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University of California Riverside

Design Guidelines

Prepared by
Walker Macy Landscape Architects and Planners
Thomas Hacker Architects

Regional Context
The Essence of the UCR Campus

Campus Open Space Structure

Site Planning Districts
Regulating Plan
Circulation Systems
Architectural Elements


Site Lighting
Grading and Rainwater Management

Circulation Systems

Service Areas and Drives
Surface Parking Lots
Campus Wide Signage




Outdoor Circulation


Building Orientation and Entrances


Relationship of Interior to Exterior at Ground Floor


Building Massing and Articulation


Building Materials and Color Palette


Building Response to Climate




Appendix A: Campus Plant Material Palette

Appendix C: Documents Referenced

Appendix D: Circulation Standards

Appendix E: Sign Program (under separate cover)


Appendix B: Campus Street Tree Plan

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Prepared for:
UC Riverside Capital & Physical Planning

Prepared by:
Walker Macy Landscape Architects and Planners
Thomas Hacker Architects

UC Riverside Project Management Team:

Nita Bullock, UCR Capital & Physical Planning (Project Manager)
Tim Ralston, UCR Capital & Physical Planning
Tricia Thrasher, UCR Office of Design and Construction

Design Review Board:

John Ganim, Professor of English
David Parker, Professor of Soil Chemistry & Soil Chemist
Jerry Schultz, Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering
Ivan Strenski, Professor of Religious Studies
Rob Quigley, Architect
Kathy Garcia, Landscape Architect
Charles Duke Oakley, Architect

The University of California, Riverside (UCR)
presents a unique continuity of buildings and
landscape, due to its striking natural setting,
relatively short history and modernist design
origins. An enduring rational arrangement of
modern buildings frames a set of linear malls at
the base of rugged semi-arid mountains. This
form has been strengthened over 50 years by
contemporary construction that continues to
honor the legacy of the UCR landscape. UCR is
committed to respecting the beauty, order and
intrinsic character of the campus as enrollment
grows and the academic mission continues to
UCR is expected to grow dramatically in the
coming decades. This growth will challenge the
University and its designers to understand the
essence of the campus and promote a consistent
aesthetic by infusing each projects design with
a sense of place. This document is intended to
provide simple and legible guidelines to shape
future growth, allowing the campus to evolve
in a dynamic way that recognizes the physical
and academic roots that define UCRs character.
These guidelines describe for future architects
and planners, the fundamental characteristics
of the Universitys mission, setting, history,
landscape and architectural form that must
inform any physical changes to the campus.
This document begins with a summary
of UCRs long range development goals,
followed by a description of the existing
campus design framework. The framework
serves as the underpinnings for future
development, emphasizing the elements of
the campus landscape and infrastructure as
well as architectural themes emblematic of the
Universitys character.

Following this framework is a description of

the current University of California system
mandates for sustainability, which includes
a commitment to Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) standards and
other key benchmarks for energy and resource
efficiency and pollution reduction. In addition,
each individual guideline in this document
includes, where applicable, information on
how campus development projects can meet
University of California system sustainability
mandates through the implementation of the
The main body of this document, the Site and
Architectural Guidelines, is not intended to be
prescriptive but to establish the basic premises
and clear intent within which creative design
decisions should be made. The University
should hire professionals who are committed
to implementing these Guidelines. Designers
will be expected to respect the form and
values of the campus and work collaboratively
with the University under the guidance of
this document, the Campus Architect and
the campus Design Review Board. There
will be an inherent level of respect with
professionals trusted to follow the basic intent
of the guidelines while creatively responding
to new building programs, individual sites and
ensuing design opportunities.
This document replaces the 1996 Campus
Design Guidelines and the 1996 Landscape
Master Plan (construction specifications will
subsequently be updated as needed.)



Policy Mandates

The goal of these Design Guidelines is to support UCRs vision for the future. This document serves to implement the 2005 Long Range
Development Plan (LRDP), which expresses
UCRs vision and goals related to the campuss
physical development, including:

These guidelines indicate the Universitys commitment to societal values and a larger policy
context by promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship with particular attention to new developments response to the local
climate. New development should also provide
universal accessibility to ensure a high-quality
educational experience for all UCR students as
well as faculty, staff and visitors in compliance
with the Americans with Disability Act.

Enhancing UCRs image and

Accommodating planned growth
for UCR to at least 25,000 students
Emphasizing strong connections
and ease of access within
campus and to the surrounding
Creating a regional model
of planning, design and
environmental stewardship
A guiding principle for UCRs development is
to create a campus that is responsive to the intrinsic character of the region. UCR can achieve
this by:
Fostering an intellectually-inspired
community of learning
Providing visual connections to
the surrounding landscape
Respecting the legacy of clear,
modernist design that established
the original campus buildings and
utilizing the buildings to support
the campus open space system
Strengthening the relationship
between buildings and landscape
in new construction
Integrating new development with
the existing campus through the use
of complementary materials, colors,
structures and landscape elements

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Campus Framework
Regional Context
UCRs campus identity is strongly tied to its
natural setting in a sage and chaparral ecoregion. The campus abuts the rugged Box Springs
Mountains and is transected by arroyos draining the steep slopes of this preserve. The contrast between UCRs semi-arid mountainous
setting and the managed, park-like campus is
striking, although the buildings and grounds
display a respect for fundamental natural elements. The visual and physical connections to
local ecosystems as well as the hot, dry climate
are essential elements of the campus, both symbolically and functionally.
Citrus cultivation has played a dominant role
in regional human history, in UCRs foundation
with the original Citrus Experiment Station and
the physical forms of such land use, which includes orderly grids of citrus trees and rows of
tall palms or eucalyptus. These linear features
mark historic roads and property boundaries
and provide focal points and definition in an
otherwise undifferentiated agricultural and
recently-developed urban landscape.
With such a rich setting and cultural history,
future growth on campus has a unique opportunity to physically and symbolically incorporate elements of the regions distinct intrinsic

Citrus Experiment Station, c.1920s

For a complete discussion of the historical setting and geographic underpinnings of the UCR campus, consult the
2005 LRDP, pages 7-33.

Campus Framework

The Essence of the UCR Campus

The heart of the existing (East) UCR campus
is defined by a series of orthogonal, interconnected malls. A collection of mid-century modern buildings frame the edges of the malls, and
help establish the campus character through
their continuity of materials, scale and form.
The buildings feature primary entries on these
open spaces as well as the surrounding campus street system. Courtyards and plazas, often adjacent to building entries, provide places
for seating and public interaction. Arcades reinforce the pedestrian walk system, especially
alongside major malls, by providing vertical
structure and shade. The entire campus feels
like an oasis in its semi-arid, mountainous setting and retains elements of a rich agricultural
Many of the new buildings on campus now
feature the above characteristics. This pattern
of buildings, open space and circulation should
continue and be strengthened through future
campus development, including the West

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Campus Open Space Structure

A fabric of outdoor malls, courtyards, gathering spaces and pathways weaves together the
different precincts of the UCR campus. The hot
and dry climate encourages many aspects of
campus life to be conducted outdoors which
lends a dynamic, active spirit to UCR open
spaces. Classrooms, corridors and gathering
spaces are directly exposed to and integrated
with the campus grounds. There are also intangible but distinctive elements that derive from
the lush, fertile nature of UCRs open space. The
scent and color of plants, cascading birdsongs,
dappled shade and the sound of the Carillon
are all cited as memorable emblems of UCRs
sense of place. Fundamental elements include
the following:
Natural Open Space;
Naturalistic Open Spaces;
Courtyards and Plazas;
Thematic Gardens; and
Structural Landscapes
Each of these fundamental elements is described in the following section.

Natural Open Space

Naturalistic Open Spaces

The 2005 LRDP designates the Riversidian sagescrub ecosystem of the Box Springs Mountains in the
southeast portion of the campus as an Open Space
Reserve. The mountains are impressively visible
on clear days from a variety of locations within the

Naturalistic open spaces provide an attractive and

informal transition from natural spaces to the formal malls and courtyards of the campus. In these
less-maintained areas, the landscape is intended to
provide space for contemplation, habitat for wildlife
and allow for water flow in arroyos and drainages.

Because of its visual prominence, environmental sensitivity, steep slopes and habitat for native wildlife,
the natural open space of the Reserve will remain
undeveloped. Protecting visual access to natural
open space is critical to maintaining UCRs sense of
place. Along major view corridors, building massing
shall be careful to frame, not obstruct views.

Naturalistic open spaces are critical connective elements of the campus open space system, weaving
through campus as expressions of the areas natural
heritage. Existing naturalistic areas should remain
undeveloped and the restoration or representation
of such areas is encouraged. (For example, Picnic
Hill, or between new buildings on the site of the current Intramural Athletic Fields.)

Campus Framework

The original core of campus features a clear organization of linear malls, which constitute its primary and defining iconic open space. These malls
were laid out in the original campus master plan to
echo institutional planning forms found in the eastern United States, reflecting early visions of UCR
as a liberal arts college. The orthogonal malls also
reflect the linear order of the regional agricultural
landscape. The hierarchy of malls provides humanscaled connections throughout the campus and an
organizational spine around which major campus
buildings are placed. Buildings frame and terminate
the vistas within these malls.
With respect to their larger context, the malls also
constitute a contained landscape, where large shade
trees and irrigated plantings are bordered by buildings much like the walled gardens typical of arid
urban areas around the world. Shade structures, arcades and colonnades are a predominant feature of
campus architecture allowing for refuge from direct
sun on the edges of campus malls. Large trees often
serve as natural canopies, complementing the built
structures. For durability and ease of maintenance,
turf will continue to be used predominantly on malls,
which experience heavy student use.

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Courtyards and Plazas

Malls represent the primary open space on the UCR
campus and are thus highly protected. The Regulating Plan (page 15) establishes clear build-to lines for
new structures fronting campus malls on both the
existing East Campus and for future development
on the West Campus.

The bright, direct sun and intense heat of this region

have directly influenced the form and configuration
of East Campus buildings and their relationship to
the landscape. Shaded courtyards, generally protected and defined by buildings, provide welcome
relief from high summer temperatures. Such courtyards exhibit a variety of landscape responses, from
exclusively paved plazas to spaces that are almost
entirely vegetated.
Courtyards and plazas are important places for intellectual exchange and informal interaction amongst
students and faculty, as well as quiet contemplation
in a collegial setting. New buildings should strive to
create such spaces to complement the existing and
future system of campus open space. The appropriate scale of courtyard and plaza spaces is critical to
their success, as is the placement of nearby building
entries and windows. Existing courtyards exhibit
many desirable characteristics that can be employed
in the design of future spaces across a variety of
scales and functions, such as interactive gathering
areas, fountains, dining terraces, outdoor classrooms
and amphitheaters, small informal lawn areas, and
thematic gardens.

Thematic Gardens and Collections

Structural Landscape Spaces

A number of historically and culturally-significant

thematic gardens, primarily on the East Campus, exhibit unique plant collections and support research
efforts in the College of Natural and Agricultural
Sciences. The most prominent of these is the UCR
Botanic Gardens on 40 acres of hilly terrain along
the southeastern boundary of the campus. Other
East Campus thematic areas are the Directors Garden, the Avocado and Macadamia Tree Collection,
the Watkins Herb Garden (above) and the Medicinal
Herb Garden. The Citrus Variety Collection is located on the West Campus, south of MLK on both sides
of Canyon Crest Drive.

The campus features many lushly-planted areas between and adjacent to buildings. These areas soften
the transitions of buildings to open spaces, screen
service areas and blank facades and generally contribute to the sense of the campus as a green oasis
in its semi-arid setting. Trees serve a valuable role
in shading buildings and thus reducing energy use
while providing visual interest and a sense of lushness.

Thematic gardens and collections should be protected and enhanced as part of an educational curriculum and for informal enjoyment by students, staff,
faculty and campus visitors. New opportunities for
thematic gardens should be pursued where feasible
in conjunction with academic programs. The open
space over the course of the Gage Canal right-of-way
on the West Campus could serve as a counterpart to
the UCR Botanic Gardens, perhaps highlighting representative plants found in other semi-arid climates
similar to Riversides.

The use of structural landscapes adjacent to buildings and campus circulation should continue. New
academic facilities should allow for structural landscape within project boundaries to help new buildings blend into the campus and should use climateadapted and native species (see Appendix A: Plant

Other potential thematic spaces could be established

on campus, including spaces for the recognition of
outstanding alumni or staff, military memorials or
monuments to the heritage of the diverse ethnic
groups that attend UCR.

Campus Framework

The UCR campus features several distinctive icons.
They are represented on campus publicity and
evoked by students and faculty as physical touchstones of their campus experience. These icons are:

1. Carillon Tower, Mall and Rivera Library Arches

The Carillon Tower is the primary focal point of the
UCR campus. Built in 1966, the concrete structure
can be seen from many places on and off-campus
and thus serves as a wayfinding element and a beacon to the heart of campus. The rhythmic arches that
form a frontal arcade to the Rivera Library are original architectural forms emblematic of UCRs unique
mid-century modernist identity. Both the Tower and
Arches derive much of their importance from their
location on UCRs Carillon Mall open space, and this
trio of icons is often photographed as a composite

2. Box Springs Mountains

UCRs campus identity is strongly tied to its natural setting. The campus lies at the foot of the rugged
Box Springs Mountains and is transected by arroyos
draining the steep slopes of this preserve. The visual
and physical connections to local ecosystems as well
as the hot, semi-arid climate are essential elements
of the campus, both symbolically and functionally.
Such connections must be maintained with future
campus growth to ensure the continuity of UCRs
identity and sense of place.

3. Anderson Hall
Anderson Hall is the original Citrus Experiment Station, designed in a modified Mission style. The main
entry is clearly defined with an arched, recessed
opening and axial relationship to its courtyard. The
open arcades to the sides of the main building connect the side wings and define the smaller courtyard
spaces. Given its rare pre-modern style and stature
as an original building on the UCR campus, standing as it did for decades surrounded by arid hills
and citrus groves, this building has acquired iconic
status on campus. Recognizing this importance, it is

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

anticipated that the building will be renovated for

use as the Chancellors Office when new facilities for
the current occupant, the A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management, are built on the West

Intrinsic and Intangible Icons

The UCR campus setting also creates memories and
sensations of a somewhat intangible nature, through
such things as birdsong, the sound of Carillon bells
and the lush structural landscape with its seasonal
flower displays. New projects, particularly on the
West Campus, should consider and continue this

Future Icons
The elements described above have evolved with
successive waves of students and faculty inhabiting
the campus and experiencing the icons on a daily
basis. The icons are also established as artists and
photographers depict them on campus materials.
As the campus grows over the next several decades,
there will be more opportunities for icons to be established in the memories of students. Notable opportunities include:

East Campus Entry

The East Campus Entrance Area Study (ECEAS)
identified the juncture of Canyon Crest Drive and
University Avenue as an ideal location for a gateway feature to UCR, perhaps combined with a traffic roundabout and dropoff. The plan suggested a
circular lawn space, framed by a wall of local stone
and surrounded by a hardscaped plaza fronted by
significant public buildings such as a new Performing Arts Center. The roundabout could also feature
a piece of art or sculpture to further emphasize this
space as a gateway to campus.

Citrus Mall Terminus

The East Southeast Campus Area Study (ESCAS)
proposed that the existing Library Mall be extended
southwards into Parking Lot 6 to meet a new mall
extending west from Anderson Hall. At the junction
of these two malls, a new water feature or sculpture,
combined with a significant architectural feature
such as a tower on a nearby building, could serve
as an iconic counterpoint and a symbolic linkage between Anderson Hall and the Carillon Tower.

