Cost Reduction Techniques in Press Part Production
Cost Reduction Techniques in Press Part Production
Cost Reduction Techniques in Press Part Production
Abstract: In this paper, industrial engineering and management tools like TQM, TPM, JIT, Value Analysis & Value Engineering,
Lean manufacturing, Kaizen etc. have been studied and analyzed for cost reduction in a specific production process of an auto ancillary
industrial firm. For this a case study was performed on sheet metal stamping process of LCV/HCV body parts at XYZ Company at
Pithampur (Indore)M.P.. A survey in interview form was conducted among managerial and engineering professionals from various
similar type industries. The survey is based on cost reduction techniques, related challenges, market role etc. Attempts have been made
to investigate the role of vendors in cost reduction and the problems faced from their side. Application of job plan in investigating the
problems in productivity improvement has also been studied. The outcomes have been analyzed and discussed in details.
Keywords: Cost reduction, productivity improvement, lean manufacturing, Kaizen etc.
1. Introduction
An industrial organization needs sustainable design analysis
and process optimization in manufacturing and service for
controlling production cost. There is always demand for
quality improvement with product price drop from end
users. Share and stock holders also anticipate excellent rate
of returns against investments. Thus, cost has become a
residual. The challenge is to manufacture or provide service
within the stipulated cost frame work. Thus, cost
management has to be an ongoing continuous improvement
programme. Today the market leaders are even pursuing
cost reduction as strategic imperative. They want to stay
ahead of the market by continuously widening the gap
between their cost and that of their competitors and redeploy the recourses for profitable growth. The project will
focus on impact of cost control and cost reduction
techniques in present scenario.
A business enterprise must survive, grow and prosper only if
the unwanted cost must control and reduced necessarily.
There is now a cut throat competition from various concerns
of the world.
As a result there is now a raise to secure a place for survival.
This has increased the importance of cost control and cost
reduction. Hence it is required to study the different tools
and techniques used for the same. We can classify the cost
according to their nature, behavior then we can easily know
the cost which can be controlled or reduced. Here more
emphasis is on the controllable and non- controllable cost,
because this classification of the costs helps us
understanding what and how we can control. If the cost can
be controlled then what steps should be taken for controlling
purpose; if cannot be controlled, what should be done. It
totally depends up on the managerial decisions and it is the
activity of management accounting. The study identifies the
2. Literature Review
There are some techniques/concepts is being studied to
benefitting different areas of the organizations, also Identify
the process which can reduce their cost and improve
working environment.
2.1 What is Cost and Cost Reduction
An amount, that has to be paid or given up in order to get
something. In business, cost is usually a monetary valuation
of effort, material, resources, time and utilities consumed,
risk incurred, and opportunities for gone in production and
delivery of a goods or service.[1]
Cost Reduction is to be understood as the achievement of
real and permanent reduction in the unit cost of goods
manufacture or services rendered without impairing their
suitability for the use intended. [1]
2.2 What is TPM
In 1971, Nippon Denso Co., Ltd. first introduced and
successfully implemented TPM in Japan. They won the
Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) PM Excellent
Plant Award for their activities. This was the beginning of
TPM in Japan. Since then, TPM has spread progressively
throughout the world and established itself as a renowned
"Kai" means change, and "Zen" means good ( for the better
). Basically kaizen is for small improvements, but carried
out on a continual basis and involve all people in the
organization. Kaizen is opposite to big spectacular
innovations. Kaizen requires no or little investment. The
principle behind is that "a very large number of small
improvements are move effective in an organizational
environment than a few improvements of large value. This
pillar is aimed at reducing losses in the workplace that affect
our efficiencies [7].
2.7 Just-in-Time Inventory System
When considering the costs of housing inventory, it is
important to distinguish between value added activities and
non-value added activities.[21]
Value added activities add value to a product or service at
a given stage in the production cycle or supply chain;
customers are willing to pay for value added activities
because they make the product or service better.
Non-value added activities increase the final cost of the
product or service, but do not increase the value to the
The cost of warehousing inventory is a non-value added
activity. Upon receiving merchandise, your customers only
concern is, Does it work and is it going to perform the
function for which it was purchased? Just-in-time (JIT)
purchasing and just-in-time production help combat these
undesirable, non-value added inventory costs. These
demand-pull inventory systems are applied by requiring that
3. Research Methodology
As we know, any product is made of different parts used to
perform the desired function. The cost of that product
includes cost of all parts used inside it. Many times we are
observing that, large scale manufacturing industries
purchases some parts (used in the product) by the vendors or
suppliers. Such parts are known as bought out parts (BOP).
As we have discussed earlier that the profit maximization is
depends on cost reduction and there are many ways to
reduce unwanted cost of product or process. [24]
The price of bought out parts are depends on their cost of
manufacturing. If we analyze the scope of cost reduction in
bought out parts, then it can improve the overall profit of
that product.
The above thought was encouraged me to conduct a study in
supplier industry to find out the scope in cost reduction
comparing with the cost reduction techniques used in
present large scale Original Equipment Manufacturing
(OEM) Industries.
To understand the working of such manufacturers and their
focus towards the cost reduction for betterment, The
Interview sessions are conducted with different area of
personnel to discuss their experiences on cost reduction
techniques used in their respective organizations.
3.1 The Interview Sessions
Following are the general information of the personnel.
TATA Tech.
D. Tare
Work Experience
Designation /Area
of work
Table 3.1
Design and
Mr. Swapnil
Mr. Pulin
Mr. Paresh
Mr. R. Plotra
3.1 Questionnaire
Press speed
Cushion press
Cushion stroke
After seen all the operation standards the part which selected
is R/F Cab stays blank of size 1.2x270x405 mm3 needs four
operations one by one at 600 T m/c at least as per standards.
The weight and dimension of dies are suitable to hold in
600T press machine. The operation 3/ 4 die is having less
height than operation 2/4. So the idea is generated to hold
the die the packing plate with the help of long bolts during
Punching Trimming
Balancer press
No. of cushion
Press tonnage
Drawing Operation
Operation no.
No. of strokes
Cost reduce
per annum
Average of
4927 (Targeted
for two working
are some thumb rules, which can affect the results on the
others parts.
5.3 Scope for Future Work
This study is a specific study restricted to the case
organization .A number of such studies can be done in
variety of industries to reach at common conclusions,
which can be generalist in nature.
The interview sessions are conducted with different
personnels to find out the cost reduction techniques which
are used at their organizations. There are some more
techniques, which can be used in the case organization
like technical surveys, weighted score method, decision
matrix etc.
This study is conducted at the scale of middle level
organization. It can be scale down at small scale industries
and scale up for large scale industries.
In this work, five interview sessions are conducted. The
sample size can be increased up to 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 up to
50 for taking different opinions about cost reduction
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Website Reviewed
1. www.kaizen-, viewed on 23 /03/ 2014
2., viewed on28 /03/ 2014
3.,viewed on 04 /04/ 2014