Ballastless Track
Ballastless Track
Ballastless Track
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This report has been prepared with the following people help:
- Marcel FUMEY
project manager
( RFF / SNCF )
Christoph HOFMANN
Jean Marie TREVIN
Michael MILER
( SBB / CFF )
( BB )
( SNCB )
( SNCF )
( ZSR )
( DB )
( NS Railinfrabeheer)
Structure Experts :
- Stefanie CRAIL
- Roman FILA
- Dominique MARVILLET
- Lourdes PORTA
( DB )
( BB )
( SNCF )
UIC representative:
- Peter ZUBER
(UIC Infrastructure)
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The feasibility study " ballastless track " has for goal to provide to networks participating in
the project a state of the art on the topic of the ballastless track last. The report of this study is
divided in three parts:
- The first part " generalities " regroups all general considerations, that may influence
the choice of a ballastless track
- The second part catalogues " briefly describes the different present realisations
regrouped by families
- The third part " potential studies " regroups topics that can make the object of
harmonisation works in the setting of a project of the UIC Infrastructure Commission.
In the first part it is shown that there is not a single solution for ballastless track but different
solutions that can present some specific advantages according to projects. One endeavours in
this part to clear reasons that can drive to the different technological solutions. Filigreed of
this part there is the comparison with ballasted track that remains the reference solution , in
relation to which the ballastless track can bring advantages in certain domains.
The second part proposes a classification of the different known realisations with a succinct
description for every product indicating its level of utilisation.
At last in the third part one examines the potential studies on the topic " ballastless track " that
could be steered and financed by UIC and one gives out propositions.
This report applies to full railways with axle load up to 22.5 t but not to metro systems. The
main experience is for plain track ; experience with bridges and switches is less available.
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Ballastless track permits to avoid the disadvantages of the plasticity of the ballast linked to its
instability :
- middle term evolution of the geometry that needs periodic intervention (frequency
range from 0,5 to 6 years )
- wear of the ballast by abrasion and fragmentation driving to duration of life in the
order 30 years ( according to traffic)
- limited lateral resistance imposing particular rules for C.W.R. track.
On the other hand ballasted track keeps advantages of the plasticity of the ballast linked to the
facility of use :
- cadence of track laying more rapid than with ballastless track with ability to traffic
without delay
- no difficulties to obtain the geometry of track desired with a process comprising
several passes of construction and the possibility to undertake as much local retaking
as necessary ( to weak cost)
- simple adaptation to uncontrolled evolutions of the support : settlements in the long
term, differential settlements at railway bridge ends
- simple adaptation to modification of track alignment : change of characteristics of
switches and crossings, adaptation of transitions and the cant for speed upgrade
- regeneration process well known and allowing the keeping of circulation with
Globally the plasticity of the ballast leads to the necessity of a periodic maintenance of the
geometry and a duration of design life clearly shorter than with a ballastless track.
Others properties can be associated with the ballast :
- disadvantages linked to projections of ballast and to imprints on rails
- advantages linked to the sound propagation (attenuation)
- contribution to the drainage of the track.
With ballastless track a better control of the stiffness of the track is achieved; if control of the
stiffness is achieved, this can reduce some problems like rail corrugation.
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Designs of ballastless track avoid obviously all disadvantages of the ballast and have on the
other hand to propose technologies that allow to reach initial geometry objectives to
acceptable costs.
The current multiplicity of solutions for ballastless track expresses several problematical :
- design choices: for example the realisation of the stiffness through one or several
components, or the number of replaceable components, or possibilities of adjustment in
- technical and economical choices on the manner to build the structure and to obtain
the geometry
- technological evolutions to improve initial concepts : for example connection between
sleepers and supporting structure in German monolithic layout.
Nevertheless all solutions of ballastless track go in the same direction compared to the
ballasted track:
- to favour the availability to short term of the track (intervals of maintenance) as
compared to its availability in case of accidents or reconstruction to the expiration of
- to reduce costs of maintenance by admitting greater costs of building
- to concentrate investments to the expiration of life duration instead of to display them
with intermediate partial regeneration.
The economic statement would have to be made project by project by integrating the cost of
paths to disposition of the maintenance ; this last recommendation is more theoretical than
Technical considerations specific to each project can modify conditions of the economic
statement : the differential of building is less great on railway bridges or tunnels than on earth
works ; consequently a project comprising a majority of the layout in tunnel or viaduct is
more favourable for the choice of the ballastless track. On the other hand the presence of
grounds with too much long term settlement can make difficult and expensive the choice of
the ballastless track.
