Competition and Succession in Pastures - Some Concepts and Questions

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Competition and Succession in Pastures

Some Concepts and Questions


Philip G. Tow1 and Alec Lazenby2

of Agronomy and Farming Systems, University of Adelaide, Roseworthy

Campus, Roseworthy, Australia; 263 Kitchener Street, Hughes, Australia

Extensive observations made during the 19th and
early 20th centuries on the behaviour of plants
growing together in communities led to the development of a number of principles on competition and
successional changes (Clements et al., 1929).
Sustained interest in interplant relations over the
past half-century has resulted in a large volume of
research and many theories on the subject.
Publications such as Society for Experimental
Biology (1961), Harper (1977), Wilson (1978),
Grace and Tilman (1990), Begon et al. (1996) and
Radosevich et al. (1997) demonstrate both the
progress made in understanding competition and
succession and the inadequacies of such understanding, which is required for the optimum management
and preservation of the worlds plant communities.
This book is focused on competition and succession among plants in pastures; the term pasture is
dened as vegetation used for grazing by domestic or
wild animals (Fig. 1.1a, b) and cutting by humans
for fodder conservation (Fig. 1.2). Grasses are a universal component of such vegetation, which is thus
often termed grassland. Legumes and other herbs
are other common pasture components (Fig. 1.3a, b,
c). Shrubs and trees may also coexist with grasses
provided they are spaced widely enough to prevent
crowding out of smaller plants (Figs 1.1b and 1.4).
Naturally occurring grasslands (Fig. 1.5a, b), once
occupying vast areas of the world, have now been

drastically reduced, largely because of cultivation for

cropping. The areas remaining generally owe their
continuing existence to climatic, edaphic or topographic limitations to cropping or to their being set
aside as conservation areas (Fig. 1.6a, b, c). Species
originally characteristic of natural grasslands were well
adapted to their environment. However, overgrazing
and deterioration in soil chemical and physical attributes have resulted in the degradation of many such
grasslands, and inferior plants, often regarded as
weeds, have replaced some of the original components. Some degraded natural pastures are now being
restored to conserve biodiversity and increase the
attractiveness of the landscape (see Chapman,
Chapter 13, this volume). Effective rehabilitation and
appropriate management of such grasslands are each
dependent on a proper understanding of the principles involved in plant competition and succession.
Where climate, soil, landscape and nancial
incentives are favourable, large areas of improved
pastures have been sown in many countries.
Cultivars selected and bred for high levels of productivity, persistence and feed value are sown in the
most intensive farming systems as single species
(Fig. 1.7) or as mixtures of grasses or of grasses and
legumes (Fig. 1.3a, b). The principles of competition and succession are directly relevant to the challenge of maintaining desirable pasture composition,
free of weeds, while achieving high levels of both
productivity and utilization. These objectives
become even more difcult to achieve when the

CAB International 2001. Competition and Succession in Pastures

(eds P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby)

P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby



Fig. 1.1. (a) Sheep grazing in winter on a pasture of

annual medic (Medicago truncatula) in the
cerealpasture zone of South Australia, Australia.
(b) A mix of grasses, shrubs and trees grazed by
native animals in the Masai Mara National Reserve
in Kenya.

Fig. 1.2. A mixture of oats (Avena sativa) and

common vetch (Vicia sativa) grown for silage at the
Roseworthy Campus of the University of Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia. The oats are a strong
competitor against vetch, but the legume can
compensate by climbing upwards with long,
twining stems and tendrils.

