(Grades 3-6) (Grades 4-6)

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Skills Index

Luscious Layered

A Landfill Is No


The Great

Gases Be Gone

Grade Range




Subjects Covered


Language Arts
Social Studies


Skills Used*



Problem Solving
Motor Skills

*See Glossary of Skills for more details.


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

What Is a Landfill?
A landfill is a large area of land or an excavated
site that is specifically designed and built to
receive wastes. Today, about 54 percent of our
countrys trash is disposed of in landfills (EPA,
2009). Items such as appliances, newspapers,
books, magazines, plastic containers, packag
ing, food scraps, yard trimmings, and other
wastes from residential, commercial, and some
industrial sources can be disposed of in munici
pal solid waste landfills. Municipal solid waste
landfills can also accept some types of haz
ardous waste, such as cleaning products, paint,
and chemicals, as well as some industrial wastes
from certain businesses. Many states and com
munities, however, promote the safe collection of
these hazardous wastes through local programs.
(See Are There Landfills for Hazardous Waste?
on page 166 for more information.)
In the past, garbage was collected in open
dumps. These uncovered and unlined sites
allowed leachate, a liquid formed by decompos
ing waste, to soak into the soil and ground water.

Cross Section of a Landfill

Final earth cover plus synthetic
liner and compacted clay

Key Points

Landfills are the most common form of

waste disposal and are an important

component of an integrated waste man

agement system.

Federal landfill regulations have eliminat

ed the open dumps of the past. Todays

landfills must meet stringent design,

operation, and closure requirements.

Landfills that handle hazardous wastes

are specially designed with two sets of

liners and two leachate detection systems.

After a landfill is capped, the land may

be used for recreation sites such as

parks, golf courses, and ski slopes.

Methane gas, a byproduct of decom

posing waste, can be collected and used

as fuel to generate electricity.

Open dumps also attracted rodents and insects,

emitted odors, and created fire hazards. Most of
these small and unsanitary dumps have been
replaced by large, modern facilities that are
designed, operated, and monitored according to
strict federal and state regulations. Todays land
fills eliminate the harmful and undesirable
characteristics of dumps to help protect public
health and the environment.

Compacted solid waste

Daily earth cover
Compacted solid waste
Daily earth cover
Compacted solid waste
Daily earth cover
Compacted solid waste
Leachate collection
and removal system
Protective liner
Compacted soil (clay)

The Quest for Less

In addition to being safer for the environment

and neighboring communities, these larger land
fills hold more trash than the dumps of the past.
In 2008 about 1,800 municipal solid waste
landfills were operating in the United States (EPA,
2009). While this number is significantly smaller
than the number of landfills 25 years ago, new
landfillsoften called megafills due to their
sizecan accommodate significantly more
garbage. This greater capacity is necessary to
keep up with the steady growth of municipal
solid waste.

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Are There Landfills for Hazardous Waste?

In 2001, more than 1 million tons of hazardous waste was dis
posed of in landfills or surface impoundments. Hazardous waste
is toxic, ignitable, corrosive, or reactive, or generated from cer
tain industries or manufacturing processes. When it comes to
disposing of hazardous waste in landfills, EPA takes additional
steps to ensure environmental safety and human health.
While landfills that accept solid waste have a clay and plastic
liner and a leachate system to prevent leakage, landfill owners
that accept hazardous waste must take extra precautions. For
example, a hazardous waste landfill must have two sets of lin
ers, one consisting of a special plastic, and the other composed
of both plastic and a thick layer of soil material. In addition, a
landfill accepting hazardous waste must have two leachate
detection systems instead of just one.
Before hazardous waste even reaches a landfill, however, it
must be treated differently than solid waste. If hazardous waste
is bound for disposal in a landfill, it is regulated under EPA's
Land Disposal Restrictions program. Through this program, haz
ardous waste must undergo treatment that will destroy or
immobilize its hazardous components before it is sent to a land
fill. For example, when a business generates hazardous waste, it
must either treat that waste itself, or send it to a special facility
for treatment, before sending the waste to a landfill.

How Does a Landfill Work?

A typical modern landfill is lined with a layer of
clay and protective plastic to prevent the waste
and leachate from leaking into the ground or
ground water. The lined unit is then divided into
disposal cells. Only one cell is open at a time to
receive waste. After a days activity, the garbage is
compacted and covered with a layer of soil to
minimize odor, pests, and wind disturbances. A
network of drains at the bottom of the landfill
collects the leachate that flows through the
decomposing waste. The leachate is sent to a
leachate recovery facility to be treated. Methane
gas, carbon dioxide, and other gases produced
by the decomposing waste are monitored and
collected to reduce their effects on air quality.

be lined and have a leachate col

lection system. In addition, landfill
owners must monitor and collect
explosive gases; regularly test
nearby ground water; and com
pact and cover waste with a layer
of soil on a daily basis.
In addition to federal regulations,
each state has its own landfill
requirements, which are often more
stringent than the federal laws.
Many states require landfill opera
tors to obtain a license and present
a plan for how the site will be safe
ly closed, even though the closing
date might be 50 years in the
future. Furthermore, federal law
requires landfill owners to set aside
the money to close the landfill
properly and support ongoing
monitoring activities. Once a land
fill is capped (closed), the operator
must monitor the site for gas and
leachate for a minimum of 30
years after the closing date.

What Are the Benefits of

In addition to providing a cost-effective, safe
method to dispose of ever-increasing amounts
of trash, landfills often provide other services to
the community. For example, some landfills col
lect methane, a gas created by decomposing

Landfills are regulated by federal and state laws.

