170 Heavy Metals in Soils PDF
170 Heavy Metals in Soils PDF
170 Heavy Metals in Soils PDF
Brain J. Alloway, Soil Research Centre, Department of Geography and Environmental
Science, School of Human and Environmental Sciences, University of Reading,
Whiteknights, Reading, UK
Jack T. Trevors, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph,
Ontario, Canada
Editorial Board
I. Colbeck, Interdisciplinary Centre for Environment and Society,
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, U.K.
R.L. Crawford, Food Research Center (FRC) 204, University of Idaho, Moscow,
Idaho, U.S.A.
W. Salomons, GKSS Research Center, Geesthacht, Germany
Brian J. Alloway
Brian J. Alloway
Soil Research Centre
Department of Geography
and Environmental Science
School of Human and Environmental
University of Reading
Whiteknights, Reading, UK
ISSN 1566-0745
ISBN 978-94-007-4469-1
ISBN 978-94-007-4470-7 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7
Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012943047
Originally published by Blackie Academic & Professional, an imprint of Chapman & Hall
#Chapman & Hall, Glasgow, 1990, 1995
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As with the previous editions, this book will be of great value to advanced
undergraduate and postgraduate students, research scientists and professionals in
environmental science, soil science, geochemistry, agronomy, environmental health
and specialists responsible for the management and clean-up of contaminated land.
January, 2012 University of Reading, UK
Part I
Basic Principles
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brian J. Alloway
Part II
Arsenic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Walter W. Wenzel
Cadmium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Erik Smolders and Jelle Mertens
Copper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Koen Oorts
Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eiliv Steinnes
Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eiliv Steinnes
Selenium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Olav Albert Christophersen, Graham Lyons, Anna Haug,
and Eiliv Steinnes
Zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jelle Mertens and Erik Smolders
Part III
Antimony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rafael Clemente
Barium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paula Madejon
Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rafael Clemente
Molybdenum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brian J. Alloway
Silver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rafael Clemente
Thallium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paula Madejon
Tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brian J. Alloway
Tungsten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rafael Clemente and Nicholas W. Lepp
Uranium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brian J. Alloway
Vanadium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paula Madejon
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steve Lofts Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster Environment Centre,
Lancaster, UK
Graham Lyons School of Agriculture, Food & Vine, University of Adelaide,
Glen Osmond, SA, Australia
Paula Madejon Protection of the Soil-Water-Plant System, Instituto de Recursos
Naturales y Agrobiologa de Sevilla (IRNAS), CSIC, Sevilla, Spain
Jelle Mertens Division Soil and Water Management, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Koen Oorts ARCHE (Assessing Risks of CHEmicals), Ghent, Belgium
Maximilian Posch CCE, RIVM (National Institute for Public Health & the
Environment), Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Tony Remans Centre for Environmental Sciences, Environmental Biology,
Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Giancarlo Renella Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences,
University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Erik Smolders Division Soil and Water Management, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Eiliv Steinnes Department of Chemistry, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Ed Tipping Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster Environment Centre,
Lancaster, UK
Nicholas C. Uren Department of Agricultural Sciences, La Trobe University,
Bundoora, VIC, Australia
Jaco Vangronsveld Centre for Environmental Sciences, Environmental Biology,
Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Andon Vassilev Department of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Agricultural
University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Walter W. Wenzel University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna,
and Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, Institute of Soil Science, University &
Research Centre Tulln (UFT), Tulln, Austria
Nele Weyens Centre for Environmental Sciences, Environmental Biology, Hasselt
University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Scott D. Young School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Loughborough,
Leicestershire, UK
cmolC kg1
cacodylic acid
chromated copper arsenate (wood preservative)
charge coupled device
Coordination Centre for Effects (of the ICP Modelling and
Mapping under the LRTAP Convention)
Urinary cadmium
cation exchange capacity
model (which includes WHAM-VI) to simulate combined acidification and metal behaviour for catchments in Cumbria (north-west
critical load
centimoles charge per kilogram (units of cation exchange capacity)
certified reference material
cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry
Daltons (molecular size) 1 Da1 g/mol
apparent diffusion coefficient (m2 s1)
damage delay time
diffusive gradients in thin films technique
Deutsches Institut fur Normung (German Standards Institute)
deoxyribonucleic acid
dissolved organic carbon
dissolved organic matter (mol kg1)
diethylentriaminepentaacetic acid (chelating agent used for soil
depleted uranium
dry weight (also DMdry matter)
effective concentration yielding 10% inhibition in response
effective cation exchange capacity (at pH of the soil)
electrodeless discharge lamp
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (chelating agent use for soil
energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence
redox potential, which is the potential generated between a platinum electrode inserted into the solution to be measured and a
standard hydrogen electrode (mV)
GI tract
mg kg1
mg L1
Part I
Basic Principles
Chapter 1
Brian J. Alloway
Abstract This new (third) edition of Heavy Metals in Soils provides an up to date
and in-depth coverage of analytical methods, concentrations in soils, soil chemistry
and effects on plants, animals and humans of the 21 most environmentally important heavy metals and metalloids. Although retaining a similar structure to the two
earlier editions (1990 and 1995) it has been completely re-written by a team of
mainly new authors. Its scope has been expanded by the inclusion of 4 new chapters
in Part I (Basic Principles) dealing with soil organisms, soil-plant relationships,
heavy metal(loid)s as micronutrients and critical loads. Part II, (Key Heavy Metals
and Metalloids) covers the 11 most important elements and Part III (Other Heavy
Metals and Metalloids of Potential Environmental Significance) deals with a further
10 less well known, but nonetheless important elements. Figures are given for total
world mining production of most of these heavy metal(loid)s over the period from
1973 to 2010. Opinions differ on the appropriateness of the term heavy metals and
these are discussed together with a brief consideration of significant developments
in the study and management of heavy metal(loid)s in soils over the 22 years since
the first edition.
Keywords Heavy metals Metalloids Soil Plants Animals Micronutrients
Editions Chapters Authors Toxicity Deficiencies Mine production
B.J. Alloway
the first edition of Heavy Metals in Soils was published [1]. As more and more
analytical data for soils and plants become available in the world literature it is
increasingly apparent that considerable areas of soil in many parts of the world have
been contaminated with heavy metals and metalloids which, in many cases, pose
potential toxicity problems. On the other hand, however, deficiencies of essential
heavy metals, such as zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) and metalloids,
such as selenium (Se) in agricultural soils are affecting agricultural productivity and
human health in many countries.
The most important factor determining whether toxicities or deficiencies of
elements will occur in plants on a particular soil is the plant-available concentration
in this soil. This depends on the total content of the element, the adsorptive capacity
of the soil and physico-chemical factors, such as pH and redox potential, which
control the balance between adsorbed and soil solution fractions of heavy metals
and metalloids. This book provides in-depth coverage of the key factors affecting
the occurrence, soil-plant relationships and possible toxicities or deficiencies of the
most environmentally important heavy metals and metal(loid)s. It is divided into
three parts: Part I: Basic Principles, Part II: Key Heavy Metals and Metalloids
and Part III Other Heavy Metals and Metalloids of Potential Environmental
Part I (Basic Principles) covers (in order): the geochemical and anthropogenic
origins of heavy metals and metalloids in soils (Chap. 2), soil chemistry (Chap. 3),
methods of chemical analysis (Chap. 4), effects on soil organisms (Chap. 5),
soil-plant relationships (Chap. 6), a brief overview of the heavy metal(loid)s
which are essential for plants and/or animals (Chap. 7) and finally, Chap. 8 deals
with critical loads, which are the total input rates of heavy metals and metalloids
in soils and the environment which can be sustained without harmful effects.
Part II (Key Heavy Metals and Metalloids) comprises nine chapters covering
the sources, properties, soil-plant relationships, human and animal toxicology and
other environmental aspects of the 11 most environmentally important heavy
metal(loid)s. These include: arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt
(Co), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn). Finally, Part III (Other Heavy Metals and Metalloids
of Potential Environmental Significance) deals with the less well known, but
nevertheless environmentally important elements: antimony (Sb), barium, (Ba),
gold (Au), molybdenum (Mo), silver (Ag), thallium (Tl), tin (Sn), tungsten (W)
uranium (U) and vanadium (V).
The term heavy metal has been used for many years and is generally
recognised as referring to the group of metals and metalloids of relatively high
atomic mass (>5 g cm3) especially the transition metals, such as Pb, Cd and Hg,
that can cause toxicity problems [5, 7]. However, heavy metals is difficult to
define precisely and some experts consider it inappropriate [5]. Although several
alternative group names, including toxic metals and trace metals have been put
forward, there are also problems with their use. Chemists argue that a new classification based on the periodic table is needed to enable properties, such as toxicological effects of elements to be predicted [5]. However, on the other hand, many
1 Introduction
professionals who have to deal with contaminated soil and other environmental
media find the group name heavy metals to be a convenient peg on which to
hang data for the range of metals and metalloids likely to cause toxicity problems.
It is highly likely that many of these people will probably continue to use it, even
though it is poorly defined. One consequence of this is that heavy metals tends to
be used mainly in a pejorative sense implying bad metals which contaminate and
hence spoil the quality of land [6]. This is unfortunate because several of the heavy
metals are also essential for plants and/or animals and need to be present in
adequate quantities. Other non-pejorative terms, such as trace metals are sometimes used in preference. Some non-metals, such as As, Sb and Se which have the
appearance and/or some of the properties of metals, but behave chemically
like non-metals, have sometimes been included within the group name heavy
metals. This is now considered to be too imprecise and so they are usually referred
to as metalloids to distinguish them from heavy metals. The term heavy metal
(loid)s is used widely in this book as a convenient shorthand when both heavy
metals and related (high density) non-metals are being considered together.
Trace elements is another widely used (and non-pejorative) term which
includes the heavy metal(loid)s and also lower density metals and non-metals,
such as boron (B) and halogens such as iodine (I) and fluorine (F) which do not
necessarily cause the same environmental and toxicological problems as the heavy
metal(loid)s. In plant and animal nutrition, there is a convention for referring to
the essential heavy metals and metalloids as trace elements, but this is not as
precise as micronutrients. From a geochemical point of view, the heavy metal
(loid)s are all trace elements, that is they normally occur in trace amounts (usually
<1,000 mg kg1) in rocks and soils (except for natural concentrations in ore
minerals, which form ore deposits). However, the biological use of the term
trace element applies to elements normally occurring at relatively low concentrations (usually <100 mg kg1) in the dry matter of living organisms.
From a historical perspective, some heavy metals such as Au, Ag, Cu, Sn and Pb
have been used by mankind for thousands of years (e.g., Au around 8,000 years, Cu
>6,000 years). The places where these metals were mined and smelted or where
artefacts were made from them will have been contaminated by these metals. Other
geochemically associated heavy metal(loid)s such as As and Zn, which were
present in some of the ore deposits, but not intentionally exploited, will also have
contaminated the local environment. Analyses of carbon and pollen-dated layers in
peat cores from ombrotrophic bogs in Europe have revealed that atmospheric
pollution of Cu and Pb from mining and smelting has occurred over a period of
more than 4,000 years [4, 9]. Peaks of contamination occurred at historically
important times such as the Bronze Age, the Roman Empire, the Industrial Revolution and the modern period with its diverse sources and greatly increased pollution
loads. Apart from anthropogenic sources, soils in areas underlain by rocks with
anomalously high contents of heavy metal(loid)s will also have become enriched
through natural geomorphological and pedogenic processes over an even longer
B.J. Alloway
Table 1.1 World mine production of heavy metals and metalloids (t of element content, except
where stated)
World production
1973 [11]
1994 [3]
2004 [3]
Barium*a (59%)
Thallium (kg)
From: US Geological Survey [10, 11] and World Resources Institute [12]
Tonnages of mined metal ores, rather than in metal(loid) content
Barite BaSO4 (59% Ba)
Chromite FeCrO4 (46.5% Cr)
Mn ore (oxides) (3554% Mn)
2010 [10]
Table 1.1 shows total annual production of many of the heavy metal(loid)s
covered in this book over the period 19732010 [3, 10, 11]. Copper production is
the highest of all the metals shown and has more than doubled along with that of Zn
and Ni over this 37 year period. Tungsten production doubled between 1994 and
2010, Ag increased by around 60% and Au production remained more or less
even over this period. Tin and Pb showed a decrease between 1973 and 1994,
with gradual increases after this to higher total production tonnages by 2010.
The marked decrease of more than five times in the production of Hg between
1973 and 1994 and then relatively similar total production in the subsequent
16 years is particularly noteworthy and is due to changes in the use of Hg and the
introduction of stricter environmental controls.
In contrast to anthropogenic contamination of soils, it is now recognised that large
areas of agricultural land are deficient in one or more plant micronutrients [2]. As the
world population and its concomitant demand for food continues to increase, it is
important to ensure that levels of plant-available micronutrients such as boron (B), Cu,
Zn, Mn, Fe and molybdenum (Mo) in soils are adequate. This has become a major
problem in some parts of the world where higher yielding crop cultivars are being
1 Introduction
grown on less fertile soils and deficiencies in Zn, Cu, B and other micronutrients are
becoming widespread (see Chaps. 7, 12, 13 and 17). Concentrations of elements
essential for livestock and humans will also be lower in deficient crops, which is
particularly important in the case of Zn which is required by both plants and animals/
humans (Chap. 17) and Se, which is only required by animals/humans (see Chap. 16).
Since the first edition of this book was published in 1990, there have been many
important developments in the study and management of heavy metal(loid)s in soils
and these include:
Multi-element analysis of soils and plants (by ICP-AES, ICP-MS and XRF) is now
much more common both for research and advisory (extension) purposes, in fact
ICP-AES is now the most widely used spectroscopic technique for the analysis of
heavy metal(loid)s in soils, plants and related materials (See Chap. 4, Sect. 4.7.4).
The publication of soil geochemical atlases for several countries and regions and
analytical data from the soil testing of large numbers of representative samples
from farmers fields provide valuable indications of the relative proportions of
deficient and contaminated soils (See Chap. 2).
Major advances have been made in modelling the dynamics of heavy metal
(loid)s in soil-water and soil-plant systems with models such as the Free Ion
Activity Model (FIAM), the Windermere Humic Aqueous Models (WHAM
16) and the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) (see Chaps. 3 and 8). These are very
useful in the estimation of critical loads and in the remediation of contaminated
and deficient soils.
The publication (in English) of large numbers of papers on heavy metal(loid)
contaminated soils in China, eastern Europe and other regions about which
relatively little was known until recently, provides a wider global perspective
on sources, dynamics and effects of heavy metal(loid)s in soils (see Chap. 2).
Increased awareness of the significance of atmospheric inputs of heavy metal(loid)
s and the development of the methodology for determining critical loads (See
Chaps. 2, 8, 16 and 17) has focussed attention on minimising soil contamination.
Increased research on the ecotoxic effects of heavy metal(loid)s on soil organisms
(See Chaps. 5, 6 and 13) has shown that several important soil ecosystem
processes mediated by microorganisms may be disrupted at relatively low levels
of contamination when crop plants appear to be unaffected by toxicity.
The European Union (EU) instigated a series of voluntary risk assessments on
several heavy metals, including Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn. These
assessments drew together the latest findings on the inputs of these metals from
the major sources, concentrations in soils and critical (ecotoxicological)
concentrations from throughout Europe (see Chaps. 8, 10, 13 and 17). These
have been superseded by the EU REACH Regulations which deal with the
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances
and became law (within the EU) in 2007. These regulations aim to improve the
protection of human health and the environment through improved and earlier
identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances and also to
enhance the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry.
B.J. Alloway
Metalliferous mine tailings dams have failed in various countries (e.g. Romania
and Spain recently) resulting in large areas of alluvial soils downriver being
grossly contaminated with heavy metal(loid)-containing tailing particles. The
massive contamination of previously uncontaminated land has provided some
very valuable research opportunities.
Increased recognition of the importance of micronutrient deficiencies in humans,
especially of Zn and Se has fostered research into methods for the biofortification
of crops with these metal(loid)s (see Chaps. 7, 16 and 17) and Alloway [2].
Increased planning and regulatory emphasis on the recycling of brownfield sites,
has stimulated research into the clean-up and remediation of heavy metal(loid)contaminated soils [8].
Developments in armaments, such as the use of depleted uranium (DU) in antitank ammunition and armour for tanks has necessitated research into the
behaviour of this material in the environment including pathways to humans
(see Chaps. 2 and 26).
Synthetic organo-tin compounds (OTCs) have been used in increasing amounts
in industry, marine antifouling paints and agriculture since their introduction in
the 1960s and significant amounts have found their way into some aquatic and
terrestrial environments. The OTCs which enter soils can be taken up by plants
and enter human diets. It is therefore important to monitor their concentrations
and investigate any potential toxicity hazards [3](see Chap. 24).
This book contains a great deal of up-to-date information on heavy metal(loid)s
in soils, plants and the wider environment which will be of great value to research
workers, agronomists, environmental engineers, environmental protection
specialists and regulators. It will also be a very useful source of information for
advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students.
1. Alloway, B. J. (Ed.). (1990). Heavy metals in soils (1st ed.). Glasgow: Blackie Academic and
2. Alloway, B. J. (Ed.). (2008). Micronutrient deficiencies in global crop production. Dordrecht:
3. Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities. (2000). National Pollutant Inventory: Organo-tin compounds: Overview. http://
4. De Vleeschouwer, F., Gerard, L., Goormaghtigh, C., Mattielli, N., Le Roux, G., & Fagel, N.
(2007). Atmospheric lead and heavy metal pollution records from a Belgian peat bog spanning
the last two millennia: Human impact on a regional to global scale. The Science of the Total
Environment, 377, 282295.
5. Duffus, J. (2002). Heavy Metals A meaningless term? Pure and Applied Chemistry,
74, 793807.
6. Hodson, M. E. (2004). Heavy metals-geochemical bogey men? Environmental Pollution,
129, 341343.
7. Kemp, D. D. (1998). The environment dictionary. London: Routledge.
1 Introduction
Chapter 2
Abstract Heavy metals and metalloids in soils are derived from the soil parent
material (lithogenic source) and various anthropogenic sources, most of which
involve several metal(loid)s. There are many different anthropogenic sources of
heavy metal(loid) contamination affecting both agricultural and urban soils. However, localised contamination from a predominant single source, such as a metal
smelter can have a marked effect on soils, vegetation and possibly also on the health
of the local population, especially in countries where there are inadequate emission
controls and soil quality standards. In general, soils at industrial sites can have
distinct groups of heavy metal(loid) contaminants, which depend on the respective
industries and their raw materials and products. Soils in all urban areas are generally
contaminated with lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) from traffic,
paint and many other non-specific urban sources. Although the heavy metal(loid)
composition of agricultural soils tends to be more closely governed by the parent
material, inputs from sources such as deposition of long-distance, atmosphericallytransported aerosol particles from fossil fuel combustion and other sources, organic
material applications and contaminants in fertilisers can also be significant. Removal
of Pb from petrol and paints, changes in the type and structure of industries and strict
regulations on atmospheric emissions and waste water discharges have resulted in a
general reduction in the loads of heavy metal(loid)s reaching soils in many countries.
However, historic contamination still affects soils in many areas and may have
impacts for decades or even centuries afterwards.
Keywords Lithogenic Anthropogenic Atmospheric deposition Contamination
Urban Ores Mining Industry
B.J. Alloway
All soils contain more or less the full range of heavy metal(loid)s in the periodic
table, but the concentrations vary widely and some may be below the limit of
detection for certain analytical procedures. Concentrations of elements in soils can
be divided into total and available, which is the fraction of this total content
which is potentially available to plants (see Chaps. 3 and 4). Total concentrations
include all forms of the element in a soil, such as ions bound in the crystal structure
of primary and secondary minerals; those adsorbed on the surfaces of secondary
minerals such as clays, oxides and carbonates, those bound in solid state organic
matter, and free ions and soluble organic and inorganic complexes in the soil
solution. In most cases, much of the total content of an element will not be available
for immediate uptake by plants. The available concentration of an element in the
soil is an estimate of the fraction of that element which is present as either free ions,
soluble complexes or in readily desorbable (labile) forms. Availability is affected
by many factors including pH, redox status, macronutrient levels, available water
content and temperature (see Chap. 3). Plants can also exert significant effects
on the availability of metal(loid)s through the release of exudates from the roots
(see Chap. 6). Soil analysis to determine available concentrations of elements
usually involves a partial extraction with dilute solutions of reagents which have
been correlated with plant uptake and/or yield in certain species, or measurement of
specific soil parameters which can be used in a model to predict free ion and
available concentrations (see Chaps. 3 and 6). Although total concentrations are
often a poor indication of the potentially plant-available or bio-accessible
fractions of a metal(loid) in a soil, they do provide a useful indication of whether
a soil has anomalously high or low concentrations. This will show whether this soil
is contaminated and/or geochemically enriched and thus poses a possible risk of
toxicity to some species of plants, soil fauna or microorganisms (Chaps. 5 and 6).
On the other hand, low total concentrations indicate that a soil has either developed
from a parent material with a low total content of an element, or has become
depleted during pedogenesis and is relatively free from contamination. In either
case, there is a greater chance of essential heavy metal(loid)s (Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Mo
and Se) being deficient in soils with low total contents especially where soil
conditions do not favour plant availability (see Chap. 7).
constituents and gives a true total concentration (Chap. 4, Sect, 4.5.1). The other
more widely used analytical procedure involves digestion in hot aqua regia
(concentrated HNO3 + HCl) which dissolves most of the soil constituents except
those strongly bound in silicate minerals. This is sometimes referred to as the
pseudo-total content, or qualified as being determined in aqua regia (often
abbreviated to AR in tables) (Sect. 4.5.2). Although not providing absolute total
concentrations, this method extracts all the elements that are likely to become
bioavailable even in the long term.
Table 2.1 gives the median and maximum concentrations of 20 heavy metal
(loid)s from surveys in different countries and regions and also average values for
these elements in world soils. It was not possible to include gold (Au) in this table
due to lack of sufficient data.
From the data in Table 2.1, barium (Ba) and manganese (Mn) have the highest
median contents and silver (Ag) the lowest, but antimony (Sb), and thallium (Tl)
also have low median total contents of <1 mg kg1. A comparison of the concentrations of specific metal(loid)s in different countries or regions shows that median
concentrations can vary widely. For example median values of Ba show a nearly
13-fold range, being lowest in agricultural soils of the Baltic region (46 mg kg1)
and highest in the northern California (601 mg kg1). The maximum individual Ba
concentration from all the data sets is 7,610 mg kg1, which was also found in
northern California [32]. Cadmium (Cd) shows a wide range of median values
(0.131.1 mg kg1), but the highest individual value encountered (in agricultural
soils) is 41 mg kg1, which was found in England and Wales [56]. However, Cd
contents of up to 360 mg kg1 have been found in soils at ZnPb mine sites [67].
Lead shows an almost fivefold median range (8.440 mg kg1), but the highest
individual Pb value encountered in any of these surveys was 16,300 mg kg1 in
England and Wales. Chromium shows an eightfold variation (1296 mg kg1) with
the highest value of 5,910 mg kg1 in northern California. Although the range of
median Zn values in Table 2.1 is less than threefold (3388 mg kg1) maximum
Zn contents of 3,648 and 6,173 mg kg1 have been found in England and Wales
and the USA, respectively. The variations between countries and regions reflect
differences in the geochemical composition of the soil parent materials and the
degree of soil contamination from various sources (see Sect. 2.3.2 below). The
highest median contents of Ba, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and V in Table 2.1 are in the soils of
northern California and reflect the diverse range of rock types (lithogenic sources)
in this region which range from ultramafic to acid igneous. The high maximum As,
Cu, Pb and Zn contents also found in northern Californian soils are due to metalliferous ore deposits in the Sacramento Valley drainage basin, which are both
lithogenic and anthropogenic (mining) sources of metal(loid)s [32]. In contrast,
relatively low concentrations of most heavy metal(loid)s were found in Florida,
which is probably due to the sandy nature of the soils and their severe leaching
during podzolization. Median contents of selected elements in the Florida soils
(in mg kg1) were: Cd 0.004, Cu 1.9, Pb 4.9 and Zn 4.6 [11].
Although the world and regional average or median metal(loid) concentrations can be of general use in providing a basis for comparison of soil test data at
0.27 (<3.15)
6.0 (<27.3)
65.0 (<1,700)
0.145 (<14)
7.0 (<255)
22.0 (<234)
12 (<239)
0.037 (<1.35)
382 (<6,480)
0.62 (<21.3)
14 (<2,560)
15 (<886)
0.6 (<31)
3 (<106)
0.66 (<24)
2 (<53.2)
33 (<281)
<5 (<14)
48 (<2,270)
<1 (<1.04)
1.9 (<24)
46 (<311)
0.13 (<1.1)
4.1 (<39)
12 (<126)
7.8 (<142)
255 (<1,560)
<3 (<74)
8 (<619)
8.4 (<76)
<10 (<10)
0.14 (<7.6)
1.1 (<6.8)
0.38 (<2.5)
1.4 (<56)
18 (<203)
<5 (<40)
33 (<254)
Baltic states
7.25 (<123)
230.2 (<1,297)
0.326 (<15)
6.2 (<59)
42.6 (<222)
16.2 (<272)
0.086 (<3.5)
462 (<21,077)
0.91 (<21)
17.5 (<176)
24.8 (<2,635)
0.53 (<5.3)
0.74 (<17)
1.68 (<17.8)
0.43 (<2.7)
1.96 (<64)
52.2 (<240)
0.59 (<7.7)
62.6 (<1,384)
121 (<2,973)
0.7 (<41)
9.8 (<322)
39.3 (<838)
18.1 (<1,508)
577 (<42,603)
22.6 (<440)
40 (<16,338)
82 (<3,648)
5.6 (<39)
32.4 (<620)
0.14 (<2.5)
2.4 (<22)
15.7 (<106)
10.2 (<141)
0.045 (<1.2)
<0.5 (<3.9)
4.94 (<66)
15.6 (<451)
<1.3 (<2.8)
<1 (<38)
<0.5 (<1.8)
27.7 (<168)
40.3 (<316)
3.3 (<48)
0.16 (<0.85)
9.9 (<64)
7 (<93)
5 (<76)
11.3 (<102)
26.8 (<135)
6.0 (<106)
601 (<7,610)
0.2 (<11.2)
16 (<166)
96 (<5,910)
37 (<3,088)
752 (<4,430)
0.7 (<10)
50 (<4,955)
23 (<2,354)
0.7 (<6.9)
0.2 (<2)
1.0 (<110)
0.3 (<2.1)
1.8 (<11.4)
135 (<490)
0.8 (<18)
88 (<3,350)
N. California
0.16 (<41)
7 (<347)
24 (<4,107)
17.3 (<1,836)
0.075 (<3)
372 (<8,071)
18.3 (<4,497)
10.1 (<1,650)
56.5 (<6,173)
References: Salminen et al. [84]; Reiman et al. [78]; Zhang et al. [99]; McGrath and Loveland [56]; Brus et al. [8]; Bak et al. [4]; Goldhaber et al. [32]; Burt et al. [9] and KabataPendias [43]
Official background concentrations for the Netherlands [7]
Average concentrations for world soils [38]
No. of samples
Table 2.1 Median and maximum total heavy metal concentrations in topsoils in various countries and average values for world soils (mg kg1)
B.J. Alloway
specific sites, they are of little value when it comes to interpreting soil analyses with
regard to contamination and possible toxicity, or anomalously low contents and
possible micronutrient deficiencies. It is necessary to collect sufficient samples from
apparently uncontaminated sites in the locality being investigated in order to determine a local background value for each metal(loid) to provide a basis for comparison.
Some countries have determined official background and/or maximum permissible
concentrations, which are used for the interpretation of soil analytical data (Chap 4.
Sect. 4.2). An example of these are the statistically-determined background values for
the Netherlands shown in Table 2.1 [8]. It is common for the total concentrations of
heavy metal(loid)s in soils not affected by anthropogenic contamination or particularly diverse geology to span more than one order of magnitude [30].
The total contents of heavy metal(loid)s in a soil are the sum of the concentrations
of elements derived from minerals in the geological parent material on which
the soil has developed (lithogenic source) and inputs from a wide range of possible
anthropogenic (contamination) sources. These include atmospheric deposition
of aerosol particles (<30 mm diameter), raindrops containing heavy metal(loid)s,
or gaseous forms of elements, direct applications of agricultural fertilisers, agrichemicals and various organic materials including sewage sludges, livestock
manures, food wastes and composts. Technogenic materials such as ashes, mine
wastes and demolition rubble can be contaminants in existing (pedogenic) soils or
can form the parent materials of new, man-made soils (Anthrosols).
The total concentration of a metal(loid) in a soil is the sum of all these various
inputs minus the losses through off-take in harvested or grazed plants, erosion of
soil particles by wind or water, leaching down the soil profile in solution and losses
by volatilization of gaseous forms of elements. These are summarised in the
following descriptive equation:
Mtotal Mpm Matm Msed Mf Mac Mtm Mom Mic
Mcr Me Ml Mv
Where: M metal(loid), pm parent material, atm atmospheric deposition,
sed deposited sediment, f fertilisers, ac agricultural chemicals, tm
technogenic materials, om organic materials, ic other inorganic contaminants,
cr crop removal, e soil erosion, l leaching, and v volatilisation.
On a spatial basis, the lithogenic source (geological minerals in the soil parent
material) is the dominant factor determining the total concentration of heavy
B.J. Alloway
metal(loid)s in world soils. Ten major elements: oxygen (O), silicon (Si),
aluminium (Al), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium
(Mg), phosphorus (P), and titanium (Ti) constitute over 99% of the total element
content of the earths crust. The remainder of the elements in the periodic table are
called trace elements and together comprise a total of only 1% by mass of the
earths crust. Their individual concentrations do not normally exceed 1,000 mg kg1,
except in ore minerals, which are natural concentrations of minerals containing these
trace elements. The parent material is the rock or unconsolidated drift material that
has undergone weathering and pedogenesis to form the mineral skeleton of the soil.
Weathering involves the chemical decomposition of minerals, the release of some of
their constituent elements in soluble forms and the formation of new (secondary)
minerals through chemical reactions between the products of weathering. The part of
the mineral not chemically decomposed remains as an insoluble residue and any
metal(loid)s retained in it are unlikely to become soluble and available to plants for a
long time. In addition to concentrations of major and trace elements, the mineralogical composition of the soil derived from its parent material also determines its
texture (percentages of sand, silt and clay-sized particles) and has a major influence
on the physical and chemical properties of soils. Perhaps the most important
chemical property is the ability of the soil to adsorb cations and anions, which is
directly linked to the type and amount of secondary minerals including clays,
carbonates and hydrous oxides of Fe and Mn, the soil pH and redox conditions
(See Chap. 3). This adsorptive capacity of the soil will have a profound effect on the
bioavailability of metal(loid)s.
Typical concentrations of a range of heavy metal(loid)s found in the upper
earths crust and the most common types of igneous and sedimentary rocks are
shown in Table 2.2. In the earths upper crust, Ba and Mn have the highest
concentrations of all the elements listed and Ag and Cd, the lowest, which is also
reflected in their concentrations in world soils shown in Table 2.1. Zinc is quite
notable for being present in relatively high concentrations compared with other
heavy metals, such as Cu, Pb and Ni. When the different types of rocks are
considered, among the groups of igneous rocks shown in Table 2.2, Cu, Mn, V
and Zn are highest in the gabbros and basalts, whereas, Co, Cr and Ni are highest in
the ultramafic group (peridotites and serpentinites).
Trace elements are incorporated into the crystal structure of rock-forming
primary minerals, which have crystallized from magma, mainly by substitution of
the major constituent ions, such as Fe, Al and Si. The ferromagnesian minerals such
as olivine, hornblende and augite have relatively large numbers of different trace
elements associated with them including the micronutrients, which are elements
essential for plants and animals (see Chap. 7) [66]. As a result of their relatively
high contents of both macronutrients and micronutrients and their relatively rapid
weathering, the soils derived from basalts and other rocks containing these minerals
tend to be very fertile. As the proportion of Si increases in primary minerals, they
become more resistant to weathering and tend to have lower contents of trace
constituents. Quartz, the crystalline form of SiO2, generally has relatively low
contents of trace elements (such as Ti, Li and B) associated with it and is the
Table 2.2 Geological (Lithogenic) sources of heavy metals and metalloids (mg kg1)
References: Wedepohl [96]; Tauber [89]; Krauskopf [47]; Rose et al. [82]; Fouad and El-Rakaiby [26]
B.J. Alloway
Black Shales
Black shales, including bituminous and oil shales, have high organic matter and
clay contents and are significantly enriched in a range of heavy metal(loid)s and
other trace elements. They can give rise to significantly elevated concentrations of
Ag, As, Au, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Zn, rare earths
(REE) and platinum (Pt)-group elements in the soils developed on them. They were
mostly formed in marine basins and are often referred to as metalliferous marine
black shales. Some of these rocks contain sufficiently high concentrations of
metal-containing minerals to be mined as metal ores. Others have acted as source
rocks for hydrothermal mineralization deposits of metal ores. The Kupferschiefer
(copper shale) is an example of a metal-rich black shale, and it has been mined
in various places in Germany and Poland for Cu, Pb and Ag since medieval times.
Organic-rich, black shales were formed in shallow sea water with a reducing environment which is partly responsible for their accumulations of heavy metal(loid)s.
Deposits of black shales of various geological ages outcrop widely throughout the
world with particularly large deposits in Russia, USA, Canada, Australia, China,
Brazil and northern Europe. In Manitoba, Canada, outcrops of black shales, ranging
in age from Ordovician to Tertiary (360 M yrs), with an area of 150,000 km2,
show considerable variation in Mo contents, with the oldest and youngest showing
the lowest median values (~ 1 mg kg1). Those of intermediate ages (Devonian
to Cretaceous) had similar median values (~ 5 mg kg1), but the Cretaceous
black shales had individual Mo contents varying by three orders of magnitude [30].
Smaller occurrences in many other countries give rise to localised areas of heavy
metal(loid)-enriched soils either developed directly on shale outcrops or on drift
deposits containing shale fragments and their weathering products (clay and silt-sized
particles). The origin of this black shale drift can include residues of eroded overlying
strata, glacial drift and alluvium. Relatively thin beds (facies) of black shale can also
occur in some major clay deposits (e.g. Kimmeridge Clay of Jurassic Age) and give
rise to local anomalies in heavy metal(loid) concentrations. Molybdenum-induced Cu
deficiency in ruminants (see Chaps. 7 and 21) occurs widely on Mo-enriched soils
derived from shales, especially those with black shale facies. In Ireland, black shale
facies of the Clare shales (Upper Carboniferous) contain high concentrations of Mo
and Se (<200 mg Mo kg1 and <220 mg Se kg1) which can cause toxicity (and/or
induced Cu-deficiency) problems in livestock grazing pastures on soils derived from
these rocks [23].
Black shales have attracted wide attention as sources of elevated Cd concentrations in soils and examples include: up to 22 mg Cd kg1 in soils on the Monterey
Shale in California, USA [73], 24 mg Cd kg1 on Carboniferous shales in
Derbyshire, UK [55], 11 mg Cd kg1 in alluvial soils in an area of uraniferous
black shales in South Korea [45] and 60 mg Cd kg1 in soil (and <187 mg Cd kg1
in rock) in an area of black shales and carbonaceous siltstone in Wushan County
in south western China [88]. These soils in south western China also contain
anomalously high concentrations (in mg kg1) of Ni up to 388, Zn 962, Mo 99
and Sb 15. Control soils nearby contained concentrations of up to (in mg kg1):
Cd 0.76, Ni 39, Zn 108, Mo 1.1 and Sb 3.4. Crops grown in soils on black shales in
this area had elevated concentrations of Cd (up to 76.5 mg kg1 DM in maize) and
Mo (up to 5.4 mg kg1 DM in beans) which are a major cause of concern for the
health of consumers [88].
Many black shale facies and related carbon-rich sedimentary rocks are significantly
enriched in U and those with particularly high contents are referred to as uraniferous
shales. Concentrations of >300 mg U kg1 have been found in uraniferous black
shales in South Korea. Black shales of Upper Jurassic age in West Siberia contain high
concentrations of rare earth elements (REE) (<534 mg kg1) with cerium (Ce) being
the most abundant (<220 mg Ce kg1)[98]. A uraniferous organic-rich black shale of
Upper Cretaceous age from the Nakheil phosphate mine in Egypt was found to contain
high concentrations of several heavy metals (in mg kg1): U 41, Mo 570, Cd 233 and
Zn 2,314 [26] (Table 2.2). In most cases, U-rich sedimentary rocks, such as shales and
phosphorites also contain significant amounts of the radioactive element thorium (Th)
which is usually present at around three times the concentration of U (see Chap. 26).
Coals are also closely related to black shales in being formed from organicrich sediments in shallow reducing environments. They are relatively enriched in
several heavy metal(loid)s (Table 2.2), but the contents in different coal formations
vary widely. Some coals contain significant amounts of U and Th and the ash from
these coals could contain up to ten times as much U (see Chap. 26). They can also
be mineralized with the deposition of minerals containing As and other heavy metal
(loid)s [53]. Although coals do not form significant areas of soil parent materials
on the land surface, they do affect the composition of large geographical areas of
B.J. Alloway
soils through air pollution (and subsequent atmospheric deposition) from coal
combustion for electricity generation, industrial steam generation and/or domestic
heating [53].
Limestones comprise mainly grains of calcite (CaCO3) mostly derived from microscopic marine organisms. The marine basins in which these organisms and chemical
precipitates of CaCO3 accumulate can also receive significant inputs of heavy metal
(loid)s and can thus give rise to limestones with elevated concentrations in some
locations. Sulphides can occur in some limestones and clay-rich calcareous marls are
often found to be a rich source of heavy metal(loid)s. In many parts of the world,
limestones have been extensively mineralized from the deposition of sulphide heavy
metal(loid) ore minerals from hydrothermal fluids in the limestone sedimentary beds
(see Sect. Metallogenic Mineralization). This carbonate-hosted mineralization is referred to as being of the Mississippi Valley-Type. During weathering,
when the limestone and sulphide ore minerals undergo dissolution and oxidation, the
metal(loid)s become dispersed in the residual soil and/or leached into groundwater.
Baize and Chretien [3] report anomalously high concentrations of Cd, Co,
Ni, Pb and Zn in soils on the Sinemurian (Lower Jurassic) limestone platform
in Bourgogne region of central France. The organic-rich, calcareous residual soils
(Rendic Leptosols) have developed over limestone which had previously been
mineralized by hydrothermal fluids or sedimentary processes. Weathering and
pedogenesis have resulted in these soils having high concentrations of heavy
metal(loid)s (in mg kg1): Cd 34.7, Co 2050, Ni 62410, Pb 10710,180,
thallium (Tl) 4755 and Zn 4203,820, which are very high for soils unaffected
by anthropogenic contamination [3, 92]. Soils in an area with a similar geological
history near Ales, in France, were also found to have elevated concentrations of
several heavy metals including Tl (<18.2 mg kg1). In contrast, a survey of Tl
in 244 samples of arable soils across France showed a median concentration of
0.29 mg Tl kg1, a mean value of 1.5 mg Tl kg1 and a 90th percentile of 1.54 mg
Tl kg1 [92].
Soils developed on Jurassic Oolitic limestone in adjacent areas of the Jura
Mountains in Switzerland and France have been found to contain anomalously
high concentrations of Cd (up to 22 mg kg1) and Zn (up to 864 mg kg1), but the
Cd and Zn concentrations in the limestone rock were much lower (<4.9 mg Cd
kg1 and <207 mg Zn kg1). The enrichment of the Calcaric Cambisol soil in this
area, relative to its parent material, is probably due to vertical pedogenic processes
involving the weathering of underlying rock and debris from upslope limestones
and the accumulation of resistant Zn-containing minerals [41, 76].
Phosphorites are sedimentary rocks containing high concentrations of phosphate
minerals, mainly apatite (Ca5(F, Cl, OH)(PO4)3) which have formed in several
possible ways, usually on the ocean floor, and are often accompanied by other
sedimentary strata which may include limestone, shales, cherts and sandstones.
Large accumulations of bird excreta (guano) over a very long time-scale have
reacted with underlying limestones and given rise to some important phosphorite
deposits in some places such as certain Pacific islands. These deposits have been
utilised as raw materials for the manufacture of P fertilisers and most have been
completely consumed. Phosphorites are generally enriched in several heavy metal
(loid)s to a greater extent than black shales, for example Ag by a factor of 20 times,
U by 30 and Cd by 50 [85]. Silva et al. [17] compared concentrations of metals
in samples of phosphorites from a mine in Tunisia with other phosphate rocks
from around the world and the maximum concentrations found (in mg kg1) were:
Cd 62.5, Cr 490, Cu 110, Ni 180, Pb 500, U 150 and Zn 1,850. Perhaps more
important than their contribution to the heavy metal(loid) content of soils developed
on them, is the impact of these rocks on soils of all types when they are used as raw
materials for manufacturing P fertilisers (see Sect. Inorganic Fertilisers).
Page et al. [73] refer to mean concentrations of 25 mg Cd kg1 in phosphorites with
maximum values of <500 mg Cd kg1.
Very high Cd concentrations have been found in soils developed on phosphorites
derived from guano in Jamaica. Concentrations of <930 mg Cd kg1, of lithogenic
origin were found in soils which had not been contaminated from anthropogenic
sources. The Hope phosphorite (rock) from Manchester Parish in Jamaica contained
(in mg kg1): Cd up to 6,200, Zn 12,300 and U 166 [31]. A similar deposit, the
Spitzbergen phosphorite, also in this part of Jamaica, contained up to 16,540 mg
Cd kg1 and 6,103 mg Zn kg1. Owing to their very high Cd content, these
phosphorites have been described as cadmiferous.
Ultramafic Rocks
Ultramafic rocks of various types, including serpentinites, peridotites and pyroxenites,
outcrop in several parts of the world. Although, on a global scale the soils developed
on them do not occupy a very large total area, they are particularly notable because of
their relatively high concentrations of Ni, Cr, and Co, low Ca:Mg ratios and low levels
of P and K which only adapted plant species (serpentine flora) can tolerate. The high
Co, Cr, Cu and Ni values in northern Californian soils shown in Table 2.1 are due to
ultramafic parent materials. The UK Soil and Herbage Pollutant Survey (UKSHS)
found that mean Cr and Ni concentrations were higher in the rural soils of Northern
Ireland than in the rest of the UK due to the greater occurrence of mafic and ultramafic
soil parent materials there [83].
Concentrations of up to 10,000 mg Ni kg1 (1%) have been found in soils
developed on ultramafic rocks whereas normal Ni concentrations in soils on other
parent materials are frequently <500 mg Ni kg1 [75]. In California, Cr concentrations in serpentine soils ranged between 1,725 and 5,910 mg kg1 [32, 72].
In Galicia, northern Spain, serpentine soils contain up to 1,162 mg Cr kg1, 940 mg
Ni kg1 and 150 mg kg1 Cu, compared with up to 50100 mg Cr and Ni kg1
B.J. Alloway
and 525 mg Cu kg1 for local control soils on other parent materials [65]
(see also Chap. 11).
Sedimentary Ironstones
All Fe oxide-rich sediments, including ironstones which are defined as containing
>30% Fe oxides, are generally found to have accumulated relatively high concentrations of As, Ba, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V and Zn [80]. Sedimentary ironstone
formations are found in many parts of the world and many of them are exploited as
Fe ore deposits. In Lincolnshire, in the UK, ironstone deposits of Lower Jurassic
and Lower Cretaceous ages have accumulated significant concentrations of As and
soils developed on them have up to 342 mg kg1 total As. However, this As has an
extremely low bioaccessibility and hence does not constitute a significant hazard to
health even though maximum total concentrations are 17 times higher than the UK
soil guideline value of 20 mg As kg1 [7].
Metallogenic Mineralization
Metalliferous ores can give rise to anomalously high concentrations of heavy metal
(loid)s in soils when outcrops of rocks containing these ores undergo natural
(geochemical) weathering in situ, or the products of weathering are dispersed
locally by geomorphological processes and undergo subsequent weathering. However, much larger areas can be affected by anthropogenic pollution when these
ores are mined and smelted. Ores are naturally occurring concentrations of minerals
with a sufficiently high concentration of metal(loid)s to render them economically
worthwhile exploiting. cut-off grades of metals in an ore mineral, which are the
contents above which it is economical to exploit a mineral deposit, have been
gradually decreasing as the demand for metals has increased and the technology of
mineral extraction has improved. For example, the average grade of ore mined by
the Cu industry throughout the world has decreased from around 13% Cu in 1770
to <1% Cu in 2007 [77]. This trend of mining lower grade ores has resulted
in increasingly greater percentages of waste being produced per tonne of metal
extracted and larger areas disrupted and contaminated by mining operations.
Mineral deposits often contain exploitable concentrations of several ore minerals
(in addition to the principal ore) allowing a range of different metals to be produced.
Minerals containing concentrations of metal(loid)s below their cut-off grades are
referred to as gangue minerals and in the past these were usually discarded after
mining along with country rock. As a consequence, the wastes from historic mining
operations often contain significant concentrations of a wide range of heavy metal
(loid)s which constitute a potential environmental hazard, but, on the other hand,
may now be worth reprocessing for metal production. From Table 2.3 it can be seen
Table 2.3 Common ore minerals of heavy metals and metalloids and the elements associated
with them
Associated heavy metals/metalloids
Ore mineralsa
Argentite (Ag2S), PbS
Au, Cu, Sb, Zn, Pb, Se, Te
Arsenopyrite (FeAsS), AsS, Cu ores
Au, Ag, Sb, Hg, U, Bi, Mo, Sn, Cu
Pb, Zn
Barite (BaSO4)
Sphalerite (ZnS)
Zn, Pb, Cu
Cobaltite ((Co,Fe) AsS)
Fe, As, Sb, Cu, Ni, Ag, U
Ni, Co
Chromite (Fe, Cr2O4)
Zn, Pb, Cd, As, Se, Sb, Ni, Pt, Mo, Au, Te
Bornite (Cu5FeS4), Chalcocite (Cu2S)
Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), Cub
Cinnabar (HgS), Hgb, Zn ores
Sb, Se, Te, Ag, Zn, Pb
Co, Ni, Zn, Pb
Cu, Re, W, Sn
Molybdenite (MoS2)
Galena (PbS)
Ag, Zn, Cu, Cd, Sb, Tl, Se, Te
Ag, Au, Hg, As
Stybnite (Sb2S3)
Cassiterite (SnO2)
Nb, Ta, W, Rb
V, As, Mo, Se, Pb, Cu, Co, A
Uraninite (UO2)
U, Pb
Vanadinite (Pb5(VO4)3Cl), p and
Fe ores, crude oil etc.
Mo, Sn, Nb
Wolframite ((Fe, Mn) WO4)
Cd, Cu, Pb, As, Se, Sb, Ag, In
Sphalerite (ZnS), Smithsonite (ZnCO3)
References: Peters [74], Rose et al. [82] and others
Selected ore minerals most heavy metals have several different ores but the associated elements
apply to most sources of the metals/metalloids
Native metal
that many heavy metal ore minerals and gangue minerals (such as arsenopyrite) are
sulphides and consequently their oxidation during weathering gives rise to acid
soils (and acid mine drainage) which promotes the solubility and mobility of cationic
forms of metals. Almost all ore minerals also contain significant concentrations of
several other metals and metalloids as inclusions in their crystal structure, as shown in
Table 2.3. These guest elements, together with associated gangue minerals, are the
reason that soils in mineralized areas and those contaminated by mining and smelting
usually contain a wide range of heavy metal(loid)s at elevated concentrations.
In addition to elevated concentrations of heavy metal(loid)s from mining contamination (Sect. Non-ferrous Metalliferous Mining and Smelting), the
weathering of ore minerals will result in the dispersion and plant uptake of metal
(loid)s at undisturbed mineralized sites and this is sometimes referred to as natural
pollution. For example the weathering of a low-grade PbS (galena) ore deposit and
natural dispersion down-slope of weathering products over several thousand years
since the last glaciation has resulted in the formation of patches of barren ground
within a forest in southern Norway [48]. Concentrations of <100,000 mg Pb kg1
have accumulated in these patches which are too toxic for plants, but a tolerant
strain of the grass Deschampsia flexuosa grows in adjacent areas with lower Pb
concentrations (Alloway, 1976, personal communication).
B.J. Alloway
Extensive Contamination
Atmospheric Deposition
Atmospheric deposition is the most extensive form of contamination because longrange transport can result in particles being carried very long distances (thousands
of km), although much contamination from this source tends to be more localised
(few km). Sources of metal(loid)s emitted into the atmosphere (usually as particles)
include: coal and oil-fired electricity generating stations, industrial emissions
from smelters, foundries and other pyrometallurgical industries, motor vehicle
engine exhaust emissions and dusts from tyre and brake lining wear, smoke and
other emissions from industrial and domestic heating, accidental fires, bonfires and
England smelterb
New Zealandc
All Chinad
28 (4117)
15.7 (3.858.4)
4.0 (0.425)
4.1 (0.920.7)
108 (2.3409)
139 (40589)
1.4 (0.25)
0.3 (0.040.9)
58 (6.3138)
46 (15114)
202 (5.1756)
359 (832,530)
647 (291,484)
895 (1443,730)
References: Alloway et al. [1]; Gray et al. [33]; Nicholson et al. [68, 70]70; Luo et al. [54]; Lim et al. [52]; Huang et al. [38]
NB sampling protocols differ between most countries
Mean of 34 sites (with duplicate samplers) over 42 months (19951998); Original data in Alloway et al. [1]; Adjusted Original data
other later dry deposition and moss surveys
Smelter data from Alloway et al. [1]
Mean of seven New Zealand pastoral sites over 2 years
Non-systematic sampling 19992006 representative of all of China
Total suspended particulates measured for 24 h in each of four seasons at six urban sites (August 2003June 2003)
Table 2.4 Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals and metalloids in several countries (g ha1 year1)
England and Walesa
adjusted using
Los Angelese
B.J. Alloway
and Wales by a factor of 35 for Cd, 32 for Pb, 16 for Zn, 8.7 for As and 2.4 for
Cu [1]. The data in Table 2.4 for New Zealand show values with similar orders of
magnitude for most metals, except that Zn is much higher than the mean and
maximum values for England and Wales, but lower than for the smelter site. Unlike
England and Wales, New Zealand is neither highly populated, nor heavily
industrialised, but the very high Zn deposition is considered to come from the
dispersion of Zn from the corrosion of galvanised (Zn-plated) roofing material
which is widely used in New Zealand [33]. This is supported by the TSP data for
a suburb of Paris, France, which showed relatively high Zn concentrations considered to be due to the large number of galvanised roofs in the city and its suburbs [2].
An inventory of inputs of trace elements to agricultural soils in China showed
that 5885% of the inputs of As, Hg, Pb and Ni, 35% of Cd, 40% of Zn and 43% of
Cr were derived from atmospheric deposition. Table 2.4 shows that Zn deposition
in China was also higher than that of any other element measured. Total annual
deposition of Zn in China amounted to around 79,000 t, which comprised around
40% of total inputs of Zn to soil. The highest Zn input (96,000 t) was from livestock
manures [54].
The values in Table 2.4 for all of China and the separate data for the Yangtze
Delta, one of the fastest developing regions in China, both show levels of heavy
metal(loid)s which are generally much higher than for England and Wales and
all the other sampling locations, except in the case of Hg in the Yangtze Delta.
The monitoring in the Yangtze Delta was more systematic and therefore likely to be
more reliable than the data for the whole of China. In comparing these two sets of
data, the Yangtze is higher than the whole of China for all elements except As and
Ni. Concentrations in the Yangtze Delta are higher than those for England
and Wales (Alloway et al. data)[1] by factors of 5 for As, 2.2 for Cd, 17.6 for
Cr, 2.4 for Cu, 2.9 for Ni. 6.6 for Pb and 4 for Zn. Although the sampling protocols
were different, it is obvious that soil contamination from atmospheric deposition is
much greater in China than in England and Wales or even Los Angeles, which is
slightly higher than England and Wales for all elements except Ni. Multivariate
statistical analysis of the Yangtze Delta data showed that As, Hg, Cd, Mo, S and
Zn were associated with road traffic emissions, Cr and Ni with pyrometallurgical
processes, Fe and Mn from the resuspension of soil particles, and Pb and Se from
coal burning [38]. Coal and oil combustion can be significant contributors of As,
Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Th, U and V in atmospheric deposition, depending on the
composition of the coal used [27, 28]. In China, coals have been found to contain
<3.5% As [53]; in the UK, coals can contain <137 mg Pb kg1 [21] and in the USA
coals can contain <73 mg Se kg1 [15] and average contents of 1.3 mg U kg1 and
3.2 mg kg1 thorium (Th) [28].
In Europe, the AROMIS project calculated the following rates of inputs of metals
from the atmosphere to agricultural land (in g ha1 year1) as: Cd 0.23.3,
Cr 0.58.9, Cu 4379, Ni 1.568, Pb 6415, and Zn 2050. However, the original
Alloway et al. [1] results were used (together with other data) in these calculations.
Atmospheric deposition was the second most important source (after livestock
manures) of Cu and Zn (139% Cu and 849% Zn) in agricultural soils in the
22 European countries involved in the study [19].
B.J. Alloway
Localised Contamination
Table 2.5 Heavy metal concentrations in livestock manures in Europe
China (mg kg1 dry solids)
Cattle FYM
W. meanb 0.3
(0.043.1) (0.1170) (0.3191) (0.228)
Cattle slurry
W. mean 0.4
(0.045.5) (0.2170) (0.1741) (0.157)
Pig slurry
W. mean 0.3
(0.024.0) (0.237) (121802) (0.150)
W. mean 0.4
(0.11.2) (1.380) (8.4760) (2.221)
and turkey No.
China (2003)
Cattle manure Mean
Pig manure
References: Eckel et al. [19]; Luo et al. [54]
Number of samples
Weighted mean
B.J. Alloway
(AROMIS project) and
found that livestock manures were the most important inputs to soils for Cu (2972%
in Europe and 69% in China) and Zn (2965% in Europe and 51% in China).
Sewage Sludges. Sewage sludges (or biosolids) are the insoluble residues from
the treatment of waste waters at sewage treatment plants. Due to their beneficial
contents of N, P and organic matter, they are frequently recycled to agricultural land
where they have a significant fertiliser value. However, the concentrations of heavy
metal(loid)s are a major constraint in the amounts of sludge that can be applied
to soils (see Table 2.6). The heavy metal(loid)s in sewage sludges are the result of
inputs from human excreta, domestic grey water from baths, showers and dishwashing, run-off water from roofs and roads and industrial waste waters discharged
into the sewers and processed in sewage treatment plants (STPs). Sludges from
different STPs can vary considerably in composition depending on the sources of
discharges in their catchment area. Heavy metal(loid) contents of sludges at individual STPs, also vary significantly on a weekly or even daily basis as a result of
differences in the composition and volume of discharges into sewers. Regulations
introduced in Europe, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and many other technologically developed countries over the last 20 years or more have established both
maximum concentrations of selected heavy metals allowed in sludges which
are applied to agricultural land and maximum permissible concentrations of
References: Eckel et al. [19]; Milieu et al. [63]; Langenkamp [50]
All values are total concentrations based upon aqua regia digestion
Weighted mean for EU based on data for sludges reported by Member States (Eckel et al. [18])
Range of average metal contents for individual EU Member States
Directive 86/278/EEC
JRC Ispra proposed limits for soils
Table 2.6 Average contents of heavy metals in sewage sludges in member states of the European Union
Soils (mg kg1)
Sludges (mg kg1 dry solids)
B.J. Alloway
heavy metals in soils receiving sludges. These regulations are intended to avoid
the accumulation of excessive concentrations of elements which could cause either
ecotoxicity in soils and/or phytotoxic effects in crops. However, sewage sludges
have been applied to land in some countries for more than 100 years and during this
time some of these sludges and the soils to which they were applied would almost
certainly have had higher concentrations of some heavy metal(loid)s than are
permitted nowadays. In 2010, total sewage sludge production in the 27 Member
States of the EU was around 11.6 Mt (dry solids), of which 88% was produced in the
15 states which were members before the expansion of the EU in 2004 [63].
The data in Table 2.6 show much narrower ranges of heavy metal(loid) contents
in the sewage sludges of EU member states from relatively recent analyses than the
range for the world [43] which includes values from the literature over many years.
The weighted mean values for EU sludges are all well below the preferred EU limit
values with only Cu and Zn coming within 33% of the lower limit values. It is
important to note the very high maximum values from the world range, but these
probably date back to a time before the introduction of regulations in many
countries to reduce the heavy metal(loid) concentrations in both the wastewater
(sewage) and the sludges derived from it. The EU limits are now quite old, dating
back to 1986. There has been much work done on revising them, but so far, no new
Directive has been issued. The proposed new limit values (shown in Table 2.6)
show that greater importance is now attached to soil pH due to its effect on heavy
metal(loid) availability and in all cases the maximum permitted soil total
concentrations are lower than the old maximum values in the 1986 Directive.
Even in soils with pH >7, where most metals will be least available, the Cd limit is
reduced from 3.0 to 1.5 mg kg1, Cu from 140 to 100 mg kg1 and Zn from 300 to
200 mg kg1. Individual EU Member States are allowed to have more conservative limits than those shown and some countries, such as the Netherlands, have
actually banned the application of any sludges to soil. However, there will still be
residues from sludges applied before this regulation came into being. In addition
to the elements included in Table 2.6, Kabata-Pendias [43] gives the world ranges
for other heavy metal(loid)s in sludges (in mg kg1 DW) including: As <26,
Ba <4,000, Mn <39,000, Sn <700 and V <400.
Inorganic Fertilisers. Macronutrient fertilisers are ubiquitous sources of heavy
metal(loid) inputs into agricultural soils in most parts of the world, except for some
of the poorest developing countries where little fertiliser is used. The macronutrients most commonly used to improve plant growth and yield are the primary
macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Compounds of
these nutrients are applied to the soil either individually as required, or more
frequently together in various combinations as compound fertilisers, such as NPK
or NP and so on. In 2007/2008 the world supply of macronutrient fertilisers was
206.4 Bt and was predicted by the FAO to rise to 240.7 Bt by 2012 [25]. The
secondary macronutrients calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) are also
applied as fertilisers, although Ca is most commonly applied as lime (usually as
CaCO3) to raise the pH of acid soils and Mg may also be applied in dolomite
Mn 402,000
Mo 0.160
References: Kabata Pendias [44]; Eckel et al. [19]
World range
B.J. Alloway
Nicholson et al. [69] found that inputs of Cd to soils in England and Wales were
nearly as high from lime as they were from P fertilisers. This was due to the much
larger amounts of lime applied to soils than P fertilisers and not due to particularly
high Cd contents in the lime. The high Zn contents often found in P fertilisers have
been a useful source of this micronutrient in sandy and calcareous soils in many parts
of the world. However, a recent move towards using high analysis P fertilisers,
such as mono- or diammonium phosphate, which have lower contents of Zn and
other heavy metal(loid) contaminants, will necessitate the application of more Zn
fertilisers in future, but on the other hand, they cause less soil contamination.
The AROMIS project showed that the mean input of heavy metals from
fertilisers on a total of 37 farms (both livestock and crops) were (in g ha1 year1):
Cd 2.2, Cr 24, Cu 4.3, Ni 6.7, Pb 5.2 and Zn 49. The metal concentrations in
superphosphate that were used in the calculation of these values (in mg kg1) were:
Cd 23, Cr 233, Cu 41, Ni 60, Pb 39 and Zn 557 [19].
Micronutrient fertilisers supplying the essential metals, mainly Cu or Zn, will
give rise to significant inputs of these metals, but they would normally only be
used where the available Cu or Zn status of the soil is low. In England and Wales,
around 5% of cereal growing sites are deficient in Cu and applications of Cu
fertiliser compounds add a total of around 28 t Cu per year to soils in these two
countries [70].
Industrial by-products, such as flue dusts from electric-arc furnaces and various
slags, have been used to make Zn fertilisers and can give rise to unacceptably
high concentrations of various potentially toxic heavy metal(loid)s including Pb
(<5.2%) and Cd (<0.22%). If these materials are regularly used, in addition to
rectifying a deficiency of Zn, the soil could end up by being significantly
contaminated with both Pb and Cd. Some proprietary micronutrient mixes can
also have significant impurities, such as <55 mg/kg Cd, <0.36% Pb and <83 mg
As kg1 [94].
Agricultural Chemicals Fungicides. Various inorganic heavy metal(loid) and
organo-metallic compounds have been used as fungicides on field and plantation
crops. These include: Pb arsenate (AsHO4Pb), Cu acetoarsenate (C4H6As6Cu4O16
Paris Green), Bordeaux Mixture (CuSO4.5H2O + Ca(OH)2), Cu oxychloride
(3Cu(OH)2. CuCl2) and phenyl mercuric chloride (C6H5ClHg). Soils from apple
orchards in Virginia, USA treated with heavy metal(loid) fungicides and
insecticides were found to contain the following median and maximum concentrations, respectively: (in mg kg1 except for Hg): Cu 26.3 (<156), Zn 59.3 (<220),
As 21.9 (<263), Pb 88.7 (<1,150) and Hg 59.5 mg kg1 (<674 mg kg1). The
elevated As and Pb were due to residues from the use of AsHO4Pb [80].
Copper-based fungicides have been used in vineyards since 1885 and a literature
review by Komarek et al. [46] found reports of concentrations of <3,216 mg Cu
kg1 in vineyard soils, but most contained <700 mg Cu kg1. The highest values
(>3,000 mg Cu kg1) were from a vineyard in Brazil which was more than
100 years old. A single application of Bordeaux Mixture to vines in the Champagne
region of France added 35 kg Cu ha1 and between three and ten applications
were usually made each year. In Northern Spain, vineyard soils which had received
Cu-based fungicides washed off foliage over many years had a mean Cu content
of 205 mg Cu kg1 (42583). Sediments derived from eroded vineyard soils on
slopes contained a mean concentration of 423 mg Cu kg1 (74947). The degree of
Cu-enrichment was linked to the organic matter, silt and clay contents. Release
of Cu from soil and sediments was greatest below pH 5.5 due to acidification and
above pH 7.5, it was due to solubilization of soil organic matter in alkaline
conditions [22].
In addition to fungicides used in vineyards and orchards, wood preservative
containing Cu, Cr and As used on fences and poles can also contribute significant
amounts of these elements to soils, albeit with a heterogeneous distribution.
Solutions of CuSO4 and ZnSO4 are sometimes also used for fungicidal footbaths
for cattle and become dispersed in the area around the footbaths [70].
Zineb an organo-Zn compound (C4H6N2S4Zn) and Maneb an organo-Mn
compound (C4H6MnN2S4)x) are also used as foliar-applied fungicides on crops,
but the inputs of these metals from these sources are not as large as those of Cu,
Pb and As used in earlier fungicide treatments, although the latter two elements are
not now used as agrichemicals. Lead arsenate [Pb5OH (AsO4)3] was used as a
pesticide from 1900 to 1960 mainly to control insect pests in orchards. Codling [14]
reported concentrations of <676 mg Pb kg1 and <133 mg As kg1 in two orchard
soils with a history of PbAs pesticide applications.
Organotin compounds, such as triphenyltin (TPT), are also used as fungicides
on some agricultural crops and these eventually degrade to inorganic Sn which
accumulates in soil (see Chap. 24).
Other Agricultural Inputs. Lead shot from game and clay pigeon (plastic flying
targets) shooting over agricultural land is an important source of Pb and other
heavy metal(oid)s including As, Mo, Sb and Ni (see Sect. Military Activity
and Sports Shooting). Corrosion of galvanized (Zn-coated) structures, such as fences
and roofs adds significant amounts of Zn to soils receiving runoff or suspended
particles (see Sect. Atmospheric Deposition). Various wastes including,
meat production sludges, egg, dairy, vegetable and other food processing wastes,
paper crumble, waste gypsum and waste water treatment cake are applied to soils in
some places and all contribute significant amounts of certain heavy metal(loid)s [70].
Urban Soils
Concentrations of several heavy metal(loid)s are often found to be significantly
higher in urban soils than those in rural or agricultural soils. Opinions vary on the
groups of heavy metal(loid)s considered to be characteristic of urban contamination, but most include Pb, Cd and Zn. Kabata-Pendias and Mukherjee [44] give Ba,
Cd, Pb, Sb, Ti and Zn as being characteristic urban contaminants, whereas Chen
et al. [12] give As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn as the most common in urban areas in
China. Kabata-Pendias and Mukherjee [44] refer to work by several authors
B.J. Alloway
contents are found in fly ash from garbage incineration As <230, Cu <1,300, Pb
<8,300, and Zn <27,000. Radionuclides in coal, such as U and Th are also
concentrated by a factor of five to ten times in bottom ash and fly ash from coal
combustion [86]. Metallurgical slags can contain the highest concentrations of all:
As <7,000, Cu <1.2%, Pb <5% and Zn <13% [59]. If coal fly ash is used in urban
areas for construction it can lead to both air pollution (in dust) and soil contamination. Where cities and industrial sites develop over time, there will often be a
sequence of layers of technogenic materials under the land surface as new buildings
and industrial processes are built on the sites of earlier ones. Demolition, accidents
such as fires and explosions and wartime bombing can result in a very heterogeneous distribution of heavy metal(loid)s and persistent organic pollutants. Readers
are referred to Contaminated Urban Soils, by Helmut Meuser (published by
Springer in 2010) for a more detailed coverage of this topic [59].
Case Studies on Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Urban Environments.
A comparison of heavy metals in urban and adjacent rural soils in the city of
Turin (Torino) in Italy, showed that Pb was the heavy metal present in the most
elevated concentrations within the city, followed by Zn and Cu. Median
concentrations and ranges (in mg kg1) were: Pb 117 (31870), Zn 149 (78545)
and Cu 76 (34283). A Pollution Index (PI) based on urban soil content divided by
the rural soil content gave a PI of 7.5 for Pb, 2.9 for Zn and 3.3 for Cu [6].
Several surveys of urban soils have been conducted in the United Kingdom
(UK), these include the UK Soil and Herbage Survey (UKSHS) of soil samples
from rural, urban and industrial sites [83], the British Geological Surveys Baseline
Survey of the Environment (G-BASE) [24] and a study by Culbard et al. [16]
of soils (and associated house dusts) in gardens in England, Scotland and Wales.
The summarised results from the UKSHS and G-BASE studies are shown in
Table 2.8 and the Culbard et al. [16] data in Table 2.9.
Table 2.8 shows the UKSHS and the G-BASE data for urban soils in the UK. The
median values from the G-BASE data, based on 8,368 soil samples from 20 urban
centres, give a more reliable indication of the extent of heavy metal(loid) contamination in urban environments in the UK than the 28 samples in the UKSHS survey.
Interestingly, these G-BASE median values in urban soils are higher than those
from the UKSHS for all metal(loid)s in both urban and industrial soils, and some
very high maximum contents of all elements listed were found. However, many of
the urban centres in the G-BASE survey had a history of industrial activity [91].
The UKSHS concentrations for Cd, Cr, Ni and Zn in rural soils are lower than those
from the much larger systematic grid survey of 5,692 agricultural soils in England
and Wales [56] shown in Table 2.1. This is probably an indication of the variation in
lithogenic and anthropogenic sources in this grid survey. The earlier study by
Culbard et al. [16] involved more than 4,000 garden soils and associated house
dusts in up to 100 houses in each of 50 cities, towns or villages in England, Scotland
and Wales. They generally found relatively high concentrations of Pb and Zn in all
these soils, but the mean levels in the gardens of houses in the Greater London
boroughs were higher than for any other urban area investigated in the study, apart
Table 2.8 Concentrations of selected heavy metals and arsenic in soils at rural, urban and industrial sites in the United Kingdom (mg kg1)
Rural Soils
UKSHSa (n 122)
95th percentile
Urban soils
UKSHS (n 28)
G-BASEb (n 8,368)
Industrial soils
UKSHS (n 50)
95 percentile
Additional elements: Ag <133, Ba <1,210, Tl <0.8, Ce <387, Th <14.5, U<7.8, Sb <38, Se <52.4, Mo <24, W <11
UKSHS United Kingdom Soil and Herbage Survey [83]
G-Base British Geological Survey Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment (G-BASE Project) [24]
B.J. Alloway
concentrations in
278 (1314,600)
424 (5813,100)
from obviously polluted areas, such as villages with old metalliferous mine
workings. A summary of their results in Table 2.9 shows much higher geometric
mean concentrations for Pb and Zn for all areas than in the G-BASE or UKSHS data
and even greater levels of Pb and Zn contamination in London boroughs. However,
the G-BASE survey did not include the London Boroughs and was not confined
solely to gardens like the Culbard et al. study. It also included some samples from,
parks, allotments and recreation fields. The maximum Pb values are similar for the
G-BASE and the Culbard et al. data, but the maximum Zn value in the G-BASE
survey is nearly twice as high, which helps to illustrate the very wide range of
concentrations of heavy metal(loid) contamination which can be found in urban
areas, especially those with a history of heavy industry. Urban soils in Berlin with
debris from bombing in the Second World War contained relatively high mean
metal concentrations (in mg kg1) of: Pb 330 (<3,168), Zn 379 (<3,607), Cd 175
(<757) and Cu 99 (<657) [58] which are of a similar order to those found in
London gardens, but the Cd concentrations in Berlin are particularly high and
are comparable to the levels of Cd found in ZnPb mining contaminated land
(Sect. Non-ferrous Metalliferous Mining and Smelting).
Lead is the most distinctive heavy metal contaminant of urban soils and its two
most important sources are house paints and exhausts from petrol engines in motor
vehicles. Although inputs from these two sources have decreased in recent years
as a result of legal controls, street dusts and soils which were contaminated at a
time when paints often contained more than 10% Pb and petrol contained <0.85 g
Pb L1 will still be present in the urban environment [37, 60]. Horner [37] reported
that flakes of paint from houses in London, UK, constructed in the 1860s contained
mean Pb contents of 14.1% (<43% Pb), those constructed in the 1920s had 1.93%
Pb (<7.2%) and in the 1990s houses the mean Pb content of paint was 0.0135% Pb
(<0.03%). In Minneapolis, USA, Meilke et al. [61] had earlier found a link between
Pb contents of garden soils and the age of houses since paints containing relatively high levels of Pb would have been used on older, predominantly woodenwalled houses and the paint scrapings and erosion of painted surfaces would have
contaminated adjacent soil. Garden soils of painted houses had a median Pb content
of 938 mg kg1 (4756,150) and non-painted houses had 526 mg Pb kg1
(1301,840). Even the Pb levels in non-painted houses were quite high, which is
a reflection of the many different possible sources of Pb in the urban environment.
Mielke et al. [62] showed how the stripping of old house paints with 913% Pb
could give rise to very high quantities of Pb and other metals in dust. They
calculated that the removal of old paint (with 9% Pb) from a wooden house by
B.J. Alloway
power sanding could release dust containing 7.4 kg Pb, 3.5 kg Zn, 14.8 g Cu,
9.7 g Cd and smaller amounts of Mn, Ni, Cr, Co and V. They reported a case of a
timber framed house built in 1925 which had around 13% Pb in the paint where
the family pet died and children were hospitalized due to Pb toxicity as a result of
power sanding to remove the old paint. The bare soil around the house contained
between 360 and 3,900 mg Pb kg1. The US EPA standard for soil in play areas is
400 mg Pb kg1, but Mielke et al. [62] suggested that a lower maximum content of
80 mg Pb kg1 would provide a more appropriate margin of safety for childrens
health. Several countries banned or severely controlled the use of Pb in paints from
the 1940s onwards. Lead in paint was banned in the US in 1978, but was not phased
out in the UK until 1987.
In addition to Pb, Hg was also used in some house paints. Prior to 1992 in the
USA, latex paints were formulated with Hg, which gradually vapourized. Analysis
of paint chip samples from houses in New Orleans showed median concentrations
of 26.9 mg Hg kg1 (<214) and 7.66% Pb (<31.7%) in exterior paints and 7.1 mg
Hg kg1 (<39.2) and 0.042%Pb (<6.3%) in interior paints [60].
One feature which is readily apparent from the monitoring of blood Pb levels in
children living in urban areas is that there is a strong seasonality in sources of
Pb pollution. Lead concentrations are usually highest in summer when exterior
atmospheric particulate Pb levels are highest, and it is at this time that re-suspension
of dust particles from various sources is at a maximum from dry soils [49].
In M
uhlburg/Karlsruhe, south west Germany, older houses (especially those
built <1920) had the highest Pb contents (160 mg kg1) in garden soils . Houses,
built after 1980 had the lowest (39 mg Pb kg1) and those built between 1920 and
1980 had intermediate concentrations (118 mg Pb kg1). These soil Pb contents
were much lower than in the American and UK cities quoted above, probably
because of the relatively small percentage of painted external wood on houses in
this part of Germany and fewer other sources of Pb contamination [71].
Apart from paints, wood preservatives containing Cr, Cu and As (CCA) can
contribute to the contamination of soils in both urban and rural environments
(see Sect. Agricultural Chemicals-Fungicides). This will contaminate the
soil in contact with treated wood (such as fence posts and garden decking) and also
contribute to air pollution if the wood is burnt. The ash residue from burning will
also be a source of soil contamination.
Many urban areas in China have been subject to considerable heavy metal(loid)
contamination from several sources. Chen et al. [12] showed that the main contaminating elements in soils in the urban-rural transition area of Hangzhou in China
were As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn but Co, Cr, Ni and Mn were mainly of natural
(lithogenic) origin. Nearly 70% of the area was affected by contamination with
heavy metal(loid)s.
A study of urban soils in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, to determine whether a
municipal waste incinerator had a detectable effect on heavy metal(loid) contents,
found high levels of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn, which are typical of urban
areas, but no detectable evidence of greater concentrations down-wind of the
incinerator. Hotspots were found for As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn and the median
concentrations and ranges (in mg kg1) of elements measured were: As 15 (5279),
Industrial Contamination
The distribution of heavy metal(loid)s in soils in industrial and urban areas tends
to be far more heterogeneous than in agricultural soils, owing to the localized
nature of some of the types of pollution. Although atmospheric deposition would
be expected to be more evenly distributed, at least in the area down-wind of the
emission source, the complex air currents around buildings, roads with fast-moving
traffic and structures such as chimneys contribute to uneven deposition. Mean
concentrations of Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Sn and Zn in urban and industrial soils are usually
significantly elevated relative to those in rural soils (Table 2.8). Although some
surveys have distinguished between urban and industrial soils, very often urban
soils have received considerable inputs of heavy metal(loid)s from industrial
sources in addition to those from urban and domestic activities, especially in old
urban areas where there has been a historical mix of residential and industrial land
use and this distinction between urban and industrial is often not valid.
The occurrence of heavy metal(loid) contamination in soils at industrial sites
varies with the type of industry and can arise from dusts and spillages of raw
materials, wastes, final product, fuel ash as well as emissions from high temperature
processes, accidents and fires. Examples of possible combinations of heavy metal
(loid) contaminants associated with different industries include:
Chemical industry (general): Ag, Sb, Se
Chlor-alkali (Cl2 and NaOH) industry: Sb, As, Bi, Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ag, Sn
Sulphuric Acid works: As, Cu, Pb, Ni, Pt, V, Zn
Nitric acid works: As, Cr, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Rh, V, Zn
B.J. Alloway
B.J. Alloway
caused widespread air, water and soil pollution, which is still detectable today.
There are very many reports of studies at historic mine and smelter sites in the
literature and total concentrations of several percent of some of the metals are often
found. For example, soils around the Pb mine at Lavrion in Greece, which was
worked intermittently from 3000 BC until AD 1977, had a median Pb content of
7,410 mg kg1 with a maximum of 15.2% Pb [93]. A Pb smelter in Calcutta, India,
was known to cause Pb toxicity in people, especially children in an adjacent
residential area with a population of around 50,000. Soils in this residential area
had very high heavy metal(loid) concentrations (in mg kg1) of: Pb <47,000; Zn
<10,300; <833; As <9,740; Hg <277. However, the concentrations of Pb, As, Mo,
Cu, Hg, Cd, Sn and Ag all decreased with increasing distance from the smelter [10].
Mercury is used in the recovery of Au from sedimentary sources of the metal in
small-scale operations and is mainly a contamination problem in streams and rivers,
as in the Amazon basin (see Chap. 15).
used for sports shooting. This includes both game bird and clay pigeon (flying
plastic target) shooting. Concentrations of more than 1% Pb in soil are sometimes
found at sites of shooting clubs, but where occasional shooting of game birds is
practiced the pellets are randomly distributed in the topsoil and give very heterogeneous analytical results depending on whether a pellet is present in the sample or
not. In England and Wales, Pb shot from shooting is the single most important
source of Pb in agricultural soils with over 3,000 t Pb deposited annually [70]. It is
estimated that individual pellets may take between 100 and 300 years to completely
corrode and for the Pb and other constituent metal(loid)s including As and Sb, to be
dispersed in the soil [81] (see Chap. 3, Sect.
Concluding Comments
This chapter has attempted to show that there are many possible sources of the
heavy metal(loid)s found in soils. On a global area basis, the geological soil parent
material (lithogenic source) is probably the most important determinant of heavy
metal(loid) concentrations in agricultural and rural soils, but many ubiquitous
anthropogenic sources also exist, including atmospheric deposition of both long
and short-range transported particulates, fertilisers, livestock manures and sewage
sludges. However, in the urban environment there are many more possible sources
of heavy metal(loid)s and they are also likely to be very heterogeneously distributed.
Lead is the most characteristic heavy metal(loid) contaminant of urban soils, usually
together with Cu and Zn. The concentrations of metal(loid)s in urban soils are a
reflection of the integration of all the different sources of metals that people are
exposed to. Finally, soils at industrial sites can vary widely in their concentrations of
many metal(loid)s, depending on the nature of the industry, both past and present.
This can be an important consideration in the redevelopment of brown field and
derelict industrial sites for residential and urban use.
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Chapter 3
S.D. Young
This chapter outlines the nature of metal and metalloid interactions with soil and
current approaches to modelling these interactions.
Heavy metals and metalloids are adsorbed strongly by the organic, and inorganic,
colloidal constituents of soil. The resulting moderation of mobility and bioavailability of metals in the environment must rank as one of the most important
ecosystem services attributable to soils with implications for both micronutrient
availability and potential toxicity to terrestrial and aquatic organisms. The overall
strength with which metals are retained in soils is a reflection of:
(i) residual properties attributable to the metal source material (primary
minerals within the soil parent material, smelter fallout, sewage sludge, mine
spoil, urban anthropogenic artefacts etc.);
(ii) the intrinsic affinity of individual metal ions for soil adsorption surfaces and
for soluble soil ligands;
(iii) the suite of adsorption surfaces present in soils (humus, metal oxides, aluminasilicate clays etc.);
(iv) the more transient properties of the soil, including pH, redox potential, water
content, temperature, biological activity, salt concentration etc.
(v) soil-metal contact time.
A complete understanding of the mechanisms through which intrinsic and
transient soil properties influence metal solubility still eludes us, despite decades
of investigative effort. Nevertheless, as in all applied sciences, the emergence of
new analytical techniques has gradually improved our ability to predict the
behaviour of metals in soils. For example, synchrotron-based spectroscopy
(EXAFS; XANES) is able to elucidate the bonding environment and valence of
S.D. Young
Solution / suspension
Fig. 3.1 Schematic representation of three-phase divalent metal ion equilibria in soils. Broken and
solid reversible arrows represent kinetically constrained and instantaneous reactions respectively; ML represents metal ions bound to soluble ligands
Trace metals are adsorbed on the surface of colloidal particles in soils, principally
humus, hydrous oxides of Fe, Mn and Al, alumino-silicate clays and some sparingly
soluble salts such as calcium carbonate.
Humus is the organic product of ongoing plant and animal decay in a soil environment. In contrast to the mineral constituents that adsorb metals, humus is markedly
concentrated in the top 20 cm layer of most mineral soils, unless it has been
redistributed by pedogenic processes, as in podzols. Soil organic matter content
can vary from <1% (sandy subsoils) to over 90% (peats). The major elemental
composition of humus includes carbon (C) (5060%), oxygen (O) (3040%) and
both H and nitrogen (N)(c. 5%). Structurally, humic materials are around 2030%
aliphatic, 1020% carbohydrate and 2040% aromatic. About 20% of H is bound
to O as carboxyl (Hu-COOH) and acidic (possibly phenolic) hydroxyl groups
(Hu-OH), the rest is bound directly to C [113]. Humus is intensely heterogeneous
and exists in a continuum of particulate, colloidal and molecular forms. These only
broadly equate to the well known operational (extractable) fractions humin, humic
acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) described in many texts [109, 113]. Comparatively
little is known about the relatively hydrophobic humin fraction, in particular.
Furthermore, this simple fractionation scheme is complicated by the variable
degree of molecular aggregation, and colloidal flocculation, to which humic
substances are prone depending on soil pH, ionic strength, temperature and level
of saturation with polyvalent cations.
S.D. Young
The distribution and spacing of O-substituted acid groups are key determinants of
the surface chemistry of colloidal and molecular HA and FA. Close juxtaposition
of Hu-COOH and Hu-OH groups causes mesomeric and inductive electronwithdrawing effects, which create stronger acidity (lower pKa values). By contrast,
electrostatic restriction from charged neighbouring groups, and hydrogen bonding,
weaken the acidity of HA and FA (higher pKa values). In combination these effects
extend the range of pH values over which surface charge is generated. Therefore,
oxy-acid groups on humus dissociate across a wide pH range: pH 28 (Hu-COOH)
and pH 711 (Hu-OH) generating an almost linear increase in negative charge from
pH 3 to pH 10, often with the faint suggestion of an equivalence point (Hu-COO)
around pH 8. As a result, the strength of metal binding varies accordingly across the
pH range (Sect. 3.3.1) with stronger adsorption at high pH.
Metals are thus bound to a range of sites on humus composed of a mix of oxygen,
nitrogen and sulphur donor atoms. Potentiometric studies and a range of spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, EXAFS, XANES, ESR, NMR and others) have provided
detailed, but not always consistent, information on the nature of metal binding.
The negative charge on humus generates simple coulombic attraction of cationic
metals, especially alkali and alkaline-earth cations. However, specific inner-sphere,
complex formation of most heavy metals is likely and the presence of functional
groups in close proximity suggests the formation of multidentate and multinuclear
chelate sites. Binding of heavy metals is probably dominated by the formation
of two or even three bonds to a mix of carboxyl and acidic hydroxyl groups.
A prevailing idea for many years was that divalent trace metals were mainly
bound in chelate structures on aromatic rings (essentially phthalic and salicylic
acid units) although this has been difficult to confirm. The independence of binding
parameters on humic acid concentration suggests that metals do not bridge between
two humic molecules in solution but rather bond to single or multiple groups on one
humic molecule [21].
There is also evidence for bonding to sites containing N (especially Cu) and
sulphur (S) (especially Hg) but the relative importance of these ligands is unresolved [113]. Mercury (Hg) is thought to be associated with reduced S-containing
ligands in humus [105]. Furthermore, Bernaus et al. [15] demonstrated, using
XANES, that methylated forms of Hg (CH3HgCl) were covalently bound to
humic acids, probably through thiol groups, into biologically unavailable forms.
There is even evidence that (anionic) arsenate might be linked to DOC, possibly
through bridge cations [20].
The relative importance of organic matter in metal binding has been demonstrated many times although this will clearly depend on the composition of the
The organic fractions primarily responsible for metal binding, humic and fulvic
acids, may be around 75% of the soil organic matter on average [109], but this
varies between soils. Determining the proportion of what is termed the active
organic carbon (AOC) in soil solid and solution phases remains a challenge.
To optimise their model of metal binding in a study of 98 upland soils from England
and Wales, Tipping et al. [114] had to assume a range of AOC in the solid phase of
986%. Amery et al. [5] improved their prediction of metal (Cu) complex formation
by equating the active fulvic acid (AFA) fraction with specific ultra-violet
absorbance (SUVA, at 254 nm) as an index of aromaticity in the dissolved
organic carbon (DOC).
Humic and fulvic acids are strongly adsorbed on mineral surfaces, mainly through
chemi-sorption to hydrous oxide minerals (Fe, Al, Mn) and probably through
co-flocculation with inorganic colloids. Mixed effects on metal and metalloid
solubility arise as a result. Organic matter may interfere with the formation of
stable metal precipitates such as lead (Pb)-phosphates (chloropyromorphite; [65]).
On the other hand, there is evidence for enhanced adsorption on mixed assemblages
of fulvic acid and Fe oxide [122, 125]. Anionic metalloids (arsenate, selenate) and
metals (chromate) must compete with humic and fulvic acids for their preferred
adsorption sites on Fe or Mn hydrous oxides. A current priority in trace metal
modelling is to provide a coherent description of mixed humus-mineral assemblages,
such as humic acid adsorbed on the surface of Fe/Al/Mn hydrous oxides [126].
S.D. Young
organic matter has always been recognised as a double-edged sword in that the
overall effect of strong bonding on metal mobility will depend on the solubility of
the humus itself [63]. Metal transport in rivers and accumulation in floodplain soils
are probably determined by the movement of humus acids and their subsequent
deposition. Schroder et al. [99] found very strong correlations between humus
content and metal loading in floodplain topsoils around the rivers Meuse and
Rhine (Netherlands). Thus, predicting DOC solubility and the ratio of HA to FA
in solution is another current challenge for heavy metal modelling in soils [86].
Bulk Properties
Manganese Oxides
Manganese oxides in soil exist in a range of forms between MnIIO and MnIVO2,
mainly in octahedral co-ordination. Phase changes are initiated by sufficient Mn
atoms undergoing alteration of valence state (2, 3, or 4) to cause morphological
transformation [77]. They are highly prone to dissolution, as Mn2+, under reducing
conditions (Eh <200 mV), and re-precipitation within oxidising zones in the soil.
Local accumulation of Mn (and Fe) may result from (re-) adsorption of reduced
forms (Mn2+, Fe2+) from solution on to manganese and ferric oxide surfaces
followed by re-oxidation and (thus) crystal growth of the original oxide surface.
This leads to their characteristic appearance as coatings and nodules in subsoils
subject to periodic water logging, often in association with Fe hydroxides. Much of
the Mn hydrous oxide content of soil is amorphous although lithiophorite [Al2 Li
Mn2IVMnIIIO6(OH)6], birnessite [(Na, Ca)(MnIII, MnIV)7O14.2.8H2O], and others
have been identified in contrasting soil environments. Lithiophorite is more common in older soils and birnessite in younger soils [33].
Iron Oxides
Iron oxides may be described as the inevitable end product of weathering in soils.
Older, more heavily weathered soils often contain a greater free Fe oxide content
than younger soils; the most obvious example is the tropical Ferralsol (Oxisol).
Part of weathering, alongside dissolution and loss of silicic acid (H4SiO4), is the
oxidation of ferrous iron (FeII) in alumino-silicates (e.g., the octahedral layer of
biotite) to the ferric form (FeIII) and precipitation as a range of ferric oxide
minerals. Thus Fe oxide is usually fairly evenly distributed through the profile of
aerobic soils but is subject to the same re-distributive effects under fluctuating
redox regimes as Mn oxides. In surface water and ground water gley soils Fe oxides
may be concentrated on the outside of peds, and line the surface of major drainage
pores and root channels, while in soils with an iron-pan, as the name suggests, they
may exist as a consolidated layer determined partly by leaching with organic acids
and partly by the prevailing redox state of the soil. Iron oxides often occur in poorly
crystalline or amorphous forms but recognised crystal forms also exist. Goethite
(a-FeOOH) is perhaps the only stable form in aerobic soils, Haematite (a-Fe2O3) is
most common in hotter climates, Lepidocrocite (g-FeOOH) is precipitated during
the oxidative phase of waterlogged soils and Ferrihydrite (Fe5(O4H3)3) is
associated with re-precipitation in podzol Bf horizons and the bed of streams,
ditches and ochre in field drains [101].
