Challenging Behaviour - A Unified Approach PDF
Challenging Behaviour - A Unified Approach PDF
Challenging Behaviour - A Unified Approach PDF
a unified approach
Executive summary
Capable environments
Creative commissioning
Future directions
The working group acknowledges the help of the following people in
providing their views, advice and contributions: Members of the Learning
Disability Faculties of the British Psychological Society and the Royal College
of Psychiatrists, Vivien Cooper of the Challenging Behaviour Foundation and
Helen Dorr of the National Family Carer Network.
I am very pleased to have been asked to write the foreword to this important
publication. One of the most important principles underpinning the Valuing
People White Paper is that all aspects of the policy apply to all people with
learning disabilities. Although we have made some good progress over the
past 5 years, there is evidence that people with the most complex needs
have not been benefiting as much as others from the changes in services,
ways of working and, most importantly, culture and attitudes. This was
neither the intention of the policy, nor is it a natural consequence of an
initiative fundamentally concerned with peoples rights as citizens and their
place in society. To the contrary, it is arguably the extent of our success
in meeting the needs of those who are most challenging to support that
should be the measure of our achievements. When I was managing services
in London in the late 1980s and early 1990s, one of the most rewarding
achievements was to see how people who had previously been written
off by services could achieve a positive place in society (including paid
employment) as a result of creative and courageous work by local staff (in
partnership with the Special Development Team from what is now the Tizard
In this context, I particularly welcome the move to redefine the use
of the phrase challenging behaviour. The way in which that terminology
has become a label to describe either a diagnosis or a problem owned
by an individual has become an obstacle to the provision of appropriate
and effective support. The real challenge to abilities and capacities is to
those responsible for planning, commissioning, managing and providing
services for people with such complex needs. It has been our historic
failure to do that successfully that has resulted in people being excluded
from mainstream society and segregated into inappropriate services. The
acceptance of that ownership by ourselves rather than attributing the
outcome to the individuals behaviour is an important step towards achieving
better outcomes for all people.
Those outcomes could and should include participation in all aspects
of life and society. In order to do that, appropriate investment in skilled
health professionals is an essential but not the only component. If support
to people who challenge services is interpreted as only being the business of
the National Health Service, then achieving those wider goals and aspirations
will be impossible. Partnership between all people concerned with the lives
of people with learning disabilities and a shared vision to end the exclusion
from mainstream society of people who are described as challenging services
is the only effective way forward. I hope that this document is widely used
as an important contribution towards that aspiration.
Rob Greig
National Director: Learning Disabilities
This report is the result of a joint working group of the learning disability
faculties of the British Psychological Society and the Royal College of
Psychiatrists, in consultation with the Royal College of Speech and Language
Although there are many good examples of integrated and
multidisciplinary working between health professionals in the field of learning
disability, there are often, in the background, dynamics that tend towards
a splitting of professional groups and what then appear to be polarised and
antagonistic views and approaches. Yet, in the increasing joint working
between the professions, it is clear that we share more common ground than
we have differences and that our greatest effectiveness is when we work in
close and coordinated collaboration.
One of the main functions of learning disability teams in the UK is
to work with people with a learning disability whose behaviour presents a
challenge. Considerable resources of professional time, support, managerial
planning, strategic thinking and research have been committed over the
past two decades or more to the development of service responses to
the challenges presented by a significant number of people with learning
disabilities. Though effective responses are essentially multidisciplinary
and involve a wide range of individuals including carers and families, it has
tended to be the professions of clinical psychology and learning disability
psychiatry that have taken the lead in the development of theoretical and
clinical paradigms, models of service provision, planning, and research.
There is a growing interest in the concept of complexity in healthcare
and it can be seen that challenging behaviour presents a complex and
often paradoxical entity. The term was originally developed to describe the
interaction between the behaviour of a person with a learning disability and
the environment around them (see Chapter 3). Thus the term incorporates
a multiplicity of biological and psychological characteristics, predisposing,
precipitating and maintaining factors in the individual, the carers and the
environment that cannot be conceptualised in terms of linear or simple
cause-and-effect models. These multiple factors and the systems in
which they operate are all interrelated and cannot be readily analysed or
understood without reference to the others. New conceptual frameworks
that incorporate a dynamic, emergent, creative, and intuitive view of the
world must replace traditional reduce and resolve approaches to clinical
care and service organisation (Elsek & Greenhalgh, 2001).
One of the paradoxes in this complexity is the balancing of the need
for consistent standards of evidence-based practice with an analysis and
response to the unique circumstances and structures in existence for the
individual at a particular point in time.
It is with these concepts in mind that this report has been produced,
with the following aims:
Executive summary
UK legislation varies between the different legislatures and is continually
changing. Clinicians must remain informed on how this affects their practice.
Professionals making treatment decisions for adults with learning disabilities
are guided both by the law and by professional guidelines. The development
and enactment of mental capacity legislation is clarifying the principle of best
interests and the process of decision-making for adults who lack capacity.
People who pose severe behavioural challenges are more likely to
be subjected to procedures which are directly or indirectly regulated by
legislation, i.e. detention and treatment under the provision of the Mental
Health Act 1983, informal detention of incapacitated people (Bournewood;
Department of Health 2006a), physical interventions, seclusion.
on the individual
intervention must therefore address the person, the environment and the
interaction between the two.
Behaviour can be described as challenging when it is of such an intensity,
frequency or duration as to threaten the quality of life and/or the physical
safety of the individual or others and is likely to lead to responses that are
restrictive, aversive or result in exclusion.
implement. Clinicians report that staff are unable to carry out necessary
assessments and interventions.
To improve services for people who present behavioural challenges
and to enable them to remain in their own homes and communities requires
the creation and support of capable environments. Competency-based
training and professional support is required for all carers together with the
promotion of creative solutions to the challenges faced.
The quality of staff support provided should be focused on enabling
the individual to engage in meaningful activity and relationships at home
and in the community. Staff should be skilled and well-organised to deliver
active support.
Future work needs to address the issues of challenging behaviour and early
intervention in children.
The service user perspective needs to be emphasised and it is hoped to
achieve this through the development of a charter outlining what standards
of service provision people should expect.
A set of good practice standards is provided against which local
services and stakeholders can audit and evaluate their current service
provision and to assist in service planning and development.
A number of other initiatives are suggested for joint professional
working, research, evaluation and audit.
This document is concerned with standards of clinical practice and how best
to support people with learning disabilities who also present challenging
behaviour. In practice both of these terms, challenging behaviour and
learning disability, are applied with wide variation and inconsistency and
often in ways that are idiosyncratic to service geography and structure,
professional backgrounds and theoretical perceptions.