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For embedded rail layouts, the realisation of a groove in concrete being made with a precision
of civil engineering, the obtaining of the geometry is actually a "top/down "method with by
devices for adjustment of track and fixing of the position by the coating resin instead of the
concrete. To avoid variation of the vertical stiffness linked to variation of height under rail, it
is generally used a continuous pad under the rail and shims under this pad.
For all " top/down " methods comprising a concrete or resin plug and a preassembling of
rails, procedures of working site have to take into account the expansion of rails under
thermal solicitation during the setting period. For systems using traditional fastening systems
the placement to neutral rail temperature can be delayed as with ballasted track layout. On the
other hand for embedded rail systems this operation needs a special process: a system is
available to bring rails with a length of 800 m on the neutral temperature within 15 minutes
by electrical heating with an accuracy of + 1 C; during the setting of the pourable
embedment material, the rails are kept on this temperature.
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I . 6 Replacement of elements
The replacement of components of the structure of ballastless track can be justified either by
considerations of wear or foreseeable fatigue , or to repair consequences of a unpredictable
event, for example wheels slipping, vandalism facts or derailment.
The first component of the track is the rail submitted to :
- the fatigue as all metal working cyclically
- the wear by wheel contact (possibly accelerated by grinding operations)
- replacements on punctual defects or breaking , notably welding.
At least one replacement of rail is to anticipate to mid - life of support structures (duration of
life of about 40 to 60 years). The utilisation of traditional fastening systems allows to replace
rails with the minimum of constraints for a programmed regeneration and with the minimum
of unavailability of the track for exceptional replacements ; on the other hand embedded rail
systems oblige to reconstruct partially the system including constraints linked to the initial
geometry. Interest for adjustable fastenings is already mentioned in 1.4.3.
Resilient levels associate generally stiffness and damping. With components like elastomers
the level of solicitation, all the more raised with the proximity of the rail, could lead to an
ageing linked to the damping. Components of fastening systems like lateral stops, insuring the
gauge and the transverse effort transmission, can also be submitted to wear by displacement
or plasticity. It is therefore advisable that components like pads, under rail or plates or
sleepers, as well as lateral stops are replaceable in easy conditions because their duration of
life can not be demonstrated on periods of about 40 to 60 years. Embedded rail systems oblige
to reconstruct partially the system, including constraints linked to the initial geometry, for this
type of operations.
Taking uncertain events into account , as a localised failure of the civil engineering support or
the derailment of a train following failure of rolling stock , can drive to wish to have
replaceable elements in the structure under the fixing of rails . In systems with sleepers it
should be distinguished layouts like rubber booted sleepers or ATD, in which sleepers remain
replaceable components, and monolithic systems in which sleepers are used for purposes of
setting only and are no longer separable from the support slab once the track constructed. In
the first case repairs necessitate less works, in quantity and in period of intervention. It is also
the case for systems with prefabricated slabs that are to be considered as replaceable
components. Plates of plated layout systems are replaceable elements under reserve that
anchors in slab allows it.
The concern of component replacement can go until to prefer the females type anchors, like
dowels associated with sleepers screws or assimilated, rather than cast-in shoulders, difficult
to replace in case of corrosion or in case of damage following derailment.
All this approach of choice of replaceable elements does not notice an optimisation of the
sizing, but of a sensitivity to risks lending badly to an economic optimisation.
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Adjustable fastening systems should not be used for continuous long-term settlements with
foreseeable character. As foundations of railway-bridges are by design less susceptible to
settlements than embankments around, one should adopt some particular arrangements to
transitions between railway-bridges and earthworks besides (it is evidently recommended also
for ballasted tracks).
In a layout like Rheda one has the following widths: 2.6 m for sleepers, 3.2 m for the trough
and 3.8 m for the cement stabilised support layer also used for the guidance of the slipformpaver achieving the trough. This first layer of structure must be achieved with an engine type
slipform-paver piloted in topography to get a correct geometric precision. Then the overall
dimension for work approaches 5 m . If it doesn't put a problem for a new high speed line
with a distance between centre of lines of 4.5 m, this overall dimension of work must be
studied for a line (new and moreover operated) with a weaker distance between centre of
lines. Other types of structure, with plates for example, must be considered not only with the
overall dimension of the finished structure but also with the size of engines serving to the
building and with the processes of obtaining of the final geometry.
