WpDataTables Documentation
WpDataTables Documentation
WpDataTables Documentation
If you notice some mistake, typo, or would like to contribute something to the
documentation please contact us through the form on this page. Thank you!
Table of contents
Table of contents................................................................................................................... 2
1. General information....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Overview...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Files and folders in package................................................................................. 6
1.3 Installation................................................................................................................ 10
1.4 Updating..................................................................................................................... 13
1.5 Configuration........................................................................................................... 14
1.6 Quickstart guide: your first simple table...................................................... 16
2. Admin panel.................................................................................................................... 20
2.1 Overview page......................................................................................................... 20
2.2 Table edit page step 1 -table settings......................................................... 21
2.3 Table edit page step 2 -column settings.................................................... 29
3. Frontend........................................................................................................................... 34
3.1 Table............................................................................................................................ 34
3.2 Table tools................................................................................................................. 36
3.3 Filter block................................................................................................................ 37
3.4 Frontend editor....................................................................................................... 39
4. Creating tables from different data sources.......................................................42
4.1 Creating a wpDataTable from Excel................................................................ 42
4.2 Creating a wpDataTable from CSV file......................................................... 46
4.3 Creating a MySQL-based wpDataTable......................................................... 51
4.4 Creating MySQL-based wpDataTables with server-side processing.56
4.5 Creating a table from JSON input..................................................................... 62
4.6 Creating a table from XML input...................................................................... 66
4.7 Creating a table from serialized PHP array............................................... 71
4.8 Shortcode attributes........................................................................................... 75
4.9 Placeholders........................................................................................................... 76
5. Table features................................................................................................................. 77
5.1 Server-side processing......................................................................................... 77
5.2 Responsiveness....................................................................................................... 79
5.3 Advanced filtering, filtering in a form or a widget....................................84
5.4 Table tools............................................................................................................... 101
5.5 Sorting...................................................................................................................... 105
5.6 Table layout............................................................................................................ 108
6. Column types and column features.................................................................... 113
6.1 String (text) columns......................................................................................... 114
6.2 Integer columns................................................................................................... 115
6.3 Float columns........................................................................................................ 115
6.4 Date columns......................................................................................................... 116
6.5 URL link columns................................................................................................. 117
6.6 E-mail link columns............................................................................................ 118
6.7 Image columns...................................................................................................... 119
6.8 Row grouping........................................................................................................ 120
6.9 Column reordering.............................................................................................. 121
6.10 Column visibility............................................................................................... 122
7. Front-end editing....................................................................................................... 124
7.1 Creating editable tables.................................................................................... 124
7.2 Limitations of front-end editing.................................................................... 131
7.3 Editor input types................................................................................................ 132
8. Charts.............................................................................................................................. 142
8.1 Using charts......................................................................................................... 142
8.2 Chart types........................................................................................................... 144
8.3 Chart limitations................................................................................................ 146
9. How to ...................................................................................................................... 148
9.1 How to hide Show entries block?....................................................... 148
1. General information
This chapter will give you some general information about the plugin. Features
overview, description of files in the package, installation and configuration guide,
quickstart guide.
1.1 Overview
This section is a brief overview of the plugin, its purposes and main features.
Hi, dear customers. First of all we would like to thank you for the purchase
of wpDataTables plugin, hope you will not regret this purchase, and will
enjoy using it on your WordPress sites.
First of all I must mention that the front-end part of this plugin is based on
a truly excellent DataTables jQuery library, and some plugins to it. I would
like to thank its author Allan Jardine for this wonderful piece of code.
Probably you had a situation when you needed to publish a table on your
WordPress-based site, which would need to have slightly more features
then a simple HTML table: pagination, filters, or something similar: for
example a catalog, a price list, a list of business locations, a list of users,
and so on, and so on. And you probably discovered that it would require at
least some coding, and keeping it regularly updated means that you would
need to do all the coding work again and again. wpDataTables is a plugin
which would handle all the work, and you would just need to set it up
wpDataTables is an independent ready-to-use WordPress table plugin
which is designed to make table process of data representation quick, easy
and effective. It allows you to quickly build and put on any of your
WordPress posts, or pages interactive tables with such features as
advanced filtering, sorting, or saving to PDF from almost any possible data
source MySQL query, serialized 2D-array, Excel file, CSV file, JSON and
XML input sources.
A short list of wpDataTables features:
Cute interactive multi-functional front-end jQuery tables with
filtering, sorting and pagination features rendered by DataTables
library. You can manipulate all features easily from the WordPress
Here you can see the list of folders and files which you get in the
wpDataTables package (some folders are not given in complete detail
since they are not quite important).
class.float.wpdatacolumn.php The float column type class file.
class.formatnum.wpdatacolumn.php The formatted number
column type class file.
class.wpdatacolumn.php The main column factory class file.
class.string.wpdatacolumn.php The plain string column type
class file.
class.sql.php The MySQL driver of wpDataTables.
class.wpdatatable.php The main wpDataTable class file with the
main module logic.
class.tpl.php The lightweight template engine of wpDataTables.
class.wdtexception.php wpDataTables specific exceptions
class.wdttools.php class that contains common backend helper
This folder contains the files with languages for the front-end.
Licensing info for the plugin.
Folder with the .PO/.MO files for internationalization of the plugin
backend (and some front-end parts).
Folder which contains this PDF file.
wdt_functions.php main plugin functions used in the front-end
wdt_ajax_functions.php handlers for the plugins front-end AJAX
actions (front-end editor, server-side processing for MySQL tables,
wdt_admin.php back-end (admin panel) controller functions.
wdt_admin_ajax_actions.php handlers for the back-end AJAX
actions (saving the table, columns, preview, etc).
This folder contains a config file with several constants used within the
Templates used to render wpDataTables front-end and admin pages.
browse.inc.php template for the wp-admin browser page.
chart_js_template.inc.php template for Google Chart javascript
edit_table.inc.php template for the wp-admin table editor.
generic_table.inc.php generic template file combining javascript
with rendered table.
wpdatatables_table_main.inc.php template for the table itself.
settings.inc.php template for the wp-admin wpDataTables
settings page.
style_block.inc.php template for the style block generated
according to the color and font settings from the plugin settings
filter_widget.inc.php template for the filtering widget.
1.3 Installation
This section covers the installation process of the plugin using FTP or ZIP file upload.
Then you can upload your WordPress installation in some FTP browser
(e.g. CyberDuck for Mac OS X), and upload this folder to your wpcontent/plugins directory:
Or you can go to the wp-admin panel, to the Plugins tab, pick Add new,
Upload, browse for the zip file with plugin, and then press Install
For the second option youd need FTP account information, so just enter it
on the next page, when WordPress requests it.
After that you should have the wpDataTables plugin in your list of plugins
on the wp-admin plugin page:
Now, you just need to press Activate, after that the plugin will create its
options and required tables in the database. After that you should see
wpDataTables tab in the admin menu:
wpDataTables plugin has several settings that you can define in the
WordPress admin panel.
1. Use separate MySQL connection
Enable this setting if you want to build tables using data from DB or host
which is different from the one that you use for your WordPress
Do not check this checkbox if you want to use the WordPress
database connection.
If you set this checkbox to checked, you will also need to provide the
following data in order to be able to query the MySQL database:
MySQL host: The address of MySQL host, domain or IP-address.
MySQL database: The name of the database that you would like to
MySQL user: Username which will be used for login.
MySQL password: The password which will be used for login.
2. Interface language
wpDataTables comes with 45 world languages for the main interface
features (provided by jQuery DataTables internationalisation). You can
have the interface translated to your language by just choosing the
language from this selectbox.
Important Only the main table features are covered by this package.
It means that table tools (Copy, Print, Excel, ) and advanced
filtering labels arent translated, but you can translate them yourself
if you want.
3. Render charts
This selectbox allows to choose where you prefer to output container with
charts, for the tables where you enable them: above or below the table.
4. Base skin
wpDataTables has two built-in skins that you can use. Here you can choose
one of them.
5. Render advanced filter
Here you can choose where the column filter will be rendered (if you do
not decide to put it in a separate widget for some particular tables): in the
table footer, or in the header.
6. Date format
This selectbox allows you to choose from several common date formats
which will be used for the date columns.
Buttons and inputs border radius (in pixels, if you would like to have
them rounded)
Table font
You will find a short explanation beside each style setting, so you would
know what element does it change.