People with learning disabilities do not constitute a uniform group.
Epidemiologically and diagnostically, the definitions of mental retardation in
the ICD10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders (World Health
Organization) or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM
IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) are generally used. In practice,
however, the eligibility criteria for access to services vary considerably
and do not adhere to consistent operational definitions. However, it is
generally accepted that the common criteria of learning disability centre
on significant impairment of intellectual and social functioning that occurs
before adulthood.
The focus of this report is primarily on adults with moderate to severe
learning disabilities. The rationale behind this is to focus the scope of the
guidance to those circumstances where it is likely that the individuals
themselves may be excluded from receiving other forms of intervention and
support aimed at ameliorating challenging behaviour.
This report also focuses on guidance to professionals and services.
It does not include the additional guidance that will be necessary for
work with forensic populations (where additional specific psychological
techniques would need to be included); or the additional guidance
necessary for working with people with significant depression, anxiety,
anger management difficulties etc., all of these would also require additional
guidance, much of which is now being dealt with within the National Institute
for Clinical Excellence frameworks. This is not to say that the guidance
regarding medication, behavioural intervention, environmental support
and commissioning is not relevant to these additional groups. Its focus,
however, remains on those people who are more likely to be excluded from
the broader range of psychological and psychiatric interventions.
We acknowledge that there will be specific issues of diagnosis,
aetiologies, treatment options, and legal frameworks for children and older
adults. However, we believe that there are fundamental principles, values
and guidance that are applicable across all groups who present behaviours
that are challenging.
We believe that it is also important to note that people with learning
disabilities who present challenging behaviours are often marginalised,
stigmatised, disempowered and excluded from mainstream society. They
suffer similar disadvantages to other groups who are discriminated against
All behaviour has meaning or function and does not occur in isolation. There
are likely to be a number of underlying causes of a behaviour that are a
challenge to others. As well as functional determinants, precipitants and
maintaining factors, aetiologies may include:
One of the reasons for the adoption of the term challenging behaviour
was to provide a reminder that severely problematic or socially unacceptable
behaviour should be seen as a challenge to services rather than a
manifestation of psychopathological processes. In order to respond to this
challenge, services need to promote positive behavioural development,
reduce the occurrence of damaging behaviour and maintain peoples access
to a decent quality of life despite continuing behavioural difficulties.
It is our belief that there needs to be a firm reaffirmation of the term in
its original context and a clear shift of emphasis back to the responsibilities
for change being with the systems around the individual. We believe that
challenging behaviour is a socially constructed and dynamic concept. In
order for an individuals behaviour to be viewed as challenging, a judgement
is made that this behaviour is dangerous, frightening, distressing or annoying
and that these feelings invoked in others are in some way intolerable or
overwhelming. The impact on others, and therefore the characteristics of the
observer(s) have to be incorporated in the application and understanding of
the term challenging behaviour.
We propose the adoption of a modified definition that builds on that
of Emerson:
Behaviour can be described as challenging when it is of such an intensity,
frequency or duration as to threaten the quality of life and/or the physical
safety of the individual or others and is likely to lead to responses that are
restrictive, aversive or result in exclusion.
Quality of life and physical safety of the person and those around
them is a focal concept of this definition. It has also moved from thinking
in terms of the qualitative aspects of the behaviour of the person, to
those of the responses of individuals and services. The actual nature of
the behaviours therefore should be defined separately, for example: selfinjury, assault, socially inappropriate behaviour. We believe that behaviour
should be regarded as challenging when responses that are neglectful,
socially and morally unacceptable, abusive or restrictive are being used to
manage it; particularly so when basic human rights are being contravened
(Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection, 2006, 2007).
Thus the prevalence of challenging behaviour can be conceptualised
within such parameters as
locked doors
being non-punitive, non-restrictive and socially enabling rather than restricting. The nature and even the severity and frequency of the behaviour may
remain unchanged and yet it ceases to be seen as challenging when carers,
professionals and services are able to respond in positive, inclusive and enabling ways. An analogy can be drawn with a chronic medical condition such
as insulin-dependent diabetes; the control of blood sugar and the avoidance
of the complications of the condition require daily and lifelong treatment with
insulin and appropriate adjustments to diet and lifestyle. While this treatment is available and able to be adhered to the individual can usually live
a normal life, however, in the absence of these daily supports the condition
represents a significant threat to their health, well-being and survival.
The underlying factors in an individuals behaviour that challenges others
may have a range of aetiologies and may be complex. The individuals on
whom they impact and the contexts in which they occur are also varied.
Family and paid carers are usually those who primarily have responsibility
for supporting the individual who presents challenges. The responsibility for
designing interventions and support packages has tended to be within health
services for people with learning disabilities and also within specialist groups
or individuals within those services. Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists,
speech and language therapists, learning disability nurses and occupational
therapists have been in the forefront of service provision and development.
There are many other individuals from different professional backgrounds
however who work with people who present challenges and have acquired
skills and experience in this area, for example psychotherapists, art
therapists, physiotherapists and social workers.
This document aims therefore to have relevance to all professionals
who work with people with learning disabilities, although it is written
primarily from the perspective of clinical psychologists and psychiatrists
and with a significant contribution from speech and language therapists.
Our process of consultation has endeavoured to incorporate a wider view,
although we accept that it is unlikely that we have been all-inclusive and
hope that this document will promote further discussion, research and
contributions to future revision.
The focus of the definition of challenging behaviour is on service and
systemic responses. This report will aim therefore, above all, to inform and
guide those who are policy makers and those who provide and commission
services for people with learning disabilities in the statutory, voluntary and
independent sectors. Our intention is that organisations that are charged
with purchasing, commissioning or regulating services will use the standards
outlined in the document in order to assess the appropriateness and quality
of the services for which they are responsible.
behaviour policy
services will ensure that each person is treated as a full and valued
member of their community, with the same rights as everyone else
and with respect for their culture, ethnic origin and religion
services will strive to enable people to live in ordinary homes and enjoy
access to services and facilities provided for the general community
clinical practice
The British Psychological Society (2004) published guidance for clinical
psychologists who provide psychological interventions to people with learning
disabilities who also display behaviours that severely challenge services.
Although aimed at psychologists, and drawing largely on the evidencebase contained in the psychology literature, it was intended that other
professionals, service providers and purchasers may also find them helpful
in clarifying what to expect from psychologists. Many of the guidelines
contained in the document are equally applicable to other professionals and
they have provided the impetus for this collaborative report, which aims to
build on the evidence-base, by producing a consensus position statement on
best practice for those clinicians who provide services to this group of people.
