Pathfinder Vices PDF
Pathfinder Vices PDF
Pathfinder Vices PDF
A note on abbreviations: BUCK is the Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, BoEF is the Book of
Erotic Fantasy, EAN is the Encyclopedia of Arcane Nymphology, and QT is Quintessential
A note on bonuses: cup size sometimes grants a bonus to influence breast fetishists with
Diplomacy. This bonus does not stack with itself even if multiple instances of it exist on the
same character. The largest bonus (usually +2) applies
Cup Size
The characters class and possibly their race may have an effect on cup size. The steps are as
follows: AA,A,B,C,D,DD(E),DDD(F), G,GG, GGG, and finally, HELLO!*. At the GMs option,
Characters with DDD or larger breasts must pay double for clothing or suffer from nearly
constant button pops or other wardrobe malfunctions, due to lack of clothing size
standardization in the era.
Optional Rule: Weight Increases- Breasts are heavy. Who hasnt heard complaints from some
woman about having 5 pounds worth of milk sack attached to her chest? This optional rule
reflects that, with a few caveats: 1) weight increase is given as a percentage due to races of
different sizes having different cup size parameters 2) being three dimensional objects, breast
weight increases are not linear, and finally 3) Ive done extremely complicated math for other
supplements that doesnt have a place here due to the implementation of an easier system.
The table below is an approximation of that math:
Cup Size
Weight Increase
Default cup sizes for classes are determined by their Hit Dice (more rugged characters are
generally thicker) and Saves
D12 Hit Dice: D cup
D10 Hit Dice: C cup
D8 Hit Dice: B cup
D6 Hit Dice: A cup
Originally every cup past A had double and triple letter steps. GMs may prefer that method, but I wont rewrite the weight increase table.
These modifiers dont stack. If the character has any or all of them, only subtract 1 cup.
I know that characters dont get bigger breasts until after they become famous, but they always claim the breasts are natural
An aristocrat that doesnt start out with decent charisma is screwed in more ways than just her job, but only by flat fetishist nobles.
Her profession often puts her at a respectable B or C cup depending on Cha, and Con.
Alchemist- Start with a DD cup*
Antipaladins- Evil gods know how to appreciate a good bust, their paladins start with a D cup
Cavalier- Start with a C cup
Clerics with the Arcane Subdomain- Arcane Magic is Sexy! Start with a DD cup.
Clerics with the Love/Lust Subdomains- Your god isnt jealous, start with a DD cup.
Clerics with the Daemon, Demon, and Devil Subdomains are blessed with a C cup
Druids of the Reincarnated Archetype can pick what class and race they were before
they were reincarnated. They use their old class and race to determine their base cup
size modified by their current attributes.
Fighters of the Gladiator Archetype- Start with DD cup because of their Fame.
Inquisitor- Start with a B cup
Oracle- Start with an AA cup
(Exception) Oracles with the Lame curse waddle around under the weight of DD cups.**
Skirmisher Rangers- Dont have Divine Spells, start with a D cup.
Summoner- Start with a C cup
Witch- Start with a B cup
Wizards of the Enhancement school of the Transmutation College start with a C cup
Ultimate Combat
Gunslingers- Start with a D cup
Monks of the Martial Artist Archetype- arent held in place by their faith, their free
breasts start at C cup.
Ninja- Start with an A cup
Samurai- The same thing as a Cavalier, starts with a C cup unless your GM sticks with gender
roles, and doesnt allow females to be Ronin.
Ultimate Magic
Bards with the Celebrity/Demagogue Archetype- start with a DD cup, because theyre
Bards of the Geisha Archetype- start with a C cup
Magus- Start with a DD cup.
An alchemist isnt considered an arcane spellcaster, at no point does it say an alchemist creates arcane extracts. Therefore they should
calculate as a C cup, however I considered their alchemy class feature and their mutagen feature both worth +1 cup, because what self
respecting alchemist worth her tits weight in salt wouldnt use her alchemy to her advantage?
Im aware the arcane subdomain doesnt change the characters magic type to arcane, I just thought it would be fun.
Lust and Love gods truly bring new meaning to the phrase lecherous old bastard
This might seem wrong in light of Alahazra, but remember, unlike other divine spellcasters, Oracles cast using Charisma as their governing
stat. This puts any Oracle worth her tits weight in salt at +3 or +4 cup size. See Starting Attributes Modifying Cup Size.
Funny how the oracles with the Lame curse are the least lame, they actually prefer to be called differently mobile. Upon further inspection,
inspection, I notice that the Lame curse makes characters better at sex in general as they level up due to their indefatigability. Upon initially
deciding on their ridiculously large breasts, I had not really known that about them.
On the off chance you actually see a ninja, discerning their gender is rare.
Prestige Classes
Typically prestige classes (not being allowed at first level) wont modify starting cup size,
however, some classes may by their very nature involve some degree of transformation which
has (at least for these rules) an accompanying cupsize shift. Examples are given below:
Dragon Disciple- Transformed by their faith, into half dragons, shrewd combination of d12 HD,
Strong Fort, and Arcane Spells transforms female dragon disciples breasts into G cups unless
they were already larger. Add the difference in cup size for any features they gained by being a
Dragon Disciple, for example, a sorceress turned Dragon Disciple gains a strong fort (+1 cup)
and hit die 3 steps larger (+3 cups), while a Bard or summoner turned Dragon Disciple only
gains 2 steps for hit die and 1 step for strong fort. If this would increase cupsize past HELLO!,
additional increases are wasted.
Loremasters- The applicable knowledge feat can give them the effects of Pleasing Physique,
enhancing cup size by +2. They may apply d4s as they wish (such as to trim down a hip line
expanded by years of constant sex or add to an emaciated waistline that should not be able to
support her upper torso).
Rage Prophet- This class doesnt change cup size, but cup size depends on the class chosen at
first level.
Starting Attributes Modifying Cup Size
Constitution represents more voluptuous, healthier figure and adds its modifier to cup size.
Characters whose highest cup size modifier is Constitution generally have saggier, floppy
breasts, with asymmetrically shaped larger nipples.
Charisma represents a measure of self esteem gained (presumably, for game purposes) from an
appearance that isnt unattractive. Add its modifier to cup size. Characters whose highest cup
size modifier is Charisma generally have more symmetrical, well rounded soft breasts and
medium nipples with a moderate bounce.
Strength subtracts 1/2 of its modifier (remember, subtracting a negative is adding a positive;
round down) to cup size as higher strength represents firmer more compact breasts while
lower strength represents flabbiness. Characters whose highest cup size modifier is Strength
generally have firmer more conical or pectoral shaped breasts with only a little bounce and
small nipples.
Optionally, Characters with Disguise can reduce their cup size by 1 step per rank without any
discomfort. Characters attempting to go beyond this take -1 armor check penalty per step
beyond (not cumulative with actual armor check penalty, use the worse of the two) per extra
step they attempt to take. It is up to the GM whether cup size penalizes disguise rolls.
The character may purchase either Larger or Smaller Breasts with traits if they are available or
with the Additional Traits feat if traits normally arent available but can be purchased. In either
case this requires first level or being subjected to Cosmetic Magic.
Calistrian Prostitute- Increases cup size by one step in addition to its normal benefits
Charming- Increases cup size by one step in addition to its normal benefits
Larger Breasts- Increase cup size by 1 step and gain a +1 or +2 enhancement bonus to
diplomacy checks made against breast fetishists (Social, Any Racial). This trait comes in 2 levels.
Smaller Breasts- Decrease cup size by 1 step and gain +1 or +2 enhancement bonus on
diplomacy rolls made to influence flat fetishists (Social, Any Racial). This trait comes in 2 levels.
Thick- You gain +1d4 to your waist and hip measures. Whether using default weight multipliers,
or the randomized ones discussed later, your waist roll is added to your weight multiplier. In
addition you gain a +1 trait bonus to your CMD to avoid Bull Rushes and Trips. This bonus stacks
with dwarves racial Stability if youre using that ability.
Optional Trait: Hermaphrodite
This trait is applied to females by adding any penis trait. Since vaginal traits arent
reflected here, it wouldnt make much mechanical sense to base hermaphrodites on
males. If they did, the male would need both a vaginal trait and a breast trait.
