Eight Best Candles
Eight Best Candles
Eight Best Candles
by Thomas N. Bulkowski
hose of you well versed in candlesticks will find
this article surprising. It describes how single-line
candles can lead to the best performance. In an earlier
article, I discussed investment-grade candles, those
that performed best as reversal or continuation patterns. In another article, I discussed candles that led
to strong moves 10 days later. This article combines
those two qualities and adds a third filter that removes
rare candles to uncover the eight best-performing
candles overall.
Stocks & Commodities V. 29:11 (24-26): The Eight Best-Performing Candles by Thomas N. Bulkowski
Three inside up
Stocks & Commodities V. 29:11 (24-26): The Eight Best-Performing Candles by Thomas N. Bulkowski
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Bearish continuations
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final pairing.
They Figure 4: BEARISH CONTINUATIONS. These two are
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the best-performing candlesticks when they act as bearish
proof #1
Suggested reading
Article copyright 2014 by Technical Analysis Inc. Reprinted from the November 2011 issue with
permission from Stocks & Commodities Magazine.
The statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. Fidelity Investments
cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any statements or data.