Maths Book List
Maths Book List
Maths Book List
Calculus Helpers
Calculus I
Calculus II
Coffee Table
Encyclopedias of
Foundations of
History of
Numerical Analysis
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Rev i ew : The seventh edition of Contemporary Abstract Algebra covers the basics of abstract algebra with clarity
and a rarely seen brightness. Opting for readability over the rigor many of its contemporaries embrace, this
textbook provides an excellent starting point for any student looking to learn and understand the subject.
Gallians writing is inviting and comprehensive, the proofs are rock-solid, and his overall handling of the topic and
the reader is gentle something beginners will be grateful for. Abundantly filled with exercises, well chosen
examples, and even biographies on notable mathematicians, this book makes the perfect companion for both
students and teaching
assistants. M or e i n fo .
Abstract Algebra
by David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote
Rev i ew : Serious math learners will be thrilled by the rigorous conciseness of this textbook. Dense with
information on every page and presented in a relaxed, open manner, Dummit and Footes Abstract Algebra
effectively works to usher the reader into a realm of sophisticated algebraic concepts and theories. It seamlessly
bridges any gap between graduate and undergraduate studies. The book is chock-full of clear examples and
succinct proofs, making it evident that the authors have no intention of keeping the reader on a particular topic
any longer than is necessary. With countless exercises and examples, Abstract Algebra proves to be an
invaluable tool that is undeniably worth the price. M or e i n fo .
Algorithms Books
Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition
by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest
Rev i ew : Introduction to Algorithms is a distinctly theoretical but all-around comprehensive book. Its use is
not only limited to those taking algorithms courses but can also be utilized by anyone as an extensive
reference source. Readers will learn quintessential algorithms as well as concepts such as what makes an
algorithm efficient and why. Students will need a bit of mathematical background to get from cover to cover,
however those who are able to do so will be intrigued by the content depth and wide spectrum of topics
covered. These topics run the gamut from classical algorithms to computational geometry. M or e i n fo .
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Rev i ew : Lengthy yet vital, this resource book is jam packed with straight-forward explanations and loads of solved
problems for students to easily learn from. Excelling many of its contemporaries by leaps and bounds, The
Calculus Lifesaver truly lives up to its title. Students who are tired of dreary calculus textbooks that provide no
motivation behind the concepts will be gladly surprised by the detailed and informal approach Banner uses to
capture their attention. He fills all gaps and leaves readers feeling satisfied and enlightened. This book dually
holds the characteristics of both an instructive primary aid as well as that of a supplementary read. M or e i n fo .
Calculus I Books
Calculus, Vol. 1
by Tom M. Apostol
Rev i ew : The author strikes a perfect balance between theory and technique by explaining the why of calculus
in addition to the how. He wanders off the standard presentational path for a calculus course and thereby
creates a more historically accurate and useful book. Those who are bound by the established method of teaching
calculus and are more interested in problems and exercises may not identify with Apostols method. But this is a
book that was written for the curious student with the intention of being read and understood, not practiced and
blindly memorized. The result is that students will be ready to tackle calculus subjects and courses with a
newfound clarity. M or e i n fo .
by Michael Spivak
Rev i ew : Tenacious students in favor of stimulating study will love this book. Spivaks prose is almost charming
in the way that it thrusts readers into a challenge that advanced learners will be happy to take on. He forces
them to rely on their own perspicacity and reason instead of a collection of random techniques and mechanics.
Sophisticated readers will appreciate the style he uses to communicate and teach calculus while others may
first want to opt for a more elementary text before attempting to penetrate the solidity of Spivaks. This fourth
edition includes additional problems and other minor changes not included in the third. M or e i n fo .
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Calculus On Manifolds
by Michael Spivak
Rev i ew : This short and concise book only focuses on what is essential and nothing else. It works to quickly develop
the readers understanding of differential and integral calculus. Spivak makes his writing on the main objective of
the book Stokes Theorem painless and easy to grasp. Readers are encouraged to keep a pen and paper on hand
to rewrite the proofs on their own. The books chapters are as follows: Functions on Euclidean Spaces,
Differentiation, Integration, Integration on chains, and Integration on Manifolds. Spivaks mathematical prowess is
apparent by his ability to pack so much punch in only a small amount of pages. If you enjoyed Calculus by Spivak,
youll love Calculus On Manifolds. M or e i n fo .
Combinatorics Books
Principles and Techniques in Combinatorics
by Chen Chuan-Chong and Koh Khee-Meng
Rev i ew : Math undergrads will find Principles and Techniques in Combinatorics to be a detailed but easy to read
book. This is a much needed textbook that can truly be classified as introductory. The authors take careful
consideration not to over-elaborate key concepts and thereby confuse those readers who are not as advanced in
mathematics as others. Students will enjoy walking step by step through precisely detailed combinatorial proofs
as well as reading the greatly in depth chapter on Recurrence Relations (Chapter 6). An abundance of
combinatorial problems that are perfect for math competition trainers and participants can be found at the end of
each chapter, adding even more value to this already low-priced gem. M or e i n fo .
