Unusual Plurals: Life On The Farm
Unusual Plurals: Life On The Farm
Unusual Plurals: Life On The Farm
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, goes the Dr. Seuss childrens story.
Why isnt it two fishes? You may think, Ok, its hard to count fish so we
group them all together. No problem.
goes: nos remite a, nos recuerda a; to count: contar; we group them all
together: los agrupamos a todos;
Lets look at some other things we can make plural. Youve got a left foot
and a right foot. Put them together and what have you got? Two feet. That
doesnt follow the add an s rule either.
foot/feet: pie/pies; the "add an -s" rule: la regla de agregar una S; either:
Same with mouse and its plural, mice. What happened to our neat rule for
making words plural?
mouse/mice: rata/ratas; neat rule: impecable regla; for making words plural:
para pluralizar palabras;
There are other plurals where the vowel changes like in the German pattern.
Man men and woman women are examples of different vowel sounds in
plural words. Sometimes a consonant changes, as with words that end in
an f sound, such as leaf. The voiceless sound f takes on a voiced quality, or
v, and an s sound is added to the word. We have autumn leaves and sharp
German pattern: patrn o formato germano; man/men: hombre/hombres;
woman/women: mujer/mujeres; as with words that: como sucede con las
palabras que; leaf/leaves: hoja/hojas; voiceless sound: sonido mudo
(pronunciacin no sonora); takes on: adquiere; knife/knives: cuchillo/cuchillos;
autumn: otoales; sharp: afilados;
Are you ready to try making plurals with some English words?
try it yourself: comprueba tu habilidad; to try making: para tratar de convertir;
There are many more irregular plural forms in English. Well look at those in
another episode of Everyday Grammar. For now, we leave you with Frank
Sinatra, singing Autumn Leaves:
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall ...
I miss you most of all: cuando ms te extrao; start to fall: empiezan a caer.