What's in My Head After Day 1
What's in My Head After Day 1
What's in My Head After Day 1
Hearing other ideas?
Forum members could write template letter to send out to people
in the regions to lobby and campaign against the funding for the
forums being cut.
It was interesting to hear about the Disability hate crime work from
Gill and Richard.
Enjoyed the South East report to find out more about their area.
Start a Petition Online _paper change / 38 Degrees. Gov.uk need
100, 000 Signatures.
Thinking about all the work we have done Hate Crime staying
East Midlands helped liked the images on presentations and
finding out whats going on with each area.
People had good ideas. They had creative ideas about how to
We want to talk this morning to sort out what we are going to do
with a campaign about not getting funding for the future.
Link up with Local Authorities and Strategic heads
o Mencap
Link up with NVFF.
o What are they doing?
o Can we campaign together?
Liked what John said about going to Parliament. It would be good
for the National Forum to visit Parliament to see how the powers
We have got a good thing going NF is at its strongest.
We could take a photo today get Quotes and put this news at
Foundation mate / hate crime Jill + Richard updating good.
I found the talk about hate crime very interesting because its
something we talk about in our area.
Learning more about Hate Crime nationality and that it is important
to involve the Police.
Didnt have much time to prepare due to what was going on.
o Actions where not talked about.
People voices on partnership boards will be lost as they are seen
as links to National Forum. They will be asked to leave.
We lost the Regional Partnership Boards which was ok as we had
other Forum meetings. Now they are closing the Forums.
We dont want National Forum to close.
If the national voice is not valued what impact will this have on
local self-advocacy?