The guidelines are not fully reproduced in this report but contain a more
extensive review of the evidence base with respect to positive behavioural
support and applied behavioural analysis. This report recommends that these
guidelines are adhered to as appropriate in clinical practice.
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales have differing legislation and this
legislation is in a continual process of change. All clinicians need to keep
themselves informed as to how current local legislation and related practice
guidelines affect their own practice. For the sake of brevity, this chapter
is based on legislation that covers England and Wales. Clinicians in other
jurisdictions will need to interpret the principles outlined in this section in
light of their own national legislative framework.
The Mental Health Act Code of Practice (1999) also contains guidance on the
use of seclusion, defining seclusion as supervised confinement in a room,
which may be locked. The Code states that it should be used as a last resort
and for the shortest period of time and not be used as a punishment or
threat, as part of a treatment programme, because of shortage of staff or
where there is any risk of suicide or self-harm.
The Department of Health/Department for Education and Skills
guidance (2002) clearly states that the use of seclusion outside the Mental
Health Act should only be considered in exceptional circumstances and
should always be proportional to the risk presented. The guidance also
makes a useful distinction between seclusion and withdrawal, whereby
withdrawal is removal of a person from a situation that causes anxiety
number of staff
opportunities available
a lifespan perspective
ecological validity
stakeholder participation
social validity
systems change
multi-component intervention
emphasis on prevention
Assessment is the process of collecting and evaluating relevant information
about the person, the social, interpersonal and physical environment, as well
as the behaviour that is challenging. Information about the person should
include medical and psychological/psychiatric factors.
The purposes of assessment are
the capacity and motivation for change in the person and in their
should be assessed?
The British Psychological Societys clinical practice guidelines on challenging
behaviour (British Psychological Society, 2004) and the report on the use of
medication for the management of behaviour disorders among adults with
a learning disability (Deb et al, 2006) provide detailed frameworks for the
assessment of challenging behaviours. In summary, an assessment should
address both the individual and their behaviour in the context of
sensory impairments
medical problems
current medication
previous interventions
Risk is an inherent and fundamental aspect of behaviour that is described
as challenging and its assessment and management should therefore be
an integral part of all aspects of intervention and support. Although there
tends to be greater concern regarding risks of physical harm to others
and/or to the individual, there are significant risks to loss of the various
elements that make up quality of life (rights, choice, independence,
citizenship, participation, inclusion etc.). Risk assessment should constitute a
specific, documented component of the process. There should be an agreed
multidisciplinary and multi-agency framework for description and evaluation
of risk. This should include
The risk assessment must be mindful of the persons aspirations and wishes
as documented in their person-centred plan. Risk assessment should not be
used as an excuse to adopt a risk averse stance that then severely restricts
a persons life further, with the potential consequence of inadvertently
increasing their level of risk (Allen, 2002).
There may be rare situations where the risk assessment indicates that
support staff will need to physically intervene in order to manage risk (see
chapter on legislation).
Clearly, in an emergency situation it may not be possible to carry out
a full and detailed assessment before having to initiate some intervention to
protect the individual or others (LaVigna & Willis, 2002). Documentation in
such circumstances should detail what information was obtained to validate
the intervention, a projected timescale for the emergency measures and a
clear indication of when and how a full assessment will be completed.
This is a specific behaviour-analytic procedure, where structured observation and other methods of assessment (for example interview of people in
frequent contact with the person or use of standardised questionnaires) are
employed to generate hypotheses about the challenging behaviour, antecedents which might be acting as stimuli for the behaviour and consequences
which may be reinforcing it. These hypotheses are then tested out by experimental trial in either a real life or a more controllable analogue setting. The
hypotheses that can be supported by experimental evidence are then used
to derive interventions to reduce or eliminate the challenging behaviour.
It is essential that an assessment attempts to establish the function
of challenging behaviours, in order to determine the correct basis for an
intervention. The terms functional assessment and functional analysis are
used interchangeably by some clinicians. Generally, functional assessment is
a more inclusive term that refers to a range of approaches to establish the
function of the behaviour, while functional analysis refers to more structured
techniques that may include manipulating antecedents and consequences
in order to establish their functional relationships (for example analogue
assessment, Iwata et al, 1990).
The evidence-base supports the use of functional analysis for
interventions where the primary focus is the reduction or elimination
of severely challenging behaviours in people with moderate, severe or
profound learning disabilities. A correlation has been found between carrying
out a functional analysis and successful outcome, measured by reduced
challenging behaviour (Scotti et al, 1991; Didden et al, 1997; Ager & OMay,
2001). This should therefore be the approach of choice where challenging
behaviour is severe and the most urgent target for intervention.
A functional analysis should follow three stages (Horner, 1994; Repp,
1994; Toogood & Timlin, 1996)
strategies that are used to check the accuracy of the hypothesis about
the function of the behaviour.
of physical disorder
eyesight disorders
of psychiatric disorder
psychological trauma
relationship difficulties
of communication
behaviour services were able to communicate most or all wants and desires.
Research has shown that challenging behaviours typically increase in
frequency, intensity or duration when communication difficulties increase
(Talkington et al, 1971; Chamberlain et al, 1993; Cheung et al, 1995;
Bott, 1997). Most research to date has focused on the link between
expressive communication skills and challenging behaviour but the role of
understanding is also vital. For example challenging behaviour may result
from the individual not understanding what is expected of them (ClarkeKehoe & Harris, 1992; Bradshaw, 1998, 2002; Kevan, 2003).
Communication must be viewed within a partnership (Bartlett &
Bunning, 1997) in both assessments and interventions, where the
contributions of both the person presenting challenging behaviour and their
communication partners are included.
A detailed communication assessment is needed to give information
about the communication skills of the individual, their communication
environment (including the communication partners) and the ways in which
these are utilised within their daily lives (Bradshaw, 2002; Royal College
of Speech and Language Therapists, 2003). This should also include an
assessment of hearing skills.
There are also some specific communication considerations within a
functional assessment; for example, considering the role that communication
may have played within an analysis of antecedents, behaviours and
in autism
The principles above also apply to understanding the behaviour of people with
autism. It is essential that an objective and comprehensive assessment of all
individual and environmental factors is carried out. Assumptions should not
be made about the experiences, perceptions, understandings or beliefs of the
individual; many of the projections clinicians may make based on their own
internal experiences about sensations, communication, social rewards and
routines, are inappropriate or inaccurate when applied to people with
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder and its causes are associated
with a wide range of neuropsychological and interactional difficulties that vary
between individuals. Thus the clinician actively needs to consider evidence of
sensory as well as processing and motor anomalies; such factors as sensory
overload, for example, can produce extreme behavioural changes.