The federal laws dictate where landfills can be
located, such as away from unstable land prone
to earthquakes or flooding, and require them to


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

Landfill Facts
The first garbage dump was created in 500 BC by the ancient Greeks in Athens. Residents were
required to take their trash at least 1 mile away from the city walls to dump.
Paper takes up as much as 50 percent of all landfill space. Recycling 1 ton of newspapers would
save 3 cubic feet of that space.
In a study of waste buried for more than 15 years, Professor William Rathje of the University of
Arizona found legible newspapers and chicken bones with meat still on them, proving that waste
does not decompose completely in a landfill.
(Sources: The League of Women Voters Garbage Primer, 1993; Rubbish! The Archaeology of Garbage by William
Rathje, 1990; Anchorage Recycling Center, 2000)

garbage that can contribute to global climate

change, and convert it into an energy source. In
addition, after a landfill is capped and a certain
amount of time has passed, the land might be
reused for parks, ski slopes, golf courses, and
other recreation areas.

What Are the Challenges of

Though regulations have made landfills safer to
the public and the environment, public opposi
tion, high land prices, and environmental
concerns can make it difficult to find suitable
places for new landfills.
Landfills can pose other problems if not properly
designed or managed. If a liner leaks, for exam
ple, the underlying soil and ground water can
become contaminated. Additionally, since land
fills are often located in remote areas, waste
must be hauled long distances, which might
result in environmental impacts from increased
truck traffic (e.g., air pollution) and noise from

Putting Landfill Gas to Use

1 million tons of waste within a landfill cre
ates 550,00 cubic feet per day of landfill
gas, or one megawatt of electricity. That is
enough to power 700 homes for a year.
Removing that much methane gas from the
atmosphere is equal to taking 8,800 cars off
the road for a year.
(Source: EPAs Landfill Methane Outreach
Program, www.epa.gov/lmop/publications-tools/)

The Quest for Less

truck traffic and the use of equipment onsite.

Additionally, landfills often compete for local
garbage within a given municipality.
Competition can lead to reduced support for
recycling and other waste reduction programs.
Issues also might arise if a landfill is located
close to a community. Many people do not want
landfills near their homes. The NIMBY (Not in
My Backyard) attitude can make finding a land
fill site very challenging.

What Are Some Emerging Trends?

Increased waste generation requires landfill
operators and managers to constantly evaluate
and improve current disposal methods. One
strategy to speed the rate of decomposition of
landfill waste is to recirculate the collected
leachate by pouring it over the cells and allow
ing it to filter through the rotting garbage.
Another trend that is becoming common for
landfill operators is collecting methane gas from
the landfill and using it as the energy source to
power the landfill or selling it to a local utility
provider, company, or even greenhouses. This
process allows landfills to reduce their depend
ence on precious fossil fuels and save money.
A new trend that is gaining attention is landfill
reclamation, in which old cells are excavated to
recover recyclable items. This process, in which
recovered recyclables, soil, and waste can be
sold, reused, or burned as fuel, is a new
approach used to expand landfill capacity and
avoid the cost of acquiring additional land.

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Additional Information Resources:

Visit the following Web sites for more information on municipal solid waste landfills:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): <www.epa.gov>
U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery site on disposal:
U.S. EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program: <www.epa.gov/lmop>
National Solid Waste Management Association: <www.environmentalistseveryday.org/>
Solid Waste Association of North America: <www.swana.org>
For more information on the disposal of hazardous waste in landfills, visit:
U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery site on Land Disposal:
U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery site on RCRA Hotline Training Modules
(hazardous waste land disposal units): <www.epa.gov/epawaste/inforesources/
To order the following additional documents on municipal solid waste, call EPA toll-free at (800)
490-3198 (TDD 800 553-7672) or look on the EPA Web site <www.epa.gov/epawaste/


Sites for Our Solid Waste: A Guidebook for Public Involvement (EPA530-SW-90-019).
Safer Disposal of Solid Waste: The Federal Regulations for Landfills (EPA530-SW-91-092)
Decision-Makers Guide to Solid Waste Management, Volume II (EPA530-R-95-023)
A Collection of Solid Waste Resources on CD-ROM

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

What Is Combustion?
Recycling, composting, and source reduction are
vital activities for effective solid waste manage
ment, but 100 percent of peoples trash cannot
be handled by these methods. The remaining
waste must be deposited in landfills or combust
ed (burned). Because of limited space, landfills
are not always a viable option in many cities,
making combustors (commonly referred to as
incinerators) an important part of a communitys
integrated waste management system. Burning
garbage can decrease the volume of waste
requiring disposal by 70 to 90 percent.
Before the late 1970s, many people burned
garbage in their backyards and in simple private
and municipal combustors. These methods did
not burn garbage completely, however, and
allowed pollutants
to escape into the
atmosphere. With
the passing of the
Clean Air Act, com
bustor owners had
to develop more
effective methods of
pollution control.
Todays municipal
waste combustors

Key Points

Municipal waste combustors burn waste

at high temperatures to reduce its volume.

Municipal waste combustors reduce the

volume of garbage by 70 to 90 percent.

Ash is a byproduct of combustion that

must be disposed of in landfills or


Air pollution control equipment helps

reduce air emissions.

The heat produced by burning waste in

municipal waste combustors can be

recovered as useful energy.

Specially designed incinerators can be

used as a means of handling hazardous

waste. The burning process reduces

the toxicity of organic compounds in

the waste.

release significantly less pollutants into the air

than the backyard burners and simple com
bustors. More than 100 municipal waste
combustor plants currently exist nationwide, and
nearly 20 percent of the municipal solid waste
generated in the United States is combusted.