Special Abilities:
Brassiere of Breast Alteration- Characters who have worn this brassiere should make note of
this somewhere on their Character Sheets.
Cosmetic Surgery/Magic
Polymorph costs 1,125 gp plus Permanency which requires 2,500 gp worth of diamond dust
minimum. There exists a spell called Disfiguring Touch, the opposite of which shouldnt by any
stretch of common sense or the imagination be difficult to describe. The spell has limited
material cost which brings the spell down to just the cost of permanency. It would be modified
as per the suggestions below:
New Spell: Body Enhancement
School: transmutation [not necessarily a curse]
Level: cleric/oracle 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: touch
Target: creature touched
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell resistance yes
With a touch, you cause the target to grow physically beautiful. The physical changes associate
with this spell change their appearance in any single way. The target gains a +2 increase to
Charisma, Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity. This changes the characters figure in very minor
ways, but if cast on a male can apply +50% to the length of his penis.
Alter Breasts
Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0.
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Touch.
Targets: Creature touched.
Duration: 30 minutes/level.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless).
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless).
This spell is a lesser version of Body Enhancement that does not otherwise change the statistics
of the character. Cast either on yourself or on others this spell can confer upon the recipient of
its magical effect from fried eggs to big wobbly fun bags. Cupsize may be altered by up to 5
levels. Men are assumed to start at AA.
Bust Waist and Hip Measures in Pathfinder
Magic Number: The number used as the baseline for all characteristics and assumes that the
attributes used to determine it is no higher than 20 at character creation. To determine the
Magic Number add the total positive modifiers from Charisma and Constitution and add 20
generating a number between 20 and 30. If these measures generate unwieldy stats, feel free
to fudge on the d4 rolls or choose some score between the minimum and maximum results,
however MWwG d20 asserts that unwieldly results are part of the fun.
Bust (band measure, which is the 38 in the expression 38D)
Take the Magic Number
Add 1/2 Strength score
Add 1d4+2
Round to an even number
Take the Magic Number
Subtract positive Dex modifier
Pleasing Physique subtracts 1d4 as well
Take the Magic Number
Add Dex modifier
Add the absolute value of Str modifier
Add +1 if perform is cross class and +3 if it is a class skill
At GM discretion these statistics may change with character advancement. Con and Cha
increases add to Magic Number, and the GM may require characters whove been banged more
than a screen door in a hurricane to add half their Perform [Sexual Techniques] ranks to their
hip measures (1/4 if they specifically exercise their hips and thighs on their downtime) since
spreading your hips all the time (especially making babies) makes hips wider. Cup size should
only increase with magic (either by being affected by a spell or item, or by taking a
transformational class ability that could reasonably affect it.)
Race Specific Changes
Some GMs may want additional detail among the races. In all cases multiply magic number by
scale relative to 5 feet (75% for small creatures). If you are one such GM consider making the
following changes based on race:
Dwarves are stocky with wide compact bodies. Dwarf females have their Magic Number
increased by 2. Dwarves may add a step (or 2) to cup size if the GM likes big meaty dwarf girls,
or reduce it by a step if dwarves Ala Pratchett are preferred (where you cant tell the gender
through all that armor). If using Alternate Racial Traits, dwarves without Stability reduce their
weight multiplier, and waist and hip measures by 2.
Elves are generally taller than humans [they] possess a graceful fragile physique Elves may
decrease Magic Number by two.
Gnomes possess highly mutable facial characteristics, and many have overly large mouths and
eyes [etc] they may specialize in fellatio.
Half Elves may reduce all figure measures by one or two depending on the parent they most
strongly compare to. Increase cup by one step if the (somehow more) well endowed characters
of various video games are preferred. Otherwise leave it unchanged.
Half Orcs Increase Magic Number, cupsize and penis length by 2.
Halflings in Pathfinder may have those hairy little shoe feet, but with feats like Pass for
Human and Childlike the child sex trade must be horrendous in the setting or at least the
Halfling sex trade. Halflings with Childlike cannot have breasts above a B cup (D cup in settings
which feature growth hormones or their magical equivalent).
Scale and Sexual Features
Penis Length defaults to 1/12 height. Levels of Large Penis add 50% (up to the maximum the
GM permits, though level 3 (13-15 inches) should be extremely rare). Rings increase even this.
Small Penis subtracts 50% or 75% from penis measures and no further subtraction should be
possible. (note all percentages affect the base, thus if you have +150% from Large Penis and
+50%, then your penis is 3 times its original size.)
Alternate Method: Penises may have base measures of (height/15 plus racial modifier) but add
the total modifiers of Strength, Constitution, and Charisma (natural scores only). This allows a
base measure of 5 for humans (actually 6 tall humans are 4.8) which can be modified by up to
+12 through attributes rendering penis traits unnecessary at the GMs discretion (and only
because of the prevalence of magic), these could still allow for increases of up to +50% of the
base measure per step. This allows a maximum length (5+4+4+4+2+2+2=) 23 for a 6 foot and
change human.* Penises over about 18 inches for any reason need special pants to
accommodate them, worth double the standard clothing cost.
Some characters arent Medium, and certainly some monsters are humanoid and functionally
feminine. To determine figures for such characters use the Space column of Table 8-4 (PHB) to
calculate the ratio of the creature to 5 feet. Multiply by that ratio (10/5 or 2/1 for large
creatures) to determine final measures. Small creatures multiply by .75.
Sex is most comfortable between creatures of the same size category. In circumstances
where participants are of differing size category assess a -4 penalty to the roll per size
category difference. The GM can make exceptions for creativity (a character might be
able to fellatio another up to 2 size categories higher was the example given in the Book
of Erotic Fantasy).
Women are capable of taking in an object of Height/12 plus Constitution modifier (again, her
natural score) plus half her Sexual Techniques ranks, plus the length allowed by her level of the
Stuffing Feat. (maximum 6+4+10+8 for a human).
Randomized Weight Multiplier
By default, height additions are random and weight modifiers are static In addition to being
unrealistic this makes it difficult to create tall and skinny characters, or short and tubby ones.
GMs may allow random weight multipliers instead of the numbers on PHB 170. The table below
shows the new height and weight multipliers (remember to apply weight multiplier to the
Height Mod roll, then add that to base weight):
Random Height and Weight Table
Base Height
Human Male
Human Female
Dwarf Male
Dwarf Female
Elf Male
Elf Female
Gnome Male
Gnome Female
Half Elf Male
Half Elf Female
Half Orc Male
Half Orc Female
Halfling Male
Halfling Female
Height Mod
Base Weight
Weight Multiplier
Some people dont lengthen much when they get erect, some do. Assume all measures discussed here are erectile measures. Whether or not
a penis expands is beyond the scope of this document.
Women get a slight edge over men, and as a result, the GM may penalize sex with smaller penises due to improper fit. This never happens
with Extradimensional Vagina.
Example Characters
Iona Stonefist (Dwarf Barbarian Method: 4d6k3- Str 17; Dex 16; Con 20; Int 12; Wis 14;
Cha 11). 1 level of Large Breasts, and Thick.
Magic Number is 27 (includes +2 for being a dwarf)
Bust is (27+9+5)(+2 for being a dwarf)=38GGG
Waist is 27+3(thick)=30
Hips are (27+3+3) +1(Perform is Cross Class) +4(thick)=38
Cyndi Walsh Human Prostitute (Rogue) (Method: Heroic NPC scores- Arranged Str 8; Dex
14; Con 10; Int 13; Wis 12; Cha 15). 1 level of Large Breasts and, Calistrian Prostitute.
Magic Number is 22
Bust is (22+4+6)=32DDD
Waist is (22-3)=19
Hips are (22+2+1)(+3, Perform is a class skill)=27
Brocla the Unbalanced (Gnomish Rogue, Method: High Fantasy Point Buy- Str 8; Dex 18;
Con 12; Int 12; Wis 11; Cha 18). Charming and one level of Large Breasts.
Magic Number is 19
Bust is (19+4+4)=26GGG
Waist is (18-4)=14
Hips are (18+4+1)(+3, Perform is a class skill)=26
Martha the Buxom (Human Expert, level 3 Method: Heroic NPC- STR 10; Dex 12; Con 17;
Int 8; Wis 13; Cha 14) two levels of Large Breasts, the Pleasing Physique feat, Quick Recovery,
and Motorboat Choke
Magic Number is 25
Bust is (25+5+4+4)= 38HELLO!