origin of the sown species is outside the country of

use a fact which may add complexity to management, to compensate for imperfect climatic and
edaphic adaptation. Conversely, similar complexity
arises from climatic change (see Campbell and
Hunt, Chapter 12, this volume) or from the effects
of change in land use on soil conditions (see
Chapman, Chapter 13, this volume). Because of
the many environmental and technological changes
currently affecting grassland and other plant communities, an understanding of interplant and
plantenvironment relationships is important for
interpreting, predicting and managing change in
species composition.
The term composition may be used in various
ways. For example, the term botanical or species
composition can refer to: the presence of particular
species; a list of species present; or the proportion
(%) of various species in terms of plant numbers,
tiller or stem numbers, dry matter (DM) yield, leaf
area or ground cover. Botanical composition is
inuenced by competitive relationships and may be
an indicator of a stage in succession.
The functioning and effects of competition and
succession in pastures differ from those in other
natural and man-made plant communities, such as
forests and annual crops. The most important of
such differences are caused by the grazing animal.
Grazing and trampling reduce the height and sometimes the density of the canopy. This reduces competition for light between shoots and may
indirectly reduce the intensity of root competition
if part of the root system reacts to defoliation by
growing more slowly or dying. Defoliation by grazing and cutting reduces the competitive advantage
gained by plants which emerge earlier, have a larger
embryo to begin growth and have favourable attributes such as higher initial relative growth rates,
tillering rates, leaf expansion, root spread and
stature (Milthorpe, 1961).
Grazing of grasses encourages renewed growth
of existing tillers and development of new ones. In
mixtures, the timing and intensity of grazing affect
competitive relationships and resulting proportions
of the community components (Milthorpe, 1961).
Severe defoliation and trampling may kill existing
plants and leave gaps for invasion by others or result
in soil erosion, perhaps on a large scale (see Davies,
Chapter 4; Kemp and King, Chapter 5; Wolfe and
Dear, Chapter 7; Skarpe, Chapter 9; Peltzer and
Wilson, Chapter 10; Garden and Bolger, Chapter
11; and Chapman, Chapter 13, this volume).

Competition and Succession in Pastures



Fig. 1.4. Vigorous spring growth of native grasses

following winter burning, in open Eucalyptus
woodland in the Undara Volcanic National Park in
far north Queensland, Australia.

Competition Denitions and



Fig. 1.3. (a) A well-balanced mixture of perennial

ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium
repens) in its third year, near Lutterworth, Leicestershire,
England. (b) A 4-year-old unirrigated pasture,
composed principally of the perennial grass cocksfoot
(Dactylis glomerata) and the annual legume
subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), near Mt
Barker in the Adelaide Hills region of South Australia.
Each year, following opening autumn or winter rain, the
legume must re-establish from seed in competition with
the established grass. (c) A balanced, irrigated pasture
mixture of Grasslands Puna chicory (Cichorium
intybus), WL516 lucerne (Medicago sativa) and Maru
phalaris (Phalaris aquatica), in late winter, at Dalby
Agricultural College on the Darling Downs of southern
Queensland, Australia. Weeds have been excluded by
the dense, diverse mixture of sown species.

Denitions of plant competition and succession are

based largely on observation and experience or
measurements of effects on plants, rather than on
an understanding of mechanisms (Tilman, 1990).
The following denition of competition proposed
by Clements et al. (1929) is still accepted by many:
Competition is a purely physical process. With few
exceptions, such as the crowding up of tuberous
plants when grown too close, an actual struggle
between competing plants never occurs. Competition
arises from the reaction of one plant upon the physical
factors about it and the effect of these modied
factors upon its competitors. When the immediate
supply of a single, necessary factor falls below the
combined demands of the plants, competition begins.

In Milthorpes (1961) words, the term competition

describes those events leading to the retardation in
growth of a plant which arise from association with
other plants. It results from the modication by
adjacent individuals of the local environment of
each particular individual. This general denition
could include such effects as allelopathy (the
adverse effects on one plant of a toxic substance
derived from another).
The following working denition, proposed by
Begon et al. (1996), is applicable to pastures:
Competition is an interaction between individuals,
brought about by a shared requirement for a
resource in limited supply and leading to a reduction

P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby





Fig. 1.5. (a) A dense, vigorous stand of native

bluegrass (Dichanthium sericeum) in central
Queensland, Australia. The originally vast areas of
such native grasses have been greatly reduced by
overgrazing and/or cultivation for cropping. (b) A
remnant of original prairie preserved in Texas, USA.


in the survivorship, growth and/or reproduction of

at least some of the competing individuals concerned. However, the statement that competition is
an interaction between individuals is not a denition
in itself; competition is dened by the cause (limited
resources) and the net effect (yield reduction) of
competition. This illustrates the difculty of providing a precise denition of competition without a
clear understanding of the mechanisms involved (see
Sackville Hamilton, Chapter 2, this volume).
Goldberg (1990) has proposed a simple, mechanistic framework for studying interactions
between plants, based on her observation that
most interactions between individual plants actually occur through some intermediary. In the case
of competition for resources (e.g. plant nutrients
and water) one or more of the competitors will
have an effect on the abundance of the resources
(intermediaries) and they will also respond to

Fig. 1.6. (a) Arid rangeland in Wadi Rum in the

south of the Kingdom of Jordan. Such areas are
grazed periodically by the migratory sheep, goats
and camels of the Bedouin people. (b) Rangeland
on uncultivated slopes near Digne, Alpes-de-HauteProvence, France. (c) Grassland in the Masai Mara
National Reserve, Kenya, grazed periodically by
migratory herds of wild animals and domesticated
native cattle.

changes in abundance of the resources. Plants can

be good competitors either by rapidly pre-empting
and depleting a resource (by uptake) or by being
able to continue growth at depleted resource levels.