West Campus Tower

The CAMPS proposes a central Mall for the West
Campus. The western end of this mall will be terminated by a signature campus building such as a
student center, as yet unprogrammed. This would
also be an ideal location for a clocktower or similar
iconic element, respecting the primacy of the Carillon Tower as the principal campus icon, while producing a distinctive marker and wayfinding element
for the new campus community to be developed on
the West Campus. The base of this tower could be a
plaza, fountain or a thematic garden.

Pedestrian Bridge linking East and West Campuses

Given the direct visibility of a future freeway bridge
and the probable popularity of use, this could be an
opportunity for UCR to create a modern icon with a
dramatic design that reflects the identity and setting of
the university. A design competition could attract innovative ideas. A budget appropriate to building such
a signature element of campus will be essential.

UCR Campus Open Space System

Campus Framework


Site Planning Districts

The UCR campus can be considered as several
distinct districts, each of which present unique
opportunities and challenges for site planning,
landscape design and architecture. New projects
proposed for individual districts should consider the particular characteristics of topography,
drainage, views, vegetation and neighboring
buildings to ensure compatibility with context
and with past planning efforts for the campus.
The following serves as a summary of the key
elements that should be considered in each district. (See diagram on page 13)



The Groves district is very flat and currently used

generally for agricultural research and teaching.
New development should be orderly, in conjunction
with the 2007 Campus Aggregate Master Planning
Study (CAMPS) phasing plans where feasible. A future grid of streets and buildings will be evocative of
the groves and rows of citrus trees, while a central
open space will offer a sinuous counterpoint, following the alignment of the Gage Canal.

UCRs Hillside district is characterized by steep terrain and a direct connection to surrounding Natural
Open Space, including the Botanic Gardens. Limited
development which may occur within this district
should visually blend with the surrounding landscape through the use of careful site planning, grading and the use of appropriate materials.

Picnic Hill
This district is characterized by its naturalistic open
space, rocky outcropping and steep terrain. New development should be carefully graded to facilitate
use of the site while maintaining the integrity of the
topography and landscape.

This district comprises the majority of the existing
core campus. A key consideration is the protection
of the essence of the UCR campus, particularly the
major open malls fronted by buildings. Maintaining
views of the Box Springs Mountains is important
from malls and buildings within this district.


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

The northern and northwestern areas of the East

Campus feature a series of remnant naturalistic arroyos flowing westward down from the Box Springs
Mountains. As campus enrollment grows and the
population and use of this district grows, it will be
important to maintain the form of these arroyos incised through this area of campus with careful site
planning and site-responsive architecture. There are
good opportunities for the natural treatment of rainwater and restoration of native plant material within
these arroyos.

The Groves

Site Planning Districts

Campus Framework


Regulating Plan
The future growth of the UCR campus will
be guided by a series of area plans, long-term
strategies such as the Campus Aggregate Master Planning Study (CAMPS) and the campus
design process. As each future building depicted in these plans is realized through siting, programming, design and construction it will be
important for UCR to maintain the large-scale
vision for the campus to guide the incremental
growth of buildings and open space in a cohesive manner, using UCRs limited land base efficiently.
Malls and other significant open spaces are defined by the buildings that form their edges.
Existing buildings on the East Campus have
strengthened the Carillon and Library Malls
with site planning sensitive to the intent of the
original campus vision.
The accompanying regulating plan outlines
the dimensions of significant open spaces on
campus. These dimensions are meaningful and
have been established through careful master
planning to achieve a scale appropriate to their
surrounding uses and character. The regulating plan is intended to provide build-to lines
to define the outer facade of future buildings
in order to reinforce the shared campus open
space system (and thus protect view corridors.)
All future projects must adhere to these buildto lines, as well as the architectural guidelines
in this document, to further the establishment
and maintenance of a cohesive, well-scaled
public realm.
Encroachment beyond the build-to lines will
erode the quality of open spaces. Setting buildings back significantly from build-to lines can
also dilute the sense of enclosure provided by
buildings fronting open spaces.


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Such a system should also use available campus land efficiently so as not to diminish future
building capacity. Development in the academic core must maintain a minimum FloorArea-Ratio (FAR) of 1.0, as directed by the 2005
LRDP. The resulting taller buildings will also
help reinforce key malls and other open spaces,
although building heights should not exceed 4
stories on the perimeter of the Carillon Mall.
New development should also consider the
relationship of buildings to streets and major
pedestrian malls. To reinforce the open character of the UCR campus and soften the effect
of increased density with structural plantings,
buildings should be set back at least 20 feet
from the back of sidewalks or from the edge of
pedestrian walk paving.

Regulating Plan

Campus Framework


Circulation Systems
The campus circulation system is a key organizing element of UCR. The system links buildings
and districts and complements the hierarchy of
open spaces around which the campus is organized. The Campus Loop Road circles much
of the existing campus academic core, providing access for transit, service and emergency
vehicles, with increasing emphasis on comfort
for pedestrians and cyclists. The campus core
is pedestrian-oriented, with wide axial walks
paralleling and crossing a spine of open malls,
complemented by narrower connecting walks
to and from buildings. The generally pleasant
climate of the region allows comfortable walking and bicycling nearly year-round. Generally,
campus walks have been developed to provide
straight and direct connections. This fundamental structure lends order and clarity to the campus, defining ones experience of UCR.
As UCR grows, the 2004 Multi-Modal Transportation Management Strategy (MMTMS) and the
2005 LRDP suggest placing a greater emphasis
on promoting bicycle and transit alternatives to
the automobile, and placing pedestrian movement at the top of the campus transportation
General parking will be consigned to the campus academic perimeter and pedestrian and bicycle connections will be improved to allow convenient and efficient movement throughout the
East and West Campuses. In some cases these
connections will be accomplished through the
use of pedestrian malls, where only emergency
or service vehicles will be allowed. In other cases, some vehicular access will be required, but
significant pedestrian improvements will ensure that pedestrians and cyclists have priority
and relatively unimpeded movement.


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Please refer to the 2004 Multi-Modal Transportation

Management Strategy (MMTMS) and the 2007 CAMPS
for a full description of existing and proposed circulation
systems at UCR.

Recreation Mall

Canyon Crest Drive

Primary Circulation System (Future)

Arts Mall

University Ave

NW Mall

Eucalyptus Walk



Campus Loop Road






Science Walk

Big Springs Walk


Chicago Ave


SW Mall

MLK Blvd

Campus Framework


The following is a categorization of circulation

systems on the UCR campus. (Please see Appendix D for specific dimensions and cross-sections:)
Pedestrian Walks
The UCR campus is comprised of a network of formal pedestrian ways, minor accessways and trails.
Major and minor pedestrian walks should be continuous and reinforced by adjacent campus development. These walks, (depicted on page 17) provide a
key organizing campus element and aid in wayfinding. Several of the campus major walks have been
designated thematically and will be reinforced in

The Science Walk traverses campus

on a north-south axis between the

Science Library and the Entomology
Research Museum, linking major
science facilities.


Eucalyptus Walk traverses

east-west across campus north of
the University Theater, crossing the
Library Mall. It continues under an
arcade south of Rivera Library to a
future planned science building on the
east side of East Campus Drive.

The Arts Mall features a wide walk,

leading visitors into campus from

Canyon Crest Drive northeast of the
Arts Building and joining with the
Carillon Mall east of Hinderaker

The Gage Canal Mall on the West

Campus will feature a linear central

open space with a series of woven paths
linking academic facilities between
University Avenue and Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd.

Perpendicular to the Gage Canal Mall,

the pedestrian-oriented Northwest and

Southwest Malls will link housing,
recreation and School of Medicine
facilities with the West Campus
academic precinct and the East


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Bicycle Routes

Streets (Vehicular and Limited Access)

Bicycling is a popular mode of transport on campus

and will become more predominant with the increase of student housing on or close to campus and
related restrictions on private vehicle use. There are
currently no dedicated bike trails near campus, but
the City of Riverside has a long-term vision of building a regional bike trail along the Gage Canal right
of way, including the portion on campus once it is
piped underground.

Campus streets are significant elements of the public realm that, in addition to accommodating vehicular traffic, carry high volumes of pedestrians
on sidewalks and bicycle traffic. They are currently
designed to prioritize the movement of private autos
over pedestrian or bicycle comfort. The I-215/SR60 freeway, a primary access route to UCR, bisects
the campus and acts as both a barrier and a source
of noise and air pollution. The Loop Road circling
much of the East Campus directs vehicles to buildings, service drives and parking facilities. A shuttle
bus system circulates around campus via this road
and is complemented by public transit service to the
edges of campus.

There are on-street bike lanes on city streets accessing

the campus as well as the Campus Loop Road, Linden Drive, Aberdeen Drive and Big Springs Road. Bicycles are now permitted on major and minor walks
but the MMTMS describes a goal of making the academic core of the East Campus (and in future, the
West Campus) a bicycle safety zone, where bicyclists
are required to dismount due to potential conflicts
with heavy pedestrian traffic. Bicycle routes should
generally be continuous and connect directly to important areas of campus and off-campus city streets.

Service and Emergency Drives (Limited Access)

Efficient service access is an essential component of
any university circulation system. Service areas at
UCR should be located on outer, rear edges of buildings, minimizing pedestrian conflicts. They should
be directly accessed via vehicular streets. Service areas should be signed to accommodate the needs of
the building and be visually screened to minimize
aesthetic impacts on views from pedestrian routes
and other buildings.

Generally, sidewalks are currently too narrow and

directly adjacent to traffic lanes. Street trees are
sparse. Public space and pedestrian safety should be
enhanced with wider sidewalks, planting strips for
street trees separating the sidewalk from cars, and
furnishings such as benches and trash receptacles.

Architectural Elements
The UCR campus demonstrates unique architectural responses to climate, topography and
local history. The early Mission-style Citrus
Experiment Station structure and associated
vernacular agricultural buildings are historic
landmarks on the campus. Similarly, the midcentury modernist buildings built in the 1950s
and 1960s are part of the campuss established
architectural heritage. These buildings (Webber Hall, Rivera Library Unit 1, Physical Education, Geology and Watkins Hall) are arranged
around the Carillon and Library Malls, creating
the original core of UCR. The integral relationship of these buildings to the adjacent open
spaces creates a sense of openness that in part
defines the character of the campus.
Considering the campuss history, setting and
built environment, a clear set of common elements, or a vocabulary, is revealed. New development should be integrated into the existing campus by building on this rich design
vocabulary. The following elements, standards
and strategies should be incorporated into new
buildings to help ensure the development of a
cohesive campus:

Sun Shades
Color Palette
Direct Expression of Structure and
Honest Use of Materials
Varied Massing
Permeable Ground Floors
Buildings with Multiple Entries
(street and quadrangle)

A variety of arcade types are found across the campus, arched and rectilinear, freestanding and attached to buildings. Arcades provide shaded and
visually obvious circulation routes between many
buildings of different scales, as well as informal
gathering space.

Sun Shades
Found on most campus buildings, these range from
integral building elements (deeply recessed windows)
to those attached to faades, in a variety of materials.

Varied Massing
The perceived scale of buildings on the campus is
reduced through the use of articulated volumes. In
keeping with the LRDP, new buildings will need to
be a minimum of 3-4 stories to create an overall FAR
of 1.0, so this will continue to be an important design

Permeable Ground Floors

The use of the UCR blend of brick achieves a continuity of tone among the buildings and helps create a
cohesive campus. This brick should appear on all permanent buildings, especially main entries or facades.

The permeable nature of the ground floors of buildings on campus fosters a high level of interaction
between building and user. Passageways through
buildings are an important element in the campus
system of circulation and a link between campus
open spaces. Other examples include attached arcades and open connections to courtyards as well as
direct entries to first-floor classrooms from adjacent
malls or open spaces.

Direct Expression of Structure and Honest Use

of Materials

Buildings with Multiple Entries (street and


Color Palette

The articulation of materials in a way that reveals

the construction of the building is common on the
UCR campus, and follows directly from the mid-20th
century modernist tradition of early buildings on
campus. This tradition lends a quiet sense of order
which modulates the scale of buildings on campus
and should be continued in new development.


Building entrances are a key part of the wayfinding system on campus. The careful attention to
the design of entrances establishes a hierarchy for
buildings with primary and secondary entries, and
those with public entries facing both the streets and
academic quadrangles. Buildings with multiple entrances become an integral part of the campus circulation system and enhance the connections between
buildings and open spaces.

Both roof top and ground level mechanical equipment (including trash receptacles) should be
screened from public view.

Campus Framework


Architectural Elements
The following images illustrate UCRs architectural heritage and note the essential characteristics of a range of buildings. These characteristics are intended to inform designers and be
incorporated in future development. Given the
intent to develop future buildings in a cohesive,
simple, modern vocabulary, these examples
should be used as the basis for design. They are
described in further detail in this document.


Physical Education (1953)

Watkins Hall (1953)

The simple detailing and volumetric massing of the

Physical Education Building add interest to this otherwise simple faade. The articulated volumes step
down to the smaller scale of the entry arcade adjacent to the open space, providing a transition to the
pedestrian zone.

Also one of 5 original campus buildings, Watkins

Hall is a representative example of the use of the
UCR blend of brick combined with horizontal

Anderson Hall (1916)

Webber Hall (1953)

Spieth Hall (1958)

Anderson Hall is the original Citrus Experiment Station, designed in a modified Mission style. The main
entry is clearly defined with an arched, recessed
opening and axial relationship to courtyard. The
open arcades to the sides of the main building connect the side wings and define the smaller courtyard

One of 5 original campus buildings, Webber Hall

illustrates the horizontal emphasis common to the
earlier buildings on the campus. A prominent arcade marks the main entry points in addition to
providing sheltered outdoor circulation. The metal
grilles over the upper windows on the main faade
were added later for protection from the sun and
represent an early example of this strategy.

Spieth Hall is an example of an early building that

used a similar materials palette to the original 5
buildings but with a different approach to detailing.
The covered entry court provides a view through to
the courtyard, in the tradition of providing permeable ground floor areas.

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Rivera Library (1954+ two additions)

Bourns Hall (1995)

Science Laboratories 1 (2003)

Rivera Library Unit 1 at two stories was one of the

original 5 buildings. The creation of multiple volumes during subsequent additions and use of articulated surfaces reduces the overall scale of the
building. The iconic arched arcades provide exterior circulation and create visual continuity with the
adjacent Carillon Mall.

Bourns Hall provides a good example of the integration of outdoor circulation in a modern building. The ground floor is very open to the courtyard
and helps to activate this outside space. A variety
of materials are used with a clear expression of the
structural system, and the overall scale of the building is reduced through the articulation of multiple
building volumes.

The entry to Science Laboratories 1 is marked by a

vertical expanse of glass that can be seen from a distance. Other portions of the building have more of a
horizontal emphasis, and distinguish the base of the
building in keeping with the character of the older
buildings on the campus.

Engineering Building Unit 2 (2005)

Carillon Tower (1966)
As the campus developed in the 1960s, the Carillon
Tower became the primary focal point of the campus. The concrete structure is articulated with a perforated faade.

