Brain Waves
Brain Waves
Brain Waves
At the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviour is the communication between
neurones within our brains. Brainwaves are produced by synchronised electrical
pulses from masses of neurones communicating with each other.
Brainwaves are detected using sensors placed on the scalp. They are divided into
bandwidths to describe their functions, but are best thought of as a continuous
spectrum of consciousness; Delta being slow, loud and functional, to Gamma
being fast, subtle and complex.
Brainwaves are a little like musical notes, the low frequency waves are like a deeply
penetrating drum beat, while the higher frequency brainwaves are like a subtle
high pitched flute.
Our brainwaves change according to what were doing and feeling. When slower
brainwaves are dominant we can feel tired, slow, sluggish, or dreamy. The
higher frequencies are dominant when we feel wired, or hyper-alert.
The descriptions that follow are only broadly descriptions, in practice things are far
more complex, and brainwaves have different effects when they occur in
different locations in the brain. Brainwave speed is measured in Hertz (cycles
per second) and they are dived into bands delineating slow, moderate, and fast
Throughout the day in your waking state, an EEG will display all 5 types of brain
waves at the same time. However, one particular brain wave will be dominant
depending on the state of consciousness that you are in.
For example, if you are awake, but have really bad ADHD, you may have more slow
wave (alpha and/or theta) activity than beta waves. During sleep there are generally
combinations of the slower brain frequencies.
The frequencies given for the different brain waves vary slightly between different
sources: Delta - 0.2 3 Hz / 0.5 4 Hz
Theta - 3 8 Hz / 4 8 Hz
Alpha - 8 12 Hz / 8 13 Hz / 9 14 Hz
Beta - 12 27 Hz / 12 - 38 Hz / 12 40 Hz / 15 40 Hz
Gamma 30 42 Hz / 38 90 Hz / 40 100 Hz
By the age of 75 delta brain waves may be entirely absent. Slow-wave sleep also
declines in the elderly. However temporal delta brain wave activity is commonly seen
in older adults and may be linked to stokes.
Theta Waves Between 4 and 8 Hz
Theta brain waves are considered brain waves that oscillate between the frequencies
of 4 Hz to 8 Hz (cycles per second). Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep but
are also dominant in the deep meditation. In theta, our senses are withdrawn from the
external world and focused on signals originating from within. It is that twilight state
which we normally only experience fleetingly as we wake or drift off to sleep.
In the theta brainwave state we are in a dream state, experiencing vivid imagery,
intuition or information beyond our normal conscious awareness. The theta state is
also linked to subconscious fears, deep seated worries and nightmares.
Theta waves indicate sleep, drowsiness, daydreaming, creative and imaginative
thinking that is led by the subconscious mind (i.e. when ideas suddenly just come to
you). Theta waves allow for easier communication between the conscious and
subconscious minds. Theta waves have also been identified as helpful for learning,
memory and the reduction of stress.
Theta waves have been linked to experiencing emotions, daydreaming, intuition,
relaxation, the subconscious mind, and REM sleep (accompanied by bursts of gamma
brain waves).
Children tend to have significantly more theta activity than adults. Theta is the main
brainwave frequency range for children between 2 6 years old.
Theta waves can be found in different areas of the brain and may produce different
effects. Individuals that go into deep meditative states may also experience an
increase in theta brain waves. Healthy theta activity may enhance our ability to
process emotions, be creative, and tap into our intuition.
There is some evidence that the theta range could help heal both the body and the
mind from extreme stress and other ailments. Some researchers hypothesise that the
theta brain rhythm can reset the brains sodium / potassium ratio back to natural
levels. The theory behind this is that if you are stuck in a state of high stress, these
ratios become thrown out of homeostatic balance. Since the theta wave is capable of
slowing down the body and the mind, it is thought to help with healing.
