BNP Volume 2 - Employers Requirement

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Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project

Stage II - Priority Works

Bhandup WwTF
Design Build Operate Contract
Volume 2 - Employer's Requirements
May 2016

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Frischmann Prabhu (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Municipal Head Office Building, Mahapalika Marg,

Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

315, Balgovindwadi, New Prabhadevi Road,

Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400 025

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai


Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project

Stage II - Priority Works
Bhandup WwTF
Design, Build and Operate Contract

Volume 2 Employers Requirements

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Municipal Head Office Building Mahapalika
Marg, Fort, Mumbai- 400001

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Frischmann Prabhu (India) Pvt. Ltd.
315, Balgovind Wadi, New Prabhadevi Road,
Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400 025.

Employers Requirements

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Design, Build and Operate Contract

Volume 2 Employers Requirements

May 2016

Document No.







Restricted Circulation Color Photocopying Strictly Prohibited.


Revised as per





Final Issue





Revised as per





Draft Issue






Description of

Prepared by

Checked by

Approved by

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2
Background to Scheme........................................................................................... 2
Objectives of the Contract....................................................................................... 3
Description of the Works ......................................................................................... 3
Future Expansion.................................................................................................... 4
Sustainability .......................................................................................................... 4

Existing Works, Structures and Services ....................................................................... 6

Existing Treatment Facility ...................................................................................... 6
Demolition of Existing Structures ............................................................................ 6
Existing Services to the Site.................................................................................... 7
Existing Boundaries ................................................................................................ 7

Contract Interface............................................................................................................. 9
Catchment Works ................................................................................................... 9
Maintenance of existing level of treatment through the Design-Build Period ........... 9
Blocking of Flow to Lagoons ................................................................................... 9
Existing Access Road and Associated Structures ................................................. 10
Access to the Site ................................................................................................. 10
Outfall Channel ..................................................................................................... 11

Contractors Documents................................................................................................ 13
General................................................................................................................. 13
Format of Contractors Documents ....................................................................... 13
Programme and Project Execution Plan................................................................ 13
Design Stage Documents ..................................................................................... 15
Construction Stage Documents ............................................................................ 17
Plant and Equipment Documents.......................................................................... 18
Control System Development ............................................................................... 18
Tests on Completion of Design-Build documents .................................................. 18
As-built Documents............................................................................................... 19
4.10 Operation and Maintenance Manuals ................................................................... 19
4.11 Progress Photographs .......................................................................................... 19
4.12 Monthly Progress Reports during Design-Build Period.......................................... 20

Health, Safety and Environment .................................................................................... 22

CEMP ................................................................................................................... 22
Safe Systems of Work .......................................................................................... 22
Lead in Paint......................................................................................................... 26
First Aid and Life-Saving Apparatus ...................................................................... 26
Electrical Safety .................................................................................................... 26
Asbestos ............................................................................................................... 26
Supply of Potable Water and Sanitation Facilities ................................................. 26
Measures against Insect and Pest Nuisance ........................................................ 27
Measures against Sunburn and Heat Exhaustion ................................................. 27
5.10 Alcoholic Liquor or Banned Substances................................................................ 27
5.11 Arms and Ammunition........................................................................................... 27

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Festivals and Religious Customs .......................................................................... 27

Employment Records of Workers.......................................................................... 27
Repatriation of Labour .......................................................................................... 27
Epidemics ............................................................................................................. 28
Burial or Cremation of the Dead ............................................................................ 28
MCGM Health Department Guidelines .................................................................. 28

Quality Management System ......................................................................................... 30

General................................................................................................................. 30
Principal Requirements of the Quality Plan ........................................................... 31
Employers Representatives Monitoring of the Contractors Performance ............ 32
Particular Requirements of the Quality Plan.......................................................... 32
Monitoring during the Operation Service Period .................................................... 38
Submission of Quality Plan ................................................................................... 38
Review of Nominated Laboratory .......................................................................... 39

Licences and Consents ................................................................................................. 41

General................................................................................................................. 41

Key Programme Requirements And Staffing ............................................................... 43

Design-Build ......................................................................................................... 43
Design Review by Employers Representative ...................................................... 44
Operation Service ................................................................................................. 45
Key Staff ............................................................................................................... 45

General Design ............................................................................................................... 48

Codes and Standards ........................................................................................... 48
Design Life............................................................................................................ 49
Units of Measurement ........................................................................................... 49
Plant Access and Maintainability........................................................................... 49
Drawings............................................................................................................... 51
Climatic Conditions ............................................................................................... 51
Asset Register ...................................................................................................... 51
Labels ................................................................................................................... 52
Hazardous Area Classification .............................................................................. 52
9.10 HAZOP Studies .................................................................................................... 53


Process Design .............................................................................................................. 56

10.1 General................................................................................................................. 56
10.2 Incoming Rising Main and Flow Meter .................................................................. 61
10.3 Surge Vessel on Existing Rising Main ................................................................... 62
10.4 Inlet Chamber ....................................................................................................... 63
10.5 Preliminary Treatment........................................................................................... 63
10.6 Primary Treatment ................................................................................................ 65
10.7 Biological Treatment ............................................................................................. 65
10.8 Tertiary Treatment ................................................................................................ 66
10.9 Disinfection ........................................................................................................... 69
10.10 Discharge arrangement for effluent for re-use ....................................................... 69
10.11 Sludge Handling and Treatment ........................................................................... 69
10.12 Sludge Disposal (Off Site)..................................................................................... 74
10.13 Energy Generation (Optional) ............................................................................... 78

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Renewable Energy Certificates ............................................................................. 79

Effluent Discharge Arrangement ........................................................................... 79
Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Odour Control .................................................... 79
Sludge Treatment Chemical Handling Systems .................................................... 81
Washwater and Potable Water Distribution ........................................................... 82
Flow Measurement, Sampling and Monitoring ...................................................... 82
Hydraulic Design................................................................................................... 83
Sludge Incinerator................................................................................................. 86


Mechanical Works Design ............................................................................................. 93

11.1 General Arrangement of the Works....................................................................... 93
11.2 Pumping Systems ................................................................................................. 94
11.3 Chemical Storage and Dosing Systems ................................................................ 94
11.4 Chemical Safety Facilities ..................................................................................... 94
11.5 Materials of Construction ...................................................................................... 95
11.6 Isolation and Drain Down ...................................................................................... 97


Electrical Works Design................................................................................................. 99

12.1 General................................................................................................................. 99
12.2 Measurement of Electricity Usage....................................................................... 103
12.3 Cabling and Earthing .......................................................................................... 103
12.4 Building and Site Services .................................................................................. 106
12.5 Testing and Commissioning ................................................................................ 112


Instrumentation, Control & Automation (ICA) Design ............................................... 114

13.1 Plant and Equipment to be provided ................................................................... 114
13.2 Drawings and information to be provided ............................................................ 114
13.3 Control Room ICA Panels ................................................................................... 115
13.4 HV / LV Substation PLC System ......................................................................... 116
13.5 Surge Protection Devices for Electronic Equipment ............................................ 116
13.6 Plant Control System .......................................................................................... 116
13.7 SCADA System .................................................................................................. 118
13.8 Process Monitoring ............................................................................................. 121
13.9 Instrumentation ................................................................................................... 121
13.10 Testing and Commissioning ................................................................................ 121
13.11 Auto Dialer System ............................................................................................. 122


Civil Design ................................................................................................................... 124

14.1 General............................................................................................................... 124
14.2 Site Works .......................................................................................................... 124
14.3 Loadings ............................................................................................................. 124
14.4 Earthworks, Ground Improvements and Foundations ......................................... 125
14.5 Wastewater Treatment Structures....................................................................... 127
14.6 Administration Facilities ...................................................................................... 127
14.7 Building works and Finishes................................................................................ 128
14.8 External Works ................................................................................................... 131
14.9 Site Drainage ...................................................................................................... 132
14.10 Services to the Site ............................................................................................. 132
14.11 Reinforced Concrete ........................................................................................... 134
14.12 Liners to Concrete Material ................................................................................. 135

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Design Requirements for Concrete ..................................................................... 136

Design Philosophy .............................................................................................. 136
Detailed Design Calculations & Submission........................................................ 138
Design Criteria for Underground Liquid Retaining Structures .............................. 139
Foundations ........................................................................................................ 140
Design Requirements ......................................................................................... 140
Buildings and Structures ..................................................................................... 142


Construction Activities ................................................................................................ 145

15.1 The Site .............................................................................................................. 145
15.2 Possession of the Site ........................................................................................ 145
15.3 Access to the Site ............................................................................................... 145
15.4 Environmental Mitigation during Construction ..................................................... 146
15.5 Public Liaison & Communication ......................................................................... 150
15.6 Parking for Construction Vehicles ....................................................................... 151
15.7 Contractors Temporary and Working Areas ....................................................... 151
15.8 Site Security ....................................................................................................... 151
15.9 Storage of Plant and Materials ............................................................................ 151
15.10 Protection against Damage ................................................................................. 152
15.11 Utilities and Other Services................................................................................. 152
15.12 Archaeology........................................................................................................ 152
15.13 Setting out, Datum and Surveys ......................................................................... 152
15.14 Project Signs ...................................................................................................... 153
15.15 Staff and Materials to Assist the Employers Representative............................... 153
15.16 Site Meetings ...................................................................................................... 153
15.17 Method Statements............................................................................................. 154
15.18 Supply of Materials and Services ........................................................................ 154
15.19 Temporary Works ............................................................................................... 154
15.20 Construction Plant and Equipment ...................................................................... 155
15.21 Smoking.............................................................................................................. 155
15.22 Blasting and the use of Explosives...................................................................... 155
15.23 Contractors Accommodation and Facilities ........................................................ 155
15.24 Accommodation for the Employers Representative ............................................ 156
15.25 Vehicles for the Employers Representative ........................................................ 157
15.26 Returns of Labour and Plant Reports .................................................................. 157
15.27 Staff Welfare Management ................................................................................. 157
15.28 Site and Laboratory Testing ................................................................................ 158
15.29 Daily Records ..................................................................................................... 158
15.30 Inspections and Testing (except Tests on Completion of Design-Build) .............. 158


Training of Employers Operatives by the Contractor ............................................... 162

16.1 Prior to Operation Service Period........................................................................ 162
16.2 Prior to Contract Completion ............................................................................... 162


Tests on Completion of Design-Build ......................................................................... 164

17.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 164
17.2 General............................................................................................................... 165
17.3 Equipment Validation .......................................................................................... 167
17.4 Process Commissioning ..................................................................................... 168

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Plant Proving Period ........................................................................................... 169


Operation Service Performance Requirements.......................................................... 173

18.1 General............................................................................................................... 173
18.2 Measurement of Qualitative and Quantitative Performance ................................ 173
18.3 Performance Standards ...................................................................................... 173
18.4 Monitoring, Sampling and Analysis ..................................................................... 175
18.5 Failure to Meet Performance Requirements........................................................ 179


Operation Management Requirements ....................................................................... 184

19.1 General............................................................................................................... 184
19.2 Employers Communication ................................................................................ 184
19.3 The Site .............................................................................................................. 184
19.4 General Requirements ........................................................................................ 184
19.5 Management, Operation and Maintenance Personnel ........................................ 185
19.6 Health and Safety Requirements during Operation Service ................................ 186
19.7 Suppliers and Subcontractors ............................................................................. 186
19.8 Operation Service Monitoring Group ................................................................... 187
19.9 Real Time Reporting ........................................................................................... 187
19.10 Monthly Status Report ........................................................................................ 188
19.11 Service Delivery Review Report.......................................................................... 188
19.12 Operational Change ............................................................................................ 189
19.13 Management Meetings ....................................................................................... 189
19.14 Hours of Operation ............................................................................................. 189
19.15 Routine Reporting ............................................................................................... 189
19.16 Spares ................................................................................................................ 189
19.17 Public Liaison ..................................................................................................... 190


Operation and Maintenance Plan ................................................................................ 192

20.1 Overview of Requirements.................................................................................. 192
20.2 Preparation and implementation of the O&M Plan .............................................. 193
20.3 Auditing the O&M Plan........................................................................................ 193
20.4 Operation and Maintenance Manual ................................................................... 194
20.5 Plant Manager .................................................................................................... 196
20.6 Operational Cost Model ...................................................................................... 196


Operation Management Plan ....................................................................................... 198

21.1 General............................................................................................................... 198
21.2 Procedures for the Operation Service ................................................................. 198
21.3 Non-Compliant Operation ................................................................................... 198


Maintenance Management Plan .................................................................................. 200

22.1 General............................................................................................................... 200
22.2 Plant Maintenance Plan ...................................................................................... 200
22.3 Facility Maintenance Plan ................................................................................... 201
22.4 Asset Management Database ............................................................................. 202
22.5 Asset Replacement Schedule ............................................................................. 203


Independent Compliance Auditing .............................................................................. 205

23.1 General............................................................................................................... 205

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Handback Requirements ............................................................................................. 207

24.1 General............................................................................................................... 207
24.2 Residual Life and Planned Asset Replacement at Handback .............................. 207
24.3 Notification of Expiry of the Operation Service Period and Joint Inspection......... 207
24.4 Tests Prior to Contract Completion ..................................................................... 208
24.5 Handback of the Works to the Employer ............................................................. 209
24.6 Training of the Employers Operators.................................................................. 209
24.7 Final Documentation ........................................................................................... 209


Inspection, Testing and Commissioning Requirements............................................ 212

25.1 Inspection and Testing During Manufacture ........................................................ 212
25.2 Tests at Manufacturer's Premises Mechanical Equipment ............................... 218
25.3 Chlorination and Gas Pipeline System ................................................................ 225
25.4 Mechanical Equipment........................................................................................ 225
25.5 Tests at Site........................................................................................................ 225
25.6 Pumps, Piping and Valves .................................................................................. 226
25.7 Motors ................................................................................................................ 226
25.8 Cranes ................................................................................................................ 226
25.9 Screens .............................................................................................................. 226
25.10 Gates and Penstocks.......................................................................................... 226
25.11 Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes .................................................................... 226
25.12 Steel Cylinder Pipes and Specials ...................................................................... 227
25.13 Cast Iron, Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings ............................................................ 228
25.14 Manufacturer's Works Acceptance Tests on Electrical Equipment ...................... 229
25.15 Manufacturer's Works Acceptance Tests on ICA Equipment .............................. 229
25.16 Manufacturer's Works Acceptance Tests on Uninterruptible Power Supplies ...... 235
25.17 Inspection at Site ................................................................................................ 235
25.18 Plant Protection on Site ...................................................................................... 235
25.19 Erection Staff ...................................................................................................... 235
25.20 Erection and Building-in ...................................................................................... 236
25.21 Civil Inspection (Water Leakage Test) ................................................................ 238
25.22 Site Acceptance Test Document ......................................................................... 239
25.23 Tests on Completion ........................................................................................... 239
25.24 Dry Test Requirements ....................................................................................... 241
25.25 Process Plant Item / Equipment .......................................................................... 242
25.26 Hydraulic Wet Test Requirements....................................................................... 242
25.27 Safety Audit ........................................................................................................ 243
25.28 Process Wet Tests (with Raw Sewage) .............................................................. 243
25.29 Effluent Quality Criteria for Passing the Tests On Completion ............................ 244
25.30 Co-operation with other Contractors in the Execution of their Tests .................... 244
25.31 Tests after Completion ........................................................................................ 245
25.32 Performance Certificate ...................................................................................... 247

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List of Tables
Table 8.1 Key programme requirements during design and build ........................................... 43
Table 8.2 Programme during operation service ...................................................................... 45
Table 9.1 Design Life ............................................................................................................. 49
Table 9.2 Lifting limits ............................................................................................................ 50
Table 9.3 List of drawings ...................................................................................................... 51
Table 10.1 Key process parameters....................................................................................... 57
Table 10.2 Minimum Standby Requirements .......................................................................... 58
Table 10.3 Sludge storage ..................................................................................................... 71
Table 10.4 Air changes .......................................................................................................... 80
Table 10.5 Polyelectrolyte dosing limits.................................................................................. 81
Table 10.6 Maximum speed for pumpsets.............................................................................. 94
Table 11.1 Pipe materials....................................................................................................... 95
Table 14.1 Schedule of Internal Finishes ............................................................................. 130
Table 14.2 Minimum concrete requirements......................................................................... 134
Table 14.3 Minimum section thicknesses ............................................................................. 135
Table 14.4 Material densities ............................................................................................... 137
Table 15.1 Environmental regulations .................................................................................. 146
Table 15.2 Noise limits ......................................................................................................... 148
Table 15.3 Vibration limits .................................................................................................... 148
Table 18.2 Sludge Product Quality Requirements ................................................................ 174
Table 18.3 Noise Performance Levels Outside of the Site.................................................... 174
Table 18.4 General Performance Requirements for the Works ............................................ 174
Table 18.5 Failure Events and Allowable Exceptions ........................................................... 180
Table 18.6 Catchment Pollution Incident Influent Characteristics ......................................... 181
Table 24.1 Residual life at handback ................................................................................... 207
Table 25.1 - Sampling/Analysis Locations and Frequencies.................................................... 245
Table B1.1 Influent Parameters ............................................................................................ 254
Table B1.2 Treated Wastewater Quality (for Disposal to Creek)........................................... 255
Table B1.3 Treated Wastewater Quality (for re-use) ............................................................ 255
Table B1.4 Performance Requirement for the Plant (effluent for disposal to creek) .............. 256
Table B1.5 Performance Requirement for the Plant (effluent for re-use) .............................. 256
Table B1.6 - Lookup table for 95%ile compliance.................................................................... 257
Table B2.1 Suite of analyses for Influent and Effluent .......................................................... 259
Table B2.2 Parameters for which continuous monitoring and recording is required .............. 260
Table B2.3(a) Performance during plant proving period (Effluent Disposal to Creek) ........... 261
Table B2.3(b) Performance during plant proving period (Effluent for re-use) ........................ 261
Table B2.4 Performance tests concerning sewage screening and screenings handling ....... 262
Table B2.5 Performance Tests Concerning Grit Separation and Handling ........................... 263
Table B2.6 Performance Tests Concerning Primary Settlement ........................................... 264
Table B2.7 Performance Tests concerning Biological Treatment ......................................... 265
Table B2.8 Performance Tests concerning Final Settlement System ................................... 266
Table B2.9 Performance Tests Concerning Thickening of Sludge (Primary and Secondary) 267
Table B2.10 Performance Tests Concerning Dewatering of Sludge ..................................... 268
Table B2.11 Performance Tests Concerning Digestion of Sludge ........................................ 269
Table B2.12 Performance Tests Concerning Sludge Generally ............................................ 270

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Table B2.13 Performance Tests concerning Energy Usage and Generation ........................ 271
Table B2.14 Performance Tests concerning the Whole WwTF............................................. 272
Table B2.15 Performance Tests Concerning Noise .............................................................. 273
Table B3.1a Minimum monitoring, sampling and analysis during normal operation .............. 275
Table B3.1b Minimum monitoring, sampling and analysis during normal operation .............. 276
Table B3.2 Main programme of analyses for compliance purposes................................... 277
Table B3.3 Programme of analyses for payment purposes ............................................... 278

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List of Appendices
APPENDIX A DESIGN STAGE CONTRACTORS DOCUMENTS ....................................... 249
APPENDIX B PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS.............................................................. 253
APPENDIX B1 DESIGN FLOWS AND LOADS .................................................................... 254
APPENDIX B3 MONITORING, SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS ............................................... 274
APPENDIX C EMPLOYERS ACCOMMODATION .............................................................. 280
APPENDIX D TYPICAL PLC INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) SCHEDULE ........................................ 287
APPENDIX F PROCEDURES FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT .......................................... 297
APPENDIX G SAMPLE ASSET HIERARCHY ..................................................................... 299
APPENDIX H LIST OF APPROVED SUPPLIERS................................................................ 300

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Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

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This volume describes the Employers specific Requirements for the Bhandup
Wastewater Treatment Facility (WwTF) Design, Build and Operate (DBO) Contract. The
Contract includes the Design-Build of the Works and the Operation Service.
The general technical specifications are included in Volumes 2A, 2B, and 2C and
describe the general requirements of the civil, mechanical, electrical and Instrumentation,
Control and Automation(ICA) works. Volume 2D contains the Contract drawings. By
reference in this clause Volumes 2A, 2B, 2Cand 2D form part of the Employers
If there is a conflict between the specific requirements of this Volume 2 and the general
technical specifications and drawings in Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D, then the specific
requirements of this Volume 2 and the drawings take precedence in accordance with
Clause 1.5 of the Conditions of Contract.
The terms of the Contract are based upon the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Design,
Build and Operate Projects (the gold book).


Background to Scheme
This Contract forms part of the Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project (MSDP): Stage II Priority Works. The basic objective of the project is to provide a healthier and improved
environment for the people of Mumbai by improving the quality and reliability of
wastewater collection, treatment and disposal, whilst minimizing the impact of
wastewater on the environment.
The sewage collection system in Mumbai comprises seven zones, each operating
independently and comprising a sewage collection network, pumping stations, pumping
mains, wastewater treatment facilities and outfalls.
The sources of the Influent in the Bhandup catchment comprise domestic and
commercial premises and some industrial discharges. The non-domestic portion of the
Influent is estimated to be approximately 20% of the total flow. Background Information
for the Bhandup Catchment is included with this RFP including:

Estimated annual raw sewage generation projections for the Bhandup WwTF

Historic data of the raw sewage flows pumped by the Bhandup Influent Pumping
Station (IPS) in the recent past.

The Influent is conveyed to the Bhandup WwTF by means of the existing Bhandup IPS
located on the access road, near the main Eastern Express Highway.
The existing Bhandup IPS receives sewage from the catchment by both gravity and
pumping mains. The pumping station delivers sewage to the Bhandup WwTF via a 1.5m
diameter rising main. It is designed to pump a maximum instantaneous flow of 4.167m3/s
(360MLD). On completion and commissioning of this project the maximum instantaneous
capacity of the pumping station will reduce to approximately 3.472 m3/s (300MLD) as a
consequence of the increased static head it will have to pump against.
Currently the flows received by the Bhandup IPS, and the maximum capacity it is able to
deliver, are less than the required design capacity of the Works required under this
contract. As network connectivity is improved, the flows arriving at the existing IPS will
increase to exceed its design capacity. When this occurs the pumping station will be
upgraded to deliver the higher flows. This upgrade will include uprating the pumps in the
existing pumping station and building an additional pumping station and rising main. All

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of this work will be managed by the Employer and carried out by others.
The inlet chamber to be constructed as part of this Works must be capable of accepting
connections from 2 incoming pipes, and dealing with a maximum instantaneous flow of
5.332m3/s (461MLD).
The Influent at the existing Bhandup WwTF currently receives preliminary treatment and
biological treatment through aerated lagoons. The four aerated lagoons treat the
incoming sewage to the current discharge standard of BOD/TSS < 100mg/L. The treated
sewage from the aerated lagoons discharges to an outfall channel adjacent to the site
which leads to Thane Creek.


Objectives of the Contract

The main objectives of this DBO Contract include:

Reconfiguration of the existing facilities to ensure treatment of existing flows is

maintained through two existing lagoons throughout construction of the new facilities;

Demolition and disposal of existing structures within two of the lagoons on the Site,
including dismantling the floating surface aerators, emptying the lagoons and
redundant section of the outfall channel, disposing of the settled sludge from the
lagoons and outfall channel, filling, ground improvement, and site clearance including
the removal of bushes and trees;

Construction of a new treatment facility for the design capacity specified that will treat
the Influent and Sludge to the standards required by these Employers Requirements;

After commissioning of the new Works is complete, demolition of the existing inlet
works, screen house, and other facilities to 1m below existing ground level.

Operation and maintenance of the facility for a period of 15 years following the
Design-Build Period, including disposal of screenings, grit and sludge produced;

Hand back of the Works to the Employer in a well maintained and operating condition
at the end of the Contract.

Throughout the construction and operation of the project the requirements of all
approvals and consents and all relevant legislation and environmental regulations must
be complied with.


Description of the Works

The Works comprise the design, specification, procurement, supply, construction,
commissioning, testing, operation and maintenance of a fully functioning wastewater
treatment facility which is fit-for-purpose including all necessary pumping, sludge
digestion and dewatering plant, with associated power generation from biogas. The
Contract also includes the disposal of grit, screenings and the final dewatered and
stabilized sludge.
The Site is located within an existing treatment plant site. The Contractor must plan and
carry out the Works in such a manner as not to cause any disruption to the Employer or
to the Employers ability to operate and maintain the existing facilities until completion of
the Design-Build stage of the Works.
The Works shall be constructed in 3 Stages as follows:
Stage 1

Provision of new access road from the existing access, upgrading of approximately
1km of existing access road from the Eastern Express Highway to the entrance to the

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site, site clearance, blocking of flow to the lagoons to be decommissioned,
dismantling the existing floating aerators in the lagoons, emptying the lagoons
including desludging them and dewatering and desludging the redundant section of
outfall channel, demolishing the structures and utilities within the lagoon area, ground
preparation including installing band drains, piles, backfilling and compacting to meet
the requirements set out in Section 14. All aerators and allied equipment dismantled
from lagoons will be stored at a place shown by the Employer at WwTF.
Stage 2

Construction and operation of the treatment facilities including preliminary treatment,

biological treatment, tertiary treatment, sludge treatment and dewatering for the
design flows and loads specified in Appendix B1. Construction of a workshop
(minimum size 15 m X 15 m), administrative building-cum-laboratory (minimum size
18 m X 15 m) and all necessary ancillary buildings and services, Diversion of the
pumping main from the proposed connection point to the new Inlet Chamber
including increasing the height of the existing surge vessel, commissioning of the
new Works.

Stage 3


On successful commissioning of new works, demolition of existing WwTF,

dismantling of existing floating aerators in the lagoons 3 and 4, emptying the lagoons
including desludging them and dewatering and desludging the redundant section of
inlet and outfall channel, demolishing the structures and utilities within the lagoon
area, backfilling and compacting.

Future Expansion
The Contractor shall design and construct the Works to ensure that future expansion of
the facility can be accommodated with a minimum of cost and environmental impact and
with minimum disruption to the ongoing treatment being provided at the facility.


The Contractor shall design, construct, and operate the Works to ensure that the
infrastructure that is procured through this assignment is sustainable over the long term.
The Contractor shall educate themselves on the role of asset management systems in
achieving this objective. When decisions are to be made by MCGM throughout the
duration of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide information to facilitate an informed
decision making process that is based on the long term sustainability of the infrastructure.

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Existing Works, Structures and Services

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Existing Treatment Facility

The existing wastewater treatment facility consists of:

Structures in Preliminary treatment area:


Main Lagoon areas:


Internal asphalt roadways;

Landscaped garden areas;
Overhead main electrical power feed system and underground electrical cable
City/potable water supply.

Other ancillary structures or areas include:



4 nos. inlet chambers and distribution boxes with pipes and isolation valves for
feeding sewage to the lagoons;
4 nos. earthen basin aerated lagoons with individual cable posts for the floating
surface aerators, small jetty for boats, overflow weirs and entry and exit pipes;
4 nos. outlet chamber with bypass penstock arrangement.

Other structures and civil/landscaping features include:


Inlet chamber, screen chamber with 4 no. vertical bar screen with raking system,
4 no. aerated grit removal systems with 1 no. overhead crane;
Blower house, electrical sub-station, workshop/ stores;
Pump room;
Administration building;
Underground pipes, electrical & instrumentation cable runs.

The access road from the Eastern Express Highway to the existing Bhandup IPS
and the WwTF site including bridge;
The existing Bhandup IPS located on the access road near the Eastern Express
The outfall channel adjacent to the south-eastern boundary of the Site where the
effluent is discharged.

Demolition of Existing Structures

The Contractor shall obtain the written agreement from the Employer prior to
commencing any demolition.
All existing structures within the Site identified on drawing. No.WWTF-BNP-TEN-LP-002,
and located within the construction Site area identified on drawing. No. WWTF-BNPTEN-LP-003 including underground pipe work, services, and manholes, shall be
demolished in Stage 1 of the Works.
All remaining existing structures shall be demolished on completion of Stage 2 of the
Demolition shall include the excavation of all underground materials relating to the
existing facility to natural ground and disposal of surplus materials off site to an
appropriate disposal location, leaving the ground in a tidy finished state.

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The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the proper disposal route for all
waste materials arising as a consequence of demolition, and for paying all tipping fees
and other associated costs. The Contractor shall dispose of any hazardous materials offsite in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
The Contractor shall carry out demolition in a prudent manner and shall dispose of
materials according to local statutory procedures. The Contractor shall identify building
materials and take appropriate measures to handle them in a safe manner.
Prior to commencement of the demolition, the Contractor shall carry out all necessary
pre- demolition surveys to ensure that demolition will be carried out correctly and safely.
The Contractors attention is drawn to Clause 15.22 of the Employers Requirements
which forbids blasting and the use of explosives.
The Contractor may sell any materials in order to obtain the salvage value of the same.
However, prior to giving possession of the Site to the Contractor, the Employer may
remove any equipment or materials he so chooses.


Existing Services to the Site

Where information is provided concerning existing services this information must be
verified by the Contractor with the relevant service provider or authority as its accuracy
or relevance cannot be guaranteed.
All existing services to the existing treatment facility are required in full by the Employer
for the operation of the existing facilities identified in drawing. No. WWTF-BNP-TEN-LP003 for the duration of the Contract and shall not be available to, or interfered with by,
the Contractor.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all service connections to the site required for
construction of the Works and operation of the new facility. For clarity, the Contractor
shall be responsible for the connection and continued provision of all necessary services
(electricity, water, gas, telecommunications, etc.) to the Site for the Design-Build Period
and for the provision of the Operation Service. The Contractor shall be responsible for
the payment of all such services for the entire Contract Period.
The Employer shall be responsible for the services to the existing WwTF until such time
as it is decommissioned. However, if any such services have to be diverted in order to
allow the Works to proceed, then the Contractor shall be responsible for such diversion
which shall be carried out without affecting the performance of the existing WwTF.


Existing Boundaries
The existing boundary consists of fencing around the majority of the treatment plant site,
with gates and security cabin at the access point to the treatment plant site and is shown
on drawing. No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-002.
The Contractor shall provide temporary fencing around the construction Site area and
permanent fencing around the operations Site area, both as shown on drawing. No.

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Contract Interfaces

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Catchment Works
It is envisaged that there will be a number of other contracts being undertaken on the
sewerage network in the Bhandup catchment during the course of this Contract, both
during the Design-Build Period and the Operation Service Period. There will be variation
of the flows arriving at the WwTF as work progresses on other contracts within the
catchment area.
During the Contract, the Contractor shall be required to liaise and co-operate with others
employed by the Employer.
The Employer shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the existing
Bhandup IPS. It is envisaged that an increase in capacity of this pumping station by
others shall take place within the Operation Service period. This will necessitate the
construction of a new pumping station adjacent to the existing IPS and an additional
pumping main along the existing access road. This additional pumping main will
terminate at the Inlet Chamber of the proposed Works.
During the Design-Build Period and Operation Service Period the Contractor shall liaise
with the Employer on general operational issues.


Maintenance of existing level of treatment through the Design-Build Period

It is necessary to maintain the existing preliminary treatment, biological treatment and
disposal of flows to the outfall channel throughout the Design-Build Period. The existing
preliminary treatment, biological treatment (using two of the aerated lagoons) and
associated processes shall be operated and maintained by the Employer until the
Contractor is ready to commission the Works.
The Contractor shall liaise with the Employer on general operational issues and be
responsible for arranging the transfer of flows to the new Works.


Blocking of Flow to Lagoons

The Works are to be constructed on two existing lagoons which must be
decommissioned before construction on the site of the existing lagoons can commence.
Influent is delivered to these lagoons by a 2m by 2m square buried reinforced concrete
culvert. The culvert does not include any valves or penstocks to permit isolation. The
Contractor shall be responsible for blocking the culvert by appropriate means such that
flow continues to the other two lagoons which will remain in service during the Works,
but is stopped from passing to the two lagoons which form most of the Site. The optimum
locations for installing these blockages are shown on drawing. No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP003.
The Contractor shall be responsible for designing and constructing the blockages. The
existing inlet work includes bypass facilities such that flow can be diverted away from the
culvert during construction of the blockage, however during such bypassing raw sewage
will be discharged to the Creek.
Prior to commencing this work the Contractor shall submit a proposed design and
construction methodology to the Employers Representative for approval. The
methodology shall include details of the period of time for which the lagoons will have to
be bypassed to allow the works to be carried out. The Contractor shall take all
reasonable measures to ensure that any such period of isolation is minimised, since
during this period untreated wastewater will bypass the treatment facilities.

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On completion of the Works the blockage shall be demolished as part of the general
demolition of the existing facilities.


Existing Access Road and Associated Structures

The Contractor shall carry out improvements (widening and strengthening) of the existing
access road (approximately 1,000 m length) connecting the Eastern Express Highway
and existing Bhandup WwTF as shown on drawing No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-001.
The access road to the Site leads off the Eastern Express Highway and is the only
means of road access to the Bhandup IPS and the Bhandup WwTF. The road is narrow,
in places being only 4.5m wide. The road is also used by the Maharashtra State
Electricity Board (MSEB) for access to their facilities. It is therefore essential that
vehicular access is maintained along the access road during the improvement works to
allow continued access by MCGM and MSEB to operational premises and to permit
access by emergency services or others if required. Prior to commencing this work the
Contractor shall submit a proposed construction methodology to the Employers
Representative for approval. The methodology shall include details of the Contractors
proposed traffic management plans demonstrating how access will be maintained at all
The Contractor shall arrange for the construction of a separate permanent access road
as shown on drawing. No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-001 to provide an access to the Site
which avoids interference with the Employers activities.
At present there are trees and lighting poles adjacent to the existing access road. The
Contractor shall take care when accessing the Site not to touch or damage the marker
posts installed by the forest department on both sides of the access road.
High tension electricity lines cross the existing access road at 3 locations. The
Contractor shall assess the height of these crossings to establish whether they give
adequate clearance in relation to the expected vehicle heights which will travel on the
access road during the Contract Period. The Contractor shall establish if there is a need
for relocating, burying, or increasing the height of the electricity lines where these lines
cross the access road. The Contractor shall be responsible for approaching the relevant
utility provider and for arranging these alterations in accordance with established
procedure and the approval of the applicable utility authority and at the Contractors cost.
The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all approvals, permits, NOCs etc.
required in order to improve the existing access road, and construct the new section of
access road. The Employer will make reasonable endeavours to assist the Contractor to
obtain such approvals.
The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the access road connecting the
Eastern Express Highway, the existing Bhandup WwTF and the Site throughout the
Design-Build Period.
The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting and keeping in operation all the
existing utilities (electricity, potable water, telecommunication, drainage, etc.) along this
access road throughout the Design-Build Period.


Access to the Site

With the exception of six components of the Works (listed below), the Contractor shall
not have the right to access any areas outside the Site defined on drawing No. WwTFBNP-TEN-LP-001 as this may interfere with existing operations. This includes the
existing access area to the facility. The six exceptions are:

Improvement to the existing access road;

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Construction of the new access road;

Extension of the coping height of the existing surge tank located on the existing
Bhandup IPS site;

Connection to the existing rising main on the existing Bhandup WwTF site, and
construction of the new rising main which will deliver flow to the Inlet Chamber
forming part of the Works;

Blocking of the buried reinforced concrete culverts which currently deliver Influent to
the two lagoons on which the Works are to be built;

Demolition of the area of the existing Bhandup WwTF located outside the Site.

For all of these exceptions the Contractor shall make reasonable endeavours to
minimise the impact on the Employers activities during the construction of any works on
the Employers operational premises, or works which have an impact on access to the
Employers premises. The Contractor shall liaise with the Employer to agree the
construction methodology, time for construction, and access arrangements. Immediately
on completion of the work the sites shall be left in a tidy state and cleared of construction


Outfall Channel
Each of the existing active lagoons discharges effluent into an effluent channel which in
turn discharges into Thane Creek.
After lagoons 1 and 2 have been decommissioned then the section of outfall channel into
which they discharge will become redundant. The area occupied by this section of the
outfall channel forms part of the Site and is available to the Contractor to use either
temporarily or as part of the permanent works. In either case the Contractor is required
to fill the redundant section of channel to the same level as the finished ground level in
the filled lagoons.

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Contractors Documents

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The Contractor shall submit the Contractors Documents to the Employers
Representative in accordance with Clause 5.2 of the Conditions of Contract and more
particularly as required in this Section. All Contractor submissions referred to in the
Employers Requirements shall be deemed to be part of the Contractors Documents as
defined in the Conditions of Contract.


Format of Contractors Documents

The Contractor shall submit three paper copies and one copy in electronic format (unless
otherwise stated) of each drawing or document required to be submitted. The Contractor
shall mark incomplete areas of drawings hold. Any revisions to drawings or documents
shall be clearly highlighted by the Contractor. The Contractor shall note drawing
amendments in the title box and mark amendments with a triangle containing the
revision number. Amendments to documents shall either be redlined/struck out or
marked in the margin.
Drawings shall all have a similar title block which shall include the name of the designer,
the Contractor and the Employer, the name of the Contract, a unique description of the
content and a unique reference number complying with a formalised numbering system.
The title block shall be such that the whole title block is visible including space for
amendment information when folded to A4 size.
Process and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) shall show in symbolic form the process
plant and systems of measurement, control and automation.
Documents shall be in Microsoft Office format or equivalent approved by the Employers
Representative. Programmes shall be in the latest version of Primavera or MS Project.
Drawings shall be in AutoCAD or compatible equivalent.


Programme and Project Execution Plan


The Contractor shall submit a programme within the times specified in Section 8, in
accordance with Clause 8.3 of the Conditions of Contract and clearly indicate the
strategic milestones, periods for delivery of Plant and Materials to Site, periods for
construction, erection, testing and commissioning.
Key milestones to be identified shall include as a minimum:

Finalization of all licenses and consents for the construction of the Works;

Completion of design;

Construction of treatment plant units

Ordering and importation of major equipment;

Transfer of flows to the new Works;

Tests on Completion of Design-Build;

Issue of Commissioning Certificate.

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In addition the programme shall:
1. Show fully the Contractors programme for submission of Contractors Documents for
review by the Employers Representative. It shall show adequate time for review by
the Employers Representative (minimum of 28 days) and other review bodies
according to the volume and complexity of the data presented in each submission.
2. Be in accordance with the Employers Requirements.
3. Include as an appendix, a schedule of intended submissions showing clearly the
content of each submission and its relationship to construction activities in sufficient
detail for its significance and status to be understood.
4. Show Subcontracts to be placed.
5. Show critical path and float.
6. Include as an appendix the resources required for each task.

Project Execution Plan

The Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative within the time specified
for the programme in Clause 8, his proposals for project control during the Design-Build
Period. They shall clearly set out the Contractors intentions and procedures for
controlling and managing the project including areas such as:
1. Cost control
2. Document control
3. Progress control
4. Change management
5. Specification deviations
6. Payment profiling
7. Contractual issues
8. Schedule of testing
9. Site management manpower and labour (health & safety)
10. Plant and equipment control
11. Detailed subcontract strategy
12. Detailed subcontract methodology
13. Quality Plans
14. Reporting and reviewing.
These shall all be addressed in a project execution plan which provides the detailed
framework, with scope for being revised/supplemented as work progresses.


Failure to Provide Programme and Project Execution Plan

If the Contractor fails to provide a programme or project execution plan within the
timescale specified, or to provide a satisfactory improved or revised programme or
project execution plan with a period of two weeks from being requested to do so by the
Employers Representative, then the Employers Representative shall be entitled to
reject all further Contractors Documents and to instruct the Contractor to cease any or
all of the Works on Site until they are provided. In such an event the Contractor shall not
be entitled to an extension of Time for Completion of Design-Build or additional payment

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as a result of any delay incurred as a result of the Employers Representatives


Design Stage Documents


Design documentation shall be submitted to the Employers Representative in two
distinct stages comprising a draft Contractors design report and a final Contractors
design report. The proposed content of the two reports is set out below. The Contractor
shall submit his proposals for submission of design details to the Employers
Representative, which shall be in accordance with these sections.
Design details shall be submitted in a coordinated succession of drawings, calculations
and reports. They shall be in distinct packages having been finished and been checked
by the Contractors design reviewers and approved by the Contractors Representative.
Subcontractors documents shall be submitted with a clear statement to show that they
have been approved by the Contractor. Documents, including Subcontract enquiries or
tenders shall not be submitted as a means of getting them checked by the Employers
Typical details for submission of design stage Contractors Documents are contained in
Appendix A.


Contractors Draft Design Report

This report shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Employers Representative in a
clear and logical format, sectionalised for each significant element of the Works. The
report shall as a minimum include the following elements:
1. Fully dimensioned general arrangement drawings for the buildings, tanks,
foundations, process units, access road, utility routes and general construction
2. Hydraulic calculations and profiles
3. Process and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs)
4. Process design calculations, results of dynamic simulation of process modelling
using BioWin ,or any other suitable programme, at designed average and peak
flows with all assumptions, process flow and mass balance diagrams, including flows
in each area of the facility
5. Power single line diagrams
6. Process data sheets to define design criteria, installed capacities and loading rates of
principal items of plant and equipment. Drawings to show physical sizes and layouts
of plant and equipment.
7. Operation and Control philosophy report
8. Draft works operating strategy
9. Draft user requirement specification for software and SCADA systems
10. Load test schedules
11. Instrument schedule
12. I/O schedule for each Motor Control Centre (MCC)
13. SCADA/Instrumentation/Process Control system architecture

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14. Instrument list
15. Equipment electrical control schematics
16. Structural calculations for the structural components of the Works
17. Cut and fill balance and hard and soft landscaping proposals
18. Site drainage details
19. Architectural elevations and perspective sections
20. Building materials and finishes schedule
21. Materials handling procedures
22. Pipe work and ducting layout
23. Cable and wiring layout
24. Hazardous area classification details
25. Access and maintenance proposals
26. Standby philosophy
27. Statement detailing measures to protect Site from flooding
28. Geotechnical interpretative statement
29. Safety and health report
30. Disposal of unwanted materials offsite
31. Design and layout of earthing and lightning protection system
32. Design and layout of lighting system
33. Any other details/data/design required as per the proposed technology

Final Contractors Design Report

This report shall include any amendments to the draft report and inter-alia the following
1. Geotechnical interpretive report
2. Calculations for earthworks and foundations
3. Structural calculations of all components of the works
4. Finishes layout for all internal and external finishes
5. Process design, process control, piping and instrumentation diagrams
6. PLC/SCADA System architecture drawing and SCADA screen list
7. General arrangement drawing of instrument and control panels fully dimensioned in
plan and elevation views, showing foundation and fixing details, access doors,
clearances, cable-entry positions, weight and lifting arrangement.
8. Layout drawings of panel fascias showing instruments, controls and details of all
9. Layout drawings of panel interior showing equipment, terminal blocks and cable ways.
10. Fully dimensioned and co-ordinated general layouts of mechanical, electrical, lighting
and building services equipment
11. Civil calculations and reinforcement drawings for all reinforced concrete structures

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12. Final craneage/ layout (including clear description of how individual items of plant are
to be handled, lay-down area and loading procedure)
13. Air duct layout and sections
14. Electrical load schedules
15. Electrical single line diagrams
16. Cable routing diagrams and schedules
17. Fire, gas and security alarm system schematics and layout
18. Pipe work layout diagrams including all valves and penstocks
19. Longitudinal pipeline sections
20. Routing diagrams for services
21. Zonal and hazardous areas classification
22. External works detailed layout including roads, lighting, drainage
23. Final user requirement specification and outline functional design specification for
software and SCADA control philosophy
24. I/O list, Alarm list, Cable and Junction box schedule,
25. Instrument hook up drawings
26. Loop schematics and interconnection wiring diagram
27. Instrument data sheet, Instrument test and calibration report
28. Instrument operation and maintenance manual
29. Equipment schedule
30. Hazard and risk assessment


Construction Stage Documents

Construction or fabrication of any element of the Works and delivery or installation of
Plant and Materials shall not commence until relevant Contractors Documents have
been submitted and the review has been completed by the Employers Representative.
Relevant Contractors Documents shall include inter-alia:
1. All required approval and consents
2. Approved Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
3. An integrated earthworks balance calculation for the whole of the Works
4. An assessment of the existing ground water table and the measures proposed to
ensure no deleterious effect on same
5. Construction method statements
6. Specifications
7. Final design calculations
8. Detailed construction drawings
9. Materials, equipment and instruments approval documents
10. Schedules
11. Inspection and test procedures
12. Inspection and test certificates

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13. Safety certificates
14. Proof load tests
15. Performance curves


Plant and Equipment Documents

Plant shall not be delivered to Site until relevant Contractors Documents have been
submitted and the review has been completed by the Employers Representative.
Relevant Contractors Documents shall include inter alia:
1. Drawings of Plant and equipment
2. Schedules of Plant and equipment
3. Plant and equipment handling and installation method statements
4. Test and inspection method statement
5. Test and inspection certificates
6. Performance curves
7. Safety certificates
8. Certificate for equipment to be used in potentially hazardous atmospheres (where
9. Proof load tests for all lifting equipment
10. Plant delivery documents
11. Vesting certificates (when equipment is to be placed into store and payment certified
by the Employers Representative).


Control System Development

Within the time scale detailed in the programme, the Contractor shall submit a control
system functional design specification for review by the Employers Representative.


Tests on Completion of Design-Build documents

The Tests on Completion of Design-Build shall not commence until relevant Contractors
Documents have been submitted and consent to commence tests has been granted by
the Employers Representative. Relevant Contractors Documents shall include inter-alia:
1. Site installation, inspection and test certificates
2. Tests on Completion of Design-Build method statement and programme
3. Final Contractors design report
4. Draft Operation & Maintenance Plan
5. Test schedules and performance data schedules
6. Plant inventory and data sheets
7. Operation and Maintenance Manuals
8. Populated Asset Management Database

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As-built Documents
The Contractor shall prepare and submit as-built documents including drawings and
records during the Design-Build Period and shall submit them to the Employer's
Representative following completion of each part of the Works, and within the periods
stated in Section 8 of this Volume or as otherwise agreed with the Employers
As-built documents shall constitute a permanent record of the Works as completed or
As-built documents shall consist of final versions of those Contractors Documents as are
necessary to fully record the design and construction of the Works, incorporating any
additional information that will assist the operator of the facility. They shall include inter
1. The final version of the design calculations
2. Key construction records and tests
3. Final versions of all drawings prepared during the Design-Build Period
4. Final versions of the specifications
5. Quality control records for Materials
6. Asset sheets
7. Borehole records and soil test reports
8. Survey records
9. Any information requested to be provided in the form of as-built records elsewhere in
the Employers Requirements.
Final approved as-built drawings shall consist of three copies on CD/DVD in AutoCAD
and pdf formats, plus three A1 and three A3 printed and durable copies.


Operation and Maintenance Manuals

The Contractor shall submit three hard copies of the Draft Operation and Maintenance
manuals for review and approval of the Employers Representative. Comments if any by
the Employers Representative shall be incorporated by the Contractor and six (6) hard
copies and three (3) soft copies on CD of the approved final version shall be submitted
by the Contractor.


Progress Photographs
A weekly progress report with photographs of the Design-Build shall include 24
photographs of the Site based activities and six other photographs as required by the
Employers Representative. The photographs shall be submitted (along with the labour
and plant returns) weekly by the Contractor to the Employers Representative and shall

dated and labelled

mounted in albums

accompanied by digital files

The Contractor shall arrange to have the progress photographs taken by a person
acceptable to the Employers Representative during the course of the Design-Build. The
Contractor shall submit the entire set of photographs as 150mm x 100mm colour proofs

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from which the Employers Representative will select progress photographs. The
Contractor shall supply up to 10 suitably annotated prints not less than 250mm x 200mm
from the selected proofs, each week, as required. These photographs shall also be
dated and labelled and presented in separate albums.
All negatives, prints, and electronic versions shall be the property of the Employer and
shall not be supplied to any other persons without the authority of the Employers


Monthly Progress Reports during Design-Build Period

The Contractor shall prepare and submit monthly progress reports at least one week in
advance of the monthly site meetings described in Section 15.16 of this Volume. In
addition to the requirements identified in Clause 4.21 of the Conditions of Contract, each
monthly report shall:

provide the Employer with information reasonably required to assess the progress of
the construction and commissioning of the Works;

highlight current and potential future issues that may hinder progress.

Each monthly report shall include, as a minimum:

a summary;

project summary data including the planned date for the commencement of the
Operation Service Period (as amended by any approved extensions of Time for
Completion of Design-Build);

labour resource data including a histogram of the actual and projected workforce on

a progress update.

Progress updates within each monthly report shall include:

reference to the up-to-date construction programme;

progress against key milestones and key dates;

a commentary on areas that are behind programme and details of measures being
taken to mitigate delays;

an update on any proposed changes to the Contract;

an update on the submission and review of Contractors Documents;

progress in obtaining all necessary approvals or permits;

the health and safety record (including accident records);

an update on toolbox talks;

environmental records (including records of complaints, breaches of permit

conditions and other environmental incidents, such as spillages on Site);

details of any security incidents and changes to the Contractors security measures;

details of any public relations incidents or activity;

records of labour utilised and Contractors plant and equipment on Site;

copies of quality assurance documents, test results and certificates of Materials;

details of the projected and actual payment profiles and estimated future expenditure
in quarterly periods.

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Health, Safety and Environment

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The Contractor shall comply at all times during the Contract with all relevant Indian
health, safety and environmental legislation, and all amendments thereto and also
IS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system.
This standard prescribes requirements for an OH&S management system, to enable an
organization to formulate a policy and objectives, taking into account legislative
requirements and information about significant hazards and risks, which the organization
can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence, to protect its
employees and others, whose health and safety may be affected by the activities of the
The Contractor shall immediately notify the Employers Representative or, in his absence,
the Employer, if any accident occurs whether on or off the Site in connection with the
Works which results in any injury to any person whether directly concerned with the Site
or a third party. Such notification may initially be verbal and shall be followed by a written
report within 24 hours of the accident.


The Contractor shall be responsible for preparing the Construction Environmental
Management Plan (CEMP) and obtaining the approval of the relevant authority. The
Contractor shall be responsible for implementing the approved CEMP.


Safe Systems of Work

The Contractor shall be responsible for all safety systems on site. Throughout the
Design-Build and Operation Service the Contractor shall:

at all times maintain a safe system of working and shall comply with all enactments,
regulations and working rules relating to safety, security, health and welfare of all
persons who may be affected by his work;

ensure that only persons who are properly trained for their duties are employed, that
the correct tools and procedures are used and that adequate personal protective
equipment is provided to all persons who may be affected by the work;

carry out toolbox talks for all Contractors Personnel at least once per week;

erect suitable warning signs, barriers, etc. as necessary for the activity which is being
carried out the Contractor shall maintain such signs, barriers, etc for the duration of
such activities;

submit to the Employer, no later than 28 days before work commences on the Site,
his Health and Safety Plan containing comprehensive proposals relating to the
management of health, safety and welfare of all his personnel on the Site and all
persons who may be affected by his work.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all of his personnel and other
persons directly or indirectly employed for the Works and shall take all measures
necessary to ensure their safety. In particular such measures shall include the following:

Provision of proper safety and emergency plans and regulations; fire, gas and
electric shock precautions, stretchers and first aid box together with rescue
facilities generally for each place of working;


Provision of appropriate and effective safety work gear, including certified safety
helmets and certified work boots for all personnel including the Employers

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Representative and each of his staff and any authorized visitors to the Site (see
further data in Section 15.24 and Appendix C);

Safe control of the water table, including provision of ample standby generating
and pumping plant to maintain dry conditions;


Provision and maintenance of suitable lighting to provide adequate illumination of

works with appropriate spares and standby equipment;


Provision and maintenance of safe, sound mechanical equipment, each item of

plant having an up-to-date testing certificate;


Provision and maintenance of safe, sound ropes, slings, pulleys and other lifting
tackle, each appliance having an up-to-date testing certificate, where appropriate;


Provision of notices on weather-proof boards measuring 1.25m x 1.5m in size,

written in bold letters in English, Marathi and Hindi to be erected on existing
footpaths and at points of access likely to be used by the public, which shall warn
the public of the existence of the Works. These notices shall be in addition to any
statutory requirements demanded of the Contractor;


Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen for all activities that cannot be
safely executed from the ground, or from solid construction except such short
period work as can be done safely from ladders. When a ladder is used, an extra
person shall be engaged for holding the ladder and if the ladder is used for
carrying materials as well, suitable footholds and handholds shall be provided on
the ladder and the ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than to 1 (
horizontal and 1 vertical);


Scaffolding or staging more than 3.25m above the ground or floor, swung or
suspended from an overhead support, or erected with stationary support, shall
have a guard rail properly attached, bolted, braced and otherwise secured at least
1 metre above the floor or platform of such scaffolding or staging and extending
along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only such openings as
may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be
so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building or structure;


Working platforms, gangways and stairways shall be so constructed that they do

not sag unduly or unequally, and if the height of a platform or stairway is more
than 3.25 metres above ground level or floor level, it shall be closely boarded,
have adequate width and be suitably fenced;


Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform shall be provided

with suitable means to prevent fall of persons or materials by providing suitable
fencing or railing with a minimum height of 1 metre;


Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other
working areas. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder
shall be over 3 metres in length;


All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices shall be maintained in a safe
condition and no scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be altered or removed while
it is in use.


The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to prevent danger from electrical


No material on the Site shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or

inconvenience to any person or the public;


Excavation and trenching: All trenches 1.5 metres or more in depth shall be
considered confined spaces and shall at all times be supplied with at least one

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ladder every 30 metres, or fraction thereof. Ladders shall be extended from the
bottom of trenches to at least 1 metre above the surface of the ground. Sides of a
trench which is 1.5 metres or more in depth shall be stepped back to give suitable
slope, or securely held by timber bracing, to avoid the danger of sides collapsing.
Excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5 metres of the edge of a trench,
or half of the depth of the trench, whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from
top to bottom. Under no circumstances shall undermining or undercutting be

Demolition : Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the
process of the work:
a) All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or
suitably protected;
b) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger other
than a cable or apparatus being used by an operator shall remain electrically
c) The Contractor shall take all practical steps to prevent danger to persons
employed from risk of fire or explosion, and the Contractor shall ensure that
no part of a building shall be so overloaded with debris or materials as to
render it unsafe.


All necessary personal safety equipment shall be provided by the Contractor for
use by persons employed on the Site and maintained in a condition suitable for
immediate use, and the Contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper
use of equipment by those concerned:
a) Workers employed on mixing asphaltic material, cement and lime mortars /
concrete shall be provided with protective footwear, gloves and goggles;
b) Those engaged in handling any material which is injurious to eyes shall be
provided with protective goggles;
c) Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welders protective
eye- shields;
d) Stone breakers shall be provided with protective goggles and protective
clothing and seated at sufficiently safe intervals;
e) Those working with loud machinery or near loud activities shall be provided
with appropriate ear protection such as ear muffs;
f) When workers are employed in sewers and manholes, which are in use, the
Contractor shall ensure that manhole covers are opened and manholes are
ventilated by mechanical means for at least one hour before workers are
allowed entry. Gas detection devices shall be used to ensure the atmosphere
inside the sewer or manhole is safe before man entry is allowed. Manholes so
opened shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with warning
signals or boards to prevent accident to public.


When work is done near any place where there is a risk of drowning, all
necessary equipment shall be provided by the Contractor and kept ready for use
and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in danger and
adequate provision made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be
sustained during the course of the work;


Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments, anchorage, and
supports shall conform to the following:
a) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material and

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adequate strength and free from patent defects and the Contractor shall keep
same in good repair and in good working order;
b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of
suspension shall be of durable quality and adequate strength, and free from
patent defects;
c) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified
and no person under the age of 21 years shall be in charge of any hoisting
machine including any scaffold winch or give signals to operator;
d) In the case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle,
swivel and pulley block used in hoisting or lowering or as a means of
suspension, safe working load shall be ascertained by the Contractor by
adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to above shall
be plainly marked with safe working load by the Contractor. In case of a
hoisting machine having a variable safe working load, each safe working load
and the conditions under which it is applicable shall be clearly indicated by
the Contractor. No part of any machine or of any gear referred to above in this
paragraph shall be loaded beyond safe working load except for the purpose
of testing;
e) The Contractor shall notify safe working load of each machine to the
Employers Representative whenever he brings it to Site.

Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts of

hoisting appliances shall be provided with efficient safeguards. Hoisting
appliances shall be provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum risk
of accidental descent of load. Adequate precautions shall be taken to reduce to
the minimum risk of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally
displaced. When workers are employed on electrical installations which are
already energized, insulating mats, wearing apparel such as gloves, sleeves and
boots, as may be necessary, shall be provided. Workers shall not wear any rings,
watches and carry keys or other material which are good conductors of electricity;


Adequate washing facilities shall be provided at or near places of work;


These safety provisions shall be brought to the notice of all concerned by display
on a notice board at a prominent place at the work spot. Persons responsible for
ensuring compliance with the safety provisions shall be named therein by the


To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety

precautions, arrangements made by the Contractor shall be open to inspection by
the Employers Representative and any safety inspection officer.
Notwithstanding the above provisions, the Contractor is not exempted from the
requirements of any other Laws in force.
The Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative for review detailed
proposals under (i) above in conjunction with detailed construction and
installation method statements for each element of work to be undertaken. When
accepted by the Employers Representative, and before the work is started, the
Contractor shall distribute copies in English or in other language as appropriate to
all his employees and to the Employers Representative.
The Contractor shall ensure that all his employees are fully conversant with the
plans and regulations and the Contractor shall enforce the rule that any employee
committing a serious breach of such plans and regulations shall be instantly
dismissed and shall not be re- employed.

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Lead in Paint
Paint or other products containing lead shall not be used.


First Aid and Life-Saving Apparatus

The Contractor shall provide on the Site such life-saving apparatus as may be
appropriate and shall provide, equip and maintain at the Site of the Works first aid boxes
as directed and shall be subject to approval by the Employers Representative for the
use of his own as well as Employers Personnel on Site.
In addition, the Contractor shall instruct an adequate number of persons permanently
employed at the Site in the use of the apparatus and equipment, and the Contractor shall
make known the persons so designated to all employees by posting their names and
designations in a prominent position on Site.
The Contractor shall advise the Employer of measures to be taken in the event of a
serious accident.
The Contractor shall post a list of emergency telephone numbers (including ambulance)
at several locations on Site.


Electrical Safety
While any electrical equipment is being installed or tested, the Contractor shall ensure
that all necessary precautions are taken to safeguard personnel working on Site. If
necessary, this shall include fencing off areas that are considered to pose a risk, and
erecting warning notices.
The Contractor shall ensure that the installation of electrical equipment is carried out by
suitably trained competent personnel and that the work is carried out in a safe manner.
No electrical cables shall be laid across rebar. No joints or repairs shall be made to
cables except by suitably trained competent personnel using appropriate protective
equipment. All power sockets used on the Site shall be protected by a residual current
The Contractor shall be responsible for the operation on the Site of a permit to work
system during the period of electrical equipment installation and testing. This system
shall regulate the installation, the energising and the use of electrical Plant installed and
the method of work adopted.


The Contractor shall not use any product that contains crocidolite (blue asbestos). Prior
to use of any asbestos materials, whether in permanent works or temporary works, the
Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative for review evidence that his
insurance policies provide appropriate cover for the use of asbestos. The Contractor
shall notify the Employers Representative of the presence of asbestos on site
throughout the entire Contract Period, including the Operation Service Period. When
handling any asbestos materials he shall comply with all appropriate national and
internationally accepted regulations and codes of practice relating to the handling and
disposal of asbestos.


Supply of Potable Water and Sanitation Facilities

The Contractor shall, having regard to local conditions, provide on the Site an adequate
supply of fresh and chlorinated potable water suitable for drinking and other water for the

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use of the Contractors staff on a daily basis. The Contractor shall also provide sanitation
facilities for his staff employed on the site for the duration of the Contract.


Measures against Insect and Pest Nuisance

The Contractor shall at all times take the necessary precautions to protect the
Contractors staff employed on the Site from insect and pest nuisance, and to reduce
their danger to health. The Contractor shall comply with all the regulations of the local
health authorities, including use of appropriate insecticide.


Measures against Sunburn and Heat Exhaustion

The Contractor shall at all times take the necessary precautions to protect the
Contractors staff employed on the Site from sunburn and heat exhaustion, including
provision of adequate breaks.


Alcoholic Liquor or Banned Substances

The Contractor shall not allow alcoholic liquor or banned substances on site. The
Contractor shall not import, sell, give, barter or otherwise dispose of any alcoholic liquor
or drugs, or permit or allow importation, sale, gift, barter or disposal thereto by
Contractor's staff.


Arms and Ammunition

The Contractor shall not allow arms or ammunition of any kind on the site. The
Contractor shall not give, barter, or otherwise dispose of, to any person, any arms or
ammunition of any kind, or allow Contractor's staff to do so.


Festivals and Religious Customs

The Contractor shall respect the Country's recognized festivals and religious or other
customs. As a minimum, the statutory/mandatory holidays as declared by the Central
and State governments shall be adhered to by the Contractor.


Employment Records of Workers

The Contractor shall keep complete and accurate records of the employment of labour at
the Site. The records shall include the names, ages, genders, hours worked and wages
paid to all workers. The Contractor shall summarise these records on a monthly basis
and submit to the Employers Representative, and the Contractor shall make these
records available for inspection during normal working hours. The Contractor shall
include these records in the details to be submitted by the Contractor under Clause 6.10
of the Conditions of Contract.


Repatriation of Labour
The Contractor shall be responsible for the return of persons (recruited and employed for
the purpose of or in connection with the Contract) to the place from where they were
recruited or to their domicile and shall maintain such persons in a suitable manner until
they shall have left the Site or, in the case of persons who are not nationals of and have
been recruited from outside India, shall have left India.

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In the event of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, the Contractor shall comply
with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements as may be made by the
Government, or the local medical or sanitary authorities, for the purpose of dealing with
and overcoming the same.


Burial or Cremation of the Dead

The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for the transport, to any place as
required for burial or cremation, of any of his expatriate employees or members of their
families who may die in India. The Contractor shall also be responsible to the extent
required by the local regulations, for making any arrangements with regard to burial or
cremation or any of his local employed who may die while engaged upon the Works.


MCGM Health Department Guidelines

The Contractor shall keep a check on the health of all labour / employees as per MCGM
Health Department Guidelines, including the appointment of a MBBS doctor to carry out
regular checks at the site.

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Quality Management System

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The Contract requires the Works to be executed and completed to a uniformly high
quality, to provide a treatment facility that is reliable, economic in operation with ease of
maintenance for the design life specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for
providing and operating his own quality control and checking procedures that shall be
demonstrably independent of those actually responsible for design and construction.
The Contractor shall institute, maintain and operate for the Contract Period a Quality
Management System complying with ISO 9001 as appropriate (accreditation is not a
requirement) or other equal and approved equivalent standard and of the Contract, for
the purpose of ensuring and demonstrating that all aspects of the Works and all other
matters for which the Contractor is responsible under the Contract are carried out in
conformity with the relevant provisions of the Contract.
The Contractor shall make a condition in each and every Subcontract and order for Plant,
Materials and services including design services whereby Subcontractors and suppliers
shall institute maintain and operate for the Design-Build Period a Quality Management
System complying with ISO 9001 as appropriate (accreditation is not a requirement) or
other equal and approved equivalent standard and of the Contract for the purpose of
ensuring and demonstrating the services or goods provided conform with the relevant
provisions of this Contract. Any such Subcontractor or supplier can achieve compliance
with the other provisions of this sub-clause by adopting and operating under the Quality
Management System and the Quality Plan as referred to elsewhere within this section.
The Contractor shall make a condition within each and every Subcontract to provide for
the Employers Representatives access to facilities of a standard sufficient to enable him
to take such actions as he may consider necessary under this Section.
Subject to the other requirements of the Contract the Contractor shall submit to the
Employers Representative for review his Quality Management System and his Quality
Plan within the times stated in Section 8.
The Contractor shall comply with the Quality Plan referred to in this section and shall
ensure that:

the designer complies with the Quality Plan in respect of the design supervision of
the Works;

the Contractors subcontractors and suppliers comply with the Quality Plan referred
to within this Section.

Where the Quality Plan refers to, relies on, or incorporates any quality manual or
procedure or method statement, then such quality manual or procedure or method
statement, or the relevant parts thereof, shall be submitted by the Contractor to the
Employers Representative at the time that the Quality Plan is submitted in accordance
with this section. The Employer may require the amendment of any such quality manual
or procedure or method statement to the extent necessary to enable the Quality Plan to
satisfy the requirements of this Section.
The Contractor shall employ, for the duration of the Contract, a Contract Quality
Manager who shall have no other management role under this Contract. The
appointment of the Contract Quality Manager shall be subject to approval by the
Employers Representative.
Without limitation to the foregoing the Contract Quality Manager shall be required to:

Ensure the effective operation of the Quality Management System and the Quality Plan;

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Audit the Quality Management System and the Quality Plan at regular intervals and
report the findings of such audit to the Employers Representative;

Review the Quality Management System and Quality Plan at intervals to ensure their
continued suitability and effectiveness; and

Liaise with the Employers Representative on all matters relating to quality


Without limitation to any other provision of this Contract, where required by the Employer,
any representative of the Employer may carry out audits of the Quality Management
System (including without limitation the Quality Plan and any quality manuals and
procedures) at approximate intervals of 3 months and may carry out periodic monitoring,
spot checks and auditing of the Quality Management System and Quality Plan.
The Employers Representative reserves the right to audit, without prior notice, the
quality of Works and the Contractors Quality Management System to verify compliance
with the specified quality requirements. The Contractor shall render every assistance and
provide free and unhindered assistance to the Employers Representative or any person
authorised by him to carry out any such audit.
All materials and workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the Contract
and in accordance with the Employers Requirements or the Employers
Representatives Instructions and shall be subjected to the samples and tests required or
reasonably implied by the terms of the Contract and set out in the method statements, or
which may be ordered by the Employers Representative.
The acceptance by the Employers Representative of any part of the Quality Plan and
the giving of his consent to the procedures, proposals, records and certificates contained
therein shall not be construed as approval by the Employers Representative that the
Works or any part of them have been constructed or manufactured in accordance with
the Contract.
The application of a Quality Management System by the Contractor shall in no way affect
either the Contractors other obligations or the powers and duties of the Employer or
Employers Representative under the terms of the Contract.


Principal Requirements of the Quality Plan

The Contractor shall institute, maintain and operate a Quality Management System in
accordance with the provisions of this section. The Quality Management System shall be
as described in a written Quality Plan that shall be submitted by the Contractor to the
Employers Representative. The principal requirements that apply to the Quality Plan are
set out below. The Quality Plan shall be deemed to be part of the Contractors
The Quality Plan shall cover but not be limited to the following items:

Contractors Organisation and management of the Contract;

ii) Contractors Control of design;

iii) Contractors Method statements and procedures for the Works;
iv) Contractors Supervision of the Works;
v) Contractors Quality control for the construction of the Works;
vi) Contractors Quality control for the Operation Service; and
vii) Subcontractors or suppliers Quality Plans.