Although communication difficulties may be easily diagnosed, it
is often difficult to assess the persons specific difficulties; which is why
communication problems are a common aetiological factor of challenging
behaviour in people with autism. Communication difficulties can also severely
hamper the elucidation of physical and mental health problems.
In addition, the assumption that the person desires social interaction
can be erroneous since many people with autism have interests and
fascinations that do not include interacting with people other than to help
with these interests.
and diagnosis
Interventions should be delivered in a person-centred context. While the
detailed assessment and formulation process outlined above should result
in clear intervention strategies, these must be tailored to the individual,
their personal characteristics, environment and available resources for
support. Multi-agency and multidisciplinary involvement should occur in
close partnership with families and other carers. Detailed information
concerning the nature and outcome of previous interventions should be
obtained and taken into account.
A number of therapeutic modalities are described below which may be
delivered in combination (e.g. medication and family therapy). Whenever
possible, interventions should be introduced one at a time in order to
enable clearer evaluation of outcome. Depending on the findings of the risk
assessment described above, the therapeutic interventions may need to
take place in an environment in which safety and security can be offered.
Within the positive behavioural support framework, the plan should
include both proactive strategies for reducing the likelihood of the
occurrence of the behaviour, and reactive plans for managing the behaviour
when it does occur (Allen et al, 2005).
P roactive
R eactive
Reactive strategies are designed to deal with specific incidents. This may
One of the central components of positive behavioural support (Horner et
al, 1990) is to enable the person to engage in meaningful activities and
relationships. Changes in a persons quality of life are both an intervention
and a measure of the effectiveness of an intervention. Interventions are
frequently delivered through, and in partnership with, a range of different
mediators (families, support workers etc; Lucyshyn et al, 1997). Mediators
need to be both skilled in the delivery of positive interventions, and organised
and supported in such ways that they can support people positively.
Specific approaches to positive programming may be required if
mediators are to be supported to deliver positive interventions. One such
approach is active support (Jones et al, 1999) a package of procedures
which includes activity planning, support planning and training for providing
effective assistance. Such approaches have been shown to increase the
levels of assistance that individuals receive and their engagement in
everyday activities.
that there are significant psychiatric symptoms
these are an aetiological or contributory factor in the behaviour which
is presenting a challenge
the medication proposed can be expected to improve the psychiatric
does the formulation include a clear rationale for the proposed drug
what is the likely effectiveness of the proposed treatment?
adverse effects?
have issues of capacity and consent been fully taken into account and
is the proposed treatment in the best interests of the individual,
considering all alternative interventions?
is the proposed treatment and its implementation consistent with
relevant legal frameworks?
is the dose and planned duration of treatment within British National
Formulary and other good practice prescribing guidelines and dose
how the dose should be titrated, and over what period of time
consent to treatment (if the person lacks capacity to consent, then the
intervention plans
Clinicians are under an ethical obligation to measure the impact of their
interventions on the target behaviour, because the nature of challenging
behaviour is such that, by definition, there is a threat to the health and wellbeing of the person concerned or those close to him or her.
All interventions should be routinely evaluated for their effectiveness
and this evaluation should be planned at the point of initiation of the
intervention. There is evidence to suggest that those that are more
thoroughly evaluated are more likely to demonstrate a positive outcome
(Scotti et al, 1991; Didden et al, 1997).
An evaluation will usually repeat baseline measures from the start of
an intervention and look for any evidence of change. The measurement of
challenging behaviour alone, is an inappropriately narrow focus and as a
minimum, the evaluation should consider
and feedback
at the end of the assessment period and when the formulation has
been produced
following interventions, whether or not these are successful
when there is a substantial revision to the formulation or the proposed
intervention plan
on completion of work with the individual or care team.
As well as providing feedback to others, the clinician should also ask for
feedback from others on his or her own performance, establishing a twoway process that can modify or improve their clinical practice, personal
development and professional revalidation.
Given the nature of challenging behaviour, appropriate intervention will
usually involve some combination of changing the situation the person
is in (for example who they live with, how staff support them, what they
do) and intervention with the person themselves (for example developing
functionally equivalent alternatives to challenging behaviour or treating
underlying mental health problems). If services are poorly set up (for
example too many people living together, not enough staff, too far from
shops and amenities) then the environmental aspects of change may include
redesigning the service.
In practice, clinicians may often be asked to intervene in services
that are ill-conceived, badly set up, under-resourced, and where staff or
managers are not sufficiently skilled or motivated to implement effective
means of working with people. The services may, for example
to do their best with the resources that are available to meet the needs
of the person concerned
Capable environments
family support and local placements can break down, and there are
rarely local alternatives or supports that are of sufficient quality
the overall cost of services increases, since the new placements for
people whose behaviour is challenging are able to command higher
fees. Despite these higher costs, the new placements are often of
poorer quality, not only because they often remove people from their
local communities, but also in terms of care practices (Emerson et al,
1992; Robertson et al, 2004).
et al, 2002). Rather, the reason lies in the way typical services respond to
people who present challenges.
As outlined in the previous chapter (Focusing on the person), the term
challenging behaviour is socially constructed. The term represents the
interaction of both individual and environmental factors, and the relationship
between them (see Fig.1).
When people are supported in services that are unable to respond
appropriately to their needs, it is more likely that the person will develop
patterns of behaviour that are then responded to in ways that will maintain
that behaviour. If services are poorly organised, it is more likely that they
will be challenged by the behaviours and that the behaviours will then persist
(Department of Health, 1993).
In the past, there have been some nave beliefs that simply by
discharging people from institutional settings into community placements,
there would be an increase in their opportunities, and a consequent decrease
in behaviours that challenge. A change of model by itself is insufficient to
bring about a change of behaviour (Emerson & Hatton, 1994).
Another persistent belief is that behaviour can be eliminated through
appropriate biomedical or psychological treatment alone. Biomedical
interventions may be effective in changing behaviours where the underlying
cause has a physical basis that is amenable to medication (Deb et al,
2006). Successful psychological interventions (British Psychological Society,
2004) are frequently not maintained, due to a lack of the required level of
consistency by the support team (Oliver et al, 1987).
Rather than relying on attempts to alter a persons behaviour
by changing service models, or through treatment, it is evident that
commissioners and managers should be designing services that promote
a persons quality of life in spite of the intensity or frequency of their
Staff teams should not be looking for quick solutions to what may
be lifelong patterns of behaviour. They need to be trained, supported and
managed in such a way that they can promote positive interactions that
may bring about increased participation, independence, choice and inclusion
within local communities. Limitations in placement competence appear to
reflect a lack of training, or relevance of training, and practice leadership
(Mansell, 1996; Jones et al, 1999), as well as a lack of knowledge (Hastings,
1996), value conflicts (McGill & Mansell, 1995) and different perceptions by
front-line staff about the priorities in their work (Mansell & Elliott, 2001).
