DMC 110117012353 Phpapp02 PDF
DMC 110117012353 Phpapp02 PDF
DMC 110117012353 Phpapp02 PDF
Bivin, J.B
II MSc. Psychiatric Nursing,
NIMHANS, Bengaluru
Chair Person
Prof. (Dr.) K. Reddemma
Dean, Behavioral sciences,
NIMHANS, Bengaluru
Types of collaborations
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The roots of the word collaboration, namely co-, and laborare, combine in Latin to mean work
together. That means the interaction among two or more individuals, which can encompass a variety
of actions such as communication, information sharing, coordination, cooperation, problem solving,
and negotiation.
Teamwork and collaboration are often used synonymously. The description of collaboration as
a dynamic process resulting from developmental group stages as an outcome, producing a synthesis
of different perspectives. The reality is that collaboration evolves in partnerships and in teams. Baggs
and Schmitt (1988) reframe the relationship between collaboration and teamwork by defining
collaboration as the most important aspect of team care but certainly not the only dimension.
A description of the concept of collaboration is derived by integrating Follett's outcomeoriented perspective (1940) and Gray's process-oriented perspective (1989). Both authors strengthen
the definition of collaboration by considering the type of problem, level of interdependence, and type
of outcomes to seek. According to them: Collaboration is both a process and an outcome in which
shared interest or conflict that cannot be addressed by any single individual is addressed by key
stakeholders. The collaborative process involves a synthesis of different perspectives to better
2. Meaning
Collaboration is an intricate concept with multiple attributes. Attributes identified by several
nurse authors include sharing of planning, making decisions, solving problems, setting goals,
assuming responsibility, working together cooperatively, communicating, and coordinating openly
(Baggs & Schmitt, 1988). Related concepts, such as cooperation, joint practice, and collegiality, are
often used as substitutes.
Collaboration is a substantive idea repeatedly discussed in health care circles. Though the
benefits are well validated, collaboration is seldom practiced. The lack of a shared definition is one
barrier. Additionally, the complexity of collaboration and the skills required to facilitate the process are
formidable. Much of the literature on collaboration describes what it should look like as an outcome,
but little is written describing how to approach the developmental process of collaboration. Many
researchers have validated the benefits of collaboration to include improved patient outcomes,
reduced length of stay, cost savings, increased nursing job satisfaction and retention, and improved
teamwork (Abramson & Mizrahi 1996).1The focus on benefits of collaboration could lead one to think
that collaboration is a favorite approach to providing patient care, leading organizations, educating
future health professionals, and conducting health care research. Contextual elements that influence
the formation of collaboration include time, status, organizational values, collaborating participants,
and type of problem.
1. Introduction
The nursing profession is faced with increasingly complex health care issues driven by
technological and medical advancements, an ageing population, increased numbers of people living
with chronic disease, and spiraling costs. Collaborative partnerships between educational institutions
and service agencies have been viewed as one way to provide research which ensures an evolving
health-care system with comprehensive and coordinated services that are evidence-based, costeffective and improve health-care outcomes1.
Mattessich, Murray and Monsey (2001) define collaboration as '... a mutually beneficial and
well-defined relationship entered into by two or more organizations to achieve common goals'8.
4. Types of Collaboration
Terms, such as interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and interprofessional,
which further delineate and describe teams, teamwork, and collaboration, have evolved over time.
4.1. Interdisciplinary is the term used to indicate the combining of two or more disciplines,
professions, departments, or the like, usually in regard to practice, research, education, and/or theory.
4.2. Multidisciplinary refers to independent work and decision making, such as when disciplines
work side-by-side on a problem. The interdisciplinary process, according to Garner (1995) and
Hoeman (1996), expands the multidisciplinary team process through collaborative communication
rather than shared communication.
4.3. Transdisciplinary efforts involve multiple disciplines sharing together their knowledge and skills
across traditional disciplinary boundaries in accomplishing tasks or goals (Hoeman, 1996).
Transdisciplinary efforts reflect a process by which individuals work together to develop a shared
conceptual framework that integrates and extends discipline specific theories, concepts, and methods
to address a common problem.