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The Quality Plan shall show quality hold points where no further works or activity shall
proceed without the written approval of the designated person identified in the related
quality procedure, method statement or works instruction and quality witness points
where no further works or activity shall proceed without the designated person being
given the appropriate notice to visually inspect such works or activity as set out in the
related quality procedure, method statement or works instruction.
The Quality Plan shall contain, or incorporate by reference, documents which contain
requirements to produce quality records which shall include inter alia documents which
demonstrate the achievement by the Contractor of the Contract requirements such as:

office and site logs,

records of visits to any location or party in connection with the Works,

office and site test results,

records of verification,

records of all supervision and witnessing with results carried out by the Contractor,

all certificates and statements required by the Contract in respect of the Works.

Such records shall identify inter alia all design changes to products and specifications
and verification and traceability of all processes in connection with the design of the
The Quality Plan shall be demonstrated to be capable of controlling, indexing and crossreferencing records of all drawings, designs, specifications, documents, test results,
certificates and construction documents which have relevance to the Works. The Quality
Plan shall be auditable and be subject to review by the Employer.


Employers Representatives Monitoring of the Contractors Performance

The Contractor shall take due cognisance of any reports from the Employers
Representative and action them and integrate them into the Contractors working quality
procedures, method statements or works instructions.


Particular Requirements of the Quality Plan

The Quality Plan shall conform with but not be limited to the requirements shown in
Clauses 6.4.1 to 6.4.7, as follows:


Contractors Organisation and Management of the Contract

This part of the Quality Plan for the Contractors organisation and management of the
Contract shall include but not be limited to:

the definition of the Contract and its documentation;


the organisation of the Contract including the line of command and

communication links between all the parties involved in the Contract in the form of
annotated chart(s);


the names, roles, responsibilities, curriculum vitae and authority of principals and
key personnel involved in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of
the Contract. These will include, where appropriate, the roles undertaken by the
project director, contracts manager, site agent/Contractors project manager,
operatives, technicians, analysts, subcontractors, Contract Quality Manager,
representative for environmental protection, general foreman, foremen, engineers,
quantity surveyor, safety officer, Contractors and Designers supervisor(s) for the

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Works, Designers team leader(s) and Site representative(s), checkers team
leader(s), Contractors and Designers health and safety co-ordinators and any
other principal party involved in the Works;



documented procedures for the control of consultations, liaison and meetings

with third parties including the police, statutory bodies, undertakers and any other


the identification of the Contractors staff responsible for overseeing and cocoordinating each major activity including design, design checks, safety audits
and all Subcontract activities;


documented procedures for the control of Subcontracts which must include the
assessment of the Subcontractors quality assurance and quality control
capabilities, the identification and implementation of additional controls needed
on such Subcontractors to fulfill the Contractors obligations in respect of this
section and the Contract;


documented procedures for the control of all documentation including inter alia
documentation which has to be provided by the Contractor to the Employers
Representative or the Employer;


a programme for submission of designs, associated documentation, method

statements and Quality Plan;


the Quality Plans for Subcontractors and suppliers of work, Plant and Materials
which are the subject of quality management schemes;


documented procedures and method statements for the preparation, review and
adjustment of programmes for the effective progression and completion of the
Works in accordance with the other provisions of the Contract and the recording
of same;


documented procedures and method statements for the control and approval of
purchases of Materials;


documented procedures and method statements for the control of off-Site



documented procedures for the regular review and recording by the Contractor
which demonstrates that the Works meet the requirements of the Contract;


documented procedures for the control of personnel selection which demonstrate

that such personnel have appropriate skill and experience for undertaking their
appointed role;


documented procedures for the management review/audits to monitor and

demonstrate control over the implementation of the Quality Plan;


documented procedures for the quality control of the Operation Service;


any other relevant item which may during the Contract be brought to the attention
of the Contractor by the Employers Representative.

Contractors Control of Design

This part of the Quality Plan for the design shall include but not be limited to the
provision of:

the names and curricula of the key personnel who carry out the design;


documented procedures and method statements for ensuring compliance with

the Employers Requirements;

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documented procedures for the review of the design including the frequency of
and personnel responsible for such reviews;


a description of arrangements for the checking of the design and liaison with the


a description of arrangements for the interface with supervision of the Works;


any other relevant item which may during the Contract be brought to the attention
of the Contractor by the Employers Representative.

Contractors Method Statements and Procedures for the Works

This part of the Quality Plan for the Contractors method statements and procedures for
the Works shall include but not be limited to:

the names and curricula vitae of the key personnel who will carry out the


a list of Subcontractors to be employed on the Works;


a list of the quality procedures and method statements to be provided;


identification of specialist activities and personnel to be employed carrying out

such activities;


arrangements for quality control of purchased Plant and Materials;


arrangements for quality control of all Plant and Materials sourced on or off site;


detailed written method statements for each major activity whether such activities
are directly controlled by the Contractor or subcontracted;


The written method statements shall identify quality hold points and witness
points and invoke for all activities:
a) work instructions;
b) quality control procedures;
c) compliance testing/inspection arrangements; and
d) work acceptance procedure.

Method statements shall inter alia describe each stage of the construction, including the
layout of the Works and of the Operation Service. The method statements shall also
identify the Plant and Materials to be used in the Works, Temporary Works, safety
measures, working space considerations, and where appropriate the requirements for
skilled labour and/or special supervision and similar. Method statements shall show how
the proposed operations ensure that impacts are restricted to the best possible
environmental option and shall include contingency plans and environmental procedures
to minimise damage caused by accidents, spillages or other unforeseen events. The
method statements shall include procedures for notifying the public or statutory bodies
and authorised authorities.
The Contractor shall state where work is subject to environmental requirements, for
example, temperature, noise and dust control, working hours, traffic conditions, vehicle
routings, screening and the like.
The Contractor shall identify hold points at stages of work where checks are necessary
before continuing. The authority for release of the hold points shall also be identified by
the Contractor in the method statements.
The Contractor shall identify witness points at stages of work where such witness
points are required. Such witness points shall include Employers Representatives

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witness points. The Contractor shall state in the method statements the notice required
to be given to personnel carrying out such witnessing.

The identification of the relevant procedures in the Contractors own Quality

Management System. Procedures invoked by method statements shall include
procedures from the quality controls required by the Contractors construction
quality control:
a) the control, identification and traceability of materials;
b) procedures for the prevention of inadvertent use, installation or covering up of
non-conforming work; and
c) any other corporate and/or contract specific work instructions to be applied.



Schedules of tests and inspections proposed.


Any other relevant item which may during the Contract be brought to the attention
of the Contractor by the Employers Representative.

Contractors Supervision of the Works

This part of the Quality Plan for the supervision of the Works shall include but not be
limited to:

the names and curricula vitae of all personnel to be employed in the supervision
of the Works;


a description of arrangements for the interface with procedures and method

statements in respect of the construction of the Works;


a description of the interface with procedures for design;


arrangements for liaison and meetings with interested parties;


arrangements for the control of personnel selection which shall be based on

consideration of skill, care, diligence and experience qualities;


a statement of the Contractors (and his designers) responsibility to supervise the

Works including the duty to supervise the construction, completion and testing of
the Works;


documented procedures for undertaking the supervision of the Works detailing:

a) the stages of work when the inspection(s) is to be undertaken;
b) the personnel carrying out the inspection(s);
c) the frequency of inspection(s);
d) the procedures to be followed when detailing with non-conforming works; and
e) the recording of inspection(s)


documented procedures for the review of the extent and frequency of supervision;


documented procedures for the issuing of construction certificates;


documented procedures for document control including the receipt, control and
retention of all documents;


documented procedures for reporting progress and the identification of problems;



documented procedures for the observation of sampling, testing and the reporting
of results of testing; and

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any other relevant item which may during the Contract be brought to the attention
of the Contractor by the Employers Representative.

Contractors Quality Control for the Construction of the Works

This part of the Quality Plan for the Contractors quality control for construction of the
Works shall include but not be limited to:

a statement of the Contractors organisation for quality control and shall identify the:
a) responsibility for the initiation and updating of the Quality Plan;
b) responsibility for the adequacy of the quality records produced.

ii) documented procedures for the arrangements for receiving and in-process testing;
iii) documented procedures for the control of test laboratories;
iv) documented procedures for the control of test, measuring and inspection equipment;
v) documented procedures for document control and shall include their identification,
traceability requirements, control of document issues and their status. Documents
recording the verification, review, approval, release and amendment of the Works
shall similarly be controlled;
vi) documented procedures for monitoring and recording the inspection, test and
approval status of the construction/installed work including the identification of hold
vii) documented procedures for tests and inspections for the purpose of the Contractor
certifying that prior to covering up, each part of the Works is complete and conforms
to the Contract. The procedures shall identify the proforma and/or database to be
used for recording the inspection and test results, and the proforma to be used for
recording the certification of compliance of all items of the Works by authorised key
personnel. The Contractor shall identify each submission separately;
viii) documented procedures for the review of work submitted for review but not accepted
as conforming to the Contract. These procedures shall include options for
identification of non-conforming work and proposals for reworking and remedial work;
ix) documented procedures for the collation of quality records;
x) documented procedures for inspection and testing of Plant, Materials and equipment;
xi) any other relevant item which may during the Contract be brought to the attention of
the Contractor by the Employers Representative.

The Contractors Quality Control for the Operation Service

This part of the Quality Plan for the Contractors operation and maintenance quality
control for the Works shall include but not be limited to:

a statement of the Contractors organisation for quality control and shall identify the:
a) responsibility for the initiation and updating of the Quality Plan;
b) responsibility for the adequacy of the quality records produced;

ii) documented procedures for the control of test laboratories;

iii) documented procedures for the control of test, measuring and inspection equipment;
iv) documented procedures for identifying the procurement of Plant conforming to the
design requirements and for ensuring the continued performance to these standards;

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v) Documented procedures for identifying the introduction of new legislation, standards,
Laws and regulations and their implementation;
vi) documented procedures for document control and shall include their identification,
traceability requirements, control of document issues and their status. Documents
recording the verification, review, approval, release and amendment of the Works
shall similarly be controlled;
vii) documented procedures for the review of work submitted for review but not accepted
as conforming to the Contract. These procedures shall include options for
identification of non-conforming work and proposals for reworking and remedial work;
viii) documented procedures for the collation of quality records; and
ix) documented procedures for inspection and testing of Plant, Materials, equipment and
any other relevant item which may be brought to the attention of the Contractor by
the Employers Representative.

Subcontractors or Suppliers Quality Plans

The Quality Plan for Subcontractors (including suppliers of Plant and Material) shall
include but not be limited to:

a definition of the product or service which is to be provided;

ii) annotated chart(s) showing the organisation structure of the Subcontractor describing
the line of command and stating the name of the senior manager responsible for the
contracted work and the name of the Subcontractors on-site management
representative. The Subcontractor shall provide contact addresses, telephone
numbers and the like. This must address all activities, including those which have
been sub-let. The Subcontractor shall provide names of any suppliers involved in the
iii) the identification of the relevant parts of the Subcontractors Quality Management
System relevant to the product or service being provided;
iv) documented procedures for the control of personnel selection (at Works and on Site),
including special requirements for skilled personnel for example; certification of
welders, training of operatives, experience requirements and the like. The
Subcontractors shall provide evidence that the training and experience requirements
given in the appropriate Quality Management System are being met;
v) documented procedures for the receipt and examination of certificates of conformity
and test results for purchased products;
vi) documented procedures for product identification and traceability. Each piece or
bundle of delivered product shall be indelibly marked and where appropriate, the lot
identification shall be included on each package;
vii) documented procedures for handling, storage, packaging and delivery to Site and
storage and handling on site, including instructions for repair of damaged products
where appropriate; and
viii) documented procedures for compiling records which shall include documents to
demonstrate the achievement of the requirement standard for example; site logs,
record of visits, records of verification, review and release, certificates of conformity
and records of all design modifications to products and specifications.

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Monitoring during the Operation Service Period

The Contractor shall develop monitoring and sampling plans as part of Contractors
Quality Plan for the Operation Service. These plans shall be implemented to ensure that
all required analyses and reports are completed fully and accurately to exacting
specifications, following standard methods and procedures, in a timely manner and in
support of other performance requirements of the contract.
The plans shall clearly distinguish between the monitoring required to meet regulatory
requirements and the monitoring required to meet the Contract requirements. The plans
shall include:


A list of all parameters to be monitored as part of these plans. These plans shall
include a schedule of the proposed monitoring quality control requirements,
describing which parameters will be monitored on a daily, weekly, biweekly and
monthly basis.

A laboratory manual, which shall describe the Contractors approach to attaining the
highest standards of laboratory performance. The manual must outline the methods
for each test to be performed. The plan shall identify which tests will be conducted inhouse and those to be performed by Contract laboratories. All laboratories
performing tests shall be subject to approval by the Employers Representative. In
addition, the laboratory manual shall specify the type and model of all equipment to
be used in performing all tests by the Contractor.

Minimum experience and qualifications of individuals or Contract laboratories

performing testing services.

A description of analysis techniques that will be implemented to ensure that all

regulations and standards are met. The plan must provide examples of any tools
such as flow charts, check sheets or any other data presentation and evaluation
techniques that will be utilised.

A description of all calibration techniques, quality control procedures, including those

to be utilised for all equipment used for testing and measuring different parameters
within the treatment process and at the in-house laboratory and Contract laboratories.
The description shall address the calibration practices, including the frequency and
accuracy requirements. The calibration procedures shall consider intermediate spot
and cross checks, in addition to the scheduled formal calibration checks.

Submission of Quality Plan

Sections of the Quality Plan as far as they relate to the Design-Build Period, shall be
submitted by the Contractor to the Employers Representative for his approval within the
date stated in Section 8 for the submission of the Quality Plan, the remaining sections
being provided as soon as practicable thereafter.
Sections of the Quality Plan as far as they relate to the Operation Service Period, shall
be submitted by the Contractor to the Employers Representative for his approval within
the date stated in Section 8 for the submission of the Quality Plan, the remaining
sections being provided as soon as practicable thereafter.
The Contractor shall submit the remaining parts of the Quality Plan to the Employers
Representative for review at least two weeks prior to commencement of any associated
work or activity and to the programme included with item 6.4.1.

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Review of Nominated Laboratory

An Nominated Laboratory shall mean one or more laboratories located on Site or off Site
and used for the purpose of undertaking all tests for acceptance, compliance or payment
purposes, nominated by the Contractor. A Nominated Laboratory shall be nationally
accredited (NABL) or internationally accredited (ISO 9000, NAMAS or similar INAB
standard) for all tests that are to be undertaken. The Contractor shall ensure that the
accreditation is maintained throughout the Operation Service Period. The Nominated
Laboratories shall operate to ISO 17025.
At least one month prior to any testing or analysis at the proposed laboratories the
Contractor shall inform the Employers Representative of his intended Nominated
Laboratories and which tests are to be undertaken in each of the Nominated
Laboratories. This may be more than one laboratory. The Contractor shall carry out an
assessment of the Nominated Laboratories to ensure that they are accredited. The
Contractor shall provide an assessment report to the Employers Representative for
The Nominated Laboratories shall be subject to the approval of the Employers
Representative, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The sampling gathering and testing protocol(s) shall be based on or equal to the latest
edition of APHA/AWWA/WEF Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater. The accredited testing laboratory shall be fully conversant with these

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Licences and Consents

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The Operating Licence signed as part of this Contract allows the Contractor to operate
the Works on behalf of the Employer.
The Employer has consent from the MoEF, GoI to construct a wastewater treatment
facility at Bhandup.
The Bidder shall provide compliance as per Environmental Clearance from MOEF,
No. 11-49/2007-IA-III Dated 28th January 2008 which is incorporated into the details
contained in Appendix B.
The Employer has consent from the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) in
relation to the discharge of treated effluent for the present facilities.
The requirements of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) issued by the National
Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) have been incorporated into the
Employers Requirements.
The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all consents, permits, licenses and
approvals/clearances (including pending, re-validation and renewals) required for the
project . The Contractor shall also allow sufficient time for the necessary procedures in
his programme. Any delays associated with obtaining any licenses, permits, and
consents shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall carry out the Operation Service in accordance with all consents,
permits, licenses and approvals required.
Appendix F contains a sample list of procedures for general construction works. The
Contractor is cautioned that Appendix F is not an exhaustive list. The Contractor shall be
required to identify all other licenses or approvals required.
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer in advance a list of licenses, permits and
consents required for the Contract and the Employer shall determine which of these shall
be in the name of the Employer. However, the Contractor shall bear all costs associated
with the licenses, permits and consents.

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Key Programme Requirements

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The Contractor is required to complete each of the following activities, items of work or
stages in the performance of the Contract in full in accordance with the Contract by the
date or within the period specified for each such activity or item or stage in the table
below. Week numbers refer to weeks after the Commencement Date unless otherwise
stated. Other submissions as specified in the Contract shall be required in addition to the
key submissions identified below.


Table 8.1 Key programme requirements during design and build

Activity/item of work/stage

Date or period by which item is to be



Submission of programme in
accordance with Clause 8.3 of
Conditions of Contract

As per Clause 8.3 of the Conditions of



Submission of project execution plan

Within 28 days of receipt of Notice of

Commencement Date


Submission of controlled copy of

Quality Management System

Within 28 days of receipt of Notice of

Commencement Date


Submission of Health and Safety


commencement of Works on Site



General method statement

commencement of Works on Site



Submission of


Submission of draft Contractors

design report(s)

By end of week 24



By end of week 24


Submission of all licenses, consents,

clearances, NoCs, etc required for
commencement of Construction

By end of week 24


Submission of
design report(s)

By end of week 36


Submission of construction stage


No later than four weeks prior to

commencement of that element


Submission of construction
installation method statements

No later than four weeks prior to

commencement of that element




No later than three weeks prior to

commencement of that element


Submission of Testing Plan and

Testing Programme in accordance
with the requirements of Section 17

No later than 6 months prior to

commencement of
the Tests on
Completion of Design-Build




Plan for




Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility


By end of week 4

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Activity/item of work/stage

Date or period by which item is to be



As-built documents submission of

asset sheets

No later than 3 weeks prior to

commencement of
the Tests on
Completion of Design-Build


Draft Operation and Maintenance

Plan and Asset Management

No later than 8 weeks prior to

commencement of Tests on Completion of


Maintenance Plan and
Management Database

No later than 3 weeks prior to the date for

commencement of Tests on Completion of


Nomination of Plant Manager

No later than 6 months before the

anticipated date for commencement of the


(Process Commissioning)

No later than 2 months before the date for

completion of the Design-Build


Completion of Design-Build (Plant
Proving Period)



Submission of Quality
Operation Service

Plan for


Final approved as-built documents


Final Operation and Maintenance

Plan and Asset Management


Final Operation and Maintenance



Time for Completion of Design-Build

No later than 6 weeks before the date for

completion of the Design-Build

No later than the date set out for the

commencement of the Plant Proving
Period or 28 days after completion of the
commencement of the Commissioning
whichever is the earlier
As stated in the Particular Conditions
Part A - Contract Data

Design Review by Employers Representative

The Contractors final detailed design shall be completed within 30 weeks on prorata
basis from the Notice of Commencement. The design review team of the Employers
Representative will be available to carry out design review during this 30 weeks period.
If the Contractor is late in submission of either the draft or final designs for review, or
proposes changes to a reviewed design such that additional design reviews are required,
then the cost of such reviews shall be borne by the Contractor.

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Operation Service
Table 8.2 Programme during operation service

Activity / Item of Work

/ Stage

Date or period by which item is to be completed


Full implementation of
the O&M Plan

No later than the date set out in the Commissioning

Certificate in accordance with General Conditions SubClause 11.7, or 28 days after Completion of the Tests
on Completion of Design-Build whichever is the earlier


Service Delivery
Review Report

Initial review report within one month of the date set out
in the Commissioning Certificate in accordance with
General Conditions Clause 11.7 and subsequent
reviews every 3 months thereafter with a complete
review annually


Update of the O&M


At least every 3 months and when required to meet

recommendations of the Service Delivery Review


Submission of draft
O&M Manuals

Within 3 months of the date set out in the

Commissioning Certificate in accordance with General
Conditions Clause 11.7


Submission of final
O&M Manuals

Within 6 months of the date set out in the

Commissioning Certificate in accordance with General
Conditions Clause 11.7


Update of O&M

At intervals of no more than 12 months


Key Staff


Contractors Representative
The Contractors Representative shall be experienced in the construction of large
infrastructure projects. He shall have meet or exceed the following parameters:


15 years relevant experience

3 years experience specifically in construction of water or wastewater treatment
Bachelor Degree in Engineering;

Design Manager
The Design Manager shall be experienced in the design of wastewater treatment plants.
He shall have meet or exceed the following parameters:


15 years relevant experience

5 years experience specifically in design of water or wastewater treatment plants
Bachelor Degree in Engineering;

Lead Planner
The Lead Planner shall be experienced in the planning of construction projects. He shall
have meet or exceed the following parameters:

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10 years relevant experience

3 years experience in planning of water or wastewater treatment plants
Bachelor Degree in a relevant field;

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General Design

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Codes and Standards

The Works shall be designed, manufactured, constructed, tested and operated in
accordance with the following standards and codes of practice. In the event of
differences between the standards or codes of practice the more stringent shall apply. In
the event of any conflict the standards or codes of practice shall be interpreted in the
order of precedence given below:
1. As specified in this Contract including those in this Volume 2 Employers
Requirements and in the general technical specifications in Volumes 2A, 2B, and 2C;
2. For Plant and Materials they shall comply with those standards of the country of
manufacture which are relevant to the item concerned, in addition to the standards
cited in the general technical specifications;
3. Relevant standards and codes of practice of India.
If the Contractor determines there are conflicting requirements the more stringent shall
apply. However, the Employer's Representative reserves the right to make the final
decision on the matter.
Each item of equipment, Plant and Materials shall comply with those standards of the
country of manufacture which are relevant to the item concerned. The Contractor shall
also ensure that each item of equipment, Plant and Materials comply in all respects with
the standards cited in the general technical specifications.
For items which have not been specified in either Indian codes/standards or in this
Contract the Contractor shall ensure the following standards are met:
a) European codes of practice, such as those Euro norms which are codes of practice;
b) International Electro technical Commission (IEC) and International Organisation for
Standardization (ISO) of codes of practice.
Where the requirements of the standards cited in the general technical specifications are
more stringent in any respect than the requirements of the standards of the country of
manufacture and, in the opinion of the Contractor, the proposed manufacturer cannot
reasonably meet these more stringent requirements, the Contractor shall submit to the
Employers Representative for approval a list of all the deviations from the standards
cited in the Contract.
If requested to do so by the Employers Representative, the Contractor shall submit to
the Employers Representative at least one copy of each code of practice, standard, and
reference work which is referred to in the general technical specifications or elsewhere in
the Contract or proposed by the Contractor. All such documents shall be in the language
stated in the Contract Data in accordance with Clause 1.4 of the Conditions of Contract.
The Employers Representative reserves the right to reject any Plant or Materials
manufactured to a different standard which he considers to be unacceptable.
References in these documents to standards shall be deemed to be to their equivalent
current standard in the event that they have been withdrawn or new more applicable
standards are in force.
Only proven technologies shall be incorporated in the Works. The Contractor may only
incorporate new technology in the works subject to his being able to demonstrate each of
the following to the Employer:

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the new technology is permitted by the Laws of India;

the new technology has a proven track record (of similar size and application);

the application of the new technology will not be detrimental to the life of and the safe,
environmentally sound, reliable, cost efficient and correct operation of the WwTF;

the incorporation of new technology in part of the Works will not result in any
undesirable incompatibility or monopoly;

the application of the new technology will yield benefits to the operation and
maintenance of the Works, for example by reducing operating & maintenance costs,
by providing more user-friendly operation, by enhancing the automatic collection and
storage of data relating to the operation and maintenance of the Works, etc.

Design Life
Unless stated otherwise in the Employers Requirements, the Contractor shall design the
Works such that the design life shall be a minimum of:
Table 9.1 Design Life
Minimum Design Life

Civil engineering and building works (including underground
services and pipes)
External pipework and valves




Steel tanks


Mechanical - Internal pipework and valves


Mechanical Rotating machinery and complex equipment


Electrical - Cables


Electrical - HT Electrical, Transformers & Switchgear


Electrical - LT Electrical, Switchgear




Diffuser Membrane


All Plant, Materials, and equipment utilised in the Works shall be new. No existing Plant,
Materials, buildings or equipment from the facility, or element of the existing facility shall
be reinstalled or reused in the final Works. The Contractor shall look for opportunities to
design Works with a longer design life than those listed above for equipment that is paid
for by the Employer through the Asset Replacement Fund. The Contractor shall provide
the necessary information to allow the Employer to decide if the asset with a longer
useful life should be used to replace the existing asset based on cost factors such as
immediate cost and future operating/maintenance costs.


Units of Measurement
All correspondence, drawings, data sheets, calculations, labels, nameplates, field
instruments etc shall be expressed in metric SI units where such unit exists.


Plant Access and Maintainability

The arrangement of new, refurbished and upgraded parts of the Works shall include for

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ease of operation and maintenance:

access to all items such as valve operating handles, gauges, sample points, etc to
which access is needed during normal operation;

access for maintenance, including suitable lay down areas;

access for the removal of equipment without disturbing adjacent equipment, and to
enable the equipment to be loaded on to a vehicle;

access for visual inspections, except in the case of buried pipelines.

The Contractor shall ensure that all working areas have adequate access, lifting
equipment, lighting, air-conditioning, heating and ventilation.
All plant, equipment housings, etc, which may be handled during the course of normal
operations or maintenance, shall be provided with the following facilities:
Table 9.2 Lifting limits
Range of Weight (W) of Object to be
Required Facility
No special arrangements required
25kg <


Arrange for two man lifting

35kg <


500 kg<

1 tonne

1 tonne<

2 tonnes

2 tonnes<


Provision of suitably rated lifting equipment

Provision of suitably rated lifting beam with
manual chain block
Provision of suitably rated overhead crane with
manual chain block and manual travel
Provision of suitably rated overhead crane with
electric lift and electric travel

Each building which houses process equipment shall include provision for that
equipment to be lifted by a hoist/crane and extended beam system, such that the
equipment is hoisted within the building and easily moved outdoors (on the same
hoisting system) and can be lowered directly on to or raised directly from a transport
Where it is necessary for the regular delivery of chemicals, fuel, skips, etc. into a building
and/or for the collection of skips, screenings, ash, bag filter residue, etc., each
loading/unloading area shall incorporate a covered canopy structure adjacent to the
access door. The access door may be either an electrically operated roller shutter door
or a two leaf outward opening door both designed to suit the hoisting system. Where it is
necessary for large vehicles to enter a building regularly, the building shall be arranged
so that each vehicle can drive through the building without the need to reverse inside the
building. It shall be possible to close both the vehicle entrance and exit doors while the
vehicle is being loaded or off-loaded inside the building.
A pedestrian access door shall be provided adjacent to each vehicle access door.
Vehicular routes within buildings shall be clearly marked and:

process equipment, pipes, cables etc. shall not be located within 1 metre of a marked
vehicular route;

appropriate physical protection shall be provided for equipment, pipes, cables etc
located close to a vehicle access route to minimise the risk of damage;

there shall be a marked pedestrian access route not less than 1 metre wide
alongside each vehicular route.

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Refer also to Section 4 of the Employers Requirements in relation to Contractors
The Contractor shall provide all drawings with dimensions in metric units.
The Contractor shall use ISO standard size sheets only. All electrical drawings shall
include a key legend of symbols and references used.
All drawings issued by the Contractor shall have a common title block bearing the name
of the Employer and the Contractor and shall include the name of the Subcontractor or
supplier where appropriate.
Volume 2D contains the drawings listed below issued for the purposes of illustrating and
clarifying the Works described in the Employers Requirements, and which form part of
the Employers Requirements:
Table 9.3 List of drawings
Drawing No.




Bhandup WwTF Existing IPS and Proposed

Improvements to Existing Access Road


Bhandup WwTF Existing WwTF Layout Plan


Bhandup WwTF Site Area and Interfaces


Bhandup WwTF Proposed Access Road Cross section


Bhandup WwTF Surge Tank Typical Details and

Proposed Raising of Coping

Climatic Conditions
The Contractor shall ensure the Works are suitable for continuous operation in all
climatic conditions likely to be encountered at the Site. The Contractor shall ensure all
Plant and Materials located outside are suitable for a temperature range of at least 10C
below the minimum to 10C above the maximum temperatures recorded in the area by
the meteorological service. As a minimum the Contractor shall ensure that all Plant and
Materials are suitable for the following:


Temperature: 0C to + 50C

Humidity: 100% (including enclosures)

Saline / coastal conditions

Asset Register
During the design of the Works the Contractor shall develop a numbering system for
each item of Plant and Materials that will be compatible with his proposed Operation and
Maintenance Plan and his proposed Asset Management Database.
The Contractor shall apply the numbering system to the method of physically identifying
each item and to the referencing on the drawings and in the ICA and SCADA design.
The Contractor shall submit the format of asset sheets to be included in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual and Asset Management Database to the Employers
Representative for review.

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All signs, notices, on-site instructions, name-plates, monitors, etc. at the Works shall be
in both Marathi and English.
All Plant items shall to be fitted with a rating plate, which contains as a minimum, the
manufacturers name, the type reference, the serial number, the date of manufacture and
the rating of the machine or Plant item.
All Plant items are to be fitted with a unique name plate bearing the individual plant
reference for the Plant item, e.g. Blower Motor No. 4. In the case of removable Plant
items, the name plate shall be fitted alongside the item.
In addition each item of Plant and equipment shall carry an asset number label which
may be electronic to comply with the requirements of the Operation and Maintenance
Plan to be developed.
Name plates and rating plates shall be either traffolyte (black letters on white label) or
316 stainless steel labels stamped with black lettering. The lettering shall be of a size
suitable for the application, but shall not in any case be less than 6mm high. All labels
shall be visible from an operator access way.
Each switchboard, motor control centre, ICA panel, pump, valve, etc. and any other item
of Plant and equipment shall be fitted with an identification label with letters not less than
12mm high. Additionally, each individual switch shall have an identification label at both
the back and front of the unit, where applicable. These labels shall carry the
unambiguous switch name and number, in letters not less than 8mm high, which will
denote the service or Plant items which they control.
Fuse or MCB sizes and circuit numbers must be clearly indicated adjacent to each
device to facilitate identification and replacement.
Where more than one power supply is connected to a distribution board or plant item,
clear indication of the danger must be given and the voltage between phases shall be
made obvious by the Contractor
All cables shall be clearly labelled so that their source, destination, and function can be
All labelling or types of labelling shall be subject to approval by the Employers
Representative before installation.
All pipe work above ground shall be labelled with contents and flow direction. Pipe work
of diameter less than 50mm may have tags or clamped signs unless it is less than 1.0m
in length where labelling shall not be necessary.
All storage tanks shall be labelled with contents and volume. Letters shall be of a size
suitable for the application but shall not be less than 100mm high. Labels shall be
painted at 90 degree intervals at a suitable elevation.


Hazardous Area Classification

As part of the Contractors design, the Contractor shall carry out a risk assessment of the
possibility of the existence of potentially explosive atmospheres during the operation of
the Works by means of a Hazardous Areas Classification.
All zonal classification and Plant and Materials shall be in accordance with BS EN 60079
and IECE x 60079 series of standards.
Plant shall be of an approved type and be Ex rated according to the Hazardous Areas
Classification as necessary.

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HAZOP Studies
The Contractor shall carry out a hazard and operability (HAZOP) study for the Works at
an appropriate stage in the design. Modifications to the Contractors design or
construction that are required as a result of the HAZOP shall be implemented by the
The HAZOP shall be carried out in accordance with the Indian Standard - HAZARD
The Contractor shall appoint from his staff the chairman and the secretary for the
HAZOP meetings subject to agreement with the Employers Representative. Other
members of the Contractors staff familiar with the details of the Contractors design shall
attend the HAZOP meetings, as appropriate. These HAZOP meetings shall be held in
Mumbai and the Employers Representative shall be given adequate notice to attend the
The following shall be included in the studies:

The design, including all process and instrumentation diagrams, all single line
diagrams, plant layout drawings, pipeline drawings, and block diagrams for the
control system

An ICA design appraisal including the control philosophy

During the HAZOP study the following topics shall be considered as a minimum:

Disaster resilience as per the requirements of Disaster Management Act 2005 as


the adequacy of the vehicle and personnel access to plant, plant rooms, switch
rooms, control rooms, etc, together with the means of escape safety aspects such
as confined spaces, areas where high noise levels are expected, etc.

the facilities for delivering sludge, chemicals, fuel, etc. to the Permanent Works and
for collecting and removing waste materials such as grit and ash

the facilities for transferring screenings

the impact of various climatic conditions

the facilities for removing items of plant for maintenance

safety facilities such as safety showers, fire alarms, etc.

operation of the Permanent Works under normal conditions

the impact of abnormal conditions such as high or low temperature, pressure or flow
on the operation of the Permanent Works

the impact of an electricity supply failure, cooling water supply failure, etc on the
operation of the Permanent Works

other topics as determined by the HAZOP study team.

The HAZOP meetings shall be conducted in a systematic manner and the outcomes
shall be recorded by the secretary. A two stage approach shall be used. The first stage
will be carried out at the stage when process and instrumentation diagrams are available
and the results shall then be used to further develop the design. The second stage will
review both the process and instrumentation final diagrams and the ICA systems to
ensure that the overall system design provides adequate operational security.
Following the HAZOP meetings, the Contractor shall consider each of the hazards which
have been identified and assign to it:

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a likelihood of occurrence, i.e. high, medium or low; and

a severity of the consequences when the hazard does arise, i.e. severe, medium or

From these two factors the overall risk associated with each hazard shall be determined
by the Contractor.
Following this risk assessment, the Contractor shall recommend the action which is to be
taken in relation to each hazard. The Contractor shall submit these recommendations to
the Employers Representative for review.

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Process Design

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10.1.1 General Design Requirements

The Contractor is responsible for the design and construction of the Works and for the
subsequent provision of the Operation Services in accordance with the Contract. The
Contractor shall select the type, number, sequence and configuration of process units
needed to achieve the effluent standards. The Contractor's design of the Works shall be
in accordance with these Employers Requirements and shall satisfy the performance
requirements contained in Section 18 and all other requirements of the Contract.
The Works shall be capable of conveying and treating the maximum flows and loads
specified in Appendix B1 to the standards specified.
The Works shall have capacity to convey through the treatment processes to the outfall
the Pass Forward Flow (PFF) specified in Appendix B1 without overflow. The Contractor
shall determine the diurnal variation and other variation factors and take consideration of
these in his design.
The Contractor shall not stop or reduce the delivery of flows from the sewerage network
to the wastewater treatment works. The Contractor shall not discharge any flows through
an emergency bypass, except in an emergency and with the express permission of the
Employer for each overflow event.
The estimated current Dry Weather Flow as given in Volume 5, is anticipated to increase
during the Operation Service. The Contractors design shall accommodate variations in
plant loading during the Operation Service Period. The Contractor shall make no limiting
assumptions in relation to the timing and rate of any increase in flow and loading and
shall not infer any linear increase in the loading to the Works.
The Employer does not guarantee the wastewater flows and loads which will be
delivered to the WwTF. Flows and loads may be lower than the current estimated flows
and loading. The Works shall be designed by the Contractor to be capable of accepting a
range of incoming flow rates and loads up to and including the Pass Forward Flow (PFF)
and Loads specified in Appendix B1 whilst maintaining the performance requirements
stated in Section 18.
The Contractor shall also allow in his hydraulic and process design for the full treatment
of recirculation flows (and associated loads), including but not limited to the dirty
washwater from the screenings and grit treatment systems, supernatant and filtrate and
miscellaneous other liquors from the sludge treatment processes in addition to any other
relevant design parameters not specifically identified here.
The Contractor shall minimise as far as possible the use of proprietary equipment or
processes which will require inputs from third parties throughout the Operation Service
The process units shall be selected based on minimum process design parameters given
in this section. All tenderers shall complete and return the schedule of design parameters
with their tenders no departure from the minimum design parameters shall be accepted
without written approval from the Employer.

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Table 10.1 Key process parameters
Process Unit

Minimum Design Parameter (at PFF)

Bar spacing


De-gritting system
Grit removal efficiency

>95% of 0.2mm size particles

Primary settlement
Hydraulic retention time (HRT) at PFF

2 hrs

Up-flow velocity at PFF

2 m3/m2/h

Biological treatment
Minimum HRT in selector zone

30 mins

HRT in anoxic zone

30% aeration volume (min)


3,000 mg/l (maximum)*

F:M ratio

0.08 kg BOD / kg MLSS (max)

Oxygen supplied (BOD)
Oxygen supplied (NH3 N)
Oxygen transfer SOTE

1.7 days (min)

0.75 kg O2 / kg BOD (min)
4.3 kg O2 / kg NH3 N (min)
5 % per m LD

Aeration tank depth

4m (min)



Secondary settlement


Design basis
Flux theory
Surface overflow rate (designed on flux
1.2 m3/m2/hour (max)
Weir overflow rate
10 m3/m2/h (max)
Rapid Gravity Sand Filtration

120 (or 130 if saline)

Surface overflow rate

10 m3/m2/hr (max)

Sludge thickeners
Thickened sludge concentration

5% (min)

Polymer dose

5 kg / tonne DS (max)

Anaerobic Digester

15 days (min)

VSS loading
Digested sludge Tank

2.0 kg VSS/m3 (max)


1 day (min)

Sludge Dewatering
Dewatered cake

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25% (min)

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10.1.2 Standby Requirements
The Contractor shall design the Works such that each stage of the process includes
appropriate standby capacity and bypass arrangements. The works must be designed
such that at Peak Daily Flow any individual unit can be taken out of service for planned
maintenance work without breaching the specified performance requirements. This
requirement includes all process units including biological treatment and settlement
tanks. It is not a requirement to meet this condition during the monsoon season (i.e. for
flows greater than Peak Daily Flow).
All mechanical and electrical plant shall be arranged in duty/standby configurations with
automated rotation of duty to ensure even wear, and automated changeover to standby
units in the event of plant failure. Standby plant shall be of the same type and capacity
as the duty plant. The following table gives the minimum standby capacity requirement
versus the number of duty plant units.
Table 10.2 Minimum Standby Requirements
No of duty units

Minimum standby (%)



For all process units, tanks and containers, the Contractor shall build in facilities for
draining down and bypassing without the need for portable equipment, except for
emergency provision. The Contractor shall automate draining down where appropriate,
and shall make allowance in the treatment stages for return of liquors generated during
draining down and cleaning of the works.
10.1.3 Bypass Requirements
The Contractor shall provide an emergency bypass channel or pipe for the whole of the
Works capable of handling the required Pass Forward Flow (PFF). The emergency
bypass shall lead from a designed emergency overflow at the Inlet Chamber to the
Outfall and include connections from key points in the process such that in the event of a
blockage or complete process failure, partially treated effluent could continue to be
discharged to the creek without overspill and consequent damage to the Works.
Access points to the bypass (i.e. designed overflow points in the Works) shall include
devices to record overflow events, which shall be logged in the SCADA system.
10.1.4 Influent Characteristics
The characteristics of the wastewater arriving at the works are influenced by
contributions from storm water and tidal water infiltration to the collection system. The
tidal infiltration can create elevated chloride and sulphate concentrations in the
wastewater. The Contractor shall ensure that the process design is appropriate for these
conditions and that materials used in the construction of the Works are resistant to
corrosion resulting from elevated levels of chlorides and sulphates in the influent.
The Contractor shall also take into account in the design of the works that the
wastewater arriving at the WwTF is likely to be septic. There is no septicity control
upstream within the catchment. The Contractor shall design the works to provide suitable
treatment of septicity to protect the downstream treatment processes and to prevent the
generation of malodours in the treatment processes. The Contractor shall provide

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protective coatings in accordance with Section 14.12 to protect structures and equipment
from corrosion due to the presence of hydrogen sulphide gas, including in open
10.1.5 Design Standards
The Contractor shall design the Works based on best international practice and shall
ensure that treatment processes provided are based upon technically proven processes.
In addition to the Indian (CPHEEO) Manual 2013 on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment,
it is expected that the best international practice, standards and guidelines shall be
based on, as a minimum, the latest editions of the following:
1) Design

Manual of British Practice in Water Pollution Control

British Water Research Centre (WRc)
European Standards
USA- Environmental Protection Agency
USA-Water Environmental Federation Manuals of practice.
USA-10 States Standards of Wastewater Facilities
Ministry of the Environment for Design Guidelines for Sewage Works (Ontario,
Wastewater Treatment and Reuse - Metcalf & Eddy

2) Area Classification and Ventilation Requirements

USA National Fire Protection Agency No.820

Manuals of British Practice
European Standards

3) Operation & Maintenance

Manual of British Practice

European Standards
USA Environmental Protection Agency - Considerations for Preparation of Operation
and Maintenance Manuals
USA Water Environment Federation manuals of Practice

4) Laboratory Testing Protocol:

APHA/AWWA/WEF Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater

If the Contractor determines that there are conflicting requirements the more stringent
shall apply. However, the Employers Representative reserves the right to make the final
decision on the matter.
10.1.6 Process Requirements
The following main treatment processes are envisaged in the Contractors design of the

Flow Measurement;
Inlet Chamber;
Preliminary treatment (screening & grit removal);
Primary Settlement;
Biological treatment;

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Tertiary treatment;
Anaerobic sludge digestion and biogas storage;
Energy recovery using digester biogas;
Sludge thickening, dewatering & storage;
Storage and disposal of all wastes including screenings, grit and sludge.

The provision of Primary Settlement Tanks is a requirement of the Contract. It is

considered that increased biogas production and energy recovery can be achieved from
primary sludge.
The Works at the treatment facility shall also include, but not be limited to, the items
listed below:
a) Wastewater treatment facilities:

Transfer of flows via open flow channels and underground conduits;

Flow measurement at locations in accordance with Section 10.17.2;
All ancillary mechanical and electrical installations associated with the main
treatment processes;
Suitable and appropriate lifting equipment for maintenance and operation;
Potential septicity treatment (if required);
Facilities for collection of bags, skips and containers, wherever necessary;
SCADA system, telemetry and alarm equipment;
Provision of electricity, water and other utilities and services to the Site;
Cabling, and all electrical installation equipment and materials;
Process control, monitoring and instrumentation;
Provision of testing and laboratory facilities;
Provision of spare parts.

All on-site civil engineering works associated with the wastewater and sludge treatment
facility including:

Administration buildings;
Access and site roads;
Landscaping and planting of the Site;
Site drainage, run-off and internal building drainage;
Security systems including guardhouse, watchtowers, CCTV, fencing and access

b) Treated sludge storage, transportation, and disposal

Sludge storage facilities (both at the Site and in other places if the Contractors
disposal route requires) ;
Sludge handling facilities;

c) Operation Service

Operation and maintenance of the Works by the Contractor for a period of 15 (Fifteen)

10.1.7 Site Layout Restrictions

The Contractors design shall take account of the following Site restrictions:

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Existing WwTF operating units: During the Design Build Period, the Employer will
operate and maintain certain units of the existing WwTF which are shown on Drgs. No.
WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-003 and WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-002.The area demarcated in
Drg. No.WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-003 (shown hatched) shall not be accessed by the
Contractor. The Contractor shall plan all its activities and Works in such a way that no
access shall be required to this area.
Proximity to reserved forest area: The proposed Site for Bhandup is surrounded by
reserved forest. The Contractor shall ensure that all his activities are restricted to the
designated Site and shall not carry out any activities which may be detrimental to the
reserved forest. Any activity outside the Site may require permission from the
appropriate authority in the forest department.
Location of entrance gate and associated guardhouse: The Contractor shall
construct an access route as shown on the drawings and shall construct an appropriate
gate and guardhouse adjacent to the new Works access.
Location of internal roads: The Contractor shall design his layout to facilitate vehicular
access to all necessary elements of the works.
Tree Authority requirements: It is a requirement of the Contract that the Contractor
obtains consent for removal of any trees and shall follow the instructions of the consent.
The Contractor shall allow an appropriate amount of time in his programme for liaising
with the authority, including organising a Site visit with the authority, and obtaining the
necessary consent. There are a number of trees along the proposed access roads to the
lagoon which shall be cut. The Contractor shall transplant the same number of trees, or
replant four times the number of trees cut, either on site or elsewhere as directed by the
Tree Authority. If any transplanted trees do not survive the Contractor shall be required
to replant double that amount of new trees. Newly planted trees which do not survive
shall be replaced with other new trees.
10.1.8 Existing Influent Data
The following information is included in Volume 5 (Background Information) and was
provided to the Contractor as background information prior to the Base Date during the
tender process in accordance with Clause 4.10 of the Conditions of Contract


A flow and sampling survey carried out in 2014

Factual 5 (Five) years influent data.

Incoming Rising Main and Flow Meter

The existing rising main delivering flows to the existing works is a 1,500mm diameter.
buried steel pipeline.
To make the connection to the existing main, flow will have to be stopped for sufficient
time to allow the connection works to be completed. The Contractor shall take all
reasonable measures to ensure this downtime is minimised. The Contractor shall
prepare a method statement detailing the proposed method of connection and shall
submit this to the Employers Representative for approval prior to commencing this work.
The installation shall include isolation valves immediately downstream of the connection
to the existing main, one on each of the new pipe and the existing pipe. As the valve on
the new pipeline will be normally closed until the Works is commissioned, with no
pressure on the downstream side, the design of the valve and associated chamber shall
include appropriate measures to resist thrust. The new valve on the existing pipeline will
require similar measures to allow for the situation after commissioning of the new Works
when it will be normally closed with no pressure on the downstream side.

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The new rising main shall include a flow meter immediately upstream of the connection
to the new Inlet Chamber to be constructed as part of the Works. The flow meter shall be
installed in a dedicated chamber in accordance with the manufacturers requirements to
ensure accurate flow measurement. The installation shall include a bypass arrangement
so that the flow meter can be removed for maintenance and/or replacement whilst still
maintaining flow to the Works. The bypass arrangement shall include isolating valves
upstream and downstream of the flow meter and bypass, draining facilities and
dismantling joints.
The layout of the new rising main, meter chamber and Inlet Chamber shall leave
sufficient space for the additional 1.8m dia rising main to be constructed from the site
boundary to the Inlet Chamber, and for the construction of a meter chamber on the line
of the additional 1.8m dia. rising main when it is constructed in the future by others.


Surge Vessel on Existing Rising Main

The existing rising main between the Bhandup IPS and the existing Bhandup WwTF
includes a surge vessel on the IPS site located as shown on Drg. No. WwTF-BNP-TENLP-005. The surge vessel takes the form of an open topped cylindrical, 3 metre internal
diameter, reinforced concrete tank located on the route of the rising main and through
which the rising main passes. The rising main is discontinuous through the tank such
that the tank fills and empties according to the hydraulic grade line of the rising main.
The coping level of the tank is approximately 36.50m relative to THD.
The coping level of the tank must be raised by 4m prior to commissioning of the new
Works, as the Inlet Chamber of the new Works is at a higher level than the existing
works. Note that The Contractors design will determine the actual top water levels of the
Inlet Chamber of the new Works.
Typical details for an MCGM designed surge tank are given on Drg. No. WwTF-BNPTEN-LP-005, however as-constructed drawings for the tank at Bhandup are not available.
The surge tank at Bhandup includes an external access ladder to the top of the tank, and
a working platform on top of the tank which gives access to a penstock spindle, manual
actuator and hand wheel. The work of raising the tank shall include:

Extending the access ladder to reach the elevated coping level;

Removal of the working platform form its existing position and refurbishment and
replacement on top of the elevated tank top; and

The Contractor shall be responsible for the following:

Survey of the existing surge tank to establish as constructed details and accurate
dimensions and levels;
Design of a method of raising the coping level of the tank by 4m. Methods could

Addition of reinforced concrete to the top of the tank (if existing tank can be
demonstrated to be capable of accepting increased load and pressure);

External strengthening of the existing tank by external pre-stress or other means

(including buried section) followed by the addition of reinforced concrete to the
top of the tank;

External strengthening by means of construction of a new reinforced concrete

tank outside the existing tank (including buried section) to the required height, in
which the inner face of the new tank is cast hard against the outer face of the
existing tank;

External strengthening by means of construction of a new steel tank outside the

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existing tank (including buried section) to the required height, followed by filling of
the annulus between the tanks with grout or mass concrete as appropriate.

Submission of a proposed design and construction methodology to the Employers

Representative for approval. The methodology shall include details of any period of
time for which the tank would have to be isolated to allow the works to be carried out.
The Contractor shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that any such period of
isolation shall be minimised, since during this period untreated wastewater will
bypass the treatment facilities;
Construction of the approved method. Since this work will be carried out on
operational premises of MCGM the Contractor shall liaise with MCGM to agree
access arrangements, working hours etc.

If the extension to the Surge Vessel requires isolation of the tank then such work shall be
done at the same time as the connection to the existing rising main required under
Section 10.2 above in order to minimise the total time for which the existing rising main
has to be isolated.


Inlet Chamber
The Contractor shall provide an Inlet Chamber to receive incoming flow. An additional
1.80 m diameter pipe insert shall be provided on the upstream side of the Inlet Chamber
to facilitate the connection of a proposed pumping main which will be provided as part of
the expansion of the existing IPS (by others) at some time during the operation service
period. The pipe insert shall terminate in a blank flange to be constructed outside the
chamber. The installation shall include isolating penstocks to both inlet pipes installed on
the inside face of the Inlet Chamber.
The Inlet Chamber shall be designed for PFF plus any waste streams (centrate, wash
water etc.) designed to be returned to the head of the Works.
The Inlet Chamber shall be covered and shall be provided with forced ventilation for the
extraction of foul gas from the chamber.


Preliminary Treatment

10.5.1 Screening
The Contractor shall provide mechanically operated front-raked screening equipment
suitable for open channel type flow.
The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number (minimum 6 for PFF) of appropriately
sized units operating in parallel to meet the Employers Requirements for the Flows and
Loads specified in Appendix B1.
The Contractor shall provide a means of isolating each screen with motorized
penstocks (upstream and downstream of each screen) capable of manual operation.
During normal operation, screens shall be utilised such that the flow is evenly distributed
to all duty grit tanks.
The screens shall have clear openings not less than 6mm. The design velocity through
the apertures shall not exceed 1.5 m/s at PFF.
The screens shall be equipped with an automatic cleaning system to prevent blockage.
The Contractor shall ensure that the screen cleaning system can be operated
intermittently and can be controlled by both an adjustable timed cycle and a pre-set
differential head across the screen using ultrasonic level sensors. The screens shall be
equipped with multiple rakes such that the maximum time between raking any point on
the screen is 20 seconds in fair season and 10 seconds during monsoon.

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The Contractor shall ensure screenings removed from the flow are washed, dewatered
and compacted, or equivalent, to achieve a minimum dry solids content of 30%.The
screens shall be provided with an organic washing and return system utilising final
effluent. The Contractor shall provide all necessary treatment, filtration and pumping for
the treated effluent which is necessary for this purpose.
The Contractor shall return the dirty wash water and organics from the screening
systems to the main wastewater stream upstream of the screens for treatment.
The Contractor shall select the screens and screening handling equipment from
suppliers with a proven track record for this application.
The compacted screenings shall be free of faecal matter. In order to minimise odour
nuisance, the Contractor shall store the screenings in suitable enclosed containers. The
capacity of the screenings treatment plant shall be adequate to treat the peak screenings
loads, which may occur following a storm. The Contractor shall demonstrate that this has
been taken into account in the design of the screenings handling system.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the transport and disposal of screenings to a
legal, licenced Landfill Site.
The Contractor shall remove screenings from the Site in sealed bags/containers
designed to ensure no release of odours or liquid to the environment along the route to
the disposal location.
The Contractor shall make provision for storage of empty screenings containers/bags on
the WwTF Site. These containers shall be thoroughly clean and odour free.
10.5.2 Grit Removal
The Contractor shall provide grit separators downstream of the screens.
The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number (minimum 4 for PFF) of appropriately
sized units operating in parallel to meet the Employers Requirements for the Ultimate
Flows and Loads specified in Appendix B1.
The Contractor shall provide a means of isolating each separator with motorised
penstocks (upstream and downstream) capable of manual activation and operation.
The grit separators shall be of the Hydrodynamic vortex circular type. Provision of
aerated grit separators shall not be permitted. The method of grit slurry removal from the
vortex separators shall be continuous using grit slurry pumps. Airlift pumps for grit slurry
removal shall not be permitted.
The Contractor shall dewater and classify the grit using inclined gravity separators with
surface organic return mechanism.
The grit separators shall be capable of removing at least 90% of particles with a specific
gravity of 2.65 and with a diameter of 0.2 mm and greater.
The Contractor shall design the dewatering system to achieve an organic matter content
of less than 10% of the dry solids content (in the cleaned grit) measured on a weight
(w/w) basis.
The Contractor shall return the dirty water from the grit separator to the main inlet flow.
The Contractor shall design the grit separation, grit handling, loading and collection units
to minimise odour nuisance. The Contractor shall be responsible for the storage,
transport and disposal of grit and the Contractor shall design the facilities to prevent
release of odour and liquids to the environment.
The Contractor shall make provision for storage of sufficient number of containers on the
WwTF Site. The Contractor shall ensure that these containers are kept thoroughly clean

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and odour free when empty. The container design shall be suitable to lift/unload/
transport through refuse vehicle so that screenings/grit shall not spill/fly away.


Primary Treatment

10.6.1 General
Primary settlement tanks are required to collect primary sludge for improving the
effectiveness of sludge digestion and gas generation. Should the tenderer believe that
the provision of primary settlement tanks is not necessary and is not detrimental to the
overall efficiency and operation of the plant, he may request approval from the Employer
to propose an alternative solution.
The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of appropriately sized units operating in
parallel to meet the Employers Requirements for the Flows and Loads specified in
Appendix B1. The Contractor shall ensure that the design can adequately manage the
full range of flows expected at the treatment facility, in conjunction with the requirement
for individual process units being taken offline for maintenance in accordance with
Clause 10.1.2.
The Contractor shall design the tanks based on the Surface Overflow Rate.
Primary Settlement Tanks (as per the process technology requirement) may be square
or circular radial flow tanks, rectangular cross flow settlement tanks, or rectangular
lamella settlers.
Each settlement tank shall be fitted with a scum collection & removal system. The
system shall be designed to minimise the volume of liquid discharged with the scum
whilst providing efficient removal of the scum. All scum shall be sent directly to the
sludge holding tank using an automated pumped system.
The Contractor shall provide automatic desludging systems for each primary settlement
tank. The Contractor shall pump the sludge directly from the hoppers with the pump
starts and stops being controlled on a timed basis. The timing controllers shall be
capable of adjustment to provide pump run times of 0 20 minutes within any period of
30 60 minutes as a minimum.
Desludging pumps shall be centrifugal type (recessed impeller or non-clog) or -positive
displacement (progressive cavity) pumps.
The Contractor shall provide each primary settlement tank with a dedicated desludging
pump which shall be directly coupled to the sludge hopper. The desludging pumps shall
be designed to pump sludge containing up to 6% dry solids sludge. Sludge withdrawal
via a bell mouth system is not acceptable.
The design of the primary settlement tank sludge draw-off pipe work and the location of
the desludging pumps shall ensure a positive head on the pump suction during normal
operation. The sludge head loss calculations on all sludge pipe work shall take account
of the sludge characteristics including the variations in viscosity arising from changes in
the dry solids content of the sludge (for example, by using the methods described in the
recommendations of How to Design Sewage Sludge Pumping Systems, Technical
Report TR185, WRc). The configuration of the sludge draw-off pipe work shall allow for
easy access for clearance of blockages in the event of sludge consolidation occurring.


Biological Treatment
Biological treatment systems shall observe the design parameters from internationally
recognised references, including Table 13.1 of the CPHEEO Manual.

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The biological treatment shall be designed for nutrient removal to achieve the effluent
parameters outlined in Appendix B.
Conventional Activated Sludge Process, Membrane Bio Reactors or Sequential Batch
Reactor processes are suitable processes. However the Contractor is permitted to offer
proposed treatment process or any other biological process with proven technology.
Regardless of the biological treatment selected, the minimum design parameters shall be
achieved and the final settlement tank design shall be based on flux theory.
Further treatment facilities e.g. filtration are likely to be required to achieve the effluent
The treatment processes listed below shall not be accepted

Oxidation pond (facultative/anaerobic/aerobic)

Aerated Lagoons
Trickling filters
Oxidation ditch
Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC)

The proposed technology shall be supported with detailed process and methodology in
sequences along with permissible design parameters, components, and technical
specifications with other process loading data confirming to standard operating manuals
in consonant with CPHEEO or international standards meeting Indian requirement with
specified size of each units with conceptual layouts.
For the purpose of design and sizing the secondary treatment process, the Contractor
shall assume that no more than 30% of the incoming BOD is removed in the primary
settlement tanks (if provided).


Tertiary Treatment
If further treatment is necessary to achieve the effluent standards, The Contractor may
use further treatment units to achieve this. One or more further treatment steps may be
required to achieve the effluent parameters outlined in Appendix B. Design parameters
from internationally recognised references, or the CPHEEO Manual shall be observed
The following treatment options may be suitable for further treatment:

Settling Unit with Chemical Treatment

Sand filter (Pressure / Gravity)
Activated Carbon filters
Physical/Chemical Treatment
Disc Filtration

10.8.1 Rapid Sand Filters

The clarified effluent shall be brought into a common filter inlet channel and from there
secondary treated sewage will be provided to filters as per the layout arrangement
decided by the Contractor, with approval from Employer. The layout of filters shall be
such that it shall occupy a minimum of space.
The filters shall be rapid gravity, constant head, and constant rate sand filters. Filters
shall be twin bed type. The filter banks shall be arranged on either side of a central
access gallery. The gallery shall house the filter outlet channel, the backwash and air
scour pipe work mains and outlet, backwash and air scour valve gear. All the valves on

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the filter gallery shall be motorised. The gallery shall have a minimum width of 5.0 metre
and shall permit free access of personnel to observe the operation and maintenance of
the valve gear and pipe work. The gallery shall be adequately ventilated and lighted. The
storage tank for backwash water can be rested above filter gallery.
The backwash pumps, backwash air blowers and associated plant shall be considered
and located in a plant room area at any one end of the filter installation.
Each filter shall be sized for an average filtration rate of not greater than that specified in
section 10.1. The filters shall be designed such that the maximum filtration rate at full
works input flow is limited to no more than 1.1 times the nominal allowable maximum
flow rate with one filter out of service.
Filter Media
The rapid sand filter unit shall comprise a watertight structure. It shall comprise a bed of
sand serving as a single medium granular matrix supported on gravel overlying an under
drainage system. Filter sand shall be hard and resistant quartz or quartzite and free of
clay, fine particles, soft grains, dirt of every description. The filter sand shall consist of
hard, durable grains of silica and shall have a specific gravity between 2.55 to 2.65.
Silica content shall not less than 90%.
The Contractor shall ensure the filter media is compatible with the filter design
parameters, backwash conditions and treated sewage requirements.
Filter house
The filters shall be of reinforced concrete construction. The filter house shall include a
Filter annexe to accommodate air blowers/ compressors sets with acoustic enclosures,
back wash pumps and electrical switchgear which would be visible from the walkway of
the filter house. A travelling gantry crane of min. 5 Ton capacity shall run the full length of
the Annexe.
Under Drain System
The Contractor shall be responsible for the detailed design of the filter floor and under
drains. The filters shall be designed for backwashing by the simultaneous use of air
scour and wash water.
The water used for backwashing the filters should be chlorinated to keep the filter media
free from biological growth. The water for backwashing shall be used from treated
sewage. The filter media and under drain system shall be designed to achieve uniform
distribution of both filtrate and backwash water and air.
The filter under drain system shall be of monolithic reinforced concrete slab supported on
concrete dwarf walls. The means of collecting filtrate and distributing air shall be by use
of nozzles set in the reinforced concrete floor. Polypropylene filter nozzles with fine slots
shall be used for collecting filtrate and distributing backwash water and air. A uniform
distribution of the nozzles of not less than 60 numbers per square metre shall be
employed. The nozzles shall:

incorporate separate air and water entrances;

be set at an exactly uniform level;
be capable of replacement;
be designed to avoid ingress of sand
purge valve

All apertures in filter floors shall be plugged during construction to avoid ingress of debris
to the under drainage system. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all
debris in the region of the filter floors is avoided during construction of the floor.

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Filter Backwashing
Filter washing shall be achieved by air scour followed by simultaneous air and water
washing. The washing conditions shall be so designed that the sand filters can be
effectively cleaned.
The rate of backwashing and air supply shall be adequate for the purpose of cleaning the
bed and removing material but shall not dislodge the media layers or disturb the
consistency of the bed.
Backwashing shall be carried out using an overhead tank above filter galleys or
separately to supply the backwash flow under gravity.
The dirty wash water after backwashing shall be collected by gravity to plant drain
pumping station. The effluent from plant drain pumping station shall be recycled back to
inlet of Proposed STP.
Gravity Backwash
A dedicated backwash tank shall be provided and sized to hold enough water for a
minimum of two full backwashes of two filters simultaneously without replenishment.
The header tank shall be at sufficient elevation to facilitate water washing at the
maximum rate when the water level in the tank is at the minimum level.
10.8.2 Filters (Pressure Sand Filter and Activated Carbon Filter)
Pressure Sand Filter and Activated Carbon Filter shall be of vertical type. Vessels shall
be designed as per IS 2825 Class II / ASME Sec VIII , the filter Shell and dish End shall
comprise a mild steel IS 2062 Gr.B electrically welded shell complete with nozzles and
nozzles plates internal distribution and draw-off through, faced pads for inlet, outlet,
wash-in, drain, adequate sized access manholes, filter supporting feet, necessary
filtering media and sundry accessories. The vessels & frontal piping should be with 5mm
thick MSRL (Mild Steel Rubber Lined) or FRP strictly in compliance with the tender
specifications. Design details shall be submitted at time of tendering for acceptance.
Filters shall be equipped with automatic and bulk air release valves, back-wash water
sight glasses, inlet and outlet pressure gauges, flow meters and associated panels, drain
pipe and valves, draw-off cocks for taking samples of raw and filtered water and can be
manually washed.
Filter bed shall consist of at least two but preferably more layers of filter media, each
having a different particle size properly supported by suitable under drain. Where
nozzles are provided as a form of under-drain, they shall be completely manufactured
from poly-propylene screwed into a high quality heavy gauge steel plate and do not have
any metal screws or holding bolts.
Filter vessels shall be welded and tested by the manufacturer before shipment. Finished
filter vessels shall be subjected to a pressure test of not less than 7.0 Bar or twice the
actual working pressure whichever the greater.
The filter shall also be equipped with automatic air release valves, inlet flow
measurement, water control valves, inlet and outlet pressure gauges and draw-off cocks
for taking sample of raw and filtered water.
Filter media shall consist of suitably sized double washed media. Filter media for
Pressure Sand Filter shall confirm to AWWA B100 and Activated Carbon Filter shall
confirm to AWWA B604.

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The level of disinfection required is dictated by the level of effluent treatment provided by
the contractor. The contractor shall provide justification of his design basis and offer
equipment from reputable international manufacturers. The design of the disinfection
facilities provided will be based on manufacturers best practice.
The contractor shall ensure that excess levels of disinfection chemicals are neutralised
prior to discharge to the environment.
Disinfection by chlorination is not acceptable.

10.10 Discharge arrangement for effluent for re-use

In order to re-use effluent from the Site, facilities shall be provided for storage and
discharge to road tankers (or any other means).
Treated water storage shall be provided for minimum 1 hour at ADWF. The discharge
facilities shall be designed to rapidly fill up to four road tankers simultaneously. An
efficient system for handing traffic, including roads and areas for queuing shall be
Storage for firefighting and wash-water may be combined with the storage of the effluent
for re-use. The design of the facilities shall ensure that fire storage is reserved only for

10.11 Sludge Handling and Treatment

All sludge produced by the Works shall be subjected to thickening, anaerobic digestion
and dewatering to produce a product which complies with the performance standards
specified in Section 18.
The configuration of the sludge handling pumps and associated valves and pipe work
shall ensure that no backflow is possible through each pump when the pump is not
The sludge head loss calculations in all sludge pipe work shall take account of the
specific sludge characteristics for different types of sludges including the variations in
viscosity arising from changes in the dry solids content of the sludge (for example, by
using the methods described in the recommendations of How to Design Sewage Sludge
Pumping Systems, Technical Report TR185, WRc).
10.11.1 Thickening of Primary Sludge
The Contractor shall thicken sludges prior to digestion. WAS co-thickening with primary
sludge is not acceptable. Mechanical systems (such as belt thickeners, drum thickeners
and roofed picket fence thickeners) shall be acceptable for primary sludge thickening.
10.11.2 Thickening of Secondary Sludge (WAS)
WAS shall be thickened prior to blending with primary sludge and sending to subsequent
treatment process. The WAS thickening system shall be fully automated with sludge feed,
polymer dosing and monitoring. Mechanical thickening systems such as rotary drum
thickeners, gravity belt thickeners or dissolved air flotation (DAF) are acceptable
provided the systems proposed can achieve a minimum thickened WAS sludge
concentration of 5% dry solids concentration and the solids recovery shall be at least

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10.11.3 Configuration of Sludge Streams
The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of appropriately sized sludge thickening
streams (including all associated ancillaries such as pumps and polymer dosing
equipment) operating in parallel to meet the Employers Requirements for the Flows and
Loads specified in Appendix B1. The number and capacity of the units shall be based on
a maximum operating period of 16 hours per day. The minimum allowable number of
duty streams in parallel operation shall be 4. The Contractor shall ensure that the design
can adequately manage the full range of flows expected at the treatment facility, in
conjunction with the requirement for individual process units being taken offline for
maintenance in accordance with Clause 10.1.2.
The facility must be capable of fully continuous automatic operation without operator
intervention for any 24 hour period.
Each of the duty streams shall comprise as a minimum the following items of equipment,
including all necessary ancillaries:

1 no. duty sludge feed pump;

1 no. duty polymer solution dosing pump;
1 no. duty thickener;
1 no. duty thickened sludge pump.