The bulk distribution of Fe and Mn oxides within soil profiles therefore contrasts
markedly with the normal distribution of humus. However, local co-accumulation
due to adsorption of humus on to oxide surfaces is also common.
Surface Chemistry
An electrical charge on Fe and Mn oxides arises firstly from adsorption and release
of H+ ions from oxygen atoms at the interface between the mineral and the bathing
solution (soil pore water). Hydrous oxides are amphoteric; they carry both positive
and negative charges and the net surface charge is largely symmetrical around a
zero point at a characteristic pH value [10]. This implies that three possible states
apply to oxygen atoms on the surface of (e.g., Fe) oxides (Ox-Fe-OH):
Ox Fe OH2
! Ox Fe OH0
! Ox Fe O
The point of zero charge (pzc) for most Fe oxides is between pH 7 and pH 8.5
implying that they are positively charged in most soils. The pzc values of Mn
hydrous oxides are lower than Fe oxides (pH 1.54.6) [77] which means they carry
a net negative charge in most soils. Surface charge on oxides is also affected by salt
concentration i.e., the concentration of non-specifically adsorbed (electrostatically attracted) counter-ions such as Na+ and Cl and temperature. Both these
dependencies arise because the thermal diffusive forces resisting counter-ion accumulation close to charged surfaces have a greater influence at low salt concentration
in the bulk solution and at higher temperature.
Metal Binding
Both Mn and Fe hydrous oxides have a high adsorption affinity for heavy metals
which are bound as inner-sphere mono- and bi-dentate surface complexes. It is only
recently that spectroscopic techniques have been able to determine the precise
nature of metal bonding on Fe/Mn oxide surfaces. Arcon et al. [7] used EXAFS
and XANES to show that arsenic (As) adsorbed in Cornish (UK) soils contaminated
with mine spoil was primarily present as arsenate (AsV) bound to Fe oxides and Al
S.D. Young
Fig. 3.2 Arsenate bound to the surface of Goethite as monodentate, bidentate-mononuclear and
bidentate-binuclear surface complexes (After Fendorf et al.[36])
hydroxides despite the origins of the As, presumably as AsIII. Fendorf et al. [36]
investigated arsenate and chromate bonding to goethite using EXAFS and
suggested three types of bonding mechanism were apparent: monodentate,
bidentate-mononuclear and bidentate-binuclear (Fig. 3.2). For both anions the
monodentate form was most prevalent at low levels of surface coverage. Arai [6]
employed EXAFS to distinguish between nickel (Ni) co-ordinated as face-, edgeand corner-sharing surface complexes on Goethite, Haematite and Ferrihydrite.
They concluded that the majority of Ni was bound via edge-sharing, bidentate,
inner-sphere Fe-O2-Ni units.
The relative affinity of a metal for specific oxides is likely to be determined by
oxide charge relations and the morphology and pore sizes within the oxide surface
[42]. The affinity of different metal ions for a specific oxide will also be determined by
the speciation of the metal ion in solution. Figure 3.3 below shows the effect of pH on
adsorption of ten metals by Goethite [37]. All the metals show an increase in adsorption as pH rises, as a result of reduced competition with H+ ions and increasingly
negative surface potential. The different positions of the curves reflect the intrinsic
(chemical) affinity of the individual metals for the adsorption sites and their ability to
overcome the positive surface charge on the mineral surface (pzc of Goethite is c. pH
8) and bond to surface oxygen atoms. However, note that the curves for Cr(III) (and
Al) are particularly steep. Fischer et al. [37] suggest that, as pH rises, there is
hydrolysis to CrOH2+ which may be the preferred adsorption species. This does not
apply to the other ions which do not hydrolyse within their respective adsorption
zones. Thus adsorption affinity follows the sequence: Hg > Cr > Al > Pb Cu >
Zn> Co Ni > Cd > MnII. Relatively strong adsorption of trivalent ions, followed
by Pb and Cu, and the similarity of Co and Ni behaviour, are features commonly seen
in metal adsorption envelopes on other oxides.
Particularly strong associations have been noted between Mn/Fe oxides and Co,
Ni, As, V, Pb, Cr and Zn [7, 63, 77]. In particular, correlations between Mn and Co
in both solid and solution phases in soils are almost invariable high; it is likely that
the majority of Co in soils is associated with Mn oxides. In addition to chemical
bonding and electrostatic effects reduction-oxidation coupling may also be
involved in some sorption reactions. For example, Co2+ is oxidised to CoIII on the
surface of MnIVO2 and isomorphously incorporated into the oxide structure because
CoIII is very similar in size to MnIV. A similar reaction (with Co) was suggested by
Fig. 3.3 Effect of pH on adsorption of 10 metal ions by Goethite after 2 h reaction. Solid lines are
a simple exponential model (Fig. 3.1 of Fischer et al.[37], Copyright (2007), with permission from
Bulk Properties
S.D. Young
minerals most commonly identified are Illite, Vermiculite, Smectite, Chlorite and
Kaolinite; all are found in a wide range of soils. These may be very loosely
associated with a weathering sequence characterised by decreasing isomorphous
substitution and variable accessibility of the interlayer space. Thus, Illite is the
immediate alteration product of mica and most vermiculites are, in turn, derived
from further weathering of Illite, or Mica. Smectites can occur through further
alteration or through re-crystallization from solution. Pedogenic Chlorite forms
through deposition of non-exchangeable Al-hydroxy polymers in the interlayer
space and so is often present in acidic soils. The most common 1:1 clay is Kaolinite
which is typically prominent as a result of geological inheritance or through
prolonged and severe weathering, as found in tropical Ferralsols (Oxisols), for
example [127].
Surface Chemistry
The surface area of phyllosilicates can be extremely large up to 600 m2 g1 for
Smectites. Isomorphous substitution of the Al3+ or Si4+ in either the tetrahedral or
octahedral layers creates a positive charge deficit which is balanced by cations
in the inter-layer space. Thus, for example, the unit cell composition of a
di-octahedral 2:1 clay is:
Cn=v v Si4n ; Aln Al2 O10 OH2 ;
in which there is isomorphous substitution of nAl3+ for nSi4+ in the tetrahedral layer
resulting in a positive charge deficit of n and requiring n/v cations with valence v+
in the interlayer space of the clay to balance the negative charge from the structural
oxygens and hydroxyls [O10(OH)2].
This gives rise to a cation exchange capacity (CEC) which depends on both the
negative charge of the layers and the degree of access to the interlayer space. Illite,
derived from weathered mica, has the largest surface charge but provides only limited
access to the interlayer space because it is mainly collapsed with dehydrated K+ ions
balancing the isomorphous substitution (CEC 1040 cmolC kg1). Vermiculite
has less remaining isomorphous substitution but the interlayer space is accessible so
its CEC is largest (CEC 100160 cmolC kg1). Smectite has a still lower remaining
surface charge but again is wholly accessible (CEC 70150 cmolC kg1). Chlorite
has a limited CEC because of non-exchangeable Al-hydroxy deposits in the interlayer
space in acidic soils (CEC < 10 cmolC kg1). Kaolinite is a very pure aluminosilicate
with virtually no isomorphous substitution and a very limited ability to hold cations
(CEC 315 cmolC kg1). Exchangeable cations are fully, or partially, hydrated and
bound as outer-sphere complexes, primarily by electrostatic forces; specificity arises
from ion size and ease of dehydration. Larger ions with weaker hydration shells are
bound more strongly so that adsorption strength follows the sequence Cs+ > Rb+ >
K+ > Na+ > Li+ and Ba2+ > Sr2+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ for alkali and alkaline-earth
cations respectively.
Metal Binding
Bulk Properties
S.D. Young
Surface Chemistry
Zeolites are negatively charged by isomorphous substitution of Al3+ for Si4+. Their
generic composition is Cx/v[(AlO2)x (SiO2)y].mH2O, where C represents a chargebalancing cation of valence v. Their surface charge is therefore permanent and the
resulting CEC can be extremely large, depending on the degree of Al substitution.
Most zeolites have potential CEC values of 200600 cmolC kg1 which is considerably greater than the phyllosilicate clays (Sect. 3.2.3).
Metal Binding
A large proportion of the CEC of zeolites exhibits rapid and reversible cation
exchange [22]. However, because of their complex 3-D structure zeolites also exhibit
some specific adsorption capacity with respect to individual metal cations. The
dimensions of the various cages, channels etc. within the zeolite structure determine selectivity for different sizes of cation to a large degree. This form of selectivity
has been called ion sieving [16]. Fletcher and Townsend [38] demonstrated apparent
irreversibility of trace metal sorption on Faujasite after only short contact times. O
and Kaya [85] found evidence of surface precipitation of Zn in natural clinoptilolites
above pH 6.0. By following changes in isotopic exchangeability with 109Cd2+, Ahmed
et al. [1] demonstrated Cd adsorption hysteresis and prolonged time-dependent fixation in a synthetic zeolite. The fixation was well described as a reversible first order
kinetic process and was thought to be associated with Cd ion dehydration and ingress
to smaller pores within the zeolite structure.
The comparative rarity of zeolites in soils belies their potential importance in
metal sorption and the application of this property to soil remediation [13] and
water protection [58]. Natural zeolites have found widespread application in
recovering trace metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Ni, Co, CrIII, Cu and FeII) from wastewaters
[90, 116] and the treatment of low-high level nuclear waste liquids [30, 51]. There
have been several studies of the application of zeolites as amendments for metalcontaminated soils [25, 67].
Adsorption on Ca Salts
Sparingly soluble Ca salts are found in soils that are calcareous (CaCO3),
gypsiferous (CaSO4.nH2O) or are heavily fertilized and contain Ca phosphates
(e.g., hydroxyl apatite). Metals may bond to the surface of Ca salts either because
of similarity to Ca (e.g., Cd) or because of a high affinity for the salt ligand (e.g., Pb
for PO4). However, they may also precipitate on the Ca mineral surface as discrete
compounds or form mixed solid-solutions.
There have been comparatively few studies of heavy metal adsorption on simple
Ca compounds. Ahmed et al. [2] demonstrated that Cd is adsorbed in an isotopically
exchangeable form on calcite but also undergoes time-dependent fixation within the
calcite structure; they worked within the normal range of solution Cd concentrations found in soil pore water, below the ion activity product at which CdCO3
might precipitate. Papadopoulos and Rowell [88] suggested that a mixed solidsolution of CdnCan1(CO3) formed at higher Cd concentrations.
For metals to form discrete stable precipitates in soils the ion activity product (IAP)
in the soil pore water must exceed the solubility product (Ks) of the compound
(IAP > Ks). With the exception of the structural cations Fe, Mn and Al, this rarely
occurs in uncontaminated soils because trace metals are present at comparatively
small (total) concentrations and the free ion activity of trace metals in soil water is
generally very small because of strong surface adsorption by soil constituents.
Other factors may prevent formation of discrete metal compounds even if
conditions are otherwise favourable for precipitation. Thus, Lang and Kaupenjohan
[65] suggested that organic acids in soils could prevent crystal growth of the lead
phosphate compound chloropyromorphite [Pb5(PO4)3Cl].
However, trace metals can exist as guest elements within the matrices of other
soil minerals. This is thought to occur through:
(i) the process of isomorphous substitution, which occurs during the formation of
the mineral;
(ii) slow solid phase diffusion into pre-existing minerals following adsorption;
(iii) occlusion within minerals during dissolution-precipitation cycles caused by
fluctuating pH and/or Eh regimes.
It is not disputed that discrete metal compounds exist in soils ,but their longevity,
stability and the extent to which they can control metal solubility are poorly
understood [32]. Soil processes act to dissolve introduced compounds which then
become adsorbed on the soil colloidal phase even in quite heavily contaminated
situations. Degryse et al. [31] showed that about 50% of Pb was isotopically
exchangeable in soils heavily contaminated by smelter output and battery plants,
despite having neutral pH values. Similarly, Sarret et al. [97] fractionated Zn in
a soil contaminated by smelter output and showed by EXAFS that only 15% of
the soil Zn was present as residual primary minerals while 5492% was isotopically exchangeable and mainly bound to humus. Smolders and Degryse [106]
showed that up to 40% of the Zn in tyres (mainly ZnO) becomes labile in soils
within 1 year.
Nevertheless, unusual metal compounds have been identified in soils with
extremely high residual contaminant loads or subject to contemporary inputs.
For example, amorphous FeAsO4 was found in mine spoil contaminated soils
with 8.8% As using EXAFS/XANES [7]. Sphalerite (ZnS) and Franklinite
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(ZnFe2O4) were identified in soils close to Zn smelters with >6,000 mg kg1 using
EXAFS and electron microprobe analysis [95]. Murakami et al. [80] also used
electron probe microanalysis to identify particulates in roadside dust with >0.2%
Cr and Pb, thought to originate from vehicle exhaust soot, brake lining and paint.
Councell et al. [27] discuss the importance of vehicle tyre wear as a source of
anthropogenic Zn in soils. Uzu et al. [118] found a range of Pb compounds (PbS,
PbO.PbSO4, PbO, PbCO3) in PM10 and PM2.5 particles from a battery recycling
plant and confirmed a link between particle size and bioavailability to plants.
Many studies have confirmed the presence of Pb compounds in particular. Some
of these concern residual introduced material but many also focus on the pedogenic
formation of discrete Pb phosphates. Chloropyromorphite formation has been
encouraged by the introduction of soluble forms of phosphate to limit Pb solubility
in urban brownfield soils [63] and land used as shooting ranges [49]. Other forms of
Pb identified include: metallic Pb, PbO and PbCrO4 in industrially contaminated
soils, identified by SEM-EDX [57]; Hydrocerrussite [Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2] resulting
from weathering of shotgun pellets, identified by micro X-ray fluorescence [120];
Pb oxide in soils subject to smelter fallout [53].
As a very broad generalisation, the principal adsorption sites for trace metals may
be on humus at low pH (<6) and on Fe oxides at high pH (>6). Thus, in a review of
the behaviour of metals in tropical soils Rieuwerts [93] examined the perceived risk
that (cationic) trace metals may be highly available in some oxisols and ultisols
specifically because of the low pH and the relatively low content of humus.
However, evidence for metal movement down the soil profile was inconclusive
and it appeared that iron oxides provided effective adsorption sites despite low
soil pH. Buekers et al. [18] examined fractionation using the geochemical model
WHAM-VI (Sect. 3.4.3) to partition metals in the solid phase between humus,
oxides and aluminosilicate clays. Similarly, Fig. 3.4 shows the fractionation of Cu,
Pb and Cd, predicted by WHAM-VI, for a hypothetical soil (see Fig. 3.4 description) assumed to have metal concentrations at the UK sludge regulation limits.
The model illustrates substantial differences between the three metals. Copper has
the strongest affinity for humic and fulvic acids. Lead is bound almost exclusively
by Mn oxide at low pH and Fe oxide at pH > 7. Cadmium is the most weakly
bound metal, such that below pH 5 there is even substantial non-specific bonding to
the alumina-silicate clay fraction (Sect.; however, above pH 7 Cd sorption
is dominated by the Fe oxide fraction. The substantial differences that exist between
metals and the dependence of fractionation on soil properties are clear; these are
examined in more detail in the following section.
Fe oxide
Mn oxide
Fig. 3.4 Proportional distribution of Cu, Cd and Pb between organic matter (solid line), Fe oxide
(D), Mn oxide () and alumino-silicate clay (broken line) in the soil solid phase, as a function of
pH, according to WHAM-VI. Hypothetical soil conditions included 1.2 kg suspended in 1 L
solution; 5% humus with 30% HA and 20% FA (50% inert); 20% clay, 3.5% Fe oxide and 0.075%
Mn oxide. The metals Cu, Cd and Pb were at the current UK sludge limits (135, 3 and
300 mg kg1). Solubility of Al3+ and Fe3+ were controlled by Al(OH)3(s) and Fe(OH)3(s). The
solution phase contained 20 mg L1 FA and 0.005 M Ca2+, 0.0005 M K+ balanced by 0.0095 M
NO3 and 0.001 M Cl
Soil pH Value
Soil pH is both affected by, and indicative of, specific ecosystems or land use
practices (Table 3.1).
Soil pH value has a greater influence on the solubility of heavy metals than any
other factor. This would be predictable considering simple metal oxide, hydroxide
and carbonate (MCO3) solubility reactions.
S.D. Young
Table 3.1 Broad relationship between ecosystem characteristics and soil pH value
Soil pH range
Soil characteristics
Acid sulphate soils with active oxidation of ferrous sulphide
Acidic peats and podzol surface organic horizons
Acid forest soils (e.g., Brown earths)
Many examples e.g., sandy soils under un-limed grassland
Many examples the preferred pH range for arable soils. Many urban soils and
brownfield sites
Calcareous soils over limestone or chalk parent materials. Many urban soils
and brownfield sites
Sodic soils with free sodium bicarbonate
For cationic metals a change in soil pH has several important, and independent,
effects which influence the apparent strength of adsorption by soil solids. Thus, as
pH value rises, the following changes occur.
(i) Surface charge, and electrical potential, will become more negative on the
principal adsorption sites on Fe/Mn hydrous oxides, alumino-silicate clay edge
sites and humus.
(ii) Competition for adsorption sites from hydronium ions (H3O+) and from
dissolved structural cations (mainly Al3+ and AlOH2+) will decline as
H3O+ ions are neutralised and soluble aluminium ions are (re-)precipitated as
(iii) The speciation of the metal cation may change through formation of soluble
hydroxy and bi-carbonate complexes, for example. If the principal adsorbing
species is the divalent cation (e.g., Cu2+) then this effect will increase overall
metal solubility. However, it has also been suggested that the first hydroxide
complex of some metals (e.g., CrIIIOH2+) may be the more important
adsorbing species and so changes in metal speciation may produce quite
complex effects on adsorption.
(iv) A related effect arises if the increase in soil pH dissolves metal-complexing
anions. Again these will bring more metal into solution against the prevailing
trend of greater sorption into the solid phase. The principal example here is the
soluble components of humus: humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids. The solubility of HA and the strength of metal binding by both HA and FA increase as pH
rises and the humus acids become more negatively charged and more hydrophilic. This effect is most pronounced for metals that bind most strongly to
HA, such as Cu. It has been shown that the distribution coefficient (kd) of Cu in
some soils is close to the kd value for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) [32,
111]. It may be that some sub-micron inorganic colloids, which both adsorb
and contain trace metals, behave similarly although evidence for this is
currently still emerging [69].
Notwithstanding some of the more subtle effects listed in (iii) and (iv) above, the
dominant effect of an increase in soil pH is a decrease in cationic metal solubility.
An example of this trend is shown in Fig. 3.5 below where samples of a soil used for
0.01 M Ca-Chloride
0.01 M Ca-Nitrate
Soil pH value
sludge disposal for over a century were suspended in 0.01 M Ca salts and acidified
to various levels. The solubility of Cd clearly follows a broadly exponential trend
with pH within the range of the measurements.
Mineral soils and peats which have a pH (in water) below pH 6.5 or pH 5.8
respectively normally require liming with CaCO3 for arable agriculture, partly to
avoid aluminium toxicity. Similarly, soil may be limed to around pH 7 to avoid
toxicity from contaminant metals such as Pb, Ni, Cu, Cd, Zn, Hg, Sn. Examples
include restoration of urban brown-field sites, land affected by acid mine drainage, and management of arable land habitually used for sewage sludge disposal.
The alleviation of aluminium toxicity in acid soils can be shown by the
simplified reaction illustrated below. Exchangeable aluminium hydroxide ions
(Al(OH)2+), held in clay inter-layers and by humus functional groups (HumusCOO), are precipitated as crystalline or amorphous forms of aluminium hydroxide
(Al(OH)3). So the solubility and bio-availability of toxic aluminium is reduced.
Ex:AlOH2 CaCO3 s 2H2 O ! AlOH3 s Ex:Ca2 CO2 H2 O (3.2)
S.D. Young
Liming acid soils to pH 78 remains the most expedient way of reducing the
solubility of heavy metals, in most situations.
RT ln(10)
59 pe (at 25 C)
Table 3.2 Principal soil redox reactions and the Eh range in which they typically occur
Soil Eh range (mV) Soil characteristics
Aerobic soil; oxygen is the principal electron acceptor:
O2 + 4H+ + 4e 2H2O
NO3 + 6 H+ + 5 e N2 + 3 H2O
MnIV oxide reduction and dissolution:
MnO2(s) + 4 H+ + e Mn2+ + 2 H2O
FeIII oxide reduction and dissolution:
Fe(OH)3(s) + 3 H+ + 2 e Fe2+ + 3 H2O
Sulphate reduction to sulphide:
SO42 + 10 H+ + 8 e H2S + 4 H2O
Acetoclastic methanogenesis:
Change in pH
Most redox reactions in soils involve transfer of electrons and protons. This
dependence can be described by Eq. 3.4.
RT ln(10)
Eo - 59
at 25o C) (3.4)
S.D. Young
Eo is the standard redox potential for the reaction and the ratio nH/ne denotes the
stoichiometric ratio for electron and proton transfer. In practice it is unlikely that
Eq. 3.4 will be followed exactly because (i) there are widely varying concentrations
of specific redox couples and (ii) soil pH is strongly buffered by other proton
adsorption reactions which are not directly involved in redox reactions [78].
Nevertheless, redox reactions do have a marked effect on soil pH. In fact, soil pH
values gravitate to a very restricted circumneutral range under anaerobic conditions
(c. pH 6.57.5) [91]. This is thought to arise from the conflicting effects of (i) a
build up of CO2 partial pressure which lowers pH in alkaline soils by hydrolysis to
carbonic acid and (ii) the consumption of H+ ions by most reduction reactions
which raises pH in acid soils (Table 3.2) [94]. Thus for soils which have pH values
<6.5 under aerobic conditions, the net result of anaerobism may be an increase in
the strength of cationic metal adsorption by humus and metal oxides and an
increased possibility of (e.g.) metal carbonate precipitation (Sect. 3.3.1).
Fig. 3.6 Predominance diagram for arsenic species as a function of pH and Eh (Produced using
The Geochemists Workbench program)
Some metals and metalloids undergo valence changes within the range of redox
potentials experienced in anaerobic soils arsenic is a prime example. The stable
form of As in aerobic soils is arsenate (mainly H2AsO4 and HAsO42 in the pH
range 67) which behaves very similarly to phosphate (pKa2 7.2) and is adsorbed
strongly by Fe oxides. As Eh values fall below 250 mV AsV is reduced mainly to
AsIII (arsenite) and possibly methylated forms such as dimethylarsinic acid (DMA;
(CH3)2HAsO2) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMA; CH3H2AsO3). The closest
analogue to arsenite is perhaps silicic acid (pKa1 9.8), and so AsIII forms a neutral
molecule (H3AsO3o) that is very poorly adsorbed. This may be the prime mechanism
whereby As is released into groundwater in aquifers which become even mildly
anaerobic, as experienced in West Bengal and Bangladesh [60].
H3 AsO4 o 2H 2e , H3 AsO3 o H2 O
Figure 3.6 shows that transformations between arsenate and arsenite are
predicted to occur within the pH-Eh ranges often encountered in wet topsoils, or
aquifers with sufficient organic matter to undergo reduction.
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Increased soil pH and partial pressure of trapped CO2 following soil flooding may
cause precipitation of metal carbonates [70]; this has been reported for Cd, Zn and
Pb [78]. However, under strongly anaerobic conditions (Eh < 100 mV), especially in soils with a significant (reducible) sulphate content, it may be possible for
metal sulphide precipitation to occur [34]. From solubility modelling, Schroder
et al. [100] suggested there was strong evidence for Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu sulphide
precipitation in floodplain soils under such conditions. Cornu et al. [26] incubated
an industrially contaminated arable soil (Cd 3.8 mg kg1) under saturated
conditions and observed an initial increase in Cd solubility followed by a decline
as pe fell below 3. It was thought possible that CdS (Greenockite) may have formed
but this could not be confirmed thermodynamically. Theoretically, the trace metals
Cd, Zn and Pb should all precipitate before ferrous sulphide formation poises the
system and thereby prevents further decline in Eh. However, this depends on the
free ion activity of the trace metals supported which is difficult to predict when
progressive anaerobism usually coincides with changes in soil pH and complexing
ligand concentration.
Soluble Ligands
S.D. Young
It is generally recognised that metal ions added to soils in solution will rapidly
attain an apparent equilibrium with adsorption surfaces over a period of several
hours. However, most metals and metalloids then exhibit further (slower) sorption,
over an extended period (months), in which metal ions are transferred from a
labile to a non-labile state [32, 117]. This is generally referred to as the slow
reaction, ageing or fixation [123] and may be partly (or wholly) responsible for
the phenomenon of desorption hysteresis commonly observed for metal ions
adsorbed from solution on to soil minerals such as calcite, zeolites and goethite
[1, 2, 11]. However, it is important to note that fixation is not always a timedependent process and may also be caused by very rapid reactions such as surface
precipitation or possibly strong inner-sphere adsorption. Thus it is often found that a
proportion of metal ions, added to soil in solution, become fixed almost instantly
as best judged by isotopic exchangeability. Nakhone and Young [82] noted this
effect for Cd fixation in calcareous soils while Ma et al. [7173] observed a similar
process for Cu adsorbed by soils high in organic matter.
There are several mechanisms which may explain the slow reaction, including
diffusive limitations, adsorption energy barriers and surface precipitation; in practice these are not entirely independent.
Diffusive Limitations
Energy barriers to adsorption may occur where there is a specific part of the
adsorption mechanism that is rate-limited, such as dehydration, the formation of
multiple bonds or slow exchange reactions. Ahmed et al. [1] found that both slow
adsorption and desorption of Cd on zeolites was better explained as a first-order
kinetic process rather than by continuous diffusion into the zeolite particles. From
EXAFS data they provisionally associated the Cd fixation process with retention of
dehydrated Cd2+ in a specific cavity in the zeolite structure [3].
It seems likely that soil components which have little scope for (internal) absorption
because of the lack of a porous structure or no clear means of occluding metals will
show little if any slow reactions. Thus Covelo et al. [28] found that metals (Cd, Cr,
Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb) were most reversibly adsorbed on 2:1 alumino-silicate clays and
least reversibly adsorbed on Mn oxides. Palagyi et al. [87] investigated sorption of
Cd by forest and arable topsoils and subsoils, with peroxide treatment to remove
humus. They showed that Cd is reversibly held by humus but undergoes timedependent fixation in mineral constituents. Shirvani et al. [104] demonstrated Cd
sorption hysteresis in the Mg-silicates Palygorskite and Sepiolite and in Calcite.
Ahmed et al. [2] measured and modelled time-dependent fixation and adsorption
hysteresis of Cd on Calcite. Nevertheless, it may also be possible for organic matter
to fix metals. Vega et al. [121] expressed irreversible Cd and Cu sorption in soils
as a hysteresis index (HI) and showed that although HI was greatest for Cd at high
pH and MnO2 content, it was greatest for Cu at high humus content. Young et al.
[130] reported isotopically non-exchangeable Hg in filtered solutions of 203Hg
spiked soils which they tentatively interpreted as fixation in DOC. Thus, fixation
of metals may also occur simply through strong surface complexation, without
occlusion within solids.
Slow fixation reactions have been demonstrated most successfully using isotopic exchange to discriminate between labile and non-labile forms [1, 19, 29].
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Figure 3.7 shows the reduction in isotopic exchangeability of Zn, initially added to
soils in solution, as a function of pH. As expected, fixation was greater at high pH.
However, a crucial point is that the slow reaction had to be modelled as a reversible
first-order kinetic reaction [1, 2, 29]; the decline in metal lability does not tend to
zero but to an apparent steady state in which non-labile metal ions re-enter the labile
pool. This also supports the universal finding that historically contaminated soils
typically have substantial proportions of isotopically exchangeable metal. Therefore metal ions determined as non-labile should be regarded as kinetically
restricted in their interaction with the soil solution phase rather than permanently
fixed. This reinforces the distinction between non-labile and inert in Fig. 3.1;
Degryse et al. [32] discuss this issue in more detail.
A higher temperature increases the proportion of the metal ions which have
sufficient energy to overcome energy barriers to adsorption or desorption and
therefore movement in general. This effect can be described in terms of an activation energy (Ea, kJ mol1). The rate constant for adsorption or desorption (k) is
related to temperature through the well known Arrhenius equation:
k A exp
A is the pre-exponential factor, with the same units as the rate constant (k).
Temperature will therefore also affect the final position of the equilibrium if the
value of Ea for adsorption differs from that for desorption. Equation 3.5 translates
directly into describing the temperature dependence of diffusion (Eq. 3.6) where
Dapp is the apparent diffusion coefficient for the solid and Do is Dapp when the
activation energy is zero [108].
Dapp Do exp
Where Pfo and Pft are the proportions of added metal ions fixed at time zero and
time t.
The linear dependence of metal fixation on t is often presented as strong evidence
for a diffusion-controlled process and most studies appear to conclude that a higher
temperature will increase the rate of fixation in soils. Thus, Ma et al. [72] used a
combination of Eqs. 3.6 and 3.7 to model the decline in isotopic exchangeability of Cu
added to soils and incubated at three temperatures for 30 days. A similar response has
been observed for Cd adsorption on goethite [81], Pb reaction with carbonate hydroxyl
apatite [128] and several other studies. In addition, the relative affinity of different
metals may change with temperature and differences in activation energy may indicate
the underlying fixation process, such as diffusion [43] or reflect the nature (e.g.,
porosity) of the soil adsorption surfaces [11].
In the soil chemistry literature many of the early empirical approaches to modelling
trace metal equilibria, intended mainly for predictive purposes, can still be found
published alongside the very latest developments in mechanistic models of metal
Adsorption of metals by soil, and soil constituents, is often expressed as the
mathematical relationship between the concentrations of metal in the solid phase
(Mads) and in an equilibrated solution (Msoln). However, both Mads and Msoln may
represent several alternative variables. The variable Mads may be the total concentration of metal in the soil solid phase, or it may be a specific fraction such as
extractable or isotopically exchangeable metal [40]. Similarly, Msoln can
S.D. Young
The simplest expression of the strength of metal adsorption by soil is the distribution coefficient (kd): the ratio of Mads to Msoln (Eq. 3.8).
; Mads kd Msoln
the two most widely used functions are the well known Langmuir and Freundlich
adsorption equations.
Langmuir: KL
KL Ns Msoln
; Mads
Msoln Ns Mads
1 KL Msoln
; Mads kF Msoln n
Msoln n
The Langmuir equation (LE, Eq. 3.9) is attractive because it is asymptotic [50]
and therefore provides an important soil characteristic the maximum adsorption
capacity or number of sites (Ns). Its failings include an assumption that the
standard free energy of adsorption is constant, regardless of site coverage
which, for ion adsorption on to charged surfaces, is incorrect. Although the single
LE also ignores competition from other ions and assumes a single type of adsorption site, these can easily be included in extended forms of the equation [129].
The Freundlich equation (FE, Eq. 3.10) is an empirical relation that is consistent
with an exponential distribution of binding energies [12]. Strobel et al. [110]
demonstrated that the kd values for Cd and Cu in arable soils increased with
depletion of the metal; therefore a measured kd value may overestimate the solubility of the majority of the soil metal content. Thus the FE addresses the issue of
site heterogeneity, to some degree, and it is probably fair to say that it is considerably more useful than the LE for trace metal studies [12]. Although the FE ignores
the notion of an adsorption maximum it could be argued that this is seldom an issue
because the concentration of adsorbed metal present is normally much less than the
metal-adsorption capacity of the soil.
Both equations are still used to describe metal adsorption for comparative
purposes. This approach is perhaps most valid when the soils being studied have
a restricted range of conditions (especially pH) or when single soils or pure mineral
substrates are being assessed. Sako et al. [96] used the FE to compare adsorption of
platinum group elements (Pd, Rh and Pt) on a single kaolinitic soil. Jalali and
Moharrami [55] tested both the FE and LE as descriptions of metal adsorption in
calcareous soils from Western Iran with a narrow pH range (c. pH 7.07.5).
Markiewicz-Patkowska et al. [75] used the simple LE to estimate the adsorption
capacities of (urban) brownfield soil material at just two (controlled) pH values
(pH 2 and pH 7).
The simple LE and FE models are often applied when the adsorption of metals is
only a part of the overall reaction process being studied and it is convenient to adopt
ren and Kaya [85] applied the FE
a simple description of metal equilibrium. Thus, O
to Zn adsorption on zeolite. Shirvani et al. [104] described adsorption of Cd on pure
clays (Sepiolite and Palygorskite) and calcite using the FE. Ahmed et al. [2] used
the FE to describe Cd adsorption on zeolite. In all these studies the primary
objective was not to derive a definitive description of adsorption per se but to
integrate a convenient adsorption equation into a wider study of adsorption kinetics,
desorption hysteresis and/or reaction mechanisms.
S.D. Young
There have been several attempts to develop more flexible forms of the FE and
LE which address the problems such as site heterogeneity and competition from
other ions. Temminghoff et al. [111] tested a two species Freundlich (TSF) model
alongside the more mechanistic NICA model (Sect. 3.4.3) to describe Cu2+-H+
competition for adsorption on humus in a sandy soil. Barrow et al. [12] used a
modification of the FE, in which the exponent (n) varied with solution concentration (Msoln), to explain competition between selenite and phosphate in a Chilean
Andosol. Xue et al. [129] adapted the LE to include competition and non-integer
reaction stoichiometry to describe Cd and Zn adsorption on a yellow cinnamon soil
from China.
It is inevitable that single component (i.e., Msoln) forms of the LE and FE provide
only soil-specific parameters at best and, for the same reasons, they will fail if the
characteristics (such as pH) of a single soil are changed. The recognition of
correlations between soil properties (e.g., pH) and metal adsorption strength has
therefore encouraged the development of regression approaches so that metal
adsorption may be empirically predicted for soils with differing characteristics.
The soil properties chosen for regression are usually those known to have direct, or
indirect, effects on metal binding strength and are normally fairly accessible soil
variables. Typically they include various combinations of pH, cation exchange
capacity (CEC), humus content (%C or %LOI), Fe or Mn oxide content, clay
content, concentration of the major cations or competing trace metals etc.
In fact, such regression equations are essentially an extended form of the FE if it
is assumed that logkF is a linear function of multiple soil properties (Pi), while the
Freundlich exponent (n) remains constant across all soils, (Eqs. 3.11 and 3.12):
logMads logkF nlogMsoln ; logkF ko
ki logPi
logMads ko
ki logPi nlogMsoln
This has been called the general purpose Freundlich model (GPF) [35]. Sauve
et al. [98] reviewed over 70 studies and optimised GPF expressions for Cd, Cu, Pb,
Ni and Zn with pH and SOM content as the predictive soil properties (Pi, Eq. 3.12).
This approach explained 61 88% of the variation in dissolved metal concentration; for Pb the fit was considerably poorer. Gray and McLaren [45] included the
predictive properties pH, %C and amorphous Fe/Al oxide content in a study of 200
New Zealand soils contaminated from a wide range of sources. Their optimised
equations were able to predict between 50% and 85% of the variation in Msoln for
six metals across the range of soils studied. Horn et al. [52] parameterised GPF
equations for Cd with a dataset of nearly 500 soils from Germany; they included
pH, clay, soil organic carbon, CEC and Fe/Mn oxides as predictive soil properties.
Similar dependencies on soil properties were found by Lair et al. [64] for long term
field experiment soils from Austria. Tipping et al. [114] included just pH and %LOI
as predictive properties in a study of metal solubility in 98 upland soils from the UK
and achieved results which were only slightly inferior to a more complex mechanistic model (Sect. 3.4.3). Gandois et al. [41] found that the solubility of eight trace
metals, in a range of soils, could be predicted from soil organic carbon content, pH
value, total Fe content and DOC.
Attempts have also been made to improve the basis of expression for the two
metal variables (Mads and Msoln) in order to describe metal equilibria on a more
mechanistic basis. Thus, Elzinga et al. [35] used 92 published sources to collect
2,000, 700 and 1,500 data for Cd, Cu and Zn adsorption respectively. They tested
for improvements in the fit of a GPF model by varying the definition of Msoln as
total concentration or corrected for ionic strength, inorganic complexation and
organic complexation. Overall these refinements to Msoln produced fairly small
improvements. Model predictions of Mads from field datasets under-estimated by a
factor of 510. This was thought to be due to overestimation of adsorbed reactive
metal by acid digestion of field soils and partly because of metal competition effects
which are not included in the adsorption studies but limit metal adsorption in field
soils. Trancoso et al. [115] tried to improve the fit of a GPF description of Pb
equilibria in a study of Portuguese soils (Pi pH, Fe/Al oxides) by measuring
labile forms of Pbsoln using differential pulse polarography. Tye et al. [117] used
what was effectively a GPF approach, applied to UK soils incubated with added Cd
(Pi %LOI, pH, Znsoln, ionic strength). They defined Cdsoln as the free ion activity
(Cd2+), calculated from a solution speciation model (WHAM-VI; Sect. 3.4.3) and
Cdads was measured as the isotopically exchangeable (labile) soil Cd concentration.
Groenenberg et al. [46] used a similar approach, but with nitric acid extractable
metal as a proxy for the reactive metal pool (Mads). They confirmed the
controlling influence of humus content and pH value on free ion activity of Cd,
Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn in over 200 soil solutions from the Netherlands and UK. Broadly
speaking, in most applications of the GPF to large multi-soil datasets, the resulting
models are able to predict Msoln from soil properties (Pi) to within approximately
0.51.0 log10 units.
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consistent in that the masses of all defined species and their associated charges are
conserved and balanced respectively.
Several geochemical models describing metal bonding to organic matter,
Fe/Mn/Al oxides and alumina-silicate clays have been combined to predict equilibrium speciation and fractionation in whole soils (see for example the Visual
MINTEQ site managed by Jon Petter Gustafson [48]). Perhaps the two models
which have been most widely applied are the extended versions of the
Windermere Humic Acid Model (WHAM-VI) and the Non-Ideal Competitive
Adsorption model (NICA-Donnan). Both these models started life as descriptions
of metal binding to humic and fulvic acid in solution and have been extended to
include surface complexation models dealing with exchange reactions on clays and
specific adsorption on Fe/Mn/Al oxides to form the assemblage models SCAMP
(e.g., [68]) and ECOSAT (e.g., [124]) respectively. Crucially, this progression
enables a complete audit of metal speciation in solution and fractionation in the
solid phase. However, the description of metal binding to humus acids probably
remains the most important component of both extended models and, in this
function, they have elements in common. They both recognise that: (i) HA and
FA have two types of group; (ii) there is heterogeneity within each type of group;
(iii) metals may bond to HA and FA through multiple linkages; (iv) HA and FA are
charged molecules, partitioned between solid and solution phases, with nonspecifically adsorbed counter ions. The basic approach of both models is briefly
outlined below.
Ki exp2wZ; w P logI
2i 5
Typical parameter values for humic acid are pKA 4.0 and DpKA 1.8 which
would give four carboxyl groups with intrinsic pKi values of 3.1, 3.7, 4.3, 4.9.
Specific sorption of metals is described with analogous intrinsic equilibrium
constants and allowance for electrostatic effects. Metal-specific spreading factors
provide heterogeneity and there is also allowance for mono-, bi- and tri-dentate
bonding between metals and functional groups. Values of intrinsic stability
constants for bidentate (log(Ki,j) and tridentate (logKi,j,k) bonding are expressed
as the sum of the component monodentate constants but with additional terms
(x DLK2 and y DLK2) which extend the heterogeneity caused by multi-site bonding
to allow for high affinity chelate sites. Thus, for tridentate bonding, y is set to 0, 1 or
2 for 90.1%, 9% and 0.9% of the adsorption sites. Considering the large number of
possible sites arising from combinations of groups (e.g., 120 tridentate sites), the
number of sites used in the model is rationalised by restricting bi- and tri-dentate
sites to combinations of dissimilar groups types and utilizing a representative subset (80 sites in total, of which 8 are monodentate).
Finally, metal ions are also bound (weakly) as non-specific counter-ions within
the diffuse double layer around the charged humic molecule. In the WHAM model
this zone is simply described as a discrete Donnan layer, calculated from ionic
strength, and the amount of electrostatically bound trace metals reflects their
relative abundance in the bulk solution and their valence. Normally the ratio of
chemically bound to electrostatically bound trace metals would be high.
NICA-Donnan Model
The origins of the NICA-Donnan model are closer to the mathematical descriptions
of adsorption isotherms; the model was derived originally from the LangmuirFreundlich equation (LFE). The NICA model also recognises (two) discrete classes
of group on humic acid but within each class assumes a continuous affinity
distribution of functional groups rather than trying to subdivide into individually
identified groups. The LFE includes provision for site heterogeneity and can be
extended to describe adsorption of multiple species (protons and metal ions).
However, in order to describe the specific adsorption affinity shown by individual
S.D. Young
metal ions, a further term was introduced. The equation below describes adsorption
of a divalent metal ion (Mads) by humic acid, again with two types of group (A and
B) in which T represents the total concentration of group A or B. The exponent (n)
primarily reflects metal-specific stoichiometry; the ratio nM/nH may be seen as the
average binding stoichiometry of metals to individual groups and so should be <1
although this is not always true for optimised values. The parameter P (01)
describes the heterogeneity of ion affinity and is a characteristic of the molecule
rather than individual metal ions; (M2+) is the free ion activity of the adsorbing
metal species and K is the average affinity constant. The compound term Tj(nM,j)/
(nH,j) reflects the different binding maximum, to group A or B, for individual ions.
Pj !
KM; j M2 M; j
KM; j M2 M; j
nM; j
nH; j
KM; j M2 M; j
KM; j M2 M; j
An obvious, and probably unfair, criticism of these models is that they are datahungry. To work effectively, as a means of predicting speciation in solution and
fractionation in the solid phase, they should ideally be useable in default mode
with input of data from straightforward soil chemical analysis. If users have to
measure or infer a large number of unique soil parameters (specific surface areas,
active humus fractions, intrinsic stability constants etc.) for each application then
their value diminishes. However, when such models are applied to whole soils it is
often found that some fine tuning of model parameters is required. Furthermore, in
comparison with empirical approaches, such as the GPF or regression equations,
mechanistic models may sometimes provide only marginal advantages.
Thus Tipping et al. [114] applied WHAM-VI to 98 upland soils from the UK and
improved the fit by using (optimised) soil-specific values for the active organic
matter (AOM) fraction. Shi et al. [103] also had to optimise the proportion of AOM
when using WHAM-VI to predict Cd adsorption by 14 non-calcareous soils from
the USA. Amery et al. [5] used WHAM as an assemblage model to predict metal
speciation in an arable field site in Belgium and tried to improve estimates of active
lmas et al. [4] applied
fulvic acid in solution by UV-spectroscopic measurement. A
WHAM to Norwegian arable soils contaminated with smelter output and had to
optimise the active fraction of metals in the soil; for arable soils they found that the
results were sensitive to the active Ca concentration in particular. Buekers et al.
[18, 19] applied WHAM-VI to 28 soils with widely varying characteristics. Their
prediction of solution speciation was good and the distribution of Cd, Ni, Zn and Cu
in the solid phase showed the expected pH-trend across the range of soils with
Fe oxides deposing organic matter as the principal metal adsorbent at pH > 6.
However, they identified several complications to the application of the model
including possible irreversible fixation of Cu within organic matter, the need to
refine the estimate of reactive metal (using isotopic exchange) and some uncertainty in the specific surface area used for Fe oxides.
Benedetti [14] applied the NICA-Donnan (with CD-MUSIC) model to a woodland soil from France affected by Pb/Zn smelting activity and found good agreement with measured solubility of Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb, following minor changes to
humic-Pb binding parameters. MacDonald and Hendershot [74] applied the NICADonnan model to a study of Canadian forest soils contaminated with smelter output
and had to optimise the active organic matter fraction and the ratio of HA to FA
for each soil. Bonten et al. [17] applied the NICA-Donnan model to a large dataset
from the Netherlands and found disparities in Zn-contaminated soils where the
simple measure of active Zn (0.43 M HNO3 extraction) failed. They also
identified possible problems with the description of Zn binding to metal oxides,
Cd binding constants to humus acids and overestimation of reactive Pb. They
suggested that there may be a possible problem with the additivity principle of
assemblage models where adsorption surfaces (humus, oxides, clays) are considered only as discrete entities and interactions between them are not considered.
Single Adsorbents
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Multi-Phase Adsorbents
The integration of changing redox conditions into adsorption models has been
neglected in the past, despite a clear qualitative understanding of its importance,
and is likely to feature in future developments [100].
Following early work integrating solid phase diffusion processes with surface complexation models [10] there is now the emergence of coupled kinetic-adsorption
models [18, 19, 37, 123].
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Chapter 4
Abstract This chapter explores the analytical methods currently available for the
measurement of heavy metal content in soils, ranging from well-established
techniques routinely applied in laboratories worldwide, to newly emerging
approaches, and with emphasis on the need to select strategies that are fit-forpurpose in terms of the information required. Included are guidelines for field
sampling and for the storage of samples and avoidance of contamination. Brief
information is provided on analytical techniques directly applicable to solid
samples including neutron activation analysis, laser-induced breakdown spectrometry and X-ray-based methods. Suitable approaches to sample extraction for different situations are summarised (total digestion, pseudototal digestion, single and
sequential extraction) together with examples of procedures involving hot-plate,
block, bomb, and microwave apparatus. The use of extractants to assess (plant)
bioavailability or (human) bioaccessibility of heavy metals in soils is discussed.
Details are provided of the various types of atomic spectrometry that nowadays
serve as workhorses for trace metal determination in environmental chemistry,
with particular emphasis on their principles, strengths, limitations and applicability.
Included are flame and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively
coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry. The chapter also provides a brief introduction to the vast
topic of speciation analysis, an area of particular interest for metals that can
occur in different oxidation states e.g. Cr, or that have environmentally important
organometallic forms e.g. Hg. Finally, some recommendations are given on
strategies that researchers should adopt whenever possible to improve the quality
of their analytical data.
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The determination of heavy metals and metalloids in soil may be carried out for a
variety of reasons. The total element content provides base-line knowledge of soil
composition, with respect to which changes due to natural or anthropogenic processes
can be assessed. Soils from metal-contaminated industrial sites may be analysed for
legislative purposes, to assess risk to human health or the environment, or to monitor the
success of remediation strategies. Agricultural chemists may wish to assess the availability of metals in soils, either as an indicator of potential plant deficiency or toxicity, or
to determine the likelihood of metals entry into the food chain of animals and man.
A potentially bewildering range of analytical techniques and methods now exist
for the determination of heavy metals in soils. However, the most important factor to
consider when deciding which approach to use is What is the purpose of the study?
Knowing the type of information that needs to be obtained, or environmental
question(s) to be answered, will guide the soil analyst towards analytical methods
that are fit-for-purpose. For example, a portable, X-ray based spectrometer that
measures total metal concentrations may be preferred for field analysis of metalrich soil affected by mining waste, but a multi-step chemical extraction procedure,
combined with advanced laboratory instrumentation, is likely to be more suitable for
estimating the fraction of the metal content that will be bioaccessible in the human
gastro-intestinal tract following accidental ingestion of a typical soil.
Many other factors may need to be considered when planning an analytical
strategy including, but not necessarily limited to:
Field Sampling
The first stage in the determination of heavy metals in soils is the collection of samples
for analysis. The samples must be representative and collected using a suitable
sampling regime i.e. one designed to match the purpose of the study. Even where
this is the case, sampling can make a large contribution to the overall measurement
uncertainty [69, 104, 163].
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Field sampling
along a zig-zag track
e.g. stack
Field sampling on
a regular grid
An example of
Fig. 4.1 Examples of sampling grids. (a) Field sampling along a zig-zag track. (b) Field sampling
on a regular grid. (c) An example of hypothesis-guided sampling
In other situations, prior knowledge about the site under investigation, or the likely
distribution of analytes therein, can be used to inform the sampling strategy. This is
called hypothesis-guided soil sampling [186]. For example, if the aim of a study was
to assess metal deposition onto soil from a point source such as a stack (or chimney),
the sampling grid might be altered or extended to take account of prevailing wind
direction, since contamination may reasonably be expected to be greater, and more
extensive, in the downwind direction (Fig. 4.1c). A particularly challenge exists in
designing sampling strategies appropriate for recently-derelict industrial sites.
Detailed knowledge about the site history may be required e.g. previous locations
of buildings, nature of processes carried out in various areas, types of compounds
used etc.
Sample units are taken to a uniform depth using an auger or corer (or, if these are
unavailable, a spade or trowel). Arable land is usually sampled to the plough depth
(typically 15 or 20 cm) whereas soil under grassland is sampled to a depth of only
7.5 or 10 cm [14]. A variety of sampling depths may be used at contaminated sites:
sometimes surface soils are taken; sometimes trial pits are excavated to >1 m depth
and material which may be made-up ground containing substantial quantities of
materials such as brick, ash and clinker rather than true soil removed from specific
depths or visible layers for analysis.
Samples must be placed in proper containers. Polyethylene bags are suitable for
the determination of most heavy metals, but should not be used if Hg is amongst the
analytes because elemental mercury can pass through polyethylene and be lost or
contaminate nearby samples. Glass bottles with screw-top lids are preferred in this
case. Care must be taken to avoid all sources of contamination [173]. Carbon steel
or aluminium sampling tools are generally preferred to stainless steel since the
latter may incorporate large quantities of metals such as Cr, Mn, Mo and Ni; some
plastics, notably PVC, should be avoided since they may contain trace metals; even
paper towels may cause difficulties if they have been whitened with TiO2 or dyed
with a metal-containing compound. Tools should be rinsed with distilled water, or
wiped clean, between samples.
Each sample must be labelled with a unique sample number, using a permanent
marker, on the outside of the sampling bag (to avoid contamination of the soil with
metal-containing inks). Other relevant details, such as sampling date and location
(obtained from a map or GPS) should be recorded on site. Many organisations use a
standard sampling pro-forma, an example of which is shown in Fig. 4.2. Sampling
soils for trace analysis remains an active topic of research (see e.g. [217]).
On arriving at the laboratory, soil samples are spread out (e.g. on polyethylene
sheets in aluminium trays), aggregates are broken down, and the samples are dried.
Air-drying, or drying at slightly elevated temperature (25 C) is usual. Higher
temperatures may be used in the preparation of reference soils to improve their
long-term stability. The dried soil is then passed through an aluminium or nylon
C.M. Davidson
Date / Time
Sample container /
Sampling method
Sample Ref.
Grid Ref.
sieve, usually of 2 mm mesh. Stones and other material >2 mm in diameter are
discarded. The <2 mm (fine earth) fraction is re-bagged and stored until required.
Sub-samples may be ground or milled to smaller particle size (e.g. <150 mm) to
ensure a more homogeneous test portion for direct methods of analysis, or expose a
larger surface area for acid digestion. Representative sub-sampling of the dried soil
can be carried out by coning and quartering or a mechanical riffler may be used.
There is a minimum weight of soil, depending on the heterogeneity and grain size,
that will be representative of the whole sample. Jackson [86] recommended that the
test portion should contain at least 1,000 particles of the sieve opening size.
Assuming a soil density of 1.3 g cm3, this corresponds to about 5 g for samples
passed through a 2 mm sieve or about 0.7 g for samples passed through a 1 mm
sieve. In practice, analysis of a larger test portion, say 20 g for soil sieved to 2 mm
and 23 g for soil sieved to 1 mm, is desirable. Particular care is required when
handling soils intended for speciation analysis to preserve the intrinsic form(s) of
the analyte elements [50, 173, 209].
Contamination with analytes not originally present in the sample is a constant
threat and can occur at any point in the analytical process [82]. The risk becomes
more critical as the concentration to be measured decreases. The laboratory itself
can be a source of heavy metals (used, for example, in some paints and plastics).
Instrumentation for (ultra)trace element analysis such as inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, see Sect. 4.7.5) should ideally be housed in
a separate laboratory, remote from areas used to handle or digest soil samples.
Avoiding the sample coming into contact with apparatus during processing is
clearly impossible, but care should be taken to choose materials unlikely to cause
problems in the particular analysis being undertaken e.g. avoid stainless steel when
measuring Cr. Milling and grinding can be sources of various trace elements [58].
All glassware should be soaked, preferably overnight, in 5% HNO3 and then rinsed
with distilled water before use. High purity water (at least distilled or deionised)
should be used at all times. Reagents should generally also be of high purity and
should be run as blanks to check for contamination. Different chemical suppliers
use different terms (e.g. Analytical Reagent, AnalaR etc.) for purified reagents and
it is advisable to check the specification in the catalogue to choose the option with
lowest concentrations of the analytes of interest.
Most methods for heavy metal determination in soils require the analytes to be
presented to the instrument in solution. However there is growing interest in
methods that can be applied directly to solid substrates, especially if these can be
used in the field.
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and able to detect elements with atomic numbers greater than about 8. In XRF,
samples are irradiated with primary X-rays, usually from an X-ray tube or radioactive source. These eject inner electrons from atoms. The energy released when outer
electrons fall into these vacancies is observed as an X-ray fluorescence spectrum;
the wavelengths observed are characteristic of the element(s) present. Two types of
instrument are used: wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) [102,
192] and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) [178, 214]. In WDXRF,
the radiation emitted by the sample is diffracted in different directions and a (Si(Li))
detector is moved to detect X-rays with different wavelengths (alternatively, several detectors at fixed angles may be used). In EDXRF, a single detector is used in
combination with a multi-channel analyser. EDXRF instruments have no moving
parts and hence are cheaper than WDXRF, but WDXRF generally offers superior
resolution. Samples for XRF analysis are ground finely and then either subjected to
fusion, producing a glass for analysis [141], or compressed into pressed powder
pellets [36, 192]. Matrix effects occur in XRF and mathematical corrections must
be applied if accurate results are to be obtained [172].
A key advantage of XRF for measuring heavy metals in soils is the availability
of instruments suitable for use in the field [92]. Portable XRF instruments have been
used to measure As, Cu, Pb and Zn at a former waste site (now a sports ground used
by children) [28] and in soils affected by mining [162]; As, Cu and Cr in soil
polluted by chromated copper arsenate wood preservatives [118], and Cr, Cu, Mn,
Ni, Pb, V and Zn in industrial soil [7]. Results obtained by portable XRF were found
to be broadly similar to those of laboratory-based techniques, but the detection
limits are poorer. The method is therefore most suited for rapid screening of
contaminated sites to identify samples of interest that can then be taken back to
the laboratory for more detailed or confirmatory analysis.
Recent developments in X-ray analysis [220] include total reflection-XRF in
which the incident X-ray beam is directed at the sample surface at such an acute
angle that it is reflected, thus reducing background interference problems caused by
penetration into the bulk [224] and the advent of powerful, synchrotron-based
techniques reviewed recently by Lombi and Susini [112] suitable for direct
measurement, mapping and speciation of heavy metals in soils. Indeed, one of the
first environmental science experiments performed using the new Diamond light
source in the UK was a study of the speciation of Pb and Zn in soil undergoing
remediation with bone meal [136].
This is an emerging form of atomic emission spectrometry (see Sect. 4.7.1) applicable to a wide variety of sample types, including solids such as dusts and soils,
with minimal sample preparation [108]. A high powered, pulsed laser (typically a
Nd:YAG at either 1,064 nm or frequency-doubled to 532 nm) is used to ablate the
surface of the sample. This forms a high temperature microplasma in which the
Sample observation
(camera or microscope)
Nd:YAG laser
Carrier gas
Dry aerosol to
Sample in ablation cell
constituents of the ablation plume are atomised, ionised, excited, and then emit light
of characteristic wavelengths. This light is measured after a short delay (around
500 ns) during which the intense broadband emission from the plasma decays.
Comparisons between soil heavy metal concentrations obtained by LIBS and by
other methods suggest that the technique shows promise [27, 188] but further
optimisation and a better understanding of the behaviour of analytes in the plasma
[60], together with improvements in accuracy and LOD [54, 80] are required.
A particular advantage of LIBS, in common with XRF, is the potential to develop
field-portable instruments [34, 73].
C.M. Davidson
Total digestion
Pseudototal digestion
Single extraction
Sequential extraction
Fig. 4.4 Some approaches to the determination of heavy metals in soils (After [210])
Slurry Sampling
Digestion or leaching to transfer the analytes into solution is a necessity for most
instrumental methods of analysis. The nature of the extractant used to release the
metals from the soil matrix is of vital importance: different reagents liberate metals
from different soil components and hence provide different types of information.
Some approaches to the measurement of heavy metals in soils are summarised in
Fig. 4.4 and discussed in the following sections.
Total Digestion
Total element contents are of interest, for example, in geochemical surveying [135]
and to assess geogenic metal concentrations [97]. Hydrofluoric acid is used for total
digestion of soil samples because it can dissolve silicates. The entire sample is
solubilised and the total metal content released for measurement. Special
precautions are required when handling HF: it cannot be stored or used in glass
vessels; fume hoods may have to be specially adapted to avoid corrosive vapours
attacking the components of the ventilation system, and use of appropriate personal
protective equipment (including the provision of calcium gluconate HF antidote
gel) is vital due to the serious nature of HF burns. An oxidising acid such as nitric or
perchloric is often used in combination with HF to aid dissolution of organic matter
and sulphides.
Another approach for total dissolution of soil samples is fusion. Typically, a
small sample (e.g. 0.10.2 g) of ground (<100 mm particle diameter) soil is placed
in a platinum crucible with ~0.8 g of lithium metaborate and heated to around
1,000 C. The sample dissolves in the molten flux. This may be quenched (with
care!) by pouring it into a solution of nitric acid, or the flux may be allowed to cool
and the resultant glass later dissolved in nitric acid. The acid solution is then made
up to a set volume for analysis. The method tends to be reserved for samples
containing refractory minerals e.g. chromite [135] that are difficult to bring into
solution by other means.
Pseudototal Digestion
In pollution studies the goal is often to assess anthropogenic input, or estimate the
maximum amounts of metals that could hypothetically be mobilized and transported in the environment and affect a receptor. Pseudototal (PT) digestion with
mixtures of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid or hydrogen peroxide is widely used for
this purpose. Although primary silicates are not dissolved, metals associated with
most other major soil components are liberated.
In a typical PT digestion, a few grams of soil are weighed into a vessel. The soil
is moistened with water and then aqua regia (a mixture of 3 parts HCl to 1 part
HNO3) added. The vessel is allowed to stand overnight, then the temperature is
raised and the contents maintained under reflux for 2 h. After being allowed to cool,
the digest is filtered into a volumetric flask, the residue washed with dilute nitric
acid and the washings combined with the filtrate. Finally, the digest is made up to
the mark with distilled water or dilute HNO3 ready for analysis.
Both total and PT digestions may simply be carried out using beakers topped
with watch glasses (made of PTFE in the case of HF) on a hot-plate placed in a fume
cupboard. The digestion needs to be monitored and extra acid added to compensate
for losses due to evaporation. Further additions of, for example, HNO3 might also
be necessary if the soil had a high organic content. However, many soil laboratories
use more sophisticated apparatus, such as block or bomb digestors, and laboratory
microwave ovens
Aluminium and graphite block digestors are able to extract metals from soils at
controlled temperature. The digestion may be performed in disposable calibrated
vessels that can be placed directly onto the autosampler of, for example, an ICP
instrument, or the sample may be filtered prior to analysis. These digestors offer
savings in time and increased sample throughput for laboratories handling large
C.M. Davidson
numbers of soil samples, although the fact that each digestion tube can hold only
a few grams of soil may be a limitation for some applications. Tubes are usually
topped with disposable watch glasses. However, specialised, non-disposable tops
can be used to minimise loss of volatile species, for example in the measurement
of Hg.
Bomb digestion, in which a soil sample and appropriate acid mixture are placed
in a sealed vessel made from PTFE, stainless steel or aluminium and heated on a
hotplate or in an oven, is also still popular. Because the vessel is sealed, loss of
volatile species is minimised and there is less opportunity for the sample to become
contaminated. An obvious danger is that, if the vessel exceeds its maximum
operating pressure, it may explode. Bomb digestors should therefore always be
operated exactly according to the manufacturers recommendations.
The use of microwave-assisted sample digestion is now widespread. Microwave
energy is absorbed directly by the solution, rather than there being a delay whilst
heat is transmitted from an external source. Hence, it offers the advantages of speed,
uniform heating of the sample, and contamination avoidance (provided closed
vessels are used). Initially, many soil laboratories used domestic i.e. kitchen
microwave ovens and home-made PTFE digestion vessels. Nowadays, commercial
laboratory microwave apparatus is available. In a typically microwave-assisted PT
digestion, 1 g of soil would be placed in a PTFE digestion vessel, 20 mL of aqua
regia added and, after any initial vigorous reaction has subsided, the vessel would
be placed in the microwave cavity and heated for, perhaps, 20 min. The vessel
would then be removed, allowed to cool, and the contents filtered into a volumetric
flask. Modern commercial microwave digestion systems can digest up to 40
samples simultaneously. The power is controlled by a temperature sensor that
monitors all of the vessels in the cavity. The heating program and acid mixture
can be optimised, for example by analysis of suitable CRM [15, 77, 179].
Several authors have compared digestion methods to determine those most
suited to particular applications e.g. [103, 222]. For calcareous soils, Mico et al.
[129] obtained higher extraction efficiencies, but poorer precision, using an openvessel block digestor than closed-vessels in a microwave system, whilst Marin et al.
[122] discovered significant underestimation of Al in the presence of HF when
comparing microwave digestions with various acid mixtures. For Florida soils,
Chen and Ma [32] obtained recoveries in the order: microwave (aqua regia + HF)
> microwave (aqua regia) > hotplate (aqua regia). Useful general guidelines on
preferred digestion approaches for soils of different composition (organic matter,
carbonate content and closeness of metal concentrations to legislative limits) are
provided by Sastre et al. [182].
There is considerable interest in assessing the fractions of the total metal content
associated with specific soil mineral phases. This information is now beginning
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Table 4.3 Examples of physiologically-based extractions used to assess the human bioaccessibility of heavy metals in soils
1 [116, 134] n/a
0.4 M glycine at pH 1.5; 1 h
2 [19, 147,
Pepsin, citrate, malate, lactic
Stomach + pancreatin,
174, 221]
acid, acetic acid; pH 1.5; 1 h
bile salts; pH 7;
24 h
3 [25]
KCl, NaH2PO4, KSCN, NaCl, NaH2PO4, KCl, CaCl2, NaCl, NaHCO3,
Na2SO4, NaCl,
NH4Cl, HCl, glucose,
KH2PO4, KCl,
NaOH, urea,
gluouronic acid, urea,
MgCl2, HCl, urea,
CaCl2, bovine
amylase, mucin,
serum albumin,
uric acid; pH 6.5;
bovine serum albumin,
pancreatin, lipase;
15 min
mucin, pepsin;
pH 7.4; 4 h
pH 0.91.0; 1 h
C.M. Davidson
Matrix components may interfere with the determination of heavy metals in soils, in
which case it may be necessary to separate the analyte(s) from potential interferents
prior to measurement. There are also situations where analytes are present at
concentrations too close to (or below) the LOD of available instrumental
techniques. Preconcentration methods can increase the concentration of analyte in
the solution presented to the instrument, allowing accurate quantification. It is of
course necessary to know the preconcentration factor achieved, so that the original
analyte concentrations can be calculated.
Procedures for the preconcentration of heavy metals in soil extracts and digests
tend to be based on solid phase extraction, co-precipitation, or cloud-point extraction (for recent examples see [23]). In solid phase extraction, a selective sorbent is
prepared by functionalising a supporting medium with chemical moieties able to
complex selectively the metal(s) of interest. The sorbent is packed into a column
and the soil extract passed through. Analytes are retained but interferents are not.
The analytes can then be eluted for analysis. If the volume of eluant used is smaller
than the volume of extract originally loaded, then preconcentration will be
achieved. An alternative approach is to add the complexing agent to the soil extract,
rather than functionalise the sorbent. Co-precipitation procedures involve the
trapping of analytes (or interferents) on a solid carrier. In cloud point extraction a
surfactant is added to the soil extract, together with a selective chelating agent.
Under appropriate conditions, the mixture partitions into a surfactant-rich phase, in
which the metal complexes are concentrated, and a dilute aqueous phase [42].
Most techniques for measuring heavy metals in soils require the sample to be
dissolved or leached to produce a solution for analysis and the instrument to be
calibrated with a series of standard solutions of known concentration. These often
can be prepared in dilute acid solution e.g. 5% HNO3. However, in some analyses,
the presence of extractant reagents alters the response of the instrument (Fig. 4.5a).
In this case, calibrants must be reagent-matched. In other situations, components of
the soil matrix, co-extracted with the analytes, may interfere in the analysis.
Reagent-matching will not overcome this type of interference; instead it is necessary to matrix-match the standard solutions (i.e. they should contain all the same
components as the soil extract, but no analyte). Since this is rarely possible, analysis
is instead performed by the method of standard addition (Fig. 4.5b). Known
concentrations of analyte are added to aliquots of the soil extract. The graph
obtained is extrapolated and the (positive value of the) point where it crosses the
x-axis is the analyte concentration in the extract.
Standards in
dilute acid
Standards in
Standard additions
to soil extract
or digest
Fig. 4.5 Calibration in atomic spectrometry (a) a suppressive interference caused by the
extractant matrix (b) calibration by standard addition
Atomic Spectrometry
C.M. Davidson
characteristic of the cathode element is produced. This light is directed through the
atom cell, where it can be absorbed by analyte atoms. Spectral lines are broadened
relative to natural widths by the Doppler effect (related to temperature) and
collisional effects (related to temperature and pressure). Since the hollow cathode
lamp operates at lower pressure and temperature than typical atomisers, the emission linewidth from the lamp is narrower than the analyte absorption profile in the
atom cell. Hence, all of the light can be absorbed.
FAAS is widely used for determining heavy metals in soils. The atom cell is a
combustion flame. The most common type is the air-acetylene flame (T ~2,200 C).
Air and fuel are pre-mixed in a spray chamber and then flow past a nebuliser
(a narrow metal tube connected to a plastic tube, which draws the sample up at a
rate of about 5 mL min1). A proportion (<10%) of the aerosol generated that part
containing the smallest, most uniformly-sized droplets is swept into the base of
the burner and aspirated into the flame. At least a few milliliter of sample solution
are required to perform a measurement, although this can be reduced by the use of
pulse nebulisation.
An alternative flame uses nitrous oxide-acetylene (T ~ 2,900 C). This provides
better atomisation efficiencies but is less safe because of the higher burning velocity
hence a shorter burner head is used (5 cm cf. 10 cm for air-acetylene) and also gives
out a more intense background emission spectrum. Its use tends to be reserved for
elements that are difficult to atomise with air-acetylene due to formation of thermally
stable oxides, such as Al and Mo. Whichever flame is used, the conditions (fuel flow
and burner height) have to be optimised for each analyte (and for different reagent
matrices) to maximise the atomisation efficiency.
FAAS is subject to spectral, physical and chemical interference effects that can
lead to inaccurate results being obtained. Spectral line overlap occurs if matrix
components such as other metals absorb light at the same wavelength as the analyte.
Fortunately this type of interference is rare because HCL line widths are narrow.
If necessary, it can be overcome be chemical separation of analyte and interferent prior to analysis (although this may be time-consuming) or by conducting
the measurement at a different analyte wavelength (although this may reduce
sensitivity). Interference due to flame emission the release of light over a range
of wavelengths by the hot gases present can be overcome by modulating the light
from the HCL and using a detector that can discriminate between a steady-state and
a pulsed signal. Molecular absorption and scattering of light by particles in the
flame also occur. These are overcome in commercial AAS instruments by incorporating a background correction system, based on the Zeeman effect or, more
usually, a continuum light source such as a deuterium lamp. If the light beams from
the D2 source and the HCL follow exactly the same path through the flame, and
each is modulated at a different frequency so that they can be detected individually,
then the signal from the HCL represents atomic absorption plus non-specific
absorption, whilst the signal from the continuum lamp effectively represents only
non-specific absorption. By subtracting one from the other, the corrected absorbance is obtained.
Physical interference effects can arise if the sample and standard solutions are
dissimilar in their viscosity or surface tension, and hence are aspirated at different
rates. This can usually be overcome by reagent-matching. Chemical interferences
can disturb equilibria between analyte molecules and atoms, or between atoms and
ions, altering the atomisation efficiency in the sample solution relative to the
standard solution (where no matrix is present). Where matrix components form
stable compounds with the analyte, fewer atoms are produced (a suppressive
interference effect). This may be overcome by addition of a reagent that preferentially binds to the interferent, leaving the analyte free to atomise. The atomisation of
Group 1 and Group 2 metals can be affected by the presence of other easily-ionised
elements in the sample matrix. If the equilibrium between interferent atoms and
ions is strongly in favour of ions, the electrons liberated during ionisation of the
interferents will suppress ionisation of the analyte (an enhancing interference
effect). Addition of a large excess of a very easily ionised element such as caesium
(Cs) to both samples and standards usually overcomes this problem. The analyte
can also become physically trapped within particles. Reagents are available, e.g.
ammonium chloride and EDTA, that can combat this type of interference effect.
FAAS is a mature analytical technique but still widely applied. It has recently
been used to assess the uptake of heavy metals from soil into coffee [49], corn [95],
medicinal plants [168] and grapes [204]. The environmental impact of a tannery
[200] and a Zn smelter [203] have been assessed, and general differences in metal
concentrations in industrial, rural and urban soils studied [229]. One notable recent
analytical development is high resolution continuum source FAAS. Although not
yet widely used, the technique has provided promising results for the measurement
of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in 0.005 mol L1 DTPA extracts of agricultural and reference
soils [166].
C.M. Davidson
Ramp rate
( C s1)
Remove solvent e.g. water
Remove matrix
Generate free analyte atoms
Remove residue ready for
next sample injection
(called a Lvov platform after its inventor). Further details of interference effects
in ETAAS and methods by which these may be overcome can be found in [106].
Nowadays, ETAAS tends to be used in studies where a single element, present at
relatively low concentration in soil, is of interest because of its toxicity (recent
examples have focussed on Cd [154], Cr [62] and Sb [43]); for the detection
of specific chemical species [37], or where ICP-MS is unavailable [31]. A key
limitation of both ETAAS and FAAS is that the vast majority of HCLs commercially available contain a single element. This means that atomic absorption
spectrometry can measure only one analyte at a time. Whilst there are many
situations where only one (or few) heavy metals are of interest, many studies
require multi-element analysis.
Flame atomic emission spectrometry is still used for some specific applications,
notably the determination of major cations in soils [168]. The instrumentation is
similar to FAAS, except than no HCL is required. However, for most analyses, it
has been supplanted by ICP-AES.
Plasma is gas in which a high proportion of the atoms and molecules present
have been ionised. Most commercial ICP-AES instrument use an argon plasma
operating at a power of 0.51.5 kW and a frequency of 27 or 40 MHz. The
temperature in the plasma is in the range 7,00010,000 K (different regions have
different temperatures). Hence, there is ample energy available to atomise, excite
and even ionise most heavy metals. The argon ICP is formed in a specially designed
torch, made of three concentric quartz tubes surrounded by a water-cooled, copper,
radio frequency coil (Fig. 4.8). Three streams of argon are supplied. The inner or
carrier gas transports the sample aerosol to the ICP, whilst the outer gas helps shape
the plasma and prevents it from melting the torch. When radiofrequency energy is
supplied to the coil an intense magnetic field is created. Seed electrons generated by
a spark from a Tesla coil are accelerated by the field and collide with argon atoms,
producing a self-sustaining plasma. The carrier gas punches a hole through the
centre of the plasma, giving it a characteristic toroidal shape. Because of the
intensity of background spectral emission from the core of the plasma, analytical
measurements are usually made in the tail plume, 12 cm above the load coil. Even
so, significant levels of background emission can reach the detector and so there are
significant advantages in viewing the plasma axially, rather than from the side [20].
Soil digests and extracts are introduced to the ICP in a similar way to FAAS.
Hence similar physical interference effects can occur. Also as in FAAS, the
majority of the sample goes to waste, with just a few percent reaching the plasma.
A variety of designs of spray chamber and nebuliser are available [189, 190].
Most routine analysis uses pneumatic or cross-flow nebulisers, but there are also
ultrasonic nebulisers (which can increase the proportion of sample entering the
Fig. 4.8 Schematic diagram
of an inductively coupled
plasma torch
C.M. Davidson
Tail plume
Spark source
Tangential outer
gas flow
plasma, and hence the sensitivity) and high-solids nebulisers. Chemical interferences are effectively eliminated because the energy of the plasma is so much greater
than that of a flame that even elements forming refractory oxides are atomised
efficiently. In contrast, spectral line overlap is a considerably bigger problem in
ICP-AES than in FAAS because the higher temperature environment means that
virtually all the elements present in the plasma will have atoms (and ions) in several
excited states. When these de-excite a complex spectrum, rich in emission lines, is
produced. Separation of the wavelength(s) of interest requires a higher resolution
monochromator than in AAS. Echelle spectrometers are most common. These contain
two dispersive elements, a grating and a prism. The echelle grating separates light in
one direction and the prism in a perpendicular direction. The two-dimensional spectrum produced i.e. a series of short regions of the spectrum, stacked above on another,
is focussed onto a charge-coupled device (CCD) detector.
Key advantages of ICP-AES over atomic absorption techniques are the wide
dynamic range (several orders of magnitude) and ability to perform multi-element
analysis. This means that it is often feasible simultaneously to measure major and
trace elements. Since the last edition of this book [3] ICP-AES has become
probably the most widely used spectroscopic technique for measuring heavy metals
in soils, plants and related materials. Examples of recent applications include
the measurement of Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Ti in urban topsoils [144];
of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in roadside soils [55]; of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in
soils affected by nonferrous metal mining [109] and of Al, Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni,
Pb, Sr, Ti, V and Zn in peat cores [84]. The technique has also been used to provide
insight into phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil using, for example,
vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanoides) [8] and to study the input of heavy metals to
soil from application of fertilizers [131].
The main limitation of ICP-AES is that the LOD achievable typically partsper-million levels or a little lower are insufficient for some applications. For
example, when measuring phytoavailability by application of a neutral salt solution
to a relatively uncontaminated soil, the concentrations of heavy metal released may
be too low for accurate measurement. This problem can be overcome by coupling
the ICP to a mass spectrometer.
C.M. Davidson
Expanding jet of gas
Carrier gas
Sampler cone
Skimmer cone
Ion lens
ICP torch
High vacuum
the problem slightly differently. Options include the breaking-up of the interfering
ions into their component atoms, altering their mass through reaction with reagent gas
(e.g. H2) or changing their energy through collisions with inert species (e.g. He).
The overall effect is to free the analyte ion for detection.
An alternative approach is to replace the quadrupole mass analyser with a
magnetic sector. Sector field-ICP-MS offers many analytical advantages, including
excellent mass resolution [101] indeed the technique is sometimes called high
resolution-ICP-MS but significantly increases the cost of the instrument. It tends
therefore to be used for rather specialist applications such as the accurate measurement of stable isotope ratios [157, 193].
There is considerable interest in the development and use of various sample
introduction systems for ICP-MS and/or ICP-AES. Approaches currently being
explored include electrothermal vaporisation [79, 170, 206], laser ablation (see
Sect. 4.4.4) and the direct coupling of chromatography with ICP-MS [81] for
speciation analysis (see Sect. 4.8).
suffers from chemical interference effects, especially due to the presence of transition
metals such as nickel, which can affect the hydride generation efficiency in solution.
Recent applications include the measurement of Pb in soil digests [120] and several
studies involving sequential extraction of Se [21, 110]. Petrov et al. [155] recently
described an optimised method for As speciation in EDTA extracts of soil and
sediment by continuous flow-HGAAS.
Cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) is used to measure Hg in
soil [211]. Monatomic elemental Hg vapour is generated from sample extracts or
digests by reduction, usually with tin(II) chloride, and swept into the light beam
from a hollow cathode lamp. No heating of the atom cell is required. Sensitivity can
be improved by preconcentration on gold amalgam [70]. CVAAS methods are
available to allow separate measurement of inorganic and organic Hg species [205].
In atomic fluorescence electrons are promoted by photons and the light emitted
when they return to their ground states (fluoresce) is measured. In atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) a plasma source may be used to atomise the sample, but
excitation of the atoms is brought about by an element-specific EDL or by a tunable
laser [64, 223]. AFS is potentially a powerful analytical technique, combining some
of the advantages of AAS and AES. However, current applications are relatively
limited, tending to focus on the measurement or speciation of hydride-forming
elements such as As [48, 175, 231], Sb [43] and Se [232] or on the determination of
Hg by cold vapour AFS [66, 78].
Speciation refers to the chemical form of an analyte e.g., its oxidations state, the
atoms or molecules it is bound to, or mineral phases with which it is associated. Ure
[208] subdivided speciation into three classes:
(i) classical speciation, where a specified chemical form is considered e.g., CrIII
vs. CrVI or inorganic mercury vs. monomethylmercury
(ii) functional speciation, where species are defined by their role e.g., plantavailable species
C.M. Davidson
(iii) operational speciation, where species are defined by the reagents used to
extract them e.g., 0.05 mol L1 EDTA-soluble species, or metals released by
a sequential extraction.
More recently, IUPAC adopted a narrower definition [201] similar to the classical speciation of Ure. This latter definition is the one used in this chapter.
Speciation is a key factor influencing the mobility, fate, bioavailability and
toxicity of heavy metals in soils. Potentially toxic elements for which speciation is
currently of particular interest include As, Cr, Hg, Pb, Sb, Se and Sn, many of which
form environmentally-important organometallic species. Speciation analysis (measurement of the kinds and amount of heavy metal species present) is an extremely
challenging, but rapidly expanding, area of analytical science [35, 57, 74].
As noted in 4.4.2, direct speciation analysis of metals and metalloids in soils is
now possible with synchrotron-based X-ray techniques. In recent examples,
extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy has been used to
measure Pb species in soil and assess the effectiveness of phosphate-induced
immobilisation [76], whilst X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES)
revealed information on the mechanism of transport of Cu and Mn across the
soil/root interface [140] and on transformation of CrVI to CrIII in soil [93]. Voegelin
et al. [216] used several X-ray techniques to study As in riparian floodplan soils.
Synchrotron micro-XRF showed the distribution of As closely matched that of Fe in
the vicinity of plant roots; XANES showed the As was mainly present as AsV, and
EXAFS confirmed an association between As and iron (oxy)hydroxide species. A
similar association of SbV with iron minerals was found in soil from a shooting
range in Switzerland [185].
Other approaches for speciation of heavy metals in soils are based around the
coupling of chromatographic separation methods to element-specific detectors such
as ICP-MS. Great care must be taken during sample pretreatment since there is
considerable danger of altering the original speciation, in which case the results
obtained will lose their environmental relevance.
Size exclusion chromatography-ICP-MS has revealed associations between
heavy metals and different forms of dissolved organic matter in soil solution
[199] and leachates [105]. Analysis by high performance liquid chromatographyICP-MS showed that little of the Hg present in a contaminated soil was present in
the soil solution and available for plant uptake [30]. Measurement of methylated
species of As, Sb and Sn in urban soils by hydride generation gas chromatography
followed by ICP-MS has improved understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of
these elements [51].
Quality Assurance
blanks should be analysed (both reagent and procedural blanks) to check for
contamination, whilst analysis of replicate test portions will provide an indication
of the repeatability and precisions of measurement.
A Certified Reference Material (CRM) is a soil or other material in which one
or more metal concentrations have been firmly established, through analysis by
several laboratories using a range of analytical techniques. Results are subject to
keen scrutiny and only those in which there is a high degree of confidence are
accepted as certified values [160, 161]. CRMs are prepared and issued by agencies
such as NIST in the USA and JRC-Ispra in Europe [138]. They are available for a
variety of soil types and analytes (see Table 4.5). When using a CRM, it is
important to select one as similar as possible in composition to the samples and
certified for the type of extraction being performed. CRMs can be used to assess
the accuracy of a new analytical method or instrument, to establish whether
results of an established method are under control, and as an aid in training or
monitoring the competence of staff. Limitations of CRMs include their high cost
and the fact that they are available for a restricted range of soil types, analytes and
extraction procedures. As a consequence, many laboratories prepare their own, inhouse, reference materials (RM). These are soils, often with characteristics
relevant to a particular study (e.g. urban soils [40]) which are obtained,
homogenised, stabilised (e.g. by heat treatment) and their heavy metal contents
established by analysis of replicate test-portions in parallel with CRM and, if
possible, by more than one laboratory. The RM can then be incorporated into all
batches of analysis and control charts plotted to monitor the long-term reproducibility of the analytical method, whilst the CRM is included only periodically to
ensure accuracy is maintained.
Another way in which trace metal laboratories can assess their competence is to
participate in inter-comparison exercises (also called proficiency tests) [152, 230].
These are organised by various national and international bodies and involve the
distribution for analysis of test samples whose composition is usually known to the
organisers but not to the recipients. Alternatively, laboratories working together
may elect to exchange check-samples for analysis [40]. Proficiency tests are
particularly useful in identifying bias in particular laboratories or methods.
Inter-laboratory harmonisation can also be enhanced by using standard analytical methods [22], especially those recommended by national bodies such as the
USEPA (United States), BSI (UK) and DIN (Germany), and by the International
Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). Advantages of these are that they are
well-established and thoroughly tested methods, and hence results obtained by
different laboratories should be comparable. A disadvantage is that it takes a
considerable amount of time and discussion for the international soil science
community to agree on a standard method. Hence, their availability tends to lag
behind advances in analytical science. A selection of current ISO methods
relevant to the measurement of heavy metals in soils is provided in Table 4.6.
However, new guidelines are continually being produced. For the most up-to-date
list, the reader is directed to the ISO website, www.iso.org/iso/home.htm
SRM 2710a
SRM 2711a
SRM 2586
SRM 2587
SRM 2701
SRM 4353
Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P,
Pb, Sb, Si, Sr, Ti, V, Zn
Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, La, Mg,
Mn, Na, P, Pb, Sb, Si, Sr, Ti, U, Zn
Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, K,
Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sb, Sm, Sr, Ti,
U, V, Zn
As, Cd, Cr, Pb (nominally 500 mg kg1 Pb)
As, Cd, Cr, Pb (nominally 3,000 mg kg1 Pb)
Total Cr, Fe, Mn; method 3060 extractable
Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn
Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn
Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn
Ce, Dy, Gd, La, Nd, Sc, Sm, Tb, Th, Tm, U, Yb
Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn
Aqua regia
Sewage sludge amended soil
Aqua regia
Calcareous soil
Sewage sludge amended soil
EDTA, acetic acid, calcium chloride,
sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate
Sewage sludge amended (terra rossa) soil
EDTA, acetic acid
Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn
Organic-rich soil
EDTA, acetic acid
Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn
Lake sediment
BCR sequential extraction
Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn
Not all analytes are certified some may have indicative values only and so it is advisable to check with the supplier before purchasing a CRM
Although not a soil, this is the only CRM available certified for metals extractable by sequential extraction and so is often used by soil trace metal laboratories
Total and EPA method 3060A
C.M. Davidson
Finally, laboratories conducting commercial soil analysis for regulatory, legislative or forensic purposes may seek accreditation of their analytical procedures
from relevant national bodies e.g. the United Kingdom Accreditation Service
(UKAS) for British laboratories. UKAS accredited laboratories must demonstrate
high levels of analytical traceability and pass rigorous inspection visits by teams of
expert assessors.
C.M. Davidson
High (for a lab based
Very high
Very high
Quadrupole mass analyser
Magnetic sector mass analyser
Concluding Comments
Although a variety of other approaches are used, the determination of heavy metals
in soils is still performed chiefly by spectrometry, with different techniques used,
depending on their capabilities (Table 4.7). As was predicted a decade ago [195]
multi-element methods based on ICP-AES and ICP-MS are now predominant,
although FAAS (often with analyte preconcentration) is still widely used, as is
ETAAS for specific applications. Techniques formerly the exclusive provenance of
research laboratories e.g. LA-ICP-MS and LIBS, are now finding wider application.
Speciation analysis remains of interest, with applications of direct methods for
the determination and speciation of heavy metals in soils increasing. To keep up
with current developments in spectroscopic methods for measurement of heavy
metals in soils, the reader is directed to the Atomic Spectrometry Update on
Environmental Analysis, published annually in the Journal of Analytical Atomic
Spectrometry e.g. see [23, 24].
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Chapter 5
Abstract At the molecular level metals and metalloids cause organisms to produce
chemicals such as metallothioneins to bind metals and reduce their toxicity and/or
chemicals such as heat shock proteins that repair any damage done. On a cellular
scale metal-rich P and S granules are often produced, particularly in cells that line
the digestive organs, which concentrate and detoxify the contaminants. Granules
either accumulate or are excreted. If metals accumulate, the location of accumulation varies between species though is often either in an organ analogous to the liver
or at sites which are shed during moulting. Countless studies document effects on
weight, reproduction and mortality of organisms. Variation in results are due to a
complex combination of contaminant bioavailability, uptake pathways, exposure
duration and soil properties. At the field scale metal and metalloid contaminants
usually result in either population decline due to toxic effects/loss of prey or
population growth due to the removal of predators or competition. Populations of
different species are affected in different ways, modifying community structure
and ecosystems. Organisms found in contaminated soils in which nave introduced
individuals of the same species can not survive exhibit either acclimation/tolerance
(reversible changes in physiology) or adaptation/resistance (a change in genetic
structure). A large number of toxicity tests exist to investigate and demonstrate the
impact of metals and metalloids on organisms. Omic technologies offer great
potential to help develop our level of understanding of these effects but are not
yet a mature technology.
Keywords Cells Organisms Populations Communities Ecosystems
Evolution Tolerance Adaptation Ecotoxicology Testing
M.E. Hodson
Pollutants may affect organisms at a number of levels. In this chapter effects are
discussed at the molecular, physiological, population and ecosystem level. The impact
that metals have on evolution of organisms together with methods to determine effects
of contaminants in the field, i.e. toxicity tests, are also reviewed. The chapter focuses
on soil invertebrates, but soil microbiota are also covered. To have an effect on
an organism, a metal must first be available to it. Metal availability is discussed in
Chap. 6. Details of specific metal chemistry and behaviour are given in Chap. 3 and
Part II of this volume.
When metals interact with organisms they may generate a variety of effects.
Two common molecular level effects, well documented in the literature, are the
production of chemicals to bind with the metals to reduce their bioavailability and
thus their toxicity and the production of chemicals to repair damage done to
proteins by bioavailable metals. Metallothioneins are examples of the first group
of these chemicals and heat shock proteins (HSP) of the second.
Metallothioneins are proteins that have a high binding capacity for metals (412
atoms per molecule) which are bound via thiolate bonds. The dominant amino acid
in the protein is cysteine but metallothioneins from some species also contain
histidines. Metallothioneins typically have a molecular weight of <10,000 amu
[59, 70]. One role of metallothioneins is thought to be the binding of metals to
prevent metal-induced damage to organisms. Studies have found metallothioneins
produced by bacteria in response to Cd and Zn [21], by earthworms [23, 140, 143]
and nematodes [89, 143, 147] in response to Cd, Cu and Zn, by snails in response to
Cd [28, 3739] and Springtails in response to Cd [60, 76, 148]. Metallothionein-like
proteins have also been reported for isopods produced in response to Zn [162].
Metallothionein proteins appear to be concentrated in the intestine or hind-gut of
organisms e.g. [82, 144, 162]. Despite the ability of metallothioneins to bind so
many different metals, they are mainly produced in response to Cd with lower
levels of production occurring in response to other metals. It has been speculated
that as well as acting as a detoxifying agent they are also involved in homeostatic
regulation, the scavenging of free radicals, control of intracellular redox potential
and sulphur metabolism [59].