Notice for developers: settings page is using the template:
templates/settings.inc.php, main PHP logic is in the file wdt_admin.php, main JS
logic is inline and in assets/js/wpdatatables/wpdatatables_admin.js.
2. Admin panel
This chapter will give an overview on all of plugins back-end (WP Admin) pages,
all the settings, checkboxes, inputs, selectboxes, and everything else you might see
Table edit page contains two steps: in first step you provide the data
source and configure the settings for the table in general.
General setup (XML, CSV, Excel, JSON, Serialized PHP Array)
The general setup section in case for Excel, CSV, XML, JSON or Serialized
PHP array contains the following elements:
1. Table title a text input field where you can provide a title for your
table. This title will be later displayed in the overview page (see
docs section 2.1), and above the table itself in the front-end.
2. Table type a dropdown selectbox where you can choose one of the
supported data sources: Excel file, CSV file, XML, JSON, or serialized
PHP array.
3. Input file or URL. a text input box used to specify the input file
location. For serialized PHP array you would need to provide a
direct URL to the file which returns the serialized array; for Excel,
CSV, XML or JSON you would need to press the Upload file button,
In the media uploader you can either upload a file (by pressing
button 1 or just drag&drop a file to this section), provide an URL
to the file that you would like to use (in tab 2), or if the file is
already in your Media library (probably you uploaded it before) you
When you upload, or locate the file, you would then need to make
sure that a File URL option is selected (so that a direct file URL
would be in the text field, not an attachment URL with ?
When all is done you would need to press the Insert into Post
button, so that the media uploader would be closed, and the file URL
would be returned to the Input file or URL input field.
4. Shortcode this block is invisible for new tables. When the table is
saved and general info is set, the table gets a new ID, and a
shortcode is generated. You can copy this shortcode and paste it to
your post or page to render the table in the WordPress frontend.
General setup (MySQL table type)
General setup section looks slightly different in case of MySQL table type.
1. Table title a text input field where you can provide a title for your
table. This title will be later displayed in the overview page (see
docs section 2.1), and above the table itself in the front-end.
2. Table type a dropdown selectbox where you can choose one of the
supported data sources: Excel file, CSV file, XML, JSON, or serialized
PHP array.
3. MySQL query a textarea input field, where you can provide the
SQL query text that is supposed to return the dataset for the table.
Please keep in mind the following tips for using MySQL in
It is better not to use quotes in the column names.
It is better not to put the semicolumn in the end of the query
If you have a large datasource, and would like to use the serverside processing feature of wpDataTables, please keep in mind
that server-side processing allows using only simple SELECT *
FROM table queries, so if you need to return a result from some
1. Server-side processing. This checkbox is enabled only for MySQLbased tables; it enables the server-side processing feature. This
feature means that only several rows (10 by default) will be fetched
from the server at a time, and each time you switch to the next page,
or sort by some column, or search, or filter the table, it will send an
AJAX request to the server, return and render the same amount of
rows again. It makes sense for large datasets, smaller ones would
work even slower. See documentation section 5.1 for more details
2. Responsive. This feature enables responsiveness for the table,
which means that it will be displayed differently on desktops and
mobile devices. If your site supports responsiveness (adapts the
interface to mobile devices) it makes sense to enable this feature.
See documentation section 5.2 for more details.
3. Advanced filtering. This feature enables a possibility to have an
individual filter for each column. The filter can be rendered below
the column, in the header of the column, in a form above the table,
or in the widget which you can put whereever you need. See
documentation section 5.3 for more details.
4. Filter in form. Enabling checkbox will put the filter in a form that is
separated from table, or in a widget, which you can put in a sidebar,
footer, or wherever your table allows. See documentation section 5.3
for more details.
5. Table tools. Checking this checkbox will enable table tools block for
the table frontend (export to CSV, export to Excel, export to PDF,
print view). See documentation section 5.4 for more details.
6. Enable sorting. Checking this checkbox would allow sorting the
data in the tables by clicking on the header of each column in
ascending and descending order. See documentation section 5.5 for
more details.
7. Limit table layout. By default the table in the front-end is as wide
as it is needed by the content, and may exceed the parent container
width. This checkbox forces the table to fit in the parent container.
This checkbox must be checked if you want to set the widths for the
columns. See documentation section 5.6 for more details.
8. Word Wrap. Checking this checkbox will make the words wrap and
extend the cells height if the content does not fit in one line.
9. Display length. In this dropdown you can choose whether you want
to display 10, 25, 50, 100 or all table entries in the front-end by
Add a chart. This dropdown allows to select one of the
options for the chart: No Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Column Chart,
Line Chart, Pie chart. By default charts arent enabled. See
documentation chapter 8 for info on charts.
Save table. This button saves the table settings and enables
the preview and Step 2 if this is a new table. Please note that if you
changed the data source or MySQL query for MySQL-based tables,
you will also need to configure settings in Step 2 once again.
table will appear when you click on it, so you could see how the
table will look in the front-end.
Close. This button cancels all the changes that you did (after a
Step 2 of the table edit page becomes visible when you save the general
settings in the new table. In this step you can specify the detailed settings
per each column. Below you can see the description of each input element
of this step:
1. Original column header. In this part you will see the original
column heading from the input data source MySQL table column
name, or heading from Excel or CSV file. This label cannot be
changed within wpDataTables, it is used to identify the original
source column.
2. Displayed header. This is the header that will be shown in the
frontend. E.g. if your original MySQL column name is usr1_from
you can put here User one from and this name will be shown in the
3. Possible values. This is an optional input field. Here you can
provide all the possible values for the column. These values will be
used in dropdown filter (see documentation section 5.3 for more
details), and also can be used in front-end editor for the dropdown
input type (see documentation section 7.2 for more details).
4. Filter type. This dropdown is only visible if you set the advanced
filtering enabled in Step 1. Here you can choose how to display the
filter for this particular column: none, text, number, number range,
order manually, but its easer to just drag& drop the columns
Width. This input can be used to specify the column width in
eiter percents or pixels: but please keep in mind that you need to set
the Limit table layout checkbox as enabled if you decide to do so,
or these settings will be ignored.
Visible. This checkbox defines if this column will be visible in
the front-end. Please keep in mind, that invisible column still are
present in the page, so if e.g. you are querying a database, and
choose to show 5 columns out of 15, other 10 are still present in
browsers memory. So it is better not to query only columns you
might need (e.g. SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table
instead of SELECT * FROM table).
Save columns. This buttons sends the save request to the
server, and persists the current column settings in the DB.
Ungroup. This button is used to untick the Group column
radio (8) if you accidentally ticked it. Or if you decide not to use this
Preview. Toggles table preview (see description above in 2.2)
Close. This button cancels last unsaved changes (after a
confirmation) and returns you to the table overview page.
Notice for developers: table edit (and new table) page is using the template:
templates/edit_table.inc.php, main PHP logic is in the file
controllers/wdt_admin.php, main JS logic is inline.
3. Frontend
This chapter will give an overview of the front-end look of the plugin: the table
itself, additional input and filtering elements.
3.1 Table
This section gives on overview of the frontend look of the table generated by the plugin,
its main elements and blocks.
You can see the generated table frontend view when you open a post or
page to which you inserted the shortcode in WordPress frontend. This is
the main plugin view.
Column headings and order are taken from the settings you provide in the
back-end (see documentation section 2.3 for more info on configuring the
1. Table title. If you have set a title on the table edit page, you will see
it here in a <h3> HTML element.
2. Selector for number of entries. This is a dropdown selectbox,
where the front-end user can choose how many rows does he want
to have in the table. If you specify a number of rows in the table edit
page in the plugin back-end, this value will be pre-selected by
3. Global table search field. This input field allows front-end users to
filter the table contents by some value; the algorithm searches
within all cells, and shows a row if at least one of the cells contains
the value entered in the search field. If the table does not use serverside processing feature, it will also search by multiple parts, e.g.
input Asia 12 will search by both values in all cells. In tables with
server-side processing this is not implemented because of
performance reasons.
4. TableTools block. This block contains buttons for CSV, Excel, PDF
export, also copy to clipboard function and print view. See
documentation section 3.4 for more details about TableTools
If the table is editable, the Add new, Edit and Delete buttons are also
inserted in this block.
