Lesson Planning Form For Accessible Instruction - Calvin College Education Program
Lesson Planning Form For Accessible Instruction - Calvin College Education Program
Lesson Planning Form For Accessible Instruction - Calvin College Education Program
29 October 2016
Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program
I Have a Past
I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This lesson connects to the unit plan because it is built on the previous lesson by expanding students knowledge on time. This lesson enables students to recognize
that the past is important to who they are today. Knowing about time connects to Who am I? because time is an important aspect of who we are.
CognitiveR U Ap An E C*
Create a timeline using events from their own lives (e.g. birth, crawling, walking, losing first tooth, first day of school,
Describe ways people learn about the past (e.g. photos, artifacts, diaries, stories, videos, etc.)
Students need to be able to think about their lives. Students need to be able to color, cut and paste,
and glue on a piece of paper.
Pre-assessment (for learning): For pre-assessment, I will give examples of things in the past versus things in
the future and ask students which are which. For example, I might ask: When Corrion was born, was that in
the past, or not? If the students answer yes, I will ask, Is that because it already happened, or because it hasnt
happened yet? I will continue to ask the students questions until I either realize that they dont understand the
concept, or when I realize that they do understand the concept of the past.
Formative (for learning): Students will be assessed for learning while being asked where I should place
yesterday and tomorrow. They will also be assessed for learning when I share both photographs of my past,
and an artifact from my past.
Formative (as learning): Students will be assessed as learning when they have to do their timeline with a
parent at home. This activity will enable students to learn as learning because it allows them to think critically
and produce a product with their parent.
Outline assessment
Students will also be assessed for learning when they are sharing timelines between one another. We will be
able to see direct results from the assignment and will be able to do collaborative learning through one
anothers timelines.
Summative (of learning): The student timelines can also be used as a summative assessment for this lesson. In
addition, the completion of the I am a Person activity can ask as the final product of what they have learned
throughout the unit.
Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson and
are they ready to use?
How will your classroom be
set up for this lesson?
We will need a class calendar, a year-calendar, my personal photographs and artifacts to show the
students, chart paper, timeline assignment, I am a Person activity, and crayons, colored pencils,
markers, etc. All materials are ready for use.
My classroom will be set up in the standard classroom layout that Mrs. Barber has. Students will be
asked to the carpet squares when I am lecturing and doing large-group activities with them, and
they will be seated in their individual chairs when working on their handouts or assignments.
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
Although I am not teaching this lesson either, like lesson three, a lot of planning went into this lesson. I think that it was
important for the students to see personal examples of the past. I think it will be much easier for the students to understand
the concept of the past by seeing real world examples.
I look forward to this lesson the most because it will be fun to work on a timeline with the students. I am excited to see how
they turn up and I am excited to see if they can grasp such an abstract concept. Although the students had a hard time
grasping the concept of roles, I think they will understand the concept of the past because of some of the additional plans
Mrs. Barber will implement.
The things that I am most concerned with for this lesson is that students understand that months and days that occurred in
the past are in the past. I think that this is a hard concept, but by co-teaching with Mrs. Barber and using some of her
exercises that the students will understand this lesson.