Waist is (25-1-1)=23
Hips are (25+1)(+3, Perform is a trained class skill)=29
Disable Device DC to open
1 gp/3
10 gp/3
10 gp/inch
20 gp/inch
+100 gp
150 gp/lb
750 gp
500 gp
150 gp
+15 gp
60 gp
65 gp
1/50 lb.
2 lbs.
same as weapon
same as manacles
The items section has more information on the descriptions of these items.
This is the closest possible alternative to a latex fetish. Gnomish rubber may be.
Clothing marked with a cross allows the use of feats requiring skin exposure
This entry can be used to make a normally lethal weapon nonlethal. Damage type changes entirely and the weapon can do only nonlethal
damage. Some weapons, such as the riding crop simulate nonlethal weapons. The riding crop is a non-lethal small rapier with a DC of 10 and a
cost of 30gp
Diplomacy is not used for flirtation because flirtation is a skill that is more in line with acting
friendly rather than actually being friendly. You can still use it to get a good impression saying
nice charming things, but those things are not flirty.
Fetish is a peculiar thing and amongst the many peccadilloes enjoyed by humanoids
(particularly humans) is the enjoyment of dress up. A particular set of clothing can evoke very
strong feelings in people. A special use of the Disguise skill is in finding a particular clothing type
that someone likes and turning it into a coquettish outfit of lust inducement. If you succeed at a
Disguise check, you gain +2 to any Perform [Sexual Techniques] checks with that target.
Perform [Dance, Erotic]
This skill is more about taking off clothes than about actual dancing. Oh sure, you do swing legs
around, and shake that thang, but even that can only loosely be defined as dancing (doin a
helicopter, now thats dancin but thats not sexy). In any event, nice DMs can allow you to
use both erotic dance, and sexual techniques (once to get customers in the back room, and the
other to perform more explicit acts) for double earnings, but if he does, this is very exhausting,
and requires 1 week of rest to overcome. It includes pole dancing if it is allowed in your
particular campaign. A typical dance worth a copper lasts 1d6 minutes.
Perform [Flirtation]
Flirtation is more of a performance than a form of diplomacy sure you can use it to influence
the attitudes of others much the same way you can use Sexual Diplomacy, but its primary use is
to get dates, dinners, and drinks paid for on your behalf. Roll a check every time you go into
some establishment. The total determines the amount paid on your behalf exactly as other
forms of perform would determine the amount you earn for playing music or having sex. Note
that if you drink libations provided for you, it may render you unable to actually charge for any
sexual techniques you are bound to perform later. If on the other hand you still have your
mental faculties, the GM may allow you to charge.
Perform [Sexual Techniques] (Cha)
You are skilled in a special type of performance that doesnt take place in public but still has
something of an audience in larger towns. The audience you impress is impressed one member
at a time (unless you have the Orgy feat, see Ensemble). You earn money daily as a standard
performance but this skill assumes that you attempt to attract clients all day.
Perform is used because of the increased variability over Profession: Prostitute. Profession can
get a gold per day at DC 14 but this only works if characters have a single encounter during the
day (or possibly 10 massages or hand jobs). It takes DC 30 to get 2 clients a day (15gp/week).
With Perform DC 20 gets you around 1-3 gold per day (but random) DC 25 guarantees 1d6 gold
daily (25 gold weekly on average) and DC 30 grants an average of 10 gold per day. This more
accurately reflects the fickle nature of the average Soiled Doves clientele.
Combat Maneuver
Partner DC modifiers
Weekly Average
Dick Choke or Motorboat Choke
simple sexual maneuvers; exhibition
Anal, Oral or Mammary
Dexterous or Strenuous moves
Deepthroat or Pounding (facial or vaginal); Roughness
Vadavaka or Fisting/Stuffing
See info
Trains- Your ass is cheaper in bulk. You dont take a penalty other than being
fatigued or exhausted from the first one when you start on the next one (see
Coffee and Allnight). Though it is more fatiguing to run trains, each person
provides 20% more income and a +2 check result boost.
Each Coworker-The Aid Another action grants +2 for each roll of 10 or higher
that your assistants make (using the Orgy feat). This direct increase to your skill
roll can increase the monetary gains you and your brothel make on average but
you can only have 7 Aid Another attempts per day. You may also assist your
fellow working girls in their endeavors. The GM may speed things up by
assuming half of any Aid Another maneuvers succeed (thus granting +1 per Aid
Another attempt).
Circumstantial Fetish- The character may seek out those that have similar
fetishes to their own, or may continue having sex with pregophiles while
impregnated. It is easier to please a partner that has a fetish you also have, and
to please a partner that has a fetish you automatically fill by your current
Unusual Fetishes- It is easier to make money if you openly indulge customers in
their fetishes. Characters doing this are able to meet higher DCs and gain +50%
over the normal amount for the increased DC. Each of the clients fetishes
indulged increases all inhibition reduction by one point on any success and
adds 50% to your earnings.
Multiple Partners- having sex with multiple individuals is more difficult since
you have to split your attention
Crossed Swords you take -4 per extra penis accommodated in the same
orifice. This may be reduced or eliminated by the Stuffing Feat.
Extradimensional Orifice allows you to accommodate a number of penises
equal to the maximum number of people you can be adjacent to,
Trade Favors- You reduce or eliminate the bill of some patron on a given month
in exchange for a one time NPC Boon. Whether or not you succeed at the
action or not, you still reduce your earnings by 20%
Dexterous or Strenuous moves- use DEX or STR in place of CHA at the GMs option. Such moves
that require the male to support the females weight entirely or that require considerable
flexibility on the part of either participant such as those best described as The Superman (The
man holds the womans weight up by her arms as she clings by the legs to his waist) or The
Longbow (The woman holds her legs perfectly vertical as if doing the splits).
Deepthroat/Pounding/Roughness- It is difficult to suppress ones gag reflex sometimes and this
leads to reduced satisfaction on the part of the man, thus both maneuvers are the same
difficulty. With pounding it is DC 20 because failure carries the risk of dealing your unarmed
damage to your partner. You cant take 20 if youre attempting to pound because of this extra
risk unless a class feature allows you to do so. The same goes for roughly fondling your target,
BDSM, etc, which may carry the added risk of dealing damage with a weapon (paddles are
treated as clubs, riding crops are treated as small rapiers* that deal nonlethal bludgeoning
damage and whips need no special rules).
Characters with an evil component in their alignment, as well as those with a lawful component
may be sexual masochists at their players option. Doing so means they reduce inhibition (get
aroused and orgasm faster) by the amount of nonlethal damage they take in a sexual act.
Characters with a non Lawful but Evil component may instead be sadists (sexual or otherwise)
and lower inhibition by the amount of damage (nonlethal or otherwise) they inflict in a sexual
act. Chaotic characters are more accepting of social taboo in general. Lawful Good characters
can have sex, but they cannot violate laws or social norms to do so, they must accept marriage,
age, abstinence, and relation as boundaries to certain partners and never violate their
partners, pretend or otherwise. Doing so violates their code of conduct (the abstinence clause
may not require the paladin to be abstinent but if his potential partner declares that she is, he
must respect that).
Vadavaka- Also known as The Snapper or Milking, involves very fine vaginal muscle control.
Karezza- Characters whove just had an orgasm may attempt to return to the plateau phase
with a DC 30 check instead of the excitement phase.
Sexual Diplomacy- a novel use of the Perform [Sexual Techniques] skill is to influence a partner.
The DC to influence the target depends on their current attitude and the degree of the shift you
intend. if the performance is subpar, attitude is reduced by 1 step, while routine performances
maintain attitude, and so on up to exceptional performances which automatically raise attitude
to Helpful. Hybrid humanoid creatures such as centaurs, medusae, and minotaurs can be
influenced by it, while animals cannot. The action takes several maneuvers, only ending in the
Resolution Phase of an encounter which is achieved by performing various maneuvers that
reduce the inhibition of your partner. You may use your highest roll throughout the entire
encounter to determine attitude. Using Perform [Flirtation] to flash your partner or [Dance,
Erotic] can reduce inhibition to the Arousal phase before the action starts.