5. Active (sorted) column. The column that is slightly highlighted is
the current active column, which means that the table data is sorted
by the values from this column in ascending or descending order.
You can see the direction of the small triangle near the column
heading: up means ascending order, down means descending.
Sorting rules depend on the column type that you have provided,
see documentation section 6 for more info on column types and
6. Sorting trigger button. The same triangle can be used to activate
the sorting on a different column, or change the sorting direction. If
you press control when clicking on the sorting trigger button you
can sort by two columns.
7. Advanced filtering block. The advanced filtering block is visible if
you enabled advanced filtering for the table in the back-end (see
documentation section 2.2 for more details on the table setup). Each
column gets a separate filtering input, which allows users to filter
Advanced filtering block is a block where filter inputs per each individual
column are rendered. You can define a filter type per each column (see
documentation section 2.3). Different filter input types produce different
filtering behavior. Please see documentation section 5.3 for detailed info
on the advanced filtering feature.
1. Checkbox filter this filter type outputs a button on the frontend.
When user clicks this button he gets a popup window, where he can
choose one ore more values for the column. Only the rows that
contain these values in the filtered column will be visible in the
value of the filtered column is between the starting and ending date
will be then shown on the table.
7. Number range filter this filte type renders two number input
elemetns. There user can specify the minimum and (or) maximum
number values for the column. The rows where the number value in
this column lies between these two numbers will be displayed in the
3.4 Frontend editor
This section gives a brief overview of the front-end editor popup.
When a row is selected, or when you click on the New button, you will
get the editor popup. The exact look of the popup will depend on the table
that you created and configured:
1. Column names in the left side you will see the column names. For
each column a separate entry will be rendered.
2. Editor inputs To the right of each column name the editor inputs
will be rendered. Exact look of each input will depend on the
configuration that you define for it. Please see documentation
chapter 7 for detailed information and instructions on all possible
input types and front-end table editing in general.
3. Front-end editor navigation and control in this area users can
see different buttons that allow the to navigate through table entries
and control the editing process:
Cancel: revert all changes and close the editing gialog
Prev, next: navigate between the rows in the table. Also switches
the pages of the table.
Apply: save the entry, but do not close the dialog.
OK: save the entry and close the editing dialog.
In the popup that appears you can drag&drop the file that you prepared,
click on Select Files and find this file on your local computer, or find it in
the WordPress Media Library if you have already uploaded it previously.
Once you have chosen the file you need to make sure that the File URL
option is selected (otherwise wpDataTables plugin wont see the Excel
file), so that the direct file URL will be shown in the Link URL input. Once
youve done that you can click the Insert into Post button.
4. Set the additional table data and save the table
When the data source is provided you can define the additional table
properties, such as enabling or disabling the advanced filter, making the
table responsive, and so on (refer to the documentation sections 2.2, and
chapter 5 to read about all these settings in detail). You can also define
these properties later. Once youre done you can click the Save table.
You can copy this shortcode and go to the post or page where you need the
There in the editor you can paste the shortcode. Please use the Text
editor mode for this, since then you will be sure that no invalid markup
will be pasted along with the shortcode:
Once youve done that you can publish the page and open it in the site
If you get some errors during this process please refer to the
troubleshooting section (chapter 10) of this documentation, FAQ page on
the site. If you dont find a solution there you can refer to our support
Notice for developers: main logic for this feature is in the file:
source/class.wpdatatable.php, method buildByExcel().
This section gives a walkthrough tutorial on creating and rendering wpDataTables from
CSV (comma-separated-values) files.
In the popup that appears you can drag&drop the file that you prepared,
click on Select Files and find this file on your local computer, or find it in
the WordPress Media Library if you have already uploaded it previously.
Once you have chosen the file you need to make sure that the File URL
option is selected (otherwise wpDataTables plugin wont see the CSV file),
so that the direct file URL will be shown in the Link URL input. Once
youve done that you can click the Insert into Post button.
4. Set the additional table data and save the table
When the data source is provided you can define the additional table
properties, such as enabling or disabling the advanced filter, making the
table responsive, and so on (refer to the documentation sections 2.2, and
chapter 5 to read about all these settings in detail). You can also define
these properties later. Once youre done you can click the Save table.
You can copy this shortcode and go to the post or page where you need the
There in the editor you can paste the shortcode. Please use the Text
editor mode for this, since then you will be sure that no invalid markup
will be pasted along with the shortcode:
If you get some errors during this process please refer to the
troubleshooting section (chapter 10) of this documentation, FAQ page on
the site. If you dont find a solution there you can refer to our support
Notice for developers: main logic for this feature is in the file:
source/class.wpdatatable.php, method buildByExcel().
MySQL is probably the most commonly used database engine in the web.
It is fast, it handles the data storing and querying on a convenient way, and
table has many columns, and you only need to show these
Please also keep in mind these limitations (we are working on avoiding
them, but now please keep them in mind):
Please do not use spaces in the column names. E.g. use
column1 instead of column 1.
Please do not put a semicolon in the end of the query.
Please do not use column names that can coincide with
reserved MySQL words (like DATE, BY, ORDER, GROUP, ).
Please do not use numeric column names like 1, 22, etc.
Please do not use ORDER BY in the statement. wpDataTables
has its own sorting engine so it makes no sense to use MySQLs
sorting, since it will be overridden. Also server-side processing
feature adds this part of statement automatically when users
triggers the sorting on the front-end, and having it in initial
statement may cause the table to crash.
You can use any MySQL query for your table. MySQL dump for the table
that will be used in this example can be downloaded here.
2. Create a new wpDataTable
Click either one of the two Add new links in wpDataTables plugins
admin menu.
Then you can paste the MySQL query that will return the table data in the
MySQL query input:
Note: if you would like to use current users ID in the query (e.g. to show
records from some table only for the current user) you can use the
placeholder %CURRENT_USER_ID% - it will be replaced with the actual
ID value of the currently logged in user at the runtime moment. So e.g.
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE user_id = %CURRENT_USER_ID%
will be sent to MySQL as
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE user_id = 1
(if current user has ID = 1).
4. Set the additional table data and save the table
When the data source is provided you can define the additional table
properties, such as enabling or disabling the advanced filter, making the
table responsive, and so on (refer to the documentation sections 2.2, and
chapter 5 to read about all these settings in detail). You can also define
these properties later. Once youre done you can click the Save table.
You can copy this shortcode and go to the post or page where you need the
There in the editor you can paste the shortcode. Please use the Text
editor mode for this, since then you will be sure that no invalid markup
will be pasted along with the shortcode:
Once youve done that you can publish the page and open it in the site
If you get some errors during this process please refer to the
troubleshooting section (chapter 10) of this documentation, FAQ page on
the site. If you dont find a solution there you can refer to our support
Notice for developers: main logic for this feature is in the file:
source/class.wpdatatable.php, method queryBasedConstruct().
Then you can paste the MySQL query that will return the table data in the
MySQL query input:
Note: if you would like to use current users ID in the query (e.g. to show
records from some table only for the current user) you can use the
placeholder %CURRENT_USER_ID% - it will be replaced with the actual
ID value of the currently logged in user at the runtime moment. So e.g.
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE user_id = %CURRENT_USER_ID%
will be sent to MySQL as
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE user_id = 1
(if current user has ID = 1).
You can copy this shortcode and go to the post or page where you need the
There in the editor you can paste the shortcode. Please use the Text
editor mode for this, since then you will be sure that no invalid markup
will be pasted along with the shortcode:
Once youve done that you can publish the page and open it in the site
front-end. The only difference from usual wpDataTable is that every time
you switch the page of the table, or sort, or filter by some value, an AJAX
request to the server will be sent, and preloader overlay will be rendered
on the table while waiting for response.
If you get some errors during this process please refer to the
troubleshooting section (chapter 10) of this documentation, FAQ page on
the site. If you dont find a solution there you can refer to our support
Notice for developers: main logic for this feature is in the file:
source/class.wpdatatable.php, method queryBasedConstruct(); the AJAX action
(wdt_get_ajax_data) is in the file controllers/wdt_ajax_actions.php,
And so on.
