Developmental Disturbances Associated With Agenesis of The Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor

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Describes the dental development

anomalies most commonly found in
subjects with agenesis of permanent
maxillary lateral incisors.
Supports the hypothesis that microdontia
of maxillary lateral incisors is a variable
expression of the same developmental
disturbance that causes agenesis.
Canine impaction was not differentially
associated with agenesis of permanent
maxillary lateral incisors.


Developmental disturbances
associated with agenesis
of the permanent maxillary
lateral incisor
T. Pinho,1 P. Maciel2 and C. Pollmann3

The aim of this study was to characterise the intra and extra-oral phenotype associated with agenesis of the permanent
maxillary lateral incisor. We compared three groups: (1) subjects with agenesis of one or both permanent maxillary lateral
incisors (n = 80); (2) first and second degree relatives of group 1 with no agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral
incisor and (3) subjects with no agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisor or family history of it (n = 49). For each of the
201 subjects detailed clinical information was reviewed and panoramic radiographs were analysed. Considering only the
sample with unilateral agenesis, microdontia of the contralateral permanent maxillary lateral incisor was significantly more
frequent in group 1 (82.4%) than in group 2 (25%) and the control group (2%). This supports the theory that microdontia
is a variable expression of the same developmental disturbance that causes tooth agenesis. The absence of third molars
occurred more often in group 1 (36.2%) than in groups 2 and 3 (18.6% and 18.9% respectively), confirming that agenesis
of third molars was markedly associated with the agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor. Agenesis of teeth
other than third molars was not significantly different among subjects with agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral
incisor and their relatives. The frequencies of supernumerary teeth, permanent maxillary canine impaction, general health
condition and minor anomalies were not significantly different between the three groups.
A tooth is defined to be congenitally missing if it has not erupted in the oral cavity
and is not visible from radiography and
has not been extracted or accidentally lost.
Congenital lack of a tooth (hypodontia)
results from a disturbance during the early
stages of tooth development. Hypodontia is
relatively frequent in the permanent dentition, with a reported incidence of between
3.5% and 8.8%, excluding third molars,
and higher values if considering the
third molars.1-11 It is also more frequently
observed in females, although differences
in gender distribution have been reported
among populations.1,5,6,10,12-14
Centro de Investigao Cincias da Sade (CICS),
Instituto Superior de Cincias da Sade-Norte/CESPU,
Portugal; 2Life and Health Sciences Research Institute
(ICVS), School of Health Sciences, University of Minho,
Braga, Portugal; 3Faculty of Dental Medicine (FMDUP),
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
*Correspondence to: Teresa Pinho, Centro de
Investigao Cincias da Sade (CICS), Instituto
Superior de Cincias da Sade-Norte/CESPU, Rua
Central de Gandra, 1317, 4585-116 Gandra, PRD,
Portugal Email:

Online article number E25

Refereed Paper - accepted 22 June 2009
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.961
British Dental Journal 2009; 207: E25

Agenesis of the permanent maxillary

lateral incisor is one of the most common disorders, although its frequency
varies according to the population studied,1,4,5,8,10,11,13,14 with values ranging between
0.8% and 2% for the permanent teeth, and
between 0.1% and 0.7% for the primary
teeth. In the Portuguese population, the
prevalence of agenesis of the permanent
maxillary lateral incisor is 1.3%, with a
slightly higher frequency in females.15
Among individuals with missing teeth,
those who most frequently request treatment are those with missing maxillary
anterior teeth,16 especially with agenesis
of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor.17,18 Early diagnosis of missing teeth is
not usual, although some direct or indirect
signs and/or elements of the family history might indicate a problem. Hobkirk et
al.19 reported that in 451 patients treated
for hypodontia, more than 50% were older
than 12 years; they also found a low rate
of importance given to this problem either
by the patients, parents or their dental
practitioners; the cases of early diagnosis resulted from casual observation or
family history.