4.4. Interprofessional collaboration has been described as involving interactions of two or more
disciplines involving professionals who work together, with intention, mutual respect, and
commitments for the sake of a more adequate response to a human problem (Harbaugh, 1994).
Interprofessional collaboration goes beyond transdisciplinary to include not just traditional discipline
boundaries but also professional identities and traditional roles. Interdisciplinary collaboration team
"Collaboration is the most formal inter organizationl relationship involving shared authority and
responsibility for planning, implementation, and evaluation of a joint effort (Hord, 1986).
3. Definition
Henneman et al. have suggested that collaboration is a process by which members of various
disciplines (or agencies) share their expertise. Accomplishing this requires these individuals
understand and appreciate what it is that they contribute to the whole.
It is critical in collaboration that all existing and potential members of the collaborating group
share the common vision and purpose. Several catalysts may initiate collaboration a problem, a
shared vision, a desired outcome, to name a few. Regardless of what the catalyst may be, it is
essential to move from problem driven to vision driven, from muddled roles and responsibilities to
defined relationships, and from activity driven to outcomes. Collaboration is an inclusionary process
with continuous engagement that reinforces commitment, recognizing the building of relationships as
fundamental to the success of collaborations. An effective collaboration is characterized by building
and sustaining win-win-win relationships8.
members transcend seperate disciplinary perspectives and attempt to weave together resources,
such as tools, methods, and procedures to address common problems or concerns2.
Most nursing leaders also assert that something has been lost with the move from hospitalbased schools of nursing to the collegiate setting. The familiar observation that graduate nurses can
"theorize but not catheterize" reflects the concern that graduate nurses often lack practical skills
despite their significant knowledge of nursing process and theory. Nursing educators know that
development of technical expertise in the modern hospital is possible only through on-the-job
exposure to the latest equipment and medical interventions. Schools of nursing have tried to bridge
this gap using state-of-the-art simulation laboratories, supervised clinical experiences in the hospital,
and summer internships. However, the competing demands of the classroom and the job site
frequently result in a less than optimal allocation of time to learn technical skills and frustration on the
part of the nursing student who tries to be both technically and academically expert.
The hospital industry has also recognized the need to support a graduate nurse with additional
training. As a result, graduate nurses are required to attend an orientation to the hospital and have
additional supervised practice before they can function independently in the hospital. The cost of
orienting a new nursing graduate is significant, particularly with high levels of nursing turnover (Reiter,
Young, & Adamson, 2007).
While separation was beneficial in advancing education, it has also had adverse effects.
Under the divided system, the nurse educators are no longer the practicing nurses in the wards. As a
result, they are no longer directly in the delivery of nursing services nor are they responsible for
quality of care provided in the clinical settings used for students learning. The practicing nurses have
little opportunity to share their practical knowledge with students and no longer share the
responsibility for ensuring relevance of the training that the students receive. As the gap between
education and practice has widened, there are now significant differences between what is taught in
the classroom and what is practiced in the service settings.
The gap between nursing practice and education has its historical roots in the separation of
nursing schools from the control of hospitals to which they were attached. At the time when schools of
nursing were operated by hospitals, it was students who largely staffed the wards and learned the
practice of nursing under the guidance of the nursing staff. However, under the then prevailing
circumstances, service needs often took precedence over students learning needs. The creation of
separate institutions for nursing education with independent administrative structures, budget and
staff was therefore considered necessary in order to provide an effective educational environment
towards enhancing students learning experiences and laying the foundation for further educational
The challenge to nursing education is how to combine theoretical knowledge with sufficient
technical training to assure a competent performance by a professional nurse in the hospital setting.
Clearly, a partnership between nursing educators and hospital nursing personnel is essential to meet
this challenge13.
The development of the Clinical School offers benefits to both hospital and university. It
brings academic staff to the hospital, with opportunities for exchange of ideas with clinical nurses with
increased opportunities for clinical nursing research. Many educational openings for expert clinical
nurses to become involved with the university's academic program were evolved. The move to the
concept of the clinical school is founded on recognition of the fundamental importance of the close
and continuing link between the theory and practice of nursing at all levels10.
