Competition and Succession in Pastures - Some Concepts and Questions
Competition and Succession in Pastures - Some Concepts and Questions
Competition and Succession in Pastures - Some Concepts and Questions
Extensive observations made during the 19th and
early 20th centuries on the behaviour of plants
growing together in communities led to the development of a number of principles on competition and
successional changes (Clements et al., 1929).
Sustained interest in interplant relations over the
past half-century has resulted in a large volume of
research and many theories on the subject.
Publications such as Society for Experimental
Biology (1961), Harper (1977), Wilson (1978),
Grace and Tilman (1990), Begon et al. (1996) and
Radosevich et al. (1997) demonstrate both the
progress made in understanding competition and
succession and the inadequacies of such understanding, which is required for the optimum management
and preservation of the worlds plant communities.
This book is focused on competition and succession among plants in pastures; the term pasture is
dened as vegetation used for grazing by domestic or
wild animals (Fig. 1.1a, b) and cutting by humans
for fodder conservation (Fig. 1.2). Grasses are a universal component of such vegetation, which is thus
often termed grassland. Legumes and other herbs
are other common pasture components (Fig. 1.3a, b,
c). Shrubs and trees may also coexist with grasses
provided they are spaced widely enough to prevent
crowding out of smaller plants (Figs 1.1b and 1.4).
Naturally occurring grasslands (Fig. 1.5a, b), once
occupying vast areas of the world, have now been
Competition Quantication of
In any practical consideration of competition in
plant communities, it is of value to be able to quantify the effect of competitive interactions on the
components of the community and on the course
of competition over time. In pasture communities,
it is useful if the results can be related to environmental factors or to management treatments that
have been applied. This should also lead to the
dening of appropriate management for regulating
interplant relations. Keddy (1989, 1990) has
dened competition intensity as the combined
(negative) effects of all neighbours on the performance of an individual or population. It is measured by comparing the performance of
components in a mixture with those in monoculture, or comparing the performance of target
plants surrounded by neighbours with that of the
plants in plots cleared of neighbours. Grace (1995)
has argued the inadequacy of using absolute differences between yields in monoculture and mixture as
a measure of competition intensity. This is because
the magnitude of the difference would depend not
only on the relative competitive abilities, but also
on the relative magnitude of monoculture yields.
Thus he proposed that a more appropriate index
would be one that reected the proportional impact
of competition on plant performance, i.e.
relative competitive intensity (RCI) =
performance in monoculture performance in mixture
performance in monoculture
ously quantied by simply comparing the performance of the species in the mixture. First, yields of
individual species at particular times cannot be
equated with others, i.e. 1 g of one is not necessarily
the same as 1 g of another. They stressed the need for
a dimensionless measure, such as the relative yield
(yield of a species in mixture/yield of the species in
monoculture). They also pointed out that reference
to monoculture yields enables changes in growing
conditions and varying lengths of growing period to
be taken into account. If only differences between
species in mixture are measured, it is difcult to
determine whether these are due to differences in
competitive ability or to differences in response to
growing conditions. Including monoculture yields in
the formula helps to account for the latter.
An important measure of competition, developed by de Wit (1960, 1961) is the relative crowding coefcient (k) (see also Sackville Hamilton,
Chapter 2, this volume). This is a measure of competitive power, namely, the degree to which a
stronger competitor crowds a weaker one. De Wit
studied numerous eld experiments in which barley
and oats were grown both in monoculture and in
mixtures, where various proportions of barley were
replaced by the same proportions of oats (replacement design). The results showed that, in the mixtures, one species always crowded the other out of
some of the space allotted to it according to the
composition of the sown mixture. Gains and losses
were equivalent. Consequently, in terms of grain
yield, the relative crowding coefcient of barley (kb)
with respect to oats was the reciprocal of the relative crowding coefcient of oats (ko) with respect to
barley, i.e. kb ko = 1. Furthermore, the relative
yield total (RYT) = 1, where
ab =
ra / m r a
rb / m r b
Succession, the change in botanical composition
over time, is currently a subject of great importance
in both natural and sown pastures (as illustrated by
the contents of this volume). Such importance
arises because of the many changes that have
occurred over the past century, largely resulting
from increasing intensication of pasture use.
Succession has long been linked to competition.
More than 70 years ago, Clements et al. (1929)
concluded, from their North American research
and experience, that competition is the controlling
function in successional development, and it is secondary only to the control of climate in the case of
climaxes. They also concluded that the regular outcome of competition is dominance, the successful
competitors coming to control the habitat more or
less completely. Other components of the plant
community face suppression or even extinction.
As a feature of cyclic changes, Clements and his
colleagues envisage regular invasion of plant communities from species outside. Hence their assertion that:
The [successful] invading community is in harmony
with the changing climate, the one invaded is
correspondingly handicapped by it, and is all the more
readily replaced as a result of competition between
them. The course of events in edaphic habitats where
succession is occurring is much the same, but the
advantage to the invaders arises from the changes
brought about by the occupants, which serve as a
progressive hindrance to possession.