Competition and Succession in Pastures

Fig. 1.7. A pure stand of the annual legume barrel

medic (Medicago truncatula) at the Roseworthy
Campus of the University of Adelaide, South
Australia. Such stands are kept as free of weeds as
possible, to maximize nitrogen input for livestock
feed and following crops, as well as for annual seed

The latter case (classed as low net competitive

response to competitors) may occur through continued uptake at low levels of resource, decreased
resource loss from plant parts or increased efciency of conversion of internal stores of the
resource to new growth (see also Peltzer and
Wilson, Chapter 10, this volume).
The relative importance of above- and belowground competition has often been questioned.
Milthorpe (1961) concluded from various experiments and observations on crops and pastures that
competition between roots usually commences
long before the shoots are sufciently developed to
cause mutual shading. Further, following an analysis of 23 competition studies, Wilson (1988) concluded that root competition is usually more
important than shoot competition in determining
competitive balance between species. However,
species vary in their response to root competition,
as found by Bolger (1998). He conducted an experiment to compare the capacity of seedlings of a
number of southern Australian pasture plants to
invade an established sward of phalaris, a perennial grass. Experimental treatments comprised varying degrees of shoot and root competition from
phalaris and varying levels of plant nutrient supply.
The species differed greatly both in the ability of
their recruiting (intersown) seedlings to compete
with established phalaris root systems and in their
relative response to root and shoot competition (see
also Nurjaya and Tow, Chapter 3, this volume).

The depletion of light resources has sometimes

been measured in mixed-plant canopies (Stern and
Donald, 1962; Rhodes and Stern, 1978), but
depletion of soil water and nutrients by components of mixtures is much more difcult to quantify. Yet Tilman (1982, 1988, 1994) has based his
denition of competitive ability on the theory that,
over a number of years, the winning competitor is
the species (among those initially present) which is
able to reduce the concentration of the limiting
soil resources (e.g. available N) to the lowest level
and still maintain its population, i.e. it is the one
with the lowest resource requirement or R*. This
mechanism of competition has been called the
resource reduction model. The R* values for a
group of species, if known, would predict the nal
(equilibrium) outcome of competition among
these species for a limiting resource; it should be
independent of the timing of establishment of
competing species, their starting proportions and
the initial sizes of individual plants. However, the
experimental work supporting this denition has
been done in small, ungrazed plots. The resource
reduction model may therefore be more applicable
to lightly grazed, low-input grasslands, rather than
to intensively grazed pastures receiving regular,
high inputs of nutrients (see also Kemp and King,
Chapter 5; and Peltzer and Wilson, Chapter 10,
this volume).
An alternative view of competition to that of
Tilman is that a plant will be competitively superior if it has the capacity to capture (pre-empt)
resources faster than others. This can be related to
particular plant traits, such as high potential relative growth rate (Grime, 1979). Plants that can tolerate low levels of resource (e.g. plant nutrient)
availability are classed as stress tolerators. It has
been hypothesized that differences among competing species in resource acquisition rates, once established, are maintained and magnied during
competition because of positive feedback between
growth and resource capture (Harper, 1977; Grime,
1979; Keddy, 1990; Begon et al., 1996). This proposed mechanism of resource competition has been
called resource pre-emption or asymmetric competition. It occurs, for example, when large plants
intercept a disproportionate share of light, while
small plants have very little effect on the light
reaching the larger plants. In comparing the models
of Tilman and Grime, Wedin and Tilman (1993)
explain that, while both of the above mechanisms
of competition allow for an initial pre-emption of