Heat shock proteins are less well studied in soil organisms than metallothioneins
but have been recorded as being produced following metal-induced stress in
nematodes in response to Ag, Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb, Hg, Zn and Mn [128], in earthworms
in response to Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn [66] and in isopods in response to Pb [80]. Heat
shock proteins are within-cell chaperones for other proteins, they assist in the repair
of cell damage and protect other proteins from disruption.
M.E. Hodson
Perhaps more important than the effects of metals on individual organisms is their
effects on populations of soil organisms and indeed on soil ecosystems themselves.
Broadly, populations of species may respond in one of two ways [157]: (i) populations may decline, sometimes down to zero, due to toxic effects or a loss of prey
though they may survive at lower levels than at uncontaminated sites due to a loss
of predators e.g. [15, 16, 18, 20, 31, 49, 57, 103, 104, 113, 115, 133, 134, 155],
(ii) populations may increase due to the removal of predators/competitors e.g. [53,
58, 95, 103, 125, 142]. Populations of different species will be affected differently
and thus relative numbers of different species will change; so soil organism
communities are also affected by metals. Changes in soil (or any) communities
can be viewed either structurally, that is simply by determining changes in numbers
of species and size of population, or functionally, for example determining whether
the C or N cycle has been impacted. Although many studies determine population
and community changes at contaminated sites, the majority simply infer that the
contaminants are to blame. It is vital to remember that correlation does not equal
There is a vast tract of ecological literature concerned with documenting population and community changes and the interested reader is referred to such standard
texts as [14, 84, 149]. A large number of different indices and parameters have been
used to quantify the abundance and diversity of soil organisms at contaminated
sites, for example Simpsons diversity index which takes into account both numbers
of species and abundance or biomass of individual species and Shannons diversity
index which is similar to Simpsons, but is weighted towards rarer species (see
references above and also [55, 104, 113, 134]. Multivariate statistical methods such
as classification and ordination using for example canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), and redundancy analysis (RDA) have also been used to determine
Table 5.1 Examples of studies recording changes in populations and communities of soil organisms in soils contaminated with metals and metalloids
Metal source
Impact of increasing metal concentration
Sewage sludge
Loss of gram positive bacteria but no change in
Shannons diversity index
Brass mill
Cu, Zn, Pb
Reduced number of species and individuals
Decreased density and biomass, reduced ratio of
juveniles to adults
Reduction in total numbers, change in dominant
Secondary Pb
Pb, As, Cd, Cu
Earthworms, bacteria,
Decreased numbers, relative numbers change
Metal-rich sewage
Cd, Cu and Zn
Rhizobium leguminosarum
Reduced numbers in response to Zn but not to Cd or
biovar trifolii
Cu fungicide
Increase ratio of gram negative to gram positive
bacteria; changes in community structure but no
change in diversity levels
Cu-Ni smelter
Cu, Ni
Bacteria, respiration
Reduced bacterial numbers, changes in proportions of
different functional groups, reduced respiration
Pb and Zn smelter
Cd, Pb, Zn
Myriapods, isopods
Absent at most contaminated sites
Pb and Zn smelter
Cd, Pb, Zn
Largest saprophagous organisms at most contaminated
Geogenic site
Decreased number of species, abundance of
individuals unaffected. Prostigmata dominate,
Isotoma olivacea Tullberg (a collembolan) and
Nanorchestes sp. (a mite) favoured at highly
contaminated sites
M.E. Hodson
Cu, Ni
Pb, Sb
As, Hg, Pb, Zn
Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn
Cd, Pb, Zn
Cu-Ni smelter
Shooting range
Zn smelter waste
Zn smelter
Industrial effluent
Zn smelter
Zn smelter
Smelters and
Arthropods, leaf litter
Microarthropods, organic
Collembola, Protura,
Enchytraeids, nematodes,
tardigrades, rotifers
Decreased numbers
Number and abundance of taxa unaffected
Density of earthworms reduced, increased density of
some Coleoptera and arachanids possible due to
increased litter layer thickness
Reduced density and species numbers
Reduced biomass, asymbiotic nitrogen-fixers and
heterothrophs particularly sensitive
Decreased species diversity
Decreased biomass
Increased density, more organic matter in mineral
horizons. Collembolan densities unaffected but
species composition changes.
Reductions in numbers of species and individuals
Decrease in abundance of all taxa but an increase in
the relative proportion of Collembola. Reduced
litter decomposition
Decreased respiration and ATP content
[133, 134]
[141, 142]
M.E. Hodson
One method of determining the impact of metals on soil organisms is to expose the
organisms to a particular metal or metals under controlled conditions and observe a
specific response. A wide range of standardised, internationally accepted toxicity
tests exist which do just this e.g. [10, 7175, 106109]. Typically such tests were
developed for the testing of agricultural products but are now routinely used to
assess the toxicity of metals. The advantages of such tests lie mainly in the controlled conditions that laboratory work permits. Often an unambiguous response of
the test organism to a particular metal can be determined. The major disadvantage
or problem with such tests lies in relating controlled laboratory results to more
variable field conditions e.g. [6, 40, 41, 132, 138]. The problems include: relating
the effects of a single contaminant in the laboratory to effects in contaminated field
soil where multiple contaminants are present, relating the effects on a single species
in the laboratory to an ecosystem in the field, the differing bioavailabilities of
contaminants between laboratory and field soils (see Chap. 6, [64]) and, potential
acclimation or adaptation of field exposed populations (see above). None-the-less,
toxicity tests represent a useful tool for determining the effect of metals on soil
organisms and can be used to determine the effects of mixtures of contaminants
on organisms. Also many studies have sought to modify laboratory tests so that they
are applicable in the field. In most cases this means that, rather than determining
the concentration of a chemical which causes 50% mortality (LC50), a reduction of
50% in growth or reproduction (EC50s) or the highest concentrations at which
no effect on these parameters are observed (no observed effect concentrations or
NOECs) the response of the test organism exposed to the contaminated soil is
compared to the response in a control soil. Alternatively serial dilutions of the test
soil or an extract from that soil are used to determine LC50, EC50 or NOEC values.
By modifying such tests for use with field soils, the clarity of identifying a toxic
effect of a specific contaminant is lost, however the tests allow the effects of the soil
(and the metals within it) to be assessed in a holistic fashion. Depending on the
answers sought by the investigator this is either an advantage or disadvantage.
A range of criteria have been identified that toxicity tests should satisfy [88]; these
fall under the categories of practical arguments (e.g. level of technical expertise
required to carry out the test), acceptability of tests (dealing with standardization,
reproducibility, statistical validity etc.) and ecological significance (concerned
with test sensitivity, ecological realism and biological validity) [152]. Four
toxicity tests are described below which have been successfully applied to
contaminated soils and which also have agreed international standards associated
with them [123]. Additional tests that have been applied to field contaminated
soils include those for which no international standards exist or for which international standards exist but which dont appear to be sensitive or lack a clear
response to metals. Examples of the former are bait lamina test strips which are
used to monitor the feeding activity of soil organisms e.g. [2, 62] and the neutral
red bioassay in which the integrity of lysosome membranes are assessed e.g. [127,
146, 154]. An example of the latter is the C mineralisation test (OECD [107]) in
which the rate of CO2 production is monitored following addition of a carbon
source to the test soil e.g. [1, 85, 100]. A range of molecular based techniques, and
particularly gene-based biomarker studies and the -omic technologies have
great potential for assessing the impact of metals on organisms. Details of these
methods are beyond the scope of this chapter but can be obtained from articles
such as [24, 25, 90, 112]. The challenge for these technologies lies in relating
biochemical/genetic responses to a meaningful effect at organism to ecosystem
level [26, 54, 105, 145, 157].
Earthworm Tests
There are several well established earthworm toxicity tests e.g. [71, 73, 106, 109].
The earthworm Eisenia fetida is exposed to increasing concentrations of a chemical
under controlled soil moisture and temperature conditions and impacts on mortality
and reproduction are assessed. Applications of these tests to field soils involve
comparing the response of the earthworm to the contaminated soil to that of a
control, uncontaminated soil which is otherwise as close as possible in terms of its
properties to the test soil e.g. [8, 102, 132]. Whilst Eisenia fetida is not typically
found at contaminated sites (at least not in temperate climates where it lives
primarily in organic-rich material such as compost heaps, manure etc.) and contaminant sensitivities vary between earthworm species e.g. [46, 86, 137], the use of
E. fetida as a standard organism has continued due to its ease of use in the
laboratory and the large amount of existing data on single contaminant toxicity to
this species. None the less a further modification of the standard laboratory tests has
been the use of more environmentally relevant species e.g. [86, 139].
M.E. Hodson
Springtail Reproduction
Like earthworms, springtails are a key component of the soil fauna. An ISO
protocol exists [75] in which the springtail Folsomia candida is exposed to a
chemical at increasing concentrations and effects on growth and reproduction are
assessed. For application to contaminated field soils growth and reproduction
are compared to an uncontaminated control soil e.g. [48, 126, 130, 131] or the
contaminated soil is mixed with uncontaminated soil in order to create a dilution
series for the calculation of toxicity parameters e.g. [33]. The standard test duration
is 4 weeks, but the test has been successfully modified to allow assessment of
growth and reproduction (and mortality) at more frequent intervals [47].
Nitrogen Mineralisation
This test is not species-specific but rather assesses the rate of nitrate production as a
general measure of soil health. In the standardised laboratory test [72, 108] field
moist soils are amended with the chemical of interest and after 0, 7, 14 and 28 days
the amount of nitrate extractable by a weak ionic solvent such as 0.01 M KCl or
CuSO4 is determined. Rate of nitrate production is compared to that in a control.
In its application to field-contaminated sites, rate of nitrate production is compared
between soils e.g. [34, 156]. Despite its recommendation in a recent English
Environment Agency review as a useful test for contaminated soils [123], the
majority of studies applying this test to the effects of metals on soil organisms
have been carried out with metal-amended soils e.g. [29, 45] and the test has been
shown to produce results that have no good correlation between mineralisation rate
and metal concentrations e.g. [161].
This test was originally developed for assessing water quality and as such several
standardised protocols exist e.g. [10, 74]. In this test a luminescent marine bacteria
(Vibrio fischeri NRRL B-11177) is exposed to a solution or solutions. In laboratory
testing of single chemicals the concentration of that chemical required to reduce the
luminescence of the bacteria by 50% is the parameter determined. For assessing
contaminated environments either the luminescence of exposed bacteria is compared to a control or dilutions are used and the dilution that results in a 50%
reduction in luminescence is determined e.g. [35, 79, 129]. Clearly as a marine
organism Vibrio fischeri is not ideal for assessing the impacts of contaminated soil
on soil organisms. Additionally, because a solution is required as the test media
results are biased by the extraction method used to obtain this from the soil.
However, the method is relatively rapid, reproducible and gives a good indication
of whether metals (and other contaminants in soils) will have a detrimental effect or
not on soil organisms.
Perhaps the most useful role for toxicity tests in determining the effects of metals on
soil organisms lies in their ability to determine the effects of mixtures. Whilst the
majority of toxicity tests are performed on single contaminants, most contaminated
sites contain many different potential sources of toxicity. It is generally assumed
that toxic effects will be additive, that is the toxicity of a combination of two
contaminants will be equal to that of the sum of the toxicities of the individual
contaminants. However synergistic (or potentiation) effects may occur where the
combined toxicity of the two contaminants is either greater or less than the sum of
the individual toxicities e.g. Cd and Zn and the springtail Folsomia candida [153],
Cd, Cu and Pb and soil enzyme activity [30] and Cu and Zn and nematodes [83].
In broad terms reasons for potentiation may be either one contaminant inhibiting
the detoxification mechanism for another or one contaminant stimulating production of chemicals which react with the second contaminant to have a toxic effect.
Readers are directed to e.g. [63, 93, 157] for more detail. In recent years much
progress has been made in understanding the effects of mixtures of contaminants
(including metals) on soil organisms through the use of toxicity tests and the
application of modelling techniques e.g. [56, 77, 78, 91].
Concluding Comments
M.E. Hodson
1. Aceves, M. B., Grace, C., Ansorena, J., Dendooven, L., & Brookes, P. C. (1999). Soil
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3. Andre, J., Charnock, J., St
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4. Andre, J., King, R. A., St
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Molecular genetic differentiation in earthworms inhabiting a heterogeneous Pb-polluted
landscape. Environmental Pollution, 158, 883890.
5. Andre, J., Sturzenbaum, S. R., Kille, P., Morgan, A. J., & Hodson, M. E. (2010). Metal
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7. Arnold, B. E., Hodson, M. E., Charnock, J., & Peijnenburg, W. J. G. M. (2008). Comparison
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8. Arnold, R. E., Hodson, M. E., & Langdon, C. J. (2008). A Cu tolerant population of the
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Chapter 6
Abstract Nutrient uptake by plants is essential for their development and for the
passage of minerals into the food chain, but it also faces several limitations.
Whereas soil physicochemical characteristics impose limiting factors on element
availability for plants, excess of non-essential metals and metalloids pose a threat
for plant health and the environment. To improve nutrient uptake, the plant
possesses several mechanisms to explore the soil for minerals such as root development, but the symbiosis with microorganisms clearly improves the ability of
plants to overcome these limitations. After metal uptake by the plants, plants
make use of different strategies to maintain the metal homeostasis and to limit
the metal-induced cellular damage. Also in the research on metal phytotoxicity,
microorganisms are shown to be important players in the protection of the plant to
excess metal exposure.
Keywords Metal uptake Metal homeostasis Toxicity Deficiency Metal
tolerance Plant-associated bacteria Mycorrhiza Oxidative stress Antioxidative defence
A. Cuypers et al.
As important suppliers of dietary minerals for humans and animals, plants form a
bridge between the soil elemental composition and the food chain. Consequently,
plant nutrient uptake is essential for its central role in element cycling, but also for
the growth and development of plants. Soil physicochemical characteristics often
impose limiting factors on the bioavailability of elements and mineral deficiencies
are often experienced in crop production. Moreover, many regions in the world are
unsuitable for growing crops due to contamination with potentially toxic elements
such as metals and metalloids. The uptake and transport mechanisms crucial for
essential elements also form an entrance for non-essential elements that pose a
threat to the plants fitness and the food chain [166].
In this chapter the focus is on (1) nutritional exploration of the soil by plants and
their associated micro-organisms (2) protection by these micro-organisms against
excess amounts of (non-)essential elements and (3) the ability of plant cells to cope
with metal stress.
Plants obtain essential metals and metalloids (micronutrients) primarily from the
soil, so appropriate systems must be in place to ensure adequate uptake of these
elements (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, and Zn). These elements are heterogeneously
distributed in the soil, so exploration of the soil by the root system is the first
important parameter to optimize nutrient uptake. Whereas root growth responses to
macronutrient deficiencies, especially phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N), have been
intensively studied, responses to micronutrient deficiencies largely remain to be
determined. Responses to nutrient deprivation often result in an increased surface
area of the root system in a localized part of the soil. Some reports of root
developmental responses to Fe deficiency show a stimulatory effect on root hair
production in dicotyledonous and non-grass monocotyledonous species [149, 188].
Some plant species that are adapted to growth on very nutrient-poor soils are able to
develop cluster roots, which are bottlebrush-like in shape due to dense formation of
short lateral roots on the primary root axis. These structures occur in a subset of
species of the Casuarinaceae, Leguminosae and Proteaceae families [195] and
have been described under iron (Fe)-deficiency [9, 116, 139, 189].
Another parameter determining plant metal uptake is the bioavailability of the
elements, which is defined by the chemical properties of the metal cations and by
the physicochemical characteristics of the soil [161]. Metals in soil are often
A. Cuypers et al.
transcriptional and posttranscriptional level. FRO2 and IRT1 are induced together
under Fe-deficiency and repressed under sufficient Fe-supply [45]. In transgenic
plants that overexpress IRT1, increased mRNA accumulation was only translated to
increased IRT1 protein in Fe-deficient plants, suggesting posttranscriptional control
[44]. Protein levels of IRT1 are tightly controlled via ubiquitination at lysine
residues, which leads to proteasome-mediated degradation [101].
High affinity transport systems are indispensable for plants to acquire essential
micronutrients, but unspecific metal uptake from the soil seems unavoidable under
metal-excess as transporters for essential nutrients also take up non-essential
elements. Examples are the metalloid arsenic (As) and the heavy metal cadmium
(Cd), which have no demonstrated biological function in higher plants, and for
which plants are not expected to have specific uptake mechanisms. Instead, the
uptake of Cd seems to occur primarily via calcium (Ca2+), Fe2+, manganese (Mn2+)
and Zn2+ uptake systems [37, 167]. For example, the Fe2+ transporter IRT1
contributes significantly to the uptake of Cd [244]. Arsenate [As(V)] is taken up
by the high affinity phosphate transporter system and rapidly reduced to arsenite
[As(III)] [141]. In reducing environments, As(III) can be taken up by aquaporin
nodulin 26-like intrinsic proteins [21, 90] for example the rice OsNIP2;1/Lsi1,
which also transports silicon (Si), a beneficial element for rice [125].
Nutrient uptake in plants is in no way a monopoly of the plant itself. From the early
days that plants started to colonise the terrestrial environment, microorganisms
turned out to be essential partners for the colonisation of the land [26]. Their major
task was/is the scavenging for essential elements that are scarce, poorly soluble or
immobile in the solid substrates. Both fungi and prokaryotes provide services to
plants in terms of nutrient acquisition and protection against biotic and abiotic
stresses. This interdependency of plants and microorganisms was shaped by evolution, new symbioses arose in particular plant families e.g. N-fixing Rhizobia in
legumes , other symbioses were replaced by new innovations on the same theme,
such as the ectomycorrhizal fungi that since the Cretaceous replaced the arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi in some woody plant lineages. The evolutionary persistence and
ubiquity of the plant-microbe interactions illustrates the positive cost-benefit balance and the synergistic nature of the interactions.
Plant-Bacteria Partnerships
A. Cuypers et al.
communication between plant roots and their associated bacteria in the rhizosphere
were covered in a recent review by Bardi et al. [12]. Endophytic bacteria and their
interaction with host plants have also attracted attention [15, 88, 89, 216, 251, 252].
Plant-bacterium partnerships provide a wide range of benefits to the host plants,
such as promoting plant growth and development. Plant-associated bacteria can
promote plant growth and development (1) directly, by (1a) fixating nitrogen, (1b)
increasing the supply of unavailable nutrients such as P, Fe and other mineral
nutrients, (1c) producing plant growth regulators such as auxins, cytokinins and
gibberilines; and (2) indirectly, by preventing the growth or activity of pathogenic
organisms through (2a) competition for space and nutrients, (2b) antibiosis, (2c)
production of hydrolytic enzymes, (2d) inhibition of pathogen-produced enzymes
or toxins and through (2f) induction of plant defence mechanisms [13, 46, 72, 94,
97, 103, 137, 142, 218, 226, 243, 251, 252, 255, 259].
A number of mineral nutrients in soils, including N, P and Fe, can frequently be
limiting and thus restricting the growth of terrestrial plants. Requirements for
adding these nutrients accounts for the major portion of fossil fuels used in
agricultural systems and minimal application of fertilisers is therefore desirable in
order to make feedstock production economically and energetically viable and
sustainable. For this reason, strategies to minimize fertiliser inputs by promoting
uptake of nitrate or ammonium of biological nitrogen fixation, as well as acquisition
of P, Fe and other essential elements are of great interest.
For plants, N needs to be in the form of either ammonia or nitrate before it can
be utilized. Plant-associated diazotrophic bacteria possess the enzyme nitrogenase,
an O2-sensitive enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of atmospheric nitrogen to
ammonia. The plant growth promoting activity of diazotrophic endophytes has
been demonstrated in several greenhouse and field studies of different plant species;
for example, sugarcane [23], soybean [147] and rice [23, 132].
Beside N, P is a common limiting mineral nutrient affecting terrestrial plant
growth. Phosphate solubilising and phosphate mineralizing bacteria are present in
the rhizosphere and inside the plant [181, 243]. These bacteria can either solubilise
inorganic phosphates by releasing organic acids, such as gluconic acid and 2ketogluconic acid, or mineralize organic phosphates by secreting extracellular
phosphatases [102].
Iron in the aerobic environment is often present in the highly insoluble forms
of ferric hydroxides and oxyhydroxides, making it largely unavailable to plants
and microorganisms. To acquire sufficient Fe, many bacteria developed strategies
to solubilize this element for a more efficient uptake. One of the most commonly found strategies evolved by bacteria is the production of siderophores,
low-molecular-mass Fe chelators with high association constants for complexing
Fe. These siderophores are able to bind Fe3+ and render it available for reduction
into the Fe2+ form, which is preferred by plants. As described above, also so-called
graminaceous plants release siderophores (e.g. mugineic acid in barley and avenic
acid in oat) to enhance their Fe uptake, but these phytosiderophores typically have a
lower affinity for Fe than microbial siderophores. Plantmicrobe interactions
involved in the regulation of siderophore production and their role in mediating
competition for iron in the rhizosphere have been the subject of comprehensive
reviews by Crowley et al. [49] and Rajkumar et al. [174]. Furthermore, there is
evidence that several plant species can also recognize and take up bacterial
Fe3+siderophore complexes. In this way, bacterial Fe3+siderophore complexes
might facilitate uptake of Fe not only into bacteria, but also into plants and
this process is considered as crucial for plant Fe uptake, particularly in calcareous
soils [100, 197, 198].
Beside these nutrient mobilizing bacteria, phytohormone (such as auxins,
cytokinins and gibberellins) producing bacteria can also be applied to increase
nutrient uptake. Phytohormones that are produced by plant-associated bacteria can
frequently stimulate growth and indeed have been considered the causal agents for
altered plant growth and development [218, 220]. The extended root system that is
achieved in this way, can contribute to an increased nutrient uptake.
In addition to the above-mentioned beneficial effects on plant growth, both
rhizosphere bacteria and endophytes can also contribute to enhanced trace element
availability and uptake [111, 112, 127].
Bacteria possessing metabolic pathways for the synthesis of natural chelators (e.g.
organic acids and siderophores) can mobilize trace elements. As certain plants make
use of microbial chelators to increase their Fe uptake (see above), it has been hypothesized that bacterial Fe chelators can eventually also enhance the uptake of other trace
elements by plants [25, 187]. The production of these bacterial chelators is in tight
equilibrium with plant activity, meaning that trace element mobilization only takes
place when plants are active and by consequence can take up the elements. In this way,
the risk for leaching of trace elements to the groundwater is limited.
Plant-Associated Microorganisms:
Protection Against Metal Stress
Apart from the nutritional effect, plant-associated micro-organisms may also protect their host plants against various stress factors, including soil toxic compounds
and soil-borne pathogens [111, 112, 127, 191]. Such plant protection might be
achieved by acting directly on aggressive factors (mainly pathogens and
herbivores) or by enhancing plant responses. Plant protective microbial symbionts
determine the ecological success of plants; they modify plant communities and
related trophic webs.
Mycorrhizal Fungi
A. Cuypers et al.
mechanisms involved are not always clear. Nutritional and hormonal effects
often improve plant fitness and thus indirectly stress tolerance. For example, excess
metals become more diluted in plant tissues when plants grow better. However,
more direct processes that affect the transfer of a metal from soil into the plant may
further strengthen such indirect ways of plant protection. In a number of experiments particular mycorrhizal fungi collected from polluted soils, could reduce the
accumulation of metals in the shoots of their host plants [3, 110]. Mycorrhizal fungi
possess mechanisms involved in metal homeostasis and detoxification of essential
and non-essential metals; mechanisms that are probably not different from those
present in other eukaryotes [18, 47]. Under high selection pressure these metabolic
networks might become more efficient in coping with metal stress and toxicity.
For a long time researchers suggested that soil microorganisms in general exhibit
higher tolerance against metal toxicity than plants [83]. They expected little evolutionary adaptation towards elevated tolerance in mycorrhizal fungal communities,
as there are sufficient fungi with a high constitutive tolerance that are selected for
and thus become dominant in metal-contaminated environments [22, 140].
However, on severely metal contaminated sites, the development of metal
tolerant ecotypes in both plant and fungal species has now been demonstrated.
For plants, such an influence of soil metal toxicity can easily be demonstrated and
there is a lot of evidence for the evolution of adaptive metal tolerance in higher
plants. Such evidence is only recently coming up for mycorrhizal fungi. Metaltolerant arbuscular and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi have been isolated from naturally
and anthropogenically polluted sites [6, 117, 138]. The same is true for some higher
fungi that form ectomycorrhizas, including Pisolithus tinctorius and P. albus
[67, 96], Suillus species [3, 41, 42, 109] and Cenococcum geophilum [78]. These
fungal ecotypes are mostly adapted towards those specific metals (Al, Ni, Zn, Cu,
Cd, . . .) that are in excess in their soil of origin.
Mechanisms involved in metal tolerance in fungi include extracellular processes
such as precipitation (e.g. secretion of oxalic acid), chelation and cell-wall binding.
Intracellular mechanisms include chelation with organic acids, phytochelatins and
other S-compounds, polyphosphates, peptides and transport into intracellular
compartments (vacuole) [18]. Some of these mechanisms are constitutively present,
whereas others are more activated when excess metals show up in the cytoplasm.
Additional antioxidative detoxification systems, which allow the fungus to counteract the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), directly or indirectly are
part of the detoxification response. It is likely that one or more of these mechanisms
are modified in the evolution towards adaptive true tolerance in ECM fungi.
Homeostasis of essential transition metals such as Cu and Zn requires balanced
activities of transporters that mediate import into the cell, distribution to organelles
and export from the cell [169]. Transcriptional control is important for the regulation of this cellular homeostasis. Nevertheless, when metals are present in very high
concentrations in the environment, the regulatory mechanisms may fail and selection pressure for a more robust homeostasis will increase. In Suillus species
(Basidiomycete), a strong differential net uptake of Zn is observed among Zntolerant and Zn-sensitive ecotypes when the fungi are exposed to elevated Zn [43].
Zinc-tolerant ecotypes accumulate less metal per unit biomass, indicating a metal
exclusion system. In sensitive strains, excess Zn is transferred to vacuoles, with
little efflux over the plasma membrane. In tolerant strains Zn efflux is much higher
and less Zn accumulates in vacuoles.
Metal exclusion mechanisms in mycorrhizal fungi prevent metal stress in fungal
cells, but are also of ecological importance for a host plant on metalliferous soil.
Tolerant ecotypes are probably better filters than non-tolerant ecotypes because the
former more strongly prevent metal transfer to their host. Ashford and Allaway [10]
suggest that motile tubular vacuoles are an important vector in the transport chain of
mineral nutrients from the site of uptake at hyphal tips to the exchange region in the
mycorrhizal root. The observation that Zn-tolerant Suillus ecotypes do not store
large amounts of Zn into their vacuoles may thus prevent a massive transport of Zn
towards the mycorrhizas. Pine seedlings inoculated with metal-tolerant Suillus
ecotypes in most cases have lower metal concentrations in their needles than
seedlings inoculated with sensitive strains [110] confirming that metal-tolerant
isolates restrict metal transfer more effectively and thus lead to a more efficient
partnership with host plants thriving on metal-polluted soil.
Plant-Associated Bacteria
Under stress conditions including trace element stress, the synthesis of ethylene
is increased which negatively affects plant growth [79, 145, 250]. Many plantassociated bacteria are equipped with the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic
acid deaminase (ACCD). This enzyme has no known function in bacteria, but
antagonizes ethylene release in plants by cleaving the ethylene precursor
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). ACCD-producing bacteria therefore
can reduce production of stress ethylene and in this way protect plants against trace
element toxicity when growing on contaminated soils [77].
For survival in metal-enriched environments, plant-associated bacteria have
developed diverse mechanisms to tolerate the uptake of these ions by which they
can immobilize or transform the trace elements rendering them inactive. These
mechanisms include physical sequestration, exclusion, and complexation or detoxification, etc. Certain efflux-based systems involved in bacterial trace element
resistance include post-efflux sequestration of these elements. Extruded trace element ions are prevented from re-entering the cell by precipitation, chelation or by
binding to exopolymers [60, 185]. The above-mentioned mechanisms immobilize
the trace elements in the rhizosphere and reduce their uptake into the plant root,
resulting in a reduced phytotoxicity. For instance, Madhaiyan et al. [127] found that
inoculation with Magnaporthe oryzae and Burkholderia sp. reduces the Ni and Cd
uptake in roots and shoots of tomato and also their availability in soil. This effect
was attributed to the increased trace element biosorption and bioaccumulation by
bacterial strains. Endophytes living in xylem vessels and possessing such systems
may contribute to metal detoxification inside their host plants resulting in lowered
A. Cuypers et al.
After plants take up metals, it is important to keep the free metal concentration
under tight control in order to prevent metal-induced cellular damage. Passage
across the plasma membrane by metals is enhanced by intracellular binding and
sequestration. Once across the plasma membrane, metal ions are either bound to
chelators or chaperones. Chelators contribute to metal detoxification by buffering
cytosolic free metal concentrations. Chaperones specifically deliver metal ions to
organelles and metal-requiring proteins. It is well described that Cu is a cofactor for
plastocyanin, Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), etc. and it is required in
different subcellular locations [171, 256]. Several chaperones are identified that
deliver Cu to a specific protein in their specific location, such as CCS (Copper
Chaperone for SOD) [17, 27, 168]. Phytochelatins, metallothioneins, organic acids
and amino acids are well-described metal ion ligands with metal-specific properties
[241]. Mugineic acid, nicotianamine, organic acids, histidine and phytate and their
role as metal ion ligands for Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Ni for metal homeostasis in plants
were reviewed by Haydon and Cobbett [84]. Whereas phytochelatins are clear
chelators for Cd and As [38, 257], recently Tensteddt et al. [221] observed that
phytochelatins function as important chelators of excess Zn2+.
The activities of metal-sequestering pathways in root cells are crucial in determining the rate of metal translocation to the aerial parts. Beside Fe-nicotianamine
transport for Fe translocation, this could also be an important mechanism for
Mn translocation [92]. The role and characterization of membrane transporters in
xylem loading of metal ions/ligands is currently under intense study. Ferric reductase defective 3 (FRD3), a member of the multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE)
family of transporters, is shown to be a citrate transporter involved in the loading of
iron into the xylem [66]. A role is attributed to the membrane transporter HMA4
(Heavy metal ATPase 4) in Cd/Zn tolerance more specific in the root-to-shoot
translocation of Cd and Zn [48, 82, 253].
Physiological Responses
Generally, plants can withstand metal accumulation until the metal reaches the
toxic threshold level in the tissue, leading to growth retardation and toxicity at
higher levels. As usual, metal-exposed plants develop reduced, compact roots
system and smaller leaf area [193]. Furthermore, weaker growth is often accompanied by different toxicity symptoms such as root browning [170, 239], foliar
chlorosis [151, 240], necrotic spots [215, 234], etc. The symptoms may appear in
single or complex manner depending on numerous factors including species tolerance, external metal concentration, duration of exposure, etc. As a rule, chlorosis is
A. Cuypers et al.
stronger in the younger leaves [29], while necrotic spots appear mostly on older
leaves, where metal concentrations are higher [232]. The observed root browning
most probably is due to enhanced lignifications processes [5]. At low levels of metal
contamination, visual phytotoxicity symptoms may be less pronounced or even
absent, but an enhanced activity of enzymes involved in plant cellular defense
against metal induced oxidative stress, e. g. peroxidases, catalases, superoxide
dismutases, as well as NAD(P)+ reducing enzymes may be detected (cfr. Infra)
[227, 239].
Due to similar phytotoxicity symptoms, there is an assumption that different
metals have similar modes of toxic action. However, Cd, Pb and several other
problematic metals have no biological function, while Zn, Cu and Mn are essential
micronutrients, which become phytotoxic at supra optimal concentrations [39, 59].
Presumably, as the role of these metals in plant cell metabolism is completely
different, their impact on plant performance can be also expected to differ. Some
proofs in this aspect have been recently obtained when Cd and Zn were applied in
concentrations producing similar (near 50%) inhibition of relative growth rate of
durum wheat plants [104]. Briefly, Cd induced classic xeromorphic changes in leaf
structure, which were not presented in Zn-exposed plants. In addition, Cd exposure
strongly modulated enzyme activities, e.g. ascorbate peroxidase activity, while no
significant changes in its activity were observed in Zn-exposed plants
The biochemical bases of metal phytotoxicity is well described and mostly
due to three negative effects [61]: (1) metal-induced oxidative stress and damages
(cfr. infra), (2) direct effects of metal ions with sulfydryl groups in membrane
proteins leading to their dysfunction and (3) inactivation of important enzymes by
replacing activation cations with other metal ions [228]. The multiplication of the
primary metal toxicity effects leads to functional disorders in the cardinal physiological processes and anatomic-morphological changes and damages.
Metals contact first the root system that shows reduced elongation upon exposure. This often resulted in appearance of stubby roots having higher specific
dry mass content. Instead of a well-structured root system, brown short laterals are
developed. In addition, cell division is lowered due to different damages in the
nucleus structures and mitosis [65, 225].
After root metal uptake, deficiencies and imbalances of mineral nutrients can be
induced. They can reduce nutrient uptake and translocation through competition,
affect root cells membranes, ATP-ases and other carriers resulting in decreased
unsuberized root tips and damage of the permeability of root cells [37, 183].
For example, Cd decreased root concentrations of Zn, Cu and Mn in barley plants
and Salix viminalis cuttings [234, 239]. The decreased essential nutrient content
may be also caused by ion leakage from damaged roots and immobilization of
elements in roots, resulting in their strong deficiency in the shoots [203]. The most
pronounced such effect is K+ leakage as consequence to Cd-provoked disturbed
membrane permeability [146, 229].
Excess metals induce disorders in plant water relations, such as reduced water
uptake, translocation and transpiration [11]. The reduced water uptake in metalexposed plants can be partly explained by root growth inhibition, but binding of
metals, for example Zn, to water-channel proteins in the membrane also occurs
[115]. Furthermore, the water movement into xylem vessels is also affected by
metals [133]. The reason for the reduced water movement is both a decreased vessel
radius and number of vessels due to Cd, Zn and Cr induced inhibition of division,
elongation and differentiation of cambium cells [11]. In addition, accumulation of
lignin-like insoluble phenols and depositions of Ca oxalate can cause structural
disorders in the vessels and hence decrease the water movement. The disturbed
plant water relations resulted in decreased relative water content (RWC), water
potential (C) of leaves of metal-exposed plants, which may have far going consequences for many physiological processes [233]. Diminished leaf water content
decreased transpiration intensity, which in turn enlarged stomatal limitation of
photosynthesis [133, 237].
Most of the observed physiological disturbances in metal-exposed plants may
finally be focused on photosynthetic performance. In addition to limited access of
CO2 through stomata, metals may affect photosynthesis at other levels, e.g. pigments,
thylakoid ultrastructure and electron transport, activities of Calvin cycle enzymes, etc.
[107, 230].
The reduced chlorophyll content in metal-exposed plants may be due to inhibition of its biosynthesis [213], metal-induced Fe and Mg deficiency [233],
Mg-substitution in the chlorophyll molecule [114], chlorophyll degradation
resulting from oxidative damage or enzymatic degradation [129, 249]. Baryla et al.
[14] have reported that leaf chlorosis in Cd-exposed oilseed rape was due to neither
of the mentioned reasons, but it was attributable to a marked decrease of chloroplast
density caused by a reduction in the number of chloroplasts per cell.
Metal-induced disorders in chloroplast and thylakoid ultrastructure swelling
of thylakoids, disruption of envelope, etc, are well documented [8, 231] as well as
their negative effects on PSII and PSI activities, analysed in vitro [16, 235] and in vivo
[39, 108]. These negative effects may be partly explained by the enhanced lipid
peroxidation at chloroplast level. Evidence for this was obtained by increased ethylene
production together with diminished total fatty acids content in isolated thylakoids
from Cd- and Cu-exposed barley plants [236, 238]. Furthermore, the electron transport
might be limited by changes in the concentrations of the electron carriers [119] due
to a decrease in essential cations as well as metal-induced alterations in chlorophyll
molecule integration into pigment-protein complexes [87].
A lower photosynthetic performance in metal-exposed plants was observed by
several authors [120, 239] and supports the opinion of Krupa et al. [108] that metalinduced alterations in primary C metabolism may lead to a down-regulation of PSII
activity due to a reduced demand for ATP and NADPH. That also agrees with a
lower capacity for 14C photoassimilation and partitioning of labeled photoproducts
[230] as well as increased pools of ATP and ADP in leaves of Cd-exposed plants
[204]. Furthermore, metals may indirectly decrease photosynthetic rate by changing the sink-source relationship, with a consequent diminished requirement for
photosynthetic products [36]. The metal-induced growth inhibition may cause
phloem overloading leading to decreases in enzyme activities and energy consumption by Calvins cycle reactions, and finally reflecting in downregulation in PSII.
A. Cuypers et al.
96 h
5 days
7 days
7 days
25 mM
151501,500 mM
50 mM
75 mM
100 mM
25 mM
Solanum lycopersicon
Hordeum vulgare
Phaseolus vulgaris
Arabidopsis thaliana
Brassica napus
Arabidopsis thaliana
Taxithelium nepalense
Taxithelium nepalense
Macrotyloma uniflorum,
Cicer arietinum
Phaseolus vulgaris
Oryza sativa
12, 24 h
24 h
12 days
14 days
5, 10, 15,
20 days
1 min to 6 h
24 h
Arabidopsis thaliana
3, 24 h
1050100200 mM
5001,000 mM
110100200500 mM
110 mM
1001,000 mM
101001,000 mM
200500800 ppm
Table 6.1 Responses of the antioxidant defence system in plants exposed to elevated metal concentrations
Metal Concentration
Antioxidant defence mechanisms
31030 mM
Minutes to
Medicago sativa
Altered AsA, GSH
24 h
51020 mM
24 h
Arabidopsis thaliana
Altered transcription, Px", GR#
510 mM
24 h
Arabidopsis thaliana
Altered transcription, CAT", APx", altered AsA, GSH
5 mM
96 h
Phaseolus vulgaris
Altered APx, CAT, GR
110 mM
7 days
Arabidopsis thaliana
AsA#, GSH#, GR#, APx", CAT", SOD", GR",
630 mM
7 days
Zea mays
Altered GSH, APX"
31030 mM
7 days
Medicago sativa
AsA", biothiols", APx", GR"
75 mM
7 days
Arabidopsis thaliana
102550 mM
15 days
Brassica juncea, B. napus
Non-protein SH", SOD#, CAT#, GR#, APx#
300500 mM
21 days
Arabidopsis thaliana
SOD", GPx", APx", GR"
12,24 h
Taxithelium nepalense
1, 3, 5, 7 days Brassica juncea, Vigna
2, 4, 6, 8 days Triticum aestivum
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Brassica juncea
15 days
1001,000 mM
50100200 mM
0.1110100 mM
0.2220 mM
24 h
3, 10 days
5 days
7 days
10 days
101001,000 mM
100 mM
25 mg/L
1050 mM
50100 mM As(III)
100500 mM As(V)
Taxithelium nepalense
Arabidopsis thaliana
Phaseolus vulgaris
Phaseolus aureus
Oryza sativa
Arabidopsis thaliana
Pisum sativum
Hordeum vulgare
Vigna radiata
Lemna minor
248 h
24 h
24, 48 h
48, 72 h
9 days
15 days
25 mM
3050100 mM
1050 mM
2468 mM
0.0010.010.11.0 mM
0.150.3 mM
Verbascum thapsus
Lemna minor
11 days
15 days
0.1110100 mM
100 mM
50 mM
Brassica juncea
15 mM
0.150.3 mM
Metal Concentration
105075100150200300 mM 21 days
A. Cuypers et al.
10200 mM
50100200400800 mM
200400 mM
1831,83018,300 mM
50100 mM
600 mM
50100250 mM
100 mM
630 mM
31030 mM
1050 mM
203040 mM
31030 mM
5 days
6 days
11 days
11 days
1, 3, 7,
14 days
3, 6, 9 days
7 days
520 days
Minutes to
24 h
7 days
7 days
10, 20 days
21 days
Triticum aestivum
Luffa cylindrica
Oryza sativa
Hordeum vulgare
Vigna unguiculata
Cucumis sativus
Pisum sativum
Zea mays
Zea mays
Medicago sativa
Lycopersicon esculentum
Arabidopsis thaliana
Medicago sativa
A. Cuypers et al.
very important scavengers of H2O2 and are stimulated under metal stress
(Table 6.1). Furthermore peroxiredoxins and associated redoxins come into play
to detoxify H2O2 by the use of their thiol groups. Although investigations are
ongoing for these components in H2O2 detoxification [224], the information
under metal stress is rather scarce. Conversion of H2O2 to H2O and O2 links
enzymatic systems directly to the antioxidant metabolites, more specifically ascorbate (AsA) and glutathione (GSH). They are electron donors for peroxidases and
GSH is also involved in the regeneration of oxidized AsA as well as glutaredoxins.
Both AsA and GSH are highly abundant, soluble metabolites present in different
cellular compartments [71] and form important constituents of the redox balance in
plant cells that can be affected by metal exposure (Table 6.1). During metal stress,
special attention should be given to GSH, since its functional group is susceptible
for different metals such as Hg, Cd . . . showing high affinities to thiols. In this
regard it plays a central role in metal chelation (as a precursor for phytochelatins) as
well as through its antioxidant capacities.
The steady state level of ROS in the different cellular compartments is determined by the interplay between multiple ROS-producing pathways and ROSscavenging mechanisms. As mentioned before, ROS are capable of modulating
signalling networks that control physiological processes and stress responses [71,
148]. ROS, such as H2O2, are ideal signalling molecules as they are small and able
to diffuse over short distances. Because H2O2 production is an immediate response
to increased metal stress [20, 56, 150, 247], it is probably a key molecule that can
trigger signal transduction events after plant metal exposure, mediating the acquisition of tolerance [19, 130, 131]. Whereas oxidative signaling is very important
under metal stress, the complex interaction with other signaling pathways [54]
needs further attention.
In conclusion, the term metal-induced oxidative stress can be more specified in
either oxidative damage and oxidative signalling that together forms an oxidative
challenge for the cells to cope with metal stress.
Nutrient uptake by plants is essential for their development and for the passage
of minerals into the food chain, but faces several limitations. The plant possesses several mechanisms to explore the soil for minerals such as root development, releasing siderophores, organic acids, etc. . . but the symbiosis with
microorganisms clearly improves the ability of plants to overcome these
limitations and needs further attention in the study of plant-soil interactions.
Also in the research on plant metal stress and its cellular responses, microorganisms are shown to be important players in the plant protection to excess
metal exposure.
A. Cuypers et al.
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Chapter 7
Abstract Much of the emphasis of the chapters in this book is on heavy metal(loid)s
as soil contaminants, their bioavailability and possible toxicity to plants, ecosystems, animals and humans. However, many of the heavy metal(loid)s are actually
micronutrients, that is they are essential (in small quantities) for the normal growth
of plants and/or animals. Copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel
(Ni) and zinc (Zn) are the heavy metals that are essential for higher plants. For
animals and humans, chromium (Cr), Cu, cobalt (Co), Mn, Mo, selenium (Se),
vanadium (V) and Zn are the micronutrient heavy metal(loid)s. Iron (Fe), not usually
considered a heavy metal is essential for both plants and animals. Several other
elements, including arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and tin (Sn) may possibly
have an essential role at very low concentrations. This chapter briefly covers the
essential functions of these heavy metal(loid)s in plants and/or animals and the
significance of relatively low and high available concentrations in soils. Deficiencies
and toxicities of micronutrients adversely affect plant and animal health, cause
reductions in growth rate (and yield), overt symptoms of physiological stress and,
in extreme cases, the death of the plant or animal. In many parts of the world, the
adverse effects of deficiencies of essential heavy metal(loid)s are more important
economically than toxicities arising from soil contamination.
Keywords Micronutrients Essentiality Hidden deficiency Toxicity
Symptoms Enzymes Plant nutrition Human nutrition Homeostasis
B.J. Alloway
Micronutrients are the trace elements required in small, but critical, quantities for
the normal healthy growth of plants and animals. There are eight micronutrients
required by higher plants and these are: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), Cu, iron (Fe), Mn,
Mo, Ni and Zn. In addition, Co is essential for the bacterial fixation of nitrogen (N) in
nodules on the roots of legumes [5, 8, 9]. With the exception of B and Cl, these
elements are all classed as heavy metals. In higher animals and humans, the proven
micronutrients are: chromium Cr, Cu, Fe, iodine (I), Mn, Mo, Se, V and Zn. Other
elements which are being investigated for possible essential functions in animals and
humans include: B, silicon (Si), As, fluorine (F), lithium (Li) and Sn. There is even
some evidence that Cd, Pb and Sn may be essential at very low concentrations
[12, 28, 31]. However, the micronutrients which have been conclusively proven to
be essential in animal and/or human nutrition and whose concentrations in diets
are critical are Co (ruminants only), Cr, Cu, Fe, I, Mn, Mo, Se and Zn.
An element can be considered essential for plants if they cannot complete their
life cycles without it, it cannot be replaced by other elements and it is directly
involved in plant metabolism [8]. Essential trace elements are also known as
micronutrients. For animals and humans, Reilly [28] quotes the definition of
essential elements used by many nutritionists as: The trace element must: (1) be
present in healthy tissue, (2) its concentration must be relatively constant between
different organisms, (3) deficiency induces specific biochemical changes, (4) the
changes are accompanied by equivalent abnormalities in different species, and
(5) supplementation with the element corrects the abnormalities.
All micronutrient heavy metal(loid)s have homeostatic mechanisms in plants
and/or animals which regulate the bioavailable concentrations of the elements. It is
when these mechanisms break down and are unable to maintain the optimal range of
supply of a particular micronutrient that either deficiencies or toxicities can occur.
It is very important that the micronutrient requirements of crops are met as well as
their macronutrient needs (e.g., N, P and K) if they are to yield satisfactorily and
bear products, such as grains, fruits, vegetable leaves or storage roots, of acceptable
quality. In comparison with macronutrients, which are often present in thousands
of mg kg1, micronutrients are only required in relatively small amounts
(5100 mg kg1 DM). The dose response curves for all micronutrients show that
yields can be affected by both deficiencies and toxicities. Typical dose-response
graphs for micronutrients and non-essential elements are shown in Fig. 7.1.
Although these are primarily based on generalised plant data, dose response graphs
for animals show similar trends.
Plant yield
Lower critical
No effect
Upper critical
or mild
or mild
Element concentration
or mild
Element concentration
Fig. 7.1 Typical dose-response curves for essential and non-essential trace elements (Reproduced
from Alloway [3] (Copyright (2008) with permission from International Zinc Association and
International Fertiliser Industry Association))
B.J. Alloway
Table 7.1 Brief summary of the essential functions of metal micronutrients and beneficial
elements in plants
Not a plant micronutrient, but is essential for the symbiotic fixation of N2 in the root
nodules of legumes and some non-legumes by Rhizobium and other N2- fixing
microorganisms in which three enzymes are known to be Co-dependent. It may
also have beneficial roles in some higher plant families.
Plays important structural and functional roles in oxidative enzymes (including: super
oxide dismutase (SOD), cytochrome oxidase, ascorbate oxidase, polyphenols
oxidase and electron-transfer proteins (e.g., plastocyanin in chloroplasts)). The
physiological processes involving these Cu-dependent enzymes and proteins
affect photosynthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, respiration, protein metabolism,
lignification of cell walls (and water transport) and pollen formation. It is also
required for N-fixation in root nodules of legumes.
Constituent of cytochromes (electron-transfer proteins) and metalloenzymes and is
essential for many biochemical and physiological processes in plants. These
include: photosynthesis, utilization of N and S, production of the plant hormone
ethylene and biosynthesis of chlorophyll. Iron is generally incorporated into
heme and non-heme proteins, such as cytochromes. Heme proteins are involved
with the formation of lignin and suberin and in catalase enzymes which
breakdown hydrogen peroxide in cells. In legumes, Fe-containing heme
proteins called leghemoglobins, regulate the supply of O2 to N2-fixing bacteria
in root nodules.
Activates a large number of enzymes which catalyse oxidation-reduction,
decarboxylation and hydrolytic reactions and affects the production of lignin,
flavonoids, fatty acids, the growth hormone indole acetic acid (IAA) and N
metabolism. In C4 plants, such as maize and sugar cane and plants which fix
their C at night, Mn is required for CO2 assimilation. Only two enzymes contain
Mn: the Mn protein in photosystem II, which catalyses the photolysis of water
in photosynthesis and a superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) which protects tissues
from damage caused by the oxygen free radical (O2).
Molybdenum Required for the functioning of several enzymes involved in redox reactions
including nitrate reductase which is essential for the reduction of NO3 to allow it
to be assimilated into plants and aldehyde oxidase which is involved in the
synthesis of growth hormones. Molybdenum is also a component of the bacterial
enzyme nitrogenase involved the fixation of N2 in legume root nodules.
Constituent of the enzyme urease and therefore essential for the few plant species
that produce this enzyme and other plants supplied with urea as the sole source
of N. It is required for healthy embryo and seedling vigour in cereals and is also
important in plant disease resistance. Nickel is also a component of the enzyme
hydrogenase involved in N fixation by bacteria.
Constituent of several enzymes with roles in carbohydrate and protein synthesis, gene
regulation, structure and integrity of biomembranes, protection of cells from
damage due to free radicals, regulation of auxin synthesis and pollen formation.
Meristematic tissues have a high Zn requirement and the Zn-containing enzyme
carbonic anhydrase is required for photosynthesis. Plants with C4 type CO2
fixation in photosynthesis have a higher requirement for carbonic anhydrase, than
C3 plants and are therefore more sensitive to Zn deficiency, but Zn deficiency
reduces net photosynthesis in all plants. As a result of its role in maintenance of
biomembranes, roots of Zn-deficient plants tend to leak amino acids and
phenolics. Classic symptoms of Zn deficiency, such as stunting and little leaf are
due to the oxidative degradation of auxin (growth hormone).
Adapted from: Marschner [19], Bell and Dell [6], Srivastava and Gupta [30], Fageria et al. [9],
Brown [7], Humphries et al. [14] and Asher [4]
B.J. Alloway
Soya bean
Derived from: Martens and Chesterman [20], Prasad and Power [25], Rashid and Ryan [26] and
Loue [17]
Med medium susceptibility, no information
Peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) also called groundnut
Rapeseed (Brassica napus L) also called oil seed rape or canola
B.J. Alloway
Just as in plants, the heavy metal(loid)s essential for higher animals and humans are
constituents and/or activators of enzymes. Their essential functions are given in
Table 7.4.
In grazing livestock, Mn deficiency is rare, but when it does occur it often results
in lameness. Zinc concentrations in herbage need to be above 20 mg kg1 in order
to avoid Zn deficiency whose effects include, loss of appetite, poor growth and
reduced fertility. With more severe deficiency (intakes <5 mg Zn kg1) symptoms
include loss of hair and wool, reduced immunity to disease and thickening and
cracking of the skin. Copper deficiency can be associated with low Cu contents in
herbage, but also to elevated Mo contents (see Sect. 18.4). Mild Cu deficiency
symptoms, like those of Zn, tend to be non-specific and include poor growth and/or
roughness and loss of pigmentation in coat. More severe Cu deficiency is
accompanied by symptoms including diarrhoea, anaemia, and lameness. In sheep,
Cu deficient lambs can develop a neurological condition called swayback
(or enzootic ataxia) [32].
The US Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) [23] for Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn and
Se for humans are shown in Table 7.5.
Apart from the proven essential trace elements, some other heavy metal(loid)
s are being investigated to see whether they are also essential for animal and human
nutrition. Several of these, such as As, Cd and Pb have only been considered as
potentially toxic elements until recently, but there is some evidence that very small
amounts of these elements may be essential. In most cases, the experimentation has
involved using diets depleted of the elements of interest and some responses in
growth rate and other parameters have been observed. This work is likely to be most
relevant in medicine where patients may have to be maintained on total parenteral
nutrition (TPN) [28]. However, it is highly unlikely that cases of deficiency of these
elements will be found in humans consuming mixed diets or in livestock under
normal agricultural conditions. The possible functions of the metal(loid)s currently
under investigation are shown in Table 7.6.
The effects of soil type and soil conditions on the bioavailable concentrations of
heavy metalloids are covered in detail in Chaps. 3, 6 and 918. However, Table 7.7
summarises the most typical soil conditions leading to either deficiencies in crops,
or low concentrations of micronutrients required by animals in herbage and crop
products. Boron and Fe are also included because of the agronomic importance of
them being deficient.
Table 7.4 Functions of essential heavy metal(loid)s in higher animals and humans
Important in carbohydrate metabolism as a constituent of the glucose tolerance
factor (GTF) a dinicotinic acid-glutathione complex, which potentiates the
action of insulin. Chromium participates in lipoprotein metabolism and there is
some evidence that an improved Cr status has a beneficial effect on blood lipid
levels in elderly persons. Improved Cr status may also reduce factors associated
with cardiovascular disease as well as with diabetes.
Its only known function is as a constituent of Vitamin B12 which can only be
synthesised by bacteria in the rumen or in the soil and plays a major part in animal
cells where active division is taking place e.g., blood-forming tissues of bone
marrow. Vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed on its own and has to combine first with
a glycoprotein produced in the stomach lining, called the gastric intrinsic factor.
Vitamin B12 deficiency in humans causes pernicious anaemia and severe effects
on the nervous system. In livestock it causes progressive loss of appetite and
wasting leading to death. It is called bush sickness in New Zealand and Coast
disease in south Australia, but is found in many other countries.
Essential for the immune system, the nervous system, skeletal health, Fe
metabolism and the formation of red blood cells. It is involved in redox systems
and the scavenging of free radicals (CuSOD). It is a constituent of more than
12 metalloenzymes and a few genes which regulate Cu-dependent transcription
factors. In sheep Cu deficiency can cause swayback disease (enzootic ataxia) in
lambs and loss of crimp in wool. In cattle, deficiency causes depigmentation of
the facial hair and sudden death. Subclinical Cu deficiency can cause reductions
in liveweight gain and fertility and occurs much more widely than acute forms,
especially in more intensively farmed livestock.
Although not considered a heavy metal, Fe is vitally important in animal
physiology because it is a component of haemoglobin which carries oxygen in
the red blood corpuscles. Iron requirements differ with species, gender, age and
level of activity; shortage of Fe causes anaemia and can also result in increased
absorption of potentially harmful elements such as Cd and Pb.
Manganese is involved in bone formation and in the metabolism of amino acids,
cholesterol and carbohydrates. It is a constituent of six key enzymes and affects
the functioning of other enzymes such as glycosyltransferases and
xylosyltransferases which are involved in bone formation and proteoglycan
synthesis. Manganese activates a number of enzymes, but some can also be
activated by other metals, especially Mg. The most common Mn deficiency
symptoms in livestock are impaired reproduction, skeletal deformities and
shortened tendons in the newborn, can also cause impaired insulin production,
lipoprotein metabolism, oxidant defence and growth factor metabolism.
Molybdenum In animals, Mo is required for the functioning of several enzymes involved in
transformations of C, N and S. It is a co-factor in the enzymes sulphite oxidase,
xanthine oxidase and aldehyde oxidase. Sulphite oxidase is very important in
humans because it is involved in the metabolism of S-containing amino acids
and bisulphite preservative in foods. In grazing livestock, a close connection
between Mo, Cu and S is involved in the condition called teart (or
molybdenosis) which is a Mo-induced Cu deficiency.
Selenium has antioxidant and anti-inflammation functions and is involved in
thyroid hormone metabolism. It also has roles in the prevention of certain
infections, some forms of cancer and diabetes in humans. It appears to have
valuable detoxification properties for As and Hg. Selenium deficiency is
thought to affect 0.51.0 billion people worldwide. Keshan disease (a fatal
cardiomyopathy) and Kashin Becks disease (osteopathy) in humans can be
prevented by dietary supplementation with Se. In livestock, muscular dystrophy
Table 7.5 Recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) in humans of the US National Academy of
Sciences for copper, manganese, zinc, iron and selenium
Mn (mg d1)
Zn (mg d1) Fe (mg d1)
Se (mg d1)
Gender and age Cu (mg d1)
06 months
712 months
13 years
48 years
913 years
1418 years
1930 years
3150 years
5070 years
>70 years
913 years
1418 years
1930 years
3150 years
5070 years
>70 years
18 years
1930 years
3150 years
18 years
1930 years
3150 years
From US Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences [23] and Reilly [28]
Table 7.6 Possible functions of other heavy metal(loid)s in animals and humans
Possible functions
Various adverse responses to As deprivation diets (<12 mg As kg1 rats and chicks
and <35 mg As kg1 goats) have been reported, including: depressed growth,
abnormal reproduction (impaired fertility and perinatal mortality); depressed
serum triglyceride concentrations and myocardial damage during lactation in
goats. Arsenic appears to be involved in the methylation of metabolically or
genetically important molecules whose functions are associated with methyl
incorporation. Abnormally low As intake in patients undergoing haemodialysis
correlated with injuries to their central nervous system, vascular diseases and
cancer. Some beneficial effects of supranutritional doses of As in treatment of
acute promyelocyte leukaemia through apoptotic (programmed cell death)
mechanisms. If humans are found to need As, the requirement would probably
only be 1225 mg d1.
Cadmium Cadmium-deprived goats and rats have shown depressed growth which was improved
by increasing their intake of Cd. However, Cd has a long body half-life so even
slightly elevated intakes could result in harmful accumulations (WHO max safe
intake 70 mg d1 for 70 kg person), typical daily intake is 1020 mg.
Low dietary intake of Pb has been found to cause adverse effects in pigs and rats
(depressed growth, anaemia, elevated serum cholesterol, phospholipds and bile
acids; disturbed Fe metabolism, decreased liver glucose). Lead supplementation
improved growth and alleviated Fe deficiency in rats. Any requirement for Pb is
only likely to be very small (550 mg d1). Toxicity from excessive Pb intakes is
much more important and is not dependent upon the route of exposure and can be
predicted by blood Pb concentrations. When blood Pb reaches 1015 mg dL1,
toxic effects can occur in bone development, mental development and blood
pressure. Anaemia, nephrotoxicity and more overt neurological impairments occur
when blood concentrations are above 30 mg Pb dL1.
Not proven to be essential, but experiments with Ni-deprived animals show it to be a
bioactive element with some beneficial functions. Deprivation affects reproductive
function in goats and rats, changes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism possibly
through depressed activities of enzymes degrading glucose and enzymes involved
in the citric acid cycle. Nickel has beneficial effects in bone and may also have a
function affecting Vitamin B12 (Ni can alleviate Vit B12 deficiency). If proved
essential, Ni intake should probably be <100 mg d1.
Dietary deficiency of Sn has been reported to cause hair loss, depressed growth,
response to sound, feed efficiency, heart zinc, tibial Cu and Mn, muscle Fe and Mn,
spleen Fe, kidney Fe and lung Mn (Typical intake 140 mg Sn).
Vanadium A bioactive element, whose only proven essential role is in several types of marine
algae where it controls bromoperoxidases and iodoperoxidases. In humans and
animals, it appears to have insulin-like actions at the cellular level stimulating
cellular proliferation and differentiation. Bone abnormalities have been reported in
V-deprived goats and so it appears to play a role in the formation and function of
bone and connective tissue. Requirement is probably only 12 mg d1.
Based on: WHO [33], Kabata-Pendias and Mukherjee [16], Reilly [28], Neilsen [24] and Asher [4]
B.J. Alloway
is likely to be highly available in high pH soils, but can be deficient in acid soils.
Organic matter-rich soils, such as peats (Histosols), muck soils and heavily
manured mineral soils are likely to have low available concentrations of B, Cu,
Mn, Se and Zn [2]. However, as shown in Table 7.7, low organic matter contents
can also predispose to deficiencies of B, Cu and Zn.
Clay-rich soils which usually have relatively high adsorptive capacities and tend to
be imperfectly to poorly drained (gleyed) can be deficient in Cu, Mn and Zn. Paddy
soils used for wetland rice production are prone to Zn deficiency, but can have toxic
Fe concentrations due to the reduction of insoluble Fe oxides. In general, micronutrient deficiencies in crops and herbage, tend to be reflected in low intakes in animal and
human diets. However, in the case of grazing livestock the soil-plant-animal pathway
may be bypassed by direct (usually accidental) ingestion of soil and so the amount of
metal(loid)s ingested by the animals may not be affected by soil-plant barriers.
However, the presence of adsorbent minerals and antagonistic elements in the animal
GI tract can modify the availability of the micronutrient to the animal.
The plant factors associated with the onset of deficiencies in crop plants are covered
in detail in Chap. 6, but one or more of the following factors are often found to be
Plant genotype (i.e., micronutrient efficient/inefficient cultivars),
Nitrogen supply (effects on growth rate, dilution, elements locked up in proteins
in foliage),
Phosphate supply (effects on growth rate dilution e.g., Cu, and metabolism
e.g., Zn)
Moisture stress (uptake reduced in drought conditions),
Temperature stress (high and low temperatures),
High/low light intensity,
Rooting conditions (restrictions in rooting zone will reduce the volume of soil
explored by roots),
Mycorrhizal infection (increases the effective volume of roots),
Secretion of root exudates (e.g., phytosiderophores),
Pathological disease,
Agrochemicals (e.g., glyphosate-induced deficiencies of Mn & Zn),
Antagonistic effects of other micronutrients (e.g., CuZn, FeCu, FeMn,
CuMn etc.),
Previous crop species there is some evidence that the mineralization products
of some plant species can render certain micronutrients less available in the soil.
An example of this is Cu deficiency in wheat following oil seed rape (canola).
Based on: [2, 7, 9, 12, 13, 19, 22]
Concluding Comments
This short chapter has been included in this latest edition of Heavy Metals in Soils
to draw attention to the importance of many heavy metals such as Cu and Zn which
are micronutrients in both plants and animals and the metalloid Se, a vitally important
micronutrient in animals and humans (see Chap. 16, Sect. 16.4). More details are
given in Chaps. 917 and 21 dealing with the respective heavy metal(loid)s, but it is
useful to see them dealt with as a group, to allow comparisons to be made between
them. Ongoing and future research may increase the number of heavy metal(loid)
s classed as micronutrients.
1. Alloway, B. J. (2005). Copper deficient soils in Europe. New York: International Copper
Association Ltd.
2. Alloway, B. J. (2008). Micronutrients in crop production: An introduction, Chapter 1.
In B. J. Alloway (Ed.), Micronutrient deficiencies in global crop production (pp. 140).
Dordrecht: Springer.
3. Alloway, B. J. (2008). Zinc in soils and crop nutrition. Brussels/Paris: International Zinc
Association/International Fertilizer Industry Association.
4. Asher, C. J. (1991). Beneficial elements, functional nutrients and possible new essential
elements. In J. J. Mortvedt, F. Cox, L. M. Shuman, & R. M. Welch (Eds.), Micronutrients in
agriculture (Soil Science Society of America book series 2nd ed., Vol. 4, pp. 703724).
Madison: Soil Science Society of America.
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5. Barker, A. V., & Pilbeam, D. J. (2007). Introduction. In A. V. Barker & D. J. Pilbeam (Eds.),
Handbook of plant nutrition (pp. 318). Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis.
6. Bell, R. W., & Dell, B. (2008). Micronutrients for sustainable food, feed, fibre and bioenergy
production. Paris: International Fertilizer Industry Association.
7. Brown, P. H. (2007). Nickel. In A. V. Barker & D. J. Pilbeam (Eds.), Handbook of plant
nutrition (pp. 395410). Boca Raton: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.
8. Fageria, N. K. (2009). The use of nutrients in crop plants. Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor &Francis.
9. Fageria, N. K., Baligar, V. C., & Clark, R. B. (2002). Micronutrients in crop production.
Advances in Agronomy, 77, 185268.
10. Gao, X. P., Kuyper, T. M., Zou, C. Q., Zhang, F. S., & Hoffland, E. (2007). Mycorrhizal
responsiveness of aerobic rice genotypes is negatively correlated with their zinc uptake when
nonmycorrhizal. Plant and Soil, 290, 283291.
11. Graham, R. D. (1984). Breeding for nutritional characteristics in cereals. In P. B. Tinker &
A. Lauchli (Eds.), Advances in Plant Nutrition, Vol. 1, pp. 57102.
12. Graham, R. D. (2008). Micronutrient deficiencies in crops and their global significance,
Chapter 2. In B. J. Alloway (Ed.), Micronutrient deficiencies in global crop production
(pp. 4161). Dordrecht: Springer.
13. Graham, R. D., & Rengel, Z. (1993). Genotypic variation in zinc uptake and utilization by
plants, Chapter 8. In A. D. Robson (Ed.), Zinc in soils and plants (pp. 107118). Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic.
14. Humphries, J. M., James, C. R., Stangoulis, J. C. R., & Graham, R. D. (2007). Manganese,
Chapter 12. In A. V. Barker & D. J. Pilbeam (Eds.), Handbook of plant nutrition
(pp. 351374). Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis.
15. Kabata-Pendias, A. (2001). Trace elements in soils and plants (3rd ed.). Boca Raton: CRC
16. Kabata-Pendias, A., & Mukherjee, A. B. (2007). Trace elements from soil to human. Berlin:
17. Loue, L. (1986). les Oligo-Elements en Agriculture. Paris: SCPA, Agri Nathan International.
18. MacNicol, R. D., & Beckett, P. H. T. (1985). Critical concentrations of potentially toxic
elements. Plant and Soil, 85, 107129.
19. Marschner, H. (1995). Mineral nutrition of higher plants (2nd ed.). London: Academic Press.
20. Martens, D. C., & Chesterman, D. T. (1991). Fertilizer applications for correcting micronutrient deficiencies. In J. J. Mortvedt, F. Cox, L. M. Shuman, & R. M. Welch (Eds.),
Micronutrients in agriculture (Soil Science Society of America book series 2nd ed., Vol. 4,
pp. 549582). Madison: Soil Science Society of America.
21. Mertens, J., & Smolders, E. (2012). Zinc. In B. J. Alloway (Ed.), Heavy metals in soils (3rd ed.,
pp. 465494). Dordrecht: Springer, this volume
22. Moraghan, J. T., & Mascagni, H. J., Jr. (1991). Environmental and soil factors affecting
micronutrient deficiencies and toxicities. In J. J. Mortvedt, F. Cox, L. M. Shuman, &
R. M. Welch (Eds.), Micronutrients in agriculture (Soil Science Society of America book
series 2nd ed., Vol. 4, pp. 371425). Madison: Soil Science Society of America.
23. National Academy of Sciences. (2002). US dietary reference intakes: Elements. www.
24. Neilssen, F. H. (2006). Boron, manganese, molybdenum and other trace elements, Chapter 40.
In B. Bowman & R. M. Russell (Eds.), Present knowledge in nutrition (9th ed., pp. 506526).
Washington: International Life Sciences Institute.
25. Prasad, R., & Power, J. E. (1997). Soil fertility management for sustainable agriculture. Boca
Raton: CRC Lewis Publishers.
26. Rashid, A., & Ryan, J. (2004). Micronutrient constraints to crop production in soils with
Mediterranean-type characteristics. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27, 959975.
27. Reddy, T. Y., & Reddi, G. H. S. (1997). Mineral nutrition, manures and fertilizers.
In Principles of agronomy (pp. 204256). Ludhiana: Kalyani Publishers. (www.plantstress.
28. Reilly, C. (2004). The nutritional trace elements. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
29. Sillanpaa, M. (1990). Micronutrient assessment at the country level: An international study
(FAO soils bulletin, Vol. 63). Rome: FAO.
30. Srivistava, P. C., & Gupta, U. C. (1996). Trace elements in crop nutrition. Lebanon: Science
31. Welch, R. M. (2007). Linkages between essential trace elements in food crops and human
health, Chapter 12. In B. J. Alloway (Ed.), Micronutrient deficiencies in global crop production (pp. 287309). Dordrecht: Springer.
32. Whitehead, D. C. (2000). Nutrient elements in grassland: Soil-plant-animal relationships.
Wallingford: CABI Publishing.
33. World Health Organisation (WHO). (1996). Trace elements in human nutrition and health.
Geneva: WHO.
Chapter 8
W. de Vries et al.
Keywords Critical loads Critical limits Dynamic models Food quality Soil
organisms ecotoxicological impacts Human health impacts
Ecotoxicological and Human Health Impacts
of Elevated Metal Inputs
Concern about the input of metals to terrestrial ecosystems is related to: (i) the
ecotoxicological impact on soil organisms and plants [12, 46] and on aquatic
organisms due to runoff to surface water and (ii) the uptake via food chains into
animal tissues and products, which may result in health effects on animals and
humans [16]. Effects on soil organisms, including micro-organisms/macrofungi and
soil fauna, such as nematodes and earthworms, are reduced species diversity,
abundance and biomass and changes in microbe mediated processes [8, 31, 72].
More information on these effects are also given in Chap. 5 [39]. Effects on
vascular plants are reduced development and growth of roots and shoots (toxicity
symptoms), elevated concentrations of starch and total sugar, decreased nutrient
contents in foliar tissues (physiological symptoms) and decreased enzymatic is activity (biochemical symptoms) [18, 51]. A review of these phytotoxic effects is given
by Balsberg-Pahlsson [7]. Effects on aquatic organisms, including algae, crustacea
and fish, include effects on gill function [58], nervous systems [6], and growth
and reproduction rates [42]. Environmental quality standards or critical limits
(often also denoted as Predicted No Effect Concentrations or PNECs) for metals
in soils and surface waters related to those effects serve as a guide in the environmental risk assessment process for those substances.
Next to effects on soil organisms, metals may be transferred via food chains
to cause effects on animals and humans (secondary poisoning). This may affect
(i) humans by reducing food quality of crops and animal products and (ii) animal
health through accumulation in organs of cattle, birds and mammals (secondary
poisoning). Heavy metal accumulation in food chains is specifically considered
important with respect to Cd and mercury (Hg), and to a lesser extent for Pb, for all
of which no biological functions in terrestrial organisms are known [16]. In several
countries, there is also concern about the excess input of Cd, Cu and Zn in agriculture
[43]. An excess of these metals may cause reduced crop production and in case of
Cd it may lead to agricultural products violating food quality criteria [3, 30].
inputs which may cause accumulation and possibly leads to future exceedance of
critical limits. A method to assess future risks is the critical load approach.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on
Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) defines a critical load as the
highest total input rate of a potential pollutant below which significant harmful
effects on defined receptors (e.g. human health, ecosystem structure and function)
will not occur in a long-term perspective (at steady state), according to current
knowledge [71]. In defining a critical load, the aim is to achieve long-term
sustainability of the ecosystem. In this context, sustainability can be defined as
the situation where accumulation of heavy metals does not exceed critical limits in
defined ecosystem compartments (e.g. soil solid phase, soil solution, groundwater,
plant, sediment, fish etc.). According to its definition, a critical load of a metal
equals the load resulting at steady state in a concentration in a compartment that
equals the critical limit.
A critical load can be used to optimise the protection of the environment for a
given international investment in pollution control by minimising the difference
between present loads and critical loads on a regional scale. The concept has been
applied successfully in international negotiations on the reduction of atmospheric
emissions of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S). Its use in international negotiations on
the reduction of metal emissions is still under debate.
The method to calculate critical loads of metals is based on the balance of all
relevant metal fluxes in and out of a considered ecosystem in a (distant) future
steady-state situation. First approaches were described in Manuals for Calculation
of Critical Loads of Heavy Metals in Terrestrial Ecosystems [19] and aquatic
ecosystems [21]. These methods were discussed at various international workshops
within the framework of the Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) of the ICP
Modelling & Mapping under the LRTAP Convention [32, 33]. A state-of-the-art
methodology manual, developed under the LRTAP Convention, has been adopted
for the priority metals Cd, Pb and Hg [23, 71]. The focus was on these metals as
they are part of the 1998 Heavy Metals Protocol to the LRTAP Convention that has
been ratified by 29 countries, and came into effect at the end of 2003. The attention
focuses not only on ecotoxicological risks to terrestrial ecosystems, where metal
deposition is the only external source, but it also includes human toxicological risks
by including agricultural systems. In these systems, the load refers to the input
by fertilisers, animal manure (sometimes also sewage sludge) and atmospheric
deposition. Until now, the approach has mainly been applied within Europe
[e.g. 56] and Canada [28].
This chapter discusses approaches to derive critical metal loads and presents
examples, limiting ourselves to terrestrial ecosystems (soils). We first present an
overview of methods to assess critical limits for metal concentrations in soil or soil
solution related to ecotoxicological impacts, to human health impacts (food quality
W. de Vries et al.
criteria for crops and animal products) and animal health impacts (Sect. 8.2).
We then describe the methodology to compute critical loads and target loads
(Sect. 8.3) followed by results on a local scale, using generic input data, national
scale and European scale (Sect. 8.4) Finally, limitations of the approach are
discussed in view of the applicability of the critical load concept for heavy metals
in future negotiations on the reduction in metal emissions (Sect. 8.5).
Relevant Receptors
Fig. 8.1 Overview of the fluxes and impact pathways of metals from the soil to other
compartments in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Boxes are key pools and ovals are key
receptors [24]
Table 8.1 Receptors of concern in three main types of terrestrial ecosystems
Type of ecosystem
Receptors of concern
Arable land
Soil micro-organisms
Soil invertebrates
Agricultural plants
Wild plants
Ground watera (human health)
Cattle (human and animal health)
Birds/mammals (animal health)
This refers specifically to ground water used as drinking water
Non-agricultural land
W. de Vries et al.
Fig. 8.2 Overview of relations between metal concentrations in soil solid phase and soil solution
microbiota and soil invertebrates [70]. The risks from heavy metal pollution,
however, depend on their availability which is influenced by soil properties such
as pH, clay and organic matter content [9, 35, 55]. The use of a single soil metal
concentration as a critical limit for ecotoxicological effects upon soil organisms has
therefore been criticized [2], since it does not account for observed variations in
the toxicity of cationic metals among soils of differing chemistry [59]. The impacts
of soil properties on the bioavailability and toxicity of metals thus have to be
accounted for in critical limits assessment.
Effects on microorganisms, plants and, to a large extent, also to invertebrates
occur through the soil solution [52]. In accordance with the principles of the free ion
activity model (FIAM) [15, 44] and the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) [27, 60], metal
uptake leading to toxicity can be considered to occur by interaction of the free metal
ion (FMI) in soil solution (e.g. Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Zn2+) with the organism.
The extent of this interaction, and thus the degree of toxic effect due to a given
FMI concentration, will also depend upon the concentrations of solution cations
(e.g. H+, Na+, Ca2+) that in the BLM framework compete with the toxic metal for
binding to the organism. Thus, an approach to set critical limits for FMI is in
particularly appropriate to evaluate the risks of effects. Furthermore, in view of
critical load assessments for terrestrial ecosystems, there is a need for critical metal
concentrations in soil solution since the critical metal leaching rate is the most
important term in deriving critical loads. Since free metal ion concentrations in soil
solution are hardly ever measured, such concentrations need to be derived using
models for solid-solution partitioning and speciation of metals in soil solution
(Fig. 8.2). The use of empirical models for solid-solution partitioning which relate
metal concentrations in solution to metal concentrations in the solid phase and soil
properties (so called transfer functions) and the approach to use them in deriving
critical limits for Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in soil and soil solution is presented below
FMI concentration
Critical free metal ion (FMI) concentrations in soil solution can in principle be
derived from critical reactive metal concentrations (see also below) using a transfer
function (see Fig. 8.2). Lofts et al. [41] applied such a transfer function and directly
derived critical dissolved FMI concentrations based on available NOEC data for
soil organisms and plants, together with soil properties affecting its availability
(pH, organic matter content). The critical FMI concentrations were derived as a
function of soil solution pH, according to a procedure described in Lofts et al. [41]
and De Vries et al. [24]:
logMfree;crit acrit pH ycrit
where [M]free,crit is the critical FMI concentration (mol L1). The pH dependence
of the critical FMI concentration is considered to result from a protective effect
of H+ against toxicity, resulting from the competitive interactions of solution
cations with the organism, as noted in Sect. 8.2.1. Values used for the empirical
coefficients aCRIT and gCRIT are given in Table 8.2. These critical FMI functions
are based on: (i) data sets with both NOEC or EC10 (Effect Concentrations affecting 10% of the organisms) toxicity data for soil from major organisms
including information on soil properties affecting bioavailability, (ii) transfer
functions, describing the relation between FMI concentration and reactive metal
content (assumed to equal the added metal content in the toxicity test) and (iii)
statistical approaches for deriving limit functions and applying a 95% protection
level (HC5). The data set included (i) decomposers, comprising micro-organisms
W. de Vries et al.
When the critical limit is defined in terms of a critical FMI concentration, the total
metal concentration in soil solution has to be determined as the sum of the
concentration of (i) the FMI, [M]free, (ii) dissolved inorganic complexes, [M]DIC,
such as MOH+, MHCO3+, MCl+, and (iii) metals bound to dissolved organic matter,
[M]DOM, according to:
where [M]tot is the total metal concentration (mol m3), [M]DOM is the metal
concentration bound to dissolved organic matter (mol kg1 DOM) and [DOM] is
the concentration of dissolved organic matter (kg m3). By assuming geochemical
equilibrium, the partitioning and speciation of metals over the various fractions can
be calculated. Given the free metal activity the concentrations of the other metal
species can be estimated with a equilibrium speciation model. A model often used
is the Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM) model VI, further denoted as
WHAM-VI [61, 62]. The calculation takes into account the dependence of metal
binding to DOM on pH and competitive effects due to major cationic species of Mg,
Al, Ca and Fe [64, 66]. A customised program (W6-MTC), based on WHAM-VI was
used; in one of the model application examples (Section 8.4.1) for a detailed description of the calculation procedure see De Vries et al. [23]. Binding of metals to DOM is
calculated assuming that 65% of DOM acts as fulvic acid and 35% of DOM is not
involved in metal binding. This fraction is based on application of WHAM-VI to field
and laboratory data for waters and soils involving Al [65, 66], Cu [14, 29, 73], and
Cd [63]. DOM is calculated as 2DOC, assuming a carbon content of 50%.
available for dissolution. For field soils, the reactive fraction is generally
established by an extraction using 0.43 M HNO3 solution or by using an EDTA
extraction. The impacts of soil properties affecting the bioavailability and toxicity
of metals, have been accounted for by relating the critical value to soil solution pH
and soil organic matter content, using a procedure described in Lofts et al. [41] and
De Vries et al. [24]:
log ctMre;crit b0 b1 pH b2 log OM
where ctMre,crit is the critical reactive metal concentration in the soil (mg kg1); pH
is the soil solution pH and OM is soil organic matter content (%). Values derived
for b0, b1 and b2 are given in Table 8.3. Results are based on the same data sets
as those for which the critical FMI concentrations were derived. Critical total
metal concentrations, which are relevant for the assessment of target loads, can be
derived by a relationship with concentrations of reactive metal according to
omkens et al. [53]:
log ctMtot;crit c0 c1 log ctMre;crit c2 log OM c3 log clay
where ctMtot,crit is the critical total (added) metal concentration in the soil (mg kg1)
and clay is the clay content (%); and values for c0c3 are given in Table 8.4.
Regression relations were derived from a Dutch dataset containing 630 soil samples
which were both extracted with 0.43 M HNO3 and aqua regia [53].
W. de Vries et al.
Table 8.4 Values for the coefficients c0c3 in the relationship between reactive, (0.43N HNO3),
and pseudo-total (aqua regia) soil concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn (8.4), using a Dutch dataset
The relationships hold for both Mtot and Mre in mg kg1
Standard error of the y-estimate on a logarithmic basis
Table 8.5 Values for the coefficients a0a3 and n in the soil plant relations for Cd in grass,
maize, wheat, potatoes and sugar beet
Sugar beet
Standard error of the y-estimate on a logarithmic basis
Critical soil metal concentrations can be derived from critical metal contents
in plants, related to food quality or crop health, from a non-linear relationship between both metal concentrations, accounting for the impact of soil properties that control the (bio)availability of metals in soils [1, 13], according to De
Vries et al. [25]:
log ctMplant;crit a0 a1 pHKCl a2 log OM a3 log clay n log ctMtot;crit
where ctMplant,crit is the critical limit for metal concentration in plant (mg kg1) and
n is a coefficient describing the non-linear relationship between the metal concentration in plant and in soil. Values for the various regression coefficients in Eq. 8.5
have been derived for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in grass, maize, sugar beet, wheat,
potatoes, lettuce, endive and spinach [54]. The relationships obtained for Cd and
Zn were much better than those for Cu and Pb. For the majority of crops, soil-plant
relationships for Cu and Pb are not statistically significant and can therefore not be
used. Furthermore, the critical limit of Zn related to phytotoxic effects by far
exceeds the measured plant values in the database, which limits the application of
the regression model (strong extrapolation). Critical soil concentrations related to
food quality criteria are thus mainly relevant for Cd. Values for a0a3 and n for Cd,
derived for Dutch soils, are given in Table 8.5. More information on soil-plant
relationships is also given in Chap. 6 [17].
The derivation of critical soil metal concentrations from acceptable daily intakes
(ADI) by animals is relevant for grazing animals (specifically cows). Acceptable
daily intakes (ADI) of metals can be related to critical metal contents in fodder
(grass) and soil according to:
ctMplant;crit Iplant ctMtot;crit Isoil ADI
where ADI is acceptable daily intake of metals (mg d1); Iplant is intake of plants
(fodder) (kg d1) and Isoil is intake of soil (kg d1). The critical soil metal
concentration can be derived by combining Eqs. 8.5 and 8.6, in which ctMtot,crit is
solved iteratively using a given ADI and given coefficients in the soil-plant
relationship (see Table 8.5 for grass). As with food quality criteria for plants, the
derivation of a critical soil metal concentration from ADI values is mainly relevant
for Cd. Information on the derivation of ADI values for Cd, using food quality
criteria for Cd in the kidney of cows, and data on the intake of plants and soil are
given in De Vries et al [25].
A critical metal load equals the input rate that will in the long run at steady state
lead to the critical metal concentration (critical limit) for a defined receptor.
A critical load does not consider finite buffers for the metal and thus neglects the
delays between the (non-exceedance) of the critical load and the (non-violation) of
the critical limit. To gain insight into this temporal behaviour, dynamic models are
needed. The various possibilities that can occur are graphically illustrated in
Fig. 8.3, showing the change in metal concentration as a function of time for
various combinations of initial concentrations, the critical concentration and
steady-state concentrations for a constant input. In the left figure, the initial metal
concentration is below the critical limit. A metal input below the critical load results
in a steady-state concentration below the critical limit. An input above the critical
load results in a steady state above the critical limit and it takes a finite time to
exceed this critical limit, called the damage delay time (DDT). In the right figure,
the concentration is initially above the critical limit (in other words, the system is
already potentially at risk). An input equal to the critical load results (technically,
after infinite time) in a steady state, with the concentration equalling the critical
limit. Again, inputs above/below the critical load eventually result in steady states
W. de Vries et al.
Fig. 8.3 Schematic diagram showing the change in metal concentration at constant input as a
function of time with the initial concentration below (left) and above (right) the critical concentration (DDT damage delay time, RDT recovery delay time). The dotted/solid/dashed lines are for
metal inputs above/at/below the critical load
above/below the critical limit. And the time it takes to reach the critical limit from
above is called the recovery delay time (RDT). An in-depth discussion and illustrative examples of these concepts can be found in Posch and De Vries [49].
Critical loads are calculated from a simple mass balance of all relevant metal fluxes
into and out of the relevant soil compartment at steady state. As in the Mapping
Manual [71] and its background document [23], the metal fluxes considered are
limited to the metal input, Min, the net metal uptake by the harvested parts of plants,
Mu, (both in g ha1 a1) and the metal leaching/runoff, which balance at steady state:
Min Mu Q Mtot
where Q is the drainage water flux and [M]tot is the total soil water concentration of
the metal (mg m3). Various assumptions are made in this steady-state model: (i)
the soil is homogeneously mixed, (ii) the soil is in an oxidised state and metal
partitioning can be described with equilibrium sorption and complexation with
DOC, (iii) the transport of water and metals only occurs vertically (no metal gain
or loss by seepage flow, surface runoff or bypass flow), (iv) metal weathering and
erosion are not considered, (v) the internal cycling of metals is neglected, and (vi)
the metal input is chemically reactive and 100% available for exchange with the
solution phase. The limitations due to these assumptions are discussed in De Vries
et al. [23] and in De Vries and Groenenberg [20]. The critical load of metal M for a
given effect, CL(M), is the input flux at which the steady-state metal concentration
is at its critical value:
CLM Mu Q Mtot;crit
where [M]tot,crit is the critical total soil water concentration (mg m3). A critical
limit is either given directly (e.g., for drinking water quality) or converted from
e.g. a food or soil quality criterion by methodologies specific to each indicator, as
described in Sects. 8.2.2 and 8.2.3. These methodologies may require additional
input variables. For example, the calculation of critical total soil water
concentrations for Cd and Pb, relating to ecotoxicological effects, uses a geochemical speciation model (e.g., WHAM-VI) and requires inputs of soil water pH,
dissolved organic carbon, % soil organic matter, and partial pressure of CO2 in
the soil atmosphere. A full description of methodologies for calculating [M]tot,crit
for the different indicators can be found in the Mapping Manual [71] and its
background document [23].
Critical loads are by definition a tool for quantifying the potential risk in the long
term, where long term means the length of time to (approximately) reach steady
state. Dynamic modelling of metal cycling in terrestrial systems [20, 45, 49]
indicates that, starting from the current situation, it may take decades to millennia
to reach a steady state. Consequently, in a soil in which the critical limit is currently
exceeded, an input of metals equal to the critical load would cause the system to
remain at potential risk for a (very) long time. This time could be reduced by
requiring a load below the critical load, termed a target load. A target load is
defined as the deposition for which a pre-defined chemical or biological status is
reached in the specified target year and maintained (or improved) thereafter [50].
Target loads are currently quantified under the LRTAP Convention for acidifying
pollutants; and an approach for metals has been described by Posch and De Vries
[49]. Target loads might also find application in maintaining concentrations of
essential trace elements, such as copper and zinc, where this is important for
agriculture and livestock rearing.
The computation of target loads requires that the changes in the solid and liquid
metal pools are included in the model, which thus becomes:
ctMtot y z Mtot Min Mu Q Mtot
Where ctMtot is the total content of heavy metal in the soil solid phase (mg kg1), r
is the bulk density of the soil (kg m3), y is the water content (m3 m3) and z the
thickness of the soil layer (m). Setting the time-derivatives in Eq. 8.9 to zero yields
the steady-state equation (Eq. 8.7). To solve Eq. 8.9, a relationship between the
total content and the total concentration in solution is required. In general, this is
assumed to be in the form of a Freundlich isotherm:
ctMtot K Mntot
W. de Vries et al.
The quantity tc has the dimension of a time and is characteristic for the system
under consideration; tc is also called e-folding time, i.e. the time required to
decrease a quantity to 37% of the original amount. It is the total metal pool in
the soil at steady state divided by the steady-state net metal input, Q[M]tot,ss. The
characteristic time tc is thus the time needed to completely fill the soil metal pool
with (steady-state) net inputs. From Eq. 8.11 also the time to reach a pre-scribed
concentration can be easily derived. For example, for [M]tot,ss > [M]tot,crit > [M]tot,0
(see left panel in Fig. 8.3) the damage delay time, DDT, is obtained as:
DDT tc log
Mtot;ss Mtot;0
Mtot;ss Mtot;crit
The same formula holds for the recovery delay time, RDT; in this case
[M]tot,ss < [M]tot,crit < [M]tot,0 (see right panel in Fig. 8.3). In the linear case also
an explicit expression for the target load, TL(M), can be derived for any given target
year ttar:
ttar =tc
1 ettar =tc
This equation has been used to compute target loads of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn for a
generic deciduous forest on five major soils in the Netherlands differing in texture
and organic matter content [20]. The amount of metal in the soil solution is in most
cases small compared to the total amount of metals in the solid phase. Therefore the
change in the liquid phase is often neglected in simple dynamic models (this can be
done by setting y 0 in Eq. 8.10). For example, Posch and De Vries [49]
investigated the solutions of Eq. 8.9 for y 0 for the general non-linear case of
metal partitioning (Eq. 8.10). Also in this case a characteristic time can be defined
which, however, is also dependent on the constant net metal input:
Q Min Mu 1n
A comparable approach is the CEH Simple Dynamic Model for Metals
(SDMM) [4, 5].