Objective examination is essential for

the diagnosis of hypodontia of permanent
teeth and some clinical signs are: attrition, ankylosis, infra-occlusion, persistence and/or asymmetrical loss of primary
teeth, tooth migration, overeruption of
the permanent antagonists, diastemas
and microdontia.2,20,23 Radiographs must
be taken to confirm the diagnosis, especially the dental panoramic radiography,
as suggested by Pilo et al.,9 for an early
diagnostic procedure in patients younger
than eight years.19,20
According to Garn and Lewis,24 the
crown size reduction associated with
congenitally missing teeth is more significant in multiple agenesis than in the
agenesis of a third molar, occurring more
frequently in women. Schalk-Van-DerWide et al.25 observed that patients with
oligodontia (more than six instances of
agenesis) had a reduction of both mesiodistal and labio-lingual dimensions of
the tooth crowns. The reduction in size
of some teeth in relatives may be an
important factor for the determination
of familiar occurrence of missing teeth.26
Baum and Cohen27 stated that the factors


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involved in third molar agenesis and of
other teeth are the same.
The paradoxical frequency of a malpositioned maxillary permanent canine in
the case of agenesis or microdontia of the
permanent maxillary lateral incisor shows
the importance that these teeth have as
the guiding tooth of the eruption path of
the canine. According to some authors,2,28,30
in order to achieve an early diagnosis of
impacted canines, one should take into
consideration the importance of the root
of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor
in the eruption of the canine tooth. Some
authors suggest 29,31 that these two phenomena might involve the same or similar
genetic factors. In contrast, Brenchley and
Oliver 32 did not observe any association
between ectopic maxillary canines and
agenesis or microdontia of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor. However,
they found a correlation with Class II
Div 2 malocclusion, probably due to the
displacement of the adjacent permanent
maxillary lateral incisor.
The simultaneous occurrence of agenesis
and supernumerary teeth is uncommon33,35
and it is more frequent in the permanent
than the primary dentition.33
In some syndromes there are typical patterns of hypodontia, while in others the
congenital reduction in teeth number is
described as sporadic. Anodontia (congenital absence of teeth) is rare,36 and is often
associated with ectodermal dysplasia.37
Hypohidrotic ectodermic dysplasia is
the most common form of ectodermic
dysplasia in humans and is estimated to
affect at least 1 in 17,000. Most people
with hypohidrotic ectodermic dysplasia
have hypohidrosis, hypotricosis and teeth
that are agenesis or malformed.37,39 There
are other syndromes like Riegers syndrome where hypodontia is a main feature
too.40 For Schalk Van Der Weide et al.,41
the patients with oligodontia/I (isolated)
showed a low degree of association of
extra-oral signs and with combinations of
just one or two ectodermic anomalies. On
the contrary, patients with oligodontia/S
(Syndrome) show a strong tendency to
present a combination of three or more
ectodermic anomalies.
The purpose of this retrospective study
was to investigate intra-oral and some
general anomalies associated with agenesis
of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor

in order to find alert signals associated to

this feature.


The study sample included 201 subjects
aged between nine and 76 years, divided
into three groups: (1) subjects congenitally
missing one or both permanent maxillary
lateral incisor, from the clinical files of the
ISCSN (Instituto Superior de Cincias da
Sade Norte, Portugal) (n = 80); (2) first and
second degree relatives of the patients in
group 1 (n = 72); (3) control group with no
agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral
incisor, randomly selected among the general clinical patients of the ISCSN (n = 49).
A dental panoramic radiograph and a
detailed clinical file were analysed for
all subjects. Children under nine years of
age were excluded from all groups, as the
radiographic study for some dental germs
could be inconclusive.1
Among other anomalies, we investigated
(i) microdontia of the contralateral permanent maxillary lateral incisor (in group 1,
only the unilateral agenesis of permanent maxillary lateral incisor cases [n =
34] could be considered), (ii) agenesis of
other teeth, (iii) supernumerary teeth, (iv)
impacted maxillary permanent canine, (v)
dental transposition and (vi) the presence
of minor malformations.
The criteria for the classification of
microdontia followed Proffits terminology: 42 a permanent maxillary lateral
incisor is considered microdontic when
its mesiodistal dimension is inferior to
that of the mandibular permanent lateral
incisor. These teeth are defined as conical in shape due to the narrowing of the
crowns diameter from the cervical to the
incisor area.2
The data collected from the dental
panoramic radiographs included agenesis of teeth other than the permanent
maxillary lateral incisor which was also
revealed through clinical examination and
confirmed by history.
In addition, general examinations of
all 201 individuals included evaluation
of anomalies of ectodermic derived structures such as skin, nails, hair, face, eyes
and ears, normally referred to as minor
In order to study the absence of the third
molar and the impaction of maxillary canine
or dental transpositions, we performed an