A critical fault condition in any component of a duty stream shall raise an alarm and take
the entire duty stream out of use.
Each sludge thickening stream and its ancillary equipment shall start up and shut down
automatically when required using a pre-set controlled sequence. Thickener shut down
shall include a wash down phase after the sludge feed has stopped to leave the
thickener in a clean condition. The Contractor shall provide automatic systems to monitor
filtrate quality.
Each thickener shall be provided with a dedicated feed pump which shall be directly
coupled to the WAS buffer tank. The thickened sludge pumps shall be close coupled to
the thickened WAS collection hopper of each thickener, ideally by providing a feed
chamber with exposed rotor at the base of the hopper to avoid the need for thickened
sludge suction pipe work.
Polyelectrolyte solution preparation/storage systems with standby solution preparation
units shall be provided with sufficient capacity for all mechanical devices used for sludge
thickening. The selection of the type of polymer (powder or emulsion) shall be based on
preliminary bench scale testing by different polymer suppliers. Dosing of polymer
solution to condition the WAS prior to thickening shall be linked to the operation of each
thickener and shall be fully automatic. The volumetric polymer solution dosing rate from
each polymer dosing pump shall be manually adjustable.
Sludge thickening systems shall be located in a sludge building or otherwise enclosed
and sealed from the outside atmosphere. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to
eliminate odour nuisance.
10.11.4 Sludge Storage
The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 24 hours storage based on maximum design
loads upstream of each of the digestion, and dewatering processes.
Sludge storage capacity shall be based on providing a steady continuous flow of sludge
through the treatment units during their normal hours of operation.
The sludge storage tank requirements may be summarised as follows:

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Table 10.3 Sludge storage
Sludge Type(s)

Minimum Effective Capacity



Primary un-thickened

Suitable for continuous and

uninterrupted operation of
selected thickening units

Air or Mechanical


Secondary unthickened sludge

Suitable for continuous and

uninterrupted operation of
selected thickening units

Air or Mechanical


Blended thickened
Prim + Thickened
WAS for digester feed

24 hours of average sludge


Air or Mechanical


Digested sludge
(dewatering feed)

24 hours of average sludge




Sludge cake storage

3 days of average sludge




10.11.5 Sludge Pre-Treatment and Digestion

The primary and secondary biological sludge shall be blended and mixed in the sludge
holding tank(s) from where the sludge shall be pumped to the primary type anaerobic
digesters. The anaerobic digesters shall be either cylindrical or egg shaped. Cylindrical
digesters shall be designed with an optimal aspect ratio to optimize mixing and reduce
the footprint. The aspect ratio must be a minimum of 1.0 (depth/diameter).
The blended thickened sludge storage tank shall have suitable mixing equipment and
shall be covered and a vent pipe extended one metre above the nearest building roof
shall be provided.
The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of appropriately sized anaerobic
digesters operating in parallel to meet the Employers Requirements for the Flows and
Loads specified in Appendix B1. The minimum allowable number of duty streams in
parallel operation shall be 2. The Contractor shall ensure that the design can adequately
manage the full range of flows expected at the treatment facility, in conjunction with the
requirement for individual process units being taken offline for maintenance.
The primary digesters shall be of the single stage high rate anaerobic mesophilic type,
designed to operate with a constant liquid level, continuously mixed and heated. The
effective capacity of the digester shall include a 10% allowance for volume lost as the
result of long term grit accumulation. A minimum freeboard of 1.6 m shall be provided
above the constant liquid sludge surface at the side wall of the digesters.
The Contractor shall specify the percentage of solids destroyed during digestion which
shall not be less than the amount specified in Section 18.
There shall be at least two sludge feed pumps for each stream (one duty/one standby).
The digester pumped feeding shall be semi-continuous (by frequent starts and stops of
the feed pump with time between starts not greater than 60 minutes) for 24 hours per
The rate of feed of sludge to the digesters shall be such that the sludge retention time is
never less than the 15 days. The location of the digester feeding point or points in each
digester shall minimize the degree of short-circuiting. Sludge withdrawal from the
digesters shall be by displacement of the tank contents via a gravity overflow system.
The Contractor shall specify the method of mixing and mixing intensity.

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Each digester shall be provided with an external hot water / sludge heat exchanger. The
circulation of digesting sludge through the heat exchanger shall be continuous. Hot water
shall be pumped through the heat exchanger flowing counter currently to the sludge. The
Contractor shall specify the heat transfer capacity of the proposed heat exchangers.
The heat exchangers shall incorporate arrangements for the clearance of sludge
blockages and drainage of water and sludge. The exchangers shall be supplied
complete with all control and isolating valves and shall be provided with the hot water
control valve temperature sensors for inlet/outlet sludge and water. A by-pass shall be
Each digester shall be provided with the following features:

All necessary pressure and vacuum release valves, instrumentation and control
system alarms and interlocks to prevent excessive positive or negative pressure
within the digester roof space.
Liquid level control and sludge removal via an overflow system.
An emergency overflow.
A sludge draw-off pipe and manually operated valve at the bottom centre of the
conical base to facilitate grit removal. This operation must be manual and not
Automated to avoid the risk of draining the digester with the consequence of negative
pressures and hence air ingress into the digester through the vacuum release valve.
Manway quick release hatches at several locations on the roof.
Sidewall inspection/maintenance access or manway of at least 2 square metres in
Quick release sampling hatches on the roof with access tubes well below liquid
surface level.
View ports with manual internal wiper blades at several locations on the roof.

The design of the anaerobic digestion system shall maximise safety and security of
operation as the result of the presence of biogas in both normal and abnormal operation.
10.11.6 Gas Storage
Gas take-off from the digester shall be from the apex of the digester roof. A flame
arrestor and flow meter shall be provided on the gas line from each digester.
The biogas generated during digestion shall be directed to a gasholder and utilised at the
digestion plant to heat the sludge and to generate power in order to reduce the quantity
of power required to be imported at the Works. The total effective gas storage volume
shall not be less than 2 hours, based on average gas production under design load
conditions. The gasholder and collection pipes must be sized for minimal headloss such
that if the digester sludge volume changes, biogas (and not air) will be drawn into the
digester and the gas will not be lost by displacement. The maximum gas velocity shall be
less than 3.7 m/s in any pipe.
The gas storage capacity shall be based on one of the following:

Double membrane type (a separate structure for a fixed roof digester);

Rising gas bell (a separate structure for a fixed roof digester);
Floating roof on top of the digesters.

If a floating gas holder roof or a separate rising gas bell is provided, all metal parts shall
be coated with approved coatings and the side skirts are to be made of Stainless Steel
316L plate.

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Normal gas operating pressure of the digesters, gas piping and storage systems shall be
300 mm WC (water column), with a vacuum protection of minus 50 mm WC.
The Contractor shall use the biogas in the combined heat and power (CHP) units.
10.11.7 Biogas Burner
The Contractor shall provide 2 no. enclosed flame high efficiency waste bio-gas burners
(1duty/1 standby) for complete destruction of all contaminants in the gas. Each burner
shall be sized for at least 150% of the maximum gas production based on flows and
loads specified in Appendix B1. Each burner shall burn the gas at a minimum of 700oC.
Flaring of biogas shall only be permitted if the rate of biogas production exceeds the
biogas consumption of the CHP unit. The pilot fuel shall be natural gas or propane. The
pilot burner shall have an electronic ignition system.
Drainage for condensate shall be provided at all low points in all biogas pipelines and all
ancillaries such as ceramic filters shall be provided to remove contaminants and other
deleterious materials from the biogas. All necessary control and safety devices shall be
provided. All gas pipe work and weld on flanges shall be Stainless Steel 316L.
10.11.8 Sludge Dewatering
Digested sludge shall be collected in a tank and stored prior to dewatering. The sludge
dewatering plant shall produce a cake concentration with a minimum dry solids content
as specified in Table 18.4.The solids recovery shall not be less than 95%.
The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of appropriately sized dewatering
streams (including all associated ancillaries such as all pumps and polymer dosing
equipment) operating in parallel to meet the Employers Requirements for the Flows and
Loads specified in Appendix B1. The number and capacity of the units shall be based on
a maximum operation of 16 hours a day. The minimum allowable number of duty
streams in parallel operation shall be 4. The Contractor shall ensure that the design can
adequately manage the full range of flows expected at the treatment facility, in
conjunction with the requirement for individual process units being taken offline for
maintenance in accordance with Clause 10.1.2.
Each of the duty streams shall comprise as a minimum the following items of equipment,
including all necessary ancillaries:

1no duty sludge feed pump

1no duty polymer solution dosing pump
1no duty dewatering unit
1no duty cake pump or conveyor

A critical fault condition in any component of a duty stream shall raise an alarm and take
the entire duty stream out of use.
Each sludge dewatering stream and its ancillary equipment shall start up and shut down
automatically when required using a pre-set controlled sequence. The dewatering unit
shut down shall include a wash down phase after the sludge feed has stopped to leave
the dewatering unit in a clean condition. The Contractor shall also provide automatic
systems to monitor filtrate/centrate quality.
Each sludge dewatering stream shall be provided with a dedicated feed pump which
shall be directly coupled to the digested sludge storage tank.
Polyelectrolyte solution preparation/storage systems with standby solution preparation
systems shall be provided with sufficient capacity for all mechanical devices used for
sludge dewatering. The selection of the type of polymer (powder or emulsion) shall be

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based on preliminary bench scale testing by different polymer suppliers. Dosing of
polymer solution to condition the digested sludge prior to dewatering shall be linked to
the operation of each dewatering unit and shall be fully automatic. The volumetric
polymer solution dosing rate from each polymer dosing pump shall be manually
Where belt presses are proposed filtrate or treated effluent shall be used for belt washing
except, optionally, during start-up and shut-down.
Where centrifuges are proposed controls shall be put in place to adjust the differential
speed of the bowl and conveyor.
Sludge thickening systems shall be located in a sludge building or otherwise enclosed
and sealed from the outside atmosphere. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to
eliminate odour nuisance.
10.11.9 Sludge Liquors
Liquors generated during sludge treatment shall be returned for treatment in such a
manner that any adverse effect of shock loads on wastewater liquid treatment processes
is avoided.

10.12 Sludge Disposal (Off Site)

10.12.1 General
The Contractor shall identify suitable disposal route(s) for all sludge arising from the
Works and dispose of the sludge. Potential disposal routes that are common and
acceptable to the Employer are listed below.

Recycling to agriculture;
Recycling to forestry;
recycling to land reclamation as an alternative to subsoil /topsoil;
application to short rotation coppice;
incineration by the Operator/or a third party;
use as low grade fuel.

The Contractor may use one or more of these Potential Disposal Routes, or any other
identified by him, at any time.
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements described in this section for any of the
disposal routes he uses. In any case, the Contractor shall comply with all relevant
national laws, regulations and international good practice.
10.12.2 Recycling to Agriculture
Any sludge which is disposed of by the Contractor to agricultural land shall meet the
quality standards of sludge Class A as defined in the US EPA regulations Part 503
Standards for the use or disposal of sewage sludge.
In order to ensure compliance with Good Engineering and Operating Practices, the
Contractor shall procure the use of an independent agronomist to advise on the overall
sludge to land programme which shall take into account the sludge product nutrient
status, crop type, any crop rotation and the existing nutrients in the soil.
The Contractor shall contact farmers who own or occupy agricultural land to discuss both
the acceptability and the suitability of applying sludge to their land and/or of having

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storage facilities on their land. The discussions with each shall address the following
matters as a minimum:
a) the farmer's willingness to allow sludge to be applied to his land and the quantity he
is willing to have applied;
b) the conduct of initial soil analyses on the farmer's land;
c) the owner/occupier's cropping plans for the coming seasons;
d) the optimum levels of application to suit the existing soil conditions, the proposed
crops and the other fertilizers used by the farmer on the land (including farmyard
manures and any other wastes used);
e) the logistics of delivery, storage and application of the sludge; and
f) how the application of the sludge will coincide with the owner/occupier's cropping
The above procedure shall be repeated with each farmer prior to each growing season.
The Contractor shall develop a short term and a long term agricultural land management
programme as follows:
Short Term Programme - The short term land management programme shall cover
each successive period of approximately three weeks and shall include details of the
locations for sludge recycling or storage. The programme shall also include the
application rates of sludge to be applied.
Long Term Programme - The long term land management programme shall cover each
successive period of approximately six months and shall include the potential locations
for recycling or storage following an assessment.
Both the short and long term programmes shall be made available to the Employer for
their information at the start of each three week or six month period (as relevant) (i.e.
commencing from Taking Over). In addition, Quality and Environmental Management
Arrangements shall be established to support the management of the Land Bank.
The Contractor shall:
a) ensure that any person who is advising farmers or other customers on the use of
sludge products is suitably experienced and knowledgeable;
b) provide the farmer on whose land the sludge is to be applied details of the sludge to
be applied to that farmers land (including, the quantity, the source and the quality of
the sludge as a minimum). Such details shall be provided as soon as is reasonably
practicable, but in any event in advance of the application of sludge,
c) apply the sludge to the land in accordance with the application rates prescribed by a
qualified agronomist.
d) if the sludge differs from the details supplied pursuant to Section 10.10.2 (b) provide
the farmer on whose land the sludge was applied as soon as is reasonably
practicable, but in any event no later than 4 weeks after the application, details of the
sludge applied to that farmers land (including the quantity, the source and the quality
of the sludge as a minimum).
If the Contractor produces sludge after treatment, which does not comply with the quality
requirements for sludge to be used in agriculture, the Contractor shall isolate the noncompliant sludge and either:
a) retreat the sludge to meet the requirements or
b) dispose of the sludge otherwise than to agricultural land
10.12.3 Recycling to Forestry
Any sludge which is disposed of by the Contractor to forestry land shall comply with the

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Manual of Good Practice for use of Sewage Sludge in Forestry 1992 published by
Forestry Commission/WRc.
Forestry Land Management - The rate of application of sludge to any forestry land shall be
calculated taking into account the sludge product nutrient status, the nutrient requirements
of the crops and the existing nutrients in the soil. This calculation shall be carried out in
accordance with the Manual of Good Practice for use of Sewage Sludge in Forestry.
Procurement of a forestry Land Bank - The Contractor shall contact forestry owners to
discuss the acceptability and the suitability of applying sludge to their land.
Management of the forestry Land Bank - The Contractor shall develop a land
management programme which shall cover a six month period and shall include details
of the locations for recycling and storage.
Use of the forestry Land Bank - The Contractor shall:
a) provide the owner on whose land the sludge is to be applied in advance of
application details of the sludge to be applied including the quantity, the source and
the quality of the sludge as a minimum; and
b) apply the sludge in accordance with the application rates prescribed and agreed.
10.12.4 Recycling to Land Reclamation
The Contractor shall undertake appropriate trials in order to assess and secure the use
of reclamation sites as a disposal route. The aim of such trials shall be to satisfy the
owners of reclamation sites that the sludge product is suitable as a soil replacement
substance or a soil conditioner.
10.12.5 Application to Short Rotation Coppicing
This is a route that The Contractor may adopt future if there is a demand for the use of
renewable energy sources such as coppicing. The sludge product shall be added to the
land to provide the initial nutrient requirements. The plant will be harvested on a 3 yearly
cycle and, after harvest, the sludge product may be re-applied. The application rate of
the sludge will be based on the on-going nutrient requirements of the tree.
During any application of the sludge product as described above The Contractor shall
comply with an appropriate code of practice.
10.12.6 Incineration
Any incinerator constructed on the Site shall be used solely for incineration of sludge
arising from the Works. Contractor may arrange for incineration of sludge at an existing
off - Site incinerator, for example, a municipal waste incinerator.
For any incinerator constructed by the Contractor all the statutory clearances /
permissions must be obtained by the Contractor.
10.12.7 Gasification
The gasification process shall convert carbonaceous material in the sludge to gaseous
form by partial combustion with air at temperatures of 900-1100C. A low heating value
gas (4-6MJ/m3) shall be fanned and a higher value gas (10-18 MJ/m3) may be obtained
by using pure oxygen. This process shall result in the production of gases with higher
calorific values. These gases may then be used to produce electricity. A char residue will
be produced which contains about 40% carbon for which the Contractor shall investigate
potential uses.

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10.12.8 Low Grade Fuel
The sludge cake can be used as a low grade fuel in the manufacture of cement and
bricks etc. The Contractor shall comply with the appropriate regulations and emission
standards required.
10.12.9 Alternative Disposal Routes
The Contractor may develop and implement alternative disposal routes (which may
include new technologies developed during the Operation Period) for sludge recycling or
disposal as and when it is environmentally or economically advantageous to The
Contractor. The use of any such alternative route shall be in accordance with the
Statutory Requirements in force at that time and shall require the prior written approval of
the Employer.
10.12.10 Sludge Storage Facilities
The Contractor shall, from the start of Commissioning, provide sludge storage facilities
for sludge cake at the Works. The volume of sludge storage shall be compatible with the
disposal route(s) proposed. The Contractor shall consider the following when calculating
sludge storage areas:

An operational buffer
An emergency buffer (e.g. in case of closure of disposal route(s))
Seasonal variations in sludge demand (e.g. during monsoon)

In any case, the Contractor shall provide off-site storage of at least 4 months at average
Off-site storage facilities shall be operated by the Contractor and shall comply with all
relevant Statutory Requirements and shall be the subject of a quality assured procedure.
10.12.11 Sampling and Analysis
For all disposal routes, sampling and analysis shall be carried out by the Contractor in
accordance with any regulations that relate to the use of the sludge. Where sludge is
disposed-of to agricultural land, the Contractor shall carry out such additional sampling
and analysis as required by law and / or good practice.
Periodic audits using good industry practice for bacteriological analysis shall be carried
out at the point of application to the land at 3 monthly intervals or more frequently as
specified in any new codes of practice or legislation.
10.12.12 Record Keeping
General - The Contractor shall keep records, including the following, during the Contract
a) all statutory records required for the use of sludge in agriculture insofar as the sludge
is recycled to agriculture;
b) all sampling and analysis data in relation to sludge and soil collected in complying
with its obligations under this agreement,
c) the location of land used in the disposal;
d) the uses of land used in the disposal;
e) all individual load tickets, and weighbridge tickets for exported sludge.
The Contractor shall on 7 days' notice make such records available to the Employer.

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Sludge Treatment Records - The Contractor shall keep records of results of the tests to
be carried out pursuant to Section 7 and the following records during the Concession

Digester retention times, temperatures and solids reductions;

Metals contents of sludge cake product;
Nutrient values of sludge cake product;
Faecal coliform and salmonella levels in sludge cake product;
Dry solids of sludge cake product;
Soils analysis of land to which sludge is applied;
Volumes and tonnages of sludge leaving the Works

Software - The Contractor shall keep the records listed using suitable proprietary
software. Users of the software must be adequately trained by the authors of the
Maps - The Contractor shall use maps to record and analyse sludge use. The maps
need not show individual field boundaries. The Contractor shall use the maps in
conjunction with software such as MAPINFO to provide a visual record of sludge re-use.

10.13 Energy Generation (Optional)

The Contractor may generate heat and electrical energy from the biogas produced by
the anaerobic sludge digestion process. If he chooses to do so, he shall use lean burn
type combined heat and power (CHP) units each incorporating an internal combustion
engine using bio-gas as the primary engine fuel source. The energy to be recovered
from the combined heat and power units shall be in the form of electrical power and heat.
The heat output of the duty CHP units at average gas production shall be at least 33%
more than the average design heating requirement of the digesters. If the duty CHP units
alone cannot provide the digester heat via biogas from the digesters owing to operational
problems or during process start-up, a secondary fuel source (natural gas) shall be
provided for the CHP engines. Diesel as an alternative fuel for the CHP engines is not
In the event of a power failure the CHP units shall be used to assist with running
essential services (i.e. as a supplement to facilities provided in accordance with Section
The Contractor shall provide a piped natural gas supply sufficient to ensure that the CHP
units can continue to operate at full capacity in the event of a failure of the biogas supply.
The design and specification of the combined heat and power units shall take into
account the contaminants that will be present in the biogas from the anaerobic digesters,
including hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3), and any harmful effects resulting
from their combustion. The Contractor shall provide a H2S gas scrubbing system, as a
minimum, to protect the engine and maintain its design life. The H2S scrubbing system
shall be supplied by/in concert with the CHP supplier accordingly.
The removal of siloxanes is not a requirement unless it is necessary to meet the siloxane
limits specified by the CHP unit supplier.
The design of the Works shall be such as to minimize overall power demand and
maximize the percentage of total Works power demand provided by the energy
generation system.

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10.14 Renewable Energy Certificates
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are a policy mechanism to promote renewable
energy based power generation in India. This project has the potential to be eligible for
RECs. If the project proves to be eligible for RECs, the Contractor shall apply on the
Employers behalf for RECs for all of the energy produced on Site and shall assist the
Employer in all aspects of the set-up of the REC mechanism.
The RECs shall be in the name of the Employer. The Employer shall reimburse the
Contractor for 50% of the value of the RECs. However, the Contractor shall not rely on this
as a source of income and this benefit shall not be taken into account by the Contractor in
his calculation of the rates for the operation service (which include energy costs).

10.15 Effluent Discharge Arrangement

The Contractor shall construct a new effluent discharge structure to discharge effluent to
the existing open channel at the south-west of the Site which leads to Thane Creek as
shown on Drg. No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-002. The effluent discharge structure shall be
designed to reduce the velocity of discharge into the open channel, and shall include
measures to prevent scour of the creek bed or sides.
Effluent shall be delivered to this structure via a single pipeline which shall include a flow
measurement device and sampling chamber.
The Effluent delivery pipeline will normally operate partially full. The Contractor shall
select a flow measurement device which is suitable for operation in these conditions, and
with an accuracy of not less than 97%. The flow measurement device shall be designed
and installed to comply fully with all of the manufacturers requirements to ensure flow
measurement is as accurate as possible.
If the Contractor selects a closed pipe device (i.e. electromagnetic or ultrasonic flow
meter or similar) then the installation shall include a bypass arrangement so that the flow
meter can be removed for maintenance and/or replacement whilst still maintaining flow
from the Works. The bypass arrangement shall include isolating valves upstream and
downstream of the flow meter and bypass, draining facilities and dismantling joints.
The Employer or other third parties shall be responsible for maintenance of the outfall

10.16 Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Odour Control

Where the Contractor provides treatment buildings, administration buildings or other
buildings they shall comply with the ventilation provisions stated herein.
The Contractor shall ventilate treatment buildings for safety reasons, to prevent the buildup of gases, and to prevent corrosion, odour nuisance or complaints. Where practical,
the Contractor shall cover individual treatment units and ventilate the head space.
10.16.1 Ventilation and Air Conditioning
The Contractor shall provide control rooms and electrical/switch rooms with appropriate
air conditioning systems which maintain the rooms at positive pressure with respect to
process areas.
Any access ways from the process areas to electrical rooms shall be by means of a
double door system which will act as an airlock with positive pressure. The design shall
also prevent surface condensation which may otherwise cause corrosion.

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Each blower stage in the ventilation systems shall be supported by a standby, with
automatic starting of the standby unit at failure of a duty machine.
To limit power consumption and minimise the risk of noise nuisance, the velocity of the
air through the ventilation ducting shall not exceed 12 m/s.
The ducting shall be manufactured from suitably corrosion resistant material. Galvanised
steel will not be acceptable.
Mechanical and natural ventilation rates shall take into account any requirements arising
from the conclusions of the Hazardous Areas Classification.
10.16.2 Room Area Classification
For the purpose of ventilation & air conditioning enclosed spaces shall be divided into
two categories:

Comfort air-conditioning areas

Forced mechanical ventilation areas

Comfort air-conditioning areas - Areas such as control rooms, electrical panel rooms,
administration buildings, canteens, etc. require comfortable conditions. These shall be
maintained at a comfortable temperature for operators and shall be supplied with filtered
air. Control of relative humidity is not required. For comfort air-conditioning the
temperature will be maintained at 22 C 2 C.
Forced mechanical ventilation areas - In this type of ventilation system the air
movement is produced by mechanical equipment such as fans / blowers and shall
ensure that air pressures are negative. All areas covered under this ventilation system
shall be designed to facilitate the subsequent addition of odour treatment. The following
circulation air changes per hour shall be used as a minimum standard for system design:
Table 10.4 Air changes

Minimum Air
Changes Per Hour

Inlet Chamber


Screen Chamber


Grit Removal Chamber


Sludge Treatment Buildings


Digester Gas Rooms


Chemical Building


Ventilation design shall provide for the dissipation of heat generated by electrical
10.16.3 Odour Control
The Contractor shall design the Works to ensure that odour release is minimised to
reduce the risk of odour nuisance or complaints outside the Site. The Contractors design
shall avoid cascading flows and the design shall provide for cleaning systems for sumps
and chambers. The Contractors design shall also meet standards as per the latest
version of WPCF MOP-1.
The concentration of H2S and CO in the air inside buildings within the boundary of the
Site may be measured by the Employer at any time using hand-held instruments.

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The concentration of CO inside buildings and at the plant boundary must meet the
standards set out in the current version of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
issued by the Central Pollution Control Board.
The concentration of H2S within buildings shall not exceed 5ppm.
The limit to the concentration of H2S at the boundary shall be determined by the
Contractor as the level necessary to comply with Clause 18.3.2.

10.17 Sludge Treatment Chemical Handling Systems

The Contractor shall provide polymer dosing solutions to enhance sludge
thickening/dewatering. The polymer make-up system and grade of polymer selected
shall be suitable for the sludge type, specified sludge throughput and the type of
mechanical device proposed for thickening/dewatering.
In order to ensure efficient use of resources the following usage levels for polyelectrolyte
shall not be exceeded:
Table 10.5 Polyelectrolyte dosing limits

Polyelectrolyte Usage

Mechanical Thickening

5 kg per tonne dry solids

Mechanical Dewatering

5 kg per tonne dry solids

Each polymer dosing system shall comprise make-up units, transfer pumps operated on
a duty/standby basis, polymer solution storage and polymer dosing pumps.
The solutions shall be prepared and dosed automatically. Adequate mixing and
dispersion of the chemicals in the medium shall be achieved. Potable water shall be
used for preparation of the polymer solution to the initial dilution; recycled final effluent
may be used as polymer carrier water for the final stage of dilution immediately before
mixing with the sludge stream. The flow of polymer carrier water shall be manually
adjustable and measured by rotameter.
Polymer dosing shall be based on the flow of polymer solution prior to mixing with
polymer carrier water. The flow of polymer solution shall be manually adjustable at each
polymer dosing pump and shall be related to the demand in order to minimise
consumption of chemicals. Each polymer dosing pump shall be dedicated to a
thickening/dewatering stream.
The operation of each polymer dosing pump and the corresponding flow of polymer
carrier water shall be automatically controlled and co-ordinated with the start-up and
shut-down sequences of the relevant dedicated thickening/dewatering stream.
Storage capacity for chemicals used at the facility shall be sufficient to enable the facility
to be operated for two weeks at maximum throughput. Solid type polymers shall be
stored on wooden pallets at a designated place. Polymer bags or containers for manual
lifting and emptying shall not exceed 25kg gross weight each.
If polymer powder is delivered to Site in big bags (i.e.: 1,000kg), all ancillary equipment
shall be provided to facilitate safe handling of big bags, including lifting and transfer
equipment, bag splitters and polymer powder storage hoppers of adequate capacity.
If liquid polymers are used they shall be stored in small containers of 10 litres to enable
the operator to lift and dump it in the solution preparation tank.
The Contractor shall bund all storage tanks for chemicals and any spillage shall be
diverted to the return liquor stream.

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10.18 Washwater and Potable Water Distribution
Effluent Washwater System:
The Contractor shall provide a pressurised washwater booster system to supply
washwater to appropriate treatment systems throughout the Works via a pressurised
washwater ring main. The Contractor shall design the washwater booster system to
maintain a minimum pressure of 2.5 bar at the furthest point on the ring main from the
booster set under conditions of maximum washwater use.
The washwater ring main shall provide hose connection hydrants where required for
cleaning of principal process units and equipment. The Contractor shall identify potential
points of spillage and shall provide hose connection hydrants for washing down within
buildings and areas where sludge or liquor spillage may occur. The hydrants shall be
specially identified as Non-Drinking Water:
The washwater booster system shall include duty/standby booster pumps, chemical
dosing system, pressure vessel and a dual filtration unit to allow replacement of one of
the filter elements whilst the other element is operational. Automatically backwashed
filters shall be provided. Any washwater used for cleaning equipment, vehicles or
contaminated areas shall be drained and returned to the main wastewater stream for
Pressure gauges complete with isolation valves shall be provided and fitted by the
Contractor to all delivery lines and booster set pressure vessels
Potable Water System:
The Contractor shall provide a separate booster set to supply potable water to a potable
water ring main. This water shall be drawn, via a break tank, from the mains feed to the
Site. The break tank shall be included with the potable water booster set. The potable
water booster system shall be designed to maintain a minimum pressure of 2 bar at the
furthest point on the ring main from the booster set under conditions of maximum water
The Contractor shall provide separate suction pipe work for each booster set pump
complete with isolation valve, non-return valve and strainer.
Pressure gauges complete with isolation valves shall be provided and fitted by the
Contractor to all delivery lines and booster set pressure vessels.

10.19 Flow Measurement, Sampling and Monitoring

10.19.1 General
The Contractor shall provide sufficient measuring devices and sampling equipment to
comply with the Employers Requirements in respect of the proper operation and
maintenance of the facility and to enable the proper monitoring, sampling and analysis to
be carried out.
Flow measurement and sampling facilities shall be provided by the Contractor for the
following purposes:

determination of the incoming wastewater pollutants load for payment purposes;

determination of the quality and quantity of flows discharged to the outfall for
compliance and payment purposes;
determination of operational loads onto particular process units for process control
and operation.

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The minimum requirements for flow measurements and sampling during normal
operation are stated in Section 18 of this volume. More detailed sampling and measuring
will be required during the Tests on Completion of Design-Build and Tests Prior to
Contract Completion.
10.19.2 Flow Measurement
Flow measurement devices shall be installed at the following locations (as a minimum) to
measure the flows at not less than 99% accuracy (except for Effluent flow measurement
after tertiary treatment which shall be measured with an accuracy of not less than 97%).

Influent flow measurement prior to inlet chamber;

Flow measurement between primary settling tanks and aeration tanks;
Effluent flow measurement after secondary settling tanks / biological process;
Effluent flow measurement after Tertiary Treatment;
Effluent flow measurement at discharge point
Effluent flow measurement at exit to effluent storage
Flow measurement at all overflow and by-pass locations;
Sludge measurement for primary Sludge;
Sludge measurement for Return Activated Sludge;
Sludge measurement for surplus secondary activated Sludge;
Sludge measurement at inlet of the primary digesters;
Sludge measurement at inlet to the sludge dewatering equipment;
Digester Gas measurement total gas flow;
Digester Gas measurement Waste Gas burner;
Digester Gas measurement Biogas engine.

For all the above flow measurement points except overflow and by-pass,
electromagnetic or ultrasonic flowmeters shall be used. The Contractor shall ensure that
electronic fingerprints are used to enable calibration to be conducted on Site.
At all the above locations continuous flow measurement is required and flow
measurement devices shall provide instantaneous and totalised flow records. Signals
from flow measurement devices shall be linked to the SCADA system to allow daily
totalised flow and other flow trends to be analysed and recorded.
10.19.3 Sampling
The Contractor shall carry out sampling at the stages of the process set out in Section 18.
The exact locations of the sample points shall be agreed between the Contractor and the
Employers Representative to be representative of the description of the sample.
For the sampling points which are directly connected to the performance requirements or
payments, refrigerated automatic samplers shall be permanently installed. Influent and
Final Effluent automatic samplers shall be flow or time proportional. Any automatic
samplers which are utilised for determination of the loads for payment purposes shall be
capable of collecting flow and/or time proportional composite samples.

10.20 Hydraulic Design

10.20.1 General
The principal hydraulic design requirements applicable to the Works are:

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all aspects of the design of the hydraulics shall be based on sound principals and
good common engineering practice typical for municipal engineered works;
the WwTF and all parts thereof shall be capable of passing the required wastewater
flows, including returned and recycled flows;
the flows shall be evenly distributed between the numbers of streams and process
units in operation for all flow conditions;
suspended sediment entering the facility shall be kept in suspension and transported
through the facility by the flow as far as the treatment unit where it is to be removed
or separated from the main wastewater flow;
the hydraulic design shall comply, where applicable with relevant international

10.20.2 Levels
Published tide data is as follows and is relative to Town Hall Datum (THD).
Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) at creek
MHWS at the channel

27.35 m
27.10 m

The Works shall be designed and constructed so that:

The weir level of the final process unit prior to discharge to Thane Creek is at least
28.35 m relative to THD;

The calculated head loss at PFF between the outlet to the final process and the
outfall discharge bay shall be no more than 0.65 m;

The surface elevation of the water surface in the Inlet Chamber at PFF is no higher
than 35.50 m relative to THD.

10.20.3 Design Flows

The hydraulic design flows throughout the facility shall take full account of recycled and
returned flows. The hydraulic design calculations shall demonstrate the proper
functioning of the facility if any one of the process units were to be out of service for
maintenance at the Peak Flow during dry weather and PFF.
The division of flow between the process streams and between individual treatment units
in each process stream shall be achieved by the use of suitable control structures, such
as freely discharging weirs or flumes. These may be sited at the inlet or outlet to each
treatment unit, or at a distribution chamber upstream of the treatment units.
Where the applicable control structures are sited downstream of the chamber or other
location where the division of flows occurs, then the intervening channels, culverts and
pipes shall, as far as practicable, be functionally identical in terms of conduit dimensions,
lengths, bend angles, etc. so as not to impair the even division of flow.
Hydraulic calculations shall be based on the Colebrook-White or Hazen-Williams
formulae for pipe and the Manning equation for open channel flow. The hydraulic design
calculations shall show clearly the methods of calculation and analysis used, including all
assumptions made. The calculations shall include a hydraulic profile and full details of
the depths, velocities, water surface or pressure head elevations, energy (or total head)
elevations and (for open channels or closed conduits flowing partially full) Froude
numbers throughout the WwTF.
The head loss calculations in all sludge pipe work shall take account of the specific
sludge characteristics for different types of sludges including the variations in viscosity
arising from changes in the dry solids content of the sludge (for example, by using the

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methods described in the recommendations of How to Design Sewage Sludge Pumping
Systems, Technical Report TR185, WRc).
All parts of the Works shall be designed with allowances for the most adverse
combinations of anticipated maximum and minimum settlements or other movements of
the structures concerned. In particular, the minimum freeboard in hydraulic structures
shall include an appropriate allowance for anticipated settlement.
10.20.4 Pipelines and Culverts
The hydraulic design calculations for pipes and culverts flowing full shall include profiles
of the static head and total energy elevations in relation to the soffit of the conduit. No
designs shall cause, assume or require the occurrence of sub-atmospheric pressures
within any conduit. All pipe and culvert intakes shall be designed to reduce air vortices.
10.20.5 Channels
The Manning Formula or similar shall be used for the design of open channels and shall,
except where expressly permitted otherwise, be designed for sub-critical flow, with a
Froude number no higher than 0.5.
Channels collecting flows from weirs along one or both sides of the channel shall be
designed and analysed taking account of both friction losses and losses due to mixing of
the incoming flow. The modified Camp formulae may be used for headloss calculation
for staged flows in effluent launders with weirs.
10.20.6 Control and other Hydraulic Structures
As far as practicable, sharp crested weirs with free discharge shall be used and shall be
designed with standard profiles for which flow characteristics are readily available, so
that their hydraulic performance can be predicted reliably from reputable hydraulic texts.
Sharp-crested weirs shall include adequate provision for maintaining atmospheric
pressures beneath the nappe.
Flumes shall be designed with the appropriate approach distance and the discharge
shall be designed to be free flowing (not drowned) with the appropriate maximum
submergence. Flumes shall be designed to work under all hydraulic flow conditions from
minimum to maximum.
10.20.7 Penstocks
Penstocks in channels shall be designed so that, when fully open, there is no
encroachment on the cross-sectional area of the maximum flow depth.
10.20.8 Hydraulic Gradient
The hydraulic gradient shall be calculated according to the following criteria:
a) the roughness coefficient C or K shall be as per common engineering practice
(pipes and channels), the pipe manufacturers guidelines, taking into account
whether the use is for wastewater or surface water.
b) a freeboard of at least 25 mm shall be provided to upstream weir crests under
maximum flow conditions when one stream is isolated, and at least 100 mm shall be
provided under full flow with all streams operational.
c) the ADWF hydraulic gradient shall be calculated assuming one stream of process
plant is offline, and weir levels set accordingly.

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d) self-cleansing velocities shall be achieved in all pipes and channels as appropriate at
least two times per day.
10.20.9 Modular configuration for effluent for re-use
Note that the Employer wishes to phase the capacity of effluent for re-use. The
Contractor shall adopt a modular design that allows for easy future expansion. In this
Contract, the first module will be constructed for 25% of the average daily flow. (refer to
Appendix B for details)

10.21 Sludge Incinerator

If the Contractor constructs a sludge incinerator in order to dispose of sludge, it shall
comply with the following requirements
10.21.1 Civil Works
The incinerator package shall be housed in a specifically designed Incinerator Building,
including pre-dryer unit(s), heat recovery system and turbine generator. The building,
foundations and base slab shall be designed and constructed by the Contractor,
including all necessary access, platforms and ladder systems to support routine
operation and maintenance tasks.
The building shall be provided with drainage facilities for the incinerator and associated
processes to accommodate routine operation and maintenance tasks.
10.21.2 Installation Requirements
Fluidised bed incineration facilities shall be designed to operate for 24 hours per day and
8,000 hours per annum, processing digested dewatered sludge arising from the total
sludge production.
The incinerator package shall include a pre-drying stage to ensure autothermic
conditions and limit the demand on support (secondary) fuel source. Heat recovery,
steam balance and steam turbine power generation are important aspects of the project
and the Contractor shall develop a design for an optimum solution. It is envisaged that
the incineration plant shall be a twin stream facility to accommodate the sludge
production derived from the Contractors process calculations
The plant shall be designed to have an operating life of 20 years and shall be fully
automatic, monitored from a central control room that shall be manned at all times.
The following typical sludge composition shall be used for initial design:

30 (wt %)

The preliminary incineration process design, including particulate removal, gas clean-up
and ash removal, shall be based on the above data. The Contractor shall review and
modify these parameters based on his process selection.

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10.21.3 Sludge Cake Storage and Feed
Each incineration stream shall be provided with an independent sludge cake storage silo,
discharge facility and sludge feed system to the pre-dryer package.
Dewatered digested sludge shall be produced by the dewatering process stage and
buffer storage provided within cake silos to control the feed to the pre-drying plant, to suit
the incineration plant demand.
Cake discharge from the silos shall utilise proprietary sliding frame type systems and
integral screw conveyor. Transfer to the pre-dryer plant shall be by either conveyor or
pumping plant.
10.21.4 Pre-dryer Unit
To ensure the auto-thermic combustion of the sludge and to minimise secondary fuel use,
the dewatered sludge shall be dried to 45% dry solids. The type and configuration of the
pre-drying process is to the Contractors design, however, it is envisaged that the
recycling of steam from the incineration flue gases shall provide cost effective
evaporative energy for simple drying plant. The drying plant shall be of robust
construction, fabricated in stainless steel to resist corrosive atmospheric conditions. The
capacity of the drying plant shall be selected to accommodate potential variations in the
sludge feed characteristics (% dry solids) to guarantee the required output quality (45%
dry solids).

Fluidised Bed Incineration

Two streams of fluidised bed incinerators shall be designed to incinerate digested sludge
dewatered and pre-dried to 45% dry solids. The incineration plant shall be operated as a
continuous process in two separate streams.
Each incinerator shall consist of a carbon steel shell lined internally with alumina brick
and monolithic refractory material to maintain shell wall temperature below 60 C. The
shell shall be provided with a temperature monitoring system.
Completed combustion of the sludge requires high turbulence within the fluidised bed
and intensive mixing. To achieve an optimal incinerator temperature of 850 870 C,
and to minimise the use of secondary fuel, combustion air shall be pre-heated to above
500 C.
Combustion air to each incinerator shall be provided by a dedicated fan of carbon steel
construction. This fan is a critical plant item for incinerator reliability/ availability and a
non-installed standby unit shall be provided.
The fluidised bed comprises silica sand, typically average grain size 1mm. A sand
storage silo shall be installed to provide a sand supply to each incineration stream. The
silo capacity shall be based upon three (3) weeks anticipated consumption plus 5 tonnes
per incineration stream.
The bed sand shall be conveyed pneumatically from the silo to incinerator plant.
A safe means for the withdrawal of grit build up that is entrained within the sludge shall
be provided. A screw conveyor with water cooling system is envisaged and disposal
containers designed to accept this material shall be provided.
10.21.6 Waste Heat Recovery
A dedicated waste heat recovery system shall be provided to each incinerator stream to
cool flue gas to below 200 C.

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The heat recovery system shall be designed to generate steam and pre-heat the
combustion air via a tube bank arrangement. High temperature steel shall be used in the
fabrication of these units and flue gas velocity monitored below 10 m/s to limit erosion
Collection hoppers shall be provided within the heat recovery system to ensure capture
of ash and other solids carried over from the fluidised bed. Hoppers shall be designed for
mass flow and smooth flow to avoid bridging with minimum hopper slope of 60.
Retained material shall be pneumatically conveyed to ash storage silos.
The heat recovery system shall be designed for a high level of availability and long
service life (> 10 years) taking account of the aggressive operating conditions, corrosive
flue gases and potential build-up of ash and products of sludge incineration.
Cooled flue gas shall pass to the gas cleaning stage and superheated steam flows to a
turbo generator system.
Consideration shall be given to facilities for cleaning the heat recovery system, in
particular carbon deposits within the boiler system.
10.21.7 Gas Cleaning
Flue bases from the incinerator will contain products of combustion and sludge
contaminants, including acid gases and ash. Each incineration stream shall be supplied
with a dedicated gas cleaning system to ensure reliability in emission control. The gas
cleaning systems shall comprise particulate/dust removal followed by a scrubbing stage
to remove acid gases, water vapour and heavy metals. Final polishing stages to remove
traces of mercury dioxins and nitrous oxide shall be required to achieve plume-free
discharge to atmosphere.
10.21.8 Particulate Removal System
The Contractor shall design the particulate removal system to optimise the capital and
operating costs with regard to particulate removal efficiencies.
Traditional bag filters shall be considered with reverse jet pulsing to dislodge retained
particulate matter. The fabric filter material and support framework shall be selected and
fabricated from materials that can withstand high temperatures (in excess of 150 C) and
a potentially corrosive atmosphere.
Particulate collection systems and hoppers shall be electrically trace heated to avoid
condensation and arranged with steep-sided hoppers to minimise bridging. The covering
of the bag filter shall be designed with sufficient number of access points for
maintenance and repair operations. For fabric filter removal operations, a lifting system
shall be provided above the top of the filter.
Electro-static precipitators shall be considered as an alternative to a bag filter system.
Although incurring higher capital costs, an electrostatic precipitator shall involve lower
operating and maintenance. A wet de-dusting system presents the final treatment option;
however capital and operating costs may preclude this option.
Particulates removed by the systems shall be conveyed pneumatically to the ash storage
The solids collection shall be designed and slopes selected to prevent bridging. The
removal systems shall be electrically trace heated and insulated to prevent condensation
and build-up of material.

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10.21.9 Wet Scrubbing Systems
A two stage wet flue gas scrubbing system shall be supplied to meet the emission
control standards. The first stage shall comprise an acid scrubber typically a packed
counter current tower to quench, humidify and scrub the flue gases. The system design
shall optimise the absorption of the acid components of the flue gases via circuit acidity
control. The circuit control shall be achieved using pH and conductivity controllers in
conjunction with automatic make-up and blowdown systems. Blowdown products shall
be transferred to an independent scrubber effluent treatment plant, following cooling and
the treated effluent returned to the inlet of the wastewater treatment plant. To provide
control in the event of high temperature in the scrubber system or to provide top-up
water to balance losses in the system, a fresh water deluge system shall be provided
complete with an emergency water storage tank.
Prior to entering the second stage alkali scrubber, saturated flue gases exiting the first
stage scrubber shall have droplets removed in an approved demister system. The
alkalinity of the recirculating water circuit shall be continuously monitored to maintain the
optimum pH, and a blowdown system to remove reaction products and condensate shall
be automatically controlled by an approved solution conductivity control system.
Blowdown products shall be transferred to an independent scrubber effluent treatment
plant, following cooling and the treated effluent returned to the inlet of the wastewater
treatment plant.
Following scrubbing, the flue gases shall be demisted in an approved system to remove
water droplets prior to cooling in a flue gas condenser.
The flue gas scrubbing systems shall be equipped with sampling facilities and multi point
sampling points to ensure continuous monitoring can be undertaken to support extensive
measuring of each individual process stage.
Pipelines for chemical solutions and recycle liquors shall be fabricated in suitable
materials suitable for the aggressive environment. Similarly valves shall be selected for
corrosion and abrasion resistance, typically comprising rubber lined valves or
polypropylene for small diameter fittings.
Flue gas ducts shall be designed to accommodate 10% overload and a maximum
velocity of 18m/s. Ducts shall be jointed using flexible couplings and adequately
supported to ensure unnecessary loads are not imposed onto connecting equipment.
Ducts shall be designed to be self-draining to ensure condensate is drained to the
scrubber effluent treatment plant.
10.21.10 Scrubber Effluent Treatment
The liquors arising from each stage of the wet scrubbing systems shall be cooled and
separately transferred to a chemical effluent treatment plant. Treated effluent shall be
returned to the inlet of the waste water treatment works and separated solids (sludge)
shall be conditioned, dewatered and stored prior to landfill disposal. Full details of the
chemical effluent treatment plant design, performance data and sludge disposal tonnage
shall be provided by the Contractor. An indication of the quality and contaminant load of
the sludge shall be provided be the Contractor.
10.21.11 Flue Gas Condensing and Re-heating
Following wet scrubbing the flue gases shall be cooled indirectly using water in a shell
and tube heat exchanger to prevent the emission of a visible plume when released to
atmosphere. Cooled flue gases shall be demisted and reheated to above 120C before
discharge via the flue gas stack.

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10.21.12 Final Polishing Filter
A conventional polishing filter shall be supplied to achieve the required emission
discharge limit values. The use of activated carbon is envisaged to improve the capture
rate of the various persistent contaminants that have not been adequately removed by
the upstream abstraction systems.
10.21.13 Ash Storage and Disposal
The ash produced by the incinerator and small quantities of sand bed material shall be
removed from the system and cooled prior to transfer to a pneumatic conveying system.
The Contractor shall design a system to convey ash pneumatically to storage silos. The
ash storage silos shall be designed for five (5) days storage at the full design load. Ash
shall be separated from the pneumatic conveyance system and separated air stream
shall pass through a reverse jet filter system before release to atmosphere. Separated
dust particles from the filter shall be discharged to the associated storage silo.
The storage silos shall be designed to include a discharge, water injection and conveying
system to ensure a controlled feed of ash to an automatic wetting system. The wetting
system shall be designed to produce a wetted ash of approximately 15% water content
to minimise loading, handling and transport problems associated with dust. The base of
the storage silos shall be heated and provided with air injection facilities to prevent
condensation and avoid the potential for build-up and blockage.
The capacity of the ash wetting system shall be sufficient to achieve loading of a twenty
(20) tonne disposal vehicle within twenty (20) minutes. The discharge to the disposal
vehicles shall be via multiple discharge points on the ash discharge system.
To accommodate the aggressive nature of the ash, all materials selected shall be
resistant to abrasion. The conveyance system shall be designed to minimise wear with
facilities provided to clean and flush the systems.
10.21.14 Power Generation
The Contractor shall develop a proposal based on the requirement to generate power
utilising surplus steam from the heat recovery circuit. It is envisaged that a high
temperature heat recovery system for high steam conditions shall be selected.
In selecting the steam turbine, careful consideration of the turbine selection must ensure
simple operation, robustness of the facilities and ease of maintenance.
It is envisaged that the Contractor shall select a turbine generator that will produce highvalue electrical power with operational flexibility to accommodate changes in the steam
combustion stage. Maximum power generation shall be achieved by system design and
selection for optimal steam use on site.
10.21.15 Fan, Stack and Gas Monitoring
An induced draught fan shall be provided to each polishing filter to control boiler draught
and meet the pressure loss and flow demand of the flue gas cleaning system. The fan
shall be a variable speed unit with automatic control to maintain the required suction
pressure of the incinerator system.
The flue gas stack (chimney) shall be designed as an independent steel structure to
accommodate the flue requirements of the incinerator, including lightning protection. The
height of the stack shall be determined by the emission and dispersion modelling
requirements, however an allowance for a minimum height of 30 metres shall be made.

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To demonstrate emission control compliance, continuous emission monitoring system
shall be provided to each incinerator stream. The system shall monitor carbon monoxide,
oxygen, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter and hydrogen sulphide. The
measuring system shall be located within the building, within each clean gas duct to
ensure steady state monitoring. The monitoring system shall be provided with fully
automatic sampling equipment and all necessary calibration procedures and support
equipment. The discharge of any necessary reagents shall be performed automatically.
The monitoring system shall initiate an alarm if the clean gas limits are exceeded, the
failure of an incinerator stream or gas cleaning process. On detection of these alarm
states the sludge feed to the incinerator shall be stopped automatically.
10.21.16 Electrical Works
All electrical installation parts for the incinerator shall be fed and controlled from the
control panel located in the panel room of the designated transformer station. The control
panel shall include synchronisation equipment to enable the steam turbine generator to
export power via the designated transformer station.
The incinerator building shall be provided with lighting, ventilation, heating and an
adequate power and light distribution.
10.21.17 Gas Oil / Diesel Tanks
The Contractor shall install fuel tanks to hold gas oil for the incinerator.
The civil works necessary for the incinerator gas oil tanks are as follows:

The Contractor shall install a number of above ground fuel storage tanks (minimum
number two) that provide at least 2 weeks fuel for operation of the incinerator.
Construct a reinforced concrete bund for the tanks, having a minimum volume of
110% of the total tank contents, and incorporating a sump for the drainage pump.
Install all necessary tank filling pipework and pipework to the incinerator installation.
Provide an oil/water separator trap to contain and separate any oil from water that
shall be drained from the tank bund.

The mechanical works necessary for the incinerator gas oil tanks are as follows:

Provide fuel transfer pumps if required.

Provide feed pipework and valves, as required by the Contractors design, to the
If required by the Contractors design, provide a bund drainage pump and all
necessary pipework and fittings to the oil separator trap.

Electrical Works
The electrical installation for the incinerator fuel tanks shall be fed from the control panel
for the incinerator.

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Mechanical Works Design

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General Arrangement of the Works

The Contractor shall provide and arrange the Works to comply with the following general

Sufficient space shall be provided between items of Plant and adjacent Plant or fixed
structures to permit safe and convenient access for operation and maintenance. In
general spacing of not less than 1 m shall be considered sufficient. This applies to all
walkways, platforms, equipment walkways, process tank walkways, etc. the walking
space between the handrails shall be 1m clear and shall not be taken up (or blocked)
by such items as piping.
Layout of the site structures/equipment shall comply with code distances required
between non-hazardous and. hazardous structures/plant/equipment, etc.
Plant shall be arranged to permit the removal of individual Plant items or packages.
An area adjacent to all mechanical Plant shall be provided as a maintenance lay
down area.
Electrically operated cranes, fixed runways, lifting eyes or other means shall be
provided to permit the removal of larger items of Plant that may have to be removed
during the course of their normal operational life for maintenance or replacement
Areas where leakage of water is likely to occur, whether in normal use or during
maintenance, shall be provided with covered drainage channels which shall direct
spillage either to a suitable drain or to a sump from where it can be pumped to an
appropriate place for safe disposal.
Where necessary, Plant shall be provided with removable acoustic coverings to limit
the noise produced during normal operation to the limits detailed elsewhere.
Pipework shall be designed and installed to prevent blockages and to permit their
clearance without dismantling pipework or equipment.
Valve and penstock actuators located outdoors shall not be of the pneumatic type.
The treatment works shall be designed such that all potential spillages and overflows
resultant from single failures are either contained within structures or sufficient alarms
and controls are incorporated to prevent spillages and overflows from escaping.
Interceptor and containment tanks shall be provided for containment of all chemicals,
fuel and thickened sludge on Site resultant from spillages and overflows.
The Contractor shall take due regard to the potential of hazardous mixing of
chemicals, particularly as a result of leaks and spillages, and their drainage and
Chemical pipework shall be secured to racks or trays, to walls of tanks and walls of
buildings as necessary. It shall be arranged to facilitate maintenance and removal of
individual runs without dismantling adjacent pipes.
All chemical pipes shall be colour banded and suitably labelled to enable individual
lines to be identified throughout their length.
Particular attention shall be paid to the layout of the chemical pipework, which shall
be functional and neat in appearance. Generally, where pipework is installed in
trenches, it shall be supported not less than 150mm clear of the trench floor.
The Contractor shall provide all signage necessary to inform of chemical and
operational hazards and to comply with statutory legislation.
When selecting materials for pipework, the Contractor shall give consideration to the
deteriorating effect of the action of ultra-violet light on materials.

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Pumping Systems
The Contractor shall provide pumping systems with isolation valves, non-return valves,
and all necessary pipework and fittings.
The Contractor shall provide pipe supports, hangers and anchors to support and control
movement of pipes and valves all in accordance with recognized international piping
All pumps shall operate at high efficiency throughout their duty range and they shall be
capable of continuous operation throughout their required operational range.
The minimum diameter of pipe for sludge transfer shall be 150mm.
Lubrication arrangements shall be designed to avoid any contamination of pumped fluid.
Dry well mounted pumps shall provide effective means for collecting gland/seal leakage
water which shall be piped to a floor drain or sump.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of main pumping system pipelines,
including conducting hydraulic surge analyses and providing surge protection, as necessary.
Liquid velocities in the pump suction branches shall not exceed 2m/s and those in
delivery branches shall not exceed 2.5m/s when the pump is operating within the
specified duty range and the velocity in Rising main shall not be exceed 1.5m/s.
Main pumpsets shall operate at a nominal speed of:
Table 10.6 Maximum speed for pumpsets


Raw wastewater:

no greater than 1,500 rpm;


no greater than 1,500 rpm;

Treated wastewater:

no greater than 1,800 rpm.

Chemical Storage and Dosing Systems

Bulk chemical storage shall have a minimum storage capacity equivalent to 14 days of
average usage at maximum facility throughput.
Where necessary, the Contractor shall provide flushing lines to dosing pump suction and
delivery pipework.
The Contractor shall provide chemical dosing systems with calibration tubes and flow
measurement facilities.
For areas of polymer use and worker safety, the Contractor shall lay down corrosion
resistant anti-slip interlocking grid type rubberized flooring mats with raised stub
legs/pegs and surface ports/openings to allow free flowing drainage. The concrete
surfaces of the bunded areas (floors/walls) shall be first treated with an anti-corrosion
protective coating before the lay down of the anti-slip flooring.


Chemical Safety Facilities

The Contractor shall provide emergency showers in areas where chemicals are present.
The Contractor shall provide facilities to ensure protection from risks of tampering to
chemicals by unauthorised persons.
Portable and permanent firefighting equipment and facilities including, fire extinguishers
and fire blankets etc. shall be provided by the Contractor, as appropriate, in consultation
with the relevant local fire authorities.

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A wash-down water facility shall be provided by the Contractor suitable for hosing-down
the chemical delivery areas, storage areas and dosing areas.
Service water chemical make-up, carrier water and wash-down shall be supplied by the
Contractor from a separate system to the Site potable water and emergency shower
supply system.
Hazard warning signs and weather-proof guidance notices shall be provided by the
Contractor to identify the safety precautions and emergency actions for each chemical
handled. These shall be fixed near to the appropriate bulk tank fill line hose connection
All pipes shall be labelled by the Contractor and/or colour coded and identified with the
direction of flow at appropriate intervals.


Materials of Construction
All materials of construction for tanks, vessels, pipelines, pumps, valves, etc shall be
suitable for long term contact with the liquid or chemical concerned and at the prevailing
concentrations. Equipment shall be coated and protected in accordance with Volume 2A
Section 21 Painting and Protective Coatings, and Volume 2B Section 2.21 Surface
All pipework employed shall comply with the schedule below unless agreed with the
Employers Representative. The Employers Representative shall be under no obligation
to accept alternative pipeline material. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure
compatibility of all pipelines with fluids or sludge carried and with external and internal
loadings and pressures.
Table 11.1 Pipe materials
Potable and raw
water including

Size range

Pipe material

Up to and including
DN 300

Ductile iron (DI)

Un-plasticised polyvinyl chloride (uPVC)
Poly-ethylene (PE)
Molecular orientated (MoPVC)

DN 300 DN 600

Ductile iron (DI)

Poly-ethylene (PE)
Molecular orientated (MoPVC)

Greater than DN 600

Ductile iron (DI)


Sewage (pumped
below ground)

All diameters

Ductile iron (DI)

Polyethylene (PE)
Molecular orientated (MoPVC)

Sewage (gravity
below ground not

All diameters

Ductile iron (DI)
Polyethylene (PE)
Molecular orientated (MoPVC)

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Above ground
pipe-work and
within structures

Size range

Pipe material

Up to and including
DN 300

Ductile iron (DI)

Stainless steel (304L)

Greater than DN 300

Ductile iron (DI) Steel

All sewage

Up to and including
DN 300

Ductile iron (DI)

Greater than DN 300

Ductile iron (DI)

Stainless Steel (316L)
All pipes under roadways & structures to
be concrete encased.

Compressed air

All diameters

Galvanized mild steel


All diameters


process piping

All diameters

Copper (plain/coated)
Stainless steel

Chemical dosing

All diameters

Sch. 80 PVC & According to

manufacturers recommendations

Natural Gas

MDPE below ground

Stainless steel or steel above
ground/inside buildings


All diameters

Ductile iron NP 16 rated below ground

Stainless steel 304L above ground/inside


All diameters

Stainless steel 316L (below ground,

inside/outside buildings)

Process Air piping

Blower discharge and

common header All

Ductile Iron or Steel (within building)

Transfer to and
distribution piping
around aeration tanks
- All diameters

Stainless steel (304L)

Up to and including
DN 1100

Ductile Iron (DI), K9 class

Greater than DN 1100

Carbon Steel with cement mortar lining

and external guniting as per IS code.

Up to and Including
DN 1100

Ductile Iron (DI), K9 class

Greater than DN 1100

Carbon Steel with cement mortar lining

and external guniting as per IS code.)

Raw water


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Size range
All Diameter

Pipe material


process piping

All Diameter

Copper (Plain/coated)
uPVC Nylon Stainless Steel

Chemical Dosing

All Diameter

Sch. 80 uPVC
Sch. 80 SS 316L HDPE

Chlorine Drum

All Diameter

Cadmium plated
70/30 copper nickel
CN 107, BS 2871 : Part 1

Chlorine gas or

All Diameter

Flanged or welded
carbon steel, CAF
flanged joints

Isolation and Drain Down

The Contractor shall provide facilities for isolating and draining down all pipework,
chambers and storage tanks. Wherever duty/standby equipment is provided, it shall be
possible to isolate and drain-down each of the duty or standby items while the other
items are in service.

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Electrical Works Design

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12.1.1 Scope
This section describes the electrical Plant and services to be provided by the Contractor
and specifies the particular requirements for the Works not covered elsewhere in the
The electrical Plant and services to be provided shall comprise all the necessary Works
for the completion of all main and ancillary installations, and shall include but not be
limited to:

The power supply to the Site to cater for the Works installation, testing,
commissioning, operation and maintenance.
The power distribution equipment, including power transformer, distribution boards,
electrical protection, metering, earthing, cabling, and cable support systems for the
The electric motors and actuators to operate the mechanical equipment being
installed at the WwTF.
The electrical starting equipment, isolating equipment, electrical protection, controls
and interlocks for each Plant item at the WwTF.
The indoor, outdoor and emergency lighting including all poles, brackets, fixings, etc.
for the WwTF.
The Site electrical services including sockets, space heating, ventilation, etc.
The uninterruptible power systems.
The fire detection and alarm systems.
The gas detection and alarm systems.
The telecommunications systems (EPABX and PA systems).
The security systems including CCTV system.
The lightning protection.
The construction phase electrical services.
The Materials and accessories to provide a complete electrical installation.
The field instrumentation, PLC, SCADA Automation systems.
The equipment and control systems to interface with the power supply utilitys
incoming supply and the power generated through bio-gas generation.

External power supply source at 22 kV shall be made available by the Employer/ Electric
Supply Company at POS near the plant boundary. The necessary liaison for obtaining
approvals including Load Sanction/ Load Release from Electric Supply Company, NOC
from statutory authorities like CEIG/ Electrical Inspector, Factory Inspector & relevant
authorities as applicable is included in Contractors scope. However, the necessary fees
(if any) deposited in respect of above work shall be reimbursed by the Employer on
actual basis/ receipt of payment produced by Contractor.
The contractors shall be responsible for liaison for HT / LT Supply connection
required for the plant.
Variable frequency drives (VFD) shall be provided for the following equipment :

RAS pumps,
Process blowers,

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Thickened sludge scraper pump,

any other as per process requirement.

12.1.2 Emergency Stop Equipment and Local Isolation

Local Control Stations
The Contractor shall provide each item of electrically powered rotating machinery with
local start and emergency stop pushbuttons. Where the drives have the capability to run
in forward and reverse, separate Start Forward and Start Reverse buttons shall be
provided. The pushbuttons shall be housed in the same enclosure, clearly labelled,
adjacent to the relevant access point or machinery.
Where applicable, e.g. screen drive motors, the local control enclosure shall include
pushbuttons for inch forward and inch reverse control.
Emergency Stop buttons shall be of the Stay Put type, twist or pull to release, in
accordance with IEC 60947.
Local Isolation
The Contractor shall provide each item of electrically operated machinery with a local
isolator. Isolators shall be mounted in accessible locations adjacent to the motor, or for
submersible pumps, adjacent to the entrance to the sump.
Local isolators shall have auxiliary contacts to trip and lock out the contactor when the
isolator is open.
Local isolators shall be provided in all cases for valve or penstock actuators.
All local isolators shall be suitable for padlocking in both the on and off positions and
shall not be provided for use as an emergency stop facility.
12.1.3 Emergency Power Supply
The Contractor shall provide a means to connect a mobile/temporary emergency source
of power sufficient to operate the facilitys essential services during a complete power
failure of the electricity supplies. A diesel generator (DG) Set for critical loads of the plant
shall be provided based on average flow condition and shall not exceed 50% of the
ultimate power requirement of the plant.
Actual consumption cost of any natural gas or diesel over and above 15 hours in a
month for running DG set during electric power failure will be paid subject to measured
specific consumption rate.
The Contractor shall design the Works such that the mobile/temporary emergency
source can be used in conjunction with the onsite Biogas Engine unit (refer to Section
10.11) to provide available energy to essential services as required. The facility shall be
capable of safe shut down of non-essential services and of safe start up upon restoration
of normal power. The Contractor shall develop a procedure and demonstrate how this
would be carried out in safe manner.
12.1.4 Electrical Power Supply Design
The Contractor is responsible for the supply of power to the site from an appropriate
power supply utility. The Contractor shall discuss with the utility, at the earliest
opportunity, the provision of permanent power supply to the Site, so that supplies are in
place prior to commissioning of the Works. The Contractor shall consult with the supply
authority in advance of each connection, shall make the necessary application for a new

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connection and shall meet all charges in relation to each connection. The existing
works currently receives its power supply from two 22 kV feeders. This power
supply to these feeders is made available from two bus section sources arranged by the
utility at their end. The Contractor shall provide a power connection system for the new
works, so as to receive power from the utility in the same fashion.
The Contractor shall design the system such that the utility power source shall be used
in conjunction with the onsite bio-gas source for normal operation of the Works.
The Contractor shall establish the maximum demand for the Site, and in discussion with
the power supply utility, the best method for provision of secure supply. In addition he
shall provide a supply which is capable of running a facility with a demand 15% greater
than that required for the design horizon.
The Contractor shall include for all necessary capital, running and maintenance costs
associated with the provision of the power supply, and fully liaise with the power supply
utility with respect to sub-station provisions, switching, cable routes, metering
requirements, maximum import capacities (MICs), tariffs, connections, protection/coordination, maximum demand, motor starting constraints, programming, etc.
The Contractor shall ensure that the size of any ring main unit, high voltage switchboards,
transformers, busbars, cables and capacitor used in the power supply are adequate for
the Works requirements and that they are installed in a manner to provide maximum
reliability of supply and flexibility of operation.
The Contractor shall establish the size and nature of the power supply requirements for
the testing, commissioning and operation of the facility. The Contractor shall provide a
detailed schedule of all electrical loads together with the rated current, power factor,
efficiency and diversity factor of each load sector.
From the above load schedule the Contractor shall establish the Works loading in
kilowatt hours consumption per annum and the peak demand of the wastewater
treatment facility. In addition, the Contractor shall, using the proposed electrical load for
the WwTF, submit detailed applications to the power supply utility for the supply of these
loads, noting the requirements of Section 14.10.
The Contractor shall establish the nature of the power supply and shall ensure that they
are reliable and adequate for the operation of the WwTF without constraints.
The Contractor shall ensure that the necessary cable ducts are provided for the power
supply utility and that power supply cables are properly designed and installed up to the
location of the Contractors main switchgear.

Incoming Supply Conditions - Voltage and variations: 22 kV 10%

Frequency and variations - 0Hz 3% Combined variation : 10%
Fault Level at 22 kV - 40kA (Max.) for 1 sec (This shall be confirmed with electric
Supply Co.)
System Ground - Effective

12.1.5 Power System Studies and Selective Coordination

The Contractor shall prepare and submit a schedule of the electrical loads for the Works.
This schedule shall show the total connected load in each category, together with the
calculated diversity factor, the probable load and the maximum demand likely to be
This information shall be submitted to the Employers Representative for review. The
Contractor shall design the electrical power system to suit the ratings and duty cycles of
the Plant items and auxiliary systems which are to be installed.

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The power distribution shall be designed to suit the voltages at which power is supplied
by the electricity supplier.
The Contractor shall select the necessary voltage and current transformers together with
suitable protection relays to protect the electrical distribution system. This protection
shall include thermal overload, short circuit, ground fault and single phasing as a
The electrical protection shall be graded so that indiscriminate tripping is prevented
under fault or surge conditions.
The Contractor shall co-ordinate the electrical protection at the Site with the power
supply utility system protection and shall submit to the Employers Representative during
the design a tabulation to demonstrate the protection settings to be employed and the
appropriate discrimination curves for the power system.
12.1.6 Power Factor Correction
The Contractor shall design the power system to operate at a minimum power factor of
0.996 lagging at the point of supply of the power supply utility.
Automatic power factor correction systems shall be provided at all MCCs that feed the
blowers. In addition an APFC system shall be installed at the PCC to meet the desired
power factor.
Care shall be taken to ensure that harmonic distortions are limited and the Contractor
shall consult the power supply utility concerning the impedance of their supply network at
the frequencies most liable to cause resonance.
12.1.7 Switchgear
High Voltage (HV) switchgear
If high voltage switchgear is provided it shall be designed by the Contractor for operation
at 22 kV.
HV distribution switchgear shall be of Ring Main Unit (RMU) type.
The Contractor shall ensure that the HV switchgear is designed to accept the power
supply utilitys power. The Contractor shall distribute the power on the Site, by taking into
account the location of the on-site generation and the various power demands around
the Site.
The Contractor shall ensure that the HV switchgear is rated for the fault levels likely to be
encountered on the Site and the system protection installed.
The Contractor shall ensure that circuit breakers on the HV system are interchangeable
where this is possible and logical and that the HV switchgear panels (RMUs or
switchboards) are suitable for extension at both ends.
An ammeter shall be fitted to each outgoing circuit breaker panel. Readings from these
meters shall be displayed and recorded on the SCADA system.
A digital kilowatt hour meter shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor at the
incoming power supply point in ring main unit (RMU) and this shall be used to verify the
power supply utility power consumption figures. Energy measured by this kWhr meter
shall be displayed and recorded on the SCADA system.
LV Switchgear and Power Control Centre and Motor Control Centre
LV switchgear power control centre and motor control centre assembly shall be of the
totally enclosed metal clad pattern. PCC and MCC shall be of conventional type. All

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single/double front PCC and MCC shall be Totally Type Tested (TTA) according to IS
8623, IEC 439 and also internal arc tested (IAC) as per IEC 61641. Seismic withstand
capacity of the MCC and PCC panels shall be at least for seismic zone 3. Type of
internal separation for PCC/MCC panel shall be as per Form 3B. Lighting board or small
distribution board separation shall be either as per Form 1 or Form 2.
Each incoming feeder of blower MCC shall be equipped with a Multifunctional Energy
Meter incorporating the functions of a voltmeter, an ammeter, a kilowatt hour meter, a
power factor meter and a frequency meter. The parameters monitored by the energy
meter shall be available for monitoring and recording on the SCADA system.
The Contractor shall select the starter appropriate to each drive motor and shall ensure
that starting sequences are programmed to minimise disruption of the power supply and
maximise Works availability.
When designing the low voltage distribution assemblies the Contractor shall ensure that
they are dimensionally suitable for delivery and installation on Site.
The Contractor shall ensure that provision is included in the low voltage switchgear to
interface with the necessary on-site generators and this provision shall include all the
necessary control gear, protection and interlocking between generator and supply
authority to enable the on-site generators to synchronise.
The necessary volt free contacts and analogue signals shall be provided by the
Contractor on each panel for interfacing with the SCADA system.