They can benefit from Sexual Finesse, and Arousing Sneak Attack. See the Dominator class in Shards of Eros for more information.
People who willingly have sex with you should at least be indifferent, but exceptions exist, such
as jaded prostitutes or spouses who are currently angry. This use of the skill is not intended to
justify or condone rape! It is merely included as an adjudication on the use of sex as an
influence skill (which if youre good enough or your partner sucks, it can be).
Each shift in attitude lasts 1d4 days, but if you can maintain the new attitude more than a
month or so, the GM may declare that it is permanent. Be wary however, as this is something of
a relationship and it needs something besides sex to be sustainable, and if one partner cuts
the other off without either party having another reason to stay, the attitude shifts back to its
original status over the course of 1d4 days per step. A Diplomacy check DC 10 is required to
maintain the relationship (Sexual Techniques can be used here). Gifts, dates and so on, can add
a bonus. If the relationship has produced a child, the diplomacy roll gets +10 for the purposes of
determining whether the relationship is maintained, but not for the purposes of determining
actual attitude.
If a breakup is imminent, the other person will leave at Indifferent attitude if possible, but if
forced to stay may end up becoming Hostile or Unfriendly.
Special: You may purchase feats that allow you to use other attributes with this skill. You may
also specialize in one specific technique (doggystyle, oral, anal, 69, etc), gaining +2 to use that
maneuver, but -1 to all others. This bonus is increased against characters that have a fetish for
the type of sex you perform, or things you implement in your sexual acts. See Fetish later.
Profession (Courtesan)
This skill is just another skill that allows PCs and NPCs alike to earn half their check result in gold
pieces per week, or twice the result per month. It represents the ability of the professional to
be entertaining. This doesnt have to be sexual, but sometimes it can be.
Profession (Madam or Pimp) Wis(Trained Only)
By default you make money based on half your check result in a given week, though the rules
for brothels expand greatly on the standard system. As a Madam or Pimp you make money
based on your take of their earnings (in exchange for room and board), however you may
influence this by offering customer incentives. This requires a Profession check depending on
how alienating the task is. On a failure, you lose 2% of your girls multiplied by your margin of
Add the targets Charisma Modifier to the DCs shown. For DC 0, only apply the targets Charisma.
10+Prostitute Level
Making Money- You charge each prostitute (your check result + her check result) in silver pieces per week earning
about 36 sp for check results around 18, or 144 per month. 144 x 3 prostitutes nets 432 silver pieces, which is
sufficient for average cost of living. This assumes a 4 week month. Games with different calendars such as Shards of
Eros will use different calendars.
Charitable Contribution- You actually lose money, but your expenditure on conspicuous work for the local
community makes your girls earn more. Add +1 per 100gp spent to their Sexual Techniques roll for the month but if
you didnt use the contributions from last months profit it must come out of this months
Rumor Mill- You may make a Diplomacy check to gather information at the highest skill within your brothel and gain
information appropriate to the results of that check, but failure represents that some clients or prostitutes had
problems with the breach of trust.
Hire a prostitute of a given level. Add the settlements Economy and Crime to the roll (representing the availability
and moral slant of the potential employee), but subtract its Society and Law (representing the need to avoid the law
and the attitude of the population)
Trade Favors- You ask your prostitutes to work in return for favors from those in positions of influence. Your
prostitutes earn 20% less and a failed roll costs you some of your girls. Your establishment as a collective gains 1d8
NPC boons for each 10 of its members. For every additional -20% to income you can trade 1d4 more favors but the
DC of the check is increased by +5 for each 20% of income lost this way.
Extra Hours-The typical workday is assumed to be 8 hours, but you can work your girls for an extra 1-4 hours. Each
extra hour increases DC by 2 but your girls earn +10% per extra daily hour.
Indulge Them- You encourage your girls to allow clients to do things they wouldnt otherwise do increasing earnings
by 50% as your girls treat their customers special.
Punishment- You make an example of one of your women. The severity of punishment determines an earnings boost
but one girl is taken out of commission for one month (forever if killed).
Flogging or Stocks: Your other girls get +2 on their Perform rolls as they work harder this month. This requires a
lawful or evil component. DC 25.
Execution: You kill one of your girls, the others get +5 to their rolls this month and +2 to their rolls the month after.
This requires an evil component DC 30, succeed or fail, the girl dies.
Sexy Feats
Some feats are preexisting in Pathfinder while others come from the BUCK, or BoEF, and still
yet are Encyclopedia Nymphology, and the Quintessential Temptress. They have been modified
to fit a game heavy in vices (sexual or otherwise). Anything that works by sacrificing spell slots
also works by sacrificing extracts. Anything that uses up spell slots one or more levels higher
increases extract levels by a like amount. Any feat that requires spell slots also works on Arcane
Addictive Coitus
Sex with you causes a moderate addiction.
Prerequisites: The attribute your Sexual Techniques skill is based on must be 25+
Benefit: When you have relations with others, you can induce Nymphomania (see the end of
this section for details) with a DC to save equal to 10+your Sexual Techniques Ranks.
Normal: You must drive your partner to Sexual Delirium to make them nymphomaniacs.
Aroused Casting [Metamagic]
Exchange all other spell components for sex.
Prerequisites: Eschew Materials
Benefit: You dont need to make concentration checks to cast while having sex. Additionally,
gyrations made during sex count for any Somatic components while moans count as Verbal
components. This doesnt technically eliminate the need for those components so Still Spell and
Silent Spell arent appropriate.
Any Focus or Divine Focus requirement is met with the loss of inhibition. Furthermore, each
spell may require 1 point of inhibition per level of the spell, and casting times are replaced with
inhibition costs (for example a 5th level spell that takes 10 minutes instead requires 50 points of
inhibition loss), which can be taken from both the caster and any partner(s) that she is having
sex with . To determine the inhibition lost in a single round, divide margin of success by 10.
A caster may add any inhibition loss caused by his Pink Tentacles spell to the casting cost of any
spell he casts after Pink Tentacles becomes active.
Any material cost that exceeds the normal cost associated with Eschew Materials is still
required for casting the spell.
Normal: Casting a spell during light sex is Vigorous Motion (DC 10+Spell Level against Caster
Level+Attribute) while Pounding is Violent Motion (DC 15+Spell Level), and nonlethal damage
(such as that taken while indulging a partners sadism fetish) counts as normal damage for
concentration purposes.
Arousing Sneak Attack [General]
You can use your sneak attack to arouse, instead of killing.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack, BAB + 5, Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit: You may use your sneak attack ability to induce pleasure by hitting erogenous zones.
You roll a normal attack roll and if you hit convert damage to nonlethal damage. You reduce
your targets inhibition by the amount of your sneak attack damage. This may force them to
skip stages of arousal. You are incapable of performing an arousing sneak attack on yourself
since youre always aware of yourself and cant deny yourself your own dexterity bonus without
being bound and rendered unable to administer the arousing sneak attack in the first place.
Back Alley Business
Working on the street has a certain rough quality to it. Things are far from charming and it
takes a special kind of person to make the best of the street life and get the most from it. The
best of these have the strength of a (female) lion, the fortitude of well-crafted armor and the
foul mouth of the roughest sailor.
Prerequisites: Intimidate 4 ranks, base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: Hardening to the savage requirements of life on the street the character gains +2 to
her Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks while working in a street environment, and
additionally gains +2 to her Perform rolls when working the docks and alleys for money.
Bukkake Mode [General]
You paint the whole room white when you do it.
Prerequisite: Fertile, Sexual Techniques 10 ranks
Benefit: You seem to squirt gallons of semen all over the room (optionally females might gain a
feat called Cytherea Mode, a female may squirt 1 foot per 2 points of her total Sexual
Techniques score). If you are inside your partners vagina when you orgasm, no roll is necessary
on your part to impregnate, though you are still at the mercy of your partner. If you ejaculate
on your partner, you can be assumed to take 1d8 rounds to finish, with each round emitting
1d6 strands of ejaculate (each being about 3 ml). for simplicity, you can multiply the results of
1d8 and 1d6.
Childlike [General]
Your resemblance to a human child tends to make others trust you, perhaps more than they
Prerequisites: Cha 13, halfling.