You can use any data that you want in your JSON, we will use this file in the
Once the table is saved you will get a success notification. Then the table
shortcode will appear in the upper part of the table edit page:
You can copy this shortcode and go to the post or page where you need the
There in the editor you can paste the shortcode. Please use the Text
editor mode for this, since then you will be sure that no invalid markup
will be pasted along with the shortcode:
Once youve done that you can publish the page and open it in the site
If you get some errors during this process please refer to the
troubleshooting section (chapter 10) of this documentation, FAQ page on
the site. If you dont find a solution there you can refer to our support
Notice for developers: main logic for this feature is in the file:
source/class.wpdatatable.php, method jsonBasedConstruct(),
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is for many years a standard of crossplatform and cross-system formats of data exchange.
If you need to print table data from XML source (e.g. if your system can
output data as an XML web service) you can use wpDataTables plugin
Since wpDataTables is working with table data, you would need to make
sure that you return the XML data in a specific format. Basically, the XML
file should describe array of elements, where each element should have
the same number and structure of properties. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<person name=Peter age=24 />
<person name=John age=27 />
So, you need to keep in mind, that multi-level XML files will not be parsed
You can use any data that you need in your XML file, if you would like to
see our example file you can download it here.
2. Create a new wpDataTable
Click either one of the two Add new links in wpDataTables plugins
admin menu.
You can copy this shortcode and go to the post or page where you need the
There in the editor you can paste the shortcode. Please use the Text
editor mode for this, since then you will be sure that no invalid markup
will be pasted along with the shortcode:
Once youve done that you can publish the page and open it in the site
If you get some errors during this process please refer to the
troubleshooting section (chapter 10) of this documentation, FAQ page on
the site. If you dont find a solution there you can refer to our support
Notice for developers: main logic for this feature is in the file:
source/class.wpdatatable.php, method XMLBasedConstruct(),
Sometimes you cannot get the table from some data source directly, e.g.
because XML web service returns data for many cities, and you would like
to show the data only for your city; or because you need to do some
calculations that MySQL cant do. In this case you can use PHP as an
adapter for your data.
You may use this approach if you want to prepare the data for tables from
some external sources manually: e.g. if you receive the data from several
P H P.
This way you can always have actual data in the table on your website,
since data itself isnt stored in the database, and always is received from
the input PHP file.
1. Prepare the data
First you would need to prepare the data on PHP side in an array,
then echo the serialized version of it, something like:
$yourArray = methodThatReturnsData();
echo serialize($yourArray);
Please keep in mind that array should have 2 dimensions, the top
level should be number-indexed, and represent rows; the second
level should have string keys, that would represent column headers,
and the values would represent cell values.
All the array entries of the second level should have the same
structure (array value count and key names), otherwise you
will get an exception.
You can use any PHP file from any host that echoes out a serialized
array, we will use the file from this link.
chapter 5 to read about all these settings in detail). You can also define
these properties later. Once youre done you can click the Save table.
You can copy this shortcode and go to the post or page where you need the
There in the editor you can paste the shortcode. Please use the Text
editor mode for this, since then you will be sure that no invalid markup
will be pasted along with the shortcode:
Once youve done that you can publish the page and open it in the site
If you get some errors during this process please refer to the
troubleshooting section (chapter 10) of this documentation, FAQ page on
the site. If you dont find a solution there you can refer to our support
Notice for developers: main logic for this feature is in the file:
source/class.wpdatatable.php, method arrayBasedConstruct(),
4.9 Placeholders
This section gives a quick overview on placeholders that you can use in default filter
values or MySQL query.
Placeholders are predefined templates that are replaced with some actual
values at the execution time. E.g. you can use this if you want a MySQL
query to return only rows for currently logged in user.
Placeholders are supported in MySQL query, and in Default values input.
Default values are used in advanced filter, and in front-end editor.
%CURRENT_USER_ID% - replaced with the currently logged in
users ID (if the user is logged in). When you are using this in MySQL
query when building the table please make sure that there are
values in the table for the current user.
5. Table features
This chapter contains detailed explanations, descriptions and overview of
different table features of wpDataTables.
automatic parsing of the query, and form new queries for sorting,
filtering, etc., and with joins or complicated conditions, this parsing
will not work. To avoid this please prepare a MySQL view (a stored
query), which will return the data that you need, call it e.g. view1
and then build a wpDataTabled based on a simple query like
SELECT * FROM view1. You can read more about MySQL views
Charts will not work correctly with tables that have server-side
processing enabled.
Row grouping feature can also cause trouble when combined with
server-side processing.
Additionally I would like to repeat once again the limitations that the
plugin has for the MySQL tables and queries, because ignoring this can
cause problems with server-side processing:
Please do not use spaces in the column names. E.g. use
column1 instead of column 1.
Please do not put a semicolon in the end of the query.
Please do not use column names that can coincide with
reserved MySQL words (like DATE, BY, ORDER, GROUP, ).
Please do not use numeric column names like 1, 22, etc.
Please do not use ORDER BY in the statement. wpDataTables
has its own sorting engine so it makes no sense to use MySQLs
sorting, since it will be overridden. Also server-side processing
feature adds this part of statement automatically when users
triggers the sorting on the front-end, and having it in initial
statement may cause the table to crash.
5.2 Responsiveness
This section gives a detailed overview on the responsive mode for the tables, and an
instruction how to use it.
and tablets. In column properties for each column you will get two
Hide on tablets: checking this checkbox will mean that the cells of
this column wont be visible on tablets; and the data from there will
be available only after clicking on + button which will appear on
the left of each row.
Hide on mobiles: checking this checkbox will make the cells from
this column invisible on mobile phone screens, but the data will be
available after clicking on the + button which will be on the left of
each row.
Do not forget to leave at least one column visible both for mobiles
and tablets!
When you configure which columns will be visible and which will be
hidden on different types of devices you can save the table, publish the
shortcode in some post or page, and open the page in your site frontend.
Then you can resize your browsers window to see the responsive mode in
Full-size (Deskop):
Tablet size: note that some of the cells are hidden, but available in a
dropdown when we click on the expand button.
Mobile size: note that only some of the cells are visible for all of the rows,
but all the others are available in a dropdown when we click on the
expand button.
Advanced filtering is a special feature of wpDataTables which allows frontend table users to filter the data in the tables by the values of each
individual column; e.g. get only the records where the price is between
two values; or name contains some substring. It is possible to combine
multiple advanced filters. This makes it possible to use wpDataTables as a
filterable catalog. Advanced filter provides multiple input types with
different behavior for end user convenience.
One more thing to notice is that filtering logic is combining, so you can
filter by several columns at once, building complicated queries like Get all
the rows where the price is between 1000 and 5000 and starting date is
between 01/01/2014 and 01/03/2015, and the continent is either Asia or
1. Enabling advanced filter.
To enable advanced filter for a wpDataTable you need to tick the
Advanced filtering checkbox in Additional settings of Step 1 (it is preselected by default).
In this example the City column has a text filter type assigned. When we
enter the na fragment, only the rows that contain this fragment in the
city names are shown (Nairobi, Varanasi, Vienna, Barcelona), all other
rows are filtered out.
3. Number filter
This is another basic filter type. When some number will be entered in the
filter, only the rows, where this column has exactly the same number, will
be displayed:
In this example the Price column has the number range filter enabled.
1000 is put as the lower limit, and 2000 as the higher limit; so only the
rows that have the price values between these two limits are shown (limit
values are included as well).
In this example the Starting date column has a Date Range filter, where
the From value is set to 01/04/2013, and the To value to
01/05/2013. So only the rows, where cells in the starting date column
have the date value between these 2 are shown.
6. Select box filter
Selectbox filter type is one of the most convenient filters, it will allow the
front-end users to select one of the pre-defined values for some of the
columns, and the table data will be filtered based on this value.
For tables which do not have server-side processing feature enabled the
possible values for this filter will be pre-filled automatically from the
column in the order of appearance, i.e. it will pick all unique values from
the cells in this column. For tables which do have server-side processing
enabled you would need to define possible values, separating them with a
| sign:
E.g. you if you need to filter by Fruits column, you can put in this input
You can also override the default generated values with this input field, if
you want them to display in order different from order of appearance in
When user chooses one of the values in the dropdown, the table is filtered,
and only the rows that contain the selected value in the column will be
7. Checkbox filter
Checkbox filter is a convenient way to filter a table by more then one value
of a column. If you want the users to be available to filter the rows in the
table with logic like Show all the rows where the continent is either Asia
or Africa, so that you would define exact options, this is the right option
for you.