Rev i ew : This second edition of Combinatorics and Graph Theory presents all relevant concepts in a clear and
straight to-the-point manner that students will undoubtedly favor. The authors waste no time and quickly set out
to teach readers in a brilliantly written and warmly engaging manner. Within its 382 pages, students will find
unambiguous explanations on a range of combinatorial and graph theory topics such as Ramsey numbers, Cayleys
tree-count theorem, inclusion-exclusion, vertex coloring, and elementary combinations to just name a few. The
second edition also contains new material not previously included in the first, such as extended information on
Polya theory, stable marriage problems, and Eulerian trails. M or e i n fo .
Encyclopedia of Mathematics
by James Stuart Tanton
Rev i ew : This awesome reference gives math lovers exactly what they want from a math encyclopedia. Those
who want to quickly search and learn about a particular topic without unneeded rambling from the author or
unsatisfactory terseness, will find a trustworthy companion in Tantons aptly named work. This book is
formatted in an A- Z structure. Tanton makes no diversions in outlining or trying to draw connections other than
what is necessary. He essentially gives readers the needed facts and resources, and then keeps it moving. This
will prove to be wonderful for some while disappointing for others. The book contains more than 800 entries as
well as relevant timelines following the entries. M or e i n fo .
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Rev i ew : This is one of the finest introductory texts on logic that any student can read. Enderton is cohesive in his
explanations and skillfully covers all the essential bases, from number theory to first and second order logic as well
as several theorems, including Godels. While not a mandatory requirement, it is highly recommended that the
reader has a slight understanding of math logic. This will make it easier to complete the many exercises found
throughout. Complete with many well-chosen examples and a wider scope than most of its peers, Id suggest this
book to anyone seeking to learn or better understand math logic. M or e i n fo .
by John Stillwell
Rev i ew : This book contains a treasure chest of priceless history and deep facts that even established pros will find
themselves learning from. John Stillwell foregoes the encyclopedic route and makes it his goal to help the reader
understand the beauty behind mathematics instead. He brilliantly unifies mathematics into a clear depiction that
urges readers to rethink what they thought they knew already. He effectively travels all pertinent ground in this
relatively short text, striking a clever balance between brevity and comprehensiveness. Readers looking to truly
understand the whole concept of mathematics and its disciplines will enjoy reading Stillwells Mathematics and its
History. M or e i n fo .
Information Science
by David G. Luenberger
Rev i ew : This book has what many of its peers dont: the skill and finesse to clearly explain complex concepts in a
manner that appeals to readers, but never loses integrity. The book contains interesting historical facts and insightful
examples. Luenberger forms the structure of his book around 5 main parts: entropy, economics, encryption,
extraction, and emission, otherwise known as the 5 Es. He encompasses several points of view and thereby creates a
well-rounded text that readers will admire. He details how each of the above parts provide function for modern info
products and services. Luenberger is a talented teacher that readers will enjoy learning from. M or e i n fo .
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Rev i ew : This is an exemplary book requiring a small level of mathematical maturity. Axler takes a thoughtful
and theoretical approach to the work. He skillfully takes the focus off from matrices and shifts the readers
attention more towards linear mappings. This makes his proofs elegant, simple, and pleasing. Conscious of the
readers possible unfamiliarity as well as time frame, Axler does a fine job of preparing and developing readers
understanding rather than fully detailing application methods and formulas. He leaves the reader with
unsolved exercises which many will find to be thought-provoking and stimulating. An understanding of working
with matrices is required. This book works great as a supplementary or second course introduction to linear
algebra. M or e i n fo .
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Rev i ew : Undergraduate math majors will find this book to be easily approachable but containing much depth.
Jones and Jones form a powerful duo and expertly take students through a painless and surprisingly enjoyable
learning experience. They seem aware that many readers prefer readability over a more pedantic style. They
briefly touch base on advanced topics such as Fermats Last Theorem and its history while still remaining
understandable. This book rightfully puts emphasis on the beauty of number theory and the authors accompany
each exercise with complete solutions something students will certainly enjoy. This book can work excellently as
both introductory course literature or supplementary study and reference material. M or e i n fo .
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Precalculus Books
Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell: Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry
by George F. Simmons
Rev i ew : George Simmons takes newbies and out of practice scholars alike, through a refreshing crash course in
three basic mathematical practices (Geometry, Algebra and Trigonometry) in their simple but often hated form.
High school graduates and others on the way to their first college calculus course will be thoroughly prepared to
take on the intimidating realm of college level mathematics. Simmons shows readers just how uncomplicated and
enjoyable mathematics can be all in a transparent and fluid tone. He goes into adequate depth while still
maintaining enough brevity to encourage the reader to think on their own. He cuts to the chase and afterwards
leaves readers feeling capable
and well-equipped. M or e i n fo .
