Composition Versus Improvisation?
Composition Versus Improvisation?
Composition Versus Improvisation?
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Steve Larson
Composition is traditionally re
Improvisation is traditionally re
garded as a process in which garded
as a process in which per
composer, with pen and paper, formers, with their voices or instru
outside of "real time," uses revi
ments, in "real time," use luck or
sion and hard work to eliminateskill to respond to or incorporate
or avoid mistakes; the composimistakes; the improvisation grows
tion builds on tradition, imposes
out of innovation, exploits freedom,
and relies on talent in an instanta
constraints, and relies on training
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I suspect that many musicians may also hold this traditional view (and it
is easy to see, given such a view, one reason that compositions are ana
lyzed more often than are improvisations). And I have read books and
articles?some of them by very distinguished writers?that articulate the
distinction this way.
I also suspect that most music theorists would say that, although there
is an element of truth in this distinction, all musical creation really lies
on a continuum between these poles. Yet in this article, I will go further
and claim that, in important ways, the traditional distinction has it back
"'Round Midnight"
The first cut on Conversations with Myself is Thelonious Monk's com
position " 'Round Midnight." Its theme is in the standard thirty-two-bar
AABA song form. Example 1 shows features common to Evans's settings
of the first A section and of the bridge. The first A section begins with a
distinctive motto. This motto is transformed into an ascending-seventh
chord arpeggio in mm. 3 and 5. The bass descends by half-step on two
levels of tonal structure. And the melody echoes that descent in m. 4. The
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linking motive
w linking motive
motive linking
V- v r?K J^P^F^
Cm7b5 F7
Cm7b5 F7
Bbm7 Abm7
Eb7 Db7
F?m7 Fm7b5
B7 Bb7
m^i r^=LJ r j
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moves down the circle of fifths (see the T5 below the Analysis system in
Example 3). He then added the part given on the top line of my tran
scription (labeled "Left"), which offers successive transpositions of the
diminished tetrachord discussed in Example 1 (see the T7 and T3 above
the middle line of the Analysis system in Example 3). Yet those transpo
sition levels differ from those of the bassline. Finally, he added the rip
pling arpeggios given on the middle line of my transcription (labeled
was composed.
was composed by Monk. Evans had probably settled on the chords, the
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Ip^nr^g- J j j
r r
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Wi i,J ^r
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ijt^j Jim
Pno. <
-?]-J 7^
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is striking in another way. Notice that each of the tracks settles on a dif
ferent member of the tonic triad when it arrives on the third beat of m. 8.
Each track then moves to another member of the tonic triad on the fourth
beat. And all tracks do this in a way that results in complete triads on both
third and fourth beats. The result is shown in Example 6, with the tran
scription along the bottom, analytical notation in Example 6b, and dura
tional notation in Example 6a. While this may seem like a lucky coin
cidence, a look at the analogous measures of the other phrases in this
performance suggests that something similar happens in most sections.
In other words, sophisticated musical relationships occur not only in
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(2) (D [1A%)
Example 4 (continued)
the "composed" sections, but also in the sections that involve some impro
visation. In fact, I suspect that some of these musical relationships are
there because they were improvised.
The commentary line of the first bridge (IB) was surely improvised.
In the spaces after each statement of the linking motive, the commentary
line restates the linking motive, but extends and embellishes it. And that
embellishment uses the ascending-seventh arpeggio of the A section. The
fill in mm. 5-8 is analyzed in Example 7. The original melody is elabo
rated in an elegant twisting line (Example 7c) that contains several state
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Statement of this motive suggests that D^ will follow, but the harmony
requires a different note, Dk Nevertheless, the basic contour, complete
with the following seventh leap, again refers to the linking motive.
These hidden repetitions occurred because these motives and embel
lishments "fell under Evans's fingers." To say this is not to dismiss their
musical significance. In fact, they fell under his fingers because he played
them a lot. And he played them a lot because his ear and his sense of
musical structure and development guided him to practice these patterns
when practicing this piece. Thus, in Evans's case, to say that he played
what fell under his fingers often means that it is well crafted, sophisti
cated, and compelling.3
For the same reasons, it is not surprising to find similarly sophisticated
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style. His improvised lines are often easily viewed as?and heard as?
embellishments of a descending linear progression that threads its way
through the chord changes on which he is improvising. Some of those
lines are what contemporary jazz pedagogy calls "guide tone" lines. But
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Example 8. "'Round Midnight," first improvised variation on bridge, 2B, mm. 1-4
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Schenkerian analysis.