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I . 11 Transition constructions
A special construction is required:
- between ballastless track and ballasted track
- between two different types of ballastless tracks (for stiffness transition)
- between plain line and switches
- between bridges and plain track.
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I . 12 Secondary problems
I . 12 . 1 Interfaces with the signalling
Track layouts have to take into account interfaces with the signalling and the overhead contact
lines. It concerns mainly questions of site reservations for equipment, of electrical
connections to the rail, of insulation between rails and of possible ground linkage of metallic
reinforcements. These problems have to be taken into account but do not constitute generally
a criterion of choice of the type of track. The performance of insulation between rails is
mainly insured by fastening systems. It is not possible to give common rules, each railway
organisation having its particularities in this area.
I . 12 . 2 Problem of the noise
Ballastless track is generally noisier than ballasted track.
For the problem of the noise one should distinguish the noise emitted by the track and the
noise emitted by the rolling stock and partially reflected by the track.
For embedded rail layout less mobility of rail can be compensated by difference in mass of
the system ; for layouts on plates or with integrated sleepers the lesser mobility of sleepers
compared to the ballasted track is probably compensated by a greatest mobility of the rail due
to the fact of a weaker stiffness.
For the question of the reflection of noise the ballast constitutes an good absorbent ; its
disappearance of the structure of track entails an aggravation of the reflected noise. One will
find therefore in design of ballastless track some ballast banquettes having a function of
absorption of the noise and not of mechanical supporting. One can possibly have absorbent
panels laid near rails ; this type of equipment constitutes a complementary option and is not
really linked to a choice of structure for ballastless track.
I . 12 . 3 Problem of ground vibrations
For the problem of ground vibrations improvements can be obtained as compared to the
ballasted track either by using systems of track with suspended intermediate masses (rubber
booted sleepers layout for example), or by adjusting the stiffness in systems with plates. In
this last case one should well verify the aptitude of fastening systems to accept not
conventional stiffness .
Floating slab techniques suspended with resilient level can equally be used in conjunction
with ballastless track ; one should then examine stiffness transitions at ends of these
realisations and the aptitude to the replacement of the resilient level under slab in connection
with its duration of life.
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II . 0 Classification
There exists different possibilities to classify ballastless tracks allowing to regroup
realisations whose principles and the technology are neighbours.
One has retained to privilege aspects " components " and " stiffness " to end on the table of
the next page
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Ballastless track
Rail fastenings
(EN 13481)
1 resilient level
Building method
resin flowed in
Embedded rail
2 resilient levels
light intermediate
With rail fastening system accor
concrete and
Insertion of
sleepers by
vibration in
Layout with 2
levels plates
Zblin BTE
Heilit W. BES
Direct laying
Monolithic layout
Rheda Berlin
RHEDA 2000
NS Blokkenspoor
1 conc
2 asp
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Layout references :
- Numerous punctual applications as Channel Tunnel
- Spain : 8250 m in Attocha station (RENFE - 1992)
- Netherlands : applications on bridges ; pose on earth work at Deurne (1976) then 3 km
track at BEST (NS - 1998)
Contacts :
P.O. Box 1000
NL-2003 RZ Haarlem
Pasteurstrasse 7
D-80999 Mnchen
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Hauptverwaltung Stuggart
Albstadtweg 3
D-70567 Stuttgart
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Klausenberger strasse 9
D-81667 Mnchen
II . 2 . B . 3 APPITRACK layout
The system includes a concrete slab over a cement stabilised support layer. A plate system is
inserted by vibration in fresh concrete by a particular engine following the slipform-paver.
These machines are automatically piloted for topography to get a correct geometry.
System being developped Light rail experimental track in La Rochelle ( France).
Contact :
Dpartement Infrastructure
3, rue Eugne et Armand Peugeot
F-92508 Reuil-Malmaison-Cedex
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Klausenberger strasse 9
D-81667 Mnchen
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The system includes a concrete slab (BTS) over the cement stabilised support layer (HGT).
Linking anchors are inserted in fresh concrete of the slab. Then blocks including the fastening
system are fastened with these anchors.
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The NS layout constitutes an example. One can also mention the Botzelaer system of SNCB,
the system Vossloh 1403 (Porto) or the layout with plate of FS. This type of layout can easily
be made adjustable vertically by shims and by adaptation of anchors. The possibility of
transverse regulating is much more limited and require systems of eccentrics on anchors.