Facts about Municipal Waste

Fire in the boiler of a combustor is often as hot as flow
ing lava (between 1,800 and 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit).
In 1874, a new technology called the destructor
provided the first combustor of municipal garbage in
The first garbage incinerator in the United States was
built on Governors Island, New York, in 1885.
(Sources: Integrated Waste Services Association, 2000; Rubbish! The
Archaeology of Garbage by William Rathje, 1990)

The Quest for Less

How Do Municipal Waste

Combustors Work?
Municipal waste combustors dispose
of trash by burning it at high temper
atures. Not all municipal waste
combustors are designed alike, but
they function in a similar manner.
Typically, a facility collects waste in a
garbage receiving area or pit, where
the garbage is mixed by a crane. The
crane operator looks for large items
that are not suitable for combustion

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


How Typical Combustion Facilities Work


Tipping area for trucks

Refuse pit
Refuse crane
Hopper, which sends waste to

combustion zone
5. Primary combustion zone
6. Underfire air
7. Furnace

Hazardous Waste Combustion

In addition to combustion facilities that accept
municipal (nonhazardous) waste, specially
designed incinerators, boilers, and industrial
furnaces, can burn hazardous waste.
Hazardous waste, which is toxic, ignitable,
corrosive, or reactive, can be produced by
businesses or manufacturing operations.
Combustion has some key advantages as a
means of managing hazardous waste. First,
burning hazardous waste reduces the volume
of waste by converting solids and liquids to
ash. Second, the burning process destroys
toxic organic compounds in waste. Third, dis
posal of the ash in a landfill is safer and more
efficient than disposal of untreated hazardous
waste. The ash generated from hazardous
waste combustion must be tested and, if found
to be hazardous, must be treated for remain
ing toxicity before it is disposed of in a landfill.


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

8. Heat exchanger
9. Turbine
10. Scrubber, to remove acid

11. Fly ash and dust collector

12. Stack
13. Bottom ash and fly ash
collection and transport

(e.g., batteries and refrigerators) and removes

them from the pit. The crane operator also uses
the crane to lift piles of garbage into a large
chute. From the chute, garbage falls into a com
bustion chamber or furnace and then moves
along a series of sloping grates that work like
conveyer belts. The garbage is burned as it
moves forward.
After garbage is burned, some matter remains in
the form of ash. There are two types of ash: bot
tom ash and fly ash. Bottom ash is the heavier,
nonburnable material, such as glass and metal,
that falls through the grate after burning. Large
pieces of metal accumulate in this ash and are
extracted from the ash with magnets. Bottom ash
accounts for about 75 to 90 percent of ash pro
duced by incinerators. Fly ash includes lighter
particles that rise with hot gases as the garbage
is burned and are captured by air pollution con
trol equipment in the stacks. All ash generated
by combustion facilities must be tested to deter
mine if it is hazardous. If it is hazardous, the ash
is subject to special hazardous waste disposal
regulations. If the ash is nonhazardous, it may

The Quest for Less

be deposited in landfills specially designed to

store it. Currently, studies are under way to inves
tigate ways to reuse ash; for example, to replace
soil as a landfill cover (generally applied at the
end of each day to minimize odor, pests, and
wind disturbances). Ash might also be used in
road and building construction and as part of
artificial offshore reefs. Whether the leftover ash
is recycled or landfilled, it takes up much less
space than the same materials in their original

What Are the Benefits of

Municipal Waste Combustors?
Most municipal waste incinerators in the United
States generate energy in the form of electricity
because certain materials, such as paper, plas
tics, wood, and packaging, make excellent
fuels. Producing this energy has about the same
environmental impact as energy produced from
natural gas and less of an environmental impact
than energy produced from oil or coal. In other
words, generating energy from municipal waste
combustors contributes no more pollutionand
sometimes lessthan processes generating
electricity using natural gas, oil, or coal. Waste
to-energy plants
also reduce the
need to generate
electricity from non
renewable natural
resources such as
oil and coal.

The Quest for Less

What Are the Challenges of

Municipal Waste Combustors?
Although technologies to control pollution have
improved significantly, burning certain materials
still produces chemicals that contribute to air
pollution. To minimize emissions of air pollutants
into the atmosphere, municipal waste incinera
tors use special equipment (e.g., scrubbers and
dust collectors) to remove pollutants. To protect
air quality and monitor the hazardous con
stituents in ash, EPA established regulations that
apply to all large municipal solid waste units
(those with the capacity to burn more than 250
tons of garbage per day). The regulations signif
icantly reduce toxic air emissions such as dioxin,
acid gas, lead, cadmium, and mercury.
Many people do not want incineration sites near
their homes. The NIMBY (Not In My Back
Yard) attitude makes finding appropriate sites
for municipal waste combustors a challenge for
many municipalities. There are, however, oppor
tunities for the public to participate in deciding
where a combustor will be located. Officials
must hold a public meeting to inform the com
munity about the size of the proposed
combustor, as well as the amount of waste gen
eration and ash to be discarded.

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Additional Information Resources:

Visit the following Web sites for more information on municipal and hazardous waste combustion and
solid waste:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): <www.epa.gov>
U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery site on combustion:
Integrated Waste Services Association: <www.wte.org>
Solid Waste Association of North America: <www.swana.org>
To order the following additional documents on combustion and solid waste, call EPA toll-free at
(800) 490-9198 or look on the EPA Web site <www.epa.gov/epawaste/inforesources/pubs>.
Decision-Makers Guide to Solid Waste Management, Volume II (EPA530-R-95-023).
Sites for our Solid Waste: A Guidebook for Public Involvement (EPA530-SW-90-019)
A Collection of Solid Waste Resources on CD-ROM (EPA530-C-98-001)


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

Grades 1-4

Luscious Layered Landfill


To teach students how a modern landfill functions (that

is, how its many layers contain garbage and prevent
leakage into soil or ground water).

Students will construct edible models of a landfill to

learn about its different layers and their functions.