The rhetoric of treatment, in which challenging behaviour is seen as entirely
located within the individual and amenable to medical or psychological
treatment, actually helps perpetuate unsophisticated support for individuals
presenting challenging behaviour in residential care or in their family homes.
The requirement for staff to work in skilled and well-organised ways is
diminished by the belief that the problem lies in the person and that they
can be cured, usually somewhere else.
At this point in the development of community-based services,
commissioners are typically paying for large numbers of residential care
places that can support individuals who do not present particular challenges,
and only a few places that can support people with more complex needs
(and these places are not always of good quality). There is a mismatch
between the level of need in the population of people with learning
disabilities and the range of available provision. Fig. 3 illustrates how, for
an increasing level of need for responsive, resourced and skilled support
and intervention, there is not an equivalent capacity to deliver these in the
for placements
Range of service
Fig. 3 Need and capability in services for people with learning disabilities.
, capability of service to respond;
, individual demand on
Once their existing placements break down, people are often moved to
special challenging behaviour services. These may be assessment and
treatment services, of which there are estimated to be about 60 in England.
This arrangement reflects the dominant treatment paradigm in which
particularly complex individuals are referred to more specialised services,
which group people with more challenging problems together and deploy
rarer expertise to assess, treat and if not cure, at least ameliorate peoples
problems to the extent that they can return to less specialised services.
In some cases the greater skill and organisation in the special unit
is indeed effective at helping to reduce the severity and impact of the
individuals challenging behaviour. This might be because of particular clinical
skills (Murphy & Clare, 1991; Mansell et al, 1994a) identifying the causes
of challenging behaviour and the best ways of responding to it. It might
also more simply reflect better training and organisation of staff, so that
they provide a more consistent approach than was possible in the former
In these cases the issue then becomes how easy it is to transfer the
knowledge and skill of the staff in the specialist service to the persons
original home since, in most cases, maintenance of improvement will
require changes in how staff there provide support. This requires exactly
the same kind of organisation as when external professionals advise staff,
and faces all the same problems described above. Thus, in practice, units
for the short-term assessment and treatment of challenging behaviour often
face difficulties in providing a way back for individuals, who become de
facto long-term residents (Beadle-Brown et al, 2006) and clinicians report
concerns as to whether some specialist units do in fact offer greater skill
and organisation themselves or rather simply refer to their local learning
disability teams following admission.
In units that are partly or wholly providing long-term care, there is
an uneasy relationship between the ideology of short-term assessment and
treatment, and providing support to people in their long-term home. The
focus on assessment and treatment can mean that insufficient attention
is given to the quality of peoples lives throughout the day, with a primary
focus for staff attention on control and on challenging behaviour. Practices
which might be tolerable for a short stay are not acceptable when people are
more-or-less permanent residents, and there is a risk that the environment
and staff practices degenerate to a lowest common denominator because of
the wide variety of challenging behaviour that occurs over time. Thus, for
example, furnishings become barren as individuals damage them and they
are not replaced for reasons of health and safety, behaviour management or
economy; resident access to their rooms and communal spaces is controlled
and choice is reduced to fit in with the regime. In so far as special units are
separate, geographically, organisationally and socially, from ordinary learning
disability services and the wider community, isolation and norm drift can
occur. There is evidence that special challenging behaviour units, and other
residential services which group together people whose behaviour challenges
services, provide less good quality of care than community services (Mansell,
1994, 1995; Robertson et al, 2002; Mansell et al, 2003).
Excluding people from their home and sending them to a special
challenging behaviour unit also risks creating several perverse incentives
at service system level for the providers of support and accommodation
to people with learning disabilities. It can confirm the reputation of the
individual concerned as impossible, making it harder to set up a new
placement locally. Potentially, it rewards weak management and training and
represents a failed opportunity for developing the capacity and skill of local
services. It could reward a strategy of allowing situations to worsen, rather
than taking preventative action as early as possible, and it perpetuates
passing the buck as a service response.
If present arrangements continue, one might expect to see the growth
of new institutions for people with learning disabilities. Although there
are now only 700 people with learning disabilities living in NHS long-stay
hospitals, there are 3700 places in private nursing homes and hospitals,
many of which will be for people who present challenging behaviour
(Department of Health, 2004).
capable environments
How might services be improved to enable people with learning disabilities
who present challenging behaviour to remain in their own homes and
communities, in services which provide a good quality of life? Providing more
resources for the existing arrangements is not necessarily going to help;
more specialist teams and units would not address the reasons why existing
teams and units have limited effectiveness. The analysis presented above
offers some obvious alternative indications for action to improve services.
Fundamentally, the aim of service providers and commissioners should be
to increase the capability and capacity of the environments in which people
ordinarily live, in order to enable them to respond appropriately to individual
The focus of the challenge presented by the behaviour(s) of an
individual can be conceptualised as occurring at the interface between the
characteristics of the environment in which the individual lives and the
services available. The capacity and/or competence of the environment
to respond to challenging behaviour is determined by a number of factors
among which we would see the following as being salient
organisational structure
appropriateness of response
flexibility of response
delivery of service
o staff number
o staff skills
o staff deployment
listening and asking questions (Why are you doing this?, Why do you
think he/she is doing this?, Why is this happening?, What are you/we
doing in response to this?)
person-centred approaches
psychotherapeutic interventions
risk assessment
creative solutions
Capacity and competence in the persons environment are essential, but the
nature of the concept of challenging behaviour begs a further quality that
of creativity. In the original sense of the term, the challenge of a particular
behaviour was aimed at those around the person, carers, professionals
and services to find alternative ways of responding to the behaviour. It is,
therefore, clear that the greater the challenge then the more likely that
people will need to
Range of service
, capability of service to
people able to provide support both in the short and long term.
Potential solutions to a placement breakdown might include, for example
When thinking about the skills of carers and professionals, service structures
and provision, it becomes easy to overlook the individual at the heart of all
this activity. Experience would suggest that individuals who present severe
challenges are less likely to have supports that are tailored to individual
preferences and choices. Of course, it can also be argued that it is the failure
to deliver such individualised supports that may lead to the occurrence of
challenging behaviour.
It is essential that those planning and delivering support and packages
of care should consider what a good enough service would feel like to the
service user. We assume that such a service would be constructed firmly
around the individuals
on care practices
The service community (the people commissioning and planning services,
providing them, working in them and using them) needs to recognise that
challenging behaviour is relatively common in services for people with
learning disabilities and that it is unlikely to disappear as the result of shortterm treatment. The implication is that the present model, in which support
is almost entirely provided by unqualified and unskilled staff, relying on a
small amount of specialist services to help them or deal directly with the
most challenging individuals, needs to be replaced.