A second type of realisation includes systems with a plate under the intermediate plate. This
plate being merely fixed to the support can easily be made adjustable vertically and
transversely without modifying stiffness.
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The adjustment possibility can also be obtained by using an adjustable fastening for sleeper :
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Contact :
F. Klsters
Railinfrabeheer b&i Productbeheer
JCW 420 kamer 1.10
Postbus 2038
NL-3500 GA Utrecht
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II . 2 . C . 2 SONNEVILLE layout
The concrete block is inserted with its bottom part in a rubber boot presenting an horizontal
stiffness by mean of grooves and a vertical stiffness sole by a microcellular pad under the
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II . 3 . B . 3
To optimise the structure, special twinblock sleepers are used with protruding reinforcement
bars. The sleepers are integrated directly in a concrete slab without intermediate trough with a
light gantry system used for track regulation and as form work for concrete.
II . 3 . B . 4 Heitkamp layout
The trough is filled with ballast to lay the track panel; the track is adjusted by ballasted track
machines. Then a mortar is flowed in the ballast to transform the track in monolithic system.
References : - test track on earth work 390 m Waghusl (DB 1996)
Contact :
Langekampstrasse 36
D-44652 Herne
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The system includes a concrete slab over the cement stabilised support layer (HGT). A heavy
tooling is positioned precisely in relation to the situation of the future track. This tooling
incorporates at a time about ten sleepers by vibration in the fresh concrete . The track being
concreted without rails, the building process doesn't need to take in account the thermal
expansion of rails during the concrete setting.
References : - test track on earth work 233 m Obersslingen (DB 1988)
- HS track in tunnel 4796 m Markstein (DB 1989)
- track on earth work 12300 m Wittenberge-Dergenthin (DB 1993)
- track on earth work 22 km Gardelegen (DB 1996)
- HS track Kln-Rhein/Main (DB 2002)
42,478 km on earth work, in tunnel and on bridges
Contact :
Hauptverwaltung Stuttgart
Albstadtweg 3
D-70567 Stuttgart
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II . 5 . B . 1 BTD layout
The system includes a concrete slab poured over the cement stabilised support layer (HGT).
The horizontal effort resumption is assured by an anchor rod crossing the sleeper.
References : - test track on earth work 490 m Breddin-Glwen (DB 1993)
- HS track on earth work 32 km Gardelegen (DB 1997)
Contact :
Klausenberger strasse 9
D-81667 Mnchen
Hauptverwaltung Stuttart
Albstadtweg 3
D-70567 Stuttgart
II . 5 . B . 2 WALTER layout
The system includes asphalt layers laid over the cement stabilised support layer (HGT). The
horizontal effort resumption is assured by an anchor rod crossing the sleeper.
References : - track on earth work 9.4 km Hohenthurm-Rabatz (DB-1994)
Contact :
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II . 5 . B . 3 GETRAC layout
The system includes asphalt layers laid over the cement stabilised support layer (HGT).
The horizontal effort resumption is assured by a concrete dowel held in the sleeper by a
rubber bearing. The thin regulating of the lateral geometry can be assured by a lining machine
for ballasted track. Then a mortar fill the space between the dowel and the groove in the upper
asphalt layer.
References : - track on earth work 7.0 km Westkreuz-Ruhleben (DB-1995)
Contact :
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II . 5 . B . 4
ATD layout
The system includes asphalt layers set up over the cement stabilised support layer (HGT).
The lateral effort resumption is assured by a central upstand in upper asphalt layer. The thin
regulating of the lateral geometry can be assured by a lining machine for ballasted track. Then
a fixing by a flexible bituminous mortar is done between the asphalt central upstand and the
Towards longitudinal effort asphalt central upstand is not directly active. The simple friction
of sleepers can be insufficient in case of breaking of the continuous welded rail and the
resistance should probably be increased by putting ballast between sleepers or using heavy
References : - HS track Nantenbach (DB-1993):
14,48 km on earth work and in tunnel
- track on earth work 2800 m Leinakanal (DB 1994)
- HS track on earth work 10.2 km Staffelde (DB 1997)
A test track of 150 m was built in Strasbourg (SNCF-1996) with particular sleepers and
fastening system.
Contact :
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II . 5 . B . 5 SATO layouts
The system includes several versions with on the one hand asphalt layers set up over the
cement stabilised support layer (HGT), and on the other hand Y metallic sleepers or
monoblock concrete sleepers.