One 8-ounce pliable clear plastic cup per student

Five chocolate sandwich cookies per student
One 8-ounce box of raisins
One fruit rollup per student
Two graham crackers per student
Two red licorice sticks per student
One package of birthday candles
One set of matches
One scoop of chocolate ice cream (or pudding)
per student
Two tablespoons of whipped cream per student
One plastic knife per student
One plastic fork per student
One handful (per student) of a variety of small chewable
candies (e.g, chocolate, peanut butter, fruit)
One copy of Anatomy of a Landfill handout per student

Clay liner
Plastic liner
Leachate collection pipes


1 hour

Motor skills

Step 2: Distribute a cup and five chocolate

Step 1: Refer to the Teacher Fact Sheet
titled Landfills on page 165 for background
information. Explain the purpose of a landfill
to students and explain that they will construct
their own model landfills in class. Copy and
distribute the Anatomy of a Landfill handout.
Using the handout, go over each layers
name and function with students.

The Quest for Less

sandwich cookies to each student. Explain that

the cup represents an excavated hole in the

Step 3: Have students carefully unscrew

two of their cookies so that one half has white
cream and the other is bare. Students should
have two cookie halves with white cream and
two cookie halves without cream. Crush the
bare cookie halves into small pieces and put

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Step 9: Ask students to sprinkle the candies on

Ask students to list some common
items that they throw away. What
do they think people threw away
100 years ago? Ask them to predict
what we will throw away in the
future. What would they expect to
find in a landfill in another country
(pick a country)? Ask students to
compare these answers with the
United States.
them into the cup. Explain that the crushed
cookies represent a layer of soil that is placed in
the bottom of real landfills.

Step 4: Next, have the students take the

cookie halves with white cream and break them
up into two or three pieces. Direct students to
place the pieces in the cup with the white cream
face up. These pieces represent a layer of clay
that is put on top of the soil in real landfills.

Step 5: Have students use the plastic knife to

cut their fruit rollups to roughly fit the size of the
top of cup and slide them into place (will push up
on sides) on top of the cookies to represent a
plastic liner. Plastic liners prevent leachate from
escaping from a landfill into the ground. Leachate
is liquid created when trash decomposes.

Step 6: Have students crush and add their

graham crackers to represent a sand layer. This
layer is used to prevent liquids in landfills from
seeping out.

Step 7: Have students place raisins on top to

represent a layer of pebbles. Like the sand layer,
pebbles provide further protection against
leachate leaks.

Step 8: Have students rip the licorice sticks in

half and bite off both ends to represent leachate
pipes. Stick pipes into pebble layer. These pipes col
lect any leachate that collects on top of the liners.


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

top of the raisins. The candies represent pieces of

garbage. Ask students to think about what hap
pens when a landfill or cup is filled up with
trash or candies? How can they reduce the
amount of trash that they send to the landfill?
(Refer to the Teacher Fact Sheet titled Recycling
on page 101 for background information.)

Step 10: Give each student a scoop of ice

cream on top of the candies. Then, have the stu
dents add one more layer of candies on top of
the ice cream. The ice cream layer represents the
seepage created from rain seeping through the
garbage. Explain that in a real landfill, more lay
ers of garbage or candies are placed on the
landfill each day, so that liquid from the decom
position of the trash is continually created.

Step 11: Direct students to unscrew their

two remaining cookies and crush another layer
of the bare cookie halves, without the cream,
on top of the candies and ice cream to repre
sent soil again. (Students can eat the other
cream-covered cookie halves.) This layer
reduces the amount of rain water that reaches
the garbage.

Step 12: Each student should use a layer of

whipped cream to cap the landfill or cover it
(as would a plastic cap) in order to prevent
odor, insect, and rodent problems.

Step 13: In front of the class, stick a candle

deep into your own edible landfill and light it.
Explain that the candle represents the methane
gas recovery system, which draws methane gas
from the decomposing garbage. The flame rep
resents energy that can be generated by burning
the captured methane gas.

Step 14: Have students eat their landfills as a

snack. When they get to the bottom of their cup,
ask students to notice whether their cookie or
soil layer is dry, or whether the ice cream or
leachate leaked past the many layers and the
fruit roll-up liner to soak the cookies. Remind
students that if they built their landfill correctly,
their cookies will be dry, just as in a real landfill
the soil remains protected from leachate.

The Quest for Less

1. After enjoying the luscious layered landfill as

a snack, ask the students if they remember
the purpose of all the different parts, such as
the fruit roll-up, the licorice, the cookies, and
your candle.

1. Contact a landfill in your community and

take a tour. Ask to hear about all the differ
ent parts of the landfill. If your landfill
recovers methane for energy, ask for a tour
of the plant.
2. Have students conduct a survey of friends
and family asking them where their garbage
goes. Have them record peoples responses
and determine whether they are well
informed. In class, discuss the survey results.

The Quest for Less

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Anatomy of a Landfill


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

Grades 3-6

A Landfill Is No Dump!


To teach students where garbage goes and explain the

difference between unlined trash dumps of the past
and todays specially designed landfills.

Municipal solid waste


Students will construct models of an old-fashioned

dump and a modern landfill in class and observe their

Two plastic colanders (9 inches wide by 4 inches deep)

Two cake pans (9 inches)
One 10-pound bag of garden soil
One 32-ounce bottle of distilled water
Small pieces of typical home-generated garbage
(see below)
One package of modeling clay
One roll of colored (red) crepe paper
Clear tape
One measuring cup
One pair of scissors
One package or roll of litmus (pH) paper
One copy of the Landfill Log worksheet for each student

Landfill creation: 1 hour

Observation over 4
weeks: 15 to 20 minutes
each week

Problem solving

Trash generation and disposal.

Step 1: Photocopy and distribute Landfill

Log worksheets to each student. Bring in some
small pieces of garbage from your home,
such as potato peels, apple cores, newspaper,
and plastic yogurt containers. Introduce the
following topics or concepts (refer to the
Teacher Fact Sheets titled Solid Waste on page
47 and Landfills on page 165 for background

The Quest for Less

How trash has been disposed of in the past

and how it is disposed of now.
Explain, in general terms, how a landfill
Define each of the key vocabulary words
used in the lesson.