These and related conclusions were subsequently translated into a successional approach to
rangeland management (the so-called range succession model) and a practical system of range classication (Westoby et al., 1989; Laycock, 1991). As
summarized by Westoby et al. (1989):
the [range succession] model supposes that a given
rangeland has a single, persistent state (the climax) in
the absence of grazing. Succession towards this climax
is a steady process. Grazing pressure produces changes
which are also progressive and are in the opposite
direction to the successional tendency. Therefore the
grazing pressure can be made equal and opposite to
the successional tendency, producing an equilibrium
in the vegetation at a set stocking rate.
invasion, effects of climate change and an increasing range of technological inputs. The so-called
state and transition model seems to satisfy these
needs. It involves the concept of thresholds of environmental change, which cause transition from
one discrete or stable state of the vegetation to
another. Such transition requires the imposition of
a threshold of stress or perturbation. The prediction
or early detection of an impending threshold would
allow management action to be taken to maintain
or achieve desirable botanical structure and productivity levels.
Westoby et al. (1989) suggest that, for the effective use of the state and transition model, recorded
information on particular areas of rangeland should
include catalogues of possible alternative states,
possible transition pathways, opportunities for positive management action and hazards which may
produce an unfavourable transition. The experimental testing of hypotheses (e.g. opportunistically
during the occurrence of isolated events or
sequences of events) should be a regular feature of
information gathering. This needs to be accompanied by the estimation of probabilities of occurrence of climatic circumstances relevant to
particular transitions. Such information should also
be of value for describing and managing other types
of grassland, at least for long-term pastures.
Similarly, the proposals of Friedel (1991) should be
applicable to a wide range of grasslands and pastures. She argues for the need to monitor botanical
composition and yield of arid and semi-arid rangelands in order to detect the approach of a threshold of change from one state to another. She
presents evidence that this is feasible from monitoring programmes and the use of multivariate analyses and ordination techniques. The research
suggests that rangeland which is deteriorating may
retain the capacity to recover up to a certain point,
beyond which it cannot readily return to its former
state. Some factor, such as drought, re or ooding,
usually coincides with excessive grazing to tip the
balance. Appropriate monitoring needs to be combined with an understanding of plantenvironment
relations to allow prediction of approaching thresholds, thereby enabling preventive action to be
The role of competition in determining vegetation structure and succession has received little critical attention in the above debate. It may be that, in
arid and semi-arid areas, the overriding inuences
on plant community structure and succession are
management (e.g. stocking rate effects) and periodic climatic events. If so, competition may play a
lesser role than that claimed by Clements et al.
(1929). It may have an increasing effect on pasture
plant community structure with increasing rainfall
and the accompanying greater plant density and/or
productivity. The role of competition may also vary
with the level of soil nutrient availability. These
suppositions have long occupied the attention of
ecologists and continue to do so (see Peltzer and
Wilson, Chapter 10, this volume). A clear understanding of such matters is needed for the effective
use of a state and transition approach to pasture
management, with its need for clear denition of
thresholds of change and transitions between relatively stable states. Indeed, its effectiveness as a
model will depend on an understanding of all relevant
plantanimal relationships. These must be understood at the scale of both individual plants and the
wider ecosystem.
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the regulation of dominance and invasion by highly competitive weeds is important in managing succession or
retaining a desirable stable or resilient botanical
structure (see Kemp and King, Chapter 5; and Wolfe
and Dear, Chapter 7, this volume). The management problems posed by the heterogeneity of vegetation and associated environments in rangelands and
pastures, together with current concerns about loss
of species diversity, are encouraging increasing investigation on these topics (see Clark, Chapter 6; and
Chapman, Chapter 13, this volume).
In farming situations, a different form of complexity is provided by rotations of pastures with
crops. For example, in the so-called South
Australian ley farming system (Fig. 1.9), weeds of
the annual legume-based pastures, if allowed to set
seed, are likely to re-appear in and compete
strongly with following crops (see Trenbath,
Chapter 14, this volume). One principle that can
be used in changing competitive relationships and
botanical composition involves sowing mixtures of
pasture species, which together, at appropriate densities, are more competitive against weeds than the
legume alone (see Figs 1.2 and 1.3c; see also Harris,
Chapter 8, this volume).
One attitude engendered by adoption of the
state and transition model is that range management can be seen as a continuing game, the object
of which is to seize opportunities and evade hazards
as far as possible (Westoby et al., 1989). This
Ecologists and agronomists are currently making
considerable efforts both to overcome and prevent
degradation and to improve the long-term performance of natural and sown pastures. Achieving
these objectives requires an understanding of the
processes involved, e.g. processes leading to decline
in productivity, loss of valuable species and ingress
of weeds, as well as those associated with improved
productivity and stability. Plant competition is an
important factor controlling these processes.
However, the nature of such competition is not yet
fully understood. There are other factors abiotic
and biotic which can have a major effect on the
conditions under which competition occurs.
Parallel with research on the mechanisms of
competition is work that has produced indices to
measure outcomes of plant interactions. These
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