HK - Curriculum - PTH
HK - Curriculum - PTH
HK - Curriculum - PTH
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
study period
6 months/
2 school terms
1 year/
3 school terms
30 credits/
~ 330 hours
Student Visa
~20 months
5 school terms
4 months to
1 year
Admitted in programme
during Sep. 2012 and Spring
2016: 42 credits/ ~ 462 hours.
72 credits/ ~795 hours
Note: (1) Simplified Chinese is used in the Putonghua programmes with textbooks available in traditional Chinese upon request.
(2) Students interested in learning Chinese characters (traditional Chinese) only without speaking lesson please refer to
Cantonese curriculum for Chinese reading programme. (3) The above programme titles were previously known as follow
respectively: Certificate Programme in Putonghua as a Foreign/ Second Language, Diploma Programme in Putonghua as a
Foreign/ Second Language, Advanced Diploma Programme in Putonghua as a Foreign/ Second Language and Foundation
Certificate Programme in Putonghua for Non-native Chinese Speakers. They have been re-titled as above with effect from 1
September 2012.
Flexible entry level and school term
Any level from one to five and any
school terms namely spring, summer
and fall.
Placement available to
non- beginners
To make sure students are placed to
the right level.
teachers qualifications
instructors based on CUHK and CLC
Extensive student profile
Students from more than 70 countries
and all walks of life.
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
Level 1
An intensive programme for beginning students of Putonghua which lays a foundation for
further studies focusing on the Chinese language, with emphasis on oral proficiency and
aural comprehension. Students will be exposed to over 800 basic Putonghua terms based on
approximately 400 Chinese characters. Coursework will include some written exercises to
help consolidate speaking ability.
A minimum of 15 credits (5 courses) per school term are required for this level and for
student visa sponsorship (if applicable).
The course code prefix of CLCP below was formerly known as CPTH.
Chinese Language and Culture for Language Learners
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
This is a knowledge-based course taught in English to introduce Chinese language and culture.
The course is designed for students (both native and non-native Chinese) who are interested in
Chinese language and culture; the theories, practices and situations of teaching and learning
Chinese as a second language (including Putonghua and Cantonese learning); the importance
of culture in Chinese as a second language learning; and the language situations in Hong
Kong and in Mainland China.
Application of Vocabulary & Grammar I
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
An elementary course designed to familiarize students with the use of basic vocabulary and
grammar points. Vocabulary introduced based on everyday conversations and daily usage.
Focus will be on appropriateness in application.
Oral Skills Practice I
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
An elementary course focused on students fluency in communication with basic vocabulary
and grammar points through various kinds of speaking practice. Real life settings are
introduced such as shopping, introducing family members, asking directions etc.
Communication in context I
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
An elementary course designed to familiarize students with basic vocabulary and grammar
points through language tasks/activities and contextualized exercises. Real life settings are
introduced such as shopping, introducing family members, asking directions etc.
Listening & Reading Comprehension Skills I
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
This elementary course focused on building up students listening ability in real life context.
Everyday settings are introduced such as shopping, introducing family members, asking
directions etc.
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
Basic Presentation Skills & Daily Situations I
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
This elementary course helps students to build up abilities in presenting basic ideas in real life
communication settings. Tasks like picture description, speaking topics and simple
presentation will be adopted to train students in presentation with various everyday settings.
Special Topics for Elementary Learners
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
This elementary course is designed to consolidate learners language skills with special topics
as determined by the teachers subject to the classs need. Topics can include but not limited to
training associated to the national Chinese test (HSK) level 1 to 2; COPA intermediate level
simple communicative tasks such as introducing (informal), leaving messages, making
appointments, shopping, ordering food, describing simple events; elementary business
Chinese training etc.
* Mandatory course for that level.
# elective course for that level.
All courses are subject to an enrolment threshold and some courses are offered on an irregular schedule. Students
will be duly notified.
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
Level 2
An intensive course for students who have completed PTH level I or with equivalent
competence in Putonghua, emphasizing oral skills and listening comprehension, with more
exposure to basic structural points. Students will be exposed to more elementary and
intermediate terms and expressions in Putonghua based on approximately 300 additional
Chinese characters. Coursework will include some written exercises to help consolidate
speaking ability.
A minimum of 15 credits (5 courses) per school term are required for this level and for
student visa sponsorship (if applicable).
The course code prefix of CLCP below was formerly known as CPTH.
Chinese Language and Culture for Language Learners
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
This is a knowledge-based course taught in English to introduce Chinese language and culture.