P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby

resources by one species, Grime and Tilman differ

on which mechanism determines the long-term
outcome of competition.
Goldberg (1990) suggests that the two models
agree over a successional sequence which progresses
from fast-growing species with rapid resource
uptake rates to slower-growing species that are tolerant of low resource levels. Tilmans R* value for
species with the lowest resource requirement would
refer to dominant, highly stress-tolerant species in
equilibrium (non-successional) communities.
Asymmetric competition may occur between
plants of the same species (as part of intraspecic
competition) or of different species (interspecic
competition). It accounts for self-thinning, particularly in newly established pasture. Populations
experiencing the greatest degree of crowding (intensity of competition) have the greatest size inequality, i.e. competition exaggerates underlying size
inequalities (Begon et al., 1996). Thus self-thinning
occurs in response to plant density, but the level of
thinning is also modied by the availability of
resources, such as moisture and light.
Plants which establish earliest not only have a
large adverse effect on later-appearing plants, but
are themselves little affected by the latter. Thus the
earliest-established plants tend to persist, while
attempts to invade their environs continue to fail,
at least where the initial density of the earliest
plants is high (see Fig. 1.3). This principle is used
where possible in pasture management to exclude
weeds. However, it also means that the introduction of desirable species into existing swards is
unlikely to succeed unless adequately sized gaps are
created by the use of cultivation, herbicides or
heavy grazing. Once gaps are created, the way is
open for rapidly establishing opportunists (ruderals) to ll them. Gaps are also created and weeds
allowed to enter when desirable species die due to
extreme climate conditions or attack by insect pests
and diseases. For example, the grassy weeds Vulpia
spp. invaded large areas of southern Australian
lucerne-based pastures when Hunter River lucerne
(Medicago sativa cv. Hunter River) was decimated
by the spotted alfalfa aphid in 1978/79. Vulpia
then spread to other pasture areas as opportunity
arose. A survey of farms in south-eastern South
Australia and western Victoria showed that, by
1998, Vulpia fasciculata (silvergrass) and other
Vulpia species were at a serious level of infestation
on 1.8 million ha (Silvergrass Task Force, 1998).
The average loss of gross farm income due to silver-

grass was about 22% compared with a silvergrassfree environment.

Dominance of one species by another may also
occur in an established pasture as a result of a differential response to seasonal climate variation or to
selective grazing or simply as a result of differences
in growth habit. One of the tasks of grazing management is to prevent excessive or prolonged dominance of one desirable component of a pasture over
another, thus preventing excessive lowering of the
presence of the latter (see Kemp and King,
Chapter 5; and Harris, Chapter 8, this volume).

Competition Quantication of
In any practical consideration of competition in
plant communities, it is of value to be able to quantify the effect of competitive interactions on the
components of the community and on the course
of competition over time. In pasture communities,
it is useful if the results can be related to environmental factors or to management treatments that
have been applied. This should also lead to the
dening of appropriate management for regulating
interplant relations. Keddy (1989, 1990) has
dened competition intensity as the combined
(negative) effects of all neighbours on the performance of an individual or population. It is measured by comparing the performance of
components in a mixture with those in monoculture, or comparing the performance of target
plants surrounded by neighbours with that of the
plants in plots cleared of neighbours. Grace (1995)
has argued the inadequacy of using absolute differences between yields in monoculture and mixture as
a measure of competition intensity. This is because
the magnitude of the difference would depend not
only on the relative competitive abilities, but also
on the relative magnitude of monoculture yields.
Thus he proposed that a more appropriate index
would be one that reected the proportional impact
of competition on plant performance, i.e.
relative competitive intensity (RCI) =
performance in monoculture performance in mixture
performance in monoculture

De Wit and van den Bergh (1965) also pointed

out that the intensity and course of competition
between species in pasture could not be unambigu-

Competition and Succession in Pastures

ously quantied by simply comparing the performance of the species in the mixture. First, yields of
individual species at particular times cannot be
equated with others, i.e. 1 g of one is not necessarily
the same as 1 g of another. They stressed the need for
a dimensionless measure, such as the relative yield
(yield of a species in mixture/yield of the species in
monoculture). They also pointed out that reference
to monoculture yields enables changes in growing
conditions and varying lengths of growing period to
be taken into account. If only differences between
species in mixture are measured, it is difcult to
determine whether these are due to differences in
competitive ability or to differences in response to
growing conditions. Including monoculture yields in
the formula helps to account for the latter.
An important measure of competition, developed by de Wit (1960, 1961) is the relative crowding coefcient (k) (see also Sackville Hamilton,
Chapter 2, this volume). This is a measure of competitive power, namely, the degree to which a
stronger competitor crowds a weaker one. De Wit
studied numerous eld experiments in which barley
and oats were grown both in monoculture and in
mixtures, where various proportions of barley were
replaced by the same proportions of oats (replacement design). The results showed that, in the mixtures, one species always crowded the other out of
some of the space allotted to it according to the
composition of the sown mixture. Gains and losses
were equivalent. Consequently, in terms of grain
yield, the relative crowding coefcient of barley (kb)
with respect to oats was the reciprocal of the relative crowding coefcient of oats (ko) with respect to
barley, i.e. kb ko = 1. Furthermore, the relative
yield total (RYT) = 1, where

grain yield barley in mixture

grain yield barley in monoculture
grain yield oats in mixture
grain yield oats in monoculture

