Quality Function Deployment (QFD) : UNIT-5 Total Qulaity Management

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Quality Function Deployment (QFD) was developed to bring this personal interface to
modern manufacturing and business. In today's industrial society, where the growing distance
between producers and users is a concern, QFD links the needs of the customer (end user) with
design, development, engineering, manufacturing, and service functions.
QFD is:
1. Understanding Customer Requirements
2. Quality Systems Thinking + Psychology + Knowledge/Epistemology
3. Maximizing Positive Quality That Adds Value
4. Comprehensive Quality System for Customer Satisfaction
5. Strategy to Stay Ahead of The Game
As a quality system that implements elements of Systems Thinking with elements of Psychology
and Epistemology (knowledge), QFD provides a system of comprehensive development
process for:

Understanding 'true' customer needs from the customer's perspective

What 'value' means to the customer, from the customer's perspective

Understanding how customers or end users become interested, choose, and are satisfied

Analyzing how do we know the needs of the customer

Deciding what features to include

Determining what level of performance to deliver

Intelligently linking the needs of the customer with design, development, engineering,
manufacturing, and service functions

Intelligently linking Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) with the front end Voice of Customer
analysis and the entire design system

QFD is a comprehensive quality system that systematically links the needs of the customer with
various business functions and organizational processes, such as marketing, design, quality,
production, manufacturing, sales, etc., aligning the entire company toward achieving a common

It does so by seeking both spoken and unspoken needs, identifying positive quality and
business opportunities, and translating these into actions and designs by using transparent
analytic and prioritization methods, empowering organizations to exceed normal expectations
and provide a level of unanticipated excitement that generates value.

The QFD methodology can be used for both tangible products and non-tangible services,
including manufactured goods, service industry, software products, IT projects, business
process development, government, healthcare, environmental initiatives, and many other

Kaizen is small improvements and a change for better. It must be accompanied by change of
method. The Kaizen concept stimulates productivity improvement as an ongoing process in any
company. It is a practice oriented strategy which leads to creation of culture of improvement.
It is more a way of life or at least a cultural approach to quality improvement. The implementation
of philosophy of Kaizen can be achieved through involvement of employees to effect
Kaizen can be implemented in the industry by improving every aspect of business process in a
step by step approach, while gradually developing employee skills through training and increased
involvement. The principles are:

human resources are the most important company asset

process must evolve by gradual improvement rather than radical changes

improvement must be based on evaluation of process performance

By practicing Kaizen culture, managers demonstrate commitment to quality. Also, the workers with
adequate support from managers become a major source of improvement
Kaizen system is simple, but its implication are far reaching. These can be in the area of
Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, and Safety & Morale of Employees.
The cycle of kaizen activity can be defined as:

Standardize an operation and activities.

Measure the operation (find cycle time and amount of in-process inventory).

Gauge measurements against requirements.

Innovate to meet requirements and increase productivity.

Standardize the new, improved operations.

Continue cycle.

5s+Lean Manufacturing
The 5Ss stand for five Japanese words that constitute good housekeeping. Roughly translated
they are;

Sort (Seiri)

Set in order (Seiton)

Shine (Seiso)


Sustain (Shitsuke)

1. Sort

Remove from the workplace all items that are not needed for current production (or office)
operation. Sorting means leaving only the bare necessities When in doubt, throw it away

2. Set in Order

Arranging needed items so that they are readily accessible and labelled so that anyone
can find them or put them away.

3. Shine

Sweep and clean the work area. The key purpose is to keep everything in top condition
so that when someone needs to use something, it is ready to be used. Cleaning a work
area produces and opportunity to visually inspect equipment, tooling, materials and work

4. Standardize

Define what the normal condition of the work area. Define how to correct abnormal
conditions. The standard should be easily understood and easy to communicate (i.e.
visual controls).

5. Sustain

Implementing solutions to address the root causes of work area organization issues. All
employees must be properly trained and use visual management techniques

Advantages of 5-S:

Items are easy to locate.

This leads to higher workstation efficiency, a fundamental goal in mass production.

Health and Safety is ensured

Well maintained machines

Produces good Quality, Productivity increases.

Smooth working, no obstruction

Time saving

Accidents & mistakes minimized

Increases space

Creates workplace ownership


kanban is a key technique that determines a processes production quantities, and in

doing so, facilitates JIT production and ordering systems. Contrary to more traditional
"push" methods of mass production which are based on an estimated number of
expected sales, kanban's "pull" system creates greater flexibility on the production floor,
such that the organization only produces what is ordered.