Benefit: You can take 10 on Bluff checks to convince others you are telling the truth, so long as
your story makes you appear innocent. You gain a +2 bonus on Disguise skill checks to pose as a
human child, and ignore the check penalties for disguising yourself as a different race and age
category while doing so.
Special: Characters who purchase Childlike cannot have a cup size greater than B unless the
game features some sort of growth hormone or magical equivalent. Consult your GM to
determine if this is possible*. This feat cannot be taken after the start of the game by someone
with a larger cup size and if taken at 1st level, cup size automatically reverts to B if normal
calculations would make it larger. This feat prevents any mutations from occurring later that
would mitigate the realism of this feat, such as the Dragon Disciple or the Lactation cup size
increase of the Surrogate Mother class. If a class feature grants a bonus as a primary effect, but
also increases cup size, the GM may allow the character to retain the stat bonus.
The character has ideas far beyond her station and ambition to match. She has cultivated her
accent, her dress sense and her appreciation of the finer things in life ready to maximize any
opportunities she might have with the rich or well regarded. Unfortunately, she is still a bit of a
slut but this disposition may help in the right circumstances.
Benefit: Characters with this feat gain a special bonus when dealing with the upper classes and
nobility. She gains +2 to any Bluff and Diplomacy checks and gains +2 to her Perform rolls when
trading sex with her social betters. Some of the lower classes may defer to someone of
authority and class if they do not know she is actually just an ambitious tramp.
You are incredibly flexible and can do amazing things with your body
Prerequisite: Dex 15+
Benefit: When rolling against a sexual skill such as Profession (courtesan), or one of various
Perform skills, you may apply your dexterity bonus in addition to the normal attribute bonus for
that skill. If you already have Sexual Finesse, you gain +2 on top of that bonus.
In my Shards of Eros campaign for example, Druidic Fertilizer on crops has extended this. See that book for details.
See Shards of Eros.
Cosmopolitan [General]
Living in large, exotic cities has put you in touch with many diverse civilizations, cultures, and
Benefit: You can speak and read two additional languages of your choice. In addition, choose
two Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skills. Those skills always count as class skills for
Special: You can also use it on Perform [Sexual Techniques] regardless of its attribute because
those skills are likely to see fruition in Cosmopolitan societies.
New Settlement Modifier- Cosmopolitan: The society has a large variety of people. The
increased variety of customs makes the legal system more relaxed. (Economy +1, Law -1,
Society +1)
Dazzling Display (Ahem!) [General]
Not to be confused with the similarly named Combat Feat, characters with this feat have
particularly skillful control over their cleavage.
Prerequisite: Sex Appeal
Benefit: as an extraordinary ability You can use your bust to distract others-after putting on a
bit of a teasing display, such as leaning low over a bar those attracted to your gender in a 15
foot cone must make a Will save (DC 10 + Character Level) or become dazzled for as long as you
actively concentrate on the effect and perform no other maneuvers. As a side benefit of this
you may make a Flirtation check at +1 against anyone dazzled by your display. Dazzling Display
(Ahem!) can be used a number of times per day equal to 3+(Charisma Modifier)
Special: A bard with this feat is not limited in the number of times per day he can use this feat.
Instead it counts as a round of Bardic Performance with a visual component.
Dick/Motorboat Choke [General]
Depending on whether you are male, female, or hermaphrodite you may use one or more body
parts to choke others.
Prerequisite: A cup size that exceeds DD, or penis length longer than 8, Base Attack Bonus +1.
Benefit: Whenever you grapple an opponent you may use any body part that meets this feats
prerequisites to attempt to cause someone to suffocate. Normally this requires a Combat
Maneuver check, but if your Sexual Techniques skill is higher than your CMB you may use it
instead. If you beat their CMD they must roll to avoid suffocation (CRB p. 445). This provokes an
attack of opportunity unless you have Improved Grapple.
Normal: Grapples use CMB and provoke an attack of opportunity.
Divine Beauty [General]
You may channel energy into your beauty.
Prerequisite: Channel Energy Class Feature, cha 13+
Benefit: By using one of your Channel Energy attempts per day you may channel divine energy
into your beauty. You increase your charisma by 1 per 1d6 of your normal Channel Energy
damage. This bonus lasts 1 minute per level of all classes you possess that grant Channel
Esoteric Erotica
You have taken a special interest in the sexual proclivities of the more peculiar denizens of the
fantasy world. Forbidden texts have been studied and the mothers of plane-touched children
have been talked to. Thanks to this you have an unrivalled understanding of the anatomy and
tastes of the beings from other planes and the non-humanoid sentient beings. Understandably,
many find this interest distasteful and may end up calling you all manner of names and treating
you like trash (except those that want to talk shop).
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, or the planes) 5+.
Benefit: The tentacle obsessed freak-bag suffers no DC increase for having sex with aberrations,
magical beasts, and outsiders which have tentacles. Furthermore she gains a special +2 bonus
to her Sexual Techniques checks should she ever be in such a position to do so. Unfortunately
her reputation as a total freak means she is unlikely to get anywhere with normal humanoids
from the material plane if they so much as catch a whiff of her peculiar interests (normally -2
among those that know, but the GM may allow True Love to mitigate this).
Normal: You take a penalty to have sex with non-humanoids based on their creature type.
Extradimensional Orifice
Prerequisite: Sexual Techniques +15, Take the Stuffing feat twice, able to cast Create Lesser
Demiplane (Ultimate Magic p. 214). 17,500gp
Benefit: Through the use of extradimensional magic, you are able to accommodate any
creature whose penis length is less than your full height, or partially accommodate those that
are longer (but less than your girth*). You never suffer penalties for size difference, and the
muscles of the Extradimensional orifice always contract for a snug fit granting a +2
circumstance bonus for comfort. This stacks with any bonuses gained through specialization or
other feats. In addition, you may eject any object from your vagina as a standard action as the
spell Create Lesser Demiplane. If your extradimensional orifice is destroyed by limited wish,
mages disjunction, or miracle, during a sexual act, you suffer damage equal to (creatures CMByour own CMB)d6. You no longer need to roll to determine if you had a successful childbirth;
this is automatic for you.
Prerequisite: Fort+2
Benefit: You always gain the benefit of personal fluidic enhancer (+5 to Fortitude saves to
impregnate or become pregnant. Females can choose whether they are squirters upon taking
this feat in addition to this bonus). This feat is cumulative with ongoing spell effects. This is not
a magical effect, and wont fade if you enter an area of anti-magic or null magic, or if you are
subjected to a dispel effect.
Assume 1/5 its length is its diameter; unless the creature has a reach statistic, then assume 1/5 normal reach appropriate to its size is its
Benefit: A Kiss Spell is considered to be affected by the Still Spell, Silent Spell, and Eschew
Materials Metamagic feats, but faces some restrictions. In order to cast the spell, you must kiss
the victim for a full round, with you beginning the kiss on your action and the spell taking effect
on your action next turn, assuming you release the kiss then. Kissing a victim who is not willing
to be kissed requires the caster to succeed at a Grapple check each round the kiss is
maintained. Since no damage is actually made during this grapple, the check to hold the victim
is made at a +2 circumstance bonus. However, a kiss spell only affects the victim - Area spells
cast this way affect only the target kissed. A kiss spell takes up a spell slot two levels higher than
the base spell.
Multiorgasmic [Metamagic]
You can keep it up longer.
Prerequisite: Spell Slots, Ki Points, Grit Points, or Hero Points
Benefit: By spending one spell slot, ki point, grit point, or hero point, you automatically succeed
in your fortitude check to keep going after your orgasm (and dont become fatigued or
exhausted). You return to the Plateau phase of arousal You may choose to activate this feat
after you roll the save but before its results are revealed. This feat was originally in the BUCK
(Still Standing) and only worked on males.
Normal: It takes a DC 30 Karezza check to return to the Plateau phase.
Naked Fighting [General]
Prerequitisites: Sex Appeal
Benefit: You fight naked, or nearly so. While this denies you protection of armor, other than
magical bracers and jewelry, it is extremely distracting to your opponents. All appropriate (see
sex appeal feat) enemies who have you in their line of sight suffer -2 on their Attack rolls and
Initiative. This penalty is non cumulative and several characters using this feat will not cause
additional penalties to the opponents who can see more than one of them. (Originally called
Body to Die For in BUCK.)
