Polaromonas Naphthalenivorans Sp. Nov., A Naphthalene-Degrading Bacterium From Naphthalene-Contaminated Sediment

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International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2004), 54, 9397

DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.02636-0

Polaromonas naphthalenivorans sp. nov.,

a naphthalene-degrading bacterium from
naphthalene-contaminated sediment
Che Ok Jeon, Woojun Park, William C. Ghiorse and Eugene L. Madsen

Department of Microbiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-8101, USA

Eugene L. Madsen

Strain CJ2T, capable of growth on naphthalene as a sole carbon and energy source, was
isolated from coal-tar-contaminated freshwater sediment. The Gram reaction of strain CJ2T
was negative. The cells were non-spore-forming, non-motile cocci (without flagella). The isolate
was found to be an aerobic heterotroph capable of utilizing glucose and other simple sugars.
Growth was observed between 4 and 25 6C (optimum, 20 6C) and between pH 6?0 and 9?0
(optimum, pH 7?07?5). The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 61?5 mol% and the major
quinone was ubiquinone-8. The peptidoglycan of strain CJ2T was determined as belonging to type
A1-c, meso-diaminopimelic acid. The major fatty acids of strain CJ2T were 16 : 1v7c (67?0 %),
16 : 0 (19?6 %), 18 : 1v7c (~7?9 %) and 10 : 0 3-OH (~2?5 %). The polar lipids were
phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and diphosphatidylglycerol. Mycolic acid and
glycolipids could not be detected. Comparative 16S rDNA analysis indicated that strain CJ2T is
related to the family Comamonadaceae and that the nearest phylogenetic relative was Polaromonas
vacuolata 34-PT (97?1 % similarity). On the basis of the physiological and molecular properties,
the naphthalene-degrading isolate was designated Polaromonas naphthalenivorans sp. nov. The
type strain is CJ2T (=ATCC BAA-779T=DSM 15660T).

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination of

soil, water or sediment is of concern because PAHs can be
toxic and/or carcinogenic. Numerous studies have been
conducted on PAH-degrading bacteria, and extensive
information has accumulated on the physiology, biochemistry and genetic basis of PAH biodegradation by both
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, especially for
pseudomonads, because of their susceptibility to isolation
and cultivation (Daane et al., 2001; Fuenmayor et al., 1998;
Laurie & Lloyd-Jones, 1999; Serdar & Gibson, 1989; Simon
et al., 1993).
Coal-tar waste containing high concentrations of PAHs
was buried at our study site approximately 40 years ago,
contaminating sediments and groundwater in an area 300 m
long by 60 m wide (Madsen et al., 1991). Although we had
Published online ahead of print on 18 July 2003 as DOI 10.1099/
Abbreviations: MSB agar, minimal salts base agar; PAH, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon; PHA, poly-b-hydroxyalkanoic acid.
The GenBank accession number for the 16S rDNA sequence of strain
CJ2T is AY166684.
Micrographs of strain CJ2T, growth curves in various media and details
of aromatic hydrocarbon metabolism are available as supplementary
material in IJSEM Online.

02636 G 2004 IUMS

previously isolated a variety of Gram-negative and Grampositive naphthalene-degrading bacteria from the contaminated site (Herrick et al., 1997; Stuart-Keil et al., 1998),
a novel Gram-negative bacterium was discovered very
recently. Here, we describe this bacterium, strain CJ2T, as
a novel species designated Polaromonas naphthalenivorans
sp. nov.
The biogeochemistry of the study site has been reported
previously (Bakermans et al., 2002; Madsen et al., 1991).
Samples of surface freshwater sediment, bathed in groundwater flowing through naphthalene-rich coal-tar waste
contamination, were diluted serially and spread on minimal salts base (MSB) agar medium (Stanier et al., 1966)
incubated in the presence of naphthalene vapour as the
sole carbon source at 10 uC for 1 month. The isolate was
routinely grown aerobically at 20 uC except where indicated
otherwise. MSB containing 0?2 % pyruvate (w/v), Luria
Bertani (LB) broth and oligotrophic medium PYGV (Staley,
1968) were used for growth evaluation of the isolate and
related type strains. Broth cultures (5 ml, MSB containing
0?2 % pyruvate) used to inoculate other media were inoculated with a loop of cells and then shaken (200 r.p.m.)
overnight. These cells were diluted 1 : 20 for growth assays
in other media. Growth was monitored by measuring
the OD600.