For tables which do not have server-side processing feature enabled the
possible values for this filter will be pre-filled automatically from the
column in the order of appearance, i.e. it will pick all unique values from
the cells in this column. For tables which do have server-side processing
enabled you would need to define possible values, separating them with a
| sign, same as for the selectbox filter type (See pt. 6 from this list for the
You can also override the default generated values with this input field, if
you want them to display in order different from order of appearance in
To use this filter you would need to set Fiter type setting as Checkbox,
and then optionally define the possible values (but you must do it if you
use server-side processing feature for this table):
Then on the front-end users will get a button under this column:
When users click on this button a pop-up appears, where all the possible
values of this column are listed with checkboxes:
When user ticks any of the checkboxes the table will be rendered
simultaneously, and only the rows that contain the selected values in the
column will be displayed:
OK button closes the popup, and Reset button unticks all the
8. Disabling the filter for one column
Sometimes you dont want to allow your users to filter the table by all of
the columns, some columns are less significant, and it makes sense to hide
advanced filter for them. For this you can just define the filter type as
None for these columns:
All the other settings for filters are the same. Please keep in mind just a
couple of things:
You can also define filter types for invisible columns. The
columns will not be visible in the table, but the filtering block will
appear in the filtering form. So you can extend the filtering
functionality without overloading the table just keep in mind that
having too many invisible columns is not good for performance.
When this checkbox is checked, and the table is saved, front-end look of
the table will be changed: a filtering form will appear above the table:
The logic of the filters is the same as for the usual look of the advanced
filter, when the filters are rendered in tables footer.
Use the shortcode in the page or post, which has some of the
registered sidebars defined in the template (the title of the template
depends on the theme youre using):
In the Appearance -> Widgets area of the admin panel drag the
wpDataTables filtering widget widget to the sidebar block of the
page that you used to paste the shortcode. You can define there the
title for this widget:
When this is done, the filter will be moved to the sidebar (or other region
that you have chosen for it):
Advanced filter in a widget also has a Reset filters button which can be
used to refresh the filter set.
Notice for developers: main logic for this feature is in JS file: assets/js/jquerydatatables/jquery.dataTables.columnFilter.js, the JSON description of the
columns for the filtering JS is generated in source/class.wpdatatable.php,
You can also predefine filter values for the table in the URL, which may
come in handy when you would like to e.g. send your client a deeplink
with some info from your catalog already filtered for him.
The URL key that will be parsed by the wpDataTables is
wdtColumnFilter[KEY] where KEY is either a zero-based numerical
index of the column you would like to filter, or a initial header of the
column (header or the CSV or Excel table, or MySQL column header for
MySQL-based column header). E.g.
The values parsed from this URL will be used as default filter values.
Table Tools is a 3rd party library, based on the TableTools plugin for
DataTables. It is working in Adobe Flash on client side, which results in a
number of limitations and possible problems in use; first thing I would
like to mention these key limitations of this feature:
Table Tools will not work on mobiles.
Table Tools will not work without Flash player support.
Copy button triggers the copy to clipboard function, so it copies all the
rows that exist in the page to your OS clipboard and you can later paste it
in some other software.
Once you click it, you get a popup with notification on how many rows
were copied to the clipboard, e.g. Copied 20 rows to the clipboard.
All the rows are copied to the clipboard, including headers, tab-separated;
you can paste it then to e.g. MS Excel.
For tables with server-side processing enabled, this copies only the visible
2. PDF
PDF button generates a new PDF document out of the table, and calls the
browsers Save as dialog so you could choose a path for your file. It is a
very basic PDF with the page title, and the table with simple formatting:
For tables with server-side processing enabled, PDF will contain only the
visible columns.
3. CSV
CSV button generates a new file in Comma-Separated-Values format
out of the table, and calls the browsers Save as dialog so you could
choose a path for your file. All the values from your table, including the
headers will be exported. The cells will be separated by commas, rows will
be separated by line breaks:
For tables with server-side processing enabled, CSV file will contain only
the visible columns.
4. Print
Print button uses jQuery functionality to hide all the elements on the
page, except for the table. For some themes it can look weird, but for most
of these it will work correctly, and make the view of the page printable:
5. Excel
Excel button generates a new CSV file, but saves is with XLS extension,
so that MS Excel would recognize it as an Excel file. See pt. 3 of this list for
5.5 Sorting
This section gives a detailed overview on the sorting table feature.
When the sorting is enabled, each column header will get interactive: it
will work as a button, and when you click it, you will sort the table by this
When you click the same header again, the triangle will turn down,
which means that the sorting is done in descending order from bigger to
smaller value:
If you sort by one of the columns, then press Shift button on the
keyboard, and, while holding it, click on another header, it will be used as a
second sorting column (first the ordering will be done based on the first
column, and then based on the second column):
The secondary sorting means that when the values of the first columns are
the same for a number of rows, you can also use some other column values
to get the order that you want.
If the sorting is enabled, one of the columns will be used for ordering
when you open the page (default sorting column). If you dont provide it
manually, the first column will be used for ordering; if you want to use a
different one, you can define it in the step 2 of the table edit page: each
column has an input Default sorting column with 2 radio buttons
Ascending and Descending. If you enable the radio button for one of the
columns, this column will be used for ordering when front-end users first
open the page.
Different tables require different layouts on the page: some tables have a
lot of columns, and need more width, some tables have several columns,
but long content in the cells, and it makes sense to wrap the words, but
limit the table width to keep it same with the page.
By default the table isnt limited in the width, and the cells content is
printed in one line. It makes sense when the table has a lot of columns, but
even when the table has only several columns it can get wider then the
screen, and the horizontal scrollbar appears:
To limit the table width to the parent container width (so it wouldnt be
wider then the page) you need to tick the checkbox Limit table layout in
the Additional settings section of the step 1 on table edit page:
When this is done, and the table is saved, it will be limited in width to fit
the page:
This makes the table fit the screen, but now if the cell content is too wide,
it gets cut with a to avoid this you need to tick the Word Wrap
checkbox. This will make the cell content to break into several lines:
When the limit table layout option is enabled you can also define the
columns widths (please note that they will be ignored until this
checkbox is ticked). You can define them either in percent, or in pixels.
E.g. if we set the widths for first two columns in this example table in
In wpDataTables each column can have its own type: this is done because
the sorting, or filtering rules are not the same for different data types. For
example, sorting dates and sorting texts has completely different logic, this
is why different column types are introduced.
wpDataTables has a built-in autodetect engine, so the column types are
detected when the data source is first read, in most of the cases it is done
correctly, but you can re-define the column type manually using the
Column type selectbox, which appears for each column in the table edit
Please note the key difference between Column type, Filter type and
Editor input type selectboxes:
Column type: defines the rendering rules, and the sorting rules.
Filter type: defines the look and behavior of the advanced filter for
the column.
Editor input type: defines the look and behavior of the element
used in the editor popup (applicable only for editable MySQL
Lets go through each column type and different column features in detail.
6.1 String (text) columns
This section gives an overview on the string (default text) columns.
String columns are the default and the most basic column types of
wpDataTables. You can put any content in them, it will be rendered as is,
so if you e.g. want to put some specific HTML (buttons, iframes, or
anything else) you can generate it in the data source, and it will be
rendered on the front-end.
Rendering rules: the only thing to note is that newline characters
in the input data source will be translated to <br/> tag in the
Sorting rules: alphabetical.
Applicable filter types: text, selectbox, checkbox.
Issues to note: if you use some HTML inside of string columns,
sorting and filtering by this column can work weird (since it will
apply the sorting rules also to HTML).
Notice for developers: rendering rules for this column types are in the file:
source/class.wpdatacolumn.string.php, sorting rules (for tables without serverside feature) are built-int to DataTables jQuery plugin.
Integer columns are used when you need to render numeric values. Even if
in the input data source you have non-integer values for this column (not
just numbers, or numbers with some decimal part), if you define a column
as integer, it will cast and render all the values as integers cut all nonnumerical chars, and the decimal part.
Rendering rules: none, value is casted as a number as rendered as
Sorting rules: arithmetical.
Applicable filter types: text (will also work), number, number
range, selectbox, checkbox.
Issues to note: none.
Notice for developers: rendering rules for this column types are in the file:
source/class.wpdatacolumn.integer.php, sorting rules (for tables without
server-side feature) are built-int to DataTables jQuery plugin.
