Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Human beings are unique in two respects: they possess reason and
the ability to reflect on their actions. They also have the capacity to
use language and communicate with each other. Unlike other species,
they can express their innermost thoughts and desires; they can
share their ideas and discuss what they consider to be good and
desirable. Political theory has its roots in the twin aspects of the
human self. It analyses certain basic questions such as how should
society be organised? Why do we need government? What is the best
form of government? Does law limit our freedom? What does the
state owe its citizens? What do we owe each other as citizens?
Political theory examines questions of this kind and
systematically thinks about the values that inform political life
values such as freedom, equality and justice. It explains the meaning
and significance of these and other related concepts. It clarifies the
existing definitions of these concepts by focusing on some major
political thinkers of the past and present. It also examines the extent
to which freedom or equality are actually present in the institutions
that we participate in, everyday life such as schools, shops, buses
or trains or government offices. At an advanced level, it looks at
whether existing definitions are adequate and how existing
institutions (government, bureaucracy) and policy practices must
be modified to become more democratic. The objective of political
theory is to train citizens to think rationally about political questions
and assess the political events of our time.
In this chapter, we will examine what is meant by politics and
political theory and why we should study it.
1.1 WHAT
What is Politics.
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Read the newspaper. What are
the issues dominating the
headlines? Do you think they
have any relevance for you?
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Should students
participate in politics?.
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political theory deals with the ideas and principles that shape
Constitutions, governments and social life in a systematic manner.
It clarifies the meaning of concepts such as freedom, equality, justice,
democracy, secularism and so on. It probes the significance of
principles such as rule of law, separation of powers, judicial review,
etc. This is done by examining the arguments advanced by different
thinkers in defence of these concepts. Though Rousseau or Marx or
Gandhi did not become politicians, their ideas influenced generations
of politicians everywhere. There are also contemporary thinkers who
draw upon them to defend freedom or democracy in our own time.
Besides examining arguments, political theorists also reflect upon
our current political experiences and point out trends and
possibilities for the future.
But is all this relevant for us now? Have we not already achieved
freedom and democracy? While India is free and independent,
questions regarding freedom and equality have not ceased to crop
up. This is because issues concerning freedom, equality, democracy,
arise in many areas of social life and they are being implemented in
different sectors at different paces. For instance, although equality
may exist in the political sphere in the form of equal rights, it may
not exist to the same extent in the economic or social spheres.
People may enjoy equal political rights but still be discriminated
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
In ancient Greece, in the city of Athens, Socrates was described as the wisest
man. He was known for questioning and challenging popularly held beliefs about
society, religion and politics. For this he was condemned to death by the rulers of
His student Plato wrote extensively about the life and ideas of Socrates. In his
book The Republic, he created the character Socrates and through him examined
the question what is justice?
The book opens with a dialogue between Socrates and Cephalus. In the course of
this dialogue Cephalus and his friends come to recognise that their understanding
of justice is inadequate and unacceptable.
The important thing in this is that Socrates uses reason to reveal the limitations
and inconsistencies in a given point of view. His adversaries eventually admit
that the views they had held and lived by could not be sustained.
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Thus you may see that our idea of equality is quite complex;
when we are in a queue or playground we want equal opportunity.
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Then to injure a friend or any one else is not the act of a just man, but of the
opposite, who is the unjust?
I think that what you say is quite true, Socrates.
And he who is most skilful in preventing or escaping from a disease is best able to
create one?
And he is the best guard of a camp who is best able to steal a march upon the
Then he who is a good keeper of anything is also a good thief?
That, I suppose, is to be inferred.
Then if the just man is good at keeping money, he is good at stealing it.
That is implied in the argument.
1.4 WHY
Political Theory
Political Theory
Then after all the just man has turned out to be a thief.
You would argue that the good are our friends and the bad our enemies?
And instead of saying simply as we did at first, that it is just to do good to our
friends and harm to our enemies, we should further say: It is just to do good to our
friends when they are good and harm to our enemies when they are evil?
Yes, that appears to me to be the truth.
But ought the just to injure any one at all?
Undoubtedly he ought to injure those who are both wicked and his enemies.
When horses are injured, are they improved or deteriorated?
The latter.
Deteriorated, that is to say, in the good qualities of horses, not of dogs?
Yes, of horses.
And dogs are deteriorated in the good qualities of dogs, and not of horses?
Of course.
Political Theory
Political Theory
And will not men who are injured be deteriorated in that which is the proper
virtue of man?
And that human virtue is justice?
To be sure.
Then men who are injured are of necessity made unjust?
That is the result.
But can the musician by his art make men unmusical?
Certainly not.
Or the horseman by his art make them bad horsemen?
And can the just by justice make men unjust, or speaking general can the good
by virtue make them bad?
Assuredly not.
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
Political Theory
2. Politics is more than what politicians do. Do you agree with this
statement? Give examples.
3. Vigilant citizens are a must for the successful working of a democracy.
4. In what ways is the study of political theory useful for us? Identify
four ways in which political theory can be useful to us?
5. Do you think that a good/convincing argument can compel others to
listen to you?
6. Do you think studying political theory is like studying mathematics?
Give reasons for your answer.