Asset Optimization Systems: 5 Lessons From 10 Years in Mining

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Some of the key takeaways from asset optimization systems implemented in mining over the last 10 years include improved production of 5-10% through better availability and performance of assets.

One recent typical review at a coal miner identified problems such as a complex and fragmented applications landscape, significant data quality issues, and considerable effort spent moving data between applications with neither timely nor easy access to data.

The paper states that asset optimization systems can provide immediate benefits across the complete mining supply chain and that getting the system right will result in benefits in all areas of mining such as production output, energy efficiency, recovery, environmental performance and schedule performance. Significant benefits of 5-10% improvement in production are shown.


Greg Johnson
Schneider Electric Mining, Minerals and Metals


Maintenance needs information about assets to optimize availability and production needs
information about performance and consumption to maximize output. In considering both these needs
together as, Asset Optimization, the information systems that support them are critical. The theory of
Asset Optimization derives from the Lean Manufacturing concepts developed by Toyota, but some changes
are required to apply this to mining operations. In particular, mining operations require automated systems
due to their geographic spread and they need a strong emphasis on capturing under-performance losses as
well as delays and stoppages in production.
Leading metal miners and coal miners alike have applied these systems to good effect in the last
10 years. The concepts developed initially in minerals processing plants are now being applied to the mines
themsleves as well as the mining logistics chain. Production increases of 510% are achievable with the
right implementation and consideration of the some key lessons learnt in the last 10 years. Putting these
lessons into action is one key step in the goal of optimizing asset performance and thus utilizing the
resource at lowest cost.

Asset Optimization, Efficiency, Downtime, Production, Maintenance
The mining business is not getting easier any time soon. Major market trends are creating
structural changes that are generating major challenges to mining companies. The basics of efficiency and
productivity and the systems to achieve these goals however are still of major importance.
As Dr. Tony Filmer (2009) has stated, As a price taker in a commodity industry, each mining and
metals business is seeking to sustainably reduce unit costs and maximize tonnage from capital assets.
Business success is based on accessing the best resource base, and then utilizing this resource at lowest
cost. A recent study by McKinsey (2012) however has shown that while investment in assets in Australia
for example has increased remarkably in recent years, performance has not followed that investment. The
amount of capital per worked hour is 25 % higher than it was six years ago but workers on average are
producing only 7% more output per hour.
Mining companies are continually looking for ways to use information and systems to address
these issues but typically face problems of many disparate pieces of information, data duplication and time
wastage in data gathering and a lack of a global perspective on plant information trends. One recent typical
review at a coal miner identified problems in the operational systems landscape as:
- applications landscape is complex and fragmented;
- there are significant data quality issues;
- considerable effort is spent moving data between applications; and
- access to data is neither timely or easy

While it is possible and indeed necessary to work on the overall information systems architecture,
the one system that can provide immediate benefits across the complete mining supply chain is the asset
optimization system (sometimes called the downtime system or the delay accounting system). Getting
this system right will result in many benefits in all areas of mining. Asset performance is critical to
production output, energy efficiency, recovery, environmental performance and schedule performance.
This paper will first review the theory and background to asset optimization in mining and then
review two case studies from real implementations over the last 10 years. The last part of the paper
presents five generalized lessons for success.
What is Asset Optimization?
Lean management principles tell us that we need to continually seek out and eliminate waste. In
an asset intensive operation like mining, asset performance is critical and eliminating asset performance
losses are a major part of overall performance improvement. The goal is continuous operation and this is
achieved when all losses are eliminated and asset performance is optimized.
The method for determining asset performance losses was established by Taiichi Ohno, one of the
founders of the Toyota Production System as reported by Smalley (2006), Taiichi Ohno had people stand
at the problem machine for the entire 8-h shift and record the production plan versus actual amount in
small increments, such as 15 minutes to 1 h. At the end of the shift, all the losses and the actual reasons
why were identified in a Pareto chart.
Stops and delays are causes of losses because every time a process is stopped and started, losses
are accrued:
Ramp-up to production speed
Start-up waste
Extra wear on machine
Overtime to catch up on production
Energy losses
Fixed Costs are amortised over less output
Demurrage or train delay penalties
Dunstan et al. (2006) in a review of the applicability of Lean to mining have laid out some of the
key differences between manufacturing (as in the Toyota Production System) and mining operations. Some
of the key differences include:

Production is continuous and around the clock

The environment is often physically challenging for the operators for example in a coal mine
with a long wall operation
Variable environment and variable raw materials
Geographically spread out teams the long wall team is underground in the mine for example

In mining then, while the principles laid out by Taiichi Ohno still hold, there are some unique
considerations. Because production is continuous, slow running is equally important as stoppages. Causes
of losses can come from many areas including materials, people, poor practices and even the weather (for
instance, rain causes the top speed of the mobile fleet to reduce). The distances are large, so it is impossible
to visually detect loss events. There must be strong integration to the automatic control systems to
automatically detect issues.

Review of Asset Optimization Information Systems

We have seen that there is great benefit in mining from measurement of the losses due to
stoppages (availability losses) and slow running (performance losses) (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Production losses due to stoppages and slow running

A good Asset Optimization system ensures the mine or plant is operating at its peak efficiency by
identifying where, how, and why production losses are occurring. By reporting scheduled and unscheduled
events, as well as underperforming equipment, the system enables a complete analysis of causes of losses.
This gives you the information you need to prioritize maintenance, improve operating procedures, and
prioritize capital expenditure.
Automatic capture of loss events frees operators from paperwork and removes the inaccuracies
and inconsistencies of manual systems. Complex issues are broken down into common causes, enabling
continuous improvement in reducing costs and streamlining operations. Key features required from a
system include:
Data collection Automatic record creation on occurrence of a downtime event or
manual entry
Editing and validation Adding of additional details such as cause location,
classification and cause code.
Information validation business processes and workflows if desired
Audit trails (to provide traceability if data is changed) and flexible security (to allow
add/delete/edit access to appropriate people only)
Ability to capture real (where production has ceased) or virtual downtime (slow running)
Ability to capture time overruns or delays on maintenance or project activities, as well as
continuous production
Complex event capture conditions (e.g. conveyor is running but motor is drawing low
Ability to automatically assign causes where possible from alarms and other process data
Ability to split events (e.g., the plant is down for scheduled maintenance, but there are
delays in re-starting for production reasons).

Presentation of information should include Pareto Analysis, Gantt Chart Analysis and Pie Chart Analysis
(Figure 2), as well as flexible delivery of information by Report, Dashboard or Mobile App (Figure 3)

Figure 2 Gantt Chart Analysis Chart for Asset Losses

Figure 3 Mobile App Visualization

There is now 10 years experience of asset optimization systems in the mining industry. There is a
documented record of these systems helping mining and resource companies increase productivity, asset
utilisation and the business bottom line. This section of the paper reviews two case studies. These are
BHPBillitons Cannington Mine and a major coal miner. Both of these cases are located in Australia with
Cannington being one of the first mines to adopt these asset optimization techniques in the world. The coal
mining example discusses a more recent implementation and shows how the method has been extended
across the mining supply chain in recent years.
BHPBilliton Cannington Case Study
Located in North West Queensland, Australia, Cannington is a mining and processing operation
and the worlds largest and lowest cost producer of silver and lead. In 2000, Operating Excellence, (OE),