My argument in that article concerned the applicability of Schenker
ian analysis to improvised jazz, but my point here is somewhat different:
I want to explore why our way of thinking about improvisation versus
composition would lead us to embrace hidden repetitions as a significant
artistic feature of composed music and yet be skeptical of the same fea
tures in jazz improvisations.
To dramatize this point, consider received ideas about rhythmic com
plexity in jazz. Notice the rhythmic virtuosity of the sections that follow
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*SW J t
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Example 9. " 'Round Midnight," rhythmic complexity in two passages: (a) 2B, mm. 5-6.
? ?#?
^? T^^
J^/f EiP^
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Example 9. " 'Round Midnight," rhythmic complexity in two passages: (b) 2A2, mm. 6-8.
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"Stella by Starlight"
"Stella by Starlight" is quite different.5 It has a straightforward mel
ody that is mostly step wise. And Evans performs it at a medium tempo
and in a commonly used key (Bb major). Most jazz musicians would not
expect to hear strong relationships between an improvisation on "Stella"
and its original melody. And, at least on first hearing, Evans's improvised
variations sound more like variations on the harmonic structure of the
theme than like a paraphrase of the melody.
Few would accuse Evans of merely "running the changes," that is, of
mechanically producing melodic lines that, although they fit the chords,
are bereft of global logic (including any relation to the original melody
of the theme). To me, it seems counterintuitive to think (as some writers
seem to have suggested) that Evans's improvised lines could have global
logic but not contain the kinds of middleground structures depicted in
voice-leading graphs. But I will grant that such global logic does not seem
to require reference to the original melody or guarantee the sophisticated
structures (e.g., hidden repetitions) admired in the common-practice
works that theorists typically analyze. Yet, in the analyses that follow, we
will see that Evans's improvised variations on "Stella" not only possess
interesting middlegrounds, but also contain subtle references to the orig
inal melody and a number of hidden repetitions.
material in the next chorus. The discussion that follows refers to both
examples at the same time. In both Examples 10 and 11, level d gives the
right hand of the leading track and the left hand of the comping track.7
Levels a-c analyze this music in stages.
Level c includes every bass note, but rhythmically normalizes them,
and shows some of the compound melodic structures that result in the
bassline.8 All chord roots for what might be called "the basic changes"
are stemmed; most embellishing notes are not. Level c also includes
almost every right-hand note (I assume that the embellishment functions
of the omitted notes are clear). On level c, in the first four measures of
both choruses, asterisks connected with a line show Bb-C-D, an element
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a <-"~"~~^T 6t?T
Example 10. Bill Evans, "Stella by Starlight" (Conversations with Myself), first improvis
[1:03] (g)
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Example 10 (continued)
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@^_?_ -???1
Example 10 (continued)
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separate Evans from other jazz pianists. There are plenty of competent
improvisers who only rarely make mistakes at this level of musical struc
ture. While Evans was remarkably consistent in avoiding mistakes at this
level, his real gift appears clearly only when we examine the deeper lev
els of his musical structures.
Level b shows how the bass notes group in pairs (with pairs of chords
particular reading Strunk gives for this song. Level a also shows how
the right hand combines descending steps, ascending sevenths, and the
resolution of unstable notes to create the compound melody that moves
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5!^i^^--?-?_(?) ? ? ? ? ^?-s
(63) (64) _ _^ ^ _ ^
d <
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f f **rr [ir^^r"
Example 11 (continued)
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1- r?~~~?'?~\
Example 11 (continued)
d <
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appear gradually higher and higher. In the next four measures, the origi
nal melody is based on the shape G-F-Bk That shape plays in an impor
tant role in the fifth through eighth measures of both choruses, but it is
also absorbed into the motivic answers mentioned above. The following
four measures begin with El? resolving to D. The first improvised chorus
echoes that resolution, but the second improvised chorus takes an entirely
different path. Yet, again, both continue to echo varied repetitions of the
motivic answers mentioned above. In the following four measures, the
brackets on levels a and b show confirmation-type hidden repetitions (of
this example reproduce Examples 10a and 11a. Notice that the sixths
shown horizontally in Examples 10a and 11 a are verticalized in Example
These examples suggest that, despite the differences between " 'Round
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? ? ? ? ? ? @." ? @
,_^ i ^ , 6Pfg r?-?-?-?i
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mm. 25-32 of the theme and is also the basis of mm. 57-64, 89-96,
121-28, 153-58, and 159-64.