Engineering Building Unit 2 employs a variety of

strategies to encourage the use of the outdoor spaces
around the building. Exterior stairs and corridors
adjacent to the second floor courtyard help to enliven
the space with pedestrian activity, while the transparency of the ground floor creates a visual link to
the adjacent Bourns Hall courtyard. Roof mounted
sails mitigate the hot, arid climate.

Campus Framework


Anderson Hall: A Signature Building

Signature Buildings and Context Buildings

The diagram on page 11 outlines the open space
system of the UCR campus. It identifies focal points
on campus that require greater attention from architects, Capital & Physical Planning staff, Design
and Construction staff and UCRs Design Review
process in the development of new buildings and
associated landscape. These focal points typically
terminate or frame key vistas and open malls or important streets. New buildings should be designed
to respect their sites when they include frontage on
major campus open spaces and especially when they
terminate views along these open spaces, occupying
focal point sites. Careful site planning can also mitigate the effects of new buildings on views of the Box
Springs Mountains, a key iconic element of the campus landscape.


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Biological Sciences Building: A Context Building

Context Buildings fronting Carillon Mall

Signature Buildings

Context Buildings

Several locations on campus are designated for signature buildings because of their use or prominent
location. These buildings require exceptional design
excellence and careful consideration of program and
context throughout the design process. Such buildings may also require an enhanced budget to accomplish a higher expectation of quality for an important
site and program.

Few buildings on campus should be considered

signature buildings. Most campus buildings are intended to be contextual in nature. The strength of
much of UCRs architecture lies in its unity of materials and modernist vocabulary. Context or Background buildings fulfill a critical role in reinforcing
this basic campus fabric.

Signature buildings are still expected to contribute to

the continuity of campus architecture and materials
while providing additional stature and importance
at key focal points. Some of the guidelines may be
relaxed for signature buildings at the discretion of the
campus as appropriate. However, the open space setbacks delineated in the Regulating Plan should not be
encroached upon. Before any guidelines are modified
for signature buildings, the campus should be reassured that the resulting design will be worthy of the
exception to be granted.

All buildings should be designed with care and attention to design excellence. Context or Background
buildings require an equal commitment of talent, effort and creativity to design a building which contributes to the campus identity.
The Site and Architectural Guidelines will serve to
ensure that all new developments on campus will
contribute to the overall fabric of the campus while
supporting and strengthening UCRs distinctive
structure of circulation and open space.

University of California Policy on Sustainable
The University of California is committed to stewardship of the environment and to reducing the Universitys dependence on non-renewable energy. The
following selection of guidelines, excerpted verbatim from directives updated in 2007, summarize key
UC system-wide guidelines in support of Sustainable Practices. These sustainability guidelines will
be subject to continuous review and will be updated
as UC policy changes. The most recent guidelines
can be found at:

General Guidelines
Incorporate the principles of energy efficiency and
sustainability in all planning, capital projects, renovation projects, operations and maintenance within
budgetary constraints and programmatic requirements.
Minimize the use of non-renewable energy sources on behalf of the Universitys built environment by
creating a portfolio approach to energy use, including the use of local renewable energy and purchase
of green power from the grid as well as conservation
measures that reduce energy consumption.
Incorporate alternative means of transportation to/
from and within the campus to improve the quality
of life on campus and in the surrounding community. The campuses will continue their strong commitment to provide affordable on-campus housing,
in order to reduce the volume of commutes to and
from campus.
Track, report and minimize greenhouse gas emissions on behalf of University operations.

I. Green Building Design

Outperform California Energy Code
efficiency standards by at least 20%.

Design and build all new buildings,

except for laboratory and acute care

facilities, to a minimum standard
equivalent to latest US Green Building
Council Leadership in Energy and
Certified rating, striving for Silver
rating or higher.

Design and build all new laboratory

buildings to a minimum standard

equivalent to a LEED Certified
ratingas appropriate.

Significant renovation projects will also

apply sustainability principles to the

systems, components and portions of
the building being renovated.

Planning and design will include explicit

consideration of lifecycle cost.

The University will use its purchasing

power to promote availability of

products that are resource-efficient,
energy-efficient, water-efficient, and of
recycled and rapidly renewable content
for building materials, subsystems,
components, equipment, and supplies.

II. Clean Energy Standard

The University will implement system-

wide portfolio approach to reduce

consumption of non-renewable energy.

The University will strive to achieve

a level of grid-provided electricity

purchases from renewable sources, with
goal of procuring 20% of its electricity
needs from renewable sources by 2010.

Minimize the amount of University generated

waste sent to landfill.

Provide up to 10 megawatts of local

Utilize the Universitys purchasing power to meet

its sustainability objectives.

Develop a strategic plan to reduce

renewable power by 2014.

system-wide growth-adjusted energy

consumption by 10% or more by 2014
from 2000 base consumption level.

III. Climate Protection Practices

By 2020, aim to reduce greenhouse gas

emissions to 1990 levels (and reduce to

2000 levels by 2014.)

Develop climate-neutral policy by 2008.

IV. Sustainable Transportation Practices
Campuses will strive to increase the

percentage of low or zero-emission

vehicles by 50% by the year 2009-2010,
or increase the number of such vehicles
by 20% by the year 2009-2010, whichever
is more feasible, and/or convert campus
vehicles to 50% non-carbon-based fuel
by 2009-2010.

Each campus will implement a pre-tax

transit pass program for University



University will pursue the

introduction of ride-share programs at
each campus and will track annual fuel

V. Sustainable Operations
Campuses will operate and maintain

most buildings to LEED EB (Existing

Buildings) Certified standard (excluded
are acute/patient care buildings,
structures less than 50,000 gsf and
buildings off-campus.)

VI. Recycling & Waste Management

Campuses will seek to reduce/divert
waste 50% by 2008, 75% by 2012 and
achieve zero waste by 2020.

VII. Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Campuses will consider cradle-tocradle lifecycle of products when

See full policy guidelines for purchasing


Campus Framework


Sustainable Site Planning Issues

UCR Sustainability Policies

Although not specifically mandated in the systemwide directives, there is an important aspect of sustainability in site planning for new campus facilities.
Sustainability measures include the use of appropriate materials, stormwater management, increased
density of development, minimizing vehicle use and
minimizing long-term maintenance. Water efficiency in irrigation is another key issue in UCRs climate.
These aspects should be considered for incorporation in the design of all new facilities.

UCR is required to adhere to the minimum standards

outlined above and similar to each UC campus, has
developed a campus baseline to self certify LEED
equivalency via campus-wide policies and practices. There will undoubtedly be future revisions to
this baseline. In addition, UCR has adopted the following benchmarks for implementation as feasible
within budget parameters:

LEED certification provides credits for Sustainable

Sites, which focuses on site selection, reduction of
site disturbance, green roofs, stormwater management, site lighting and higher density development.
The new LEED-NC Application Guide for Multiple
Buildings and On-Campus Building Projects guides
the application of LEED principles for the specific issues encountered on campuses. (https://www.usgbc.

Capital building projects involving

new construction will pursue LEED
Silver Certification or equivalency.

Capital building projects involving

renovation will comply with the UC

Presidents Green Building Design
policy for existing buildings.

Note: UCRs Green Building Policy is under development

and should supplement the information in this document
upon campus approval.

Physical Sciences Building: Louvered Sun Shades

A pilot program is underway to establish a more detailed LEED Neighborhood Development (ND) certification, which will provide a wider array of criteria
worth considering in sustainable campus planning
and site development. (www.usgbc.org/leed/nd/)

Bourns Hall: Atrium Sun Shade


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Site Guidelines
Site planning guidelines implement the
underlying campus design framework,
goals and policies for specific physical
development. The following section
provides detailed descriptions and
guidelines for the elements listed below:
Campus Art
Grading and Rainwater Management
Circulation Systems

The many great gardens of the world, of literature and poetry, of painting
and music, of religion and architecture, all make the point as clear as
possible: the soul cannot thrive in the absence of a garden.

Thomas Moore

Site Guidelines


The UCR campus is located in Sunset Climate
Zone 19 (USDA Zone 9b) in an interior valley
Mediterranean climate. A variety of plants can
be grown at UCR due to the range of microclimates created by the unique setting and terrain.
A detailed Plant Material Palette is provided in
Appendix A.
Minimize irrigation through the selection

of plants appropriate to specific campus

environments and use
Focus the use of turf requiring more
irrigation and care on high-use areas
such as courtyards and malls that
require a walkable surface
Utilize native or climate-appropriate
and drought-tolerant plantings where
Promote water conservation by using
a computer-regulated irrigation system
as well as efficient subterranean drip
irrigation systems
Incorporate UCRs Integrated Pest
Management policies in plant selection

General Guidelines
Primary considerations


should be
healthy plant growth and ease of maintenance. Appendix A lists maintenance
issues for specific plants
Respect and reinforce natural and
designed planting patterns and the
intrinsic character and recognizable
order of the campus
Protect existing thematic gardens and
Locate trees to maximize exposure to
winter sun and provide summer shade
Consider fragrance, sound, color and
texture in planting design
Consider use of citrus trees where
appropriate, as a link to UCRs heritage

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Natural Planting
Only sensitively-sited infrastructure projects may
be considered within natural areas, many of which
are protected as Open Space Reserves in the southeastern portion of the campus. Such projects must
restore the sites disturbed or eroded areas to match
adjacent plant species and communities.

Protect wildlife habitat and corridors
where possible

All facilities adjacent or near wildlands

(southeast hills) will be subject to

Very High Fire Hazard Severity
recommendations and requirements
from the Campus Fire Marshal to deal
with the wildlands interface
A qualified native landscape specialist
shall be retained to develop an
appropriate native landscape plan
for the development areas within
the Natural Open Space Reserve (see
additional mitigation measures in the
2005 LRDP EIR Mitigation Monitoring
Program when developing in Natural
Open Space Reserve areas)
Continue links to UCR academic
programs for native plant restoration.

Higher elevations near UCR contain former coastal sage

scrub and chamise chaparral habitat, but exotic grass species predominate. The photo below shows an intact sagescrub ecosystem in the Santa Rosa Islands.

Naturalistic Planting
UCR features a number of transitional spaces between natural areas and managed campus malls and
courtyards. Landscapes that use native or climate
adapted plants should be increasingly employed on
these transitional edges to help attain sustainability
goals and blend the campus with the surrounding
natural landscape of Open Space Reserves while
helping to prevent wildfires from spreading to built
areas of campus.

A variety of planting treatments,

from semi-arid to
are appropriate. This can include
succulents, pines, palms, ornamental
(associated with arroyos)

All plantings should require low water

consumption and consist of native or

climate-adaptive plants arranged in
informal patterns

Fire retardant landscape buffers should:

Provide a minimum of 50 depth or

more, per the Campus Fire Marshals

recommendation, which could include
thinned and irrigated areas

Use plantings with fire retardant and

low fuel volume characteristics

Include access to permanent irrigation

systems where possible

Limit fuel potential of tree and large

shrub plantings by spacing the plants
to break continuous fuel canopies

See mitigation measures in the 2005

LRDP EIR Mitigation Monitoring

Program when developing in Natural
and Naturalistic Open Space areas

The California Building Commission

adopted Wildland-Urban Interface

codes effective January 2008. These new
codes include provisions for ignition
resistant construction standards in
the wildland urban interface. The
provisions of the California Building
and Fire Codes in effect at the time of
any future projects will be assessed for
substantial compliance or equivalency.

Site Guidelines


UCRs malls, which consist of park-like lawns and
large shade trees framed by academic buildings,
provide pleasant and inviting spaces and a welcome
contrast to surrounding busy streets and dry, exposed
natural areas. Existing malls, including the Carillon
and Library, will be preserved and strengthened and
new malls will incorporate their design principles.
Groups of trees and unique landscape beds can help
to reinforce and define UCRs malls, contributing to
the existing recognizable sense of place.

Avoid encroachment into campus
malls. See the Regulating Plan (page
15) for mall scale and dimensions

Traditional open lawns have important

iconic value and should be provided

in high use areas only. In other areas
consider planting drought tolerant
grass mixes that are aesthetically and
functionally similar to lawn, but require
less water and maintenance

Shade trees should be chosen from

the UCR Plant Material Palette (see

Appendix A) and planted to reinforce a
park-like setting and define edges


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Groupings of trees should be located

and maintained to allow clear visibility

for safety and security

Irrigated turf areas will be limited to

malls and other high-use areas. The

intent is to use lawns only where a
surface is to be walkable or used for
recreation. Other open spaces should
be planted

Ideally, turf areas should be 15 and

wider to enable the use of efficient rotor

irrigation heads and allow efficient

UCR should

consider identifying
significant heritage trees for long-term
protection and to foster the idea of the
campus as an informal arboretum.

Streetscape Plantings

Building-Specific Plantings


Courtyards and Gardens

Structural Planting



New buildings should be sited and designed to enhance and activate outdoor space. Courtyards at
UCR provide very special places for both interaction
and solitude and when effectively designed can contribute directly to intellectual pursuit and dialogue
within the UCR community. The most successful
courtyards are those that have a sense of enclosure,
provide a variety of seating opportunities and have
a high level of refinement in materials. Courtyards
and gardens can be the most ornamental and lushly
planted areas on campus with plants especially chosen for their thematic, aesthetic and aromatic qualities as well as shade to emulate a garden oasis.

The campus landscape includes structural plantings of trees, shrubs and groundcovers adjacent (and
sometimes attached) to buildings and walls that provide important form and edges to the campus setting. Structural planting helps to blend buildings
into the campus, provides screening of utility and
service areas and directs pedestrian movement to
building entries.

Streetscapes, formal gateways and dropoffs should

be aesthetically and functionally reinforced with
street trees and median plantings.

Plantings are to be wayfinding cues to

guide pedestrians sequentially through

Street trees should be adequately spaced,
depending on species, to provide shade
and cooling for pedestrians and reduce
the overall urban heat island effect
Street trees should shade 65-75% of a
typical sidewalks length. South-facing
streets and walks require more shade
Trees should have low maintenance
requirements and sufficient hardiness
to withstand the regions hot climate
and the effects of adjacent traffic
Where possible, planting strips (or
parkways) for street trees should be
added between new sidewalks and
road edges. Where trees are planted
in wells within sidewalks, provide a
minimum 40 square feet of pervious
area and soil
Consider using structural soil in
sidewalk and planting strip areas (for
large trees) to minimize soil compaction
and encourage healthy tree growth

Select plants for their color, texture,
scent, seasonal change and shade

Consider the use of perennials and

flowering trees to create focal areas

where appropriate
Select trees and plants that will look
their best throughout the academic year
Consider plants related to a specific
buildings academic programs or function
Provide root barriers for courtyard
trees and trees adjacent to hardscape to
minimize pavement damage

Utilize a simple palette of mass

plantings that provides uniformity and

consistency throughout the campus
Provide safety and visibility while
establishing a cohesive and uniform
Provide accent plantings at key
building entries
Consider using evergreen plants for
year-round shade and on north-facing
areas. Focus deciduous trees on southfacing areas, to allow for winter sun
and summer shade
Consider including large tree species as
vertical punctuation between buildings
and to provide shade

Site Guidelines


A well-designed hierarchy of walks, plazas and
building entrances enriches the campus environment and identity, improves visual quality
and reinforces the primacy of the pedestrian.
Use permeable paving materials that

allow rainwater infiltration where

feasible, particularly for secondary
paths and roads

Use paving materials with postconsumer





When possible, select materials that are

extracted or manufactured within 500
miles of UCR

Minimize the use of petroleumbased paving products and products

requiring high energy consumption in
their production

General Guidelines
Meet all current Americans with

Disabilities Act (ADA) criteria for

slopes, width and finishes, including
non-slip surfaces

Modular Pavements
The use of high-quality modular unit pavement
such as precast concrete, brick or cut stone should
be considered as accents for building entries, courtyards and plazas as well as special walks, in keeping
with the existing tradition of brick banding. These
are visible areas that have high levels of pedestrian
interaction and help establish a rich campus texture
and character. They also allow for easy access to underground utilities.