In terms of competition theory, this means that the

two species were crowding for the same space or
resources. In these circumstances, yields of mixtures
cannot exceed the yield of the highest-yielding
De Wit and van den Bergh (1965) and van den
Bergh (1968) showed that the above concepts also
apply to mixtures of pasture grasses. They found
that yields of successive harvests provided an appropriate measure of plant performance for dening

the course of competition, in place of grain yields

used for crops. The index to dene the course of
competition was called the relative replacement rate
(). Relative yields are used to dene of species a
with respect to species b at the nth harvest with
respect to the mth harvest by

ab =


ra / m r a
rb / m r b

If > 1, species a is the strongest competitor. If

< 1, species b is the strongest. If is plotted on a
logarithmic scale against time, the angle of the line
with the horizontal is a measure of the relative rate
at which one species replaces another. The same
course line may be obtained by plotting the ratio of
relative yields at successive harvests (van den Bergh,
1968). This course line is very useful for judging
the direction of competitive relationships over time
but not for further quantitative analysis of the
mutual interference. Van den Bergh conducted
experiments to show the effects on the course of
competition of various factors, e.g. plant density,
plant nutrient treatments and pH levels. De Wit
and van den Bergh also found that, almost invariably, grass species were mutually exclusive
(RYT = 1), i.e. they were competing for the same
resources and the relative replacement rate was
independent of the relative frequency (sowing proportions) of the component species. This is an
important ecological concept. While not yet
explained, it helps illustrate and predict how
stronger and weaker competitors interact when
competing for the same set of resources.
In contrast to the situation with mixtures of
grasses, de Wit et al. (1966) found that a grass and a
legume were not mutually exclusive when the
legume obtained N from symbiotic xation. Their
experiment was conducted with and without rhizobial inoculation of the legume. Without rhizobium
and N xation, the grass and legume were mutually
exclusive (RYT = 1). With rhizobium, however, N
xation gave the legume a competitive advantage.
RYT was greater than 1 and the species were not
mutually exclusive because the legume had an additional source of N not available to the grass. When
course lines of the ratio of relative yields were
drawn, over seven harvests, the lines of mixtures of
different sowing frequencies tended to converge and
to approach equilibrium (no change, no one species
winning competitively). These trends were attributed to a combination of N xation (which
favoured the legume competitively) and N transfer

P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby

from legume to grass (which favoured the grass

competitively). It is now widely assumed that mixtures of grasses and legumes, at least those based on
white clover, have a capacity to regulate the N cycle
in the pasture (Chapman et al., 1996).
In later experiments in both eld and glasshouse
(Tow, 1993; Tow et al., 1997), trends with time in
the ratio of relative yields provided further evidence
of the tendency for a dynamic equilibrium to occur,
provided that: (i) one species did not remain dominant for too long; and (ii) growing conditions were
generally favourable to the growth of the legume.
As indicated above, such course lines show if and
under what conditions grasses and legumes tend
towards equilibrium, but do not provide a means of
further analysing competitive interactions. A tendency for equilibrium should have a positive inuence on stability of botanical composition and
species persistence.
Where climatic conditions uctuate over time,
the course of competition may also uctuate. This
may result in breakdown in equilibrium. However,
the work of Tow and his colleagues quoted above
provides evidence that, as long as dominance is not
too severe, there is a persistent tendency to equilibrium. Equilibrium between species, or at least coexistence, is often said to be due to the fact that they
occupy different niches. In grasslegume mixtures,
the legume occupies a different niche in the sense
that it has an independent source of N.
The attainment of equilibrium or coexistence
sometimes requires an input of management that
assists towards reducing the dominance of strong
competitors, e.g. grass over legume. Such management is of most benet if it achieves competitive
balance without loss of productivity and with benet to the grazing animal (see Davies, Chapter 4;
Kemp and King, Chapter 5; and Harris, Chapter 8,
this volume).
Achieving a competitive balance is more complex than might be supposed. For instance, a general problem with white clovergrass pastures is the
difculty of maintaining the clover content of some
30% thought to be desirable (Martin, 1960). This
might be simply a problem of reducing grass dominance by appropriate management. However,
dening appropriate management of grasslegume
competition and N relations has to take account of
the spatial heterogeneity (patchiness) of clover content brought about by spatially random urine deposition. This keeps different areas in the eld out of
phase with respect to surrounding grass or legume