De Vries and Groenenberg [20] presented calculation examples for Cd, Cu, Pb
and Zn for a deciduous forest on five major soils differing in texture and organic
matter content, including a non-calcareous sandy soil and a loess, clay and peat
soil. The influence of soil type on the critical loads and target loads for Cd, Pb, Cu
and Zn in the mineral layer is shown in Table 8.6 using the approach described
in this chapter (Eq. 8.8 for critical loads and Eq. 8.14 for target loads). The small
differences that occur are the result of differences in hydrology, forest growth, pH
and DOC concentrations. Critical loads for Cd and Zn do not differ too much for
the different soils, but for Cu and Pb a larger variation is found. This is due to the
fact that the total concentration of these metals (including metal bound to DOC)
depends much more strongly on pH and DOC concentration than the Cd and Zn
concentrations. The highest CLs are calculated for peat soils because of the high
DOC concentration. The target loads are significantly larger than the critical
loads, specifically for Cu and Pb. This implies that the present metal content is
not yet in equilibrium with deposition levels for the different soils. The impact
of soil type on the target loads is limited. For Cd the target loads are highest for
clay soils whereas the reverse is true for Cu and Zn. For Pb the lowest target loads
were calculated for loess soils.
The examples by De Vries and Groenenberg [20] assume a linear relationship
between soil and dissolved metal. Posch and De Vries [49] computed characteristic
times for sand, clay and peat soils using average Dutch data for grasslands and a
uniform soil depth z 0.1 m, while accounting for non-linear speciation
(Table 8.7). As can be seen, Pb shows by far the slowest response for all soil
classes, whereas Zn shows the widest variability among different soils. In general,
the characteristic times for all metals and soils listed show that steady state is
reached very slowly, and that they are far beyond the time horizons usually
considered in (environmental) policies.
Table 8.6 Critical loads and target loads for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn for different soil types
Critical load (mg m2 year1)
Target load (mg m2 year1)
Soil type
W. de Vries et al.
Table 8.7 Characteristic times tc of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn for sand, clay and peat soils computed
from the average data for grasslands in the Netherlands
Characteristic time tc (year)
Soil type
Cd (n 0.50)
Pb (n 0.67)
Cu (n 0.51)
Zn (n 0.61)
Critical loads and limits and their exceedances of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb have been
calculated and mapped for the entire United Kingdom to assess potential environmental effects in different habitats [4, 5, 38]. The results are summarised in
Table 8.8. Critical loads are highest in the north and west, and at higher altitudes,
where soils tend to be acid and runoff is high. The total area of critical load
exceedance is greatest for Pb, followed by Zn and Cd, most instances occurring in
the south and east of the country, where critical loads are lower. Forested ecosystems
are most vulnerable, due to the greater scavenging effects of the vegetation. It is
difficult to generalise about current soil metal levels in relation to critical limits.
The total area of critical limit exceedance is greatest for Zn, the main areas affected
being near to the old industrial centres of south Wales, northern England and the
Central Lowlands of Scotland. Cadmium is the least problematic of the four metals.
Considering all four metals together, only in a very few locations are both critical
loads and critical limits exceeded. The low degree of critical limit exceedance for
Pb, despite the fairly high critical load exceedance, may reflect the long times
required to approach steady state (see the aspect of time scales in Sect. 8.5).
The methodological manual, developed under the LRTAP Convention, has been
adopted for the metals Cd, Pb and Hg [23, 71]. Critical loads of these metals have
been derived for European ecosystems using human and environmental endpoints
in the framework of activities under the LRTAP Convention. Altogether, 18
countries submitted critical loads of heavy metals. Critical loads of Cd, Pb and
Hg were computed by 17, 17 and 10 countries, respectively, addressing either
ecotoxicological effects on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems or human health
effects. Table 8.9 presents the indicators used in the computation of critical loads,
limited to ecotoxicological effects on terrestrial ecosystems and human health
effects. Critical loads were not calculated for animal products nor a CL(Hg) for
Table 8.8 Exceedances of critical loads and critical limits for UK natural and semi-natural
habitats, expressed as percentages of total area
Exceedances (%)
Type of exceedance
Critical load
Critical limit
Critical load and
critical limit
Area (km2)a
Areas for Cd are 10,295, 7,971, 3,222, 1,015 and 22,503 km2 respectively because data for
Scotland are lacking
Table 8.9 Overview of indicators used in the computation of critical loads
Heavy metals Land cover types to
of concern
be considered
Indicator/critical limit
Human health Cd, Pb, Hg
All ecosystems
Total concentration in soil water below
the rooting zone (to protect ground
Cd, Pb, Hg
Content in food, fodder and crops
Cd, Pb, Hg
Content in grass and animal products
(cows, sheep)
Cd, Pb
Arable land, grassland, Free ion concentration in view of
effects on soil micro-organisms,
plants and invertebrates
Forest soils
Total concentration in humus layer in
view of effects on soil micro
organisms and invertebrates
food crops. Critical loads maps of the metals have been published, based on
results by the various European countries, as presented in Slootweg et al. [56].
The European synthesis of the country submissions was done by first taking the
minimum critical load of health effects and of ecosystem effects for each ecosystem. Then for each grid cell and for each metal, the fifth percentile of the distribution of these minimum critical loads was calculated for health effects and
ecosystem effects separately. Figure 8.4 shows the fifth percentile of the minimum
W. de Vries et al.
Fig. 8.4 Critical loads of cadmium (top), lead (middle) and mercury (bottom) aiming to protect
95% of the terrestrial ecosystems from risks for human health (left) and ecosystem health (right)
(see Table 8.9). The darker the shade the more sensitive the area
critical loads for human health (left) and ecosystem health (right) of Cd (top), Pb
(middle) and Hg (bottom), while limiting the results to terrestrial ecosystems.
Depositions were compared to critical loads to identify areas where ecosystems
are at risk, i.e. where deposition exceeds critical loads. Depositions were computed
with a long-range atmospheric dispersion model by the EMEP Meteorological
Synthesizing Centre East under the LRTAP Convention. The methods used are
described in Ilyin and Dutchak [40]. Results showed that the risks of effects of Pb
are more widespread than those of Cd.
The reliability of critical loads and target loads mainly depends on the reliability of
the various parameters determining these loads. Both loads are influenced by metal
uptake (yield and metal content in stem wood) and the water flux leaving the root
zone. In the case of CLs, the uncertainty is further influenced by the critical
dissolved metal concentration, while target loads are also influenced by the present
metal content in soil and the Freundlich adsorption constant, Kf, which in turn is
influenced by the uncertainty in the transfer function coefficients and soil properties
(specifically pH and soil organic content). Ashmore et al. [4] concluded from an
uncertainty analysis that the uncertainty in the terms aCRIT and gCRIT in the critical
W. de Vries et al.
Table 8.10 Mean absolute errors of dissolved total metal
concentrations (mg m3) calculated with W6-MTC compared to measured concentrations using measured and
default values for DOC
Mean absolute error (log-concentration)
DOC measured
DOC default
The uncertainty of the calculation of total metal concentrations from free metal
concentrations with a chemical speciation model, such as WHAM-VI, is due to
uncertainties in the model approach, the model inputs (DOC, Al and Fe concentrations in solution) and the parameterisation of the model. Especially the variable
fraction and binding properties of fulvic acids in dissolved organic matter contribute to substantial uncertainty in predicted metal speciation [36]. To get an idea of
the adequacy of such an approach, De Vries and Groenenberg [20] used the
WHAM-VI model to calculate total metal concentrations from FMI activities,
similar to the approach in the CL calculations, for datasets in which both total
and FMI concentrations in solution were measured [47, 48, 74]. The input data to
WHAM-VI were the FMI activity, the organic matter content, the pH and DOC.
Because DOC is usually not available for CL mapping, they also made calculations
in which DOC was set to standard values from to the mapping manual [23]. The
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of the log-concentration (Table 8.10) varied between
0.11 for Zn and 0.45 for Pb when using the measured DOC concentrations. This
means that the concentrations on a linear scale vary by a factor 1.32.8. The error is
largest for the strongly complexing metals Cu and Pb, for which calculations are
also most sensitive to variation in estimated DOC concentrations (compare DOC
measured and DOC default in Table 8.10).
Unlike critical loads, target loads are strongly influenced by the transfer functions
for solid solution partitioning of metals. Sorption and ion exchange are reasonably
Dissolved total metal concentration (mg m3)
0.6 (0.14.3)
0.6 (0.075.7)
5.5 (0.971)
8.2 (2.528)
53 (6.7599)
12 (1.2125)
216 (33723)
44 (12195)
Values are medians with the range between the 5th and 95th
percentile between brackets
By definition, a critical metal load equals the load resulting at steady state in a
metal concentration in a compartment (e.g. soil solution, plant, fish) that equals
the critical limit for that compartment. As shown above, the time period before a
critical limit is reached can be very long and dynamic modelling provides insight
into the build-up in soils of anthropogenic inputs of metals over past centuries and
future changes. Such dynamic assessments give crucial additional information to
critical loads.
Tipping et al. [67, 68] used the CHUM-AM model to simulate combined
acidification and metal behaviour for catchments in Cumbria (north-west England).
The model includes WHAM-VI and can therefore account for the competitive
binding of protons and major and minor metallic cations by soil organic matter.
Representations are also included of hydrology, speciation in soil solution, adsorption by Al and Fe oxide phases in the deeper soil, chemical weathering, dissolved
W. de Vries et al.
and particulate transport, and speciation in surface waters. Catchment soils were
estimated to have retained 90% or more of previously-deposited anthropogenic Cu
and Pb, but the proportions of metals that sorb relatively weakly to the soil (Ni, Zn,
Cd) were smaller. Retention is lowest in acid soils. Model outputs suggested that
the weakly-sorbing metals will respond on timescales of decades to centuries to
changes in metal inputs or acidification status, while timescales for Cu and Pb will
be centuries to millennia. Similar conclusions were drawn from applications of
CHUM-AM to the Lochnagar catchment in Scotland [69] and a number of other
catchments in England [4]. Soil metal levels in the future will depend particularly
upon current soil metal levels (reflecting historical deposition), future metal deposition, acidification status, and changes in soil organic matter content [5].
Broader-scale application is possible through the Simple Dynamic Model for
Metals (SDMM) [4, 5], which operates at constant metal deposition rate and soil
pH. The SDMM calculates the time required for soil metal concentrations to rise
or fall from their current level to within 10% of the concentration associated with
the critical limit (defined in terms of free metal ion concentration). The model was
applied to managed broad-leaved woodland soils in the UK, with Cu and Zn
concentrations below the limit values, and for which the critical load is exceeded;
most of the soils in question were in southern, central and eastern England.
For soils with already high metal concentrations, very little time is needed to
come to within 10% of the limit. At the other extreme, i.e. soil metal concentrations
presently quite low and only slight exceedance of the critical load, the model
predicts that up to 5,000 years are required. The median time was similar for the
two metals, about 400 years.
De Vries et al. [22] and Groenenberg et al. [34] used a one layer mass balance
model to estimate the impacts of Zn and Cu inputs, respectively, in Dutch agricultural systems on metal concentrations in soil and soil solution in the root zone/
plough layer. The metal inputs considered included the application of animal
manure and fertilizers, the use of organic material and atmospheric deposition.
Metal outputs included uptake by plants (grass, maize and arable land were
considered) and leaching to deeper soil layers. Metal uptake was calculated as the
product of yield and plant metal contents, which in turn were calculated from soilplant relationships (Zn) or using average plant metal contents (Cu) [26]. Metal
leaching was calculated from the yearly average downward water flux and the total
metal concentration in solution calculated from the metal content in soil using a
transfer function which relates total solution concentrations to reactive metal
content and soil properties (soil organic matter content, pH, oxalate extractable
Al and Fe) [53]. Soil metal contents were compared with critical metal contents
(i.e. Predicted No Effect Concentrations PNEC) derived according to the method
developed in the European risk assessment [RAR, 56]. The model was applied to
the whole of the Netherlands using 4647 STONE plots which cover all the
agricultural land. The plots consist of one or more 500 500 m grid cells with a
unique combination of land use, soil type and ground water table class. Available
data include basic soil properties (pH, organic matter and clay content and oxalate
extractable Al and Fe content) and hydrology [75]. Initial soil metal contents
As with their use for N and S, critical loads and targets loads for metals are a
potential policy tool to optimise the protection of the environment for a given
international investment in pollution control. However, unlike N and S, the time to
reach steady state can be hundreds to thousands of years and this makes the approach
less useful, unless used in addition to a dynamic modelling approach. The reason for
this is that variations in metal transformation and transport, moderated by climate
change and soil acidification over time, may influence exposure and effects more
than the magnitude of the metal input. Climate change influences the soil water
balance, changes vegetation types and drive land use change, thus affecting the
carbon cycle, and thereby the concentration of dissolved organic carbon. Soil
acidification, in terms of a change in pH, will influence complexation, sorption,
precipitation and ion exchange processes. Such changes are not included in the
assessment of target loads. Dynamic modelling is therefore important to assess the
future risk of metal inputs, in addition to the use of critical loads and target loads.
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38. Hall, J., Ashmore, M., Fawehinmi, J., Jordan, C., Lofts, S., Shotbolt, L., Spurgeon, S.,
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34, 291296.
Part II
Chapter 9
Walter W. Wenzel
Abstract Arsenic (As), an ubiquitous element known for its toxicity to biota
naturally occurs in several oxidation states between III and +V. Total As concentrations in the soil solid phase range between 0.1 and 55 mg kg1 in uncontaminated
soils but may be as high as several percent in soils contaminated by mining, smelter
and other industrial activities. In aerobic mineral soils, As is primarily associated
with iron (Fe) (oxy)hydroxides whereas As sulphide minerals may precipitate in
anaerobic conditions. In the presence of Fe (oxy)hydroxides only minor amounts
of As are associated with (oxy)hydroxides of aluminium (Al) or manganese (Mn),
clay minerals or organic matter. There is no evidence for significant association of
As with calcium (Ca) minerals below pH 9.5. Binding of As to organic matter
appears to be important in organic soils such as forest floors of peat, but the nature
of this association is largely unknown. The main control of both As(III) and As(V)
solubility in soils is sorption to Fe (oxy)hydroxides, mainly as inner-sphere bidentate
(mononuclear and binuclear) and monodentate surface complexes, with a greater
share of monodentate complexes at low As loads and increasing pH (at pH values
>8), and predominance of binuclear bidentate complexes at highest As loads. The
main As species in soil pore water are arsenate in aerobic soil and undissociated
arsenous acid in anaerobic conditions, with little contribution of organic forms. Soil
pore water in organic soils may also contain substantial amounts of organic As,
primarily in methylated forms. Biological transformations of As include oxidation
reduction and methylation demethylation reactions triggered by soil bacteria and
fungi. Plant roots take up As(V) via phosphate transporters and As(III) by
aquaporins and release As(III) back into their rhizospheres after internal reduction
of As(V) to As(III). Arsenic pollution is a global phenomenon with a major
W.W. Wenzel
Arsenic, the twentieth most abundant element in the earths crust, is a metalloid
with the atomic number 33 and atomic mass of 74.9216 g mol1. Its outer electron
configuration is 4s24p3. Together with nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), antimony (Sb)
and bismuth (Bi), As belongs to the fifth main group of the periodic table. The name
arsenic is derived from the old Persian word zarnikh, which means yellow
orpiment, As2O3 [152]. As with other metalloids, As has semiconductor properties
and occurs in nature in various oxidation states including +V, +III, 0, and III.
Arsenic shares chemical similarity with P and therefore acts as an analogue in
various biological processes such as uptake in plants and micro-organism, and in
terms of its chemical behaviour in soils. However, the soil chemistry of As is more
diverse than that of P as As exists in more than one oxidation state, forms bonds
with sulphur (S) and carbon (C) more readily, and undergoes biological
transformations resulting in volatilisation from soil [136, 157].
In very small concentrations, As appears to be essential in animals [184] and
beneficial in plants [42]. However, As is most renowned for its toxic effects in the
environment. While its high toxic potential has been known and employed since
ancient times, it received new and global attention when the large-scale disaster of
As-poisoned drinking and irrigation water became known in the mid 1990s,
stimulating substantial research on As and its fate in the environment.
This chapter is intended to provide an up-to-date overview on the behaviour and
biogeochemistry of As in soils.
Estimates of global pools and cycling (fluxes) of As are depicted in Fig. 9.1. Arsenic
in the soil reservoir globally amounts to 1.72.5 109 t which is 45 orders of
magnitude less than the amount of As stored in the earths crust and 2530% of the
As present in sea water (oceans) (Fig. 9.1). However, the As soil pool exceeds those
in the atmosphere, freshwaters and terrestrial plants by 46 orders of magnitude.
Sea spray
0.8 1.74 x 103 t
3.35 x 104
Wind erosion
1.98 x 103
Low-temperature volatilisation
0.0162.62 x 104
9 Arsenic
4.3-8.2 x 103
2.27.4 x 104
5.7 x 105
Marine Plants
3.9 x 104 t
Terrestrial Plants
1.84 x 105 t
1.1 x 104
0.3 5.4 x 104 t
1.0 - 1.5 x 104
2.54 x 104
?? t
5.5 x 104
Terrestrial volcanism
1.7 x 104
4.0-9.0 x 104
0.77 - 1.4 x107 t
2.9 x 104
1.7 2.5 x 109 t
3.04 x 104
1.0-1.5 x 104
5.7 x 105
2.8 x 109 t
0.40-6.75 x 104
Submarine volcanism
4.8 x 103
0.8 - 1.4 x 1014 t
4.6 x 104
3.8 x 104
Accessory extraction
> 7.9 x 104
Fig. 9.1 Global pools and cycling of As. Data are obtained from Matschullat [120] unless stated
otherwise. The total arsenic pool in soil was calculated using an estimated global soil mass (to
100 cm depth) of 3.3 1014 t [81] and average As concentrations of 5 and 7.5 mg kg1 soil
(Table 9.1). The pool of As in the lithosphere was calculated using an estimated pool mass of
5.7 1019 t [81] and average As concentrations of 1.5 and 2 mg kg1 [120]. The pool of dissolved
As in oceans was calculated using an estimated pool mass of 1.4 1018 t [81] and an average
concentration of 2.0 mg L1 [38]. The dissolved arsenic pool in freshwater was calculated using an
estimate of the global pool masses of 3.2 1,013 t [81] and As concentrations of 0.1 (lower value)
and 1.7 mg L1 [120]. The annual flux of dissolved As via rivers to the oceans was estimated using
the same As concentrations and an annual water flow of 3.97 1013 t [101], the flux of particulate
As was calculated by assuming the same Arsenic concentrations in particulates as in soil (5 and
7.5 mg kg1) and a particulate (sediment) flux of 2 109 t year1. The As pool and annual uptake
in marine plants were calculated using estimates for the global marine phytomass of 3.9 109 t,
annual marine phytomass production of 5.7 1010 t year1 [199] and an average As concentration in marine plant biomass of 10 mg d.m. kg1 (based on data compiled in [151]). Arsenic pool
and annual uptake in terrestrial plants were calculated using estimates for global terrestrial
phytomass of 1.84 1012, annual terrestrial phytomass production of 1.13 1011 t year1 [199]
and the world reference arsenic concentration in plants of 0.1 mg d.m. kg1 Markert [118]. The As
fluxes back to the soil and ocean water is assumed to be in the same order as the respective uptake
fluxes in plants (not depicted). The lower estimate of global Arsenic input to soils via weathering was
estimated using the global mechanical and chemical weathering rate of 2 1010 t year1 estimate
given by Garrels and Mackenzie [55] and an average As concentration in the lithosphere of 2.0 mg
kg1 [120]. The higher estimate was taken from Nriagu [134]
W.W. Wenzel
Median Mean
Aqua regia [139]
Aqua regia
Aqua regia
Aqua regia
Aqua regia
9 Arsenic
W.W. Wenzel
ng m3
ng m3
9 Arsenic
mg kg1
mg kg1
mg kg1
mg kg1
mg kg1
Poultry litter
Poultry litter
Sewage sludge
Coal ash
mg L1
Feed additives
mg L1
Irrigation water
mg kg1
mg kg1
mg L1
mg L1
mg L1
mg L1
mg L1
mg L1
Rock phosphate
W.W. Wenzel
Wood ash
Wood fly ash
Wood bottom
mg kg1
mg kg1
mg kg1
mg kg1
CCA-C (most common CCA
type in North America)
9 Arsenic
W.W. Wenzel
Atmospheric Deposition
Soil in contact with (e.g., Gleysols) or under irrigation by groundwater (e.g., paddy
soils) may receive additional input of As, especially where the aquifer is in contact
with As-rich sediments [30] or (mine) waste materials [200]. The estimated world
background for As concentrations in groundwater is in the range of 0.50.9 mg L2
but As concentrations may exceed 1,000 mg L1 due to geogenic or anthropogenic
influences (Table 9.2). The probably most well-known case is the As calamity in
West Bengal (India) and Bangladesh where not only hundred thousands of people
suffer from diseases related to the use of contaminated tube well waters [30, 133],
but irrigation of (paddy) fields has resulted in substantial As accumulation in soils
[3, 17] and transfer into the food chain [126].
Agricultural Materials
In managed agricultural soils, As inputs may arise from the application of inorganic
and organic fertilisers, lime, pesticides (insecticides, herbicides), defoliants (e.g., in
potato crops), desiccants, soil sterilants, livestock wastes (where As compounds
are used as a fodder addititive) and biosolids such as composts or sewage sludge
(Table 9.2) [9, 136]. These materials are also in use for the management of non-crop
areas such as turfs, lawns, and roadsides.
In 1600, early uses of inorganic As as an insecticide (in rice crops) were
documented in the Chinese Encyclopedia of Medicine [9]. Long-term excessive
use of inorganic arsenical pesticides, in particular arsenic acid (H3AsO4), Ca
and Pb arsenates, from the early 1860s until the introduction of DTT and other
organic substitutes in the 1940s [9, 135] has left behind As accumulation in many
(apple) orchard soils [50, 91, 127, 140, 188, 204]. Organoarsenical compounds,
9 Arsenic
Biosolids such as composts and sewage sludge are partly recycled to agricultural
and forest soils and are increasingly used in landscaping. Depending on the origin
(industrial, communal), the collection (e.g., separated or mixed sewer system) and
processing technology, some biosolids may contain high levels of As (Table 9.2).
However, such materials are commonly banned from recycling to soil in some
countries and progress has been made towards the production of clean biosolids,
e.g., through separation of industrial and communal (household)-derived waste
flows and separate sampling of metallic wastes. Therefore, biosolids are not a
major source of As in soils where effective regulations are in place. Disposal and
agronomic re-utilisation of some communal and industrial wastes, including
biosolids, are another potential source of As in soils.
Coal and wood ashes may contain high As levels (Table 9.2) which if applied
repeatedly may locally increase As concentrations in soil. The extent of As
pollution depends largely on the quality of feed coal or wood and the ash fraction
(bottom ash, coarse and fine fly ash) considered [32]. In Australia and New Zealand,
Na arsenite has been widely used as cattle dip for controlling ticks, resulting in local
As accumulation in the surroundings, with soil As concentrations as high as
14,800 mg kg1 [122]. Chromated Cu arsenate (CCA) and ammoniacal Cu Zn
arsenate (ACZA) has been widely used as wood preservative in the United States,
Canada and many developing countries such as Bangladesh, resulting in widespread but very local (up to 0.5 m distance) As accumulation (and leaching) in soils
around wooden utility poles [17, 131, 210].
W.W. Wenzel
Solid Phase
Arsenic in soils is most commonly associated with its primary minerals derived
from the parent material, secondary minerals (primarily Fe oxy/hydroxides;
sulphides) formed in the course of mineral weathering, and As adsorbed to mineral
surfaces. Association of As with soil organic matter and Ca (minerals) has been
repeatedly claimed, mainly based on unquestioned interpretation of the Chang and
Jackson [22] procedure for P extraction, but seem to be of minor importance in
most mineral soil horizons. Organic As present in forest floor, peat, and other soil
materials high in organic matter are typically derived from plant residues and
throughfall. Relevant association with Ca (minerals) is likely to occur only in
extremely alkaline environments and has only been inferred from studies with
pure phases such as calcite [15, 44, 130, 148].
9 Arsenic
W.W. Wenzel
importance for As immobilization. In another study, Juillot et al. [95] showed that
Ca arsenates may precipitate from highly acidic waste pile leachates once they
get in contact with carbonate subsurface layers. However, the high solubility of
these Ca arsenate compounds do not make them relevant candidates for As immobilization in contaminated surface-near environments [95]. This is also supported
by findings of Sadiq [156] showing undersaturation of 19 calcareous soils from
Saudi Arabia even with respect to the thermodynamically most stable arsenic
minerals (Ca3(AsO4)2 and Mn(AsO4)2) expected in such environments [158].
9 Arsenic
structures. It remains unclear in which form As is bound in this residual fraction and
how it might be incorporated in soil humic substances in the course of humification.
Based on studies of model systems such as humic or fulvic acids, peats and
composts, several authors suggested that As sorption to (solid) soil organic matter
may be an important feature of As biogeochemistry in soils [132, 177]. The main
mechanisms of As sorption to both solid and dissolved organic matter may include
the formation of inner-sphere complexes of As with at pH 7 positively-charged
humic acid amine groups [155] and ternary complexes via metal cation bridging
(e.g., to fulvic acids), primarily with Fe, Al, Mn, Ca and Mg [104]. Mukhopadhyay
and Sanyal [132] suggested the participation of both phenolic and carboxylic
groups in the inner-sphere complexation of As by fulvic and humic acids. Dialysis
(cut-off 500 and 3,500 Da) of water extracts obtained from five golf course soils
with varied peat content revealed that spiked As was primarily bound to (dissolved)
peat-derived organic compounds of molecular size between 500 and 3,500 Da,
which contained virtually no Fe, Al or Ca [23]. These findings indicate the existence of As-DOM rather than of ternary complexes in the investigated golf-course
soils. Arsenic complexes formed with fulvic and humic acid fractions isolated from
two West Bengali soils as evaluated by the ion exchange method were found to be
quite stable [132]. The stability constants (LogK) were approximately inversely
related to molecular weight and to properties that correlate with hydrophobicity of
the organic acids. Exchange isotherms suggested a 2-phase exchange of As from its
organic complexes by phosphate and nitrate, possibly indicating the existence
of both outer-sphere and inner-sphere complexes of As with humic and fulvic
acids [132]. However, the extent of exchange with both ions (i.e., nitrate and
phosphate) was small [132], which is in accord with the low extractability of As
from forest litter [74].
W.W. Wenzel
9 Arsenic
sites [51, 186]. As the chemical sorption step for arsenate is rapid [65], sorption-related
non-equilibrium observed in breakthrough experiments of arsenate in soil columns
are likely to be related to limited pore, film, and/or intraparticle diffusion [29].
This needs to be considered when using rate parameters obtained in batch environments in modelling the transport of As in soils over a range of pore water velocities
[29]. Especially at low pH and in dry conditions, As(III) adsorbed to Fe oxy/
hydroxides is less stable than in solution as indicated by higher As(V)/As(III) ratios
at goethite surfaces. The conversion of As(III) to As(V) on oxy/hydroxide surfaces
as well as in solution may be further enhanced and mediated by the presence of Mn
oxides such as birnessite (d-MnO2) [173].
It has been claimed that Al oxy/hydroxides and clay minerals might also play an
important role in As sorption in soils [1, 157]. Indeed, Livesey and Huang [107] and
Wauchope [193] found better correlations of arsenate adsorption maxima in four
Saskatchewan soils with ammonium oxalate extractable Al than for Fe. However,
these findings are in contrast to most other studies, including those based on a larger
number of soils [31, 89] and may be related to greater abundance of Al oxy/
hydroxides relative to those of Fe [49]. Direct evidence for the minor role of
gibbsite compared to Fe oxy/hydroxides for arsenate sorption by nine acidic
Australian soils is available from autoradiography using arsenate-73 combined
with electron microscopy and microprobe analysis [49]. These authors showed
that on a unit mass basis, gibbsite was much less effective than Fe or titanium
(Ti) oxides in adsorbing arsenate and could only contribute significantly to arsenate
sorption if present in sufficiently large amounts. Recently, it was shown by means
of XAS and XRF that in podzolic B horizons arsenate may be effectively sorbed to
proto-imogolite allophanes [72].
Likewise, it has been suggested that clay minerals may be involved in As sorption
in soils. The parabolic adsorption envelope of As(V) on a montmorillonitic, calcareous Vertic Torrifluvent soil after removal of the carbonates was similar to those on
the main constituents in the clay fraction, montmorillonite and kaolinite [62].
However, the sorption maxima on the clay minerals were near pH 5 but close to
7 on the soil, indicating that other minerals contributed to As(V) adsorption on the
Torrifluvent. Fordham and Norrish [49] showed that clay minerals, including
kaolinite, illite, vermiculite, and muscovite, as well as potassium-feldspar and
quartz were taking up little arsenate when they were free of surface deposits of
finely-distributed Fe oxy/hydoxides.
Significant adsorption on As on carbonate minerals phases has been demonstrated in pure systems [62, 153]. In contrast to oxy/hydroxides of Fe and Al,
carbonate minerals such as calcite exhibit positively charged (protonated) surfaces
in the pH range between 7 and 9 and have therefore been claimed to control sorption
of As in calcareous soils [157]. Goldberg and Glaubig [62] found that in a
montmorillonitic, calcareous soil, the adsorption maximum at pH near 10.5 was
much reduced after removal of the carbonates, indicating that carbonates may play
a major role in arsenate adsorption at pH above 9, corresponding to the adsorption
maximum on pure calcite. However, these researchers also concluded that adsorption of arsenate on carbonates in field situations may be of minor significance,
W.W. Wenzel
as Suarez [171] reported a mean pH of 7.41 0.13 for a calcareous soil in the field
under different moisture conditions. In general, calcareous soils exhibit pH values
ranging mainly between 7 and 8. Moreover, Oscarson et al. [138] report substantially decreased adsorption (at pH 7) of As(III) on birnessite (d-MnO2) coated
with CaCO3 as compared to pure birnessite. They explain this finding with low
(if any) sorption capacity for As which was also demonstrated by the extremely low
sorption of As(III) on pure CaCO3 in their study. All together, these findings
suggest that carbonate minerals are of minor importance for arsenic sorption
in soils with pH <9.
Sorption of As to organic compounds has been demonstrated in pure systems
[177, 191]. Formation of inner-sphere complexes of As with amine groups which
are positively-charged at pH >7 [155, 177], carboxylic and phenolic groups [132],
and of ternary complexes with polyvalent bridging cations, in particular Ca, Al,
and Fe [104, 150, 177] has been proposed as mechanisms of As sorption on organic
matter. However, in mineral soils it appears that organic matter often does not
significantly contribute to [31, 209] or may even decrease As sorption to the soil
solid phase [88, 89]. This has been explained by occupation of (high-energy)
sorption surfaces on Fe oxy/hydroxides by organic matter due to formation of
organo-mineral complexes, organic matter coatings on minerals [150], and competition of dissolved organic carbon [64] for sorption sites.
Comparative investigations of As sorption on pure mineral phases and related
organo-mineral complexes (or minerals coated with organic matter) suggest a rather
complex interaction. Both arsenate and arsenite sorption on colloidal hematite
(a-Fe2O3) were reduced on samples pre-treated with natural organic matter in the
presence of Na as background electrolyte or desorbed upon addition of these
materials [150]. Similar results were obtained with synthetic goethite (a-FeOOH)
and Na as background electrolyte; humic and fulvic acids decreased arsenate and
arsenite sorption on goethite over a wide range of pH values when added either
before, during, or after reaction of the arsenic species with the iron mineral [64].
Independent of pH, humic acid-coated kaolinite also adsorbed less arsenate than the
crude mineral in the presence of Na electrolyte [27, 155], but arsenate sorption was
greater on the crude kaolinite at pH >5 when Na was replaced by Ca electrolyte of
identical ionic strength (0.01 M) [27]. Decreasing the Ca concentration to 0.0005 M
resulted in lower arsenate adsorption on both the crude and humic acid-coated
kalolinite [27]. In an earlier study, arsenate sorption on humic acids varied with pH,
adsorbate concentration and the ash content of the samples [177]. Reduction of the
ash content by acid washing, sample purification, or addition of fluoride or EDTA
resulted in lower As sorption, suggesting a role of Ca and other polyvalent cations
in As binding to humic substances [177]. From the cited work it appears that Ca
can enhance arsenate sorption on minerals and organic-mineral complexes, and in
a certain range of pH and Ca concentration (partly) reverse the apparent negative effect of organic substances on As sorption on soil minerals. This effect of
Ca may be related to increased positive surface charge [168] and/or Ca-bridging
[104, 150, 177].
9 Arsenic
W.W. Wenzel
9 Arsenic
W.W. Wenzel
Table 9.3 Arsenic concentrations in bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil solutions collected using tension lysimetry from sites in Austria, Germany and Japan
Total soil
Soil solution
Forest floor
Source of
Land use
mg As kg1 pollution
mg As L1
0.6 (0.26.8)
2.4 (1.07.4)
1.3 (0.56.1)
St. Margareten
2,1802,070 Lithogenic 5.45
101 (69.1147) 98.4 (64.1171) [198]
St. Margareten
1,400387 Lithogenic
13.1 (8.624.5) [198]
(43) 26338 Mining/
0.4 (0.25.0)
4.3 (1.56.9)
0.9 (0.32.7)
0.5 (0.12.3)
2.2 (1.37.6)
2.8 (0.56.7)
0.4 (0.054.0)
Tsukuba-Inashiki Paddy rice ca. 9/235 Irrigation
ca. 0.02.35
ca. 00.8
W.W. Wenzel
that have been identified and detected in soil pore waters and extracts primarily
include AsB, MMA, and DMA, [36, 59, 77], and smaller amounts of TMAO and
TETRA [59, 74]. Huang and Matzner [74, 76, 77] also detected traces of up to four
unknown organic As species some of which appeared to be derived from input to
the soil with throughfall, while others were probably produced by/released from
soil biota. From laboratory-scale studies, there is indirect evidence for As complexation by dissolved fulvic and humic acids [23, 132], and the formation of ternary
complexes of As with DOM via bridging cations such as Fe, Al, Mn or Ca [104,
150], but their contribution to As speciation in field soil pore waters remains to be
Speciation of inorganic As is thermodynamically controlled by pH and redox
potential, and, at equilibrium, can be predicted from pe (Eh) pH diagrams [14, 18,
69, 157]. In the common pH range of soils (pH 39), dissociation products
(H2AsO4 at pH <7, HAsO4 at pH >7) of As acid (H3AsO4) are predicted to
predominate in pore waters of aerobic (oxic) soils (pe + pH > 10), undissociated
As acid (H3AsO30) in anaerobic (unoxic; pe + pH < 8) conditions [157]. Thermodynamic predictions are well in line with speciation measurements of As(V) and As
(III) at laboratory scale [108, 119, 146] and in soil pore waters collected from field
soils [7477, 174, 198].
Apart from truly dissolved constituents, soil pore waters may also contain
colloids [1], very fine, suspended particles with dimensions between diameter 0.001
and 1.0 mm [70] that act as carriers of metal transport in aquatic environments [121]
and soils [58]. These mobile particulate phases typically include clay minerals, oxy/
hydroxides (distinct particles or as coatings on clay minerals), and humic substances
[121]. As the transition from the truly dissolved phase to colloidal fractions
is a continuum rather than defined by a clear cut-off [5], analytical partitioning
(e.g., using centrifugation, dialysis or sequential filtration) of elements among the
dissolved and colloidal fraction is operationally defined [58, 121]. In a dialysis
study, Chen et al. [23] found virtually no association of As with Fe-, Al - and Cacontaining colloids (>3,500 Da) released from the soils upon peat addition to five
golf-course soils. However, sequential filtration (employing 0.45, 0.2, and 0.1 mm
membrane filters) of solutions from two contaminated soils (Austrian Alps)
revealed substantial association (ca. 65 %) of As with Fe-bearing colloidal phases
(0.10.45 mm) in a soil with pH 5.8, and lower but still significant contribution of
colloids in soils with pH 3 (ca. 11%) and pH 6.7 (ca. 28%) [185]. Colloid-facilitated
transport (fraction 0.220 mm) of As(III) in two soils from Louisiana and New
Hampshire (pH 6.6 and 5.3) was generally small in column experiments if the ionic
background of the input solution (0.01 M NaCl) was maintained constant, but
increased upon replacement of the electrolyte solution by deionised water [211].
Concomitant peaks of colloid generation and Fe concentrations suggest mobilisation of Fe oxy/hydroxides and colloidal transport of As(III) sorbed to oxy/
hydroxides surfaces, whereas organic matter coatings appeared to stabilise aggregates
of colloidal particles [211].
9 Arsenic
W.W. Wenzel
9 Arsenic
In contrast, Deuel and Swoboda [33] observed clearly increased As solubility upon
decreased redox potentials, along with increased Fe solubility. They explained their
findings by reductive co-dissolution with Fe oxy(hydroxides) rather than reduction
of As(V) to As(III).
It has been suggested that methylation of As in soil follows the so called Challenger
pathway [21] of alternate steps of reduction and oxidative methylation, ultimately
producing volatile trimethylarsine (TMA(III)) (Fig. 9.2) [152]. However, other
organic arsenicals have been measured in soil environments and alternative
pathways of demethylation have been proposed in the literature (Fig. 9.2).
In laboratory conditions, the formation of volatile dimethylarsine and trimethylarsine (TMA(III)) was encountered in both aerobic and anaerobic soils; the rate
of volatilisation was greater in aerobic conditions and affected by the arsenical
compound (sodium arsenate, monosodium methanarsonate or cacodylic acid (CA))
applied to the soil [202]. Volatilisation losses of CA were found to depend also on
the applied amount, soil type and soil moisture [203].
Gao and Burau [52] systematically studied the effect of As form and concentration, soil moisture and temperature, and cellulose amendment on microbial
reduction, methylation and demethylation/mineralization of added inorganic and
organic arsenical compounds in a non-calcareous silty clay soil from California.
Arsine evolution increased in the order: sodium arsenate sodium arsenite <
methanearsonate (MAA(V)) < sodium cacodylate (CA). The rate of arsine formation from CA was generally small (0.0010.4% within 70 days) with a maximum
at soil moisture contents between 250 and 350 g kg1 soil, and increased with
temperature (25 C vs. 5 C) and addition of cellulose. Methylation of arsenate or
MAA(V) to CA was negligible.
Arsenate formed as the main product of demethylation of CA and MAA(V),
with higher mineralization rates observed for CA. Based on their data, Gao and
Burau [52] suggested direct demethylation of CA to arsenate rather than MAA(V)
as an intermediate. Demethylation of CA increased with CA amended, and with soil
moisture content increased from 50 to 550 g H2O kg1 soil. Cellulose addition
(05% w/w) resulted in suppressed CA mineralization. The percentage of CA and
MAA(V) mineralized within 70 days ranged between 3% and 87% [52].
In synthetic chromated Cu arsenate (CCA)-contaminated soils inoculated with
microorganisms from a surface field soil collected adjacent to a CCA-treated pole,
Dobran and Zagury [36] could not detect any As(V) reduction or biomethylation
within 40 days of aerobic conditions (80% of field capacity), irrespective of the
amount of organic matter (peat moss, poultry manure) added.
In a microcosm study under anaerobic conditions, Deuel and Swoboda [33]
found no detectable formation of volatile arsines from a number of Texas soils.
No detectable amounts of organic arsenicals were found in field-collected pore
water from an acidic fen at the end of the dormant season (April) whereas during the
W.W. Wenzel
+ H2
As C C
CH3 As CH3 X-
+ H2
As C C
Arsenate (V)
DMA (V) = CA
Arsenous acid (III)
CH3 As
As H
CH3 As
Fig. 9.2 Biotransformation pathways of As in soil. Reactions of the Challenger pathway [21] are
depicted by solid arrows, other suggested biotransformation pathways are indicated by dotted
arrows (1 methylation of DMA(III) to TETRA(V); 2 rapid demethylation of AsB to
dimethylarsenoyl acetate [78]; 3 rapid demethylation of DMAA to DMA(V) [78]; 4 demethylation of TMAO to DMA(V) (this work, based on data of [183]); 5 demethylation of DMA(V)
to MMA(V) [78]; 6 slow demethylation of MMA(V) to arsenate [78]; 7 direct demethylation
of DMA(V) to arsenate [52].; 8 reductive pathway of DMA(V) metabolisaton, i.e. bacterial
reduction of DMA(V) to volatile dimethyl arsine [1, 13]; 9 anaerobic pathway of TMA(III)
metabolisation, i.e. demethylation with dimethyl arsine as stable end product [28]; 10 arsine
formation from DMA(V) [52]). Legend for compounds: MMA(V) monomethylarsonate, methane
arsonic acid or (mono)methyl arsonic acid; MMA(III) monomethylarsonite; DMA(V) dimethylarsinate, dimethylarsinic acid or cacodylic acid (CA); DMA(III) dimethylarsinite; TMAO TMA
(V) trimethylarsine oxide; TMA(III) trimethylarsine; TETRA(V) tetramethylarsonium ion; AsB
arsenobetaine; DMAA dimethylarsenoyl acetate ( demethylarsinyl acetate)
growing season (June) organic species made up to 70% of total soluble As, with
substantial variation in the depth profile [75]. The predominant organic species
were MMA(V), DMA(V) and AsB whereas TMAO, TETRA and three unknown
species were present in lower concentrations. These findings provide evidence for
in-situ microbial methylation of arsenic [75].
Huang et al. [78] observed rapid (half-lives: 3.612 days) demethylation of
arsenobetaine (AsB) added to 0.1% pyrophosphate extracts obtained from a forest
floor (incubated aerobically) and an acidic fen soil (incubated aerobically or unaerobically) whereas DMA(V) demethylation was rather slow (half-lives: 187 days
for forest floor, 46 days for the aerobic fen extract) or negligible (un-aerobically
incubated fen extract). As they found dimethylarsenoyl acetate (DMAA) but no
9 Arsenic
Similar to microorganisms, plants are able to detoxify As(V) via root uptake,
subsequent intracellular reduction to As(III) and As(III) efflux into the surrounding
rhizosphere [213], which may explain the co-existence of As(III) and As(V) in aerobic
rhizospheres [182, 183, 189]. Reductive co-dissolution from Fe oxy/hydroxides has
been suggested as another possible mechanism of As(III) production in the rhizosphere [48]. Both mechanisms may contribute to the build up of As(III) even in
aerobic rhizospheres as found in a semi-hydroponic study for corn (Zea mays L.)
[189]. Increased As solubility (As(V) and As(III)) may further be attributed to
proton- and/or ligand-promoted co-dissolution of As and Fe oxy/hydroxides due to
root exudation of protons and low-molecular organic compounds [46, 48, 189].
Exudation of organic anions may release adsorbed As into soil pore water via ligand
exchange mechanisms [46]. Evidence for substantial As mobilisation by root
activities, in particular enhanced DOC concentrations in the rhizosphere, is available for Chinese Brake fern (Pteris vittata L.), a hyperaccumulator of As [48, 166,
181]. The efficiency of some low molecular weight organic anions for mobilising
both arsenate and arsenite from soils was also demonstrated in batch experiments
[176, 212]. Strong correlations of organic anions with dissolved Fe, Al and Mn
may suggest co-dissolution of As from oxy/hydroxides [212].
In addition to root activities, microorganisms may be involved in As transformations in plant rhizospheres. In a hydroponic study, inoculation of Azospirillum
brasilense Sp245 to the sterile plant-growth medium was shown to increase the As
(V):As(III) ratio by a factor of 1.5 [112], possibly indicating a role of rhizobacteria
in oxidation of As(III) derived from root efflux. Indirect evidence for As mobilisation by rhizosphere microorganisms may be derived from experiments where As
uptake in plants was enhanced upon inoculation of rhizobacteria or rhizofungi to
sterile soil or plant-growth medium [26].
Biotransformation of inorganic As species to DMA(V) was shown in rhizobox
and rhizobag experiments to occur in the rhizosphere of sunflower (Helianthus
annuus L.) only upon inoculation with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus
aggregatum) [182, 183]. However, TMAO was only found in the presence of the
native soil microbial community (non-sterile soil), irrespective of inoculation and
root activities [182]. In contrast to the conclusion drawn by Ultra et al. [182, 183],
their findings suggest demethylation rather than methylation of TMAO by the
inoculated arbusular mycorhizal fungus in the mycorrhizosphere, resulting in the
formation of DMA(V), as TMAO was detected in the non-sterile rhizosphere and
bulk soil compartments independent of inoculation; TMAO may have been
produced through methylation of inorganic As species by the native soil microbial
community or derived from plant material.
W.W. Wenzel
Root mineralization may contribute to the release of As to the soil pore water
[187], but the forms of As are not known. However, based on information on As
speciation in plant tissues [123, 161], it is reasonable to assume that As released
from decomposing roots is mainly inorganic (arsenite, after oxidation also arsenate)
and associated with PCs. Apart from microbial degradation, As-PC complexes are
expected to dissociate readily if released to near neutral and alkaline soil pore water
as they become instable at pH >7.2 [161].
Plants can take up As from soils both in the form of arsenate or arsenous acid. It is
generally accepted that arsenate, an analogue of phosphate, is taken up via phosphate transporters [8, 125]. More recently it was shown that arsenous acid may enter
the plant via aquaporins owing to its similarity to silicic acid [113, 124]. There is no
evidence for essentiality of As to plants [213] even though low levels may be
beneficial for root development [42]. Once taken up, arsenate in root cells is rapidly
reduced to arsenite which is released back into the external medium (As-III efflux),
complexed by thiol peptides or transferred to shoots [213]. Arsenite efflux is
thought to occur via anion channels as known for phosphorus or via bidirectional
aquaporines [213].
Arsenic concentrations in plants are largely species/cultivar/ecotype-specific
[47] and range between 0.009 and 1.5 mg kg1 for most plants growing on noncontaminated soil [97]. However, on polluted sites even excluder plants may
accumulate several thousand mg As kg1 DM in shoots and more than 10,000 mg
As kg1 DM in root tissues [46]. Arsenic hyperaccumulation has been found in
12 species belonging to the Pteridaceae family of ferns [213], with arsenic
concentrations in fronds up to >20,000 mg As kg1 DM [67, 192].
Phytotoxic levels of As in soil vary primarily depending on the source of As and
soil texture [163]. Based on a review of 60 datasets (cropsoil pairs) available in the
literature, Sheppard [163] established geometric means of toxicity thresholds for
sand and loam soils (40 mg kg1 total As), and clay soils (200 mg kg1). The higher
toxicity of As in light-textured soils is consistent with its higher solubility owing to
lower specific surface area and Fe oxy/hydroxide content [109]. Tolerance limits
for As hyperaccumulator ferns have been reported to range between 5,000 and
10,000 mg As kg1 d. wt. [110, 180].
Polluted Soils
9 Arsenic
measured at an industrial site in Belgium [19], but more commonly range between
several hundreds and thousands mg kg1. Arsenic solubility in polluted, well aerated
mineral soils containing common levels of Fe oxy/hydroxides is comparably low,
rarely exceeding a few mg As L1 [76, 198]. Again, the Belgium site studied by
Cappuyins et al. [19] displays exceptionally high pore water concentrations up to
38,000 mg As L1.
Historical As depositions accumulated in forest floors continue to leach into the
mineral soil for long periods after ease of the pollution source [41, 76, 198] where
As is readily immobilised by Fe oxy/hydroxides [198]. Therefore even highly
polluted soils have been observed to act as net sinks of As [41, 76, 198] except
two sites in the Czech Republic [41] where the retreat of soil acidification through
atmospheric deposition has been identified as a possible explanation of enhanced
As leaching in recent years. In these soils, As may be mobilised due to the
competition of hydroxyl anions.
Based on the analysis of 38 contaminated sites in the Austrian Alps and soil pore
water measurements in selected locations, Wenzel et al. [198] established threshold
levels for total As in aerobic mineral soils that may be considered safe in terms of
groundwater protection. They found that for total soil As of <200 mg kg1 soil pore
waters are expected to contain <10 mg As L1, i.e. below the current drinking water
standard of the WHO.
Surface soil contamination is often associated with enhanced uptake of As in
plants even though most plants are As excluders [17]. Whereas As concentrations
in plants normally range well below 0.5 mg kg1 d.wt. [151], pasture herbage, crop
plants and wild plants growing on As -contaminated soil have been reported
to contain slightly elevated As levels up to several mg kg1 [10, 17, 96, 103].
However, there are also reports of plants grown on extremely polluted mine
land may contain several hundreds or thousands mg As kg1 even in shoot tissues
[12, 94, 145, 201].
Concluding Comments
A wealth of new information on the fate of As in soils has become available during
the past two decades since the first edition of this book. With the availability of
novel techniques to study As interactions with mineral surfaces on a molecular
scale, our understanding of As sorption in soils has much improved. The general
interest of our societies and researchers in the environmental behaviour of As and
in particular in soils has been tremendously raised by large-scale calamities such
as the As poisoning of drinking and irrigation water in the Bengal region and
the accidental spill of As-rich material in Spain. Without doubt, this has further
stimulated research activities to understand pathways of risks associated with Aspolluted soils. Nevertheless, our understanding of some aspects of As in soil
environments is still poor, in particular little is known about the chemistry and
fate of As in organic soils and soil layers or in plant rhizospheres. The years to
come will hopefully elucidate some of the remaining white spots on the landscape of As in soil.
W.W. Wenzel
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Chapter 10
Erik Smolders and Jelle Mertens
the itai-itai disease shows that the cumulative (life-time) exposure is the best index
for estimating the effects and that a total lifetime intake of 210 g of Cd led to severe
intoxication and even death of the patients [32].
Table 10.1 shows the contrast between the human exposure at background
(ambient concentrations) and that at the point of severe poisoning. The severe
poisoning is identified at an estimated daily Cd intake via the food of about
300 mg day1. Such an intake was obtained by a combination of a large daily rice
consumption with rice containing about 0.75 mg g1. Table 10.1 reveals a number
of features that are typical for Cd. First, the fatal Cd toxicity in humans occurs at a
dietary exposure that is only about 1020-fold above natural background. Moderate
to tolerable health impacts at population level are logically found well below those
fatal impacts and can be expected closer to background concentrations. The most
recent re-evaluation of the food chain risk of Cd by WHO (2010) has defined a
tolerable monthly dietary intake value of 25 mg Cd kg1 body weight, about
58 mg day1 which is only about three to seven times the average intake value of
the general population (Table 10.1). Along the same lines, broad agricultural
surveys often find significant percentiles exceeding current crop Cd limits, even
in soils well away from point sources [1]. A second observation is that Cd effects
occur in the mg kg1 range, i.e. accurate and precise monitoring of these concentrations is an analytical challenge. No Cd monitoring programme may be trusted
without adequate quality control with certified reference materials. The relatively
late identification of the cause of the itai-itai disease has been ascribed to the lack of
good analytical facilities to identify Cd in the 1950s. As a final note, it must be
realised that exposure and effects of Cd are not simply proportional to the total Cd
concentration in soil. This is related to the large difference in Cd soil and food
bioavailability and large differences in land use and dietary habits. The Cd bioavailability in soil and in the diet obviously complicates the risk assessment of Cd,
but may be also taken as an advantage, i.e. Cd risks can be managed by reducing its
bioavailability on its route from soil to humans as will be illustrated below.
There are only a few specific Cd minerals in the environment such as greenockite
(CdS) and otavite (CdCO3). Cadmium does more commonly occur in Zn minerals
and Cd was also first discovered in 1817 by purifying it from a ZnO sample.
Cadmium has always been produced as a by-product of Zn and typical weight
Cd:Zn weight ratios are 1:200. Cadmium concentrations are generally higher in
sedimentary rocks than in igneous rocks (Table 10.2) and their concentrations
generally rise with increasing P, S and C concentrations in rocks. Soil Cd
concentrations (Table 10.2) are typically found in the 0.11.0 mg kg1 range and
the average or median values of different large scale surveys settle in the range
0.10.3 mg Cd kg1 (Table 10.2). The Cd concentrations in non-contaminated soils
generally increase with decreasing % sand since Cd is associated with the finer
0.010.10 wheat
0.020.20 rice
Contaminated (Fuchu, Japan)
0.202.0 rice
70 (WHO 19922009a)
Various legislations
Cereal grain, wheat and rice
25 (EFSA opinion, 2009b)
58 (WHO 2010c)
The lifetime Cd intake that is associated with severe Cd disease onset for 50% of the itai-itai patients is 3.8 g Cd and is 5.4 g Cd at death [32] Environmental
exposure to soil Cd mainly occurs via the intake of contaminated food; grains or potatoes are the major contributors to the human Cd diet. Numbers have been
compiled by the author based on [22] and [19]
Provisional tolerable weekly intake of 7 mg Cd kg1 body weight and converted here for an adult of 70 kg
Opinion of the European Food Safety Authority defined as 2.5 mg Cd week1 kg1 body weight and converted here for an adult of 70 kg
Adopted in the 73th meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) June, 2010 and defined as a provisional tolerable monthly
intake (PTMI) of 25 mg kg1 body weight and converted here for an adult of 70 kg [34]
Non-contaminated (ambient)
Table 10.1 The human exposure to soil Cd at ambient conditions (away for point sources) and in the region where the Cd related itai-itai disease was first
observed in the 1960s
Dietary intake for adult
Cumulative lifetime
Grain Cd (mg kg1, fresh weight basis)
(mg Cd day1)
intake (g Cd)
Exposure conditions
Soil Cd (mg Cd kg1)
E. Smolders and J. Mertens
Table 10.2 Background concentrations of Cd in rock and in soils sampled away from industrial
point sources
Cd concentration (mg Cd kg1 soil or rock dry weight)
Metamorphic 0.111.00
0.060.330.87: min, mean and max of regional means/medians [19]
0.200.671.40: min, mean and max of regional P90s P10, P50 and P90, n 840
< P10, P50 and P90, n 3045
0.050.97: range of means in rural soils
0.07 (geomean), 0.10 (average); n 3,947
4.078: P50P90
Data for Jamaica refer to geogenic (natural) Cd. Median or mean values are in bold
particles [2] and, therefore, soil texture may be used to better estimate the baseline
Cd values of soil [64]. Soil Cd concentrations exceeding 1 mg Cd kg1 may occur
naturally, for example in soils developed on shales or in organic soils [29] (see Sect. Unusually large soil Cd concentrations are widespread in Jamaica
(Table 10.2) where the country median Cd concentration is 4 mg Cd kg1 and
concentrations up to 900 mg Cd kg1 have been found [36]. The high Cd soils
are found in highly weathered bauxitic soils and the source of Cd is attributed
to dispersal of guano (sea bird droppings) deposits that formed in the Late
Miocene or Pliocene [24]. Phosphorite concretions in Jamaican soils containing
>1.1% Cd have recently been found [24] and are probably the highest reported
concentrations ever in rock phosphates. Guano deposits are naturally high in Cd
(high Cd:P ratio) and reflect the marine food web transfer of Cd from water into
pelagic birds.
Fig. 10.1 Temporal variations of trace element contents (mg kg1) in treated sewage sludge from
the Seine Aval treatment plant in Paris, France (eight million people). The Cd concentrations
decrease faster than Zn concentrations, likely due to reduction in use of Cd products and lower Cd
concentrations in galvanised structures such as roof sheets. The shaded period represents the time
of metro line construction [26]
Table 10.3 Total anthropogenic Cd emissions in the EU-16 (tons y1) from Cd/CdO industry and
its downstream users and diffuse Cd emissions from other sources estimated in 2002 [19]
To air (t year1) To soil (t year1)
Cd/CdO production and processing
Oil/coal combustion
Processing phosphates
Phosphate fertilisers
Sludge application on soil
Emissions to air largely return to soil via atmospheric deposition, i.e. a considerable fraction of the
124 t Cd y1 must be added to the emissions to soil
shift in use towards batteries that are increasingly recycled has generally decreased
fugitive Cd emissions to water and to sewage sludge in the western world. For
example, Cd concentrations in the sewage sludge from the worlds second largest
sewage treatment plant of Seine Aval (Paris) have decreased >tenfold between
1980 and 2000 while Zn concentrations decreased to a much smaller extent in the
same period (Fig. 10.1) [26].
The emission of Cd from Cd/CdO producers and processors only form a minor
part of the total emissions of Cd as illustrated for the European data (Table 10.3).
Fig. 10.2 Soil Cd increases with cumulative application of P-fertilisers in experimental plots in
Australia. The HCl soluble Cd increases from 0.03 to 0.06 mg kg1 soil [62]
Current emissions of Cd from the Cd/CdO producing industry and its downstream
users (including recycling plants) have strongly reduced in EU since estimates of
about 20 years ago. The major sources of the net Cd input at the large scale are P
fertiliser application, production of iron and steel and oil combustion. Table 10.3
suggests that the EU average ratio of Cd input in soils via P fertiliser (231 t year1)
to that by atmospheric deposition (124 t year1 air emission) is about 2:1.
The contribution of P-fertiliser to the accumulation of Cd in soil is well established,
with earliest records in Australia (Fig. 10.2) where soil Cd of experimental plots
was found to increases with cumulative P applications to the plots [62]. Numerous
long-term studies in UK, Denmark, France and Australia have demonstrated the
gradual build-up of Cd in soil with typical increases of 0.10.3 mg Cd kg1 soil
over >100 years (Table 10.4 and see [19] and for a compilation). Such concentration changes are only detectable in long term (>50 years) observations due to
analytical and sampling error.
The contribution of P-fertilisers to soil Cd has logically led to proposals to limit
Cd in P-fertilisers. Mass balance modelling has been used to estimate allowable
fertiliser Cd concentrations, i.e. concentrations at which annual losses balance the
input and at which soil Cd concentrations are not further increasing. A considerable
fraction of European fertilisers has Cd concentrations >60 mg kg1 P2O5
(Fig. 10.4). Table 10.4 illustrates the input-out Cd balance of Europe in 2002 and
Fig. 10.3 illustrates the estimated trends for different proposed Cd limits in Europe
based on mass balance modelling for different EU countries with site specific
information. This assessment showed that 100 years of ongoing use of P-fertilisers
with an average Cd/P ratio of about 140 mg Cd kg1 P (60 mg Cd kg1 P2O5) would
increase soil Cd by 20% with the 90th percentile of the scenarios predicting up to
60% increase. This would also increase food chain Cd by about the same factor
since added Cd does not show pronounced Cd fixation (see below Sect. 10.4).
Table 10.4 The Cd input-output (in g Cd ha1 year1) balance in European agricultural soils
estimated for 2002 [19]
EU average
P fertiliser
Atmospheric deposition
0.63 (measured)
0.4 (assumed net deposition)
Animal feed
Crop offtake
0.32 mg Cd kg1
Soil Cd
0.30 mg kg1
After 60 years with 2.952.50 0.45 g
Cd ha1 year1 net input
Input of Cd via compost and animal manure was not considered as a net source of Cd on the
regional scale (in contrast with field scale) although import of animal feed represents a small net
source of Cd.
Including other Cd sources
% increase in soil Cd
mg/kg P205
mg/kg P205
mg/kg P205
Fig. 10.3 Predicted change in soil Cd in European soils after 100 years at three concentrations of Cd
in inorganic P-fertilisers. Means (1090th percentile) of different EU scenarios that assume various
values of fertiliser rates, soil properties, climatic condition and included other diffuse Cd sources. This
mass balance calculation was made by this author based on the EU-wide questionnaires on fertiliser
Cd risks and was used to propose limits of Cd in EU (not yet adopted in 2011)
Cd concentrations on P basis (mg Cd kg-1 P)
Fig. 10.4 Frequency distribution of Cd concentrations in European fertilisers expressed per unit P
(Note: 137 mg Cd kg1 P is equivalent to 60 mg Cd kg1 P2O5, the latter being a proposed generic
limit in EU but not yet adopted in 2010 [48])
Fig. 10.5 Sorption isotherms of Cd determined in 103 M CaCl2 for two soils at different pH
values. The soil Cd concentrations (Y-axis) cover the range from background (<1 mg Cd kg1) to
contaminated soils (110 mg Cd kg1). The typical soil solution Cd concentrations are also
illustrated: <10 mg l1 for soils above pH 6 and up to 50 mg l1 in contaminated, acid soils
(From [14])
Table 10.5 The sorption strength of Cd2+ and other metals at trace levels on isolated humic acid
and Fe-oxides at pH 6 and a background Ca2+ of 10 mM typical for an agricultural soil
Humic acids
Kd (l kg1)
Kd (l kg1)
The Kd is the solid-liquid concentration ratio (mg kg1 divided by mg l1). The KMA is the average
sorption constant on free sites of humic acids and the KMH is sorption constant on Fe-oxides in
competition with H+. Cadmium binds stronger than Ca2+ but much weaker than Cu2+ and organic
matter is the preferred sorbent for Cd at pH 6. At pH >7, oxides become more preferential
adsorbents (not shown). Constants and calculation made with WHAM 6 speciation code
Soil organic matter, oxyhydroxides of Fe, Al and Mn and clay minerals are the
three main Cd adsorbents in soil. Numerous sorption data on these isolated soil
constituent have been collected and are now embedded in speciation codes. Protons
are the main competing cations for Cd2+ sorption on organic matter or
oxyhydroxides because Cd2+ binds to surface oxygen atoms of carboxylic or phenolic groups of humic substances or to surface hydroxyl groups on oxyhydroxides.
A general sorption equation reads:
in which SOH is the surface hydroxyl group. This simplified equation already
predicts that increasing H+ decrease sorption drastically. The sorption constants
of Cd2+ to humic acids (major sorptive phase of soil organic matter) and
Fe-hydroxides are shown in Table 10.5 and illustrates that Cd2+ binds orders of
magnitude more selective than Ca2+ (example: about 200-fold on humic acids at
environmental conditions) but somewhat less than Zn2+ and orders of magnitude
less than Cu2+. Note, however, that Ca is present at 103102 M whereas Cd is
present at 109107 M, i.e. Ca2+ is a competing cation for Cd2+ sorption despite the
pronounced Cd:Ca selectivity. The Cd2+:Ca2+ selectivity for sorption on clay minerals
is typically less than five at relevant conditions [21], therefore clay minerals are
unlikely to be important adsorbents for Cd in most soils. Speciation modeling
predicted that the majority of Cd is bound to organic matter in soils with pH < 6.5
whereas Fe-oxides become most important adsorptive constituent at pH >6.5 [10].
Cadmium may form complexes in solution with soluble ligands, i.e. inorganic
ligands or dissolved organic matter (DOM). These complexes have reduced charge
and mobilize Cd in soil. A well known example of that is the increases Cd solubility
in saline soils if chloride (Cl) or, to a lesser extent, sulfate salinity is present.
The formation of CdCln2n complexes increase Cd mobility by more than a factor
5 at 120 mM Cl compared to corresponding non-saline soils [53]. In non-saline
soils, solution speciation data and modeling shows that more than half of Cd is
present as the free cation unless at high pH where Cd-DOM complexes contribute to
increased Cd mobility (Fig. 10.6). Hence, DOM transport is not a major route by
which Cd is mobilized from soils to ground- or surface water.
Fig. 10.6 Free-ion fractions of Cd, i.e. Cd2+ concentrations relative to total dissolved Cd
concentrations, in soil solution measured with Donnan dialysis (symbols; different authors) and
values predicted by modeling for uncontaminated and contaminated soils (lines). Most data and
model predictions show >50% free Cd in solution unless at pH > 7.0 (From [17], Data do not
include saline soils where Cd complexation can be significant)
Soil pH
Fig. 10.7 Long-term reactions of Cd in soil: the concentration of radio-labile Cd after 11 () and
818 () days of incubation in 23 soils amended with 3 mg Cd kg1 at day 0. Note that ageing does
not reduce Cd availability more than about 20% unless at pH > 6.5 [58]
Kd (l/kg)
calibrated than the multi-surface model, and a best fit empirical model for different
independent data reads:
logKd 1:04 0:55 pH 0:70log%OC
Fig. 10.9 The Kd for Cd (soil Cd to soil solution Cd concentration ratio) in soil amended with
Cd2+ salts or biosolids (sewage sludge. . .) across several experimental field sites in Australia. The
fitted lines were significantly different and show that biosolid Cd was surprisingly more soluble
than Cd salts, a factors that was attributed to higher concentrations of competing cations in biosolid
amended soils [44]
precipitate Cd2+ as CdS and render solubility well below 0.1 mg l1, concentration that
can never be lowered by sorption [3]. These sulphides are rarely present as pure
sulphides and it is more likely that mixed Zn/Cd sulphides are formed. Solid solution
theory predicts a lower solubility for Cd substituted in ZnS than for pure CdS. Despite
lower solubility of CdS than ZnS, the oxidation rate of Cd is much faster than that of
Zn by several hours. Rice plants growing in a submerged soil have an aerobic
rhizosphere where such CdS may oxidize readily. Oxidation kinetics show that high
Zn:Cd sulphides (i.e. Zn:Cd molar ratio >4), are relatively resistant to oxidation [3].
Concentration in unpolished rice
Fig. 10.10 Effect of soil Cd and Zn concentrations, on Cd and Zn in brown rice grain grown at
Toyoma, Japan. Note that grain Zn was not increased by high soil Zn, but Cd had large increase [23]
Table 10.6 Crops differ in Cd concentrations. A summary of average (or median) crop Cd
concentrations of different surveys and compilations
Dry weight
Fresh weight
(mg kg1)
(mg kg1)
Non-durum wheat
Means/medians of five surveys
(n 1,733) [20]
Green bean (pod)
n 47 [33]
Durum wheat
Grassland (mainly drygrass)
n 900 [33]
n 239 [33]
Means/medians of three surveys
(n 296) [20]
Fodder maize (entire shoot)
n 197 [33]
Leek (edible part)
n 139 [33]
Tomato (fruit)
n 57 [33]
n 83 [20]
n 172 [33]
n 191 means/median of two
surveys [20]
n 170 [33]
n 95 [33]
If soil Cd data and/or soil pH data were available, crop Cd were calculated for a soil Cd
concentration of 0.40 mg kg1 ( 400 mg kg1) and pH 6.5. Crops are sorted in increasing
order of dry weight based concentrations
Fig. 10.11 Statistical distribution of cadmium concentration in grain crops [40]. The German
Richtwert (RW) for crops shown with horizontal dotted lines. The limits of the FAO codex
alimentarius are 0.1 mg g1 for cereal grains and 0.4 mg g1 for polished rice (CODEX, 2010)
Surveys of crop Cd concentrations and associated soils generally show that crop Cd
concentrations increase with increasing total Cd and with decreasing pH and, in
some cases, with decreasing %OM at constant total Cd (example: [18]). Chloride
salinity markedly increases crop Cd concentrations [39, 42] above about 50 mM
Cl in soil solution (about 500 mg Cl kg1 soil). Zinc deficiency stimulates Cd
uptake [41]. Such information has assisted the development of countermeasures to
reduce Cd in plants, i.e. soil liming, organic matter amendment and Zn fertilization.
The successes of these countermeasures are variable as will be discussed below.
Soil chemical and plant physiological studies have revealed the major
mechanisms explaining the variable Cd bioavailability among soils. These mechanisms have recently been reviewed [45] and will be briefly summarized without
reference to the original studies. Short-term ion uptake studies with roots demonstrate that Cd is actively absorbed and follows a concentration-dependent pattern
similar to enzyme kinetics. Since most Cd concentrations are below the so-called
Michaelis constant, uptake increases almost proportionally with increasing solution
concentrations. Similarly, plant tissue concentrations rise as soil concentrations
rise. This pattern is the basis of using the BioConcentration Factor (BCF) concept
(also termed Transfer Factor concept) in risk assessment, i.e. a constant plant
tissue:soil concentration relationship. In the environment, BCFs vary because of
different bioavailabilities of Cd. Variable bioavailability is related to differences in
metal or metalloid speciation, interionic effects on ion uptake from pore water and
indirect effects of soil properties on translocation within the plant. The general
paradigm on metal uptake from soil is that roots absorb elements through pore
water and the concentration of the dissolved elements affects the uptake rate. This
would suggest that soil Cd bioavailability increases as the Kd decreases, for
example as pH decreases. While decreasing soil pH indeed increases Cd bioavailability as mentioned above, the relative effects are generally smaller than that what
can be expected from a pure chemical point of view. Indeed, recent large-scale
surveys of plant metal concentrations and speciation of metals in the associated
soils demonstrated that pore water Cd concentrations or free ion activities of the Cd
did not explain the crop concentrations [12, 31]. Two processes may be invoked
here that complicate the analysis in practice, i.e. rhizosphere processes that alter the
pore water composition compared to the solution that can be sampled, and ion
competition effects which affect the uptake rate of the free ion. Concentrations
gradients of Cd in the rhizosphere are the result of the balance between the ion
uptake rate and resupply by the uptake of water. Simple calculations have
illustrated that Cd is strongly depleted in the rhizosphere because the root uptake
rate exceeds the transport to roots by mass flow and diffusion [45]. Under such
conditions, Cd bioavailability is controlled by the maximal transport which is a
complex function of solution Cd concentration, labile Cd on the solid phase
(the dynamic buffer pool) and the tortuosity of the water filled pores. Cadmium
ion uptake is furthermore affected by interionic effects, i.e. the uptake rate of the ion
decreases or increases as the concentration of an ion competing with the same
uptake site is increased or decreased, respectively. Solution culture studies have
shown that Cd uptake increases when H+ activity is lowered (pH increases), for
example shoot Cd increased factors of 413 in unbuffered nutrient solution between
pH 57 for ryegrass, lettuce, cocksfoot (Dactylus glomerata) and watercress [28].
This ion interaction effect counteracts the soil chemical effect: the soil chemical
interactions predict that soluble Cd decreases by about a factor of 12 between
pH 57 whereas the ion interaction reduce uptake of Cd2+ by factors of 413.
These counteracting interactions were also found in a pot trial with contrasting soils
grown by ryegrass and showed that the soil chemical reaction slightly outweigh the
ion uptake reactions, i.e. the net effect of increasing soil pH on decreasing crop Cd
is smaller than a factor of 1.5 per unit pH increase [31]. Field data on Cd uptake by
numerous plants also show that the net effect of increasing soil pH on reducing
cadmium bioavailability is, on average among plants, only a factor of 1.6 per unit
pH increase [45].
Plants differ in Cd concentrations when grown in similar soils (Fig. 10.10 and
Table 10.6). Grain and potato Cd concentrations have received considerable
attention because of their large impact on the dietary Cd intake by humans. For
example, a daily consumption of 300 g wheat grain products at 40 mg kg1
contributes 12 mg Cd whereas one daily portion of leafy vegetables such as lettuce
of 100 g fresh weight (5 g dry weight) at 800 mg kg1 dry weight only contributes
4 mg. Grain Cd contributing to the diet is typically largest for durum wheat (about
twofold above bread wheat, see Fig. 10.11) and agricultural products that exceed
limits are often durum wheat, sunflower kernels and peanuts. Translocation is an
important process in determining trace metal concentrations in plant tissues and
explains genotypic variations in crop Cd concentrations. For instance, it was
shown that the root-to-shoot Cd translocation via the xylem is the major process
determining shoot and grain Cd accumulation among rice cultivars for which
>tenfold variation exists in rice Cd concentrations when grown in identical
conditions [60]. That study explained the generally higher Cd concentrations in
indica cultivars than in japonica cultivars in rice. The transport from leaves to
other plant tissues (e.g., grains, tubers) can occur in phloem only. For instance, Cd
in potato tubers is not directly taken up from the soil, but is first transported in the
xylem to the shoot, and then back down through the phloem [51]. A compilation
of shoot-root Cd concentration ratios [45] revealed that Gramineae (maize,
barley, oat, ryegrass, cocksfoot, rice) are often shoot cadmium excluders (shoot:
root concentration ratio <0.05), with some exceptions. For instance, some maize
inbred lines or rice cultivars show large cadmium translocation to shoot (shoot:
root concentration ratios >0.25). Also for the Leguminosae (pea, beans, etc.), the
translocation of cadmium to the aerial parts is usually small, whereas the
Solanaceae (potato), Asteraceae (lettuce) and Brassicaceae (watercress) show in
general relatively large translocation to the shoot (shoot:root concentration ratios
>0.25). Recently, a gene (OsHMA3) was described that explains low Cd translocation to the above-ground parts of rice by coding for a transporter that sequesters
Cd in root vacuoles [59]. This transporter is present, but is not functional, in high
grain Cd cultivars. Similarly, genotypic effects of Cd concentrations in durum
wheat cultivars are related to a single gene that is responsible for root-shoot
translocation [25].
Plant-breeding can be an important tool to reduce the concentrations of Cd.
Low-Cd durum wheat cultivars and sunflower hybrids have been developed [25].
The high and low Cd near-isogenic lines of durum wheat differ about a factor 2.5 in
grain Cd concentrations when grown at the same location. This selection helps to
achieve crop Cd concentrations below legal limits without yield loss or effects
on grain quality, including grain Zn concentrations when grown in Zn deficient
soils [25].
exp. fields
veg. gard.
liming exp.
Soil pH (CaCl2)
exp. fields
veg. gard.
liming exp.
exp fields
veg. garden
liming exp.
95% confidence
Fig. 10.12 Concentrations of Cd in leek (Allium ampeloprasum L.) as a function of soil cadmium
concentration (0.43 M HNO3 extraction) (a), as a function of soil pH (b), predicted versus
measurements (c), and predicted soil concentrations (Eq. 10.3) as a function of pH where the
limit value for cadmium in leek is exceeded (d). Results are from several studies in The
Netherlands. The dotted line is the European limit value for cadmium in leek (Adapted from[45])
with Cdsoil the total Cd concentrations in soil and OM the organic matter content in
soil. Most compilations show that b <1.0, i.e. there is some non-linearity, that c is
only 0.050.40 and that d is often not statistically significant [20, 45]. Predictions of
these models and the 95% confidence intervals of the mean predictions are
illustrated for leek in Fig. 10.12.
soil microflora
soil invertebrates
higher plants
distribution curve RI 1-3
Cd soil (g g-1)
Fig. 10.13 The cumulative frequency distribution of the highest No Observed Effect
Concentrations values of Cd toxicity tests of soil microflora, invertebrates and higher plants.
Observed data and logistic distribution curve for the whole RI 1-3 data (a high quality data group)
fitted on the data. The safe soil Cd concentration is defined as the 5th percentile of the species
sensitivity distribution (HC5, indicated) and is 2.3 mg g1 ( 2.3 mg kg1). Figure extracted from
the European risk assessment of Cd-metal [19]
There is a myriad of soil Cd limits that are in place in various legislations and limits
differ in the risk pathways considered, in the margins of safety adopted (e.g. soil
screening values<soil clean-up values) and limits may be affected by political
choices. Table 10.8 illustrates the wide range of soil limits that are found.
To illustrate a risk assessment, some background information is given about the
risk assessment of Cd in Europe [19-20] which led to the conclusion that current
exposure of Cd in the EU is above acceptable limits and that countermeasures have
to be taken to reduce exposure. The most stringent risk pathway is the human health
assessment. In theory, the risk assessments has to evaluate the entire chain:
emissions-environmental concentrations-human exposure via the environment
(including food chain)-transport and disposition inside the body-concentrations in
target organs. This long and variable chain has been circumvented by contrasting
current human biomonitoring data in humans (urinary Cd concentrations, CdU in
Range reflecting different EU regions
with different soil Cd availability
and dietary habits[19]
EU-risk of chemicals-2007
EU-risk of chemicals-2007
Plants, invertebrates, soil
Human health
Table 10.8 A selection of soil Cd limits (mg kg1) and their basis
Protection goal
EU-risk of chemicals -2007
Human health
E. Smolders and J. Mertens
mg Cd g1 creatinine) to acceptable limits. The bone and kidney tissues are
considered as the most sensitive target organs for the general populations exposed
to Cd. For reference, population mean CdU values are about 0.20.3 mg g1
creatinine for the non-smoking population. The CdU values are most importantly
affected by smoking (doubled for smokers compared to non-smokers), gender
(women>men) and age (concentrations peak at age 50). Adverse health effects
on bone or kidney function due to Cd in the general population have been identified
at 13 mg Cd g1 creatinine. There is, however, a lingering scientific debate about
the health significance of the changes observed at CdU levels <5 mg g1 creatinine
and this was reflected in the contrasting views expressed during the evaluation for
this EU risk assessment. For example, The Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
(LOAEL) for CdU was agreed at 2 mg Cd g1 creatinine in the EU risk assessment
while the latest JECFA(WHO) evaluation of Cd for the general population used a
threshold of 5.2 mg Cd g1 creatinine to derive tolerable dietary Cd intake [34]. The
ratio of actual concentrations of CdU to the LOAEL is called the Margin of Safety
(MOS). A MOS value >3 was considered acceptable for the European assessment,
leading to risk when CdU exceeds 0.67 (2/3) mg g1 creatinine. When
confronted with the measured data in the general population, the amplitude of the
MOS appear >3 for more than 90% of the population, but risk could not be
excluded for smokers and iron-deficient individuals (based on the theoretical
scenarios) as the latter have higher Cd uptake from food [20].
Derivation of a limit value for Cd in soil is far more complex than assessment
direct biomonitoring, as it requires an evaluation of food chain transfer (e.g. models
as Eq. 10.3), dietary preferences of the general population and of highly exposed
individual and the food Cd bioavailability issues (not covered here but also variable
by at least factor 2). The variability (not uncertainty) of the transfers soil-plant,
plant-diet and diet-body burden are factors 210 for the general environment and
conservative evaluations that multiply worst case estimates, yield soil Cd limits
below background. For site-specific assessments, human biomonitoring may be
defensible to circumvent the uncertainties, i.e. if CdU<limit values, risk may
be excluded. However; it must be realised the CdU values reflect life-time intake
and, given the half-life of 1520 years in humans, there is always a considerable
delay between external exposure and body-burden. Blood Cd reflects current
exposure, however no generally accepted reference values exist.
equivalent to the daily Cd uptake via the diet at background. Reducing food Cd
bioavailability by managing the Fe status of consumers is probably the second best
theoretical option, given that Fe status is the second factor explaining interindividual CdU values in the general population [5]. Managing smoking and Fe-status
(food habits!) are not directly possible for regulators and, therefore, options to
reduce Cd emissions such as fertiliser Cd limits or sludge Cd limits have been
proposed (Fig. 10.3) or are in place (Table 10.8). For site-specific cases, i.e.
managing contaminated land, land use is probably the most efficient way to lower
food chain risk. For example, food crops may be replaced by non-food crops
(biofuel, cotton) or cropping systems in which transfer to consumers is limited
(sugar cane and even dairy farming). Soil liming has surprisingly no consistent
effects on crop Cd concentrations [55] although the effects are generally beneficial
if crop Cd concentrations are high, such as in high Cd or very low pH soils [30, 49].
Removal of Cd by phytoremediation is only an option in the very long-term.
For example, a field trial in a Cd contaminated, pH neutral soil (soil Cd about
2 mg Cd kg1) with different plant species yielded annual above-ground Cd
removal with harvested crop ranging between 1 and 179 g Cd ha1 year1, the
largest flux found for the Cd hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens [35].
The plough layer contains about 7,000 g Cd (025 cm, density 1.4 kg dm3),
i.e. annual removal is less than 5% of the total stock. Numerous studies have
shown successes of soil Cd immobilisation strategies by, for example, addition of
organic matter, Fe or Mn-oxyhydroxide based products can be effective in high Cd
contaminated environments. Control of soil pH is known to be a critical factor in all
such studies [9].
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Chapter 11
Abstract Nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr) are elements naturally present in all rock
types and present in the pedosphere in a range from trace amounts to relatively high
concentrations, as compared to other trace elements. Particularly high Ni and Cr
concentrations are found in serpentine rocks and soils, originating from this rock
type and colonized by a specialized flora that may present some curious species
capable of hyperaccumulating extraordinary high concentrations of Ni in their
above-ground parts. In recent decades, the large release of Cr and Ni by industrial
activities, mainly the manufacture of stainless steel, as well as the use of sewage
sludge as soil amendment in agricultural soils, have caused an impressive increase in
the levels of these two metals in the pedosphere and other environmental matrices.
This has led to increasing environmental concern as, while relatively low concentrations of Ni and Cr are essential for plants and other living organisms including
humans, both the elements are toxic for all living organisms if present in excessive
concentrations. This chapter reviews the distribution and the geochemical behaviour
of Ni and Cr, their main dynamics in the soil environment, with regards to the natural
and anthropogenic sources. The relationships of Ni and Cr with the plants, in
particular with some Ni hyperaccumulator species are also discussed.
Keywords Nickel Chromium Solubility Pollution Ultramafic rocks
Serpentine Hyperaccumulators
C. Gonnelli (*)
Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Florence,
via P.A. Micheli 1, 50121 Florence, Italy
e-mail: cristina.gonnelli@unifi.it
G. Renella
Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Florence,
P.le delle Cascine 28, 50144 Florence, Italy
e-mail: giancarlo.renella@unifi.it
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_11,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
Nickel (Ni) is positioned between cobalt (Co) and copper (Cu) in Group 10 of the
periodic table, the so-called ironcobaltnickel group of metals. Ten isotopes
of Ni exist in nature and the most abundant stable isotope has atomic number 28,
atomic mass of 58.71 g mol1, electron configuration [Ar]3d84s2, electronegativity
value of 1.8, density of 8.9 g cm3 at 20 C, ionic radius of 0.069 nm for Ni(II)+
and 0.06 nm for Ni(III)+, van der Waals radius of 0.124 nm, standard potential
0.25 V and melting and boiling points at 1,453 C and 2,913 C, respectively.
Normally, the Ni oxidation states are 0 or +2, although the +1 and +3 states can
exist under certain conditions. The dominant inorganic species is Ni(II) throughout
the pH and Eh range of most natural waters as it readily loses two electrons and,
in any case, Ni(I) and Ni(III) ions are not stable in aqueous solution [3].
Elemental Ni is a silvery white, hard, malleable metal. Even though the use of
Ni can be traced back to the beginning of the Bronze Age in Mesopotamia in
3500 BC, the identification of Ni as an element is relatively recent. In 1751
the Swedish chemist and metallurgist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt isolated a white
metal from minerals originating from a CuCo mine, while he was attempting
to extract Cu. The Ni containing mineral, from which Cronstedt extracted this
metal, was probably now called Niccolite (NiAs). The name nickel was derived by
the German word kupfernicke used for Niccolite, meaning Devils copper or
St Nicholass (Old Nicks) copper. Although the aspect of Niccolite is that of a Cu
mineral, no Cu can be extracted from it and for this reason the Saxon miners had
named the mineral according to the spiteful dwarf Nickel, who had apparently
turned the Cu in the ore into a non-available form.
Nickel is a transition element with a broad range of applications in modern
industry, being used in everything from coins to automobiles to jewellery. The
largest Ni use by far is the manufacture of stainless steel, an alloy consisting of 8%
Ni, 18% Cr and 74% Fe. Moreover, Ni is an excellent catalyst for many reactions
and so it is used for a large number of industrial and research applications alone or
in combination with other metals.
A primordial, but still conserved today, role of Ni in a different scenario, that is
the biological one, accounts for the industrial chemistry of this metal. In fact,
some industrial processes, such as hydrogenation, desulfurization, and carbonylation are based on some chemical properties of Ni just as the corresponding
Ni-dependant enzymes, i.e., hydrogenase, carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, and
methyl-coenzyme M reductase [81]. So, Ni is well known as an essential trace
element for plants and cyanobacteria [77, 118]. Furthermore, Ni can be regarded
as a catalyst of early life [65]. In fact, the environment in which life began was
most likely electron-rich, and gases, such as H2 and CO2, and metal sulphides were
available [97, 98]. Thus, special catalysts were needed to handle these gases and so
this element was employed for a rich biochemical role by early-life forms [84].
The mineral greigite [Fe5NiS8], an FeNi sulphide, could be regarded as a possible
candidate for an early Ni catalyst as its molecular structure is very similar, for
example to that of the thiocubane [4Fe4S] unit of the ferredoxins [96]. The relative
importance of Ni for primordial forms of life most likely decreased following the
changes in the atmospheres chemical composition, particularly the massive photosynthetic O2 production [35].
While Ni is essential in certain bacteria, plants, and domestic animals, its
essentiality for humans is still not very clear and the toxicity and carcinogenicity
of high doses of Ni are well documented and depend mainly on its potential to
damage proteins and nucleic acids [58].
Chromium (Cr) was first discovered in a Siberian red lead (Pb) ore in 1798 by the
French chemist Louis Nicholas Vauquelin, who obtained metallic Cr from crocoite
(PbCrO4). Chromium is a steel-grey, lustrous, hard, brittle metal of Group 6 of the
transition series.
The most abundant stable isotope has the following physico-chemical properties: atomic number of 24, atomic mass of 51.996 g.mol1, electronic configuration [Ar]3d54s1, electronegativity value of 1.6, density of 7.19 g cm3 at 20 C, an
ionic radius of 0.061 nm (Cr III) or 0.044 nm (Cr VI), a van der Waals radius of
0.127 nm, standard potential 0.71 V (Cr III/ Cr), and melting and boiling points at
1,907 C and 2,672 C, respectively. The trivalent Cr(III) and the hexavalent Cr(VI)
species are the stable forms of this element, other oxidation states can transiently
exist in living organisms [107].
The origin of the name comes from the Greek word chroma meaning color as
many of its compounds are intensely and variously colored. Its use can be dated
back to the third century BC from the analysis of weapons found in some Chinese
burial pits from more than 2,000 years ago. Such archaeological finds showed no
sign of corrosion, because the bronze was coated with Cr.
Chromium is used on a large industrial scale including metallurgy, electroplating,
production of paints and pigments, tannery, wood preservation, chromium chemical
production, and pulp and paper production. Due to its high corrosion resistance and
hardness, chromium is largely used to form stainless steel. This application and
electroplating are currently the highest volume uses of the metal. Wastes from
Cr industries (e.g., sludge, fly ash, slag, etc.) have been employed as a fill material
at numerous locations [100] at which leaching and seepage of Cr(VI) from the soils
into the groundwater poses a considerable health hazard. Water resources can also be
contaminated instead by Cr mainly from the tanning industry [25].
Chromium(III) is essential for humans and Cr deficiency can have detrimental
effects on the metabolism of glucose and lipids (e.g., impaired glucose tolerance,
elevated fasting insulin, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, and hypoglycaemic
symptoms) [5, 6]. On the other hand, ingestion of large amounts of Cr(III) may
cause health problems such as lung cancer [34, 121]. Cr(VI) is toxic to biota at
concentrations in the order of 10100 times lower than Cr(III) [59], being a carcinogen and may cause death to animals and humans if swallowed in large doses [110].
Human exposure to Cr-containing substances includes ingestion of food and water,
inhalation of airborne particulates, and contact with numerous manufactured items
containing Cr compounds [110]. The limit concentration for drinking water
established by the World Heath Organization is 50 mg L1 of Cr(VI) . This value
can be often exceeded in drinking waters of areas with ophiolitic rocks such as
California, Italy, Mexico and New Caledonia [44].