Layout of paved hardscape areas

Use pavers with non-slip surfaces,

Paving materials should be selected

Concrete or asphalt stamped to look

should facilitate regular maintenance

and cleaning
for durability to withstand wear and
minimize maintenance

in colors complementary to the color

palette of UCRs buildings
like brick is not acceptable

Paving patterns for larger areas should

be in interlocking forms to facilitate

long-term stability


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Cast-in-Place Concrete Pavement

Asphalt Paving

Soft Surface Paths




Concrete paving will continue to be used throughout UCR for most pedestrian surfaces. It is economical, durable and reflects the modernist vocabulary of
materials on campus. On major walks, existing concrete panels are often divided by a regular pattern
of brick banding and edging, a unique detail that
should be continued where appropriate.

Asphalt paving is generally used on campus for vehicular surfaces due to its durability and flexibility.
Asphalt paving indicates a public vehicular way and
should rarely be used for pedestrian paving, especially in heavily-used areas.

Within natural areas and gardens, soft-surface paths

provide the textural quality that reinforces a connection with the natural environment. Paths should be
narrow and configured to allow sufficient pedestrian
circulation within the area.



Use cast-in-place broom finish concrete
for paths and walks

Reduce surface glare by using UCR

Tan integral color admixture

Utilize appropriate concrete thickness

to accommodate expected uses &
vehicle loads

The use of pervious cast-in-place

Use cast-in-place concrete curbs along

asphalt vehicular roads

Decomposed granite, a good permeable

Asphalt thickness should be determined

and ADA-accessible option, should be

used to pave trails and small garden
paths in natural areas to complement
the setting

Pedestrian paths should only be asphalt

Decomposed granite should be polymer

by functional requirements and the

subsurface bearing capacity

on the periphery of campus. Stabilized

decomposed granite may still be a
better option in these locations

stabilized, edged with a durable

material (not wood) and should be
colored to closely match the existing
UCR Tan standard

concrete is encouraged to enable

rainwater infiltration where feasible

Site Guidelines


Site Lighting
Effective lighting adds to public safety and
to the night-time vitality of campus. Lighting
should focus on providing an even, consistent
coverage, softening contrast ratios at edges and
thus improving visibility by avoiding excess
illumination and brightness. Campus lighting
should also be well-organized in simple patterns which reinforce the open space, courtyards and plazas and circulation on campus.
Light illuminating from fixtures should

be cast downward with full cut-off





Use minimum lighting levels required

by code and campus standards; focus

on contrast ratios versus standard footcandle light levels

Building Lighting



Consistent pedestrian lighting is an important contributor to UCRs identity and can help suggest a hierarchy of travel routes.

Building-specific light fixtures can be integral components of buildings, highlighting significant features and identifying entries.



Walks and paths should be uniformly


General Guidelines


Lights should be compatible with

buildings and should articulate and

accent their landscape context


areas, pedestrian plazas,

campus building entries, loading areas
and courtyards should be illuminated

Lighting should be indirectly focused.

Consider lighting to enhance the

Pole spacing should be determined by

Consider the additive effect of spilled

Provide sufficient lighting to establish

safe conditions



aesthetic qualities of the campus and

highlight special features and trees at


up-lighting should be
avoided to minimize maintenance and

Coordinate lighting locations and

pole heights with tree locations and

landscape areas and constructed


to lighting standards in
California Title 24 or UCR construction


Free-Standing Lighting

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

pole height, luminaire type and desired

foot candles

Pole placement should reinforce the

linearity of campus open space and

Lighting level in pedestrian pathways,

etc., should be a minimum of 0.5 foot

candle (fc) on the ground surface, 1.0
foot candle in parking lots

Light sources should not be visible

light from building interiors when

placing exterior fixtures

Site furnishings are important elements of
UCRs exterior public realm. They help define
the campus character and improve the livability and comfort of outdoor spaces by providing places to gather, study and socialize, thus
improving collegial communication and interaction. Furnishings should be selected and located to maintain the cleanliness and order of
campus and enhance circulation.
Furnishings on major campus malls should
match the existing palette of simple concrete
pieces. Non-standard furnishings should be
replaced. In all other campus spaces, different
pieces are permitted as long as they recognize
the distinct character of adjacent buildings and
meet the guidelines that follow*. This consistency and contextual consideration both enhances the campuss image and can help reduce
maintenance costs.
Selection of furnishings should consider:

Local climate (especially intense heat)

Recycled content
Durability and lifespan
Southern California production when
Minimizing the use of toxic materials
(paints, finishes, glues)

General Guidelines
Furnishings should be:

Efficient to repair and maintain

Selected in coordination with campus
lighting, signage and buildings

Located to avoid conflicts with site


Located to take advantage of shade

* Other, sporadic site furnishings not described here
include planters, kiosks and news racks.

In highly-public areas, seating can serve to invite collegial group activities, dining and informal study or
introspection. A variety of comfortable seating along
walks, paths, courtyards and plazas is an important
contributor to the pedestrian circulation system. A
family of benches should encompass a range of seating requirements.

Provide seating throughout campus,
particularly in the following areas:

Plazas and courtyards, especially

those offering shade

Building entries
Along major and minor pedestrian

Group benches and trash receptacles

as a composition of elements for
practicalities of usage and to reduce
visual clutter

Locate seating to take advantage of

public activities, views, sun in winter

and shade in summer and shelter from
the wind

Provide some seating for individual,

introspective use


architectural and landscape setting

All benches or seat walls should

Oriented toward interesting and

utilize creative prevention measures

to reduce or eliminate damage from
skateboarders and cyclists. Armrests
are suggested to deter skateboarding

Near transit stops, with a clear

Benches with backs are preferred for


varied views

view of approaching buses



fixed seating at a
comfortable height into planters, low
dividing walls and the facades of
buildings where appropriate as an
alternative to stand-alone benches

Site Guidelines


Tables and Chairs





The use of moveable tables and chairs can allow for

dynamic seating arrangements and can encourage
more active use of campus gathering spaces. Such
furniture can be moved to allow for more comfortable seating locations and to accommodate different group sizes. This flexibility allows spaces to be
cleared for special events. This type of seating is
well-suited for dining and is also particularly popular for informal outdoor study sessions.

Stationary tables and chairs are typically picnic table

type units. They can serve to define spaces as gathering areas, particularly for outdoor dining. Seating
should be planned to provide a variety of sun/ shade
conditions and seat combinations.

Consider moveable tables and chairs in

areas of high public use and visibility

such as around the UCR Student

Tables in open, un-shaded areas should

include a shade umbrella. Umbrellas

should be made from UV-resistant
fabric that repels mildew and stains
and is resilient to power-washing.
Consider using steel umbrellas

Moveable furniture must be managed

and supervised to minimize damage or



UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Tables and chairs should be simple as

well as architecturally and aesthetically


Tables in open, un-shaded areas should

include a shade umbrella

Choose units that allow for wheelchair

user access


inappropriate use by skateboarders, or
other activities unrelated to seating or

Bicycle Parking
Bicycle racks are important elements of the campus
circulation system and their effective use can help to
promote alternative transportation methods.

Bike Parking


parking should be visible,

accessible and safe day and night.
Provide shade and shelter where

Provide sufficient bike racks to avoid

unsightly random parking, based on
projected use of adjacent building

Provide covered, secure and lighted

bicycle parking in all parking garages

Consider providing bike lockers to


Provide covered, secure and lighted

bicycle parking at every new residence

hall. Retrofit older halls to provide
such facilities where possible. Provide
a minimum of 1 space per 8 students

Bicycle Racks

Choose secure racks that function well

but also look aesthetically pleasing

when no bikes are present

Existing campus standard ribbon

rack (Columbia Cascade Cycloops

#2170-UC; length to be determined
by location) or single U-loop racks
should be consistently installed in
areas adjacent to building entries. The
finish should be either powder-coated
(patrician bronze) or stainless steel
(determined by project and location)
and installed by embed whenever

Other than the ribbon racks at building

entrances, a specific style of bicycle

rack is not recommended as aesthetic
tastes change and designs for security
and durability evolve regularly

When locating racks near building

entries, ensure the racks do not

interrupt the flow of pedestrians into
the building

Racks should allow an entire bicycle to

be locked, not just one wheel

Site Guidelines


Trash & Recycling Receptacles


Campus Art



Trash and recycling containers are essential for a

clean and sustainable campus environment. Careful
selection and design can minimize the aesthetic effects from the multiple units that are required.

Bollards are generally used to create a low barrier

between vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The need
for vehicles to enter the campus via pedestrian
routes should first be minimized through careful
site design. Minimize over-use of bollards, which
can impede pedestrian flow.

Campus art can express the intellectual inquiry,

exploration and creativity found within UCR. The
Advisory Committee on Campus Art organizes the
acquisition, commissioning, or acceptance of art for
locations throughout the campus. The committee
screens potential donations and recommends acquisition of art to the Chancellor and identifies placement, funding and ongoing maintenance for the


campus, particularly near seating,
crosswalks, transit stops, at residence
halls and at all dining facilities

Receptacles should be easily accessible

to service operations

Group benches and receptacles as a

composition of elements for practicality
of usage and to reduce visual clutter

Recycling receptacles should be clearly

marked for their purpose and be part

of a family of furnishings

For recycling, provide three separate

containers: glass/aluminum, plastic

and paper. Consider combining the
three containers into one unit

Receptacles should have a side opening

to prevent birds from scattering trash


receptacles are generally

recommended for clean profile, ease of
maintenance and ability to customize
and coordinate with other furnishings


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Removable bollards are appropriate


where service and emergency vehicles

require temporary access to pedestrian/
bicycle only routes. Contact the
Campus Fire Marshal before selecting
removable bollards to determine type
and location

Select art that relates to associated

Bollard design should be simple in

The Advisory Committee (and DRB)

design, architecturally and aesthetically

appropriate and should complement
other site furnishings

academic programs to enhance the

learning experience

Placement of each art piece should

relate to its immediate surroundings

and context within the campus
should carefully consider the placement
of art at focal points and pedestrian
gathering areas (see potential sites for
Campus Art in the 2005 LRDP)

Art should be vandal-resistant and

should not require extensive on-going


Art can be used functionally as an

element of site furnishings

Grading and Rainwater Management

The UCR campus is located on western-sloping
alluvial deposits at the base of the Box Springs
Mountains. The steep, rocky, and undeveloped
hillsides to the east rise almost 2,000 feet above
campus. On the East Campus, natural drainage incises this terrain via arroyos which drain
westwards into the Gage Detention Basin and
eventually into the Santa Ana River. On the
West Campus, stormwater sheet flows primarily towards the southwest. New projects on the
UCR campus should accommodate topographic changes in an elegant and appropriate manner and encourage infiltration of site drainage
where practical. The following guidelines are
all subtly related to efforts to improve campus
sustainability by preserving trees and natural
open space, minimizing erosion and protecting
water quality.

Site features planned for preservation,

such as significant rock outcrops or

mature trees, should be protected in

Grading of sites adjacent to natural

The preferred maximum slope gradient

should be 3:1 for planted banks

In geologically stable rock areas, slopes

up to 1:1 may be permitted, subject to
approval by a geotechnical engineer

open space should minimize impacts on

sensitive natural areas by minimizing
the impact area and/or utilizing
sensitive grading techniques

Slopes for turf areas should be a

of elevation changes in providing

functional separation and visual
screening between project elements and
between a project and its neighbors

Where retaining walls are necessary,

Laid-back or flattened slopes (flatter

Grading for a project should seek to

Techniques to soften the visual impact

Guidelines: Grading
Site design should recognize the role

balance cut and fill on-site. Where

this is not possible, cut and fill should
be balanced on a campus-wide basis,
through stockpiling. Off-site fill
operations for future campus facilities
should be properly engineered, placed
and compacted

Prior to grading, topsoil should be

stripped and stockpiled for reuse

where feasible

Grading of sites within developed areas

of the campus should impact adjacent

development as little as practical,
including subsurface infrastructure


slopes are generally

preferable to retaining walls

incorporate them into other design

features, such as stairs, ramps, and
of long or high slope banks include
terracing, varying slope heights,
contour grading, rounding tops and
bottoms of slopes, and screening with

For trees to be preserved, grading

should meet the existing ground level

at the drip line perimeter of the trees
at a minimum, or properly designed
tree wells should be provided as part
of the design concept. Existing trees to
be saved should be carefully protected
and maintained during construction

Slopes should be designed to facilitate

surface drainage, limit soil erosion, and

avoid slides and instability

minimum of 1.5% cross fall for

drainage, and a maximum slope of 20%
(5:1) for mowing

than 3:1) should be utilized where

sight lines are important or geological
conditions warrant

Slopes of plazas and other open space

hardscape should be a minimum of 1%
for concrete, 2% for unit pavers and
other materials

Guidelines: Rainwater Management

Where possible the design should
maintain and enhance natural drainage
patterns, especially arroyos

Design for natural infiltration and

evaporation where possible to reduce
water run-off during storm events

Promote the filtering of run-off from

roofs and paving via green or eco-roofs,

bio-swales, filter strips, stormwater
planters and other water-quality
enhancing techniques

Site Guidelines


Circulation Systems
There is a hierarchy of circulation throughout
the UCR campus. The Campus Loop Road
serves as a primary access point from regional
roads and acts as an organizing element for
service drives on the East Campus. Pedestrians
should have priority in the academic cores
of campus, especially on walkways closely
associated with campus open spaces.
Improvements to this system have been
outlined in the Multi-Mopal Transportation
Management Strategy (MMTMS) with the
goal of providing consistent, direct, safe and
convenient pedestrian circulation to all areas of

the narrowest cross-section

feasible for vehicular traffic to reduce
impervious surface and mitigate urban
heat islands

Use street trees wherever feasible.

See Appendix B for the UCR Street

Tree Plan. Street trees serve to filter
pollutants originating from vehicles;
they intercept rainwater, reducing
polluted runoff. They also shade nearby
buildings, reducing cooling costs and
providing a cooler microclimate for
sidewalks and streets

General Guidelines

priority to pedestrians on
sidewalks and at street intersections.
Curb radii should be as tight as possible
and crosswalks should be enhanced
with special paving and/or markings to
emphasize primacy of the pedestrian

Traffic-calming measures should be

introduced wherever feasible

All sidewalks and walkways should be


Within street rights-of-way, walks

should be of sufficient width to create a
pedestrian-friendly atmosphere and be
separated from the street via a planting
strip wherever possible

Consider pervious surface pavements

Trees and plantings should be provided

Use recycled material in paving where

The pedestrian circulation system

for circulation to allow rainwater to

percolate into the ground instead of
draining into nearby waterways
feasible (recycled asphalt for example)

Provide raised pedestrian crossings at

each intersection or at crosswalks to

clearly identify them to cause motor
vehicles to slow down and be prepared
to stop (see photo below)

Walks should generally be straight,

orthogonal or diagonal in alignment

Integrate accessible routes in a visually

cohesive manner. Routes should be
direct and provide a similar quality
and hierarchy of circulation as those
provided for able bodied persons

along pedestrian walks, providing

definition and enclosure. See Appendix
B for the UCR Street Tree Plan
connections between buildings and

Pedestrian amenities and building

For detailed Circulation System standards and crosssections, please consult Appendix D.

