Alternative Energy Jigsaw Cep LP 10
Alternative Energy Jigsaw Cep LP 10
Alternative Energy Jigsaw Cep LP 10
Date: 10/10/16
Grade Level: 8th grade Content Area: Science
Which forms of energy can be directly observed, and which forms of energy must be inferred?
What are the pros and cons of turning towards alternative energy sources rather than fossil
Concepts and skills students master: (Understandings, Big Ideas, Unit objectives)
Use depth and complexity to compare and contrast articles during jigsaw
Create a depth and complexity chart for assigned energy source article
Compare and contrast in groups the different types of energy sources and how they all affect
the environment
Develop a proficient understanding of one specific energy source and present it to the rest of
the assigned group
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Students will complete a D & C packet, present their poster for a grade, and they will participate
in a class discussion on Day 4.
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Approx. Time
Anticipatory Set
(Select the most
appropriate teaching
-direct instruction
-presentation model
-concept teaching
-cooperative learning
About 5 minutes
Video on alternative energy usage in other countries:
- Video explain that there are already other countries that have proven to the world it is possible to go 100%
green or use renewable energy only.
Includes: Input, Modeling and Checking for Understanding
Day 1: (25 minutes)
1. Input: The teacher provides information needed for the students to gain the knowledge through lecture, film,
- I will take this time to quickly discuss the video and then begin a short review of the Depth and Complexity icons.
Students will have a model to follow while they are working on reading and annotating their own articles.
- I will explain the next three days of class and what is expected of them individually and in their groups. We will
discuss the worksheet that goes along with the first day, what a jigsaw activity is, and what is expected at the
end of the two days
2. Modeling: Once the material has been presented, the teacher uses it to show students examples of what is
expected as an end product of their work. The critical aspect s are explained through labeling, categorizing,
comparing, summarizing, etc.
- For Day 1 and Day 2 I will show the students what I am expecting of them by showing them an example/model
of a Depth nd Complexity chart that was done based on renewable energy. I will have this projected up on the
smart board for students to view and ask questions before they begin reading their articles.
Day 2: (10 minutes)
1. Input: The teacher provides information needed for the students to gain the knowledge through lecture, film,
- I will explain that the first 20 minutes of class will be spent discussing with their same energy type group. During
this time students should go over their articles and Depth & Complexity charts they made individually. Then, I
will explain that the remainder of class will be the jigsaw portion.
- I will ready the class for the jigsaw mix up and go over all of my expectations for their group discussions.
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Teaching Strategy:
Guided Practice
Teaching Strategy:
o Can you predict the outcome in 50 + years if your idea was formulated into effect?
L6: Evaluation:
o What is your opinion of renewable energies after reading the article and discussing with your groups?
o What would you prioritize if you were the engineer behind harvesting energy in an area that greatly
affected the ecosystems? Explain your thoughts.
Day 1-4:
I will release the class to begin running off of student led learning once we have completed the anticipatory set and once
the direct instruction has been given.
Day 1: (20 minutes)
- Students will be released to get a Chromebook and begin to read the article that they will choose from the list
that is given to them. Students will be able to access the list on the class website.
- Students will complete their reading and annotations that will be done using the Depth & Complexity charts in
their packets.
Day 2: (40 minutes)
- After the direct instruction is given, students will be allowed the first 20 minutes of class to discuss in their same
energy groups their chosen articles and Depth & Complexity charts.
- The second half of class students will be Jigsawed into one of four groups. There will be a group for each D &
C icon: Multiple Perspectives, Big Ideas, Trends, and Patterns.
o Students will take the rest of the day to discuss the different areas of renewable energy that the articles
discussed as well as their D & C Charts.
Day 3: (50 minutes)
- Students will take the class period to finish discussing their D & C charts and begin working on their Depth &
Complexity Icon Poster that will represent all of the Multiple Perspectives, Big Ideas, Trends, or Patterns for all
the articles/energy sources.