Measurement of Electricity Usage

The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of electricity meters to permit
assessment of compliance with the Energy Generation requirements and to assess
whether Performance Damages are due.
As a minimum electricity meters shall be installed to measure the electricity provided by
the electricity utility service provider for the Works (this meter can be the service meter
used by the electricity utility service provider for billing purposes provided access can be
gained to the meter to take daily readings) and the energy generated by the Energy
Generation System.
Each of the above meters shall be read by the Contractor every Day at the same
approximate time. The Contractor shall record and maintain with its records each such
reading for the purposes of calculating whether the performance requirements relating to
energy generation have been met, and if applicable calculating the Performance


Cabling and Earthing

12.3.1 General Cabling

This section covers the supply and installation of the necessary cabling and earthing
systems not covered elsewhere in the Employers Requirements.
HV cables, forming part of a dual supply to the WwTF shall be from underground duct
and separated both outside and within the Site by at least 2.5 m to reduce the possibility
of physical damage causing a complete power failure to the Works.
For the consideration of the Employers Representative, the Contractor shall provide
detailed schematic and block diagrams, together with schedules of all cables he
proposes to install for power, control and instrumentation systems. The schedules shall
include the following information:

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Type of cable;
Size of conductors (including circuit protective conductor);
Number of cores;
Voltage grade;
Cable gland;
Cable identification reference number;
Cable source;
Cable destination;
Cable length;
Installation method;
Terminal references.

12.3.2 Types of Cables

Cables shall have a Fire Retardant and Low Smoke (FRLS) outer sheath as per IS
10810, and ASTM D 2863 to restrict release of toxic fumes from the cable in the event of
a fire. XLPE cable shall be as per IS 7098 whereas PVC cables shall be as per IS 1554.
The following types of cables shall be provided:
a) HV power circuits
AL/XLPE/PVC/F/FRLS, 3.3 kV 22 kV (E) grade
b) LV power circuits
For conductor sizes above 2.5 mm2 AL/XLPE/PVC/W/FRLS, 650/1100V grade
For conductor sizes 2.5 mm2 or less, CU/XLPE/PVC/FRLS, 650/1100V grade,
c) Auxiliary control and protection circuits
CU/XLPE/PVC/FRLS, 650/1100V grade, Unarmoured, Stranded
d) Control and instrument circuits
All control monitoring and instrumentation shall have individually twisted and
screened pairs, a collective screen, CU/PVC/FRLS, 650/1100Vgrade, Unarmoured,
e) Data highway
Optical fibre cables shall be used throughout the data highway interconnecting each
PLC with the SCADA system master-stations.
f) Telecommunications cables
Cables for telephone and data outlets shall be Category 6A Unshielded Twisted Pair
(UTP) type with FRLS sheath.
12.3.3 Cable Sizes
The short time fault current ratings of all power cables shall match the maximum fault
ratings of the associated switchgear plant and protection systems.
The Contractor shall determine by site investigation the values of:

soil temperatures;
soil thermal resistivity.

With the exception of special cables for analogue signal and measuring circuits, the
minimum core size for auxiliary power and control cables shall be 1.5 mm2.
All multicore cables provided for the Works protection, control and monitoring systems
shall incorporate 20% spare cores. All spare cores shall be terminated and identified.

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12.3.4 Cabling within Buildings
Cable installations within buildings shall be run in ducts or trenches, or run in cable
containment installed on or suspended from structural walls or ceilings. Cables in
general building areas shall be installed on heavy duty aluminium tray.
In all locations of the works affected by chemicals creating a chemically corrosive
condition, cable tray systems shall be of stainless steel, of approved type and
For fixing cable trays in trenches, cable galleries, etc. galvanised steel channel inserts
shall be embedded into the concrete, spaced at centres not exceeding 1,500 mm. Civil
structures utilised to support cable tray systems shall be designed to withstand the
additional loading.
Whenever cables pass through walls below ground level, the point of entry shall be
sealed against the ingress of water. This shall be achieved with silicone foam or similar.
12.3.5 External Cabling
External cables shall be contained within underground cable ducts unless specifically
agreed with the Employers Representative in advance.
12.3.6 Earthing
The Contractor shall provide and install a complete earthing system in accordance with
the requirements of IS 3043 rules.
The Contractor shall design the system to meet the following requirements:
a) under normal and abnormal operating conditions, there shall be no danger to
persons in any place to which they have access;
b) the maximum current from any point of fault shall be conducted back to the electricity
system neutral without giving rise to dangerous potential gradients either in the
ground or between pieces of apparatus and a person who could be in simultaneous
c) the passage of fault current shall not result in any thermal or mechanical damage to
the system.
d) Earthing system for Electrical, Instrumentation control and Automation (I&C) and
lightning systems shall be laid separately. Contractor shall be responsible for
interconnection of these grids.
The Contractor shall satisfy the power supply utility that the earthing arrangements on
the electrical installation are compatible with their system requirements.
Earth tape and conductors installed in areas subject to chemical corrosion shall be
sheathed with green/yellow FRLS insulation.
12.3.7 Lightning Protection
The Contractor shall provide and install a lightning protection system where required, in
accordance with IEC 62305: Protection against Lightning. Early streamer emitter type
lightning protection shall not be used.
Selection, installation and maintenance of surge protection devices for protection from
indirect lightning surges and switching surges shall be as per IEC 61643
Earthing for lightning protection system shall be as per IS 3043 or IEC 62561.

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The Contractor shall provide the anaerobic digestion complex with lightning protection
including the CHP exhaust stack(s) and the waste gas burner stack(s).


Building and Site Services

12.4.1 Power Supply

This section describes the building and site services required, and specifies particular
requirements not covered elsewhere in the Contract.
The Contractor shall provide the power supply for all building and site services from the
building services switchboards or otherwise derived from distribution boards which, as
far as practicable, shall form an integral part of the main LV distribution and plant control
Sub-distribution boards not forming part of LV switchboards shall be complete with
outgoing miniature circuit breakers for connection to the services and other equipment.
Distribution board providing power for lighting shall have provision of earth leakage
circuit breaker (ELCB).
At least 3 spare ways for each type and size of circuit breaker in the distribution boards
shall be included.
At least 2 no. 240 V single phase 5/15A outlets shall be provided in each room and in
any case shall be within 15 m of any internal part of a building.
At least 1 no. 415 V three phase socket/ power receptacle shall be provided in each
Plant area for maintenance purposes.
The Contractor shall provide for cooling and ventilation to maintain a temperature of
25OC in PLC-SCADA control rooms and offices.
12.4.2 Lighting Design
The building internal lighting design shall take into consideration:

operating environment;
energy efficiency;
activities to be performed in the areas concerned;
type and style of architectural finish;
access for maintenance;
operating life;

Lighting circuits shall be supplied from the small power and lighting distribution boards
incorporating manually reset miniature circuit breakers. For large areas or buildings,
separate distribution boards may be located to serve discrete areas.
Switching shall be convenient to doors and entrances, two-way switching being provided
where areas have more than one entrance.
For large areas, lighting shall be contactor controlled. Contactors shall where practical be
incorporated within the respective distribution boards.
The lamps provided shall be of minimum three star rating as designated by Bureau of
Energy efficiency.
In areas housing rotating machinery, lighting shall be arranged on multi-phase circuits to
prevent stroboscopic effects.
The arrangement of circuits shall be such as to provide balanced loading of the phases.

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The Contractor shall prepare detailed layout and installation drawings to show the
location of the distribution boards, conduit routes, lighting and other fittings, etc. for
consideration by the Employers Representative, together with illumination level design
calculations to support and confirm the proposals.
Except in any building where ceiling or wall finishes permit conduits to be concealed, the
installation shall be carried out in surface run galvanised conduit. All lighting switches,
socket outlets, etc. shall be metal-clad surface mounting type.
12.4.3 Emergency Lighting
The Contractor shall provide emergency lighting for all control rooms, buildings and exit
and escape routes to facilitate the safe evacuation of personnel from all buildings and
structures in the event of power failure and shall be in accordance with BSEN 50172.
The Contractor shall also provide emergency lighting in any area where work may be
required during a power failure.
The emergency exit lighting luminaries shall be bulkhead fluorescent, maintained and
non-maintained types, incorporating self-contained battery/charger/inverter modules with
a minimum battery life of two hours.
The emergency luminaries shall be directly connected to the respective area main
lighting circuits, to cover both total power and sub-circuit failures.
Emergency lighting circuits shall incorporate central test unit switches to simulate failure
of the normal supply. These test switches shall be situated in a position within the area
covered by the lighting system to be tested and shall be suitably identified. Switches
situated in positions accessible to unauthorised persons shall be of the tamper-proof, key
operated type. All such switches shall be operated by a common key and the Contractor
shall supply two keys for each switch installed.
12.4.4 Street Lighting
The Contractor shall provide street lighting systems to illuminate all site roadways within
the treatment facility areas and access road. Lux level for outdoor site shall be as per
IS 1944.
The lighting systems shall comprise:
1. Standalone solar energy system using multi-crystalline solar cells / on-grid solar
energy system.
2. LED street light with integral lamp control gear, and weatherproof body
3. Batteries
4. Galvanized octagonal poles
The lanterns shall incorporate LED lamps with integral lamp control gear, and weatherproof body.
The poles shall be sited a minimum of 1m from the road kerb edge with non-extended
brackets to locate the lanterns at the kerb.
The street lighting shall be fed on independent radial buried cable circuits fed and
controlled from a street lighting switchboard. The cables laid for outdoor lighting
application shall be wire armoured.
Each circuit shall be contactor switched, controlled by an astronomical timer and manualauto control selector switch. The contactor, time switch and manual control switch for
each area shall be incorporated in the LV road lighting distribution switchboard.

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12.4.5 Site Area Lighting
Site area lighting installations shall provide an overall minimum service luminance as per
IS 1944 over the whole of the Site.
A minimum of four high mast flood lighting columns shall be provided. Columns shall be
a minimum of 15 m high, or higher if so required by the site layout or building
arrangement. The columns shall be located to suit the proposed layout so as to ensure
no areas are in shadow when all flood lights are energised. The flood lighting shall
provide a minimum horizontal illuminance over the whole of the Site of 5 lux and shall be
designed to provide lighting levels which are uniform and to minimise overspill of lighting
outside the boundary.
Area flood lighting shall be fed from service distribution boards incorporated in the
respective plant or ancillary switchgear buildings. Area lighting shall be capable of
manual control from each respective building and the security control room and shall be
capable of being switched on by a security intruder signal.
12.4.6 Low Voltage (LV) Portable Equipment
For each building the Contractor shall provide one set of low voltage equipment
comprising the following:
240 V, 50 Hz weatherproof, portable, heavy duty floodlight and plug for 240 V centre
tapped earth socket outlet complying with IEC 209 and colour coded.
12.4.7 Fire Detection and Alarm
The Contractor shall provide fire detection and alarm systems in all plant buildings
throughout the Site in accordance with national standards. The Contractor shall provide
a detailed statement for fire protection and emergency evacuation system with escape
route to comply with national standards. The fire alarm system shall be connected to the
SCADA system and emergency services.
The fire detection and alarm systems shall comply with the following:
a) A fire detection system shall be provided in each building comprising automatic fire
detectors and manual break glass units.
b) In multiple room or plant area buildings the automatic and manual break glass units
shall be installed in zoned circuits covering each specific room or area.
c) The automatic fire detectors shall operate on rate of temperature rise and fixed
maximum temperature characteristics; the maximum temperature alarm actuating at
20oC above peak design internal ambient. Each detector shall incorporate a pilot
lamp operation indicator.
d) Automatic heat and smoke detectors shall be ceiling mounting arranged to cover
general building areas and specific plant locations.
e) The manual break-glass units shall be wall mounted, located at building entrances,
general walkways and corridors and in other areas such that no location in a building
is greater than 30 m from a unit
f) Sounders shall operate on 24 VDC nominal with sound level of at least 90 dBA
2dBA @ 1 metre from the device, with a frequency response of 2000-8000 Hz with a
lower power rating.
g) Alarm/detection installations in ancillary Plant buildings may be installed as zoned
alarm circuits from the fire detection systems of associated adjacent main plant

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h) All detector and alarm circuits shall operate on a normally closed fail-safe circuit
i) Each fire detection system shall operate at 12 V dc or 24 V dc from a single fire
alarm control panel (FACP) which shall be located at a location subject to the
consideration of Employers Representative. The FACPs shall be of the totally
enclosed metal clad pattern each complete with integral battery/charger equipment.
The FACPs shall each incorporate alarm and status indicators together with circuit
test facilities to give visual alarm indication of:
i) Actuation of each alarm circuit and zoned protected area
ii) Input power system healthy/failed
iii) Battery/charger output healthy/failed
j) Operation of any fire detector or manual break glass unit shall operate audible
alarm(s) located internally and externally on each building. In areas with high ambient
noise the audible alarm shall also incorporate a visual flashing beacon lamp.
k) Alarm system operation together with the operation of a control panel integral
equipment fault circuit shall also be annunciated on the SCADA system.
l) All component equipment in the fire alarm installations shall comply with a
specification which has been considered by Employers Representative. All cable and
wiring systems for the building alarm and detection circuits shall be of pliable fire
resistant type cable, sleeved in stainless steel conduit, to provide mechanical
protection for the cable. All cable terminations for detector and manual break glass
units shall be in stainless steel circular conduit boxes.
m) Alarm circuits between each plant building and the central control panel shall be by
dedicated LSF/SWA/LSF control cables.
n) Lead acid type batteries shall be provided in the FACP panels. The batteries shall
have ample capacity to operate all components of the system, including all alarm
signalling devices 2 hours in standalone &minimum period of 30 minutes in alarm
mode upon a normal AC power failure.
o) Interface unit / modules shall be provided for integrating the Public Address system
with the FACPs. In the event of fire, the FACPs shall trigger the PA to generate a
pre-recorded announcement.
12.4.8 Gas Detection System
The Contractor shall incorporate fixed gas detection systems into those areas of the
Works where toxic or explosive atmospheres might occur. These shall include, but not
be limited to, the following areas:

sludge treatment & digestion;

sludge thickening and dewatering;
sludge wells;
gas storage units;
enclosed pump wells;
sludge pump rooms.

In addition to any local annunciation the alarms generated shall be displayed on the
associated PLC/SCADA system which shall initiate an extract purge and detection system.
In addition, a minimum of 2 portable gas monitor based systems units which can detect
CO2, CH4, O2 and H2S, accompanied by the necessary procedures and systems to
ensure their correct application shall be supplied and employed where appropriate by the

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12.4.9 Telecommunications and Data Systems
The Contractor shall supply a telecommunications and data system for the wastewater
treatment facility building. Telephone handsets shall be provided by the Contractor within
all buildings.
Telephone cables for routes external to buildings shall be multi-pair polythene insulated,
0.9 mm dia. copper conductor, petroleum jelly filled, collectively screened with aluminium
tape and copper drain wire, polythene inner sheath, galvanised steel wire armoured and
LSF sheath overall. All cores shall be colour coded. All cable interconnections shall be
made in termination boxes which shall be installed within the buildings. Underground
joint boxes shall not be used. All cables shall incorporate at least 25% spare cores and
all cores including spares shall be terminated.
Telephone distribution cables wholly within buildings to junction boxes and outlet points
shall be similar but unarmoured, and with conductor diameter not less than 0.5 mm.
Each telephone and data outlet shall be wired from a central patch panel in each building,
using Category 6A UTP type telecommunications cable, terminated at a wall outlet point
equipped with a faceplate and wiring terminals. Cable core terminations shall be carried
out in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Telephone and data cabling within buildings shall be contained in stainless steel conduit.
12.4.10 Security System
The Contractor shall provide a suitable security system for the whole of the Site.
In addition to the general site security system, high risk plant or materials shall be
protected by lockable cabinets, intruder alarms or other devices. Alarm signals shall be
fed to the centralised security control room which shall be located in or adjacent to the
The general Site security system shall be by Internet Protocol (IP) based colour Closed
Circuit Television (CCTV) systems to detect intruders and raise alarms.
Sufficient cameras shall be deployed to ensure full site coverage. Output from all
cameras shall be fed to a centralised security control room located in or adjacent to the
main guard house which shall include multiple screens to permit live viewing of camera
output. The system shall record the output from all cameras on Network Video
Recorders (NVRs) and save the recordings for a minimum of 60 days on a First In/First
Out (FIFO) basis.
The cameras shall include night vision capability. Principal cameras shall have a
Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) capability with the facility to be controlled from the centralised
security control room.
All the CCTV products i.e. fixed cameras, PTZ cameras, NVR etc. must be UL approved
or equivalent.
12.4.11 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
The Contractor shall supply and install the necessary online, double conversion
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units for the PLC systems, SCADA operators
terminals, radio transmission systems field instruments, Fire detection, smoke detection,
gas detection and alarm system, EPABX and PA system and CCTV system etc. to
ensure continuity of supply for a minimum of 120 minutes duration during mains power
failure or brown out situations. The UPS shall be either parallel redundant type or hot
standby type. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 2 no. 100% battery charger
configuration of appropriate rating with single set of 100% battery bank. The UPS shall

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be suitable under normal conditions to operate continuously at the specified ratings for
24 hours a day, and 365 days a year. Each system shall be sized for not less than 1.25
times the maximum current demand that might occur, taking into account in-rush
currents and the like; and shall support 1.25 times the maximum continuous load that
might occur during a period of 120 minutes. The continuous load shall include all loads
that might occur and de-rating for diversity shall not be taken.
The UPS shall incorporate a static switch to by-pass the UPS seamlessly and effect a
connection to the mains supply in the event of a UPS failure.
The load supplied by the UPS system shall be supplied from an isolation transformer on
the UPS output. Each load circuit shall be separately protected against over-current, with
sufficient discrimination so that a fault on any circuit will not trip the UPS output supply.
Fault trip times shall be based on a mains failed situation, when the internal impedance
of the UPS will be apparent. The UPS shall have Overload capacity of 110% for one
Start, stop and reset procedures shall be clearly displayed for an operator. The system
shall have features to assist in fault finding. Clear instructions, labelling, shrouding, etc.,
shall be provided so that a technician may undertake maintenance and first line repair as
a minimum.
The degree of protection shall be IP 42 or better.
Tests shall be carried out on the fully assembled unit utilising the batteries that are to be
supplied with the unit.
The Contractor shall demonstrate the following:a) Changeover from full load with mains present to full load on battery supply;
b) Carry out a discharge test on the system at full load and for the specified duty
bridging time period;
c) Carry out recharge test after operation for the specified duty bridging time at full load.
The UPS shall supply the full load during the recharge cycle.
The UPS shall be supplied from an auxiliary switchboard. In the event of failure of the
UPS or if it is taken out for servicing, then an alternative supply of power shall be
provided from an associated motor control centre.
12.4.12 Miscellaneous Materials and Accessories
The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply and installation of all miscellaneous
Materials and accessories necessary to provide a complete electrical installation to
conform to the Employers Requirements.
12.4.13 EPABX and PA (Public Address) Systems
The Contractor shall provide an Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange (EPABX)
and Public Address (PA) system to satisfy the communication, safety and management
requirements of the Contract and as per relevant Indian/International standard including:

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer (IEEE)

Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC)
PA system as per EN 60849
Speaker safety compliance as per EN 60065
Loudspeakers as per IEC 60849, BS 5839, EN 54-24
Power handling capacity of loud speakers as per IEC 268-5.

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Testing and Commissioning

Equipment shall not be delivered to Site unless an inspection has been carried out or
waived in writing by the Employers Representative. Tests shall be organised to
represent the installed condition as closely as possible and shall include the following:
a) Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs)
These tests shall provide documented evidence that the system under test meets the
functional and performance requirements of the Employers Requirements and
functional design specification (FDS).
b) Site Acceptance Tests (SATs)
These tests shall encompass the normal modes of operation and failure events and
demonstrate correct functionality of the system in accordance with the Employers
Requirements. The tests shall be fully documented.
c) Commissioning
Commissioning shall be carried out on complete Works where every item of equipment
shall be individually tested and then collectively to form an integrated system.

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Instrumentation, Control & Automation (ICA) Design

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Plant and Equipment to be provided

This section describes the ICA Plant to be provided by the Contractor and specifies the
particular requirements for the Works not covered elsewhere in the Contract.
The Plant to be provided for the Site shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) ICA panels complete with all accessories
(b) flow monitoring equipment for all main process streams including wastewater inflow
and treated wastewater outflow etc.
(c) quality, sampling and monitoring equipment
(d) level monitoring equipment
(e) process control equipment
(f) pressure measuring equipment.
(g) Measurement for gas and power generation
(h) Measurement for sludge management system
In addition, the Contractor shall provide all other monitoring equipment required for the
full functional and safe operation and maintenance of the Works.
All PLCs and four wire monitoring equipment shall operate at 240 V, 50 Hz. Two wire
monitoring equipment shall operate at 24V DC. All monitoring equipment shall be
supplied from a UPS such that monitoring of all facility conditions is maintained during a
mains power supply failure.
PLCs used in the WwTF shall be from a single manufacturer.
All Plant equipment and products containing electronics must carry a CE mark.


Drawings and information to be provided

The Contractor shall provide drawings and information which shall include but not be
limited to:

Functional design specification

Process and instrumentation diagram (P&ID)
PLC/SCADA system architecture
Input/output (I/O) list/Alarm list
SCADA system mimic screens/menu
Manufacturers catalogues and data sheets.
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Cable and Junction box schedule
Instrument hook up drawings
Loop schematics and interconnection wiring diagram
Instrument data sheet, Instrument test and calibration report
Instrument operation and maintenance manual
Complete project documentation with operation and control Philosophy
Final documentation and manuals
As built drawings.

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Control Room ICA Panels

13.3.1 General
All instrument control panels shall be free-standing, floor-mounted cabinets of the cubicle,
console or desk pattern located within the respective plant buildings or in kiosks housed
in civil structural housings.
Each local plant MCC shall have an associated ICA panel. It shall include, but not be
limited to, the following equipment and facilities:

Local PLC with redundancy to CPU unit;

Human Machine Interface (HMI) key-pad (minimum 300mm) and colour display unit
Online double conversion type UPS system
Relays as required to interpose PLC I/O with plant control equipment.
Alarm annunciator panel to give local indication of failures not indicated elsewhere on
the ICA panel or corresponding MCC.
f) Pushbuttons, signal lamps, selector switches and indicating instruments and all other
necessary equipment for the automatic or manual control of the Plant.
g) Monitoring instrumentation as required for the effective operation and maintenance of
the WwTF.
For the pumps, blowers, valves and penstocks the controls, signal lamps, switches and
indicators shall be mounted on the respective panel as a group for each item of Plant.
13.3.2 ICA Panels
ICA panels for the WwTF shall be located within control rooms as free standing panels or
shall be incorporated into MCCs as an integral part of the panel suite. They shall
comprise, but not be limited to, the following main items of equipment:
a) PLC system for the control and monitoring of pumps and associated rotating plant
and equipment. By means of an associated PLC keypad an operator shall have the
facility to select a variety of mimics for presentation on the PLC display unit or HMI
unit with the added facility of modifying control set points. These mimics shall include:
i) Simplified displays of plant and auxiliary equipment, with status, set-point, flow
and level indications displays of blowers, pumps and associated plant, with status,
set-point and variable value indication.
ii) A display of the duty for each pump or rotating plant item, with the facility, by use
of the PLC keypad, to manually select duty; or to select auto-duty rotation such
that the duty of each rotating Plant item is automatically changed after a preset
time has elapsed.
b) Alarm annunciator shall include those failure indications not displayed at the local
MCCs, these generally shall include high/low alarm for sump, forebay level,
Motor/Pump winding/bearing temperature, pump pressure, failure of level instrument,
pump trip alarm etc.
c) Process monitoring equipment shall include:
i) Treated wastewater quality monitors
The 4-20mA output from these monitoring and analytical instruments shall be
transmitted to the PLC to provide control and process monitoring on the SCADA
ii) Pitot tube & DP Cells, flow measurement.
Located within the air pipelines the 4-20mA outputs shall be transmitted to the
PLC to provide control functions.

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iii) Ultrasonic flow monitoring.
The 4-20mA output from each flow monitor shall be transmitted to the PLC to
provide process monitoring on the SCADA system.
iv) Electromagnetic flow monitoring
The 4-20mA output from each flow monitor shall be transmitted to the PLC to
provide process monitoring on the SCADA system.
v) Pressure monitoring
The 4-20mA output from each pressure sensor shall be transmitted to the PLC to
provide process monitoring on the SCADA system
vi) Temperature monitors.
The 4-20mA outputs from these temperature monitors shall be transmitted to the
PLC to provide plant control and process monitoring on the SCADA system.
vii) Position switches, or linear position transmitters.
The digital, or 4-20mA, outputs from these devices shall be transmitted to the
PLC to provide process monitoring on the SCADA system.
viii) Ultrasonic/radar level monitors located within sumps, chambers and tanks. The
4-20mA output from each level monitor shall be transmitted to the PLC to provide
a control function.
ix) Conductivity Electrodes and float switches
For sumps, chambers and tanks, high level alarm annunciation.
x) Pressure gauges with minimum 100mm dia. gauge size, switches, sensors and
transducers associated with Plant operation and monitoring.
xi) All other instrumentation required for the full and safe functional operation of the


HV / LV Substation PLC System

The Contractor shall provide a separate PLC system within a new HV/LV panel room
and substation. The PLC system shall collect all those signals associated with the HV/LV
distribution switchgear, generator and transformer for controlling, monitoring and display
on the associated SCADA system. The PLC system shall operate from a 240V, 50Hz
supply fed from an associated UPS with a secondary supply available from the local
distribution board in the event of a UPS failure.


Surge Protection Devices for Electronic Equipment

Surge protection devices (SPDs) shall be suitable for withstanding the surge arising from
high energy static discharges and lightning strikes and protect the instruments to which
they are connected. SPDs shall be passive and shall require negligible power for operation.
SPDs shall be provided to protect devices transmitting and receiving analogue and
digital signals from outdoor field devices.
The surge protection devices shall comply with IEC 61643.
Surge protection devices shall be provided for all field devices, data communication lines
and buried signal cabling.


Plant Control System

13.6.1 Works to be included

The Works included in this section shall comprise the design, manufacture, supply,
installation, of the Plant Control System.

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This section details the main systems and Plant together with the proposed methods of
control of the Plant installations, and shall be read in conjunction with the mechanical
and electrical Plant and measuring equipment sections of the Contract.
In addition to the supply and installation of the Plant Control System, the Contractor shall
also be responsible for testing and commissioning as detailed elsewhere in this Contract.
As an integral part of the commissioning procedure the Contractor shall ensure, and
demonstrate to the Employers Representative, that all the monitoring, instrumentation
and control systems are tuned, calibrated, regulated and adjusted to achieve optimum
control of the treatment facility process and Plant operation and that all control systems
are correctly interfaced and operating as a fully integrated system.
The Plant Control System and main items of Plant to be supplied shall include:
a) Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system hardware and software
for the wastewater treatment facility
b) Control and indication at the WwTF based on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
c) Online UPS system for each PLC and SCADA system.
All power and control cabling associated with the above Plant shall comply with
Clause 12.2 of this document.
13.6.2 Operating Philosophy
The Plant monitoring and control systems shall provide automatic operation of the
Process Plant and their associated support and subsidiary Plant, with minimum operator
13.6.3 Operation and Control
The Contractor shall supervise the wastewater treatment facility by a SCADA system
operators terminal located in the plant control room. The SCADA system shall allow real
time reporting of critical items within the treatment facility.
Within each WwTF area the individual Plant installations shall be controlled by PLCs
located within their respective local control panels/ MCC panel. These PLCs shall
communicate with each other and the SCADA system operators terminal using a
network communications system. The local PLC system shall monitor the operation and
carry out interactive control functions between the Plant and installations within its
sphere of operation. Any process safety or plant critical alarms/trips or controls shall be
hardwired between Plant installations.
Each local PLC system shall incorporate a Human Machine Interface (HMI) unit
complete with a key pad for re-setting local parameters and set points, a visual display
unit for viewing Plant status, parameters and set points.
All Plant input/outputs shall be indicated at the local PLC system HMI unit. These signals
shall subsequently be transmitted to the control rooms for processing, display and
Under abnormal operating conditions, or a control system failure, each Plant installation
shall be capable of being switched to manual control from local control panels and
associated motor control and Plant switchboards.
Automatic control sequences shall continue to operate under automatic control except
when manually selected to local, off or remote on the control panel.
Where a dedicated PLC control system is incorporated in a Plant control panel then the
PLC equipment shall utilise the same protocol/language as the SCADA system. However,
if the Contractor proposes to use individual Plant control systems with a different

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protocol/language the valid user certificates for the control panel to SCADA system
protocol conversion shall be submitted to the Employers Representative for
The facility to adjust the operational parameters on any item of Plant shall be available at
the PLC and remotely at the SCADA system operators terminal.
A PLC System shall comprise a PLC, front panel mounted HMI unit necessary for the
control and monitoring of the plant for which that control panel is responsible. The direct
control of plant from the motor control switchboards shall be manual only.
The PLCs shall scan all associated I/O for transmission to the SCADA system operators
terminal. Automatic control sequences for the plant shall be carried out within the local
PLC control system; but under abnormal operating conditions, or a control system failure,
the plant shall be switched to manual control from the relevant local control panel(s) or
motor control switchboard.
The local PLC systems shall transmit all the Plant information to the SCADA system
operators terminal. The SCADA system operators terminal shall have permission to
directly control the complete Plant
Data for the SCADA system, collected from plant, equipment and instrumentation in the
WwTF, shall include the Inputs/Outputs (I/O) indicated in Appendix D Typical PLC
Input/Output (I/O) Schedule of this document, where applicable, for each item of
The monitoring data and alarms shall be uploaded automatically onto the dedicated
mimic screens and alarm management pages allocated in the SCADA system. All the
information collected and transmitted from the WwTF shall be available to view at the
WwTF SCADA system operators terminal and remotely by the Employer using the
remote viewer software over the broadband connection when required.
A programme development system shall be provided which shall be capable of
amending the system configuration and control database to incorporate future expansion
of the Works and also to take advantage of future technological developments which
may take place in the field of wastewater treatment applications software.
An inverter/battery UPS power system shall be installed in accordance with
Section 12.4.11 of this document, to maintain each PLC system in operation under a
mains failure condition.


SCADA System

13.7.1 General
The Contractor shall provide a computer based SCADA system at the WwTF to operate
in conjunction with the PLC based control system by providing a human-machine
interface at a central location within the Works which can view and control the PLCs
which run the Works. The Contractor shall supply, install, test, and commission all
necessary hardware, software and associated peripheral devices which will form part of
the SCADA system.
Normal operation of the WwTF will be fully automatic and the SCADA equipment will be
used to carry out functions such as mode control, set point adjustment, data logging and
archiving at the same time as allowing an operator to monitor the system. The SCADA
system functionality shall permit full access to all features for any part of the Site from
the operator workstation.
Full real-time viewing access to the SCADA system shall be available on the Employers
personal computer, which shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor in the offices

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of the Employer. At the Employers offices the system supplied by the Contractor shall
include a connection interface to a suitable broadband line (broadband facility shall be
provided by the Employer), a colour printer for alarms and reports, computer desk and all
necessary software for the purposes of viewing, monitoring, trending and developing of
reports. The Employer shall be able to view and download any information available to
the SCADA system at the WwTF Site. The Employers PC shall be password and
security protected and the Employer will advise the extent of information to which a
particular operator at his offices shall require access rights to. There shall be no
requirement for control functions from the Employers PC.
Data collected by SCADA system shall be capable of being transferred to office personal
computer (PC) networks via Windows Direct Data Exchange (DDE), or other equal
database exchange software. This will enable the latest data to be automatically
uploaded into Microsoft Access or Excel tables, as well as transferring it to other
proprietary software packages.
The SCADA system shall also be capable of web based reporting supporting web
access. In addition the SCADA system shall be openly compatible allowing integration of
other SCADA systems.
13.7.2 SCADA System Functions
The SCADA system shall carry out or assist the following actions:

Indicate status of all main or important motors and drives;

Indicate status of all actuated valves, bellmouths and actuators;
Display the status of devices in graphical format (i.e. running, stopped, fault etc.);
Display all analogue values measured by instruments;
Annunciate alarms associated with the area of the Plant concerned including details
of the time the alarm occurred;
Carry out totalisation of flows;
Provide facilities for the operator to:
o acknowledge alarms;
o view a journal of unacknowledged alarms;
o view a journal of acknowledged alarms;
o display and select the duty drive of duty/standby drive pairs;
o adjust and display process set points.
Carry out real time and historic trending of analogue values;
Carry out data archiving of all analogue values;
Prepare daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports;
Display a total running hours log of main or important drives.

13.7.3 SCADA System Operators Terminal Hardware

The Contractor shall provide the following hardware for the SCADA system operators
terminal at the WwTF:
A minimum of four computers with SCADA system as

Engineering Station
Historian Station
SCADA screen 1
SCADA Screen 2.

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The computer equipment to be supplied and installed by the Contractor shall comprise:

Computer having the following minimum specification:

o Latest industry standard PC
o 32 LED colour monitor
o Latest industry standard PC graphics card
o Internal Storage: 2 TB (Raid 5 configuration)
o Latest industry standard DVD/Blue Ray RW disk drive
o Latest industry standard licensed Windows software
o Latest industry standard licensed Microsoft Office software
o Latest licensed anti-virus software
o Keyboard, mouse, etc.
o Ethernet network card
A laser printer with A4 and A3 black & white and colour capacity and supplies as
The computer hardware and software shall be new and be approved by the
Employers Representative before purchase by the Contractor.
Backing up shall be carried out daily by the Contractor. A copy of the back-up data
shall be provided to the Employers Representative.

The hardware and software shall be replaced by up-to-date technology in accordance

with the Contractors Maintenance Management Plan.
13.7.4 SCADA System Employers Personal Computer Hardware
The Contractor shall provide the following hardware and equipment at the offices of the

1 no. computer of the following minimum specification:

o Latest industry standard PC
o 32 LED colour monitor
o Latest industry standard PC graphics card
o Internal Storage: 2 TB (Raid 5 configuration)
o Latest industry standard DVD/Blue Ray RW disk drive
o Latest industry standard licensed Windows software
o Latest industry standard licensed Microsoft Office software
o Latest licensed anti-virus software
o Keyboard, mouse, etc.
o Ethernet network card
o Communications interface router for connection to broadband connection
provided by the Employer.
A laser printer with A4 and A3 black & white and colour capacity and supplies as
The computer hardware and software shall be new and be subject to approval by the
Employers Representative before purchase by the Contractor.

13.7.5 Furniture
The Contractor shall provide desks and furniture to house the computers, printers, UPS
and associated peripherals and equipment and 4 no. operators chairs for the control

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In addition the Contractor shall provide desks and furniture to house the computers,
printers, UPS and associated peripherals and equipment to house the Employers PC
and associated equipment and install the furniture at the offices of the Employer.
13.7.6 SCADA System Software
The Contractor shall provide a proprietary software package for the SCADA system
which has a proven track record internationally in the water industry and which is
acceptable to the Employer. Using this software the Contractor shall provide a fully
programmed and configured system which shall include the following system functions:


Clear language menus for operator interface

Password access for features on operators panel.
Help facility for functions and alarms etc.
Alarm annunciation and printing etc.
Status monitoring of Plant
Analogue signal monitoring of Plant and instrument parameters
User programmable software to allow operators to construct programmes for plant
Integrated control utilising proportional, integral and derivative control techniques
Auto power up of plant after a power failure.
Logging of status or value of system points at regular time intervals or change of
state and storing of this information/data
Data analysis and report preparation utilising proprietary spread sheet packages.

Process Monitoring
In order that the performance of the Works may be effectively monitored, wastewater,
sludge, and other process parameters are required to be analysed by on-site


The Contractor shall provide instruments to measure all variables shown on the process
and instrumentation diagrams for the Works. Instruments shall be of an approved &
suitable for working in sewage treatment plant environment. They should be from a
reputed manufacturer and be supplied with manufacturers calibration certificate.

13.10 Testing and Commissioning

Equipment shall not be delivered to Site unless an inspection has been carried out or
waived in writing by the Employers Representative. Tests shall be organised to
represent the installed condition as closely as possible and shall include the following:
a) Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs)
These tests shall provide documented evidence that system under test meets the
functional and performance requirements of the Employers Requirements and
functional design specification (FDS).
b) Site Acceptance Tests (SATs)
These tests shall encompass the normal modes of operation and failure events and
demonstrate correct functionality of the system in accordance with the Employers
Requirements. The tests shall be fully documented.

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c) Commissioning
Commissioning shall be carried out on complete Works where every item of
equipment shall be individually tested and then collectively to form an integrated

13.11 Auto Dialer System

The Contractor shall provide an Auto Dialer system in addition to the SCADA system.
From the Auto Dialer facility it shall be possible to send an SMS to the relevant
operators/engineers whose mobile numbers are set in the system.
As a minimum a Short Message Service (SMS) shall be sent if the following events occur:
a) Failure of pump-motor set i.e. Motor stops during operation or fails to start after
receiving START command;
b) Gas level of a particular area detected above the limit which is dangerous for
c) Failure of sensors or field instruments detected;
d) Emergency event i.e. unplanned overflow or bypass, fire detection, smoke detection.

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Civil Design

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This section of the Employer's Requirements sets out the particular requirements for the
civil engineering and building works and site services at the WwTF Site required by the
Contract unless stated otherwise elsewhere in the Contract. Section 10.1.3 of the
Employer's Requirements also sets out site restrictions which affect the civil design of
the works.

14.1.1 Design Requirements

In designing the Works the Contractor shall comply with the following requirements:


The Works shall utilise a minimum area, within the Site, consistent with safe and
reliable operation and maintenance;
Means of access and egress for personnel above and below ground shall comply
with safe and reliable procedures and all Indian regulations;
ensure the design is consistent with relevant national and local legislation, guidelines
and policies;
all pipelines, ducts, mains and services shall be provided with flexible joints able to
accommodate the differential movement that may occur between buildings and the
surrounding soil;
All pipelines, ducts, mains and services shall be provided with surface access
chambers (including pipeline puddle flanges, dismantling couplings or adapters and
rocker pipes) at bends over 30 degrees and at all connections including valves and
Buildings shall be designed in accordance with the current edition of the National
Building Code of India / relevant latest editions of IS codes/ any other latest
standards, codes, IRCs etc.
All process flow chambers shall have minimum 2m dimension as the smallest
All walkways , stairways and platforms shall have 1m clear spacing between the

Site Works
Also refer to Section 2. Site works consists of:


Demolition of all existing unused structures (above ground & to a depth of 1m below
finished ground level)
Road works, grading, landscaping, etc. as required to prepare for the new works.
Provision of temporary roads, grading, etc. as required to construct the new works.
Provision of final grading, new site road works with under base(s) and asphalt
topping suitable for heavy duty truck load condition.

All buildings shall be designed to withstand loads from; wind loads, earth pressures,
seismic loads, water pressures, surcharges due to temporary or permanent conditions;
dead load and imposed load in combination to comply with the relevant design codes
and standards.

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Wind loadings on structures shall be calculated in accordance with IS: 875 (Part 3).
The effects of air temperatures and fluctuations in air temperature shall be taken into
account in the designs.
Earth and water pressures shall be determined by the Contractor and shall take into
account the prevailing site conditions and the proposed construction methods.
The Contractors attention is drawn to the fact that the ground water table has been
recorded in close proximity to the existing ground levels. Geotechnical investigations
may not reflect this fact as they may have been carried out in dry weather. Water
retaining structures shall be designed and constructed for uplift based on the external
ground water table at ground level and the structure empty. Uplift shall be resisted by
dead weight with a factor of safety of 1.1. Ground anchors and pressure relief valves as
a means of dealing with uplift are not permissible. Structures shall also be designed to
resist full internal water pressure with no external water pressure or earth pressure.
The possibility and consequences of explosions shall be investigated during HAZOP
studies and the design shall take account of this risk.
Surcharge loads adjacent to basement walls of not less than 10 kN/m2 shall be allowed
for in addition to fill loads. The Contractor shall further design for any surcharges
exceeding this figure occasioned by his proposed method of construction or operation.
Dead loads shall be assessed by the Contractor using the proposed sizes and material
Loads from overhead cranes comprise dead loads from crane bridges, gantry beams
and hoists, live loads based on crane safe working loads and an allowance for dynamic
effects. These loads shall be factored using the appropriate load factors.
Similarly plant dead and live loads shall be assessed including an allowance for pipe
thrusts and dynamic effects in the design of base slabs and roof slabs. Plant loading
shall not be taken into account in determining the factor of safety against flotation.
All loads used in the design, including those of mechanical and electrical plant shall be
clearly indicated in the design calculations, which are to be included within the
Contractors Documents.


Earthworks, Ground Improvements and Foundations

The new works is to be constructed on the site of two of the existing lagoons and a
redundant section of outfall channel.
Geotechnical information relating to the ground conditions in the lagoons and outfall
channel is included in the Background Information.
In summary, the lagoons and outfall channel are situated over a layer of some 1.2 m to
1.5 m of marine clay which is of poor bearing capacity and will settle significantly when
loaded. The marine clay overlies grey fractured basalt. As a consequence it is
considered that the probable optimum solution for foundations for the works built on the
lagoons and outfall channel area will be as follows:

Prior to any construction work being carried out the lagoons and outfall channel will
have to be drained and sludge will have to be removed and disposed of. Sludge will
have to be dewatered prior to disposal off-site. Prior to draining the outfall channel
the redundant section will have to be isolated from the remaining section which will
continue to receive effluent from the two active lagoons;
All structures will have to be piled with the pile length sufficient to bear upon the
underlying weathered rock as a minimum. Depending on loading the piles may have
to be extended to bear upon un-weathered rock;

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The overall area of the lagoons and outfall channel will have to be treated so as to
limit settlement of the new works. The preferred approach is to install band drains
over the whole area to accelerate the migration of water from the marine clay as it is
loaded. Calculations indicate that if band drains are installed on a grid at 1.5m
intervals and the lagoon is then filled with suitable material (graded stone compacted
in layers) then 50% of the estimated settlement would be achieved in 2 months and
90% in 8 months.

The probable construction sequence is as follows:

1. Empty lagoons of water by pumping into the operating lagoons (discharge point, rate
of flow, pre-treatment requirements to be agreed in advance with MCGM).
2. Dam off the live section of outfall channel and dewater the redundant section by
pumping into the operating lagoons (discharge point, rate of flow, pre-treatment
requirements to be agreed in advance with MCGM).
3. Remove sludge layer from base of lagoons and outfall channel to the original base level.
4. Removed sludge to be dewatered and taken off-site for disposal at an approved
location. Centrate from dewatering to be discharged into the existing lagoons
(discharge point, rate of flow, pre-treatment requirements to be agreed in advance
with MCGM).
5. Layer of graded compacted stone (say 300mm 500mm thickness) to be placed in
the base of the lagoons to give a working platform/surface for piling rigs and band
drain rigs.
6. Band drain installation to commence immediately. To carry out work in a reasonable
time several rigs will be required.
7. Piling installation could commence as soon as access is possible for piling rigs. All
structures shall be on piled foundations.
8. On completion of installation of the band drains the lagoons to be filled with graded
stone compacted in layers to FGL.
9. Potentially pre-load the lagoons and outfall area with additional fill to accelerate
settlement. If this approach is adopted then the pre-load will have to be removed
once the target settlement is achieved.
10. Construction of piled structures could commence as soon as pile installation is
11. Construction of non-piled works (for example pipelines in between structures) will not
be able to start until settlement is well advanced (i.e. after 8 months).
12. All service connections to structures (pipes, cables, ducts) will have to allow for any
projected differential settlement.
The above is indicative of one possible approach to the Works.
The Contractor is wholly responsible for developing his approach to constructing the
foundations for structures, filling the lagoons and outfall channel to FGL, and dealing with
any related issues such as differential settlement. The Contractor remains fully liable for
the selection, design, construction and performance of the ground improvement
measures he adopts.
Prior to commencing earthworks and foundation works whether as described above or
using different techniques, the Contractor shall submit the geotechnical interpretive
report, calculations for earthworks and foundations as required by Clause 4.4.2 and a
detailed construction method statement and programme relating to this work as required
by Clause 4.5.

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Wastewater Treatment Structures

All wastewater treatment structures (process tanks, channels, chambers, etc.) and
foundations are to be constructed of cast-in-place reinforced concrete.
All interior faces of walls, exposed roofs of structures of above and below grade and
exterior surfaces above finished grade shall have a smooth form finish in accordance
with ACI 301 Surface Finish 3.0 (SF-3):

Patch voids larger than 1/2 inch wide or 1/2 inch deep.
Remove projections larger than 1/8 inch.
Patch tie holes.
Provide surface tolerance Class A in accordance with ACI 117.

All exterior walls below finished grade and other surfaces shall have an unworked finish
free from substantial voids, honeycombing or other large blemishes, unless otherwise
The external visible surfaces shall be painted.
All wastewater treatment structures (process tanks, channels, chambers, etc.) are to be
water tight without leaks.
The cement and chemical materials to be utilized in the concrete make-up are to be
suitable for final use with wastewater and its potential aggressive conditions.
All wastewater retaining structure wall and slab thicknesses are to be designed to suit
the load conditions, geographical conditions, geotechnical conditions and in any case not
be less than 300 mm in thickness.
Where a wastewater process tank is an integral part of an adjoining dry structure, the
interior of the dry structure must be protected by water proofing the interior surface area
of the process tank wall/slab adjacent to that dry structure to a distance of 2 m beyond
the limits of the adjoining dry area. The waterproofing shall be as specified in Vol. 2A,
Section 21.2.2 (v) for Service Condition D.


Administration Facilities
This section of the Employers Requirements sets out the minimum requirements for
administration facilities to be provided in the administration building at the WwTF Site by
the Contractor.
In designing the Works the Contractor shall provide the following minimum facilities in
the administration building:
Shared Facilities
i) Lobby area 30m2 (suitable for a lobby area and receptionist desk);
ii) Laboratory/sample storage room: 100m2 equipped with work countertop surfaces,
sample fridge, lab-oven (& exhaust fan), cupboards (high & low), sinks, sample
storage area, etc. The Employers Representative will specify the fit-out of this room
during the Design-Build Period and a Provisional Sum will be used to price this;
iii) Visitors Information Centre 120m2. The Employers Representative will specify the
fit-out of this room during the Design-Build Period and a Provisional Sum will be used
to price this;
iv) Meeting/Presentation room 30m2. The Employers Representative will specify the fitout of this room during the Design-Build Period and a Provisional Sum will be used to
price this;

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v) Mess/Amenity/Canteen room 70m2 equipped with sink, countertop surfaces, and
eating area including tables and chairs for 20 persons;
vi) Shower/toilet/changing/locker facilities for male at 25m2 and female at 12m2.
Another washroom facility shall be provided in another building on the opposite side of
the site at 9m2.
For the sole use of the Contractor:

Office Nr.1 > 15m2 for the Operation Service Period of the Contract

For the sole use of the Employer or Employers support staff:


Office Nr.2 > 15m2 for the Operation Service Period of the Contract, equipped with
PC and the office equipment specified for operational phase of Works;

ii) Double Office Nr.3 >20m2 for the Operation Service Period of the Contract, equipped
with the PCs and office equipment specified for the operational phase of Works.
The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the operation and maintenance of all of
these facilities including those provided for the Employers sole use and the Shared
facilities throughout the Contract period.


Building works and Finishes

14.7.1 Architectural Design

Externally the buildings shall be visually aesthetically pleasing demonstrating a high
quality and sensitivity to the local setting. However the design shall also be up-to-date
and comply with the current international philosophy of design, and maintain clean and
simple lines. The Contractors attention is drawn to the architectural renderings provided
in the volume entitled Background Information. The Contractor shall ensure that a similar
high standard of architectural and landscaping is provided in his design.
The design approach for buildings and structures shall be to achieve a safe, functional
and durable facility. Materials and their colours for external surfaces shall be selected for
their visual qualities and proven durability to withstand all the local climatic conditions
likely to be experienced, ease of maintenance and reasonable cost. The civil engineering
and building works design shall provide working conditions and facilities entirely suitable
for the Works, that are conducive to its efficient operation and to ensure that
maintenance during the life of the Works is minimised.
Local materials shall be used when possible with regards to quality and reasonable cost.
Effective methods of rainwater disposal shall be provided so that no roof or overhang
water is left to run down the face of the building. Effective drip stops shall be
incorporated in all overhanging elements.
The Contractor shall allow in his design for the climatic conditions and the high humidity
in some of the processes involved. In this respect, the Contractor shall endeavour
through his design to minimise energy consumption by improving system efficiencies,
insulation, draught stripping, humidity control, heat recovery and controls.
14.7.2 Materials
The design and selection of Materials for all buildings shall be guided by the need to
ensure that various elements have long, trouble free operational lives and that the
requirements for building maintenance are reduced to a minimum.

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Steelwork: Internal steelwork shall have a protection system in line with the
requirements of ISO 12944. The protection system shall be suitable for a frequently
damp and wet interior and shall have a life to first maintenance of 15 years or more.
External steelwork shall be either stainless steel, aluminium or have a protection system
with a life to first maintenance of 10 years or more.
All galvanising shall be undertaken after the manufacture of the steelwork.
Tanks: Steel tanks shall be glass coated or stainless steel and shall be suitable for an
aggressive internal atmosphere and the containment of sludge.
Windows: Where provided windows shall be consistent with ensuring maximum security.
Floors: Floor slabs shall be designed to cater for plant loading, together with basic floor
live loading.
Suspended floor slabs shall, in addition to the above, be designed to carry all dead loads,
including the ceiling loads, floor finishes etc as applicable.
Ground slabs shall be cast in situ concrete with a minimum thickness of 300 mm.
Doors: All external personnel doors shall be heavy duty and security duty.
Roller shutter and roller panel doors shall be electrically operated and of aluminium
construction with plastic / protective coating.
14.7.3 Internal Finishes
Internally the buildings shall be functional but smart in appearance and based on a
colour co-ordinated design to include all Plant and Materials.
The Contractor shall ensure that all areas of walls, floors and ceilings are provided with
protective finishes suitable for normal operating conditions with a minimum durability of
10 years to first maintenance unless otherwise stated. When selecting Materials the
Contractor shall consider the environment in which it is to be used, the substances to
which it is to be exposed and the need to protect any equipment installed in the vicinity.
The Contractor shall ensure that the Materials selected provide a safe working
environment for the operations staff and are in accordance with all relevant health and
safety regulations.
In all areas where any liquid or sludge spillage may occur the Contractor shall ensure
that the floor is screeded and finished to provide drainage into the nearest suitable Site
drainage collection system. The Contractor shall also seal the screed to prevent liquids
percolating through to the structural concrete beneath. The Contractor shall ensure that
the Materials provide a non-slip surface under all conditions.
Areas subject to washdown or splashing shall be protected to a suitable height with
ceramic tiles or proprietary epoxy coating and be designed to prevent water retention in
the building fabric.
Detailing shall allow for ease of replacement of panels that might become damaged and
hidden structural panels shall be adequately protected.
14.7.4 General requirements for Areas to be Finished
The following are the minimum standards for finishes:

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Table 14.1 Schedule of Internal Finishes
Mess /
amenity area

Plaster with
wipe down



Ceramic tile

Glazed non slip

floor tiles

Wipe down
paint finish or
wipe down

Fair faced
reception area block work with
/control rooms a wipe down
paint finish

PVC floor

Wipe down
paint finish or
wipe down

PVC skirting

Store rooms/
Switch room/

Fair faced
block work with
a wipe down
paint finish

Power floated
concrete or
screed with anti

Wipe down
paint finish or
wipe down

None required

process areas

Fair faced
block work, fair
concrete finish
or glazed tiles
to one metre
above water
level in
proximity to
process units

Steel float
finish laid to
falls as
with antidusting surface

Self finished
profiled metal
lining sheets

Ceramic tiles
to one metre
above the top
of all process
units in splash

process areas,
areas, sludge
areas and
process areas
subject to

Two part epoxy

resin with non
slip aggregate
(3 mm in
thickness) up to
300mm height
from floor level.

Two part epoxy

resin with non
slip aggregate
(3 mm in

Toilets /sinks /

plastic spray
generally and
ceramic tiles to
cubicles and
sink surrounds

Ceramic tiles

ceiling to
wipe down

Ceramic tile

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access areas




Sealed screed
to protect
integrity of
floors, slabs to
be protected in
the event of oil,
petrol or

14.7.5 External Finishes of Buildings

The external finishes of the administration, pumping stations and other buildings shall
have as a minimum either:


aluminium curtain walling; or

plastered/rendered finish which shall be painted.

External Works
Roads and footpaths shall be suitable for their intended use and shall have at least the
design standards set out in the general technical specifications and the following
requirements. The requirements of this Section shall override those of the general
technical specifications in the event of a conflict.

14.8.1 Treatment Facility Roads and Hard standing Areas

Geometric design of roads, junctions, turning circles etc. shall be in accordance with the
national guidelines. They shall be designed to provide an adequate number of lay-bys,
turning areas, parking spaces, etc. to enable sludge tankers, sludge cake lorries,
chemical delivery wagons and other vehicles to discharge or pick up without causing
obstructions to others. Hardstanding areas for skips shall be of concrete construction.
Junction radii shall be a minimum of 10m.
Carriageway widths shall be adequate to accommodate all vehicles required to operate
and maintain the Works and shall provide adequate manoeuvrability in accordance with
accepted guidelines. Generally this shall be a minimum of 5m width, but shall be 6m
width for roads utilised by sludge vehicles, chemical delivery trucks etc. All internal roads
shall have adequate turning circles at bends and junctions so as to allow easy vehicular
movement of the type and size of vehicles and loads anticipated to use the site.
Road drainage shall be provided. The roads shall be laid to falls and have adequate
capacity to be free draining. Roads shall be sealed and paved in order to prevent soil
Off road parking shall be provided for operational staff cars, maintenance vehicles etc.
as determined by the Contractor but with a minimum space for at least 6 vehicles at the
treatment facility. The Contractor shall also provide parking and turning capability for one
coach and for 6 visitors cars at the treatment facility.
Footpaths of minimum 1.5m width shall be provided around all buildings, tanks and
chambers and to all areas where equipment is provided.

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14.8.2 Gates, Fencing and Watchtowers
Permanent fencing and gates to the Site shall be provided to the areas as shown on
Drg. No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-002 in Volume 2D.
The Contractor shall construct new permanent anti-intruder palisade fences of minimum
height 2.75 m around the whole of the Site to delineate the Site from all other areas.
The Contractor shall construct an appropriate new guardhouse and access gate with
appropriate facilities for two guardsmen.
Security measures shall include a minimum of four elevated watchtowers. The
watchtowers shall be positioned to maximise visual coverage of the site and minimise
any blind spots.
The working platform shall be at least 15m above the ground. Access may be by ladder
or stairway. They shall include shading for personnel using the towers. They shall be
equipped with:


Telephone linked to the guardhouse and security control room;

CCTV camera linked to the centralised security system and in accordance with
Clause 12.4.10.

Site Drainage
Landscape and unpaved areas shall be finished and graded such that there are no
undrained low spots or areas liable to ponding. Surface water will be directed to a
drainage system, not to the waste water stream.
Surface water from the access road and treatment facility area shall be drained to a
drainage system and not to the wastewater stream. The Contractor shall ensure that only
uncontaminated surface water can drain to the surface water system. Surface water pipe
work shall be designed by the Contractor using a rainfall intensity of 100mm/hr with no
surcharging of any pipe work. The Contractor shall obtain consent from the Storm Water
and Drain Department for the discharge of the storm water.
All road and hard standing areas with potential for contamination, wash waters and
works drainage, shall be contained and returned upstream of the preliminary treatment
works and downstream of the inlet flow measurement.

14.10 Services to the Site

14.10.1 General
The Contractor shall be responsible for provision of all services necessary for the Design
Build and Operation Service of the Works. For clarity, the Contractor shall be responsible
for the connection and continued provision of all necessary services (electricity, water,
telecommunications, etc.) to the Site for the Design-Build Period, including
commissioning, and for the provision of the Operation Service. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the payment of all such service providers for such services for the entire
Contract Period. The Contractor shall not assume that any connection can be made from
the existing services being provided to the site.
The Contractor shall advise the Employers Representative in writing of all arrangements
made with the public or private utilities and provide copies of all correspondence
between themselves. The Contractor shall give the Employers Representative adequate
notice of all meetings with the utility representatives so that the Employers
Representative may attend. The Contractor shall minute all such meetings and provide
the Employers Representative with copies.

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Procedures shall be developed to cater for planned maintenance and for emergency
failure of services, such that the performance standards are still met even in the event of
such outages.
The Contractor shall determine on Site the exact position of all existing services that may
affect or be affected by the Works prior to carrying out his design. He shall submit all
details gathered to the Employers Representative.
14.10.2 Electricity Supply Cable Ducts
The Contractor shall provide the electricity supply to the treatment facility Site in
accordance with Section 12.1.3, which shall follow the route of the main entrance to the
Site and shall be underground in suitably sized ducts. Any new supply shall be
underground within the Site and shall be in suitably sized ducts. The minimum duct size
shall be 150mm diameter. The route of the electricity supply shall be agreed between the
Employers Representative, supply authority, planning authority, and Contractor. Where
a looped supply or two supplies are proposed they shall be kept separated by a
minimum 2,500mm.
The Contractor shall provide a means to connect an emergency source of power
sufficient to operate the facility's essential service during a complete power failure of the
electricity supplies and shall also facilitate the use of the power generated from bio-gas
to be utilised. The Contractor designs must demonstrate how this is to be achieved. The
facility shall be capable of safe shut down of all non-essential services and of safe startup upon restoration of power. The Contractor shall develop procedures and demonstrate
how these would be carried out in a safe manner.
The Contractor shall research the reliability of the power supplies and the plant through
which it is supplied to the Works and demonstrate that the emergency power source will
work for the duration of a power supply shutdown such that all of the water quality
standards are met.
The Contractor will meet all of the supply authority charges relating to the Site from the
Commencement Date.
Supply to the Employers staff quarters shall be maintained at all times whether the
supply runs through the Contractors work site or common/shared access.
14.10.3 Potable Water
The Contractor shall provide a potable water supply to the Site. Where existing public
water mains are believed to be present this information is contained in the Background
Information. Wherever possible, the supply to the WwTF Site shall be brought along the
verge of the access road or entranceway to the Site. The pipe shall be sized for the flow
The Contractor shall be billed at Industrial water rates. The Contractor is encouraged to
minimise clean water usage at the facility.
14.10.4 Telephone Supply
The Contractor shall provide a suitable number and specification of telephone cables.
The route of the telephone cables shall follow the line of the access road.
14.10.5 Spare Ducting
The Contractor shall provide two spare 150 mm dia ducts along the route of the access road
to the Site, with draw pits suitably spaced for the drawing of control cables in the future.

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14.10.6 Water Supply for Fire-Fighting
The Contractor shall supply suitable firefighting facilities to meet the requirements of the
Chief Fire Officer, MCGM. The facilities shall use Tertiary Treated Effluent from a fire
water storage tank and comprise:

at least one electrical and one diesel and one jockey pump set,
a pressurised ring main,

14.11 Reinforced Concrete

Reinforced concrete shall comply with Section 17 of Volume 2A, General Civil
Due to the severity of exposure of the site (sea water, high chlorides, high sulphates),
the Contractor shall design suitable concrete mixes for the exposures anticipated.
However, the Contractors mix designs shall meet. the following minimum concrete
specification for all liquid retaining structures, structures in contact with water (including
groundwater), superstructures of all buildings and tanks, load bearing members and
Table 14.2 Minimum concrete requirements
Minimum Grade of Concrete:


Cementitious Materials:

Portland Slag Cement (with GGBS

content of 30%) as per IS455

Minimum Cementitious Content (kg/m3):


Maximum Water Cement Ratio:


Minimum nominal cover to reinforcement

50 mm

Maximum Shrinkage Rate:


Super Plasticiser shall be provided where necessary to ensure necessary workability and
wet curing is required.
The following are the minimum grades of concrete which may be used for particular nonstructural application:

M 20: Pavements
M 15: Plinth protection work, Mud mat below foundations, plinth beams, drains,
trenches, pits etc.

Reinforcing bars shall be of minimum grade Fe 500 D Corrosion Resistant Steel (CRS)
conforming to IS 1786.
The design of RCC structures shall be carried out by the ultimate limit state or the
working stress method as per the provisions of IS 456. Concrete exposure shall be
considered as severe for the purposes of the depth of cover to reinforcement.
Concrete tanks and other liquid retaining structures shall be designed either as uncracked sections in accordance with the recommendation of IS 3370 or using limit state
design for reinforced concrete in accordance with IS 3370 with a design crack width of
0.1mm. The design must also take into account cracking due to shrinkage, the amount,
size and spacing of reinforcement must be adequate for strength and serviceability for

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shrinkage effects.
RCC walls shall include reinforcement on both faces for sections of 200mm or more,
even if not required from a structural design consideration.
All concrete in liquid retaining structures shall include cement additives conforming to
IS: 9103 to ensure a dense and watertight finished structure.
The following minimum structural thicknesses shall be used:
Table 14.3 Minimum section thicknesses

Minimum Thickness

Suspended RCC floors / slabs / walkways

300 mm

Ground slab-on-grade

300 mm

Water retaining slabs/ walls

300 mm

Cable/ pipe trenches/ underground pits and base slabs

100 mm

All footings and raft foundations

300 mm


100 mm


75 mm (at edge)

Pre-cast louvers

50 mm

Pre-cast trench cover slabs / floor slabs

75 mm


150 mm

Basement walls and base slab

300 mm

From the fire resistance perspective, the minimum thickness of reinforced concrete
members will be as per Figure 1 or Table 16A of IS 456.
Note that these are the general minimum thicknesses employed. Structural elements
shall be designed in accordance with the loads to be imposed.
All steel reinforcement shall be Fe 500 D CRS. All steel shall be procured from original
producers who manufacture billets from iron ores and rolled the billets to produce steel
confirming to IS 1786. No re-rolled material shall be accepted. If instructed by the
Employers Representative, the Contractor shall submit the manufacturers test
certificates for the steel. Random tests on steel supplied by the Contractor may be
performed by the Employer as per relevant Indian Standards. Each steel bar shall be
identified by the number duly moulded on the bar itself.

14.12 Liners to Concrete Material

Due to the potential for H2S corrosion in the wastewater containing structures, all
concrete surfaces above the minimum working liquid level in the following structures
shall be lined with HDPE / Polyurea / Epoxy coat when formed:

All covered manholes / chambers

Inlet Chamber
Preliminary treatment processes
Primary settlement tanks
Anoxic zone of aeration tanks
Sludge storage tanks
Primary Digesters
Mixing chambers where possible chemical use might include any of the ferric/ferrous
iron salts.

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14.13 Design Requirements for Concrete
The following are the design requirements for all reinforced or plain concrete structures:
All blinding and levelling concrete shall be a minimum 100 mm thick in concrete grade
In general, reinforcement for buildings and sewage treatment units shall be HYSD-CRS
(Corrosion Resistant Steel) of Grade Fe 500D. All physical and chemical properties of
this Fe 500D grade steel shall conform to IS: 1786-2008. Welded wire fabric shall
conform to IS: 1566 as shown or specified on the drawing. The CRS (corrosion resistant
steel) index shall be at least 1.35 when tested for Salt Spray test as per ASTM B 117
2009 test procedure for 120 hours when compared with the Fe 500D normal
reinforcement bars and with same bar diameter. All test results (including physical and
chemical properties and salt spray tests) have to be produced for the respective bar
diameter for each consignment of steel delivered at site and at a frequency of every 20
Metric Tons.
Minimum cover of reinforcement.
in Raft Foundation: 75 mm (Bottom), 50 mm (Side & Top) Liquid retaining structures
shall be as follows unless stated otherwise:
Walls - Face in contact with earth: 60 mm Walls - Face in contact with Water: 60 mm
Base Slab in contact with Water: 60 mm Base Slab in contact with Soil: 60 mm
Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455 having minimum 65% slag content should be
considered for the entire plant.

14.14 Design Philosophy

Following are the details are to be included in the general design philosophy;

Design philosophy for Liquid Retaining Structures with various boundary conditions
as applicable
Design philosophy for buildings
Design philosophy for all structures

Design philosophy shall include material properties (grade, strength, unit weight etc.),
development lengths, lap/splice lengths, Anchorage lengths under tension and
compression, clear cover, water proofing specifications, legend used etc.
Reinforcement detail showing the development length at Column/Footing intersection,
Column and Roof beam intersections, Walls and Base slab intersections; Walls and
cover slab intersections
Detailing of the reinforcement for columns, beams, beam/column intersection,
footing/column intersection, and Slabs as per relevant code provisions/requirements
depending upon the assumptions made in the design as applicable.
Reinforcement detail for cut-outs in slabs and walls with maximum size of cut-outs
Reinforcement detail at top of RCC trench walls showing edge/seating angles
Pouring sequence of concrete and standard details for construction joints, expansion
joints, contraction joints, etc.
Details of Manholes to be placed in the tank
Design Loadings
All buildings and structures shall be designed to resist the worst combination of the
following loads/stresses under test and working conditions; these include dead load, live

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load, wind load, seismic load, stresses due to temperature changes, shrinkage and
creep in materials, and dynamic loads:
Dead Load
This shall comprise all permanent construction including walls, floors, roofs, partitions,
stairways, fixed service equipment and other items of machinery. In estimating the loads
of process equipment all fixtures and attached piping shall be included, but excluding
contents, shall be considered.
Dead loads shall be in general as per I.S. 875 Part (I). However, the following minimum
loads shall be considered in design of structures:
Table 14.4 Material densities
: 10 kN/m3


Weight of water


Weight of soil (irrespective of strata

available at site and type of soil used for
filling etc). However, for checking stability
against uplift, actual weight of soil as
determined by field test shall be considered : 20.00 kN/m3


Weight of concrete

: 24.00 kN/m3


Weight of reinforced concrete

: 25.00 kN/m3


Weight of Brickwork(exclusive of plaster)

20.00 N/m2 per mm thickness of



Weight of Solid Concrete Block work

(exclusive of plaster)

24.00 N/m2 per mm thickness of

block work


Weight of plaster to masonry surface

: 18.00 N/m2 per mm thickness


Weight of granolithic terrazzo finish or

rendering screed, etc.