More specifically, a kanban is a card, labeled container, computer order, or other device
used to signal that more products or parts are needed from the previous process step.
The kanban contain information on the exact product or component specifications that are
needed for the subsequent process step. Kanban are used to control work-in-progress
(WIP), production, and inventory flow.

Benefits of the Kanban system in:

Better managed inventory levels. Too much inventory can result in cash flow problems
by adding overhead expenses for storage, insurance, and security. On the flip side, too
little inventory can damage the reputation of the business for being unreliable, resulting in
lost sales and dissatisfied customers. The Kanban system combined with good inventory
practices smooths out inventory levels and eliminates carrying costs.

Smoother manufacturing flow. Because the Kanban system focuses on current

conditions, production levels are calculated to take into account downtime, scrap, and
changeover time of equipment to ensure that the production schedule is met.

Overproduction elimination. As a demand pull system, Kanban is less likely to result in

overproduction because of the need to create buffer inventory to address unexpected
delays resulting from quality problems with suppliers or minor disruptions in the
transportation network.

Reduced risk of Inventory obsolescence. Many products have a shelf life or product
lifecycle that can expire unless the product reaches the consumer in a timely manner. In
these changing economic times, brand loyalty has faded and can no longer save a
company that does not deliver its goods on time.


Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing is a process by which companies don't keep lots of

excess inventory; instead, they manufacture a product as an order comes in. It is a
philosophy of continuous and forced problem solving.

The objective of JIT manufacturing system is to:

Eliminate waste that is, minimize the amount of equipment, materials, parts, space,
workers time, which adds a great value to the product
Increase productivity JIT means making what the market demands when it is in need.
Lean production supplies customers with exactly what the customer wants, when the
customer wants, without waste, through continuous improvement. Deploying JIT results in
decrease of inventories and increases the overall efficiencies. Decreasing inventory
allows reducing wastes which in turn results in saving lots of money.

There are many advantages of JIT.

Increases the work productivity
Reduces operating costs
Improves performance and throughput
Improves quality
Improves deliveries
Increases flexibility and innovativeness.
JIT helps in this process. It is extended to the shop floor and also the inventory systems
of the vendors. JIT has been extended to mean continuous improvement. These
principles are being applied to the fields of Engineering, Purchasing, Accounting, and
Data processing. However, for organizations to completely implement JIT manufacturing
system, they need to have a proper commitment along with the following basic facilities proper material, quality, equipment, and people involvement


Poka Yoke is a Japanese word which means mistake proofing or fail-safing. Its main
purpose is to eliminate a product defects by correcting the human errors as they occur.
Poka Yoke is to Mistake Proof the manufacturing process so that workers in a plant
cannot make mistakes easily, or if a mistake is made, it is detected and corrected quickly.

There are two types of Poka Yokes:

Control Poka Yoke: A Control Poka Yoke is one where the process is designed in such a
manner that one cannot make a mistake.

For instance, a car manufacturer might want to put special heat resistant bolts in the
engine assembly. For this, the bolts can be made to be of a certain dimension such that it
only fits the engine assembly, and nowhere else. Therefore, one cannot use the special
bolts in any place except the engine assembly, and one can also not inadvertently put the
wrong (non-heat resistant) bolt in the engine assembly

Warning Poka Yoke: A warning Poka Yoke is one where the moment someone makes a
mistake, the person is quickly notified of the mistake, so that corrective action can be

An example of a Warning Poka yoke is the Car Seatbelt Warning indicator. If one forgets
to put on the Seat Belt, then it will beep to warn you of the fact that you forgot to put it on.


TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is a holistic approach to equipment maintenance

that strives to achieve perfect production:

No Breakdowns

No Small Stops or Slow Running

No Defects

No Accidents - safe working environment

TPM emphasizes proactive and preventative maintenance to maximize the operational

efficiency of equipment. It blurs the distinction between the roles of production and
maintenance by placing a strong emphasis on empowering operators to help maintain
their equipment.

Nine Essentials of TPM

1) Self maintained work place
2) Elimination of the 6 big losses
3) Zero Breakdowns
4) Zero Defects
5) Optimal life and availability of tools
6) Self-improvement
7) Short production-development time and low machine life cost

8) Productivity in indirect departments

9) Zero Accidents
The implementation of a TPM program creates a shared responsibility for equipment that
encourages greater involvement by plant floor workers. In the right environment this can
be very effective in improving productivity (increasing up time, reducing cycle times, and
eliminating defects.

FMECA:-FMECA is disciplined method of product or process analysis that is conducted

to identify potential failures that could affect the customer's expectations of product quality
or process performance.

