Sorption Composite Materials For Solar Thermal Energy Storage

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Energy Procedia 48 (2014) 977 981

SHC 2013, International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry
September 23-25, 2013, Freiburg, Germany

Sorption composite materials for solar thermal energy storage

Alenka Ristia* and Stefan K. Henningerb
National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia, Hajdrihova 19, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Heidenhofstr. 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany

Two different composites, one with disordered mesoporous iron silicate matrix and the other with ordered mesoporous matrix
together with calcium chloride, are presented. The introduction of CaCl2 in the matrices improves the maximal water sorption
capacity. The composite with disordered mesoporous matrix showed a maximal water uptake of 0.58 g/g at 5.6 kPa, while the
composite with ordered mesoporous matrix revealed higher maximal water uptake of 0.88 g/g. These composites show good
hydrothermal stability after 20 cycles of sorption/desorption between temperatures of 150C and 40C and at water vapor
pressure of 5.6 kPa. After the cycling test no leakage of the salt hydrate from the composites was detected.
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
under responsibility
Selection and
by by
of SHCof2013
Keywords: composites; CaCl2; water; sorption; solar energy; thermochemical energy storage

1. Introduction
Thermal energy storage is an important technology for renewable energy systems and it is essential for solar
thermal systems. The heat should be stored efficiently for longer periods of time and no cost-effective compact
storage technologies are available to do this. Hot water tanks are state of art for short term storage, i.e. up to several
days but become inefficient and require very large volumes of space for longer storage period. Alternative storage
technologies, such as phase change materials (PCMs) and thermochemical materials (TCMs) are available on a
laboratory scale. Materials are the main bottleneck for finding effective solutions for compact thermal energy

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +38614760215; fax: +38614760300 .

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1876-6102 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and peer review by the scientific conference committee of SHC 2013 under responsibility of PSE AG


Alenka Risti and Stefan K. Henninger / Energy Procedia 48 (2014) 977 981

storage. There is a need for new storage materials with higher water sorption capacity and specific energy storage
density and lower material cost.
Thermally stable mesoporous adsorbents can be used as storage materials mostly in combination with water as
working fluid for application in adsorption heat pumps and thermo-chemical heat storage [1]. The advantage of
mesoporous ordered silicas and silica gels is their low charging temperature. Thus, these materials can be used for
storage of low temperature heat (e.g. solar energy) and industrial waste heat. Mesoporous disordered silicas (silica
gels) are widely studied as hydrophilic compounds due to the high affinity to water vapor. They exhibit large water
sorption capacity at low humidity [2, 3]. On the other hand, mesoporous ordered silicas, like MCM-41 and SBA-15,
exhibit adsorption characteristics different from disordered mesoporous silicas, like ordinary silica gels, and they
can adsorb large amount of water due to the amorphous surface structure and high pore volumes. [4]
One of the strategies to improve the sorption capacity of water sorbents is the preparation of a composite material
by combining the advantages of hygroscopic salts with those of the pure porous materials (matrix). Different
matrices can be used, mostly disordered porous silicas, ordered mesoporous silica, alumina and natural clays. The
matrix absorbs water and serves as a dispersion medium, which forms a required salt particle size and high salt
surface area. In addition this affects the state and properties of the salt,i.e. prevents forming of typical agglomeration
and conducts heat through the solid. Usually the porous matrix has lower water sorption capacity than the
hygroscopic salts, which have an active role and interact with water to increase the sorption capacity. [5] A study of
water sorption properties of the composites revealed that the formation of salt hydrates in the dispersed state
happened at a lower relative pressure of water vapor with respect to the bulk state. This makes the salts dispersed
within mesoporous matrix much more efficient than a common bulk salt. The main disadvantage of the composite
sorbents is the leakage of the hygroscopic salt from the mesopores, resulting in a degradation of the adsorption
properties and severe corrosion effects with the shell metal materials. [6]
We present two different water sorption composites one with disordered mesoporous iron silicate matrix and the
other with ordered mesoporous matrix together with calcium chloride. Both composites show good hydrothermal
stability after 20 cycles of sorption/desorption between temperatures of 150C and 40C at a water vapor pressure of
5.6 kPa.
2. Experimental
The composites were prepared by wet impregnation of matrices, like disordered mesoporous iron silicate and
ordered mesoporous silicate, with 2.1 M aqueous solution of calcium chloride. The porous structures of composites
were characterized with TEM and N2 physisorption. TEM micrographs were obtained on a 200-kV field-emission
gun (FEG) microscope JEOL JEM 2010F. Nitrogen physisorption measurements were performed on a Tristar
volumetric adsorption analyzer (Micromeritics). The BET specific surface area [7], SBET, was calculated using the
adsorption branch in the relative pressure range between 0.05 and 0.21. The total pore volume was estimated from
the amount sorbed at a relative pressure of 0.96. The pore size distributions (PSDs) were calculated from nitrogen
adsorption data using an algorithm based on theory of Barrett, Joyner, and Halenda (BJH) >8]. The maxima on the
PSD are considered as the primary mesopore diameters for given samples. Water adsorption characteristics were
measured by simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC 111 Setaram). The
Setaram TG/DSC allows simultaneous measurement of the water uptake and the resulting heat flow. These
measurements are performed under a humidified carrier gas (Argon 5.0). The experimental setup and the
corresponding error analysis are described in detail elsewhere >9]. The chosen operating conditions were the
following: a maximal desorption temperature of 150C and a minimal adsorption temperature of 40C or 20C for
water vapour pressures of 5.6 kPa and 1.2 kPa, respectively. To evaluate the hydrothermal stability of the materials,
the samples were exposed to a short-cycle hydrothermal treatment consisting of 20 cycles between temperatures of
150C and 40C at a water vapor pressure of 5.6 kPa. The water uptake for each cycle between 150C and 40C was
determined as a first benchmark.