Outcomes identified by Donnelly, Warfel and Wolfe (1994) for the educational institution are
that it becomes more in touch with the real world and more readily able to identify research questions
(and the subsequent study), that have the potential to make a difference to quality of consumer care
delivery. There is also an increasing collaborative relationship with the service provider, which is
important for long term workforce planning. The position has benefits to nursing/midwifery students
due to more explicit focus on directly linking the education setting to the clinical context. For practice
the outcomes are increased staff involvement in professional activities including writing for publication,
presenting at seminars and conferences and preparing submissions on professional issues. The
clinical chair also facilitates improved access and support to external research project funding6.
The goal of this approach is to use the implementation of research findings as a basis for
improving critical thinking and clinical decision-making of nurses. In this arrangement the researcher
is a faculty member at the educational institution with credibility in conducting research and with an
interest in developing a research programme in the clinical setting. The Director of Nursing Research,
provides education regarding research and assists with the conduct of research in the practice
setting. She/he also lectures or supervises in the educational institution. A formal agreement exists
within the two organisations regarding specific responsibilities and the percentage of time allocated
between each. Salary and benefits are shared between the two organisations.
between the organizations that led to the establishment of a Nurse Research Consultant
(NRC) position.
Nurse Research Consultant (NRC): - In the PRM, the role of the Nurse Research Consultant
(NRC) was articulated as that of mentor and consultant on issues related to research, methodology
publications and dissemination. Although the PRM was specifically designed to enhance nursing
research activity and the implementation of evidence-based community health nursing practice, the
Model also encouraged the involvement of the multi-disciplinary team to work to achieve the aims of
the partnership agreement5.
6.4.1. Operational framework of the PRM
To fulfill the aims of the partnership several key elements formed the operational framework of
the collaborative agreement. One important element of the framework was to enhance nursing staffs'
knowledge of the research process via research experience. To achieve this 'Journal Clubs' were
established in the community health service on a monthly basis. The Nurse Research Consultant then
worked with staff to identify, plan and implement changes to practice based on research evidence.
A second important element of the PRM was to encourage nursing staff to reflect on current
nursing practice and identify clinical problems based on their knowledge and experience of nursing in
order to develop meaningful research proposals and best-practice guidelines. The main reason for the
success of the collaborative arrangement has been the provision of infrastructure to support the
dissemination of research and quality improvement findings through clinical meetings, workshops and
conference presentations by the nursing staff involved in the various projects.
6.5. Collaborative Clinical Education Epworth Deakin (CCEED) model (2003)7
In an effort to improve the quality of new graduate transition, Epworth Hospital and Deakin
University ran a collaborative project (2003) funded by the National Safety and Quality Council to
improve the support base for new graduates while managing the quality of patient care
Core values and aims of the collaborative partnership: - Before the actual framework of the
collaborative partnership was decided, a literature review of the most common models of
collaboration in nursing practice was used to promote discussion between the organizations to
clarify and formalize the assumptions underlying the core values, roles and responsibilities of
the partners, as indicated by Spross (1989). During this phase, four key concepts emerged:
firstly, that 'practice drives research'; secondly, the principle of 'collegial partnership'; thirdly,
'collaborative ownership', and finally, 'best practice' (Downie et al., 2001).
The Collaborative Clinical Education Epworth Deakin (CCEED) model developed to facilitate
clinical learning, promote clinical scholarship and build nurse workforce capability. This model
provided a framework for the first initiative, a CCEED undergraduate program that nested the clinical
component of Deakin University's undergraduate nursing curriculum within Epworth Hospital's health
service environment.