analysis excluding subjects aged below 15

years in all of the groups. Previous studies43
refer to this age as being the approximate
age limit when a non-erupted canine tooth
can be considered to be impacted; others
state this age as a limit to the appearance
of the third molar germs.44,45 Therefore, the
sample size of this part of the study was
reduced to n = 160 (group 1: n = 63, group
2: n = 60 and group 3: n = 37).
Statistical analysis was performed on all
data using the chi-squared test to compare non-continuous variables. Differences
were considered statistically significant for
p <0.05.
All the participants gave written
informed consent for participation in this
study, which was approved by the ethics committee of the Faculty of Dental
Medicine of the University of Porto.

Sample analysis
In group 1 (n = 80) there were 46 (57.5%)
subjects with bilateral agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor and 34
(42.5%) with unilateral agenesis of the
permanent maxillary lateral incisor. From
these 34 subjects, 20 (34%) were missing
the right lateral incisor and 14 (17.5%) the
left lateral incisor. Ages ranged from nine
to 76 years (average 26.01 14.32). Fiftyfour (67.5%) were female and 26 (32.5%)
were male.
In group 2 (n = 72) ages ranged from
nine to 75 years (average 29.7 14.5).
Thirty-nine (54.2%) were female, while
33 (45.8%) were male.
In group 3 (n = 49) ages ranged from
nine to 64 years (average 20.6 8.2).
Twenty-three (46.9%) were female and 26
(53.1%) were male.

Microdontia of the permanent

maxillary lateral incisor
Group 1 had 46 cases of bilateral absence,
therefore the sample used to calculate the
frequency of contralateral microdontia
was limited to the 34 cases with unilateral
absence. This limitation did not occur in
groups 2 and 3.
Microdontia of the contralateral incisor (Table 1) was found in 28 cases
(82.4%) in group 1: 12 (35.3%) on the
right side and 16 (47.1%) on the left side.
In group 2, only 25% had lateral incisor


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Table 1 Frequency of permanent maxillary lateral incisor microdontia in group 1 individuals with unilateral agenesis, group 2 relatives of group 1 (with no agenesis)
and group 3 the control group
Maxillary lateral incisor MICRODONTIA

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3



12 and 22





































Table 2 Identification of other associated

dental agenesis, excluding third molars,
in group 1 - individuals with unilateral
agenesis and group 2 relatives of group
1 (with no agenesis)
Other associated dental
agenesis, excluding third molars
Group 1

Group 2

of cases











*Only 34 of 80 possible cases were evaluated on this analysis as the bilateral agenesis excludes the possibility of microdontia.

Table 3 Frequency of other associated dental agenesis, excluding third molars in group
1 - individuals with unilateral agenesis, group 2 relatives of group 1 (with no agenesis)
and group 3 the control group
Other associated dental agenesis, excluding third molars

Group 1

Group 2





















microdontia: 1.4% on the right side, 4.2%

on the left side and 19.4% bilaterally. In
group 3, only one case (2%) of bilateral
microdontia was found.
Microdontia was significantly more
frequent in the group of individuals presenting agenesis of permanent maxillary
lateral incisor (2 = 113,6 [5 cells (41.7%)
have an expected count less than 5. The
minimum expected count is 2.85], df = 6,
p <0.05; chi-square test).