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

entrances can be used to reinforce

pedestrian paths
Example of raised crosswalk, Corvallis, OR

Service Areas and Drives

Service areas at UCR are generally on the outer, rear
edges of buildings, minimizing pedestrian conflicts.
They are typically accessed via narrow service drives
from the Campus Loop Road. These drives can be
used by emergency fire and life safety vehicles for
quick access to the heart of UCRs East Campus.
There are generally two types of service areas, used
either for staging and delivery, or garbage/recycling
storage and removal. The campus anticipates that it
will be necessary to restrict many on-campus deliveries in the future and direct them to a central receiving
point to be transferred to smaller vehicles and distributed by campus personnel. Service areas should
be established to minimize aesthetic and circulatory
effects on the campus while optimizing access and


pervious pavement for

service areas to allow for infiltration of
rainwater where feasible
Paved areas should be as small as
necessary to service the building
Service drive length should be
minimized in planning new buildings
Integrate space for recycling facilities
into all new service areas
Provision for electrical cart storage/
parking with a recharging station should
be considered where appropriate

The project site planning for future

Trash receptacle enclosures should be

Service areas should be sized to

Consider impacts on other campus uses

buildings should place service areas

to minimize aesthetic impacts to the
campus landscape
movement and should be efficiently
scaled to minimize their footprint

Locate service areas away from

pedestrian open spaces such as malls,
courtyards and building entries

gated, visually subordinate to adjacent

buildings and constructed from
complimentary materials
such as garbage smells, in placement of
service areas

Utility infrastructure and enclosures

should generally be sited and designed
to avoid aesthetic impacts to campus
open space and campus circulation

Service drives when used informally

by bicycles and pedestrians should be

designed and managed to be safe and
easily negotiated

Consider adding ADA or special

permit parking to certain service areas

if there is sufficient space and access is
appropriate for the disabled

Service areas should be well-screened

with vegetation or masonry walls and
gated where possible, especially at
interfaces with campus open spaces

Loading docks, trash containers or

utility structures should be located
within buildings when possible

Site Guidelines


Pervious Pavers

Surface Parking Lots

Parking lots should be screened to minimize their visual impact on campus, but still provide safe access
and egress and allow good surveillance and monitoring. Planting in surface parking lots can visually
segregate the expanse of asphalt and shade pavements and vehicles.

Provide perimeter landscape buffers,


Each tree should be centered on at least

Parking lots could be paved in a

pervious material such as porous

asphalt or open-grid pavers to permit
water percolation into the ground, with
concrete curbs where feasible

Minimize scale of surface lots

Large lots will be replaced with parking
structures as the campus grows

Lots should be designed with drainage

detention swales for stormwater runoff
interception and filtration

Lots should be 50% shaded with trees

to reduce excessive heat buildup, with

additional edge landscape

Lots should be lighted according to

sustainability guidelines on page S-8

Consider facilities for electric auto

recharging where feasible



UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

designed to allow surveillance of the

lot by campus security

Designate a minimum of 10% of the

parking areas interior for landscaping
to enhance safety and comfort

40 square feet of pervious soil area to

ensure adequate air and water for root

To increase shade, canopy trees should

be provided every eight (8) linear stalls.

Trees should be placed to minimize
visibility conflicts. Planting islands
should be staggered or triangulated to
maximize the shade benefit from trees

Low-maintenance trees should be used

Provide clear and safe pedestrian
circulation within surface lots

Curb stops should be used sparingly

Lots should be lit according to California

Title 24 standards (1fc in 2007). Lighting

should respect tree placement

Comply with all ADA parking lot


Stormwater Detention Swale

Campus Wide Signage

The hundreds of signs on the UCR campus not only
provide important information; they collectively
form powerful and lasting impressions of the University and campus environment. Each sign should
be considered a direct message from the administration and each is an opportunity to communicate
clearly and present a positive image to students,
staff, faculty and visitors. Sign descriptions, materials and standards will be found in Appendix E: UCR
Campus Sign Program (under separate cover).

Signage and graphics design guidelines seek to unify and improve all signage on the campus by:

Organizing campus signs into useful,

integrated categories;

Standardizing materials, colors and

type styles;

Setting scale and size formats;

Creating appropriate relationships to
landscape, architectural and lighting
elements; and

Selecting appropriate design details.

Campus signage has been organized into the following functional groups:

Monument & Entry Signs

Substantial monument signs have been designed for
key entrances to the campus. Those entrances are
identified as 1) University Avenue & West Campus
Drive; 2) Martin Luther King Boulevard & Chicago
Avenue; 3) Canyon Crest Drive & Martin Luther
King Boulevard; 4) Big Springs Road & Valencia Hill
Drive. For the main entrance signs, permanent, monumental materials such as natural stone and metal
will be used to present a formal, welcoming appearance. The signs will be illuminated by remotely
mounted fixtures. Letters may be fabricated of metals or incised into the surface of the monument.
In addition to the monument signs, a pylon sign of
significant height and visibility has been designed
for a location adjacent to the freeway. The purpose
of this sign is to identify the UCR campus to freeway drivers and to provide an opportunity for University announcements of events. A high resolution
LED screen would be incorporated into the pylon,
providing a mechanism by which the University can
communicate directly with the community.

Vehicular Directional Signs

A hierarchy of vehicular signage has been designed
and will be deployed throughout the campus roadways and parking areas. The vehicular sign system

will be comprised of directional signs, parking identification sign and street name signs. These signs
will display important and reachable-by-car campus destinations, and adjacent parking areas, with
directional arrows. The signs will be highly visible
and recognizable from over 150 feet where sight
lines allow. (Drivers should always be able to see
at least one directional sign from anywhere on the
campus roadways, thus providing substantial driver

Pedestrian Directional Signs

A system of pedestrian-directional signage has been
designed and will be deployed throughout the campus. The directional signs will display important
and frequented campus destinations with directional arrows. The directional signs will be a fingersign or pointer style design that features pointed
slats for each destination. Signs of this style are very
pedestrian friendly and are less prone to vandalism.
The height of these signs will be eight to ten feet. The
type style will be a simple, bold sans-serif font for
clarity and easy reading. Wording on the signs will
be simple and use the shortest messages possible.
The formal names of some destinations may need to
be shortened for effective display on signs.

Site Guidelines


Pedestrian Map Directories

Building-Mounted Signage

Color and Contrast

A system of map directories has been designed and

will be deployed throughout the campus, presenting
an illustrated and lighted campus map and detailed
listing of all destinations. The directories will present a clear, colorful map, matching that of printed
hand-out maps. Maps will be easily changeable to
allow for regularly updating campus information.

Building-mounted signs will be comprised of three

categories: architectural parapet-mounted letter
signs, panel signs and door mounted signs. These
signs will be used in a variety of configurations in
order to provide adequate visibility and identification for the building. Architectural letter signs will
be used to prominently identify buildings, generally at or near the top of the structure. Letter size
and location will be appropriately scaled and proportioned to the overall building. Panel signs will
be used to supplement the architectural letter signs
where building identification is required closer to
the entry path. Door mounted signs shall be applied
to all building entry doors. These signs shall be vinyl
letters applied subsurface to clear or tinted glass.

With its large scale, open spaces and long sight lines,
the campus needs highly visible and recognizable
signs. The use of bold and high contrast colors and
materials will help signage elements stand out in
the environment. Directional signage will reflect the
Universitys school colors of blue and gold with sign
messages in white. Monument signage will be constructed using a more architectural palette of natural
stone and metal finishes.

Information Kiosks
Interactive kiosks will be installed primarily in parking structures for the display of campus information.
Information links within the kiosk software can help
foster communication, student interest and help build
community on the campus.

Free-standing Building Signage

A system of free-standing building identification
signage has been designed and will be deployed
throughout the campus. Each sign will display the
formal name of a campus building and be located
near the main building entry doors. The signs will
be highly visible and recognizable from over 200 feet
where sight lines allow. These signs will reflect the
Universitys blue and gold colors, but will feature a
more architecturally sensitive neutral background
color. A letter size of approximately two to three
inches will be used.

For more details, please consult the Campus Sign

Program (Appendix E, under separate cover, and
posted on the UCR Capital and Physical Planning
website at www.apb.ucr.edu.)

Interior Signage
A system of interior building signs has been developed to give consistency to the location, size,
materials and color of the graphic elements within
buildings. Directional signage, room number identification, building and floor directories, and all code
required signs shall be laid out and located in accordance with the UCR Interior Signage Guidelines
(Appendix E, under separate cover.)

Typical parapet-mounted letter sign


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Architectural Guidelines
The Architectural Guidelines provide
detailed descriptions and guidelines for
the elements listed below:
Outdoor Circulation
Building Orientation and Entrances
Relationship of Interior to
Exterior at Ground Floor
Building Massing and Articulation
Building Materials and Color Palette
Building Response to Climate

For each element, the guidelines address

the defining characteristics of UCR and
strategies for the design of buildings to
complement and enhance the overall campus. When a new building is proposed, the
Campus Framework, Site Guidelines and
all of the following Architectural Guidelines should be considered.
New buildings must also adhere to University-wide sustainability directives which
include outperforming the California
Energy Code and meeting the US Green
Building Councils Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified rating, while striving for Silver rating or higher.

Architectural Guidelines


Outdoor Circulation
One of the defining characteristics of UCR is the integration of campus buildings with outdoor spaces.
The careful siting of buildings helps give definition
to open spaces, creating varied experiences across
the campus, from naturalistic open spaces to formal
malls to upper floor courtyards.
Covered walkways, exterior corridors and connections between buildings further define these outdoor
spaces while providing shelter for pedestrians from
the sun. Exterior connections between buildings also
create visual links and help create a cohesive sense
of place on the campus, and are an integral part of
the campus circulation system.
The mild climate at UCR makes it possible to have
more permeable buildings. The active use of the exterior of the buildings on multiple levels engages the
building occupants with the outdoor space.

Utilizing covered but not enclosed
exterior circulation takes advantage of
UCRs favorable climate, reducing the
need for conditioned space, providing
shade and mitigating solar gain on the

New buildings should be sited and designed to support, enhance and activate common outdoor space.
Incorporation of exterior circulation elements and
gathering spaces is encouraged, including:

Freestanding Arcades
Arcades connected to buildings
Roof terraces
Exterior circulation at multiple levels
of a building




UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

to existing buildings,
covered walkways and

Outdoor Circulation Examples

Rivera Library
The Rivera Library arcade provides
an exterior circulation space along
a primary campus walkway that is
sheltered from the sun

Well lit at night, this arcade becomes a

beacon for library users

The degree of openness of the arcade

creates visual continuity with the
adjacent Carillon Mall

The arcade has become an iconic

Bourns Hall
The proportions of exterior corridors
at Bourns Hall provide shelter while
maintaining an open feeling. In this
way, the building engages the adjacent
open space

The outdoor corridors connect to other

wings of the building as well as the
adjacent Engineering Building Unit
2, enhancing the network of campus

Olmsted Hall
Olmsted Hall features a series of arched

supports that provide open circulation

underneath the building

This ground floor circulation creates

a large degree of transparency from
the courtyard to the landscaped area

element of the campus architecture

Humanities and Social Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences is
comprised of a number of wings which
are connected by exterior bridges

On the ground level, outdoor corridors

are provided to provide circulation that
is sheltered from the sun

Architectural Guidelines


Building Orientation and Entrances

The careful siting and orientation of buildings helps
define the character of a campus. One of the key
strengths of the UCR campus is the integral nature
of the buildings and open spaces. The buildings are
oriented in ways to help both define and differentiate the adjacent open spaces across the campus.
Building entrances help orient students and visitors to the campus. It is important that entrances
be clearly marked and visible from a distance. The
orientation of a building and its relationship to adjacent outdoor spaces also establishes a hierarchy
that is critical as part of the system of wayfinding
on the campus. In combination with the design of
the entries, this hierarchy helps clarify primary and
secondary points of entry.
Currently on the UCR campus, some entries to buildings are not on axis with or visible from adjacent
outdoor space, but instead are marked by an arcade.
These arcades create informal gathering spaces,
identify the entries indirectly and provide sheltered
outdoor circulation. This strategy of marking entries
reinforces a quality of informality on the campus.
All building entries should be designed to feel safe
and secure. When combined with arcades or other
covered exterior spaces, it is especially important to
ensure the entry is well lit and that signage provides
building identification on all doors including service


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Orientation should consider solar

angles and wind direction to reduce

energy consumption (see Building
Response to Climate, page A-12)

Primary entrances (typically adjacent

to streets and quadrangles) should be

carefully located; pedestrian circulation
around and potentially through the
building should also be considered

The relationship of the building to

the campus open space network and

useable open space is critical; facades
of buildings fronting on major open
spaces (see Regulating Plan, pages 14-15)
require careful design to respect their
prominent locations

Buildings should help frame significant

view axes

Building orientation should consider

future development on or adjacent to

the site, including potential linkages to
such development

All new building entries should:

Be clearly defined
Be well lit in evening hours
Be articulated to differentiate primary
and secondary entrances

Provide building name on all doors

and at loading dock/service areas (see
Appendix F: Campus Sign Program for

Typical ways to designate entries include:

Incorporation of a canopy or other

feature to mark the entry

Articulation of entries as a vertical


Orientation of building entries toward

major axis or primary open space

Horizontal articulation of entries with

arcade elements

Building Orientation and Entrances Examples

Anderson Hall

Webber Hall

The prominent location of this building

Webber Hall defines the east end of

The main entry is clearly defined

A prominent arcade marks the main

is central to its identity; in future, it will

define the end of a major campus open
space (Citrus Mall)

through symmetrical treatment of

the faade, incorporation of a small
sheltered area and the direct, axial
relationship to courtyards

The recessed entry creates contrast

of dark to light (which reverses when

lit at night) to further mark the entry

the Carillon Mall, making it a focus of

the open space and destination of the
pedestrian circulation
entries in addition to providing
sheltered outdoor circulation

Spieth Hall
Spieth Halls covered outdoor area
adjacent to the Carillon Mall creates a
transition as part of the entry sequence

Transparency to the courtyard beyond

draws focus to it and helps mark the


The arcade is visible from a distance;

therefore, building entries are perceived
from a distance even though the actual
entrances are not visible

Science Laboratories 1
Entry is marked by a vertical expanse of
glass that can be seen from a distance

Lit at night, entry becomes a beacon

While not symmetrical, the entry is
clearly oriented to open space

A canopy provides shelter at the entry

Architectural Guidelines


Relationship of Interior to Exterior at Ground Floor

A successful campus relies on a positive relationship
of its buildings to adjacent exterior spaces. Buildings should not simply define or enclose an open
space but should also actively engage them. It is important to have ground floor levels of buildings that
maintain human scale and encourage activity in and
around the buildings. It is at the ground floor where
people interact most directly with a building, so the
scale should be more attuned to human dimensions
and perception.

Careful design of the indoor-outdoor
transition can minimize indoor energy
loss. Low-emittance glazing will also
improve building efficiency

Shaded arcades at entries also offer

protection from the weather and shade

interior spaces

Transparent and open ground floors are to be provided to increase the interaction between inside and
outside. The ground floors of new buildings should
be designed according to the following:

Ground floor spaces should house

active uses, for instance, classrooms

and class laboratories

Facades at the ground floor should be

open to view from adjacent spaces.