This chapter describes the main natural and anthropogenic sources of Ni and Cr
in soil, their main chemical forms and reactions, and the interactions of these two
elements with plants, with special emphasis on the so-called nickel-plants, peculiar
plant species adapted to serpentine soils and also used for phytoextraction and
phytoremediation of Ni contaminated soils.
The environment reservoir of Ni is the Earths FeNi molten core (10% of global Ni),
followed by the Ni dissolved in the sea (ca. 8 109 t). Considerable amounts of Ni
are also present in coal and oil. The abundance of Ni in the Earths crust is about
80 mg kg1 [3] and it is generally distributed with other siderophilic elements, such
as Co and Fe. Nickel is located in the igneous rocks and it can be found associated
with all the geochemical phases of mineralogical cycles, i.e. metamorphic and
sedimentary rocks, soils and sediments [113].
Geochemically, Ni is siderophilic and also has great affinity for sulphur (S); this
leads to the formation of many different sulfides, arsenides as well as antimonides
in nature, such as millerite (NiS), niccolite (NiAs) and breithauptile (NiSb). Nickel
can be also associated with carbonates, phosphates, and silicates.
The ionic properties of Ni allow it to substitute for several alkaline and metallic
cations, such as Mg, Al, Li, Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Mn(III), Cu, in primary
minerals [75]. Nickel in minerals can substitute for Fe even in pyrite. However,
among the metallic rock forming elements, the Ni isotopic fractionation has
been relatively less studied as compared to other elements.
In igneous rocks, Ni forms mainly octahedral coordination in silicate minerals
such as olivine, hornblende, augite and biotite and magnetite. Such minerals are
poorly stable and undergo rapid weathering. For this reason, Ni in developed
soils is generally associated with clays such as vermiculites and chlorites, saponite
in the serpentine soils, and Fe or Mn (hydro)oxides and concretions, and its concentrations decrease with increasing acidity of rocks down to 515 mg kg1 in
granites [57]. Sedimentary rocks contain Ni in the range of 590 mg kg1, with the
highest range being for argillaceous rocks and the lowest for sandstones.
Nickel contents are particularly high in ultramafic rocks (in the order of
2,000 mg kg1). The two main types of commercially exploitable Ni deposits are
laterites, where the principal ore minerals are nickeliferous limonite (Fe, Ni)O(OH)
and the hydrous Ni silicate garnerite ((Mg,Ni)3(OH)4[Si2O5]) formed during tropical weathering, and sulfide ores, with pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite and
especially pentlandite ((Ni, Fe)9S8) as the main Ni-containing minerals.
The total content of parent rocks greatly affects the Ni content in soils, although
the concentration of Ni in surface soils also depends on soil-forming processes
and pollution. The Ni content of the pedosphere varies within a broad range, mainly
from 0.2 to 450 mg kg1, with a calculated world mean of 22 mg kg1 [104], or a
range of 0.2 and 5,000 mg kg1 and an average value varying between 20 and
50 mg kg1, if ultramafic soils are included. However, the concentration ranges
found the in literature depend on the surveyed areas, and also on the soil texture,
with clay soils being richer in Ni than coarser textured soils [69].
In a comprehensive report on the metal background concentrations of European
soils on the basis of the parent material and independently on the soil use, Utermann
et al. [114] reported Ni background values ranging between 3 and 48 mg kg1, with
the lowest concentrations in soils formed on sandy materials and higher values
in soils originating from volcanic rocks. Nickel concentrations in the soil depend
more on its concentration in the parent material in the less developed soils, whilst its
concentration in the most developed soils depends on the predominant pedogenic
factors [112]. In particular, high intensities of leaching and erosion deplete soils
in Ni. In natural ecosystems, soil enrichment with Ni occurs in alluvial soils or in
soils subjected to the deposition of volcanic ashes. Total Ni concentrations up to
7,000 mg kg1 can be found in ultramafic; soils originating from igneous ultramafic rock [18]. Clay and loamy soils, e.g. rendzinas, cambisols, and kastanozems,
typically contain total Ni concentrations in the upper range of the mean values quoted
above. Relatively high Ni concentrations have been also found in soils originating
from basic and volcanic rocks, in some organic-rich soils and in soils of arid and
semi-arid regions.
Anthropogenic sources of Ni have resulted in a significant increase in the Ni
content of soils. Main Ni sources are emissions from metal processing operations and fumes from combustion of coal and oil. The application of sludges and
phosphate fertilisers also may be important sources of Ni in agricultural soils.
Nickel concentrations in the rain have been reported to vary between 0.17 and
17 mg L1 [10], representing an annual input of 0.0020.2 mg kg1 in the topsoil of
areas with 1,000 mm of annual rainfall [113].
Nickel in sewage sludge, where it is present mainly in organic chelated forms, is
readily available to plants and therefore may be highly phytotoxic. Nickel concentration in the solution of heavy metal polluted soils is generally higher and it can
be in the order of mg L1, depending on the soil total concentration, Ni source and
age of pollution.
Chromium presents an average concentration of 100 mg kg1 in the Earths crust
[41] whereas the concentration range in soil is between 1 and 3,000 mg kg1 [61].
Chromium is mainly associated with mafic and ultramafic rocks in which it can
reach values of 3,000 mg kg1. Acid igneous and sedimentary rocks display much
lower Cr contents, commonly ranging from 5 to 120 mg kg1, with the highest
content in argillaceous sediments.
Chromium (III) has ionic properties close to those of Fe(III)+ and Al(III)+ and
therefore similar geochemical properties. Chromium substitutes for Fe or Al in
chromite (FeCr2O4), the primary geological source for Cr. Chromite is relatively
resistant to weathering, diagenesis, and metamorphic reactions [85]. Under progressive oxidation, the chromate ion (CrO42) is formed; this form of Cr is more mobile
and also readily sorbed by clays and hydrous oxides. Though native Cr deposits are
rare, some metallic Cr has been discovered in the Russian mine Udachnaya Pipe
that is a kimberlite pipe rich in diamonds, where the reducing environment helped
produce both elemental Cr and diamonds.
The main source of Cr in natural soils is the weathering of their parent materials.
Total Cr concentration in soil varies from 0.5 to 250 mg kg1, with average
values varying between 40 and 70 mg kg1, depending on the surveyed areas
[33, 93]. The Cr background concentrations of European soils on the basis of the
parent material and independently on the soil use, are in the range 568 mg kg1,
with the lowest concentrations in soils formed on sandy materials and higher
values in soils originating on volcanic rocks [114]. Higher Cr concentrations, up
to 10,000 mg kg1, are present in soils formed from mafic and volcanic rocks.
In fact, in mafic and ultramafic rocks the Cr concentrations can be higher than
3 g kg1, typically in the form of chromite, associated with variable amounts of
MgO, Al2O3 and SiO2.
Sandy soils and organic-rich Histosols usually show low Cr concentrations,
containing an average of 47 and 12 mg kg1, respectively. Total Cr concentrations
are generally positively correlated with the fine granulometric fractions [57].
Chromium total concentrations higher than the local background values originate
from atmospheric fallout and inputs of Cr from Cr-rich sludge and wastes from
industrial activity incorporated into soils.
Chromium in natural soils from the weathering of the parent material is present mostly as insoluble Cr(OH)3 or as Cr(III) adsorbed to soil colloids [12]. The
most common Cr form is Cr(OH)2+, bound to clays and humic substances, which
are negatively charged at pH >5.5 [94]. In neutral-alkaline soils, with pH values
>7.0, Cr precipitates as Cr(OH)3, also in combination with alkaline metals and
heavy metals. In strongly acidic soils (e.g. pH <4), Cr(H2O)3+6 is the predominant
Cr form.
The Cr(VI) is typically associated with oxygen as chromate (CrO42) or dichromate (Cr2O72) oxyanions. The Cr(III) is less mobile, less toxic and is mainly found
bound to organic matter in soil and aquatic environments [107]. The relation
between Cr(III) and Cr(VI) strongly depends on pH and oxidative conditions, but
in most cases, the Cr(III) is the dominating species [61].
High concentrations of about 2,000 mg kg1 of both Ni and Cr can be found in the
so-called serpentine soils [18]. Serpentinization is a geological low-temperature
metamorphic process, in which low-silica mafic and ultramafic rocks are oxidized
and hydrolyzed into serpentinite. The process can be described by the following
6Mg1:5 Fe0:5 SiO4 7H2 O3 Mg3 Si2 O5 OH4 Fe3 O4 H2 :
In this process, Ni may be released from the olivine and co-precipitate with
magnetite. However, when layered silicates or trioctahedral lattices are present
(e.g. saponite, chlorite), Ni may preferentially react with them.
The name derives from the Latin word serpens meaning snake as
serpentine-rich rock has an olive greenish-grey colour, striped in different shades,
that looks like the skin of a snake [15]. Serpentine soils are derived from the
weathering of ultramafic rocks (ma stands for Mg and f for ferrum, or Fe),
igneous or metamorphic rocks that comprise at least 70% hydrous Mg Fe phyllosilicate, or mafic, minerals with the general formula Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 and including
antigorite and chrysotile [18, 63]. Serpentine rocks originate from metamorphic
alterations of peridotite and pyroxene with water and they may form in the upper
part of the earth mantle or near the earths surface during subduction events.
The strong enrichment in siderophile (Fe-loving) elements, such as Cr and Ni,
of ultramafic rocks derives from the fact that the ionic radii of Ni(II)+ and of Cr(III)+
are respectively very close to those of Mg(II)+ and of Fe(III)+, so that ionic
substitution easily takes place into Mg-rich minerals, such as olivine and pyroxene
which are dominant in these rocks [18]. Even though Ni and Cr concentrations
in serpentine soils are often similar, Cr is less soluble than Ni. Although only about
1% of the total Ni in soils is available to plants, this far exceeds the percentage
of available Cr [18].
Apart from their anomalously high concentrations of Ni and Cr, serpentine
soils are characterized also by elevated levels of Fe and Co, they also contain low
Ca: Mg ratios and are often deficient in essential plant nutrients such as N, P and
K [18]. These peculiar chemical properties, along with elevated soil temperatures
and drought, make serpentine soils particularly toxic and unsuitable for most
plant species [17, 31, 63] and for many microorganisms [70]. Ultramafic rocks
and serpentinites of ophiolite complexes constitute about 1% of the terrestrial
landscape [86]. Nevertheless, their study allows a better understanding of Ni and
Cr enrichment of surface water and Ni and Cr transfer to living organisms.
Nickel has a relatively high affinity for soil organic matter (SOM), with 5% of
total soil Ni being generally associated with this soil component. The main SOM
electron donors are O, and N and S to a lesser extent, with Ca, Mg and Cu as main
competitors. Nickel(II) organic complexes in soil can be formed with low molecular weight organic ligands (LMWOLs), humic substances or particulate organic
matter. Association of metals, including Ni to humic substances has been mainly
studied by chemical extractions with strongly alkaline solvents (e.g. NaOH) [109].
These data are questionable because Ni solubility strongly depends on pH, with
maximum ionic Ni(H2O)62+ concentration at pH values below 6, whereas at
alkaline pH, Ni may precipitate as hydroxides such as Ni(OH)3 or Ni4(OH)44+,
with very limited solubility. Extractions with strong alkaline solutions followed by
acidification and classical SOM fractionation may also cause artefacts due to
Ni re-distributions among the various SOM fractions. However, currently no
chemical extraction method distinguishes between the forms of metals in soil.
Anyway, complexes with LMWOLs are labile, whereas formation of inner sphere
complexes with soil solid phases form less reversible complexes. Among the identified organic complexes, Ni has been reported to be present also in porphyrin-like
compounds, likely originating by reactions of Ni with chlorophyll and co-factors of
methanogenic bacteria [29].
Due to its high affinity for organic and inorganic ligands, Ni concentrations in
the soil solution are relatively low. Nickel concentrations in the solution of uncontaminated soils are in the range of 0.0351 mg L1, whereas in serpentine soils from
various locations the range is in the order of 500900 mg L1 [55].
Chromium can exist in oxidation states varying from 0 to VI, but only Cr(III) and
Cr(VI) are sufficiently stable in the soil environment, whilst Cr(IV) and Cr(V) are
generally unstable intermediates in Cr(III) oxidation and Cr(VI) reduction reactions.
Reduction of Cr(VI) depends on its high positive redox potential in both acidic and
alkaline solutions [36] in the presence of electron donors, according to the following
chemical equations:
4H2 O and CrO2
4 7H 3e Cr
4 4H2 O 3e CrOH3 5OH
However, as the Cr(VI) oxidizing capacity decreases on consumption of H+ and
also on the Cr(OH)3 hydrolysis forming Cr(OH)2+H2O and Cr(OH)2+H2O [78],
its oxidation potential in soil normally deviates from the theoretical Eh/pH
diagrams [61].
Chromium chemical reactivity in soil varies as a function of soil pH , redox
potential, presence of potential electron donors and Cr adsorption on colloids. In
neutral or sub-neutral soil pH and natural Cr concentrations, both Cr(III) and Cr(VI)
may form various hydrolysis and deprotonated products, which may dominate over
the others. In fact, although the Cr(OH)3 is sparingly soluble at pH 5.512.0 [90],
the dominant species of Cr(III) should be the product of the hydrolytic product
Cr(OH)2+. However, with increasing Cr(III) concentration, polynuclear hydrolytic
products (e.g., Cr2(OH)42+, Cr3(OH)54+ and Cr4(OH)66+) may also be formed [90].
In acidic (e.g. pH value <5.5) and strongly acidic soils (e.g. pH value <4),
Cr(OH)2+and Cr(H2O)63+, respectively, may be the predominant forms of Cr(III) [94].
The hydrolysis products of the Cr(III) are commonly adsorbed onto clay
minerals, and the strength of this adsorption generally increases upon alkalinization
of the soil pH, also due to the increase of negative charge on the clay surfaces and
deprotonation of organic ligands such as humic substances [53], whereas at neutralalkaline pH precipitation of Cr(OH)3.H2O prevents the organic Cr complexation.
Hexavalent Cr in soils may naturally originate from chromite weathering processes in the presence of Mn minerals (e.g. birnessite), which may act as potential
oxidants of the released Cr(III) [86]. For Cr(VI), the relative proportions among the
various forms mainly depend on soil pH and total Cr(VI) concentration, being the
HCrO4 and CrO42 the prevailing forms at acidic and alkaline pH values,
respectively. Condensed dichromate (Cr2O72) may be formed at Cr concentrations
higher than 102 M [78]. In neutral-alkaline soils, the Cr(VI) may form soluble Na
or K chromates or less soluble Ca and Ba chromates [53].
Hexavalent Cr can be lost from soil by leaching, or be retained in soil by
adsorption onto Fe (hydro)oxides such as goethite, Al oxides and other positively
charged colloids, whereas in acidic soils, chromate is soluble and is more easily
leached [54]. It has been reported that adsorption of Cr(VI) onto Al- and Fe-oxides
causes a kinetic 53Cr/52Cr isotope effect between the soluble and the adsorbed
species [40], and that the microorganism-mediated dissimilatory Cr(VI) reduction
discriminates between 53Cr and 52Cr isotopes, reducing preferentially the 52Cr(VI)
isotope [108].
Chemical oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) can occur in the presence of Mn oxides
(e.g. buserite), involving Mn(III, IV) (hydr)oxides, reduced to Mn(II) [11].
This reaction depends also on the redox conditions, soil pH and presence of intermediate reducers [54]. Chemical reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by magnetite and
Fe(II)-containing minerals has been reported [39]. The Cr(VI) reduction by hematite and biotite over a wide range of pH has been reported by Eary and Rai [38],
in the presence of dissolved Fe(II), not necessarily occurring with solid Fe-bearing
phases. For the above mentioned ionic properties, Cr in soil is strongly retained by
the solid phases, and is generally poorly soluble and not mobile. However, soil
acidification, as well as increase of Cl or F concentrations may drastically
increase Cr solubility [102]. Increase of Cr(VI) in soil pore water by phosphate
following P fertilisation of ultramafic soils of New Caledonia, possibly due to a
Cr(VI)-phosphate ligand exchange mechanisms has been reported [13].
Trivalent Cr forms complexes with organic and inorganic ligands containing the
electron donors O, N, S such as ammonia, urea, ethylenediamine, sulphide. However, partition of organo-Cr(III) complexes between the soil solid and solution
phases depends on the molecular dimensions of the ligand. Relatively small ligands
such as LMWOLs, increase the Cr solubility, whereas relatively large or particulate
organic ligands such as humic substances may immobilize Cr(III). Relatively high
abundance of fulvic acids or LMWOLs such as citrate may promote the Cr
redistribution among goethite, FeO(OH), Al oxides and other soil colloids, through
the formation of soluble Cr(III) complexes and transient oxidation to Cr(VI) [53].
In the soil environment, the Cr(VI) chemical reduction by S2 can be increased
in the presence of clay minerals such as montmorillonite and kaolinite [22]. Lan
et al. [66] reported that in the presence of sulphide, illite promoted the Cr(VI)
reduction, Al oxides had no effect, whereas kaolinite, montmorillonite, amorphous
SiO2 prevented the Cr(VI) reduction. The reason for the kaolinite to prevent the Cr
reduction was the elemental S sorption onto its surface.
Nickel has been proven to be essential for the fundamental metabolism of soil
bacteria, fungi and algae, although its precise function has not always been
elucidated [71]. A fundamental role of Ni in microbial metabolism may be the
These species have often become endemic to such substrates and actually the tight
relationship between serpentine soils and its flora was documented as long ago
as the sixteenth century [115]. In fact, serpentine endemic plants can act as flag
species, faithfully indicating the presence of such mineralized substrates and thus
have been used for mineral prospecting already from a long time [19].
The relationship between serpentine soils and plants finds expression not only in
a particular flora composition, but also in the so-called serpentinomorphoses [82],
which are unusual and characteristic features showed by serpentine species, such as
xeromorphic foliage, development of a large root system, dwarfism, plagiotropism,
glabrescence or pubescence, glaucescence and erythrism [17, 116], that concur
to plant adaptation to the serpentine factor [63].
Metal tolerant plants are often excluders [7], limiting uptake and root-to-shoot
translocation of trace metals. They are more rarely accumulators, concentrating
metals in their tissues [7]. Serpentine plants evolved a variety of physiological
strategies to accumulate and tolerate a wide range of concentrations of Ni and Cr in
their tissues, from typical values of the non serpentine plants to values far higher
than the typical toxicity thresholds [see for example 60, 87, 106]. Among accumulators, a group of bizarre plants shows extraordinarily high metal concentrations
in their above ground parts, exceeding 2,000 mg g1 DM [8], and they are the
so-called hyperaccumulators [20]. Whatever the reason for the evolution of this
particular phenomenon was, probably a defense strategy against natural enemies
[16], metal hyperaccumulators can surely be one of the most representative emblem
of the indissoluble relationship between serpentine soil and plants because of their
inability to compete in non-serpentine environments.
The term metal hyperaccumulator was first coined by Brooks et al. [20] to
define plants living on serpentine soils with Ni concentrations higher than
1,000 mg kg1 DM in their above-ground parts. The discovery of a large number
of taxa (more than 400) that accumulate Ni in their tissues suggested that the
concentration of this metal can be one of the main factors in determining the flora
and vegetation in many serpentine areas [18, 95, 115], whereas no serpentine plants
are known that hyperaccumulate Cr [18, 30, 95]; which is likely to be due to its low
solubility in these soils.
The first metal hyperaccumulator discovered was the Tuscan nickel plant Alyssum bertolonii [72] and the well-known connection between serpentine soil and this
cruciferous plant was already recorded in the sixteenth century by Cesalpino [24].
The soil-plant relationship for A. bertolonii is peculiar as, to our knowledge, so far it
is the only hyperaccumulator plant that is not only a faithful indicator of serpentine
soils for geobotanical prospecting, but also a useful tool for biogeochemistry as it is
representative of the degree of Ni mineralisation of the soil [47].
In metal hyperaccumulator plants the metal is quickly taken up by roots, rapidly
transported into shoots and leaves, and sequestrated in the vacuole [62]. For this
reason, these plants have been used as solar-driven ion-pumps for removing the
metal from polluted soils in phytoextraction experiments [92, 99]. The benefits of
this green technology relies on the low costs of growing and harvesting crops, and
low impact compared to the dig and dump approach to soil remediation [26].
Phytoextraction, also protects polluted soils from erosion [105] and may provide
financial returns thanks to phytomining practices [91], which is the recovery of
metals from hyperaccumulator plants. Phytomining of Ni has more potential than
other metals [27] because most of the known hyperaccumulators are able to concentrate 13% Ni in dry matter, providing 12% to >20% in the ash; these values are an
order of magnitude higher than lateritic ores [37], which, based on the Ni economic
value, may balance the costs of crop production.
at former wood treatment plants where chromated copper arsenate (CCA) has been
used for decades as a wood preservative. In these peculiar industrial sites, the
Cr accumulation into the surface soil may vary depending on the pedo-climatic
conditions. In a sandy acidic CCA polluted soil from northern Sweden, Kumpiene
et al. [64] reported soil Cr total concentrations in the range of 34,000 mg kg1
(plus As and Cu in the order of 56,000 and 1,500 mg kg1, respectively), whereas
in a sandy neutral French soil, Bes and Mench [14] reported no Cr and As accumulation, but only Cu enrichment (1,5002,600 mg kg1) of topsoil from a wood
impregnation plant.
The presence of Cr(VI) in soils incorporated with Cr-rich residues may be due
to mineral-mediated (e.g. Mn oxides) chemical oxidation described in the previous
paragraph. Notwithstanding the extensive research on the speciation of Cr in soil,
the complex behaviour of the various Cr species in different forms still results in
a high level of uncertainty on the prediction of Cr mobility and potential risks for
humans and ecosystems posed by Cr contamination of soils.
In volcanic soils affected by repeated Cr-polluted river flooding, Adamo et al. [1]
reported that among the several trace elements (Cu, Ni, Zn) exceeding the local
background values, Cr soil contamination was the only metal clearly related to
flooding events, and was mainly associated with short-range-order aluminosilicates
and organo-mineral complexes, and progressive Cr insolubilization with ageing
was also observed. In this study, soil micromorphology/SEM/WDS analyses also
revealed Cr and Cu enriched silt and clay coatings in surface and subsurface soil
horizons, suggesting a transfer of metal-rich sediments along the soil pore network
with water movement [1].
While Cr forms in contaminated wastewater have been characterized, less
information is available on Cr in the atmosphere. It is known that both Cr(III)
and Cr(VI) are generally present in the atmosphere in which Cr is dissolved in
aerosol or associated with particles of various radii. In the atmospheric aerosol, the
main Cr forms are: Cr(H2O)36+, Cr(OH)2+, HCrO4 and Cr2O72. Therefore, the
air-borne Cr is expected to be the form of chromium that undergoes to major
transformations in the soil environment.
In an interesting comparative experiment, Jones [56] evaluated the sorption of
Cr with that of other trivalent ions (Y, Rh, La, Pr, Gd) in two acidic soils with
different soil organic matter content. The main result of the study was that more
than 99% of the metals were associated with the exchangeable phase, and that
the main factors controlling the Cr solubility were the Al(III)+ release at acidic
pH (<4.5) and the organic matter dissolution at pH >5.0. In the same study, the
competitive binding of carboxylic acid was also shown [56]; this may have implications for the assessment of Cr phytoavailability in contaminated soils, due to the
relatively high concentrations of bi- and tri-carboxylic acid in the rhizosphere.
In a survey of six French soils polluted by atmospheric metal inputs, Gandois
et al. [48] reported that among several measured heavy metals Cr was larger than
Ni contamination, whereas Ni was more soluble than Cr using 0.01 M CaCl2 as
extractant, with soil pH and dissolved organic matter having the most significant
effect on Ni and Cr partitioning. This paper also well illustrates the differences in
Concluding Comments
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Chapter 12
Abstract Cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) are closely associated in soils because
they have similar chemical properties. The main forms of Mn in soil are the watersoluble and exchangeable forms of Mn(II) and the insoluble Mn oxides, mainly
Mn(IV) and to a lesser and more uncertain extent as Mn(III). The concentration of
water-soluble plus exchangeable Mn(II) (WS+Exch Mn) is determined by the relative rates of the chemically independent and physically separate reactions, the
microbial oxidation of Mn(II) and the chemical reduction of the Mn oxides
(by organic matter). The solubility and availability of Co to plants is influenced
greatly by the activity of the Mn oxides and the reactions which affect Mn. The Mn
oxides also participate in sorption and oxidation reactions which impact on soil
health in that the former affects the availability of trace metals and the latter oxidises
organic moieties, of which some are phytotoxic.
Keywords Cobalt Manganese Attenuation Biogenic Mn oxides Microbial
oxidation Soil health Sorption
Cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) are two heavy metals which have little of the
notoriety afforded to other heavy metals such as lead (Pb), for example. Their lack of
notoriety is a result of their lower potential to exert any toxic properties that they may
have and to the lack of appropriate situations, particularly in soils. Nevertheless, the
ability of Mn oxides to sorb preferentially heavy metals and to act as oxidants means
that they play significant roles soil health. Sometimes though their role as oxidants of
arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) may be deemed good (oxidation of As(III) to As(V))
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Geochemical Occurrence
In igneous rocks both Co and Mn are present in the divalent state and are found
mostly in the ferromagnesian minerals where their respective divalent radii allow
them to substitute readily for Fe(II) and Mg(II) [41]. As a result, the concentrations
of Co and Mn are greatest in the ultrabasic and basic rocks such as serpentine and
basalt respectively and least in acidic rocks such as granite (Table 12.1).
During the weathering of igneous rocks and soil development, the Co(II) and
Mn(II) are released concomitantly as soluble Co2+ and Mn2+ from the ferromagnesian minerals early in the weathering cycle following the oxidation of Fe(II)
and acid attack on the silicate framework. Under some soil conditions, e.g., poor
drainage, their mobility is relatively high and they may be transported by leaching
to depth in the developing soil profile or lost in drainage waters. Thus, some Co and
Mn may move into groundwater and subsequently into streams and eventually the
oceans, although some Co may be retained in resistant minerals such as ilmenite
and magnetite [98]. However, predominantly both the Co2+ and Mn2+ are retained
in soil in association with layer silicates, organic colloids and mostly in oxides of
Mn, although the smaller ratio of Co to Mn in soil than in igneous rocks (Table 12.1)
suggests that Co is less well retained during soil formation than Mn.
In sedimentary rocks the concentrations of Mn and Co are highly variable, but as
a rule they are highest in fine-grained sediments e.g., shales, and lowest in coarsegrained sediments e.g., sandstones. The variations in concentrations of Mn and Co
in metamorphic rocks are as great as those in the parent rocks and so the variations
are as great as those found in igneous and sedimentary rocks.
Ultimately deficiencies of both elements are found primarily on sandy soils
and some peats whereas toxicities of Mn occur on soils derived from rocks which
contain high proportions of ferromagnesian minerals. The occurrence of Co deficiency in ruminant livestock grazing pastures on pumice soils in New Zealand is a
Table 12.1 Total concentrations (mg kg1) of Co and Mn in soils and rocks
Earths crust Ultramafic Basic Granodiorite Granite Shale Limestone Soil
Co/Mn ratio 0.026
2,200 1,200
0.023 0.0083
0.023 0.00036
unique situation but not surprising since the most recent showers of rhyolitic pumice
contain mainly glass (>95%) and only traces of ferromagnesian minerals [136].
In soils, pedogenic accumulations of Mn occur as stains, cutans, nodules and
concretions, often in association with Fe and usually in soils which are poorly
drained or have been exposed to excessive wetness in a previous age. Thus, nodules
are complex objects, of which some are relics formed in a previous age, others are
forming while others may be dissolving; as Taylor and Pohlen [138] commented
Some have had a long and complicated history. Some aspects of their formation
and the Co associated with them shall be discussed later (Sect. 12.6).
The forms and associations of both Co and Mn with phases of soil have been
summarised in Table 12.2.
The soluble forms of Co in the soil solution form labile outer sphere complexes
in the same manner as Mn (Table 12.4); little or no evidence of soluble Co(III)
exists [7, 171].
N.C. Uren
pH dependent
Outer sphere
Outer sphere and inner
sphere respectively
Inner sphere
Includes EPSc
Table 12.3 Effect of soil pH on concentrations of Mn, Ca, and Mg in the soil solution of a sandy
loam [50, 51]
Soil pH (1:5 Soil solution Removed by
organic C
Chelex 100 (%)
(mM) (mM)
(mg L1)
15.3 9.4
9 103
19.0 8.6
1 103
19.5 6.6
1 104
27.6 6.1
1 105
32.4 6.2
9 106
Dissolved organic C
(mg L1)
(Co2+)/(Co) ratio
although he believes that Mn forms inner sphere complexes with surface groups on
organic matter at high pHs. Also, Tiller [145] discussed the specific adsorption of
Co2+ on layer silicates and although there is a propensity for it to occur as the pH
increases, implying less competition from H+ and an increasing tendency for
CoOH+ to be adsorbed, the Mn oxides would seem to take over in soil.
Most of the oxides of Mn which have been identified in soils are macroscopic
forms and are relatively unreactive towards mild reducing agents. The more finely
divided Mn oxides are more reactive towards mild reducing agents, but these oxides
are difficult to identify because of the low concentrations and because they tend
to be amorphous. Of the identifiable oxides and hydroxides of Mn which are found
in soil, the two most common forms are birnessite [(Na0.7Ca0.3)Mn7O14.2.8H2O]
and vernadite [d-MnO2] [39, 91]; there are others, e.g. lithiophorite [(Al, Li)
MnO2(OH)2], but they are less common.
Few of the naturally occurring oxides contain high proportions of Mn(III) and
most Mn present is Mn(IV); for soils the most common Mn oxides, birnessite
and vernadite, contain primarily Mn(IV) [91]. Although Mn(III) appears to be an
essential intermediate in the pathways of both the microbial oxidation of Mn(II) and
the reduction of Mn(IV), its persistence and behaviour in natural compounds and
environmental systems has been ignored [74].
The zero points of charge, ZPCs, of these Mn oxides are generally low, about 3
or even less for d-MnO2 while the specific surface area (SSA) ranges widely from
values as low as 1 or 2 and may be as high as between 130 and 300 m2g1 for
d-MnO2 [139]. Tebo et al. [141], in summarising the properties of microbial
Mn oxides produced in cultures, state that they are typically high average oxidation
state [i.e., structural Mn(IV)] layer-type oxides with very high specific surface areas
and poor crystallinity, most closely resembling d-MnO2 or H+-birnessite. Thus, it
would seem that given time and persistence the product of microbial oxidation in
soils changes to more crystalline versions. For an extensive review of the
mechanisms of formation and properties of biogenic Mn oxides the reader is referred
to Tebo et al. [140].
In the context of this chapter, as indicated earlier, there are two forms of Mn
oxides which can be crudely divided into chemically reactive and unreactive.
The former oxides are a valuable source of Mn to plants while the latter are unreactive
towards mild reducing agents (e.g., quinol) and reducible in stronger reducing agents
(e.g., dithionite), but nevertheless of great interest for example as sinks for heavy
metals. The reducibility of Mn oxides depends upon their crystallinity, SSA, degree
of hydration and composition [166]. These physicochemical attributes in the synthetic
oxides are determined by the way in which they are prepared, where wet way preparations are usually reactive while dry way preparations are of low reactivity [87].
Since a main interest in Mn oxides is their ability to oxidise organic compounds,
N.C. Uren
i.e. their reducibility, a standard test of their reducibility under standard conditions
as suggested by Fatiadi [33] would be appropriate.
Behaviour in Soils
Probably for too long the strict adherence to predictions afforded to us by thermodynamics have let us down when it comes to the behaviour of Mn in soils. The
predictions are indications of what might happen given time, but they do not give
any indications of reaction rates, catalysed or not. Also, molecular oxygen (O2) in
spite of its high redox potential is a sluggish oxidant such that in soils soluble reducing
agents persist but may react with Mn oxides. The competition between O2 and
Mn oxides in soils is between a mobile gas with low solubility and low diffusion
rate in water and an insoluble but strong oxidant.
12.4.1 Oxidation
The oxidation of Mn(II) can occur through either abiotic means either autooxidation or catalytic oxidation, or by microbial processes. Morgan [100] has
estimated that the relative half-lives of the disappearance of Mn(II) at pH 8 in
aqueous systems are (a) 10 h for bacterial oxidation, (b) 30 days for oxidation by
surface catalysis, and (c) 400 days for auto-oxidation; a relative order of 1:72: 960,
i.e. auto-oxidation is about 1,000 times slower than the rate of microbial oxidation.
Although the primary stable form of Co in the environment is Co2+, its oxidation to
Co3+ can occur; the Co3+ readily hydrolyses and is rendered insoluble.
Even when alkali is added to a solution of a Mn(II) salt nothing happens to the
faint pink solution until the first signs of precipitation of Mn hydroxide occurs,
but once the buff coloured hydroxide appears at a pH of about 8 or more it very
quickly turns brown due to oxidation by O2 from the solution and the atmosphere.
It would seem, that in the absence of the Mn hydroxide, O2 is an incompetent
oxidant, but when the Mn hydroxide forms, the O2 is transformed into a competent
oxidant, which may due to the sorption of the O2 molecule and its conversion
into a much more aggressive oxidant such as atomic O [32]. The primary product
of autoxidation of Mn(II) in oversaturated solutions is commonly found to be
manganite (g-MnOOH) [56, 101] and measurable rates of oxidation are observed
in such solutions, but the rates are slow when compared with oxidation catalysed by
microbes and some surface catalysts [31, 100].
The catalytic oxidation of Mn2+ in soil may occur because of the presence of the
diverse array of surfaces, but since humic substances have been found to decrease
the rate of catalytic oxidation of Mn(II) on a variety of surfaces [174], it becomes a
problematic proposition and almost impossible to resolve.
N.C. Uren
inhibited by high concentrations of Mn2+ in cultures (e.g. [15]) and agar (e.g. [62]);
(b) that microbial oxidation for a Mn-oxidising microbe from soil usually has an
optimum pH for oxidation so that increasing the pH can inhibit microbial oxidation
of Mn2+ (e.g. [16, 17]) which may explain the seemingly incongruous result where
liming increases Mn availability on a Mn deficient soil of neutral pH [52, 53]; and
(c) that microbial oxidation in soils and other environments has been observed in
microaerophilic environments near an oxic/anoxic interface (e.g. [143, 161]).
Ross and Bartlett [120] claim that there are few cases where successful
re-inoculation of an isolated Mn-oxidising microbe has been recorded. There are a
few reasons why that may be so. Firstly, the introduction of microbes into soil is
not favoured with a high rate of success [4], and secondly, autoclaved soils are no
longer the soils they used to be [128]. Nevertheless Thompson et al. [143] successfully re-inoculated an autoclaved soil with a Mn-oxidising fungus isolated from the
same soil and were able to observe vigorous and extensive deposition of Mn oxides
around the hyphae. They also found that the optimum temperature for oxidation by
fungi in soil was 21oC, while oxidation was totally inhibited at 3oC and 52oC.
Thus, it is known that the oxidation of Mn(II) in soils:
(a) is brought about by a diverse array of Mn(II)-oxidising microbes;
(b) occurs at all soil pHs even as low as 4;
(c) is inhibited by soil sterilisation with poisons, desiccation, dry heat, steam, and
(d) produces a poorly crystalline form of layered Mn oxide, similar to birnessite or
vernadite (d-MnO2), with a high SSA and oxidation state (i.e. x in MnOx 2);
(e) produces an insoluble oxide which is a strong oxidant and easily reducible;
(f) produces an oxide which is enveloped with a mass of cells in a biofilm or matrix
of EPS; and
(g) produces an oxide which has a strong capacity to sorb trace metals.
The presence of EPS or biofilms has been noted in some investigations
[37, 149, 164], but what may happen in soil has not been considered. The highly
hydrated EPS would shrink considerably on drying, drawing the oxide particles
together. The reversibility of rehydration and swelling and the biodegradability of
the EPS are significant issues also.
Further, no attention has been given to the fact that microbial oxidation of
Mn (II) in soil would be restricted to soil pores large enough to accommodate
the colonies of Mn-oxidising microorganisms and where conditions are favourable
to their existence. This means that the microbial Mn oxides will be found predominantly in mesopores (330 mm) and on the surfaces of macropores such that the
oxides are unevenly distributed throughout soil and tend to be found between
aggregates and on their surfaces, a situation which would favour availability to
plant roots (see Sect. 12.7).
However, with time and in certain situations, Mn oxides accumulate in relatively
unreactive forms, the mechanism of which is uncertain. The longer a biogenic
Mn oxide persists, the less reactive it is likely to become because of ageing, a process
associated with increasing crystallinity, decreasing hydration, decreasing SSA and
progressive exclusion and replacement of metals with less affinity for sites within the
lattice than others such as Co [166]. The first step in this process may be a decrease in
SSA associated with microbial oxidation and accumulation at select spots [157], the
relatively lower SSA decreases reducibility which then allows the physico-chemical
processes of ageing to proceed; only strong reducing agents (e.g. dithionite) or
waterlogging can release the Mn from such forms. When autolysis occurs and
enzymes and cell constituents are released, some products may reduce the Mn oxides.
N.C. Uren
Redox Potential
12.4.3 Equilibrium
Microbial oxidation
N.C. Uren
Auto-oxidation of Co2+ does not occur readily, but observations suggest that some
Mn oxides oxidise Co2+ to Co3+ [86]. McKenzie [90] observed that the colour of
Mn oxides changed from brown to black after adsorption of Mn2+ and Co2+, a change
which can be interpreted as a change in oxidation state. Crowther et al. [28] confirmed
by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy that sorption of Co2+ by a synthetic birnessite
was accompanied by the oxidation of the Co2+ to Co3+ by Mn(IV), possibly by way of
the reaction:
2Co2 aq 2MnO2s 3H2 Ol ! 2CoOOHs Mn2 O3s 4H aq:
The oxidation occurred at pHs from 4 to 7 while at pHs of 8 and 10 Co(OH)2
precipitated on the oxide surface.
Biogenic Mn oxides have been shown to oxidise Co(II) to Co(III) with incorporation of Co(III) into the lattice [102, 126]. In soils the Co associated with oxides
of Mn is most likely trivalent so that both concomitant reduction of the Mn
oxides and the Co(III) needs to occur before Co and Mn are in divalent forms
which plants can use.
Nodular forms of Mn that are found in soils have been studied with increasing vigour
in recent years because they represent sinks for heavy metals and because now the
combined use of synchroton-based analytical techniques offer a lot with respect to
the study of Mn accumulations in soils with greater analytical and crystallographic
resolution than in the past (e.g. [79]). As a result, much is now known about FeMn
nodules, their morphology, composition and mineralogy but little is known about
their formation other than they form in soils under alternating periods of waterlogging and drying, reduction and oxidation respectively. The concentric rings in the
cross-sectional view of so many FeMn nodules represent periods of oxidation of
Mn2+ and Fe2+ mobilised from insoluble oxides during the periods of waterlogging
(e.g. [71, 109]).
It is difficult to devise a satisfactory theory which explains the formation of relict
nodules. The only satisfactory dating of Mn oxides requires the use of 40Ar39Ar
ratios which in turn is based on the decay of naturally occurring 40 K to 40Ar [27].
However, of the Mn oxides only cryptomelane has sufficiently high K concentrations and since it is not a common Mn oxide found in soils [91], the usefulness of
this method of dating is restricted. Also, because many relict nodules have formed
under conditions which existed in paleoenvironments [42] the uncertainty is high.
However, assuming that contemporary Mn accumulations develop in the same
way as the relict nodules then one would expect that the greatest degree of certainty
about mechanisms and processes of formation could come from systematic investigation of the formation of Mn accumulations in paddy soils where cycles of wetting
and drying have been regulated for centuries. These redoximorphic soils are no
older than about 2,000 years old, their history and recent pedologic evolution are
known, and much of the uncertainty surrounding dating should not arise.
Studies of the pedogenic evolution of the paddy soils coupled with the analytical
techniques referred to above and other studies of the microbial populations inside Mn
nodules and the surrounding soil [19, 20, 45, 176] provide an opportunity to advance
the science of the genesis of nodular concretions. Because they are sinks for heavy
metals, their formation represents perhaps a means by which remediation of soils
polluted with heavy metals may be achieved.
The subject of the sorption and associations of trace metals by and with Mn
oxides respectively is too large to review here (the topic with respect to microbial
Mn oxides has been reviewed recently [99, 165]), and so only the association
between Co and Mn oxides will be discussed. Tiller [144] observed the strong
association between Co and Mn in krasnozems (ferrosols) formed on dolerite in
Tasmania; in some profiles Mn and Co were found in pockets and veins of
lithiophorite. Further investigations of manganiferous accumulations in a diverse
array of Australian soils by Taylor and McKenzie [137] showed that about 80% of
the total Co in the soils was associated with Mn oxides, primarily lithiophorite and
birnessite. Similar investigations have found the association to be strong in most
FeMn nodules (e.g. [22]), some soils [35] and less obviously so in some others
N.C. Uren
(e.g. [49, 68]). However, in a study of soil nodules McKenzie [88] found that although
all high concentrations of Co were associated with moderate to high concentrations
of Mn, there were many spots with high concentrations of Mn which had low concentrations of Co. The close association between the total Mn concentration in soils and
Co uptake of applied Co by clover further confirmed the connection and the indicated
the practical problem of fixation of recently applied Co [2, 89].
In the field, both Mn deficiency and toxicity occur throughout the world [119, 127],
but in a practical sense deficiency is easily dealt with by the use of tolerant species
and varieties, foliar sprays and fertilisers [44]. Similarly, Mn toxicity is found
worldwide on acidic soils, either naturally or induced, and is managed by the
selection of tolerant species and varieties and by the application of lime; where
episodes of infrequent waterlogging lead to Mn toxicity liming may not be sufficient
to overcome the toxicity and some measures to improve drainage may be required.
Despite the apparent simplicity of the solutions to the practical problems of Mn
deficiency and toxicity, there are issues of understanding which need to be resolved
with respect to availability and some of these are dealt with below.
Reduction !
Microbial oxidation
The main soil factors which have been shown to influence the availability of Mn
are WS+Exch Mn(II), reactive Mn oxides, structure and pH (Table 12.5). While the
plant factors are less clear, it is well known that some plant species are better at
deriving Mn from soils and some genotypes of the same species are better at deriving
Mn from the same soils. The situation is made even more complex by the impact of
environmental factors, particularly those that affect plant growth and microbial
activity such as temperature and rainfall.
The uptake of Mn from soils by plants is dominated by the effect of pH on the
solubility of Mn2+ in the soil solution and as a readily exchangeable cation. The forms
utilised by plants depend strongly upon pH [155, 158]. At neutral to alkaline pHs
where the concentrations of WS+Exch Mn are low and bear no relationship to availability, Mn uptake takes place by a mechanism called contact reduction [61, 162],
Table 12.5 Factors influencing the availability of Mn (and Co) to plants growing in soil
Sorption of Mn2+ (and Co2+)
Oxidation of Mn2+ (and Co2+)
Reduction of MnOx (and Co3+)
Microbial activity
Reducibility of Mn oxides
Specific surface area
Water potential
Root growth and surface area
Total surface area
Reducing capacity of roots
Rainfall: amount and distribution
where roots contact and reduce Mn oxides to Mn2+ under the right set of circumstances [162]; the Mn2+ thus formed then moves through the mucilage at the soil-root
interface and is absorbed by the root. As the soil pH decreases, the concentration of
WS+Exch Mn increases, and Mn uptake by contact reduction occurs but
it is increasingly overtaken quantitatively by uptake by diffusion and convection
(mass flow). At strongly acidic pHs, where Mn toxicity may occur, uptake by convection predominates. In the soils where uptake by convection and diffusion predominate measures of WS+Exch Mn such as 0.01 M CaCl2 give reasonable estimates
of availability.
When Jones and Leeper [54, 55] started to investigate the role of Mn oxides in
plant nutrition they realised quickly that there were many different oxides of Mn, so
that adding a Mn oxide to a Mn-deficient soil was not necessarily guaranteed to be
successful. The Mn oxides prepared by wet way methods (e.g. d-MnO2 usually)
were found to be the most effective sources of Mn because they are most reactive
whereas dry-way preparations (e.g. b-MnO2usually) were ineffective.
The optimal rates of Mn applied to deficient soil of neutral to alkaline pH, either
broadcast or banded, range from 5 to 50 kg ha1 [119]. Apart from Walter [169]
there has been little interest in the development of fertiliser forms of Mn because of
the rapid fixation/attenuation in soils of high pH, particularly calcareous soils.
The fertiliser forms of Mn, which are usually soluble sources of Mn2+, are quickly
oxidised microbially to insoluble oxides and they lose their usefulness with time
such that a new addition needs to be made with the next crop. For example, Brennan
et al. [14] found that the residual value of previously applied Mn to two acidic sands
in Western Australia was not as effective as current soil applications to prevent split
seed in lupins, and that the effectiveness decreased with increasing time. In contrast,
the residual value of Cu and Zn on similar soils may be 10 years or more [12, 13].
N.C. Uren
Attenuation of soluble Mn(II) applied to soil may simply be due to the conversion
to an insoluble oxide of Mn and subsequent ageing processes. However, because
reactive Mn oxides added to soil can cure Mn deficiency [54, 55] there must be
processes in addition to microbial oxidation which contribute to the decrease in
availability. The tendency of Mn to accumulate in spots [157] will decrease the
surface area available to roots much more than if the oxides were evenly distributed
throughout the soil. Although the presence of a hydrated biofilm surrounding
a biogenic Mn oxide appeared not to interfere with the reductive dissolution of the
oxide [149], dehydration and shrinkage of the biofilm, particularly if not readily
reversible, may cause a decrease in the surface area available to reducing agents
and hinder the reaction. Also, the shrinkage of the biofilm may withdraw the Mn
oxide into pores that are physically inaccessible to root surfaces and thus decrease
the opportunity for contact reduction. Repeated cycles of wetting up and dehydration
are likely to lead to an increase in crystallinity and anhydrous character of the
Mn oxides, which in turn lead to lower reactivity.
Apart from foliar sprays, fertiliser application and appropriate selection of Mn
efficient species and genotypes, the severity of Mn deficiency can be overcome to
some extent by the use of seeds with a high Mn content. For example, Longnecker
et al. showed that barley with an increased Mn content in the seed can increase grain
yield under conditions of extreme Mn deficiency [72].
Plant Analysis
Soil tests are really a very crude estimate of availability, albeit quick and easy
[118]. This seemingly unsatisfactory situation arises because the availability of Mn
is a function of the interaction between plants, roots in particular, and soils, such that
the situation cannot be solved simply by soil analysis alone [158]. The inadequacy of
soil tests on their own is well illustrated by the fact that some varieties show no
deficiency symptoms on some soils, whereas on the same soil other varieties are
deficient; also an abnormally high rainfall event may cause the onset of Mn toxicity
in a crop. The soil factors which most influence Mn solubility in soils are pH,
microbial activity, and the reducibility of Mn oxides, yet factors such as soil structure are known to affect availability [40, 113]. The routine sampling and testing of
soils disregards the significance of structure and the localisation of Mn oxides in
mesopores as discussed above. It should be noted here that any shortcomings of soil
tests with respect to Mn will be equally relevant with respect to Co in lieu of their
close association, chemistry and behaviour.
N.C. Uren
unfortunately the first two extractants they used are 0.01 M Ca(NO3)2 and
0.11 M CH3COOH, both of which would acidify the suspension and cause the
reduction of active Mn oxides and the release of Mn and associated elements
into solution. Otherwise the method shows promise to investigate relationships
between elements.
where the soils have been depleted of active Mn through leaching with high BOD
water. If the soils are limed to overcome the potential toxicity and mobility of the
heavy metals that have accumulated over the years, then Zn-induced Mn deficiency
may arise.
Because of the close association between Mn and Co and their decreasing solubility
with increasing pH, one might be excused from thinking that the availability of
Co closely follows that of Mn [35]. However, there are four scenarios where the
low availability of Co in soils can arise: (i) inherited deficiency through low concentrations in the parent material such as on the pumice soils in New Zealand, and peats
in Ireland [168]; (ii) acquired deficiency through losses as a result of pedological
processes over the ages (e.g., granitic soils) and accelerated by hydromorphic
influences [168]; (iii) derived deficiency through its strong association with Mn in
well-drained soils with high Mn status [144]; and (iv) acquired deficiency through the
application of lime to acidic soils covered by the former three situations. The availability of Co closely follows that of Mn in those soils which tend to be poorly drained
[1] and are in the pedological process of becoming deficient, but where the Mn status
of a soil is high then Co availability tends to be low. The Co/Mn ratios in soils
(Table 12.1) tend to be less than parent rocks which suggests that Co is relatively
more mobile than Mn and relies upon the retention of Mn for its own retention.
The mechanisms of Co uptake are most probably the same as described above
for Mn, so that as the pHs of soils decrease from neutral pHs the total uptake
increases strongly, and the proportion of Co uptake from contact reduction barely
increases while the contributions from diffusion and convection increase.
N.C. Uren
and a mild reducing agent like quinol may be suitable. The limited success of both
CaCl2 and acetic acid is due to the acidity associated with their action, desorption of
exchangeable acidity and acidity per se respectively, which combined with the mild
reducing property of soil organic matter releases not only exchangeable forms but
also readily reducible forms of Co and Mn. The variable reducing powers of organic
matter between soils contributes to inconsistent results.
N.C. Uren
Waksman [167] drew attention to what was known as soil sickness, which at the
time was a term used for every ailment of soil-grown plants which could not be
explained by conventional wisdom at the time. Organic complexes were believed
to be involved and in more modern times allelochemicals and similar entities
have been implicated. As indicated earlier, Mn oxides are capable of oxidising
alleged allelopathic compounds and so active Mn oxides in soils may be more
significant than is commonly appreciated.
The remediation of polluted soils has been investigated extensively, but it would
seem that what happens in the laboratory and the glasshouse does not necessarily
happen in the field and that the balance between successes and failures in the field
may be in favour of the latter [94]. With respect to the use of Mn oxides, they are
added usually either to oxidise organic pollutants or to sorb toxic metals.
The success of the former relies not only on destruction of the pollutant, but also
the regeneration of the Mn oxides by microbial oxidation, whilst the success of the
latter requires that the oxide retains its sorption activity in the initial sorption phase
and that subsequently the oxides lose their reducibility such that the metals
are locked away in an unreactive phase. The failure of pure reactive oxides to
achieve successful remediation, as expected from laboratory experiments with pure
oxides, may occur through the adsorption of organic matter, phosphate, silica or
become saturated with metals [84]. Such loss of desired activity may be more likely
for Fe oxides than for Mn oxides although sorption of metals on Mn oxides can
decrease their reducibility and polymerised products from the oxidation of catechol
adsorbed on the surface of a Mn oxide may inhibit further oxidation [76]. The loss
of activity via reduction is unlikely to occur for Fe oxides in well-drained situations
whereas the Mn oxides may be quickly reduced and the Mn quickly involved in
the Mn cycle of oxidation and reduction.
MnOx as an Oxidant
N.C. Uren
Further, the standard net Cr(III) oxidation test as a measure of the activity of Mn
oxides is an unnecessary and complicated diversion because of the uncertain fate of
Cr3+, and particularly since simple reductants like quinol are available and are
chemically similar to those reductants already present in soil. For example, the use
of Cr(III) as an alternative reductant to quinol, makes interpretation of results unnecessarily complicated [104, 105] and add little to the understanding of the behaviour
of Mn in soils.
Similarly, experiments where FeMn nodules were ground and the resulting
powders ability to oxidise As(III) to As(V) determined [21], may provide evidence
of just that, but have little relevance with respect to the role that such nodules play
in the behaviour of As in soils.
The literature is replete with evidence that Mn oxides have exceptional ability
when it comes to the sorption of trace metals. Much of this evidence, is based on
sorption studies in dilute suspensions of Mn oxides, synthetic and natural, which
nevertheless shows that enrichment of many elements occurs in nodular and
concretionary forms of Mn oxides. For example, Palumbo et al. [109] found that
the nodules from two alfisols are significantly enriched in most trace metals relative
to the host soil, with Mn, Co, Ce, Pb, Ba, Cd, and Ni more enriched than Fe, V, La,
Cu, S, and Zn. The enrichment of Cd was surprisingly high in this case and it is
possible that its sorption behaviour has been overlooked since the sorption of Cd
on biogenic Mn oxides exhibited comparable sorption when compared with the
sorption of other heavy metals [34, 95].
The likely steps in the attenuation of Co and other metals are (i) co-precipitation
as the oxide forms, (ii) structural re-organisation during recrystallisation of the
oxide, and then (ii) micropore diffusion. The process is favoured by increasing pH
and by continued integrity of the oxide. The addition of a synthetic Mn oxide to
remediate a Co contaminated soil will bypass the first step but nevertheless it may
rapidly fix Co [89]. However, because biogenic Mn oxides have been shown to
sorb two to three times as much Ni2+ and Zn2+ as synthetic Mn oxides [170], it may
be more effective to add soluble Mn(II) to soil, allow microbial oxidation, and
presumably co-precipitation, to proceed. If an unreactive (but stable) oxide such as
pyrolusite is added to soil then the only way that it can bring about attenuation is by
micropore diffusion and probably only to a limited extent.
However, as shown by McBride and Martinez [85], it is not as simple as just
adding an oxide and some thought has to be given to the potential reversibility of
the sorption process, the persistence of the oxide in both the short and long term,
and how to overcome annealing of the oxide surface brought about by the sorption
of polymeric organic compounds, and the processes involved in the aging process
and their impact on the reactivity of the oxides [166].
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Chapter 13
Koen Oorts
K. Oorts (*)
ARCHE (Assessing Risks of CHEmicals), Stapelplein 70, Box 104, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
e-mail: koen.oorts@arche-consulting.be
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_13,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
K. Oorts
Copper, with atomic number 29, is the first element of group Ib of the periodic table
of elements. It ranks 26th in abundance in the lithosphere. The average abundance
of Cu in the earths crust is 60 mg Cu kg1 [42] and concentrations in soil typically
vary between 2 and 50 mg kg1. Copper was known to some of the oldest civilizations, and has a history of use that is at least 10,000 years old. The name copper
refers to the island of Cyprus, where Cu was principally mined in the Roman era. The
first signs of Cu smelting, i.e. the refining of Cu from simple Cu compounds such as
malachite or azurite, date back to 5000 before Christ (BC). Copper smelting appears
to have been developed independently in several parts of the world: in the Balkans
by 5500 BC, in China before 2800 BC, in the Andes around 2000 BC, in Central
America around 600 BC, and in West Africa around 900 BC. Alloying of Cu
with zinc or tin to make brass or bronze was practiced soon after the discovery of
Cu itself. The use of bronze became so widespread in Europe approximately from
2500 BC to 600 BC that it has been named the Bronze Age.
Although Cu has been in use at least 10,000 years, more than 95% of all Cu
ever mined and smelted has been extracted since 1900. Measured by weight, Cu is
the third most important metal used by man. The total global demand for Cu in 2007
was approximately 24 Mt [27]. About 35% of all Cu used by industry originates from
recycled Cu. The world production of Cu reached more than 15 Mt year1 in 2008.
Copper is mainly used in electrical applications (65%), and construction (25%).
Other uses are transport (7%) and coins, sculptures, musical instruments and
cookware [27]. Various estimates of existing Cu reserves available for mining
vary from 25 years to 60 years. In 2005, Chile was the top mine producer of Cu
with at least one-third world share followed by the USA, Indonesia and Peru.
The long history and widespread use of Cu has resulted in significant anthropogenic
emissions, which have caused increased environmental Cu concentrations [36].
Local Cu concentrations can be far above natural background values because of
agricultural practices (e.g., sludge application, Cu fungicides) and industrial
activities (e.g., mining).
Copper is an essential trace element that is vital to the health of all living
organisms (humans, plants, animals, and micro-organisms). It is found in a variety
of enzymes and proteins, including the cytochrome C oxidase and certain superoxide
dismutases. Soils with low bioavailable Cu can result in losses in crop yield and
deficiency symptoms in livestock, especially in intensive farming systems.The
recommended daily intake of Cu for humans is 12 mg Cu day1 [96]. It has
been assumed that most diets satisfy this requirement because of the ubiquitous
presence of Cu in most foodstuffs and therefore Cu deficiency in humans is rare.
Elevated soil Cu concentrations can cause toxic effects on soil organisms
(plants, invertebrates, micro-organisms) and can affect soil ecosystem functioning.
Copper toxicity to terrestrial organisms strongly depends on its bioavailability
in soil and the sensitivity of the organisms. Secondary poisoning of Cu though
the food chain to vertebrates and humans is considered of low risk due to the strong
regulation of internal concentrations of this essential element in plants and
soil-dwelling invertebrates.
The average natural abundance of Cu in the earths crust is 60 mg kg1 (Table 13.1).
The Cu abundance in rock material is highly variable. Basaltic igneous rocks have a
larger average Cu concentration (90 mg Cu kg1) than granitic rocks (15 mg Cu kg1).
Sedimentary rocks, formed by weathering of igneous rocks, mainly reflect the Cu
concentrations of the igneous rocks. Clays and shales have typical Cu concentrations
ranging between 20 and 200 mg Cu kg1, whereas sand- or limestone generally
contain between 1 and 20 mg Cu kg1 g (see also Sect. 2.3.1).
Copper is one of the few metals to occur naturally as an un-compounded mineral
(i.e., native copper). Minerals such as sulphides (chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), bornite
(Cu5FeS4), covelite (CuS), chalcocite (Cu2S)), carbonates (azurite (Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2)
and malachite (Cu2CO3(OH)2)) and the oxide cuprite (Cu2O) are other sources of Cu.
Most Cu ore is mined or extracted as Cu sulphides from large open pit mines in
porphyry Cu deposits that contain 0.41.0% Cu. Large Cu ore deposits are found in
the U.S., Chile, Zambia, Zaire, Peru, and Canada.
Typical background Cu concentrations in soils vary between 2 and 50 mg Cu kg1
dry weight, but natural Cu concentrations above 100 mg Cu kg1can also be found
in some soils (Table 13.1). The Cu content in soil shows a positive correlation with
Fe content, reflecting the relative concentration in intermediate to mafic igneous
rocks compared to felsic rocks (granite). The amount of Cu measured in a soil
Table 13.1 Copper background concentrations in parent materials and soils
Cu (mg kg1)
Earths crust
Igneous rocks
Basic igneous rocks (e.g. basalt, gabbro)
Acid igneous rocks (e.g. granite, rhyolite)
Sedimentary rocks
Shales and clays
Black shales
USA, agricultural soils
Europe, natural topsoil (XRF)
Europe, natural topsoil (AR)
Europe, natural subsoil (XRF)
Europe, natural subsoil (AR)
K. Oorts
Cu (mg kg1)
Soil order
USA [35]
China [14]
No data
No data
No data
The background Cu concentration in soil is correlated with texture and organic matter
content. Soils containing high amounts of clay minerals and organic matter generally
have higher natural Cu background concentrations (Table 13.2). Geometric mean Cu
concentrations in mineral U.S. surface soils vary between 6.0 and 37.6 mg Cu kg1,
while organic horizons have mean Cu concentrations up to 97.9 mg Cu kg1 [35].
The effect of soil parent material and texture also reflects in different Cu concentrations across major soil types (Table 13.3). Soil types characterised by high clay
content (e.g. Vertisols) or high organic matter contents (e.g. Histosols and Spodosols)
have generally the highest Cu concentrations.
Table 13.4 Global natural
and anthropogenic emissions
(reference year 1983) of Cu to
the atmosphere (103 t Cu
K. Oorts
volcanic eruption, forest and bush fires and wind-blown suspension of dust and sea
salt spray. An evaluation of the global atmospheric natural emissions of metals,
including Cu, identified volcanoes and wind-blown soil particles as the major natural
sources of Cu emissions [59] (Table 13.4). Estimated anthropogenic Cu emissions to
the atmosphere for 1983 are within the same order as the total natural emissions
(Table 13.4). The major anthropogenic emissions of Cu to the atmosphere are from
non-ferrous metal production and fuel combustion (industrial and domestic heating,
power production). During the last decades, Cu emissions due to metal production
significantly decreased, resulting in smaller global Cu emission to the atmosphere
[26, 60] (See also Sect.
Table 13.5 Copper inputs to agricultural soils in England and Wales in 2000 (data from [57])
Cu concentration Cu addition rate
Total annual Cu
Quantity applied
(mg Cu kg1)
(g ha1 year1)
input in 2000 (t)
103 t DM year1)
Sewage sludge 0.44
Agrochemicals ND
NA not applicable
ND no data
based on application rate equivalent to 250 kg N ha1 year1
they are another important source of Cu in soils. Copper is an essential element for
plants and in cases of deficiency, Cu may also be applied directly to crops and soils,
e.g., with a foliar spray.
Copper-based fungicides (such as the Bordeaux mixture, CuSO4 + Ca(OH)2, Cu
(OH)2, Cu2O, etc.) have been intensively used since the end of the 19th century to
control vine fungal diseases, such as downy mildew caused by Plasmopara viticola.
Besides vineyards, Cu-based fungicides have also been extensively used in hop fields,
coffee, apple and avocado orchards [24] and during the cultivation of several
vegetables (e.g., tomatoes, potatoes). Copper-based fungicides are even indispensible
for organic vine and fruit cultivation. Typical application rates vary from 2 to 4 kg Cu
ha1 year1 and their long-term application and subsequent wash-off from the treated
plants have resulted in elevated Cu concentrations in some vineyard soils [38, 55, 91].
Sewage sludge is often used as a soil conditioner because of its nutrient and
organic matter content. However, it may be also an important source of metals and
other contaminants. The quality of sewage sludge is largely determined by the
composition of the wastewater (industrial or domestic) and the removal efficiency
in the wastewater treatment plant. The removal of Cu from raw sewage in sewage
treatment plants is usually very effective, with removal rates varying between
80 and >95% [26]. Total Cu concentrations in sewage sludge of various European
countries vary between 190 and 641 mg Cu kg1 dry matter [26].
K. Oorts
Fig. 13.1 Free-ion fractions of metals in soil solution or in a 10 mM Ca(NO3)2 extract measured
with Donnan dialysis or ion selective electrode. The lines show the free-ion fractions predicted
with WHAM6 for a generic composition of solution (50 mg L1 dissolved organic matter, 2 mM
Ca(NO3)2), for either low (5 107 M Cu, solid line) or high (5 106 M Cu, dotted line)
Cu concentration (From Degryse et al. [19])
K. Oorts
can influence competition for sorption sites and potential for complexation [19, 79].
Kd values further depend on total metal concentrations as sorption sites become
saturated and Kd progressively decreases with increasing total metal loading.
In a review of over 70 studies on partitioning coefficients, Sauve et al. [79]
identified 452 Kd values for Cu in soil, ranging from 6.8 to 82850 L kg1, with
a median of 2120 L kg1. All Kd values are based on aqua regia soluble soil metal
content and total dissolved Cu concentrations in the actual soil solution or soil
extracts. Kd values were significantly correlated with pH and organic carbon content
of the soil and an empirical regression was derived to predict Kd for Cu in soil:
Log Kd 1:75 0:21 pHsoil solution
0:51 log% Organic Carbon R2 0:42; n 353
Similar equations for Kd values based on aqua regia soluble total Cu concentrations and either total dissolved or free ion Cu concentration in pore-water were
obtained in an excellent review on metal partitioning in soils by Degryse et al. [19]:
Log Kd 0:45 0:34 pH 0:65 log% Organic Carbon R2 0:44; n 128
Log Kd free 1:88 1:05 pH
0:65 log% Organic Carbon R2 0:97; n 32
Compared to other metals (Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn), pH has a relatively limited effect
on the solid-liquid distribution of total dissolved Cu in soils. This can be explained
by the very high affinity of Cu for organic matter. If pH increases, the sorption of
the free Cu2+ ion on solid organic matter increases, but the complexation of Cu
with dissolved organic matter also increases, resulting in a small (or zero) net effect
on the total solution concentration [19]. If Cu binds only on organic matter and
there is no inorganic complexation in solution, the Kd of Cu is expected to reflect
the solid-liquid distribution of organic matter in soils. Figure 13.2 indeed shows
a good correlation between Kd values for Cu and the partitioning of organic matter
between the solid and liquid phase in soils with moderate to high pH, where free-ion
fractions of Cu are small [19]. Land management practices that affect soil pH and
organic matter dynamics will obviously also have a directly impact on Cu mobility
in soil. The application of biosolids can, e.g., increase Cu mobility through enhanced
dissolved organic matter [2, 33].
Fig. 13.2 The Kd of Cu for soils with pH > 5 (a) as a function of pH, or (b) as a function of the
solid-liquid distribution of organic C, Kd-OC (dotted line is the 1:1 line). Solid lines are
regressions relating logKd of Cu to pH or to logKd-OC (From Degryse et al. [19])
or ageing, that further decrease the bioavailability of added metal with time.
Examples of such ageing reactions for Cu are diffusion of Cu into micro-pores,
precipitation of insoluble Cu phases, occlusion of Cu into organic matter and inclusion
of Cu in the crystal structure of soil minerals. There is substantial evidence for the
decreased extractability with time after addition of soluble Cu to soils [34, 95] or soil
constituents, such as peat [12], oxides [66] and clay [97]. It was also shown that the
extractability of Cu fertilisers in field soils decreased over a period of 6 years after
application [15]. Results from sequential fractionation schemes to partition soil Cu
into various operationally-defined pools confirm that soluble Cu migrates with time
from easily extracted pools to more strongly bound forms, mostly associated with
organic matter and mineral oxides [30, 67].
Next to this chemical evidence for ageing reactions, there also are some
biological indications for decreased availability of Cu with time. In a series of pot
trials with Cu-deficient soils (<3.5 mg Cu kg1), the plant uptake of Cu was
significantly reduced with increasing contact time between soil and Cu. The Cu
fixation rate increased with increasing temperature, increasing pH and addition of
straw [58]. There is however no direct evidence for reduced residual effect of
Cu in non-deficient soils, which may be related to the strong regulation of plant root
uptake of Cu when abundant Cu is available. At higher soil Cu concentrations, it
has been shown that ageing significantly reduces Cu toxicity to plants, invertebrates
and micro-organisms [64, 68, 69, 80, 81]. It must however be noticed that at these
high concentration ranges, the elevated ionic strength and decreased pH in soil
solution of Cu-salt spiked and unleached soil samples also may affect Cu behaviour
in soil (see Sect. 13.6.1).
Ageing of Cu in soil removes Cu from available pools into a pool that is more
strongly retained, from which its desorption is much slower. Consequently, two
Cu pools can be defined in soil, the labile fraction and the fraction of Cu that is
K. Oorts
21 d
Evaluae (%)
90 d
180 d
360 d
21 d
90 d
180 d
360 d
Soil pH
Fig. 13.3 The effect of time and pH on lability (E-values, % of total added Cu) of added Cu in
soils incubated for different times. The curves are predicted by a semi-mechanistic model based on
time and pH (Based on Ma et al. [47])
K. Oorts
Plant species
Sugar beat
Fig. 13.4 Copper concentrations in shoots (closes symbols) and roots (open symbols) of tomato
plants grown in nutrient solutions as function of the free metal activity (From Degryse et al. [18])
total dissolved Cu concentrations. The free Cu2+ activity in soil solution however
generally decreases with plant growth due to enhanced complexation with
dissolved organic carbon [4, 18, 74].
Table 13.7 Chronic soil Cu toxicity threshold concentrations (NOEC, No Observed Effect
Concentrations, or EC10, concentrations yielding 10% inhibition in response) for plants,
invertebrates and microbial processes [26]
Number of data
Range (mg Cu kg1 soil)
Monocotyledon plants
32; 5 species from 3 families
Dicotyledon plants
35; 4 species from 2 families
57; 5 species from 3 families
Annelida and Nematoda
51; 5 species from 3 families
Microbial C transformation
49; 4 processes
Microbial N transformation
26; 4 processes
Microbial biomass
amended with increasing doses of a soluble Cu salt (e.g. CuCl2 or CuSO4). From the
resulting doseresponse relationship, toxicity thresholds (NOEC, No Observed
Effect Concentrations, i.e. highest dose at which no significant inhibitory effect is
observed, or EC10 values, i.e. effective concentration yielding 10% inhibition in
response) can be calculated for the effect of Cu on the endpoint studied (e.g., plant
growth or invertebrate reproduction). In total 252 reliable NOEC or EC10 values
for the effect of Cu on terrestrial organisms were identified in the framework of a
European risk assessment of Cu (Table 13.7). These data cover a wide range in
terrestrial organisms and are derived from tests focusing on sensitive life stages
(e.g., plant root elongation, invertebrate reproduction) or from chronic exposure
(e.g., growth, mortality). Data were obtained in a variety of soils with a wide range
in pH (3.07.7), organic carbon (0.338%), clay (560%) and ambient Cu background concentration (2158 mg Cu kg1). Copper toxicity thresholds varied
almost 3 orders of magnitude (32,400 mg Cu kg1) across endpoints and soils
and overlap with the range in ambient background Cu concentrations in soil.
The ecological relevance of standardised laboratory tests immediately or shortly
after freshly spiking with soluble metal salt is however limited (Fig. 13.5).
Standardised toxicity tests result in a sudden disturbance of the soil, while in field
conditions Cu generally accumulates slowly with time due to e.g., industrial
emissions, sludge application or the use of Cu fungicides. Spiking soils with soluble
Cu salts not only increases the Cu content of a soil but also increases the ionic
strength of the soil solution and decreases the soil pH by replacement of protons
from the exchange complex with the metal cations (Fig. 13.6). The higher ionic
strength and lower soil solution pH in freshly amended (spiked) soils compared to
leached or field-contaminated soils (that are naturally leached) may affect the
response of the organisms both directly and indirectly by increasing metal bioavailability. Testing soils immediately after adding Cu also ignores the ageing reactions
that further decrease bioavailability of added Cu beyond the duration of these tests
(Sect. 13.4.3). Standard toxicity experiments in soil result therefore in a potentially
higher bioavailability compared to field conditions and soil metal concentrations
needed to produce toxic effects generally are lower for laboratory contaminated
than for field contaminated soils. Additionally, lower toxicity to microbial processes in field-contaminated or aged soils can also be caused by microbial
K. Oorts
Response (% of control)
Response (% of control)
Fig. 13.5 Discrepancy of the microbial response to elevated Cu between standard toxicity
tests (open symbols, full line) and long-term contaminated soils (closed symbols, dashed line).
(a) Toxicity of Cu on nitrification measured 7 days after amending the soil with CuCl2 or after
spiking with CuCl2 and18 months equilibration and leaching. (b) Effect of Cu on respiration of
glucose in a field transect of a contaminated soil (70-year-old CuSO4 spill) and the corresponding
control soil amended with CuCl2 to identical concentrations (Based on Oorts et al. [64])
Fig. 13.6 Difference in soil solution properties of a field-contaminated soil (field gradient with a
70-year-old CuSO4 spill) and the corresponding freshly spiked reference soil (amended with
CuCl2 to identical Cu concentrations). Soil pH (indicated in right panel) gradually decreases
with Cu dose in spiked soils (From Smolders et al. [85], data based on Oorts et al. [64])
Leaching-Ageing factor
pH (0.01 M CaCl2)
Fig. 13.7 The leachingageing factors that quantify the difference in Cu toxicity between aged
soils (experimental or field-contaminated) and corresponding freshly amended soils. The factors
are the ratios of the doses resulting in 10% inhibition (EC10 values) in aged to that in freshly
amended soils. Closed symbols are bounded values; open symbols refer to unbounded values
(no toxicity found in a field-contaminated or aged soil and a (lower) estimate for the L/A factor
was selected, based on the ratio of the largest concentration in the aged soil to the ED10 of a
freshly amended soil) (Based on EU [26]
The L/A factors for Cu vary largely among the species or process studied and no
effect of soil pH or other soil properties was observed on the effect of leaching and
ageing on Cu toxicity in soils.
K. Oorts
variation coefficient (%)
Total soil Cu(g Cu/kg)
Soil solution Cu (mg Cu/L)
Cu 2+activity (M)
Fig. 13.8 Five different expressions of the toxic Cu concentrations at the 50% effective
concentration (EC50) in 17 freshly amended soils, with shoot growth of tomato seedling as the
measured endpoint. The coefficients of variation (standard deviation divided by mean of untransformed EC50 values) of the EC50 values for the 17 soils are given. DGT diffusive gradients in
thin film technique; eCEC effective cation exchange capacity (i.e. CEC at pH of the soil) (From
Smolders et al. [85], data based on Zhao et al. [98]
on the metal ion activity in solution and the concentrations of competing ions
(e.g. protons, Ca2+, and Mg2+). A BLM has been successfully calibrated with the
data from soils freshly amended with Cu salts and this revealed protective effects of
protons for all endpoints and additionally of Mg for the nitrification assay [88, 89].
A meta-analysis of metal toxicity data also suggested that protons strongly mitigate
the toxicity of the free metal ion on the biotic ligand [43].
Soil properties can explain a significant part of the variation in Cu toxicity
thresholds for plants, invertebrates and micro-organisms based on total soil Cu concentrations and empirical regression models are derived for a wide range of European,
Chinese and Australian soils (Table 13.8). Copper toxicity is generally best related to
the effective CEC (eCEC i.e. CEC at pH of the soil), compared to pH, organic matter
or clay content. The importance of the eCEC may refer to the role of cation exchange
processes in short-term sorption of Cu in soils [92]. Although soil pH generally is
acknowledged as a key factor in determining Cu solubility and speciation in soils,
no consistent effects of soil pH on total soil Cu toxicity thresholds were found. This is
explained by the counteracting effect of soil pH on free Cu ion toxicity at the biotic
ligand (increasing toxicity of free Cu ion with increasing pH because of decreasing
competition of protons) and on Cu solubility and speciation in soil (decreasing free Cu
ion concentration with increasing pH due to increasing sorption) [43, 65]. The similar
pH effect on metal toxicity and metal adsorption suggests that metal binding on the
biotic membrane and on soil components are controlled by the same reactions.
Table 13.8 Soil properties best predicting Cu toxicity (EC50 values) in freshly-spiked soils
Soil properties
Eisenia fetida (earthworm) reproduction
Folsomia candida (springtail) reproduction
Potential nitrification rate
Substrate induced respiration
Organic carbon and clay content
Maize residue mineralisation
pH and eCEC
Barley root elongation
Tomato shoot yield
Substrate induced nitrification
Substrate induced respiration
Wheat shoot yield
Substrate induced nitrification
Total calcium concentration
Barley root elongation
pH and organic carbon
eCEC effective cation exchange capacity, i.e. CEC at pH of the soil
Table 13.9 Copper limit concentrations in soil according to various legislations
Limit (mg Cu kg1
Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC,
95% protection level) for plants,
(EEC) 793/
invertebrates and micro-organisms;
depending on eCEC, pH, clay and organic
matter content
70 (plants)
Ecological soil screening level (ECO SSL);
no correction for soil properties
80 (invertebrates)
28 (birds)
49 (mammals)
Added contaminant level for soils with
varying pH (48) and organic carbon
content (16%).
Based on protection of 95% of plant species
Added contaminant level for biosolids
amended soils with varying pH (48) and
organic carbon content (16%)
Based on protection of 95% of plant species
Europe (EU
Limit values for Cu in soil
Directive 86/ 10001750
Limit values for Cu in sludge for use in
K. Oorts
speciation and low availability of Cu originally present in the sewage sludge and
manures and less to the additional Cu binding capacity of a biosolids-amended soil
[84]. The marginal effect of increased binding capacity also explains the lack
of significant release or mobilisation of Cu in biosolid-amended soils due to organic
matter decomposition within the time frame of the field trials studied [63, 84].
Cumulative distribution
Fig. 13.9 Species sensitivity distribution (SSD) of species-mean NOEC or EC10 values for
plants, soil invertebrates and micro-organisms, corrected for ageing processes and normalised
for soil properties of a highly sensitive, medium sensitive and weakly sensitive soil according to
the models selected for the European risk assessment of Cu [26]. Properties for these three soils
are, respectively, eCEC, 4, 15, and 35 cmolc kg1; pH, 4.5, 5.5, 7.0; % organic carbon, 1.0, 2.9, and
12% and % clay, 5, 15, and 30%. Corresponding PNEC values, based on a 95% protection level,
are 30, 93 and 162 mg Cu kg1 soil, respectively
K. Oorts
Contaminated Soils
Concluding Remarks
Copper is probably among the best-studied heavy metals in soil. Although the long
history of global use of Cu resulted in significant diffuse anthropogenic emissions
of Cu to soil, natural processes (e.g., geology) drive the regional and continental
distribution patterns of soil Cu concentrations. At a local scale, the main anthropogenic input comes from point sources (e.g. mining or smelting activities) and
agricultural practices (use of sewage sludge, Cu-pesticides etc.). Soil organic
matter and pH are the main soil factors controlling solid-liquid partitioning of Cu
in soil, with higher solubility at low pH and low organic matter content. Copper is
an essential element and internal Cu concentrations are well regulated in plants and
soil-dwelling invertebrates. Elevated soil Cu concentrations first affect plant root
growth and translocation of excess Cu to shoots is efficiently restricted over a wide
concentration range. Toxicity of Cu to terrestrial organisms varies largely
depending on the species sensitivity and the bioavailability of Cu in soils. Chronic
soil Cu toxicity thresholds even overlap with the range in ambient background
Cu concentrations. However, both background Cu concentration and Cu toxicity
are partly controlled by the same soil factors (organic matter and clay content).
When bioavailability of Cu in soil is taken into account and toxicity data are
normalised for soil properties, there is a factor 210 difference between the ambient
background concentrations and predicted no effect concentration of Cu in soil.
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K. Oorts
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Chapter 14
Eiliv Steinnes
Abstract Lead (Pb) is among the elements that have been most extensively used
by man over time. This has led to extensive pollution of surface soils on the local
scale, mainly associated with mining and smelting of the metal and addition of
organic Pb compounds to petrol. Other sources of soil Pb pollution are shooting
ranges and sewage sludges. Release of Pb to the atmosphere from various hightemperature processes has led to surface contamination on the regional and even
global scale. Lead is particularly strongly bound to humic matter in organic-rich
soil and to iron oxides in mineral soil, and is rather immobile in the soil unless
present at very high concentrations. Transfer of Pb from the soil to green parts of
plants is generally small, except in cases with extensive surface soil concentration.
Concerns about health effects due to Pb pollution particularly in urban areas and
to Pb uptake in agricultural crops have led to development of a variety of soil
remediation techniques.
Keywords Lead Air pollution Atmospheric deposition Smelters Leaded
petrol Shooting ranges Sewage sludge Sorption Leaching Plant uptake
Surface contamination Soil remediation
Lead (Pb) is believed to be the first metal extracted by man from its ores, and was
extensively used throughout antiquity for a great variety of objects and purposes
[76, 77]. It is estimated that during the Roman Empire about 140,000 workers were
occupationally exposed to Pb each year. Since Pb and its compounds are very toxic to
E. Steinnes (*)
Department of Chemistry, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
e-mail: eiliv.steinnes@chem.ntnu.no
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_14,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
E. Steinnes
man and there is no evidence that deliberate attempts were made to prevent Pb exposure
during the production and use of Pb-based items, it seems evident that a great number
of people may have suffered from acute or chronic Pb poisoning. In modern times,
the primary use of Pb has been in the production of alkyl Pb compounds for anti-knock
agents in gasoline, as pigments in paints and in automobile batteries.
As far as is known, Pb is neither essential nor beneficial for any living organisms
(see also Chap. 7). The various uses of Pb and its compounds have lead to
considerable exposure of large population groups also during recent times, and
there are fears that human body burdens below those at which clinical symptoms of
Pb toxicity appear may cause mental impairment in young children [25]. Concerns
about the toxicity of the metal have led to a significant decrease in the application of
the metal in recent years.
In the environment, Pb and its compounds tend to accumulate in soils and
sediments, where they may remain bioavailable for a long period of time.
Geochemical Occurrence
The abundance of Pb in the continental crust is 14.8 mg kg 1 [115]. The Pb2+ cation
replaces K+ in silicate lattices or Ca2+ in carbonates by isomorphic substitution.
In silicate rocks Pb has a tendency to increase with increasing Si content. Lead also
has a strong affinity for S, and therefore concentrates in S phases in rocks. Among
common sedimentary rocks [1] shales have higher Pb abundance (22 mg kg 1) than
sandstones (10 mg kg 1). Black shales are rich in organic matter and sulphide and
tend to have higher Pb contents [70]. The major Pb ore mineral is galena (PbS).
use of leaded petrol in automobiles. Since the outset of the industrial period,
Pb has therefore accumulated in terrestrial surface materials, frequently resulting
in considerable contamination of surface soils. Lead has a tendency to be concentrated on the smaller particle fractions in emissions from high-temperature
sources [35] and may thus become available for long-range atmospheric transport.
Analyses of ice and snow from Greenland and the Antarctica [10, 73] showed that
the contamination of land surfaces from airborne Pb has a global distribution. In the
1970s large-scale contamination of natural surface soils far from major emission
sources became evident in southern Scandinavia [108] as well as in New England
[85]. In Norway the Pb content of organic-rich surface soils decreased regularly
from >120 mg kg 1 in the south of the country to <10 mg kg 1 in the north, and the
main reason for this difference was stated to be long-range atmospheric transport
from more heavily industrialized and densely populated areas elsewhere in Europe
[96, 100]. Studies from other countries have confirmed substantially higher Pb
levels in the surface soil compared to lower soil horizons e.g., [9, 40, 83, 102].
The extent of Pb contamination of surface soils has been demonstrated in several
countries by different ratios of stable Pb isotopes in the indigenous and the supplied
Pb [7, 9, 31, 101]. Steinnes and Friedland [98] reviewed the character and extent of
Pb pollution in boreal forest soils.
Although the main source of airborne Pb in soils has been generally assumed to
be the use of Pb alkyls in petrol (cf. Sect. 14.5.1), studies of the temporal trends in
Pb deposition using dated peat cores from ombrogenous bogs [92] have shown that
a substantial part of the deposited Pb could be derived from emissions that occurred
prior to the introduction of leaded petrol. Some peat studies even showed evidence
of Pb contamination in peat layers corresponding to the Roman period and medieval
Pb production [11, 59, 93]. Similar information on historical Pb deposition in
Europe was obtained from the Pb isotopic record of a sediment monolith from an
Icelandic salt marsh [66].
Another way of illustrating the Pb contamination of surface soils is the application of multivariate statistics on multi-element sets of data [26, 29, 100], where Pb
invariably shows a preference for some factor characteristic of air pollution.
More than for any other metal, human industrial activities have strongly
influenced the extent and fate of Pb in soils, including impacts on human beings
e.g., from soil ingestion or contamination of food crops from surface contamination
or root uptake. A further discussion of different anthropogenic sources and their
influence related to soils is presented in Sect. 14.5.
E. Steinnes
matter, sorption on oxide and silicate clay minerals, or precipitation as the carbonate,
sulfate, or phosphate. In alkaline soils, solubility may increase due to formation of
soluble Pb-organic and Pb-hydroxy complexes [68].
The chemical behaviour of Pb in soil depends very much on the organic matter
content. Lead is strongly adsorbed on humic matter at pH 4 and above [13, 54].
According to Christl et al. [21] the binding of Pb to soil humic fractions is
predominately as a monodentate complex. Only small differences were observed
between different size fractions, and it was generally suggested that Pb binding to
humic substances is almost unaffected by differences in their chemical composition. With the exception of Hg and Cu, the binding of Pb to soil humic matter is
stronger than for the other heavy metals and metalloids discussed in this volume.
The high affinity to humic matter plays a key role in the behaviour of Pb derived
from air pollution, in particular in boreal forest soils and other soils with a high
organic matter content, and the release of Pb to deeper soil horizons depends mainly
on transport of dissolved Pb-organic complexes [8, 108].
In the absence of appreciable humic matter, Pb is strongly adsorbed on clay
minerals [42] and Fe oxides [43, 55]. Lead is generally more strongly sorbed than
other heavy metals, such as Cu, Zn, Cd, and Ni [30, 110]. Lead sorption occurs
primarily on the clay size fraction of the soil [65]. Hooda and Alloway [44] found
that Pb sorption in agricultural soils correlated with pH, CEC, organic matter
content, clay content, and CaCO3. Sipos et al. [95] reported that organic matter in
soils absorbs more Pb than clay minerals. Appel and Ma [4] observed that the Pb
sorption in oxisols was greater than the amount of negative surface charge,
indicating participation of Pb in inner-sphere surface reactions. This was confirmed
by X-ray absorption studies on interactions of Pb2+ with ferrihydrite [106].
At pH > 5 bidentate complexes on the oxide surface dominated, whereas at pH
4.5 a mixture of monodentate and bidentate complexes was indicated.
Alternating aerobic and anaerobic conditions, as observed e.g. by soil flooding,
lead to changes in pH and redox potential and are likely to affect most of the
processes regulating the speciation of metals in soil [14]. In the case of Pb the
reduction of Mn and Fe oxides and induced pH changes may lead to release of Pb
from solid phases to the soil solution but prolonged flooding can lead to fixation
again [18].
very small fraction of total Pb, although results vary among different studies
[5, 8, 33]) and with extraction time [64]. According to Sauve et al. [86] however,
investigations of the soil solution may seem to be more relevant in order to assess
the mobility and bioavailability of Pb in soils. They showed that the free Pb2+
activity in the soil solution could be predicted simply by means of total soil Pb and
pH with no significant contribution from soil organic matter content and phosphate
in solution. Yet about 608% of the total dissolved Pb was present as organo-Pb
complexes. In organic horizons of forest soils [88] the fraction of total Pb in the soil
solution was on average about 2 orders of magnitude higher than normally observed
in mineral soils, partly due to the low pH and partly because of the high organic
matter content.
E. Steinnes
All in all the total residence time of anthropogenic Pb in soils on the catchment
scale may be in the order of centuries to millennia, as indicated by dynamic
modeling [104].
Soils heavily polluted by Pb can exceed their Pb carrying capacity [80], which
could have potential impacts on shallow groundwater systems and represent further
exposure to humans and ecosystems.
E. Steinnes
Soil-Plant Relationships
Most of the lead in soils appears to be generally unavailable to the plant tops.
Plant-absorbed Pb2+ concentrates in the roots, and very little is translocated from
roots to tops as the plant is growing [49, 63]. Koeppe [58] reviewed the uptake and
translocation in plants, and concluded that translocation is dependent on physiological status. Under conditions of optimal growth Pb precipitates on root cell walls in
an insoluble, amorphous form, which in maize was identified as Pb phosphate.
According to Davies [24, 25], there appears to be a positive relationship between
the concentration of Pb in the soil and that in the plant in broad terms. More recent
work however [86, 87] indicates that the phytoavailability of trace metals may be
more strongly correlated to the free metal ion activity in the soil solution than
to total metal contents of the soil, although Murray and Hendershot [74] found
that neither total Pb, total dissolved Pb, or free Pb in solution were satisfactory
predictors of plant uptake.
A large number of studies have been carried out in order to find chemical
extractants (salt solutions, dilute acids, complexing agents, etc.) separating the
plant-available fraction of heavy metals from soil samples. Menzies et al. [69]
critically reviewed the available literature on extractants for Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu, and Pb
and concluded that there is generally no correlation between the total metal content
E. Steinnes
Over the last 20 years considerable efforts have been exercised in order to reduce
the hazard associated with strongly contaminated soils either by in situ stabilization
or by removal of the major fraction of metal by chemical or biological means.