The pervasive ideology of treatment, moving people around in the
belief that they can be fixed somewhere else, is inappropriate. What is
required is that a much greater proportion of staff are sufficiently skilled
so that they can support people to live well in the community, even if they
present challenges in terms of their behaviour.
Although this might seem a radical departure from a well-entrenched
model, it is in fact one expression of a general shift that is required in social
care services. Across all client groups, the populations now using community
services have many more disabilities than those who were using them 20
or 30 years ago and they have complex needs which demand considerable
skill as well as common sense and humanity in the staff who work in these
If the goal is to support the individual in achieving as good a quality of
life as possible in spite of their problems, this has implications for the kind of
support provided by staff, and their training, management and organisation.
It requires individually tailored placements, which may involve living with
two or three other people, but which are not challenging behaviour homes.
Whether these are peoples own homes (e.g. through the supported living
movement) or small group homes they should provide a homely, comfortable
and individualised environment.
The quality of staff support provided should be focused on enabling the
individual to engage in meaningful activity and relationships at home and
in the community, and staff should be skilled and well-organised to deliver
what is called active support (Mansell et al, 1987, 1994a, 2005; Jones et al,
1996; Mansell, 1998).
Within this context of good preventative practice, through providing
skilled active support, placements will need to address challenging behaviour
through methods of positive behavioural support (Koegel et al, 1996). This
involves developing individual skills, especially communication skills, and
rendering them differentially effective over challenging behaviour through
contingent reinforcement (McGill, 1993; British Psychological Society,
This implies changes in the training and status of staff in order to
achieve and retain the expertise required. Whereas current training policy
is focused only on achieving the most basic level of training (Department of
Health, 2002), services that can support people with a wider range of needs
require staff with more advanced training who can follow a career providing
skilled support to people with learning disabilities. It also implies changes
in regulatory practice to focus on the quality of support offered to people
(Commission for Social Care Inspection, 2004) and to detect the early signs
of decay in care practices which lead to placement breakdown (Mansell et
al, 1994a, b).
Creative commissioning
The requirements for good support for individuals give commissioners a clear
basis on which to develop and select competent providers. Most directly,
the requirement for more skilled support could be reflected in service
specifications and monitored through contract compliance arrangements.
Given evidence of the very limited developmental role now played by local
authority social services in respect of learning disability services (Cambridge
et al, 2005), an alternative route to developing the market may be through
personal budgets and independent brokerage (Department of Health,
However needs are specified there are not enough services that
can provide the level of skilled support required in each local area.
Commissioners therefore have an important role in developing the new
kinds of services that will be required. This might include direct facilitation
through recognition, help and financial reward to bring new service providers
into the local market, or to shape up existing service providers to be able to
provide the level of support needed. There are documented examples of this
approach (Mansell et al, 2001) and recently the In Control project set out
to build individualised support arrangements around individuals, including
people with complex needs, in the context of personal budgets (Duffy et
al, 2004). Developing sufficient skilled support locally will also require
commissioners to manage the incentives for provider competence, so that
services which really do provide more skilled support are treated differently
from those that do not.
Recognising the fragmented nature of service provision, it is also
important to encourage provider cooperation and mutual support. For
example, if a particular service enters a difficult period in which several staff
are injured, it is important that they can call on other staff of comparable
levels of skill to help get through the difficulties. At present, services tend
to work in isolation and even if staff could be borrowed from other local
providers, they would be unlikely to have the knowledge and skill required
in the more specialised service. Small-scale services have to work together
if they are to be sustainable.
Re-fashion challenging
behaviour services
level, it will not remove the need for the population-level work of developing
and coordinating sufficient services in each locality.
commissioning arrangements
In 2005 new funding arrangements for the NHS were introduced, which
are likely to impact on the commissioning and provision of specialist
psychological and psychiatric services for people who present behavioural
At the time of writing, it is intended that services provided by the NHS
will be subject to a national tariff. Each provider will then have to match their
services against this benchmark cost, and services that are significantly over
the base tariff will presumably have to either cut costs or justify them. These
tariffs are not yet available for services for people with learning disabilities
whose behaviour is challenging and an alternative method of costing may
be developed.
Whatever form of costing is decided upon, however, services will be
more accountable in terms of their cost and their outcomes. Funding is likely
to be on a contracted basis, and sourced through primary care trusts (PCTs)
and practice-based commissioning. The financial imperatives may drive
commissioning to the cheapest provider (and the NHS will face competition
from voluntary and private sector providers). Services therefore will need
to be able to demonstrate both value for money and effectiveness. They will
need to promote high standards demonstrating high-quality evidence-based
interventions, effective outcomes and at a cost that appears to be broadly
in line with other services.
Providers of psychological and psychiatric services to people whose
behaviour is challenging will therefore need to demonstrate that they
are achieving good outcomes. This is difficult to achieve in work which
usually requires input and support from a range of other individuals and
organisations. They will also need to gain contracts from commissioners,
as purchasing of services will no longer automatically go to the local NHS
provider. Those services which either do not deliver good outcomes or fail
to meet other contractual requirements may lose their funding, while those
services which do achieve good outcomes, at a reasonable cost, are more
likely to grow and expand.
Clarity over outcomes and clearly defined service provision should
increase the quality of services available to people presenting challenging
behaviour. However, difficulties may occur if one provider has a contract via
the NHS arrangement, but circumstances arise where it can not be properly
delivered. This is not an infrequent occurrence in delivering services to
this client group and specialist services have usually retained the right to
withdraw their services if the advised treatment is not being implemented.
This may be more difficult to do in the new contracting arrangements, or
it may be that the intervention will take longer (and therefore cost more)
with consequent impact on overall contract activity. Commissioners will,
therefore, need to be aware of
Future directions
Compared with most other areas of work with people who have learning
disabilities, there is an extensive evidence-base to guide professionals who
support people whose behaviour is seen as challenging. However, there are
significant issues around implementation of best practice, as is evidenced
by the number of people who have to be referred to out-of-area placements
when their local services are unable to support them. The purpose of this
section is to identify some of the areas of practice that have not been fully
addressed within this document, or where future research is required in
order to create a context for successful professional practice.
what should you expect your local services to look like if they are meeting
the standards set out in this report?