: 24.00 N/m2 per mm thickness


Weight of MS chequered plates

78.5 N/m2 per mm thickness of


Live Load
Live Load (LL) shall include the superimposed loads due to the use/occupancy of the
structure/building not including dead, wind or earthquake load. Live loads shall be in
general as per I.S. 875 Part (II). However, the following minimum live loads shall be
considered in the design of structures:
i) Live load on roofs: 1.50 kN/m2
ii) Live load on floors supporting Equipment such as pumps, valves, Blowers,
Compressors etc.: 10.00 kN/m2
iii) Live load on all other floors walkways, stairways and platforms: 5.00 kN/m2 (iv) Live
load on Toilet areas: 2.00 kN/m2
iv) Live load Surcharge for Structures (Retaining walls):1.2 m Height of soil.
In the absence of any suitable provisions for live loads in BIS Codes or as given above
for any particular type of floor or structure, assumptions made must receive the approval
of the Engineer prior to starting the design work. Apart from the specified live loads or
any other load due to material stored, any other equipment load or possible overloading
during maintenance or erection/construction shall be considered and shall be partial or
full whichever causes the most critical condition.

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Wind Load
Wind loads shall be as per I.S. 875 Part (III).
Earthquake Load
Seismic forces shall be as per I.S. 1893.
Dynamic Load
Dynamic loads due to working of plant items such as pumps, blowers, compressors,
switch gears, travelling cranes, etc. shall be considered in the design of structures.
Vehicular Wheel Load
For any structure or pipeline below the roads, Class A loading of IRC 6 shall be

Movement joints such as expansion joints, complete contraction joints, partial

contraction joints and sliding joints shall be designed to suit the structure. However,
contraction joints shall be provided at specified locations spaced not more than 7.5 m
in both right angle directions for walls and rafts.
Expansion joints of suitable gap at suitable intervals not more than 30 m shall be
provided in walls, floors and roof slabs of liquid retaining structures.
Construction joints shall be provided at right angles to the general direction of the
member. The locations of construction joints shall be decided on convenience of
construction. To avoid segregation of concrete in walls, horizontal construction joints
are normally to be provided at every 2 m height. PVC water stops of 150 mm width
shall be used for walls and 230 mm width for base slabs.

14.15 Detailed Design Calculations & Submission

Complete detailed design calculations of foundations and superstructure together with
general arrangement drawings and explanatory sketches shall be submitted by the
Contractor to the Engineer. Separate design calculations for foundations or
superstructures submitted independent of each other shall be deemed to be incomplete
and will not be accepted by the Engineer.

One (1) Copy of a Compact Disc (CD) containing electronic files relevant to the
structures modelling, analysis and design calculations (Microsoft Excel, Staad Pro,
etc.). Files submitted shall be in editable format.
Print copy (6 Copies) of the contents as submitted in the Compact Disc.
Good for Construction Drawings
One (1) Copy of a Compact Disc (CD) containing AutoCAD files (Civil General
Arrangement, Structural Dimensions and Reinforcement Details) pertaining to the
structure. Files submitted shall be in editable format.
Print copy (6 Copies) of the contents as submitted in the Compact Disc. Prints to be
submitted on A1 Size Sheet as a minimum or A0 Size Sheet when required by the
Bar-bending schedule indicating the number, shape and size of the rebars shall be
submitted as part of the Reinforcement Details
Detailed drawing showing the location, number and depth of inserts shall be included
for any structural steel inserts/Metal inserts in the structure such as rungs, bolted
connections for ladders/railings, etc.
Location of Construction Joints and pour sequence shall be included on the drawing
for base slabs, walls and top slabs.

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Revised drawings shall be submitted by clouding at the location with the latest
revision number and also show the history of revisions in a table format just above
the title block.
The design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum basic
requirements of plain and reinforced concrete structures, masonry structures and
structural steel works. However, any particular structure shall be designed for the
satisfactory performance of the functions for which the same is being constructed.
The Contractor shall also take care to check the stability of partly completed

14.16 Design Criteria for Underground Liquid Retaining Structures

All underground or partly underground liquid containing structures shall be designed for
the following conditions:

Liquid depth up to full height of wall: no relief due to soil pressure from outside to be
Structure empty (i.e., empty of liquid, any material, etc.): full earth pressure and
surcharge pressure wherever applicable, to be considered
If water table exists, earth pressure to be considered for submerged soil conditions
with reference to the geotechnical recommendation
Partition wall between dry sump and wet sump: to be designed for full liquid depth up
to full height of wall
Partition wall between two compartments: to be designed as one compartment empty
and other full

Structures shall be designed for uplift in empty conditions with the water table as
indicated in geotechnical report and minimum factor of 1.2 shall be ensured against uplift
or floatation, by considering 0.9 times the characteristic dead load
Walls shall be designed under operating conditions to resist earthquake forces from
earth pressure mobilization and dynamic water loads (Hydrodynamic Impulsive Pressure)
For general retaining walls and large sized tanks where the walls are designed as
retaining walls, sliding check shall also be performed along with over turning checks
Overturning: The stability of a structure as a whole against overturning shall be ensured
so that the restoring moment shall be not less than the sum of 1.2 times the maximum
overturning moment due to the characteristic dead load and 1.4 times the maximum
overturning moment due to the characteristic imposed loads. In cases where dead load
provides the restoring moment, only 0.9 times the characteristic dead load shall be
considered. Restoring moment due to imposed loads shall be ignored.
Sliding: The structure shall have a factor against sliding of not less than 1.4 under the
most adverse combination of the applied characteristic forces. In this case only 0.9 times
the characteristic dead load shall be taken into account.
As a design consideration to control crack, though general requirements of IS 3370 :
2009 & (Annexure F) IS: 456- 2000 shall be followed, All liquid retaining structures shall
be designed based on the serviceability crack width limit state (i.e. 0.1 mm crack width)
and other limit state requirements also to ensure an adequate degree of safety and
In case of Large and Deep Underground Tanks such as Wet Wells, the analysis can be
carried by Finite Element Method using STAAD.Pro V8i or any other equivalent software
predominantly used and accepted in the industry.

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14.17 Foundations
The minimum depth of foundations for all structures, equipment, buildings and frame
foundations and load bearing walls shall be as per IS 1904 but in any case this shall not
be less than 1.0 meter in the original soil.
Maximum safe bearing capacity of soil strata shall be taken as determined by the
Contractor through his own independent investigations. Geotechnical reports of
proposed STP sites covered under the contract are provided with the Bid Documents. It
may be used by Contractor as part of, in addition to, or in lieu of such investigations at
his own risk.
Care shall be taken to avoid the foundations of adjacent buildings or structure
foundations, either existing or not within the scope of this Contract. Suitable adjustments
in depth, location and sizes may have to be made depending on site conditions. No extra
claims for such adjustments shall be accepted by the Employer.
Special attention is drawn to danger of uplift being caused by the ground water table. All
underground structural slabs shall be designed for uplift forces due to ground water
EGL (Existing ground level) and FGL (Finished ground level) shall be marked on all
drawings showing foundation/sub-structure details and related design documents.
Machine/static equipment foundations shall be separated from adjoining parts of
buildings, other foundations and floor/pavement slabs. Joints at floor/pavement slabs
shall be suitably sealed.
Foundations and structures for machines subject to vibrations shall be so proportioned
that the amplitude and frequency of the foundation/structure are within the permissible
limits as per relevant BIS codes (or as required by the machine vendor).
Machine foundations shall be designed and detailed as per IS: 2974. All appendages to
such foundations shall be reinforced suitably to ensure integral action.
Foundations for plant structures in Swampy/Waterlogged areas, for lightly & medium
loaded structures and relevant Ground Improvements shall be considered in compliance
with the relevant Geotechnical Investigation Report recommendations as applicable.
Also to enlist the services of an experienced & specialized agency for all related design
aspects considerations, equipment specifications, and implementation methodology, etc.,
as an advice for the same.

14.18 Design Requirements

Reinforcement bars and structural steel to be procured only from Primary steel
producers with Integrated Steel such as TATA/SAIL/RINL/JSW using iron ore as the
basic raw material and having in-house iron making facilities followed by production of
liquid steel and crude steel with in-house rolling, adopting BF-BOF route or DRI-EAF
technology as per Ministry of Steel guidelines. No Re-rolled material/secondary steel will
be accepted or allowed for any structural works.
Only those firms are eligible who are primary steel producer and should have integrated
steel plant in single premises.
Certificate issued by ministry of steel of primary steel producer and integrated steel plant
having infrastructure in single premises for producing sponge iron, billet and TMT
reinforcement bars using iron ore as base material.
The steel manufacturing company should have latest ISO accreditation for Quality
Management System.

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The minimum amount of reinforcement in each of the two directions at right angles within
each surface zone should be provided as per clause 8.1 of IS 3370 (Part 2):2009.
Definition of surface zones is clearly shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of IS 3370 (Part 2):
2009. For slabs, minimum of 10 mm dia bars shall be used to avoid any deformation of
lesser diameter bars under loads prior to construction.
All buildings shall have a minimum 1 meter wide, 100 mm thick plinth protection paving
in M15 grade concrete or stone slabs/tiles. All plinth protection shall be supported on well
compacted strata.
All pipes and ducts laid below the structural plinth and road works shall be surrounded
with concrete of grade M15 having minimum 150 mm thick concrete or D/4 (D = outer dia.
of pipe) thickness whichever is more.
Use of pressure relief valves to reduce uplift pressure due to ground water table shall not
be allowed.
Detailing of the reinforcement shall be considered as per latest Indian code of practices
and special publications as applicable.
Sliding layer or slip layer shall be provided between sub base and structural slab (Raft).
Polythene sheets of 500 microns shall be provided as sliding layer as per IS specification.
Water tightness testing of water retaining structures shall be done in accordance with IS:
3370, (Part I) - 2009. It is described in Clause 10.22 of this document. The depth of
water for testing shall be up to the soffit of the covering slab.
Materials and workmanship shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards (with
amendments) current on the date of submission of the tender.
Where the relevant standard provides for the furnishing of a certificate to the Engineer, at
his request, stating that the materials supplied comply in all respects with the standard,
the Contractor shall obtain the certificate and forward it to the Engineer.
The specifications, standards and codes listed below are considered to be part of this
All standards, specifications, codes of practices referred to herein shall be the latest
editions including all applicable official amendments and revisions.
In case of discrepancy between the Specification and the Standards referred to herein,
the Specification shall govern.
General Arrangement of Plant
The following general guidelines shall be followed in the preparation of general
arrangement of Plant:
Sufficient room shall be allowed between items of plant and adjacent Plant or fixed
structures to permit safe and convenient access for operation and maintenance
An area adjacent to all mechanical Plant shall be provided as maintenance lay down
fixed runways, lifting eyes or other means shall be provided to permit the removal of
Plant that may be required to be removed during the course of its normal operational life
for maintenance or any other purpose;
areas where leakage is likely to occur whether in normal use or during maintenance shall
be provided with covered drainage channels which shall direct spillage either to a
suitable plant drain or to a sump from where it can be pumped to plant drain.

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The works shall be laid out within the confines of the Site in order to interface to the
existing infrastructure of roadways and inlet and outlet pipe work. Underground services
requiring to be relocated in order to accommodate the proposed site layout shall, with the
approval of the Engineer, be relocated by the Contractor.

14.19 Buildings and Structures

All the building and structure works shall generally comply with the following Employers
Requirements unless otherwise specified elsewhere:
All external walls shall be in solid cement concrete blocks of concrete grade M15 and
shall be provided as per IS: 2185 (Latest Revision) and shall be 200 mm thick.
All internal partition walls shall be in solid cement concrete blocks of concrete grade M15
and shall be provided as per IS: 2185 (Latest Revision). All internal walls shall be
200mm thick except for toilets. Toilet partition walls shall be in 100 mm thick solid
concrete block.
Finishes to concrete liquid retaining structures shall be:
F1 - External surfaces, buried
F2 - External surfaces exposed and up to 300 mm below ground level
F2 - Internal surfaces
Finishes to other concrete structures shall be:
F1 - Buried
F1 - Exposed, where plastering is specified
F2 - Exposed
All internal masonry and ceiling surfaces finish shall have 12 mm thick plain faced
cement plaster in cement mortar (1:4) with neat cement finish on top. Over this, one coat
of primer and two coats of plastic emulsion paint of approved quality and shade shall be
All external masonry and concrete with rough board finish shall have 20 mm thick sand
faced cement plaster in two coats, base coat 12 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 and
finishing coat 8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4. Waterproofing compound of approved
make and quality shall be added to the cement mortar in proportions as specified by the
All external surfaces above ground level shall have one coat of primer and two coats of
waterproof cement based paint of approved quality and shade. A coat of silicone water
repellent paint shall also be applied thereon. Toilet areas, walls and ceilings, shall have
one coat of primer and two coats of plastic emulsion paint.
All staircases shall have 25 mm thick chequered mosaic tiles for treads and 25 mm thick
plain mosaic tiles for risers of approved make and shade and half tile skirting set in
cement mortar in 1:4 to give an overall thickness of 50 mm. All concrete stairs shall have
aluminium nosing over 2 mm thick rubber strip of width same as nosing for the full length
of the tread. Nosing shall be fixed with countersunk screws.
Stairways shall be provided to permit access between different levels within buildings.
Staircase shall be minimum 1200mm wide, minimum Tread = 250 mm, maximum Riser =
175 mm and maximum 15 number of steps per flight unless specified otherwise.
Staircases in general shall not be steeper than 40. Staircases having space constraints
may be steeper than 400. The maximum vertical run for a single flight of stairs shall be
3.0 M.

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All roof tops and overhead tanks shall be made accessible with ladder provision. Vertical
step ladders fitted with landing point extensions will be permitted where considered
appropriate by the Engineer to access areas not frequently visited.
Steel staircases shall be constructed of standard channel stringers with M.S. grating
treads 25mm thick with non skid nosing. Steel Ladders shall be minimum 600mm wide
and shall not exceed 6m of straight run. The ladders shall be painted with epoxy paint.
All hand railing shall be provided with Stainless steel SS-304(Schedule 40) with pipe
diameter 50. The minimum height of hand railing shall be 1.2m and maximum spacing of
verticals shall be 1.2 m. Number of horizontal rails shall be 3 (1 top, 1 intermediate and 1
bottom) with a 100 x 6 toe plate at the bottom.
Building plinth shall be minimum 450 mm above average finished ground level around
building or high flood level whichever is more.
All concrete channels and ducts used for conveying liquid shall have inside finish of type
F2. The width of concrete channels shall not be less than 500 mm. All open channels
shall be provided with hand railings (3-rail) or concrete walls to a minimum height of 1 m
from the access surface elevation. All concrete surfaces of structures conveying raw
sewage or primary effluent upstream of the aeration tanks shall be protected from
corrosion with a proposed HDPE resin internal lining.
Kerbs to be provided below the hand railing on the catwalks/pathways should be as per
relevant sections of Factory Act. It shall not be less than 150mm.
All exposed surfaces of inserts embedded in concrete shall be painted with two coats of
enamel paint over one coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer. Surfaces in contact with
concrete shall not be painted.
All structural steel members shall be painted with two coats of enamel paint over one
shop and one field coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer.
All rooms in the treatment plant buildings shall be provided with appropriate sign boards
indicating the function of the rooms involved written in Marathi, Hindi and English
The design of buildings shall reflect the climatic conditions existing on site. Process
buildings shall as far as is possible permit the entry of natural light, and the use of glazed
paneling shall be kept to a minimum and preference given to wall openings protected by
weather canopies.
Emergency exit doorways shall be provided from all buildings in order to comply with
local and international regulations .Stairways and paved areas shall be provided at the
exit points.
All the walkways shall have minimum 1 m width and shall be covered with mosaic tiles.
All concrete structures in contact with sewage and/or sludge upstream of the Aeration
Basins shall be provided with full interior corrosion protection linings and/or coatings of
appropriate material and thickness to be approved by MCGM. This also applies to all
concrete structures in contact with any type of sewage sludge anywhere in the plant. For
Aeration Basins, interior lining shall extend from the top of wall down to 1.0 meter below
the lowest operating water level.

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Construction Activities

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The Site
The existing treatment facility boundary, the Site boundaries, and other relevant
structures or areas are shown on the Contract drawings in Volume 2D.
The Contractor shall take possession of the Site on the Commencement Date and shall
be responsible for the Site.
The Site consists of an area to the south-east of the existing preliminary treatment
facilities and Lagoons No. 1 and 2.The Site also includes a separate access route which
shall be constructed by the Contractor as the existing entrance shall not be made
available to the Contractor. The Contractor shall note the presence of overhead power
lines along this route.
The existing preliminary treatment works and associated buildings, control rooms, etc.
and Lagoons No. 3 and 4 are not within the Site being provided to the Contractor and
shall not be available for the Contractors use.
The Contractor shall be responsible for flows and pipelines from the connection point of
the new 1,500 mm dia. rising main to the existing rising main at the point identified in
Drg. No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-003 in Volume 2D, to the new discharge bay discharging
into the outfall channel.
The Employer shall operate the existing preliminary treatment units and two of the
aerated lagoons and associated services until the date determined by the Contractor in
his programme. This is further discussed in Section 3.2 of the Employers Requirements.


Possession of the Site

A condition survey of the Site and its environs shall be carried out by the Contractor prior
to commencement of any works. This shall include the condition of roads, structures,
facilities, lands, plants and trees that may be affected by the Works including the
structure and grounds of existing treatment infrastructure and associated manholes and
chambers. The surveys shall include the taking of record colour photographs covering all
the areas at the Site.
Before bringing any equipment on to the Site the Contractor shall submit to the
Employers Representative one set of prints (minimum size 150 x 100mm) from the
record photographs and a written record of the pre-commencement survey. Each
photograph shall be uniquely numbered and the area covered by each photograph
identified on plans or by written narrative. The Contractor shall confirm in writing to the
Employers Representative that the survey is a true and accurate record of the condition
of the inspected areas.
The Contractor shall not use the Site for any purpose other than carrying out the work
required under this Contract, no persons shall reside on the Site and no animals shall be
allowed on the Site.


Access to the Site

Access to the Site will only be permitted through the existing access road shown on
Drg. No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-001 in Volume 2D. This public access road does not form
part of the Site.

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Environmental Mitigation during Construction

15.4.1 Protection of Environment

The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the
Site and to avoid damage or nuisance to persons or to property of the public or others
resulting from pollution, noise or other causes arising as a consequence of his methods
of construction, operation and for demolishing existing structures.
During the contract, the Contractor and his Subcontractors shall abide at all times by all
existing enactments on environmental protection and rules made there under,
regulations, notifications and bye-Laws of the state or central government, and any other
Law, bye-Law, regulations that may be passed or notification that may be issued in this
respect in future by the state or central government.
Principal environmental regulations include but are not limited to:
Table 15.1 Environmental regulations

Environmental Regulations


The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution Act) Amendments, 1988


The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Rules


The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act, Amendment 1992


The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Rules


The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, Amendments, 1987

1982/1983 The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Rules


The Environment (Protection) Act, Amendments

(1989, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001)
The Environment (Protection) fourth Amendment Rules 2008


The Environmental (Protection) Rules


E (P) Act Notification Environment Statement


E (P) Act Notification Environmental Clearance EIA Notification 2009


Amendments in the Environment Clearance, EIA Notification Public

Hearing made mandatory


The Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, Amendments,

2000 and 2003


Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules,

Amendments, 1989, 2000


The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991


The National Environment Tribunal Act


Prohibition on the Handling of Azodyes


The National Environment Appellate Authority Act


The Bio-Medical Waste (Management &Handling), Rules


Notification for making 100% Utilization of Fly-ash made mandatory,

Amendments 2003


Municipal Solid Waste (Management &Handling) Rules


Ozone Depleting Substance (Regulation &Control) Rules


Regulation on recycling of Waste Oil and Non-ferrous scrape

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Environmental Regulations


The Noise Pollution Regulations and Control Rules


Batteries (Management &Handling) Rules

15.4.2 Removal of Waste

All material shall be disposed of in accordance with national regulations. Burning of
debris is not permitted on the Site.
15.4.3 Working Hours
The Site normal working hours shall be as stated in the Contract Data. Working on Site
by personnel outside these hours in special circumstances may be permitted by the
Employers Representative but this shall be at his discretion and he shall have no
obligation to allow it.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any extension of Time for Completion of DesignBuild or any additional costs as a result of not being allowed to work outside normal
working hours.
Irrespective of working hours, piling operations, drilling and percussive activities and any
other such activities shall not be permitted between 18:00 hours and 09:00 hours.
Irrespective of working hours, there shall be no movement of traffic to and from the Site
(except for cars and light vans) between 19:00hrs and 07:00hrs.
15.4.4 Noise and Vibration
The Contractor shall carry out his operations in such a manner as to minimise noise and
vibration nuisance.
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of The Noise Pollution (Regulation
and Control) Rules 2000 and all latest amendments.
The Contractor shall ensure that all his equipment used in the Contract shall be designed
to be reasonably quiet in operation and shall check the measures taken by the
manufacturers to minimise noise during operation of the equipment. The Contractor shall
ensure that all his equipment and associated platforms and connections are properly
maintained to be in efficient working order and reasonably quiet in operation for the full
duration of the Works. The Contractor shall fit effective silencers to machine exhausts
and adopt such other means as may be necessary to reduce noise to acceptable levels.
Machines in intermittent use shall be shut down when not in use, or throttled back to a
minimum. The Contractor shall remove from the Site any items of Contractors
equipment which are, in the opinion of the Employers Representative ineffectively
All compressors, pumps and mechanical static plant
properly designed acoustic covers, or screens, to
These covers shall be kept closed whenever the
pneumatic percussion tools shall be fitted with
recommended by the manufacturer.

shall be low noise models fitted with

reduce noise to acceptable levels.
machines are in use. All ancillary
mufflers or silencers of the type

The Contractor shall organise his operations with regard to the positioning of plant and
the location of haul routes, etc. to minimise construction noise to adjacent properties.
The Contractor shall also maintain vegetation at construction sites to reduce air pollution
and noise levels.

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He shall further employ the best practical means to minimise noise produced by his
The Contractor shall ensure that the sound levels arising from his activities during
construction do not exceed the following values when measured at the Site boundary:
Table 15.2 Noise limits


dB(A) Leq
(1 hr)

dB(A) Leq
(15 min )

dB(A) Leq

All days of week







At all other times*

* When the existing ambient noise levels are higher than the limits shown in the table,
the ambient noise levels may be exceeded by 5 dB(A).
If so ordered by the Employers Representative, the Contractor shall take measurements
of background noise and noise attributable to his operations. Measurements and
analyses shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 1996, Acoustics Description and
Measurement of Environmental Noise.
In addition, noise emitted between 18.00hrs and 09.00hrs shall be free from tonal or
impulse qualities and pile driving or drilling shall not be permitted during these hours.
The Contractor shall carry out the Works in such a manner as to limit vibration at
adjacent properties and at the works, due to his construction activities, to an acceptable
If required by the Employers Representative the Contractor shall carry out vibration
monitoring at adjacent properties.
Vibration caused by construction plant to be limited to the recommended values.
Table 15.3 Vibration limits
Allowable vibration (in terms of peak particle velocity) at the closest part of any
sensitive property to the source of vibration, at a frequency of
Less than 10 Hz

10 to 50 Hz

50 to 100 Hz (and above)

3 mm/s

3 to 8 mm/s

8 to 10 mm/s

15.4.5 Transport of Plant and Materials

The Contractor shall abide by all national regulations and Laws governing the transport
of goods and materials including the classification, packaging and labelling regulations,
whether transport is by land or by sea.
Where lightweight material is transported the Contractor shall ensure vehicles are
adequately covered and loads trimmed if necessary to prevent spillage on to the public
15.4.6 Traffic Management
The Contractor shall develop and agree a traffic management plan with the Employers
Representative and the police to mitigate the effects of construction traffic on traffic in the
locality of the Site.
Where traffic flows on public roads will be affected the Contractor shall provide sufficient
advance warning to the Employer and the police so that advertisements and signage can
be implemented.

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The Contractor shall plan his transportation requirements such that rush hour traffic is
not affected.
The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain suitable advance warning signs
advising of construction traffic ahead.
The Contractor shall, through regular inspection and maintenance, keep clean and
legible at all times all traffic signs lamps, barriers, cones and traffic control signals and he
shall position, reposition, cover or remove them as necessitated by the progress of the
Works, or as directed by the Employers Representative.
15.4.7 Disposal of Spoil and Waste
The Contractor shall give due consideration to the environmental benefits of re-using
excavated material.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for removal and disposal off Site of any
excavated material that is not re-used on Site. He shall be responsible for obtaining the
necessary permits, licences or other permissions required for its safe disposal in
accordance with any relevant legislation and shall produce such documentation on
request by the Employers Representative. The disposal site shall be subject to the
approval of the Employers Representative. The Contractor shall ensure that vehicles are
suitably loaded, or covered if necessary, to ensure material is not lost during transport.
15.4.8 Site Drainage and Erosion Control
Drainage of fluids from the Site including pumping from excavations and surface run off
shall be limited as far as possible by the adequate planning of construction sequences
and bunding of the working areas and the use of silt curtains and temporary ditch
soakaways. Washing down of concrete trucks, etc. shall be to designated bins for
containment and removal off Site or treatment on Site.
The discharge from dewatering pumps and surface run-off shall be disposed of in such a
manner as to avoid pollution of waters. Disposal of such discharges shall not cause
damage to roads, sewers, public or private property, work completed or in progress and
it shall not cause unnecessary interference with the use of the roadway by the public, nor
shall it constitute a health hazard.
Soil erosion shall be minimised by the re-vegetation of working areas with grass and
native species as soon as practical. The Contractor shall achieve stabilization of debris
overburden using the following methods:

Consolidation of the excavated debris and immediate transport to disposal site

Planting trees, grasses and shrubs
Provision to channelize rain water down the slope to minimise surface runoff
Slope stabilization of dumped material

15.4.9 Contaminated Materials

The Contractor shall take samples of material arising on the Site at suitable locations
and frequencies to determine whether the material is harmful to construction workers,
whether it is suitable for re-use on the Site and whether, if it is to be disposed of off-Site,
it requires special permits or licences for disposal. Adequate time shall be allowed for
analysis and interpretation of the results in advance of relevant work. Samples shall be
analysed at an accredited laboratory and the results provided to the Employers

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15.4.10 Dust/ Air Pollution
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of The Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act 1981 and all associated Rules and Notifications.
The Contractor shall take adequate measures to control the emission of dust from the
Site. Such measures shall include sprinkling of surfaces, re-vegetation and delayed
stripping of vegetative cover where practical.
The Contractor shall cover or water stockpiles and storage areas to prevent dust
pollution. The Contractor shall also cover trucks transporting construction materials to
minimise spills and shall not overload vehicles.
The Contractor shall not cause any dust nuisance to third parties or to the Employers
Representatives offices.
The Contractor shall tune and service regularly all construction and transportation
equipment in order to prevent air pollution.
15.4.11 Tidiness of the Site and Local Roads
The Contractor shall maintain the Site in tidy condition throughout the duration of the
The Contractor shall ensure that any public or private roads used by construction traffic
are not contaminated with material from the Site, by the installation and operation of a
wheel-wash facility or similar, if necessary. The Contractor shall bear the cost of keeping
clean any roads contaminated by material from the Site, and of any consequential effects
of dust arising from materials deposited on roads outside the Site.
15.4.12 Temporary Lighting
The Contractor shall install temporary lighting to assist security and safety of the Site and
its environs.
The impact of the temporary lighting on the local population shall be reduced by the use
of lanterns which prevent glare and the spread of light beyond the Site.
15.4.13 Preservation of Trees, Flora, Fauna and Artefacts
The Contractor shall protect existing trees, flora, fauna and artefacts wherever
practicable to reduce impact on the Site to a minimum.
Trees shall be retained in accordance with the Contract and any that are to be retained
shall be adequately protected to prevent damage.
15.4.14 Pollution
The Contractor shall carry out his activities to prevent nuisance or pollution of any type.
The Employers Representative and the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB)
shall be notified by the Contractor as soon as possible, in the event of a pollution incident
or of suspected pollution.


Public Liaison & Communication

The Employer intends to develop a pro-active approach with regard to liaison with the
public throughout the Design-Build Period.
The Contractor shall participate with the Employer in its endeavours to promote this

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public liaison objective. During all working hours the Contractor shall have at least one
designated person on site who is conversant in English, Hindi and Marathi.


Parking for Construction Vehicles

All construction traffic, including personal cars and vans shall park on the Site or on other
areas of land secured by the Contractor and shall be subject to approval by the
Employers Representative. No parking shall be allowed to create nuisance or hazard on
the public roads.


Contractors Temporary and Working Areas

No land outside the Site has been made available to the Contractor by the Employer.


Site Security
A temporary security fence and gates shall be erected by the Contractor to enclose the
Site, prior to the commencement of his construction activities. The security fences and
gates on the Site shall be at least 2m high and of an anti-intruder type and stock-proof.
The Contractor shall undertake special precautions to:
(i) Prevent exposure of members of the public to danger due to rough ground terrain,
excavations or stacked materials;
(ii) Prevent tampering with construction materials, site plant, machinery, site utilities, or
hazardous chemicals utilised or stored on the Site. Additional fencing shall be
required where materials or plant for incorporation into the works are being stored.
These shall be located so that they are not visible to persons outside the Site;
(iii) Prevent access to scaffoldings;
(iv) Provide security personnel at all times;
(v) Not permit any person not engaged on the site to enter the Site.


Storage of Plant and Materials

The Contractor shall ensure Plant and Materials for incorporation into the Works are
stored in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and protected from the
The Contractor shall be responsible for a proper inventory of plant and materials together
with receipts and issues and identification of same.
The Contractor shall not store or deposit any of his equipment on the Site without the
consent of the Employers Representative.
The Contractor shall ensure that no fuel or oil spillages discharge to the environment.
Temporary fuel and oil storage tanks in the Contractors compound shall be protected by
an impervious containment bund. The Contractor shall carry out daily inspections for
spillage of fuels/oils at the Site.
Stacked equipment and materials shall be protected from damage by spacers on load
distributing supports and shall be safely arranged. No metalwork shall be stored directly
on the ground.
Small items shall be held in suitable bins, boxes or racks and be clearly labelled.
Equipment and materials shall be handled and stored so that they are not subjected to
excessive stresses and so that protective coatings are not damaged.

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The Contractor shall comply with the manufacturers package and equipment markings
concerning the use and location of lifting slings, chains and hooks.
Equipment and materials shall be stored in a manner that minimises risks to the
environment and will be located away from sensitive receptors such as watercourses
and drains, where there is risk of harm through spillage, leakage or leaching of harmful

15.10 Protection against Damage

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to avoid causing any damage to
buildings, structures, roads, lands, properties, trees and other features and, during the
currency of the Contract, shall deal promptly with any complaints by owners or occupiers.
Any damage done to road surfaces outside the Site shall be restored to the Employers
Representatives satisfaction at the Contractors expense.
Where any portion of the Works is close to, across, or under any existing apparatus of
public utilities or other parties, the Contractor shall temporarily support and work around,
under or adjacent to all apparatus to avoid damage, leakage or danger and to ensure
uninterrupted operation.

15.11 Utilities and Other Services

Any information concerning existing services within the Site that has been notified to or
obtained by the Employer is contained in the Background Information. The positions are
approximate. The Contractor shall make all contact with the relevant public utilities,
service owners, land owners and other parties before commencing any excavations and
shall satisfy himself as to the exact position of existing services which may affect or be
affected by the construction of the Works.
If any information concerning the position, existence, non-existence or type of service is
found to disagree with information provided by the Employer or the relevant authority
then the Contractor shall notify the Employers Representative in writing.
The Contractor shall liaise with the relevant utility or owner of the service to determine
whether the apparatus is to be diverted, removed, or left unaffected. All work carried out
in the vicinity of services shall be such as to avoid drainage, leakage or danger and in
the case of public utilities be in accordance with their procedures and codes of practice,
copies of which can be obtained from the utility.
The Contractor shall allow for extended consultations with public utility authorities.

15.12 Archaeology
Any finds of archaeological interest such as relics of antiquity, coins, fossils or other
articles of value shall be immediately brought to the attention of the Employers
Representative for appropriate further course of action.

15.13 Setting out, Datum and Surveys

The Contractor shall be responsible for the accurate location of the Works.
Elevation and levels used for the project are linked to the Town Hall Datum (THD). The
benchmark for the project is located on the splitting chamber on the existing works as
shown on Drg. No. WwTF-BNP-TEN-LP-002.
The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of the survey details and levels
provided on the drawings in Volume 2D and shall carry out additional surveys to verify

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the same. The results shall be provided to the Employers Representative prior to work
commencing on Site.
The Contractor shall provide at the commencement of work on the Site, substantial
master temporary benchmarks at convenient positions over the Site, suitably protected
for the duration of the Contract and agree the levels of such works with the Employers
Representative. Temporary benchmarks at intermediate locations shall be provided by
the Contractor as required and agreed with the Employers Representative.
The Contractor shall establish a permanent master survey station and benchmark at a
convenient point near the Site. All levels shall be referenced to Town Hall Datum.
The Contractor shall set out the Works in accordance with the dimensions, lines and
levels shown on his construction drawings.
The contractor shall give the Employers Representative not less than 48 hours notice of
his intention to set out or give levels of any part of work so that timely arrangements may
be made for checking or issuing instructions.

15.14 Project Signs

The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain, until the Works are taken over, 2 sets
of project signs with information about the project near the Site at locations which shall
be subject to approval by the Employers Representative. The details of the signs shall
be provided by the Employers Representative and a provisional sum is included for this
The Contractor shall not undertake or allow billposting or advertising of any kind upon
the Site or on the project signs without the written consent of the Employers

15.15 Staff and Materials to Assist the Employers Representative

The Contractor shall place at the disposal of the Employers Representative, competent
general staff and chainmen at any or all times when and where required to assist in
checking the setting out, levelling or measuring of the Works or for any other purpose
during the progress of the Works together with all necessary pins, ranging rods and other
materials and apparatus. Generally the services of not more than two men will be
required at any one time to assist the Employers Representative.

15.16 Site Meetings

Monthly progress meetings shall be held at the Site. These shall be held at the
Employers Representatives office until the Site facilities are available. These shall be
chaired by the Employers Representative and attended by the Contractor and any
Subcontractor or supplier deemed necessary by the Employers Representative. The
dates for the meetings shall be determined by the Employers Representative. Minutes
shall be recorded by the Employers Representative and endorsed by the Contractor.
They shall be issued to all attendees.
Design meetings shall be held monthly until issue of the final Contractors design report
as per the Contractors Documents, and at least once every two months thereafter or as
required by the Employers Representative. They shall be held at the Site and attended
by the Contractor and his design representatives. Minutes shall be recorded by the
Contractor and endorsed by the Employers Representative. They shall be circulated to
all attendees. A schedule of convenient dates shall be agreed in advance.

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15.17 Method Statements
The Contractor shall submit general and detailed method statements.
A general method statement shall be provided 28 days prior to commencement on Site
which shall outline the procedure that the Contractor intends to employ for each element
of the construction, including a comprehensive list of plant that will be used. It shall
include the relevant sections of his environmental management programme, indicating
what measures will be employed to mitigate against environmental impact during
Detailed method statements shall be provided for each element of the Works. These
shall comprise a step by step schedule of specific operations or activities with
descriptions, dates, times and duration of each step, supported by sketches or other
detail to aid their understanding. They shall include reference to relevant legislation, and
permits and licences that have been or are required to be obtained.

15.18 Supply of Materials and Services

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for providing all Materials and services required
for the carrying out of the Works.
The Contractor shall supply/install a temporary Site electrical distribution system
including wiring. Cabling and distribution boards for power services, lighting etc. are to
be provided in a safe and efficient manner as required for his construction, Site storage
and the office areas.
Electrical welding equipment shall not be connected to the Site electricity supply and the
Contractor shall provide all necessary portable generating equipment.
The Contractor shall employ competent personnel experienced with similar equipment
and maintain the electricity supply and distribution system. An inspection certificate shall
be supplied to the Employers Representative on completion of the temporary installation.
It shall be tested and inspected at intervals of not more than 3 months and the inspection
certificates supplied to the Employers Representative.
The Contractor shall ascertain from the supplier any restrictions of supply which are
likely to impose limitations on his programme of work, such as supply of water for testing
Where a supply of water, electricity or gas is required, the Contractor may make use of
the permanent supplies once they are installed subject to the requirements of the
supplying authority but the Contractor shall be liable for all charges for the service. The
Contractor shall also be responsible for any additional facility, over and above those
specifically required for the Permanent Works that he installed to provide for his use
during construction, and any costs arising from their use by him.
All such facilities shall be removed by the Contractor on completion of construction. All
installations shall be agreed in advance with the Employers Representative.

15.19 Temporary Works

The Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative for review, drawings of
Temporary Works, including staging, fencing, formwork, piling etc. and plant at least 4
weeks prior to those items being delivered to Site. This shall include details and
calculations of any loading imposed on the Permanent Works by their use.

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The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the sufficiency, safety, adequacy and
maintenance of all Temporary Works. No review by the Employers Representative shall
relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities.

15.20 Construction Plant and Equipment

The Contractor shall be responsible for making his own arrangements for all necessary
construction plant and equipment including the supply, storage and maintenance. All
items shall be in full working order and conform to all relevant health and safety
When requested by the Employers Representative, the Contractor shall supply
information and details of the plant and equipment including its specification, history and
No review by the Employers Representative shall relieve the Contractor of any of his
responsibilities for the adequacy, safety or efficiency of his construction plant and

15.21 Smoking
Smoking shall only be permitted in designated, signed, areas.

15.22 Blasting and the use of Explosives

The Contractor shall not carry out any blasting activities on site. The Contractor shall not
be permitted to use explosives.

15.23 Contractors Accommodation and Facilities

15.23.1 Location
The Contractors temporary site offices, site huts, stores and parking areas shall be
located within the Site, consistent with the requirement for him to minimise the
environmental impact on the Site.
Immediately upon removal of the accommodation and related facilities the Contractor
shall complete landscaping and rehabilitation of the areas occupied in accordance with
the Contract.
15.23.2 Contractors Office
The Contractor shall, before commencing work, erect an office for his own use in a
position and to a standard and layout to be agreed by the Employers Representative.
The office shall be substantially built, weather-proof, well-lit and suitably furnished. It
shall be properly secure to keep safe the papers, documents and drawings handed to
the Contractor by the Employers Representative for use in carrying out the Works. The
office shall contain a letter box for the secure receipt of instructions, messages and mail
from the Employers Representative and others. The Contractor shall obtain the correct
postal address and code for the office and notify the Employers Representative
accordingly. Messages or instructions left at or sent by post to this office shall be
deemed to have been served on the Contractor. The Contractors office shall not be
removed from the Site until the Employers Representative, by notice in writing, calls
upon the Contractor to do so.
The Contractor shall provide, erect, construct, maintain and subsequently remove all
temporary messing and sanitary arrangements, stores, workshops, compounds, parking

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areas, drainage, lighting and the like, necessary for the completion of the Works for the
use of his own staff and work force plus those of his Subcontractors in accordance with
the latest legislation.
No accommodation or living quarters shall be established on the Site. The Contractor
shall not permit any person to live on the Site or any animals to be brought on to the Site,
with the exception of security personnel and guard dogs properly trained and controlled.
15.23.3 Contractors Telephone
The Contractor shall arrange for the installation of a telephone and facsimile system
connected to the terrestrial public telephone system for the use of his own staff and for
those of his Subcontractors. These services shall be located in the Contractors offices at
the WwTF Site. The Contractor shall be responsible for the task of establishing, using,
maintaining and removing the system. The Contractors Representative shall be provided
with a mobile telephone by the Contractor.
15.23.4 Sanitary Arrangements
Throughout the period of construction of the Works the Contractor shall provide, maintain
and keep clean suitable and sufficient latrines for use by his employees; he shall ensure
that his employees do not foul the Site, and shall be instructed in the proper use of the
The Contractor shall connect the latrines to sealed units suitable for disposal or to the
influent stream upstream of all treatment processes subject to agreement from the
Employers Representative.

15.24 Accommodation for the Employers Representative

The Contractor shall provide and maintain offices, fixtures and equipment services as
specified in Appendix C throughout the Design-Build Period and for a further 6 months
after issue of the Commissioning Certificate, for the exclusive use of the Employers
Representative and his staff.
All items provided shall be to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative and shall
become the property of the Contractor at the end of the Design-Build Period unless
specified otherwise.
The Employers Representatives main office shall be established on the same Site as
the Contractors Representatives main office. The accommodation shall be separate
from, and located adjacent to the Contractors accommodation and shall be clearly
marked Employers Representative. The accommodation shall be in a single storey,
single, weather-proof building which shall be of good quality and of substantial build.
The accommodation area shall be covered by hardstanding surface with macadam, and
properly drained and fenced off. A parking area shall be indicated within this area with
space for 5 cars. The parking area shall be clearly signposted.
Rooms within the office shall be divided by full height partitions, suitably insulated. Walls
and ceilings shall be lined in approved colours and the external walls shall be in an
approved colour.
Floors shall be close boarded and carpeted with industrial quality carpets, with the
exception of the messing areas where the floors shall be linoleum covered.
All doors shall be secure and lockable and 2.sets of keys provided. A doormat and boot
scraper shall be provided at each external door together with boot cleaning facilities.

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There shall be adequate natural and artificial lighting and ventilation and windows shall
be fitted with blinds. Air conditioning units shall be integrally fitted and adequate power
points provided in each room.
Emergency exits and emergency lighting shall be provided. Suitable fire extinguishers
shall be provided.
An adequate and reliable electricity supply shall be provided to each office and a potable
water supply and sanitation facilities provided to the kitchen messing area and toilets.
Rooms shall be clean and freshly decorated at the start of the Contract and the
Contractor shall clean the floors, kitchen, basins and toilets daily and windows weekly.
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and removing the electrical, water,
telephone and sanitation services. He shall be responsible for the cost of all bills and
user charges relating to their use or consumption, with the exception of the unit costs of
telephone calls made by the Employers Representative and his staff, which shall be
refunded to the Contractor from the Provisional Sum in the Schedule of Payments in
Volume 3.

15.25 Vehicles for the Employers Representative

The Contractor shall provide and maintain vehicles (including drivers) for use by the
Employers Representative during the Design-Build Period. The vehicles shall be
Mahindra Scorpio / Mahindra Xylo or similar approved by the Employers Representative
and shall not be more than 3 years old. Vehicles shall be suitable for a minimum of four
passengers and shall have air conditioning. The vehicles shall have Tourist permits and
shall be available to the Employers Representative at any time, 7 days per week. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the running and upkeep of the vehicles including
payment of taxes, insurance, licences, permits, fuel, oil, lubricants, repairs and
maintenance and shall also provide competent drivers with each vehicle. Payment shall
be made using the daily rate provided in the Schedule of Payments. The Contractor shall
note that there may be a requirement of up to 2 vehicles at the same time. Failure to
provide same shall result in penalties of Rs. 3,000/day/car.

15.26 Returns of Labour and Plant Reports

The Employers Representative will require a weekly report from the Contractor detailing
the labour and plant utilised on the works during the previous week. This report shall be
delivered to the Employers Representative at the start of each week.
The weekly report on plant shall detail the number and type of the various machines and
equipment utilised.
The weekly report on labour shall include all skilled and unskilled labour employed in the
construction of the Works and the name and grade of each operative shall be identified,
together with the normal and overtime hours worked.

15.27 Staff Welfare Management

The Contractor shall construct and maintain welfare facilities for his staff and operatives.
The Contractor shall be responsible for and provide all services to the welfare facilities
and shall ensure that all sanitation Laws, labour laws and other Laws and regulations in
force in the area are complied with. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all
necessary fencing and security to these areas.

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15.28 Site and Laboratory Testing
The Contractor shall be responsible for testing of materials at a local national or
internationally accredited laboratory and supplying the results to the Employers
Representative, who shall be afforded access to the testing facilities during normal
working hours.
All testing shall be in accordance with the Contractors quality procedures.

15.29 Daily Records

A daily record of the days activities shall be completed by the Contractor and handed to
and certified by the Employers Representative at the end of each working day. The
report shall include, as a minimum, for: work done, all labour utilised, all plant and
equipment (used/standing), weather temperature/conditions, deliveries, visitors, etc.

15.30 Inspections and Testing (except Tests on Completion of Design-Build)

15.30.1 General
This section covers the procedures, inspection, testing and recording of Plant and
Materials up to the start of Tests on Completion of Design-Build. The Employers
Requirements for Tests on Completion of Design-Build are covered in Section 17.
The Contractor shall provide a programme of tests ensuring co-ordination between tests
to minimise attendance time.
The Contractor shall provide all labour, materials, service charges and consumables as
may be required. A Provisional Sum for the Employers Representative expenses for
attendance at and during works tests and inspections at the Contractors or
manufacturers premises has been allowed in the Schedule of Payments.
The Contractor shall submit to the Employers Representative at least 21 days in
advance of the tests full details of the tests to be carried out (including the time and date
of the tests) to ensure that all requirements of the Contract including the functional
design specification requirements, have been met.
No inspection, acceptance or agreement by the Employers Representative of the Works
shall prejudice the right of the Employers Representative to reject any Plant or Material if
it subsequently fails to comply with the Contract.
15.30.2 Factory Inspection and Testing
Where practicable and unless Type Test certificates are specified, the Contractor shall
carry out works tests on all Plant before dispatch to Site or to store at the manufacturers
premises. The Contractor shall arrange for third party inspection and certification and a
provisional sum has been provided for this purpose. The third party agency shall be an
internationally reputable independent firm and shall be subject to the approval of the
Employers Representative. The Employers Representative shall be given the
opportunity to witness the tests which shall be arranged to represent the working
conditions where possible. Witness tests shall be required for all major items of Plant,
except those of a standard nature, and for other Plant and Materials as required by the
Employers Representative.
The Contractor shall carry out works tests and inspections on the all major materials
being fabricated or processes on or off Site and shall ensure that they comply with the
drawings and Employers Requirements. The Contractor shall ensure that the
manufacturers quality assurance procedures are being followed and that the programme

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is being adhered to.
The Contractor shall carry out routine and functional works tests to ensure that the item
being tested functions correctly and to demonstrate conformity with the specification. No
item of plant or materials shall be delivered to the Site without inspection and testing
having been carried out or waived in writing by the Employers Representative prior to
carrying out of any tests.
Type test certificates shall be provided to the Employers Representative before dispatch
to Site. Where such certificates are not available a letter of intent from the testing
authority shall be provided. Where no testing or inspection requirements are detailed in
the Employers Requirements or the relevant standard, a recognised trade association
standard or the manufacturers test procedure shall be applied.
Calibration certificates for instruments used for such tests shall be provided and, if
necessary, instruments shall be recalibrated before commencement of the tests.
Hardware and software testing for SCADA and PLCs at the software writers premises
and at the control panel manufacturers premises shall also be in accordance with the
details in Clause 13.10.
Other tests are detailed in the relevant sections of Employers Requirements.
For unusual bespoke or critical elements of the civil works being fabricated, painted or
tested off Site the Contractor shall provide suitably licensed and qualified inspectors to
be in full time attendance or carry out a regular visiting regime, depending on the
industry best practice.
15.30.3 Inspection and Testing during Construction of the Works
All water retaining structures shall be tested for water tightness in accordance with the
requirements of Vol 2A General Civil Specification Clause 17.18.5.
All pipelines shall be tested in accordance with Vol 2A General Civil Specification
Clause 23.10.
The Contractor shall provide all the necessary labour, materials and equipment to test
water retaining structures, and pressure and non-pressure pipelines. Water testing of
structures and pipelines shall be carried out using potable water.
Construction materials such as concrete and its constituents, structural steelwork, piles,
bitumen macadam, masonry, timber, steel grouts, sealants and all protective coatings
shall be tested in accordance with the Employers Requirements.
All Materials supplied to or as part of the Works shall be new and subject to quality
assurance inspection certification and testing to demonstrate their fitness for the purpose
Where quality assured materials are not readily available or whether compliance with
national standards or equivalent is required then the Contractor shall supply test
certificates demonstrating their compliance with the relevant specification.
15.30.4 Pre-installation Inspection
The Employers Representative shall be given the opportunity to visually inspect all items
of Plant prior to installation to ensure that no damage has occurred during storage or

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15.30.5 Safety Inspection
Prior to commencement of the Tests on Completion of Design-Build the Employers
Representative will arrange for an inspection to check that the Works comply with health
and safety regulations. This inspection will in no way relieve the Contractor of any of his
contractual responsibilities or liabilities.
15.30.6 Record Keeping
The Contractor shall keep a record of all tests and inspections including failed tests and
shall pass these records to the Employers Representative following each set of tests or
If specialist test equipment is used the Contractor shall supply associated test sheets.
Where the Contractor employs a specialist inspector the inspectors reports shall be
provided to the Employers Representative on successful completion of manufacture or
construction. Should the inspection period be in excess of one week, interim inspection
reports shall be provided on a weekly basis.

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Training of Employers Operatives by the Contractor

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Prior to Operation Service Period

The Employer will not operate the Works but he will require relevant staff to become
familiar with and capable of operating the WwTF, during the Tests on Completion of
Design-Build and the Operation Service Period, in order to adequately administer the
The Contractor shall carry out training for the following personnel to the necessary
standard to achieve such a capability:

1 no. operations manager

1 no. supervisor
2 no. facility operators
1 no. mechanical, electrical &instrumentation technician
1 no. safety officer
2 no. other

These personnel may be direct employees or subcontracted by the Employer.

The training shall be carried out at the Site and shall include but not be limited to:

Guidance on the use of the O&M manuals

Instruction on control and monitoring of the facility via SCADA and without the
SCADA functioning
Instruction on operation and maintenance of each plant item and any associated
Instruction on security, safety features and emergency procedures
Methods and means of testing and analysis
Data acquisition and reporting procedures
Asset management
Control of discharges to the environment

The Contractor shall submit the training programme and content to the Employers
Representative for approval. The training shall be provided prior to the start of the Tests
on Completion of Design-Build to the extent that the operatives are familiar with all
aspects of the Works including emergency procedures sufficient to allow the safe
conduct of the tests and related procedures to be carried out.


Prior to Contract Completion

The Contractor shall provide formal training and hands-on experience to the Employers
operators during the last twelve months of the Operation Service Period such that they
are capable of operating the Works successfully and safely at the time of Contract
Completion. The number of Employers operators to be trained shall be 50% more than
the number employed by the Contractor in the operation and maintenance of the Works.
The Contractor shall assume that the operatives are skilled in their relative disciplines
(i.e., electrician, fitter, laboratory technician, instrumentation technician, painter, stock
controllers, etc) but are unfamiliar with the Plant and Materials at the Site and, with the
exception of the process controllers and works manager, are unfamiliar with the
operation of a wastewater treatment facility.

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Tests on Completion of Design-Build

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For the purposes of this Section 17 (Tests on Completion of Design-Build) of the
Employers Requirements, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth herein:
"Activated Sludge" means a rich broth of bacteria and protozoa used in the Biological
"Biological Process" means a process for treating Influent primarily utilizing biological
"Business Day" means any Day excluding:

a Day on which MCGM is closed;
any Day which is a legal holiday in the state of Maharashtra, India; or
a Day on which financial institutions in the state of Maharashtra, India are authorized
or required by law or other action of any Governmental Instrumentality to be closed;

"Day" means a calendar day;

"Effluent" means wastewater that has been treated by or has otherwise passed through
the Works;
Effluent Specifications as specified in Section 18;
"Eligible Day" means any Day during the Plant Proving Period on which both (i) the
quality of the Influent is within the applicable load parameters specified in Appendix B1
and (ii) the Influent flow does not exceed the quantity specified in Appendix B1;
"Equipment Validation" means the tests to be performed in accordance with the
provisions of this Section of the Employers Requirements;
Hydraulic Validation Test means a test designed to demonstrate that the Works is
capable of passing the PFF in accordance with the hydraulic design of the Works;
"Influent" means all wastewater (including inflow and infiltration) that is conveyed by the
wastewater system to the Works;
"Instantaneous Flow" means the flow through a specific point at any given moment in
time typically measured in m3/s;
"Interruption" means, in the case of the Plant Proving Period, an interruption of the
treatment process;
"Liquid Proving Period" means the period consisting of 30 consecutive Eligible Days
during which tests to be performed are undertaken in accordance with the provisions of
this Section of the Employers Requirements;
"Liquid Proving Period Commencement Date "means the Day which is 30 (thirty) days
after the Contractor has submitted the Liquid Proving Period Plan, all activities required
to be completed prior to completion of Commissioning have been so completed, the
Works has been successfully Commissioned and the Commissioning report submitted by
the Contractor is accepted by the Employers Representative;
"Mechanical Dewatering" means dewatering (reducing water content) of Sludge using
filter belt processes or centrifuges;
"Minimum Influent Quantity" means a certain minimum Influent Quantity per Day
(i) contemplated by the Test Requirements and Procedures and (ii) used for the

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purposes of confirming that the Works performs in accordance with the performance
"Plant Proving Period" means both (i) the Liquid Proving Period and (ii) the Sludge
Proving Period;
"Process Commissioning" means the tests to be performed in accordance with the
provisions of this Section of the Employers Requirements including without limitation
(i) process testing of equipment and ancillary systems under actual operating conditions
with at least the Minimum Influent Quantity and (ii) development and testing of a stable
Biological Process with available Influent to produce Compliant Effluent;
Sludge means a mixture of solids and water produced during the collection and
treatment of Influent;
"Sludge Proving Period" means the period consisting of 20 consecutive Eligible Days
during which the Sludge produced by the Works is tested and analysed in accordance
with the provisions of this Section of the Employers Requirements;
"Sludge Proving Period Commencement Date" means the Day advised by the Contractor
on which sufficient Sludge is being continuously produced and is available for dewatering
for the purposes of the Sludge Proving Period;
"Sludge Specifications" are specified in Section 18;
"SOTR Test" means the Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate Test as carried out on-site in
the actual bioreactor generally in accordance with the American Society for Civil
Engineers "Standard Measurement for Oxygen Transfer to Clean Water" Second Edition
June 1992 or other equivalent European or internationally recognised standard;
"Test Requirements and Procedures" means the detailed test procedures and
requirements prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Employer prior to
commencement of testing.
Testing Plan means the plan prepared by the Contractor in accordance with this
Section of the Employers Requirements setting out all tests to be carried out, the
methodology for testing, and incorporating the Employers comments.
Testing Programme means the testing programme developed by the Contractor in
accordance with this Section of the Employers Requirements setting out a schedule for
all tests and incorporating the Employers comments.



17.2.1 Introduction
The Contractor shall be responsible for developing and implementing testing procedures
for the construction inspection, dry and wet testing, and performance and reliability
testing and capacity demonstration of the Works in accordance with this Section of the
Employers Requirements. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all supplies
required for carrying out such tests, except for Influent for Commissioning and testing
purposes which shall be supplied by the Employer.
All tests shall be conducted in accordance with internationally recognized standards and
procedures agreed between the Parties as part of the Test Requirements and
The performance of the tests shall include inspection and performance tests of all
structures, pipelines, equipment, systems and processes under actual operating
conditions, including operation of all equipment, systems and processes in both manual
and automated modes.

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During the performance of the tests the Contractor shall have suitably qualified and
experienced technicians as required to ensure that all requirements are fulfilled.
17.2.2 Testing Plan & Programme
At least 180 (one hundred and eighty) Days prior to the proposed commencement of any
testing required by the Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer, in writing a
Testing Plan including all relevant Test Requirements and Procedures relating to the
Works and a proposed Testing Programme.
The Employer shall have a period of 45 (forty five) Days after receipt of the Testing Plan
and Programme to submit any comments including requesting that the Contractor
conduct additional tests which in the opinion of the Employer should be carried out to
prove that the Works has been designed and constructed and is capable of being
operated according to the design, performance and operation requirements specified
and is capable of attaining the requirements of this Section of the Employers
Requirements. The Contractor shall accommodate any such comments into the Testing
Plan and Programme.
The Testing Plan and Programme shall include as a minimum test requirements,
procedures and a detailed schedule relating to:

Testing of pipelines;
Testing of water retaining structures;
Factory inspections and testing;
Equipment Validation;
SOTR test;
Process Commissioning;
Hydraulic Validation test; and
Plant Proving Period.

Upon successful completion of the testing of the Works contemplated by this Section of
the Employers Requirements, the Contractor shall be permitted to submit to the
Employer, for the Employers approval, the Commissioning Certificate for the Works.
17.2.3 Influent for Commissioning and Plant Proving Period
Influent for Commissioning and for the Plant Proving Period shall be supplied by the
Employer. The Contractor shall propose the profile of Influent flows required for
Commissioning and for the Plant Proving Period and shall propose a Minimum Influent
Quantity to be used during the Plant Proving Period which shall not be less 18,500 m3/d.
The Employer shall have a period of 20 (twenty) Business Days to submit any comments
on such proposals and the Contractor shall comply with all such comments.
17.2.4 Disposal of Non-Compliant Effluent
During Testing and Commissioning it may be necessary to discharge partially treated
effluent to the outfall. The Contractor shall make reasonable endeavours to minimize the
quantity of effluent so discharged.
17.2.5 Test Schedule and Right to Witness Inspections and Tests
In connection with the Test Requirements and Procedures, the Contractor shall
periodically update the detailed testing and inspection programme. The Contractor shall
promptly, and, in any event, at least 10 (ten) Business Days prior to the commencement
of any applicable testing provide the Employer with a copy of such programme and any

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updates issued with respect thereto.
The Employer and/or its Representative shall have the right to have representatives
present during inspections and tests of major equipment and systems of the Works in the
factory and on-site during construction. The presence of the Employer during any
inspection or test shall not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility for supplying the
equipment or systems in accordance with the Contractors Programme.
17.2.6 Factory Tests/Inspections
Selected items of equipment identified jointly by the Contractor and the Employer,
including major pumps, aeration blowers, dewatering units, switchboards and items of
critical plant must be tested or inspected at the manufacturer's factory before dispatch to
Site. The Employers Representative (if it elects to participate) will travel to the
manufacturer's factory where such identified equipment will be run on a test rig set up to
simulate the defined operating parameters for the equipment under test. The tests will be
witnessed by the Employers Representative (if it elects to participate).
Certain pieces of equipment which are not possible to test operate at the manufacturer's
factory, in particular electrical switchboards, shall be inspected at the manufacturer's
factory to ensure they conform to the specifications before delivery to the Site.


Equipment Validation

17.3.1 General
Equipment Validation shall be for the purpose of proving the operational performance
and reliability of key pieces of equipment and ancillary systems that comprise the Plant
identified by the Contractor in the Test Requirements and Procedures. The Equipment
Validation includes as described in more detail below (i) pre-commissioning (on-site)
testing and (ii) hydrostatic validation, in each case, for the pieces of equipment identified
in the Test Procedures and Requirements. Such testing shall be undertaken, in
accordance with this Section of the Employers Requirements, upon delivery and
installation of each such piece of equipment to ascertain the mechanical, electrical,
electronic and structural fitness and reliability, as appropriate. The tests shall, as
appropriate, include hydraulic leakage testing of the equipment prior to installation,
confirmation that installation of such equipment is in accordance with manufacturers'
recommendations, pressurized testing of the system pipelines and a visual inspection of
all installed equipment.
During the Works Equipment Validation tests the Contractor shall demonstrate that each
applicable piece of equipment and related system achieves the applicable Technical
17.3.2 Pre-Commissioning (On-Site) Testing
Immediately upon arrival at the Site, all equipment shall be inspected by the Contractor
and the Employer's Representative (if it elects to participate) in order to determine
whether any part of the equipment may have been damaged during transit. The
equipment shall be installed by the Contractor without delay whenever possible. If the
equipment cannot be installed immediately, it must be stored by the Contractor under
appropriate conditions.
Upon installation, all equipment shall be subjected to the pre-commissioning testing
established in the Test Procedures and Requirements.

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17.3.3 Test Reports for Equipment Validation
Within 10 (ten) Days after the completion of any particular Equipment Validation test, the
Contractor shall compile and provide to the Employers Representative a final test report
summarizing the results of such test, including all information reasonably necessary to
evaluate the applicable results. The Employers Representative shall indicate in writing
within 5 (five) Business Days after receiving from the Contractor each such test report
whether it accepts or disputes that such test results are accurate. The failure of the
Employers Representative to respond within such 5 (five) Business Days period, unless
extended by mutual agreement, shall be deemed acceptance of the test report.
In the event the Employers Representative disputes the results submitted by the
Contractor, the Employers Representative may request that the Contractor repeats the
relevant test as soon as practicable thereafter.


Process Commissioning

17.4.1 General
Following the successful completion of all Equipment Validation the Process
Commissioning of the Works shall commence. The Process Commissioning shall be for
the purpose of proving the operational performance and reliability of the Works under
normal operating conditions in accordance with the Test Requirements and Procedures.
Such testing shall be undertaken in accordance with this Section of the Employers
17.4.2 Process Commissioning
During the Process Commissioning of the Works, Influent shall first be introduced so that
the Activated Sludge can be developed and brought into a stable state.
During the Process Commissioning all elements of the Works shall be operational.
During this period, it is anticipated that the Activated Sludge will take several Days to
develop into a stable steady state and that the quality of the Effluent produced at the
Works will improve gradually. Once the Effluent produced at the Works begins to achieve
the effluent specifications included in Appendix B2, the Process Commissioning will
require a further period in order for the Activated Sludge to fully stabilize. The Process
Commissioning shall be completed once the Activated Sludge has been fully stabilized.
During the Process Commissioning, the Contractor shall monitor and check all
equipment at regular intervals in accordance with the check lists established in the
Testing Plan. Process Commissioning will be successfully achieved when the Works
achieves the performance requirements set forth in Appendix B2 including, without
limitation, achievement of the Effluent Specifications under a full range of anticipated
flow conditions for Influent which is compliant with the quality and quantity parameters
specified in Appendix B1.
During the Process Commissioning, the hydraulic operational performance and reliability
of individual equipment and ancillary systems within the Works as a whole under the
specified hydraulic load will be proven. The hydraulic validation tests shall be carried out
for specific equipment and ancillary systems within the Works and for the Works in
totality (as far as practicable) as specified in the Testing Plan.
During the Process Commissioning, equipment may be stopped to make adjustments
but it should not be necessary to take the whole Works off-line. The control systems at
the Works shall be tested thoroughly under normal operating conditions with adjustments
made to simulate process faults and equipment failures.

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17.4.3 Test Reports for Process Commissioning
Within 10 (ten) Days after completion of the Process Commissioning for the Works, the
Contractor shall compile and submit to the Employers Representative the final test
report on the Process Commissioning including all information reasonably necessary to
evaluate the results. The Employers Representative shall indicate in writing within 5 (five)
Business Days after receiving the test report on the Process Commissioning from the
Contractor whether it accepts or disputes that such test results are accurate. The failure
of the Employers Representative to respond within such 5 (five) Business Days time
period, unless extended by mutual agreement, shall be deemed acceptance of the test
17.4.4 Hydraulic Validation Test
During the Process Commissioning or the Plant Proving Period but in any event prior to
issue of the Commissioning Certificate the Contractor shall demonstrate that the whole
of the Works is capable of passing the instantaneous peak flow (PFF) that it has been
designed and constructed to deal with, without overflow or spillage or exceedance of the
levels shown in the final approved hydraulic profile of the Works. During the Hydraulic
Validation Test any section of the Works under test shall be subject to the return and
recycle flows it would be subject to under normal operation in addition to the test flow
rate of the PFF. Since the Influent is unlikely to be available at this rate during the
Commissioning or Plant Proving Period the Contractor shall propose a method for
simulating the PFF. This could include:

If the works has multiple process trains by passing the appropriate proportion of the
PFF through 1 train;
Accumulating flow in all sumps so that pump run times can be extended beyond what
would be required by the incoming flow;
Using available storage to temporarily store incoming flow and then discharge at an
accelerated rate;
Using temporary pumps to recycle flows to increase flow rates in the portion of the
works subject to recycling.

The Contractors proposals for the Hydraulic Validation Test shall be included in the
Testing Plan.
17.4.5 SOTR Test
The clean water non-steady state method shall be used to test the manufacturers claims
on diffuser performance and to evaluate the electricity consumption of the process under
clean water conditions. This will involve measuring the rate of increase in concentration
of dissolved oxygen in water, which has been deoxygenated. The test shall be carried
out in accordance with the American Society of Civil Engineers Standard Measurement
of Oxygen Transfer in Clean Water ANSI/ASCE 2-91, June 1992 or other equivalent
European or internationally recognised standard procedure.
The SOTR test shall be carried out on a section of the Works which has been isolated
and configured such that it is possible to deduce the capacity of the entire Works from
the performance of the section.