a Six Sigma common improvement language and methodology was introduced across what was then BHP,
to generate consistency, rigor, discipline and data-analysis into the decision-making processes.
Using the OE methodology, in 2001, Cannington chartered a project to reduce unscheduled
stoppages at its processing plant and achieve AUD$1 million in savings over a two-year period. Having
determined that the usability and richness of information available from its legacy systems would not
suffice in its current state, Cannington worked with Citect (now part of Schneider Electric) to implement
new supporting systems.
An OE coach who had completed training in the use of the Six Sigma quality process and tools
led the project. In keeping with a key Cannington business strategy; make decisions, based on
knowledge, the project was aimed at allowing users to drill down and analyze root causes of downtime,
and prioritize maintenance or improvement projects to optimize uptime. With the right information, the site
could more accurately measure the availability of different process areas, and analyze equipment
performance and production patterns to begin improving plant process performance. Using this
methodology, Cannington could compare availability of different process areas, and then drill-down into
each area to identify the main causes of downtime within that area. This would then allow isolation and
resolution of the largest bottlenecks before moving on to the next one.
A key specification was that the new system be operator error proof so that automated reporting
systems would not report on spurious data. This meant most data was gathered automatically and that
mannually entered data used for automated analysis, was entered via pick-lists rather than free-format text.
If an operator entered data such as Blocked Chute, or different words to describe the same problem then
the reports would be meaningless. Consistency of information was of critical importance to Cannington
and was a key criterion of the new system.
When a loss event was captured, an automated notification was sent to operators to prompt them
to enter information immediately. Data entry was much faster and more accurate using picklists. This
process helped alleviate many data consistency problems that Cannington had experienced with previous
systems. Once the operator completed data entry, it was available for confirmation by a supervisor. Once
confirmed, the event was locked and an audit trail created for any further changes to the event details. The
identity of the operator and supervisor are automatically captured by the system for validation. When
updating the details of an event, operators can select Cause locations/equipment from the plant hierarchy,
making navigation and data entry very simple. Cause codes and Classifications are then selected from
picklists filtered for that location, The concept of classifications and causes is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Concept of Asset Loss Classifications and Causes

Coal Mining Case Study

This miner owns and operates multiple mines and a ship-loading terminal. With the exception of
two underground longwall operations, the mines are open-cut, using dragline and truck/shovel fleets for
overburden removal. The asset optimization system was first implemented in several coal wash plants.
Significant effort was made in change management. Changing operator behavior is just as important as
maintenance and capital upgrades in achieving asset optimization. One of the key initiatives was to give
operators access to the monetary impact of losses. Five minutes delay may not mean much to most
operators, but 150 t of lost throughput at approx $100/t may have a little more meaning and focuses
attention on real opportunities for improvement. Operators also use this real $ figure as a shift-to-shift
measure of their performance and take pride in improving their shift or crew performance above others.
Since implementation, managers have seen a positive change in operator behavior and site morale.
Production crews are paying attention to other crews numbers as the solution is delivering a broader
perspective of the overall business. The contribution of better asset performance is more easily seen. The
system has consistently assisted in achieving an improved throughput of 510% and following that success
in the plant, the asset optimization concept has been pushed both, back to the mine itself and forward to the
materials handling process, as well as across disciplines to the maintenance area. In this way the entire
mining supply chain is being optimized, not just the plant. Tables 13 give details on how the concept is
applied in the mine itself (longwall operations), for maintenance decision making and in the logistics chain
(train load out).

Perceived Issue
Data Required

Proposed Solution

How does asset

optimization system

Table 1 Shearer operation

Asset Optimization Response
Variation in the operation of the Longwall resulting in fewer shears per shift and
lost potential coal. Potential benefits from targeted training & feedback to crews.
Identification of the duration of Gate end turns, Shearer cuts, Flint cuts and
cleanup cuts for each shift. Number of shears per shift, tonnes per shearer cycle.
Automatic capture of longwall delays and periods of below/above target running.
Identify specific examples of significant variations to ideal practices (long
turnarounds, over recommended shearer speed). Calculate the extent of variation
in a shift and provide feedback and training to the crew. Share best practices in
Longwall operation across crews and mines.
By automatically capturing:
Periods of longwall stoppage
Duration of turns, shear, flit & cleanups for each Shearer pass.
Automatic creation of KPIs for detailed LW performance.
Automated shift reporting.