One Big Erogenous Zone
Women already have a multitude of erogenous zones, varying in emphasis and sensitivity, a
whole range like a piano keyboard of sensation. Men have one. The character with this feat has
increased the sensitivity of all her erogenous zones so that the slightest touch, in the right
situation, can make her gasp, even if it is just holding hands.
Prerequisite: Perception +1 or higher (even untrained), female.
Benefit: Any of the character sexual partners gain a +2 bonus to their Sexual Techniques checks
to do a good job as even the clumsiest brute cannot help but turn on a character with this feat.
This has benefits to both the enjoyment of the character and the ego of her lover.
Orgasmic Trigger [Metamagic]
You connect a creatures orgasm to some spell effect.
Prerequisite: able to cast 2nd level spells.
Benefit: You are able to postpone the setting in of a spell effect until the subject of the spell
orgasms. Casting the spell, that should be triggered, must be cast normally beforehand and has
to be transmitted to the subject of the spell via a kiss or even sex. The base price of a orgasmic
triggered spell is its spell level multiplied by its caster level multiplied by 50 gp.
When the character sets a triggered spell, the character makes any choices that the character
would normally make when casting the spell.
Any set spell that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a
commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, the character must
expend the material component or pay the XP when setting the spell.
This feat may be used on spells that would be delivered other ways, and those that would have
another delay. For example, an Orgasmic Delayed Blast Fireball will not go off in 5 rounds
unless the target has an orgasm in 5 rounds. Such a spell would also not create the glowing
bead that it would normally create.
Pass For Human [General]
Youre easily mistaken for a human rather than a member of your own race.
Prerequisite: Half-elf, half-orc, or halfling (see Special).
Benefit: You receive a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to disguise yourself as a human, and do
not receive the penalty for disguising yourself as a member of another race when you do so. In
areas largely populated or settled by humans, you can take 10 on your Disguise check, meaning
most people tend to assume you are human unless given a reason to think otherwise.
Special: a halfling doesnt need to have Childlike if humans exist with genetic Dwarfism.
Pheromone Secretion [General]
You can make your body smell like exciting perfume.
Prerequisite: Spell Slots, Ki Points, Grit Points, or Hero Points
Benefit: as long as you have at least 1 of the associated points, you get +1 on Diplomacy or Bluff
rolls made to seduce someone who is attracted to your gender.
Pleasing Physique [General]
Your amazing body gets you lots of customers.
Prerequisite: applied attribute bonus +1 or higher
Benefit: You may use the higher of Constitution or Charisma for any sexual Perform rolls (Erotic
Dance, Flirtation, or Sexual Techniques). Characters with Pleasing Physique subtract 1d4 from
their waist measure, and add 1d4 to their bust and +2 to their cup size. If you possess racial
traits or class features that affect Charisma based skills, they apply to skills modified with this
Normal: All performances are normally based on Charisma.
Special: Men, or half orcs, constructs, or half constructs of either gender may add Strength to
the list of attributes this feat can be applied to (orcs can too, but theyre not playable).
Pleasure Touch (modified due to absence of Psionics) [Metamagic]
You can charge parts of your body with energy that causes pleasure.
Prerequisite: Spell Slots, Ki Points, Grit Points, or Hero Points, Sexual Techniques 5+
Benefit: You got to make a touch attack and sacrifice one spell slot or one of the various types
of points. You add +1 to inhibition loss you cause your opponent per level of the spell (or per
point of the various other prerequisites) sacrificed.
Quick Recovery
You recover from sex more quickly.
Prerequisite: Endurance
Benefit: Each time you take this feat you may halve your fatigued recovery time. Ultimate
Combat suggests that Quick Recovery should automatically allow a recovery time of 15 minutes
or being subjected to a healing spell (the Unbreakable fighter archetype gets it free at 11th
level). Additionally, you gain your standard Endurance bonus on checks to resist sexual fatigue.
Normal: Fatigue recovery times are switched: Fatigued takes 1 hour, and Exhausted takes 8
Restful Slumber
You have learned to specialize in loud, energetic, exhausting, howling rock star sex* that is as
punishing on its participants as it is on the mattress and the bed frame. You are able to leave
your partner a wreck that is likely to fall into a deep, hard slumber the very moment you climb
off him to have a cigarette. Needless to say this can be very useful to someone who combines
sex and thievery.
Prerequisites: Con 12+, Pleasing Physique, Sexual Techniques 3 ranks.
Benefit: With a successful Sexual Techniques roll, you may induce a sleep effect on your partner
(Fort DC= Your Check Result). If he fails, he immediately falls into a deep, peaceful but possibly
slightly bruised, slumber and remains in that state for eight hours barring being forcibly woken.
This is both a sleep and an exhaustion effect and is negated if the target is immune to either.
Satisfied Glow
Sex gives you a little pep in your step
Benefit: Whenever you have sex, you gain temporary charisma equal to the number of orgasms
you had. This temporary charisma dissipates at a rate of 1 point per hour.
Sex Appeal [General]
You are sexy enough to drive a person to distraction.
Benefits: You gain Skill Focus (Flirtation). In a situation where you can bring your physical and
mental charm to bear, you can gain an advantage over those attracted to you. All people in
your presence distracted by your wiles receive a -2 penalty to Appraise, Listen, Sense Motive,
and Spot checks. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Pick
Pocket checks against all such victims (you can grant your ally this bonus if he has Team
Pickpocket, or use it on yourself with Bluff to assist). Distracting someone with your wiles
requires you to consciously use provocative mannerisms, clothing, or conversation on a target
(the Perform [Flirtation] skill) whose mental structure allows them to be attracted to you. If
Not porn-star sex, which usually takes a few minutes per take, and only the guy gets off.
they notice any hostile action towards them on your part, the effect is immediately broken. This
secondary function replaces the +6 to skill gained at 10 ranks.
Sexual Energy [Metamagic]
You may use sexual energy to restore spells.
Prerequisite: Aroused Casting, and either spell slots, ki points, grit points, or hero points,
Benefit: You are able to convert the energy set free during your sexual activities into spell
energy. Each orgasm during a sexual encounter returns 1 spell level (or other feature that
activates your sexual abilities). You can use multiple orgasms to restore higher spell slots. An all
night sex fest restores all spells (rather than calculating the number of orgasms) but leaves you
Sexual Finesse [General]
Your sexual prowess comes from your wide range of motion, and finite muscular control rather
than from your ability to woo your partner.
Prerequisite: Dex bonus +1 or higher
Benefit: You may use Dexterity for sex based performances rather than charisma.
Normal: All performances are normally based on Charisma.
Sexual Healin [Metamagic]
You can channel your energy during sex and dont lose a use of it.
Prerequisites: Aroused Casting, Channel Positive Energy or Lay On Hands Class Feature.
Benefit: You may heal others participating in sexual encounters with you by channeling your
positive energy. This is a slower release of energy than either Channel Energy or Lay on Hands.
Instead of fiddling with the specific point averages or maximums or other minutiae, you cause
healing (with or without a mercy as appropriate to the ability used) equal to the inhibition loss
that you specifically cause with sexual maneuvers in a given encounter. Any mercy you posess
may also be chosen. The energy dissipation is so gradual with this process that it doesnt
consume a use of the associated class feature.
Normal: using the associated class feature depletes your ability to do so but doesnt take
several minutes per use.
Youre a huge slut.
Prerequisites: Upon selecting this feat you must willingly take Nymphomania and one single
fetish that your alignment does not prevent you from taking.
Benefit: You may specialize in more than position or type of sex, gaining +2 for that specialty
without suffering -1 for other uses of Sexual Techniques. You may use this feat to eliminate
penalties for extra partners, each time it is selected, add 1 to your maximum number of
partners (starting with two partners and going until you stop selecting the feat).This feat may
be earned multiple times, each time add a fetish, or partner, and a specialty, and add a further
+1 to previously selected specializations.
Special: If you also have Two Fisted Technique, eliminate the -2 penalty associated with that
feat. This feat may be selected up to 5 times, each time it adds a different specialty or
additional partner.