Various soil remediation techniques described in the literature were reviewed by
Mulligan et al. [72]. In situ stabilization of Pb-contaminated soil by amendment
with phosphate in various forms has been suggested by many researchers [41] and
seems to be favorable in the case of agricultural soils. Other approaches suggested
depend on physical or chemical separation based on soil washing (reviewed by
Dermont et al. [27]) or phytoextraction; growing plant species that can accumulate
high amounts of Pb [46]. Addition of synthetic chelating agents may increase the
plant uptake (e.g., Huang et al. [47], Shen et al. [91]).
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Chapter 15
Eiliv Steinnes
Abstract In spite of its low abundance in the Earths crust, mercury (Hg) has
aroused substantial attention, first because of its numerous applications and more
recently because of its toxicity. The extensive use of Hg has resulted in significant
contamination of soils locally and regionally and sometimes to human and animal
exposure at toxic levels. Human use of Hg started already in antiquity and reached
a maximum around 1975. Since then the major applications have been strongly
reduced in many countries. All chemical forms of Hg are toxic to humans and
animals, methyl Hg in particular. In soils Hg may originate from Hg minerals,
diffuse air pollution, and local pollution sources such as chlor-alkali factories and
the use of sewage sludge and organic Hg compounds in agriculture. Elemental Hg
from the atmosphere mainly due to previous human emissions is a dominant
source of soil pollution worldwide. In soils, Hg occurs as various forms of Hg(II),
generally strongly bound to organic matter and sulphides. The Hg content is
generally higher in organic-rich soils than in mineral soils. Root uptake of Hg in
plants is generally low, and Hg in above-ground plant material is mostly derived
from atmospheric deposition. Under reducing conditions in soils methyl Hg may be
formed and subsequently transported to lakes and rivers and accumulated in aquatic
food chains.
Keywords Mercury Contamination Chlor-alkali plants Coal burning
Methyl mercury Agricultural chemicals Sewage sludge Soil organic matter
Volatilisation Toxicity
E. Steinnes (*)
Department of Chemistry, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
e-mail: eiliv.steinnes@chem.ntnu.no
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_15,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
E. Steinnes
There is archaeological evidence that mercury (Hg) has been known and used by
humans for at least 3,500 years [68]. The ancient Egyptians apparently knew how to
make amalgamations with tin (Sn) and copper (Cu) as early as the sixth century BC,
and uses of Hg metal and cinnabar (HgS) in medicine existed in China and India at
the same time. The Greeks were also familiar with techniques for the extraction of
Hg from ores and with medical applications of the element. The Romans inherited
most of this knowledge and greatly extended the commercial applications of the
metal, mainly by production of the red pigment vermillion. After the fall of the
Roman Empire, Hg consumption was chiefly restricted to medicinal and pharmaceutical uses until the sixteenth century when silver (Ag) mining started in Spanish
America [34]. Somewhat later the invention of scientific instruments such as the
barometer and thermometer involved the introduction of metallic Hg into scientific
research. More recently Hg and its compounds have found a great number of
new applications. The extensive use of Hg has led to large-scale dispersion of the
element in the environment and in some cases to significant human health
World production of Hg remained at a high level for several centuries [34].
Already around the year 1600 annual production was about 400 t, increasing
gradually to about 1,000 t around 1800, 2,000 t in 1850, 4,000 t in 1900 and
8,000 t during the period 19611980. During the 1990s the annual world production
declined from about 6,000 t to less than 2,000 t, following the increasing concern
about the toxicity of Hg compounds to man and the environment. The total amount
of globally mined Hg over all years may approach 1,000,000 t. The main Hg mines
in Europe were located in Spain, Italy, and Slovenia. In the year 2000, predominant
contributions to Hg mining were from Algeria, Australia, China, Kyrgyzstan,
Spain, Tajikistan, and Tunisia.
Table 15.1 Main areas of Hg consumption in USA (metric tons) during the period 19411990
(Jasinski [37])
Areas of use
Chloralkali industry
Pharmaceutical uses
Electrical uses:
Measuring and control instruments
Dental uses
Other uses
na Not available
during the period 19411990 [37]. Applications of Hg and its compounds have been
strongly restricted in many countries over the last two to three decades, but some
uses continue, such as small-scale Au mining from river sediments in several
developing countries [71].
E. Steinnes
Geochemical Occurrence
The original Hg sources common to all soils are the minerals constituting the rocks
forming the soil parent material. In the case of surface soils atmospheric deposition
is also a significant source, which has become exceedingly important with the
increasing contributions from anthropogenic activities to atmospheric Hg. In the
case of agricultural soils the use of fertilisers (commercial fertiliser, manure,
sewage sludge), lime, and Hg-containing fungicides may sometimes increase
substantially the Hg load.
E. Steinnes
E. Steinnes
sludges in some countries [39, 67]. Cappon [14] studied the chemical form of
Hg in sludge and found on average 6.0% methylmercury.
E. Steinnes
Soil type
Cultivated and non-cultivated
(020 cm)
Cultivated and non-cultivated
(020 cm)
Virgin soils, A-horizon
Cultivated and virgin, A-horizon
Cultivated (015 cm)
Forest soil, A0-horizon
Ombrogenous peat (05 cm)
Ombrogenous peat (05 cm)
Ombrogenous peat (30100 cm)
Predominantly cultivated
Cultivated and non-cultivated
(020 cm)
Cultivated and non-cultivated
(015 cm)
Cultivated (015 cm)
Surface soils (entire country)
Surface soils (Western states)
Surface soils (Eastern states)
Surface soils (Florida)
Surface horizon (Missouri)
Surface horizon (Colorado)
B horizon (Eastern states)
B horizon (Western states)
Urban and agricultural (05 cm)
Cultivated (015 cm)
Cultivated (07.5 cm)
Median value
Average References
E. Steinnes
for areas with no appreciable influence from local anthropogenic sources giving rise
to elevated levels in the surface soil.
Organic soils commonly have higher average Hg contents than mineral soils
[22, 43]. This is also demonstrated by the examples shown in Table 15.2, where
soils rich in organic matter generally show Hg values of 0.10.2 mg kg1 whereas
mineral soils and surface soils from areas poor in organic matter are typically
0.05 mg kg1 or less. Lag and Steinnes [48] found a highly significant correlation
between Hg and organic matter content in the surface layer of forest soils.
Andersson [4] in a study of Hg profiles of virgin soils demonstrated a very close
correlation between Hg and organic matter content in acidic soils, whereas in
neutral soils (pH > 6), where the dominated species are HgOHCl and Hg(OH)2
rather than HgCl2, the co-variation between Hg and Fe was stronger than that of
Hg and organic matter. The distinctly higher Hg content observed in soils in the
eastern compared to the western USA [82] could possibly in part be explained by
differences in soil organic matter.
In some cases, such as the Chernozem and Luvisol soils in Alberta studied
by Dudas and Pawluk [19], Hg appeared to be depleted in the surface layer relative
to lower horizons. In soils with low organic matter content and pH > 6 this trend
might be expected. However, McKeague and Kloosterman [59], in an extensive
survey of soils from all the provinces of Canada, observed that in more than half of
the samples, particularly podzolic and gleysolic soils the highest Hg concentrations
were present in the surface layer.
In cultivated soils the Hg level is normally quite constant within the plough
layer. Below this layer there is a gradual decrease downwards to the background
level in the parent material [5, 95]. In some cases however the content in the surface
horizon is similar to that of the subsoil [63].
Ombrotrophic bogs offer a unique opportunity to study the transfer of Hg
between the atmosphere and organic soil virtually independently of the underlying
mineral material [25, 38]. In a study of 14C-dated peat profiles from six bogs
at different latitudes (5869 N) in Norway [89] the Hg concentration in the surface
peat layer was of the order of 1020 times higher than at 50 cm depth, representing
an age of 22003600 BP. This indicates that the recent atmospheric supply of Hg
in this area may have been an order of magnitude higher than the pre-industrial
level, provided that no re-distribution of Hg in the peat has occurred.
In the survey presented by Ure and Berrow [91], data for the Hg content of 3049
soils averaging 0.098 mg kg1 were reported. No similar calculation is presented
for the data listed in Table 15.2, because the format of reporting is not uniform.
Some investigators include all data obtained on a given material, while others
exclude anomalous values before calculating the average. What seems to be
evident, however, is that the Hg content of surface soils frequently exceeds to a
substantial degree that of the mineral material from which it was derived. Much of
this excess Hg may be present in some form that permits its participation in
exchange processes in the soil and between soil and atmosphere. It also appears
that the surface content is distinctly higher in soils with high organic matter
E. Steinnes
The release of volatile Hg compounds from the land surface and the atmospheric
deposition of Hg acting in the opposite direction are important processes not only
for the Hg chemistry in soils but also for the global circulation of Hg. According
to Mason et al. [56], 7080% of the current Hg emissions to the atmosphere are
of anthropogenic origin. As most of the Hg deposited to the oceans is recycled to
the atmosphere, the terrestrial environment becomes the principal atmospheric
Hg sink. Mason et al. estimated the annual global Hg deposition on land to be
about 1.8 109 g, and a similar deposition to the oceans. Andren and Nriagu [6]
estimated the global Hg store in soils to be 2 1013 g, which may seem slightly
high. Assuming a mean Hg concentration in surface soils (upper 0.5 m) of
0.05 mg g1 worldwide (cf. Table 15.2) and a mean soil density of 1 g cm3 the
total amount of Hg in the Earths surface soils is around 3 1012 g.
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Chapter 16
Olav Albert Christophersen, Graham Lyons, Anna Haug,
and Eiliv Steinnes
Abstract Selenium (Se) is both an essential micronutrient for animals and humans
and potentially toxic at relatively low intakes. Total soil Se is usually low
(0.012 mg/kg), but parts of China, India and the USA have toxic soil Se levels.
Available soil Se is poorly correlated with total soil Se and is highly variable, both
locally and globally. The plant availability of Se in soil depends on the major
Se species present and on soil characteristics, including the quantity of sorption
components (aluminium and iron oxide/hydroxides), pH and redox status. Also, the
presence of anions competing for the same sorption surfaces (including sulphate,
phosphate and organic anions) affects root uptake and retention of Se in soil, and
microbial activity is important for Se interactions with organic matter. Depletion of
Se and S is common in soils of Sub-Saharan Africa, due to soil erosion, leaching
and volatilisation through burning. The only viable long-term solution, especially
for farmers who cannot afford commercial fertilisers, is to re-establish agricultural
ecosystems that are closer to the natural ecosystems they replaced. Selenium is not
considered to be essential for higher plants; however, it has numerous health roles
O.A. Christophersen
Pensioned State Stipendiate, Ragnhild Schibbyesvei 26, 0968 Oslo, Norway
e-mail: olav.albert.christophersen@gmail.com
G. Lyons
School of Agriculture, Food & Vine, University of Adelaide,
Glen Osmond, SA 5064, Australia
e-mail: graham.lyons@adelaide.edu.au
A. Haug (*)
Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences,
The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 1432 Aas, Norway
e-mail: anna.haug@umb.no
E. Steinnes
Department of Chemistry, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
e-mail: eiliv.steinnes@chem.ntnu.no
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_16,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
Geochemistry of Selenium
The name selenium refers to the Greek Moon goddess Selene. While the Moon is
more depleted than the Earth in several moderately volatile elements including
alkali metals and gold (Au), S and Se are found at similar concentrations in lunar
rocks as on the Earth [120]. This (and also the high FeO concentration of the lunar
mantle) can only be explained if the Moon was formed from matter that had been in
a moderately oxidizing environment, where the H2/H2S and H2/H2O ratios were
two orders of magnitude less than in solar gas. Both S and Se are much less volatile
under these conditions than in a more reducing environment, corresponding to the
composition of the Sun [120]. The Earth must also have been formed from matter
that had been in a similar, moderately oxidizing environment in order to explain the
high total abundance of ferrous iron (Fe) in the Earths mantle while also being
depleted in alkali metals [120], although not as much as the Moon. The low average
abundance of S and Se in mantle and crustal rocks on the Earth can therefore not be
explained by evaporation from planetisimal matter before the Earth was formed
(even though the temperature was high enough that Na and K partially evaporated).
Instead it must be explained as a consequence of the strongly siderophile properties
of these elements; i.e. they must have sunk down as part of an Fe-rich, but also
sulphide-rich melt phase when the Earths core was formed. It is therefore likely
that S must be the principal so-called light element in the Earths core, which is
important for estimation of the temperature regime during core formation.
The average Se/S concentration ratio in igneous rocks like basalts and granites
on the Earth is similar to the Se/S concentration ratio found in the solar system as a
whole with Se being four orders of magnitude less abundant than S, when considering atomic proportions [81, 143]. Thus there seems to have been little fractionation
of Se relative to S both when the Earth itself and when its core were formed. Selenium
must apparently have been highly abundant in the seawater or in the atmosphere at the
time when life originated on our planet and the universal genetic code appeared,
judging from the presence of selenoproteins in all three major subdivisions, or
kingdoms, of living organisms, viz. the archaea, the bacteria and the eukaryotes,
with the amino acid selenocysteine being incorporated during translation and using
the same codon (UGA, or TGA in the DNA molecule) in all three. The use of
selenocysteine as a building block in proteins seems thus to go back to the time
when the universal genetic code originated. It may be speculated that this could have
happened as a result of the different redox behaviour of Se and S at low temperatures,
with both elements released abundantly during volcanic degassing (possibly at the
same time as the Earths core was formed). Sulphur was removed from seawater much
more rapidly than Se both in the form of sulphate (or sulphate/silicate, such as
scapolite) and sulphide minerals, but Se would stay in solution together with phosphate in the form of selenite ions (at a time when the Ca++ concentration was several
orders of magnitude less than in seawater today because of the combination of high
CO2 fugacity and simultaneous equilibrium of the seawater with dolomite and hydrous
Mg carbonate minerals). It is likely that Se, because of its redox, catalytic and metalbinding properties, may have played an important role during the prebiotic evolutionary emergence of the first living systems.
natural sources and active Se uptake in the plant roots), and coal combustion is
therefore one of the major anthropogenic sources of Se emission to the atmosphere.
However, coal combustion is also a major source of the Se-antagonistic elements
As and S, as well as of various toxic metals. Another 22% is estimated to come from
pyrometallurgical processes (metal production from sulphide ores), and the total
emission is estimated at 5,780 t. Selenium is emitted in volatile form (as SeO2) from
high-temperature sources, including forest fires and garbage combustion, and is
likely to condense preferentially on small particles [52]. This makes it available
for long range atmospheric transport, which may affect land areas far from the
source [139].
Emissions from natural sources must be considered an equally, if not even more
important source of atmospheric Se, especially since they sometimes can lead to Se
accumulation in the soils over very long periods of time (thousands or ten thousands
of years), while much of the anthropogenic emissions (e.g. from large-scale coal
combustion) only go back to the start of the industrial revolution. While Se
deposition from anthropogenic sources can locally be more important compared
to natural deposition (near areas with much industrial activity), the natural sources
are nevertheless equally or more important when considering the planet as a
whole. Natural soils in Norway were shown to exhibit substantially higher Se
concentrations near the Atlantic coast than further inland. In some areas, topsoil
Se concentrations are so high as a result of high deposition rates from the atmosphere, both naturally from the sea and from acid rain, that they approach levels
found in seleniferous areas in the USA [97, 98, 138]. The observations from
Norway indicated that the ocean is a major source of Se to the terrestrial environment, but this remained unexplained until the discovery of biological methylation
of Se in the aquatic environment [33]. Mosher and Duce [107] estimated a mean
global annual emission of Se to the atmosphere of 6,00013,000 t, with 6080% of
marine biogenic origin. Marine biogenic emission in this order of magnitude has
more recently been confirmed by other authors [3].
Fig. 16.1 pE-pH diagram for the system Se-H2O under the condition SeT 78.96 mg l1
(1 mmol m3) (Reproduced from Neal [109], Copyright (1995) with permission from Springer)
The speciation of Se in the soil is very important for its bioavailability for uptake
into the plant roots. Selenate is the major form in soil solution under high redox
conditions (pe + pH > 15, where pe is a negative measure of electron activity,
derived from the redox potential, Eh, similarly as pH is a negative measure
of proton activity), while selenite is the main form at medium redox potential
(pe + pH 7.515) [42]. Se4+, which may exist either as selenite (SeO32) or
biselenite (HSeO3) depending on pH, and Se6+ as selenate (SeO42) are the
forms of selenium primarily responsible for the reactivity of this element in soils.
The position of Se redox couples relative to the reactions normally governing
the redox potential in soils is shown in Table 16.1. According to this table
SeO42 should be reduced before MnO2, but after NO3 on decreasing redox
level. This sequence has been verified in experimental studies on soil [135] and
sediment [103]. Similarly, presence of nitrate in the soil should be expected to
retard selenate reduction chemically [160] or biochemically [115].
Factors such as dry climate, low organic matter concentration, high temperature,
high pH and absence of waterlogging (well-oxidised soils) tend to favour selenate
over selenite. However, irrigation of such soils may leach the Se below the root
zone [42, 109]. Selenate is less strongly adsorbed to minerals in the soil and
more readily taken up by plants than selenite, while selenite binds tightly to Fe
and aluminium (Al) oxides and hydroxides, to allophane (formed by chemical
weathering of volcanic glass, e.g. in New Zealand) and to a lesser extent also
to clay minerals [13, 109], especially to the positively charged edges of the latter.
Previously it was considered that plants take up mostly selenate from aerobic soils;
however, recent studies of Se species in arable soils in the UK found selenite to be
the main form available for plants [86], which may partly be explained as a
consequence of bioreduction of selenate. In a more recent study, using a very
sensitive method for determining the speciation of Se in soil, no selenate was
detected at all in some British soil samples [172]. At lower pH values, as frequently
found in organic-rich soils, the element may also occur in the more reduced
oxidation states 0 and 2, particularly under conditions of water saturation, more
than happens under conditions of better oxygenation, less soil organic matter and
higher pH. Physicochemical factors other than pH and oxygen partial pressure that
may affect Se speciation include the chemical and mineralogical composition of the
soil, organic matter content, the nature of adsorbing surfaces, and microbial intervention, frequently leading to the production of organo-selenium compounds.
Selenide and elemental Se mainly occur in reducing environments (pe + pH < 7.5)
and are generally unavailable [42, 109].
In some cases, and particularly at high Se levels, concentrations of Se oxyanions in the soil solution may be controlled by the solubility of Se minerals in the
soil. Elrashidi et al. [42], discussing equilibrium reactions and constants for a wide
range of Se minerals and inorganic species in solution, indicated that metal selenate
and selenite minerals are generally too soluble to be stable in most soils. Under
reducing conditions, according to these authors, the formation of metal selenides,
e.g., Cu2Se, PbSe, and SnSe, is likely to prevent the precipitation of elemental Se.
However, in a similar study of Se speciation in anoxic soil solutions, also based on
equilibrium calculations, elemental Se and the formation of FeSe and FeSe2 were
determined to control Se solubility [104]. The quotient between the solubility
products of FeSe (1026) and CuSe (7.9 1049) [20] is much larger than the
ratio between average concentrations of Fe (54,000 mg kg1) and copper (Cu)
(50 mg kg1) in the Earths continental crust [81]. In a situation with thermodynamic equilibrium and Cu++ as the stable form of copper, all selenide ions will thus
precipitate as cupric selenide before ferrous selenide can form. In the natural system
in the soil, it is possible, however, that precipitation of these two minerals will be
governed by kinetic factors rather than thermodynamic equilibria, so that most of
the selenide ions actually might be bound to ferrous Fe rather than Cu++, and Cu2Se
with a solubility product of 1.6 1061 [20] is also more soluble than CuSe.
The main reason why Se will not easily form minerals of its own in the soil is the
low total concentration of Se in most soils, combined with the high capacity for
inorganic Se species to bind to the surfaces of non-Se minerals by adsorption, and to
enter the lattices of non-Se minerals either by equilibrium or non-equilibrium solid
solution. As for Se complexes in the soil solution under oxic conditions,
calculations have shown that only such complexes as MnSeO40, NiSeO40,
NaHSeO30, KHSe0, and NH4HSe0 appear to make appreciable contributions to
soluble Se in normal cultivated soils [109].
and the Se species did not change appreciably with variations in soil conditions.
Coppin et al. [35], assessing the effect of soil ageing on Se behaviour on a series of
soils initially contaminated with Se4+, found that both the quality and quantity of
soil organic matter played a significant role in Se retention. In each case about 60%
of Se was extracted with the humic fraction.
So far, little is known about the chemical speciation of the Se associated with
soil organic matter as well as about the pathways leading to the observed
distributions. Most reported studies dealing with the interaction of different Se
forms with humic matter are concerned with microbial action. Bruggeman et al.
[18] conducted experiments where selenite and selenate were added to reaction
vessels containing a solution of humic substances and stored in the absence of O2
and microorganisms. In the case of selenate no speciation change occurred, whereas
in the selenite solution most of the Se was transformed chemically to a colloidal
species associated with the humic substances. Coppin et al. [34] performed
experiments with selenite sorption to organic matter separated from a grassland
soil by size-density fractionation. The samples were assayed by scanning electron
microscopy combined with X-ray analysis. It appeared that the distribution of Se
corresponded strongly to that of Fe in the sample, suggesting that the association
might be with mineral impurities in the separated organic matter rather than with
the humic matter itself. It might be speculated that selenite ions are attached to a
ferric Fe complex-bound to soil polyphenolic macromolecules, and also to other
organic matter complexes with highly charged metal ions, such as Al or trivalent
manganese (Mn). Studies have shown either decreased Se availability with higher
organic matter content in soils [130, 166] or the opposite [36], and organoselenium
compounds can be readily taken up by plants [163]. Apparently more research is
needed to elucidate the association of Se with soil organic matter.
will decrease with increasing pH. However, the effect of pH is less in cases of
specific adsorption than would be expected in a case of simple electrostatic
interactions between ions in solution and a surface with charge density that depends
on pH in the solution.
Selenate on the other hand behaves in a manner similar to non-specifically
adsorbed anions such as sulphate and nitrate. This mechanism is believed to involve
the formation of an outer-sphere complex involving a water molecule between the
surface and the adsorbing species [134]. This difference between selenite and
selenate sorption behaviour was supported by an X-ray absorption fine structure
(EXAFS) study of the two anions at a goethite-water surface [63]. A number of
studies have examined the adsorption behaviour of Se oxyanions on specific
minerals such as goethite [66], clay minerals [11, 51], and Fe oxides [13, 37].
These studies largely confirm that the selenate adsorption is a non-specific process,
and, unlike selenite adsorption, is sensitive to changes in ionic strength [63].
Adsorption characteristics of soils depend on the extent of pedochemical
weathering that will in large measure determine the mineral composition of the
soil [134]. John et al. [75], in a study of 66 New Zealand soils, concluded that
selenite adsorption increased as a function of soil weathering. In addition to the
physical and chemical properties of the adsorbent, the solution composition may be
of considerable importance with respect to differentiating adsorption mechanisms
[109]. Experimental studies indicate that variation of ionic strength has little effect
on the extent of selenite sorption, whereas selenate adsorption varies significantly
with the anion composition of the solution [63, 66, 110]. Sulphate in particular
appears as a strong competitor to selenate adsorption, whereas chloride, being more
weakly adsorbed, is a weaker competitor. However, the competition of chloride
with selenate adsorption on soil surfaces should not be ignored [123].
Selenium is generally not considered to be essential for flowering plants [17, 83],
although it can be beneficial, when supplied at low levels, in terms of reduction
of oxidative stress, increased biomass [59] and increased seed production [93].
The biochemical explanation for such protective effects of Se in plants is unknown,
but it might be speculated that it may at least in part be explained as a consequence
of selenide ions substituting for sulphide ions in Fe-S proteins such as ferredoxin,
leading to reduction of the rate of superoxide anion production because of ferredoxin autoxidation during photosynthesis (with O2 reacting with Fe++ in ferredoxin,
causing formation of O2. and Fe+++). This is because of the greater stability of the
ferrous iron-selenide bond, compared to the ferrous iron-sulphide bond (as reflected
by the lower solubility product of FeSe compared to FeS [20, 25]), which may be
expected to lead to stabilization of Fe++, compared with Fe+++, or enhancement of
the standard redox potential for the Fe++/Fe+++ couple.
Field trials with wheat in South Australia [94] provide an example of the
importance of soil characteristics, including texture and pH, in determining Se
availability to plants. Grain Se concentration was used as a biomarker of available
soil Se. Wheat grown on a clay loam (Typic Natrixeralf) of pH (H2O) 6.6 had a
grain Se concentration of 0.063 mg kg1, compared to 0.720 mg kg1 in grain
from a calcareous sandy loam (Calcareous Xerochrepts) of pH 8.6. Yet both soils
had a total Se concentration of around 0.08 mg kg1 (determined by ICPMS after
digestion with nitric/perchloric acid) [94]. It has been considered that a total soil Se
concentration of 0.10.6 mg kg1 is deficient; however, this may need revision in
view of the above finding, as a soil able to grow wheat grain with over 700 mg kg1
Se could not be considered Se deficient, its low total soil Se level of 80 mg kg1
notwithstanding [94]. Other studies have found higher Se concentrations in crops
grown on soils of higher, compared with lower pH [24, 77], and increased
Se concentration in plants grown on lime-amended soils [57].
The presence of anions such as phosphate and sulphate influences, as earlier
mentioned, the extent to which Se is adsorbed by a soil and, depending on their
relative concentrations, its availability to plants [109]. One hypothesis that may
explain why low Se is sometimes associated with fertiliser application may be
co-precipitation of selenite ions with phosphate. This renders much of the Se unavailable for uptake by plants [39, 68, 89]. When phosphate fertilisers are added to the
soil and precipitation of phosphate minerals occurs, Se remains fixed in the precipitate
and is unavailable for uptake. Conversely, phosphate may also cause desorption of
selenite ions bound to minerals in the soil, as phosphate is bound more strongly to
trivalent Fe and Al than selenite [39, 108]. Selenite uptake, in a study of wheat plants,
was increased in P-starved plants, and (contrary to earlier assertions) this was found to
be an active process, which probably involves phosphate transporters [86]. In USA
and Canada there are large areas of prairie land where the soil is sufficiently fertile to
preclude the need for high rates of phosphate fertiliser application. The high
concentrations of Se found in cereals grown on these lands can therefore be explained
by a combination of high natural Se concentration in the soil and excellent bioavailability of soil Se for uptake by the plant roots, due partly to lack of commercial
P fertiliser application [62].
that the first population has a higher Se intake; it could also be because it has a lower
intake of methionine, while the Se intake is the same in both populations. This is
especially important to bear in mind when studying populations in poor countries
with low total protein intake and/or S-deficient soils. However, one cannot exclude
the possibility that individual differences in the intake of methionine might affect
the outcome of epidemiological studies even in Europe and lead to the erroneous
conclusion that too much Se (even at very moderate levels) in certain respects might
be harmful, while the real culprit is an inadequate intake of S amino acids. Another
possible cause of enhanced blood plasma Se concentration is undersecretion of
insulin and/or impaired insulin sensitivity because of diabetes type 2, since insulin
is a negative regulator of selenoprotein P expression [133].
There are numerous reports from in vitro studies (e.g. [140, 172]), showing that
cancer cells are vulnerable to the toxic effects of Se, which creates the possibility of
using Se at subtoxic levels as a cytotoxic agent in cancer therapy. It has also been
reported that malignant cells resistant to other cytotoxic drugs are especially
vulnerable to Se as a cytotoxic agent [125]. However, safe use of Se for this kind
of therapy will hardly be possible without very good understanding of Se pharmacokinetics (with much slower excretion than for most other commonly used drugs),
as well as of the nature of attendant side effects.
High soil Se concentration is most commonly a consequence of high bedrock
concentrations (as in parts of China and parts of the United States), but it can also be
a consequence of prolonged deposition from rainwater as occurs along the Norwegian coast. In Norway there are no problems of Se toxicity, but this occurs in parts
of Ireland, perhaps as a result of superposition both of Se from a local bedrock
source and from rainwater deposition for tens of thousands, if not hundreds of
thousands years. It may also occur because of human interference with the local
hydrogeological systems in connection with artificial irrigation in arid zones.
It has been reported from the United States that nearly all seleniferous soils have
weathered from sedimentary rocks of the Cretaceous period [152]. The Cretaceous
was a period with unusually rapid ocean-floor spreading, which led to wide-scale
marine transgressions over the continents, so that epicontinental seas (like the North
Sea today) had a much larger total extension than now, with a corresponding
reduction of the land area [136]. Topographic relief of the emerging land was also
on average less than now. The average rate of deposition of terrigenous matter
(such as clay and sand) on the sea-floor was therefore less than now, since there was
more seafloor at the same time as there was less emerging land. But the total rate of
addition of S and Se to the atmosphere and hydrosphere from volcanic processes must
very likely have been considerably higher than now, perhaps both from submarine
volcanism at the mid-oceanic ridges (which were also an important source of calcium
to seawater, thus helping to explain the abundance of carbonate sediments of Cretaceous age) and from very large mantle plumes, coming up from the lower part of the
Earths lower mantle [146]. It means that the ratio between the total flux of Se coming
from volcanoes and the average rate of erosion on the continents must have been
especially high during the Cretaceous, compared with other geological periods,
leading to a corresponding enhancement of the average Se concentration of all marine
sediments from the period concerned (after calcium carbonate has been subtracted).
Irrigation in situations where the ratio of selenate to selenite is high can lead to
mobilisation of soil selenate with net leaching taking place where net water
transport is downwards from the soil surface, while Se accumulation occurs in
places where Se-enriched groundwater reaches the surface in topographic
depressions. A good example of this is found in the San Joaquin Valley of
California [109]. A series of outcrops of seleniferous marine rocks of the Coastal
Range to the west of the San Joachim Valley is the source of most of the Se, which
has been leached out of the rocks into alluvial fans and down to the valley floor. The
Se was concentrated in agricultural runoff water and then transported via the San
Luis Canal to the Kesterson ponds/reservoir. Water entering the ponds contained as
much as 3,600 mg/l Se, and in the early 1980s this was found to be responsible for
embryo deaths and deformities in waterfowl on the ponds. There was no evidence
of adverse effects on humans [109, 119].
Animal experiments have shown that Se at high intake levels has a strong protective
effect against the toxicity of several chalcophile toxic metals, such as Hg, Cd and
Ag [47, 153, 161]. This can most likely be partly explained by in vivo precipitation
of the corresponding selenide minerals (e.g. HgSe, solubility product 3.2 1065
[20]). Selenide ions are obligatory precursors for selenocysteyl-tRNA, since they
are used for making selenophosphate (which is an energy-rich, or activated Se
compound formed by reaction between selenide ions and ATP [70]), which is in
turn used for making selenocysteyl-tRNA [128]. The cells have various pathways
for making selenide ions that are specific for Se (without simultaneous formation of
sulphide ions). The intracellular abundance of selenide ions is therefore relatively
high, compared to the total abundance of Se in the cell, at the same time as
solubility products of heavy metal selenides are several orders of magnitude less
than for the corresponding sulphides [20, 25].
Toxic metals can bind to selenol groups in Se-dependent enzymes (and more
strongly than they bind to thiol groups), thus inhibiting the enzyme molecule.
Thioredoxin reductase is a flavoprotein that also contains a selenocysteyl and a
cysteyl group in neighbour positions [56]. Chelates can therefore be formed where a
heavy metal atom is coordinated to S on one side and Se on the other. This enzyme
is exceptionally vulnerable to toxic effects of heavy metals, being 3 orders of
magnitude more sensitive to inhibition with auranofin (an organic gold complex
used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis), compared to glutathione peroxidase
(with isolated selenol groups offering no opportunity for chelate formation) and
glutathione reductase (which is an ordinary dithiol enzyme, where a heavy metal
atom can be captured between two S atoms) [56].
protection of low density lipoprotein against oxidation [150]. It is possible that this
may in large measure explain the negative correlation that has been found between
Se intake and coronary heart disease mortality in geographic epidemiologic studies
from USA, comparing states with high and low Se intake [126, 127], since oxidatively modified LDL is much more atherogenic than non-modified LDL [67]. The
human gene for selenoprotein P codes for 10 selenocysteyl groups [65], but
premature termination of translation (leading to incorporation of less than 10 Se
atoms per molecule) can occur when the dietary Se intake is suboptimal [21, 99]. It
is not known if there is one active site per Se atom or only one active site per
molecule in this enzyme. Nor is it known for human populations how much Se
per day is needed for >90% saturation of selenoprotein P with Se.
Selenide ions can substitute for sulphide ions in the Fe-S groups of Fe-S proteins
[144]. Since FeSe is much less soluble than FeS [20, 25], it must be expected that
the Se/Sratio will be much higher in Fe-S proteins than in the aqueous phase,
i.e. that Se will be strongly captured (in V. M. Goldschmidts terminology [54])
in the Fe-S proteins. The actual Se/S ratio in these proteins, depending on the
dietary intake of Se must be expected to influence the standard redox potential for
oxidation of one Fe atom, and hence the functional properties of these proteins.
The Se/S ratio in Fe/S proteins may, however, depend not only on the Se
intake, but also on the intake of S amino acids because of the role of the latter as
biochemical precursors of sulphide ions. Sulphide ions are produced mainly by
enzymes in the trans-sulphuration pathway which is used when the cells make
cysteine at the expense of methionine [131], for which reason it is possible that
methionine may exert a more pronounced Se-antagonistic effect, compared to
dietary cysteine. Such antagonistic interactions between Se and S not only in plants,
but most likely also in animals and humans, may be important to bear in mind for
agronomists, farmers and health personnel working in areas e.g. in parts of Africa
where Se and S simultaneously are deficient both in the soil and in the human diet.
A higher Se/S ratio would be expected to stabilize ferrous compared to ferric
iron, i.e. lead to enhancement of the standard redox potential for the Fe++/Fe+++
reaction. It is possible, for similar reasons as earlier explained for plants, that this
might in turn lead to reduction of the rate of mitochondrial production of superoxide
anion radical, especially through reaction between redox-labile groups in complex I
and molecular oxygen [15]. A reduction of the rate of mitochondrial ROS production must in turn be expected to lead to reduction of the rate of mitochondrial DNA
aging. It might be speculated that this mechanism could explain why a high intake
of selenium has been reported to enhance the lifespan in banana fruitflies
(Zaprionus paravittiger) [79] and mice [72], while a high intake of methionine
very paradoxically shortens the lifespan of rats because it enhances the rate of ROS
production in the mitochondria and therefore the rate of mitochondrial DNA aging
[23, 55].
is known today about the biochemical functions of this nutrient element. They are
also consistent with a more recent meta-analysis of Se and coronary heart disease,
which included 25 observational studies (14 cohort and 11 case control studies) and
6 randomized trials [44].
The effects of Se and GSH/S amino acid status on life quality, rate of disease
progression and annual lethality (or life expectancy) in HIV disease can partly be
explained by the importance of these nutrients for immunological functions and
antioxidant protection [27] in infectious diseases more generally, i.e. because of
their roles in DNA synthesis as earlier explained. However, Se and GSH status also
directly affect the rate of HIV viral replication, since oxidatively activated transcription factors, including nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) [87], stimulate
transcription of the HIV proviral gene [141], and NF-kappaB activation is enhanced
both by poor Se status [40] and GSH depletion [53]. Enhanced oxidative stress
(e.g. because of other infections) or impairment of the cellular capacity for antioxidant defence will therefore be a direct cause of enhancement of the rate of HIV
replication, and this must be expected to happen both when intracellular GSH and
Se are depleted. There are now numerous epidemiological observations confirming
the importance both of GSH and Se status in HIV patients. In a cohort study in the
US, it was found that the death risk over the observation period was higher almost
by a factor of 20 in subjects defined as Se-deficient compared with those defined as
being of normal Se status [12] but the upper boundary that had been arbitrarily
chosen to define Se deficiency in this study was higher than average blood plasma
Se concentrations found in the normal population in parts of Central Europe
(and much higher than in the most Se-deficient parts of Africa or China). GSH
has, moreover, been reported to inhibit the growth of mycobacteria [158], which
means that GSH depletion can lead to growth enhancement for tubercle bacilli as
well. And coinfection with HIV and tuberculosis (sometimes multidrug-resistant) is
a substantial problem in Sub-Saharan Africa [61].
Keshan Disease
Keshan disease affects mainly children and women of childbearing age and
involves impairment of cardiac function, cardiac enlargement and arrhythmia
[84, 119]. The diseases aetiology involves Se and perhaps vitamin E deficiencies,
which often (but far from always) can be combined with infection with a malignant,
cardiotropic variety of Coxsackie B virus [85]. It has been shown in animal
experiments that Se deficiency leads to positive selection for the cardiotropic and
malignant viral strain [85].
The incidence of Keshan disease is reported to vary with the seasons, being
higher during the winter in North China and during the summer in South China
[169]. These seasonal fluctuations, especially in North China, may be taken as an
indication that temperature stress leading to enhanced catecholamine secretion
also may play a role as a causal factor that may interact with Se deficiency in a
way triggering the acute development of severe cardiomyopathy. This hypothesis is
supported by observations from veterinary medicine. An interaction between Se
deficiency and stress (e.g. during transport, but also temperature stress both from
cold and excessive heat) has been reported to be important in the aetiology of
sudden cardiac death in swine [151]. It may presumably be explained partly as
resulting from the effect of catecholamines on Ca++ levels in the cardiomyocytes
[25], with more intramitochondrial Ca++ leading to enhanced stimulation of ratelimiting dehydrogenases in the tricarboxylic acid cycle [90] and hence more
electron feeding from the tricarboxylic acid cycle into the respiratory chain,
which will in turn lead to enhanced oxidative stress because of enhanced mitochondrial production of ROS. It is reported that salt fortified with sodium selenite
(15 mg/kg) increased average daily Se intakes in a highly deficient Chinese
population from 11 to 80 mg, with a resulting 90% decline in Keshan disease
prevalence [2].
Kaschin-Beck Disease
Kaschin-Beck disease is an osteoarthropathy especially affecting children, which
appears as enlarged joints, shortened fingers and toes and, in severe cases, dwarfism
[164]. Selenium and I deficiencies, acting in combination, are probably the most
important etiological factors [111, 119, 164, 173], but other contributory causes,
including vitamin E deficiency [119], fulvic acids in drinking water [117], and
mycotoxins in food [171], might also be involved. Among those causal factors that
have been proposed, only Se and I deficiencies can explain the geographic pattern
of distribution of Kaschin-Beck disease in China (and the importance of Se
deficiency has also been proved by clinical intervention trials [164]), but the others
might possibly play a role in determining which individuals are affected in a given
geographic district.
There is much similarity, comparing the biogeochemical behaviour of Se and I,
e.g. regarding the importance of atmospheric transport from seawater to the
continents (see Goldschmidt [54], for a discussion of the importance of this
transport mechanism in the case of I). Both elements are also highly biophile in
plants [26], and both are found in much higher average concentrations in shales than
in igneous rocks [81]. It is therefore very common that Se-depleted and I-depleted
soils are associated geographically, especially in erosion-prone highland areas
distant from the sea when also the bedrock concentrations of both elements are
low. This geochemical similarity between I and Se may presumably be important
for explaining the geographical distribution pattern for Kaschin-Beck disease in
China. But it would be expected to be important also in other parts of the world, for
which reason there might be good reason to suspect that Kaschin-Beck disease, at
least in its milder forms, might be more common than hitherto recognised, with its
true prevalence possibly being masked by other dietary deficiency conditions and
infectious diseases also leading to growth disturbances in children.
epiphyseal cartilage [82]. It is also associated with much skeletal muscle pathology
[82], most likely resulting from a combination of poor skeletal muscle vascularization because the muscle cells are abnormally thick [82] and abnormal static loads
resulting from the abnormal anatomy (with the back being abnormally long [82]) of
animal breeds especially susceptible to this disease.
Neither leg weakness nor osteoarthritis can be considered Se deficiency diseases,
but it is possible that there may be considerable overlap between the biochemical
pathogenetic mechanisms both in Kaschin-Beck disease, leg weakness and osteoarthritis, even though they affect different age groups or species and result from
different combinations of causal factors. The incidence of osteoarthritis in humans
enhances drastically as a function of age, and there is no doubt that this must be
regarded as a degenerative disease developing as a consequence of normal or
pathological aging. It is therefore a plausible hypothesis that enhancement of
intramitochondrial ROS production happening as a consequence of mitochondrial
DNA aging [10, 100] could be the most important causal factor here. But if this
hypothesis is correct, there may be good reason for hope that selenide saturation of
mitochondrial Fe-S proteins in the chondrocytes may have an effect opposite to that
of aging itself on the rate of mitochondrial ROS production, and also that a better
average Se status over several decades may help to reduce the rate of mitochondrial
mutagenesis and DNA aging in the chondrocytes
It is possible that oxidative stress inside and outside chondrocytes (cf. [64, 69,
149]), leading i.e. to enhanced expression and secretion of enzymes degrading
extracellular molecules that are necessary for the mechanical integrity of the
cartilage, could be of key importance both in Kaschin-Beck disease, leg weakness
and human osteoarthritis. Studies on one of these diseases may thus held considerable potential for a better understanding also of the two others, leading
hopefully to better methods of prophylaxis or therapy. The well-documented
prophylactic and therapeutic effects of Se supplementation in Kaschin-Beck
disease, where Se when applied to early-stage patients was found not only to
prevent the aggravation, but also to accelerate the repair of metaphyseal lesions
[164], might perhaps be highly relevant also for prophylaxis and therapy of
osteoarthritis in elderly human patients. It has, moreover, been reported from
studies in pigs that high Se intake (at a level much higher than needed for
prevention of the ordinary Se/vitamin E deficiency diseases commonly found in
this species [84, 151, 153]) had a very good prophylactic and therapeutic effect
against leg weakness [82].
This might perhaps be explained as resulting not only from protection against
the degenerative processes affecting epiphyseal and articular cartilage, but also a
combination of anti-inflammatory protection [25, 40, 82] and antiischemic protective effects (cf. [7, 92]) in skeletal muscle when the cartilage disease is already
established. It would be of interest to see if Se, perhaps in combination with S
amino acids or other antioxidant nutrients including taurine, also could be used for
prophylaxis or treatment of osteoarthritis and other skeletomuscular disorders
(including skeletal muscle pains resulting from abnormal static loads, as in tension
headache and mouse disease) in humans.
The combination of I and Se deficiency can also lead to a third human disease, viz.
myxoedema [32], which has been described from parts of DR Congo [112].
Myxoedema is a form of fibrotic degeneration of the thyroid gland that is associated
with high intra-thyroid levels of the fibrogenic cytokine TGF-beta [32]. High levels
of thiocyanate (from cassava consumption) may play a role as an additional
etiological factor, interacting with the two others [31]. The occurrence both of Se
and I deficiency in eastern Congo can probably be explained by the combination of
humid tropical climate with long distance from the sea. Much of the rainwater in
those parts of Congo is probably recycled water coming from evaporation over
the land, where rates of evaporation of volatile Se and I compounds may be much
less than from the sea surface. Additionally, no sulphate is brought into the
atmosphere by seaspray particle formation. The result will be rainwater that is
markedly depleted in Se, I and S, compared to rainwater over the sea or in coastal
areas. It is a great humanitarian and political challenge to solve the serious public
health problems arising from simultaneous deficiency of Se, I and S amino acids in
these parts of Africa.
Concluding Comments
Among trace elements needed for the survival and normal health of humans and
other vertebrates, Se is geochemically the scarcest, most likely as a consequence
of the low Se/S solar system abundance ratio combined with the high solubilities
of S and Se in molten metallic Fe when the Earths core was formed. Both soil
concentrations and the ease of uptake of Se in plant roots can vary geographically
by more than a factor of 10, leading to geographic variations in the Se concentration
of cereal grains by more than a factor of 1,000 [153]. Selenium deficiency in food
and forage plants can occur both as a consequence of low Se concentration in the
soil and low bioavailability for uptake of soil Se in plant roots and mycorrhiza,
while a combination of high soil Se concentration and high bioavailability for Se
uptake in the roots is needed for toxicity problems to occur.
This combination is geographically much rarer and affects a much smaller total
number of people than either Se deficiency in the soil or poor bioavailability of soil
Se for uptake in the plants, causing the Se intake of human populations to be less
than physiologically optimal, e.g. for protection against HIV disease, coronary
heart disease or colorectal cancer. Observations on other mammalian species as
well as on humans have shown that there is a wide margin between the minimum Se
requirement for prevention of manifest Se deficiency diseases and the threshold for
appearance of clinically observable signs of Se toxicity. However, the intake
needed for optimal protection against HIV disease, some forms of cancer and
cardiovascular diseases appears to be much higher than the intake needed for
prevention of manifest Se deficiency diseases (like Keshan disease in humans),
and more subtle signs of toxicity can be seen in animal experiments well below the
limit of manifest toxicity [25], and also in humans [159]. Thus the real biological
optimum range is most likely fairly narrow.
This optimum, if one can rely on the clinical trials and epidemiological studies
referred to above concerning HIV disease, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as
well as on observations from veterinary medicine (e.g. [82]) and numerous animal
experiments (e.g. [7, 92, 153]), appears to be much higher than what most people in
the world actually eat. It is possible that the difference between the biological
optimum and actual intake could have been much less before than it is today in
many parts of the world, due to a combination of several factors, such as more
sedentary lifestyles leading to reduction of total food energy consumption, high
intakes of edible fats and sugar (containing practically no Se at all) from many
modern diets, deforestation and enhanced soil erosion leading to rapid removal of
Se-enriched topsoil (especially in developing countries), and (especially in the
industrial countries) high rates of application of Se-poor commercial fertilizers,
which contain either P or S (or both) inhibiting the uptake of Se in plant roots, while
also causing a dilution effect because of their own growth-stimulating effects on the
plants. To this may also be added the problem of high burden of Se-antagonistic
toxic heavy metals, such as Cd and Hg that may inhibit Se-dependent enzymes such
as thioredoxin reductase and selenoprotein P.
World reserves of Se as a constituent of sulphide ores are limited [62]. It is
therefore important to take such steps that might be necessary at an international
political level to stop all forms of unnecessary wastage of this vital nutrient
element, so that it may be available at an acceptable price also for future human
generations. Selenium that can be obtained as a byproduct of pyrometallurgical
processes or from purification of smoke gases from coal combustion should be
extracted and stockpiled for the benefit of generations to come. Areas where Se
toxicity can today be a problem for domestic animals (and sometimes, but much
more rarely, for humans as well) should be regarded as an asset for a Se-hungry
world, rather than as a local problem. They should not be used for livestock
production (with risk of Se poisoning of the animals), but instead be used either
for cultivation of Se-rich food crops (e.g. wheat) that can be used for Se fortification
of similar crops from more Se-deficient areas, or for Se biomining by cultivation of
Se accumulator plants [8, 38], from which the Se can be extracted or converted into
Se-Met, using either chemical or biotechnological processing methods.
Further research is needed on Se speciation in soil, plants and humans and on
kinetic interactions under varying soil conditions in order to optimize interventions
to deal with Se toxicity, suboptimality and deficiency.
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Chapter 17
Jelle Mertens and Erik Smolders
Zinc (Zn) is the 24th most abundant element in the earth, and is present in all soils
in typical background concentrations 10100 mg Zn kg1. These concentrations
are higher than pristine concentrations due to historical enrichments (e.g. atmospheric deposition). Local concentrations can be far above this range due to high
Zn in the soil parent material, large applications of sewage sludge, deposits in Zn
mining areas or atmospheric deposits of Zn smelters. Zinc alloys (brass) were used
by the Romans in 200 BC, and metallic Zn was first produced in Asia the twentieth
century. In Europe, metallic Zn was imported from the east at the end of the Middle
Ages, and was not industrially produced until the middle of the eighteenth century in
Bristol, England. Production has increased tremendously over time and almost
doubled in the last 20 years to a global production of 11.3 106 t in 2007 [40].
The historical production of Zn has released Zn to the environment via air and water.
Smelter activities have contaminated large areas worldwide via atmospheric deposition of airborne Zn. Zinc is a micronutrient for all biota. Elevated Zn concentrations can cause toxic effects to plants, soil dwelling organisms and microorganisms and these ecotoxicological effects precede effects on humans. There is
no known case of chronic poisoning of Zn to humans or wildlife via the foodchain
because the phytotoxicity barrier effectively limits Zn transfer. Therefore, risk
assessment on Zn mainly focuses on their effects to soil biota and soil functioning.
At the lower scale of concentrations is the worldwide problem of Zn deficiency
to plants and, accordingly, to humans. It is estimated that about one third of the
global agricultural land and human population is Zn-deficient due to a low soil Zn
content and/or low soil Zn bioavailability. The Zn contents of crops grown on Zndeficient land are low, and humans residing in these areas usually rely on these crops
for their daily caloric intake. Zinc deficiency causes a variety of adverse effects such
as growth retardation, delayed sexual and skeletal maturation and behavioral effects.
Zinc fertilization and the (genetic) selection of Zn efficient cultivars are nowadays
used to address the Zn deficiency problems along with the provision of Zn additives.
Zinc is naturally present in the earths crust as part of rocks or Zn-rich ores. Zinc ores
were locally formed by natural geological process and are located all over the world.
Economically important ores contain typically 515% Zn as zinc sulphides (sphalerite
or wurzite) or, to a lesser extent, other Zn minerals such as zinc carbonates (smithsonite) or Zn silicates (hemimorphite). Important deposits are located in China, Australia,
Peru, Canada, U.S.A. and Iran. Soils that form on these Zn-rich locations can be
Table 17.1 Range of Zn concentrations in igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and soils
Zn (mg kg1)
Igneous rocks
Data taken from [53]
Sedimentary rocks
Data taken from [53]
Shales and clays
Black shales
<3264 (median 53)
<32,900 (median 52)
Geometric mean 67, mean 74
Zinc has been industrially produced since the late eighteenth century, and the
production has continued to increase till today. Fifty percent is used for galvanizing
purposes, and the remaining fraction is used for the production of brass and other Zn
Table 17.2 Zn emissions to agricultural soils in England and Wales in 2000, expressed as total Zn
quantities and as fluxes for the land where the applications are use
Annual Zn Time to reach
soil limit
applied (Mt concentration Zn addition rate input (t in
(mg kg1)
(g ha1 year1) 2000)
Sewage sludge 0.44
Cattle slurry
Pig slurry
Layer manure
based alloys, motor vehicle tyres, rubber, cosmetics etc. In 2007, most of the
Zn production in smelters and refineries was located in Asia (55%) with America
and Europe accounting for 16% and 20%, respectively. Several efforts have been
made to reduce industrial Zn emissions and to protect the environment from excessive Zn concentrations with worldwide Zn emission decreasing from 3.4 106 Mg
Zn in the early 1980s to 2.7 106 t Zn in the early 1990s [56, 57]. Reduction of
atmospheric emissions are illustrated by the 2.5 fold decrease of the Zn concentration in snow at Summit (Greenland) between 1967 and 1990 [11]. Along the same
lines, reductions of Zn emissions to wastewaters are reflected in a twofold decrease
in the Zn concentration of sewage sludge of the largest wastewater treatment
plant in Paris (France) between 1980 and 2000 [36]. The reductions of Zn emissions
to water and soil are largely explained by the worldwide reduction of atmospheric SO2 concentrations decreasing Zn run-off from galvanized structures [45].
Tyre debris along roadsides is another important cause of local Zn contamination.
Tyres typically contain 12% ZnO, and more than 4,000 t Zn year1 is released
via tyre debris in the EU (data taken from [8]). Part of the debris is released to
roadside soils.
The total diffuse emissions of Zn to soil are only partly related to industrial use
of Zn that emit Zn to soil via sewage sludge and atmospheric deposition
(Table 17.2). Natural processes such as volcanic activities, forest fires or wind
emit yearly about 50 103 t Zn to the atmosphere and accounted for about 40%
of the total annual Zn emissions in 1983 [55]. The remaining 60% originate from
human activities (traffic, coal and fuel combustion; data taken from [34]). Zinc is
mainly associated with aerosols with gaseous Zn accounting for less than 1% of total
atmospheric Zn [34]. Background Zn levels in air are typically 0.010.2 mg m3.
Concentrations are somewhat larger in the neighbourhood of industrial or urban areas,
but are generally smaller than 1 mg m3 [34]. Atmospheric Zn can be deposited back
onto soil via dry (settling) or wet (rain) deposition. The European average
Zn deposition is 230 g ha1 year1 with the Scandinavian countries showing the
lowest (20120 g ha1 year1) and Germany and Poland the highest (540 g ha1
year1) rates (data taken from [54]). In England and Wales, about 2,500 t Zn was
added to agricultural land via atmospheric deposition, corresponding to 220 g Zn ha1
year1in 2000 (Table 17.2).
Agricultural practices locally add Zn to the soil through the application of
manure or inorganic fertilizers. The addition of Zn supplements to livestock diets,
or the presence of Zn in bedding material (e.g. straw) or drinking water
(e.g. corrosion of galvanized drinking facilities) are the major Zn sources in manure.
Zinc concentrations vary between fertilizers and the amount and type of fertilizers
determines the rate at which Zn is introduced in agricultural soil (Table 17.2).
In inorganic fertilizers (excluding Zn fertilizers themselves), Zn is only present as
an impurity in very low doses; the median Zn concentration in 196 fertilizers on
the European market was 115 mg Zn kg1 [58]. The average addition of Zn to
agricultural soils through the application of phosphate fertilizers is estimated about
43 g ha1 year1 in Europe in 1999/2000 [58].
Sewage sludge can be used as a fertilizer and is a major source of Zn where it
is applied: however, sewage sludge is not a major source of Zn at a large scale
(Table 17.2). Zinc concentrations in sewage sludge depend on the wastewater
discharge characteristics (e.g. industry or domestic) and can vary in time for a
single sewage sludge treatment plant. Industry accounts for more than 50% of the
Zn load in sewage sludge and the use of body care products is the main source of
domestic Zn (www.iza.com). The awareness of metal effects on the environment
resulted in decreased Zn concentrations in sewage sludge; concentrations decreased
about twofold in Austria in the period 19802000 and in Germany in the period
19771993 (data taken from [3]). The average sludge Zn concentration in the EU
ranges 1422,000 mg Zn kg1 dry matter (dm) (19931998) [3].
Removal of Zn with the harvested crop and Zn leaching are generally smaller
than the annual additions. Moolenaar and Lexmond [52] calculated a net Zn
enrichment of Dutch agricultural soils of 55800 g ha1 year1 which is in line
with later calculations of German (558 g ha1 year1) [79], Danish
(300440 g ha1 year1) [7] and Swiss soils (10040,000 g ha1 year1) [44].
De Vries et al. [27] demonstrated that Zn accumulation varied up to 50-fold
between fields with different soil texture (sand-clay-peat) and up to tenfold in a
single field depending on the agricultural practice (arable vs. grassland). For
reference, a ploughed topsoil (25 cm and 1.3 g cm3) with 50 mg Zn kg1 contains
160 kg Zn ha1.
with S-OH a surface hydroxyl group of organic matter or oxyhydroxides. This reaction
illustrates that protons are orders of magnitude more selective than Ca2+ on humic
pH 5.5-6.5
pH 6.5-7.5
Zn in solution / mg l -1
pH 6
pH 7
Total Zn / mg kg-1
b 100000
pH 5.5-6.5
pH 6.5-7.5
Labile Zn / mg kg -1
pH 6
pH 7
Total Zn / mg
Fig. 17.2 Free-ion fractions of metals in soil solution measured with Donnan dialysis by different
authors (, , ~) or ISE (D). The lines show prediction with WHAM6 for a generic composition
of solution for either low (full line) or high (dotted line) concentration of the trace metals (From
Degryse et al. [29])
Soil pH
Fig. 17.4 Ageing effects on fertiliser Zn use efficiency: the relative effectiveness of incubated
versus fresh Zn was defined as the ratio of the slopes of the linear regression relationships between
Zn uptake by clover plants and Zn added. Ageing was 30 days incubated (30 C) of Zn added as
ZnSO4 to 54 soils (Drawn from data in Brennan [12])
Table 17.3 Soil solution composition of long-term field-contaminated soils and of freshly ZnCl2
spiked soils at equal total Zn concentrations
Field contaminated
Freshly spiked
Total soil Zn (mg kg1) pHpwa Ca (mM)
Data are from Smolders et al. [65]
pH in the soil pore water
Zn (mg l1)
Ca (mM)
Zn (mg l1)
techniques (EXAFS). Alternatively, extraction based techniques allow to fractionate Zn into operationally defined fraction from which solubility can be estimated.
The isotope exchange technique is a sensitive and conceptually attractive method
to determine the reversibly sorbed (labile) pool but does not allow to determine
the speciation of the remainder of the Zn in soil. For Zn, a radioactive isotope (e.g.
Zn2+) is added to soil and equilibrated for a short period (hours to days) after
which the specific activity in solution (65Zn/Zn) is determined. A higher ratio in
solution than in soil means that a fraction of the soil Zn has not equilibrated with the
added isotope, i.e., some (old) Zn has not equilibrated with freshly added Zn.
The fraction that is isotopically exchangeable is the called the labile fraction
and is the fraction that has the same availability as freshly added Zn, also
conceptually defined as the reversibly sorbed fraction. Alternative methods to
determine labile fraction are extraction methods (e.g. 0.43 M HNO3 or 25 mM
EDTA). Results for the 25 mM EDTA extraction method and the isotope exchange
method are highly comparable, but the 0.43 M HNO3 extracts more at larger pH.
Fig. 17.5 Lability of added Zn for soils amended with Zn salts (spiked), soils sampled near
pylons and crash barriers and soils near smelters. The line describes the relation between pH and %
E in 23 Zn salt spiked soils after 3 years laboratory incubation. Labile fractions below this line may
be related to insoluble Zn sources (Data from Degryse et al. [28])
Kd (lab) of Zn / litre kg -1
Fig. 17.6 Pore-water based Kd values of Zn, representing the partitioning between total (+) and
soil solution Zn concentration or between labile (adsorbed) metal () and soil solution Zn
concentration. The full line shows the regression equation of Anderson and Christensen [4] based
on adsorption Kd values in 1 mM CaCl2. The data illustrate that pH is the major driver for Zn
solubility in soil (Data from Degryse et al. [29])
labile Zn inside minerals and the generally faster weathering of insoluble sources at
lower pH. Most pore water based Kd values of Zn range between 10 and 104 l kg1.
At an average total Zn concentration of 50 mg kg1, this is equivalent to a pore
water Zn concentration of 50/10 to 50/10,000 mg l1, i.e. 0.005 mg Zn l1 to 5 mg
Zn l1. As a reference, the fraction of total Zn present in soil solution at a Kd
1,000 l kg1 is only 0.02%. The compilation of Fig. 17.6 also illustrates that the
Kd increases with about a factor 5 (Zn solution decreases with about a factor 5) per
unit pH increase. This zinc partitioning in soil can be described with two types of
models: multisurface models and empirical models. Multisurface models consider
soil as a collection of independent reactive surfaces (oxyhydroxides, clay and
organic matter) to which ions can bind. A set of surface specific models is combined
to describe Zn sorption on all reactive surfaces, and speciation calculations are
preformed with common geochemical programs such as ECOSAT or WHAM.
Multisurface models are conceptually attractive, and a powerful tool for scientific
research. They are demanding a large number of parameter values and it assumes
that sorption surfaces are additive s, i.e. no interaction occur. Empirical models are
usually multiple regression equations. In general, regression models are calibrated
against a wider range and suited for a larger number of soils [29].
The sorption reactions and the parameters affecting the partitioning of Zn are
similar to those of Cd. As for Cd, most of the reported Kd values for Zn are based on
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fig. 17.7 Evolution of the soil solution Zn, iron and dissolved organic carbon concentration, and
pH and pe upon waterlogging three Zn contaminated riparian soils. Despite an initial decrease or
plateau, Zn is mobilized in all soils after 20 days waterlogging (Data from Van Laer et al. [73])
Widespread zinc
Medium deficiency
Fig. 17.8 Global distribution of reported Zn deficiency in crops (From Alloway [1])
Table 17.4 Effect of soil Zn application (23 kg Zn ha1) on wheat grain yield (cv. Gerek-79)
grown in various locations in Central Anatolia (Turkey) with different levels of DTPA-extractable
Zn in soils
Grain yield
Yield increase
(mg kg1)
(t ha1)
2.8 0.7
0.2 0.1
2.5 0.9
1.1 0.5
1.1 0.1
5.4 0.1
Konya (Centrum)
Konya (Comakli)
Sarayonu (Cesmelisebil)
Sarayonu (Gozlu)
Data from Cakmak et al. [19]
Wheat yield did not respond to Zn fertilization at 0.6 mg DTPA-extractable Zn kg1 anymore, and
the threshold for Zn deficiency was 0.4 mg DTPA-extractable Zn kg1
Table 17.5 Relative
sensitivities of selected crops
for Zn deficiency
High sensitivity
Medium sensitivity
Fruit trees
Adapted from Alloway [2]
Low sensitivity
(0.1 M NaNO3 or 0.01 M CaCl2). In general, soil Zn extracts using latter extractants
correlate well with plant Zn concentrations [51].
Crop sensitivity to Zn deficiency varies widely with maize, rice, beans and
sorghum the most sensitive crops (Table 17.5).
Zinc deficient soils produce food products that are low in Zn and human Zn
deficiency may occur. For example, bread wheat grain Zn typically contains 30 mg
Zn kg1 and decreases to below 15 mg Zn kg1 in deficient crops [1]. There is some
uncertainty and variability surrounding the recommended daily intake of Zn below
which human health effects start to occur. The Reference Daily Zn Intake (RDI, set
by the FDA in U.S.A) is 15 mg Zn for an adult. The Recommended Nutrient Intake
(RNIs) defined by a FAO/WHO/IAEA working group ranges 417 mg Zn for
adolescents, depending on food Zn bioavailability (low in unfermented cereal
products and high in non-vegetable sources such as meat and fish; [78]). Adults
may have lower Zn requirements and pregnant women have higher ones. Dairy
products and meat consumption are rich sources of Zn. Subsistence farmers living in
Zn deficient areas may have a Zn deficient diet if meat or dairy products are not
frequently consumed, and this is often aggravated by low Zn bioavailability in high
phytate products such as grain products. For example, a daily consumption of 250 g
meat and 500 g dairy products contributes >20 mg Zn. In many Central Asian and
Middle Eastern countries, however, wheat provides 50% of the daily energy intake
and the proportion can exceed 70% in rural areas [16]. A daily portion of 400 g rice
or tubers for subsistence farmers contributes less than 10 mg Zn day1 (Table 17.6).
Table 17.6 Zinc content (fresh weight based) of some typical food items
Moderate Zn (1025 mg kg1)
Low Zn (<10 mg kg1)
High Zn (2550 mg kg1)
Whole grain cereals
Processed cereals (low extraction rate)
Unpolished rice
Polished rice
Roots and tubers
Lean red meat
Pork and meat with high fat content
Green leafy vegetables
Data from WHO [77]
Fig. 17.9 Grain Zn concentration of durum wheat subjected to soil and soil + foliar application of
ZnSO4 (a) and increasing concentrations of soil applied ZnSO4 (b). Plants were grown in a highly
Zn deficient calcareous soil under field conditions in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The grain Zn
concentration increased with Zn fertilization (Data from Cakmak [17])
Critical level (mg kg1 dry matter)
Bush beans
Data adopted from Macnicol and Beckett [50]
Fig. 17.10 Difference in Zn toxicity between freshly spiked (diamonds) and long-term
contaminated soils under a galvanized pylon (triangles). The uncontaminated control soil is
indicated with a square. Toxicity is larger in freshly spiked soils than in soils when expressed as
total soil Zn (Table 17.8), but differences disappear when expressed on a soil solution (Znss) basis
(Smolders and Waegeneers, unpublished data)
Table 17.8 Difference in Zn toxicity between freshly spiked (FS) and long-term (LT)
contaminated soils of three sites
F. candida
E. fetida
185 >2,101 600 >2,101 171 >2,101
569 747
Rhydtalog (83 mg kg1)
De Meern (155 mg kg1) 411 >2,520 591 >2,520 458 >2,520
902 >2,520
275 217
282 >3,741 165 507
1,120 1,100
Zeveren (76 mg kg1)
Data from Smolders et al. [65], Smolders and Waegeneers (unpublished data) and Lock (unpublished data). Background Zn concentrations are indicated
The Zn concentrations causing 10% reduction of the endpoint (EC10 value), expressed as total soil Zn
(mg kg1), for wheat growth, Potential Nitrification Rate (PNR), Glucose Respiration Rate (GRR),
Maize Residue Respiration (MRR) and reproduction of Folsomia candida and Eisenia fetida
Zn contaminated soils. These can be either Zn spiked soils that are leached and/or
aged to mimic field conditions, or field sites that are historically enriched by Zn (e.g.
sites are sides under galvanized structures). Soils collected at different distances from
the contamination source may yield such a Zn contamination gradient, however such
gradients are often confounded by mixed metal contamination or an accumulation of
organic material near the contamination source [35]. Selected pair-wise comparisons
between long-term Zn (only) contaminated soils in laboratory spiking studies
illustrated a discrepancy in Zn toxicity between both systems (Table 17.8).
Leaching and ageing reactions explain the discrepancy in Zn toxicity between
freshly spiked soils versus long-term contaminated soils. In the long-term, Zn ions
can be fixed on the soil solid phase and become unavailable for plants/(micro)
organisms within a reasonable time frame (see Sect. 17.4.2). As a consequence,
Zn concentrations in solution of freshly spiked soils are larger than in long-term
field contaminated soils at similar total Zn concentrations. If Zn in soil solution is
used as an indicator for toxicity, the difference between both Zn addition modes
disappear (Fig. 17.11).
Toxicity of Zn also differs widely among different freshly spiked soils
(Table 17.8). It was shown before (see Sect. 17.4.3) that Zn solubility largely
depends on soil characteristics. As a consequence, adding a single dose of Zn to
soils with different physicochemical characteristics implies a different Zn concentration in soil solution depending on the soil specific Zn adsorption characteristics.
It was empirically found that total soil Zn thresholds for plants and invertebrates
(e.g. EC50 values) of Zn increase with increasing effective CEC (Smolders et al.
[66] and references therein).
Zn salt
log Kd Zn (L/kg)
fitted line
(Zn salt)
fitted line
Soil Solution Zn concentration (mg/L)
Zn salt
Log Kd (L/kg)
fitted line
(Zn salt)
fitted line
Fig. 17.11 Partitioning coefficient (Kd) for Zn versus the soil solution Zn concentration at the start
of the experiment (a) and after the third harvest (i.e., after 3 years incubation in the field); (b). Zinc
was added either in biosolids or as a soluble Zn salt. The regression lines for Zn salts and biosolids
differed significantly (p < 0.001), but data of both treatments overlapped suggesting a similar Zn
availability (Data from Heemsbergen et al. [38])
Zinc contaminated soils are unlikely to pose a risk to humans because the phytotoxic effects limit transfer of excessive Zn to the human food chain. Therefore, risk
assessment of Zn contaminated soils focuses on its ecotoxicological effects on soil
organisms. Toxic Zn concentrations vary widely between soils and Zn addition
methods (salts versus aged) (Smolders et al. [66]), complicating the derivation of a
single and general threshold for different soils.
So-called soil Zn screening levels have been defined to regulate Zn emissions
to soil. The ECOSSLs (Ecological Soil Screening Limits), derived by US-EPA in
2005, range from 46 mg Zn kg1 for avian wildlife to 160 mg Zn kg1 for plants.
A European risk assessment, performed in 2008, derived a generic PNEC (Predicted
No Effect Concentration) of 26 mg added Zn kg1 which, after corrections for
bioavailability and soil natural background, is equivalent to 28286 mg total Zn
kg1 depending on soil characteristics (see below for more details). These values are
not soil clean up standards but are derived as protective values to regulate the current
emissions. Differences of soil Zn limits are large when contrasting different
legislations (Table 17.9) and depend on the margins of safety applied, on the risk
pathways considered and on political choices.
To illustrate a risk assessment, we briefly illustrate the effects assessment of Zn
that was concluded in a European Zn risk assessment in 2008 [34]. Zinc toxicity
data were taken from studies in which Zn salts were added to soil at increasing
doses, and the No Observed Effect Concentrations (NOECs), expressed as added
Zn to soil, were calculated (Table 17.10).
All NOECs were plotted in a cumulative probability curve, and the 5th percentile of the curve (HC5) was derived (Fig. 17.12). At this Zn concentration, 95% of
the species are protected from Zn toxicity. If only microbe-mediated processes are
considered, the HC5 is 27 mg added Zn kg1. This means that all soils with a total
Zn concentration equal to the background Zn concentration plus 27 mg Zn kg1, are
potentially affected. If invertebrates and plants are considered, a value of 52 mg
added Zn kg1 is derived. This value was considered not sufficiently protective
based on the experimental data, and an assessment factor (AF) of 2 was used
yielding a Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC HC5/AF) of 26 mg added
Zn kg1. Soil bioavailability corrections were subsequently included [66]. First, the
total added Zn concentrations was allowed to increase by a factor 3 to correct
for differences in Zn toxicity between freshly spiked laboratory experiments and
Table 17.9 A selection of soil Zn limits (mg kg1) and their basis. Ecological Soil Screening
Limits (ECOSSLs) or predicted no-effect concentrations (PNEC) are derived to evaluate current
emissions and should not be considered as clean-up values since the degree of protection is large
(i.e. conservative limits)
Protection goal
EU-risk of
chemicals -2008
Soil invertebrates
Plants, invertebrates,
soil microorganism
EU countries,
Switzerland, USA
and Canada
UK sludge
Soil microorganism
[34] added Zn only
and not including
(see Table 17.11)
EU-sewage sludge
limits 86/278/EEC
US-EPA 1993
150300 mg kg1
Ceiling concentration
Table 17.10 The NOECs (No Observed Effect Concentrations highest Zn dose at which no
inhibitory effect is observed) expressed as added soil Zn (mg kg1), for invertebrate, plant and
microbial assays [34]
NOEC range
851,000 (n 27, 3 species)
321,000 (n 18, 1 species)
32400 (n 29, 16 species)
Microbial processes
C mineralization
171,400 (n 39)
N mineralization
381,000 (n 26)
Enzyme activity
302,623 (n 32)
Table 17.11 Soil specific Predicted No Effect Concentrations (PNEC) for Zn as derived in the EU
risk assessment of Zn in 2008
Highly sensitive soila Medium sensitive soila Weakly sensitive soila
added Zn (mg kg )
total soil Zn (mg kg1) 28
PNEC values corrected for bioavailability as explained in Nicholson et al. [54]
Properties for these three soils are, respectively, effective cation exchange capacity (eCEC), 4, 15,
and 35 cmolc kg1; pH, 4.5, 5.5, 7.0; % OC, 1.0%, 2.9%, and 12%; % clay, 5%, 15%, and 30%;
background Zn, 8, 51, and 155 mg Zn kg1
long-term field contaminated soils. Second, a correction was made considering soil
physicochemical properties (effective CEC, background Zn and pH) that mitigate
toxicity, yielding a final soil PNEC that varies with the soil properties; (highlymedium-weakly sensitive; Table 17.11).
Concerns about sludge-borne metals for soil application have been recognized
since the 1970s. Current regulations for the use of sewage sludge as soil fertilizer
are focused on preventing the build-up of metals in soils. Critical sludge limits
are set for sludge and soils to which sludge can be applied (Table 17.9). In the EU,
countries are allowed to apply sludge if the maximum allowable soil concentrations are not exceeded and will not be exceeded due to sludge application, or if
the 10-year mean metal loading rate of added metals through sludge application is
not exceeded. The US and the Netherlands made a risk assessment to determine
which soil and sludge metal concentrations and metal loading rates are acceptable
[25, 70]. Depending on e.g. the used approach or databases, both countries ended
up with highly variable values; the maximum allowable Zn concentration
for agriculturally used sludge in the Netherlands is 300 mg kg1, well below the
US-EPA rules (Table 17.9).
Zinc contaminated land that is considered harmful for the environment has to be
managed to prevent long-term negative effects. There are a few options that are
frequently applied. Removal is only suited for small scale point source contaminations. Phytoremediation by extraction has been often tested, but the time required
to remove excess metals is long (years to eras) [46]. Additives can be mixed into
soil to reduce zinc bioavailability. If soils are acid with high bioavailable Zn concentrations, lime can be applied to raise soil pH and reduce metal solubility. Liming needs
to be repeated at regular time intervals to maintain soil pH. Alternative additives such
as bauxite (red mud) residues or beringite, an alkaline aluminosilicate, have a high
metal fixing capacity and will effectively fix metals on the long-term, even when soil
acidify in the case of bauxite residue [48]. Lombi et al. [49] compared liming and
bauxite or beringite application to remediate two heavy metal contaminated soils due
to sewage sludge application (UK soil 1,760 mg Zn kg1) or to smelter activity
Oilseed rape
b 7
Oilseed rape
+ Lime
+ Beringite
+ Red mud
Fig. 17.13 Shoot biomass of oilseed rape and lettuce, and weight of pea seed and wheat grains
grown on a Zn contaminated French (a) and UK (b) soil with and without soil amendments (0.25%
Ca(OH)2, 5% beringite or 2% red mud). Different letter represent significant differences at
p < 0.01 (*) and p < 0.001 (*). All amendments were effective in reducing Zn toxicity, but
effects differ between soils and plant species (Data from Lombi et al. [49])
(French soil 2,920 mg Zn kg1). Effects between additives varied between soils
and plant species, but performed well in reducing trace metal toxicity to plants
(Fig. 17.13).
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Part III
Chapter 18
Rafael Clemente
Abstract Antimony (Sb) is a naturally occurring metalloid that has a wide range of
industrial applications. There exists an increasing interest in this metalloid as it is
likely to be a pollutant in industrialised environments. It is now known that Sb has
fewer geochemical and toxicological similarities with As than previously believed.
It has low mobility and bioavailability in soils, and presents low toxicity to plants,
although where Sb is present in more mobile forms in the soil it can be accumulated
by plants and affect their growth.
Keywords Antimony Alloys Ammunition Flame-retardant Metalloid
Semiconductor Smelter Stibnite Valentinite
R. Clemente (*)
Department of Soil and Water Conservation and Organic Waste Management,
CEBAS-CSIC, PO Box 164, 30100 Murcia, Spain
e-mail: rclemente@cebas.csic.es
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_18,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
R. Clemente
R. Clemente
and rapid desorption at higher pH. The dominant solution species was [Sb(OH)6] .
Depending on experimental conditions Sb(V) is almost completely sorbed at pH
values below 7, while Sb(III) sorbs to pH values of at least 10 [25]. In three different
mine soils in Spain, low soil Sb mobility was encountered with no significant
influence of the measured general soil characteristics on Sb mobility [42]. Relatively low Sb extractabilities (<6% of total soil concentration) have been also
reported by Lintschinger et al. [37].
Antimony association with soil organic matter in environmental samples has
only been confirmed in recent years [13, 14]. A significant correlation (P < 0.05)
between Na2HPO4-extracted Sb and TOC was observed in different highly polluted
soils and sediments [17], indicating that it could be specifically sorbed onto organic
matter. Weak sorption on organic matter may be dominant for oxyanions especially
under acidic conditions. Tighe et al. [59] reported sorption of Sb(V) by HA
decreased as the pH increased. When a liming-induced pH increase is applied,
the mobilisation of soluble Sb needs to be considered [30]. The importance of
humic substances, particularly soil humic acids, in converting inorganic Sb(III)
species to a less toxic species (i.e., Sb(V)) as well as arresting Sb movement through
the soil by complexing with it has been reported [55]. Klitzke and Lang [30]
suggested that Sb does not bridge to non-mobile or aggregated organic matter to
the same extent as As, because of different accessibility of negative charge. In the
Sb(OH)6 complex the negative charge is located at the Sb atom which is coordinated by six octahedral OH-groups [29], with these OH-groups shielding the
negative charge [30].
Nakamaru et al. [43] found that in a range of Japanese agricultural soils, soil
solution distribution coefficient (Kd) values of Sb, and therefore sorption, increased
with decreasing pH and decreased with increasing phosphate concentration,
suggesting pH-dependent specific sorption of Sb species. In a Japanese mine
tailings soil, under reducing conditions, the concentration of As in the soil water
increased whereas that of Sb decreased showing different redox properties of Sb
and As [41]. In that study, Sb(V) was the stable oxidation state over a wide range of
Eh in soil and it was mainly associated with Fe(III) hydroxide; dissolved Sb
concentrations did not increase with decreasing redox potential [41].
Plants are generally more tolerant to soil Sb than soil fauna and particularly high
plant Sb concentrations occur in Sb mining areas [60]. Hammel et al. [23] extracted
Sb from contaminated soils from a historical mining area in Germany using 1M
NH4NO3 to assess the mobile fraction which is bioavailable to plants, and reported
levels of 0.020.29 mg kg 1, representing between 0.06% and 0.59% of the total Sb
content. Other studies have found relatively low concentrations of Sb in local flora
and fauna even in highly contaminated areas, indicating that low soluble or mobile
fractions reflect low availability and uptake into biological systems, and a lack of
bioaccumulation in food chains [1, 27, 36]. The large size of the Sb(OH)6 anion,
the predominant form in well aerated soils [50], may prohibit its passage through
the root endodermis into the xylem, thus limiting its translocation to the aerial
portions of the plant [48]. However, evidence shows that where Sb is present in
more mobile forms in the soil, it can be accumulated by plants [4, 23] and affect
their growth [24]. Markert [39] reported an average Sb level of 0.1 mg Sb kg 1 (dw)
in plants. Potential phytotoxicity of Sb has been described as moderate [7], although
no environmental cases have been reported.
Overall, plant Sb accumulation increases with the Sb concentration of soil over
a very wide range of concentrations. That was observed in a combination of
published data from field studies which produced a relationship with a significant
correlation between plant and total soil Sb. With soluble instead of total soil Sb
concentrations, a closer relationship was obtained despite the variety of analytical
methods used and very different plants examined [60]. This fact suggests a very
general and rather simple mechanism. Passive transport by convection with the
stream of transpirational water into and through the plant would easily explain it.
In fact, evidence suggests that Sb is translocated within plants primarily along the
apoplastic pathway through the xylem, but some symplastic transport may also
occur [60]. Atmospheric deposition of Sb onto plant surfaces may in addition be an
important pathway in the soil-to-plant transfer of Sb under field conditions [60].
Soil Contamination
R. Clemente
in shooting ranges tends to occur in the surface soils [25] and decreases with
soil depth [18]. The organic-rich soil humus layer may act as a repository for
anthropogenic Sb [55].
Risk Assessment
The real environmental risk posed by Sb is still largely in need of assessment and
proof. The case of the comparison of Sb(III) versus Sb(V) toxicity is paradigmatic.
In addition, although it has been generally assumed that the geochemical behaviour
and toxicity of Sb are similar to those of As [59], Sb might behave less like As than
previously believed. Most investigations into mining spoils have not focused on Sb,
yet it is often a major constituent, is a suspected human carcinogen [22] and a
priority interest pollutant in both the USA and the EU [16, 61]. Systematic reviews
are lacking on many environmental topics such as: Sb in the atmosphere, ecotoxicology, and soil-plant transfer, among others. Integrating existing data into a global
cycling model should be a priority task today [19].
Indirect evidence suggests that Sb(III) is somewhat more toxic than Sb(V) and
that Sb(III) forms could be used as a worst case scenario for testing the toxicity of
environmental Sb [45]. Toxicity tests with soluble Sb salts have shown little
relevance for predicting the risk of Sb2O3 emissions to soils. At full equilibrium,
all Sb2O3 is likely to be transformed, i.e., dissolved, oxidised and adsorbed [46].
The preferred exposure regime for terrestrial toxicity tests is via long-term
equilibrated Sb2O3-amended soils. Based on the data available at present, only a
generic predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) value of 37 mg Sb kg 1 dw can
be derived in soils [45].
Naturally occurring Sb has no known function in living organisms and has
no known biological role [55]. Exposure to Sb species, especially trivalent, has
been reported to produce injury in organ systems such as the lungs, heart, liver
and kidney [21]. In its trivalent form, Sb may have a level of genotoxicity similar
to trivalent As [22]. The mechanism of Sb toxicity seems to include interactions with functional thiol (SH) groups of glutathione and proteins [56]. Toxicity
of water insoluble Sb sulphate was found on average to be higher than that of
Sb-tartrate (very soluble in water), with a reproduction LOEC (lowest-observedeffect-concentration) for earthworm, potworm and collembolan of around 100 mg
Sb kg 1 [33].
Antimony in contaminated soils does not seem to be readily bioavailable, its
concentration in source-receptor pathways has been measured and no significant
increase compared to uncontaminated soils has been observed [1, 54]. Flynn et al.
[20] found in five different locations in SW England that soil contamination by Sb
due to mining and smelting operations was not a severe risk to the environment or
human health provided that it was present as immobile species. In that study, total
Sb of up to 700 mg kg 1 was shown to be biologically unavailable over a wide
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Chapter 19
Paula Madejon
Abstract Barium (Ba) is a common element in the Earths crust and is present at
higher concentrations than most other trace elements, and naturally occurs in one
oxidaton state (+II). Industrial uses of Ba are wide and variable including: oil and
gas drilling muds. The most common minerals of Ba are barite and hollandite and in
geochemical processes it is usually associated with K+. Barium is not very mobile
in most soils although plants may take up Ba easily from acid soils, but there are
few reports of toxic concentrations of Ba in plants.
Keywords Barium Barite Biosolids Brines Drilling muds Radium X-ray
Barium (Ba) is a common and ubiquitous element with a mean content in the
Earths crust of 425 mg kg1, and a range from 550 to 668 mg kg1 in the upper
continental crust [32]. It is 14th in order of abundance in the earths crust and occurs
at higher concentrations than most other trace elements [29].
In nature Ba occurs in only one oxidation state, +II. In aqueous environments, Ba
occurs primarily as the dissolved divalent ion, Ba2+ [38]. The neutral ion-paired
species, BaSO40, forms in the presence of high sulphate concentrations. Similarly,
BaCO30, becomes the dominant species in the presence of carbonate at pH >9.3
[39]. Solid phase barite (BaSO4) and witherite (BaCO3), exhibit fast precipitation
kinetics and very low solubilities, limiting Ba concentrations in aqueous solutions
[4]. Therefore when it is released by weathering is not very mobile because it is
easily precipitated as either sulphates and carbonates [21].
P. Madejon (*)
Protection of the Soil-Water-Plant System, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologa de
Sevilla (IRNAS) CSIC, Avda. Reina Mercedes, 10, 41012 Sevilla, Spain
e-mail: pmadejon@irnase.csic.es
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_19,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
P. Madejon
According to Bowen [6], the mean content of Ba in soils is 500 mg kg1. The
reported range for soil Ba, on a world scale, is from 19 to 2,368 mg kg1. Schroeder
[33] reported Ba in soils at concentrations ranging from 100 to 3,000 mg kg1.
Mean values in Chinese soils are 370 mg kg1 [9] and in United States the mean
values correspond to 440 mg kg1 [35]. (See also Chap. 2, Table 2.1).
Industrial uses of Ba are wide and variable, including: oil and gas drilling muds,
automotive paints, stabilizers for plastics, case hardening steels, bricks, tiles,
lubricating oils, and jet fuel as well as in various types of pesticides [4, 45]. The
largest use of mined barite, which accounts for 94% of the total output, is oil and
gas well drilling. Other Ba compounds are important in the brick, ceramic, photographic, and chemical manufacturing industries [2, 4]. One of the major uses of
BaCO3 is as a rodenticide [2]. Barium and its compounds have several important
medical uses as well. Barium is frequently utilized as a benign, radio-opaque aid to
X-ray diagnosis in colorectal and some upper gastrointestinal examinations,
because it is normally not absorbed by the body after oral intake [2], although
BaCl2 is no longer used to treat heart block due to its toxicity.
Barium is an ideal analogue of radium (Ra) as Ba and Ra are alkaline earth
and Ra2+ 1.43 A
) [36].
elements, and possess similar ionic radii (Ba2+ 1.34 A
For this reason Ba has been used to study migration of radioactive radium ( Ra) in
soil, due to environmental concern about Ra, especially in areas adjacent to U
deposits [47].
Barium has a lithophilic affinity and is likely to concentrate in acid igneous rocks
and argillaceous sediments, ranging from 250 to 1,200 mg kg1 [22].
The most common minerals of Ba are barite (BaSO4), and hollandite (Ba2Mn8O16).
Witherite (BaCO3), another ore of Ba, is not as common as the others minerals and
can form deposits in association with barites [3]. This element is also found in possible
host minerals of K-feldspar, micas, apatite, calcite [32]. In geochemical processes,
Ba is usually associated with K+ due to their similar ionic radii, and thus usually
follows the fate of K in geochemical processes and therefore its presence is linked with
alkali feldspar and biotite [21, 22].
Barium is concentrated in Mn and P concretions and is specifically adsorbed
onto oxides and hydroxides [21]. Barium is easily sorbed by other alkaline earth
metals from some oxides (MnO2, TiO2), although it is displaced from Al2O3 by
alkaline earth metals (Be, Sr) [4].
Barium is not very mobile in most soils. The rate of transport is dependent on the
characteristics of soils, such as cation exchange capacity (CEC) and CaCO3 content. In soils with high CEC values (such as clay minerals, finely textured mineral
soils, or soils with high organic content) the mobility of Ba is limited by adsorption.
High CaCO3 contents limit mobility by precipitation as BaCO3 or in presence of
SO42 ions, Ba precipitates as BaSO4. In the presence of Cl ions, Ba is more mobile
and more likely to be leached from soil to groundwater [39].
Barium acetate, nitrate, and chloride are all quite soluble, whereas the arsenate,
carbonate, oxalate, chromate, fluoride, sulphate, and phosphate salts are very poorly
soluble. Concentration of Ba in the soil solution and therefore potential uptake is
controlled by the nature of the soil, pH of the extractant [5] and by solution SO42
concentration [16]. All Ba salts, except for BaSO4, become increasingly soluble as
the pH decreases. These salts dissolve partially in carbonic acid and completely in
hydrochloric or nitric acids. Strong sulphuric acid is required to dissolve BaSO4
[44]. Barite has been considered as a very stable and inert material. Carbonell et al.
[7] studied the influence of pH and redox potential in barite sediments. These
authors found that a combination of low pH and highly anaerobic conditions
resulted in a release of Ba to the sediment solution.
Different studies have reported very low exchangeable-Ba levels in soils
(0185 mg kg1) despite rather high total Ba contents (503,000 mg kg1) [13].
Leaching experiments indicate that the formation of soluble complexes of Ba with
fatty acids from domestic wastes and other, unidentified organic Ba complexes can
contribute to Ba mobility in soils [23]. During studies with a soil column, a small
quantity of Ba, 1839%, was leached out, probably as organic Ba complexes, while
the remaining Ba (added in the form of BaCO3) was adsorbed and precipitated, and
remained at the original place of application [23]. Hatipoglu et al. [17] studied
sorption properties of Ba on kaolinite, montmorillonite, chlorite + illite type of
mixed clay, being the mixed clay with the best sorption of Ba.
Sultan and Shazili [40] studied Ba levels in tropical soils in Malaysia. They
found that under humic tropical conditions most of the metals from the top soil
layer, especially alkali and alkali earth metals, such as Ba, are significantly depleted
by preferential leaching/or plant uptake.
The USEPA [41] has published an amended list of 15 candidate pollutants for
exposure and hazard screening with regard to biosolids land application, and this
includes Ba. Ipolito et al. [19] studied Ba accumulation in soils amended with
biosolids (sewage sludges) and found that biosolids additions increased Ba accumulation in the 020 cm soil depth. They also reported DTPA-extractable values
declining with time; this supports the idea that insoluble Ba precipitates are forming
due to biosolids addition in soils.
