Change Project
Change Project
Change Project
Gabriela Valdez
November 25, 2016
my mind with them. On the other hand, with new people I need to save face
and show a nicer me instead. I tend act like I know better, I always have an
opinion of everything and of course I want to share it right away. When I have
some anecdote or fact to tell about something that we are talking about Im
itching to say what I want to say, I cant wait. I feel that I might forget my
point later. There are times when Ive been egocentric, I became selfabsorbed and diminished the other persons intentions.
Following are some examples:
1) One day after a class I found and old friend in the college parking
lot. Obviously, we started filling each other out about last events. We're are
about the same age and our kids used to be best friends. After a few minutes
into the conversation I again began to show this pattern of interrupting
people when they talk. I cut her off many times while she was telling me the
latest about her daughters. I was so eager to tell her about mine too. It
seemed that I couldn't wait until she finished one point that I was already
jumping in with my comments. After she left we promised each other to see
again and maybe grab a coffee and talk more. She was very nice and I was
pleased to find someone I knew, but I was so unhappy with my behavior. I
couldve be more respectful and show more consideration, instead I rushed
into telling her how things were going in my life. I hope I have another
chance to amend this situation.
I chose this particular habit to work on, because it is one that I see
myself constantly doing it. When it seems Im having a nice chat with
someone it is almost sure that at some point I will interrupt that person and
express my own points of view. Some scholars compare communication
procedure with a tennis game. One person serves and the other waits for the
ball to get close before hitting back or if the receiver knows the ball is not
coming close enough to return the service he will run forward to catch it
before it hits the floor. This analogy can be applied to communication
patterns. One person says something and the other waits for the message to
come. When it arrives he will process it and then responds with an
appropriate answer. There are times when we need to catch the message in
the middle or unfinished, before losing its meaning in the content of the
conversation, as same with run to catch the ball before hits the ground. If the
message seems to make sense we need to let a complete idea to come to
us, evaluate if we need to step forward for an answer of just wait until the full
message hits us in the face. I guess I have no idea how to play tennis nor
how communication rules go because I rarely let my interlocutor finishes
his/her ideas, I feel the urge to step in and complete the idea or even worse
completely change the subject.
The strategies I implemented since I started this challenge was
1) Most of the time I will recognize that I'm doing wrong and I will
make a small pause, I will let my partner to continue. Its a very
awkward situation.
As I mention earlier in this paper Im not exactly aware of what causes
this bad listening habits in me. It could be cultural, because when people
from my own culture meet, we usually speak as we feel like it. There is no
order or rules to follow, only adults have the rights to talk first or interrupt as
much as they please. Also, if there is a big group of people we tend to rise
our voices to listen to each other better and this may seems as if we are
try to acknowledge the situation, excuse myself and ask her to continue.
According to the book we sometimes listen better to strangers than to
intimate friends or partners (Beebe, 2014, p. 125). My friend is not the most
patient person in the world but she is definitely patient with me. She put up
with my bad habits and doesnt complaint. She gives me advices in a
motherly way, without disappointment or disapproval. I feel I own her this
change. Im sure we can enjoy each other better if I put in practice what I
had learned throughout this course.
Another situation where I was able to implement those strategies was
in a recent family reunion. We had a delicious dinner and as usual we talked
about different things. This time before I jumped in with my non-solicited
comments I paused for a second and acknowledge the situation. This very
short moment of conscious thinking gave me enough time to realize that I
dont need to interrupt. It was totally fine to wait my turn to talk. Im not sure
if anyone one else noticed my changed but I did and I felt good about myself.
I cant explain why I do what I do but I learned that it is not a proper way to
communicate. It will take time to change habits, especially with family
because they are used to it and we even joke about it. But I want to
challenge myself and develop better listening styles.
As a result of my willingness to change this bad habit of cutting people
off, I noticed I can listened better now. Before I was so eager to talk that I
would lose half of what my partner was saying. Now I use that time in
between listening and talking to mentally paraphrase the other person,
trying to catch as much information as I can. Im attempting to stop mental
distractions and organize my thoughts before speaking. Im also more aware
of my habits because purposefully and consciously I decided to act and
change them. I specifically would remind myself to be conscious of what I
say, to not interrupt and to let people finish their talking. I would repeat
these statements out loud, several times a day as an effort to commit myself
to the change when I listen to someone. I feel more positive, more
comfortable in different scenarios such as with friends and family. Im
working on being other oriented listener and improve relationships. I want to
make sure that they understand that good and healthy relationship is more
important than any point I can ever made. I want my family and friends to
continue being supportive. Although I can recognize some improvements in
my listening style I'm not done changing. There is still a long way to go. I
have some many flaws in my interpersonal communication habits that it will
take time, commitment and patience to reverse years of wrong-doing. As I
went through this course and the book I kind of discovered myself. I found
flaws I didn't even know I had. It's been an interesting experience to realize
that there are different listening styles for different people and cultures. I will
continue to improve my style and keep my focus on becoming a better