dominance. Furthermore, white clover content in

pastures is also subject to long-term uctuations or
cycles (Chapman et al., 1996).
Renewed interest in white clovergrass pastures
over the past 20 years (reected in the increased
number of relevant publications, for example, in
Grass and Forage Science) is related to the belief that
clover N, compared with fertilizer N will reduce
costs, use of fossil energy and leaching of nitrate to
groundwater. Further, Ennik (1981, 1982), examining experimental data in the literature, found
that the DM yield of a mixed white clovergrass
sward receiving N fertilizer at varying levels was
always higher than that of a pure grass sward at the
same rate of mineral N application. This was
because, with increasing application of N, the gain
in grass DM was higher than the loss of clover
DM. He also estimated that the amount of fertilizer N needing to be applied to a pure grass sward
to obtain an N yield equal to that of a mixed sward
was about 80 kg N t1 of clover in the mixture
(after the rst tonne). This linear relationship,
accompanied by an inverse relationship between
rate of fertilizer N input and clover content of the
mixture led to the conclusion that most of the fertilizer N was taken up by the grass. Furthermore,
he concluded that, while introduction of more
competitive clover varieties into a mixed pasture
may increase N yield of the mixture, it was unlikely
to increase DM yield.
Improvement of clover yield, N2-xation and
persistence have all been recent objectives of plant
breeders, agronomists and modellers. (Caradus et
al., 1996; Chapman et al., 1996; Evans et al., 1996;
Schwinning and Parsons, 1996). All agree that
effective production and utilization of grassclover
pastures require understanding of the interactions
of the two components. This becomes all the more
important as attempts are made to achieve a combination of aims, such as: (i) increasing the yield of
clover by breeding more competitive cultivars and
cultivars with a higher capacity for N2-xation,
while avoiding leakage of nitrate to groundwater;
(ii) increasing total yield by the use of N fertilizer
without losing clover content; (iii) managing
grassclover swards for optimal animal production;
and (iv) assessing new cultivars of white clover
under grazing conditions (see also Nurjaya and Tow,
Chapter 3; and Davies, Chapter 4, this volume).
Experience with grassclover mixtures provides a
reminder that competition usually operates in conjunction with other factors that affect companion

Competition and Succession in Pastures

plants differentially. In such mixtures, the most

important factors would probably be N2-xation, N
transfer and selective grazing. Competition is sometimes distinguished from apparent competition,
where reduced yield of one component of a mixture
may be due to differential effects of another organism on that component, e.g. selective grazing of
palatable species, leaving an unpalatable one in
higher proportions; or the same effect by selective
attack by an insect pest. Begon et al. (1996) quote an
example discussed by Connell (1990) of an indirect
effect of Artemesia bushes on the growth of associated herbs. The benecial effect of removing the
bushes on the growth of the herbs was initially attributed to reduced competition for water. It was then
found that removal of Artemesia also discouraged
deer, rodent and insect consumers of the herbs which
used this plant as a source of both food and shelter.
Figure 1.8 and accompanying commentary illustrate
just how complex interspecies relationships can be.
In attempting to understand the mechanisms of
competition and to predict the outcome, many
researchers have identied morphological and physiological traits or characteristics of plants associated

Fig. 1.8. Plants of the annual legume rose clover

(Trifolium hirtum) growing amongst a clump of a
perennial, native speargrass, near Bukkulla,
northern New South Wales, Australia. The relation
between grass and legume may be quite complex.
In summer, the grass clump may intercept seed pods
of rose clover washed over the soil surface by heavy
storm rains. In winter, the grass is almost dormant
and poorly competitive, when the clover establishes
from seed and makes much of its growth. In spring,
as temperatures rise but soil moisture declines,
plants of rose clover may survive only in the shelter
of speargrass clumps, as in the photo. However, it
must set seed quickly before the new growth of
speargrass becomes too competitive.

with their competitive abilility. Such traits do not

always dene the mechanism involved, but they assist
in explaining or predicting competitive outcomes
(see Nurjaya and Tow, Chapter 3; Skarpe, Chapter 9;
and Peltzer and Wilson, Chapter 10, this volume).