Soluble Ba, e.g., in the form of BaS, is extremely toxic to humans and animals,
although due to its low absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, sparingly soluble
BaSO4 can be orally supplied as a contrasting reagent in radiological exploration
without health risk. Because most of Ba in the environment is present in forms with
low solubility, mainly as sulphate or carbonate, the risk of Ba toxicity is considered
to be very low [25, 26].
Barium is taken up by plants although it has no known plant or animal physiological functions, and usually undergoes biodiminution as it is transferred along the
food chain [15, 31, 34]. On the other hand, in the ionic form, Ba is considered to be
toxic to humans, animals, and plants at moderate concentrations [8].
P. Madejon
Bowen and Dyamon [5] found that Ba contents of plants from normal soils vary
from 0.5 to 40 mg kg1 with a mean value of 10 mg kg1. Other authors reported
normal Ba values in plants from 10 to 150 mg kg1 [13].
Plants may take up Ba quite easily from acid soils, but there are few reports of
toxic Ba concentrations in plants [21]. Wyttenbach et al. [46] studied correlations between soil pH, EDTA-extractable Ba in soil and Ba contents in needles of
Norway spruce. They found a significant negative correlation between Ba in plant
and pH and a positive significant correlation with extractable Ba in soils.
Soil Contamination
Davis et al. [14] report that Ba and Mn are consistently associated with natural
sources in both urban and rural areas. Raghu et al. [30] studied the soil on a barite
deposit, in an area in India, and they found a range of values in soils from 171 to
802 mg kg1. Shock et al. [37] studied the Red Dog Mining District in western
Alaska and reported that Ba concentrations in ore concentrates were found to range
from 2,400 to 2,700 mg kg1.
Contents of Ba in coal range from 75 to 330 mg kg1 [10]; other authors reported
concentrations of <3,000 mg Ba kg1 [6]. It also occurs in fuel oils, the Ba content
varying with the petroleum source.
Despite relatively high concentrations in soils, only a limited amount of Ba
accumulates in plants. It is actively taken up by legumes, grain stalks, forage plants,
red ash leaves, and the black walnut, hickory, and Brazil nut trees [31]. In plants on
a barite-rich soil (760 mg kg1 Ba in aqua regia extract) shoot Ba concentrations
ranged from 21 mg kg1 in grass species to 320 mg kg1 in Rubia peregrine
(Wild Madder) [24]. The highest concentrations (10,000 mg kg1) have been found
in Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa), a Ba-accumulating species [38].
Pais and Jones [28] found that Ba contents of 200 mg kg1 could be moderately
toxic, and an excess of 500 mg kg1 could be considered toxic for plants.
Barium toxicity has been studied in Phaseous vulgaris (red kidney bean) and
Hordeum vulgare (barley) on an experimental soil spiked with 2,000 mg kg1
Ba as nitrate. Internal concentrations associated with growth inhibition were
found at 10,000 and 20,000 mg kg1 in foliar levels [8]. Plant yield decrease
and phytotoxic effects were related to the suppression of K uptake by Ba. Llugany
et al. [25] studied Phaseous vulgaris in an experiment using a culture solution
with different doses of Ba and found that Ba interfered with both the SO42
transport from roots to shoots and the import of Ca into leaves. Similar results
were found previously by Wang [43] and Wallace & Romney [42]. However,
according to Llugany et al. [25] the most Ba-sensitive parameter is the K concentration in leaves, which is reduced even at concentrations that do not affect
plant growth. Raghu [30] found a concentration of 3,500 mg kg1 in shoots of
Indigofera cordifolia (a legume True Indigo) and also concluded that the
presence of Indigofera cordifolia on a Ba mine dump area and its absence away
from this area shows its indicator characteristics for Ba from the geobotanical
point of view.
Risk Assessment
Environmental problems associated with Ba are due to well drilling and the on-site
disposal of brines with high Ba contents. Cipollini and Pickerink [11] studied the
effect of Ba in plants from high-Ba well sites. They found that, although there was a
high Ba content in soils (2,000 mg kg1), there were no detectable effects upon
plant yield and in general, plant Ba levels did not exceed the normal range in plants.
Coscione and Berton [12] evaluated the Ba extraction potential of Brassica juncea
(Indian mustard), Helianthus annuus (sunflower) and Ricinus communis (castor
bean) growing in a soil artificially contaminated with increasing Ba additions
(0, 150, 300 mg kg1 rates). None of the plants tested presented toxicity symptoms,
decreased nutrient accumulation or decreased dry matter production in response to
Ba treatments. The largest accumulation was with sunflower at 300 mg kg1 of Ba
added to the soil. They concluded that none of the three species studied was
efficient as a Ba accumulator.
Monaci and Bragagli [27] showed that in urban environments unwashed
Quercus ilex (Holm Oak) leaves had a significantly higher Ba content compared
with those from suburban or control areas. This study also found a significant
relationship between normalized concentrations of Pb and Ba and the presence of
the latter element in diesel and unleaded gasoline. Therefore these authors consider
Ba to be a valuable tracer for vehicle emissions, in the place of Pb.
Hope et al. [18] studied Ba accumulation at different ecosystems levels.
The study area exhibited a mean Ba content in soil of 105 mg kg1. Vegetation
analysed showed a mean Ba concentration of 30 mg kg1, the mean concentration
in terrestrial invertebrates was 16 mg kg1 and the Ba content in small mammals
analysed was around 2 mg kg1. According to these results Hope et al. [18]
concluded that although Ba appears capable of bioconcentration and bioaccumulation in terrestrial and aquatic environments, its bioaccumulation factors were
low in the terrestrial receptors examined (Ba levels decreased by an order of
magnitude with each successive increase in the tropic levels). Other authors have
studied the possible toxic effect of Ba in soils on pheasant populations. Anderson
and Stewart [1] speculated that Ba in the diet might be a factor limiting the pheasant
establishment in habitats adjacent to areas of long-term sustaining populations
in Illinois, however Jones [20] did not find any relation between Ba content in
soils and pheasant abundance. Even more, the present of these birds were higher at
the maximum Ba values in soils.
P. Madejon
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P. Madejon
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Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 190, 239249.
Chapter 20
Rafael Clemente
Abstract Gold (Au) is a noble, relatively scarce metal, highly valuable for its
beauty, resistance to corrosion and as a long-term investment. Demand for it has
increased steadily and it has become vital in different technological fields. Gold
nanoparticles have also attracted broad interest. Despite being chemically inert
towards most naturally occurring substances Au may be subject to biological
interactions in soils. The impact of Au concentrations in different environmental
compartments is not known with certainty.
Keywords Gold Cyanide Electronics Jewellery Monetary Nanoparticles
Noble Precious metal
Gold (Au) is a precious and noble metal (resisting corrosion) and one of the ten
least abundant elements in the Earths crust with an average concentration of
0.004 mg kg 1 [35], and a concentration range from 0.02 to 0.20 mg L 1 in natural
waters [42]. Despite being a relatively scarce element, it is widely distributed
through the Earths crust and global waters. Gold is a highly valuable metal,
which since ancient times has been valued for its scarcity, beauty, resistance to
corrosion and as a long-term store of value [12, 18]. Throughout the centuries, Au
has been used for a variety of purposes and demand for it has increased steadily
with the advancement of technology. Due to its special chemical and physical
properties [40], Au has become vital in such diverse fields as dentistry, photography, medicine, electronics, and nanotechnology [53].
R. Clemente (*)
Department of Soil and Water Conservation and Organic Waste Management,
CEBAS-CSIC, PO Box 164, 30100 Murcia, Spain
e-mail: rclemente@cebas.csic.es
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_20,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
R. Clemente
The Earths core contains on average 150300 times more Au than does the crust.
Native primary Au is commonly present as alloys with Ag, Cu, Al, Fe, Bi, Pb, Zn,
Pd or Pt, with Au concentrations ranging from 50% to 80% wt [11]. Gold occurs
principally as flakes, scales, or crystals of native metal [12]. The average Au content
of soils is about the same as the crustal abundance. The concentration in sedimentary rocks tends to be above the crustal average, especially in sandstones [12].
Gold can concentrate in iron-rich exogenetic horizons such as laterites (Brazil,
Cameroon, Indonesia) or gossans (Canada, USA, France) [10].
Gold forms relatively few minerals. Aside from the native alloys (most commonly
with Ag, Cu, and Fe, only aurostibite (AuSb2), calaverite (AuTe2), and sylvanite
([Au, Ag]Te2) are important ores of Au [12]. Small amounts of Au substitute for
other metals in some more minerals, which are sometimes also considered as Au
minerals. Chemical (and biological) weathering of Au deposits can lead to the
dissolution of Au from the primary Au deposit (hosted by sulphides or quartz),
transportation in solution, and re-precipitation elsewhere in the weathering (regolith)
profile [27]. Sorption of Au complexes and colloids to organic matter, clays, Fe and
Mn minerals as well as bioaccumulation and biomineralisation may also lead to the
formation of secondary Au particles [25, 34]. Secondary Au is generally much finer
(up to 99% weight of Au) compared to primary Au, and the individual Au aggregates
are often larger than in potential source rocks [44, 63].
Under surface conditions, Au occurs in aqueous solution mainly as a metal
colloid and aurous or auric complexes. Standard redox potentials of Au+ (1.68 V)
and Au3+ (1.50 V) exceed that of water (1.23 V), which makes the existence of
free Au ions thermodynamically unfavourable [11, 61]. In hydrothermal fluids Au
is chemically mobile as complexes with sulphide and bisulphide (for example,
[Au(HS)0], [Au(HS2) ], [Au2S22 ]) [9, 23, 52]. Deposition from these solutions
leads to the formation of Au-containing sulphide minerals (for example, pyrite and
arsenopyrite) [11, 30]. The chemical mobility of Au in the supergene zone is linked
to the weathering of these sulphide minerals, and its subsequent oxidation and
complexation [11, 59]. Oxidizing groundwater with elevated dissolved chloride
concentrations may also solubilise Au through the formation of chloride complexes
([AuCl2 ], [AuCl4 ]) [25].
The mobility of Au increases with increasing degree of weathering of host
materials [48]. For example, in the Ah-horizon overlying the mineralized zone at a
Au mine in south eastern New South Wales, approximately 50% wt of the total Au
was associated with the most easily extractable fractions; in contrast, in the unweathered quartz-vein material more than 95% wt of the Au was extractable only with
concentrated aqua regia [50].
Microorganisms are capable of actively solubilising and precipitating Au and
they may play a key role in the dispersion and concentration of Au under surface
conditions, in the deep subsurface and in hydrothermal zones [51]. Therefore, many
environmentally relevant groups of microbes may be involved in the biogeochemical
R. Clemente
R. Clemente
Gold accumulator plants, such as Artemisia persia, Prangos popularia, and Stipa
spp. grasses, routinely contain >0.1 mg Au kg 1 and may contain as much as
100 mg Au kg 1 dw [18]. Microorganisms in the plant roots may be responsible
for solubilising the Au, allowing ready uptake by these species. Plants readily
take up Au and accumulate it within their tissues and specific reactions which
influence the mobility of Au have been reported to take place in the rhizosphere
[37]. Conifers are known to accumulate Au [6]. Bioaccumulation of Au from metalcontaminated soils has been documented in stems and needles of Corsican pine
trees (Pinus laricio) [46]. Pinus radiata, Cassinia aculeate, and Eucalyptus have
shown elevated Au in outer bark (Pinus and Eucalyptus) and in twigs and needles/
leaves [6]. Gold has been also detected in aquatic macrophytes from streams
draining abandoned base-metal mines, suggesting the potential use of these plants
in bio-recovery [55]. In Poland and the Czech Republic, aquatic bryophytes reflected
increasing amounts of Au in former Au mining areas; highest values recorded were
in Fontinalis antypyretica (18.8 mg Au kg 1 dw) and Chiloscyphus pallescens
(20.2 mg Au kg 1 dw) [56].
Gold is absorbed and present in plants in reduced Au(0) form (more than 90%)
and only in very small amounts as Au(I) and Au(III) forms [8]. Plants are able to
take up Au as Au(III) and then this is reduced to Au(0) in root tissues; Au mobility
in tissues is probably very limited [8]. However, in undigested Brassica juncea
plant material, Au was found in approximately equal quantities as the metallic
(Au0) and oxidised (Au+1) states [41]. Similarly, the formation of Au nanoparticles
within desert willow tissues has been reported [53]. In field experiments, carrot
(Daucus carota, Apiaceae) in comparison with other crops (red beet, onion and
radish), demonstrated the highest ability to accumulate Au [14].
Soil Contamination
The current processes used for Au recovery from ores are not only expensive, but
also harmful to the environment, due to the use of toxic compounds containing
cyanide [31]. These processes devastate the soil where mine tailings are deposited,
damage ecosystems and alter the environment [7]. The production of primary Au
affects the physical environment mostly at the mining and ore processing stages.
Both take place at the mine site, and the very low content of Au in all its ores means
that extremely large volumes of ore must be excavated and processed for each unit
of Au recovered [12]. The smelting/refining stage poses no appreciable threat to the
environment because of the very small volumes of material treated. In the case of
mining, environmental disturbance is much greater where the Au is obtained from
surface mines than where Au is obtained from underground mines; around 50% of
the worlds primary Au is currently produced from surface mines [12]. But the
environmental concerns about ore processing come mainly from the use of cyanide
(CN ), which is used to extract Au from ores because it forms the stable complex
Au(CN)2 , that allows for chemically efficient and inexpensive leaching by dilute
aqueous solutions [40]. Ore leaching is carried out in large vats or by dripping the
solutions onto ore heaps built on impermeable pads [28]. After the precious metal
has been extracted from ore, cyanides are discharged as effluents and as solid mine
tailings [66]. Although the cyanide radical tends to decompose rather quickly, some
metal cyanides can persist long enough in ground water to cause concern [12].
Risk Assessment
R. Clemente
The possible role of vegetation in the formation of Au anomalies in soil has also
been described [36]. Although plants are able to take up Au from soils, there are
limitations of Au uptake [8]. Gold, in natural conditions, has very low solubility.
The supplementation of the soil with Au chelating agents significantly increases Au
uptake by plants. Cyanate seems to be a good Au chelator and it has demonstrated
higher efficiency to promote Au uptake when compared to thiocyanate [8]. Other
solubilising agents such as cyanide, iodide, bromide, and thiosulphate have been
examined in Au-accumulation studies [33]. Anderson et al. [2, 3] reported induced
hyperaccumulation of Au by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) plants after soil
amendment with ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN). They defined Au hyperaccumulation as a concentration above 1 mg kg 1 dw of plant tissues. Elevated Au
concentrations (maximum 19 mg kg 1 dw) have been reported in B. juncea plants
grown in a mine ore containing natural colloidal Au [3]. An average Au concentration of 39 mg kg 1 was achieved in B. juncea after treatment of a 0.6 mg kg 1 Au
ore with NaCN [5].
1. Ahnlide, I., Bjorkner, B., Bruze, M., & Moller, H. (2000). Exposure to metallic gold in patients
with contact allergy to gold sodium thiosulfate. Contact Dermatitis, 43, 344350.
2. Anderson, C. W. N., Brooks, R. R., Stewart, R. B., & Simcock, R. (1998). Harvesting a crop of
gold in plants. Nature, 395, 553554.
3. Anderson, C. W. N., Brooks, R. R., Stewart, R. B., & Simcock, R. (1998). Gold uptake by
plants. Gold Bulletin, 32, 4851.
4. Anderson, C. W. N., Brooks, R. R., Chirucci, A., Lacoste, C. J., Leblans, M., Robinson, B. H.,
Simcock, R., & Stewart, R. B. (1999). Phytomining for nickel, thallium and gold. Journal of
Geochemical Exploration, 67, 407415.
5. Anderson, C., Moreno, F., & Meech, J. (2005). A field demonstration of gold phytoextraction
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6. Arne, D. C., Stott, J. E., & Waldron, H. M. (1999). Biogeochemistry of the Ballarat East
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R. Clemente
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Chapter 21
Brian J. Alloway
B.J. Alloway
makes it an attractive substitute for more toxic metals in several uses [10]. Unlike
most heavy metals, Mo (together with Cr and W) usually forms oxyanions (and not
cations) and coordinates only weakly with ligands such as Cl and OH [14]. As a
consequence, it is most mobile and bioavailable under alkaline conditions (>pH
6.5) and least available in acid conditions. In plants, it plays a key role in nitrogen
(N) metabolism being a constituent of the enzyme nitrate reductase. This reduces
NO3 to NH4+ which can then be assimilated [15]. In animals, it is an essential
constituent of several enzymes, including xanthine oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase and aldehyde oxidase [17].
Molybdenum is mined primarily as the ore molybdenite (MoS2), but also
produced as a by-product from sulphide ores of Cu, especially in porphyry Cu
deposits. World mining production totalled 234,000 t in 2010, with mines in China
producing the most (77,000 t) followed by the US (50,000 t) [22].
Molybdenum is primarily used in the manufacture of various alloy steels and
stainless steel. Around 70% of total of Mo is used for steel, 22% for production of
cast iron and various alloys and 8% for catalysts, lubricants, pigments and other
uses [1, 10]. Molybdenum has a high melting point (2,610 C) and its incorporation
in steels gives them a high melting point, high strength at high temperatures and
good resistance to wear and corrosion. In addition, the coefficient of expansion and
thermal conductivity of Mo-containing steels and alloys makes them valuable to the
electronic industry. Examples of uses of Mo-containing steels and alloys include:
cutting tools, aircraft components, forged automobile parts, industrial furnaces,
support wires for filaments in incandescent light bulbs, glass melting equipment
and machines for forming metals and plastics [10]. About 10% of stainless steel
contains Mo (at about 2% W:W) and this is primarily used for industrial processes,
such as chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, paper, power, water, food and pharmaceutical industries [10]. The most important Mo chemicals include the disulphide
(MoS2), molybdic oxide (MoO3) and several molybdate salts, such as sodium
molybdate (NaMo4) and ammonium molybdate ((NH4)2Mo2O7) which are variously used as catalysts (especially for S removal), corrosion inhibitors, pigments,
additives to lubricating oils and fertilisers [1].
Concentrations of Mo in soils are generally quite low and usually reflect the
composition of their parent materials, with a world mean total concentration
in soils of around 1.8 mg kg 1 and a commonly observed range of 0.25 mg kg 1
[1, 13]. However, concentrations (in mg Mo kg 1) of <30 have been reported for
soils in the USA, <24 for vegetable growing soils in British Columbia, Canada,
and <74 in topsoils in the Baltic region [13, 18]. On a global scale, deficiency of
Mo in crops is more important than potential excesses from contamination
because it is a micronutrient for plants. Concentrations of Mo in soils are generally the lowest of all the essential trace elements for plants (B, Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn,
Mo, Ni and Zn) (see Chap. 7). It is generally considered that soils with total
concentrations of Mo of <0.5 mg kg 1 are more likely to be associated with
deficiencies in crops even when the pH is >7.
Unlike the other trace metals essential for plants (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn), Mo is
present in the soil solution as an oxyanion (MoO42 ) which means that it is least
available in acid soils (<pH 5.5) and most available above pH 6.5. Molybdenum
more closely resembles phosphate or sulphate than other metals in its behaviour in
soils [5]. In acid soils, MoO42 is strongly adsorbed on hydrous oxides of Fe and
this is at a maximum at pH 4.0. However, this adsorption depends on the Eh-pH
conditions which control the precipitation of Fe. Molybdenum adsorbed on freshly
precipitated hydrous Fe oxides (Fe(OH)3) is readily exchangeable, but with time it
ages and becomes less available due to the formation of an Fe-Mo mineral
(ferrimolybdite Fe2(MoO4)3.8H2O), which is only slightly soluble. A high proportion of the total Mo in soils is likely to be associated with organic matter and
hydrous Fe oxides. As a result of its affinity for organic matter, Mo can accumulate
to relatively high concentrations in forest litter [13].
Plants appear to take-up Mo readily when it is present in the soil in soluble
forms. Therefore the availability of Mo in soils is dependent on soil pH and
the drainage status (redox conditions). It is most easily taken up by plants from
alkaline soils with poor drainage (gleying). This is partly the result of the high
activity of MoO42 at higher pHs, and also its ability to form thiomolybdates under
reducing conditions. When plants transport oxygen from the stem to the roots, the
B.J. Alloway
Mo compounds close to the root surface are likely to be more oxidized and therefore
more soluble and available for uptake. Normal Mo concentrations in plant leaves
are 1 mg kg 1 or less, but tissue concentrations of 0.030.15 mg kg 1 DW are considered to be adequate for nutritional requirements. However, some native plants,
especially legumes, growing on Mo-rich soils with favourable pH and redox
conditions can accumulate much higher concentrations (<350 mg Mo kg 1).
Fodder plants with high Mo contents may induce Cu deficiency in ruminants
(molybdenosis) [13]. Soil factors which increase the availability of Mo to plants
can have an inhibitory effect on Cu uptake by plants and the physiological barrier to
Mo uptake is less effective than the barrier to Cu uptake. The nutritional effects of
Cu:Mo ratios in herbage on livestock are controlled by the sulphate concentration in
plants and increased levels of SO42 can reduce Cu uptake with even small amounts
of Mo. A value of 5 mg Mo kg 1 in soils and/or >2 mg Mo kg 1 DM in herbage
and/or a Cu:Mo ratio of <2:1 in herbage are generally considered to be indicative of
potential Cu deficiency-related problems such as growth retardation and infertility
in cattle due to a Cu/Mo imbalance. Other factors such as the sulphate intake and
total Cu and Mo contents in the animal diet also need to be considered [2, 13].
In acid soils (<pH 5.5) with a low total Mo content and high concentrations of
hydrous Fe oxides, Mo is likely to have a very low availability to plants and these
are the circumstances under which Mo deficiency in plants most often occurs.
Liming soils to raise their pH can often be an effective way of remedying deficiencies. However, with very heavy liming, Mo availability can decrease again owing
to its adsorption on CaCO3. Molybdenum can also be relatively unavailable in acid
peaty (highly organic) soils due to the formation of complexes with the soil organic
matter. Soils in arid and semi-arid regions generally have higher Mo concentrations
than soils in more humid temperate conditions [13].
A Mo-Mn antagonism can arise in acid soils where Mn is highly available (and
can be toxic) and Mo unavailable. Liming the acid soil reverses this situation
remedying Mn toxicity and Mo deficiency. Interactions between Mo and P are
commonly observed and P can enhance the availability of Mo in acid soils, due to
the higher mobility of the phosphomolybdate complex and the higher Mo mobility
in plant tissues. The effects of P fertilisers on Mo may be affected by their SO42
content. Sulphate containing superphosphate fertiliser reduces Mo uptake, but high
P fertilisers without SO42 enhance it [13] .
There are four key enzymes in plants in which Mo is a co-factor. These are:
(1) nitrate reductase, required for the assimilation of NO3 into plants; (2) aldehyde
oxidase which is involved in the synthesis of the hormones indole-3 acetic
acid (IAA) and abscisic acid, (3) xanthine dehydrogenase, involved in the catabolism of purine and synthesis of ureides in soya bean and cowpea, and (4) sulphite
oxidase which mediates the biochemical oxidation of sulphite ( SO32 ) to
sulphate ( SO42 ). In addition to green plants, Mo is also required by N-fixing
bacteria in root nodules in legumes, where it is a component of the enzyme nitrogenase which is involved in the biological fixation of N2. Other (non-symbioitc)
soil microorganisms have been found to benefit from Mo additions to soil.
Positive responses have included increased decomposition, higher non-symbioitc
Soil Contamination
Molybdenum is used in steelmaking and various other industrial uses which have
resulted in atmospheric pollution and soil contamination around some major industrial sites and urban complexes [10]. Nevertheless, the total concentrations found in
these soils tend to be relatively small in comparison with other heavy metal contaminants such as Pb and Zn, with <35 mg Mo kg 1 near processing plants in the USA
and <38 mg Mo kg 1 in Chile [13]. The UKSHS survey of soils at selected industrial
sites in the UK found significantly elevated Mo concentrations (<24 mg Mo kg 1)
in soils near a steel works, an incinerator and mineral workings [19]. Sewage sludges
commonly contain 550 mg Mo kg 1and if high Mo sludges are applied to pastures
they could cause molybdenosis problems in livestock [13].
Soils with high available Mo concentrations from either geochemical, or anthropogenic origins can pose a problem due to possible toxicity in plants and/or
animals, but it is very rare for plants to exhibit Mo toxicity symptoms under field
conditions. Toxicity can occur at Mo concentrations in leaf tissue of 1050 mg kg 1
[2]. The symptoms caused by acute Mo toxicity are frequently similar to those due
to P deficiency such as red bands along leaf margins but there are usually no root
abnormalities [4, 5]. Application of elemental S to acidify soils is an effective way
of reducing available concentrations of Mo. Plants growing on contaminated soils
have been reported to contain <200 mg Mo kg 1 [13].
Risk Assessment
Molybdenum deficiencies are most likely to occur on acid and severely leached
soils, which include unlimed tropical soils and sandy-textured soils, including
Podzols. Molybdenum deficiency is mainly a problem in brassicas and legumes,
such as peanuts, subterranean clover and soya beans, but other crops, including
wheat and sunflowers can also be affected. In many crops, the reproductive phase is
more sensitive to Mo deficiency than the vegetative phase, causing poor crop yield
[15]. Molybdenum deficiency has striking effects on pollen formation in maize.
Tasselling is delayed, a large proportion of the flowers fail to open and the capacity
of the anther for pollen production is reduced. The emergence of maize cobs is
B.J. Alloway
delayed and these are severely condensed, the styles are poorly developed and fail
to emerge out of the leaf sheath [15].
In an international study for the FAO involving field trials in 15 countries,
Sillanpaa found that Mo deficiencies were primarily hidden (or latent) i.e., revealed
by yield effects with no obvious symptoms of stress, and that deficiencies of Mo
were the third highest in occurrence (15% of crop experiments) after Zn and B [20].
In northern Alabama, USA, Mo deficiency in soya beans is a widespread problem
on acid soils [5]. In Australia, Mo deficiency is the second most ubiquitous
micronutrient deficiency problem affecting large areas of cropland with acid soils
[9]. In China, Mo deficiency has become an important factor limiting yields in
winter wheat and soya beans and affects 47% of agricultural soils [24]. On the
predominant acid sandy soils in Africa, Mo deficiency is a widespread problem,
particularly in maize, sunflower, ground nuts, dry beans and peas [23].
Not all Mo deficiencies in crops can be rectified by liming, especially in sandy
soils with low total Mo contents. In these cases it is necessary to apply Mo compounds as fertilisers to supply sufficient amounts of the element. Legumes, cruciferous
crops, grasses and several vegetable crops have responded to Mo fertilisation [16].
On acid soils in Brazil, responses of beans to Mo fertilisers were only observed after
the soil pH had been raised to above 5.5 by liming [5]. The most commonly used
fertiliser compounds are ammonium molybdate ((NH4)6Mo24.4H2O) and sodium
molybdate (NaMoO4.2H2O). These are applied to soils at a rate of 0.11.0 kg Mo
ha 1 or as foliar sprays (<1% solutions) directly onto the crop to supply 100 g Mo
ha 1, but proprietary molybdate complexes are also used as foliar sprays. Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) is insoluble, but is used as a seed dressing for grass and legume
seeds when establishing pastures on deficient soils.
In Australia, Mo is added to superphosphate fertilisers in many areas and is also
applied with Cu and Zn fertilisers on acid, sandy and gravely soils in Western
Australia [9]. Usually, Mo-fortified superphosphate is only applied to pastures in
Australia every 34 years, typically supplying Mo at a rate of 50100 g ha 1.
In India, soil applications or foliar sprays containing 0.051% NaMoO4 are applied
three times to green gram (Phaseolus aureus). Basal applications of Mo are applied
to peanuts on calcareous soils and the seeds of soya beans and peanuts are also
treated with an Mo formulation [21]. Seed treatments combining Mo with Rhizobium (symbiotic N-fixing) bacteria inoculants are commonly used for legumes such
as groundnuts.
Molybdenum was confirmed as essential for humans and animals in 1976 [17].
It acts as a cofactor for the enzymes sulphite oxidase, xanthine oxidase and
aldehyde oxidase which are involved in the catabolism of sulphur amino acids
and heterocyclic compounds including purines and pyridines in animals and
humans [11]. The main dietary sources of Mo are legumes, nuts and grain products.
The only people known to have Mo deficiency are those with a genetic defect which
prevents the synthesis of sulphite oxidase and causes severe illness except when Mo
was administered. However, there is also inconclusive epidemiological evidence
that low Mo intakes may be associated with the occurrence of oesophageal cancer
in humans.
Concluding Comments
1. Adriano, D. C. (2001). Trace elements in terrestrial environments (2nd ed.). New York:
2. Edwards, R., Lepp, N. W., & Jones, K. C. (1995). Other less abundant elements of potential
environmental significance. In B. J. Alloway (Ed.), Heavy metals in soils (2nd ed.,
pp. 306352). Glasgow: Blackie. Chapter 14.
3. Emsley, J. (1989). The elements. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Fageria, N. K., Baligar, V. C., & Clark, R. B. (2002). Micronutrients in crop production.
Advances in Agronomy, 77, 185268.
5. Fageria, N. K. (2009). The use of nutrients in crop plants. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
6. Finch, T. F., & Ryan, P. (1966). Soils of Co. Limerick (Soil Survey Bull. No. 16). Dublin:
National Soil Survey of Ireland.
7. Fouad, H. K., & El-Rakaiby, R. M. (2009). Environmental geochemistry for heavy metals and
uranium potentiality in oil shale sediments, Quseir, Red Sea, Egypt. Journal of Applied
Sciences Research, 5(8), 914921.
8. Garrett, R. G. (2007). Natural distribution and abundance of elements. In O. Selinus, B.
Alloway, J. A. Centeno, R. B. Finkelman, R. Fuge, U. Lindh, & P. Smedley (Eds.), Essentials
of medical geology (pp. 1741). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Chapter 2.
9. Holloway, R. E., Graham, R. D., & Stacey, S. P. (2008). Micronutrient deficiencies in
Australian field crops. In B. J. Alloway (Ed.), Micronutrient deficiencies in global crop
production (pp. 6392). Dordrecht: Springer. Chapter 3.
10. International Molybdenum Association. (2011a). Molybdenum Chemistry and Uses. http://
B.J. Alloway
Chapter 22
Rafael Clemente
Abstract Silver (Ag) is a precious metal that has recently become a valuable
industrial metal and Ag nanoparticles are being increasingly used in a wide range
of applications. In soils, Ag is strongly sorbed but may cause environmental concern.
Both monovalent Ag ion and Ag nanoparticles have antimicrobial properties that
have found different uses, but could also provoke adverse effects in soil beneficial
bacteria. Silver toxicity to plant species varies from highly toxic to easily inactivated
by the plant.
Keywords Silver Acanthite Biocide Decorative Industrial Photographic
manufacturing Plating Proustite
Silver (Ag) is one of the eight precious and noble metals along with Au and the
six platinum-group metals [8]. Silver and Au are commonly found together in
nature and were almost certainly the first metals known and prized by man [8].
Silver has always been valued because of its colour (it is the whitest of
all metals), its brilliant lustre, its non-corrodible nature, and the relative ease with
which it can be worked. Several other useful properties have recently transformed it
from a decorative and monetary metal to a predominantly industrial metal. Silver is
soft, malleable, it is the most ductile of metals and possesses the highest electrical
and thermal conductivities of any element [8]. It has also the highest reflectivity in
the visible spectrum of any metal [12]. Its photoreactive and conductive properties
make it indispensable to photographic manufacturing (2550% of all industrial
R. Clemente (*)
Department of Soil and Water Conservation and Organic Waste Management,
CEBAS-CSIC, PO Box 164, 30100 Murcia, Spain
e-mail: rclemente@cebas.csic.es
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_22,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
R. Clemente
Silver sorbs strongly to soils, especially those rich in organic matter; which may
play an important part in controlling its cycling, mobility, and sorption in soils. Both
humic and fulvic acids have been shown to have strong retentive capacities for
Ag [21]. Among the different functional groups on soil organic matter, Ag+ forms
especially strong complexes with thiol groups to the extent that it can displace or
replace metals more weakly complexed to thiols such as Fe in >S-Fe-S< groups [27].
Exchange reactions are also supposed to play an important role in Ag+ adsorption to soils [2]. The mobility and bioavailability of Ag is ultimately affected less
by the sorptive capacity of the soil than by the ease with which this element
desorbs from soils [18]. Silver is believed to be so strongly sorbed to soil surfaces,
or to readily form such insoluble salts and/or compounds that desorption is assumed
to be negligible [18]. In addition, both live and dead biomass has shown the ability
to take up Ag+ [15]. Iron and Mn oxides and soil OM have substantial capacities to
R. Clemente
adsorb Ag ions from solution [10]. In fact, one of the reasons given for Ag
immobility in soils with pH >4 is that Ag sorbs readily to oxides, particularly
Fe and Mn oxides, largely by exchange processes [2, 36].
Li et al. [25] studied the mobility and bioavailability of Ag in the environment
in terms of the desorption behaviour of Ag from some environmentally relevant
soil components. These authors found that a significant proportion of Ag+ sorbed by
Fe-oxides, humic acids (HA), and charcoal could not be desorbed readily back
into solution. Two-site adsorption models gave good fits to experimental data, except
for Ag+ desorption from charcoal, where data fitted to a 1-site model better.
This suggests that Fe-oxides, HA, and charcoal could be very important sinks
for Ag in the soil. For goethite and HA, the longer the interaction time, the less
mobile (and thus less toxic and bioavailable to living organisms) Ag became.
For ferrihydrite and charcoal, such residence time effects were not obvious. The
observed trends could be explained by assuming that Ag+ moved from reaction sites
associated with fast desorption reactions to sites associated with slower reactions
as reaction time increases (solid-state diffusion within oxide particles, incorporation into mineral structure recrystallisation, or diffusion into micropores or
intraparticle spaces) [25]. Possible mechanisms for long-term Ag retention in soils
may also include reduction by organic matter functional groups such as quinones or
phenolics to metallic Ag, or fixation in the interlayers of clay minerals [18].
Jacobson et al. [19] found that a peaty-muck soil sorbed Ag more strongly than
a range of mineral soils, confirming that Ag sorption to soils is dominated by soil
organic matter either through exchange or complexation. Amounts of Ag adsorbed
on to the soils increased after a 1-year incubation period. These same authors, in
a different experiment [18], found that more Ag was desorbed from a sandy soil
than from a peaty-muck soil or a range of mineral soils with higher clay contents.
The observed release of Ag from sandy soils and even from organic matter-rich
soils suggests that Ag may pose an environmental concern when present in soils
at elevated concentrations [18].
Silver has been reported as a trace constituent in many plant forms, including
higher plants [5, 23]. Concentrations are very variable, but usually <1 mg kg 1 ash
[5]. Data on Ag in plants have mainly been gathered to aid biogeochemical exploration for ores [5, 40] and few baseline data exist for Ag concentrations in plants.
Soil Contamination
Risk Assessment
R. Clemente
nanoparticles have been found to exert considerable toxicity in the soil nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans, decreasing drastically its reproduction potential, mainly
through oxidative stress; nanoparticles were slightly more toxic than Ag ions in
terms of reproduction potential [34].
Silver has no known physiological function in humans [13]. Most of the Ag that
enters the human body is breathed in or ingested in foods; a lesser amount enters
through the skin. Tests in animals show that Ag compounds are likely to be lifethreatening to humans only when large amounts (grams) are swallowed, and that
skin contact with Ag compounds is very unlikely to be life-threatening [1].
The toxicity of Ag to plant species varies, with sensitive cultivars being
impacted at aqueous concentrations as low as 75 mg Ag L 1, whereas in sludges
spiked with photographic Ag waste at 120 mg Ag kg 1 no impact on the growth of
several agricultural species was noted [33]. It is known that Ag ions interact
metabolically with Cu and Se and replace H from the sulfhydryl groups of the
photosynthetic enzymes, changing their structure and inactivating them. Silver also
forms complexes with amino acids, pyrimidines, purines and nucleotides, as well as
with their corresponding macromolecular forms, suggesting its potential to be
either highly toxic or easily inactivated by the plant [29].
Information on the uptake of nanoparticles by plants, as well as on the potential
mechanisms of phytotoxicity, remains largely unknown. Nanoparticles may release
ions that result in toxicity [37]. During a 15-day hydroponic trial, the biomass
of Cucurbita pepo (zucchini or marrow) plants exposed to Ag nanoparticles
(1,000 mg L 1) was reduced by 75% as compared to control plants and bulk Ag
powder solutions [37]. Exposure at 100 mg L 1 or lower did not significantly
impact zucchini biomass. Increased Ag ion dissolution from the nanoparticles
only partially explained the observed phytotoxicity; half the observed phytotoxicity
came from the elemental nanoparticles themselves [37].
Low or zero toxicity was observed in germination (cucumber and lettuce),
bioluminescent bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) and anaerobic toxicity
tests for Ag nanoparticles at 16100 mg ml 1 concentrations [3]. Morphological
symptoms of senescence phenomena such as chlorosis and damage of chloroplasts
and mitochondria were observed in Potamogeton crispus L. (curly pondweed) plants
exposed to various concentrations of Ag (520 mM), which suggested that Ag
accelerated the senescence of the tested plants. Silver accumulation in P. crispus
resulted in disturbances in photosynthetic capacity, oxidative stress and general
disarray in the cellular functions [42].
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2. Anderson, B. J., Jenne, E. A., & Chao, T. T. (1973). The sorption of silver by poorly
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3. Barrena, R., Casals, E., Colon, J., Font, X., Sanchez, A., & Puntes, V. (2009). Evaluation of the
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4. Blair, A. (1995). Silver plating. Plating and Surface Finishing, 82, 7071.
5. Boyle, R. W. (1968). The geochemistry of silver and its deposits (Geological Survey of Canada
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6. Brandt, A. P., Karlsson, L. M., & Wennergren, U. (2005). Lettuce grown in silver laden soil at
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42. Xu, Q. S., Hu, J. Z., Xie, K. B., Yang, H. Y., Du, K. H., & Shi, G. X. (2010). Accumulation and
acute toxicity of silver in Potamogeton crispus L. Journal of Hazardous Materials,
173, 186193.
43. Yamamoto, S., & Watarai, H. (2006). Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of dodecanethiolbound silver nanoparticles at the liquid/liquid interface. Langmuir, 22, 65626569.
44. Zhai, H. J., Sun, D. W., & Wang, H. S. (2006). Catalytic properties of silica/silver
nanocomposites. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 6, 19681972.
Chapter 23
Paula Madejon
P. Madejon (*)
Protection of the Soil-Water-Plant System, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologa de
Sevilla (IRNAS), CSIC, Avda. Reina Mercedes, 10, 41012 Seville, Spain
e-mail: pmadejon@irnase.csic.es
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_23,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
P. Madejon
Thallium does not occur in a free state in nature although several minerals contain it
as a major constituent [1]. Thallium is classed as a lithophile element (occurs with
or in silicates), forms sparingly soluble sulphides and is a minor constituent of
pyrites and other sulphide minerals (e.g., ZnS sphalerite) and thus shows some
chalcophile characteristics [36].
It is found in sulphide ores of Pb, Zn and Cu and in coal [18] and the
deposits characteristically high in As are usually also high in Tl [1]. Relatively high
contents have been found in granite and shale, with intermediate values for limestone,
sandstone and coal; however, much higher values have been found in organic-rich
shales and coals of the Jurassic period with values of <1,000 mg kg1 [43]. Although
many Tl-containing minerals have been discovered and described, the following are
the most common: Lorandite (TlAsS2) and Crooksite (Cu, Tl, Ag)2Se (minerals with
thallium levels up to 60%); [18], Hutchisonite (Pb, Tl)2 (Cu, Ag)As5S10, and Urbaite
(Tl4Hg3 Sb2As8S20).
Thallium occurs naturally as two stable isotopes: 203Tl and 205Tl with relative
abundances of 29.5% and 70.5% [41]. The 205Tl/203Tl isotopic ratio of 2.378 varies
with geological processes and hence can not be used as a fingerprint for sources of
Tl in the environment.
P. Madejon
Soil Contamination
There are several cases where soils with naturally elevated Tl contents of
>2 mg kg1 have been observed [4, 4648]. These soils are generally developed
on K-rich magmatites (e.g., granites, syenites) where Tl+ isomorphically substitutes
for K+ or Rb+, especially in K-feldpars and micas [13, 19]. High Tl concentrations
of <73 mg kg1have been found in soils around old mines [40] due to contamination from Tl-rich sulphide ores of Hg, As and Au (40124 mg kg1) [52] from
pyrite processing areas (515 mg kg1) [53] and from a zone of Pb-Zn exploitation
(928 mg kg1) [27].
Risk Assessment
1. Adriano, D. C. (2001). Trace elements in terrestrial environments. Biochemistry, bioavailability and risks of metals. New York: Springer.
2. Allus, M. A., Martin, M. H., & Nickless, G. (1987). Comparative toxicity of thallium to two
plant species. Chemosphere, 16, 929932.
3. Al-Najar, H., Schulz, R., & Romheld, V. (2003). Plant availability of thallium in the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulator plants: A key factor for assessment of phytoextraction. Plant and
Soil, 249, 97105.
4. Al-Najar, H., Kaschl, A., Schulz, R., & R
omheld, V. (2005). Effect of thallium fractions in the
soil and pollution origins on Tl uptake by hyperaccumulator plants. International Journal of
Phytoremediation, 7, 5567.
5. Anderson, C. W. N., Brooksa, R. R., Chiaruccib, A., LaCostea, C. J., Leblancc, M., Robinson,
B. H., Simcocke, R., & Stewarta, R. B. (1999). Phytomining for nickel, thallium and gold.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 67, 407415.
6. Britten, J. S., & Blank, M. (1968). Thallium activation of the (Na+-K+)-activated ATPase of
rabbit kidney. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 159, 160166.
7. Cabrera, F., Clemente, L., D{az Barrientos, E., Lopez, R., & Murillo, J. M. (1999). Heavy
metal pollution of soils affected by the Guadiamar toxic flood. Science of the Total Environment, 242, 117129.
P. Madejon
8. Delvalls, T. A., Saenz, V., Arias, A. M., & Blasco, J. (1999). Thallium in the marine
environment: First ecotoxicological assessments in the Guadalquivir estuary and its potential
adverse effect on the Donana European natural reserve after the Aznalcollar mining spill.
Ciencias Marinas, 25, 161175.
9. Ewers, U. (1988). Environmental exposure to thallium. Science of the Total Environment,
71, 285292.
10. Fergusson, J. E. (1990). The heavy elements: Chemistry, environmental impact and health
effects. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
11. Hoffer, G. F., Aichberger, K., & Hochmair, U. S. (1990). Thalliumgehalte landwirtschaftlich
genutzter Boden Ober
osterreichs. Die Bodenkultur, 41, 187193.
12. Inturrisi, C. E. (1969). Thallium-induced dephosphorylation of a phosphorylated intermediate
of the (sodium + thallium-activated) ATPase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Enzymology,
178, 630633.
13. Jovic, V. (1999). Thallium. In C. P. Marshall & R. W. Fairbridge (Eds.), Encyclopedia of
geochemistry (pp. 622623). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
14. Kabata-Pendias, A., & Pendias, H. (2001). Trace elements in soils and plants (3rd ed.).
Boca Raton: CRC Press.
15. Kabata-Pendias, A., & Mukherjee, A. B. (2007). Trace elements from soil to human.
Berlin: Springer.
16. Kaplan, D. I., Adriano, D. L., & Sajwan, K. S. (1990). Thallium toxicity in bean. Journal of
Environmental Quality, 19, 359365.
17. Kaplan, D. I., & Mattigod, S. V. (1998). Aqueous geochemistry of thallium. In J. O. Nriagu (Ed.),
Thallium in the environment (pp. 1529). New York: Wiley.
18. Kazantzis, G. (2000). Thallium in the environment and health effects. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 22, 275280.
19. Kemper, F. H., & Bertram, H. P. (1991). Thallium. In E. Merian (Ed.), Metals and their
compounds in the environment. Occurrence, analysis and biological relevance
(pp. 12271241). Weinheim: VCH.
20. Kloke, A. (1980). Richtwerte80: Orientierungswerte f
ur tolerierbare Gesamtgehalte einiger
Elemente in Kulturb
oden. VDLUFA Sonderdruck (especial print).
21. Kurz, H. (1999). Selection of cultivars to reduce the concentration of cadmium and thallium in
food and fodder plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 162, 323328.
22. Leblanc, M., Petit, D., Deram, A., Robinson, B. H., & Brooks, R. R. (1999). The phytomining
and environmental significance of hyperaccumulation of thallium by Iberis intermedia from
southern France. Economic Geology, 94, 109113.
23. Lee, A. G. (1971). The chemistry of thallium. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
24. Lehn, H., & Schoer, J. (1987). Thallium-transfer from soils to plants: Correlation between
chemical form and plant uptake. Plant and Soil, 97, 253265.
25. Lin, T. S., & Nriagu, J. O. (1999). Thallium speciation in great lakes. Environmental Science
and Technology, 33, 33943397.
26. Lin, T. S., Meier, P., & Nriagu, J. (2005). Acute toxicity of thallium to Daphnia magna and
Ceriodaphnia dubia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 75, 350355.
27. Lis, J., Pasieczna, A., Karbowska, B., Zembrzuski, W., & Lukaszewski, Z. (2003). Thallium in
soils and stream sediments of a Zn-Pb mining and smelting area. Environmental Science and
Technology, 37, 45694572.
28. Logan, P. G. (1985). Thallium uptake and transport in plants. PhD thesis, CNAA.
29. Logan, P. G., Lepp, N. W., & Phipps, D. A. (1984). Some aspects of thallium uptake by higher
plants. Trace Substances Environmental Health, 18, 570575.
30. Lukaszewski, Z., & Zembrzuski, W. (1992). Determination of thallium in soils by flowinjection-differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. Talanta, 39, 221227.
31. Madejon, P., Murillo, J. M., Maranon, T., Cabrera, F., & Soriano, M. A. (2003). Trace element
and nutrient accumulation in sunflower plants two years after the Aznalcollar mine spill.
Science of the Total Environment, 307, 239257.
32. Madejon, P., Maranon, T., & Murillo, J. M. (2006). Biomonitoring of trace elements in the
leaves and fruits of wild olive and holm oak trees. Science of the Total Environment,
355, 187203.
33. Madejon, P., Murillo, J. M., Maranon, T., & Lepp, N. W. (2007). Factors affecting accumulation of Thallium and other trace elements in two wild Brassicaceae spontaneously growing on
soils contaminated by tailing dam waste. Chemosphere, 67, 2028.
34. Markert, B. (1992). Multi-element analysis in plant materials-analytical tools and biological
questions. In D. C. Adriano (Ed.), Biogeochemistry of trace elements (pp. 401428).
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35. Marschner, H. (1995). Mineral nutrition of higher plants (2nd ed.). London: Academic.
36. Nriagu, J. O. (1998). History, production, and uses of thallium. In J. O. Nriagu (Ed.), Thallium
in the environment (pp. 114). New York: Wiley.
37. Peter, A. L. J., & Viraraghavan, T. (2005). Thallium: A review of public health and environmental concerns. Environmental International, 31, 493501.
38. Reimann, C., & de Caritat, P. (1998). Chemical elements in the environment. Factsheets for the
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39. Reuben, J., & Kane, F. J. (1971). Thallium-205 nuclear magnetic resonance study of pyruvate
kinase and its substrates. Evidence for a substrate-induced conformational change. Journal of
Biological Chemistry, 20, 62276234.
40. Sager, M. (1998). Thallium in agricultural practice. In J. O. Nriagu (Ed.), Thallium in the
environment (pp. 5987). New York: Wiley.
41. Sahl, K., Albuquerque, C. A. R., & Shaw, D. M. (1978). Thallium. In K. H. Wedepohl (Ed.),
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42. Scheckel, K. G., Lombi, E., Rock, S. A., & Mclaughlin, M. J. (2004). In vivo Synchrotron
study of thallium speciation and compartmentation in Iberis intermedia. Environmental
Science and Technology, 38, 50955100.
43. Smith, I. C., & Carson, B. L. (1977). Trace metals in the environment. I. Thallium. Michigan:
Ann Arbor Science Publishers.
44. Soriano, M. A., & Fereres, E. (2003). Use of crops for in situ phytoremediation of polluted
soils following a toxic flood from a mine spill. Plant and Soil, 256, 253264.
45. Tsakovski, S., Ivanova, E., & Havezov, I. (1994). Flame AAS determination of thallium in
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46. Tremel, A., Masson, P., Sterckeman, T., Baize, D., & Mench, M. (1997). Thallium in French
ecosystems-I. Thallium content in arable soils. Environmental Pollution, 95, 293302.
47. Tremel, A., Massona, P., Garraudb, H., Donardb, O. F. X., Baizec, D., & Mench, M. (1997).
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48. Vanek, A., Chrastny, V., Mihaljevic, M., Drahota, P., Grygar, T., & Komarek, M. (2009).
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49. Wenqi, Q., Yalei, C., & Jieshan, C. (1992). Indium and thallium background contents in soils
in China. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 40, 311315.
50. Xiao, T., Guha, J., Boyle, D., Liu, C.-Q., & Chen, J. (2004). Environmental concerns related to
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Science of the Total Environment, 318, 223244.
51. Xiao, T., Guha, J., Boyle, D., Liu, C.-Q., Zheng, B., Wilson, G. C., Rouleau, A., & Chen, J. (2004).
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52. Xiao, T., Guha, J., Liu, C.-Q., Zheng, B., Wilson, G., Ning, Z., & He, L. (2007). Potential
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53. Yang, C., Chen, Y., Peng, P., Li, C., Chang, X., & Xie, C. (2005). Distribution of natural and
anthropogenic thallium in the soils in an industrial pyrite slag disposing area. Science of the
Total Environment, 341, 159172.
Chapter 24
Brian J. Alloway
Abstract Tin (Sn) is one of the metals of antiquity and its use with copper in the
alloy bronze was a major development in human history. It is now mainly used in
protective coatings on steel, in electrical solders and in the production of organotin
compounds which have a wide range of uses including as biocides. Adsorption of
inorganic forms of Sn in soils is positively correlated with pH, organic matter
content and cation exchange capacity. Plant uptake is greatest in acid soils and in
most species Sn accumulates in the roots. Organotin compounds with three organic
groups, such as tributyltin, have the highest biocidal activity and constitute the
greatest ecotoxicity hazard. Organotins are more ubiquitous sources of Sn in soils
than inorganic forms and can reach soils in atmospheric deposition, fungicidal crop
sprays and sewage sludges. They behave as enzyme disruptors in many animal
species and there is concern about their possible impact on human health.
Keywords Tin Tin-plating Bronze Organotins Fungicide Canned foods
Antifouling Ecotoxicity Sludged soils Plant uptake Mammalian toxicity
Tin (Sn) is a white, silvery soft metal with an atomic number of 50, atomic weight
118.7, specific gravity of 5.75 and a melting point of 232 C. It is one of the seven metals
of antiquity (together with Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, Fe and Hg) and artefacts made of Sn date
back to at least 2,000 BC, but Sn smelting only became common after 1,800 BC [7].
However, Sn had been alloyed with Cu to make bronze from around 2,500 BC.
B.J. Alloway
Bronze, comprising approximately 90% Cu and 10% Sn, is much harder and easier to
cast than Cu on its own and was used for artefacts such as weapons and tools during the
Bronze Age which lasted for about 1,500 years [7]. Current major uses of Sn (metal)
are in protective coatings (tin-plating) on steel (27% of Sn production), especially in
cans for food and drink and aerosol containers, electrical uses such as solders etc. (23%
of Sn production), in alloys such as bronze (containing 8.516% Sn), pewter (with
85% Sn) and other special engineering alloys and in glass treatment. Small amounts of
inorganic Sn, such as SnCl2 are used as additives in food and toothpaste [1]. World mine
production of Sn in 2010 was 261,000 t (Chap. 1, Table 1.1) [26]. China is by far the
largest producer of Sn (44% of mined Sn in 2010), followed by Indonesia (23%) [26].
Tin forms a wide range of organometallic compounds. These organotin compounds (OTCs) have the general formula RnSnX3 n, where R is an alkyl or aryl group
(methyl, butyl, octyl, cyclohexyl, phenyl, or neophyl), Sn is in the +4 oxidation state
and X is a singly charged anion or anionic organic group (halides, oxide, hydroxide,
carboxylates or mercaptans) [1, 11]. These OTCs were first produced commercially
in the 1960s and there are now probably more synthetic organometallic compounds of
Sn in commercial use than of any other metal [13]. Uses of OTCs include heat
stabilisers in PVC, catalysts and as biocides in marine antifouling paints, agricultural pesticides, industrial fungicides and slimicides and wood preservatives [1, 9].
Around 66% of OTCs are used for PVC production, but their biocidal uses are
of greater environmental significance, especially in aquatic ecosystems [1].
The fungicidal and bactericidal properties of OTCs depend on the organic group
in the molecule. Those OTCs with three organic groups, such as tributyltin (TBT)
and triphenyltin (TPT), are the most important with regard to biocidal properties
and ecotoxicity. Chau et al. [4] consider TBT to be the most toxic chemical ever
to be used as a biocide in the environment. Organotins with one organic group, such
as methyltin and butyltin are used in PVC manufacture. They have no biocidal
activity and low mammalian toxicity. Those OTCs with two organic groups, such as
dimethyltin (DMT) and dibutyltin (DBT) have many industrial uses, such as heat
stabilisers in PVC and as catalysts. Tetraorganotin compounds (with four organic
groups) are very stable and have no biocidal properties. World production of OTCs
is around 50,000 t year 1 [1, 16].
There is a possibility that Sn may be an essential trace element (micronutrient)
for mammals [28]. In experiments with rats on purified diets, dietary deficiency of
Sn has been reported to cause hair loss, depressed growth, depressed response to
sound, decreased feed efficiency and decreases in heart Zn, tibial Cu and Mn,
muscle Fe and Mn, spleen Fe, kidney Fe and lung Mn. A typical dietary intake in
humans is 140 mg Sn day 1 [22].
Tin concentrations in the earths crust average around 2.5 mg kg 1 and are highest
in acid igneous rocks and in argillaceous sediments [6, 15, 18] (see also Chap. 2,
Table 2.2). Rocks derived from argillaceous sediments, such as clays and shales
Tin occurs as stannous (Sn2+) and stannic (Sn4+) ions, and complex anions of oxides
and hydroxides [3]. The Sn2+ ion serves as a strong reducing agent in acid solutions.
Adsorption of Sn in soils is positively correlated with pH, organic matter content
and cation exchange capacity [15]. Norra et al. [23] found that Sn and other heavy
metals from diffuse urban sources were more strongly adsorbed in urban soils
which had a higher pH, higher contents of organic matter, carbonates and expanding clay minerals than nearby soils developed on the same sandstone parent material under forest.
Most authors report that Sn taken up by plants tends to remain concentrated in
the roots [15], but Ashraf et al. [3] found little accumulation in the roots of Cyperis
species sedges grown on spiked soils. Concentrations in plants from the literature
reported by Kabata-Pendias [15] include a common range of 2030 mg kg 1
(Ash weight) in plants and 5.67.9 mg kg 1 DW in wheat grains. Concentrations
of <300 mg kg 1 (Ash weight) are reported in plants growing in mineralised areas.
Sedges and mosses are considered the best accumulators. Tin contents of
<1,000 mg kg 1 (DW) have been found in sugar beet plants growing near a chemical
factory and <2,000 mg kg 1 found in vegetation near a Sn smelter [15].
In pot experiments by Ashraf et al. [3] using soils spiked with inorganic Sn,
different species of Cyperus sedges showed varying abilities to accumulate Sn.
Accumulation increased with Sn concentration in the soil and Cyperis rotunda
L. showed the greatest accumulation, with Cyperis fastigiatus Rottb. and Cyperis
alternifolius showing lower concentrations. In all three species, soil Sn was translocated to the twigs and leaves and did not accumulate in the roots. It was concluded
that plants of Cyperis species (especially C. rotunda L.) have considerable potential
for the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with Sn, but the plants would need
to be harvested annually to prevent the recycling of Sn bound in the leaves
and twigs [3]. Kabata-Pendias [15] considers Sn to be highly toxic to higher plants
B.J. Alloway
and fungi, but Ashraf only found growth to be inhibited in the soil with the highest
Sn spike (60 mg kg 1).
Inorganic Sn appears to be methylated in the aquatic environment to various
methyl forms [16]. However, it is not known to what extent this methylation occurs
in soils.
Commercially produced OTCs can reach soils and terrestrial ecosystems in
atmospheric deposition and accumulate in topsoils. Other inputs to soils include
OTCs used as fungicides on crops and the recycling of sewage sludge containing
Sn. Huang and Matzer [14] found that adsorption of OTCs in soils correlated with
carbon content and cation exchange capacity. The strength of adsorption was in
the order: mono-> di-> tri-substituted OTCs and butyl > methyltin compounds.
The OTC adsorption coefficients were much larger in organic soils than in mineral
soils. Adsorption and desorption showed a pronounced hysteresis. Trimethyltin
(TMT) adsorption was partly reversible in all soils, but DMT, TBT and DBT
only showed reversible adsorption in mineral soils. Trimethyltin was more mobile
and bioavailable in soils than the other OTCs (which were strongly sorbed) and this
suggests that it might be more readily leached and enter aquatic ecosystems [14].
In experiments with lettuces grown on sewage sludge-amended soils spiked with
TBT and TPT compounds, Lespes et al. [19] showed that these OTCs were taken up
into the roots and translocated to the shoots. In the plants, the degradation of triorganotin compounds via DBT and DPT appeared to be reduced. Crop plants
growing in soils amended with OTC-containing sewage sludge and/or sprayed
with OTC-based biocides do take up these compounds and ultimately humans
consuming them may be exposed to increasing amounts of OTCs. Although OTC
concentrations in the lettuces in these experiments were not very high, other plant
species or cultivars which accumulated OTCs to a greater extent could pose a
potential risk to health. The WHO Admissible Daily Intakes (ADIs) of OTCs are
0.25 mg SnTBT and 0.5 mg SnTPT kg 1 (body weight) for a human of 70 kg.
Soil Contamination
Norra et al. [23] reported that urban soils in Pforzheim, Germany had higher total
Sn contents compared with nearby forest soils developed on the same (sandstone)
parent material. The mean Sn concentrations (in mg kg 1) were: forest 3.6, urban
green space 5.7, low density urban development 6.6 and medium density urban
development 8.0. It was concluded that the Sn (and other heavy metals) had
accumulated in clays and carbonates in the urban soils and that these minerals,
like the heavy metals, were of anthropogenic origin from diverse sources. The
maximum Sn content found was 18.3 mg kg 1. Soils contaminated by Sn smelting
works have been found to have concentrations of <1,000 mg kg 1 [16].
Most sewage sludges contain Sn from both inorganic and organic sources.
Senesi et al. (1999) reported a range of Sn in sewages sludges from European and
US treatment works of 40700 mg kg 1. McBride et al. [20] worked with a sewage
sludge containing 95 mg Sn kg 1(DM), but many values in the literature for sewages
sludges are lower than this. The mean Sn content in Swedish sewage sludges is
around 23 mg kg 1(DM) (<40 mg kg 1). Given normal sewage sludge application
rates, Eriksson [10] calculated that it would take around 200 years to double the Sn
content in the top 25 cm of soils in Sweden. In Canada, MBT was found in all sewage
sludge samples analysed, but DBT and TBT were only found infrequently and
octyltin was not found in any samples [4].
Vouvoulis and Lester [27] worked with a sample of sewage sludge containing
18 mg kg 1(DM) TBT and showed that there was little degradation of this compound during anaerobic sewage treatment and subsequent thermal drying. A study
for the EU proposed a PNEC for TBT of 2.5 mg kg 1 which could cause problems for
soil on land receiving sludges with relatively high TBT contents. Other authors have
reported the slow decomposition of TPT in soils following its use as an agricultural
fungicide [17].
Organotin compounds are more ubiquitous sources of Sn contamination of soils
than metallurgical industry sources such as mines and smelters. Tributyltin oxide
(TBTO) is used as a fungicide, timber preservative and industrial biocide. Until
recently, it was also widely used as a marine antifouling agent on boat hulls, but
it is now banned from this use on account of its ecotoxicity. Triphenyltin acetate
(TPTA) is used as a sterilant in insect control and as a fungicide. Triphenyltin
chloride is used as a biocide and an intermediate. Triphenyltin hydroxide is used
for sterilising insects and as a fungicide. The use of TPT has not been as strictly
regulated as TBT although they produce similar levels of toxicity [13].
Apart from OTCs in sewage sludges applied to land, the most significant inputs
to soils are in OTCs used as fungicidal sprays on agricultural crops. Triphenyltin
acetate (Fentin) and triphenyltin hydroxide (Fentin hydroxide) are used as fungicides especially on potatoes to control blight (Phytopthora infestans) and other
fungal diseases in sugar beet, celery, carrots, onions, rice, pecan nuts, hops and
coffee. Current application rates of TPTA are 0.160.42 kg ha 1 as foliar sprays
and these can be applied <15 times year 1. Until a few years ago, it was often
the practice to apply larger doses of this fungicide (0.330.67 kg ha 1) several
times a year. Application rates for TPT hydroxide are 0.210.24 kg ha 1. It has
been estimated that the inorganic Sn residues in soils after the degradation of
organotin applied to potato crops are around 1.1 kg Sn ha 1 year 1 [24]. Degradation of organotins to less toxic forms of Sn depends on the organotin compound. It
is mainly brought about by microbial processes and is accelerated by sunlight and
higher temperatures. Degradation of TBT can take from several months to more
than 2 years, depending on conditions [8]. The degradation of TPT is thought to be
via di- and monophenyl intermediates brought about by microbial processes [24].
However, it is considered that monophenyltin (MPT) may inhibit methanogenic
bacteria at lower concentrations than DPT [24]. Experiments have shown half lives
of 27 and 33 days for amendments of 10 and 20 mg Sn kg 1 as TPT, respectively. In
the early stages of degradation, there was an increase in toxicity to microorganisms from metabolites produced during the microbial degradation process,
but this decreased with time [24].
B.J. Alloway
Risk Assessment
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uden, H. (2005). Occurrence of organotin compounds
in house dust in Berlin (Germany). Chemosphere, 58, 13771383.
12. Grun, F., Watnabe, H., Zamaian, Z., Maeda, L., Arima, K., Gardiner, D. M., Kanno, J., Iguchi,
T., & Blumberg, B. (2006). Endocrine-disrupting organotin compounds are potent inducers of
adipogenesis in vertebrates. Molecular Endocrinology, 20(9), 21412155.
13. Hoch, M. (2001). Organotin compounds in the environment. Applied Geochemistry,
16, 719743.
14. Huang, J.-H., & Matzner, E. (2004). Adsorption and desorption of organotin compounds in
organic and mineral soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 55, 693698. doi:10.1111/j.13652389.2004. 00634.x.
15. Kabata-Pendias, A. (2001). Trace elements in soils and plants (3rd ed.). Boca Raton:
CRC Press.
16. Kabata-Pendias, A., & Mukherjee, A. B. (2007). Trace elements from soil to human.
Berlin: Springer.
B.J. Alloway
17. Kannan, K., & Lee, R. F. (1996). Triphenyltin and its degradation products in foliage and soils
from sprayed pecan orchards and in fish from adjacent ponds. Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry, 15, 14921499.
18. Krauskopf, K. B. (1967). Introduction to geochemistry. New York: McGraw Hill.
19. Lespes, G., Marcic, C., Heroult, J., Le Hecho, I., & Denaix, L. (2009). Tributyltin and
triphenyltin uptake by lettuce. Journal of Environmental Management, 90, S60S68.
20. McBride, M. B., Richards, B. K., Steenhuis, T., & Spiers, G. (1996). Long-term leaching of
trace elements in a heavily sludge-amended silty clay loam soil. Soil Science, 164, 613623.
21. Nakanishi, T. (2008). Endocrine disruption induced by organotin compounds: Organotins
function as a powerful agonist for nuclear receptors rather than an aromatase inhibitor.
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 33, 269276.
22. Neilsen, F. H. (2006). Boron, manganese, molybdenum and other trace elements.
In B. A. Bowman & R. M. Russell (Eds.), Present knowledge in nutrition (9th ed.,
pp. 506526). Washington, DC: International Life Sciences Institute (Chapter 40).
23. Norra, S., Lanka-Paditha, M., Krazmar, U., & St
uben, D. (2006). Mineralogical and geochemical patterns of urban surface soils, the example of Pforzheim, Germany. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 20642081.
24. Paton, G. I., Cheewasedtham, W., Marr, I. L., & Dawson, J. J. C. (2006). Degradation and
toxicity of phenyltin compounds in soil. Environmental Pollution, 144, 746751.
25. Turner, A. (2011). Oral bioaccessibility of trace metals in household dust: A review and future
perspectives. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 33, 331341.
26. U.S. Geological Survey. (2011). Mineral commodity summaries 2011. Reston: U.S. Geological
27. Vouvoulis, N., & Lester, J. N. (2006). Fate of organotins in sewage sludge during anaerobic
digestion. Science of the Total Environment, 371, 373382.
28. World Health Organisation. (1996). Trace elements in human nutrition and health. Geneva:
World Health Organisation.
Chapter 25
Rafael Clemente and Nicholas W. Lepp
Tungsten (W) is a relatively rare constituent of the earths crust, ranking 54th in
the abundance of the elements on earth [10]. Tungsten is a dense, corrosion-resistant
metal and has the highest melting point among metals (3,422 C). When alloyed with
other metals or combined with carbon (C), it increases hardness, durability, and
resistance to corrosion for the resultant alloy or compound [25]. Tungsten is therefore an important strategic element. Tungsten-based products are used in different
R. Clemente (*)
Department of Soil and Water Conservation and Organic Waste Management,
CEBAS-CSIC, PO Box 164, 30100 Murcia, Spain
e-mail: rclemente@cebas.csic.es
N.W. Lepp
School of Biological and Earth Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University,
Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
e-mail: N.W Lepp@ljmu.ac.uk
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_25,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
Soil Contamination
The distribution and fate of W in the environment is controlled by both its physical,
chemical and biological properties and the prevailing environmental conditions.
Ecosystem exposures include release of W by natural processes and anthropogenic
processes [9]. Natural transformation of W minerals may result in significant enrichment of environmental systems, and soluble forms of W can be released as the result of
chemical transformation of the W-containing minerals [21]. Anthropogenic activities
that may contribute to W mobilisation include pollution resulting from mining and
industrial operations, military operations using W-containing hardware, application of
W-containing fertilisers, and non-sustainable disposal of W-containing substances
(e.g., disposal of light bulbs in landfills, land application of wastewater residuals) [9].
There is a lack of data on global background concentrations of W in soils and
there are only a limited number of studies on a local scale. Studies in the European
Union have reported W concentrations in soils (0.583 mg kg 1) and surface soils
(0.72.7 mg kg 1) [16, 17]. In New Zealand, elevated values in agricultural soils
(1.921.4 mg kg 1) may be the results of particular farming practices [14]. Tungsten
contents (2 mg kg 1) determined for agricultural soils in Iowa were in close agreement with a background concentration of 1.3 mg kg 1 [6]. High W concentrations
have also been reported for topsoil (56 mg kg 1) and deeper soil horizons
(78 mg kg 1) in the vicinity of mining/smelting sites in North Queensland,
Australia [13]. Tungsten concentrations in the range 1067 mg kg 1 have been
detected in top soils collected from four random locations in Fallon, Nevada,
adjacent to an abandoned W mine and a smelting location. Elevated W contents
(<127 mg kg 1) in surface soils (05 cm depth) have been reported in areas close
to the Saudi ArabianKuwait border as a result of combat operations during the
First Gulf War (19901991) compared to W content of surface soils (3.3 mg kg 1)
from areas 300 km away that were unaffected by discharge of W-containing
munitions [9]. Other sites where potentially high W concentrations may be
expected are shooting ranges using W-based ammunition. Recent approval of the
use of W-based shot in ammunition used to hunt migratory birds may also be of
concern. There is very little data in existence, but the US Department of the Interior
estimates that environmental concentrations based on the use of W-based shot
may result in soil concentrations falling in the range of 2658 mg kg 1 in exposed
terrestrial ecosystems, based on the current rate of Pb shot discharge [5].
Risk Assessment
In general, the literature suggests that toxicity depends on the chemical form of
the W compounds and the exposure pathway [22]. In one of these reports, W powder
mixed with soils at rates higher than 1% on a mass basis caused the death of a
substantial portion of the bacterial component of the soil microbial community and
an increase of the fungal biomass. It also induced the death of red worms and
ryegrass plants, these effects being related to soil acidification as direct biological
effects of W on soil microorganisms, plants and animals could not be concluded [22].
In that experiment, an enrichment of W in the plant rhizosphere was observed,
an indication that W compounds may be introduced into the food chain and suggests
the possibility of development of phytoremediation-based technologies for the restoration of W contaminated sites [22].
Tungsten is now the focus of study of various regulatory, health and environmental agencies, and remains one of the least regulated metals [9]. There are no
environmental regulations for W in either the USA or the EU, and ecotoxicological
risk of W is being intensely debated. Recent discoveries indicate that W speciation
may be important to ecotoxicology.
Polymeric W compounds emerging via self-assembly mechanisms from monomeric anions appear to be common in environmental and physiological systems
that are exposed to W, and are substantially different from their monomeric
constituents. Therefore it is reasonable to expect that these compounds also have
different biological and toxicological properties [21]. Corrosion and dissolution of
metallic W and W alloys, accompanied by a decrease of pH, facilitate W polymerization/condensation reactions. Developed polytungstates, much more toxic than
monotungstates, persist in environmental systems and are therefore important for
W ecotoxicology [21].
1. Brewer, L., Fairbrother, A., Clark, J., & Amick, D. (2003). Acute toxicity of lead, steel, and an
irontungstennickel shot to mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Journal of Wildlife
Diseases, 39, 638648.
2. De Francisco, N., Troya, J. D. R., & Aguera, E. I. (2003). Lead and lead toxicity in domestic
and free living birds. Avian Pathology, 32, 313.
3. Dermatas, D., Braida, W., Christodoulatos, C., Strigul, N., Panikov, N., Los, M., & Larson, S.
(2004). Solubility, sorption, and soil respiration effects of tungsten and tungsten alloys.
Environmental Forensics, 5, 513.
4. Feldmann, J., & Cullen, W. R. (1997). Occurrence of volatile transition metal compounds in
landfill gas: Synthesis of molybdenum and tungsten carbonyls in the environment. Environmental Science and Technology, 31, 2125.
5. Fish and Wildlife Service (1999). Migratory bird hunting; final approval of tungsten-iron and
tungsten-polymer shots and temporary approval of tungsten-matrix and tin shots as nontoxic
for hunting waterfowl and coots. In Federal Register, 64, 3275232756. Washington: U.S.
Department of the Interior.
6. Fu, M. H., & Tabatabai, M. A. (1988). Tungsten content of soils, plants, and sewage sludges in
Iowa, USA. Journal of Environmental Quality, 17, 146148.
7. Kabata-Pendias, A. (2001). Trace elements in soils and plants (3rd ed.). Boca Raton:
CRC Press Inc.
8. Kletzin, A., & Adams, M. W. W. (1996). Tungsten in biological systems. FEMS Microbiology
Reviews, 18, 563.
9. Koutsospyros, A., Braida, W. J., Christodoulatos, C., Dermatas, D., & Strigul, N. S. (2006).
A review of tungsten: From environmental obscurity to scrutiny. Journal of Hazardous
Materials, 136, 119.
10. Krauskopf, K. B. (1972). Tungsten. In K. H. Wedepohl (Ed.), Handbook of geochemistry
(Vol. II/3). New York: Springer (Chapter 74).
11. Lassner, E., & Schubert, W. D. (1999). Tungsten Properties, chemistry, technology of the
element, alloys, and chemical compounds. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
12. Pourbaix, M. (1974). Atlas of electrochemical equilibria in aqueous solutions. Waterloo:
NACE International/Cebelcor.
13. Pyatt, F. B., & Pyatt, A. J. (2004). The bioaccumulation of tungsten and copper by organisms
inhabiting metalliferous areas in North Queensland, Australia: An evaluation of potential
health implications. Journal of Environmental Health Research, 3, 1318.
14. Quin, B. F., & Brooks, R. R. (1972). The rapid determination of tungsten in solid, stream
sediments, rocks and vegetation. Analytica Chimica Acta, 58, 301309.
15. Scheuhammer, A. M., & Norris, S. L. (1995). A review of the environmental impacts of lead
shotshell ammunition and lead fishing weights in Canada (Occasional Paper Number 88).
Ontario: Canadian Wildlife Service.
16. Senesi, G. S., Baldassarre, G., Senesi, N., & Radina, B. (1999). Trace element inputs into soils
by anthropogenic activities and implications for human health. Chemosphere, 39, 343377.
17. Senesi, N., Padovano, G., & Brunetti, G. (1988). Scandium, titanium, tungsten and zirconium
content in commercial inorganic fertilizers and their contribution to soil. Environmental
Technology Letters, 9, 10111020.
18. Shacklette, H. T., Erdman, J. A., & Harms, T. F. (1978). Trace elements in plant foodstuffs.
In F. W. Oehme (Ed.), Toxicity of heavy metals in the environment. Part 1 (p. 25). New York:
Marcel Dekker.
19. Shedd, K. B. (2008). Tungsten. In 2008 minerals yearbook (pp. 79.179.20). Keyworth:
U.S. Geological Survey. Available at: http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commodity/
20. Shedd, K. B. (2011). Tungsten. In Mineral commodity summaries (pp. 176177). Keyworth:
U.S. Geological Survey. Available at: http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commodity/
21. Strigul, N. (2010). Does speciation matter for tungsten ecotoxicology? Ecotoxicology and
Environmental Safety, 73, 10991113.
22. Strigul, N. S., Koutsospyros, A., Arienti, P., Christodoulatos, C., Dermatas, D., & Braida, W. J.
(2005). Effects of tungsten on environmental systems. Chemosphere, 61, 248258.
23. Tajima, Y. (2001). A review of the biological and biochemical effects of tungsten compounds.
Current Topics Biochemical Research, 4, 129136.
24. Tajima, Y. (2003). The effects of tungstophosphate and tungstosilicate on various stress
promoters transformed in Escherichia coli. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 94, 155160.
25. Werner, A. B. T., Sinclair, W. D., & Amey, E. B. (1998). International strategic mineral issues
summary reportTungsten (U.S. Geological Survey Circular 930O). Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office. Available at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/pdf/circular/c930-o.pdf
Chapter 26
Brian J. Alloway
B.J. Alloway
Uranium (U) is a very important heavy metal because it is naturally radioactive and
one of its isotopes is the basis of nuclear fission reactions used for both the
generation of electricity and nuclear weapons. Its atomic number is 92, atomic
mass 238 and its density is around 19.1 g cm3. It is found in significant (mg kg1)
quantities in rocks and soils and occurs in economically exploitable deposits in
many parts of the world. Uranium has no stable (non-radioactive) isotopes, but has
two primordial isotopes (235U and 238U) which undergo radioactive decay to give
rise to two different series of lighter elements [30, 33]. The isotope 235U is particularly important because it is the only naturally occurring fissile isotope, which means
that it is capable of supporting a neutron-mediated chain reaction releasing large
amounts of energy. Because of this, 235U is the basis of nuclear fission electricity
generation (nuclear power) and of nuclear weapons and hence is the reason for
U being a very valuable mineral resource. However, U has no known essential
functions in plants or animals and its radioactive and chemical toxicity are potential
hazards to human health and ecosystems when it occurs in soils, vegetation and
waters at elevated concentrations. The 238U isotope is the most abundant, comprising 99.28% of the total U in the earths crust and has a long half life (T1/2) of
4.51 109 years. Uranium-235 is much less abundant (0.72%), but has a T1/2 of
7.13 108 years. Uranium-234, a decay product of 238U, has a much lower abundance (0.0055%) and a T1/2 of 2.48 105 years. Uranium is continually undergoing
transformation as the nuclei of the atoms of its isotopes spontaneously disintegrate,
or decay to form more stable atoms of lighter elements [16, 31]. The radioactivity
of U enables concentrations to be determined by measuring its activity concentration in Bequerels (Bq kg1) as well as by chemical analysis through dissolution
and measurement by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
(see Chap. 4). However, concentrations (mg kg1 and mg L1) will be used in this
section to allow comparison with the other (non-radioactive) heavy metal(loid)s.
Uranium-238 is primarily an a particle emitter which decays through an 18
member uranium (or radium) series of elements ending in stable 206Pb. This
series also includes radium-226 (226Ra) and radon-222 (222Rn) which is a radioactive gas. Uranium-235 decays through 14 radioactive metals of the actinide series
of elements in Group 3 of the periodic table, ending with stable 207Pb. The content of
U in naturally occurring U is too low for its nuclear applications, so the 235U
content of U is normally enriched from 0.0058% to 3% for nuclear power generation
and to 93% for use in nuclear weapons [16]. The process of enriching the content
of 235U leaves a residue with nearly three times less 235U and lower radioactivity
than natural U. This residue is referred to as depleted uranium (DU). Both natural
U and DU have a very high density (19.1 g cm3) which is 60% greater than the
density of Pb, but not as high as those of tungsten (W), gold (Au), platinum (Pt),
iridium (Ir) or osmium (Os). This high density and reduced radioactivity has led
to DU having several important civilian and military uses [6, 31].
Mean concentrations of U in soils in different countries are in the range
0.7911.9 mg kg1. The mean U in the upper layers (2540 cm) of Polish soils is
1.36 mg U kg1, but concentrations of <13.3 mg U kg1 have been found in the
Sudeten Mountains and Piedmont areas in Poland. In Finland, surface sediments
sampled in the C-horizon of soils contained <8.5 mg U kg1, but most were in the
range 15.5 mg kg1 [12]. In Japan, agricultural soils contain 1.42.4 mg U kg1.
Swedish agricultural soils contain 1.316 mg U kg1 with an average of 4.4 mg
U kg1 [13]. It is generally considered that <10 mg U kg1 is background,
although this may also include some soils with slight contamination [16].
The average concentration of U in the earths crust is 2.8 mg kg1, with most rocks
typically containing 14 mg kg1. Concentrations of <54 mg kg1 have been
reported for granites, but are commonly 2.215 mg kg1 [22]. It occurs in a range
of minerals including: uranium dioxide (uraninite, UO2), pitchblende (U2O5UO3)
or (U3O8), carnotite (K2(UO2)2(VO4)22H2O), tyuyamunite (Ca(UO2)2(VO4)258H2O), coffinite ((USiO4)1xOH4x), uranophane (Ca(UO2)2Si2O76H2O) and
brannerite ((U,Ca,Ce)(Ti,Fe)2O6) [16]. In magmatic rocks U does not tend to replace
other ions in rock forming minerals and is generally present in only low concentrations in basic igneous rocks, such as basalts often with contents of 1 mg U kg1.
Instead, it accumulates in the cooling magma and occurs as discrete grains or veins
of U minerals in silica-rich rocks, such as granites (>8 mg U kg1) and pegmatites
which crystallise towards the end of the cooling sequence of magmas [3].
Sedimentary rocks are estimated to have an average U content of 4 mg kg1,
but several different types of sedimentary rocks can be relatively enriched in U.
These include black shales, phosphorites, clays, limestones and some sandstones
(see Chap. 2 and Table 2.2). Uranium deposits can form in sandy sediments (which
eventually form sandstones) from ions in groundwater when there is a change
from oxic to reducing conditions. The highly soluble U6+ uranyl ions (UO22+) are
reduced to U4+ typically (UO2) which precipitates between the sand grains and
forms roll-type deposits. Complexation by organic matter and precipitation in
reducing conditions result in U accumulations in P- and organic-rich sediments
such as black shales, peats and coals (Chap. 2, Sect. Some coal strata in the
Yunnan province of China have very high U contents (20315 mg kg1) with an
average of 65 mg kg1 [24]. Coals in the USA generally have relatively low U
contents (<20 mg kg1) with most in the range 14 mg kg1 [28]. The ash yield of
coal burnt in the USA is around 10% of the mass of the original coal. Therefore the
concentration of the radioactive elements in this ash that are not lost as particles
to the atmosphere during combustion will be around ten times the concentration
in the original coal [10, 28]. Uranium concentrations typically range between 85 and
254 mg kg1 (or 100300 mg kg1 U3O8) in European coal ash which is a
potentially valuable secondary source of U for the future (and a possible hazard
in the environment).
B.J. Alloway
The speciation of U in soil and aqueous systems is highly dependent on the pH and
redox status. Uranium (VI) species dominate in oxidising environments and their
adsorption under alkaline conditions is poor because of the predominance of
neutral or negatively charged species. The hydrated uranyl cation (UO22+) is the
main soluble form of U in the soil and waters. The metaloxygen bonds in this
linear molecule are very strong, making the ion unreactive. As a result of U (VI)
being very soluble in water, and therefore very mobile, the risk to groundwater and
potable water supplies is considerable because of both its radio- and chemical
toxicity. However, concentrations of U in oxidising conditions can be limited by
adsorption onto P minerals, Fe oxides, clay minerals and humic organic matter and
this sorption is greatest at around neutral pH. These minerals and organic matter can
act as both sinks and sources of U depending on sorptiondesorption dynamics [22].
Uranium (IV) species dominate in reducing environments and tend to form strong
hydrolytic complexes and sparingly soluble precipitates that control U(IV)
concentrations in groundwaters. However, Pulford [16] refers to the work of Suzuki
et al. [26] which shows that it might be possible for some of the UO2 to be precipitated as nanoparticles (<2 nm) which could be transported through soil pores. If
these particles reach a more oxidising environment, they could be oxidised to form
soluble U (VI) (uranyl) ions which are more likely to migrate or be plant available
in freely drained soils. Uranium (IV) also forms strong complexes with naturally
occurring organic materials, including more soluble U (IV) organic complexes with
dissolved organic compounds (DOC). The environmental factors affecting the migration (and solubility) of U include: redox status, pH, type and concentration of ligand
(carbonate, fluoride, sulphate and DOC) and Fe and Al oxide content [3, 27].
In low ionic strength solutions with low U (VI) concentrations, dissolved uranyl
concentrations will be controlled by cation exchange and adsorption processes.
The high valency of U ions gives them a relatively high replacing power on exchange
sites compared to divalent and monovalent ions of other metals. However, as the ionic
strength of the solution increases, other ions such as Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ will displace
uranyl ions from soil exchange sites forcing them into solution. Therefore the uranyl
ion is highly mobile in high ionic strength solutions. Not only will other cations
dominate exchanges sites, but carbonate ions will form soluble complexes with uranyl
ions, further lowering the activity of this ion and increasing the total amount of U in
solution. Sorption onto Fe and Mn oxides can be a major mechanism by which U is
removed from solution. These oxides act as an irreversible sink for U, which is then
not fully in isotopic equilibrium with isotopes in solution. Adsorption of U onto Fe
oxides and smectite clay is extensive in the absence of dissolved carbonate, but is
greatly diminished when carbonate or organic matter are present [27].
Naturally occurring organic (humic) matter is a possible sink for U in soils and
sediments. This probably involves ion exchange with carboxylic and other acidic
functional groups on the humic material. These groups can coordinate with the
uranyl ion, displacing water of hydration to form stable complexes. In sediments,
OM may reduce dissolved U (VI) species to soluble U (IV) species.
Soil pH affects U (VI) sorption, firstly because it affects U speciation and
secondly because it affects the number of cation exchange sites [27]. It is important
to stress that unlike other metal cations with more than one valency state, such as
Fe and Mn, the higher valency U (VI) species which forms the oxycation UO22+, is
the soluble form of U and the lower valency U (IV) species form insoluble
compounds. This is the opposite of Fe and Mn where the lower valency ions are
the soluble forms. Unlike most other metal cations, liming soils to increase the soil
pH does not reduce the concentration of U in solution, nor its bioavailability, but
rather increases it due to the formation of highly stable uranyl-carbonate complexes.
Under acidic conditions U is present as UO22+, under neutral conditions, hydroxide
complexes such as UO2OH+, (UO2)2(OH)22+, (UO2)3(OH)5+ and (UO2)3(OH)7 or
phosphate complexes such as UO2HPO40 and UO2(HPO4)22 are found and under
alkaline conditions carbonate complexes such as UO2CO30, UO2(CO3)22 and
UO2(CO3)34 predominate [7]. However, Ebbs et al. [7] found that treating
U-contaminated soils with citric acid (which reduced the pH to 5.0) increased the
mobility and bioavailability of U with accumulation by red beet (Beta vulgaris)
increasing by a factor of 14 relative to controls at pH 6.8.
Uranium adsorption onto clay minerals is complicated and involves multiple
binding sites [27]. Adsorption of U is stronger in soils with FeOx minerals
or coatings on quartz grains and/or clay minerals than sandy soils dominated by
quartz and feldspar minerals [27]. A higher CEC will retain more U, while carbonate
increases mobility. Uranium migrates more rapidly in sandy soils than loams and
this can be upwards or downwards depending on the relative balance of precipitation
and evaporation [20].
Root uptake of U is via a complex pathway involving a set of redox reactions,
organic complexation and microbial activity. In hydroponic experiments with ryegrass, Vandenhove et al. [29] showed that the uranyl cation and uranyl carbonate
complexes together with anionic P complexes (UO2PO4) are probably the species
most readily taken up by the roots and translocated to the shoots of ryegrass. They
found soil-plant transfer coefficients varying by more than 100-fold (0.00030.0340),
B.J. Alloway
but showed that there was no significant correlation between these coefficients and
U in the soil solution, with U in ammonium acetate or ammonium oxalate extracts,
or with permanent soil characteristics such as soil granulometry, organic matter
content or cation exchange capacity.
Research on the uptake and translocation of U in plants has shown that the activity
of U in plants is limited because it tends to adsorb on cell walls. Consequently,
concentrations are highest on root surfaces and are lower in shoots. Shahandeh and
Hosner [19] grew plants of several species on soil spiked with 100 mg U kg1.
Shoot concentrations varied between 3.2 and 24 mg kg1, but concentrations in the
roots ranged from 89 to 810 mg kg1 (DW). Dicot plant species generally accumulated more U than monocots (grasses and cereals) with sunflower (Helianthus
annus) and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) accumulating the most U, while wheat
(Triticum aestivum) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne) accumulated the least. When
sunflowers were grown on a range of soil types, uptake was greater on calcareous
soils compared with acid soils (due to soluble uranyl-carbonate complexes) [3].
Sheppard and Evenden [20] reviewed literature on soil:plant concentration
ratios (CRs) for a range of plant species. They found that CRs varied more than
30,000 fold. Root crops had higher CRs than fruit, cereal or leafy vegetable crops.
Concentration ratios were also higher for sandy soils, peats and U mine tailings.
Microorganisms can concentrate U in their tissues up to 300 times the concentration in soils [12]. Microorganisms can also degrade soluble organic complexes of
U in soils and rocks which enhances U precipitation and deposition. Fungi (such as
Aspergillus niger and Penicillium funiculosum) were able to take up large amounts
of U in their mycelium from rocks and this was enhanced by nutrient deficiency,
high U content in the rock and low pH [3].
Soil Contamination
Soils can be contaminated with U from the mining and processing of U ores, nuclear
reactor operations, leakage from wastes, accidents at nuclear sites, manufacture and
testing/use of nuclear weapons, aerosol particles and fly ash from coal-burning for
electricity generation, and long-term application of P fertilisers [16]. Soils contaminated from U mining and processing works in Canada were found to have
<572 mg U kg1 [3]. In the urban area of Port Hope in Ontario, Canada, which has
U mines and related processing industry, concentrations of <258 mg U kg1 were
found in areas subjected to airborne deposition [3]. In the vicinity of the Blizzard U
deposit in British Columbia, Canada, concentrations of <390 mg U kg1 were found,
but the typical range is 515 mg U kg1 with background levels in soils in the area
of 37 mg kg1. Concentrations in the groundwater were 18.8 mg U L1 which is
above the World Health Organisations provisional limit of 15 mg U L1 [3].