Its key application is to:

1. Identify failures that have undesirable or significant effects; to determine the failure
modes that may seriously affect the expected or required quality.
2. Identify safety hazard and liability problem areas, or noncompliance with regulations.
The areas of technical risk associated with a product or process identified early enough in
the life cycle .FMECA to gain an appreciation of how the system can fail it follows that the
analysis will assist
The design of Built-in-Test and failure indications.
Preparation of diagnostic flowcharts or fault finding tables
.Maintenance planning.
The application of FMECA to processes will help in:To identify key areas in which to control the process and, where appropriate, place
inspection and manufacturing controls.
Provide a systematic and rigorous study of the process and its environment that will
almost always improve our understanding of how the process might fail.
Support the need for a standby or alternative process or improvements to current
Identify deficiencies in operator and supervisor training and practices.
Benefits of FMECA
It assists communication between: Main contractor and suppliers who work more closely
during the concept and design stages of a product or process life cycle.
Production, design, development, maintenance, purchasing, conformance personnel and
other groups involved in the development of the product or process.
Management and producers. It improves knowledge and understanding of the behavior of
the process or equipment being studied.
It provides proof of the extent of care that has been taken to ensure that the product will
meet the needs and expectations of the customer in service.

Fault Tree Analysis:-The fault tree analysis (FTA) was first introduced by Bell Laboratories
and is one of the most widely used methods in system reliability, maintainability and safety
analysis. It is a deductive procedure used to determine the various combinations of hardware and
software failures and human errors that could cause undesired events (referred to as top events)
at the system level.

The deductive analysis begins with a general conclusion, then attempts to determine the
specific causes of the conclusion by constructing a logic diagram called a fault tree. This
is also known as taking a top-down approach.

The main purpose of the fault tree analysis is to help identify potential causes of system
failures before the failures actually occur. It can also be used to evaluate the probability of
the top event using analytical or statistical methods. These calculations involve system
quantitative reliability and maintainability information, such as failure probability, failure
rate and repair rate. After completing an FTA, you can focus your efforts on improving
system safety and reliability.

An example is shown below:-


Zero defects Quality Standard was developed by Phil Crosby. Zero defects theory
ensures that there is no waste existing in a project. Waste here refers to all unproductive
process, tools, employee etc
Zero defects theory is based on four elements for implementation in real projects.

Quality is conformance to requirements: Every product or service has a requirement

according to the customer needs. If these requirement are achieved by the product when
comes to use of the customer then this product categorize as the quality product. Hence if
a product meets the requirement of the customer then it conforms the quality of the
product, no matter how costly it is.

Defect prevention is preferable to quality inspection and correction: It is better to

prevent the defect at its origin rather to inspect it in the process and then correct it. It
saves lot of human power and cost of inspection and correction.

Standard of Quality is always being ZERO DEFECTS, not close enough. : If any
product does not meet the requirements then the product is not the quality product even if
it close to meet the requirement, because on the basis of Zero Defect any non
conformance is not, for granted. The product is not acceptable and categorize as under
quality product.

Quality is measure on the basis of Price - Price of Non Conformance (PONC): This
is the key principle, Crosby's believed that every defect incur a cost. To find and correct
and prevent this defect organization introduces many steps like Inspection, Time, Rework,
Scrape, Collection of data of customer satisfaction etc. All these steps required a huge
amount of money and so lot of revenue has lost to maintain all steps to prevent the
defects and therefore to maintain the Quality, cost must considered. Every nonconformance contributes a cost in terms of loss of revenue due to it.





r required

Cost of


Zero Defects vs. Six Sigma

Zero defects

Defect prevention

Everyone understands zero,

and everyone knows what a
defect is.

Only the normal job training

for the production workers.

Few or no extra employees are


Small cost, and that only to

communicate the performance

Work right the first time and

every time.

Six Sigma

Defect management

Few people can tell you what

sigma is.

Extensive training for the

nonproductive, technical, Six
Sigma staff.

Added Green Belts Black

Belts and other positions.

High cost for training and

added staff salaries.

Three defects per million







Standard quality control tools

plus problem solving methods.

No defects are acceptable

A few defects are acceptable.

Applies to every job in an


Limited to the quality of the

product or service.

Employees can identify


No employee involvement.


FMECA is a technique used to identify, prioritize, and eliminate potential

failures from the system, design or process before they reach the customer

O = the rank of the occurrence of the failure mode

S = the rank of the severity of the failure mode
D = the rank of the likelihood the the failure will be detected before the
system reaches the enduser/customer.
All ranks are given on a scale from 1 to 10. The risk priority number (RPN) is
defined as
The smaller the RPN the better and the larger the worse.



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