Since experiencing theta brain waves is linked to lower levels of arousal, it is
hypothesised that theta wave dominance, particularly in the left hemisphere may
contribute to feelings of depression in adults. Theta brain waves in certain regions of
the brain are linked to learning disorders. The theta brain wave rhythm is often seen in
children and individuals with ADHD.
linked to having a more optimistic outlook on life. People tend to be calm and think
fairly positive with dominant alpha. Think of this as the opposite of rapid-negative
stressful or angry thoughts.
Problem Solving: For thinking outside the box the alpha range may help. Sometimes
it helps to simply slow the mind down and then the solution appears easily and
naturally in the alpha state.
Relaxation: Anytime you feel deeply relaxed, you are experiencing alpha brain
waves. If you like to lie out in the sun while lying with your eyes closed, this also
provides an alpha boost.
Visualisation: If you like to close your eyes and visualise, this is the brain wave that
you will experience. Anytime you close your eyes, are relaxed, and visualising
internally (e.g. minds eye), you will learn what the alpha range feels like.
Biofeedback: This is a technique that involves helping people to naturally train their
brains to produce certain brain waves. The idea behind it is that you receive
feedback when your brain increases activity of a certain wave. The goal is to
eventually learn how to consciously produce this type of brain wave activity without
feedback after multiple training sessions.
Stress Relief: Research has shown that individuals that are stressed tend to produce
an overabundance of beta waves. Most of these individuals may experience what is
called alpha blocking. This means that their alpha activity is so low, that it doesnt
allow the individual to lower their level of arousal. In order to decrease stress, it has
been found that biofeedback training can help people to increase their alpha waves.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse: can significantly reduce alpha frequency and amplitude.
Thus decreasing the benefits to be had from this particular range. In part this may be
why individuals that abuse drugs and alcohol have a difficult time relaxing once the
high wears off.
Alpha and beta wave activity is decreased in marijuana users, in the first month after
they stop smoking. Chronic marijuana users experience sleep disturbances and
sometimes vivid dreaming when they stop using.
Beta Waves Between 13 and 38 Hz
Beta brainwaves dominate our normal waking state of consciousness when attention
is directed towards cognitive tasks and the outside world. Beta is a fast activity,
present when we are alert, attentive, engaged in problem solving, judgement, decision
making, and engaged in focused mental activity.
Beta brainwaves are further divided into three bands
Low Beta (13-15Hz) focussed thinking, or musing.
Mid Beta (15-22Hz) states of high engagement.
High Beta (22-38Hz) highly complex thought, integrating new experiences, high
anxiety, or excitement.
Continual high frequency processing is not a very efficient way to run the brain, as it
takes a tremendous amount of energy. Beta waves are characteristic of an engaged
mind, which is alert and well focused. These are the dominant waves most of us will
experience during the day.
They are produced when our attention is directed to the outside world. They are also
used in complex problem solving, having conversations, any form of active exercise
(using motor skills) and in learning new information and skills. Brain waves towards
the upper end of the Beta range can indicate stressed or anxious thoughts.
Gamma Waves Between 38 and 90 Hz
Gamma brainwaves are the fastest brain waves and relate to simultaneous processing
of information from different brain areas. The mind has to be quiet to access gamma
brainwave frequencies. Gamma was traditionally dismissed as 'spare brain noise' until
researchers discovered it was highly active when in states of universal love, altruism,
and the higher virtues.
Gamma rhythms modulate perception and consciousness, they disappear when people
are under anaesthesia. Gamma rhythms are above the frequency of neuronal firing, so
how they are generated remains a mystery. The presence of Gamma relates to
expanded consciousness and spiritual emergence.
Gamma waves are found when carrying out very complex motor processes. When
people describe themselves as being in the zone, highly alert and focused, these are
Gamma wave traits. They can also be associated with very anxious or panic attack
type behaviour. Gamma waves are important in harmonising and bringing together
thoughts being processed in different parts of the brain. They are also produced during
hypnotic states.