The high density and reduced radioactivity (60% of natural U) of DU has
resulted in it having many applications. Civilian uses include counterweights in
aircraft, fork lift trucks and keels of racing sailboats, radiation shielding in medical
radiation therapy and industrial radiography. There are two important military
uses of DU, these are in armour-piercing projectiles (used for the first time in the
First Gulf War in 1991) and in defensive armour plating on military vehicles
(against conventional munitions). In armour-piercing ammunition, the DU is in
the form of a rod-like penetrator relying on its kinetic energy and pyrophoricity
(burning on impact to create high temperatures of <1,132 C) to penetrate defensive
armour. The penetrator sharpens as it melts and pierces heavy armour. These DU
munitions have little use against non-armoured targets [1]. The high temperature
generated on impact of the DU projectile against armour plating produces an
aerosol of fine U oxide particles (1035% of the total U) which are dispersed both
inside and outside the tank. However, no nanoparticles of DU have been found in the
vicinity of penetrated (destroyed) vehicles. Penetrator projectiles which fail to
impact against a hard surface remain largely intact in the soil. It has been found
that DU-containing penetrators buried in topsoil for 7 years had decreased in mass by
approximately 25%. Hence, a DU penetrator buried in soil could possibly be completely corroded to oxides in 2535 years after impact [2].
Investigations by UNEP in Bosnia and Herzgovina in 20022003 showed that
local ground contamination by oxides of U could be detected <200 m from the
point of impact of DU-containing munitions [2]. Concentrations of <376 mg U kg1
(or 5,334 Bq kg1) were found in Kosovo and <4.5 mg U kg1 (or 116 Bq kg1) in
Bosnia Herzegovina [4]. Investigations in areas of intensive DU ammunition use in
Kosovo showed concentrations of <18,000 mg U kg1, with many thousands of
DU particles in a few mg of soil, but the radioactivity in these areas was still low
(8.8100 Bq kg1)[1].
Phosphatic fertilisers are probably the most ubiquitous source of U contamination of agricultural soils. Fertilisers made from phosphorite deposits in Tanzania
contain 250570 mg U kg1 and concentrations of 100200 mg U kg1 were found
in fertilisers made from Moroccan phosphorites. Elevated U concentrations from
fertilisers are normally confined to topsoils. Agricultural soils in Mexico had
concentrations of <51 mg U kg1 compared with 1 mg U kg1 in non-agricultural
soils [16]. The U in P fertilisers has a distinct 234U:238U activity ratio (AR) which
is inherited from the phosporite rock that the fertiliser was made from. Use of this
ratio enables U from P fertiliser to be distinguished from native U in soils, organic
matter and waters [34, 35]. In Florida, P fertilisers have been found to contain
<182 mg U kg1 and P nutritional supplements derived from phosphorite rock
fed to cattle can contain <203 mg U kg1. Much of this is excreted in the faeces
and can be a significant source of U contamination of pastures or arable soils treated
with manures [23].
Rothbaum et al. [17] determined the amount of U applied to arable and grassland soils in field experiments at Rothamsted Experimental Station in England and
at a site in New Zealand. Application of superphosphate fertiliser gave annual
inputs of 33 kg P and 15 g U ha1 year1 in three experiments at Rothamsted and
37 kg P and 16 g U ha1 year1 in one experiment in New Zealand. Most of the U
applied annually since 1889 at Rothamsted (total 1.3 kg U ha1) was retained in
the plough layer of arable soils and in the organic matter in the grassland topsoil and
little evidence of movement down the profile to the subsoil was detected [8].
B.J. Alloway
Uptake of U by plants is of interest both from the human and animal health
point of view, but also with regard to biogeochemical prospecting for possible
new economic deposits of U. Soluble fractions of U appear to be readily taken up
by plants. In areas of U mineralisation, plants accumulated 100 times more U than
those in other areas [12]. Preliminary studies on vegetation near the site of a
proposed new U mine in Jharkhand State, in north east India, showed elevated
concentrations of U in several plant species, including Hydrographis peniculata, a
herbaceous plant in the family Acanthaceae, native to India and Sri Lanka; Cyperus
rotundus (coco-grass, purple nut sedge, red nut sedge), a species of sedge and
a member of the family Cyperaceae, and Nymphea species (tropical lilies). Uranium
concentrations were highest in roots (5397,972 mg U kg1 FW) with a geometric
mean of 1,438 mg U kg1 FW. Uranium was accumulated by roots to a greater
extent than other radionuclides, the order was: U (natural) > polonium-210 (210Po)
> radium-226 (226Ra) > thorium (Th). The U concentrations in shoots ranged from
8.5 to 78 mg U kg1 FW with a geometric mean of 27.2 mg U kg1. The pattern of
shoot uptake differed from that in the roots with U concentrations being the lowest:
Po > 226Ra > Th (a) > U(nat) [11].
Phytoremediation of U contaminated soils has been widely investigated. A study
by Ebbs et al. [7] showed that treatment of a U-contaminated soil with citric acid
reduced the soil pH to 5.0 and increased U accumulation in red beet (Beta vulgaris)
by a factor of 14 and could provide the basis of an effective phytoremediation
strategy for U-contaminated soils. Chang et al. [5] investigated the use of citric
acid to enhance the uptake of U by four different plant species. Indian mustard
(Brassica juncea) was found to have the most enhanced accumulation of U
(<2,000 mg U kg1) and the greatest enhanced root accumulation (<3,500 mg U
kg1) was found in canola (also called oil seed rape, Brassica napus var napus).
The U was probably taken up into the plants as U-citrate complexes and accumulation followed the order: roots > shoots leaves. Indian mustard was considered
to have the greatest potential for the phytoremediation of U-contaminated soil,
but there is a possibility that the citric acid treatment may also accelerate migration of U down the soil profile. However, there are also some research findings
which suggest that citric acid may degrade rapidly in soils and not cause serious
contamination of groundwater.
Risk Assessment
Uranium compounds can cause both chemical toxicity (chemotoxicity) and radiation toxicity (radiotoxicity). Radiotoxicity is due to the radiation emitted by U
incorporated into an organisms body (internal dose) together with that emitted
by U adjacent to the organism (external dose). Due to the long half lives of U
isotopes and their slow rate of decay, their radiotoxicity is expected to be relatively low and it is probably chemotoxicity which is the greater hazard to human
health caused by U [3]. It is considered that the major health risks from U are
kidney disease from drinking water and lung disease from inhaled fine particles.
Radon-222, a radioactive gas and decay product of 238U, is often found in areas
underlain with rocks containing significant concentrations of U, such as granites and
shales. It is an additional possible health hazard affecting the lungs and is closely
associated with aerosols of U isotopes [3].
For plants and other soil organisms, it is widely considered that the chemical
toxicity of U is a greater risk than radiotoxicity. Pulford [16] refers to work by
Sheppard et al. [21] who reviewed the literature on the ecotoxicity of U and put
forward predicted no effect concentrations (PNECs) of 250 mg U kg1 (dry soil)
for terrestrial plants, 100 mg U kg1 for other soil organisms and 0.1 mg U kg1 body
weight day1 for soil mammals. Soil quality guidelines for the protection of both
human health and ecosystems published by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the
Environment [3] in 2007 are: 23 mg U kg1 for agricultural land, 23 mg U kg1 for
residential and parkland, 33 mg U kg1 for commercial use and 300 mg kg1 for
industrial uses. The UK Environment Agency [9] gives a soil guideline (radioactivity)
value of 4 Bq kg1 for natural U in residential land with home-grown produce.
B.J. Alloway
DU contamination in the war zones is not widespread and is generally low. Possible
risks for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems were considered to be very low.
will have accumulated in topsoils (especially organic-rich soils and peats) and
sediments. Even more significant are the large tonnages of fly ash from coal combustion that have to be disposed of. The radioactive materials in this ash (as well as the
exhaust particles captured by filters) contain fissionable materials which are both a
potential resource for the future, if the technology can be developed to separate
them, and also a growing possible health and environmental hazard. Thirty three
years ago many people were shocked to read an article in the journal Science
(December 8, 1978) by McBride et al. of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which
stated that Americans living near coal-fired electricity generating plants are exposed
to higher doses of radiation than those living near to nuclear power plants that meet
government regulations.[15].
26.5.3 Thorium
Apart from U, the only other naturally occurring radioactive heavy metallic element
which is relatively abundant in the environment is thorium (Th). Its atomic number
is 90, its atomic mass 232 and density is 11.72 g cm3. Both U and Th are similar
in that they exist in (IV) and (VI) valency forms. Hydrated uranyl cations (UO22+)
and Th4+ are responsible for the solubility of these metals in soils over a wide range
of pH. However, uranyl cations are more soluble than Th4+ and therefore U tends
to be leached out of soils to a greater extent [12]. Thorium is around three times
more abundant in rocks and soils than U. Natural Th is not fissile and so cannot be
used as a nuclear fuel for power generation. However, it could be transformed in
a breeder reactor to 233U which is fissile [34]. Regrettably, space does not permit
a discussion of Th or other radioactive elements in soils and the environment.
1. Bleise, A., Danesi, P. R., & Burkart, W. (2003). Properties, use and health effects of depleted
uranium (DU): A general overview. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 64, 93112.
2. Burger, M. (2008). The risks of depleted uranium contamination post-conflict: UNEP
assessments, uranium weapons disarmament forum. www.unidir.org/pdf/articles/pdfart2760.pdf
3. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. (2007). Canadian soil quality guidelines
for uranium: Environmental and human health (PN1371). Ottawa: Canadian Council of
Ministers of the Environment.
4. Carvalho, F. P., & Oliveira, J. M. (2010). Uranium isotopes in Balkans environment and foods
following the use of depleted uranium in the war. Environment International. doi:10.1016/
5. Chang, P., Kim, K.-W., Yoshida, S., & Kim, S.-Y. (2005). Uranium accumulation of crops
enhanced by citric acid. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 27, 529538.
6. Cleveland, C. J. (2008). Depleted uranium. In C. J. Clveland (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Earth.
Washington, DC: Environmental Coalition, National Council for Science and the
Environment. http://www.eoearth.org/articel/Depleted_uranium. (Original information from
Argonne National Laboratory.)
B.J. Alloway
7. Ebbs, S. D., Brady, D. J., & Kochian, L. V. (1998). Role of uranium speciation in the uptake
and translocation of uranium by plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 49(324), 11831190.
8. Edwards, R., Lepp, N. W., & Jones, K. C. (1995). Other less abundant elements of potential
environmental significance. In B. J. Alloway (Ed.), Heavy metals in soils (2nd ed., pp.
306352). Glasgow: Blackie Academic and Professional (Chapter 14).
9. Environment Agency (UK). (2011). Using RCLEA- the radioactively contaminated land exposure
assessment methodology. www.environment-agency.gov.uk/. . ./CLR13_Summary_Guide_2011.
10. Gabbard, A. (2008). Coal combustion: Nuclear resource or danger. Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Review, 26(3 & 4), 18.
11. Jha, V. N., Giri, S., Paul, S., Sethy, A. K., Singh, G., & Tripathi, R. M. (2007, June 57).
Radionuclide uptake by native vegetation growing around upcoming U-mining projects at
Banduhurang, Jharkhand. Paper at 15th National Symposium on Environment, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore. www.ismenvis.nic.in
12. Kabata-Pendias, A. (2001). Trace elements in soils and plants (3rd ed.). Boca Raton:
CRC Press.
13. Kabata-Pendias, A., & Mukherjee, A. B. (2007). Trace elements from soil to human.
Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.
14. Kurttio, P., Harmoinen, A., Saha, H., Salonen, L., Karpas, Z., Komulainen, H., & Auvinen, A.
(2006). Kidney toxicity of ingested uranium from drinking water. American Journal of Kidney
Diseases, 47(6), 972982.
15. McBride, J. P., Moore, R. E., Witherspoon, J. P., & Blanco, R. E. (1978, December 8).
Radiological impact of airborne effluents of coal and nuclear plants. Science (pp. 10451050).
16. Pulford, I. (2010). Gold and uranium. In P. Hooda (Ed.), Trace elements in soils (pp. 551565).
Chichester: Wiley (Chapter 23).
17. Rothbaum, H. P., McGaveston, D. A., Wall, T., Johnston, A. E., & Mattingly, G. E. G. (1979).
Uranium accumulation in soils from long-continued applications of superphosphate. Journal
of Soil Science, 30, 147153.
18. SCHER (Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks). (2010, May 18). Opinion
on the environmental and health risks posed by depleted uranium. ec.europa.eu/health/ph_risk/
. . ./04_scher/scher_opinions_en.htm
19. Shahandeh, H., & Hossner, L. (2002). Role of soil properties in phytoaccumulation of
uranium. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 141, 165180.
20. Sheppard, S. C., & Evenden, W. G. (1987, March 31). Review of effects of soil on radionuclide
uptake by plants. Research report prepared for the Atomic Energy Control Board, Ottawa,
Canada. INFO-0230.
21. Sheppard, S. C., Sheppard, M. I., Gallerand, M.-O., & Sannipelli, B. (2005). Derivation of
ecotoxicity thresholds for uranium. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 79, 5583.
22. Smedley, P. L., Smith, B., Abesser, C., & Lapworth, D. (2006). Uranium occurrence and
behaviour in British groundwater (Commissioned Report CR/06/050N). Keyworth: British
Geological Survey.
23. SOFIA (South Florida Information Access). (2009). Fertilizer-derived uranium and sulphur in
rangeland soil and runoff. http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/papers/urnaium_and_sulfur/uranium.html
24. Sparton. (2010). Developing uranium production from radioactive waste. http://spartonres.ca/
25. Sridhar-Babu, M. N., Somashekar, R. K., Kumar, S. A., Shivanna, K., Krishnamurthy, V., &
Eappen, K. P. (2008). Concentration of uranium levels in groundwater. International Journal
of Environmental Science and Technology, 5(2), 263266.
26. Suzuki, Y., Kelly, S. D., Kemner, K. M., & Banfield, J. F. (2002). Nanometre-size products of
uranium bioreduction. Nature, 419, 134.
27. US Environmental Protection Agency & US Department of Energy. (1999). Understanding
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values for cadmium, cesium, chromium, lead, plutonium, radon, strontium, thorium, tritium
(3H) and uranium (Vol. 2). Washington, DC: USEPA & USDoE.
28. US Geological Survey. (1997). Radioactive elements in coal and fly ash: Abundance, forms
and environmental significance (Fact Sheet FS-163-97). http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/1997/fs16397/FS-163-97.html
29. Vandenhove, H., Van Hees, M., Wnnijn, J., Wouters, K., & Wang, L. (2007). Can we predict
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30. Wikipedia. (2011a). Uranium http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium
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32. World Health Organisation. (2004). Uranium in drinking-water: Background document for
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33. World Nuclear Association. (2011a). World uranium mining. http://www.world-nuclear.org/
34. World Nuclear Association. (2011b). Thorium. www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf62.html
35. Zielinski, R. A., Simmons, K. R., & Orem, W. H. (2000). Use of 234U and 238U isotopes to
identify fertilizer-derived uranium in the Florida Everglades. Applied Geochemistry,
15, 369383.
Chapter 27
Paula Madejon
Abstract Vanadium (V) is widely distributed in nature, and has oxidation states of
II, III, IV or V. The content of this element in soil depends upon the parent
material. Combustion of coals and oils represents the major source of V enrichment
of the biosphere. The most important minerals of V are Vanadite and Roscoelite.
Trace concentrations of V have been reported to benefit plant growth, while higher
concentrations are toxic. Pentavalent compounds are the most toxic and the toxicity
of V compounds usually increases as the valence increases.
Keywords Vanadium Air pollution Catalyst Coal Fossil fuel Vanadinite
Phosphate Steel
P. Madejon (*)
Protection of the Soil-Water-Plant System, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologa de
Sevilla (IRNAS), CSIC, Avda. Reina Mercedes, 10, 41012 Sevilla, Spain
e-mail: pmadejon@irnase.csic.es
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7_27,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
P. Madejon
a range of Scottish soils. Studies in Poland indicate a mean value of 18.4 mg kg1,
with higher levels in silt and loamy soils and lower levels in sandy soils [16]. The
reference soils of the USA contain V in the range of 36150 mg kg1 [21]. The median
V content in agricultural soils of Japan is 180 mg kg1 [48]. In China, the geometric
mean value for V is 77 mg kg1 [11]. Medians for background values for German soils
on different parent materials are between 10 and 70 mg kg1 [51].
Vanadium is ubiquitous in the lithosphere and is widely distributed in nature
and the prevalence of V exceeds that of metals as Cu and Pb [36], and equals that of
Zn and Sn [10]. Therefore its potential to enter the food chain is significant.
Combustion of coals and oils represents the major source of V enrichment of
the biosphere. Vanadium is the major trace metal in petroleum products, especially
in the heavier fractions. This is enhanced because many fossil fuels contain V,
particularly coal (at concentrations of between 19 and 126 mg kg1 in ash) and
crude oil (at concentrations of between 3 and 257 mg kg1) [36]. It causes undesirable side effects in the refining process and corrosion in oil-fired power plants.
Consequently, it is the most widely determined metal in petroleum and its derivatives
[1]. Another input of V into the environment is its use in steel production. Vanadium
steel which contains from 0.1% V to 3% V is tough, strong and heat resistant [2].
Another important use of V is a catalyst in a variety of reactions. Vanadium pentoxide put on an inert support material is the principal catalyst used in the oxidation of
SO2 to SO3 in the production of sulphuric acid. The disposal of spent catalysts
could also be a point source for contamination of the biosphere and food with V [2].
Vanadium is considered as the marker element of air pollution emitted from
the combustion of fossil fuels, particularly residual fuel oils, which constitute the
single largest overall release of V to the atmosphere [17, 55]. Because of industrial
activities and anthropogenic emissions, V concentrations in soil have increased
significantly in recent years, and the number of people affected by V pollution has
also increased [33]. According to Hope [25] current V emissions from industrial
activities were estimated to comprise ~30% of total atmospheric loading, ~3%
of total ocean loading, and ~ 6% of total land loading. These loadings were always
considerably less than those resulting from non-anthropogenic sources or events.
However, differences between the pre-industrial and current mass and fluxes
were not sufficiently great to suggest that injection of anthropogenic V constitutes
a significant environmental threat on a global scale.
P. Madejon
Similar results were found by Wang and Liu [55] who studied the effects of V on
the growth of soybean seedlings and they were dependent on the soil type. In a fluvoaquic soil, the concentration of V added in soil was more than 30 mg V kg1 soil, and
the dry matter yields of shoots and roots were significantly decreased. However, no
marked stunting was observed in an Oxisol; even when V added to the soil was
75 mg V kg1. These results are related with the fact that at pH 59 the Oxisol had a
higher adsorption capacity than the fluvo-aquic soil. Furukawa et al. [19] suggested
that the inhibition of water uptake is mainly caused by the V already moved to the
above-ground part of the plant.
Soil Contamination
Data relating to field episodes of V pollution are not common. Vaccarino et al. [52]
reported instances of leaf and fruit necrosis associated with V-rich ash from an
oil-burning plant. Panichev et al. [37] studied the distribution of V (V) species
between soil and plants around a V mine in South Africa. The concentration of
V (V) species were found in the range 6201,680 mg kg1 in soil and 46 mg kg1
in grass samples. Total amounts of V in soils ranged from 1,5703,600 mg kg1 and
from 813 mg kg1 in grasses. These results indicate that a considerable amount of
V (about 50%) in soils and plants is present as V (V) species.
Risk Assessment
P. Madejon
with depth. These studies concluded with there was no significant contribution
from the fallout emitted by the refinery. Mandiwana and Panichev [29] have studied
that the presence of atmospheric CO2 and ammonia (NH3) enhances the leaching
of V from soil thereby making it bioavailable to both plants and animals.
A case of acute cattle poisoning which had happened around a V mine in
South Africa some time ago [31] could be connected with ingestion of V from the
surface of grass, although as the amount of V (V) in grass itself (about 11 mg kg1)
was not enough to poison the cattle in 48 h.
Nadal et al. [34] studied the levels of V found in soil and vegetation samples
collected near a chemical/petrochemical industrial zone of an area in Catalonia,
Spain. Vanadium was the only element showing a similar tendency in soil and
plants, increases of 54.4% and 100% in soils and herbage (19982003). Nadal et al.
[35] in another study in the same area found that concentration of V in the petrochemical area was notably higher (34 mg kg1) than those observed in other areas
under study (15.4 mg kg1). As for soils, higher levels of V were found in vegetation of the industrial areas, being statistically significant near the oil refinery
(0.75 mg kg1) with respect to the blank site levels.
Gummow et al. [22] studied the effect of cattle exposed to V. The mean exposure
was 0.552.33 mg V /kg body weight/day. These authors also studied V concentration in the milk of cattle over 5 years (mean was 0.23 mg V kg1) and concluded
from current knowledge of toxicity in humans that the tissue and milk residues from
cattle should pose no health risk to the consumer.
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Absorption Movement of metal ions and complexes into voids in soil solid phases
and into plant roots
Actinomycetes Rod-shaped or filamentous bacteria of the order Actinomycetales,
which are found in soil and are often pathogenic
Adipogenesis Development of fat cells
Adsorption Retention of ions on solid surfaces in the soil by a combination of
mechanisms of ion exchange, specific adsorption, precipitation and organic
complexation (also referred to as sorption). Desorption is the release of ions
from the various retention mechanisms
Aeolian deposits Particles of fine sand transported by the wind and deposited at
distance from the source (also called loess)
Agroforestry An integrated approach of using the interactive benefits from combining trees and shrubs with crops and/or livestock
Alkali disease Selenium poisoning disease in grazing livestock following ingestion of selenium accumulator plants
Allophane An amorphous clay mineral formed by weathering of volcanic glass
Aluminol group Al-OH on mineral surfaces
Ambient background Natural background concentration plus diffuse anthropogenic inputs
Andesite Volcanic rock with intermediate SiO2 concentration and containing
abundant plagioclase feldspar
Anti-ischemic protection Protection against permanent tissue damage caused by
ischaemia, especially inside the grey zone surrounding more severely affected
areas, e.g., during brain stroke or myocardial infarction
Anti-knocking agents Octane boosting compounds (e.g., tetraethyl and
tetramethyl Pb) in petrol which prevent pre-ignition which causes damaging
engine knocking or pinking
Antinutrients Compounds which reduce the bioavailability of nutrients (e.g.
phytates) in animals/humans
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
Aqua regia Mixture of concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids used for the
digestion of soil samples to provide pseudo-total concentrations of elements
(c.f. true total analysis with HNO3, HClO4 and HF acids Chap. 4)
Arable land Land which is cultivated for crops
Archaea One of the three domains in which all cellular life forms can be grouped,
the other being bacteria and eukaryotes. Similar to bacteria in having no nucleus,
but biochemically different from them with different ribosomal RNA and different lipids in their plasma membrane
Arrhythmia Pathological changes in the electric activity of the heart causing
abnormal disturbance of the heart rhythm
Articular cartilage Cartilage found in joints, which helps to reduce friction
Atherogenic Causing atheroma, i.e. cholesterol deposition in vascular walls
b-2-Microglobulin Is a protein which shows an increase in concentration in the
blood when there is an increase in either the production or destruction of white
blood cells increases. This increase is seen in people with cancers involving
white blood cells
Basalt A common extrusive volcanic rock, dark in colour, which contains a high
proportion of ferromagnesian minerals, such as olivine and augite which tend to
weather relatively rapidly and release a wide range of trace elements as well as
Fe and Mg
Bi-nuclear Bonded through two separate ligand sites
Bioaccessibility The potential for a substance to be absorbed by an organism
Biofortification Enhancing the concentration of a nutrient element in crops to
increase their nutritional value
Biosolids Solid and semi-solid material in the residue from wastewater treatment,
also called sewage sludge
Biselenite HSeO3
Blind staggers A selenium poisoning disease in grazing livestock following
ingestion of selenium accumulator plants
Brownfield sites Abandoned industrial or commercially used land which is vacant
for redevelopment (which can be hindered by the presence of potentially hazardous materials)
Boulder clay An unstratified mixture of sand, clay, gravel and boulders deposited
by a glacier (also called till)
C3 plants Plants with a basic photosynthesis mechanism which fixes CO2 in only
one stage e.g., wheat, rice, and soya beans
C4 plants Plants which fix CO2 in two stages and increase its concentrations in
their leaves above ambient concentrations, e.g., maize, sugar cane and sorghum
Calcareous soils Soils containing >30% CaCO3 from either parent material or
precipitation from groundwater
Cardiomyocytes Muscle cells in the heart
Case control studies A type of epidemiological study design in which people with
a disease are matched with people who dont have the disease (the controls) for
variables (e.g. age, sex) other than those under investigation
Epiphyseal cartilage Cartilage in thin plates forming growth zones in the bones of
Eukaryotes Organisms with a cell nucleus
Evaporite Sedimentary rock composed mainly of evaporite minerals (e.g., halite
NaCl) formed either from seawater or saline inland lakes
Felsic Rocks with a high content of silica and feldspar minerals (acid igneous
Ferralsols (oxisols) Heavily weathered tropical soils in which primary minerals
have all been weathered and Fe and Al oxides predominate
Ferredoxin Iron-sulphur protein in plants that mediates electron transfer during
photosynthesis; term is also used for similar proteins in animals
Flavoprotein Proteins that contain a nucleotide derivative of riboflavin: the flavin
adenine dinucleotide (FAD) or flavin mononucleotide (FMN)
Fulvic acid (FA) A yellow to yellow-brown humic substance that is soluble in
water under all pH conditions
Galvanising Adding a zinc coating to iron or steel to reduce corrosion (rusting)
Gangue minerals Commercially worthless minerals that accompany valuable ore
minerals, but may become economic to exploit if the prices of metal(loid)
s contained in them rise)
Genotoxicity Damage to DNA, possibly leading to the development of a tumour
Gleying/gleyed soils Imperfectly drained soils that have reducing conditions for
part of the year (variable valency elements such as Fe and Mn are in lower
valency state, e.g., Fe2+ and Mn2+)
Global anoxia Lack of oxygen in the entire organism
Gossan Rust-coloured Fe and Mn hydroxide minerals found capping some ore
deposits, formed from the weathering of sulphide minerals. Can be useful
indicators of the presence of an ore body in mineral prospecting
Granite The most abundant type of deep-seated igneous rock in the Earths
continental crust. SiO2-rich; contains plagioclase feldspar, potash feldspar and
quartz plus small quantities of dark minerals e.g., biotite
Guano Sea bird excreta
Gypsum Mineral with composition CaSO42H2O, moderately soluble
Half life (T1/2) The half life of an isotope is the length of time it takes for one
half of the atoms to disintegrate and is characteristic of each radioactive isotope
(e.g., 238U half life is 4.51 109 year)
HIV proviral gene DNA copy of the HIV viral genome (composed of RNA) that
has been inserted into one of the chromosomes of a virally infected cell
Humic substances Major organic constituents of soil (humic and fulvic acids)
formed by bacterial degradation of plant tissues, especially lignin
Hydroperoxides Organic compounds with formula ROOH
Hypoxia A condition in which the body as a whole (generalized hypoxia) or a part
of it (tissue hypoxia) is deprived of adequate oxygen supply
Igneous rock Rocks formed from the cooling and crystallization of magma
(molten rock)
Tricarboxylic acid cycle Also known as the citric acid or Krebs cycle, is a cyclic
series of enzyme-catalysed reactions taking place in the mitochondria. It is
required for energy release from carbohydrate through ATP in aerobic
Villous atrophy Atrophic degeneration of intestinal mucosa where the intestinal
villi are lost
Vitamin B12 Vitamin (also called cobalamin) containing cobalt which can only be
synthesized by microorganisms, such as in the gut of ruminants. Vitamin B12 has
many important functions, including red blood cell formation and in the nervous
Waterlogging Saturation of the soil with water, leading to development of reducing conditions (see gleying)
Xylem One of the two types of transport tissue in plants. Forms tubes that contain
water at lower than atmospheric pressure, often negative, and must therefore
have strong, stiff walls in order not to collapse. These walls are formed by
composite materials containing cellulose to provide tensile strength and lignin to
provide stiffness and hardness
Zeolites Tecto-silicates with a cage and channel morphology
Absorption through roots, 165, 200, 582
Abundance in Earths crust. See Abundance in
Earths crust; Geochemical
occurrence (lithogenic sources)
Acceptable daily intake (ADI), 215, 219, 221
Accumulator plants, 441443, 455, 520
Acid rain, 433, 533
Acid soils, 32, 6970, 72, 206, 232, 292, 305,
327, 418, 419, 510, 529, 530, 532,
545, 570
Actinide series of isotopes, 566
Actinomycetes, 436, 531
Adaptation, 145148, 165, 168, 324, 382
ADI. See Acceptable daily intake (ADI)
Adsorption mechanisms, 77
Adsorption of metal(loid)s, 80, 81, 8387
Aerosol particles, 15, 36, 570
Africa, 368, 413, 421, 437, 440, 442, 447,
449, 453, 497, 516, 532, 568, 583,
Ag. See Silver (Ag)
Ageingprocesses, 350, 376378, 387
Agricultural chemicals (agrichemicals), 15,
3435, 40
Agriculture, 8, 29, 43, 69, 111, 212, 223, 386,
413, 417, 467
Air pollution, 20, 37, 40, 263, 397, 398, 501,
Alkaline soils, 72, 163, 270, 378, 398, 418,
Alkyl compounds
lead, 397, 400
mercury, 414
other metal(loid)s, 396, 414, 556
selenium, 431, 436, 443
tin, 556
B.J. Alloway (ed.), Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils
and their Bioavailability, Environmental Pollution 22, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4470-7,
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
Argillaceous sediments, 317, 508, 552
Arid zone/soils, 444, 449
AROMIS (EU project), 27, 29, 30, 34
Arsenic (As)
adsorption, 225, 256261, 266
availability, 253, 256, 261, 265, 271
chemistry, 252265
contamination, 271
geochemical occurrence, 242244
methylation, 262, 265, 267269
minerals, 252, 253
speciation, 252265
to animals, 205, 270
to plants, 200, 270
Arsenite ions, 265
Arsenous acid, 241, 268, 270
As. See Arsenic (As)
As:Fe ratio, 262, 266
Ashescoal/PFA, 251
incinerator, 36
wood, 39
Asia, 28, 385, 413, 421, 450, 466, 468
Atmospheric deposition of heavy metal(loid)s,
Atmospheric emissions, 25, 468
Atmospheric pollution, 28, 531
Atmospheric transport, 397, 400, 433, 451
Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), 117,
120, 123, 370
Attenuation, 349, 350, 356, 358, 378
Au. See Gold (Au)
Australia, 18, 30, 33, 203, 245, 246, 251, 287,
289, 297, 349, 353, 354, 385, 386,
412, 413, 422, 439, 466, 498, 516,
518, 532, 533, 556, 562, 568
Austria, 83, 252, 262, 263, 421, 544
Autotrophic bacteria, 499
Auxins, 166, 167
Availability, 12, 32, 51, 52, 69, 71, 72, 80, 98,
103, 104, 111, 125, 142, 167, 197,
200, 206, 216, 217, 220, 253, 261,
271, 285, 295, 306, 323, 336, 342,
348356, 375, 377, 387, 414, 418,
423, 432, 437, 439, 474, 479, 486,
499501, 508510, 518520,
529531, 537538, 545546,
553554, 561, 568570, 581583
Ba. See Barium (Ba)
Bacteria, 26, 142, 143, 146148, 150, 165167,
169170, 198, 203, 315, 320, 321,
341, 431, 436, 498, 518, 530532,
539, 540, 555
Bactericidal properties, 552
Baltic, 13, 14, 529
Bangladesh, 28, 73, 250, 251
Barium (Ba)
adsorption, 509
availability, 508510
chemistry, 508510
contamination, 510511
geochemical occurrence, 508
plant uptake, 509
speciation, 510, 511
toxicity, 508510
uses, 508
Basalts, 17, 336, 369, 432, 467
Belgium, 44, 86
Berlin (Germany), 36, 39, 556
Bioaccessibility, 22, 72, 111113, 127, 557
Bioavailability, 16, 55, 66, 69, 70, 87,
111113, 124, 127, 142, 144, 151,
162, 163, 216, 217, 219, 265, 284,
285, 294, 297, 299300, 307, 308,
325, 351, 357, 368, 375, 377, 379,
381, 383, 385388, 399, 401, 402,
431442, 450, 454, 466, 473, 479,
480, 485489, 499, 537, 538, 569
Biocides/biocidal chemicals, 346, 370, 552,
554, 556
Biofortification, 8, 441, 442, 453, 481482
Biofuel, 308, 441
Biogenic Mn oxides, 339, 341, 346, 350, 358
Biogeochemical prospecting, 572
Biomethylation, 75, 267
Biosolids. See Sewage sludge
Biotic ligand model (BLM), 7, 216, 383
Biotite, 50, 58, 316, 321, 338, 467
Bismuth (Bi), 25, 41, 44, 122, 242, 517, 537,
Bituminous/black shales, 18, 529
Black shales, 1719, 21, 369, 396, 467, 529,
Blood, 40, 113, 203, 205, 307, 402, 440, 443,
444, 446, 448, 449
Blood plasma, 444, 446, 449
Bombing (aerial bombardment in wartime), 36,
37, 39
Bordeaux mixture (fungicide), 34, 373
Boreal forest soils, 397, 398
Brakes (motor vehicles), 24, 41, 66, 269, 373,
498, 501
Brazil, 18, 34, 57, 510, 532
British Columbia (Canada), 528, 570
British Geological Survey (BGS), 37, 38
British Geological Surveys Baseline Survey of
the Environment (G-Base), 3739
Bronze, 5, 314, 315, 368, 551, 552
Brownfield sites, 8, 68, 69
Bullets, 44, 401, 402, 501, 560
Cacodylic acid (CA), 251, 254, 267, 268
Cadmium (Cd)
adsorption, 294, 296
availability, 284, 285, 294, 295, 297
chemistry, 294, 303
contamination, 24
plant uptake, 284, 288
poisoning, 305, 443
speciation, 293, 295, 300
to animals/humans, 206
to plants, 200
Calcareous soils (calcisols), 34, 68, 76, 77, 108,
200, 253, 254, 257, 258, 261, 262,
265, 291, 349, 479, 481, 532
Calcite calcium carbonate, 55, 444
Calcium (Ca), 16, 32, 6466, 70, 107, 126, 164,
253254, 261, 385, 444
California (USA), 13, 14, 19, 21, 265, 267, 316,
441, 443, 445
Cambisols, 20, 317
Canada, 18, 42, 113, 213, 245, 251, 355, 369,
421, 422, 439, 440, 466, 487, 516,
517, 528, 529, 555, 556, 560, 568,
570, 574
Cancer, 203, 205, 315, 327, 430, 444, 446, 448,
453, 454, 532
Carbon dioxide (CO2), 67, 6972, 74, 149, 173,
198, 223, 314, 322, 431, 435, 584
Carboxylic groups, 255, 258, 293, 569
Carcinogenic effects, 74, 414
Cardiovascular disease, 203, 430, 448449,
453, 454
Cartilage, 451, 452
Cassiterite, 23, 553
Catalysts, 42, 314, 341, 498, 528, 536, 552,
560, 580
Cation bridging, 255, 258, 264
Cation exchange, 75, 79, 163, 384, 568, 569, 581
Cation exchange capacity (CEC), 62, 384, 385,
488, 508, 553, 554, 570
Cations, 38, 64, 68, 76, 163, 165, 174, 255, 260,
284, 290, 293, 301, 396, 418, 481,
518, 546, 568, 569
Cattle, 24, 29, 30, 35, 203, 212, 214, 215, 251,
354, 370, 373, 468, 530, 533, 571,
Cd. See Cadmium (Cd)
CEC. See Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
Ceramics, 42, 498, 508
Cereals (and cereal products), 34, 198200,
284, 286, 299, 417, 423, 439,
441443, 454, 480, 481, 570
Certified reference materials (CRM), 99, 108,
110, 125, 126, 285
Chalcophile elements, 498
Chemical works/industry, 42
Chile, 368, 369, 531, 536
China, 7, 18, 19, 2630, 35, 40, 42, 43, 82, 245,
259, 284, 287, 325, 368, 369, 371,
412, 413, 443, 448451, 466, 467,
497, 516, 528, 532, 536, 544, 547,
552, 553, 560, 567, 580
Chlor-alkali works (Hg contamination), 412,
413, 423
Chlorides, 69, 70, 75, 109, 110, 118, 123, 261,
263, 299, 414, 419, 438, 519, 536,
544, 555
Chlorite (mineral), 62, 318, 509
Chlorophyll, 173, 198, 199, 320, 531, 582
Chloroplasts, 173, 174, 198, 531, 540
Chlorosis, 171, 173, 199, 200, 322, 323, 379,
540, 545
Chromite, 107, 317, 318
Chromium (Cr)
adsorption, 320, 321
availability, 323, 325, 327
chemistry, 314
deficiency, 199, 319, 322
essential functions, 203
geochemical occurrence, 316319
plant uptake, 316, 317, 319, 321323
speciation, 326
to animals, 205
to plants, 198
uses, 315
Cinnabar (HgS), 23, 414
Citric acid (phytoremediation treatment),
441442, 553, 569, 572
CL. See Critical loads (CL)
Clay minerals/phyllosilicates, 6164, 257,
260, 264, 293, 321, 371, 374, 398,
435, 438, 508, 538, 553, 568, 569,
Clutch wear (motor vehicles), 24, 41, 468
Co. See Cobalt (Co)
Coal, 17, 19, 20, 27, 30, 36, 41, 244, 248, 251,
288, 316, 317, 325, 372, 396, 402,
413, 416, 432, 433, 443, 454, 469,
498, 510, 538, 545, 567, 570, 574,
575, 580
Coal ash, 248, 567
Cobalamin-Vitamin B12, 203, 205
Cobalt (Co)
attenuation, 353, 356
availability, 353355
deficiency, 353355
essential functions, 198, 202
exchangeable, 338, 339
insoluble/soluble, 337340
nitrogen fixation, 198
nodules, 196, 198, 347, 358
non-exchangeable, 339
oxidation, 336, 339343, 345, 346
remediation, 353, 356
speciation, 351
Collembolans, 143, 146, 147
Colloids, 57, 68, 264, 291, 318, 320, 321, 336,
354, 399, 419, 517
Combustion, 11, 20, 27, 36, 37, 115, 116, 118,
243, 244, 288, 289, 317, 372, 413,
416, 432, 433, 454, 469, 501, 544,
567, 574, 580, 583
Composts, 15, 36, 128, 250, 251, 255, 373
Compound fertilisers (NPK), 35, 453
Contaminated soil, 5, 7, 13, 24, 27, 34, 36, 40,
43, 65, 70, 72, 120, 124, 126, 127,
148150, 270, 271, 284, 326, 358,
382, 388, 401, 404, 501503,
510511, 521522, 531, 538539,
546, 561562, 570572, 583,
Contamination, 58, 1113, 15, 20, 24, 25,
2745, 97, 101103, 108, 110, 125,
127, 162, 172, 212214, 271, 284,
316319, 322, 325327, 353356,
374, 388, 397, 401, 402, 468, 477,
484, 501502, 510511, 520521,
531, 533, 546, 554555, 561562,
567, 570572, 574, 580
Copper (Cu)
adsorption, 374
availability, 375, 377, 385, 386
chemistry, 374376
contamination, 388
in animals/humans, 201, 202
in plants, 199
enzymes, 368, 379
essential functions
in animals/humans, 203
in plants, 198
sources, 373374
speciation, 374, 375, 384, 386
toxicity, 368, 380, 381, 383, 384
to animal, 202, 383386
to plants, 200
to soil organisms, 206, 380383
uses, 368, 370, 396
Copper fungicides-Bordeaux mixture, 373
Co-precipitation, 54, 61, 72, 114, 253, 358, 439
Corrosion of metals, 25, 36
Cr. See Chromium (Cr)
Critical concentrations (in plants)
deficiency (lower critical concentration)
chromium, 199, 200
copper, 197, 199
iron, 199
manganese, 199
molybdenum, 199
nickel, 199
zinc, 199
toxicity (upper critical concentration)
antimony, 200
arsenic, 200
barium, 200
cadmium, 200
chromium, 200
copper, 200
gold, 200
lead, 200
manganese, 200
mercury, 200
molybdenum, 200
nickel, 200
selenium, 200
silver, 200
thallium, 200
thorium, 200
tin, 200
tungsten, 200
uranium, 200
vanadium, 200
zinc, 200
Critical loads (CL), 3, 4, 7, 25, 28, 80, 211233
Crude oil, 23, 580
Crustaceans, 212, 414
Cu. See Copper (Cu)
Cut-off grade of ores, 22, 255
Cyanide compounds (Ag, Au etc), 522,
Czech Republic, 245, 252, 271, 520
DBT. See Dibutyltin (DBT)
boron, 7, 202, 203, 206
chromium, 203, 206
cobalt, 203, 206
copper, 7, 199, 203, 206
iron, 199, 203, 206
manganese, 199, 203, 206
molybdenum, 199, 203, 206, 528, 531,
nickel, 197, 199, 203, 206
selenium, 8, 203, 206, 450, 451
zinc, 7, 8, 199, 203, 206
Degassing of Hg0, 415
Denitrification, 71, 539
Denmark, 14, 42, 247, 289, 403
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 174, 204, 431,
442, 446, 447, 449, 452, 556
Depleted uranium (DU), 8, 110, 566, 573574
Derelict industrial sites, 45, 101
Detoxification, 151, 168, 169, 171, 179, 203,
265, 266, 539
DGT. See Diffusive gradients in thin films
(DGT )
Dibutyltin (DBT), 352, 554, 555
Dicotyledonous (dicot) plants, 162, 381, 570
Diethylentriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA),
109, 112, 117, 199, 403, 465, 479,
480, 509
Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT ), 53,
325, 384
DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Drinking water, 214, 215, 217, 223, 271, 315,
316, 399, 451, 469, 539, 573575
Dry deposition, 25, 26, 416
DTPA. See Diethylentriaminepentaacetic acid
DU. See Depleted uranium (DU)
Earths crust, 16, 18, 242, 244, 316, 317, 337,
368, 369, 414, 431432, 466, 497,
507, 515, 529, 543, 552, 559, 560,
566, 567, 579
Earthworms, 113, 142150, 212, 218, 385, 502
Ecological soil screening limits (ECSSLs),
304, 306, 486, 487
ECOSAT (model), 84, 476
Ecosystem, 7, 52, 67, 68, 142, 144145, 148,
149, 151, 212216, 225229, 284,
317, 326, 344, 368, 401, 440, 441,
501, 511, 520, 552, 554, 556, 561,
562, 566, 573, 574, 591
Ecotoxicology/ecotoxicological effects, 88,
215, 216, 218, 223, 226, 387, 466,
486, 562, 563
ECSSLs. See Ecological soil screening limits
Ectomycorrhizal fungi, 164, 165
EDTA. See Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EDXRF. See Energy dispersive X-ray
fluorescence (EDXRF)
EEC sewage sludge directive 86/278/EEC,
306, 487
Effective concentration (EC50), 148, 384, 385,
Efficiency of micronutrient utilization,
197199, 203207
Egypt-Egyptians, 19, 412
Electricity generating stations (power stations),
24, 36, 42, 574
Electrolysis, 412, 536
Electron transport, 173, 174, 178
Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
(ETAAS), 106, 118119, 121, 127,
Elemental uptake, 162167
Element availability, 5, 12, 32, 54, 61, 295,
306, 323, 336, 342, 353355, 377,
385, 423, 432, 479, 485, 530
Endocellular bacteria, 165
Endophytic bacteria, 166, 170
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence
(EDXRF), 104
England (UK), 13, 14, 2527, 29, 34, 37, 39,
43, 45, 57, 226, 231, 232, 371, 373,
397, 401, 466, 468, 469, 501, 502,
571, 574
Environment agency (England and Wales), 26,
Enzyme disruption, 142, 440
Enzymes, 166, 172, 173, 176178, 197, 198,
202, 203, 205, 263, 341, 343, 379,
442, 443, 445447, 452, 454, 528,
530, 532, 539, 540, 546
Epidemiological studies, 402, 443, 444, 454,
590, 591
Erosion, 15, 39, 222, 317, 325, 388, 440, 441,
444, 450, 451, 454
Essential trace element, 33, 111, 196, 202, 223,
368, 528, 552, 580
ETAAS. See Electrothermal atomic absorption
spectrometry (ETAAS)
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA),
109112, 117, 123, 124, 126, 197,
219, 254, 258, 322, 345, 351, 354,
374, 481, 510, 581
Europe, 5, 7, 14, 18, 25, 2730, 44, 113, 125,
213, 284, 287, 289, 304, 305, 368,
369, 379, 385, 386, 397, 412, 413,
416, 421, 440, 444, 448, 449,
466469, 497
European risk assessment, 232, 304, 381, 386,
387, 486
European Union (EU), 7, 31, 245
Exchangeable ions, 55, 62, 63
Excretion, 143, 265, 284, 432, 444, 518, 574
Exudates (from roots), 12, 75, 201, 207, 344
FA. See Fulvic acid (FA)
FAAS. See Flame atomic absorption
spectrometry (FAAS)
FAO. See Food and Agriculture Organisation
of the United Nations (FAO)
Farmyard manure (FYM), 29, 30
Fe. See Iron (Fe)
Ferralsols, 58, 62, 205, 592
Ferromagnesian minerals, 16, 336, 337, 467,
590, 593
Fertiliser materials, 15, 30, 3235, 250, 251,
284, 288290, 372, 377, 379, 415,
417, 439, 453, 530
Fertilisers/fertilizers, 32, 33
FIAM. See Free ion activity model (FIAM)
Field experiments, 83, 201, 520, 571, 581
Finland, 25, 26, 201, 245, 246, 401, 440, 448,
453, 567, 574
First Gulf War (1991), 44, 562, 571, 573
First World War (191418), 44
Fish, 212214, 217, 231, 414, 416, 480, 481,
539, 546
Fixation/ageing, 76, 472
Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
(FAAS), 115120, 122, 128
Floodingflood plains, 24, 2829, 74, 265, 266,
326, 398, 593
Florida (USA), 13, 108, 401, 421, 568, 571
Fly ash, 36, 37, 249, 251, 253, 315, 432, 544,
570, 575
Foliar sprays/foliar applications, 348, 350, 370,
424, 481, 532, 555
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the
United Nations (FAO), 32, 286, 299,
479, 480, 532
Food chain, 98, 162, 179, 212, 229, 250, 284,
285, 289, 302, 304308, 369, 466,
479481, 486, 500, 509, 546, 547,
563, 580
Food quality, 212214, 219221
Forage, 440, 454, 510
Forests, 23, 68, 77, 87, 214, 224227, 251, 252,
254, 255, 262, 268, 271, 353, 370,
372, 397399, 403, 414, 416,
419422, 433, 436, 440, 441, 454,
468, 529, 553, 554
Forest soils, 68, 87, 227, 251, 370, 397399,
414, 419, 421, 422, 436, 554
Fossil fuel combustion, 36, 413, 432, 544, 580
Fossil fuels-coal, oil, 413, 580
France, 20, 27, 28, 34, 87, 288, 289, 467, 468,
517, 544
Free ion activity model (FIAM), 7, 216
Free ions, 12, 65, 74, 80, 83, 86, 109, 216, 227,
294, 300, 375, 376, 472
Freundlich equation/adsorption isotherm, 81,
Fulvic acid (FA), 5457, 66, 68, 74, 84, 86,
218, 230, 255, 258, 321, 374, 418,
420, 451, 537, 581, 592
Functions of heavy metal(loid)s, 143, 196198,
202206, 216, 217, 227, 230, 388,
449, 509, 540, 566
Fungi, 143, 164, 165, 167169, 321, 341, 342,
436, 521, 554, 555, 570, 593
Fungicides, 34, 35, 40, 146, 368, 373, 381, 415,
417, 552, 554, 555
FYM. See Farmyard manure (FYM)
Galena (PbS), 23, 43, 396, 537
Galvanising/galvanised structures, 288, 592
Gangue minerals, 22, 23, 43, 592
Garden soils, 37, 39, 40, 43
G-Base. See British Geological Surveys
Baseline Survey of the Environment
Genotoxicity, 502, 592
Genotype, 200, 206, 348, 350, 441, 561
Geochemical (surveys, factors), 106
Geochemical occurrence (lithogenic sources)
antimony (Sb), 4, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 41,
126, 498499
arsenic (As), 6, 14, 19, 20, 22, 38, 40,
barium (Ba), 1618, 508
cadmium (Cd), 39, 286287
chromium (Cr), 17, 18, 2123, 316319
copper (Cu), 18, 369370
gold (Au), 6, 18, 23, 517518
lead (Pb), 4, 6, 14, 17, 18, 2023, 496
manganese (Mn), 4, 6, 14, 17, 336337
mercury (Hg), 14, 18, 23, 414415
molybdenum (Mo), 4, 6, 14, 1719, 22, 529
nickel (Ni), 4, 6, 14, 1723, 316319
selenium (Se), 4, 6, 14, 18, 19, 23, 430431
silver (Ag), 6, 14, 1618, 21, 23, 537
thallium (Tl), 4, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 544545
thorium, 18, 19, 126, 575
tin (Sn), 4, 6, 14, 16, 23, 552553
tungsten (W), 4, 6, 14, 18, 23, 42, 560
uranium (U), 4, 14, 17, 18, 23, 567568
vanadium (V), 4, 6, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23,
zinc (Zn), 4, 8, 1723, 466467
Geomedical problems, 442
Geophagia (soil ingestion), 113
Germany, 18, 36, 40, 75, 83, 125, 262, 263,
266, 469, 500, 547, 554
Glacial sands and gravels, 18
Gleying (waterlogging), 206, 296, 343, 345,
347, 348, 434, 477479, 529, 592,
Glutathione (GSH), 175177, 179, 442, 446,
Goethite, 5961, 76, 79, 254258, 260, 261,
266, 321, 325, 438, 519, 538
Gold (Au)
adsorption, 518, 519
availability, 518520
chemistry, 516, 518520
geochemical occurrence, 6, 18, 23,
plant uptake, 518520
production, 413, 520
speciation, 519
toxicity, 518, 520, 521
uses, 515, 516, 520, 521
Goldschmidt, 430, 447, 451, 537, 591, 593, 595
Granite, 17, 247, 316, 336, 337, 369, 431, 432,
467, 529, 545, 546, 567, 573, 592
Grassland soils, 256, 259, 354, 370
Greece, 44, 110
Groundwater, 20, 73, 167, 213, 243, 248, 250,
271, 315, 336, 375, 401, 445, 509,
517, 547, 565, 567, 568, 570, 572,
574575, 583, 590
GSH. See Glutathione (GSH)
Gulf war (1991), 44, 571, 573
Gypsum, 35, 253, 440, 592
Haber-Weiss reaction, 174, 178
Haematite/hematite, 59, 60, 254, 258, 499,
Halide ions, 450, 536
Heavy metals (general), 4, 12, 52, 98, 142, 162,
196, 212, 241, 283, 313, 335, 367,
395, 411, 429, 465, 497, 507, 515,
527, 535, 543, 551, 559, 565, 579
Hg. See Mercury (Hg)
HGAAS. See Hydride generation atomic
absorption spectrometry (HGAAS)
Hg-poisoning, 414
Hidden (subclinical, latent) deficiencies, 200,
201, 204, 532
High yielding varieties (of crops), 6, 197
Histosols (organic soils), 206, 318, 371
Home-grown vegetables, 573
Homeostasis, 168, 171, 178
Human health problems and metal(loid)s, 36,
19, 197, 315, 325, 412, 414, 440,
442444, 455, 479
Humic acid (HA), 5558, 67, 68, 74, 75, 8488,
255, 258, 260, 261, 264, 293, 418,
472, 499, 500, 513, 538
Humus, 52, 5459, 6570, 72, 77, 80, 8284,
86, 87, 227, 416, 419, 502, 546
Hydride generation atomic absorption
spectrometry (HGAAS), 122124,
Hydrothermal mineralization, 18
Hydrous oxides of Fe, Mn and Al, 16, 54, 55,
5759, 68, 72, 318, 338340, 529,
Hyperaccumulator plants, 324, 325
IAA. See Indole acetic acid (IAA)
ICP-AES inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectrometry (multielement analytical method), 7,
119122, 127, 128
ICP-MS. See Inductively coupled plasma mass
spectroscopy (ICP-MS)
Igneous rocks, 16, 18, 244, 247, 285, 316, 336,
369, 431, 432, 451, 467, 508, 529,
537, 543, 552, 567, 580, 592, 593
Illite, 62, 257, 260, 321, 509
INAA. See Instrumental neutron activation
analysis (INAA)
Incineration of municipal waste, 288, 372
Incinerator ash, 40, 416
India, 44, 248, 250, 255, 325, 412, 413, 443,
510, 532, 572, 574
Indole acetic acid (IAA), 198, 530
Indonesia, 368, 517, 552
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy
(ICP-MS), 7, 102, 119, 121122,
124, 128, 566
Industrial contaminated land, 4143
Industrial sites, 3638, 41, 42, 45, 98, 101, 127,
271, 326
Industrial wastes, 30, 251
Inner-sphere complexes/outer-sphere
complexes, 63, 255, 258, 261, 337,
339, 399, 438, 470
Instrumental neutron activation analysis
(INAA), 103, 128
Interference effects (analytical), 117, 119
Invertebrates, 142, 214216, 218, 227,
304306, 368, 369, 377, 380384,
386388, 484, 486, 487, 511
Iodine (I), 5, 196
Ion exchange, 230, 233, 255, 420, 569, 589
Ionic strength, 55, 75, 83, 84, 258, 260, 261,
375, 377, 438, 473, 483, 568, 569
Iran, 81, 110
Ireland, 14, 19, 21, 353, 444, 529
Iridium (Ir), 42, 566
Iron (Fe)
oxide minerals
goethite, 59, 60, 260
lepidocrocite, 59
magnetite, 318, 321
oxides, 22, 5760, 66, 67, 73, 74, 87, 88,
206, 231, 253, 255, 256, 260, 293,
321, 325, 357, 374, 398, 399, 438,
477, 499, 519, 529, 530, 537, 538,
568, 574, 581
oxy/hydroxides, 253
Irrigation, 197, 242, 248, 250, 263, 271, 373,
434, 443445, 482
Isomorphous substitution, 53, 62, 64, 65, 543, 593
Isopods, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148
Isotopes, 103, 121, 122, 262, 294, 314, 315,
321, 325, 397, 400, 403, 474, 544,
545, 566, 569, 572, 573, 592
Isotopic dilution, 53, 378
Itai-itai disease, 285, 286, 593
Italy, 37, 170, 245, 259, 316, 412, 423
Jamaica, 21, 287
Japan, 28, 42, 245, 248, 256, 262, 263, 266, 284,
286, 298, 413, 414, 432, 567, 580
Jinzu valley (Japan), 284
Jurassic (geological period), 19, 20, 22, 545
K. See Potassium (K)
Kaolinite, 62, 253, 257, 258, 260, 261, 321,
420, 509, 523
Kaschin-Beck disease, 449453
Kazakhstan, 423, 560, 568
Kd, 68, 80, 81, 256, 259, 293, 295297, 300,
375377, 470473, 476, 477, 485,
486, 500
Keshan disease, 203, 449454, 593
Labile fraction, 325, 377, 378, 474, 475, 545
LA-ICP-MS. See Laser ablation inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Lakes, 110, 126, 415, 419, 420, 517, 592
Landfills, 561, 562
Langmuir adsorption isotherm, 81
Lanthanum (La), 126, 326, 358
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS),
105106, 128
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
(LIBS), 104105, 128
Leaching, 13, 15, 59, 106, 167, 216, 222, 232,
233, 251, 262, 271, 290, 291, 315,
317, 321, 327, 336, 353, 375, 378,
382, 383, 387, 399402, 419, 437,
440, 445, 450, 467, 469, 473, 484,
509, 520, 521, 556, 584
Lead (Pb)
adsorption, 398
arsenate (insecticide), 34, 35, 250, 252
atmospheric deposition, 396397
chemistry, 397400
contamination of soils, 400403
mining, 400401
plant uptake, 196, 202, 402
shot, bullets, 560
sources, 397, 400402
speciation, 104, 124
to animals/humans, 196, 200, 202, 205,
to plants, 402403, 410
uses, 395397, 399, 402, 403
Leaded petrol, 397
Leguminous plants, 595
LIBS. See Laser induced breakdown
spectroscopy (LIBS)
Ligands, 7, 52, 54, 56, 64, 74, 75, 109, 171,
216, 256, 269, 293, 295, 319322,
337, 374, 383, 384, 415, 420, 437,
472, 483, 498, 519, 528, 560, 568,
590, 591, 593
Limestone, 17, 20, 21, 33, 68, 244, 247, 337,
353, 369, 467, 529, 545, 567
Liming, 33, 6970, 197, 299, 308, 342, 348,
356, 388, 401, 488, 500, 530, 532,
533, 569
Limit of detection (LOD), 42, 99, 105, 114, 121
Lithogenic (geochemical) occurrence, 15,
498499, 508, 517518, 529, 537,
544545, 552553, 560561,
567568, 580581
Lithophile elements, 544, 560, 593
Litter, 29, 147, 248, 251, 254, 255, 344, 388,
420, 432, 529
Livestock grazing, cattle, sheep, 19, 202, 203,
206, 590
Livestock manures, 2930, 45, 373, 468
LOAEL. See Lowest observed adverse effect
level (LOAEL)
LOD. See Limit of detection (LOD)
London (UK), 37, 39
Long-range (atmospheric) transport, 397, 400,
Lowest observed adverse effect level
(LOAEL), 307
Lysimeters, 399, 419, 420
Macronutrients, 12, 16, 32, 33, 162, 196, 197
Magmas, 16, 567, 580, 592, 594
Magnesium (Mg), 16, 32, 118
Magnetite, 316, 318, 321, 336, 338, 477, 580
Malnutrition (in humans), 197
Manganese (Mn)
auto-oxidation, 340341
availability, 342, 348352
deficiency, 201203, 336, 348, 350,
essential functions
in animals, 196
in plants, 198
exchangeable/non-exchangeable, 338
fertiliser forms, 349
insoluble/soluble, 338340, 343
minerals, 320, 517
nodules, 337, 347, 352
oxidation, 339343, 345, 346, 349, 356
oxides, 5861, 66, 67, 72, 74, 77, 82, 83,
110, 256, 321, 326, 335, 336,
338352, 354358, 374, 537, 538,
545, 569
reduction, 339, 344, 345, 349, 398
speciation, 351
toxicity, 348, 349, 351, 352, 530
Manganese oxides (MnO2), 5861, 66, 67, 72,
74, 77, 82, 83, 110, 256, 321, 326,
335, 336, 338352, 354358, 374,
537, 538, 545, 569
Manures, 15, 24, 27, 29, 30, 33, 45, 74, 103,
149, 213, 232, 251, 254, 267, 290,
370, 372, 373, 385386, 415, 417,
467469, 571
Maximum permissible/allowable
concentrations (mpcs), 15, 30, 43
Mercury (Hg)
adsorption, 418, 420
availability, 414, 418, 423
chemistry, 424
geochemical occurrence, 414415
plant uptake, 124, 418, 423
pollution, 412, 416, 417, 424
speciation, 418
to animals/humans, 414
to plants, 414, 416, 418, 423, 424
uses, 412
Metal plating, 287, 325, 538, 552, 571
Metalliferous mines/mining, 8, 23, 28, 39,
Metalloids-mines/mining, 29, 120, 284
Metallothioneins, 142144, 151, 171
Metallurgical industries/uses, 325
Metallurgical slags, 37
Metal processing, 28, 113, 251, 270, 317, 520,
Metal tolerance, 145, 148, 168
Metal tolerant ecotypes, 169, 324
antimony, 242
arsenic, 75, 205, 262, 265, 267269
general, 206, 271
mercury, 420421
selenium, 431442
tin, 205, 554
Methyl mercury, 415
Mexico, 316, 536, 571
Microbial activity, 345, 349, 351, 418, 432,
539, 569, 595
Microbial nitrogen fixation, 166, 196, 582
Microbial oxidation, 339343, 345, 346, 350,
Microbiota, 142, 216, 518
efficiency mechanisms, 200
fertilisers, 33, 34
Microorganisms, 7, 12, 110, 143, 148, 162,
164, 166170, 179, 198, 212,
214217, 227, 242, 265, 267, 269,
306, 319, 321, 341, 342, 352, 368,
377, 380384, 386, 387, 414, 419,
420, 437, 487, 517, 518, 520, 521,
530, 563, 570, 596
Micropores, 76, 356, 358, 377, 538
Microtox, 150
Minamata (Japan), 28, 42, 245, 248, 256, 262,
263, 266, 284, 286, 298, 413, 414,
432, 567, 580
Mineral deficiencies, 162
Mineralization, 18, 20, 2223, 207, 267, 270,
487, 574, 582
Minerals, 5, 12, 51, 107, 145, 162, 206, 218,
244, 285, 314, 336, 369, 396, 414,
430, 466, 498, 508, 517, 529, 537,
544, 553, 560, 566, 579
Mines, 28, 43, 44, 369, 412, 423, 499, 516, 520,
528, 546, 553, 555, 560, 568, 570
Mine tailings, 8, 72, 252, 265, 403, 520, 570
Mining-polluted/contaminated soils, 5, 36, 65,
70, 72, 120, 124, 126, 148150, 270,
271, 284, 358, 382, 388, 401, 404,
503, 572, 582
Mitochondria, 174, 447, 540, 556, 596
Mn. See Manganese (Mn)
Mo. See Molybdenum (Mo)
Molybdenosis, 203, 530, 531, 533
Molybdenum (Mo)
adsorption, 529, 530
availability, 529531
chemistry, 529
deficiency, 199, 529533
essential functions
in animals/humans, 203
in plants, 198
geochemical occurrence, 529
plant uptake, 530, 531
to animals/humans, 529, 531, 532
to plants, 531
uses, 528, 531
Monocotyledonous (monocot) plants, 162, 570
Montmorillonite, 257, 260, 321, 420, 509
Mortality, 144, 148150, 205, 381, 446448
Mosses, 25, 553, 582, 594
Mugineic acid, 163, 166, 171
Multi-micronutrient deficiencies, 200, 205
Multi-surface models, 295, 296
Muscovite, 257
Nanoparticles, 327, 516, 518520, 536, 539,
540, 568, 571
Natural waters, 314, 416, 499
Nematodes, 142, 143, 146, 147, 151, 212
Netherlands (The), 14, 15, 32, 58, 83, 87, 224,
226, 233, 245, 262, 303, 323, 467, 488
New Zealand, 2527, 30, 82, 203, 251, 259,
336, 353, 354, 434, 438, 562, 571
Nickel (Ni)
adsorption, 320, 321
availability, 323, 325, 327
chemistry, 314
deficiency, 199, 319, 322
geochemical occurrence, 316319
plant uptake, 316, 317, 319, 321323
speciation, 326
to animals, 205
to plants, 198
uses, 315
Nitrates/NO3, 67, 71, 75, 127, 198, 199, 343,
357, 434, 435, 477, 528, 530, 582,
Nitrification, 382, 384, 385, 484
Nitrogen (N), 32, 33, 55, 56, 145, 147, 150,
162, 166, 196, 206, 213, 242, 379,
468, 528, 582
Nitrogen fertilisers, 33, 482
Noble metals, 515, 535, 536
Non-ferrous metal industry, 42, 372
Non-specific adsorption, 59, 86, 117, 438, 472
No observed effect concentrations (NOECs),
148, 215, 218, 304, 486, 487
North Sea, 591, 593
Norway, 23, 25, 254, 263, 397, 403, 417, 421,
422, 433, 444, 448, 501, 510, 582
Nuclear electricity generating stations, 566,
570, 575
Oil (hydrocarbon), 17, 18, 23, 24, 27, 201, 207,
244, 288, 289, 316, 317, 325, 372,
508, 528, 529, 572, 580, 583, 584, 594
Olivine, 16, 316, 318, 319, 338, 590
Orchards, 34, 35, 250, 252, 373
Ores/ore minerals
antimony, 23
arsenic, 23
barium, 23
cadmium, 20, 23
chromium, 23
copper, 22, 23
cut-off grades, 22, 591
general, 22, 25
gold, 23
lead, 20, 23, 44
manganese, 23
mercury, 23
molybdenum, 23
nickel, 20, 23
platinum, 23
selenium, 23
silver, 23
thallium, 23
thorium, 23
tin, 23
tungsten, 23
uranium, 23
vanadium, 23
zinc, 20, 23
Organic acids, 59, 65, 75, 111, 112, 166168,
171, 179, 255, 322, 374, 501, 518
Organic complexation of metals/metalloids
antimony, 497499, 501
arsenic, 242, 250252, 254, 255, 264, 270
barium, 508, 509
cadmium, 287, 288, 291, 293, 296, 300, 302
chromium, 315, 316, 318, 319, 324327
copper, 369, 372, 373, 375, 376, 383, 385,
general, 13, 41, 78, 80, 82, 98, 108, 110,
117, 150, 165, 168, 200, 206,
223225, 248, 284, 293, 300, 301,
343, 374379, 414, 417, 430, 433,
472, 476, 478, 484, 501, 509, 552,
560, 563, 583
gold, 515521
lead, 396404
manganese, 335, 339, 342, 343, 347, 351,
353, 355358
mercury, 412414, 417, 423
molybdenum, 527529, 531, 533
nickel, 314, 319, 324, 325, 327
selenium, 430, 431, 435, 437, 445
silver, 535539
thallium, 544546
thorium, 19, 27, 575
tin, 551555
tungsten, 559, 560, 562, 563
uranium, 566, 568, 569, 575
vanadium, 580, 581, 583
zinc, 466, 469, 472, 473, 475478
Organic matter, 18, 55, 107, 145, 206, 216,
252, 292, 318, 338, 371, 396, 415,
432, 470, 500, 517, 529, 537, 545,
553, 567, 581
Organo-selenium compounds, 435438
Organo-tin compounds (OTCs), 8, 552,
Osmium (Os), 42, 566
Outer-sphere complexes, 62, 261, 337
Oxic (aerobic) soils/conditions, 264, 265, 342,
436, 518, 567
Oxidative stress, 172, 174, 179, 379, 439, 449,
451, 452, 540, 594
Oxisols (ferralsols), 62, 66, 398, 592
chromium, 318, 528
general, 261, 318, 500
molybdenum, 528, 529
selenium, 438, 592
tungsten, 528
Paddy soils (wetland rice growing), 43, 163,
206, 248, 265, 345, 347
Paints, 8, 36, 3942, 66, 102, 126, 315, 396,
402, 412, 413, 498, 508, 552, 556,
Parent material, 12, 13, 15, 16, 1821, 52, 63,
68, 110, 252, 317, 318, 353,
369371, 396, 415, 422, 466, 467,
528, 553, 554, 579, 580, 590, 593
Particle sizes, 66, 102, 105, 106
Particulates (in the atmosphere), 40, 45, 53, 54,
66, 88, 243, 291, 302, 315, 371
Partition coefficients (Kd), 376
Pastures, 19, 263, 271, 336, 354, 355, 531533,
Pb. See Lead (Pb)
PbS. See Galena (PbS)
Pe, 70, 74, 264, 434, 435, 478
Peat, 5, 120, 214, 225, 226, 244, 252, 254, 255,
263, 264, 267, 323, 377, 379, 397,
400, 416, 418, 419, 421, 422, 467,
469, 501, 561
Pedogenesis, 12, 16, 20
Peridotites, 16, 21
Peru, 368, 369, 466, 516, 536
Pesticides, 35, 42
pH, 4, 12, 52, 109, 197, 216, 252, 291, 314,
337, 374, 397, 418, 433, 468, 499,
507, 519, 528, 538, 553, 560, 568,
pH effects on availability of
antimony, 500
arsenic, 260
barium, 509
cadmium, 292, 295
chromium, 318321
copper, 384
gold, 519
lead, 397, 398, 401
manganese, 337342
mercury, 418420, 422
molybdenum, 528, 529
nickel, 318321
selenium, 433, 435
silver, 538
thallium, 546
thorium, 575
tin, 553
tungsten, 560, 561, 563
uranium, 568570
vanadium, 582, 583
zinc, 468, 470, 471
Phenols/phenolic groups, 173, 255, 258
Phenotype, 145, 265
Phloem, 173, 301
fertilisers, 251, 288, 317, 372, 439
transporter, 164, 241, 439
Phosphorites, 1921, 33, 244, 247, 287, 440,
529, 568, 571, 594
Phosphorus (P), 16, 32, 162, 242, 270
Photography/photographic processing, 536,
Photosynthesis, 173, 174, 198, 322, 379, 439,
531, 582, 590, 592
Phyllosilicates, 6164, 471
Physiological based extraction tests (PBET),
113, 127, 557
Phytate, 171, 480, 594
Phytochelatins, 168, 171, 179, 254
Phytoextraction, 170, 316, 324, 325, 404,
Phytohormones, 167
Phytoremediation, 111, 120, 308, 316, 356,
441442, 488, 521, 553, 563, 572,
Phytosiderophores, 163, 166, 207
Phytotoxicity, 169, 170, 172, 174, 200, 214,
414, 466, 501, 540, 594 See also
Pica, 36, 119, 402
Pig slurry (manure), 29, 30, 468
Plant-associated bacteria, 165167,
Plant-microbe interactions, 164, 166
Plant uptake of metal(loid)s
antimony, 23, 440, 500
arsenic, 23, 242
barium, 23, 509
cadmium, 23, 284, 288
chromium, 23, 316, 317, 319, 321323
copper, 377
general, 4, 21
gold, 23, 518520
lead, 23, 196, 202, 402
manganese, 23
mercury, 23, 124, 418, 423
molybdenum, 23, 530, 531
nickel, 23, 316, 317, 319, 321323
selenium, 23, 440
silver, 23, 540
thallium, 23, 546
thorium, 23
tin, 23, 551
tungsten, 23, 561, 563
uranium, 23
vanadium, 23, 582, 583
zinc, 23, 473, 474, 482
Plastocyanin, 171, 198, 379
Platinum (Pt)/platinum group metals, 18, 63,
Plough layer (topsoil), 232, 308, 421, 571
Podzols, 55, 59, 68, 205, 399, 531
Poland, 18, 42, 469, 520, 567, 580, 581
Pollen, 5, 198, 199, 372, 531
Pollution, 5, 20, 2225, 28, 37, 40, 41, 44, 107,
121, 213, 216, 241, 251, 263, 271,
302, 317, 327, 397402, 412, 416,
417, 424, 448, 501, 531, 562, 580,
583, 591, 594
Polonium-210 (210Po), 572
Potassium (K), 16, 32, 257, 537, 546
Potentiation, 151
Poultry litter (manure), 29, 248, 251, 432
Precipitation reactions, 53, 6466, 76
Precision, 98, 99, 108, 125
Predicted non-effect concentration (PNEC)
values, 212, 232, 233, 304, 386,
387, 486488, 502, 555, 573
Priority toxic pollutant (US EPA list), 539
Proteins, 142, 144, 151, 163165, 171173, 175,
198, 204, 206, 284, 315, 368, 431,
439, 440, 443, 444, 446448, 452,
482, 502, 546, 582, 590, 592, 595
Quartz, 16, 18, 119, 122, 252, 256, 257, 471,
517, 569, 592
Radioisotopes, 565
Radiotoxicity, 572, 573
Radium (Ra), 508, 566, 572
Radon (Rn), 566, 573
Rare earth elements (REE), 18, 19, 74
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 168, 174, 178,
179, 443, 447, 451, 452, 594
Recommended daily intake (RDI), 368, 480
Recommended dietary allowances (RDAs),
202, 204
Redox potential, 4, 52, 61, 7075, 142, 266,
267, 320, 340, 344, 398, 418, 420,
433, 434, 439, 447, 500, 509, 517
Reduced/gleyed soils, 206
Remediation, 7, 8, 64, 98, 104, 110, 324, 327,
347, 353357, 388, 401, 404,
Reproduction, 144, 145, 148151, 203205,
212, 381, 385, 484, 502, 540
Residual fraction, 255, 499, 537, 545
Rhizobium, 198, 595
Rhizosphere, 111, 163, 166, 167, 169, 200, 241,
265, 269271, 297, 300, 302, 322,
323, 326, 379, 520, 531, 563, 595
Risk assessment, 52, 80, 87, 212213, 218,
232, 285, 296, 300, 304308, 386,
387, 486488, 502503, 511,
521522, 531533, 539540, 547,
556557, 562563, 572575,
Rivers and streams, 28
Roadside, 66, 75, 120, 250, 353, 400, 468
Road traffic, 27, 41
Rock weathering, 16, 18, 20, 319, 336, 369, 467
Rocky Mountains (Canada & USA), 561
Romans, 397, 412, 466
Roofing (Cu, Pb and Zn), 27
exudates/secretions, 75, 201, 207, 269, 344,
hairs, 162
nodules, 198, 530
Ruminants, 19, 196, 336, 354, 355, 379, 530,
533, 595, 596
Rural soils, 21, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 287
Russia, 18, 318, 497, 560, 568, 583
Sampling, 2527, 98102, 106, 111, 127, 251,
289, 351, 421, 521
Sandstones, 17, 18, 21, 244, 247, 316, 336, 396,
467, 517, 529, 545, 553, 554, 567
Sandy soils, 68, 82, 126, 225, 318, 323, 336,
370, 467, 481, 531, 532, 538, 569,
570, 580, 582
Saudi Arabia, 254, 556, 562
Sb. See Antimony (Sb)
Scandinavia, 397, 399, 416, 421, 437, 469, 574
Schwarzenbach classification, 290291
Scotland, 37, 39, 226, 227, 232, 354, 501
Se. See Selenium (Se)
Sea water, 18, 75, 242, 431, 432, 444, 451, 592
Sedimentary rocks, 16, 1820, 285, 316, 317,
336, 369, 396, 432, 444, 467, 529,
537, 543, 567, 592, 595
Sediments, 15, 18, 22, 2829, 35, 75, 110, 123,
126, 213, 243, 250, 262, 316, 317,
326, 327, 336, 396, 397, 413, 420,
434, 442, 444, 470, 498, 500, 508,
509, 529, 537, 547, 552, 553, 559,
560, 567, 569, 575
Seed dressings, 417, 424, 532
Seeds, 119, 164, 201, 207, 349, 350, 414, 417,
438, 439, 441, 481, 482, 489, 532,
546, 572
Selenium (Se)
adsorption, 437438
availability, 432, 437
chemistry, 430431
contamination, 437, 443
deficiency, 443, 449
essential functions, 439
geochemical occurrence, 442, 448, 451
plant uptake, 440
speciation, 433437
toxicity, 443445
uses, 441, 444
Sequential extractions, 108111, 123, 124,
126, 256, 351, 398400, 436, 470,
Serpentine flora, 21
Serpentine/serpentinites, 16, 21, 170, 316,
318320, 323325, 336
Sesquioxides, 255, 420, 595
Sewage sludge
antimony, 500, 501
arsenic, 248, 250, 251
barium, 509
cadmium, 31, 69, 146, 287, 288, 297, 432
chromium, 31, 146, 325
copper, 31, 32, 69, 146, 370, 372373
385386, 388
manganese, 357
maximum permitted concentrations, 32
mercury, 31, 69, 415, 417418
molybdenum, 531
nickel, 317, 325, 432
selenium, 432
tin, 554, 555
tungsten, 562
uranium, 574
vanadium, 582
zinc, 31, 32, 69, 146, 432, 466469,
Sewage treatment plants (STPs), 30, 288
Shannons diversity index, 144, 146
Sheep, 29, 202204, 217, 227, 354, 533, 595
Shipham (UK), 43
Shooting ranges, 44, 66, 147, 401402, 499,
501 , 502, 562
Shotgun pellets, 44, 66, 562
Si. See Silicon (Si)
Siderophile elements, 319, 430, 431, 593, 595
Siderophore complexes, 166, 167, 179
Silicates, 13, 52, 88, 106, 107, 316, 318, 319,
336, 338, 339, 356, 396, 398, 431,
466, 519, 543, 544
Silicon (Si), 16, 62, 64, 126, 164, 196, 396,
543, 593
Silver (Ag)
adsorption, 538
availability, 537538
chemistry, 537538
contamination, 538539
geochemical occurrence, 537
plant uptake, 540
plating, 538
speciation, 536, 539
to animals/humans, 540
to microorganisms, 539
to plants, 537538, 540
uses, 535, 536, 538, 539
Smelting, 5, 23, 24, 39, 4244, 87, 327, 355,
368, 388, 396, 400401, 413, 423,
497, 499, 502, 516, 520, 536, 544,
551, 554, 562
Smithsonite (ZnCO3), 23, 43, 470, 478
Smoke, 24, 41, 454
Smoking, 307, 308 See also Tobacco
Sn. See Tin (Sn)
Snails, 142144
Sodium (Na), 16, 59, 63, 75, 126, 216, 251,
258, 260, 321, 403, 431, 593
guideline values, 22
ingestion, 113, 397
microbial processes, 304, 573
pH, 16, 32, 55, 6669, 72, 74, 197, 205,
206, 264, 295, 296, 298, 300, 303,
306, 308, 320, 321, 326, 327, 338,
342, 349, 354356, 374, 376, 378,
381384, 420, 472, 473, 477, 488,
509, 510, 529, 532, 533, 569, 572
profiles (pedons), 15, 24, 25, 59, 66, 233,
336, 400, 518, 572, 581
solution, 4, 54, 55, 57, 59, 67, 78, 83, 109,
124, 165, 213221, 259, 261263,
284, 291295, 297, 299, 320, 322,
337, 338, 343, 344, 348, 355,
374376, 380383, 397399, 402,
418, 420, 432, 434436, 440, 470,
472, 474, 476478, 483485, 509,
519, 529, 570
tests, 13, 197, 350, 351, 354
types, 111, 125, 163, 202206, 225226,
232, 245, 267, 371, 421, 545, 570,
581583, 593
Soil-plant interface, 162167
South Africa, 413, 497, 516, 568, 583, 584
South Australia, 203, 432, 439
South Korea, 19, 248
Spain, 8, 110, 271, 412, 421, 500, 544, 584
Speciation, 53, 60, 68, 83, 84, 8688, 102, 104,
109, 122124, 128, 216, 218, 223,
225, 229232, 252266, 270, 293,
295, 300, 326, 351, 374, 375, 384,
386, 398399, 418, 433437, 440,
455, 470, 472476, 499, 561, 563,
568, 569, 581, 582
Specific adsorption/specifically adsorbed ions,
54, 63, 64, 67, 70, 84, 85, 339, 437,
438, 589
Sphalerite, 23, 65, 466, 478, 545
Spiked soils (experiments), 77, 304, 381383,
385, 473475, 483, 484, 510, 553,
554, 570
Springtails, 142, 148, 150
Stable Pb isotopes, 397, 400
Stainless steel, 101, 102, 108, 314, 315, 528
Steel production, 372, 580
Stomata, 173, 322
St Petersburg (Russia), 36
Stunting, 198, 200, 379, 583
Subclinical deficiency, 200, 204
Sub-Saharan Africa, 440, 442, 449
Subsoil, 55, 58, 77, 245, 246, 259, 262, 263,
352, 369, 401, 422, 571, 593
Sulphates/sulfates, 74, 261, 418, 431, 438440,
453, 472, 483, 502, 507, 509, 529,
530, 568, 573
Sulphides/sulfides, 20, 23, 43, 53, 68, 71, 74,
75, 103, 107, 110, 241, 252, 296,
297, 314, 321, 355, 369, 375, 396,
414, 418, 420, 430, 431, 433, 439,
440, 445, 447, 454, 478, 498,
517519, 528, 536, 537, 544546,
580, 591, 592, 595
Sulphur/sulfur(S), 32, 56, 142, 213, 242, 316,
418, 430, 431, 436, 447448, 532,
Superoxide dismutase (SOD), 171, 175178, 198
Superphosphate, 34, 440, 530, 532, 571
Surface complexation models, 88
Surface potential, 60, 258
Sweden, 41, 326, 403, 414, 416, 419, 421, 533,
Switzerland, 20, 26, 44, 124, 244, 306, 487, 501
Symbiosis, 164165, 179
deficiency, 199, 203, 351, 368, 379
toxicity, 171, 200, 414, 511, 531
Tailings (from mining), 8, 28, 72, 252,
265266, 403, 500, 520, 521, 570
Tajikistan, 412, 498
Tasmania (Australia), 347, 354
Technogenic materials/ substrates, 15, 3637
Terrestrial abundance, 537 See also Abundance
in Earths crust
Thallium (Tl)
availability, 545546
chemistry, 544545
contamination, 546, 547
geochemical occurrence, 543544
plant uptake, 546
speciation, 543546
to animals/humans, 546, 547
to plants, 545546
uses, 544
Thorium (Th), 19, 27, 572, 575
Tin (Sn)
adsorption, 553, 554
atmospheric deposition, 554
chemistry, 552553
contamination of soils, 555
mining/smelting, 551, 554
organometallic forms, 552
plant uptake, 551
sources, 553555
speciation, 553, 554, 556
to animals/humans, 552, 554, 556
to aquatic organisms, 556
to plants, 553554
uses, 552
Titanium (Ti), 16, 257
Tl. See Thallium (Tl)
Tolerable daily intake (TDI), 556
Tolerance, 145, 148, 165, 168, 171, 179, 201,
203, 270, 315, 441, 482, 547
Topsoils-general, 14, 58, 73, 120, 245, 246, 262,
263, 388, 432, 554, 562, 571, 575
Total concentrations of heavy metals/
antimony, 13, 42
arsenic, 38
barium, 13, 42
cadmium, 13, 39, 43
chromium, 13
copper, 18, 34, 44
gold, 13
lead, 13, 35, 39, 40, 45
manganese, 13
mercury, 24, 44
molybdenum, 19
nickel, 14, 1823, 26, 27, 31, 3337, 4042, 44
selenium, 42
silver, 13, 14, 16, 21, 23, 41, 44
thallium, 13, 20
thorium, 18, 19, 27, 33, 3638, 42
tin, 14, 17, 23, 32, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44
tungsten, 14, 18, 23, 36, 38, 42
uranium, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 27, 33, 37, 38,
42, 44
vanadium, 13, 14, 1618, 22, 23, 27, 33, 36,
38, 4042
zinc, 1244
Total digestion, 106107
Toxicities See also Phytotoxicity
antimony, 4, 242
arsenic, 4
barium, 4, 508511
Toxicities (cont.)
cadmium, 4
chromium, 4
copper, 4
gold, 4
lead, 4, 44
manganese, 4, 348, 349, 351, 352, 530
mercury, 4
molybdenum, 4, 529, 531, 532
nickel, 4, 315, 322, 327
selenium, 4, 443445
silver, 4, 538540
thallium, 4, 545547
thorium, 4, 19, 572
tin, 4, 552, 555, 556
tungsten, 4, 561, 563
uranium, 4, 572
vanadium, 4, 582584
zinc, 4, 472473, 482489
Toxicity tests, 142, 148151, 304, 381, 382, 502
Translocation (within plants), 170172, 300,
301, 324, 379, 388, 402, 403, 500,
Transpiration, 172, 173
Transport mechanisms, 25, 162, 440, 451
of particulates by wind, 25
Tributyltin, 552, 555
Trimethyltin, 554
Tropical soils (ferralsols/oxysols), 66, 205,
206, 509, 533, 592, 595
Tungsten (W)
adsorption, 561
availability, 561
chemistry, 560561
geochemical occurrence, 560561
plant uptake, 561, 563
speciation, 561, 563
to animals/humans, 562, 563
to plants, 561, 563
uses, 560, 562
Tunisia, 21, 412
Turkey, 30, 248, 480, 481
Tyres(tires)/tyre debris, 41, 65, 468
U. See Uranium (U)
UK. See United Kingdom (UK)
UKSHS. See UK Soils and Herbage Pollutant
Survey (UKSHS)
UK Soils and Herbage Pollutant Survey
(UKSHS), 21, 3739, 42, 531
Ultramafic rocks/soils, 17, 2122, 316319, 321
United Kingdom (UK), 21, 22, 25, 28, 3740,
42, 5960, 66, 67, 83, 86, 100, 104,
113, 125, 127, 226, 227, 231, 232,
289, 323, 400, 421, 435, 487489,
531, 556557, 573
United States of America (U.S.A.), 42, 248,
251, 255, 259, 305, 412413, 466,
480, 583
Uranium (U)
adsorption, 569
chemistry, 567568
chemotoxicity, 572
geochemical occurrence, 567568
isotope-enrichment/depletion, 8, 566, 567,
572574, 594
organic complexation, 569
precipitation, 570
radioactivity, 566, 570, 571, 573
radiotoxicity, 572, 573
reduction, 566, 567, 569, 570, 572
solubility, 568, 575
speciation, 568, 569
U, 44, 566
U, 566, 571, 573, 592
uses, 566, 570571, 573
Urban contamination, 24, 35, 36
Urban environment, 3641, 45, 250, 402, 511
Urban soils, 3542, 45, 68, 117, 124, 125, 246,
402, 553, 554
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA), 40, 125, 305, 306, 386,
486488, 509, 539, 547, 574
priority list of toxic pollutants, 502, 539, 547
USEPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA)
Vanadium (V)
adsorption, 581583
availability, 581583
catalytic properties, 581
chemistry, 580581
essential functions, 582, 583
geochemical occurrence, 580581
plant uptake, 582, 583
pollution, 580, 583
speciation, 581, 582
to animals, 583, 584
to plants, 581583
uses, 580
Vermiculite, 62, 63, 170, 257, 316
Vertisols, 371, 482
Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae, 352
Vineyards/vineyard soils, 34, 35, 373
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 203, 205, 596
Volcanoes/volcanic rocks, 317, 318, 372,
W. See Tungsten (W)
Warfare-contamination from, 4445
Wastewater/wastewater treatment plants, 30,
32, 35, 43, 64, 110, 248, 251, 288,
326, 373, 417, 432, 468, 469, 539,
562, 582, 590
potential, 52, 345, 349
soluble metal(loid) compounds, 381, 385,
Waterlogged soils, 59, 433, 436
Weapons, 110, 315, 552, 566, 570
Weathering (of minerals/rocks), 16, 23, 594,
Wet deposition, 250, 416
WHAM. See Windermere Humic Aqueous
Models (WHAM)
Wilting (symptom), 199, 322
Windermere Humic Aqueous Models
(WHAM), 7, 85, 86, 218, 476
ash, 249, 251
preservative, 35, 40, 104, 249, 251, 326, 552
World Health Organization (WHO), 204, 205,
271, 285, 286, 307, 480, 481, 554,
Worms, 563
XANES. See X-ray adsorption near edge
structure (XANES)
Xeromorphic changes, 172
X-ray adsorption near edge structure
(XANES), 5253, 56, 5960, 63, 65,
124, 256, 262, 346, 518
X-ray fluorescence (XRF), 7, 12, 66, 103105,
124, 128, 257, 369, 370
Xylem, 169171, 173, 301, 438, 500, 501,
Yangtze valley (China), 26, 27
Zinc (Zn)
adsorption, 470472, 475477, 484
availability, 474, 479, 485, 486
chemistry, 486
in animals/humans, 466469, 482,
in plants, 466, 473, 474, 479484, 486,
487, 489
essential functions, 473, 481482
geochemical occurrence, 466467
human health, 480
phosphorus antagonism, 533
plant uptake, 473, 474, 482
speciation, 470, 472476
toxicity, 472473, 482489
uses, 468
Zn. See Zinc (Zn)