By itself, this document is unlikely to bring about significant improvements
in services for people who present behavioural challenges. Locally tailored
multidisciplinary implementation plans are required in order to develop these
guidelines into local care pathways. It is neither possible nor appropriate to
dictate the details of such pathways, as they will be determined by existing
local service strengths and gaps. However, the good practice standards
(see Appendix 1) should provide a framework for local teams to review
themselves and agree their own pattern of service delivery. This process
should include all local stakeholders, including carers, service users,
providers, commissioners, professionals, regulatory bodies etc. Local teams
should ensure that they have in place a service delivery plan that includes
all the elements addressed within this report.
Currently, most residential accommodation support to people is
provided through systems that are regulated in England by the Commission
for Social Care Inspection (CSCI), the Care Standards Inspectorate for
Wales (CSIW), and the Care Commission in Scotland. Generally psychiatrists
and psychologists do not directly influence these bodies. A policy paper,
Best Practice Guidance on the Operation and Management of Registered
Care Homes for People with Learning Disability Who Present Significant
Challenges was written by the National Care Standards Commission (NCSC)
(2003), the forerunner to CSCI. It is important that there is consistency
between our groups. It may be possible for clinicians to work with colleagues
in the various inspection bodies to develop a process for challenging
behaviour accreditation.
Other specific areas of work that could potentially influence the
implementation of best practice include
current LDAF and NVQ models of staff training do not place sufficient
emphasis on training staff, from their first day of employment,
in methods that will enable them to fully support people who
challenge. It is to be hoped that the new learning disability
qualifications training models that are being developed by the
Valuing People support team and skills for care will address this.
Professionals using this document will have a significant role in
teaching and training others. Carers and support staff will have a
major role in delivering the interventions described, and we will need
to provide ongoing training and support to both develop and maintain
services that can meet the complex needs described in this document.
Allen et al (2005) draw attention to some of the reasons for positive
behavioural support not being used more widely. These include the
limited training opportunities and commissioners reluctance to specify
that staff have such training.
Core skills and training for professional staff. Professional training
for psychologists, psychiatrists, speech and language therapists and
other members of the multidisciplinary team, at all levels, including
ongoing professional development should be developing a strong and
clear focus on core skills and demonstrable competences in working
with people who present behavioural challenges. Current changes in
professional training regulation and monitoring provides opportunities
for building new training approaches and methods of evaluation.
New commissioning/purchasing models. The growth of individualised
budgets can be viewed as a means of introducing greater individuality,
flexibility and creativity of service purchasing and delivery. Where
people can have control of who they purchase to support them,
there may be concerns about the nature and standards of training,
supervision and support that those individuals might have in supporting
people with behavioural challenges.
Payment by results. It is difficult to envisage how this will work in
learning disability services as a whole, in the absence of examples
of its operation or piloting elsewhere. In the model of defining and
responding to challenging behaviour as laid out in this document it
is not immediately apparent how one might conceptualise activity,
case-mix and healthcare resource groups. It is essential that clinicians
engage with this process at an early stage in order to assist in finding
meaningful parameters to describe and quantify healthcare activity
and to avoid a regression to the use of challenging behaviour as a
diagnostic term.
It is hoped that the production of this report represents the early steps in
a developing programme of joint professional working at both national and
local levels that should include
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NHS Executive (1996) NHS Psychotherapy Services in England: Review of Strategic Policy.
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1. Assessments and interventions
are delivered within the current
legal framework, by taking full
account of the care programme
approach, Mental Capacity Act,
Mental Health Act, Bournewood
ruling, Health and Safety at Work
Act, CSCI guidance etc.
2. A detailed risk assessment
is carried out with individuals
who present severely challenging
behaviour to ensure that
interventions are appropriately and
systematically targeted.
Table 1 Continued
where people move between services, up-todate risk assessments are shared between
purchasers and providers.
There is an agreed multidisciplinary assessment
care pathway in place for all people whose
behaviour presents severe challenges. It will
include sufficient information to:
1. exclude/treat biological factors that contribute
to the persons behaviour
2. lead to a coherent formulation and, where
appropriate, a psychiatric diagnosis
3. lead to an intervention plan which fits the
person and their environment
4. provide a baseline so that the effectiveness
of any intervention can be subsequently
assessments are
in place for most
people, but there
are no agreed
care pathways
or standards in
place to ensure
that these are
carried out.
Current position
There is an agreed written process for carrying out
Systematic risk
individualised risk assessments. It includes at least
assessments and
the following criteria:
plans are in place,
a multidisciplinary process.
with 35 of the
a statement of philosophy that addresses the
criteria being met.
least restrictive alternative.
There is a limited
approach to
assessments, with
most assessments
being uniprofessional.
There are no formal
processes in place to
ensure a systematic
approach to risk
4. There is a multifaceted
written formulation that takes
account of possible diagnosis,
psychological and relationship
factors. This formulation has
been developed from the
assessment, and leads to an
appropriate intervention.
Table 1 Continued
Current position
For each person who presents severe challenges,
For some people who
there is an agreed written multidisciplinary
present severe chalformulation that includes each of the following
lenges the written
formulation meets
these standards, but
hypotheses about how/why the behaviour
this is not the norm for
has developed
all people.
rationale for any psychiatric diagnosis
psychological and relationship factors
integration of behavioural, biological,
communication and environmental factors
hypotheses about how the behaviour is being
clear links between the formulation and
In addition to any pharmacological, psychological,
Most people have
and/or behavioural interventions, each person
a person-centred
has a written person-centred plan that describes
plan in addition
how the person will be supported in ways that
to any treatment
address their rights, inclusion, choice and
but evidence of
independence. It will address the factors that
implementation is
contribute to the persons challenging behaviour.
There is evidence that the plans are implemented
by support teams.
There is little evi
dence of a personcentred plan at the
core of the persons
Generally, profession
als who assess
an individual will
develop their own
assessments, formulations or diagnoses,
and this will not be
coordinated into an
agreed multidisciplinary formulation.
6. Interventions are written
down, are derived from the
formulation and include:
primary preventative
strategies, and
early crisis intervention
Table 1 Continued
Current position
Each person has a written multidisciplinary care
Many intervention plans
plan that details strategies that include:
meet this standard
but there is not a
clarity about how the interventions are
systematic approach
derived from the formulation
to the development of
ways to enhance the persons quality of life
multidisciplinary written
p r o m o t i o n o f t h e l e a s t r e s t r i c t i ve
care plans that address
preventative and crisis
appropriate talking treatments can
intervention strategies.
be accessed when so indicated by the
potential triggers for the behaviour are
identified and addressed
clarity about how staff/carers should respond
to the target behaviour
a clear rationale for any psychoactive
medication, and the circumstances under
which p.r.n. medication is to be used
evidence of a skills-based, psychoeducational
or other positive strategy aimed to help the
person to manage their own behaviour
clarity about how any physical intervention or
restrictive practice should be used how and
when they will be reviewed
clarity that the interventions are informed by
the evidence-base of effectiveness.