Plant Proving Period

17.5.1 Proving Tests

After completion of the Process Commissioning of the Works in accordance with this

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Section of the Employers Requirements, the Contractor shall be entitled to prepare the
Works for its Plant Proving Period. The purpose of the Plant Proving Period is (i) to
demonstrate the operational integrity of the Works and (ii) to establish that the
Commissioning Certificate for the Works can be issued. During the Plant Proving Period,
the Works must also demonstrate its ability to accept and treat to the Effluent
Specifications and Sludge Specifications the applicable Minimum Influent Quantity.
The Plant Proving Period for the Works shall be conducted in two parts which may be in
parallel, the Liquid Proving Period and the Sludge Proving Period. During these periods,
the Works and related equipment and systems shall be operated continuously and in
accordance with the prevailing Influent and flow conditions. During the Liquid Proving
Period the Works shall be operated to produce Effluent to within the Effluent
Specifications. During the Sludge Proving Period the Works shall be operated to produce
Sludge to within the Sludge Specifications.
During the Plant Proving Period, the Works shall be operated in accordance with the
requirements of Good Industry Practice.
17.5.2 Liquid Proving Period
The Plant Proving Period shall commence with the 30 day Liquid Proving Period. The
Contractor shall notify the Employers Representative when the Works is ready for the
Liquid Proving Period and shall submit to the Employers Representative its plan for the
Liquid Proving Period for the Works, including a sampling and testing plan and method,
at least 30 (thirty) Days prior to the proposed commencement of the Liquid Proving
Period. The Employers Representative shall have a period of 5 (five) Business Days to
submit any comments on such plan and method and the Contractor shall accept all such
reasonable requests.
During the Liquid Proving Period, the instantaneous flow and the total daily flow for
Influent and Effluent shall be continuously monitored by and recorded by permanent flow
meters. Samples of Influent and Effluent shall be taken and tested in accordance with
Appendix B2 of the Employers Requirements.
The minimum requirements for achieving successful completion of the Liquid Proving
Period for the Works are set out in Appendix B2 provided that the daily quantity of
Influent is not less than the applicable Minimum Influent Quantity.
17.5.3 Sludge Proving Period
The 20 day Sludge Proving Period for the Works will commence on the Sludge Proving
Period Commencement Date. The Contractor shall submit to the Employers
Representative its plan for the Sludge Proving Period, including a sampling and testing
plan and method, at least 30 (thirty) Days prior to the Sludge Proving Period
Commencement Date. The Employers Representative shall have a period of 5 (five)
Business Days to submit any comments on such plan and method and the Contractor
shall accept all reasonable requests.
The minimum requirements for achieving successful completion of the Sludge Proving
Period for the Works are set out in Appendix B2 provided that the daily quantity of
Influent is not less than the applicable Minimum Influent Quantity.
17.5.4 Plant Proving Period Reports
During the Liquid Proving Period, the Contractor shall collect all relevant data relating to
the Effluent Specifications, the quality parameters, details of any failures and other
relevant information. At the end of the Liquid Proving Period, the Contractor shall submit
to the Employer a draft written report within 10 (ten) Days or as directed otherwise by the

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Employer. The Employer shall have a period of 5 (five) Business Days to review such
report and either accept or reject it. If the report is not acceptable it shall be returned to
the Contractor for verification or amendments and resubmission. The failure of the
Employer to respond within such 5 (five) Business Day period, unless extended by
mutual agreement, shall be deemed acceptance of the test report.
During the Sludge Proving Period, the Contractor shall report daily on the volume of
Sludge processed, the quality parameters, details of any failures and other relevant
information. At the end of the Sludge Proving Period, the Contractor shall submit to the
Employer a written report within 10 (ten) Days or as directed otherwise by the Employer.
The Employer shall have a period of 5 (five) Business Days to review such report and
either accept or reject it. If the report is not acceptable it shall be returned to the
Contractor for verification or amendments and resubmission. The failure of the Employer
to respond within such 5 (five) Business Day period, unless extended by mutual
agreement, shall be deemed acceptance of the test report.
If the Employer disputes the results from the Plant Proving Period submitted by the
Contractor, the Employer may request that the Contractor repeat the applicable Proving
Period as soon as practicable thereafter.
The Contractor shall submit two bound copies of the final reports prepared with respect
to the Liquid Proving Period and the Sludge Proving Period within 60 (sixty) Days of the
acceptance of the draft report by the Employer.

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Operation Service Performance Requirements

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In this section, the required performance of the Works during the Operation Service is
The Contractor shall be obliged to receive and accept all wastewater delivered to the
WwTF during the Contract Period. The Contractor shall not stop or reduce the delivery of
flows from the sewerage network to the wastewater treatment works. The Contractor
shall not discharge any flows through an emergency bypass, except in an emergency
and with the express permission of the Employer for each overflow event.


Measurement of Qualitative and Quantitative Performance

The minimum requirements for monitoring, sampling and analysis during normal
operation are specified in Appendix B3.
The main monitoring and measurement requirements for the purposes of compliance
and payment during the Operation Service Period are set out in Tables B3.2 and B3.3 of
Appendix B3, however additional measurement points may be required to comply with
the Contract. Any additional measurement points shall be installed by the Contractor at
his cost.


Performance Standards

18.3.1 Treated Effluent Standards

The Contractor shall ensure that the Works produce treated effluent meeting the
standards specified in Appendix B1.
Treated Effluent COD performance requirements may be relaxed subject to the
Contractor proving the presence of non-biodegradable COD in the influent which cannot
be treated using the processes provided at the Works.
Compliance with the above standards shall be assessed on a quarterly basis in
conjunction with the quarterly payments (including performance damages) and in
accordance with the programme of analyses for compliance purposes specified in
Appendix B3.2, and on the basis of the actual number of samples taken in the quarter.
The Employers Representative may instruct additional sampling over and above that
specified in Appendix B3.2 and the Contractor shall allow for 10% over and above that
specified in Appendix B3.2 in his rates. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for any
sampling costs above this.
The sampling specified in Appendix B and additional sampling instructed by the
Employers Representative shall be included in the assessment of compliance and the
associated application of performance damages
Treated Sludge Standards
The sludge at the time of its transportation off the Site, shall meet the specific quality
standards shown in Table 18.2. These are consistent with the quality requirements for a
Class A Bio-solids product as defined in the US EPA Regulations Part 503.

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Table 18.2 Sludge Product Quality Requirements


Faecal coliform concentration

< 1000 MPN/gDS

Minimum dry solids


27% (w/w)(1)of DS


Compliance Criteria
Continuously less than the
Greater than the standard

based on the weight of sludge solids excluding any added materials

18.3.2 Odour Standards

The works shall be so designed and operated by the Contractor, as far as is practically
possible, to ensure that the air quality in the environs of the Site does not give rise to
complaints from third parties.
18.3.3 Noise Standards
The Works shall be designed and operated and maintained by the Contractor to ensure
that the noise emanating from the Works does not exceed the limits set out in Table 18.3
below during operation, when measured at any position on the Site boundary.
Table 18.3 Noise Performance Levels Outside of the Site

Standard (15 minute Leq)

06:00 22:00

75 dB(A)

22:00 06:00

70 dB(A)

The noise level 2m in a perpendicular direction from any point on any item of equipment
(if unprotected) or the shell of a building or enclosure shall be continuously less than
The Noise measurements shall be carried out as per MPCB / Indian Standard
Noise measurements shall be carried out whenever there is a complaint and in any event
shall be monitored following any change in the plant design or operation of the Works
affecting noise levels.
Noise levels shall be measured using a calibrated sound level meter complying with BS
EN 60651. Sound levels shall be monitored in accordance with ISO Recommendations
R1996, Assessment of Noise with Respect to Community Response as amended by
ISO Recommendations, R1996/1, 2 and 3 Description and Measurement of
Environmental Noise as appropriate.
18.3.4 General Performance Requirements and Standards
In addition to the performance requirements and standards specified in Table B1.4 and
B1.5 (Appendix B1) 18.2 and 18.3, the Works shall also comply with the performance
requirements specified in Table 18.4.
Table 18.4 General Performance Requirements for the Works
Screens and



Dry solids content of screenings

30% DS (w/w)

Organic solids content of screenings

<30% of DS

Reliability (downtime)


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Grit separation
and grit Handling


Particles removal

> 95%

Organic solids content of cleaned grit

< 10% of DS

Reliability (downtime)



Reliability (downtime)


Aeration plant

Ability of aeration system to

continuously maintain the DO

2 mg/l

Reliability (downtime) of aeration system



Reliability (downtime)


Primary sludge

Dry solids content of thickened sludge

5% DS (w/w)

Reliability (downtime)



Thickened dry solids content

5% DS (w/w)

Reliability (downtime)


Sludge digestion

Temperature of the sludge in the


The average daily set

point temperature of the
sludge in the digesters
shall be between 35 to
39 C, but not be outside
the set point by a range

Retention time in the digesters (based

on ADWF x 1.3)

>15 days

VSS destruction

>45 %

Reliability (downtime)



Dewatered Cake

>27% DS (w/w)

Reliability (downtime)


Sludge storage

Blended Primary & WAS sludge

24 hours

Digested sludge

24 hours

Dewatered sludge

3 days

Pass Forward Flow

As stated in Appendix

capacity of the
Works (excl.



Monitoring, Sampling and Analysis

18.4.1 General
Prior to the commencement of the Operation Service Period, the Contractor shall submit
to the Employers Representative for approval a schedule of tests and procedures that
will allow the Contractor to:

demonstrate effective Works operation;

demonstrate compliance with the Employers Requirements;

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provide a basis for determination of payment.

The required minimum frequencies for sampling and measurement for normal operation
and reporting purposes, for compliance with performance standards and for payment
purposes are set out in separate tables in Appendix B3.
The Contractor shall arrange sampling to be undertaken by suitably trained personnel.
Sample lines shall be continuously purged.
Analyses shall be carried out in accordance with;

The latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater (APHA, AWWA, WEF)
IS 2488: Methods of Sampling and Testing For Industrial Effluents
The standard SCA Blue Book Analytical Methods (Methods for Examination of
Waters and Associated Materials HMSO, UK)
Other equivalent methods agreed with the Employers Representative may also be
Noise levels shall be measured using a calibrated sound level meter complying with
BSEN 60651.

The Contractor shall provide all the equipment necessary, and shall undertake all
sampling, and shall pay for all the testing and analysis unless expressly stated otherwise.
The monitoring facilities shall be linked into the central control and monitoring system for
the Works.
The Contractor shall take all samples necessary to demonstrate compliance with the
Employers Requirements, including those required for payment purposes. The
Contractor shall deliver all such samples to be tested/analysed to a certified/accredited
laboratory jointly agreed between the Employer and the Contractor, which may be on
Site if appropriate.
In the case of breakdown of the automatic sampling equipment, sampling shall be
undertaken manually at three-hourly intervals and the results will be weighted according
to flow in order to establish the equivalent daily total load.
Sampling and monitoring points for all the sampling and monitoring required during the
Contract shall be proposed by the Contractor, and shall be submitted to the Employers
Representative for approval. They shall be suitable for the sampling regimes required
under this Section 18 and also in Appendix B2 &B3. Where appropriate samples shall be
representative of the wastewater, liquor or sludge that has passed through that point
over the period since the last sample was taken.
The Contractor shall adjust and expand on the testing and monitoring procedures,
described here and in Appendix B3, to suit his proposed process design arrangement, if
necessary. In the course of the Operation Service, the Contractor shall update the tests
and procedures according to the operational experience and any alterations to the
treatment process.
Figure B3.1 and Tables B3.1, B3.2, and B3.3 in Appendix B3 present the minimum
requirements for flow monitoring, sampling and recording facilities, and identify the
measurement points to be used for monitoring and measurement for compliance and for
The instrumentation associated with the flow measurement for the main process streams
shall record the flow rates in terms of both daily and 15-minute averages.
Flow meters and other in-line meters shall be calibrated by the Contractor on a regular
basis, in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. The accuracy of the flow
measuring devices used for determination of payments shall be checked by the

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Contractor at a frequency agreed with the Employers Representative. The Contractor
shall submit a detailed methodology of this calibration to the Employers Representative
for approval.
The Contractors information system shall be capable of displaying a minimum of two
years historical data. The system shall be capable of data handling and management
reporting as agreed with the Employers Representative. The system shall also be
compatible with the data recording systems used by the Employer to record parameters
at other wastewater treatment facilities and allow export of data from the Contractors
information system to the Employers data recording systems.
Influent at the Inlet Chamber shall be sampled and analysed daily in accordance with the
testing requirements set out in Appendix B. The sampling point shall be upstream of any
returned wastewater or other streams arising from the operation of the Works.
Effluent from the secondary settlement tanks (treated effluent) shall be sampled,
analysed and in accordance with the testing requirements set out in Appendix B and
checked for compliance with standards, as defined in Appendix B1, Table B1.4 and B1.5.
In both of the above cases permanently installed automatic flow-proportional refrigerated
samplers shall be used and the 24-hour composite samples shall be collected daily and
analysed at the frequency stated in Appendix B3. In addition a reserve sample shall be
kept refrigerated for 7 days in order that the Employers Representative may order
further analysis if he so requires. At all times, the samples shall be stored in the dark and
at a temperature of 1C to 4C. The samples shall not be allowed to freeze.
Analysis for such determinants as BOD, COD and SS of sewage and treated effluent
shall be commenced as soon as it is possible, and in any case within a maximum of 24
hours from the end of the sampling period, and completed without delay.
Where sampling is to be undertaken on a weekly basis (e.g. once per week or twice per
week) the sample shall be taken over a 24 hour period. The day of the week selected
shall be determined between the Employers Representative and the Contractor to
ensure representative results. The day(s) selected shall vary each week unless agreed
Samples of liquid sludge or sludge cake, shall be composite samples comprising at least
three spot sub-samples, each of equal volume. The sub-samples shall be collected
manually at 30-minute intervals over at least one hour or, in case of intermittent
processes, over the period of sludge flow. In the case of assessment of polyelectrolyte
consumption, the sludge samples shall be collected over a two-hour period at 30-minute
intervals. The analysis of dry solids content shall commence within a maximum of 24
hours from the end of the sampling period.
Sludge samples shall be taken at the outlet to the process unit (thickener/dewaterer etc).
Sludge samples which are to be analysed for the concentration of faecal coliform shall
be placed in sterilised containers. Samples containers shall be polyethylene,
polypropylene, Teflon, non-etched Pyrex glass or equivalent or stainless steel.
The three samples of final sludge product taken on any particular sampling day shall be
analysed separately for faecal coliforms. The geometric mean shall be used for
assessment of the compliance with the standard. The three samples shall also be used
to determine the dry solids content. Analysis for faecal coliform concentration shall be
commenced within six hours of collection of the last sample.
All samples taken by the Contractor that are required to be analysed to demonstrate
compliance with the performance criteria and for payment purposes shall be split into two
equal parts. The samples shall be labeled with the name of the sampling point and date
and time of collection. The Contractor shall analyse the first sample and store the second
sample in accordance with industry best practice to preserve its status for further

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analysis for a minimum of 7 days.
The Employer may, at his discretion, have the second sample analysed at an
independent laboratory. Where such analyses demonstrate non-compliance with the
Employers Requirements the laboratory and transportation costs will be paid by the
Contractor, otherwise such costs will be paid by the Employer.
All analysis by the Contractor and the Employers Representative shall be carried out at
a laboratory or service accredited for that purpose. Samples that require immediate
analysis shall be analysed by the Contractor immediately and witnessed by the
Employers Representative.
The Employer or the Employer's Representative reserves the right to enter the Works, to
take samples or undertake tests at any location and at any time without the requirement
to give prior notice to the Contractor. However, the Employer shall notify the Contractor
immediately prior to entering the Site to comply with health and safety requirements. If
the results of these tests indicate a discrepancy with Contractors records, further
investigation shall be agreed between the parties to ensure that the Contractors
monitoring procedures meet the requirements of the Contract. If it is established that the
Contractors procedures do not meet the requirements of the Contract then the cost of
these investigations shall be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall undertake sampling, testing and analyse procedures for all process
stages to provide reliable data for quality control and for use in interpreting the
performance of the Works.
18.4.2 On Site Analysis
In addition to the services provided by a Nominated Laboratory, the Contractor shall
provide on-site analytical services to allow for routine and non-routine monitoring,
analysis and control of the treatment facility processes in respect of all wastes, whether
liquid, solid or gas. The scope of measurements conducted in the on-site laboratory shall
include but not be limited to:

temperature of air, sewage and sludge ;

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD);
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD);
Suspended Solids (SS) concentration;
Dry solids content in sludge (total dry solids);
Stirred Sludge Volume Index (SSVI);
Microscopic examination of the biomass in the aeration tank;
Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration.

The results from the above analyses made on Site shall not be used for determining
compliance or for payment purposes, unless made at a laboratory where it has been
agreed to be the Nominated Laboratory.
The on-site laboratory shall be provided in accordance with:

the design references as noted in Section 10.1.1

the references as noted in Section 18.4.1

The on-site laboratory facility shall be located at grade level floor with a separate
entrance and not be housed in a building or near a building that has vibratory equipment.

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18.4.3 Compliance with Environmental Standards
Compliance with all relevant legislation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
Appendix B3 indicates which of the routine measurements will be utilised to assess
compliance with the environmental standards. The Employer may decide that the
frequency of sampling and analysis indicated in Tables B3.1, B3.2 and B3.3 can be
reduced in order to minimise costs. This shall be at the Employers discretion and shall
result in a reduced payment to the Contractor that reflects his reduced costs.


Failure to Meet Performance Requirements

18.5.1 General
If it is determined by the Contractor that the Works are failing to meet the performance
requirements specified in this Volume for any reason, the Contractor shall take
immediate remedial action and advise the Employers Representative in writing of the
specific cause for the failure and report the actions taken or the proposal to correct the
If it is determined by the Employers Representative that the Works are failing to meet
the performance requirements specified in this Volume for any reason, the Employers
Representative will advise the Contractor in writing and the Contractor shall determine
the specific cause for the failure and report to the Employers Representative within 7
days on actions to correct the deficiency.
Where the Contractor is unable to meet the specified contractual performance standards
for whatever reason, and irrespective of whether the penalties described in the Schedule
of Payments are applied, the Contractor shall use his best endeavours to maintain the
performance standards as close to the specified levels as possible, at all times. Failure
to do so will be deemed to be a failure of his contractual obligations.
Unless the following conflicts with more specific requirements relating to specific Failure
Event types set out below, on the occurrence of a Failure Event, the Contractor shall:

as soon as possible and not more than 24 hours after the Failure Event is apparent
notify the Employer of the location and extent of the Failure Event;
within 3 days of the Failure Event submit a report to the Employer identifying and
explaining the cause of the Failure Event and the Contractors plans for preventing a
recurrence of the Failure Event;
implement the Contractors plans for preventing recurrence of the Failure Event; and
report monthly on progress of implementation of the Contractors plans for preventing
recurrence of the Failure Event measured against the Contractors plans until the
Contractors plans have been effected.

18.5.2 Failure Events

In the event of a failure where an allowable exception cannot be identified, payment to
the Contractor will be adjusted in accordance with the terms of the Schedule of
Payments for the Operation Service.

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Table 18.5 Failure Events and Allowable Exceptions


Failure Event Description

Allowable Exception


Treated Effluent exceedances Catchment Pollution Incident

are greater than the allowable
number set out in Appendix B1,
Influent parameters greater
Table B1.4 and Table B1.5.
or Loads
specified in Appendix B1


Dry solids content in any Catchment Pollution Incident

composite sample less than the
value specified in Table 18.4.
Influent parameters greater
or Loads
specified in Appendix B1


For each day on which the Catchment Pollution Incident

digester temperature (at any
moment in time measured
Influent parameters greater
continuously) ranges outside the
or Loads
limits specified in Table 18.4.
specified in Appendix B1

Noise levels

exceed None
performance requirements or
complaints are received


Energy Generation less than

that specified in the Employers
Requirements based on daily
assessment and netted over a
payment period (see example
calculation in Volume 3 Clause

Catchment Pollution Incident

Influent parameters greater
or Loads
specified in Appendix B1

In the event that the measurement and monitoring of the Works indicates persistent
problems as evidenced by frequent failures in terms of the Failure Events identified, the
Contractor shall promptly submit to the Employers Representative detailed proposals for
remedying the problems. Once the Employers Representative has approved such
proposals, the Contractor shall proceed to implement the proposed modifications, at his
own cost.
18.5.3 Catchment Pollution Incident
A Catchment Pollution Incident is defined as a situation in which the threshold values or
concentrations (relevant to the failure) set out in Table 18.6 are exceeded, when
measured in the Works influent at measurement point 1. Where the Contractor can
demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative, that the relevant
influent values or concentrations stated in Table 18.6 were exceeded during the period
for which a failure was recorded:
a) the Contractor shall not be liable for the costs arising from the Catchment Pollution
b) the relevant deductions from payments as stated in Schedule of Payments for the
Operation Service will not be applied in the event of a Catchment Pollution Incident;
c) the Contractor will be given a reasonable time to recover the Works to its normal

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operation following a Catchment Pollution Incident, save always that the Contractor
takes all practicable steps to limit the time taken to recover the plant; and
d) the Employer will reimburse the Contractor for the costs reasonably incurred in
returning the Works to its normal operational mode following a Catchment Pollution
Incident, save always that the Contractor takes all practicable steps to limit the costs
incurred in recovering the Works to normality.
Table 18.6 Catchment Pollution Incident Influent Characteristics

Sample or Definition


Daily composite


Daily average

CN (unassociated


Threshold Value or
< 6.0 or


Daily composite Spot




Daily composite



As (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Cd (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Cr3+ (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Cr6+ (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Cu (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Hg (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Ni (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Pb (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Zn (soluble)

Daily composite Spot



Cr6+ + Cu + Ni + Pb +
Zn (all soluble)

Daily composite Spot



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The presence in a
substances which are
biological reaction rate

Sample or Definition

Daily composite

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Threshold Value or


substance or combination of
substances is greater than a
level which is capable, as
clearly demonstrated by
literature, of causing a
reduction of at least 10% of
reaction rate (calculated by
reference to the biological
wastewater treatment facility
under the same or similar
loads) on days where the
environmental standards are

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Operation Management Requirements

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The Contractor shall operate and maintain the Works in accordance with the Contract
until the end of the Operation Service Period and during this period shall be responsible
for all aspects of the wastewater treatment and sludge treatment and disposal of all
screenings, grit, and sludge. The Contractor shall ensure that the wastewater treatment
facility achieves the required treated effluent quality. The treatment, transportation, and
disposal of sludge to the Designated Landfill Site shall be carried out by the Contractor in
an efficient and cost- effective manner in compliance with statutory requirements.


Employers Communication
The Operation Service requirements shall apply to the whole of the Works.
The Employer shall keep the Contractor informed of proposed alterations to major
infrastructure which may in the Employers opinion have a material impact on the WwTF.
The Employer shall, except in the case of emergency, inform the Contractor where it
intends to carry out any repair, maintenance or upgrading of any part of the any of the
collection system which could have a material impact on the Contractors ability to deliver
the services.
The Employer shall also advise of any proposed discharges to the collection system
which may in the Employers opinion have a material impact on the WwTF.


The Site
The Site is shown on the drawings Volume 2D. Access to the Site shall be via the access
road as shown on the drawings Volume 2D.


General Requirements
During the Operation Service Period, the Contractor shall take total responsibility for the
operation and maintenance of the Works. As part of these general obligations, the
Contractor shall undertake the following tasks.
a) Provide all the staff for the managerial, technical, supervisory and administrative
responsibilities and labour necessary to operate and maintain the Works, safely and
b) Develop and implement the necessary procedures and information systems required
for the Operation Service.
c) Carry out all flow measurement, sampling and laboratory analyses for the wastewater
treatment and sludge treatment and disposal throughout the Operation Service
d) Operate and maintain the Works and ensure that all the Plant is able to operate at all
times to its maximum installed capacity. The Operation Service shall achieve the
performance criteria specified in these documents. The Contractor shall satisfy all
legal and environmental requirements for supply of water and disposal of sludge and
other waste products for each day of the Operation Service Period.
e) Provide (including payment of all supply authority charges) all necessary services to
the site including electricity, water, gas, telecommunications and any other services
necessary for the provision of the Operation Service.
f) Utilise information gathered as a result of monitoring to determine what
improvements can be made to optimise the operation of the treatment facility.

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g) Implement all systems required and record and make available to the Employers
Representative all necessary operation and maintenance information.
h) Keep and update the Operational Cost Model for the Operation Service.
i) Transport all waste by-products and sludge arising at the Site .
j) Operate the Works in the most economic manner with respect to the consumption of
energy and other resources.
k) Carry out the Tests Prior to Contract Completion.
l) Maintain the Works such that they remain in a visually and aesthetically pleasing
condition at all times.
m) Monitor all changes in legislation, codes or standards and bring these to the attention
of the Employers Representative.
n) Operate the Works to minimize the total long term life cycle cost of the facility,
supported by establishing the optimal timing and strategy to replace assets based on
the historical operating and maintenance records.


Management, Operation and Maintenance Personnel

The Contractor shall provide suitably qualified personnel for the management, operation
and maintenance of the works. The personnel shall have skills in the areas of, but not
confined to:

Operations management;
Maintenance management;
Asset Management;
Treatment process operation and management;
Analytical chemistry and laboratory procedure management;
Mechanical and electrical plant and equipment operation and maintenance;
ICA operation and maintenance;
Software, communications and IT systems programming and configuration;
Facilities operation and maintenance;
Quality Management Systems planning, implementation, management and auditing;
Health and safety planning, implementation, management and auditing.

All personnel employed by the Contractor shall be suitably qualified and have an
appropriate level of training and experience in the area to which they are allocated. Prior
to the commencement date, the Contractor shall submit details of the key personnel he
proposes in each of the above areas to the Employer's Representative for approval.
The Contractor shall develop and maintain the competencies of personnel through yearly
evaluations and encourage employee development and reward throughout the Operation
Service Period.
All key personnel employed by the Contractor in the delivery of the service shall remain
at all times the employees of the Contractor. The Contractor shall not subcontract or
assign any part of this obligation without the prior written consent of the Employer's
Representative, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Should the Employer or the Employer's Representative be reasonably dissatisfied with
the performance of any of the Contractors personnel, the Contractor shall, at the
Employer's Representatives written request, remove the said person(s) from the service.
Any such personnel shall be immediately replaced by staff of equivalent or greater
qualification and experience, and this shall be subject to review by the Employers

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The Contractor shall ensure that there is a suitable level of continuity of key personnel.
Should the Contractor wish to change any personnel engaged directly in the
management and operation of the service, then the Employer's Representative shall be
informed at least two months in advance, wherever practical.
The names, status, qualifications, years of experience and record of training of all
personnel engaged in the operation service shall be provided as part of the Operation
and Maintenance Plan (refer to Section 20 of the Employers Requirements). This shall
include details of individual ongoing staff-training programmes. These programmes shall
be updated and maintained regularly by the Contractor. Updates shall show evidence of
the training carried out each year and training proposed for the following year.
Any new personnel or personnel reallocated to different duties shall be supervised by
experienced staff until they are properly trained and have a level of experience deemed
necessary for the service tasks being undertaken. This shall be deemed to be for a
minimum of two months. The Contractor shall provide details, as part of the Operation
and Maintenance Plan, of the measures to be taken to cater for these changes.


Health and Safety Requirements during Operation Service

The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of health and safety during the
Operation Service Period and shall comply with all national and regional legislation and
regulations. The Contractor shall also refer to Section 5 of the Employers Requirements.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the Site and shall provide
adequate security staff at all times to maintain site security and check incoming and
outgoing traffic and persons for the duration of the Operation Service.
The Contractor shall maintain throughout the Operation Service Period a set of
Emergency Procedures. The procedures shall identify the potential accidents and
emergencies which could occur on the Works and set out a clear plan of action to be
followed should any of these occur. The Contractor shall ensure that employees are
aware of these procedures and display, in prominent positions, posters stating these
procedures with emergency telephone contacts.
The Contractor shall agree emergency procedures with the emergency services and
carry out emergency drills in accordance with statutory requirements and when
recommended by the emergency services.
With respect to health and safety, the Contractor shall:
a) implement safe working and reporting procedures and promote safety awareness in
every element of operation and maintenance;
b) ensure adequate regard to site safety including:


safe working procedures in all Works operation and maintenance activities;

cleanliness and care of the facility;
reporting accidents and hazards;
safe practice in sewers, tanks, and all other elements within the wastewater
treatment facility;

Suppliers and Subcontractors

The Contractor shall be permitted to enter into contracts and agreements with
Subcontractors and suppliers for the delivery of non-critical parts of the Operation
Service and/or for the supply of goods or services relevant to the Operation Service.
Before entering into such arrangements, the Contractor shall submit details of the

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Subcontractors and suppliers he proposes to use to the Employer's Representative for
approval. He shall provide and update these details, as part of the O&M Plan.


Operation Service Monitoring Group

An Operation Service Monitoring Group (OSMG) will be formed for this Contract. The
purpose of the OSMG is to provide a forum for regular discussion by representatives of
the Employer and Contractor of relevant ongoing matters relating to the Contract.
Meetings of the OSMG will normally take place at monthly intervals, or at such longer
intervals as may be agreed by the OSMG from time to time (such intervals not to exceed
three months). A special meeting of the OSMG may be convened to address abnormal
The Monthly Status Report (MSR) and in particular the Executive Summary of that report
will provide the basis for much of the discussion at the OSMG meetings.
The primary role of the OSMG is to facilitate the harmonious implementation of the
Contract and to provide comfort to the main stakeholders that the interests of all parties
are protected. The Employer and Contractor will be kept informed by their
representatives on the OSMG of relevant operational aspects of the Contract. However,
the Employers Representative, as defined in the Contract Documents, will be solely
responsible for the issuing of instructions under the Contract.
It is proposed that the Employer be represented on the OSMG by one senior member of
the Employers organisation and by the Employers Representative. It is proposed that
the Contractor be represented on the OSMG by one senior member of the Contractors
organisation (operations manager) and by the most senior member of the Contractors
personnel on site, the Plant Manager.
One of the Employers nominees will normally chair the meetings of the OSMG and one
of the representatives of the Contractor will normally minute the proceedings. In certain
circumstances, a special meeting of the OSMG may be held, to which an external
stakeholder, such as a major local industry, may be invited, at the discretion of the
Employer and Contractor.
The meeting agenda shall be generally based on the following generic headings, which
may be changed as the Contract progresses and circumstances may change:
1) Minutes of last meeting;
2) Monthly Status Report(s);
3) Complaints;
4) Plant Maintenance Plan;
5) Facility Maintenance Plan;
6) Asset Replacement Schedule;
7) Operational changes;
8) Compliance monitoring;
9) Third party interfaces;
10) Any other business.


Real Time Reporting

The Contractor is required in Section 13 to provide access to the SCADA system for the
Employer. However, to facilitate an appropriate level of real time reporting of relevant
data, the Contractor shall provide easy and direct access to a view and report facility for
a limited number of parameters including:

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Daily Readings;

Power consumption from external supply;

Power generated on Site from biogas.

Continuous Monitoring

Inlet flow;
Outlet flow;
Outlet dissolved oxygen.

19.10 Monthly Status Report

A Monthly Status Report (MSR) is required to report the main events that have occurred
and the significant aspects of the Works performance since the previous MSR. The
Contractor shall provide such a report to the Employers Representative on a monthly
basis throughout the Operation Service Period. These reports shall be submitted within
14 days of the start of the month following that covered in the report. The MSR forms the
basis of the agenda for the OSMG meetings.
The Contractor is responsible for ensuring all relevant information required is gathered
on Site and compiled correctly in the format required in the MSR.
The Contractor may add further reports by agreement with the Employers
The MSR shall include a summary narrative section relating to the performance of the
Works, covering the key performance areas listed in the Contract and any relevant
issues that have arisen since the last report. The report shall also include performance
indicators under each section, together with a comparison against the requirements of
the Contract.
The MSR shall be completed in the sequence shown and in full and in accordance with
the minimum requirements outlined in Appendix E in order to deliver an acceptable MSR.

19.11 Service Delivery Review Report

The Contractor shall complete a Service Delivery Review Report at the frequencies
stated in Section 8. The initial review shall be completed by the date stated in Section 8.
The review shall focus on the effectiveness of service delivery and any issues arising,
which require attention under the Contract. Each review shall at a minimum cover:

Wastewater quantities delivered and discharged;

Influent, sludge and effluent quality results;
Environmental monitoring;
Process monitoring;
Routine and real time reporting;
Operational issues;
Maintenance, (Routine, Planned, Breakdown, Emergency);
Plant Maintenance Plan;
Facility Maintenance Plan;
Health and safety compliance;
Emergency procedures;
Inspections and audits;

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Change procedures.

The Contractor shall develop a procedure for the Service Delivery Review Report as part
of the Operation Service quality control procedures. The procedure shall outline the
method for reviewing the above aspects of service delivery.
The Contractor shall carry out the review and shall present it in report format to the
Employers Representative. The report shall include summary information and any
necessary appendices of data for reference purposes. Three copies of the report shall be
provided. The reports shall be considered at the OSMG meetings.

19.12 Operational Change

Operational changes may arise from the Service Delivery Review Report, or at the
behest of the Employer, Employers Representative or the Contractor. They may also
arise where there is any deviation from the service delivery requirements of the Contract.
Operational change proposals shall be submitted to the Employers Representative for
approval prior to implementation.
The Contractor shall develop a procedure for operational changes as part of the
Operation Service quality control procedures. The procedure shall ensure that if
operational changes are required then the changes will not affect the Contractors
delivery of the service. This procedure shall be implemented for any operational change
within the Contract that is considered significant by any party to the Contract.

19.13 Management Meetings

Additional management meetings may be required to deal with specific issues during
Operation Service.

19.14 Hours of Operation

Normal working hours shall be as stated in the Contract Data. Working on Site by
personnel outside these hours in special circumstances, excluding any response to
emergency events, may be permitted by the Employers Representative but this shall be
at his discretion and he shall have no obligation to allow it.

19.15 Routine Reporting

The Contractor shall ensure that all tests, analyses and measurements are routinely
reported and that they clearly distinguish between the monitoring required to meet
regulatory requirements and the monitoring required to meet Contract requirements.

19.16 Spares
The Contractor shall during the Operation Service Period, replenish the stock of spares
to maintain at all times an equivalent stock of spares as required at the commencement
of the Operation Service Period.
The minimum stock of spare parts held shall be the comprehensive spares required for a
two- year period of Operation Service and shall be detailed in the Operation &
Maintenance Plan. The Contractor shall monitor the use of spare parts and make
recommendations to the Employers Representative to vary the stock in accordance with
the experience gained during the Operation Service Period.
A two year stock of spare parts shall be provided by the Contractor with the Works
handed back to the Employer on completion of the Contract.

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19.17 Public Liaison
The Contractor acknowledges that the Employer shall be the sole point of contact for
dealing with comments or complaints from customers of the Employer or members of the
public relating to the provision of the Operation Services.
Where a customer of the Employer or member of the public makes a complaint to the
Contractor, whether written or oral, in relation to any aspect of the Contractors provision
of the Operation Services, the Contractor shall notify the Employers Representative as
soon as practically possible.
Where any complaint or an enquiry has been received directly by the Contractor or
received by the Employer and notified by the Employer to the Contractor, the Contractor
shall report to the Employers Representative within 24 hours in such a way that the
Employers Representative can respond prudently to the complaint in accordance with
the good customer service expected.
Where a customer or member of the public has made repeated or ongoing complaints,
the Contractor shall manage such complaints on a case by case basis, prepare an action
plan, keep records of meetings and discussions with the customer and submit regular
progress reports at least monthly to the Employer until such time as an agreed resolution
or outcome is made with the customer or member of the public.

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Operation and Maintenance Plan

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Overview of Requirements
The Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) shall be agreed between the
Employer and the Contractor as a fundamental part of the Contract for service delivery.
The O&M Plan shall then become an evolving plan, agreed on an annual basis, which
will include all aspects of the Operation Service as they are developed and applied within
the Contract.
The Contractors O&M Plan for the Works shall comprise three main sections, as

O&M Manual
Operation Management Plan
Maintenance Management Plan

The general structure of the O&M Plan shall be as highlighted in Figure 20.1 below. The
Section of the Employers Requirements describing the element is contained in brackets
in the figure below.
O&M Plan (20)
OSMG (19.8)

Plan (21)

O&M Manual

Management Plan

Maintenance Plan

Plan (22.3)


Figure 20.1: General structure of O&M Plan

The Contractor shall submit the O&M Plan to the Employers Representative by the
times stated in Section 8.
The O&M Plan shall ensure that the operation of the service consistently complies with
the output quality and quantity sections of this document. In addition the O&M Plan shall
ensure that the treatment and transportation and disposal of sludge shall be carried out
in an efficient and cost-effective manner in compliance with Contract.
The O&M Plan shall also ensure that the maintenance aspects of the service will be in
compliance with all requirements on a continuous basis. It shall include systems for the
safe, efficient and effective operation and maintenance of the Works, together with safe
systems of work and safe working procedures in compliance with current legislation.

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The O&M Plan shall contain procedures for quality control which shall be contained in a
separate section, together with procedures for compliance auditing and quality auditing.
These shall confirm service delivery and compliance with technical, regulatory and
performance requirements.
The O&M Plan shall contain, amongst other matters:


Staffing and details responsibilities, qualifications and training;

Plant replacement progress;
Design information;
Operation and maintenance systems;
Health and safety;
Quality control;
Reporting requirements and links to other documents;
O&M Manual (Standalone).

Preparation and implementation of the O&M Plan

The Contractor shall issue the O&M Plan in a manual form, with covering document
control sheet to denote document status and date of issue. The O&M Plan shall be
divided into sections, as per the structure outlined in Figure 20.1, with appendices where
necessary for additional data. Three original copies of the O&M Plan shall be issued at a
minimum. One copy shall be held at the treatment facility at all times and controlled
copies shall be issued to the Employer and the Employer's Representative (one each).
Should other copies be required, up to 3 additional copies shall be issued to the
Employer, upon request.
The O&M Plan shall be a central point of reference for the Contractor in the delivery of
the service and shall be compiled and issued to the satisfaction of the Employers
Representative prior to the commencement of the Operation Service Period. The O&M
Plan shall be implemented in accordance with the time limits in Section 8. To achieve
this, the Contractor shall ensure that all resources and fully qualified and trained
personnel are in place and that service requirements are being consistently met in
accordance with the plan. The Contractor shall demonstrate this fully to Employers
The Contractor shall update the O&M Plan as appropriate, following the Service Delivery
Review Report or at the intervals stated in Section 8.


Auditing the O&M Plan

The Employers Representative can, at his own discretion, or at the behest of the
Employer, audit the Contractors Operation Service performance against that required
under the service as set out in the Contract and O&M Plan. The Employers
Representative and/or a third party specified by the Employers Representative can carry
out the audits. The audits are described in Section 23 of this document.
Any remedial actions to the O&M Plan or its implementation that are deemed necessary
shall be discussed with the Contractor and the appropriate initiatives shall be agreed and
issued to him, in writing, by the Employers Representative. This shall include a specific
timeframe for remedial actions to be taken.
Where there is a failure, on the part of the Contractor, to implement such initiatives within
the specified timeframe, the Conditions of Contract provide that the Employer shall have
the right to withhold payment until such time as the failure(s) are remedied. Should this

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measure fail, the Employer shall retain the right to terminate the Contract and shall
recover all costs associated with the employment of replacement staff or Contractors.


Operation and Maintenance Manual

The Contractor shall provide an Operation and Maintenance Manual (O&M Manual) to
the Employer and the Employers Representative in a manual form, with covering
document control sheet to denote document status and date of issue.
The manual shall be provided under the O&M Plan, but as a separate standalone
document, which shall form a hard copy technical reference for the works, (both new and
existing). The manual shall apply specifically to the functional and technical aspects of
existing and new installations, processes, equipment and components.
The manual shall commence with an introduction and general section comprising
contents, description of the whole installation and relevant addresses and phone
numbers of manufacturers and suppliers. This shall be followed by a description of the
Works and its design, operation, control and protection. Following this, it shall contain
clear, factual descriptions, instructions, diagrams, drawings and explanations of all
installations, processes, plant and equipment. These shall be free from such irrelevant
matters as might be contained in contractors, manufacturers or suppliers general or
promotional literature.
Three original copies of the O&M Manual shall be issued at a minimum. One copy shall
be held at the Site at all times and controlled copies shall be issued to the Employer and
the Employer's Representative (one each). Should other copies be required, these shall
be issued as agreed between the Employer and the Contractor.
All textural materials shall be bound in A4 ring binders and drawings bound in A3 4-ring
binders, except where they accompany A4 text, where they shall be folded to A4 size.
Binders shall have clear pockets in the front and spine.
The O&M Manual shall read such that it has been written specifically for the Works by
the Contractor and shall not refer to Plant or Materials that are irrelevant. It shall be
divided and sub-divided logically into a series of volumes to ease their use on a day to
day basis and to ease the location of plant details, reporting procedures and policies.
The preparation of the O&M Manual shall be to a programme to be agreed with the
Employers Representative which shall indicate the delivery schedules, draft submissions,
collection and submission of suitable asset and maintenance data, collection and
submission of the suppliers operation and maintenance manuals and a system for
vetting and approving the manual. The O&M Manual shall be provided within the time
shown in Section 8.
For all installations and processes, the manual shall contain at a minimum:

Safety, health and welfare information;
Overview of the facility;
Description of the operation of processes;
Design information and relevant calculations;
Routine tasks and staff duties & task check lists;
Functional descriptions of plant elements;
Details, charts and calibrations for chemical systems;
Routine wastewater sampling and analysis instructions;
Chemicals and chemical systems type, quantities, storage, safety and safe use

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As-built documentation;
Calibration reports for instrumentation, control and analogue circuits;
Fault finding instructions;
Maintenance instructions stating maintenance routines and intervals
Procedures for disassembly, repair and assembly;
List of components indicating manufacture, type, component number, ordering
numbers, position and other data;
Manufacturers or suppliers literature and data leaflets;
Lists of spare parts (including order references and part numbers);
Lists of tools;
Lists of consumables

For mechanical installations, the manual shall contain at a minimum:

Machinery type and serial number;

Machinery rated capacity and load information;
Operating instructions;
Safety instructions;
Emergency procedures;
Lubrication charts (all equipment included in one chart);
Maintenance instructions stating maintenance routines and intervals;
Fault-finding details for rectification of basic faults;
List of spare parts giving part numbers in relation to a drawing preferably of the
exploded view type (including order references and part numbers);
Manufacturers or suppliers brochures accompanied with names and addresses;
Performance curves and diagrams;
Test certificates;
Specification of corrosion protection;
Specifications for repair of all painted/coated surfaces.

For electrical components the manual shall be divided into separate sections for the
following installations:

Control panels;
Control and measuring components (signalling system);
Other components.

For electrical and ICA equipment the manual shall contain at a minimum:

CE labelling and declaration of conformity;

Layout drawings;
Schematic and wiring diagrams;
Detailed descriptions;
Safety instructions;
Emergency procedures;
Operating instructions;
Fault-finding charts;
Maintenance instructions stating maintenance routines and intervals;
Component lists;

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Lists of spare parts (including order references and part numbers).

Plant Manager
No later than six months before the anticipated start of the Process Commissioning, the
Contractor shall nominate a Plant Manager. The Plant Manager shall have at a minimum:

15 years experience in the O&M of municipal Treatment Plants;

Bachelor Degree in Engineering;
Operations Manager for at least two municipal WwTFs which included sludge
handling, and energy recovery facilities of similar size, process technologies,
complexity and capacity in the last 10 years.

The submission shall include details of the nominees experience and qualification (CV).
If a plant manager was identified in the prequalification process and if a different person
is nominated during the Contract Period, the appointment of the Plant Manager shall be
subject to approval by the Employers Representative.
The Plant Manager shall be appointed before the commencement of the Tests on
Completion of Design-Build for the whole of the Works (including pre-commissioning
tests) and shall be a full time appointment.
The Plant Manager shall be involved in the development of:

Operations management plan including the organisation chart;

Compile a full asset register of the facility and set up an asset maintenance system
and operations systems;
Put in place necessary training plan and hire staff ahead of operations as necessary.

Whenever the Contractor wishes to replace the Plant Manager, a nomination shall be
submitted to the Employers Representative for approval at least six months prior to the
intended replacement date. The Contractor shall use best endeavours to ensure that the
replacement Plant Manager shall have a working overlap of at least three months with
the current Plant Manager.


Operational Cost Model

The Contractor shall develop and maintain current throughout the Operation Service
Period an Operational Cost Model which shall be based on the financial cost model
submitted with the Tender Submission but which shall fully reflect the actual costs being
incurred and anticipated to be incurred during the Operation Service. The Operational
Cost Model shall be submitted to the Employers Representative for review as requested
by him.
The Operational Cost Model and shall be made available for review by the OSMG and
shall be updated quarterly. The OSMG shall be entitled to see any financial information
relating to the Operation Service that may be reasonably requested from the Contractor.

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Operation Management Plan

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The Operation Management Plan shall be one of the three main parts of the O&M Plan
and in itself shall comprise the procedures for the operation of the treatment facility.
The Operation Management Plan shall be capable of demonstrating in an easily
identifiable schedule that the Works are and have continued to comply with the terms of
all relevant licenses and legislation.


Procedures for the Operation Service

The Operation Management Plan shall contain detailed procedures for the operation of
the Works, including equipment and processes, which the Contractor proposes to use in
delivering the service. A detailed control philosophy shall be provided for the overall
process and for each process stage, which shall be accompanied by a procedure for the
operation of each individual item of plant and/or system. This shall form a set of clear
instructions to operators and management in the WwTF.
The treatment facility control system shall be capable of continuous automatic operations.
The treatment facility shall be capable of running under manual control, although normal
operation shall be in automatic mode.
Optimum performance of the Works is an important requirement of the control system.


Non-Compliant Operation
Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 17, where the Employer is dissatisfied with
test results, he may vary the location, parameter or analysis methodology for specified
tests, or may instruct the Contractor to carry out additional tests. If these varied or
additional tests show that the tested quality or quantity of influent or effluent, Plant,
Material or Workmanship is not in accordance with the Contract, the cost of carrying out
these tests shall be borne solely by the Contractor. If, as a result of an examination,
inspection, measurement, analysis or testing, any Plant, Materials, design or
workmanship is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with this document,
the Contractor shall promptly make good the defect at his own expense and ensure that
the item complies with the appropriate standards.
Notwithstanding any previous test or certification, the Contractor shall, if so instructed by
the Employer:

Remove and replace any Plant or Materials, which is not in accordance with this
Remove and re-execute any other work which is not in accordance with this Contract.
Execute work which is urgently required for the safety of the Works, whether because
of an accident, unforeseeable event or otherwise.

Non-compliance determined by the Employers Representative will be communicated to

the Contractor by the most appropriate means and confirmed in writing. The Contractor
shall determine the cause of non-compliance, identify the corrective measures and report
in writing within five days.

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Maintenance Management Plan

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The Contractors Maintenance Management Plan shall comprise of four main sections as

Section 1 Plant Maintenance Plan;

Section 2 Facility Maintenance Plan;
Section 3 Asset Management Database
Section 4 Asset Replacement Schedule.

The Maintenance Management Plan shall include the following:

Operational maintenance issues;

Equipment calibration records;
Equipment service records;
Plant maintenance records;
Emergency event records.

The Contractor shall also develop and implement a comprehensive computer-based

maintenance management system, which shall include data on each of the above
sections. The computerised system shall address all Plant and Materials. It shall be
capable of developing readily available historical data, including an inventory of spare
parts and provision for enforcing warranties on Plant or Materials purchased. The
Contractor shall incorporate the computerised system into the Contractors SCADA
system, thus enabling all operational and maintenance details of Plant to be accessed by
the Contractor, the Employer and the Employers Representative. The Contractor shall
also develop an Asset Management Database that includes every component of the
Works. The database shall be structured to have "parent/child" relationships for each
component. The requirements of this Database are provided in Section 22.4.
All maintenance activities and Plant usage shall be logged through the SCADA system to
provide the necessary input to the computerised Maintenance Management Plan. The
system shall be capable of generating work orders that are specific to any item of
equipment. These work orders shall outline the required maintenance, describing
previous history and the work to be undertaken.
The resultant maintenance work shall be logged as to when the work order was issued,
when completed, by whom, duration of work, and listing of parts and consumables used
in expediting the work. This information shall be continuously updated for all equipment
and presented on an annual basis to the Employer to confirm that work is being
undertaken as required to protect investment in the infrastructure. The Employer,
however, may request to review records more frequently.
The Contractor shall provide a weekly inspection to detect any significant variance from
the baseline condition. Corrective action shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent
major damage to equipment, as well as protect warranties on new equipment.


Plant Maintenance Plan

The Plant Maintenance Plan shall provide for the routine, planned, breakdown and repair
maintenance of mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and electronic plant, equipment
and infrastructure (the WwTF assets) contained within the WwTF. The plan shall be for
the duration of the Operation Service Period and shall be continually evolving, including
all new equipment as it is installed.

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The Plant Maintenance Plan shall reflect procedures and standards for a modern
wastewater treatment facility. All routine and preventative maintenance activities shall, as
a minimum, meet the requirements of suppliers and shall be based on the premise than
in no event shall maintenance be less frequent and less comprehensive than that
specified in manufacturers warranties and instruction manuals.
The Plant Maintenance Plan shall serve as the framework for developing the detailed
maintenance plans for each item to be included in the O&M Manual. It shall therefore be
based on a recognised quality maintenance methodology, for example the Reliability
Centred Maintenance (RCM) approach. It shall also serve as a record of maintenance
carried out on an ongoing basis, with reference to the O&M Manual where appropriate.
The Contractor shall provide a statement of the methodology he proposes to the
Employer's Representative for review before developing it in detail.
At a minimum, the Plant Maintenance Plan shall include:

Schedules for the maintenance of the Works to include but not be limited to:

A complete list of the WwTF assets to be maintained

The frequency and type of routine and planned maintenance for each WwTF
Calibration of all instrumentation
A listing of all essential spare parts to be carried

ii) Methods for dealing with breakdown and repair of WwTF assets to include:

Callout response times for each WwTF asset

Communication with the Employer's Representative when breakdowns occur

iii) Procedures for the maintenance of the WwTF assets;

iv) Methods for the planned replacement of minor WwTF assets;
v) Records of all maintenance carried out at the WwTF. These are to be kept up to date
and held electronically and in paper format at the Site at all times.
Plant and Materials shall meet the residual life requirements specified in Section 24.2
and shall be replaced as determined by the manufacturers life warranties or earlier.


Facility Maintenance Plan

The Facility Maintenance Plan shall provide for the routine, planned, and repair
maintenance of all buildings, structures, roads, paths, accesses, green areas, gardens,
shrub and tree areas, etc., contained within the Site. All routine and preventative
maintenance activities shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements of suppliers.
The Contractors facilities maintenance plan shall include procedures and standards for a
modern wastewater treatment facility. It shall be based on the premise that in no event
shall maintenance be less frequent and less comprehensive than that specified in
suppliers or manufacturers warranties and manuals.
The plan shall ensure that maintenance is carried out at a level adequate for the efficient,
long-term reliability and preservation of the Employers capital investment. It shall also
ensure that buildings, grounds, and landscaping are kept in an aesthetically attractive
and clean condition and are in compliance with all national regulations.
The Contractor shall carry out grounds maintenance so that all areas of the Site are kept
neat and tidy and free of any item which could constitute a nuisance or pose a threat to
the safety of any person, property or the environment or to the provision of the Operation

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In the plan, the Contractor shall at a minimum include for the following activities relevant
to the buildings and grounds:
Buildings and Structures

Repairing/ replacing all worn out items, breakages and leaks immediately;
Cleaning roof guttering and drainage, windows and doors at six monthly intervals;
Cleaning and maintaining ventilation systems at six monthly intervals;
Washing down walls and wall tiles at least every six months, or more frequently, as
Painting internal and external surfaces regularly (every 3 years as a guideline) and
as detailed in maintenance schedules.

Grounds and Site


Mowing the grass once per week in the growing season and once per month
otherwise, including trimming of any edges, cutting hedges, shrubs, weeding and
applying weed killer to maintain an attractive appearance of the Works;
Pruning trees once per annum to minimise interference with or damage to the WwTF
and Site work;
Cleaning paths and roadways on a monthly basis, including freeing surface water
drainage systems, gulleys and manholes;
Inspect and repair, as required, cracks, erosions, depressions, and potholes and slab
shifts on paved areas, sidewalls and other areas on a monthly basis;
Inspect and repair, as required, security fencing, access gates and secure accesses
to all Site areas on a monthly basis;
Resurfacing to paved areas when required.

Asset Management Database

The Contractor shall develop an Asset Management Database that includes every
component of the Works. The database shall be structured to have "parent/child"
relationships for each component. The first level shall be for the process areas, such as
grit removal, primary treatment, etc. The second, third and fourth levels shall be
established based on the design of each process area and will generally relate to the
systems, assemblies and components of the process area, respectively. A sample asset
hierarchy is provided in Appendix G to illustrate the required approach to the parent/child
relationship of the Asset Management Database.
The number of systems, assemblies and components for each process area in the Asset
Management Database shall be based on a threshold replacement value of each asset
INR 10 lac). If an asset does not exceed the threshold then it shall be grouped with
similar assets that are part of the same component, assembly or system until the value
of the group of assets exceeds the threshold value.
The following variables shall become fields in the database and the Contractor shall
populate the fields for each component during the development of the Asset
Management Database:

Process Area;
Component category (Process structural, building structural, architectural, building
mechanical, building electrical, site works, piping, process equipment, process
electrical or instrumentation);
Replacement Cost;
Year of Construction;

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Useful life;
Consequence of failure of the component on the operation of the facility on a 1 to 5
Probability of failure of the component on the operation of the facility on a 1 to 5 scale;
Risk of failure of the component on the operation of the facility on a 1 to 25 scale.
Risk is defined as the product of the probability of failure and the consequence of
size/capacity of the component;
Photograph of the component;
Estimated replacement time frame (0-5 year, 6-10 year, 11-25 years, > 25 years).

The Contractor shall develop the Asset Management Database in Microsoft Excel,
Microsoft Access or a commercial Asset Management software application. The Asset
Management Database and software application shall be subject to approval by the
Employers Representative.


Asset Replacement Schedule

Section 4 of the Maintenance Management Plan shall contain all information in regard to
the set-up, operation and status of the Asset Replacement Schedule and Asset
Replacement Fund. The Asset Replacement Schedule shall be developed using the
information that is contained in the Asset Management Database.
The Asset Replacement Fund shall be operated in accordance with Schedule of
Payments in Volume 3.
During the Contract the Contractor shall keep the Asset Replacement Schedule up to
date to reflect any changes that have occurred. This Modified Asset Replacement
Schedule shall be based on the anticipated life expectancy of installed process plant.
The Modified Asset Replacement Schedule shall be based initially on the Asset
Replacement Schedule included with the Contractors Tender Submission but updated
annually as experience is gained on the actual reliability of the various items of plant, to
accurately reflect the planned operation and maintenance of the Works. The tenth and all
subsequent annual reviews shall extend the period covered by the Modified Asset
Replacement Schedule to cover an additional five years beyond the Operation Service
The Contractor shall be encouraged to introduce innovation and improved efficiency into
the operation of the Asset Replacement Fund, where it can be demonstrated to be
economically advantageous to the Employer in terms of improved efficiency, reduced
environmental impact or cost reduction.
When the Contractor wishes to introduce an innovation, he shall put forward his proposal
in writing to the Employer's Representative in accordance with the Schedule of

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Independent Compliance Auditing

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As part of the O&M Plan, the WwTF shall be inspected annually by the Employers
Representative and/or an independent Engineer approved and over seen by the
Employers Representative. The purpose of the annual inspection shall be to verify that
the operation and maintenance of the treatment facility is performed in conformance to
the O&M Plan and the requirements of the Contract. The Contractor shall develop a
compliance auditing plan which shall address:

Tests to be conducted for each piece of equipment to determine their physical and
operational conditions;
The physical and operational conditions and general status of repairs of all
equipment, buildings, structures, pavements, grounds, utility lines, spare parts,
inventories, etc.

The Employers Representative and/or the independent Engineer shall prepare a

detailed report documenting the findings of the inspection. The report shall include an
assessment of the current conditions of each item or component, its estimated remaining
service life, and whether the current conditions are consistent with the maintenance and
general upkeep requirements of the contract and in accordance with the O&M Plan. A
copy of the report shall be submitted to Employers Representative for review.
In the event that such inspections reveal work not in accordance with the O&M Plan or
with the Contract or lack of repairs or necessary maintenance to the WwTF or equipment,
the Employers Representative shall bring to the attention of the Contractor such items
and the Contractor shall perform the repairs and maintenance activities identified by the
The annual inspection shall also review:

Laboratory conditions and procedures All laboratories where tests are conducted
on samples shall be inspected to ensure conformance and compliance with
laboratory procedures and requirements.
Chemicals - All areas where chemicals are stored or used and hazardous materials
procedures and records shall be inspected to ensure compliance with the O&M
Manual and all applicable regulations and standards.
Operation Service records - All records kept by the Contractor, including safety and
emergency conditions records shall be reviewed.
O&M Plan conformance to approved plan.
Training and staffing plans conformance with approved training and staffing plans.
Health and Safety Plan.

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Handback Requirements

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At the end of the Operation Service Period the Contractor shall handback the Works to
the Employer.
Immediately prior to the end of the Operation Service Period the Contractor shall carry
out final repairs to the Works. These shall include repainting as necessary and making
good any defects or damage. The Contractor shall replace all spare parts and
consumable stores used in the Works and top up all fuel, oil and water tanks.
The Works shall be handed back in a condition which would permit the Works to receive
influent, treat and dispose of effluent subsequent to Handback in accordance with the
standards required by the performance requirements (assuming that the Works are
operated and maintained in accordance with the Operational Specifications and
Maintenance Specifications).
The whole of the Works shall be handed back in a clean and maintained state and in full
operation and good working order.
The Plant and Materials shall have been maintained in accordance with the Maintenance
Management Plan.


Residual Life and Planned Asset Replacement at Handback

At the time of Handback all Permanent Works shall be in a condition in which the
components of the Works identified in the table below shall satisfy the remaining useful
life specified in the table.
Table 24.1 Residual life at handback
Minimum Remaining
Useful Life

Civil engineering and building works (including underground
services and pipes)
External pipework
Steel tanks
Mechanical Internal pipework and valves
Mechanical Rotating machines and complex equipment
Electrical - Cables
Electrical - HT Electrical, Transformers & Switchgear
Electrical - LT Electrical and Switchgear
Diffuser Membrane


The Contractor shall manage the scheduling of the replacement of assets such that there
are no planned replacements (as identified in the Modified Asset Replacement Schedule)
during the 5 years following Contract Completion.


Notification of Expiry of the Operation Service Period and Joint Inspection

The Employer shall notify the Contractor of the intended date for the expiry of the
Operation Service Period not less than two years before the said date.

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Upon receipt of the Employers notification and in accordance with Clause 11.8 of the
Conditions of Contract, the Contractor and the Employers Representative shall carry out
a joint inspection of the Works to identify any defects, damage and plant replacements
that may be necessary prior to the expiry of the Operation Service Period.
The Contractor shall provide a programme for making good the defects and damage and
replacing items of plant, all as identified in the joint inspection, for approval by the
Employers Representative.
The Contractor and the Employers Representative will carry out further joint inspections
at intervals not exceeding 6 months. They will assess the Works condition and operation,
progress with the implementation of the above measures and identification of any further
measures to be implemented.


Tests Prior to Contract Completion

24.4.1 Procedure
The Contractor shall carry out Tests Prior to Contract Completion in accordance with
Clause 11 of the Conditions of Contract and the Employers Requirements.
The Contractor shall prepare a detailed method statement for carrying out Tests Prior to
Contract Completion and submit it to the Employers Representative for review. The
Tests Prior to Contract Completion shall be similar to the procedures for the Tests on
Completion of Design-Build described in Section 17, including sampling and analysis,
developed to include new elements of the Works added since the Tests on Completion
of Design-Build were carried out and modified to include procedures and methods
appropriate at the end of the Operation Service Period.
As a minimum these Tests Prior to Contract Completion shall demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Employers Representative that:
a) the Works are meeting the required performance, current at the time of testing and all
other outputs conform with current legislation and regulations under all operating
conditions that can be expected;
b) the Works comply with the Contractors design and the Employers Requirements;
c) the capacity and efficiency of all Plant and process units are within the design limits;
d) disposal of site products, by-products, sludge and waste is in accordance with
current legislation;
e) all Plant and the Works remain fit for their intended purposes.
The inspections, tests, monitoring and analysis shall be witnessed by persons nominated
by the Employers Representative.
The Tests Prior to Contract Completion shall be deemed to have been completed when
the Works have been operated without breakdown of any item of Plant for a continuous
period of one month and compliance with all the criteria stated above has been
demonstrated to the Employers Representatives satisfaction and the results of the tests
have been submitted to the Employers Representative as stated below.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any remedial measures necessary to achieve the
above criteria.
No inspection, or approval or failure to give approval/consent to or response by the
Employers Representative or his staff of the Works, Plant and Materials shall release
the Contractor from any of his obligations under the Contract.
It is a requirement of the Contract that all Plant and Material shall be suitable for ongoing
use to the benefit of the Employer at the conclusion of the Operation Service Period.

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Accordingly they shall comply with the residual life requirements of Section 24.2. This
shall be assessed by the Employers Representative by reference to the Works condition
and where relevant to the history of its performance, breakdown, maintenance etc.
Where residual life expectancy does not meet the Contract requirements the Employer
shall have the option to deduct monies from the final payment due to the Contractor or
seek damages in lieu of the Plant being replaced.
Inspection of the Works for the purposes of assessing the residual life of the Works shall
be part of the Tests Prior to Contract Completion.


Handback of the Works to the Employer

The Works shall be transferred to the Employer at the date stated in the Contract
Completion Certificate in accordance with Clause 8.6 of the Conditions of Contract.
Shortly before Handback of the Works the Contractor and the Employers Representative
shall carry out a final joint survey of the Works. A schedule of minor defects shall be
compiled by the Contractor and submitted to the Employers Representative. Upon the
Employers Representative being satisfied regarding such final inspection, and subject to
the Contractor having successfully completed the Tests Prior to Contract Completion, the
Employers Representative shall issue to the Employer and the Contractor a Contract
Completion Certificate stating any minor works remaining to be completed. The
Employer shall thereafter be responsible for the care, safety, operation, servicing and
maintenance of the Works.


Training of the Employers Operators

The Contractor shall provide formal training and hands-on experience to the Employers
operators as required by Section 16.2 during the last twelve months of the Operation
Service Period.


Final Documentation
Prior to the commencement of the Tests Prior to Contract Completion the Contractor
shall submit to the Employers Representative three copies of a final version of all the
documentation utilised and required for the operation and maintenance of the Works.
This shall as a minimum be the documentation required in Sections 19, 20, 21, and 22 of
the Employers Requirements and health and safety documentation required by
legislation. It shall include inter alia up to date records of:

Updated as-built drawings of the Works (hard and soft copy);

design details (calculations, etc);
operation and maintenance manual including standard procedures, emergency
procedures and environmental management procedures;
plant inventory and data sheets for each item of plant;
software for all programmable devices (PLC, SCADA etc);
maintenance management plan including the Modified Asset Replacement Schedule;
records of test results, inspections, surveys, investigations, monitoring, sampling,
analysis (if not included elsewhere);
control system functional design specification;
monthly maintenance reports for the previous six months;
the last two annual maintenance reports;
schedule of outstanding repair orders.

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Any changes arising from the Tests Prior to Contract Completion shall be made prior to
Handback of the Works.

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Inspection, Testing and Commissioning Requirements

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Inspection and Testing During Manufacture

25.1.1 General
a) All inspection and testing shall be carried out in accordance with the Specification
and in absence of Specification relevant Indian Standard or internationally approved
equivalent standard. After award of contract, Contractor shall furnish a QA plan for
approval by Employer. QA plan shall include testing for incoming supply of raw
materials and bought out items, stage inspections and tests on finished products at
manufacturers works / appropriate testing station. QA plan shall clearly indicate tests
which are intended to be witnessed by the Contractor alone and those by both
contractor and Employer.
b) Inspection and tests schedule shall be as follows;

Manufacture tests
Acceptance inspection / Quantity checking
Install /site inspection
Site acceptance test
Tests on Completion
Process Wet Tests (by Raw Sewage)
Operation Test (Tests After Completion)
Complete performance tests of Plant after 15-year Operation (Before plant
handing over)
Test furnished as per IS Code/manufacturer QAP

c) The Contractor shall carry out inspection of equipments at the place of manufacture,
as per approved QAP.
d) The Employer and/or duly authorised and designated representative(s) shall be
entitled to attend the aforesaid inspection and/or tests.
e) The Employer and his duly authorised representative shall have access to the
Contractors premises at all times to inspect and examine the material and
workmanship of the mechanical and electrical plant and equipment during its
manufacture there. If part of the plant and equipment is being manufactured on other
premises, the Contractor shall obtain permission for the Employer or his duly
authorised representative, to inspect as if the plant and equipment was manufactured
on the Contractors own premises. Testing (including testing for chemical analysis
and physical properties) shall be carried out by the Contractor and certificates
submitted to the Engineer who will have the right to witness or inspect the above
mentioned inspection /testing at any stage desired by him. Where inspection or
testing is to be carried out at a subcontractors works, a representative of the
Contractor shall be present.
f) Contractor shall provide test procedure, pre-factory test results, and calculation sheet,
photo in advance and provide all of test result with necessary document including its
data and photo to show Engineer that test is carried out in proper condition and the
its test results. Construction material shall be tested by contractor at the approved
g) The procedure for the testing and inspection to be carried out during or following the
manufacture of the materials to ensure the quality and workmanship of the materials
and to further ensure that they conform to the Contract in whatever place they are

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specified shall be as described below.

The Contractor shall give the Employer at least 21 clear days notice in writing of
the date and the place at which any plant or equipment will be ready for
inspection/testing as provided in the Contract. Prior to notice, contractor should
submit pre factory test results as per clause 25.1.1(f) The Employer or his duly
authorised representative shall thereupon at his discretion notify the Contractor of
his intention either to release such part of the plant and equipment upon receipt
of works tests certificates or of his intention to inspect. The employer shall then
give notice in writing to the Contractor, and attend at the place so named the said
plant and equipment which will be ready for inspection and/or testing. As and
when any plant shall have passed the tests referred to in this section, the
Engineer shall issue to the Contractor a notification to that effect after obtaining
clearance from the consultants.

ii) The Contractor shall forward to the Employer 6 duly certified copies of the test
certificates along with characteristics performance curves/tables if any for all
equipment obtaining dispatch clearance from the consultants/Engineer
iii) If the Engineer(s) fails to attend the inspection and/or test, or if it is agreed
between the parties that the Engineer(s) shall not do so, then the Contractor may
proceed with the inspection and/or test in the absence of the Engineer and
provide the Employer with a certified report of the results thereof as per (ii) above.
iv) If any materials or any part of the works fails to pass any inspection / test, the
Contractor shall rectify or replace such materials or part of the works and shall
repeat the inspection and/or test upon giving a notice as per (i) above. Any fault
or shortcoming found during any inspection or test shall be rectified to the
satisfaction of the Engineer before proceeding with further inspection of that item.
Any circuit previously tested, which may have been affected by the rectification
work, shall be re- tested.
v) Where the plant and equipment is a composite unit of several individual pieces
manufactured in different places, it shall be assembled and tested as one
complete working unit, at the manufacturers works.
vi) Neither the execution of an inspection test of materials or any part of the works,
nor the attendance by the Engineer (s), nor the issue of any test certificate
pursuant to (iii) above shall relieve the Contractor from his responsibilities under
the Contract.
vii) The test equipment, meters, instruments etc., used for testing shall be calibrated
at recognised test laboratories at regular intervals and valid certificates shall be
made available to the Engineers at the time of testing. The calibrating instrument
used as standards shall be traceable to National/International standards.
Calibration certificates or test instruments shall be produced from a
recognised/Laboratory for the Engineers consent in advance of testing and if
necessary instruments shall be recalibrated or substituted before the
commencement of the test.
viii) Items of plant or control systems not covered by standards shall be tested in
accordance with the details and program agreed between the Engineer and
Contractors Representative. If such materials or works are found to be defective
or not conforming to the Contract requirements, due to the fault of the Contractor
or his sub-contractors the Contractor shall defray all the expenses of such
inspection and/or test and of satisfactory reconstruction.
ix) Tests shall also be carried out such that due consideration is given to the Site
conditions under which the equipment is required to function. The test certificates

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shall give all details of such tests.
x) The Contractor shall establish and submit a detailed procedure for the inspection
of materials or any part of the works to the Employer for approval within the date
indicated in the Programme Details. The detailed procedure shall indicate or
specify, without limitation, the following :

Applicable code, standard, and regulations.