Incorporate ground floor windows,
with clear glass, for 50% of the length
and 25% of the area of the ground
floor wall area. Blank walls should be

Permeable ground floor areas such as

arcades or open connections to internal

courtyards should be incorporated

Entries providing a direct visual

connection to internal courtyards are
also encouraged

Multiple entries should be incorporated

to activate ground floor facades

A hierarchy of building entries (primary,

secondary, service etc.) should be

reflected in the design of the faade

The design of the ground floors of

buildings should be closely coordinated
with the design of the adjacent open
spaces, plazas or courtyards


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Relationship of Interior to Exterior at Ground Floor Examples

Bourns Hall
The ground floor is very open to the

courtyard visually and helps to activate

this outside space at Bourns Hall

The use of glass on the upper levels

adjacent to the exterior corridors also

creates a more active environment for
these spaces

The recessed (arcaded) ground floor

mediates between the inside and
outside, offering protection from the
weather and shading the interior space

Hinderaker Hall
Large areas of glass at this entry and

textural treatment of the ground floor

walls activate this faade of Hinderaker

Engineering Building Unit 2

The ground floor room is open to view

from the adjacent courtyard, creating

a visual link and providing an active
facade in this location

The transparency of the glass at this

entry invites people to pass-through

the building, adding to the network of
circulation on campus

The scale of the ground floor is

appropriate to the size of the adjacent

open space

Webber Hall
The combination of arcade and steps

along this faade of Webber Hall defines

the edge of this courtyard space.

The arcade connects to entries at its

ends, and mediates between the ground
floor spaces and the larger open space
of the Carillon Mall

Architectural Guidelines


Building Massing and Articulation

As stated in the Campus Design Framework, the architectural character of UCR is in part defined by the
expression of structure and the honest use of materials. In combination with this, attention to building
massing and articulation is important to reinforce
the character of the campus.
In general, newer buildings on campus are larger
than original buildings, reflecting the need to provide a compact, walkable academic core with facilities that meet growing enrollment levels. It is important to be sensitive to existing smaller buildings
and to develop the campus in a way that maintains a
comfortable pedestrian scale on the primary outdoor
spaces. One of the ways to achieve this is to carefully
compose the massing of large buildings into smaller
building volumes and use thoughtful articulation of
materials to reduce the overall scale.

Effective building location and massing

can optimize solar orientation, natural

ventilation and passive heating and
cooling and thus reduce building
energy use

Building height and coverage must be in conformance with the LRDP as well as the following:

New structures should be limited

in height to four stories around the

Carillon Mall and other major open
spaces to maintain a pedestrian
scale. They could step back from four
stories up to six stories as appropriate
to maintain density, if they remain
subordinate to the Carillon Tower or
other future campus icons

New structures should primarily have

flat roofs, incorporating terraces where


Rooftop mechanical equipment should

be screened from view at ground
level and from other buildings where

Temporary trailer or modular type

facilities are discouraged within the

academic cores


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

The following factors should also be considered:

Divide large buildings into smaller

components to reduce the overall scale

Incorporate smaller-scale elements on

lower levels to provide a human scale

Minimize blank walls at the ground

floor and encourage active uses and

ample fenestration (see Relationship of
Interior to Exterior at Ground Floor, page

Reduce building mass to mediate scale

and provide transitions to open spaces
and adjacent buildings

Express the structural frame clearly

to reduce the apparent scale of the


Express circulation elements as separate

components (see Outdoor Circulation,

page A-2)

Building Massing and Articulation Examples

Physical Education Building

Science Laboratories 1

The simple detailing and massing of

Science Laboratories 1 is stepped back

The volumes as they are articulated

The floor levels are articulated in the

the Physical Education Building add

interest to this otherwise plain faade

step down to the smaller scale of

the entry arcade adjacent to the open
space, providing a transition for the
pedestrian zone

from the Carillon Mall to reduce the

perception of mass
banding of the brick to add more of a
human scale to the building

Bourns Hall
Bourns Hall is articulated with distinct

volumes, reducing the mass of a large

building into a series of volumes well
scaled to the adjacent open space

A variety of materials (including brick,

metal panel, glass and unpainted

concrete) are used with a clear
expression of the structural system

The materials are used in a manner

that highlights the construction of the

building, creating a legible faade in
a design approach consistent with the
early campus buildings

Hinderaker Hall
Hinderaker Hall is articulated as

distinct volumes which reduces the

apparent mass of the building

The detail and openness of the faade

at the ground level provide a transition
to the pedestrian zone

Architectural Guidelines


Building Materials and Color Palette



As stated in the Campus Design Framework, the

architectural character of UCR is in part defined by
the clear and direct use of materials. The formative
years (1950s and 1960s) in the development of the
campus saw the direct expression of structure and
honest use of materials, which lent a simple, quiet
and modest dignity to the campus buildings, which
were also deferential to the campus open spaces.

The University of California requires

The selection of building materials should be sensitive to the overall context of the UCR campus as
well as the immediate surroundings of the building. Buildings, materials and colors should be harmonious with the existing buildings on campus to
achieve an overall sense of unity. The UCR campus
is characterized by this continuity, due in large part
to the use of a consistent brick blend as a means of
tying the buildings together.

Consider materials produced with

All UCR buildings are expected to incorporate the

UCR Blend brick on campus to continue this tradition. Other building materials must be compatible with this range of brick tones as well as glazing
types and other expressions of metal and concrete
found on the campus.
The selection of building materials should establish
a sense of permanence and quality on the campus.
Materials should be durable, lasting and detailed
appropriately for climatic conditions and patterns of

that UCR use its purchasing power to

promote the availability of recycled and
rapidly renewable content for building
materials, subsystems, components,
equipment, and supplies.

Select materials produced as close to

southern California as possible

minimal pollution or adverse impacts

to sensitive ecosystems (for example,
certain tropical timber)

Maximize energy conservation by

considering life cycle heating and
cooling costs for a range of potential
building materials

Select low reflectance glass, emphasizing
clarity; reflective or mirror glass is not

Select a color palette that is harmonious

with existing campus buildings using

the UCR brick blend as an organizing

Selection of materials should also be based on the

following considerations:

Ensuring long-term durability and ease

of maintenance

Providing textural variety

The type of structure, facility occupancy
and use

Minimizing vandalism


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Building Materials and Color Palette Examples

Watkins Hall
This example of use of UCR brick

combined with horizontal banding in

Watkins Hall is representative of many
of the original UCR buildings

The horizontal banding provides an

appropriate edge to a linear open

Pierce Hall
Traditional use of brick interrupted by

an articulated panel reduces the scale

of this faade of Pierce Hall

Shadows and light activate the building


Physical Sciences
The use of a variety of materials (brick,

metal panel, glass and concrete) gives

dimension and scale to Physical

The horizontal banding and articulation

of the windows reduces the scale of this


Rivera Library
Rivera Library is articulated into

smaller volumes rendered with a

variety of materials

The detail and scale of the glazing on

this wing adds interest to the faade and
reflects the division of space inside

Architectural Guidelines


Building Response to Climate

An appropriate response to climate is integral to a
buildings success. The siting and layout of a building should consider the climate of the region as well
as the microclimate of the building site. The buildings response to the sun is a major factor in the functionality of the building, as is the consideration of
wind and other weather patterns.
The warm climate at UCR makes it possible to open
the buildings up to the surroundings with the incorporation of exterior circulation (see Outdoor Circulation), thereby creating a more active relationship
with the outdoors than is possible in many regions.
The ability for building occupants to control their environments through operable windows and shading
devices helps to keep them connected to the larger
environment. Passive solar design and daylighting
strategies can reduce energy use. Use of natural ventilation can reduce a buildings energy use; however,
programmatic use, weather patterns and security
should be taken into account when incorporating
operable windows into campus buildings.


building and landscape

design. Adjacent plantings such as
deciduous trees provide afternoon
shade in the summer, helping with
building cooling

Incorporate green roofs

Incorporate operable windows in all
residence halls

Incorporate operable windows where

appropriate in academic buildings and


Maximize daylighting opportunities

Incorporate photovoltaic systems in
building facades or rooftops

Window placement and orientation

should take advantage of climatic

features of the site including solar
orientation and natural breezes

Additional Guidelines
Building elements for protection from sun, wind
and rain should be employed in all buildings. Typical elements include:

Arcades--free-standing or attached to

Sun shading devices appropriate to

orientation and fenestration (such as

the sails on EBU2)




UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines




Building Response to Climate Examples

Anderson Hall
Exterior circulation in this ground

floor arcade provides human scale and

creates an intimate relationship with
the adjacent courtyard

The incorporation of covered exterior

circulation is a common strategy in this
climate and recognizes the tradition of
being outside while needing protection
from the sun

Spieth Hall
This courtyard at Spieth Hall is a good

example of passive solar design with a

combination of horizontal and vertical
sunshades for protection from the
summer sun

The shading devices are fully integrated

with the design of the building


in the courtyard provide

additional shading of the building and

Engineering Building Unit 2

Engineering Building Unit 2 employs

Watkins Hall
This covered area along one of the

primary circulation routes marks

the entry to Watkins and provides a
sheltered area

The circular cut-outs provide ample

natural light for the space while adding
visual interest

a variety of strategies to encourage the

use of the outdoor spaces around the

Exterior circulation creates a more

permeable building envelope and

provides sun-shading for adjacent

The design of the upper courtyard

includes high sails
protection from the sun



Architectural Guidelines


Design For A Cohesive Campus
The campus Design Guidelines are
intended for use by every architect,
landscape architect, civil engineer and
planner hired by UCR for consulting
services. This document represents
a directive to these consultants to
incorporate these guidelines into design
work for the campus.
The guidelines are purposefully not
presented as regulatory restrictions or
prescribed standards. They provide
an informal framework within which
designers who willingly commit
to contribute to the campus legacy
of quality and continuity, can add
positively to the built environment.
The UCR Campus Architect, Capital &
Physical Planning, the Office of Design
& Construction and the Design Review
Board will utilize this document as a
template within which all proposed
architectural designs and site plans will
be measured. The document is intended
to be a dynamic work-in-progress
which will evolve as UCR grows and
will be adapted to future programmatic
and physical challenges.

Every time a student walks past a really

urgent, expressive piece of architecture that
belongs to their college, it can help reassure
them that they do have that mind, they do
have that soul.
Louis Kahn


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines



UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Appendix A: Campus Plant Material Palette

The following plant material has been
approved for use at UC Riverside:
Tolerant Tolerant Native Comments

Evergreen Trees
Acacia baileyana

Bailey Acacia

Acacia pendula

Weeping Acacia

Acacia podalyriifolia

Pearl Acacia

Acacia retinoides

Acacia Floribunda

Agonis flexuosa

Western Australia

Gorgeous small tree; worth trying especially as accent

Alnus rhombifolia

White Alder

True climax tree, medieval forest look; best in natural, riparian areas

Arbutus unedo

Strawberry Tree

Marina cultivar is a great tree. Plant big. Do not use near lawns or
paved areas. Edible fruit/dense canopy often sooty mold a problem if
too humid

Brachychiton acerifolius

Flame Tree

Brachychiton populneus

Bottle Tree

Callistemon lanceolatus (Tree)

Red Bottlebrush

Callistemon viminalis

Weeping Bottlebrush

Calocedrus decurrens

Incense Cedar

Underused local forest tree w/ great fragrance; good drainage, ample

cool season water

Calodendrum capense

Cape Chestnut

Statement tree w/ bold lilac flowers; requires rich loamy soil

Cedrus atlantica

Atlas Cedar

Tough urban conifer; needs lots of room/best not in lawns can

windthrow if shallow rooted. Also Blue Atlas (glauca) variety.

Cedrus deodara

Deodor Cedar

Somewhat larger than Atlas Cedar. These cedars are all beautiful;
prune to avoid windsail

Beautiful color but often chlorotic at UCR

Great shade tree. Good windbreak. Susceptible to Texas root rot.

Chorisia speciosa Majestic Beauty Floss Silk Tree

Majestic Beauty is thornless variety. Lovely pink flower, green

trunk/great great flower

Cinnamomum camphora

Camphor Tree

Great evergreen shade tree, prototypical tree, slow-growing. Very nice

bark and trunk color and texture w/ contrasting shiny leaves

Citrinus species

Citrus varieties

UCRs heritage. Hedges, groves, specimens all very ornamental

Cupaniopsis anacardioides

Carrot Wood

Females drop messy, sticky seed pods; specify male varieties. Nice
small tree with brittle wood

Cupressus sempervirens

Italian Cypress

Exclamation point trees good in groves, borders; tough tree

Appendix A

Tolerant Tolerant Native Comments


Eriobotrya deflexa

Bronze Loquat

Non-fruiting loquat. Red-bronze foliage.

Eucalyptus citriodora

Lemon Scented Gum

Susceptible to spotted-gum eucalyptus psyllid. Striking architecturally

(plant away from buildings)

Eucalyptus erythrocorys

Red Cap Gum

Rangy small tree but outstanding floral and seed cap display

Eucalyptus ficifolia

Scarlet-Flowering Gum

Good canopy tree. Use sparingly

Eucalyptus lehmanni

Lehman Eucalyptus

Good canopy tree. Subject to frost damage in Sunset Zones 17-18

Eucalyptus leucoxylon

White Ironbark

Striking cream-colored bark. Good silhouette against blank tall

building faade

Eucalyptus polyanthemos

Silver Dollar Gum

Smallest of eucalyptus species

Feijoa sellowiana

Pineapple Guava

Edible fruit and flower. Avoid use in paved and lawn areas/moderate
frost sensitivity

Ficus microcarpa nitida Green


Indian Laurel Fig

Striking, robust jungle tree. Avoid use near paving, surface roots
heave sidewalks.

Geijera parviflora

Australian Willow

Small-medium sized weeping willow-like tree/always attractive,

drought tolerant, carefree tree

Heteromeles arbutifolia


Subject to fire blight. Plant in well-drained soils. Absolutely gorgeous

local native (hates summer water).

Lophostemon (Tristania) conferta

Brisbane Box

Eucalyptus relative. Very formal structure. Good lawn and street tree.

Magnolia grandiflora

Southern Magnolia

Great shade tree but excessive flower drop. Excellent accent tree
(leaves & flowers) buttressing roots break hardscape

Melaleuca quinquenervia

Cajeput Tree

Very nice small tree; street tree or multi-trunk tree. Upright form.
Good drainage appreciated

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Dawn Redwood

Deciduous conifer; novelty tree, striking. Good fall and spring leaf
color, accepts lawn water. Great in groves.

Olea europaea (fruitless varieties)

Fruitless Olive

Bulletproof; Swan Hill fruitless variety; great in containers

Pinus canariensis

Canary Island Pine

Easy-growing to 50. Good avenue tree--the best--but watch for

psyllid, mite infestations

Pinus coulteri

Coulter Pine

Indigenous to local mountains. Watch summer water. Nice tree but

big dangerous cones

Pinus eldarica

Mondell Pine

Great sturdy avenue tree

Pinus halepensis

Desert (Aleppo) Pine

Tough, loves heat but rangy habit and messy needle drop

Pinus nigra

Austrian Black Pine

Pinus pinea

Italian Stone Pine

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Classic umbrella shape pine. Great avenue tree. If deep roots not
encouraged, this beautiful tree can windthrow

Tolerant Tolerant Native Comments

Pittosporum phillyraeoides

Willow Pittosporum

Nice accent tree

Pittosporum rhombifolium

Queensland Pittosporum

Great patio tree. Do not install over hardscape

Pittosporum undulatum

Victorian Box

Podocarpus elongatus

Fern Podocarpus

Podocarpus gracilior

Fern Pine

Tough, fast growing evergreen; can be gangly in youth; good street


Podocarpus henkelii

Long-leaf Yellow Wood

Erect tree with slender drooping leaves in youth.