Nursing education
supported by Clinical
While staff and faculty work together to support and advance student learning and promote
high quality nursing care, the CLU model enables a level of student independence that helps them
move into the work-world. As well, the CLU concept bridges a perceived gap between academic and
clinical expectations. In this model, nursing faculty, clinical nurses and students work collaboratively to
enhance learning opportunities as well as develop the professional knowledge base of nursing.8
Specifically, a Collaborative Learning Unit is a nursing unit where all members of the staff,
together with students and faculty, work together to create a positive learning environment and
provide high quality nursing care. Clinical nurses preparing to adopt the CLU model have
described a positive learning environment as one where questions are expected. In the CLU
approach the students are not attached to the units as an extra set of hands to augment the
nursing workforce, but are present as learners with a primary interest in gaining entry-level
knowledge and competency associated with baccalaureate-prepared nursing practice. As learners
in the CLU model, students are supported by experienced clinical nurses, faculty and, ideally,
nurse researchers. Students recognize a positive learning environment when they perceive their
questions are welcomed, and when they receive thoughtful responses at mutually selected times
for students and staff. For faculty (e.g., academic instructors), key questions focus on determining
what nursing knowledge is needed to provide high quality nursing care. Thus, in a CLU, where
critical questioning is promoted, students can systematically learn to think like a nurse and can
demonstrate what they know and can do, as undergraduate nurses who are members of a health
care team.
6.7. The Collaborative Approach to Nursing Care (CAN- Care) Model (2006)12
The CAN-Care model emerged as academic and practice leaders acknowledged the need to
work together to promote the education, recruitment and retention of nurses at all stages of their
career. The idea of a partnership model emerged when the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing,
Florida Atlantic University, was awarded a grant from Tenet HealthCare Foundation to initiate an
Accelerated Second-degree BSN Program. The goal was to design an educationally dense, practicebased experience to socialize second-degree students to the role of professional nurse. A secondary
goal was to enhance and support the professional and career development of unit-based nurses. A
commitment to a constructivist approach to learning, an immersion experience to recognize the
unique needs of accelerated second-degree learners, and to emphasize the partnership among the
academic and practice setting, were guiding forces in the creation and enactment of the model. The
model emerged from a dialogue among leaders from the academic and practice setting focusing on
the areas of expertise and potential contributions of each partner.
Clinical Site
Clinical Nurses
Through this model the student comes to know the organizational context of nursing practice,
the multifaceted role of professional
nurses, and assumes responsibility
for coming to know the meaning of
nursing in each unique situation. The
based nurse acquires new skills
in mentoring, exposure to evidenced
evidencedbased practice, and to theoretical
knowledge through association with
the college. This approach to
education in the practice setting is
thought to be more consistent with
the educational needs of nurses who
are preparing for the challenges of
professional practice in todays acute
care settings.
overall evaluation of the students achievement of the nursing practice course objectives, even the
process of the on-going evaluation becomes a collaborative effort with the nurse expert. The primary
role of the faculty member in the model is to nurture the nurse expert/nurse learner relationship and to
support the growth and development of both expert and learner in their respective roles and
responsibilities. The on-site faculty member becomes an advisor, resource, role-model and educator
for both the nurse expert and the nurse learner. The work of the faculty is re-conceptualized as the
creator of the environment to support learning and professional growth as opposed to the direct
teaching of preselected content.
Thus The Bridge to Practice Model provides undergraduate nursing students with continuity in
medical-surgical education through placement in the same hospital for all medical-surgical clinical
rotations. Hospitals that participate in the bridge model provide senior clinical nurse preceptors whose
time is paid for by the university. The Bridge to Practice model emphasizes professional incentives for
hospital nurses to participate in nursing education. Planned incentives include the rewarding of
hospital nurses with continuing education credits for participation in the short-term training on
educational methodology and approaches. A tuition discount is offered for graduate course work at
the university for institutional students and faculty, more involvement with clinical support services and
care management, and more informed employment choices by senior students. Challenges include
recruitment of interested senior clinical nurses, retention of clinical liaison faculty, and management of
the trade-off between institutional stability offered by clinical site continuity and the variety of
experiences offered by rotation across several clinical settings.