The horizontal effort resumption is assured by anchors bound to sleepers.
References :
Steel sleepers: - track Y/ATS on earth work 635 m Welsede (DB-1986)
- track Y/ATS on earth work 793 m Hmelerwald (DB-1986)
- track Y/ATS in tunnel 935 m Linderhaus (DB-1987)
- track Y/ATS on earth work 1600 m Langenfeld (DB-1990)
- track Y/ATS in tunnel 800 m Leipzig (DB-1994)
- track Y/ATS on earth work 30km Bitterfeld-Hohenthurm (DB-1994)
Concrete sleepers: - track concrete sleepers/ATS on earth work 615 m Oelde (DB-1989)
- track concrete/ATS on earth work 390 m Waghusel (DB-1996)
Contact :
Weststrasse 62
D-08523 Plauen
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Variants can exist concerning the set of the concrete, previous realisation of grooves with
slipform-paver or system of prior slab for example. A wedging concrete remains nevertheless
References : - test track in tunnel 210 m Btzberg (CFF 1966)
- test track on earth work 72 m Radcliffe (BR/UIC - 1969)
- track on earth work 300 m Neuilly/Marne (SNCF - 1972)
- track 1.6 km Copenhague (DSB 1974)
- track in tunnel 10 km Heitersberg (CFF 1975)
- track in tunnel 7.5 km Aulnay+Corbeil (SNCF 1975)
- test track on bridge 74 m Avignon (SNCF 1978)
- track various in tunnel 12 km m (SNCF 1979/1985)
- track in tunnel 9.2 km RER C Paris (SNCF 1988)
- track 15.9 km Zrich (CFF 1979/1990)
- track in station 840 m Malaga (RENFE 1983)
- track various 55 km (RENFE 1984 1994)
- track in tunnel 11.5 km Grauholz (CFF 1995)
- track TGV in tunnel - 8.5 km interconnexion (SNCF 1996)
- track in tunnel 14 km Passante di Milano (FS 1997)
- track in tunnel 8.7 km RER E Paris(SNCF 1999)
Contact :
144 rue des Poissonniers
F- 75876 Paris Cedex 18
Zone industrielle du Bas Pr B.P. 9
F- 59590 Raismes
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II . 6 . C . 2
262 Boulevard Saint-Germain
F- 75007 Paris
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This system includes slabs of 6.45 m x 2.5 m (or 2.8 m) x 0.20 m with a two resilient level
fastening system (type IOARV300 or Krupp ECF).
As the fastening system is doubly elastic , the wedging mortar under slabs doesn't constitute a
resilient level necessary and its thickness can be reduced to 3 cm.
Slabs are mechanically linked (welded bars earlier).
References : - test track on earth work 430 m Dachau-Karlsfeld (DB- 1977)
- track on earth work 657 m in station Rot-Malsch (DB- 1999)
- track in curve on earth work 214 m Hattstedt (DB- 1999)
Contact :
P.O. Box 1120
D- 92301 Neumarkt
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The Japanese railroads (JNR / RTRI) developed several variants of systems with prefabricated
slabs using prestressed or reinforced concrete slabs of about 5 m x 2.34 m with a 0.16 or 0.19
m thickness. These slabs include an adjustable fastening system with a single resilient level,
the complementary stiffness being brought by a bituminous mortar of minimal 4 cm thickness
and possibly a rubber mat in some antivibrating versions. These slabs are generally stopped
with a resilient link on circular upstands of supporting structure.
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The recent evolutions includes slabs with hollows in middle to optimise the setting up of the
bituminous mortar.
Japanese grant an special attention to the bituminous mortar either for the supplying and
setting costs or for its technical performances. Two composition types exist according to the
meteorological conditions of the site of use and the bituminous mortar (CAM: cement asphalt
mortar) includes 9 elementary components.
References : - Shinkansen tracks (Japan) :
Ballastless track
Sanyo (1975)
Tohoku (1982)
Joetsu (1982)
Hokuriku (1997)
Contact :
Osaka - Hakata
Tokyo - Morioka
Omiya - Niigata
Takasaki - Nagano
451 km
256 km
117 km
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The slab includes a resilient separation layer of polyurethane-cement on the bottom surface (3
mm thick with C = 0.5 N/mm3) and on the side faces of the openings. In the same operation
of the wedging mortar, a concrete plug is made at the opening with a conical shape to prevent
In its standard design, this is a mass-and-spring system with a mass of 1 tonne per linear
meter with advantages against vibrations.