Agenesis of other teeth

(third molars excluded)
Groups 1 and 2 included individuals with
other dental ageneses (excluding third
molars), the majority corresponding to
the second premolars (Tables 2 and 3).
The Fishers exact test shows that there are
no significant differences between these
groups (2 = 0.509, df = 1, p >0.05) (Table
3). We found no other congenital absences
in group 3.

Supernumerary teeth
In the 201 individuals selected, there
were two patients with supernumerary
teeth: one mesiodens (group 1) and one
associated with an odontoma (group 2).

Third molar agenesis

In this part of the study all patients younger
than 15 years were excluded from the sample. Out of the 160 individuals only 154
were included in this sub-analysis, due to
the fact that six subjects did not remember
whether or not they had had their third
molars removed, five cases in group 1 and
one case in group 2 (Table 4).
Third molar absence was significantly
more frequent in group 1 (36.2%) than
in group 2 (18.6%) and group 3 (18.9%)
(p = 0.007; chi-square test) (Table 5).

Impacted maxillary canines

Out of the 160 individuals 15 years or older,
seven had impacted maxillary canines.

Three in group 1 (n = 63) 4.76%, two in

group 2 (n = 60) 3.33% and two cases in
group 3 (n = 37) 5.40%. The frequency of
impacted maxillary canines was not significantly different between the groups (p
= 0.99; chi-square test).

Tooth transpositions
Tooth transpositions were not found.

Minor anomalies/clinical
In the general examination, most of the
individuals included in the three groups
did not present any health problems (see
Table 6 for a detailed description of the
findings). Although minor anomalies
were relatively frequent, there was no
statistically significant difference in the
frequency of minor anomalies and other
clinical manifestations among the groups
(group 1: 20%; group 2 = 19.4%; group
3 = 20.4%; 2 = 0.018 df = 2, p >0.05).
Of notice, one patient had a bifid uvula
(group 1).

In this study, as in others5,13,15,46 some dental anomalies associated with agenesis of
permanent maxillary lateral incisor were
found. In accordance with Horowitz4 and
Nieminen et al.47 we also found that microdontia of the lateral incisor was the most
frequent associated tooth anomaly.
According to Arte et al.48 the prevalence
of the superior lateral incisors microdontia


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Table 4 Occurrence of third molar agenesis

in individuals over 15 years, in group 1 individuals with unilateral agenesis, group
2 relatives of group 1 (with no agenesis)
and group 3 the control group
Third molar

Number of






















Table 5 Frequency of third molar agenesis and maxillary lateral incisor agenesis (subjects
older than 15 years) in group 1 - individuals with unilateral agenesis, group 2 relatives of
group 1 (with no agenesis) and group 3 the control group
Third molar agenesis (age 15 and over)

Group 1
Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

in first and second degree relatives is 9%

and 11% respectively. We compared the
groups in order to investigate a potential
familial aggregation of certain clinical
features. The highest frequency of microdontia was found in the group missing
one permanent maxillary lateral incisor.
Their relatives also presented a higher
frequency of this finding than the control group. These data point towards two
conclusions: unilateral incisor agenesis is
associated with lateral incisor microdontia; the frequency of microdontia is significantly higher in their relatives than in
the control population, which may indicate a significant contribution of familial
factors (genetic and/or environmental) to
this trait.
These data are in agreement with the findings of Svinhufvud et al.49 and Baccetti,2
who have shown there is a reciprocal and