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C. O. Jeon and others

Chromosomal DNA was isolated and purified by a method

described previously (Cashion et al., 1977). The G+C
content was determined by the Deutsche Sammlung von
Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (DSMZ) using the
method of Mesbah & Whitman (1989). DNA was hydrolysed and the resultant nucleotides were analysed by
isocratic reverse-phase HPLC (using Shimadzu equipment).
The morphology of naphthalene-degrading isolate CJ2T was
observed using a Zeiss LSM 210 laser scanning microscope
equipped for conventional phase-contrast and epifluorescence viewing or a Nikon E600 microscope equipped with
differential interference contrast optics. Scanning electron
microscopy was done at the Cornell Integrated Microscopy
Center. Motility was observed at 12 and 36 h in wet mounts.
Cells were measured and inclusion granules observed in a
drop of culture mounted on glass slides coated with 1 %
(w/v) agarose or slides coated with a dried smear of 0?5 mg
poly-L-lysine ml21 (to enhance cellular adhesion). The
agarose-coated slides were used to enhance detection of
intracellular granules and to make cellular measurements.
For scanning electron microscopy, CJ2T was fixed with 3 %
glutaraldehyde and 1 % osmium tetroxide and dried with a
critical-point dryer using liquid CO2 as the transition fluid.
The dried samples were sputter-coated with gold under a
vacuum and then examined with a scanning electron
microscope (S-4500; Hitachi). The Gram reaction was
determined using the Difco Gram Stain kit according to the
manufacturers recommended protocol using light microscopy. Strain CJ2T was physiologically characterized using
API 20E tests (bioMerieux Vitek) as described by Logan &
Berkeley (1984). Other phenotypic tests included those for
catalase and oxidase activities and anaerobiosis. The temperature range for growth was determined on MSB solid
medium, containing 0?2 % pyruvate, that had been preincubated at the appropriate temperature for 2 h prior to
inoculation. Cells were mounted on Formvar-coated copper
grids and negatively stained with 3 % ammonium molybdate or 1 % potassium phosphotungstate broth (pH 7?0).
Grids were examined in a Phillips 201 transmission electron
microscope operated at 80 kV.
Cells grown in MSB-pyruvate broth for 12 h were fixed onto
a glass microscope slide with poly-L-lysine and stained
with the Nile pink component of Nile blue A for poly-bhydroxyalkanoic acid (PHA) (Ostle & Holt, 1982; Takeda
et al., 2002) and 1 % toluidine blue; this was followed by
differentiation with 1 % H2SO4 for polyphosphate (Murray
et al., 1994). In a separate preparation, cells were mounted
in Grams iodine/potassium iodide solution for the detection of polyglucose granules (Stanier et al., 1986). Orange
fluorescence observed in the highly refractile granules of
the cells under short-wavelength epi-illumination established the presence of PHA in the granules (Takeda et al.,
2002). Metachromatic polyphosphate granules and dark
blue polyglucose granules were observed under bright-field
Respiratory lipoquinones were extracted, purified and