Day 4: (20 minutes)
- Students will present their posters to the class
- Students will be filling out their packets and finishing their depth and complexity icon charts pertaining to their
own articles.
o This will be turned in the next day for an individual grade
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To modify:
IEP students: Students will be placed in a group that will aid in the learning of all level students
- orally present to the para or teacher I have one student that is unable to write
- student will work with another student that is able to explain concepts well and help them learn
To extend:
Advanced Students: Students who are in need of an extension to promote further learning will be asked to create a
- Propose an alternative way to harvest the energy in specific energy that would lower the negative effect on
the environment?
- Please include the materials that will be required to allow the plant function properly. Be sure to include a
flow chart of how energy will be harvested, transferred, and used for the use of society.
Students will be asked to have a visual and a written portion for grading.
- Formative Assessment:
o Informal:
Students will participate in a group discussion as a closure activity- see closure section for
o Formal:
Presentations to the class see rubric
Students will be graded on their participation and contributions by their peers (See peer
evaluation sheet)
Students will be graded on their D & C chart/packet.
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Summative Assessment:
o N/A
There will be a summative assessment at the end of the unit (exam).
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Describe or demonstrate
an advance organizer.
Describe, picture or
demonstrate learning
materials and activities
specific to the options of
this model (e.g., explaining
links and examples; ruleexample-rule; signposts
and transitions). Two or
more of the teaching and
learning activities are rich
and engaging.
Describe, list or
demonstrate one or more
questions, or a discussion
structure you provide to
extend your students
thinking on the content.
Describe or demonstrate
how your students
demonstrate their
Describe or demonstrate
all of the critical attributes
of the concept, identify
the class or category to
which the concept
Describe or demonstrate a
clear progression of
examples and nonexamples; deduction is
illustrated through the
early definition of the
concept; induction is
illustrated through
definition of the concept
late in the activities.
Describe or demonstrate
the assessment processes
you use to test for
acquisition of the concept
at key points during the
presentation of examples
and non-examples.
Describe or picture the
instructional materials and
resources you use to
reveal their creativity,
functionality, and
appropriateness to the
question(s) posed.
List the specialists and
field experiences you
Describe or demonstrate
the assessment methods
you use to determine the
academic progress of
Describe or demonstrate
EACH student in the class
how you inspire curiosity
(i.e., make each student
on the part of your
individually accountable)
students. Describe or
and how you assess the
demonstrate your review
social and/or interpersonal of classroom guidelines for
skills identified for
social and/or interpersonal
acquisition or practice
during the lesson.
Describe or demonstrate
Describe or demonstrate
how you prompt
the grouping arrangement
investigative processes.
Reveal how you facilitate
the ways in which you
your students efforts as
promote positive
they propose how to
interdependence between gather information, study,
group members.
craft an experiment,
observe and/or conduct
Describe or demonstrate
the instructional materials
and resources; address
Write or demonstrate a
resource interdependence sample question through
Page 10
learning. Address
assessment methods
during instruction (i.e.,
checking for
understanding), and after
instruction (e.g., a quiz,
ticket-to-leave, etc.).
as necessary.
Describe, list or
demonstrate one or more
questions, or a discussion
structure you provide to
extend your students
thinking on the concept.
Two or more of the
teaching and learning
activities are rich and
Describe or demonstrate
how your students
demonstrate their learning
after instruction (e.g.,
students summarize their
definition of the concept
orally or in writing, etc.).
Describe or demonstrate
your directions for group
formation, rearranging
furniture (If necessary)
and how
materials/resources are
Describe or demonstrate
the expectations for
demonstration of
interpersonal and small
group skills
Two or more of the
teaching and learning
activities are rich and
Describe or demonstrate
your method to check for
understanding (i.e., a
description of how you will
assess student learning
academically and socially)
as you circulate among the
groups as well as the
feedback you provide.
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