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Ask students to write a haiku

or sonnet about where their
garbage goes.

Step 2: Begin the exercise by asking a

student volunteer to line one colander with flat
tened modeling clay, patting it out flat like a pie
crust. Explain that this represents the liner of a
sanitary, modern landfill. Do not line the second
colander. Note that it represents an old-fash
ioned, unsanitary dump.

Step 3: Have several students cut the differ

ent garbage items you brought in from home
into small pieces, about 2 inches square.

Step 4: Have a few student volunteers place

this trash and the garden soil in the colanders in
alternate layers until the colanders are full. For
each layer, add 1 inch of garbage covered by
1/4 inch of dirt. Add several strips of red crepe
paper as one layer toward the bottom of the
colanders and cover them with more dirt. (The
red crepe paper will emphasize the seepage of
water through the unlined dump.)

Step 5: Place cake pans under the colanders

to collect the seepage.

Step 7: After every rain session, have the

students use a measuring cup to measure the
water that leaked out of the unlined colander.
Have students observe and record the waters
color and turbidity. Ask for volunteers to test the
pH of the collected water with litmus paper. Ask
students to record results and observations in
their Landfill Logs. For comparison purposes,
have students test and record the pH of the
distilled water.
Step 8: Next, have student volunteers put the
dirty water from the unlined colander in a
plastic cup. Fill another plastic cup with distilled
Step 9: Ask students to pretend that the dirty
water or leachate had escaped an unlined
landfill and reached surrounding plants and ani
mals. Ask them what effect they think the liquid
would have on animal or plant life. Ask students
to predict how a piece of celery (representing a
plant) would react to the leachate or dirty
Step 10: Insert two pieces of celeryone
into the leachate cup and one into the distilled
water cup. Point out to students how the celery
stalk absorbs all of the color from the crepe
paper, or dirt and toxins, of the leachate. Have
students record observations about the process
and the differences between the two pieces of

Step 6: Have students simulate rain on the

landfills by pouring 1 cup of water onto each
colander twice a week for 4 weeks. Ask students
to observe the changes that take place. Pay par
ticular attention to any water that collects in the
cake pans. The unlined colanders seepage
should be observable and colored by the crepe
paper. The lined colander should not leak.


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

1. Ask students to explain the differences

between the mini-landfills.
2. Ask students to refer to their Landfill Logs.
How did the color, turbidity, and pH of the
leachate and the distilled water differ? Why?
3. Have students describe how an unlined land
fill or dump can pollute ground water and
surrounding soil.
4. Ask students to decide which landfill is better
for the environment and why. Which kind of
disposal facility would they rather have in
their neighborhood?
5. Ask students to define the key vocabulary
words of this lesson. Conduct a spelling bee
using these words.

The Quest for Less

1. Take a field trip to a local landfill. Have kids

tour the facility and learn firsthand how it
operates. When you return, have students
write a paragraph about their visit, including
five new facts about landfills that they
2. Contact your state solid waste or environ
mental agency to find out how many landfills
are in your state. If one is located near you,
ask how many tons of trash it accepts per
day or per year and its lifetime maximum
capacity. Have students use data obtained
from the agency to calculate how quickly the
landfill is filling up. Have students make
graphs to show how much longer it can
accept garbage at its current rate.

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion



Landfill Log



Week 1
Rain 1
Rain 2

Amount of

pH of Leachate

pH of
Distilled Water

Color of Leachate
brown and red

Turbidity of

Celery in
Celery in Leachate Distilled Water

murky and filled

with particles

Week 2
Rain 1
Rain 2
Week 3
Rain 1
Rain 2
Week 4
Rain 1
Rain 2


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

Grades 4-6

Energy Expedition


To introduce students to the concept of energy and

teach them about its connection to trash.




Students will complete the Energy Expedition worksheet

individually or in pairs.
1 hour

One photocopy of the Energy Expedition worksheet

per student
One pencil or pen per student

Problem solving

the Teacher Fact Sheets titled Landfills on

page 165 and Combustion on page 169 for
background information.

Step 1: Distribute one copy of the Energy

Expedition worksheet to each student.
Introduce the concept of energywhat it is,
what its used for, and where it comes from.
Next, discuss the link between energy and
trash; explain how we can capture methane
gas from landfills to burn as energy for the
community or local businesses. In addition,
discuss how we can capture energy by burn
ing our trash in combustion facilities. Refer to

The Quest for Less

Step 2: Depending on student ability levels,

use the Teacher Answer Key to go over the key
vocabulary of this activity in advance, dis
cussing each word and its meaning with the
class. This will help them correctly complete
the written activity later.
Step 3: Direct students to complete the
Energy Expedition worksheet, working either
individually or in pairs.

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Have students keep an energy diary

for one week. Ask them to record
every time they use energy in a day
(for example, turning on lights, using
a car or bus). Where could they
have saved energy (for example, rid
ing a bike instead of using a car)?

1. Collect the Energy Expedition worksheets

and assess students work.

2. Ask students to list at least four different

sources of energy.

1. Visit a waste-to-energy facility as a field trip.

Have students write summaries that explain
how the facility works.
2. Divide the class into groups and assign them
each an energy concept (such as those intro
duced in the Energy Expedition worksheet.)
Ask each group to conduct research on their
topic and prepare a presentation to teach the
class about their findings.
3. Conduct a spelling bee using the energy
words featured on the Energy Expedition

1. A type of energy. The word describes something thats possible,
but not certain. potential
4. The process of burning a material or substance. Its another word
for incineration, and its letters might bust!