Sterile/Barren [General]
You can neither sire nor have children.
Benefit: You are fully capable of having sex and even enjoying it, but dont need to worry about
Post Orgasmic Woes. If youre a male, you can (optionally) shoot semen but it contains no
sperm. This allows for the full enjoyment of sex. Realistically an impotence version also exists
but this isnt worth burning a feat on it might be considered a social flaw for the purposes of
gaining Traits.
You can accommodate large objects into your orifices
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Sexual Techniques
Benefit: You may eliminate -4 in penalties associated with accommodation of large objects into
your mouth, vagina or anus per level of this feat. This translates directly to inches that you can
accept that is for every -1 you eliminate in penalties you may add +1 to the length you can
accept. Naturally, more than two levels of this feat are not permitted, however, see
Extradimensional Orifice.
Strong Pheromones [General]
Your pheromones are very powerful.
Prerequisite: Pheromone Secretion
Benefit: The bonus to seduction attempts increases to +3. If you have 10 or more ranks in
Diplomacy the bonus increases to +6.
Prerequisite: Int or Wis 13+
Benefit: You may use the higher of your Intelligence or Wisdom in place of your charisma for
sex based performances.
Two Fisted Technique
Prerequisite: Dex 15
Benefit: in a regular DnD game youd have Two Weapon Figthing. If you tore em off theyd
count as Light. With that rationale, you get -2/-2 whenever you try to manhandle two
customers simultaneously with this feat, but not in combat. This means that you can make two
rolls and take the better roll plus half of the lesser roll. For the purposes of earnings, you get
+50% to the dice roll appropriate to the DC you make. This is cumulative with High Tippers.
Normal: Without this feat you get -4/-8 to beat people to death with ripped off penises. You
still suffer those penalties for combat, but not for Sexual Techniques.
Personal names have been deliberately discluded from spell descriptions with the exception of Bernadette spells and those converted to use
her name, which remain solely because I am attracted to Melissa Rauch who plays a character of this name on the Big Bang Theory. Leaving the
name on the spells invokes a very pleasant image in my mind, Particularly Bernadettes Imperial Folly.
This spell was originally called Laerals Disrobement and wasnt as widely useful as the iteration shown here. The other spell didnt even
mention or account for the casting time of the protective spell used with this one
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute per garment affected plus the casting time of the other spell multiplied
by the number of garments affected.
Range: Personal
Target: up to 1 garment per caster level, no two of which may be more than 30 feet apart.
Duration: 1 day per caster level
Bernadettes Assurance stores a spell within a garment to be released when that garment is
ripped, torn, or jerked violently. This spell is commonly placed on undergarments to avoid nasty
surprises when the caster is running through briars or scabs her knee.
Material components are all clothes affected, and one hundred GP worth of powdered
Bernadettes Illusory Nakedness
Illusion (Phantasm)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2.
Components: V, S, F.
Casting Time: 10 minutes.
Range: Line of sight.
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour +5 minutes/level.
Saving Throw: No.
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless).
Imagine them naked is advice often given to thespians or those undergoing a job interview.
Lacking imagination and facing an interview for the job of court wizard to the local prince, the
illusionist Bernadette researched this little spell to enable her to overcome her nerves. When
cast, this spell allows the illusionist to see everyone as they would appear if they were naked as
a jaybird, increasing the casters confidence and perhaps allowing them to see things they
would rather they had not. The caster receives a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate,
Perform and Sense Motive checks.
The spell had mixed results for Bernadette. She felt much more confident until she finally got to
talk to the prince, who was hung so minutely he would have been hard pressed to sexually
satisfy the eye of a needle. Reduced to tearful giggling, Bernadette was forced to flee and later
found gainful employment as a magical advisor to another kingdoms army.
Bernadettes Imperial Folly*
This is a variant of Bernadettes Illusory Nakedness that renders the casters clothing invisible to
everyone except the caster. Bernadette accidentally stumbled upon this before her big
interview and was the talk of the town for some time. Rumors state that the spell only works on
women. Whether this is true or not depends on the individual GM, however those who have
played Brave Soul might be inclined to include it. Change the casting time to 2 rounds (or
however long it takes the player to recite Carrolls incant, preferably in English, but if you can
bluff your GM on Japanese more power to ya) but otherwise keep the casting parameters the
same. If you want to directly refer to the abovementioned game, you can either call it Carrolls
Imperial Folly or whatever it was that she called it.
Bernadettes Constant Orgasm
Level: Src/ Wiz 2
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: touch
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute + one round per level (D)
Saving Throw: halves
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell made Bernadettes career as magical advisor to her countrys army. Though originally
serving as a tactical illusionist, she branched out into evocation because she saw that evocation
had more use to an army. She originally developed this spell in response to soldiers coming to
her complaining about sexual anxiety. Not being one to put out so easily, she pored over
gnomish writings on the subject and discovered some magical techniques scattered about in a
disorganized manner. After adding what worked, and eliminating what didnt, the end result
was a powerful spell.
This spell causes the target to begin to orgasm, repeatedly, and with great enjoyment, until the
subject's body is no longer capable of sustaining orgasm. As a normal orgasm, the target must
resist exhaustion. The GM may wish to add possible negative modifiers for combat, movement,
etc. because of the victim's excited state. A successful save results in a single orgasm of normal
A Mass version of this spell exists (also discovered by Bernadette) that affects 1 creature per
caster level, all of which must have line of sight to the caster. It is a 5th level spell. Upon seeing
the first hand results of this, Bernadette became a steaming hussy, but kept the magical advisor
thing as kind of a side job.
Blast of Semen
Level: Src/ Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 level)
Area: Cone
Duration: 2 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No
This spell unleashes a blast of disgusting off-white slime that coats everything in the area of
effect. The slime turns cloth crusty, but affects everything else like grease. Because of this, any
naked flesh that was within the area of effect is considered to be greased, as per the spell. Flesh
in contact with this slime is slightly sticky but does not actually hamper movement (other than
the grease effect). Casting this spell during sex allows the caster to automatically pass his
fortitude save to impregnate (thus relying only on his partners roll) if he does not pull out.
Material Components: a little snail that is consumed during the casting
Change Orientation
Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels).
Targets: One living humanoid creature.
Duration: 1 hour/level.
Saving Throw: Will negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
Macho posturing barbarians and warriors all over the lands live in abject terror of this spell,
despite their rather camp leather and fur outfits and suggestive horned helmets.
With a few surreptitious gestures the mage plants a change in sexual orientation within the
targets mind and they begin to feel the effects immediately, their mind wandering into erotic
daydreams along the lines of what has been suggested to them. Once the kink or orientation
change has been implanted the mage is free to go up and make their modest proposal to the
now far more receptive target, who will hopefully blame the drink come the morning.
Change Sex
Level: Sor/Wiz 3.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Touch.
Targets: Creature touched.
Duration: 30 minutes/level.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
A few magic words, a waving of hands and the swallowing of a small dried frog and zap, you are
a beautiful woman or hunky man, at least in theory. This spell enables you to transmute to any
gender, be it male, female, fully functional hermaphrodite or a fair representation of any weird
third or fourth sexes a humanoid species might have.
This spell is often used for disguise or to curse others for a short time. Others use it to test
whether they really would have been better off as the opposite gender and to experience the
wonders of the penis or the female orgasm.
Many are totally unprepared for the hormonal changes involved in such a drastic bodily
alteration and women changing to men can turn into frenzied rampaging beasts seeking to pork
anything in sight, while men changing to women can turn into frenzied rampaging beasts
seeking chocolate with ferocious intensity.
Arcane Material Component: A small dried frog.
Clothes to Chocolate/Cream/Oil
Level: Sor/Wiz 5.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level).
Target: One dressed humanoid target.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object).
Spell Resistance: Yes.
This spell transmutes the subjects clothes into chocolate, cream or oil, forming a layer over
their entire body. Used for practical jokes or in wrestling competition, the spell is favored by
those who enjoy such things.
Arcane Material Components: A piece of cloth and a drop of oil, cream or melted chocolate.
Delayed Blast*
Level: Brd 0, Src/ Wiz 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 yards
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute per level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This cantrip delays any orgasm by 1 minute per level of the caster. Thus, if the save to prevent
an orgasm indicates one, it doesn't go into effect until +1 minute/level.