Basic Mathematics
by Serge Lang
Rev i ew : The late Serge Langs Basic Mathematics will help students properly commence their venture into college
calculus. The book is divided into four sections: Algebra, Intuitive Geometry, Coordinate Geometry, and
Miscellaneous. Each section offers numerous exercises for readers to practice and fine-tune their abilities on. Lang
carefully uses his grounded expertise to construct a sturdy foundation for the reader to build their future
mathematical knowledge on. Basic math concepts are his sole focus and he comfortably takes readers through the
material with an advanced but stress free tone. The principles Lang brings to the forefront are absolutely vital for
anyone wishing to move forward in calculus, college algebra, and other areas of mathematics. M or e i n fo .
Probability Books
Introduction to Probability Models, Tenth Edition
by Sheldon M. Ross
Rev i ew : Introduction to Probability Models differs from many probability books in that it covers a variety of
disciplines. It has been widely used by a number of professors as the main text for many first courses. This
elementary introduction provides ample instruction on probability theory and stochastic processes, and insight
into its application in a broad range of fields. Ross has filled each chapter with loads of exercises and clear
examples. He also takes his time in explaining the thinking and intuition behind many of the theorems and proofs.
Even those who dont specialize in the field will find it a joy to read this book. M or e i n fo .
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Rev i ew : Jaynes writes a fantastic prose that views probability theory beyond the usual context. The ideas found
within this book are innovative and the author takes a welcomed path away from the conventional. Readers will
enjoy the intellectual journey into the fundamentals of probability theory coupled with the books relaxed and
informal tonality. It is strangely akin to receiving a one-on-one lesson from the author himself. Jaynes should be
praised for taking a huge step away from mainstream probability theory and into this fresher approach. The only
disappointment to this masterpiece is that, sadly, Jaynes died before completely finishing it, causing the editor to
step in and thinly inject the missing pieces. M or e i n fo .
Real Analysis
by N.L Carothers
Rev i ew : There are many math books that go by the same straightforward title, however not many of them exude
the same amount of mastery and reverence for the subject as Carothers does. The book is infused with
enlightening historical commentary which keeps the reader engaged and helps break the stereotype of boring
math books. The author also has an interesting custom of inserting a parenthesized why whenever he purposely
bypasses a detail by forcing readers to figure it out themselves. While some will find this frustrating, motivated
and determined students will take it as an opportunity to probe deeper and explore real analysis further than they
normally might. M or e i n fo .
Statistics Books
Statistics in Plain English, Third Edition
by Timothy C. Urdan
Rev i ew : Just as the title implies, the author has submitted an unequivocal and palpable exposition on statistics. Statistics in Plain
English is regarded by many as the most appropriate statistics primer for undergraduates. Urdan has managed to compress
everything one needs to know about statistics into a compact 250 page book that doesnt feel hurried or unfulfilling. The text is general
enough to be used in a variety of mathematical areas yet retains its comprehensiveness and accuracy. Urdan masterfully moves
through essential concepts without losing the reader the way many professors would. Students harboring apprehension towards
statistics will tremendously enjoy this book. M or e i n fo .
Introductory Statistics
by Neil A. Weiss
Rev i ew : Introductory Statistics will greatly increase readers understanding of statistics and the reasoning
behind the subject. Weiss has structured the subject matter carefully and formulates his writing in a lucid and
enjoyable style. He thoughtfully steers away from advanced topics as they would only serve to confuse readers
who are in this elementary stage. The focus is kept on detailed explanations of the basics in a clear language
that will appeal to many beginners. Some of the chapters covered include: The Nature of Statistics, Organizing
Data, Descriptive Measures, Discrete Random Variables, Inferential Methods in Regression and Correlation, and
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). M or e i n fo .
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Topology Books
Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis
by George F. Simmons
Rev i ew : The author of this book has divided it into three sections: topology, operators, and algebras of operators. He
contrives a fantastic and classical introduction to topology that targets continuity and linearity, the dominating
themes. In the preface Simmons states that the goal is to illuminate these words meaning and their relation to each
other, which is exactly what he does in the remaining pages. Self-study students will find Simmons to be a
phenomenal communicator and will have no problem at all going through chapter after chapter of his writings. He
clarifies deep concepts in a manner that boasts his mathematical capacity and skill while never leaving the reader
behind. M or e i n fo .
Feel free to get in touch if you think the list is really missing out by not listing a specific book. If
you are a publisher and feel that were missing a great book of yours, drop us a line. Please
understand that we recommend only what we consider to be the best books on the market today.
No exceptions.
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Aditya Singhal
Antonio Cangiano
Chris Waggoner
David Binner
Dr Michael Taylor (PhD, CPhys)
Gregory Thole
Jessica Cangiano
John F. McGowan, Ph.D.
Katherine Stange
Marvin Ray Burns
Michael Koploy
Patricia Lane
Tony McDaniel
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Algebra, Asimov, and Missing
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