Podocarpus macrophyllus

Yew Pine

Good street tree

Prosopis glandulosa

Honey Mesquite

Desert tree, spreads. Nice structure w/ age

Prunus caroliniana

Carolina Cherry

Great shrub/ good screen shiny evergreen. Tough w/ arid forest look

Prunus lusitanica

Portugal Laurel

Good, tough shrub

Prunus ilicifolia illicifolia

Holly-Leaf Cherry

Often used as giant shrub - needs good drainage

Prunus ilicifolia lyonii

Catalina Cherry

Good, carefree, attractive w/ little water

Quercus agrifolia

California Live Oak

Great; native grown, needs minimal summer water; do not use with
regular irrigation. Most common local oak; use more in wild areas

Quercus chrysolepis

Golden Cup Oak

Great structure (needs room) needs good drainage

Quercus ilex

Holly Oak

Good evergreen tree. Good small-scale street tree/ thrives in lawns,

extremely fertile acorns are nuisance in shrub beds

Quercus suber

Cork Oak

Good avenue tree/ more need to be planted so people can feel its bark

Quercus virginiana

Southern Live Oak

Best oak for lawn planting- takes regular irrigation/ look great on
campus lawns

Schinus molle

California Pepper

Native to Peru. Give plenty of room to grow.

Schinus terebinthefolius

Brazilian Pepper

High maintenance

Tipuana tipu

Tipu Tree

Bold structure

Ulmus parvifolia Drake

Chinese Evergreen Elm

Drake has small leaves, weeping habit; True Green varietal is most
evergreen of species.

Umbellularia californica

California Laurel Bay

None on campus now. Extremely aromatic leaf, nice shape. Small tree
in southern California

Appendix A


Tolerant Tolerant Native Comments

Deciduous Trees


Acer macrophyllum

Bigleaf Maple

Native to stream banks, moist canyons. Resists oak root fungus. Large
shade tree.

Acer palmatum

Japanese Maple

Does well in patios, as accents or large pots; nice mini-forests

Aesculus californica

California Buckeye

Good for native plantings; produces chestnuts

Albizia julibrissin

Mimosa Tree/Silk Tree

Tough, colorful and fast

Alnus cordata

Italian Alder

Alnus rhombifolia

White Alder

Good wind break

Bauhinea variegata

Purple Orchid Tree

Semi-evergreen. Ungainly shape but great flowers and excellent for

color -- at a distance

Brachychiton acerifolius

Flame Tree

Red-flowering tree. Briefly deciduous. Eye-catching flower display is

the best. Tough tree

Cercis occidentalis


Good small flowering tree, drought tolerant and really colorful

Cupaniopsis anacardioides

Carrotwood Tree

Fraxinus velutina Modesto

Modesto Ash

Fraxinus uhdei Majestic Beauty

Evergreen Ash

Fraxinus velutina

Arizona Ash

Fraxinus angustifolia Raywood

Raywood Ash

Ginkgo biloba Autumn Gold

Maidenhair Tree

Good option; good large street tree. Great fall color

Great; slow growing; specify variety to make sure it is a male plant.

Great vertical fall color

Gleditsia triacanthos Shademaster Honey Locust

Nice color flowers, but junky tree, esp. for traffic areas

Jacaranda acutifolia (mimosifolia)


Great purple flowers; can be brittle and prone to wind damage, semievergreen. Messy over pavement

Juglans californica

California Black Walnut

Koelreuteria bipinnata

Chinese Flame Tree

Good street trees. Stains hardscape w/ tannic acid

Koelreuteria paniculata

Golden Rain Tree

Good street trees. Good Fall color. Stains hardscape w/ tannic acid

Lagerstroemia indica Indian Tribe Crape Myrtle

Good medium flowering. Many varieties. Select for hardiness and

mildew resistance. The best summer color tree in the area.

Liquidambar formosana Afterglow Chinese Sweet Gum

Needs large tree well. Not great street tree because of spikey seed
pods; great fall color.

Liquidambar styraciflua Palo Alto American Sweet Gum

Needs large tree well. Many varieties to choose from. See above

Liriodendron tulipifera

Tulip Tree

Needs deep, well-drained, slightly acidic soils

Magnolia soulangeana

Saucer Magnolia

Good large shrub/ small tree. Many varieties

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Tolerant Tolerant Native Comments

Magnolia stellata

Star Magnolia

Large shrub/small tree. Many varieties

Pistacia chinensis

Chinese Pistache

Slow growing. Good street tree, great fall color.

Platanus acerifolia spp.

London Plane Tree

Bloodgood is resistant to anthracnose. Yarwood is resistant to oak

root fungus; Columbia is resistant to both

Platanus racemosa

California Sycamore

Good native. Anthracnose causes irregular form. Great trunk color.

Populus nigra Italica

Lombardy Poplar

Needs room to grow. Good tall windbreak. Roots can be disruptive

Prunus persica

Flowering Peach

Pyrus calleryana spp.

Ornamental Pear

Bradford is poor variety with weak crotch; select alternate variety

such as Aristocrat or Chanticleer

Quercus coccinea

Scarlet Oak

Not recommended for turf areas

Quercus douglasii

Blue Oak

Quercus kelloggii

California Black Oak

Striking upright oak, good fall color (woodsy look)

Quercus lobata

California White Oak

Large tree in maturity

Quercus virginiana

Southern Live Oak

Superior in turf areas

Sapium sebiferum

Chinese Tallow Tree

Tipuana tipu

Tipu Tree

Semi-evergreen; good street tree if flower litter is tolerable. Needs

plenty of space

Zelkova serrata spp.

Sawleaf Zelkova

Good street tree. Green Vase

Syagrus romanzoffianum
(aka Cocos plumosa)

Queen Palm

Formerly Arecastrum romanzoffianum Feather Frond

Brahea armata

Mexican Blue Palm

Slow growth, compact fronds with nice color

Brahea edulis

Guadalupe Palm

Great small fan palm. Slow-growing, creamy-colored fronds.

Butia capitata

Pindo Palm

Graceful arching fronds; slow growing

Chamaerops humilis

Mediterranean Fan Palm

Natural multi-trunk, small-med. sized palm. Attractive at maturity

Phoenix canariensis

Canary Island Date Palm

Elegant but hard to find. Fronds heavy

Phoenix dactylifera

Date Palm

Classic date palm of desert lore

Phoenix reclinata

Senegal Date Palm

Beautiful, stately natural multi-trunk palm

Phoenix roebelenii

Pygmy Date Palm

Subject to frost damage. Afternoon shade advised

Trachycarpus fortunei

Windmill Palm

Tight and compact. Good for small areas.

Washingtonia filifera

California Fan Palm

Needs room, subject to fungal disease

Washingtonia robusta

Mexican Fan Palm

Grows extremely fast, reaches 100 feet tall


Appendix A

Tolerant Tolerant Native Comments

Washingtonia robusta hybrid

Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm

Hybrid between robusta and filifera is smaller than species

Abelia grandiflora Edward


Edward Goucher Abelia

Sturdy and attractive

Acacia species


Good for slope stabilization; A. redolens in particular

Agapanthus africanus

Lily of the Nile

Varieties include dwarf and white flowering. Midnight Blue variety

has deep color

Arbutus unedo Compacta

Strawberry Tree

Great for sunny, open areas. Otherwise subject to mildew.

Arctostaphylos species


Good; slow growing; needs excellent drainage

Caesalpinia gilliesii

Bird of Paradise Bush

Not true bird; Pulcherrima variety has bright orange flowers

Callistemon species


Tough; large shrub. Honeybee magnet

Camellia species


Spectacular in shady, northern exposures

Ceanothus species

California Lilac

Short-lived; no water; many varieties; height ranges. Good accent

Cistus species


Short-lived; not good with overhead irrigation

Clivia miniata

Kaffir Lily

Full shade; good in pots; red-orange flowers. Needs good drainage

Cocculus laurifolius


Sun or shade; large shrub. Foundation plant

Cotoneaster species


Reliable in proper conditions. Fireblight possible.

Dendromecon harfordii

Island Bush Poppy

Good for native plant areas. Great flower display. D. rigida also good.

Dietes bicolor

Fortnight Lily

Reliable but needs thinning with age.

Fremontodendron californicum

Common Flannel Bush

No water needed; several varieties

Grevillea Noellii

Noel Grevillea

Grows under eucalyptus trees

Hebe Coed


Doesnt like dry, windy conditions

Hemerocallis species

Day Lily

Good for naturalizing, esp. evergreen varieties



Ilex species: cornuta and vomitoria Chinese and Yaupon Holly

Good for borders

Iris douglasiana

Beardless Iris

Native; good with oaks

Juniperus species


Good for forested border effect

Leptospermum scoparium

Australian Tea Tree

Needs good drainage. Great branch structure as it ages

Ligustrum japonicum texanum

Japanese Privet

Good standard hedge plant. Profuse flowers if untrimmed

Lonicera japonica Halliana

Halls Honeysuckle

Aggressive, invasive vine/bank or fence cover

Mahonia aquifolium and Compacta Oregon Grape

Good with native oaks, natural plantings, esp. groundcover

Nandina domestica and CompactaHeavenly Bamboo

Good shade plant but also takes sun. Many compact colorful varieties

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Tolerant Tolerant Native Comments

Osmanthus fragrans

Sweet Olive

Fragrant. Gives afternoon shade

Phormium tenax


Select varieties that dont revert; many varieties; expensive

Pittosporum tobira and Wheelers

Mock Orange

Good foundation shrubs; common

Plumbago auriculata

Cape Plumbago

Good for spilling over a high wall; not good for containers; needs
room and good drainage. Nice color.

Prunus caroliniana

Carolina Laurel Cherry

Great. Shiny, attractive leaves, low maintenance

Prunus ilicifolia

Hollyleaf Cherry

Similar to Laurel Cherry

Punica granatum


Fruit hangs on into winter; good color

Pyracantha species


Subject to fire blight

Rhaphiolepsis indica Springtime Pink Indian Hawthorn

Takes light shade/full sun. Clara has white flowers. Nice low vars.

Rhamnus californica


Full sun/part shade. Great indigeneous shrub

Rhus ovata

Sugar Bush

Good for outlying areas, low water requirements

Ribes sanguineum

Pink Winter Currant

Native; good with oaks; many varieties; Golden currant local, nice

Ribes speciosum

Fuschia Flowering Currant

Good barrier plant; part shade in hot climates. Temperamental

Romneya coulteri

Matilija Poppy

Do not use in natural areas. Extremely invasive. Great flowers

Rosmarinus officinalis spp.


Needs full sun, good drainage. Short-lived; attracts bees

Tecomaria capensis

Cape Honeysuckle

Tall hedge: good bank, fence cover; red-orange flowers.

Ternstroemia gymnathera

Ternstroemia Mock Orange

Takes part to full shade; needs acid, well-drained soil

Trachelospermum jasminoides

Star Jasmine

Great fragrance; good but common; good fence cover. Invasive

Xylosma congestum Compacta


Foundation good but requires trimming

Cissus antarctica

Kangaroo Tree Vine

Sun or shade; large-scale bank cover, wall cover, trellis. Maintenance

issues on walls

Cissus hypoglauca

No common name

Sun or light shade; large-scale bank cover, wall cover, trellis

Clytostoma callistegioides

Violet Trumpet Vine

Sun or part shade; needs support on walls, climbs by tendrils

Distictis buccinatoria

Blood-red Trumpet Vine

Rampant grower; needs protection from frost. Great color

Ficus pumila

Creeping Fig

Rampant grower; do not plant on walls that need regular painting;

feet stick to wall surface like Boston Ivy. Good for block walls

Gelsemium sempervirens

Carolina Jessamine

Good bank cover. Colorful, fast grower

Jasminum mesnyi

Primrose Jasmine

Good bank cover; let spill over large wall


Appendix A


Tolerant Tolerant Native Comments

Jasminum polyanthum

No common name

Great flower and fragrance. Unattractive as it matures

Lonicera japonica

Japanese Honeysuckle

Good fence/bank cover. Invasive

Parthenocissus tricuspidata

Boston Ivy

Good; fall color; self-adheres to walls, maintenance problem on walls

Pyrostegia venusta

Flame Vine

Great orange color. Frost sensitive

Trachelospermum jasminoides

Star Jasmine

Good evergreen vine; need attachment. Keep confined

Wisteria sinensis

Chinese Wisteria

Rampant; needs support; purple flowers hang in large clusters. Good

over patios

Aptenia cordifolia

Red Apple

Small-scale groundcover. Invasive with shrubs. Attracts bees.

Arctostaphylos edmundsii

Little Sir Manzanita

Good. Slow-growing, needs drainage

Baccharis pilularis Twin Peaks

Coyote Brush

Grows large; do not use in ornamental gardens; good for slope

stabilization, but fire hazard

Campanula poscharskyana

Serbian Bellflower

Shade; small-scale groundcover

Duchesnea indica

Indian Mock Strawberry

Good bank cover; attracts bees

Festuca species


Good bank cover

Hedera helix

English Ivy

Only in pots. Very invasive species

Lantana montevidensis

Trailing Lantana

Many varieties, frost sensitive. Good colors

Lonicera japonica


Good bank/fence cover, but invasive

Myoporum parvifolium Putah


No common name

Good bank cover. Does not take well near traffic

Potentilla verna

Spring Cinquefoil

Good summer bloom; small-scale. Easily invaded by grasses


Rosmarinus officinalis Prostratus Prostrate Rosemary

Good, needs full sun- short-lived; attracts bees

Verbena peruviana

No common name

Not used often; small-scale ground cover. Good color, needs sun

Vinca minor Bowles

Dwarf Periwinkle

Do not use in areas where it can become invasive; good for shade

Zoysia tenuifolia

Korean Grass

Small-scale groundcover. Velvety look.

Cynodon dactylon Santa Ana

Santa Ana Dwarf Bermuda

Actually Cynodon transvaalensis

Festuca elatior Marathon II

Marathon II Dwarf Tall


Also known as Festuca arundinaceae; also use Marathon III

Festuca elatior Bonsai

Bonsai Dwarf Tall Fescue

Same plant as Marathon, just different brand

Turf Grasses


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Appendix B: Street Tree Plan

This plan and the lists that follow provide the
palette of trees available and recommended for
streets on and around the UCR campus. Street
tree plantings should be consistent for the
length of any given street segment according to
the plan below.