The course is designed for students (both native and non-native Chinese) who are interested in
Chinese language and culture; the theories, practices and situations of teaching and learning
Chinese as a second language (including Putonghua and Cantonese learning); the importance
of culture in Chinese as a second language learning; and the language situations in Hong
Kong and in Mainland China.
Application of Vocabulary & Grammar II
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
An intermediate course designed to familiarize students with the use of more vocabulary and
grammar points. Vocabulary introduced based on everyday conversations and daily usage.
Focus will be on appropriateness in application.
Oral Skills Practice II
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
An intermediate course focused on students fluency in speaking practice in real life settings,
such as going to the airport, attending a wedding party, going to see movies, discussing travel
plans, talking about hobbies etc.
Communication in Context II
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
An intermediate course designed to familiarize students with newly acquired vocabulary and
grammar points through language tasks/activities and contextualized exercises in real life
Listening & Reading Comprehension Skills II
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
An intermediate course focused on building up students listening ability. Real life settings
are introduced such as going to the airport, attending a wedding party, going to see movies,
discussing travel plans, talking about hobbies etc.
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
Basic Presentation Skills & Daily Situations II
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
An intermediate course to help students improve their proficiency to communicate in
authentic situations by integrating the newly acquired vocabulary items and grammar
#CLCP2263 Special Topics for Intermediate Learners
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
This intermediate course is designed to consolidate learners language skills with special
topics as determined by the teachers subject to the classs need. Topics can include but not
limited to training associated to the national Chinese test (HSK) level 2 to 3; COPA
intermediate level communicative tasks such as showing direction, describing past events,
comparing, expressing thanks, explaining, discussing; intermediate business Chinese training
# CLCP2913A/B/C
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
Level 3
An intensive course for students who have completed level II or with equivalent competence in
Putonghua. This course is designed to improve students' language skills through reading and
discussion of many aspects of Chinese society with emphasis on communicative ability.
Students will be exposed to a wide range of terms and expressions based on approximately
200 additional Chinese characters. Coursework will include some written exercises to help
consolidate speaking ability.
A minimum of 15 credits (5 courses) per school term are required for this level and for
student visa sponsorship (if applicable).
The course code prefix of CLCP below was formerly known as CPTH.
Chinese Language and Culture for Language Learners
3 credits; 3 hrs/week
This is a knowledge-based course taught in English to introduce Chinese language and culture.
The course is designed for students (both native and non-native Chinese) who are interested in
Chinese language and culture; the theories, practices and situations of teaching and learning
Chinese as a second language (including Putonghua and Cantonese learning); the importance
of culture in Chinese as a second language learning; and the language situations in Hong
Kong and in Mainland China.
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
* CLCP3353 Basic Presentation Skills & Daily Situations III 3 credits; 3 hrs/week
A higher intermediate course helping students to further improve their proficiency to
communicate in a variety of authentic situations by integrating the newly acquired vocabulary
items and grammar structures.
# CLCP2913A/B/C
This is a compulsory course for Advanced Diploma students and an elective course to
students targeting other level award which is usually offered in the Summer Term.
PRINCH allows intermediate and advanced Putonghua learners to practice what they have
learned in class through a variety of activities in the target culture, an approach that has been
recognized by professionals and highly recommended as a most effective means to cultivate
pragmatic competence of language learners. Students will be assigned to small groups led by
trained teaching assistants to explore different themes by visit. Themes may include arts and
culture, history and traditions, government & policies, contemporary and folk culture etc.
Students are expected to prepare and give oral presentation related to the visit which will then
be assessed by the teaching assistants and/ or the lecturer.
PRINCH will be held in a selected mainland China city during the term break between Spring
and Summer. The format will be a very intensive language and culture immersion which lasts
for 7 to 14 consecutive days. Former destination includes Guangzhou, Beijing and Xian.
Note: PRINCH is a compulsory "capstone" course for Advanced Diploma programme. If
students with some strong reasons want to excuse from taking PRINCH must forward written
justification to the Division Head, and in replacement, to take 3 more electives to fulfill the
graduation requirement. The former course code for intermediate level and advanced level
Putonghua PRINCH was CPTH3363 and CPTH4713 respectively. More information about
All courses are subject to an enrolment threshold and may not be offered in a particular school term.
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
Chinese as a FSL (Putonghua/ Mandarin) curriculum, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
For more information about Continuing Education Fund eligibility within CLC, please refer to home
page: h t t p : / / w w w. y c c l c . c u h k . e d u . h k / ? v = C E F