Float column type should be used when you need to render numeric
values with a decimal part. Even non-float content type from the input will
be casted as a number, and render with 2 numbers after the comma.
Rendering rules: value is casted as a number, and rendered with 2
numbers after the comma.
Sorting rules: arithmetical.
Applicable filter types: text (will also work), number, number
range, selectbox, checkbox.
Issues to note: none.
Notice for developers: rendering rules for this column types are in the file:
source/class.wpdatacolumn.formatnum.php, sorting rules (for tables without
server-side feature) are in assets/js/php-datatables/wpdatatables.funcs.min.js
Date columns are used to render the date values in the format that you
specify on the plugin settings page. If the content in the input data source
cannot be casted as a date, PHP will reset the date to 01/01/1970 and
this date will be rendered.
Rendering rules: value is casted as a date, then formatted using the
format defined in the plugin settings.
Sorting rules: date.
Applicable filter types: date.
Issues to note:
o When working with Excel files please set the format of Date
columns as plain text; since PHPExcel library that parses Excel
files does not parse the Excel date format correctly and this
results in wrong rendering of the dates (usually they all get
reset to 01/01/1970).
o When youre working with MySQL please cast timestamps,
and datetime columns to just dates to avoid problems.
Notice for developers: rendering rules for this column types are in the file:
source/class.wpdatacolumn.date.php, sorting rules (for tables without serverside feature) are in assets/js/php-datatables/ wpdatatables.funcs.min.js
URL link columns are used to render the hyperlinks which can be clicked
to open pages within your website or on some external websites.
E-mail link columns are used to render the hyperlinks which can be
clicked to open default mail application to write messages.
Rendering rules: If the content of the cells contains a combination
of two sticks - || - then everything to the left of this combination is
used as an E-mail address for the link, and everything to the right as
displayed text. I.e., this:
user@domain.com||Write me an e-mail
will be rendered as this:
Write me an e-mail
If the || combination is not found in the content, whole content will
be used both for the link and as the display value. I.e., this:
will be rendered as this:
Sorting rules: alphabetical.
Applicable filter types: text.
Issues to note: sometimes some issues may appear when youre
sorting on E-mail columns with complicated HTML structure.
Notice for developers: rendering rules for this column types are in the file:
source/class.wpdatacolumn.email.php, sorting rules (for tables without serverside feature) are built-in to DataTables jQuery library.
Image link columns are used to render images in the table, either fullsize, or as a link from a thumbnail to the full size.
Rendering rules: If the content of the cells contains a combination
of two sticks - || - then everything to the left of this combination is
used as a link to the full image size, and everything to the right as a
link to the thumbnail:
http://dmn.com/fullsize.png|| http://dmn.com/thumb.png
If the || combination is not found in the content, whole content will
be used as a link to a full-size image.
Sorting rules: alphabetical.
Applicable filter types: text.
Issues to note:
o Sometimes some issues may appear when youre sorting on
image columns since its done alphabetically and alphabetic
sorting of HTML doesnt make much sense.
o Please note that the plugin does not create thumbnails (at
least for the moment), so you would need to take care of this
o If you would like to open full-size images in lightbox, you
can use some plugin for that, e.g. WP Lightbox 2
Notice for developers: rendering rules for this column types are in the file:
source/class.wpdatacolumn.image.php, sorting rules (for tables without serverside feature) are built-in to DataTables jQuery library.
If one column of your table contains similar values for many rows, maybe
it makes sense to use it as a group column: it means that it will not be
rendered as a column, but its values will be used to group the rows; each
group will be marked with one row with joined cells above, containing the
group value:
To use this feature you need to tick the Group column radio button for
one of the columns on the page edit page:
If you ticked this checkbox accidentally, you can disable it by pressing the
Ungroup button in the bottom:
If you would like to see the columns in the front-end in an order, different
then the one you have in your data source, you can easily do it by just
dragging and dropping the column blocks on the table edit page in the
order that you want (dont forget to click the Save columns button
Other option, which is less convenient, is to define the column ordering
manually in the Column position input fields:
If some of the columns that you have in the input data source shouldnt be
visible to the front-end users, you can easily hide them, just by unticking
the Visible checkbox:
7. Front-end editing
This chapter contains detailed tutorials on creating editable wpDataTables,
different editor input types and limitations of this feauture.
In many cases you would like not only to display the table values to the
front-end users of your site, but also allow them to edit these values: e.g.
displaying and managing orders, or a bugtracker, or anything else.
wpDataTables allows front-end editing for MySQL-based tables.
Please refer to documentation section 4.4 to see how to do this. For our
example dataset the query would be simple:
SELECT * FROM users_base;
4. Enable front-end editing feature and provide the MySQL table
When you configure all the settings which are common for usual MySQLbased wpDataTable you would need to tick the checkbox Front-end
editing to enable the editing feature, and then provide the MySQL table
name that should be used for editing:
It is necessary to provide the name once again for a couple of reasons: first
of all it is not always possible to parse it from the query; and secondly
sometimes you would like to send the changes to a different table rather
from the one used in the query.
After you define these settings dont forget to press the Save table
5. Set an ID column for front-end editing
When you save the wpDataTable after configuring it as editable, each
column block will get a radio ID column. Please set it as enabled for the
column that was defined as an autoincrement integer
This will tell the front-end editor to use this column as a unique identifier
of the row on MySQL side.
Please note: If you use a column with non-unique values as an ID column,
it might happen that when you save the settings on the front-end, not only
one column will be edited, but multiple columns.
It makes sense to make the ID columns invisible, not to confuse the users
since IDs are usually not human-readable:
ID will be still passed to the front-end, and used to identify the row, but
will not appear in the table.
6. Save the columns and open the table in the front-end.
After you set up the ID column you can save the columns, paste the
shortcode in some post or page, and then open it on your sites front-end.
You will then see that there are three new buttons in the TableTools
section of the table (or just three if you didnt enable TableTools for this
Also it becomes possible to select a row in the table by clicking it, it will
become highlighted (you can change the highlight color along with other
table colors in the table settings page):
When you click on the Add new, or when you select one of the rows, you
will see the front-end editor popup. The popup is responsive, so it will
work correctly on mobile and tablet devices as well:
In the left side of the editor popup you will see the names of the
On the right side of the editor popup you sill see the editor inputs
for the cells;
On the bottom side you will see the control and navigation buttons:
o Cancel discards all changes and closes the editor popup;
o << Prev selects the previous row of the table (if not the first
one is selected), if necessary switches to the previous page,
and puts the data from this row in the front-end editor.
Changes will be discarded, if they werent saved.
o Next >> - selects the next row of the table (if not the last one
is selected), if necessary switches the table to the next page,
and puts the data from this row to the front-end editor inputs.
Changes will be discarded, if they werent saved.
o Apply saves the data from the editor in the current row, but
doesnt close the popup.
o O K saves the data from the editor in the current row, and
closes the editor popup.
Right top X button is equal to Cancel discards all unsaved
changes and closes the popup.
The input types in the editor and the validation rules will be applied
accordingly to the input type specified in the column settings. See
documentation section 7.2 for details on all possible editor input types.
Same as for the advanced filtering, you can define the look of the input
elements for each column. This setting will appear in the column block
when you set the wpDataTable as editable on the table edit page:
If you want to have some predefined value for the input you can use the
Default value(s) input for this. For multi-value selectboxes you can
define several default values, separating them with a |:
When these cells will be rendered in the front-end they will also have
these line breaks that user typed in.
Applicable column types: on wpDataTables side any (but usually string),
on MySQL side VARCHAR, or TEXT.
Issues to note: the only thing to note here is that if you use this edit on
some MySQL column which is not VARCHAR or TEXT, and users type in
some text, it will not be saved.
Validation rules: none.
3. Single-value selectbox
This editor input type will render a dropdown selectbox, where front-end
users could select one value out of several possible:
8. Attachment
This editor type will render a file manager block: Upload attachment
button, an upload progressbar, and (if the file was already uploaded) a
remove link:
Using this block your users will be able to upload an attachment, which
will be then saved in the default wp-uploads WordPress upload folder
(usually its also sorted by years and months inside). wpDataTables will
store the link to the file in the MySQL table. Also progressbar will allow
the users to see the upload progress, and if the file is already existing,
users will be able to remove it using the remove link.