Group 2

Group 3




























significant aetiological association between

hypodontia, microdontia, malformation
and lack of tooth development. Several
authors47,49 propose that microdontia of
one or more lateral incisor is a different
phenotypic expression of the same genetic
trait. Therefore, microdontia may, considering it potentially reveals a common
aetiopathogenesis with agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor, become
an important clinical marker of altered
morphogenesis. This phenotypical expression may represent a bilaterally disturbed
tissue interaction, resulting from a handicapped genetic mechanism, which is also
dependent on humoral and neighbouring
cell signalling.
Interestingly, third molar agenesis was
more frequent in group 1 (p = 0.007), in
comparison with the other groups. This
also suggests that common factors may be
interfering with the morphogenesis of the
permanent maxillary lateral incisor and of
third molars. Some authors50 also suggest
that the agenesis of third molars germs
depends on the anteroposterior dimensions
of the maxilla.
Agenesis of teeth other than third molars
was not significantly different between
subjects with congenitally missing permanent maxillary lateral incisors and
their relatives.
It has been suggested that agenesis
of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor may play a role in the impaction of
maxillary canines; at least two theories have been proposed to explain this
condition. The guidance eruption theory,
proposing that displacement is caused by

predisposing local factors, such as the

absence or anomalies in the shape and in
the size of the permanent maxillary lateral
incisor, agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor, microdontia or the
decreased size of the root of those teeth,
are considered decisive mechanical factors
for the deviation of the maxillary canines
during their eruption.28,31 The other theory
points out that the genetic factors are the
primary cause for both maxillary canine
tooth displacement and absence or microdontia of the permanent maxillary lateral
incisor and/or possibly other associated
dental anomalies.49,51,52
Zirberman et al.31 suggested that a strong
association exists in the members of a family with regard to displaced canine teeth
and anomalies (microdontia or agenesis)
of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor.53 However, in the present study, no
significant differences were found in the
frequency of included maxillary canines
among the three groups. This is in accordance with Brenchley and Oliver.32 The
transposition of the maxillary canine has
also been associated with microdontia and
with agenesis of the permanent maxillary
lateral incisor,54,55 but in this study not a
single transposition occurred.
Only one case of hypodontia and
concomitant hyperdontia56 was found,
confirming the rarity of this clinical
In the present investigation, the congenital absence of the first maxillary and
mandibular molars was detected only in
two patients that were relatives, and did
not fit in any specific syndrome.


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Table 6 Identification of minor anomalies/

clinical manifestations

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

There is an association between agenesis
of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor
and other tooth anomalies such as microdontia of the permanent maxillary lateral
incisor, both in the individual and their
relatives. Third molar absence is significantly more frequent in individuals with
agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor. This might indicate a common genetic mechanism controlling these
phenomena, influenced by several factors
interacting at different levels.
Agenesis of teeth other than third molars
was not significantly different between
subjects with agenesis of the permanent
maxillary lateral incisor and their relatives.
However, if third molars are excluded, we
found no other congenital absences in
subjects with no agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor or family
history of it.
Supernumerary teeth, maxillary canine
inclusion, the general condition of health
and minor anomalies were not appreciably
different in the three groups.

Minor anomalies/clinical

Clinodactily in the 5 finger

of the hand

Fold in the helix ear

Astigmatism; Myopia


Hypopigmentation in
lumbar zone; Myopia

Anomalies finger printer

Unpigmented spots
in the left leg



Myopia; Hypermetropia

Myopia; Unpigmented spots

in the arms; Clinodactily in
the 5 finger of the hand

Congenital anomaly in the

right eye; Hyperconvex nails

Hyperconvex nails

Bifid uvula

Parcial separation of the

uvula; Hypermetropia

Nasal septum defect

Astigmatism; Myopia

Umbilical hernia

Hypertrophy in the right face;

Astigmatism and myopia;
Fissure in the ear (helix)

Hypotrichosis in the eyebrows;

Nasal septum defect




Myopia dysplasia in the

right ear (helix); Anterior
tubercle in tragus


Myopia; Superfolded helix ear


Bilateral mandibular touros;

Pigmented spot in the lower lip


Hypertrophy in the right face


Miopia; Astigmatism

Myopia; Teleangiectasias

Ear protrusion

Congenital cebaceous cist

in the right eye; Astigmatism


The authors would like to thank the families who

participated in this study. We are grateful to
A. C. Braga for statistical support.


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