analysed by the DSMZ using procedures described by

Komagata & Suzuki (1987). The purified lipoquinones were
dissolved in acetone and separated by isocratic reverse-phase
HPLC by using methanol/isopropanol (50 : 50, v/v) as the
eluting solvent. Whole-cell fatty acids were extracted and
analysed by GC at the DSMZ and using the Microbial
Identification System (MIDI; Microbial ID). The diamino
acid of the peptidoglycan was determined by the DSMZ
using methods described previously (Komagata & Suzuki,
1987), and the presence of free mycolic acid was tested
according to the method of Tomiyasu & Yano (1984). The
polar lipid profile was determined by the DSMZ using the
integrated method for lipid analysis described by Minnikin
et al. (1984).
The 16S rDNA was amplified by PCR using two universal
primers as described previously (Lane, 1991). PCRs and
transformation were conducted according to the modified
method of Herrick et al. (1997). Sequencing of both strands
of the 16S rRNA gene of strain CJ2T was completed on an
ABI Prism 377XL instrument (Applied Biosystems). The
16S rRNA gene sequences (~1500 bp) of the isolate were
assembled using SeqMan (DNASTAR) and compared with
available 16S rRNA sequences from GenBank using the
BLAST program to determine its approximate phylogenetic
affiliation. Sequence-similarity values were computed using
DNADIST in PHYLIP version 3.5c (Cole et al., 2003). The 16S
rDNA sequence of strain CJ2T was aligned with 16S rRNA
gene sequences of representatives of related taxa by using
CLUSTAL W software (Thompson et al., 1994). Gaps at the 59
and 39 ends of the alignment were omitted from further
analyses. Construction of phylogenetic trees was computed
using two different methods of phylogenetic analysis
[parsimony and distance (Kimura two-parameter correction)] available in the PHYLIP software package, version 3.6
(Felsenstein, 2002). The stability of relationships was
assessed by using a bootstrap analysis of 1000 datasets
through the PHYLIP package.
The procedures described by Daane et al. (2001) were used
to assess utilization of a variety of aromatic compounds
(naphthalene, phenanthrene, fluorene, pyrene and biphenyl) in MSB liquid medium. Each culture was tested in
triplicate for each substrate. Cells were initially grown in
5 ml MSB containing 0?2 % pyruvate (w/v). Each of the test
aromatic substrates (1 mmole total; dissolved in the volatile
solvent hexane) was added to sterile 50 ml serum bottles.
After evaporation of the solvent, 10 ml MSB liquid medium
was added prior to the addition of 100 ml cell inoculum. At
time zero, killed controls were prepared by adding 200 ml
poison (5 % HCl, 0?25 M HgCl2) to each of the serumbottle treatments. Samples were incubated at 20 uC for
10 days. At each assay time (0 and 10 days), the serumbottle samples were extracted with 10 ml ethyl acetate and
this extract was analysed using a Hewlett Packard 6890 gas
chromatograph with an HP-5MS column (30 m, 0?25 mm
internal diameter, 0?25 mm film thickness) and an HP 5973
mass-selective detector. Results are reported as percentages
remaining relative to killed controls.

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Polaromonas naphthalenivorans sp. nov.

On MSB-pyruvate and MSB-naphthalene media, strain

CJ2T produced circular, convex, beige colonies with smooth
and glistening mucoid surfaces. No diffusible pigments were
observed. The morphology of strain CJ2T was examined by
using scanning electron microscopy and phase-contrast
light microscopy (see Supplementary Fig. A in IJSEM
Online). The cells were non-motile cocci that varied from
1 to 4 mm in diameter. Cells occurred singly or in pairs
and often formed small clusters of loosely adherent cells (see
Supplementary Fig. A). The cells were Gram-negative and
formed large, readily recognizable PHA granules, which
fluoresced orange after being stained with Nile pink. Darkblue granules indicative of polyglucose (Stanier et al., 1986)
were distributed outside large refractive PHA granules in
iodine/potassium iodine-mounted cells. Small metachromatic polyphosphate granules were observed in peripheral
regions of cells after toluidine blue staining. These results
suggest that strain CJ2T has the unusual ability to store,
during exponential growth, all three of the common types of
prokaryotic cellular reserve materials (Stanier et al., 1986).
Negatively stained cells were difficult to observe under the
transmission electron microscope as they did not readily adhere
to the Formvar film. None of the cells observed possessed
flagella. Since we did not observe motility in wet mounts of
cells at different stages of growth, we assume that CJ2T did not
produce flagella under the growth conditions we employed.
Chemical assays of MSB broth supplied with several PAH
compounds indicated that, like the two pseudomonad
reference strains, strain CJ2T metabolized 100 % of the
naphthalene provided (Supplementary Table in IJSEM
Online). Strain CJ2T was originally recognized by its large
(0?5 cm) mucoid colonies on MSB-naphthalene. In the
absence of naphthalene vapour, this growth did not
occur. Unlike the naphthalene-degrading reference strains
Pseudomonas putida NCIB 9816-4 and Pseudomonas putida
G7, colonies of strain CJ2T failed to produce an obvious
zone of clearing when sprayed with an ethereal solution of
phenanthrene as described by Kiyohara et al. (1982). Strain
CJ2T was found to be an aerobic heterotroph capable of
utilizing glucose and other simple sugars. Growth in MSBnaphthalene and MSB-pyruvate agar media was observed