ple 3, the bassline moves down the circle of fifths (see the T5 below
Example 13b). But here, that bassline moves around the circle of fifths
by alternating tritones and descending half-steps (see the T6 and Tj ? below
Example 13c). The result is a pitch-class set that is transposed down a
fifth (see the T5 below the system of Example 13 labeled "Right")?but
now in partial melodic inversion with each transposition. Just as in Exam
ple 3, one part (the part labeled "Right" in Example 13, and the part shown
on the top staff in Example 3) follows a different transpositional scheme?
up a minor third and then down a perfect fourth (see the T3 and T7 between
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Example 13 (continued)
might argue that the real-time pressures of improvisation did not allow
Evans to develop the kind of simultaneous T3 plus T7 against T7 plus T3
that appears in Example 3. While the T3 plus T7 scheme appears in the
accompaniment, so the argument might go, it is just too much to expect
that the improvised line above that accompaniment would express the T7
plus T3 scheme at the same time.
In other ways, Example 13 is more complicated than Example 3. One
might argue that the real-time pressures of improvisation meant that after
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playing the licks that began this section, it was easier for Evans to play
similar shapes at a less restricted number of transpositional levels than to
do something more consistent.
Neil Sorrell suggests that, with respect to complexity, the traditional
distinction between improvisation and composition has it backward, at
least from the point of view of the history of Western art music: "The
argument that composition enables improvised material to be worked out
in a more complex fashion was perhaps the reverse of the truth. Compo
sition became a means of restraining the excesses of certain kinds of
I began this article by observing that the music on Bill Evans's record
ing Conversations with MyseZ/problematizes the traditional distinction
between composition and improvisation. And we have studied transcrip
tions and analyses of two performances from that recording.
This study suggests a different definition of improvisation. I now under
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To associate tradition, training, and constraint with composition (and
innovation, talent, and freedom with improvisation) also seems mislead
ing. Again, I now assume that the reverse is more appropriate. The real
time pressures of improvisation require more reliance on tradition, train
ing, and clear constraints than do those of composition.
And to associate simplicity with improvisation and complexity with
composition is misleading. Both composition and improvisation must
work to balance simplicity and complexity. In fact, I argue that some of
the sophisticated relationships prized by music analysts appear in the
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1. The performances are (a) Thelonious Monk, Monk's Greatest Hits (November
19, 1968, Columbia CS 9775 and 32355); (b) Thelonious Monk, Thelonious Him
self (April 5, 1957, Riverside 12-253), reissued on 'Round Midnight (Milestone
M-47067); and (c) Bud Powell, Bud Powell (Quintessence QJ-25381). The timings
[given in square brackets] indicate where to find the transcribed material on the
recording. On the transcriptions of " 'Round Midnight", I have numbered the mm.
(1-8) within each formal section. The measure numbers are circled Arabic numbers
and appear above the bar line that begins that measure. Measure numbers are
circled in the transcriptions and musical examples, but not in the text. I have also
designated the beginning of each formal section. The formal-section designations
appear in square brackets above the bar lines that begin a formal section. The
formal-section designations have three parts: the first describes the (thirty-two
bar) chorus, the second describes the (eight-bar) section, and the third (subscript)
distinguishes the first A section from the second and third. Thus, for example, 2A3
is the third A section of the second chorus.
2. Here, and in Example 13, the notation "Tx" means transposition up x semitones in
the appropriate octave. In other words, x indicates what Joseph Straus calls an
"ordered pitch class interval" (2000, 7).
3. Henry Martin makes this same point in an insightful discussion of Charlie Parker's
pened because Evans had practiced putting certain ideas in certain harmonic con
texts within this piece. But, whatever the reason, the simple fact that it could
happen suggests that we should be reluctant to accept the notion that each new
improvisation is created completely from scratch.
8. On rhythmic normalization, see Rothstein (1990).
9. Larson (1993) has described similar melodic structures in the improvised lines of
Dave McKenna.
10. If we needed further demonstration that structures like those shown in our voice
leading analyses were real for Evans, we might compare the structure shown in
level a with what Evans plays in the commentary line in mm. 109-12.
11. In free jazz, that preexisting structure may be very loosely conceived, but in most
improvisational music, the preexisting structures seem to have very specific pitch
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mulaic Composition in the Context of Jazz Piano Improvisation." Ph.D. diss., Har
vard University.
Sorrell, Neil. 1992. "Improvisation." In Companion to Contemporary Musical Thought,
ed. John Paynter, Tim Howell, Richard Orton, and Peter Seymour. London: Rout
Straus, Joseph. 2000. Introduction to Post-tonal Theory, 2d ed. Upper Saddle River,
Strunk, Steven. 1979. "The Harmony of Early Bop: A Layered Approach." Journal of
Williams, J. Kent. 1997-98. "Oscar Peterson and the Art of Paraphrase: The 1965
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