Appendix B


EX = Existing Street Tree


D = Designated Campus Street Tree


Flowering Accent Between Palms

Washingtonia robusta Hybrid

Washingtonia filifera
Koelreuteria bipinnata

Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm

California Fan Palm
Chinese Flame Tree

Small Accent Tree

Lagerstroemia indica Hybrids

Crape Myrtle

Fraxinus velutina Modesto

Fraxinus uhdei Majestic Beauty

Modesto Ash
Evergreen Ash

Fraxinus velutina

Arizona Ash

Fraxinus angustifolia Raywood

Raywood Ash

Washingtonia robusta Hybrid

Schinus molle
Jacaranda mimosifolia

Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm

California Pepper Tree

Tipuana tipu

Tipu Tree

Cinnamomum camphora
Brachychiton populneus
Brachychiton acerifolius

Camphor Tree
Bottle Tree
Flame Tree

Sapium sebiferum

Chinese Tallow Tree


Fraxinus velutina Modesto

Modesto Ash


Pinus canariensis

Canary Island Pine


Main Structure Tree

EX/D/M Large Semi-evergreen Tree

Between Palms

EX/D/M Large Evergreen Tree
Deciduous Canopy Tree


G = Group Planting (Trees to be mixed in group planting

with other species on list.)
A = Small accent tree



WRT Planting Plan

Fraxinus velutina Modesto

Modesto Ash

Juglans californica

California Black Walnut


Platanus racemosa

California Sycamore


Quercus agrifolia

Coast Live Oak

Heteromeles arbutifolia


Main Structure Tree
EX/D/I In-fill Tree
EX/D/I In-fill Tree



Main Structure Tree

Platanus acerifolia Columbia

London Plane Tree

Fraxinus spp.


Schinus molle

California Pepper Tree

Acer saccharum

Sugar Maple

Pinus pinea

Italian Stone Pine

Podocarpus gracilior

Fern Pine

In-fill Tree

Zelkova serrata Green Vase

Platanus acerifolia Columbia

Sawleaf Zelkova
London Plane Tree

Small Accent Tree

Lagerstroemia indica Hybrids

Crape Myrtle

Naturalistic Landscape

EX/D/M Main Structure Tree

EX/A Small Accent Tree


I = In-fill Tree (Tree species to be used as a back-drop

tree to the main structure tree.)


EX/D/M Tall Accent Palm

Large Evergreen Tree
Semi-evergreen Flowering

M = Main Structure Tree (Single tree species to be used as

the dominant street tree.)

Fraxinus velutina Modesto

Modesto Ash

Pinus halepensis

Aleppo Pine

Platanus acerifolia Columbia

London Plane Tree

Prunus cerasifera spp.

Purple-leaf Plum

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Modesto Ash along Canyon Crest Drive

Mexican Fan Palm on

Linden Avenue

Canary Date Palm




Monumental Palms




Phoenix canariensis

Canary Island Date Palm

Phoenix dactylifera

Date Palm

Washingtonia felifera

California Fan Palm

Koelreuteria bipinnata

Chinese Flame Tree

Tipuana tipu

Tipu Tree

Cinnamomum camphora

Camphor Tree

Platanus acerifolia Columbia

London Plane Tree

Quercus suber

Cork Oak

Quercus agrifolia

Coast Live Oak

Quercus virginiana

Southern Live Oak

Ginkgo biloba Fastigata

Maidenhair Tree

Pistache chinensis

Chinese Pistache

Jacaranda mimosifolia


Magnolia grandiflora

Southern Magnolia

Pinus pinea

Italian Stone Pine

Podocarpus gracilior

Fern Pine

Citrinus oroblanco

Oroblanco Grapefruit

Citrinus washington

Washington Navel Orange

Citrinus Improved Meyer

Meyer Lemon

EX = Existing Street Tree

D = Designated Campus Street Tree
M = Main Structure Tree (Single tree species to be used as
the dominant street tree.)
I = In-fill Tree (Tree species to be used as a back-drop
tree to the main structure tree.)
G = Group Planting (Trees to be mixed in group planting
with other species on list.)
A = Small accent tree




California Signature Tree

Grove Tree

Quercus lobata

White Oak

Quercus agrifolia

Coast Live Oak

Platanus racemosa
Phoenix dactylifera

California Sycamore
Date Palm

Washingtonia felifera

California Fan Palm

Platanus racemosa
Quercus agrifolia
Alnus rhombifolia
Juglans californica
Acer macrophyllum
Heteromeles arbutifolia
Myrica californica
Fraxinus velutina Modesto
Washingtonia robusta Hybrid
Chorisia speciosa Majestic Beauty
Pinus canariensis
Pinus pinea
Quercus kelloggii
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Agonis flexuosa
Magnolia grandiflora
Washingtonia felifera
Citrinus oroblanco
Citrinus washington
Citrinus Improved Meyer

California Sycamore
Coast Live Oak
White Alder
California Black Walnut
Big-leaf Maple
Pacific Wax Myrtle
Modesto Ash
Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm
Floss Silk Tree
Canary Island Pine
Italian Stone Pine
California Black Oak
Peppermint Tree
Southern Magnolia
California Fan Palm
Oroblanco Grapefruit
Washington Navel Orange
Meyer Lemon

Oroblanco Grapefruit Street Trees



Ornamental Arroyo Swale


Medium Scale Back-drop Tree

Large Scale Street Trees

Grove Tree


Appendix B









EX = Existing Street Tree


Med/Lg Scale Street Tree

Koelreuteria bipinnata
Tipuana tipu
Cinnamomum camphora
Platanus acerifolia Columbia
Quercus suber
Quercus agrifolia
Quercus virginiana
Ginkgo biloba Fastigata
Pistache chinensis
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Magnolia grandiflora
Pinus pinea
Podocarpus gracilior

Chinese Flame Tree

Tipu Tree
Camphor Tree
London Plane Tree
Cork Oak
Coast Live Oak
Southern Live Oak
Maidenhair Tree
Chinese Pistache
Southern Magnolia
Italian Stone Pine
Fern Pine

Quercus virginiana
Ulmus parvifolia Drake
Koelreuteria bipinnata
Koelreuteria paniculata
Tipuana tipu
Cinnamomum camphora
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Magnolia grandiflora
Pistache chinensis

Southern Live Oak

Chinese Evergreen Elm
Chinese Flame Tree
Golden Rain Tree
Tipu Tree
Camphor Tree
Southern Magnolia
Chinese Pistache

Fraxinus velutina Modesto

Washingtonia robusta Hybrid
Chorisia speciosa Majestic Beauty
Pinus canariensis
Pinus pinea
Quercus kelloggii
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Agonis flexuosa
Citrinus oroblanco
Citrinus washington
Citrinus Improved Meyer

Modesto Ash
Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm
Floss Silk Tree
Canary Island Pine
Italian Stone Pine
California Black Oak
Peppermint Tree
Oroblanco Grapefruit
Washington Navel Orange
Meyer Lemon

Grove tree
Grove tree
Grove tree
Grove tree
Grove tree
Grove tree
Grove tree
Grove tree / wind break
Grove tree / wind break
Grove tree / wind break

Platanus acerifolia Columbia

Quercus ilex
Washingtonia robusta Hybrid
Washingtonia felifera
Phoenix dactylifera
Citrinus spp.
Olea europea Swan Hill
Eucalyptus spp.
Populus nigra Italica
Cupressus arizonica Pyramidalis

London Plane Tree

Holly Oak
Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm
California Fan Palm
Date Palm
Fruitless Olive
Gum Tree
Lombardy Poplar
Arizona Cypress

Semi-evergreen flowering
Between palms

Washingtonia felifera
Washingtonia robusta Hybrid
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Tipuana tipu

California Fan Palm

Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm
Tipu Tree

Washingtonia felifera
Washingtonia robusta Hybrid
Koelreuteria bipinnata
Lagerstroemia indica Hybrids

California Fan Palm

Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm
Chinese Flame Tree
Crape Myrtle

D = Designated Campus Street Tree

M = Main Structure Tree (Single tree species to be used as
the dominant street tree.)
I = In-fill Tree (Tree species to be used as a back-drop
tree to the main structure tree.)
G = Group Planting (Trees to be mixed in group planting
with other species on list.)
A = Small accent tree


Medium Scale Street Tree

Large scale street tree

Medium scale back-drop tree

Grove tree

Chinese Pistache




Semi-evergreen flowering
Small accent tree

UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Aleppo Pines and California Fan Palms, MLK Jr. Blvd



Mediterranean Trees

EX = Existing Street Tree

Alnus cordata

Italian Alder

D = Designated Campus Street Tree

Pinus pinea

Italian Stone Pine

Pinus halepensis

Aleppo Pine

M = Main Structure Tree (Single tree species to be used

as the dominant street tree.)

Pinus canariensis

Canary Island Pine

Cupressus sempervirens

Italian Cypress

Populus nigra italica

Lombardy Poplar

Chamaerops humilis

Mediterranean Fan Palm

Phoenix canariensis

Canary Island Date Palm

Phoenix dactylifera

Date Palm

Myrtus communis


Nerium oleander


Olea europea swan hill

Fruitless Olive

Citrinus spp.


Quercus suber

Cork Oak

Quercus ilex

Holly Oak

Arbutus unedo

Strawberry Guava

Cedrus atlantica glauca

Atlas Cedar

I = In-fill Tree (Tree species to be used as a back-drop

tree to the main structure tree.)
G = Group Planting (Trees to be mixed in group
planting with other species on list.)
A = Small accent tree

Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula Weeping Atlas Cedar

California / Mexican Desert Trees

Australian Trees

Cedrus libani

Cedar Of Lebanon

Punica granatum
Ceratonia siliqua

Carob Tree

Olneya tesota

Desert Ironwood

Prosopis glandulosa

Honey Mesquite

Parkinsonia aculeatea

Mexican Palo Verde

Washingtonia felifera

California Fan Palm

Washingtonia robusta hybrid

Hybrid Mexican Fan Palm

Caesalpinia mexicana

Mexican Bird-of-paradise

Dalea spinosa

Smoke Tree

Cercidium desert museum

Hybrid Palo Verde

Cercidium floridum

Blue Palo Verde

Cercidium microphyllum

Little Leaf Palo Verde

Eriobotyra deflexa

Bronze Loquat

Chilopsis linearis

Desert Willow

Eucalyptus spp.
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Melaleuca linariifolia
Melaleuca styphelioides
Geijera parvifolia
Acacia spp.
Agonis flexuosa
Callistemon viminalis
Callistemon citrinus
Leptospermum laevigatum
Pittosporum spp.
Cupaniopsis anacardioides
Casuarina equisetifolia

Gum Tree
Cajeput Tree
Flaxleaf Paperbark
Black Tea Tree
Australian Willow
Australian Peppermint
Weeping Bottlebrush
Lemon-scented Bottlebrush
Australian Tea Tree
Carrot Wood
Horsetail Tree

Crape Myrtle and Fan Palms on University Avenue

Italian Stone Pine

Appendix B



Asian Trees

Central/South American Trees

EX = Existing Street Tree

Zelkova serrata

Sawleaf Zelkova

D = Designated Campus Street Tree

Koelreuteria bipinnata

Chinese Flame Tree

Pistache chinensis

Chinese Pistache

Magnolia kobus stellata

Star Magnolia

M = Main Structure Tree (Single tree species to be used as

the dominant street tree.)

Magnolia soulangiana

Saucer Magnolia

Melia azedarach


Ficus microcarpa

Indian Laurel Fig

Gingko biloba

Maidenhair Tree

Cedrus deodara

Deodar Cedar

Paulownia tomentosa

Empress Tree

Pyrus calleryana chanticleer

Chanticleer Pear

Eriobotyra japonica

Japanese Loquat

Chionanthus retusus

Chinese Fringe Tree

Tracycarpus fortunei

Windmill Palm

Luma apiculata

Chilean Myrtle

Maytenus boaria

Mayten Tree

Feijoa sellowiana
Prosopis chilensis

Pineapple Guava
Chilean Mesquite

Cedrela fissilis

Brazilian Cedar Wood

Schinus terebinthefolius

Brazilian Pepper Tree

Schinus molle

California (Peruvian) Pepper

Brahea edulis

Guadalupe Palm

I = In-fill Tree (Tree species to be used as a back-drop

tree to the main structure tree.)
G = Group Planting (Trees to be mixed in group planting
with other species on list.)
A = Small accent tree

Coast Live Oak

Chinese Fringe Tree


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Appendix C:
Documents Referenced
1990 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP)
1996 Campus Design Guidelines
1996 Campus Landscape Master Plan
2003 West Campus Area Plan (WCAP)
2003 Strategic Plan for Housing (SPH) and 2007 Update
2004 East Campus Entrance Area Study (ECEAS)
2004 Multi-Modal Transportation Management Strategy (MMTMS)
2005 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) and LRDP Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
2006 East-Southeast Campus Area Study (ESCAS)
2006 UCR Medical School Capacity Study
2007 Campus Aggregate Master Planning Study (CAMPS)
2007 Campus Sign Program

Appendix C

Appendix D:
Circulation Standards
Please see the 2007 CAMPS for more details.
Major Pedestrian Walks

clearance 8-0



NW and SW Walks on West Campus to

be 30-40 wide with special paving

Preferred longitudinal slope up to 3%,

maximum slope 5%, preferred cross

slope 2%

Major Walks/Fire Lane Combination


clearance 13-6




maintenance and emergency service

Minor Walkways and Sidewalks

NW and SW Walks on West Campus

Minimum width 6-0; 8-0 minimum

sidewalk recommended along major
streets. 4 furnishing zone adjacent.

Typical Minor Walkway


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

Limited Access/Residential Street (may include 8 on-street parking bays on one or both sides)

Arterial Street--Iowa Avenue

City-owned street
Minimize lane widths to slow traffic;
11 recommended

On-street bike lanes, minimum 5

Sidewalks separated from roadway by
planting strip (parkway)

Central median serves as pedestrian

refuge and can be replaced with leftturn lane where necessary

West Campus Vehicular & Academic Streets

Includes Limited Access streets on
School of Medicine campus

Minimize lane widths, 20 minimum

for two-way acceptable

Bicycles in 6 bike lanes or sharing


Sidewalks separated from driving lanes

by street tree planting strips.

Recommended Iowa Avenue Arterial

Residential Streets (West Campus Family Housing)

This cross-section is similar to other West Campus
streets, except:

Limited access; bicycles share lowspeed roadway

On-street parking adds to capacity and

reduces the need for surface parking;

consider wider sidewalks in places for
ease of entering and exiting autos

Minimize driving travel lane widths;

20 is sufficient for two-way traffic to
promote slow speeds

Narrower travel lane widths are possible

if the fire department is amenable. Twoway streets with on-street parking on

both sides, are possible, with widths of
24, in a queuing street configuration.
(When two vehicles meet on a queuing
street, one of the vehicles must yield by
pulling over into a vacant segment of
the adjacent parking lane.)

Recommended Campus Vehicular Street (incl. Academic Streets)


NW and SW Malls
The NW and SW Malls will also

become part of the West Campus

open space network thanks to their
generous central median space linking
academic, residential and recreational
land uses. The medians will separate
a single traffic lane in each direction.
Turn pockets at intersections should be
designed to maintain the integrity of
the central median, which will also be a
critical component of the West Campus
stormwater treatment system. Both
Malls will include street trees on each
side, in parkways or planting strips.
The central median may also include
trees, with species more suited to the
medians ecological functions. Onstreet parking is recommended on both
sides of the Mall, but not adjacent to
the median. Wide sidewalks will serve
large numbers of students traversing
campus from east to west, continuing
from the wide pedestrian walks within
the West Campus academic core. A path
system may also be possible within the
median, to allow a more informal route
across campus. The Malls will terminate
at the West Campus academic core in
dramatic new turnaround/dropoffs
that also serve as gateways to UC


UC Riverside Campus Design Guidelines

NW and SW Malls

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