Table 2 Using Information to Make Better Maintenance Decisions

Asset Optimization Response
Damage occurred to a large conveyor belt feeding the plant. The belt was repaired
with belt clips as a temporary measure whilst a new belt was ordered. This meant
that the belt could not be run at full speed and that insufficient coal was being fed
to the plant.
Data Required
Impact of slow running in terms of tonnage, also in terms of $ on a real time basis.
Proposed Solution
By tracking the lost production due to the slow running of the temporarily
repaired belt the operations and maintenance staff were able to show that the cost
of holding a replacement belt was economically justified.
How does asset
By automatically capturing lost tonnage due to slow running and automatically
optimization system
converting those losses to $ losses visible to senior management.
Perceived Issue

Perceived Issue
Data Required
Proposed Solution
How does the asset
optimization system

Table 3 Train loading

Asset Optimization Response
Underloaded trains are arriving at the washery. Waste of limited rail resources and
adds to stockpile full downtime at the mine.
Exactly how much coal is being carried on each train and what is the opportunity
for extra coal with no extra train trips?
Ensure that train loads are within -5% of 1300 t load limit. Identify the
circumstances or behaviors that lead to under loading and eliminate them.
By automatically capturing a record per train of time, duration & tonnes the
amount of under loading is measured objectively. Specific trains (time, crew,
stockpile level) are isolated enabling effective investigation and commenting.
Generating a shift/day/week/month average and including it in reports any drift
back to under loading is highlighted immediately.


The experience of 10 years in case studies like those above has yielded five key lessons for
achieving success with asset optimization systems. These lessons are summarized as follows:

The Asset Optimization system is not just a fault recording system, but also an identifier of
business improvement opportunites. Following an understanding of Lean concepts, it is the
driver of asset performance improvement.


Spreadsheets do not work sustainably. Whilst being a flexible and powerful analysis tool, there
are too many problems to rely on spreadsheets in a production environment. Some of these
problems include manual entry errors, version control, lack of transparency, and no audit trail for
manual changes.


When implementing Asset Optimization, take the opportunity to re-integrate the production,
maintenance and energy departments. One of the barriers to a more co-operative relationship has
been disconnected information systems. New systems remove the gap and can be used to
provide the elusive one source of the truth to drive global improvement.


Advanced Planning and Scheduling will not work without reliable capability. Whilst new tools
incorporating the latest optimization methods are available to globally optimize schedules, these
tools will be less than successful if the assets in the supply chain do not perform reliably.


New technology can do many things, technology is easy, but organisational change is hard.
Implementation of an Asset Optimization system will change work practices in the organization.
There is a need to invest solidly in change management.

Understanding Asset Optimization

The Downtime system is not just a fault recording system, but an asset productivity system and
a business improvement opportunity system. Management needs to understand and support the process and
not expect a silver bullet.
Following lean principles, stabilise first is the first principle. If the process is not stable, tonnes
output will be lower than is possible. If the process is not stable, it will be difficult or impossible to isolate
cause and effect relationships, which makes improvements difficult. After stabilization is achieved, focus
can be placed on developing one way to run a process by setting standards for start up, ramp up, operation
and shut down. This involves establishing what the key critical control variables are, and in what range
they should operate and developing training material and management systems to lock in the methods. The
cycle is then repeated as improved methods are trialed then adopted.

The continuous improvement cycle assumes that the change implemented by a team becomes
permanent and the basis for a new round of improvements. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. A
key obstacle is sliding back to the old ways. This unravels the projects stated benefit and removes the
basis for further improvement. This sliding back is particular problem with manual business processes particularly when the change involves people who were not members of the team. How does one transfer
the understanding and acceptance of a change to others? This is further exasperated if the other people are
beyond line of sight in another depart or shift. On the other hand, software systems provide automated
business processes that broadly communicate and enforce the change. All the people affected see the
change and the effect can be made across multiple business systems.
Spreadsheets Dont Work Sustainably
Whilst spreadsheets are a flexible and powerful analysis tool, there are too many problems
(manual entry errors, version control, lack of transparency, too easy to manipulate) to rely on spreadsheets
in a production environment. The issues with spreadsheets can be illustrated by noting the manual shift log
shown in Figure 5. Times are rounded to the nearest 15 minutes and some descriptions make sense only to
the writer (trouble same as start of shift). In a typical effort at analysis, these sheets would be collected
and transposed to a spreadsheet, thus inviting further loss of precision and accuracy through the
transposition process. As spreadsheets are combined with other spreadsheets for further analysis
(downtime, production, energy consumption for example), timeliness and data trustworthiness are lost.
This leads to further losses in challenging the data.