6. A liquid that we can control and direct to generate energy. You might
drink it or swim in it. water

7. A substance that is neither liquid, nor solid, but can be removed

from the Earth and used to generate power. gas







8. A hard, black substance that we burn for fuel.


10. A word describing energy from the sun. It rhymes with

polar. solar



2. Its another word for unwanted material that you throw out into a
container every day. You might set it out on the curb or throw it in a
dumpster. trash
3. The hard rock-like remains of prehistoric animal and plant life, such as
dinosaurs, which we sometimes discover in the Earths crust. fossil
5. A natural gas that is generated by garbage decomposing in a landfill.
Live animals can produce this gas as well...such as a cow burping!
The word ends in ane, but its not propane. methane
9. The liquid that we pump from the Earths surface to burn for fuel.
This work also applies to a product we often use in cooking. oil


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

Welcome Energy
Youre about to set out on a mis
sion to investigate ENERGY, including
its uses, sources, and connection to
our trash. If you accomplish your mis
sion, youll be promoted to an Energy
Expertand youll be able to help your
family and friends understand how
important energy is to them and their
way of life. This mission is not easy,
however, and it will take all of your
concentration and effort to crack


Good luck!
Directions: Your first task is to complete the Energy
Crossword Puzzle below using the clues provided.
Once you have filled in the crossword puzzle, youll
have a list of ten important energy vocabulary words.

1. A type of energy. The word describes something thats

possible, but not certain.
4. The process of burning a material or substance. Its another
word for incineration, and its letters might bust!
6. A liquid that we can control and direct to generate
energy. You might drink it or swim in it.
7. A substance that is neither liquid, nor solid, but can be
removed from the Earth and used to generate power.
8. A hard, black substance that we burn for fuel.
10. A word describing energy from the sun. It rhymes with

2. Its another word for unwanted material that you throw
out into a container every day. You might set it out on
the curb or throw it in a dumpster.
3. The hard rock-like remains of prehistoric animal and
plant life, such as dinosaurs, which we sometimes dis
cover in the Earths crust.
5. A natural gas that is generated by garbage decomposing
in a landfill. Live animals can produce this gas as
well...such as a cow burping! The word ends in ane, but
its not propane.
9. The liquid that we pump from the Earths surface to
burn for fuel. This word also applies to a product we
often use in cooking.

The Quest for Less

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Energy Story
Directions: Great job! Youve now learned ten
important energy vocabulary words! Read the story
below to learn more about energy and become an
Energy Expert. You must determine which of your ten
vocabulary words goes in each blank. Remember,
some words will be used more than once. After you
have filled in all of the blanks, youll have success
fully completed your energy mission!

What is ENERGY?
Energy is one of the most important parts of our worldit
makes things happen. Energy means the ability to do
work. Did you know that you use energy every day?
Every time you flip a light switch on; use hot water; or ride in a
car, bus, train, or plane, you are using energy. Each time you

watch TV or use a computer, you are using energy. All of the clothes that you wear, toys you play with,

and food you eat are products made from processes that require energy.

There are two different types of energy:

Energy that is stored is called __________ energy.

Energy that is moving is called kinetic energy.

Let your pencil rest on your desk. Right now, if its not moving, your pencil has________(same as pre
vious blank) energy. Now, tap it lightly so that it rolls across your desk. Since its moving, the pencil
now has kinetic energy.

Where does ENERGY come from?

There are many different sources of energy on Earth and there are many different ways that we can
tap into those sources and make the energy work for uscreating power, electricity, and heat.
One source of energy upon which we rely heavily are__________ fuels. How were these fuels
formed? Millions of years ago, ancient plants absorbed the energy from the sun and converted it
into more plants. Ancient animals, like dinosaurs, ate the plants and converted the plants energy
into body mass. When the animals and dinosaurs died, their remains collected in the ground, and,
over millions of years, decomposed into a source of fuel.
What are some__________ (same as previous blank) fuels? Coal, oil, and natural gas are three
important fuels that are derived from the Earth and the stored energy of organic remains.
_________ started out as a spongy, brown material called peat, which consists of the decomposed
organic matter of ancient animals and plants. Geologic forces buried the peat deep under the Earths
surface, where it was further packed down by heat and pressure. The compressed peat was eventually
converted to__________(same as previous blank).
We burn__________ (same as previous blank) to heat our homes and run electrical machinery. About 20
percent of the energy we use comes from ________(same as previous blank).
__________ is formed deep within the Earths surface in rocks that are fine-grained and rich in the
organic remains of once-living animals. The oldest__________(same as previous blank) -bearing
rocks date back more than 600 million years. __________ (same as previous blank) is burned to
fuel vehicles and heat homes. About 45 percent of the energy we use comes from
__________(same as previous blank).

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less

Natural _____ is a colorless, odorless fuel produced by drilling into the Earths crust where it was
trapped hundreds of thousands of years ago. Once it is brought to the surface, it is refined and
purified to remove water, other gases, and sand. Next, its transported through large metal
pipelines that span the continent. Natural ______ (same as previous blank) is used for heating,
cooling, and the production of electricity.

How is ENERGY connected to trash?

While these sources of energy continue to serve us well, they are known as nonrenewable resources
that will eventually be used up. Once we use all of our supplies, we will have to depend on new
sources of energy. Were already looking for new energy sources so that we can conserve those that
come from within the Earth. Thats where_______ comes in. Did you know that you can get energy
from _________(same as previous blank)? There are two ways that we can use our_______ (same as
previous blank) to make energy.
In one method,________(same as previous blank) is taken to a waste-to-energy facility. These facilities
burn the ________ (same as previous blank) during a process called________________. This process
generates heat that can be converted to fuel and electricity. Waste-to-energy facilities take a large
amount of trash and make it smaller by burning it. This reduces the amount of trash that piles up in
our landfills, which is better for the environment.
A second way for us to use trash for energy involves the garbage that we dispose of in landfills. As
this trash decomposes, it produces ___________ gas. Too often, this valuable source of energy is
not used. Now, however, over 150 landfills in the United States are using the gas, captured by a
special pipe system set up in the landfill, to generate electricity; provide fuel for factories, schools,
and other facilities; and to produce natural gas for general distribution.