There is no process
to ensure that all
intervention plans
meet this standard,
and few do.
7. There is clarity about how
crises will be managed, with clear
links to mental health and other
services when required.
Table 1 Continued
Current position
There are clear written protocols for managing
Generally staff/
crises, including those that might occur out-ofcarers can access
hours in the persons usual place of residence or
some out-of-hours
work. These include:
crisis service, but
responses are not
processes for providing additional support to
carers in the persons usual place of residence
and there are few
access to a responsive emergency and out-ofclear protocols
hours on-call assessment service
across different
access to mental health services, including inservices.
patient beds, if admission is required
register or database of people most at risk of
requiring out-of-hours support
written risk management plans (possibly as
part of care programme approach process),
identifying proactive actions to be taken to
support people identified as being at significant
risk of crises
a process to ensure effective communication
of crisis management plan to all appropriate
There is a clear inter-agency care coordination
Elements of a
system that ensures that all people who present
severe challenges have:
care coordination
process are in
a named care coordinator
place, but it is
a written multidisciplinary care plan
not systematically
a system that ensures regular care reviews
available to
care programme approach process in place for
everyone who
those with additional mental health needs.
presents severe
Where out-of-area placements are purchased, the
purchasing authority ensures that multidisciplinary
care is coordinated in the placement, and that there
is a named person in the purchasing authority who
is responsible for ensuring the quality of the care
Care planning
is generally uniprofessional, with
few multidisciplinary
coordinated pro
Responses to outof-hours crises are
patchy, with regular
between services
about issues of
9. Effective processes will be used
to ensure that everyone supporting
the person has the necessary skills
and knowledge to carry out the
Table 1 Continued
There are
processes to
ensure that at
least some of
these standards
are being met
across all services
in an authority.
Current position
Within an authority there is a multi-agency training
strategy that provides systematic competencyservice providers
based training for care staff. This is based on a
have their own
clear value-base that promotes positive strategies
and ensures that care staff who are required to
behaviour training
implement any physical interventions or restrictive
plans, but these
practices are appropriately trained.
are not systematic
There are processes to ensure that staff have the
in the way they
required skills.
are delivered or
There are processes in place to ensure that care
Most service
plans for people who present severe challenges
are systematically evaluated across the authority
by managers or appropriate professionals. This will
evaluate the
include monitoring of:
quality and
effectiveness of
the impact of the intervention on the targeted
their interventions,
but this is not
the impact on the persons quality of life
a universal
the use of physical interventions, restrictive
process within the
practices and psychotropic medications.
There is no
mechanism within an
authority to ensure
the service standards
are being met.
There are no
evaluation processes
across the authority.
Less than half of the
service providers
evaluate the quality
or effectiveness of
their interventions,
and even these
are generally
Training for care
staff is generally
uncoordinated, with
many untrained staff
supporting people
who present severe
Some people
have high levels
of support while
living in their own
home, but this is
not available to
Up to 10%
of housing
and support
placements for
people fail each
year because
of problems
responding to
Some people
placed out-ofarea (or their
advocates, where
can choose to
move back to
local services but
others cannot
(whether due to
cost or quality).
Some people
challenges have
all these service
elements in place
but others do not
Current position
Availability of long-term
12. People who present severely
challenging behaviour have equality
of access to a comprehensive range
of local social and health service
Table 1 Continued
typically exclude at
least one of these
16. Services are commissioned
that ensure that family carers are
supported locally.
Table 1 Continued
Current position
Local services are available to all families that
Local services
support members who present challenges
exclude people
(including the most serious challenges) such as
who present
challenges but
fund alternatives
day activity, work or education.
No highly specialised
professional advice
available locally.
Local services
exclude people who
present challenges
without alternatives.
21. People presenting challenges
have person-centred plans.
19. Assessment and treatment
units are used appropriately.
Table 1 Continued
Only people
moderate levels of
challenge have an
effective personcentred plan
including a circle
of supportbeyond
service personnel.
Local mental
health services
only serve
some people
with learning
disabilities who
have mental
health problems.
care of people
with learning
disabilities has
some links with
local mental
health services.
Current position
Assessment and treatment units are only used for
More than 10%
this purpose. They use contracts that specify the
of residents in
specific purpose of the stay, its maximum length, a
assessment and
binding undertaking that the referring agency will
treatment units
provide local services at the end of this period and
have completed
a specification of how the gains made in the unit
will be transferred to and maintained in the local
(such as crisis
or emergency
placement) but
have not returned
to the community.
Only people
presenting the most
complex challenges
have an effective
person-centred plan
including a circle
of support beyond
service personnel.
More than 25%
of residents in
assessment and
treatment units
have completed
treatment, or are
there for other
reasons (such as
crisis management
or emergency
placement), but have
not returned to the
Local mental health
services routinely
exclude people with
learning disabilities
who have mental
health problems.
Psychiatric care
of people with
learning disabilities
is separate from
local mental health
Challenging behaviour: a unified approach
22. Commissioners and
professionals have effective systems
to review everyone who is out-ofarea or is likely to be at risk of their
local service breaking down.
Table 1 Continued
Current position
There is a process agreed between commissioners
There is some
and professionals that ensures:
knowledge about
the ongoing
knowledge about the needs of, and plans for,
everyone who is placed out-of-area
of out-of-area
review system for the ongoing appropriateness
placements, and
of out-of-area placements for each person
some planning
knowledge about people who live locally but
to address
are most at risk of placement breaking down
inadequacies of
contingency plans available for those most at
risk of local placement breaking down.
Local placement
planning is in place
for a few people.
Partnership Board has an agreed strategy that
addresses all the standards outlined in this
strategies are in
place to meet most
standards outlined
in this document.
There is an agreed
process to address
the others.
There is only limited
knowledge about
people who are
placed out-of-area,
and few active
systems are in place
to prevent local
service breakdown.
1. Legal
2. Risk
3. Written
4. Written
5. Personcentred
6. Written
7. Crisis
8. Care
9. Trained
support staff
10. Evaluate
11. Auditing of
12. Equality of
access to local
13. Full range
of services
of services
peoples need
in CLDTs
in CLDTs
15. Out-of-area
support people
17. Access
to local MD
18. Access
to highly
19. Appropriate
use of ATUs
20. Availability
of mental
health services
21. Person
centred plans
22. Review of
people out-ofarea
23. Agreed
Composition of team reviewing standards ..
Standards to be reviewed
Coordinator responsible for carrying out review