The Bridge to Practice model proposed by Catholic University of America, school of Nursing
(2008), uses a cohort approach in which students complete medical-surgical clinical nursing education
at the same facility. Students must apply for clinical placement in the hospital of their choice via a
clinical application form. Clinical placement decisions are based on academic performance and
maturational level. Participating students undergo 415 hours of clinical experiences (nine academic
credits) focused on medical-surgical nursing. These clinical practice progresses from Adults in Health
and Illness: Basic, an introductory nursing course, to Medical-Surgical Nursing Leadership, a senior
level course taken in the last semester of baccalaureate study.
In this model, the healthcare organization becomes an active participant in creating learning
environments and contributing to the learning activities, as opposed to just being a setting in which
college-affiliated faculty appear with students for a teaching encounter. In return, the college becomes
an active partner in the professional development and retention of nurses at the practice facility.
Integration of education with service raised the quality of patient care and also improved the
quality of learning experiences for nursing students, under the close supervision of teachers who were
also practitioners.
6.9.2. Integrative Service-Education approach in CMC Vellore
College of Nursing under Christian Medical College, Vellore, where nurse educators are
practicing in the wards or directly involving in the delivery of nursing services. This enables the
practicing nurse to share her practical knowledge to the student nurse who is practicing in the
concerned wards.
Government of India conducted a pilot study on bridging the gap between education and
service in select institutions like one ward of AIIMS. The project was successful, patients and medical
While this separation has been beneficial in advancing nursing education, it has also had
adverse effects. Under the divided system, the nurse educators are no longer the practicing nurses in
the wards or directly involved in the delivery of nursing services, nor responsible for the quality of care
provided in the clinical settings used for students learning. The practicing nurses have little
opportunity to share their practical knowledge with students and no longer share the responsibility for
ensuring the relevance of the training that the students receive. As the gap between education and
practice has widened, there are now significant differences between what is taught in the classroom
and what is practiced in the service settings. The need for greater collaboration between nursing
education and services calls for urgent attention. We have two institutions which are practicing dual
role, education & practice : NIMHANS, Bangalore and CMC, Vellore. More institutions need to adopt
this model. This will help improve the quality of Nursing Education with overall objective of improving
the quality of nursing care to the patients and community at large4.
7. Conclusion
Estimating the future need for Registered Nurses with various educational backgrounds is
complicated by differing perceptions of educators and employers about the appropriate base of
knowledge and skills new graduates need. These differences began to be apparent when nursing
education moved away from its historical base in hospitals in response to abuses and inadequacies
that were believed to characterize the apprentice type of training they provided. They continue to
plague the profession3. Many nursing service administrators believe that academic nurse educators,
removed from the realities of the employment setting, are preparing students to function in ideal
environments that rarely exist in the real and extremely diverse worlds of work. In turn, many nurse
educators believe that nursing service administrators fail to provide work environments conducive to
the kinds of nursing practice their graduates--particularly baccalaureate RNs--are equipped to conduct
and that, furthermore, new graduates of baccalaureate, and diploma programs should be
differentiated in their functional work assignments. The report of a task force of the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing observes that " conflicting philosophies, values, and priorities
between nurse educators and nursing services administrators have generally served to deter a mutual
understanding and acceptance of responsibility for quality patient care." To succeed, nursing
educators and care providers alike must strengthen their response to these challenges with innovative
solutions built into the program design and administration. Closer collaboration between nurse
educators and nurses who provide patient services is essential to give students an appropriate
balance of preparation12.
All the models pursue collaboration as a means of developing trust, recognizing the equal
value of stakeholders and bringing mutual benefit to both partners in order to promote high quality
research, continued professional education and quality health care. The literature supports the utility
of such collaborations. For example, the most frequently cited positive outcomes are job satisfaction,
improved educational experiences for pre-registration nursing students, increased self-confidence and
improved knowledge base for nurses2. The majority of these models are based on a joint appointment
model where the nurse is initially employed by a health service or a university and divides his or her
time between teaching and clinical practice. Application of these models can reduce the perceived
gap between education and service in nursing there by can help in the development of competent and
efficient nurses for the betterment of nursing profession.
personnel appreciated the move but it required financial resources to replicate this process.
Thank You!
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