Figure 5 Manual shift log from coal mining operation

A system is required that is automatic, timely and trusted information. An example of this is
automatic shift reporting that is available immediately after the end of shift (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 Shift reporting available automatically and immediately after the end of shift
Use One Truth to Drive People Integration
Though not a universal rule, the relationship between maintenance and operations can often be
less than harmonious. At a review meeting analyzing why targets have not been met, the answer from
operations might be delays caused by equipment breakdowns and slow maintenance response. The
Maintenance viewpoint might be poor operating practices and lack of access for preventive work. The
asset optimization system can be used as the one source of the truth to forge a new working relationship
focused on real improvement as discussed in the coal mining case study above.
Other Optimization Depends on Asset Performance
Advanced Planning and Scheduling systems are starting to make an impact on mining operations
(for example, see An example of an optimized schedule is shown in Figure 7.
These systems offer tremendous improvement in co-ordination across an operations, but may be for nought
without reliable performance from the operations. This consideration also applied to other kinds of
optimization (such as that aimed at recovery or spare parts optimization for example). Consider that asset
optimization systems should be deployed first, as the basis for all performance lies in asset performance.

Figure 7 Optimized schedule across a mining value chain

Invest in Change Management

As in all systems improvement efforts, the key problem today is not technical, but rather one of
change management. As Machiavelli noted in 1532, There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more
perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order
of things. If information is timely, reliable and accurate, the key is to channel the newly available energy
into productive efforts to utilize that information. The technology is now readily available, but, of course,
this information does not reduce the role of people in utilizing the technology.
There is much literature on change management available, but one of the key initiatives that can
be taken is to establish work processes that institutionalize the new way of working. Typically, for asset
optimization systems, a good set of work practices is shown in Table 4.

Time Frame


Table 4 Asset optimization work practices

Stoppage records are completed by operator
Verified by the Shift Supervisor
Stoppage records are checked by relevant engineer or process owner and modified
as required
Weekly stoppage data is collected and reviewed at stoppage meeting
Stoppage Review Group (all engineers and supervisors and Process and
Reliability Managers) analyse stoppage records together and actions are assigned
to complete based on equipment priority
Minutes are tabled and sent out with these actions and tracked for completion
Stoppage investigations are completed according to priority
Pareto charts by count and duration are tabled and analyzed to ensure that actions
are captured for the reason for stoppages.
Cumulative Pareto charts by count and duration are reviewed by the Process and
Reliability Managers to ensure that problems are fixed

There is now 10 years experience with Asset Optimization systems in mining. Significant benefits
are shown in many operations around the world. Implemented in conjunction with a continuous
improvement process, these systems have proven a consistent benefit of 5% to 10% improvement in
Leading miners are now extending these systems up and downstream, to provide information on
the bottlenecks and losses in the entire mining delivery chain. With a consistent process and consistent
system across the value chain, operators, engineers and managers can start identifting and implementing
the next round of improvements and productivity gains.


The steps to achieve success are known, and lessons include:

Understanding Asset Optimization
Spreadsheets Dont Work Sustainably
Use One Truth to Drive People Integration
Other Optimization Depends on Asset Performance
Invest in Change Management

Putting these lessons into action is one step in the goal of utilizing the resource at lowest cost.

Dunstan, K., Lavin, B., & Sandford R. (2006). The Application of lean manufacturing in a mining
environment. In International Mine Management Conference, pp. 145154, October 2006.
Filmer, A,O. (2009). Business improvement in the mining and metals industry. The Journal of the Southern
African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 109, 621628
McKinsey Global Institute. (2012). Beyond the boom: Australias productivity imperative.
Smalley, A. (2006). Creating Basic Stability, Retrieved from Available 1/10/06

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