Alenka Risti and Stefan K. Henninger / Energy Procedia 48 (2014) 977 981


3. Results
Elemental analysis of both composites showed that the composite with disordered iron silicate matrix [10]
contained 7 wt.% of CaCl2, while the composite with ordered silicate matrix possessed 4 wt.% of the same salt [11].
TEM image of the composite with disordered iron silicate matrix (Fig. 1a) revealed that this composite contained
disordered mesostructured matrix, composing of amorphous iron silicate nanoparticles with interparticle pores with
a very broad range of dimensions from 4 to 29 nm. On the other hand, TEM image of the composite with ordered
silicate matrix (Fig. 1b) showed the hexagonal arrangement (honeycomb) of mesopores with dimensions of 9 nm.

Fig 1: TEM pictures (a) of the composite with disordered mesoporous iron silicate matrix and (b) of the composite with ordered mesoporous
silicate matrix

The presence of CaCl2 in the mesopores of both composites was proved by N 2 sorption isotherms (Fig. 2).
Structural parameters determined on the basis of these isotherms are listed in Table 1. The hysteresis loops of the
composites were less intense and were closing down at lower p/po values in comparison to the original matrices,
evidencing the formation of materials with plugs of CaCl2 in pores. The presence of the dispersed CaCl 2
nanoparticles on matrices led to a decreased mesopore volume in both materials. A two-step desorption branch was
observed in the composite with disordered mesoporous iron silicate matrix as a result of an appearance of two pore
size distribution maxima representing the coexistence of open and narrowed mesopores (due to CaCl2 plugs in the
pores). The formation of CaCl2 plugs in the ordered mesoporous silicate matrix resulted in small tailing of the
hysteresis loop as well as in the decreased mesopore size.

Fig. 2: (a) Nitrogen sorption isotherms of the composite with disordered mesoporous iron silicate matrix and (b) of the composite with ordered
mesoporous silicate matrix


Alenka Risti and Stefan K. Henninger / Energy Procedia 48 (2014) 977 981
Table 1. Structural properties of the composites and theirs matrices.

SBET (m2/g)

Vtot (cm3/g)

wBJH (nm)

Ordered mesoporous silicate matrix




Composite with ordered mesoporous silicate





Disordered mesoporous iron silicate matrix




Composite with disordered mesoporous iron

silicate matrix



11.7, 17.9

The water sorption uptake curves of both composites indicated typical characteristics of the mesoporous
hydrophilic adsorbents for the composite with disordered iron silicate matrix (Fig. 3) and of the low hydrophilic
adsorbents for the composite with ordered silicate matrix. The adsorption isobar at 5.6 kPa of the composite with
disordered mesoporous iron silicate matrix shows a nearly linear uptake up to a relative pressure of 0.5, with an
increase at higher relative pressure. On the other hand the adsorption isobar of the composite with ordered silicate
matrix reveals linear uptake up to a relative pressure of 0.6 and an increase of the water uptake above 0.6. This is an
indication that this composite is still too hydrophobic for heat storage application and is more suitable for
dehumidification. The composite with disordered mesoporous matrix showed a maximal water uptake of 0.58 g/g
under the given conditions, while the composite with ordered mesoporous matrix revealed higher maximal water
uptake of 0.88 g/g.

Fig. 3: Water sorption isobars 5.6 kPa, displayed versus the relative pressure, thus giving an isothermal representation of the composites

The repeated hydrothermal stability, which was not performed so far on comparable composites, is another
important value with regard to a cyclic adsorption process for heat storage applications. The composites were
exposed to a short-cycle hydrothermal treatment consisting of 20 cycles between temperatures of 150C and 40C at
a water vapor pressure of 5.6 kPa. In the next step, the water uptake for each cycle between 150C and 40C was
determined as a first benchmark. As it can be seen in Fig. 4, there are only a small losses of water uptake capacity in
the composites (3.6 % for the composites of disordered matrix and 3.7 % for the composite of ordered matrix),
which confirmed the comparatively good initial hydrothermal stability of the composites under the operating

Alenka Risti and Stefan K. Henninger / Energy Procedia 48 (2014) 977 981


Fig. 4: Hydrothermal stability after 20 cycles between temperatures of 150C and 40C and at water vapor pressure 5.6kPa

After the cycling tests the porous structures of both composites did not change as well as no leaching of CaCl 2
was directly observed by elemental analysis.
4. Conclusions
The composites were successfully prepared by wet impregnation of the matrices containing disordered
mesoporous iron silicate and ordered mesoporous silicate with 2.1 M aqueous solution of calcium chloride. The
introduction of CaCl2 in the matrices increases the maximum water sorption capacity of both sorption composites.
Although the usable loading lift within an adsorption heat storage process is still comparable low with regard to the
maximum water capacity, the good initial hydrothermal stability after 20 cycles between temperatures of 150C and
40C at a water vapor pressure of 5.6 kPa is very promising. Further optimization i.e. higher amount of salt
incorporated into the mesoporous structure and changing the pore size of the matrix must be performed. With regard
to the adsorption characteristics of the presented compounds, the sorption composite with disordered mesoporous
iron silicate matrix can be used as water sorbent for solar thermo-chemical heat storage, while the other composite
with ordered mesoporous silicate matrix is more suitable for dehumidification applications.
We thank for the support by the Slovenian Research Agency through the research program P1-0021-0104 and
research project J1-3604. The work is also a part of the IEA SHC ECES joint Task/Annex 42 29 Compact Thermal
Energy Storage Material Development for System Integration.
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