Fabrication sequence flow chart indicating tests and inspection points.

Detailed tests and inspection method, indicating the measuring apparatus to

be used, items to be measured, calculation formula, etc.

Acceptance criteria.

Test report forms and required code certificates and data records.

Method of sampling, if any sampling test to be conducted.

Contractors or Employers witness points.

xi) The Contractor shall not pack for shipment any part of the Plant until he has
obtained from the Employer or his authorised representative his written approval
to the release of such part for shipment after any tests required by the Contract
have been completed to the Employers satisfaction.
xii) The following Inspection and Testing procedures shall be carried out for the
equipment as per approved QAP.
The detailed procedure shall indicate or specify, without limitation, the following:

Raw Material
Visual Inspection/Appearance.
Chemical and Mechanical property tests
Dimension Checking
Dynamic balancing for all rotating parts
Stage inspection
Hydrostatic / Leak testing for all pressure parts, Pneumatic Leak Test wherever
Repair procedure
Operation check
Procedure Qualification Record (PQR); Welding Procedure Qualification (WPQ) and
Welders Qualification Report (WQR)
Material Test

h) The Contractor shall maintain proper identification of all materials used, along with
reports for all internal / stage inspection work carried out, based on the specific job
requirement and or based on the datasheets / drawings / specifications.

The expenses incurred during inspection shall include, but not be limited to all
travelling, boarding, lodging and out-of- pocket expenses.
1) The Contractor shall be responsible for all expenses incurred by the Engineer or
person/s nominated by the Engineer in attending inspection and tests of Plant
carried out during manufacture within India and abroad. Normally two or three
persons from Employer side will witness the Inspection and testing along with the

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contractors representative.
2) Cost of inspection when material or any part of the facilities is not ready at the
time specified by the Contractor for inspection or when re-inspection is
necessitated by prior rejection shall also be borne by the Contractor.

Witnessed testing will normally be waived on standard types of equipment such as

small motors made by approved manufacturers, individual standardised instruments,
small mass produced components used in the manufacture of Plant items, small bore
pipework and fittings, minor installation materials and low voltage cable. In order to
remove doubt this shall not relieve the Contractor of his obligation under the Contract
to ensure that all Plant is tested at the manufacturer's works prior to delivery to Site.

k) As a guide to the Contractor the Employer reserves the right to witness testing of the
following but not limited to the following Plant items:
a) Electrical:

22 kV Metal enclosed switchboards & Switchgears.
415 V Metal enclosed switchgears (PCC / MCC)
415 V Power capacitor and control panel
Diesel Standby Generator with AMF Control Panel (6) Battery, battery
charger and DC Distribution Board
Variable Frequency Drives
Non Segregated Bus Duct
Power & control cables
Lighting System

b) Mechanical:

Storage and process vessels Clarifier and thickener bridges, drives, and
sludge/scum mechanisms
Chemical dosing systems complete with pumps, Valves & tanks
Mixers, pumps and blowers including their motors ,Valve and penstock
Sluice Gates
Expansion/Dismantling Joints.
Weir Gates
Dewatering Centrifuge and associated plant
Fine Bubble Diffuser systems
Chlorination system and Cl2-Gas Scrubbers
Process Air Blowers
EOT Cranes and Hoists
SBR Equipment and Associated Plant.
Heat Exchangers
Hot water Boilers
Biogas scrubbers
Gas Flare Assembly, valves and safety Devices

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c) Instrumentation and Control:

Level Measuring System

Pressure Gauges
Pressure Transmitter
Flow Measuring System
DO analyzer
ORP analyzer
Temperature Measuring System
Residual Chlorine Measuring System
Instrumentation and Control Cables
Instrument Control Panel
Programmable Logic Controller
SCADA / HMI System
Uninterruptible Power Supply System
Wireless GPRS gateway testing
FAT & SAT for complete ICA system

All destructively tested samples shall be replaced with new.

m) The Employer reserves the right to be present during the testing and inspection of all
Plant items.
25.1.2 Materials, Plant, and Equipment
The Contractor shall place orders for the material and the equipment only after approval
QAP by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit the detailed technical and its drawings
from the approved manufacturer and the procedure of submission, review and revision
shall be as specified herein below.
The Contractor shall inform the Employer about the likely dates of manufacturing, testing,
and dispatching of any material and equipment to be incorporated into the Permanent
Works. The Contractor shall notify the Employer for inspection and testing, at least
twenty-one (21) days prior to packing and shipping and shall supply the manufacturer's
test results and quality control certificates.
The testing and approval for dispatching shall not absolve the Contractor from his
obligations for satisfactory performance of the plant.
Dispatch Clearance
All mechanical/electrical/instrumentation equipment shall be tested at their respective
factory which will be witnessed by tri parties (Contractor, Client /Consultant inspecting
team) in line with approved QAP and Equipment Data sheet.
The test observation sheets, material tests certificates (chemical and mechanical test at
laboratory) and joint inspection report shall be signed by the Contractor,
Client/Consultant officials after successfully completion of tests.
Contractor shall forward all original reports to Client and copy to Consultant for
verification and issuances of Dispatch Clearance Certificates as per clause 25.1.1 g (ii)
No Dispatch Clearance Certificate will be issued at the factory itself by the inspecting
25.1.3 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Document
Fifty Six (56) days prior to commencement of inspection of each Plant item / equipment

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the Contractor shall supply a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Document for approval.
This shall comprise four copies of the following:

Unpriced copy of the Contractors order for the Plant item / equipment concerned:
Details of the inspection and test procedures to be carried out.
Pre-factory test results and its photos.

The FAT Plan shall provide comprehensive details of the tests to be carried out, the
purpose of each test, the equipment to be used in carrying out the test and the methods
to be adopted in carrying out the tests. The FAT shall provide space within the
documentation for results of the tests to be added and for each test and for the FAT as a
whole to be signed off by the Contractor and the Engineer.
On completion of the tests the Contractor shall provide four copies of all test certificates,
curves etc. for the inspected Plant item. To remove doubt test certificates shall be
provided for the Plant item as a whole plus certificates for the relevant component parts
such as:

Mixers, pumps and Blowers;
Gear boxes;
Electrical switchgear
Integral control and switchgear panels;
Valve gear;
Cranes and Hoists
Storage and process vessels
Pumps /blowers
Air blowers
Centrifuge Decanters
SBR Equipment and associated Plant
Heat Exchangers
Hot water Boilers
Biogas scrubbers
Gas Flare assembly, valves and safety devices

25.1.4 Inspection and Testing Program

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer not later than 56 days prior to the
commencement of the first inspection and test during manufacture a program detailing
the inspection dates for all Plant. Those items of Plant that the Engineer has specifically
identified for witness testing test shall be highlighted in the program
The Contractor shall keep the Engineer informed of any changes to the program.
The Engineer shall not be requested to inspect an item of Plant until the Contractor has
satisfied himself that the equipment meets all requirements of the Employers

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The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing at least 21 days in advance regarding
readiness for carrying out inspection of equipment/material etc. at manufacturer's works
or at places of inspection. The programme for inspection shall be finalised by the
Engineer after the receipt of the above case equipment/material etc. is found not to
comply with the specification, dates for re- inspection shall be finalised and expenses
incurred by the Employer for such visits shall also be recovered from the Contractor.
Contractor's Representatives shall essentially be present during all inspections of Plant
items. The following information shall be given in the inspection call letter mentioned

Name of manufacturer/supplier;
Address of place where inspection is to be carried out;
Proposed date/s and equipment to be inspected;
Name/s of contact personnel at manufacturer's/ supplier/s works with their telephone
and fax numbers.
e) Name of Contractor's Representative who will be present during the inspection.
f) Confirmation that internal testing has been completed. Submission of internal testing
report for review before visiting the plant
The Contractor shall provide all the necessary instruments, test facility, water / electric
power, test piece, samples, engineers/ workers, all cost and others to carry out the tests
after assembly. All instruments used for such tests shall be calibrated and certified by
and approved by an independent testing authority not more than one month prior to the
tests in which they are used. Calibration certificates with expire date and name of
authorization agency for instruments used for such tests shall be produced for the
approval of the Engineer and if necessary, instruments shall be recalibrated before the
commencement of the tests.
No material shall be delivered to the Site without Dispatch clearance certificate having
been carried out or waived in writing by the Engineer.
If during or after testing, any item of plant fails to achieve its intended duty or otherwise
proves defective, it shall be modified or altered as necessary and retested and reinspected as required by the Engineer.


Tests at Manufacturer's Premises Mechanical Equipment

25.2.1 Sewage / Sludge Pumps

a) All pumps shall be assembled completely in the shop to ensure correct fitting of all
parts and shall be match-marked before shipment.
b) All pumps shall undergo witness performance tests at the pump manufacturers
Works. Testing shall be undertaken with the respective job motor for all the pumps
being supplied under the Contract.
c) All tests such as Q/H curve, efficiency of pumps, power consumption, vibration and
noise level shall be conducted, and NPSH tests one for each pumping station shall
be undertaken to verify that the pumps meet the specified criteria. The pumps shall
be run at constant flow capacity and speed.
d) Pump casings shall be subject to hydrostatic pressure testing as an assembly at
150% of the pump shut-off head or 200% of the pump rated head whichever is higher.
The hydrostatic pressure shall be held for not less than 30 minutes after all leaks
have been stopped between attachments.
e) Impeller and pump rotating assembly shall be dynamically balanced as per ISO 1940
/ Gr. 6.3 / VDI 2060.

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f) Standard running test shall be conducted as per BS 5316 Part 2 Class B / ISO 3555
at the rated speed at manufacturers works to measure the capacity, total head,
efficiency and power. These tests shall form the basis for pump acceptance except
for vibration and noise. The pump shall be tested over a range comprising shut off
head to maximum flow. Minimum seven readings approximately equidistant shall be
taken for plotting the performance curve.
g) The following formula shall be taken for computing the power input to the pump:
Power input to the Pump in kW: Q x Hx1.02
367.2 x p
Where, Q = Discharge in cum/hr
H = Total head in mwc
p = Efficiency of pump
h) If the vibration, noise level readings taken during performance test show higher than
that permitted, vendor shall guarantee to show that the values shall be maintained at
site after erection. Any cost of rectification needed on this count shall be borne by the
i) Stage inspection for pumps shall be carried out as per approved QAP/ The
Contractor has to make all necessary arrangement for witnessing the same.
25.2.2 Motors
a) Routine Tests
All routine tests shall be carried out on all motors as per the latest edition of IS 325.
b) Acceptance Tests
Full load test to determine efficiency, power factor and slip shall be conducted on all
the motors.
c) Type tests
The following type tests shall be carried out on one motor of each rating above
10 kW.
o Isolation resistance test
o Temperature rise test
o Momentary overload test
o Vibration measurement test
o Noise level test
o Over speed /over load test
o Starting current, starting torque, and pull out torque at reduced voltage
25.2.3 Valves and Expansion Joints
a) During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to any of the
valve component.
b) Motorized valves shall be tested with their job actuator, with a differential head
equivalent to their maximum working pressure, to prove that the actuators are
capable of opening and closing the valves under maximum unbalanced head
condition within the specified opening or closing period.
c) Hydrostatically tested shall be as per relevant IS/BS standard for each type of valve.
d) The following test shall be carried out for sluice valves, Knife Gate valves:
o Seat leakage test.
o Body hydrostatic test.
o Valve operation.
o Dimensional Check.

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Visual Inspection.

e) The following test shall be carried out for non-return valves:


Seat leakage test.

Body hydrostatic test.
Valve operation
Dimensional Check.
Visual Inspection.

f) The following test shall be carried out for Expansion Joints:


Leakage test.
Body hydrostatic test.
Displacement range.
Dimensional Check.
Visual Inspection.

25.2.4 Pipe-work
Testing of pipes and fitting shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Indian
Standard and internationally approved standard. Pipes, fittings and expansion bellows
shall be hydrostatically tested for 1.5 times the rated pressure.
The following test shall be carried out for pipelines:

Pressure test
Leakage test
LP test for welding pipeline
Welding beat check
Dimensional Check
Visual Inspection

25.2.5 Compressors and Blowers

Tests shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant international standard. All
compressors and blowers shall be tested with their ancillaries to confirm design
performance particularly in respect of flow and pressure. The test shall demonstrate that
vibration and noise are within the specified limits and that the pressure relief valve
operates correctly.
Air receiver shall be tested in accordance with the relevant section of B.S. 5169.
All pressure vessels shall be inspected and hydro water tightness tested. Test will be
conducted with Job Motors at Compressors/Blowers manufactures place
25.2.6 Process Plant Items
All process plant items shall be tested to ensure they meet the Employers Requirements
for quality of workmanship, construction, and performance at the place desired by client
25.2.7 Crane & Hoists
The cranes shall be completely assembled in the Contractors or subcontractors Works
and shall be subjected to the tests as specified in IS 807/IS 3177 or relevant
internationally approved standard. The Contractor shall provide the test weights.

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Hoists and lifting equipment shall be assembled and tested at the place of manufacture
in accordance with IS 3938.
Each and every rotating part/assembly/sub-assembly shall be dynamically balanced as
per grade G16 of ISO 1940/1 - 1986.
25.2.8 Sluice Gates
a) Seat Clearance Check
With the gate fully closed, the clearance between seating faces when checked with
the filler gauge, shall not exceed 0.1 mm.
b) Movement Tests
Each gate shall be shop operated Manually/Electrically three times from the fully
open position to the fully closed position and return to fully open, under no flow
conditions to demonstrate that the assembly is workable.
c) Leakage Tests
With the gate in closed position design pressure shall be applied for a period not
lesser than 5 minutes to the unseating side of the sluice gate and the leakage shall
not exceed the maximum leakage permissible as per IS 13349.
d) Hydrostatic Tests
Finally a differential of one and a half times the design pressure shall be applied to
the unseating side of the gate. Under these tests no part shall show any deflection of
25.2.9 Medium and Fine Screens
a) All screens shall be checked for overall dimensions, assembly, and clearance
between the bars / space between a rake and bar surface / aperture size and its
material as well as painting works. Moreover, motion of rake/drum and wiper/self
cleaning arrangement shall also be tested at works.
b) Conveyor shall be checked for dimensions and physical conditions, belt joint portion,
travelling accuracy of belt, motors and its power consumption, performance of safety
c) At least one screen of each type shall be tested for efficiency and operation by
employing screenings. For the screen having depth of channel more than 3 metres,
testing with reduced depth is acceptable.
25.2.10 Fine Bubble Diffusers
a) Clean water Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTE) tests shall be performed
for each different diffuser grid geometry/arrangement proposed in the design. These
tests shall be performed by the diffuser Manufacturer at the Manufacturers testing
facility or an equivalent facility appropriately equipped with an adequately sized
testing tank and other required appurtenances. The testing shall be performed in full
compliance with the latest version of the applicable standard testing protocol. These
tests shall be witnessed by Engineer per procedures set forth for witnessing
elsewhere in this document.
b) All diffusers including 5% spares shall be thoroughly inspected by Contractor for
physical damage to the membrane or any other part of the diffuser and results of the
inspection shall be reported to Engineer.

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Field Test:
The test will verify the installation as well as the diffusers ability to deliver the specified
air flow rates at the manufacturers stated pressure loss. Testing will also verify the
uniformity of mixing provided.
Levelling tests:
1. Introduce clear water into each tank to the top of the diffuser elements.
2. Check the level of the diffusers to verify that all element horizontal surfaces are within
10 mm of a common horizontal plane and at the specified elevation. Leakage and
distribution of flow tests:

After successful completion of the levelling tests, raise the water level to 50 mm
above the manifold.
Visually inspect the water surface to ensure that the airflow is uniformly
distributed across the tank.
Repair any leaks in the elements holders, elements, pipes or the like.
Repeat the test until the installation is essentially void of air leaks.

25.2.11 SBR Equipment:

a) The Decanter and its accessory shall be checked by the Engineer for overall
dimensions, fabrication accuracy, pipe connection, material and pipe line, and a test
to confirm design performance particularly in respect of flow, pressure inspected and
hydro water tightness tested shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant
international standard or an acceptable manufacture test procedure.
b) The check or/and test shall demonstrate that Assemblys vibration and noise during
the test is within the specified limits and that operates correctly.
c) The overflow weir shall be checked the level of V-notch, maximum flow rate and
smooth operational movement.
d) All accessory including flow control valves, mooring facilities, discharge pipe, transfer
pumps, bubbling diffuser, blowers, air supply pipe and mixers, which shall be
checked and tested according to the testing procedure shown above respectively.
e) The testing shall be performed in full compliance with the latest version of the
applicable standard testing protocol. These tests shall be witnessed by Engineer per
procedures set forth for witnessing elsewhere in this document.
f) SBR Mixers: The tests shall include but not limited to Dimensional and appearance
check, Motor tests, Vibration and Noise level test, Performance test including
pressure test and sensor test.
SBR Field Testing
1) The test will be verified any damage/missing part, No. of equipment to be installed,
material, location as specified in drawing, levelling including overflow weir centreline,
stable/solid installation and condition of installation to be fit in levelling of decanter/
overflow-weir/drain pipeline/ valves and their supports, control valves, pumps,
mooring facilities, mixers, Air-diffuser facilities/blowers, etc.
2) Testing run will be conducted for verifying rotation direction, vibration, noise, smooth
motion/overflow weir performance and stability of installation and any leakage, if
3) The test will be verified to check maintenance space and ease of equipment
maintenance work.

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25.2.12 Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes
1) All pipes for testing purposes shall be selected at random from the stock of the
manufacturer and shall be such as would not otherwise be rejected under the criteria
of tolerances as mentioned in IS:458.
2) Contractor shall provide laboratory test /analysis results of cement and aggregate
component and cement vs. aggregate vs. water mixing ratio and concrete mixing
time and mixing method.
3) During manufacture, tests on concrete shall be carried out as per IS:456. The
manufacturer shall supply, when required to do so by the Engineer the results of
compressive tests of concrete cubes and split tensile tests of concrete cylinders
made from the concrete used for the pipes. The manufacturer shall supply cylinders
or cubes for test purposes required by the Engineer and such cylinders or cubes
shall withstand the tests prescribed as per IS:458. Every pressure pipe shall be
tested by the manufacturer for the hydrostatic test pressure. For non-pressure pipes,
2 percent of the pipes shall be tested for hydrostatic test pressure.
4) The specimen of pipes for the following tests shall be selected in accordance with
relevant clause of IS:458 and tests in accordance with the methods described in
o Hydrostatic test
o Three edge bearing test
o Absorption test
o Dimension and color of surface
o Damage
Sampling and Inspection
1) In any consignment, all the pipes of same class and size and manufactured under
similar conditions of production shall be grouped together to constitute a lot. The
conformity of a lot to the requirements of this Employers Requirements shall be
ascertained on the basis of tests on pipes selected from it.
2) The number of pipes to be selected from the lot for testing shall be in accordance
with Table 15 of IS:458.
3) Pipes shall be selected at random. In order to ensure randomness, all the pipes in
the lot may be arranged in a serial order and starting from any pipe, every r-th pipe
be selected till the requisite number is obtained, r being the integral part of N/n where
N is the lot size and n is the sample size.
4) All pipes selected shall be inspected for dimensional requirements, finish and
deviation from straight. A pipe failing to satisfy one or more of these requirements
shall be considered as defective.
5) The number of pipes to be tested shall be in accordance with column 4 of Table 15 of
IS:458. These pipes shall be selected from pipes that have satisfied the requirements
mentioned in the above clause.
6) A lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements of IS:458 if the following
conditions are satisfied.
7) The number of defective pipes shall not be more than the permissible number given
in column 3 of Table 15 of IS:458.
8) All the pipes tested for various tests shall satisfy corresponding requirements of the tests.
9) In case the number of pipes not satisfying requirements of any one or more tests,
one or two further samples of same size shall be selected and tested for the test or
tests in which the failure has occurred. All these pipes shall satisfy the corresponding
requirements of the test.

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10) All destructively tested samples shall be replaced to new.
25.2.13 Steel Cylinders Pipes and Specials
a) Welding beat check Remove all scale on the welding points and welding beat and its
thickness shall be checked by the Engineer.
b) Penetration Test
A suitable penetrating liquid (kerosene oil/Dye) is applied to the surface of the portion
under examination and is permitted to remain there for sufficient time to allow the
liquid to penetrate into any defects open at the surface. After the penetrating time,
the excess penetrate, which remains on the surface is removed. Then a light colored
powder absorbent called a developer is applied to the surface. This developer acts
as a blotter and draws out a portion of the penetrant which had previously seeped
into the surface openings. As the penetrant is drawn out it diffuses into the coating of
the developer, forming indication of the surface discontinuities or flaws.
c) Each steel cylinder shall be subjected before lining/coating to a hydrostatic test under
a water pressure equivalent to the test pressure in accordance with Clause 10 of
IS:1916 and relevant provisions of IS:3597, provided that the whole of the area of the
calculated reinforcement is used in the steel cylinder. In the case of pipes where a
part of the principal reinforcement is provided in the cage, the steel cylinder shall be
subjected to proportionately less hydrostatic test pressure.
d) Manufacturer's standard specials shall be hydrostatically tested before lining/coating.
Where feasible, other specials shall be hydrostatically tested (before lining/coating) at
factory. However, when this is not practicable, at the discretion of the Engineer, the
unlined specials shall be tested by penetration test as per IS:3658 or other approved
e) The contractor has to submit QA/QC and methodology for welding works
f) Approval of welding rods
g) Welders qualification Test
25.2.14 Cast Iron / Ductile Iron Pipes
Mechanical Tests
Mechanical chemical tests shall be carried out during manufacture of pipes and fittings
as specified in relevant IS codes. The results so obtained shall be considered to
represent all the pipes and fittings of different sizes manufactured during that period and
the same shall be submitted to the Engineer. The method for tensile tests and the
minimum tensile strength requirement for pipes and fittings shall be as per relevant IS
Brinell Hardness Test
For checking the Brinell hardness, the test shall be carried out on the test ring or bars cut
from the pipes used for the ring test and tensile test in accordance with IS:1500.
If any test piece representing a lot fails in the first instance, two additional tests shall be
made on test pieces selected from two other pipes from the same lot. If both the test
results satisfy the specified requirements, the lot shall be accepted. Should either of
these additional test pieces fail to pass the test, the lot shall be liable for rejection.
Hydrostatic Test
For hydrostatic test at works, the pipes and fittings shall be kept under test pressure as

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specified in relevant IS codes they may be struck moderately with a 700 g hammer. They
shall withstand the pressure test without showing any leakage, sweating or other defect
of any kind. The hydrostatic test shall be conducted before coating the pipes and fittings.


Chlorination and Gas Pipeline System

a) All items of plant shall be tested at manufacturer's works and test certificates shall be
b) All chlorine gas piping from chlorine drums to chlorinator shall be pressure tested
with dry air/nitrogen to a pressure of 15 kg/
c) The chlorine gas piping from the chlorinators up to injectors shall be pressure/
vacuum tested with dry air/nitrogen to a pressure/vacuum equal to 1.5 times the
maximum pressure/vacuum to be encountered during operation.
d) The motive water piping shall be hydrostatically tested for a pressure of 1.5 times the
operating pressure or the maximum pump discharge pressure at pump shut off
whichever is higher.
e) After the chlorine system has been completely tested as above leak tests shall be
conducted admitting chlorine gas. Leakages if any shall be identified using ammonia
stick. During this test all chlorine leak detectors shall be in place and all safety
procedures shall be adhered to.
f) Gas cylinder shall provide the pressure test certificate issued by authority and
manufacture year.
g) Chlorine gas detector sensors shall be tested, and results shall provide to the
h) Ventilation system. The ventilation fans shall be tested at manufacturer's works to
verify the design flow and pressure.
i) Process Plant Items. All process plant items shall be tested to ensure they meet the
Employers Requirements for inlet and outlet quality of workmanship, construction
and system performance.


Mechanical Equipment
All mechanical equipment shall be tested at site as following items in bellow,
a) The test will be verified any damage/missing part, No. of equipment to be installed,
material, location as specified in drawing, levelling, centreline, solid installation and
condition of installation to be fit in levelling of pipeline and valves.
b) Testing run will be conducted for verifying rotation direction, vibration, noise, and
stability and any leakage, if possible.
c) The test will be verified to check maintenance space and ease of equipment
maintenance work.
d) The testing shall be performed in full compliance with the latest version of the
applicable standard testing protocol. These tests shall be witnessed by Engineer per
procedures set forth for witnessing elsewhere in this document.


Tests at Site
a) In addition to the progressive supervision and inspection by Engineer, the Contractor
shall offer for inspection to Engineer, the completely erected plant/part of Plant on
which tests are to be carried out. After such inspection, each equipment/sub-system
shall be tested by the Contractor in accordance with the applicable standards in the
presence of Engineer. Such tests shall include but not be limited to the tests
specified in following clauses.

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b) The Contractor shall possess during the entire working period the Electrical
Contractor's licence of appropriate class from the concerned statutory authorities
governing the area of work place. The Contractor shall fully comply with the relevant
statutory rules and regulations. On completion of the installation or at intermediate
stages, if required by the statutory authorities, the Contractor shall arrange for
inspection and obtain the approval from the concerned statutory authorities. If any
fees are to be paid to statutory authorities for testing, inspection and calibration these
shall be paid by the Contractor and shall be included in his erection and
commissioning charges.


Pumps, Piping and Valves

a) The erected pipe work shall be subjected to a hydraulic test at 1.5 times the
maximum pressure or twice the working pressure whichever is higher to test the
soundness of the joints. Provision of the necessary pumps, gauges, blank flanges,
tappings etc. for carrying out these tests shall be included in the Contract. All gas
piping shall be air tested to twice normal working pressure.
b) Leakage tests shall be carried out on all erected pipework, pumps and valves
immediately after erection and where possible before being built in.
c) Operating tests shall be conducted on valves.
d) The pump set shall be tested for satisfactory operation. The vibration and noise level
shall be checked to be within the specified limits.


Condition of winding insulation be tested and insulation values shall be restored to
required level by suitable heating arrangements locally.


The crane and lifting tackle shall be tested to 125% of the safe working load. The
Contractor shall arrange the test load. The contractor shall also arrange for the
appropriate certificates from the concerned authorities before regular use of the cranes
and other lifting equipment.


After erection, all screens screen shall be tested for smooth operation and capability to
handle typical wastewater solids including stringy materials. Clearance between the
dead plate and tines shall be checked as applicable.

25.10 Gates and Penstocks

a) Leakage test shall be performed by the Contractor after installation of all Gates.
b) Under the design seating head and unseating head the leakage shall not exceed the
limit specified in IS:13349, for shop testing.

25.11 Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes

a) After laying and jointing of RCC pipes is completed the pipe line shall be washing out
with sufficient water and be tested at work site as per the Employers Requirements
and as directed by the Engineer. All equipment for testing at work site shall be
supplied and erected by contractor. Water for testing of pipes shall be arranged by
him. Damage during testing shall be contractor's responsibility and shall be rectified

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by him to full satisfaction of the Engineer. Water used for the test shall be removed
from pipes and not released to the excavated trenches.
b) After the joints have thoroughly set and have been checked by the Engineer and
before back filling the trenches, the entire section of the sewer or storm water drain
shall be proved by the contractor to be water tight by filling in pipes with water to the
level of 1.50m above the top of the highest pipe in the stretch and heading the water
up for a period of one hour.
c) The apparatus used for the purpose of testing shall be approved by the Engineer.
Contractor if required by the Engineer shall dewater the excavated pit and keep it dry
during the period of testing. The loss of water over a period of 30 minutes should be
measured by adding water from a measuring vessel at regular 10 minutes intervals
and noting the quantity required to maintain the original water level. For the approval
of this test the average quantity added should not exceed 1 litre/ hour/100 linear
metres / 10mm of nominal internal diameter. Any leakage including excessive
sweating which causes a drop in the test water level will be visible and the defective
part of the work should be removed and made good.
d) In case of pressure pipeline, the completed stretch of pipeline shall be tested for site
test pressure. The site test pressure should not be less than the maximum operating
pressure plus the calculated surge pressure, but in no case should it exceed the
hydrostatic test pressure as specified in IS:458.

25.12 Steel Cylinder Pipes and Specials

a) After laying and jointing of steel cylinder pipes and specials with concrete lining and
coating is completed the pipeline shall be washing out with sufficient water and be
tested at work site as per the following Employers Requirements and as directed by
the Engineer. All equipment for testing at work site shall be supplied and erected by
Contractor. Water for testing of pipes shall be arranged by him. Damage during
testing shall be Contractors responsibility and shall be rectified by him to the full
satisfaction of the Engineer. Water used for test shall be removed from pipes and not
released to the excavated trenches.
b) Each section of the pipe line shall be slowly filled with clean water and all air shall be
expelled from the pipeline. The pressure in the pipeline should then be raised and
maintained by means of pump to the test pressure. The test pressure should not be
less than 1 1/2 times the working pressure at the lowest point or the static head
pressure, whichever is higher. Under the test pressure no leak or sweating shall be
visible at the welded joints. The duration of test shall be not less than 24 hours. The
exposed joints shall be carefully examined and all such joints showing visible leaks
shall be rewelded. Any cracked or defective pipes and specials in consequences of
this pressure test shall be removed and replaced by sound material by Contractor
and the test shall be repeated to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
c) Hydrostatic shop test for pipes and fittings shall be as per code/standard requirement.
After erection at site, complete pipes and fittings shall be hydrostatically tested for a
pressure of 1.5 times operating pressure.
d) Where directed by the Engineer welded joints on pipes larger than 675 mm diameter
shall be subject to a nitrogen gas test after welding.
e) A tapped hole (approximately 6 mm diameter) shall be made in the socket end of
each pipe by the Contractor and shall be fitted with a suitable non-return valve.
Nitrogen, at 400 kPa pressure, shall then be pumped into the annular space between
the spigot and socket and the pump disconnected.
f) If no drop in pressure occurs over the ensuing period of 30 minutes the test shall be
deemed to be successful. If the test pressure cannot be maintained for 30 minutes all
defects in the weld shall be cut back and rewelded and the test reapplied until

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successful. The cost of initial and subsequent testing of defective welds shall be at
the Contractor's own expense.
g) The Contractor shall provide all items necessary for the nitrogen tests including
compressor, valves, gauges and tubing.

25.13 Cast Iron, Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings

a) After the pipes and fittings are laid, jointed and the trench partially backfilled except
at the joints the stretch of pipe line as directed by Engineer shall be subjected to
pressure test and leakage test after washing the pipe line out with sufficient water.
b) Where any section of the pipeline is provided with concrete thrust blocks or
anchorages, the pressure test shall not be made until at least five days have elapsed
after the concrete was cast. If rapid hardening cement has been used in these blocks
or anchorages, the tests shall not be made until at least two days have elapsed.
c) Each section of the pipe line shall be slowly filled with water and all air shall be
expelled from the pipe by tapping at points of highest elevation before the test is
made and plugs inserted after the tests have been completed. The specified test
pressure based on the elevation of the lowest point of the line or section under test
and corrected to the elevation of the test gauge shall be applied by means of a pump
connected to the pipe as directed by the Engineer.
d) The duration of test shall not be less than 5 minutes. The exposed joints hall be
carefully examined and all such joints showing visible leaks shall be recaulked until
water tight. Any cracked or defective pipes and fittings in consequence of this
pressure test shall be removed and replaced by sound material by Contractor at no
extra cost to the Engineer and the test shall be repeated to the satisfaction of the
e) After the satisfactory completion of pressure test, the section of pipe line shall be
subjected to leakage test. The duration of test shall be 2 hours. No pipe installation
shall be accepted until the leakage is less than the number of cm3 /h as determined
by the formula:
q L = NDP

The allowable leakage in cm3/hr

Number of joints in the length of the pipeline

Diameter in mm, and

The average test pressure during the leakage test in Kg/cm2

f) Should any test of pipe laid indicate leakage greater than that specified above, the
defective joints shall be repaired by Contractor at no extra cost to the Engineer until
the leakage is within the specified allowance.
g) Necessary equipment and water used for testing shall be arranged by Contractor at
his own cost. Damage during testing shall be Contractor's responsibility and shall be
rectified by him at no extra cost to the Engineer. Water used for testing shall be
removed from the pipe and not released in the excavated trenches.
h) After the tests mentioned above are completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer,
the backfilling of trenches shall be done as per the Employers Requirements
specified elsewhere.

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25.14 Manufacturer's Works Acceptance Tests on Electrical Equipment
The following equipment / items shall be subjected to inspection, routine /acceptance
tests as per latest edition of relevant Indian / International standards in the presence of
Employer/ his Engineer

22/0.433 kV Transformers
22 kV Metal enclosed switchboards & Switchgears.
415 V metal enclosed switchgears (PCC / MCC)
Power capacitor and control panel
Diesel Standby Generator with AMF Control Panel
Battery, battery charger and DC Distribution Board
Variable Frequency Drives
Non Segregated Bus Duct
Power & control cables
Cable carrier system
Lighting system
Earthling and lightning protection systems

Copies of test Certificates for the type tests and Special tests not later than 5 years
conducted as per relevant Indian / International Standards for all the equipment /items of
above shall be furnished for the perusal of Employer / his Engineer. If type tests and
special tests have not been conducted on any of these items, the same shall be carried
out in the presence of owner/ Engineer at no extra cost.

25.15 Manufacturer's Works Acceptance Tests on ICA Equipment

A. Instrumentation:
Inspection, Testing and Setting to Work:
Each item of plant shall be subjected to the manufacturers own tests which shall be
Each item of plant and its installation shall be subject to inspection and testing at the
place of manufacture.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all necessary test equipment.
The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer, the correct operation of any item of
plant and the Engineer may witness any test. Tests which, in the opinion of the Engineer,
were failed or not performed correctly shall be repeated.
Calibration tests for field instruments and analytical instruments should be conducted on
site after installation and the same should be witnessed by the Engineer.
Before any test is made, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a full list of test
equipment & test procedures (method statements) to be used. Each item of test
equipment shall have a standard of accuracy better than that stated by the manufacturer
of the item to be tested. The Contractor shall provide evidence of the condition and
performance of any item of test equipment, in the form of test certificates issued by an
appropriate authority independent of the Contractor and manufacturer, or as otherwise
directed by the Engineer. Test equipment shall be checked frequently during the period
of the tests.
The Contractors staff responsible for supervising and carrying out tests shall be fully
conversant with the various items of equipment of other manufacturers and if necessary

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the Contractor shall arrange for his personnel to attend suitable training courses on his
own expense.
Any fault or shortcoming found during any inspection or test shall be rectified to the
satisfaction of the Engineer before proceeding with further inspection or testing of that
item. Any circuit previously tested, which may have been affected by the rectification
work, shall be re-tested.
Preliminary Inspection and Testing at the Place of Manufacture
Field-mounted instruments
After the successful completion of the manufacturers own inspection and testing of
supplied under the Contract, similar tests shall be carried out in the presence of the
Engineer and the Contractor. Such tests shall include a demonstration that an increase
or decrease of the measured value at several points over the full range of the instrument
produces a corresponding increase or decrease in the instrument output signal. These
tests shall include checks on the specified accuracy of the instrument at all points.
Instrument Panels, Enclosures and Mounting Boards
The manufacturer shall not present instrument panels, enclosures and mounting boards
(assemblies) for inspection and testing until the manufacturers own tests and inspection
has been completed. A preliminary inspection and test of these assemblies may then be
witnessed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall give not less than 7 days Prior notice in
writing that he has completed.
His tests and inspection and is ready for the witnessed tests and inspection. Where this
notice period is different in the Conditions of Contract this shall take precedent.
The witnessed inspection and testing shall include the following:
a) A visual inspection of the panel assembly to show that the design, construction and
finish are satisfactory and in accordance with the Specification;
b) A check that equipment is securely mounted, accessible for removal or calibration
without damage to or undue disturbance of other components, wiring or piping;
c) That all engraving and labels are correctly positioned, fixed and designated in
accordance with the Specification;
d) Panel power-distribution circuits have the correct breaker/fuse rating coordination
and designation;
e) Power-isolation facilities meet the Specification;
f) The main incoming supply voltage, frequency and/or pneumatic supply pressure is
within the required limits, these being checked at the beginning and end of the test
and the results recorded on test certificates;
g) The output of all power supply units again at the beginning and end of the testing
with results being recorded;
h) The power supply voltage or air pressure of all component instruments of the
assembly(s), these voltages/pressures being recorded on the test certificate;
i) The insulation resistance of all circuits except sensitive electronic equipment which is
liable to damage by application of the test voltage, such circuits being disconnected
before making the insulation resistance tests and these tests being carried out in
accordance with IEE Wiring Regulations;
j) That the clean earth bar is isolated from main frame of the panel.
Internal lighting and anti-condensation heaters and associated thermostats, isolators,
limit switches and wiring shall be checked for compliance with the Specification.

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Spare capacity within the panel(s) shall be checked to see that it complies with the
Specification. This shall include future equipment space, spare terminals, space in wiring
trunkings and provision for additional cable entry.
Functional Testing at the Place of Manufacture
General Requirements
Once the preliminary inspection and testing is complete to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, functional testing shall commence. The purpose of the functional tests are to
demonstrate that instrument panels enclosures and mounting boards (assemblies)
conform with requirements of the Specification.
Not less than 30 days before the commencement of functional tests, the Contractor shall
submit to the Engineer, for approval, two copies of comprehensive test procedural
documents detailing each test to be carried out. The document shall include results
forms on which the results of each test will be entered. The forms shall include spaces
for numerical values, where necessary, and witness signatures.
All applicable drawings and data shall be provided at the place of inspection by the
Contractor. The Contractor shall provide all test instruments and equipment necessary to
test the assemblies in their entirety.
The following is a typical list of the equipment required:

Switch boxes;
Indicator light boxes;
Analogue signal sources;
Dummy loads;
Desk-top computers;
Programmers for DCS or outstations;
Insulation test equipment

B. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and SCADA

The Contractor shall carry out specified tests as follows in addition to any tests stated or
implied by the foregoing sections of this clause.
The tests shall be carried out on the fully assembled control panel containing the PLC
and associated equipment in order to demonstrate correct functional operation of the
hardware and software systems.
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
The Contractor shall conduct a full program of tests of the PLC & SCADA system at the
Contractors testing facility in the presence of the Engineer to verify that all features of
the system have been provided, are operating correctly and are in full compliance with
the Specification. FAT shall include PLC based SCADA system for STP and PLC based
control system with panel mounted HMI for TSPS(s) with wireless communication system
for the all of the above. Unless otherwise specified or agreed by the Engineer, the entire
PLC & SCADA system shall be assembled and tested together as an integrated system,
including all master station equipment, all operators consoles, all outstations and
telemetry equipment all instrumentation panels and uninterruptible power supplies
included in this Specification. The scheduled date for the factory acceptance test shall be
as agreed by the Contractor and the Engineer at least four weeks before the test.FAT
shall be conducted with a hardwired simulation panel connected to the PLC based

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SCADA system. Contractor shall note the importance of the requirement. No software
based simulation testing shall be accepted or allowed.
Not less than one month before the scheduled factory acceptance test, the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineer for approval two copies of a comprehensive manual
detailing each test to be conducted. The manual shall include a results form on which the
results of each test will be entered, including spaces for numerical values where
appropriate and witness signatures.
Not less than 7 days before the scheduled factory acceptance test, the Contractor shall
give written notification to the Engineer that a complete dry-run of the factory acceptance
test has been performed successfully and that, in the opinion of the Contractor, the
system exhibits stable operation and is ready for the formal factory acceptance test.
The factory acceptance test will be considered successfully completed only when the
system has successfully passed all factory tests. The system shall not be delivered to
Site until the successful completion of the factory acceptance test is certified by the
Engineer or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Delay in the delivery of the
system due to failure of the factory acceptance test shall not constitute an unavoidable
delay. If the system fails the factory acceptance test, the test shall be extended or
rescheduled at the discretion of the Engineer.
All hardware to be used in the testing of the system shall have passed an agreed
preliminary hardware performance test to ensure known hardware operability before
software testing begins.
After successful completion of the factory acceptance test, no software changes shall be
made to the system without written authorisation by the Engineer. Any changes to the
system which effect the system software documentation, such as input scale
modifications or changes to the control logic, shall be entered into the system
documentation before delivery of the system to Site. All instruments under IC&A scope
has to be tested 100%.
Factory Acceptance Test Procedures
The scope of the tests shall include the proving of every aspect of hardware and
software operation and functions as detailed below.
Hardware Tests
a) Verify the correct inventory of hardware including cables and printed circuit boards;
b) Demonstrate that all spare-memory, disk-capacity and system-expansion
requirements have been met;
c) Demonstrate all hardware and software diagnostics;
d) Verify all power supply voltages are within tolerance;
e) Verify proper earth connections and isolation of instrumentation earth for all
f) Demonstrate operation of test simulation and indication equipment and its Suitability
for adequate functional testing of all system functions.
Software Tests
a) Demonstrate the editing of all system parameters including set-points, timers and the
b) Demonstrate system configuration capabilities including the addition and deletion of
input and output points, outstations, and all data base parameters;
c) Demonstrate the addition, deletion and modification of mimic displays and report

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Functional Tests
The functional tests shall verify proper operation of every specified system function as an
integrated system. These tests shall be conducted in conjunction with functional tests of
instrumentation and control panels as specified elsewhere. All failures or discrepancies
found shall be documented in the test manual.
Following a failure of any functional test, should software or hardware modifications be
required it shall be the decision of the Engineer whether the factory acceptance test is to
continue, re-start or be aborted. If testing is allowed to continue, any changes which are
required shall be described in a system modification document, signed by both
Contractor and Engineer and be incorporated into the final factory acceptance test
documentation. The failed test shall be re-conducted and the Engineer may require the
retest of functions which may be affected by the modification.
The functional tests shall include, as a minimum, the following:
a) Demonstration that the system meets the requirements of the Specification for
response time and speed of screen update;
b) Verification of the accuracy of all analogue input points in the system. The procedure
shall include applying the appropriate signal to each analogue input at a minimum of
three points within the range of the input, checking for expected numerical results,
and verifying appropriate update of related mimic displays. Proper sensing and action
by the system to high and low out-of-range inputs shall also be verified;
c) Verification of the proper logic sense, pulse accumulation and rate computation
where appropriate, of all digital inputs and verifying appropriate update of related
mimic displays;
d) Verification of all control and sequencing operations and proper operation of all digital
and analogue outputs. The procedure shall include simulation of all related process
variables for both normal and abnormal conditions, including instrument and
component failure, and demonstration of fail-safe response of the system. System
outputs shall be indicated with appropriate lamps and indicators;
g) Simulation of outstation communications errors and failures and demonstration of
error detection and handling, failure detection and handling, and appropriate changes
to control actions as designed and specified;
h) Verification of fault detection and diagnostics by inducing a sufficient variety of fault
conditions in the system to ensure that detection processes and fail-safe operation
are adequately tested;
i) Demonstration of proper operation of all mimic displays, help pages, reports,
operator procedures and historical data accumulation;
j) Demonstration of proper operation of all outstations following a simulated master
station central processor failure;
k) Demonstration of proper operation of all equipment during both a system wide or
isolated power failure, and following power restoration. The procedure shall include
the demonstration of battery backup of both master station and outstation for the full
length of time specified, and proper operation of power fail, low voltage warning and
all associated alarms.
Reliability Test
After successful completion of the functional tests a 48-hour continuous run of the
system shall be performed. The test shall be passed if no system function is lost or no
hardware or software failure occurs. Hardware failure is defined for this test as the loss
of a major component such as the computer, an outstation, a VDU or a peripheral device.
Non-repetitive mechanical failures of loggers, push-buttons and the like are excluded.

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During this test, the system shall be exercised with simulated inputs and conditions in a
manner which approximates the on-site operational environment. Unstructured testing by
the Engineer shall be included during this test. Upon any system failure during this
period, it shall be the decision of the Engineer whether the reliability test is to continue or
be aborted. If testing is allowed to continue any changes to the system which are
required shall be described in a system-modification document, signed by both
Contractor and Engineer and the document shall be incorporated into the final factory
acceptance test documentation.
Factory Acceptance Test Documentation
As a minimum, the following information shall be included in the Factory Acceptance
Test manual for each test:

Test identification number;

Test name and description;
List of all equipment to be tested including any special test equipment required;
Description of the test procedure broken down into logical steps;
Description of the expected system response verifying the completion of each logical
Space for recording the results of the test and the time and date of the test;
Space for signatures of the Contractor and the Engineer.

In addition, the Contractor shall provide a method for recording and tracing all problems,
discrepancies, queries and suggestions regarding the system and software, and for
formalized control of any modifications to the system.
Pre-commissioning Tests
The Contractor shall perform pre-commissioning, or preliminary, testing of the SCADA
system in accordance with that specified for instrumentation. The purpose of
pre-commissioning tests is to confirm readiness of the system for commissioning.
The scope of pre-commissioning tests shall be generally as specified for factory
acceptance tests but real field inputs and final control elements shall be used wherever
practical to provide inputs to the system and to confirm proper outputs.
Where this is impractical, simulation signals shall be injected as near as possible to their
ultimate sources so as to include in the tests as much of the cabling system as possible.
Each process system shall be set to work under manual control and the system tested to
confirm proper operation. After proper operation of manual control mode has to be
verified, tests of automatic controls of each process system shall be conducted wherever
Site Acceptance Tests (SAT)
The Contractor shall submit all relevant draft operating manuals for the PLC & SCADA
System to the Engineer for approval prior to commissioning tests.
Any faults or failures of the system detected during the previous tests shall be noted and
corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before commissioning is allowed to
As part of commissioning, the PLC & SCADA system shall be tested for availability for a
continuous period of 60 days. During this period, the system will perform the normal
functions according to the procedures described in the SAT documentation approved by
the Engineer.

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The system shall have passed the SAT if all major components have been free from fault or
failure and exhibit full error-free functionality for 100 % of the total duration of the test, unless
otherwise agreed by the Engineer. Major components include all master station equipment,
outstations, communications facilities and instrument panel components, excluding pushbuttons, switches and lamps and any equipment not supplied by the Contractor.
During SAT, no modifications to the system shall be made by the Contractor without the
written approval of the Engineer. Erroneous functioning which requires software
modifications or re-configuration to correct, other than set-point or parameter changes,
shall constitute a failure of the availability test. Any changes to the system which are
required and approved shall be described in a system-modification document, signed by
both Contractor and Engineer and the document shall be incorporated into the final test
documentation. The test shall be restarted after corrections have been made.

25.16 Manufacturer's Works Acceptance Tests on Uninterruptible Power Supplies

The Contractor shall carry out further specified tests as follows in addition to any tests
stated or implied by the foregoing sections of this clause.
The tests shall be carried out on the fully assembled unit utilizing the batteries that are to
be supplied with the unit.
The Contractor shall demonstrate the following:
1) Change-over from full load with mains present to full load on battery supply
2) Carry out a discharge test on the system at full load and for the specified duty
bridging time period.
3) Carry out recharge test after operation for the specified duty bridging time at full load.
The UPS shall supply the full load during the recharge cycle.

25.17 Inspection at Site

During erection of the Plant the Engineer will inspect the installation from time to time in
the presence of the Contractor's Supervisor to establish conformity with the requirements
of the Specification. Any deviations found shall be corrected as instructed by the

25.18 Plant Protection on Site

Factory finished plant shall be adequately protected both before and during installation
against damage to finished surfaces, fitted components, and the ingress of dust. It may
be necessary for structural finishing operations to be carried out in the vicinity of installed
plant before it is taken over and the Contractor shall take this into consideration in
complying with the requirement of this clause.

25.19 Erection Staff

The Contractor shall provide at least two approved senior English speaking working
erectors to supervise the erection of all Plant in the Contract and in each case to act as
the Contractor's Representative as set out in Clause 13 of the general conditions of
In the case of a foreign firm based overseas the Contractor's Representative shall be
thoroughly conversant with the manufacturer's Plant and equipment, and its erection and
shall be an expatriate.
The Contractor shall also provide sufficient erectors skilled in electrical, mechanical and
instrument engineering, with such skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor as are

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necessary to ensure completion of the various sections of the Contract in the time
required. The Contractor shall not remove any supervisory staff or labor from the site
without the prior approval of the Engineer.
The Engineer will give the Contractor at least one month's notice in writing of the date on
which the erection staff will be required on site, and the Contractor shall confirm the date
of arrival in writing to the Engineer. The Contractor shall make all the necessary
arrangements to ensure that sufficient plant has been or is about to be delivered to site,
so that there shall be no delay to the start of erection.
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain necessary License / Authorization/
Permit for work from the Licensing Boards of the Locality/State where the work is to be
carried out. The persons deputed by the Contractors firm should also hold valid permits
issued or recognized by the Licensing Board of the Locality/State where the work is to be
carried out.

25.20 Erection and Building-in

The installation work shall comply with the latest applicable Standards, Regulations,
Electricity Rules and Safety Codes of the locality where the installation is to be carried
out. Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relieve the Contractor of this
It will be the Contractors responsibility to obtain approval/clearance from local statutory
authorities including Electrical Inspector, wherever applicable for conducting of any work
or for installation carried out which comes under the purview of such authorities.
The Contractor shall carry out the complete erection of all plant, including the provision
of all necessary skilled and unskilled labor, material, transportation, supplies, power and
fuel, Contractor's Equipment and appurtenances necessary, for the complete and
satisfactory erection of the Plant.
The Contractor shall have a separate cleaning gang to clean all equipment under
erection and as well as the work area and the project site at regular intervals to the
satisfaction of the employer. In case the cleaning is not up to the employers satisfaction,
he will have the right to carry out the cleaning operations and any expenditure incurred
by the employer in this regard will be to the Contractors account.
The Contractor's employees shall include skilled erection staff in sufficient number, who
shall arrive on the site on or before the respective dates set out in the approved work
programmed and prior to delivery of any item of Plant to the Site. The Engineer will not
entertain any claim by the Contractor in respect of delayed erection due to a delay in the
delivery of any items of Plant to the site.
Contractor's Equipment, materials and appurtenances
The Contractor shall have available on the Site sufficient suitable equipment and
machinery, as well as all other materials and appurtenances required by him, of ample
capacity to ensure the proper erection of Plant and to handle any emergencies such as
may normally be expected in work of this character.
The Contractor shall be responsible if any installation materials are lost or damaged
during installation. All damages and thefts of equipment/component parts, after takeover
by the Contractor, till the installation is taken over by Employer shall be made good by
the Contractor to the satisfaction of Engineer.

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Plant shall be erected in a neat and workmanlike manner on the foundation and at the
locations and elevations shown on the approved drawings and other Engineering
documents. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall adhere
strictly to the aforesaid drawings and no departures there from will be permitted.
All plant shall be correctly aligned, leveled and adjusted for satisfactory operation and
shall be installed so that the proper and satisfactory connection can be made readily
between the various units and pipe work and equipment installed under the Contract.
The mounting arrangements for pump sets and blowers shall be such that the alignment
offset between motors and the driven equipment shall be well within 0.1 mm.
Erection of Plant shall be phased in such a manner so as not to obstruct the work being
done by other contractors. Before commencing any erection work, the Contractor shall
check the dimensions of structures where the various items of plant are to be installed,
and shall bring any deviations from the required positions, lined or dimensions to the
notice of the Engineer and shall take such measures as are necessary for their
The Contractor shall take particular care for the correct positioning and alignment of all
puddle pipes which are required through concrete structures prior to, and during the
pouring of concrete. The Contractor shall pin and plug in the holes prepared, all small
clips, plugs, screws, nails, sleeves, inserts, etc., required for fixing electric wires and
conduits, small pipe work and all other apparatus.
The Contractor shall align all equipment and holding down bolts and shall inform the
Engineer before proceeding with grouting-in the item or item concerned. The Contractor
shall ensure that all equipment is securely held and remain in correct alignment before,
during and after grouting- in.
The Contractor shall properly bed in cement grout each item of plant or its supporting
base resting on foundations, and shall grout-in where required holding down bolts placed
in the holes prepared in the foundations. The materials and workmanship used in
grouting shall be such as will result in a solid anchoring of foundation bolts and complete
filling of the gaps between the Plant or its base and the foundations, without shrinkage or
During erection of the Plant the Employer will inspect the installation from time to time in
the presence of the Contractors Site representative to establish conformity with the
requirements of the Specification. Any deviations and deficiencies found or evidence of
unsatisfactory workmanship shall be corrected as instructed by the Employer.
All plant shall be installed in accordance with the recommendations or instructions of the
manufacturer, for the particular application. Each mounting position shall be chosen to
give correct operation of the equipment, ease of operation, access for maintenance and
servicing and freedom from any condition which could have adverse affects.
The approval by the Engineer of the Contractor's proposals for rigging and hoisting of
any item of plant into its final position shall not relieve the Contractor from his
responsibility for avoiding damage to completed structures, parts or members thereof or
other installed equipment. He shall at his own cost make good, repair or replace any
damaged or injured items whether structural, mechanical, electrical, architectural, or of
any other description, promptly and effectively to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
No plant or other loads shall be moved across the floors of structures without first
covering the floors with timber of sufficient size so that applied loads will be transferred

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to floor beams and girders of steel or concrete. If it is required to reduce bending
stresses or deflection, the beam and girders shall be provided with temporary supports.
Any movement of Plant and other loads over the floor structures shall be subject to the
prior approval of the Engineer.

25.21 Civil Inspection (Water Leakage Test)

25.21.1 Tanks and Basins
Refer to Part 10B Particular Civil and Structural Works Requirements of the Bid
25.21.2 Field Control Inspection
Contractor shall be conduct periodic field control inspection to prevent any field accident.
The Engineer shall joint field inspect or conduct unannounced inspections.
25.21.3 Inspection after Erection
After the erection of any item of Plant and its associated equipment has been completed,
it shall be offered to the Engineer for inspection in its static state prior to commissioning
the item.
Completion of erection and procedure prior to setting to work.
The mechanical completion of plant under erection shall be deemed to occur if all the
units/systems of the Works are structurally and mechanically complete as noted below:
All rotary, static, structural equipment, piping, electrical/instrumentation and other
equipment under the scope of the Contract have been erected, installed and grouted and
are as per the specifications.
All systems have been washed/flushed/drained/boxed up where necessary.
All system testing including pressure, vacuum and nondestructive tests, no load tests
and such other tests are completed with safety valves/relief valves set to operating
conditions installed in position.
All panels, local control desks erected with power/control cable terminations with all
continuity checks, insulation checks and other installation checks are carried out.
Prior to pre-commissioning checks, the Contractor shall erect the entire Plant and ensure
readiness of civil works to the satisfaction of Employer, so that the Works are physically
ready to undergo pre- commissioning checks. Pre-commissioning checks will include
checks like no-load running of machinery, checks on instruments and electrical including
calibration and loop checks, functional checks, inter-lock checks etc.
At the stage of mechanical completion of erection, the Contractor shall ensure that all the
physical, aesthetic and workmanship aspects are totally complete and the Plant is fit and
sound to undergo pre- commissioning checks.
The following documentation shall be completed before the Contractor notifies
Completion of Erection to the Employer
a) All shop inspection records compiled and bound in 4 (four) copies.
b) All erection and commissioning procedures duly approved.
c) All instruction manuals in draft form - with each sheet bearing a stamp to indicate
"DRAFT FOR REVIEW ONLY" submitted in 4 (four) copies.

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Upon achieving mechanical completion, the Contractor shall notify the Employer of such
completion of section/units/systems and readiness for inspection for acceptance of
mechanical completion of erection. The Employer/ Engineer shall proceed with
inspection of such sections/units/systems within 10 days of such notice.
Consequent to inspection, the Employer will inform the Contractor a list of deficiencies
for rectification and the Contractor shall complete the rectification work within a jointly
agreed period prior to start of pre- commissioning tests. The erection period allowed by
the Contractor shall include all activities of mechanical completion as noted above.

25.22 Site Acceptance Test Document

Fifty Six (56) days prior to commencement of Tests on Completion the Contractor shall
supply a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Document for approval. This shall comprise four copies
of the details of the inspection and test procedures to be carried out in testing the Works.
The SAT Plan shall provide comprehensive details of the tests to be carried out, the
purpose of each test, the equipment to be used in carrying out the test and the methods
to be adopted in carrying out the tests. The SAT shall provide space within the
documentation for results of the tests to be added and for each test and for the SAT as a
whole to be signed off by the Contractor and the Engineer.
The SAT shall categorise tests as follows:
a) Dry tests : Dry tests are those tests carried out without process fluid being present.
b) Wet tests which can be further sub-divided into
1) Hydraulic tests: Hydraulic wet tests are those tests carried out with potable water in
order to prove the hydraulic capability of the Works.
2) Process tests /System tests : Process wet tests are those tests carried out with raw
Sewage as the feed stock to prove the process capability of the Works.
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for water supply, chemical, electric
power, fuel, instrument and labour during hydraulic wet tests.
It shall be assumed that the co-operation of other contractors in the carrying out of Tests
on Completion will not be unreasonably withheld.

25.23 Tests on Completion

25.23.1 General
Prior to the commencement of Tests On Completion the Contractor shall submit for
approval the following:

Site Acceptance Test Documents

As-Built Drawings
Operation and Maintenance Manuals
Site test results / data sheet and photo

Tests on Completion shall not be commenced until the aforementioned documents are
The initial charges of oil, grease, electrolyte, generator fuel / oil, chemical, disposal of
cake, etc. necessary for Tests on Completion shall be provided by the Contractor. Raw
Sewage and electricity required for Tests on Completion will be provided by the
Employer free of charge. If necessary, Contractor shall create design loading conditions
for testing purposes by testing fewer than the total number of installed units of process
tanks or equipment at a time. In such cases, multiple tests shall be conducted to ensure
that all installed units are tested. In the event that raw sewage/influent wastewater is not

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available at the plant, the Contractor shall defer testing until such time as sewage
becomes available for treatment as described elsewhere in these Bid Documents. The
Contractor shall provide adequate notice (this notice period shall be determined by the
normal lead time for locally purchased chemicals plus at least 28 days) of his chemical
requirements prior to commencement of the Tests on Completion involving their use.
The cost of chemicals used for the Tests on Completion shall be met by the Contractor.
The inspection and tests procedure which will be carried out are provided under the
general conditions of contract and shall also consist of the following:
Manual Commissioning Tests (Clause i)
Manual Commissioning Tests shall be such preliminary trials, tests and retests on
individual items of Plant or complete systems as are required by the Engineer in order to
demonstrate that the Plant as a whole is ready to undergo the Manual Operation Tests
(Clause 3.11) and that these will take place with a minimum of interruption.
The Manual Commissioning Tests shall demonstrate not only the items of Plant under
normal operation, but also their response to abnormal and emergency conditions.
The Engineer will notify to the Contractor which items of Plant will be tested and the
extent to which they will be tested in order to fulfill the requirements of the Specification.
Leakage tests at 1.5 maximum working pressure shall be carried out on all erected pipe
work prior to the Manual Commissioning Tests.
Pump curves shall be available for the Manual Commissioning Tests and all instruments
essential for the tests shall have been calibrated.
Manual Operation Tests (Clause ii)
When the Manual Commissioning Tests have been completed so that the items of Plant
have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Employer Representative, the
Contractor shall commence the Manual Operation Tests.
These tests shall demonstrate the correct operation of the whole Plant whilst using the
minimum quantity of automatic control and monitoring equipment. Such equipment shall
be at least that required both for the maintenance of safety and for the normal mode of
operation of the Plant.
The Plant will be required to demonstrate satisfactory operation at all design flow rates.
The tests shall be of seven consecutive days' duration; if the supply of water should fail
or other matters interfere outside the Contractor's control, the tests may be of such
number of broken days as the Engineer considers is the equivalent.
The exact date of commencement shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and
shall be dependent on the following conditions having been met
(1) All relevant items of Plant in approved working order
(2) All items of Plant correctly identified with labels
Automatic Commissioning Tests (Clause iii)
The Automatic Commissioning Tests shall be such preliminary trials, tests and retests on
individual items of Plant or complete system as are required by the Engineer in order to
demonstrate that the Plant as a whole is ready to undergo the Tests of Completion and
that these will take place with a minimum of interruption.
At least one week before the commencement of these tests, the Engineer will notify the
Contractor which items of Plant will be tested and the extent to which they will be tested
in order to fulfill the requirements of the specification.

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The Tests on Completion shall not be carried out until the completion of the above tests.
1) All pipe work shall be hydrostatically tested at site to a pressure equal to 1.5 times
the maximum working pressure likely to be encountered in the system.
2) The Contractor shall carry out all tests on the Plant and shall supply four copies of all
test results to the Engineer.
3) All tests shall be to the approval of the Engineer who may require them to be
repeated, prolonged or modified as may be necessary to ensure that any or all items
of Plant conform to the Contract.
4) The Engineer shall be permitted to inspect all Plant which is undergoing tests and
may himself conduct tests.
Where it is necessary for the Engineer to make arrangements for the supply of water,
chemicals, power, etc., for any testing, the Contractor shall not commence the tests until
after these arrangements have been made on or after a date agreed by the Engineer
and the Contractor shall make no claim for delay to such testing on this account except
as provided for under Clauses 44 of the General Conditions of contract.
If any item of plant fails during or after testing to achieve its intended duty or otherwise
proves defective, it shall be modified or altered as necessary and re-tested and
re-inspected as required by the Engineer.
Vibration/noise level tests shall be carried out at site which will form basis for acceptance
of the equipment. If the Contractor is not in a position to meet the requirements given
below as per ISO 10816 1995, the equipment may either be rejected or the Contractor
shall carry out all necessary modifications to keep vibrations within the acceptable limits

Noise Level
(dBA at 1.86 m
from equipment)

Velocity of

All rotating equipment not having reciprocating parts

with motor kW less than or equal to 15 kW



All rotating equipment not having reciprocating parts

with motor kW more than 15 kW and less than or
equal to 75 kW



All rotating equipment not having reciprocating parts

with motor kW greater than 75 kW



All equipment having reciprocating parts viz.

compressors, dosing pumps sampling pumps


The Contractor shall have a minimum of three commissioning engineers, one for process
and plant and the other for mechanical/electrical/instrumentation works on site during all
tests in order to both demonstrate the Plant and to correct any faults which may occur.

25.24 Dry Test Requirements

As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out as a general

A general inspection to check for correct assembly and quality of workmanship

A check on the presence of lubricant, cooling medium, electrolyte, etc.
A check on adequacy and security of Plant fixing arrangements.
A general check to ensure that all covers, access ladders, water proofing, guard
railings etc are in place.

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5) A check on damp-proofing, rust-proofing and vermin-proofing and particularly the
sealing of apertures between building structures, chambers etc and the outside.
a) Civil and Building Works
As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the civil
engineering and building works:

Check for the presence of foreign bodies in pipe work and structures.

b) Mechanical Works
As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the
mechanical systems:

Carry out preliminary running checks as far is permitted by circumstances in

order to ensure smooth operation of Plant.

c) Electrical Works
As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the
electrical systems:


Check phasing and polarity.

Carry out point to point check on all cables.
Check on security of cable terminations.
Check on completeness and adequacy of earthing systems.
Check setting on protection relays, sizes of fuses and motor overload settings.
Carry out checks on cabling systems in accordance with the requirements of
the relevant standards.
Check operation of main circuit breakers by secondary injection methods.
Check rotational direction of Plant.
Check instrument loop integrity, functionality and calibration.
Check operation of standby generator installation and mains / generator
changeover procedures; a 4 hour load test (using the normal load of the
Works) shall be carried out on the generator when the load is available.
Check plant functionality.
Check functionality of the central MMI and its power supply.

25.25 Process Plant Item / Equipment

All process plant items / equipment shall be tested to ensure they meet the Employers
Requirements for quality of workmanship, construction and performance.

25.26 Hydraulic Wet Test Requirements

Hydraulic wet tests shall be carried out on completion of dry tests.
Clear Water shall be used for hydraulic wet tests. The purpose of the tests is to prove the
hydraulic performance of the Works. In order to demonstrate this, the Contractor shall
ensure that each part of the Works is hydraulically loaded to its rated throughput for a
period of at least four hours.
In order to ensure a sufficient supply of water to carry out these tests the Contractor shall
provide all required facilities, including but not limited to any temporary facilities that may
be required for storage and recycle of Clear Water or facilities for the disposal of the
water off Site in an approved manner.
The following tests inter alia shall be carried out:

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1) Pressure testing of all piped systems laid direct in ground in accordance with the
relevant standards.
2) Fill all structures and check for leaks.
3) Filling of all storage vessels to check for leaks and distortion.
4) Running of all pumped systems in order to check for.
o Correct functionality.
o Absence of leaks.
o Correct running temperatures.
o Smoothness of running and the absence of undue vibration or stress.
o Check drive running currents.
5) Carry out calibration of instruments where appropriate.
6) Carry out valve operation, diversions etc. to fully hydraulically load each process
element (or where there is a requirement to withstand an over load), overload each
process element.
7) Demonstrate correct functionality of electrical, control and instrumentation systems.
The Contractor shall simulate the conditions that will prevail when operating as a process
in order to demonstrate the correct functionality of process control loops etc.
During these tests a check on the performance of Plant shall be made to compare its site
performance with the factory test data and to identify any constraints on performance
due to site conditions.

25.27 Safety Audit

After satisfactory completion of hydraulic wet tests and prior to introduction of process
fluid to the plant a safety audit shall be carried out to ensure compliance with the
necessary requirement for safety and for operation of Plant. The safety audit shall be
documented. The safety audit document shall be approved by the Engineer prior to
commencement of Plant commissioning.

25.28 Process Wet Tests (with Raw Sewage)

On approval by the Engineer the Contractor shall carry out process wet tests.
Raw Sewage shall be used as the main feed stock for process wet tests. These tests
shall be carried out to demonstrate the process performance of the Works. In order to
demonstrate this, the Contractor shall ensure that each part of the Works is loaded to its
rated throughput (including a period of overload if required in order to demonstrate
compliance with the Employers Requirements) for a continuous stable operating period
of not less than 48 hours. If necessary, Contractor shall create design loading conditions
for testing purposes by testing fewer than the total number of installed units of process
tanks or equipment at a time. In such cases, multiple tests shall be conducted to ensure
that all installed units are tested.
The Contractor shall provide all required facilities for the disposal off Site in an approved
The following tests inter alia shall be carried out:
1) Check for leaks on vessels, structures, pumps and pipe work.
2) Running of all pumped systems in order to check for.
o Correct functionality.
o Absence of leaks.
o Correct running temperatures.

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Smoothness of running and the absence of undue vibration or stress.
Check drive running currents where the solution pumped is different from that
pumped during hydraulic wet tests.
3) Carry out calibration of instruments.
4) Carry out valve operation, diversions etc. to fully hydraulically load each process
element (or where there is a requirement to withstand an over load), overload each
process element.
5) Demonstrate correct functionality of electrical, control and instrumentation systems
not checked during dry or hydraulic wet tests or which may have changed as a result
of the different operating conditions now prevailing.