between 4 and 25 uC, and the optimum temperature was

about 20 uC. However, growth was not detectable at 30 uC.
The optimum pH of strain CJ2T on MSB containing 0?2 %
pyruvate was about 7?07?5. The bacterium was oxidaseand catalase-positive. Its growth rate was markedly diminished
in rich (100 % and 20 % LB) media, relative to MSB-pyruvate
and oligotrophic PYGV media (Staley, 1968) (Supplementary Fig. B). Gelatinase and citrate-utilization tests were
positive. Arginine was hydrolysed by strain CJ2T but ONPG
was not. Strain CJ2T did not produce lysine decarboxylase,
ornithine decarboxylase, tryptophan deaminase, urease,
hydrogen sulfide, indole or acetoin and also did not produce acid from D-glucose, mannitol, sucrose or arabinose.
Growth was not significant on MSB-glucose plates incubated anaerobically; furthermore, anaerobic growth on this
medium was not enhanced by added sodium nitrate.
Strain CJ2T grows readily on MSB agar with naphthalene
vapour as the sole source of carbon and energy at 10 uC. At
temperatures above 20 uC, growth does not occur, possibly
because the vapour pressure of naphthalene is toxic. At
20 uC, growth of strain CJ2T on naphthalene vapour is not
robust and may be influenced by the presence of capsular
material, which may mitigate toxicity. Strain CJ2T does
not grow in MSB broth with naphthalene crystals in the
The major quinone found in the strain CJ2T was
ubiquinone-8. The fatty acid profile of strain CJ2T was
characterized by the presence of 16 : 1v7c (67?0 %), 16 : 0
(19?6 %), 18 : 1v7c (~7?9 %) and 10 : 0 3-OH (~2?5 %).
The fatty acid profile did not match any in the MIDI
identification system. The G+C content of strain CJ2T was
61?5 mol%. The major peptidoglycan of strain CJ2T was
determined as belonging to type A1-c, meso-diaminopimelic
acid. The polar lipids were phosphatidylethanolamine,
phosphatidylglycerol and diphosphatidylglycerol. Neither
mycolic acid nor glycolipids could be detected in cells of
strain CJ2T. The fatty acid composition and the lipoquinone
are typical of the b-Proteobacteria.
Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence showed
that strain CJ2T was closely related to members of the family

Fig. 1. Phylogenetic position of strain CJ2T

among related bacteria. The tree was produced using the neighbour-joining algorithm
and was calculated using ~1500 bases of
the 16S rRNA gene. Escherichia coli was
used as an outgroup. The scale bar represents 0?1 changes per nucleotide position.

