unreliability
of estimating
the gas-side
coefficient from an overall coefficient is eliminated.
The data are taken under conditions of low vapour
shear but this has been accounted for in the comparison. The equations of downstream change. which are
given for the film method in Webb [8] are integrated
by a fourth-order
(RK) method.
Figures 8 and 9 are plots of the ratio of the predicted
to experimental
rates as a function of
condenser length by a number of different methods for
the systems benzene-nitrogen
and tolueneenitrogen.
In both cases, the film method predicts the condensation
rate within 10P15%. which is typical of
the agreement found in the literature, Webb [8] and
McNaught [IO]. The largest discrepancy between the
methods is observed near the inlet. The equilibrium
method is about 40% unsafe for benzene-nitrogen
and 80% unsafe for toluene-nitrogen.
Overall. as
shown by the comparison of condensation
rates over
the full tube length of 5 m, the agreement is better and
the margins of unsafe design are halved. The overall
seen between the theory and data
reported in the present work are in good agreement
with the values reported by McNaught
[lo]. The
improved agreement of the overall condensation
is a consequence
of the variation of Lewis number
with composition.
As condensation
proceeds in these


The Colburn and Silver methods of condenser design

Film Method





Equilibrium Method





Tube Lengtb (m)

Fig. 9. Comparisons with experiment (toluene-nitrogen).

examples, the Lewis number falls from a value above

unity to a value below. The compensatory mechanism
described above, where the equilibrium method is
initially unsafe, but later safer relative to the film
method, leads to the observed improvement seen with
downstream length.
Application of the correction factor derived from
equation (25) brings about a marked improvement of
the equilibrium method. A limited and very simple
correction based on just the factor Lezi3 is applied
first, as shown in both Figs. 8 and 9. The discrepancy
between the equilibrium and film methods is halved
and the Lewis number is therefore responsible for
about 50% of the discrepancy. The full correction
factor shown in equation (25) is then applied. This
has the effect of bringing the equilibrium method into
very good agreement with the data. The final validation of the correction needs further work, but it
looks very promising in this preliminary comparison.
The correction factor given in equation (25) provides a self-consistent correction to the equilibrium
method because, as presented in this work, it does not
require a film mode1 solution to be carried out. The
interfacial temperature, T,, appropriate for the equilibrium method, follows from a knowledge of gas and
condensate side heat transfer coefficients and the corresponding compositions,
z?,~ and jr,,, are then
uniquely determined for binary mixtures. The factors
5, and 5 may then be estimated from the condensation
rate and the full correction factor follows. The procedure is iterative in that T, depends on the gas side
heat transfer coefficient.

(1) The relation between the equilibrium method

of Silver, Bell and Ghaly and the film method of
Colburn and co-workers is explained in a more complete way than in previous work, and some previous
misconceptions are corrected. The two methods are

not in agreement at a Lewis number of unity, but at a

value somewhat below, typically 0.60.8. At Le = 1
the equilibrium method is unsafe in predicting the gas
film heat transfer coefficient by up to 50%. As Lewis
number increases above unity the equilibrium method
is increasingly unsafe. The equilibrium
appears to be good in many assessments against experimental data, because of a compensatory mechanism
whereby variation of the Lewis number over the condensation range gives safe and unsafe predictions to
an almost equal extent, but good predictions on average. The factors which lead to large errors are Lewis
number very different from unity, large temperature
driving force and high condensation rates, and a narrow condensation range as in a partial condenser.
(2) The most commonly used industrial design
method has been shown to be very unsafe in many
cases of mixed vapour condensation, even when the
usual corrections for mass transfer are included. Since
industry has accepted the predictions it would imply
that many condensers are very over-surfaced. The
examples quoted in this work, based on Lehrs experimental data, show errors of 80% in the local heat
transfer coefficient and up to 40% in the overall
coefficient, but in design cooling, dirt and fouling
resistances would reduce this. The hypothetical cases
examined show errors up to 150%, safe and unsafe.
The conclusion reached here is derived from consideration of binary mixtures, but there is no reason
to suppose that the situation is different for multicomponent condensers.
(3) A new correction factor has been proposed that
brings the film and equilibrium methods into good
agreement. This method has ben shown to work for
binary mixtures where interfacial conditions are
defined by temperature alone.
Acknowledgements-The ERASMUS Programme and generous support from The British Council allowed the exchange
of students between UMIST and ITT. General support of



the Research Programme

has been by the EPSRC and the
following Companies,
Hick Hargreaves
and Company
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