On completion of the tests on the various parts of the works the Contractor shall run the
plant as a whole in order to demonstrate the full functionality and performance of the
Works at various throughput rates for a continuous period of not less than 30 days.
During the various process tests the Contractor shall perform sampling and analysis of
all the process streams (locations) and parameters listed in the Sampling/Analysis
Locations and Frequencies table provided in the Tests after Completion Section below.
The frequencies listed in this table shall be followed for the Tests After Completion.
However, for the Process Wet Tests performed as part of the Tests On Completion, the
sampling frequency for all locations and all parameters shall not be less than once every
hour. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that the Works is functioning in
accordance with the Employers Requirements. Each sample shall comprise two 1 litre
(minimum) quantities and shall be labelled to identify the contents, where taken and time
and date. The flow recorded at the time of sampling shall also be indicated in the log
book or record. One sample shall be used by the Contractor for his analysis; the other
shall be handed over to the Engineer.
The Engineer reserves the right to take additional samples and to carry out his own tests
or to check the samples taken by the Contractor.
The Engineer shall be given reasonable access to the premises where analysis is taking
place in order to check on working practices and the procedures being adopted.

25.29 Effluent Quality Criteria for Passing the Tests On Completion

The Works shall be considered to have achieved the required effluent quality standards
for passing Tests On Completion if all samples taken during a 30 day continuous
operational period comply with the criteria set down for passing the Tests After
Completion. This includes criteria relating to the reliability of the plant.
The Effluent quality Tests On Completion shall not be commenced until all tests
associated with the civil/building, electrical and mechanical works and individual process
tests have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

25.30 Co-operation with other Contractors in the Execution of their Tests

The Contractor shall, where required, assist other contractors in carrying out their tests
on completion and or tests after completion.
Where this assistance does not constitute part of the Contractors own work associated
with Tests on Completion or Tests after Completion the Contractor shall be reimbursed
at the rates approved by the Engineer.

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25.31 Tests after Completion
On successful completion of Test on Completion the Contractor shall carry out over a
period of time not exceeding six months two separate 30 days operational tests. These
tests shall be used to prove the operation of the Works at varying flows and with varying
raw Sewage quality. During these tests Effluent produced by the Works will be entering
the disposal system. These tests after completion shall be undertaken in accordance
with Clause 11 of the General Conditions of Contract.
The timing of the tests shall be determined by the Employer who shall give notice to the
Contractor in accordance with Sub-clause 11.1 of the General Conditions of Contract.
The total time for carrying out the tests shall not be less than six calendar months. One
of the tests for each part shall be carried out in a period of high raw Sewage BOD and
suspended solids.
On commencement of each 30-Days test the Employer shall allocate a continuous
period of not greater than 60 days to complete the test. Any failure to perform during the
60 days period shall restart the 30 day clock. If the part of the Works fails to pass the
test in the 60 days period the test shall be deemed as a failure and the Contractor shall
carry out any necessary remedial work to the satisfaction of the Engineer before the
Contractor restarts the test.
During the tests the Contractor shall take samples to demonstrate that the part of the
Works is performing in accordance with the Employers Requirements. The procedure for
taking the samples shall follow the pattern adopted for Test on Completion. Samples
shall be taken at locations and intervals detailed below. The results of the Tests after
Completion shall be compared and evaluated by the Employer and Contractor.
The Contractor will not be held responsible for interruptions to the sewage treatment
process as a result of Grid power failures (unless as a result of a Plant failure)
interruptions in the raw Sewage supply etc. which are out of his control. However, the
Contractor shall be required to demonstrate that the Works can cope with these
inevitable interruptions in an orderly fashion and recover to a normal operational state
with the minimum of manual intervention.
All consumables except power needed for operation of the Works shall be provided by
the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide all facilities and equipment not supplied
under the contract and which are deemed necessary for the Contractor to carry out and
monitor the Tests after Completion.
Sampling and Analysis
Sampling and analysis shall be performed to measure the parameters indicated in the
table below, at the locations and frequencies indicated in the table. In case of multiple
units (such as multiple aeration basins or clarifiers), the indicated sampling and analyses
shall be performed for each individual module.
Table 25.1 - Sampling/Analysis Locations and Frequencies
Sample Location and Parameters
to be Measured


Plant Effluent:
All parameters specified under the Effluent Quality
Requirements sub-section of Volume 2, Section 4,
Part 5.


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Flow-weighted 24hour composite

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Sample Location and Parameters
to be Measured



Dewatered Sludge:
All parameters specified under the Dewatered
Sludge Quality Requirements sub-section of
Volume 2, Section 4, Part 5.


Composite of
samples from each
container or vehicle
filled during the day

Raw Sewage Influent, Plant Effluent, Primary

Sludge, MLR, RAS, WAS, Thickened Sludge,
Digester Effluent, Dewatering Influent, Plant
Recycles: Flow


instantaneous flow
from recorder

Raw Sewage Influent, Primary Effluent, and

Secondary Effluent:
TSS, VSS, Temperature, pH


24-hour composite

Raw Sewage Influent, Primary Effluent, and

Secondary Effluent:
BOD, COD, TKN, Ammonia-N, Nitrite-N, Nitrate-N,
Alkalinity, Total Phosphorus, Soluble Phosphorus

3 times per

24-hour composite

Aeration Basins: MLSS, MLVSS, Temperature, SVI



Aeration Basin Zone Profiles (Anaerobic, Anoxic,

Ammonia-N, Nitrite-N, Nitrate-N, pH, Soluble
Phosphorus, VFAs, RBCOD

3 times per


PSL, RAS, WAS, Thickened Sludge, Digested

Sludge, Dewatered Sludge: TSS, VSS



Anaerobic Digesters;
Sludge temperature, sludge concentration, sludge
VSS destruction, sludge pH, alkalinity, VFA
concentration, gas production volume, gas
pressure, gas methane content, gas hydrogen
sulphide content, gas humidity,



Biogas Scrubber:
Hydrogen sulphide concentration at inlet and
outlet, chemical consumption



Biogas engine: (wherever applicable)

Feeding biogas component, Gas moisture, Gas
temperature, Exhaust gas etc. Inlet and exhaust
gas flow, composition, temperature, and pressure



3 times per


Specific weight, volume, weight,


All costs associated with the taking and analysis of samples shall be met by the
The analysis shall be carried out by certified laboratory approved by the Engineer, and
shall be performed in strict compliance with appropriate analytical methods published in

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Indian Standards, or in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater published by the American Public Health Association, or as published by
the US Environmental Protection Agency. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a
comprehensive report of the above sampling and analysis, including details of each
analytical test as well as a summary of all the data and results in a Microsoft Excel
Criteria for Passing the Test After Completion
1) Treated Effluent and Dewatered Sludge Quality Criteria
The Works shall be deemed to have met the Treated Effluent and Dewatered Sludge
Quality Criteria if:

at least 95 percent of the plant effluent samples described above meet the
requirements specified under the Effluent Quality Requirements sub-section of
Volume 2, Section 4, Part 5, and

ii) at least 95 percent of the dewatered sludge samples described above meet the
requirements specified under the Dewatered Sludge Quality Requirements subsection of Volume 2, Section 4, Part 5.

Operational Cost Criteria

The plants shall have fulfilled the operating cost criteria if the operating costs
determined during the Tests After Completion are in agreement with or less than
those detailed in the Contractors Functional Guarantee or an amount of liquidated
damages are agreed by the Contractor and the Engineer to compensate for any short
fall in performance up to an agreed maximum amount if stated.

3) Plant Reliability Criteria

A part of the Works shall be deemed to have failed its test if:
1) A single item of Plant / equipment fails more than twice during the test.
2) More than four individual Plant items / equipment fail.
An item of Plant / equipment shall be deemed to have failed if manual intervention is
required in order to restore the Plant / equipment to its fully operational state: i.e. the
failure of a duty drive will be considered as one failure, if the standby drive fails to start
that will be considered as a second failure.

25.32 Performance Certificate

The conditions for issuance of a Performance Certificate as detailed in Clause 12 of the
Conditions of Contract shall inter alia comprise:
a) The completion of the six months operation of the Works (Tests after Completion) to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.
b) The O & M Manuals have been updated following one years operational experience
and approved by the Engineer.
c) All defects identified prior to Taking Over and defects identified during one year
operation of the Works have been rectified.
d) All Tests After Completion have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
e) All training detailed in the Employers Requirements has been completed.

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The following are typical minimum design stage details that shall be submitted as part
of the Contractors Documents.


A.1.1 General


site layouts providing information on levels and detailing the location of:
o buildings
o storage tanks
o process plant
o roadways
o drainage
o buried pipelines
o cable routes for direct in ground and ducted systems;
plans, elevations and main sections of all structures and buildings
general arrangements and main sections of all facility areas
drainage provisions
general arrangement drawings showing the location of each Plant item
detail drawings of:
o cable and pipework chambers
o buried pipework
o pipework connections
o contract interfaces
reinforcement drawings
bar bending schedules;
calculations for:
o structural
o civil design
o earthworks and foundation design


process flow and mass balance diagrams
comprehensive P&IDs including details of:
o pipeline sizes and materials valve size and type
o instrumentation
o identification of controlling PLC
calculations for:
o process mass balance
pumping hydraulic calculations (including surge analyses if appropriate)
o plant hydraulic flows
o chemical process
o washwater recovery
o electrical
o dynamic simulation of process modelling using BioWin

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Electrical Building Services


electrical drawings:
o power system single line drawing for the treatment facility
o single line and schematic drawing (see note 1) for each switchboard and MCC
o internal and external (see note 2) general arrangement for each switchboard and
o transformer schematic and general arrangement drawings
o standby generator schematic and general arrangement drawings
o cable block diagrams
o cable connection diagrams (or schedules)
o cable routing / installation drawings
o foundation and fixing details drawings
o earthing system general arrangement drawings
electrical schedules cable schedules
o load and power consumption schedule junction box schedule
o protection relay setting schedule
electrical calculations for:
o cable sizing fault level
o co-ordinated protection study standby generator sizing
o functional design specification (FDS)
o factory acceptance test document (FAT)
o site acceptance document (SAT)
o single line schematic for each distribution and sub-distribution board
o general drawings showing the location of each luminaire, socket outlet, fan etc,
including details of mounting height
o fixing details
o luminaire data sheets socket outlets data sheets
o fans data sheets
calculations for:
o cable sizing lighting levels

Control and Instrumentation

o power supply distribution single line and schematic diagrams (see note 1) for
each control panel
o internal and external (see note 2) general arrangement for each control panel
o control and instrumentation loop drawings (see note 3)
o instrument installation detail drawing (hook up, see note 4)
o cable block diagrams
o cable routing / installation drawings
o foundation and fixing details and trench drawings
o mimic general arrangement

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o cable schedule
o cable interconnection schedule
o control and instrumentation load schedule for each control panel
o I/O schedule
o junction box schedule instrument schedule
o instrumentation, process control set point schedule instrument data sheets
o functional design specification (FDS)
o factory acceptance test document (FAT)
o site acceptance test document (SAT)

1. Schematic drawings shall include a comprehensive schedule of the components

used in each switchboard, MCC and control panel, including details of the type,
manufacturer and rating of each component.
2. The external arrangement of each switchboard, MCC and control panel shall show
the arrangement of all components, including details of panel section, switch and
instrument labels.
3. Control and instrumentation loop drawings shall show on a single drawing the
complete circuit associated with an instrument or device including details and
location of power supplies, cabling and terminations.
4. Hook up drawings shall detail how an instrument or device is installed. Electrical
control schematics, loop diagrams and schedules shall, where practical, be A3 size
drawings, all other drawings shall be A1 size.



o general arrangement of plant, pipework and ducting, including sections
o isometric views of pipework and ducting systems
o detail drawings of proprietary and fabricated plant items.
o pump curves
o plant performance details pipeline schedules
o valve schedules
calculations for:
o pumps pipelines

Mechanical Building Services

o single line schematics for hot and cold water system and drainage systems
o general drawings showing the location of each mechanical building service plant
item fixing details
o plant data sheets pipeline schedules
o valve schedules
calculations for:
o system sizing

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Appendix B1 Wastewater treatment facility Design Loads
Appendix B2 Performance tests during the Plant Proving Period
Appendix B3 Monitoring, sampling and analysis frequency during Operation Service Period

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Influent Parameters
Table B1.1 Influent Parameters


Design flows

Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)





Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)



Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)



Total Suspended Solids (TSS)



Ammoniacal Nitrogen NH3 - N



Pass Forward Flow (PFF) - Maximum Instantaneous Flow rate

Other Parameters in the Influent to be taken into account in design

Volatile Suspended Solids

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

60% 90% of TSS

0 500mg/l
Peak Hour 200mg/l
0 100 mg/l

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Effluent Parameters
Table B1.2 Treated Wastewater Quality (for Disposal to Creek)




Compliance basis

6.5 - 7.5


BOD5 at 20 C








Total Suspended Solids (TSS)






Annual mean

Total Nitrogen (N)



Annual mean



Faecal Coliforms



Annual mean

30 day geometric mean

Table B1.3 Treated Wastewater Quality (for re-use)





Compliance basis

6.5 - 7.5


BOD5 at 20 C








Total Suspended Solids (TSS)






Annual mean

Total Nitrogen (N)



Annual mean



Faecal Coliform


Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility


Annual mean

30 day geometric mean

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Table B1.4 Performance Requirement for the Plant (effluent for disposal to creek)
BOD5 at 20OC

Performance Requirements
Maximum Admissible
Compliance as above
Concentration (MAC)









Total Nitrogen



Faecal Coliform

<230 (MPN/100ml)

<340 (MPN/100ml)

Table B1.5 Performance Requirement for the Plant (effluent for re-use)
Performance Requirements


Compliance as above

Maximum Admissible
Concentration (MAC)

BOD5 at 20OC











Total Nitrogen




Faecal Coliform

<100 (MPN/100ml)

<230 (MPN/100ml)

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Table B1.6 - Lookup table for 95%ile compliance
Number of Samples per period

Allowable No. of exceedances per period










































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During the Plant Proving Period it is likely that the flows and loads will be less than the
maximum values. In order to replicate the loading conditions that would be experienced at
maximum plant capacity the plant shall be configured to achieve these conditions. This is likely
to include the plant to be operated with only some lanes or units receiving flow. The exact
configuration is to be agreed with the Employer prior to testing.
During the Plant Proving Period daily samples of Influent and Effluent shall be taken in
accordance with the following requirements:
1. Samples shall be 24 hour composite flow proportional samples taken using an automatic
sampler and kept in a refrigerated enclosure.
2. Samples of Influent shall be taken from sample point 1 as shown in Appendix B3.
3. Samples of Effluent shall be taken from sample point 3 as shown in Appendix B3.
4. The sampling method for Influent shall aim to exclude debris, floating grease and grit from
the sample.
The daily Influent and Effluent samples shall be analysed for the parameters shown in table
B2.1. Analysis of sewage and treated effluent shall be commenced as soon as possible and in
any case within a maximum of 24 hours from the end of the sampling period, and completed
without delay.
Influent and Effluent shall also be continuously monitored for the parameters indicated in table B2.2
Data shall be collected by the SCADA system and shall be capable of being transferred to office
personal computer (PC) networks via Windows Direct Data Exchange (DDE), or other equal
database exchange software. The data shall be in a format which permits it to be automatically
uploaded into Microsoft Access or Excel tables, and other proprietary software packages, to
permit data graphing and analysis.

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Table B2.1 Suite of analyses for Influent and Effluent




Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)


Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)


Total Suspended Solids (TSS)


Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3)




Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)


Sulphate (SO3)


Nitrate (NO3)


Nitrite (NO2)


Alkalinity (as CaCO3)


Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)





* Effluent monitoring is to take place both for effluent discharged to the creek and effluent for

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Table B2.2 Parameters for which continuous monitoring and recording is required





Flow rate

m /s

Dissolved Oxygen





* Effluent monitoring is to take place both after secondary and after tertiary treatment stage.

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Table B2.3(a) Performance during plant proving period (Effluent Disposal to Creek)
Total Suspended
Solids (TSS)
Total Nitrogen
Faecal Coliform

Treated Sewage Performance Criteria

No more than one value
than 15 mg/L.
No more than one value
than 75 mg/L.
No more than one value
than 30 mg/L.
No more than one value
than 7.5 mg/L.
No more than one value
than 15 mg/L.
No more than one value
than 340 MPN/100 ml.

in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater

in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater

Table B2.3(b) Performance during plant proving period (Effluent for re-use)
Residual Chlorine
Faecal Coliform

Treated Sewage Performance Criteria

No more than one value in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
than 15 mg/L.
No more than one value in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
than 75 mg/L.
No more than one value in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
than 5 mg/L.
No more than one value in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
than 5 mg/L.
No more than one value in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
than 5 mg/L.
No more than one value in every consecutive 30 days shall be 0.75
No more than one value in every consecutive 30 days shall be greater
than 14 MPN/100 ml.

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Table B2.4 Performance tests concerning sewage screening and screenings handling
Performance criteria

Test background and


Dry solids content in the

washed and dewatered

Not more than one spot sample

of screenings taken over seven
consecutive days shall have the
dry solids content lower than the
designed value

There will be no formal

Measurements may be made
at the request of the
Employers Representative.

Organics content in the

washed and dewatered

Not more than one spot sample

of screenings taken over seven
consecutive days shall have the
concentration of organic solids
content higher than the specified
performance standard.

There will be no formal

Measurements may be made
at the request of the
Employers Representative.

Screenings removal
efficiency and quality

There shall be minimal carryover

of screenings during the test
period. The screenings shall be
sufficiently clean at all times for
disposal at the Designated
Landfill Site.

The carry over shall be

assessed visually at random

Continuous operation and

reliability of screens,
washing and dewatering

The downtime of any unit over The Contractor shall keep an

the test period shall not be operation and maintenance
greater than 4%.
log for each unit.


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Table B2.5 Performance Tests Concerning Grit Separation and Handling



Performance criteria

Test background and


from Grit removal shall be sufficient The Contractor shall report any
to prevent blockages and blockages
significant amounts of grit accumulations.
accumulating in pipes and
treatment units.

Dry solids content in the Not more than one spot sample
washed and dewatered of grit taken daily over any 7
consecutive days shall have a
value lower than the specified The quality of grit shall be
assessed visually at random by
performance standard.
the Employers Representative,
of Not more than 10% of dry measurements may be made
washed and dewatered/ solids in any one spot sample at
classified grit
of grit taken daily over any 7 Employers Representative.
consecutive days shall be of
organic nature.
Continuous operation and The downtime of any unit over The Contractor shall keep an
grit the test period shall not be operation and maintenance log
grit greater than 4%.
for each unit.

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Table B2.6 Performance Tests Concerning Primary Settlement
The scum removal system

Performance criteria


Test Background and

be The Contractor shall observe
visually, and report daily

Continuous operation and The downtime of any unit The Contractor shall keep an
reliability of the primary over the test period shall not operation and maintenance
settlement units (including be greater than 2%.
log for each unit.
de-sludging plant).

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Table B2.7 Performance Tests concerning Biological Treatment

Aeration System

Performance Criteria

Test background and


Aeration system shall be capable

of producing continuously (for
continuous systems) during the
operation the dissolved oxygen
concentration required by the
design in any location of the
aeration tanks.

It may be necessary to
disable the automatic DO
control system to assess the
requirement during the test

The downtime of any unit over the The Contractor shall keep an
and reliability of aeration
test period shall not be greater operation and maintenance
blowers, mixers, valves
than 2%.
log for each unit.
and distribution system.

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Table B2.8 Performance Tests concerning Final Settlement System

Performance criteria

Test background and


return Minimum and maximum capacity 1. The capacity is to be
activated sludge system
shall be as the values specified
demonstrated on one
in the Contract.
occasion over a short
period during the tests.
2. It may be necessary to
disable the automatic
control system to assess
the compliance with this
requirement during the
test period.
Continuous operation and The downtime of any unit over The Contractor shall keep an
the the test period shall not be operation and maintenance
settlement greater than 2%.
log for each unit.
units (including scraper
systems and desludging
The scum removal

The system shall be effective.

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

The Contractor shall observe

visually, and report daily.

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Table B2.9 Performance Tests Concerning Thickening of Sludge (Primary and

Performance Criteria

Test Background and


(DS)concentration of
thickened sludges

The average DS content over the 1. The Contractor shall take

entire test period shall not be
less than the specified values.
composite comprising 3
over one hour) of the
thickened sludges and
measure DS content.
2. Sampling and analysis
shall be in accordance
with Section 17.

Solids recovery by the

secondary sludge
thickening system

Solids recovery over any

consecutive 14 days shall be
greater than the specified value.

1. Samples of sludge liquor

from the thickening plant
shall be taken daily over
any 14 consecutive days.
2. On each sampling day,
three sub-samples of
liquor of an equal volume
manually (simultaneously
with the thickened sludge
sample which shall be
analysed for DS and SS
3. Alternatively,
estimated based on the
DS content in the feed
and in the thickened

Continuous operation and The downtime of any unit over The Contractor shall keep an
reliability of thickening the test period shall not be operation and maintenance
greater than 4%.
log for each unit.

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Table B2.10 Performance Tests Concerning Dewatering of Sludge

Performance Criteria

Test Background and


Dry-solids concentration
of dewatered sludges

The daily DS content over the 1. During the performance

entire test period shall not be
test, the Contractor shall
take daily samples (one
performance standard.
composite comprising 3
over one hour) of the
dewatered sludges.
2. Sampling and analysis
shall be in accordance
with Section 17.

Dry-solids concentration
of dewatered sludges

any 1. Samples of sludge liquor
consecutive 14 days shall be
from the thickening plant
greater than the specified value.
shall be taken daily over
any 14 consecutive days.
2. On each sampling day,
three sub-samples of
liquor with an equal
volume shall be collected
manually (simultaneously
with the sludge cake subsamples) and combined
sample which shall be
analysed for DS and SS
3. Alternatively,
estimated based on the
DS content in the feed
and in the sludge cake.

Continuous operation and The downtime of any unit over The Contractor shall keep an
reliability of dewatering the test period shall not be operation and maintenance
units, including pumping, greater than 4%.
log for each unit.
polymer, and washing

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Table B2.11 Performance Tests Concerning Digestion of Sludge

Performance Criteria

Temperature of the sludge in The

the digesters
temperature of the sludge in
the digesters shall be
between 35 OC to 39 OC, but
not be outside the setpoint
by a range of 1.0 OC on any
day during the test period.

Test Background and

Temperature in the digesters
recorded. The temperature
shall be measured at a
minimum of two positions in
each digester.

Minimum retention time in the The sludge retention time The Contractor shall record
shall never be less than 15 the daily flow of the sludge to
the digesters in order to
estimate the retention time.
Continuous operation and The downtime of any unit The Contractor shall keep an
reliability of the digestion plant over the test period shall not operation and maintenance
be greater than 4%.
log for each unit.

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Table B2.12 Performance Tests Concerning Sludge Generally

Performance Criteria

Test Background and Procedure

Consumption of
poly- electrolyte

For each particular sludge 1. On at least three occasions

treatment process (thickening/
during the performance tests,
dewatering) requiring addition of
agreed with the Employers
polyelectrolytes (or polymers),
Representative, the Contractor
shall measure consumption of
polyelectrolyte shall not be
polyelectrolyte for each particular
greater than the stated value
sludge treatment process over a
expressed in gram of solid
minimum period of two hours.
polyelectrolyte per kg of sludge 2. On each occasion, a two hour
dry solids.
test shall be conducted. During
polyelectrolyte used shall be
3. The volume of the sludge feed to
the process during the test shall
be measured.
4. The samples of the sludge feed
to the particular sludge process
unit shall be taken at minimum
20 minutes intervals during the
test. The samples shall be
analysed for dry solids and the
mean value shall be used for
assessment of dry solids load
during the test.
5. The Contractor shall provide a
detailed test procedure for

Sludge storage at
design load

Blended Primary sludge + The Contractor shall demonstrate

thickened WAS sludge all for the available storage.
Digester Feed: 24 hours
Digested sludge: 24 hours
Dewatered sludge: 3 days

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Table B2.13 Performance Tests concerning Energy Usage and Generation

Performance Criteria

Test Background and Procedure

Actual energy generated at the 1. Energy consumed and energy

facility measured as a percentage of
generated at the facility shall be
the Works total power demand
measured and compared to the
greater than the percentage specified
specified requirement using the
in Table 10.2.
appropriate measured TSS loads.
2. Compliance shall be demonstrated
to the Employers Representative

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Table B2.14 Performance Tests concerning the Whole WwTF

Minimum hydraulic
capacity of the

Performance criteria

Test Background and


Pass Forward Flow for preliminary 1. Flows shall be measured

continuously during the
test period.
Diurnal peak flow plus the return and/or 2. Compliance
recycle flows which would normally be
applied to the unit under test for

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Table B2.15 Performance Tests Concerning Noise

Performance Criteria

Test background and


The noise level of equipment

The noise level 2m in a 1. Noise levels shall be

perpendicular direction from
any point on any item of
equipment (if unprotected) or
the shell of a building or
be 2. Noise measurement shall
be carried out to ISO
Recommendations R1996
& 1996/1, 2 and 3 as

Noise levels at Site boundary

between 22:00hrs and

Noise levels from the Works

shall be continuously less
than 45dBA (15 min Leq) at
the Site boundary.

Noise levels at Site boundary

between 06:00hrs and

Noise levels from the Works

shall be continuously less
than 55dBA (15 min Leq) at
the Site boundary.

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Figure B3.1 Treatment Facility - Location of Measurement and Sampling Points

Note : Exact locations of measurement points may vary if process design differs from generic arrangement above. Locations to be confirmed
following confirmation of process design.

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Table B3.1a Minimum monitoring, sampling and analysis during normal operation
Thickener: Primary Sludge

Thickener: Secondary Sludge























rate/volume/ weight

BOD (mg/l)




COD (mg/l)







SS (mg/l)





Type of sample











SSV (ml)


SVI (ml/g)


DO (mg/l O2)

% TDS (% W/W)




% VS (% W/W)









Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/l)



Temperature (C)

Faecal Coliforms
Hydrogen Sulphide

Methane (% W/W)

Microscopic Examination





For notes see following page.

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Table B3.1b Minimum monitoring, sampling and analysis during normal operation


Final Sludge




Polymer Usage















Measurement Point


Type of sample




on site










BOD (mg/l)



COD (mg/l)




SS (mg/l)





DO (mg/l O2)
% TDS (% W/W)


% VS (% W/W)



Faecal Coliforms



Hydrogen Sulphide



Energy (kWhrs)

1. Measurement point references refer to Figure B3 and are indicative. To be confirmed following confirmation of process design.
2. Monitor to be installed on Emergency overflow in order to identify flow event, but flow measurement not required.

24 hour composite, flow proportional.


n times a week


24 hour composite time proportional, or composite time proportional collected during discharge.


Spot, or composite comprising three spot sub-samples.

Occasional and when complaints or problems encountered.

Continuous measurement and recording.

Intermittent measurement (whenever discharged or transported on or off site).

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Table B3.2 Main programme of analyses for compliance purposes

Final Sludge


Flow rate or weight







Measurement Point
Type of sample

Dry solids


Faecal Coliforms


Site Boundary,
and External Receptors


Hydrogen sulphide


Additional measurement points may be required in order to comply with the Contract.

24 hour composite, flow proportional

continuous measurement and recording
spot, or composite comprising three spot sub-samples
Intermittent measurement (whenever discharged or transported off site)
times a week
occasional (4 times minimum per year) and when complaints encountered

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Table B3.3 Programme of analyses for payment purposes

Treated Effluent





Flow rate



Measurement Point
Type of sample


Potable Water

24 hour composite, flow proportional

Continuous measurement and recording
Spot, or composite comprising three spot sub-samples
Intermittent measurement (whenever transported off site)
n times per week

All Measurement Point 1 shall be used to calculate the Influent COD loading to the facility for
payment purposes.
Measurement Point 3 minus Measurement Point 18 shall be used to calculate the treated
Effluent flow for payment purposes.
When determining the exact measurement points and references it shall be based on the
generic layout in Figure B3.1 and shall not be changed from that unless the process, plant
layout, or pipework arrangement make it inappropriate.
The measurement points in Table B3.3 above shall be corrected to eliminate measurement of
any recirculation flows, return flows or diverted flows following a review of the Contractors
pipework arrangements.
The influent measurement point shall be the influent prior to the addition of any recirculation,
washwater, or return flows.
The effluent measurement point shall be the treated effluent leaving the wastewater treatment
facility but shall not include any other diverted flows.

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Appendix C1 Employers Accommodation for Design-Build Period
Appendix C2 Employers Accommodation for Operations & Maintenance Period

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Employers Representatives office (with A/C)

Minimum Area
(m2 each)

Deputy Employers Representatives Office (with A/C) (2 no)


Secretarial/Admin Office (with A/C)


General Offices (Double) (with A/C) (5 no)


Meeting Room (with A/C)


Store Room (with A/C)

Kitchen (with A/C)


Dinning (with A/C)


WC (3 no.)

Shower Rooms (2 no.)

Changing Rooms (2 no.)


A/C Air conditioning


Office Equipment and Supplies

Accommodation to be fitted out as required by the Employers Representative. All
equipment shall be new.


Office Desk min. size 1.5m x 0.85m with 3 drawers


Arm chairs swivel type


Swivel chairs (no arms)


Table 1.5m x 0.85m


Stacking Chairs


A0 drawing hangers complete with A0 hangers.

Four draw suspension type filing cabinets

Shelving 225mm wide x 50m

Plan Chest A0 size, 6 drawers

15 Rotating Electric fans


Wastepaper bins


Boot scraper

Boot brush and waist height handle

Pin-up boards and pins


Door mats

Coat hooks


A3/A4 high speed photocopier

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Fax machine

Mobile phone

IT Equipment
The following IT equipment shall be provided by the Contractor and fitted out in the
accommodation. It shall all be new and from a source to be approved by the Employers
Representative and the Contractor shall take out a Maintenance Contract for all of the
supplies equipment for the duration of its life on Site. The Maintenance Contractor shall
report only to the Employer's Representative.
Office Computers
8 No. high specification modern laptops complete with large capacity hard disc drive and
RAM, large colour monitor, mouse, fax modem, DVD/CDRW drive, USB drives etc.
8 No. high specification modern desktops complete with large capacity hard disc drive
and RAM, large colour monitor, mouse, fax modem, DVD/CDRW drive, USB drives etc.
1 file server with networking software, large capacity network storage and associated
backup device.
All computers shall be provided complete with standard software including Microsoft
Windows and Office Suite. Additionally 2 nr. of the desktop computers shall be provided
with Autocad and one of the laptops shall be provided with Primevera.
The Contractor shall be responsible for cabling, setting up, configuring and maintaining
the network.
Network Printers, scanners and copiers (All Printers to contain approved Network card
connected to all office computers)
2no.Laser A4/A3
3no. Laser A4
Other Items
The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of high speed broadband
connection (10 mbps) for E-mail/Internet access at all office computers for the duration of
the Design Build period.


The Contractor shall provide the following equipment for the exclusive use of the
Employers Representative and staff for the duration of the construction phase of the
The equipment shall be new and from an approved supplier. The Contractor shall supply
current calibration certificates for survey equipment and maintain, calibrate and insure
the equipment through the Construction Phase of the Works.


Total Station and ancillaries of approved manufacture

Automatic level, tripod and 5m staff of approved manufacture

Ranging rods, 2m long and coloured red/white


Steel 50m tape

Fibre 50m tape

5m steel pocket tapes


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1m spirit level

Maximum/Minimum thermometer

High powered waterproof battery inspection lamp

Digital camera (minimum 12 Megapixel) including serial port cable and
associated software
Camcorder including battery charging unit and batteries
Hand held noise measurement device and recharging unit, with L(A) eq.
and Max. Sound level capabilities
Sledge Hammer

Lump Hammer


Marker paint

As required

Wooden pegs

As required

Survey Books

As required

Protective Clothing
The Contractor shall provide the following protective clothing for the exclusive use of the
Employers Representative and staff.



Gortex or equivalent Waterproof coats and leggings


Reflective jackets


Disposable Overalls


Work Boots steel toe capped


Wellington or equivalent boots steel toe capped + Sole lined




Ear plugs, pairs










Portable H2S Monitoring device


Storage cupboards


Kitchen & Dinning Equipment

The Contractor shall equip the kitchen with the following items:


Fully plumbed stainless steel sink and draining board

Work top (3 m2)




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4 ring gas burner

Microwave oven

Kitchen Table

Dining tables



First Aid box



Plates and cutlery (sets)


Washing up bowl



Stationery & General

The Contractor shall provide stationery and general consumable office supplies for the
sole use of the Employers Representative and staff. The cost of providing these items
shall be recoverable on verification of receipts by the Employers Representative against
the relevant provisional sums. The Contractor shall ensure these items are procured at
competitive rates from an approved source.

Office stationery(pens, pencils, erasers, stapler, punching machine, highlighter, postit, filing, filing ancillaries, note books, A4 writing pads, paper cutting knife, A3/A4
Papers, A3/A4/A5 envelopes, etc.)
Postage stamps
Printer Cartridges
Washing up liquid
Hand towels
Hand Cleanser
Paper towels
Replacement items for first aid box
Barrier Cream
Cleaning materials
Dustpan, brush
Soft broom
Hard Broom
Waste Bin
Bucket and mop

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The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying, fitting out, and equipping the offices
for the sole use of the Employer as described in sections 13.7.4, 13.7.5 and 14.6.

Office Equipment and Supplies

The offices to be provided for the sole use of the Employer in accordance with Section
14.6 shall be fitted out as follows and as required by the Employers Representative. All
equipment shall be new.
Note: This requirement is additional to any furniture required under Section 13.7.5.
Office No 1 15m2


Office Desk min. size 1.5m x 0.85m with 3 drawers

Arm chairs swivel type

Table 1.5m x 0.85m

Stacking Chairs

Shelving 225mm wide


Four draw suspension type filing cabinets

15 Rotating Electric fans

Wastepaper bins

Pin-up boards and pins

Door mats

Coat hooks

Office No 2 20m2


Office Desk min. size 1.5m x 0.85m with 3 drawers

Arm chairs swivel type

Table 1.5m x 0.85m

Stacking Chairs

Shelving 225mm wide


Four draw suspension type filing cabinets

15 Rotating Electric fans

Wastepaper bins

Pin-up boards and pins

Door mats

Coat hooks

Fax machine

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Typical I/O Schedule


1 Each drive
Alarm state




Speed command
Run command


Emergency stop operated

Hours Run
Duty drive selected

X pulse

2 Each motor actuated valve

Open state
Closed state
Open command
Close command


3 Main distribution board incomers and generator incomer

Power consumed incomer 1
Power consumed incomer 2
Loss of Mains Power

X pulse
X pulse

4 Generator
On load
Available for automatic use
Fuel system fault
Low fuel level


5 Level (digital)
High high


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Low low




6 Level (analogue)

7 Flow (analogue)

X pulse

8 Pressure differential (analogue) Value

9 Each Monitoring and Control Instrument

pH value
Analogue Output Instrument
Digital Output Instrument


10 Control systems / General Equipment

110 V ac mcb tripped (common for each CP)
24 V dc mcb tripped (common for each CP)
UPS fault
UPS battery low
PLC Fault
Radio System Fault


11 General Equipment
Intruder Alarm Activation
Fire Alarm Activation
Gas Detection Alarm


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Minimum requirements of Monthly Status Report (MSR)

Minimum Requirements

1 Introduction

A brief summary, including:

The date on which the Operation Service Period commenced, in
accordance with the Commissioning Certificate
The number of MSRs produced since the Operation Service
The period covered by the report
Confirmation that all issues relevant to the Site activities and Works
performance during the reporting period covered are included in the
body of this report

2 Executive

A clear, concise summary of the main events that occurred and the
significant aspects of Works performance during the reporting period.
This Section shall include, where applicable, descriptions of:
analysis results for the reporting period and whether the results were
within the specification of the Contract
any reasons why the analysis results are not within the required
recommendations to improve the efficiency of the treatment process
and quality of the outputs of the facility
any complaints that were received and how they were dealt with
any alarm callouts
any new procedures that were implemented and when they
any health and safety issues raised since the last report
any equipment that was taken out of / put into service
Planned Vs Actual Operation & Maintenance activities and Target
other issues of relevance (e.g. utilization of Asset Replacement
Fund, implementation of Independent Compliance Audit, as

3 Graphical
presentation of data

Flow data and analysis results shall be tabulated and graphed for each
process parameter listed using a proprietary computer package:
Total daily inlet flows
Total daily outlet flow
BOD, Suspended Solids and other parameters of final effluent as per
the consent.
The permissible flow and effluent limits, as defined by the Contract, are
to be indicated on all graphs.

4 Comments on
analysis results

The analysis results shall be discussed in sufficient detail to allow the

performance of the Works to be assessed thoroughly in comparison to
the requirements of the Contract. During any problematic period of
service delivery, all aspects of the Site results shall be commented on in
detail. Specific reference shall be made to the following:

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Minimum Requirements

the final effluent quality compared to discharge standard

the mixed liquor figures
the microscopic analysis results
the raw influent figures
the thickened sludge figures
any major change in results since the previous reporting period
the digester contents results
the activated sludge figures
the figures for the dewatering equipment
any other issues of relevance

5 Process

Table showing any process operational changes made with the following
description of the change made to the operational process
the purpose of the change
the date the change was implemented
the name and position of the person who carried out the change

6 Health and
safety issues

Health and safety issues that have arisen on Site during the reporting
period are commented on in this section. It shall include details of any
Site inductions or training undertaken. Also, any accidents or incidents
shall be reported in full together with statistical results.

7 Operational
maintenance issues

The snags, listed in tabular format, that are dealt with on Site during the
reporting period are taken from the previous MSR. Table to include:
the snag number
the nature of the snag, i.e. mechanical, controls, electrical, etc.
a description of the snag
the priority status of the snag
any comments relevant to any corrective action already taken
the date the snag was first reported

8 Complaints

Complaints shall be logged in a standard, systematic fashion and shall

be dealt with appropriately in accordance with the Contract and reported
in this Section of the MSR. The information required to complete the
complaints register is:
the complainants name and address
the date and nature of the complaint
the date of acknowledgement to the complainant and author
the action taken to eliminate or mitigate the cause of the complaint
the cause of the complaint
the author of the final outcome report
the date the final outcome report was forwarded to the Employer

9 Alarm
callouts and

The details of all alarm call-outs (events outside of normal working

hours) and Site incidents (events occurring during normal working

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Site incidents

Minimum Requirements

10 Analysis

The results of sampling and laboratory analysis required in accordance

with the Contract.

11 Site visit

A record of all visitors shall be kept on Site and presented in each MSR.
The record shall include:
the date the Site visit occurred
the name, company and position of the person(s) that visited
arrival and departure time
the purpose of the visit

12 Weather

A log briefly describing the weather for each day during the reporting

13 Equipment
calibration records

Site equipment shall be calibrated regularly, in accordance with the

manufacturers instructions, and based on the calibration schedule
available from the Site database or when a piece of equipment is put
back into service. If Site equipment is calibrated during the reporting
period the details are entered into the equipment calibrations record and
included in this section of the MSR. The data to be included, in tabular
format, is as follows:

the date the calibration occurred

a description of the equipment that was calibrated
the serial number of the equipment that was calibrated
by whom the equipment was calibrated (name and company)
when the next calibration is due
whether a calibration certificate was produced
any relevant comments

14 Equipment
service records

Site equipment shall be serviced as frequently as stated in the suppliers

literature or the operations and maintenance manual or if a fault occurs
with the equipment and it needs repair. The equipment service record
shall present, in tabular format, the details of each service, including:
the date the service occurred
a description of the serviced equipment
the serial number of the serviced equipment
by whom the equipment was serviced (name and company)
when the next service is due
any relevant comments in relation to the service

15 Plant

The Contractor shall undertake examination and maintenance of all plant

and equipment in accordance with the frequency recommended by the
manufacturer, the O&M Manual and in accordance with the Contract.
The examinations and maintenance activities shall be recorded in a plant
maintenance schedule and presented in this section of the MSR. The
information required to complete the plant maintenance schedule report,
which shall be in tabular format, is as follows:
a description of the equipment

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the serial number of the equipment
the section the maintenance schedule was taken from in the O&M
the items that need to be checked every week, month, 3 months,
6 months or year for that piece of equipment
As the item of work is checked for each piece of equipment, it is
marked on the Table and initialled to indicate that it has been examined.

16 Non-sludge
waste disposal

Any non-sludge waste that is removed from Site shall be documented in

the Site database and the information is transferred to the non-sludge
waste disposal record for inclusion in the MSR.
The information required for the non-sludge waste disposal record is as
the date the waste was removed
a description of the waste
the amount of waste removed at that time
by whom the waste was removed (name and company)
the intended destination of the waste
receipt for acceptance of the waste

17 Sludge
disposal records

Any sludge that is disposed of from Site shall be transported for disposal
in accordance with the Contract. A record is kept on Site of all sludge
that is taken from the Site. The following information is
required for completing the outgoing sludge record which shall be
presented in tabular format in this section of the MSR:
Batch number - Each load of outgoing product is allocated a batch
number to have a record and facilitate traceability of the product
Date - The date the product is exported
Destination of the product - Where the product is to be delivered,
Type of product - A description of the type of product being
exported, i.e. liquid, cake, other
Quantity of the product - The quantity of the product being
exported to the destination facility is recorded in kg or m3 depending
on the consistency of the final product
Certificate of origin/delivery - A certificate of origin or delivery
docket for the outgoing product must be given to the driver delivering
the load.
Receipt returned from destination - A receipt is returned to the
Contractor from the facility that receives the product, to verify that the
delivery was completed
Contact at destination

18 Analysis
results for raw
settled sewage
and mixed liquor

Samples of the raw influent, settled sewage and mixed liquor shall be
analysed and results presented in clear tabular format for the specific
parameters required and the frequencies specified in the Contract. The
Food/Mass Ratio shall be calculated and presented on the right hand
side of the table for each date.
The Contractor shall also monitor, and report on, any further parameters
necessary for proper and efficient operation and maintenance of the

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Minimum Requirements
Works such as:
Flow, level and performance monitoring throughout the WwTF
Raw, inter-stage and treated wastewater quality monitoring
Flow and quality sampling on sludge stream
Flow and pressure monitoring on pumping mains

19 Analysis results
for anaerobic

Samples of the sludge feed and digester contents shall be analysed and
results presented in clear tabular format for the specific parameters
required and the frequencies specified in the Contract. The details of the
biogas composition and efficiency of the digester shall be included in the

20 Analysis results
for final effluent

Samples of the final effluent shall be analysed and results presented in

clear tabular format for the specific parameters required and the
frequencies specified in the Contract. Additional samples taken for
independent analysis by the Employer shall be recorded in this section of
the MSR.

21 Analysis results
for sludge

Samples from the sludge thickeners and dewatering units shall be

analysed and results presented in clear tabular format for the specific
parameters required and the frequencies specified in the Contract.

22 Analysis results
for microscopic

The Contractor shall carry out microscopic analysis on the activated

sludge as frequently as the Contract requires, or if there are problems
with the sludge or settlement. The following characteristics of the sludge
are to be commented on in this section of the MSR:
floc size
floc shape
floc form and strength
the presence of colonies, dispersed bacteria, fungi, protozoa and
higher organisms
the presence of filaments and their effect

23 Analysis results
of random sampling
by Employer

The Employer may collect as many of the split samples as desired and
may analyse the samples in accordance with the Contract. The analysis
results are forwarded to the Contractor by the Employer and are
presented in this section of the MSR for comparison with the results
obtained by the Contractor for the same sample.

24 Facility

Certain aspects of the site must be checked regularly to ensure that the
facility is maintained in good order. A record in tabular format shall be
presented in this section of the MSR together with any relevant
comments. The aspects that must be kept under constant surveillance
shall be established and agreed and shall include as a minimum:
Lawn Maintenance
Shrub Maintenance
Hard Surfaces
Exterior Painting
Interior Painting

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Minimum Requirements
Welfare & Sanitation
Each of the listed aspects of site maintenance are examined and
deemed to be in excellent condition, acceptable condition or
unacceptable condition. When an item is in an unacceptable condition,
steps must be taken to improve the condition of that item.

25 Emergency
event records

Any emergency events that occur during the reporting period must be
reported in this section of the MSR and must include the following
the date the emergency occurred
how the emergency was noticed
the location of the emergency
a description of the emergency
how the emergency was dealt with
the person(s) involved in dealing with the emergency
the duration of the emergency situation
the date of the Emergency Response Review Meeting
the attendees at the Emergency Response Review Meeting
the action(s) taken to prevent such an emergency occurring again
A separate sub-section shall be compiled for each emergency event that
occurred during the reporting period.

26 Plant breakdown

A detailed record shall be kept and presented here of any failure of any
element of the Works or of the Works itself.

27 Analysis for

The analysis and measurement for payment, including any deductions

for failures, and including the calculations for payment of the variable
charges shall be included in this section of the MSR.

28 Plant

A record of all plant or asset replacements undertaken during the

reporting period.

29 Record of
laboratory services

A record of the laboratory analysis undertaken.

30 Training record

Records of all personnel training that took place in relation to the

operation and maintenance of the Works during the reporting period.

31 Employee
sickness and
absence records

Any absence from the works due to illness or otherwise of members of

the Contractors personnel together with the details of temporary
replacement personnel.

32 Use of energy,
utilities and

The Contractor shall keep records of the hours of operation of each item
of electrical plant and the total energy usage on a daily, weekly and
monthly basis as part of the procedures for operation of the facility.
Total energy usage records shall include day, night and total kWhrs,
wattless units and maximum demand usage. The records shall clearly
define energy used from the energy generation facilities on Site and that
energy taken from the external supply
The Contractor shall also report on the Renewable Energy Certificate
process under this section.
The Contractor shall keep records of all chemicals used for the treatment
of wastewater or sludge as part of the procedures for operation of the

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Minimum Requirements
facility. This shall include weekly records of bulk storage and deliveries
and daily use of all treatment associated chemicals.

33 Process
stoppages & unit

The details of any process stoppages or unit cleaning undertaken are to

be presented in this section of the MSR.

34 Vermin control

The Contractor shall employ a recognised vermin control company to

provide and maintain bait points at the Works. The Contractor shall also
ensure that the Works is kept in good condition and free of any organic
waste material that could attract vermin. All the vermin control measures
shall be incorporated into the procedures for operation of the facility.

35 Unusual or

Unusual circumstances arising from industrial disputes, accidental

spillage, mechanical breakdown, power failure, stoppage for essential
maintenance or abnormal weather conditions shall be noted by the
Contractor in detail and taken into consideration when interpreting the
analytical data from the Works.

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Directorate of Industries, Government of Maharashtra
As per Doing Business Report of World Bank Group, the procedures for obtaining construction
permit are outlined below:1) Submit application and design plans at Building Proposal office of BMC and pay
scrutiny fee
2) Receive Site inspection from Building Proposal Office
3) Obtain Intimation of Disapproval from the Building Proposal Office and pay fees
4) Submit structural plans approved by a structural engineer to BMC
5) *Apply for No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Tree Authority
6) *Receive inspection from Tree Authority
7) *Obtain NOC from Tree Authority
8) *Request and obtain NOC from Storm Water and Drain Department
9) *Request and obtain NOC from Sewerage Department
10) *Request and obtain NOC from Electric Department
11) *Request and obtain NOC from Environmental Department
12) *Request and obtain NOC from Traffic & Coordination Department
13) *Request and obtain NOC from CFO
14) Obtain Commencement Certificate from Building Proposal Office and pay
Development Charges
15) Request and receive inspection of plinth
16) Submit letter stating completion of building works to obtain an Occupancy Certificate
and Certificate of Completion
17) *Request and obtain completion NOC from Tree Authority
18) *Request and obtain completion NOC from Storm Water and Drain Department
19) *Request and obtain completion NOC from Sewerage Department
20) *Request and obtain completion NOC from Electric Department
21) *Request and obtain completion NOC from Environmental Department
22) *Request and obtain completion NOC from Traffic & Coordination Department
23) *Request and obtain completion NOC from CFO
24) Request and receive competition inspection from BMC
25) Obtain Occupancy Certificate
26) Obtain Completion Certificate
27) Apply for permanent water connection
28) *Receive on-site inspection for connection to water by the Water Supply Department
29) *Obtain permanent water connection
30) Apply for permanent sewerage connection
31) *Receive on-site inspection for connection to sewerage by Sewerage Department
32) *Obtain permanent sewerage connection
33) *Apply for permanent power connection and pay fees
34) Receive on-site inspection from BEST
35) *Obtain power connection from BEST
36) *Apply for telephone connection
37) *Receive on-site inspection and connection to telephone by the utility provider
38) The Bidder should provide compliance as per Environmental Clearance from MOEF,
No. 11-49/2007-IA-III Dated 28th January 2008

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* Takes place simultaneously with another procedure.
Clearance for sludge/solid waste disposal from the Employer
Approval of design of the project under the Factories Act, 1948 and registration of the Project
under the same legislation as Project would constitute a factory as defined therein.

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Approved Vendor/Manufacturer/Make List
List of Approved makes for Mechanical Equipment / Items:
Sr. No.

Item Description

Approved Vendor/ Manufacturer/ Make

Air Compressor

M/s Ingersoll Rand

M/s Kaeser
M/s Kirloskar Pneumatic
M/s Atlas Copco
M/s Chicago Pneumatic

Air Blowers (Roots Type)

M/s Swam
M/s Everest
M/s Usha compressors
M/s Kay International TMVT

Chlorination System

M/s Industrial Device

M/s Pennwalt
M/s Capital Controls
M/s Siemens

Cranes (EOT, Hoists ,Jib


M/s W.H. Brady

M/s Transpade Engineers
M/s Demag
M/s Electromech
M/s Hercules

Centrifuge Decanter

M/s Pennwalt
M/s Humbolt Wedag
M/s GEA Westfalia
M/s Andritz
M/s Alpha Laval

Exhaust Fans

M/s Alstom
M/s Flaktwood
M/s Bajaj
M/s Crompton Greaves

Flash Mixer/ Agitator

M/s Fibre & Fibre

M/s Ceecons
M/s Remi Process

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Sr. No.

Item Description

Approved Vendor/ Manufacturer/ Make

M/s Milton Roy

Horizontal Centrifugal

M/s Grundfos
M/s Wilo /Mather & Platt
M/s Pentair
M/s Sulzer

Submersible Pumps

M/s Xylem/ITT
M/s Wilo
M/s Grundfos
M/s Kishor

Submersible Pumps-Tube

M/s ABS Sulzer

M/s Xylem
M/s Wilo
M/s Grundfos

Helical Rotor Screw Pumps

M/s Rotomac Pumps

M/s Netzch technology
M/s PD Pumps
M/s Tushaco Pumps
M/s Roto Pumps

Chemical Dosing Pumps

M/s Milton Roy

M/s Prominent
M/s V K Pumps
M/s Positive Metering Pumps
M/s Swelore


Submersible Mixer

M/s ABS-Sulzer
M/s Grundfos


Clarifiers and Thickener


M/s Voltas
M/s Triveni
M/s Shivpad

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Sr. No.

Item Description

Approved Vendor/ Manufacturer/ Make

M/s Emco KCP


Vortex type Grit Removal


M/s Triveni
M/s Bilfinger
M/s Huber
M/s Smith and Lovless


Butterfly Valve

M/s Pentair
M/s Fouress
M/s VAG Valves
M/s AVK Valves


Sluice Gate Valve

M/s Fouress
M/s Makimura
M/s Dezurik


PP Valve

M/s Shenco
M/s U N Polyvalves


Penstock Gates

M/s Jash
M/s Hambaker
M/s Orbinox
M/s Yashwant


M.S - Cement Lined Pipes

M/s Jindal
M/s Welspun


SS Pipes

M/s Jindal
M/s Remi


CI/DI/GI pipes

M/s Electrosteel
M/s Lanco steel
M/s Jindal
M/s Kejriwal Castings

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Sr. No.

Item Description

Approved Vendor/ Manufacturer/ Make

DI Fittings

M/s Kiswok
M/s Kejriwal Castings
M/s Electrosteel


Motorized Weir Gates

M/s Jash
M/s Yashwant


Chlorine Tonners

M/s Meenakshi Associates


Fine Bubble Diffusers

M/s Environmental Dynamics

M/s Rehau


Centrifugal Air Blowers

(Turbo Blower)

M/s Howden
M/s Siemens
M/s Hoffman and Lamson
M/s Aerzen


Mechanical Screens (Bar


M/s Mahr Machinen Bau MM2 MM

M/s Bilfinger screens Kuhn GMBH
M/s Headworks
M/s Huber


Pressure Vessel

M/s Thermax Limited

M/s Rathi Vessel
M/s Ion Exchange
Any U Stamp manufacturer
M/s Cheema Boilers Ltd.


Electric Actuators

M/s Auma
M/s Limitorque
M/s L Bernard
M/s Rotork


Pneumatic Actuators

M/s Rotex
M/s Bettis
M/s VAG Pasak
M/s Janson
M/s D Torque
M/s Elomatic



M/s Jain Irrigation

M/s Finloex

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Sr. No.

Item Description

Approved Vendor/ Manufacturer/ Make

M/s Duraline
M/s Time Technoplast
M/s Pennwalt Agro
M/s Supreme
M/s Astral
M/s George Fischer



M/s Crompton Greaves Ltd

M/s Seimens
M/s Marathon Electric (Alsthom)
M/s Kirloskar Electric company
M/s Bharat Bijlee Ltd


Ball Valves

M/s BDK Engineers

M/s Flowchem
M/s Virgo
M/s Audco
M/s Fouress
M/s Microfinish


Knife Gate valves

M/s Jash Engineering

M/s Dezurik
M/s Fouress


Diaphragm valves

M/s. Crane Process

M/s. Microfinish
M/s. BDK Engineers
M/s. Leader
M/s. Saunders


Eccentric Plug valves

M/s Dezurik


Alum Rapid Induction Mixer

M/s Rite water solution


Gas Scrubber

M/s Innovative Environmental

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Sr. No.

Item Description

Approved Vendor/ Manufacturer/ Make

M/s Combustion research associates


Gas Flare

M/s Combustion research



Heat Exchanger

M/s Alpha Laval

M/s Positron Engineering Corporation
M/s Ammus
M/s Rakhoh


Air conditioner

M/s Bluestar
M/s Voltas
M/s O General
M/s Carrier
Ms. Daikin


Dissolved Air Floatation

M/s Krofta
M/s Water Works
M/s K-Pack


Ultra Filtration

M/s Hyflux
M/s Hydranautics
M/s Koch Membrane
M/s Toray


Disc Filtration

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

M/s Amiad

Employers Requirements

Page 305

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

List of Approved makes for Electrical Equipment / Items:
Sr. No.

Compact Substations

Schneider Electric
Crompton Greaves Limited

Distribution Transformers

Schneider Electric
Crompton Greaves Limited
Transformers & Rectifiers India Limited
Voltamp Transformers Limited

Transformer Lighting - Dry Type

(Cast Resin)

PS Electricals
Schneider Electric
Automatic Electric Ltd.
Crompton Greaves Limited

Switchgear/Switchboard MV
11/33kV - Outdoor Type

Crompton Greaves Limited
Schneider Electric

Switchgear/Switchboard MV
6.6/11/33kV - Indoor (VCB)

Schneider Electric

Protective relays (Numerical Type)

SEL (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories)

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 306

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.

Protective Relays

Schneider Electric (formerly Areva/EE)

Auxiliary Relay

Schneider Electric (formerly Areva/EE)

VA Tech

Electronic circuit Relay

Allen Bradley


Control and Relay Panel

Easun Reyrolle
Schneider Electric


Instrument Transformers (CT/PT)

Automatic Electric
Crompton Greaves
Gilbert and Maxwell
Schneider Electric


Switchgear/Switchboard L.V.Drawout/Fixed Type


Schneider Electric

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 307

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.

Air circuit breakers

Schneider Electric (M&G)



Schneider Electric (M&G)


Switch Disconnector Fuse Unit

And Switch Disconnector Isolator

Schneider Electric


Change-over switch

Havells (euroload)
Schneider Electric
GE Power
Kraus & Naimer


V F Drives / Electronic
Soft starter

Allen Bradley (Rockwell Automation)
Schneider Electric
ABB Danfoss


MV capacitors (APP)

Universal Cables
Manohar Brothers (Capacitors)


LV capacitors (APP)

Universal Cables

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 308

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.


Schneider Electric


Series Reactors For Capacitors

Manohar Brothers


APFC Panel

Manohar Brothers
Crompton Greaves


APFC Relay / Controller

TAS Powertek
Schneider Electric


AC Power Contactor

Schneider Electric (Telemecanique)


DC Power Contactor

Schneider Electric


Auxiliary contactors

Schneider Electric (Telemecanique)


Electronic / Microprocessor based

overload relay

Schneider Electric

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 309

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.

Bi-metal / Overload Relay

Schneider Electric


Thermistor relay

Insta controls


Single Phasing Preventer

Schneider Electric


Time switch

Schneider Electric



Electronic Automation Pvt Ltd.
Schneider Electric


Time Delay Relay

Schneider Electric



Bharat Bijlee
Crompton Greaves

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 310

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.


Marathon Electric Motors (India) Ltd.
(Formerly Alstom Ltd)


Battery Charger & DCDB

Caldyne Automatics
Chhabi Electricals
Mass-tech Controls
HBL Power Systems
Automatic Electric
Amara Raja
Universal Instruments



Crompton Greaves



Neptune, USA



Crompton Greaves


Cables H.V. - 33 kV XLPE


Universal Cables Ltd.

KEC International Ltd
Cable Corporation of India Ltd

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 311

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.

LT Power Cables/ Earthing Cable

Universal Cables Ltd.
KEC International Ltd
Cable Corporation of India Ltd
RR Kabel


LT Control Cables

Universal Cables Ltd.
KEC International Ltd
Cable Corporation of India Ltd


HFFR wires (including panel


RR Kabel


Non-insulated Copper Earthing


Gupta Industrial Corporation (Vasai,

Bharat Wires & Ropes
Diamond Cables


Distribution Boards (other than

MLDB, MPDB, MOVDB) / Panels /
Enclosures / JB / Marshalling

Schneider Electric
Manshu Comtel

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 312

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.






Schneider Electric
Klockner Siemens



Schneider Electric


Alarm Annunciators (solid state

type with LED illumination) / Facia

Industrial Instruments & Controls
Procon Inst. (P) Ltd
MTL India Pvt. Ltd.
Rochester Instruments System Ltd.
Proton Electronics
Ronan (Waree)


Decorative switches, sockets and

metal boxes (single plate

Honeywell (MK Electric)

Anchor (Panasonic)
Havells (Crabtree)


Modular switch & socket

(wraparound) (twin plate

Anchor (Panasonic)
Anchor (Roma / Ave)
Honeywell (MK Electric)
Havells (Crabtree)
Schneider Electric (Clipsal)

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 313

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.




Ceiling Fan

Crompton Greaves


Wall Mounting Fan



Exhaust Fan / Ventilation Fan

Crompton Greaves


Air Circulators/Man Coolers

(Pedestal/Wall Mounted)

Crompton Greaves


Cable termination/jointing kits

Raychem (Tyco Electronics / RPG)

3M(Cold Shrink/Push-on)
ABB Kabeldon


Control / selector switch

Kraus & Naimer

GE Power controls
Schneider Electric


Indicating Lamps (Multi-chip LED)

Teknic Controls

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 314

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.


Schneider Electric


Terminal Block / Connectors



Control transformer

Precise Silkaans NEC
Gauss Electricals


Semiconductor Fuse

Schneider Electric (Ferraz Shawmut)
Eaton (Cooper Bussmann)


HRC fuse (Power & Control)

Eaton (Cooper Bussmann)
Schneider Electric (Ferraz Shawmut)


Push buttons

Schneider Electric (Telemecanique)
Teknic Controls
Vaishno Electricals


Push button station

Schneider Electric
R Stahl

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 315

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.



Non metallic enclosures (including

Industrial Receptacles)

Schneider Electric


Digital Meter Ammeter &


Schneider Electric (Conzerv)

Automatic Electric
Schneider Electric (Power Measurement/


Electromechanical Ammeter &


Automatic Electric


Load Manager / Multi Function

Meter / kWh

Schneider Electric (Conzerv / (Power

Measurement / ION)
Schneider Electric
Alpha (ABB)
SEMS (Secure)
Electro Industries / GaugeTech


Power quality analyser

Schneider Electric (Power Measurement/
Schneider Electric (Conzerv)

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 316

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.


Chino Laxsons


Cable lugs

3D (Billets Elektro Werke Pvt. Ltd)


Cable Glands (safe area - double

seal cone grip type)

Crouse Hinds
Hex (Brass Copper & Alloy(I))


Polyamide Cable Glands



Lightning Arrestors

Crompton Greaves


Surge Suppressors

Schneider Electric

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 317

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.


Weid Muller
Phoenix Contact


Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

Emerson Network Power (India) Pvt. Ltd.

(Liebert / Chloride)
Schneider Electric (MGE / Gutor / APC /
Fuji Electric , Japan
ABB (Newave)


Floor trunking system (GI trays,

troughs & pull boxes) and GI Cable

Honeywell Patny
Jenco/Pentax Ferro Incorporate


Furniture trunking system / Cable

management System

Schneider Electric


UPVC Conduit/JB/flexible
conduit/tees/ Bevels, elbow &



GI Conduit / Pipes

JK Tube Company (AKG)

BEC Industries

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 318

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.


TATA Steel


MS Conduit

JK Tube Company (AKG)

BEC Industries
TATA Steel


Casing Capping

Circle ARK


Lighting Controller / Lighting

Management System

Tridonic Atco


Lead Acid Battery (Plante /


HBL Power Systems Ltd.
Amara Raja Batteries Ltd.


SMF/VRLA battery

HBL Power Systems Ltd.
Amara Raja Batteries Ltd.


Ni Cd Battery

HBL Power Systems Ltd.

Amco Saft


Lighting Poles

Bombay Tubes and Poles
India Electric Poles


High mast lighting system

Crompton Greaves
BP Projects

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 319

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.


Schneider Electric
Electro Industries / GaugeTech


Fire Barriers / Sealing

Roxtec Signum Navell Multikil


Water barriers/sealing system

Rayflate (Tyco Electronics)





Insulating mats

Raychem RPG


Emergency Light / Installite /

Conversion module / Battery Pack

Tridonic Atco


Choke (for VVVFD)

Allen Bradley (Rockwell Automation)


Power Supply Unit




Schneider Electric

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 320

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.

Voltage / Power / Current /
Frequency / Energy Transducer

Schneider Electric





Limit Switch

Jay Balaji


Aviation Obstruction Light (multiple

LED type)



Diesel Engines

Rolls Royce


Alternators for DG Sets

Cummins (Stamford / AvK)

Leroy Somer


Digital Multimeter for Operation &




Clip-On Ammeter for Operation &


Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

HCK, Germany
Kyoritsu Electrical, Japan

Employers Requirements

Page 321

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

List of Makes for Instruments:
Sr. No.

Level Indicator Transmitter

Honeywell India


Flow Meters / Flow Indicator/


Krohne Marshall


Level Gauges /Level Switches

SBEM Pvt Ltd
Mangnetrol Pvt Ltd
Nivo Control Pvt Ltd
Punetechtrol Pvt Ltd


Pressure Gauges/Pressure

Gen Inst Co
Baumer Technologies India Pvt. Ltd
Ashcroft India Pvt Ltd
H Guru Instruments Pvt Ltd
Manometer (India) Pvt Ltd
Forbes Marshall Pvt Ltd
Scientific Devices Pvt Ltd


Pressure Indicator Transmitter


Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 322

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.


Honeywell India
Yokogawa India Ltd


Temperature Indicator

Radix Pvt Ltd


Water Quality Analyzers

(Dissolved Oxygen, Residual
Chlorine, Turbidity, pH,
Conductivity, ORP, TSS, MLSS,
SS, BOD, COD, TOC, etc.)

M/s Endress+Hauser
M/s Yokogawa
Forbes Marshall
Mettler - Toledo
WTW Gmbh
Dr. Lange
Royce Technologies

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 323

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

List of Makes for Un-interrupted Power Supply & Batteries:
Sr. No.

Un-interrupted Power Supply

Schneider Electric (MGE / Gutor / APC /
Fuji Electric , Japan
ABB (Newave)
Amtech Electronics India Ltd.



Lead Acid Battery (Plante / Tubular)

HBL Power Systems Ltd.
Amara Raja Batteries Ltd.
SMF/VRLA battery
HBL Power Systems Ltd.
Amara Raja Batteries Ltd.
Ni-Cd Battery
HBL Power Systems Ltd.
Amco Saft

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 324

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

List of Makes for Cables
Sr. No.




Universal Cables
KEI Industries Limited

List of Makes for Enclosures/ Panels

Sr. No.



Enclosures / Panels

C&S Electric
Siemens India Ltd
Schneider Electric India Pvt Ltd

List of Makes for Alarm Annunciators

Sr. No.



Alarm Annunciators

Unitech Instruments
Industrial Instruments & Controls
Procon Inst. (P) Ltd
MTL India Pvt. Ltd.
Rochester Instruments System Ltd.
Proton Electronics

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 325

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

List of Makes for Process Indicators
Sr. No.



Process Indicator

Unitech Instruments

List of Makes for Automation

Sr. No.




Workstations , Servers

Dell, HP, Compaq etc.


Programmable Logic Controllers

Schneider Electric
Rockwell Automation


SCADA Programming Software

Intellution IFix,
WIN CC V 6.2,
RS View,
Visio Citect,
CX-Supervisor V3,
Fast Tools


GSM/GPRS Equipment

GSV Microtek,
Sheetal Wire-less Systems




Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 326

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

Sr. No.



Interface Devices

MTL Instruments Pvt Ltd
Osna Electronics Pvt Ltd


Communication Cables (OFC /

Modbus / CAT 6 / TCP / IP)


List of Makes for Laboratory Instruments

Sr. No.



Laboratory Instruments

Hach India Pvt Ltd

WTW Gmbh

All the equipment, to be supplied under this contract has to be from experienced manufacturer.
The equipment of only those manufacturers, who have sufficient proven experience of
manufacturing the respective equipment of similar capacity, shall be considered. The naming of
a manufacturer in this specification is not intended to eliminate competition or prohibit qualified
manufacturers from offering equipment. Rather, the intent is to establish a standard of
excellence for the material used, and to indicate a principle of operation desired.
In order to achieve standardization for appearance, operation, maintenance, spare parts and
manufacturer's service, like items of equipment provided hereunder shall be the end products of
one (1) manufacturer.
In the event that the contractor wishes to propose alternate makes for the equipment
mentioned above, he shall submit the following:
1) Demonstrate that the proposed makes are Superior / Equivalent to the approved makes.
2) Manufacturer involved in manufacture of specified equipment for at least 10 years before bid
3) At least 5 successful installations commissioned in last 5 years before bid date and
satisfactorily operating for at least one year before bid date. End user certificate shall be
provided for the same.
Manufacturer to provide full contact information for each reference as part of technical bid And
the above qualities and requirements shall be demonstrated and evidenced by inspection of

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 327

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai

manufacturing units and successfully installed plants (at the End users plant/premises) for the
equipments desired and successful operation and certification by the Employer Representative.
The Employer shall reserve the right to accept or reject the Bidder proposed makes of

Bhandup Wastewater Treatment Facility

Employers Requirements

Page 328

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