Are there any other sources of ENERGY?

In addition to using the energy we generate from our garbage, there are other ways we can harness
the renewable energy sources that surround us. Here are two other important energy sources that we
are just beginning to use in place of fossil fuels.
The light that comes to the Earth from the sun is pure energy. Nearly all other sources of energy origi
nally got their energy from the sun. Organic matter, like plants, convert __________ energy into
leaves, flowers, and fruits. We can also use energy from the sun to heat our homes and buildings with
special __________ (same as previous blank) panels that capture and convert the light into energy.
Hydroelectric power is generated by harnessing __________. When __________ (same as previous
blank) falls or runs downhill, it can be used to run turbines or large water wheels at mills and facto
ries, which generate electricity.

Now you understand how our trash can help us generate power and electricity.

In addition, youve learned all about our use of energy on this planet and the many

different sources we can turn to for energy use in the future.

The Quest for Less

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Grades 5-8

The Great Disposal Debate


To teach students about some of the environmental,

social, and economic issues surrounding modern
landfills, incinerators, and other forms of waste man

Greenhouse gases
Ground water



Students will research and debate the pros and cons of

using landfills for waste disposal and energy genera
tion, and then compare with other forms of waste
disposal and energy generation.

Index or note cards for each student

Internet, library, encyclopedia, or other access to
research resources
Background information from Teacher Fact Sheets and
other resources listed below

Day 1: 1 hour
Day 2: 1 hour

Problem solving

Step 2: Once the students understand the

above concepts, divide the class into two
groups: Pros and Cons.
Day 1

Step 1: Introduce the concept of the mod

ern landfill and explain some of the
advantages and disadvantages to this form of
waste disposal. (Refer to the Teacher Fact
Sheets titled Landfills on page 165,
Combustion on page 169, Solid Waste on
page 47, and Hazardous Waste on page 51
for background information. Teachers may
also choose to use the History Channels
video, Modern Marvels: Garbage, which pro
vides information on sanitary landfills and the
history of garbage; contact (800) 941-4007
or <http://www.history.com/> for more infor

The Quest for Less

Step 3: As a homework assignment or an

in-class teacher-led group activity, have stu
dents conduct research and come up with at
least three points or arguments defending their
side of the debate (i.e., pros or cons associat
ed with landfills). Encourage students to use
the school library, Internet, or other resources,
such as contacting the regional solid waste
agency or local recycling coordinator. Teachers
may also choose to provide students with
Enviroscapes Landfill Model, which compares
old garbage dumps to modern sanitary land
fills. For more information, email
<info@enviroscapes.com> or visit
Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Ask students to think about the

advantages and disadvantages
associated with landfills. Which
one issue is most important to
them? Why?

Day 2

1. Ask the students to discuss/explain whether

or not they would want a landfill in their
community. Why or why not?
2. How does the debate change if the landfill is
used for electricity generation? Does this
benefit outweigh some of the negatives?
Does this change the students opinions/
perceptions of landfills?

Step 1: On day two, have the two sides

regroup to discuss what they discovered through
their research. Give each group 15 to 20 min
utes to work together and prepare their side of
the debate on either the pros or cons of land
fills. During that time, ask the students to
combine their note cards and assemble them in
order of importance for easy reference during
the debate. Instruct students to pick four class
mates to represent the group as the debaters.

Step 2: Explain that each team will get 5

minutes to present their side of the debate.
During that time, any of the four designated
debaters for that team can speak, but they must
take turns. After one side presents, the other
team has 5 minutes to present their points.

2. Have each student group research how

garbage was disposed of in Medieval times,
the 1800s, and early 1900s. How does this
compare to todays disposal methods? Have
one group of students research how garbage
is disposed of today in countries other than
the United States. Ask the students how they
think garbage may be handled in the future.

Step 3: After the formal debate is over, allow

each team to respond to one or more of the
issues raised by the other group. The teacher
may choose to serve as a moderator during this
question and answer session.

3. Take a field trip to a local landfill to tour the

facility and learn how it works. When you
return, have the students write a paragraph
on their visit, including five new facts.

Step 4: At the end of the debate ask the stu

dents if they were persuaded by either side and


1. Have students create a survey and conduct

interviews with family members or friends to
determine how other people feel about land
fills. Compile, analyze, and discuss the
results of the surveys in class. Make graphs
or charts based on these results.

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

4. Explore the issues of greenhouse gases and

global climate change in more depth. Use
the example of capturing methane from
landfills for energy as one way to help
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ask the
students to think of other ways we might
reduce greenhouse gases. Examples include
using less electricity, creating less garbage
(see section on Source Reduction), improving
technologies to cleanup power plants emis
sions, and planting trees. (See EPAs Web site
on methane, <www.epa.gov/methane/
index.html>, and climate change,
<www.epa.gov/climatechange>, for
reference information.)
The Quest for Less

A Look at Landfills


Gives us somewhere to put our solid


Can cause noise and traffic with trucks

driving to and from the landfill.

Is more protective than dumps of the


Must be designed and constructed to

prevent contamination of ground water,
surface water, and soil.

Waste decomposition at a landfill gener

ates methanea potent greenhouse gas
that can be captured and used for

Can lead to bad smelling (rotten egg) or

unhealthy air.

Converting methane to energy can help

reduce greenhouse gas emissions
directly, by capturing methane from the
landfill, and indirectly by serving as an
alternative energy to fossil fuels.

May lower the property values of the sur

rounding area.

Can be properly capped and use for

park land, playgrounds, or other nonres
idential purposes.
Can provide a source of jobs and
income for a town or state that is willing
to accept solid waste from other cities,
towns, or states for a fee (host fees).

If not properly capped and managed,

can attract birds and pests.