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Absbergasse 47
A - 1103 WIEN
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It is proposed to create a steering group for the future studies including few track experts from
railway companies to steer the proposed studies. It doesnt seem appropriate to give this study
to bodies like universities or ERRI .
The ballastless track project group will:
- complete the state of the art and help UIC by giving help on the subject ballastless
- organise the studies described in III . 2 and get some data for these studies and
validate the studies.
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The following table gives examples of construction cost for projects without particular
difficulties for different tracks on different supports (direct comparisons between examples
are not relevant):
Costs by track meter
UIC 60 rails
Fastening systems
Concrete sleeper
Ballast including transport
(4.7 t/m)
Wedging mortar / concrete
(0.6 m3/m - 0.015 plates)
Support concrete (1.7 m3/m)
Setting and adjustment of
the track
Layout of support concrete
with road finisher machine
Studies and engineering,
overhead costs
Total (indicative)
Ratio ballasted track
Standard high
speed ballasted
on earth work
in tunnel
on earth work
2.0 (adjustable)
to 8.0 (plated) x f
2.0 x f
33 %
15 %
15 %
15 %
1.1 to 1.5
1.3 to 3.0
The ratio to ballasted track depends on many factors like characteristics of alignment or
length of tunnel, difficulties of supply of the yard or options for noise or vibrations. In case of
tunnel a low cost implies that the design of track is taken in account in the design of the
tunnel from the beginning.
Low cost for the direct laying on adjustable plates supposes a supporting structure, tunnel raft
or bridge deck, accepting anchors for fastening systems. Therefore the cost is to possibly raise
for supplementary interfacing layers . On the other hand in the case where a direct fixing
without layers of interfacing is admitted on the technical plan on the bridge deck, an economy
on the structure of the bridge is foreseeable by reduction of the weight of the track.
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Ballastless comments
ballast weed killing
Including for switches and crossings
punctual replacement of sleepers in
ballasted track
Reduction for expected lower evolutions
Keeping of track
Rail maintenance
Total indicative
The INFRACOST survey points out a factor 2.8 for Japan that otherwise announces 50% of
the cost for the single geometry in ballasted track and a reduction of the cost to the for the
slab track. The current maintenance cost can lend to discussion according to the consistence
of operations; one will especially keep in mind the economy for ballastless track compared to
ballasted track.
To the current maintenance cost it is necessary to add renewal costs if one compares with a
ballastless track with a claimed life span over 40 years.
In a simple feasibility study it does not appear possible to give general indications for costs
and consistency of maintenance or regeneration operations allowing to sketch a study on the
life cycle cost (LCC). There are too much variations of parameters linked to the project
(characteristics of admissible load, alignment and speed, conditions of realisation ) or to the
ulterior operation of the line ( supported tonnage, policy of maintenance depending on the
reliability and the availability of the infrastructure).
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III. 2 . 5 . 1 Definition of a criteria for fastenings with a reduced longitudinal resistance for
ballastless tracks
The use of fastening systems with reduced longitudinal resistance permits to decrease efforts
in rails at bridge ends, what permits to increase the expandable lengths without expansion
devices for the CWR / bridge interaction. It would agree to formalise a criteria limiting the
maximal length of use of fastening of this type according to their sliding characteristic. This
criteria would be in relation with the maximal opening of the gap in case of rail breaking.
III . 2 . 5 . 2 Investigation of a deformation criteria at bridge ends for ballastless track
Deformations of bridge extremities bound to the vertical bending of spans under load result in
rotations of extremities and a vertical uplift of overhanging parts beyond bearing. These
discontinuities of angle or displacement at the level of supporting structure cannot exist at the
level of rails that react while bending by soliciting the link between rail and structure.
In ballasted track the ballast layer presents a rather big capacity of deformation until the
ability of loose between sleeper and ballast. In ballastless track one should examine
consequences on the behaviour of the rail fastening system and its technology.
Therefore a simple model of the track will be established with the vertical inertia of the rail
and the stiffness between rail and support and one will introduce as loading discontinuities in
the support (angle or uplift); then one will examine solicitations in effort and displacement in
fastenings. These solicitations will be examined from the point of view of system technology
(for example a down load solicitation is accepted without problem by pads but an uprising
beyond the toe load can solicit clips directly beyond their elastic domain). This analysis will
be done on the examples surveyed in 2.4.
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