The column of the table will contain the download links to attachments.
Applicable column types: on wpDataTables side URL link, on MySQL
side VARCHAR, or TEXT.
Issues to note:
Column type for this column must be URL link or it wont work.
Please make sure that wp-uploads folder allows writing.
Files should not be bigger then the server allows
Validation rules: none.
Notice for developers: PHP logic for editing the tables is mostly in the file:
wpdatatables.php, methods: wdt_save_table_frontend() -adding and editing
values, wdt_upload_file() processing attachment uploads,
wdt_delete_table_row() deleting rows, wdt_delete_uploaded_file()
deleting attachments. JS logic is in the file
assets/js/wpdatatables/wpdatatables.js, template of the editor is in the file
8. Charts
This chapter contains detailed tutorials on using charts in wpDataTables,
different chart types, adding series to the charts, and the limitations of this
4. Choose the columns that you would like to use in the chart. Each
selected column will be used as chart series:
6. Save and publish the table. After these settings are done you can
save the table, the columns, and generate the shortcode. Then you
can publish it in a post or page, and see the rendered chart:
If you would like to render only the chart on the page, without the table,
you can put a show_only_chart=true block in the table shortcode, like:
[wpdatatable id=1 show_only_chart=true]
Then only the chart will be rendered on the page.
8.2 Chart types
This section gives an overview on different chart types that wpDataTables support.
1. Area chart.
Area chart renders each series as a colored area which is outlined by the
column values graph:
2. Bar chart.
Bar chart renders each series as a number or bars representing the
column values which are stacked from the left. In this chart type the
horizontal axis is rendered as vertical axis and the opposite:
3. Column chart.
Column chart renders each series as a number or columns, which
represent the values from the table:
4. Line chart.
Line chart renders each series as a line which connects the dots,
representing table values:
5. Pie chart.
Pie chart renders each series as a pie slice:
There are certain limitations for the chart functionality. Mostly these
limitations are because of the fact that the chart is using the same data
source as the table.
9. How to
This chapter contains answers to most commonly asked questions.
The easiest way to do this is to put this CSS block somewhere in your
themes CSS file, or in inline CSS:
div.dataTables_length { display: none !important; }
9.2 How to hide Showing of block?
The easiest way to do this is to put this CSS block somewhere in your
themes CSS file, or in inline CSS:
div.dataTables_info { display: none !important; }
The easiest way to do this is to put this CSS block somewhere in your
themes CSS file, or in inline CSS:
div.dataTables_filter { display: none !important; }
9.4 How to hide one of the Table Tools buttons?
$obj->dataTableParams->oTableTools['aButtons'][] = 'csv';
This example disables sorting for the fourth column of the first table on
the page.
In this block of code you would need to replace the 0 in the table_0
variable with some other index if you have more then one table on the
page (they are indexed starting from zero). E.g. for the third table this
should be table_2. Also please replace the [3] with the column index,
which is also zero-based (e.g. for column number 5 this should be [4]).
9.6 How to filter by invisible columns?
For this you would need to modify the template which is in the file
You can move this block:
<?php if($table->getFilteringForm()) { ?>
below the table, or somewhere else where you need it. Or maybe you can
just use the widget, see documentation section 5.3 for examples
9.8 How to insert images in columns?
The plugin can render images, and thumbnails which are linked to images.
See documentation section 6.7 for all the details.
9.9 How to disable opening links in a popup?
For this you can call the function directly from PHP like this:
wdt_output_table( $table_id );
Where $table_id is the table identifier from the shortcode.
10. Troubleshooting
This chapter contains answers on main questions and problems that users have.
After I create the table I see it on the page without styling, filters,
sorting, pagination and buttons
with just
return json_encode($obj);
2. wpautop filter
Your theme, or some of the plugins youre using, are applying the
wpautop filter to the generated content, and this is ruining the
javascript. To check this you can open the source code of the generated
page with a table, browse to the position to where the table should be
inserted and look at the generated script block. If it looks something like:
<p><script></p> <p>($(function(){</p> <p>var oDt_table_0</p> ...
Another way how you can check if this is your case by opening the JS
developer console (e.g. in Chrome - View->Developer->Javascript console)
and checking the reported errors. In case of this problem you will see
something like
"Unrecognized token: '<'".
If that's your case then "wpautop" auto-formatting filter is the reason of
You can read more about the "wpautop" filter in WordPress
Codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wpautop
Generally, several possible solutions for this are possible (you can read
about both in the article in Codex):
Check if your theme is allowing to use unformatted content data or
excerpt data. Many themes use [raw][/raw] shortcodes for that, but in
case of your theme this may be different.
Since usually it's the theme's fault, and if you checked and there are no
shortcodes or settings, which can disable the 'wpautop' filter, you can try
the following approach: open the theme's directory, and do "search by
text" inside it - look for the string "wpautop". Wherever you find that this
filter is applied to the "the_content", or "the_excerpt" - just comment it out.
If it's not the theme's fault - find out which plugin is causing this - try to
disable plugins one by one.
If you don't want to cut this filter from theme, or plugin, there's a way to
insert wpDataTable on the page without a shortcode. You can create a
special WP template for the page, and insert the table you generated with
a function call:
<?php echo wdt_output_table( $table_id ) ?>
When I upload the CSV/Excel file and try to generate the table
nothing happens
2. Too large file. Too large files can't be processed by the plugin - actually
this is not plugin's restriction, but the memory limit allowed to be used by
PHP scripts gets exhausted.
You can increase the memory limit in php.ini, if your server allows this,
something like:
memory_limit = 128M
Or in the wp-config.php file.
If you didnt find your problem here you can contact us through
wpdatatables.com. Please provide:
- Detailed description of the problem;
- Javascript error log, related to the plugin;
- PHP error log, related to the plugin.
Thank you!
This chapter contains some information and guidelines for developers that would
like to customize wpDataTables for their needs.
wpdatatables_before_get_table_metadata( $table_id )
This action is executed before the table metadata is fetched from the
database (table settings, link to the file or the SQL query). You can use it to
call some function that you need, or set some global variable.
wpdatatables_before_get_columns_metadata( $table_id )
This action is executed before the columns metadata is fetched from the
database (column settings). You can use it to call some function that you
need, or set some global variable.
wpdatatables_before_render_table( $table_id )
This action is executed before the table has starting to render (either by
shortcode or without it).
This action is executed after wpDataTables saves the settings data (after
user presses Save settings in the backend settings page).
wpdatatables_after_save_table( $table_id )
This action is executed after wpDataTables saves the table data (after user
presses Save table in the backend settings page).
This action is executed after wpDataTables saves the column data (after
user presses Save table in the backend settings page).
This action is executed when the settings page is open in the backend
This action is executed when user opens the Add new wpDataTable in
the backend
This action is executed when user opens the browse page.
wpdatatables_try_generate_table( $type, $content )
This action is executed when a new table is first saved: wpDataTables tries
to generate the table based on the provided data, and creates the columns
and tables in the databased based on the results.
$type is the table type (xls, csv, mysql, json, xml, php).
$content is either a link to the data source file, or MySQL query.
wpdatatables_before_create_columns( $table, $table_id )
This action is executed before the column data is saved to the database
(when the Save columns button is clicked in the admin panel).
$table is the WPDataTable object (class source/class.wpdatatable.php).
$table_id is the ID of the table description in MySQL.
wpdatatables_after_insert_column( $column, $table_id )
This action is executed after the new column is inserted in the database
(when the columns are first generated by the plugin).
$column is the column object (source/class.wpdatacolumn.php and its
$table_id is the identifier of the table from MySQL
This action is executed when the CSS files for the wpDataTables admin
panel are enqueued.
This action is executed when the JS files for the admin panel are enqueued.
wpdatatables_get_ajax_data( $table_id )
This action is executed before AJAX data is fetched for the server-side
processing tables. $table_id is the table identifier from the MySQL table.
wpdatatable_before_render_chart( $table_id )
This action is executed before chart starts to render. $table_id is the table
identifier from the MySQL table.
wpdatatables_after_frontent_edit_row( $formdata, $row_id_value,
$table_id )
This action is executed after editing action was applied. $formdata is the
array of keys and values for editing, $row_id_value is the ID field of the
row in MySQL table that was edited, $table_id is the table identifier from
the MySQL plugin table (wp_wpdatatables)
This action is called when the frontend file uploader is used, before the
upload is processed.
wpdatatables_before_delete_row( $row_id, $table_id )
This action is called before a row is deleted from the frontend editor.