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10 : 0


10 : 0



16 : 0, 16 : 1,
18 : 1
16 : 0, 16 : 1

Rods or spirilla
Polar or
bipolar tufts
16 : 1v7c, 16 : 0,
18 : 1v7c
One, polar
Curved rods
One, polar


Comamonadaceae (Fig. 1). The nearest known relatives of

strain CJ2T were Polaromonas vacuolata 34-PT (97?1 %
similarity), Aquaspirillum delicatum LMG 4328 (95?1 %)
and Variovorax paradoxus IAM 12373T (94?2 %). Table 1
features several phenotypic traits of strain CJ2T that can
differentiate it from phylogenetically related strains of the
family Comamonadaceae of the b-Proteobacteria (Wen et al.,
1999). Two other phenotypic features that distinguish strain
CJ2T from all other strains of the Comamonadaceae are
its coccoid and unflagellated (non-motile) morphology.
The closest known relative of CJ2T clearly is Polaromonas
vacuolata 34-PT, especially with regard to 16S rDNA
sequence and major cellular fatty acids; however, the
latter shows growth at lower temperatures, a lower G+C
content, flagellation and rod-shaped cells (Irgens et al.,
1996). On the basis of its distinctive physiological,
morphological and other key traits, it is proposed that
strain CJ2T represents a novel species, for which the name
Polaromonas naphthalenivorans sp. nov. is proposed.
Description of Polaromonas naphthalenivorans
sp. nov.


10 : 0


10 : 0

Polaromonas naphthalenivorans (naph.thal.en.i.vo9rans.

N.L. neut. n. naphthalenum naphthalene; L. part. adj.
vorans consuming; N.L. neut. adj. naphthalenivorans

Major 3-OH acid

DNA G+C content (mol%)

Psychrophilic growth
Major quinone system
Major cellular fatty acids

16 : 1v7c,
16 : 0, 18 : 1v7c

16 : 1v7c, 16 : 0,
18 : 1v7c, 18 : 1v9t
or 18 : 1v12t

Spirilla or curved rods

Bipolar tufts or 12 flagella
at only one pole
16 : 0, 16 : 1

One, polar

Strain CJ2T

Data for other genera were taken from Wen et al. (1999). +, Present in all species; 2, absent in all species; Q, ubiquinone; RQ, rhodoquinone;

Table 1. Characteristics of strain CJ2T and other genera in the family Comamonadaceae


no data available.


C. O. Jeon and others

Cells are non-motile, presumably non-flagellated, Gramnegative, aerobic cocci of variable size (14 mm), usually
found individually or in small clusters of loosely adherent
cells. Oxidase- and catalase-positive. The optimum growth
temperature and pH are respectively 20 uC and 77?5.
Many simple sugars are utilized. PHA, polyglucose and
polyphosphate granules accumulate as storage material.
Chemo-organotrophic. The G+C content is approximately
61?5 mol% and ubiquinone-8 is the major quinone. Cells
form circular, convex colonies with smooth and glistening
surfaces. Pigment is not produced. Growth is not observed
at 30 uC. The growth rate is much lower in LB medium
than in MSB or oligotrophic media. Large (0?5 cm) mucoid
colonies are produced with naphthalene vapour as the
carbon-source medium at 10 uC. Naphthalene is efficiently
removed from solution. Tests for gelatinase, citrate utilization
and arginine hydrolase are positive. ONPG is not hydrolysed. Assays for lysine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase, tryptophan deaminase and urease are negative.
Hydrogen sulfide, indole and acetoin are not produced.
Acid, but no gas, is produced from D-glucose, mannitol,
sucrose and arabinose. The major cellular fatty acids are
16 : 1v7c (67?0 %), 16 : 0 (19?6 %), 18 : 1v7c (~7?9 %) and
10 : 0 3-OH (~2?5 %). The major peptidoglycan is type
A1-c, meso-diaminopimelic acid. The polar lipids are phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and diphosphatidylglycerol. Mycolic acid and glycolipids are not detected.
The type strain is CJ2T (=ATCC BAA-779T=DSM
15660T), which was isolated from coal-tar-contaminated
surface sediments from South Glens Falls, NY, USA.

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Polaromonas naphthalenivorans sp. nov.


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