Shipping waste to a landfill in another

state or county may lead to dust prob
lems or blowing trash if not covered
Loose garbage can blow around if land
fill is not properly capped and managed.

Using a local or nearby landfill can cut

down on fuel emissions from trucks and
boats carrying waste to faraway areas.

The Quest for Less

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Grades 6-8

Greenhouse Gases Be Gone

Educate students about the differences in greenhouse gas

emissions as they relate to different forms of waste and
waste disposal methods.

Carbon dioxide
Global climate change
Greenhouse gases
Solid Waste
Source reduction

Students will research various forms of waste disposal

and use EPAs Waste Reduction Model (WARM) to cal
culate greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste
and waste disposal methods.




3 hours (in class)

EPAs Waste Reduction Model (WARM) (available at

EPAs Climate Change Web site: www.epa.gov/warm
Computer (with Internet access or Microsoft Excel)
EPAs Web site on Climate Change and Waste:
Weekly Waste Generation Tracking Sheets

Part 1
Step 1: Review the various methods of han
dling waste (including source reduction,
recycling, landfilling, composting, and inciner
ating) using the Teacher Fact Sheets titled
Source Reduction on page 79, Recycling on
page 101, Buying Recycled on page 107,
Composting on page 141, Landfills on page
165, and Combustion on page 169. Define
greenhouse gases and explain how the various

The Quest for Less

Problem Solving

factors of waste disposal (type of waste, type of

disposal, transportation) affect greenhouse gas
emissions and thus global climate change. (For
information on the connection between waste
and climate change see EPAs Web site at

Step 2: Hand each student a Weekly Waste

Generation Tracking Sheet and ask them to fill
it out every day for one week. Have the stu
dents take the sheet home every evening to
record their waste generation at home. Remind
them to include the materials they use both in
Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


school and home, such as drink cans and car

tons, lunch bags, and looseleaf and printer

Step 3: During this same week, have students

research how each type of waste (e.g., alu
minum, food scraps, newspaper) is normally
disposed of, particularly in their town or county.
(Tip: You may want to assign one specific waste
to individual groups of students.) Teachers will
use this information to enter data into the base
line scenario of EPAs Waste Reduction Model

Two Methods for Gathering

Teachers may choose between two methods for
gathering the necessary information to input
into WARM (Part 1, Step 2):
SimplerStudents will track the amount
of each material type they dispose of each
day. The teacher will use this information
(as directed Part 2, Step 3) as baseline
data and then try different combinations of
alternative waste disposal methods in
WARM and discuss the results with the
ComplexStudents will track both the
amount of each material type they dispose
of each day and the method of disposal
(throw out, recycle, compost). The teacher
will use this information as directed Part 2,
Step 3 to complete the WARM spread

for the year. (Depending on the size of the

class, teachers may need to take this one step
further and project the yearly waste generation
for the school.) Convert this number into tons
for input into WARM.

Step 2: Review the discussion on greenhouse

gases and their relationship to waste and waste
disposal (as described in Part 1: Step 1).

Step 3: Access EPAs WARM calculator at

<www.epa.gov/warm>. Explain that this tool is
often used by solid waste planners and organi
zations to track, report, and estimate the effects
of various waste disposal methods on green
house gas emissions. The model calculates
greenhouse gas emissions for baseline and
alternative means of waste management.
Discuss how people can use models to predict
possible future scenarios, such as the effect of
certain activities on air or water pollution, or a
new street layout on rush hour traffic condi
tions. Enter the information for baseline data as
gathered by the class. (Teachers can enter data
into the online spreadsheets and print out the
results but cannot save them. Therefore, teach
ers may choose to download the Microsoft
Excel file, which can be saved.)

Step 4: Working with the students, enter data

into the alternative management scenario and
complete the WARM spreadsheet. Review and
discuss the results of various waste manage
ment practices on greenhouse gas emissions.
Ask the class to observe whether the alternative
management scenario reduced the amount of
emissions. Why or why not? Try incorporating
different waste management practices to view
the effects on emissions and discuss the results
with the class.

Part 2
Step 1: The following week collect the
Weekly Waste Generation Tracking Sheets from
the students and tally the results into one com
bined tracking sheet. This represents the weekly
waste generation for the class. In order for the
WARM tool to give meaningful results, however,
the class will need to take the weekly waste
generation information and project the total
waste generation (by commodity) for the class


Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

1. Ask the students what they learned from

using the tool and how this might be appli
cable to the real world. How might
communities use tools such as WARM to
help manage their waste and minimize their
impacts on global climate change?

The Quest for Less

1. Contact a local solid waste planner or

organization and ask them to fill out WARM.
Had they heard of this tool before? How did
their baseline and results compare with the
2. How do greenhouse gas reductions
achieved with alternative waste management
methods relate to real life? Equivalency cal
culators convert emissions or energy use
reductions into more understandable terms,
such as number of cars removed from the
road or acres of trees planted. Use the
information generated by the class and
WARM to complete the Greenhouse Gas
Equivalencies Calculator available at
resources/calculator.html> or other tools
available at <www.epa.gov/
tools.html>. Discuss the results.

The Quest for Less

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


Weekly Waste Generation

Tracking sheet


Enter the amount of each item that you discard each day.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Aluminum Cans
Steel Cans
HDPE (plastic)
LDPE (plastic)
PET (plastic)
Mixed Plastics
White (printer) Paper
Food Scraps
Yard Trimmings
Mixed Paper (general)
Mixed Metals
Mixed Recyclables

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion

The Quest for Less



Enter the amount of each item that you discard each day.

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7


Aluminum Cans
Steel Cans
HDPE (plastic)
LDPE (plastic)
PET (plastic)
Mixed Plastics
White (printer) Paper
Food Scraps
Yard Trimmings
Mixed Paper (general)
Mixed Metals
Mixed Recyclables
The Quest for Less

Unit 2, Chapter 2.4, Landfills and Combustion


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