$row_id is the value of ID column, $table_id is the table ID from
wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_before_delete_file ( $row_id, $table_id )
This action is called before an uploaded file is deleted from the frontend
editor. $row_id is the value of ID column, $table_id is the table ID from
wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_before_filtering_form( $table_id );
This action is called before the filtering form is rendered on the page.
$table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_after_filtering_form( $table_id );
This action is called after the filtering form is rendered on the page.
$table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_before_table( $table_id )
This action is called before the table itself is rendered on the page.
$table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_after_table( $table_id )
This action is called after the table is rendered on the page. $table_id is the
table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_before_header( $table_id )
This action is called before the table header TR element is rendered on the
page. $table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_after_header( $table_id )
This action is called after the table header TR element is rendered on the
page. $table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_before_footer( $table_id )
This action is called before the table footer TR element is rendered on the
page. $table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_after_footer( $table_id )
This action is called after the table footer TR element is rendered on the
page. $table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_before_first_row( $table_id )
This action is called before first table row is rendered on the page.
$table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table.
wpdatatables_before_row( $table_id, $row_index )
This action is called before the table row is rendered on the page. $table_id
is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table, $row_index is a zero-based
index of the row.
wpdatatables_after_row( $table_id, $row_index )
This action is called after the table row is rendered on the page. $table_id
is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables table, $row_index is a zero-based
index of the row.
wpdatatables_before_editor_dialog( $table_id )
This action is called before the table editor dialog (only for editable tables)
is rendered on the page. $table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables
wpdatatables_after_editor_dialog( $table_id )
This action is called after the table editor dialog (only for editable tables)
is rendered on the page. $table_id is the table ID from wp_wpdatatables
wpdatatables_get_system_fonts( $system_fonts )
This filter is applied to the array of fonts available for the style generator
in the wpDataTables settings page.
wpdatatables_before_save_settings( $_POST )
This filter is applied to the contents of the $_POST array when Save
settings button is pressed in the admin panel, before the actual saving is
wpdatatables_filter_browse_page( $browse_page )
This filter is applied to the HTML content of the Admin browse page
before it is rendered. $browse_page is the default HTML content.
wpdatatables_filter_new_table_page( $new_table_page )
This filter is applied to the HTML content of the admin New table page
before it is rendered. $new_table_page is the default HTML content
wpdatatables_filter_edit_page( $edit_table_page );
This filter is applied to the HTML content of the admin Edit table page
before it is rendered. $edit_table_page is the default HTML content
wpdatatables_filter_settings_page( $settings_page )
This filter is applied to the HTML content of the admin settings page
before it is rendered. $settings_page is the default HTML content.
wpdatatables_before_save_table( $_POST )
This filter is applied to the content of the $_POST array when the Save
table button is pressed in the admin panel, before the actual saving is
wpdatatables_before_save_columns( $_POST )
This filter is applied to the content of the $_POST array when the Save
columns button is pressed in the admin panel, before the actual saving is
wpdatatables_try_generate_table_result ( $result )
This filter is applied to the result of the initial table which is generated
when a new wpDataTable is first saved (this method tries to generate a
table, and prepares the metadata in case of success).
wpdatatables_filter_column_before_save( $column, $table_id )
This filter is applied to the $column object
(source/class.wpdatacolumn.php and its children) before it is saved to the
database. $table_id is the table identifier from MySQL.
This filter is applied to the array which will be sent to the $wpdb->insert()
method when creating and saving a new table. $insert_array is an
associative array.
wpdatatables_filter_update_table_array( $update_array, $table_id )
This filter will be applied to the array which will be sent to the $wpdb>update() method when updating table settings. $update_array is an
associative array, $table_id is the table identifier from the DB.
wpdatatables_filter_browse_tables( $all_tables )
This filter is applied to the array of tables returned from MySQL when the
existing tables are fetched from the database.
wpdatatables_filter_mysql_query( $query, $table_id )
This filter is applied to the MySQL query before it is sent to MySQL server.
$query is the query text, $table_id is the table identifier from the MySQL
table (wp_wpdatatables).
wpdatatables_filter_json( $json, $table_id )
This filter is applied to the JSON string before building a table based on it.
$json is the JSON string itself, $table_id is the table identifier from the
MySQL table (wp_wpdatatables).
wpdatatables_filter_simplexml( $simplexml_object, $table_id )
This filter is applied to the parsed XML (SimpleXML library is used for
parsing the XML files), a SimpleXML object, before creating a table based
on it. $simplexml_object is the SimpleXML object, $table_id is the table
identifier from the MySQL table (wp_wpdatatables).
wpdatatables_filter_excel_array( $parsed_array, $table_id, $file_path )
This filter is applied to the array which is generated based on the Excel
file. First each excel file is parsed to the array, which you can later modify
with this filter. $parsed_array is the array which is parsed out of the Excel
file, $table_id is the table id entifier from the MySQL table
(wp_wpdatatables), $file_path is the path to Excel file.
wpdatatables_link_to_skin_css( $skin_css_url, $table_id )
This filter is applied to the URL of Skin CSS file before it is inserted in the
page. $skin_css_url is the URL to the current skin CSS file, $table_id is the
table identifier from the MySQL table (wp_wpdatatables)
wpdatatables_filter_chart( $chart_js_content , $series_headers,
$series_values, $table_id )
This filter is applied to the string with JS contents which render the charts.
JS is using Google Charts library, so you can override or extend it as you
like. $chart_js_content is the JS string which will be inserted to the page,
$series_headers is the array of headers for the charts series,
This filter is applied to the results of check which defines if current user
can or cant edit the table (only for editable tables). The default logic is: if
editor roles arent defined for the table, anyone can edit it; if they are then
only the users that have one of these roles can edit it, but you can override
the logic using this filter. $allow_edit is the Boolean value returned by the
original check. $allow_editor_roles is an array of role names that are
allowed to edit the table, $table_id is the table identifier from the MySQL
table (wp_wpdatatables).
wpdatatables_filter_cell_val( $val )
This filter is applied to the value of the cell before it is returned to the
front-end. $val is the cell value
wpdatatables_filter_column_js_definition( $jsDef, $columnHeader )
This filter is applied to the object that will be later passed to the front-end
DataTables library in JSON format with column properties. You can use it
to assign some specific classes, or something else. $jsDef is the current
object, $columnHeader is the original column header (e.g. MySQL column
name for MySQL-based columns).
wpdatatables_filter_date_cell( $formattedValue )
This filter is applied to the value of a date cell before it is returned to the
front-end. $formattedValue is the value of the cell.
wpdatatables_filter_email_cell( $formattedValue )
This filter is applied to the value of an e-mail column before it is passed to
the front-end. $formattedValue is the value of an e-mail cell.
wpdatatables_filter_int_cell( $formattedValue )
This filter is applied to the value of an integerd .. column before it is
passed to the front-end. $formattedValue is the value of the cell.
wpdatatables_filter_float_cell ( $formattedValue )
This filter is applied to the value of a float column before it is passed to the
front-end. $formattedValue if the value of the cell.
wpdatatables_filter_image_cell( $formattedValue )
This filter is applied to the value of an image column before it is passed to
the front-end. $formattedValue is the value of the cell.
wpdatatables_filter_link_cell( $formattedValue )
This filter is applied to the value of an URL link column before it is passed
to the front-end. $formattedValue is the value of the cell.
wpdatatables_filter_string_cell( $formattedValue )
I would like to thank the following people, whose work made
wpDataTables possible:
- Allan Jardine author of DataTables jQuery plugin and the
TableTools library.
- Jovan Popovic initial author of the ColumnFilter plugin and the
Row grouping plugin.
- Seen Sai Yang author of the idea for table responsiveness.
- Ilya Makarov author of the remodal responsive popup.
- Ben Plum author of the FormStone GUI library, parts of which are
used in wpDataTables plugin.
- Sebastian Tschan author of the jQuery upload plugin.
- Amsul author of the Pickadate datepicker.
- Milos Roksandic our support manager, and a contributor to
wpDataTables codebase
Vladica Bibeskovic our support manager, and a contributor to
wpDataTables codebase
Thank you for reading and I hope you will enjoy using wpDataTables!