Succession, the change in botanical composition
over time, is currently a subject of great importance
in both natural and sown pastures (as illustrated by
the contents of this volume). Such importance
arises because of the many changes that have
occurred over the past century, largely resulting
from increasing intensication of pasture use.
Succession has long been linked to competition.
More than 70 years ago, Clements et al. (1929)
concluded, from their North American research
and experience, that competition is the controlling
function in successional development, and it is secondary only to the control of climate in the case of
climaxes. They also concluded that the regular outcome of competition is dominance, the successful
competitors coming to control the habitat more or
less completely. Other components of the plant
community face suppression or even extinction.
As a feature of cyclic changes, Clements and his
colleagues envisage regular invasion of plant communities from species outside. Hence their assertion that:
The [successful] invading community is in harmony
with the changing climate, the one invaded is
correspondingly handicapped by it, and is all the more
readily replaced as a result of competition between
them. The course of events in edaphic habitats where
succession is occurring is much the same, but the
advantage to the invaders arises from the changes
brought about by the occupants, which serve as a
progressive hindrance to possession.

They then see the climax as the mature stage in

harmony with the climate and yet exhibiting an
annual departure in growth and numbers, due to
climatic variation. In all these processes, Clements
et al. regarded competition as having a leading role
in determining the botanical structure of the vegetation. The competitive balance of various grass,
herb and shrub types in grassland is disturbed by
variations in rainfall and is also profoundly modied by grazing, burning or cutting.


P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby

These and related conclusions were subsequently translated into a successional approach to
rangeland management (the so-called range succession model) and a practical system of range classication (Westoby et al., 1989; Laycock, 1991). As
summarized by Westoby et al. (1989):
the [range succession] model supposes that a given
rangeland has a single, persistent state (the climax) in
the absence of grazing. Succession towards this climax
is a steady process. Grazing pressure produces changes
which are also progressive and are in the opposite
direction to the successional tendency. Therefore the
grazing pressure can be made equal and opposite to
the successional tendency, producing an equilibrium
in the vegetation at a set stocking rate.

The main tool of range management for the range

succession model is thus the level of stocking rate.
However, vegetation changes in response to grazing
have been found to be not continuous, not
reversible or not consistent, particularly in arid and
semi-arid areas. These observations have led to a
general questioning of the range succession model.
In recent years, the need for an alternative
model to describe and assess rangeland condition
and dynamics has been discussed by many workers,
e.g. Westoby et al. (1989), Friedel (1991), Laycock
(1991) and Humphreys (1997). Particularly questioned has been the need to manage rangeland to
achieve a single, climax state or at least some desirable, stable state in equilibrium with an economic
stocking rate. A stable system (in terms of botanical composition) returns to the original steady state
after being disturbed or deected. Some researchers
and practitioners prefer a system to have resilience,
namely, the capacity to adapt to change, without
necessarily reverting to the original state. What is
regarded as important would depend on both the
economic and conservation goals of management
and the opportunities and limitations set by the
environment and available technology. Rangeland
stability and resilience may each be important in
particular situations and can be envisaged as dependent to some extent on interspecic competition.
The above authors thus favour a model of
rangeland dynamics that caters for the occurrence
of multiple states of vegetation structure, changing
inuences on these states and the need for exibility of short-term aims and management. A model
of this nature should also be appropriate for many
other grasslands, where botanical structure has been
or is being greatly modied by over-grazing, weed

invasion, effects of climate change and an increasing range of technological inputs. The so-called
state and transition model seems to satisfy these
needs. It involves the concept of thresholds of environmental change, which cause transition from
one discrete or stable state of the vegetation to
another. Such transition requires the imposition of
a threshold of stress or perturbation. The prediction
or early detection of an impending threshold would
allow management action to be taken to maintain
or achieve desirable botanical structure and productivity levels.
Westoby et al. (1989) suggest that, for the effective use of the state and transition model, recorded
information on particular areas of rangeland should
include catalogues of possible alternative states,
possible transition pathways, opportunities for positive management action and hazards which may
produce an unfavourable transition. The experimental testing of hypotheses (e.g. opportunistically
during the occurrence of isolated events or
sequences of events) should be a regular feature of
information gathering. This needs to be accompanied by the estimation of probabilities of occurrence of climatic circumstances relevant to
particular transitions. Such information should also
be of value for describing and managing other types
of grassland, at least for long-term pastures.
Similarly, the proposals of Friedel (1991) should be
applicable to a wide range of grasslands and pastures. She argues for the need to monitor botanical
composition and yield of arid and semi-arid rangelands in order to detect the approach of a threshold of change from one state to another. She
presents evidence that this is feasible from monitoring programmes and the use of multivariate analyses and ordination techniques. The research
suggests that rangeland which is deteriorating may
retain the capacity to recover up to a certain point,
beyond which it cannot readily return to its former
state. Some factor, such as drought, re or ooding,
usually coincides with excessive grazing to tip the
balance. Appropriate monitoring needs to be combined with an understanding of plantenvironment
relations to allow prediction of approaching thresholds, thereby enabling preventive action to be
The role of competition in determining vegetation structure and succession has received little critical attention in the above debate. It may be that, in
arid and semi-arid areas, the overriding inuences
on plant community structure and succession are

Competition and Succession in Pastures

management (e.g. stocking rate effects) and periodic climatic events. If so, competition may play a
lesser role than that claimed by Clements et al.
(1929). It may have an increasing effect on pasture
plant community structure with increasing rainfall
and the accompanying greater plant density and/or
productivity. The role of competition may also vary
with the level of soil nutrient availability. These
suppositions have long occupied the attention of
ecologists and continue to do so (see Peltzer and
Wilson, Chapter 10, this volume). A clear understanding of such matters is needed for the effective
use of a state and transition approach to pasture
management, with its need for clear denition of
thresholds of change and transitions between relatively stable states. Indeed, its effectiveness as a
model will depend on an understanding of all relevant
plantanimal relationships. These must be understood at the scale of both individual plants and the
wider ecosystem.
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the regulation of dominance and invasion by highly competitive weeds is important in managing succession or
retaining a desirable stable or resilient botanical
structure (see Kemp and King, Chapter 5; and Wolfe
and Dear, Chapter 7, this volume). The management problems posed by the heterogeneity of vegetation and associated environments in rangelands and
pastures, together with current concerns about loss
of species diversity, are encouraging increasing investigation on these topics (see Clark, Chapter 6; and
Chapman, Chapter 13, this volume).
In farming situations, a different form of complexity is provided by rotations of pastures with
crops. For example, in the so-called South
Australian ley farming system (Fig. 1.9), weeds of
the annual legume-based pastures, if allowed to set
seed, are likely to re-appear in and compete
strongly with following crops (see Trenbath,
Chapter 14, this volume). One principle that can
be used in changing competitive relationships and
botanical composition involves sowing mixtures of
pasture species, which together, at appropriate densities, are more competitive against weeds than the
legume alone (see Figs 1.2 and 1.3c; see also Harris,
Chapter 8, this volume).
One attitude engendered by adoption of the
state and transition model is that range management can be seen as a continuing game, the object
of which is to seize opportunities and evade hazards
as far as possible (Westoby et al., 1989). This


Fig. 1.9. The annual legume Medicago truncatula

establishing from self-sown seed in early winter,
amongst the stubble of the previous seasons cereal
crop. This illustrates a phase in the traditional South
Australian ley farming system.

encourages and frees the manager to use a wide

range of information and management options to
achieve goals of pasture production, botanical composition and long-term stability or resilience.
Management based simply on opportunism is no
basis for achieving long-term pasture outcomes.
What is needed, for all types of pastures, is a system
developed within a framework of clearly dened,
long-term goals and an understanding of factors
affecting competition and succession. Management
decisions, incorporating various pathways and time
periods, could then be taken to achieve the goals.

Ecologists and agronomists are currently making
considerable efforts both to overcome and prevent
degradation and to improve the long-term performance of natural and sown pastures. Achieving
these objectives requires an understanding of the
processes involved, e.g. processes leading to decline
in productivity, loss of valuable species and ingress
of weeds, as well as those associated with improved
productivity and stability. Plant competition is an
important factor controlling these processes.
However, the nature of such competition is not yet
fully understood. There are other factors abiotic
and biotic which can have a major effect on the
conditions under which competition occurs.
Parallel with research on the mechanisms of
competition is work that has produced indices to
measure outcomes of plant interactions. These


P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby

indices enable comparisons to be made of the

effects of genotype and environmental factors on
such outcomes. Other investigations have resulted
in the description and classication of the botanical
structure of grasslands and any changes over time,
thereby providing a basis for management decisions. Yet the precise role of competition in deter-

mining the botanical composition of pastures

remains unclear. Even so, integrating the bank of
information and improved understanding arising
from the array of ecological and agronomic research
should provide a real opportunity to develop management systems to achieve long-term use and stability of grasslands.

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