This one was originally named Delay Orgasm, but seriously, with the existence of Delayed Blast Fireball how could anyone not see this one
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Src/ Wiz 0
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 10 min +1 min/ level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Disinterest completely snuffs out any non-magical lust the recipient might be feeling. The
material component for this spell is a sprig of mistletoe.
Detect Pregnancy/Fertility
Level: Clr 0, Drd 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell enables the priest to detect pregnancy in any creature. The caster will also know the
day of conception, stage of pregnancy, estimated day of birth, and gender of child. He may
touch one creature per round. This spell may also detect the potential for pregnancy (e.g.
fertility), as well as whether the character is hosting another creature. Used on a creature that
is not pregnant, or even female, it divines the potential for that creature to produce babies,
that is, it detects fertility as well. This ability to detect fertility includes the ability to detect
personal fluidic enhancer.
Detect Venereal Disease
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1
Components: S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No (harmless)
This spell detects the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in a creature. A successful
Intelligence check reveals the nature and symptoms of, but not the cure for, any detected
Venereal Diseases:
Some diseases that are blood born can be transferred by sexual contact as well. All
diseases that are contact based are sexually transmitted. The diseases which follow are
modified for use in a sexual game from their original d20 iterations. On the most part the
diseases arent changed but some of them are modified in name, flavor or statistic.
Crotch Plague
Type disease, sexual; Save Fortitude DC 14
Onset 1d4 days; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d2 Con damage, target must make a second save or become blind. Cure remove
Crimson Welts*
Type disease, sexual; Save Fortitude DC 13
Onset 1 month; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d2 Dex and 1d2 Cha damage; Cure remove disease relieves symptoms for 3d4
months, restoration, greater restoration, wish, limited wish, or miracle removes it.
Demon Fever
Type disease, injury, or sexual; Save Fortitude DC 18
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con damage, target must make a second Fort save or 1 point of the damage is
drain instead; Cure 2 consecutive saves
Devil Chills
Type disease, injury or sexual; Save Fortitude DC 14
Onset 1d4 days; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d4 Str damage; Cure 3 consecutive saves
Filth Fever
Type disease, injury or sexual; Save Fortitude DC 12
Onset 1d3 days; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves
Mummy Rot
Type curse, disease, injury; Save Fortitude DC 16
Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con damage and 1d6 Cha damage; Cure mummy rot can only be cured by
successfully casting both remove curse and remove disease as normal.
Red Ache
Type disease, injury or sexual; Save Fortitude DC 15
Onset 1d3 days; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Str damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves
Type disease, contact; Save Fortitude DC 13
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d8 Dex damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves
Whores Delight
Type disease, sexual; Save Fortitude DC 15
Onset 1 day; Frequency every orgasm
Effect 1 Str, target must roll another save or become paralyzed for 1d4 hours. Cure
remove disease.
Divine Romantic Interest
Level: Clr 0
Components: S
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched.
Duration: 1 minute per level
Saving throw: special.
Spell Resistance: No
This spell enables the priest to divine the existence of unspoken love, crushes, romantic
interests, and purely lustful attractions that will be sustained beyond the moment.
If the caster knowingly or subconsciously resists the spell they may make a will save. If they
succeed the caster will learn of the presence of the infatuation, but not its target. (You know
she has a crush, but not who it's on.) This spell does not reveal the existence of affections
towards the caster. Theologians believe that gods of love wish their priests to be surprised by
unexpected romance.
Divine Sexual Experience
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 yards
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell works like Detect Alignment with the following changes:
1st Round: Presence or absence of sexual debauchery.
2nd Round: Number of sexual auras (be they people or objects) and the power of the strongest
aura whether pure or debauched.
3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. If the creatures are in line of sight you can
make a check per aura with your Appraise skill at DC 10+HD or opposed by their bluff checks to
determine what sort of sexual things they have done. For items make one check per aura: DC
15 + spell level, or 15 + 1/2 caster level for a nonspell effect.) If the aura emanates from a magic
item, you can attempt to identify its properties (see Spellcraft).
Stronger auras overcome those that are weaker but of the same type, so if a faintly sexual
person carries a strongly magical mace, she will not be detected. Individual sexual acts will
muddy the auras of those involved (take the total ranks to determine the strength of the aura,
or duration of lingering effects) Conflicts such as an overwhelmingly pure character carrying
that same mace will be noted.
Aura Strength: An auras power depends on a spells functioning spell level or an items caster
level; see the accompanying table. If an aura falls into more than one category, detect magic
indicates the stronger of the two.
People who have never even flashed or kissed someone register as Overwhelming Purity, while
those who have necro, cryptonecro (lust after the undead) scat or golden shower fetishes
register as Overwhelming Debauchery.
Lingering Aura: Any aura lingers after its original source dissipates (in the case of a spell) or is
destroyed (in the case of a magic item). If divine sexual experience is cast and directed at such a
location, the spell indicates an aura strength of dim (even weaker than a faint aura). How long
the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its original power much the same way as detect
magic would. To determine the strength of a persons aura, compare caster level to the ranks
of Sexual Techniques skill (with 21 being overwhelming).
Eros Shift
Conjuration (Erotic)
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S (Lots of S), M
Casting Time: Full Round Action
Range: Personal and Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You instantly transport yourself and whoever you touch to the plane of Eros. This is a
permanent shift, and offers no special protection from either the effects of the plane or its
denizens. You cannot shift to any specific point in Eros, but always land in the fog.In order to
cast this spell, you must have reached sexual climax at least once in the last minute, and one
other time before that in the last ten minutes. Alternatively, if this spell is cast while on the
plane of Eros, you can immediately teleport to any plane in the Multiverse you have either
previously been to (In which case there is no chance for error at all) or you have read or heard
about (in which case there is a percentage chance of error as though you were casting
Teleport.) However, you have no control over exactly what spot on said plane you land on, and
will always teleport to a spot where sexual activity is occurring.
Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature with 150 hp or less
Duration Same as Power Word Stun
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
In casting this spell, the mage must expose an obscene body part and call out to the target. It
will only affect those attracted to your gender. It will cause the target to be stunned by the
incredible attractiveness of the body part they have just seen exposed. This is otherwise
equivalent to power word stun (which isnt restricted to sexuality).
Hide Sexual Orientation
Level: Brd 1, Src/ Wiz 1
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 yards
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Hide Sexual Orientation conceals sexual orientation from magical or psionic detection for 24
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Src/ Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: touch
Target: 1 female
Duration: special
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates life and, according to some mythos, a new soul, in a creature capable of
bearing young, i.e. in creatures, that would be capable of bearing young but are not due to
illness, magic etc, too. The casting of these spells upon a male, though theoretically possible,
would produce unpredictable effects (anything from requiring a C-section to a urethral birth),
although male pregnancy is not impossible. Casting this spell on an undead is rumored to result
in the gruesome death of both undead and caster. This spell is highly controversial both for
Good and for Lawful creatures. The material component for this spell is an arrowhead dipped in
rabbit's blood. Evil clerics as well as those with demonic, devilish, or daemonic domains or
bloodlines may research a Fiendish version at the GMs option.
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Src/ Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: touch
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 minutes per level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Indifference returns the targets attitude toward the caster to Indifferent if they fail a save... if
the spell fails, or they succeed their save, hostility is almost assured.
Conjuration, or Transmutation
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 female creature
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Fortitude halves
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Lactation, unsurprisingly, causes the subject to begin producing breast milk. This milk is of the
highest nutritional value. A save results in a single discharge of colostrum. This will stun the
victim for 1d4 rounds.
Libation Goggles
Illusion (figment) Level: Bard 1, Cleric of Inebra 1.
Components: V,S,M,
Range: close (25 ft. plus 5ft/2 levels)
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance Yes
Depending on personal philosophy, ones senses are either heightened or hindered by this spell
as it causes anyone with 30 feet of the target to appear to the target as being 4 points more
attractive (usually this means that their charisma seems higher but those with pleasing
physique appear to have their chosen attribute 4 points higher). Mass Libation Goggles function
as Libation goggles except it affects 1 target per CL and is a 3rd level spell. No two targets may
be more than 30 ft apart.
Material Component: 1 drop of an alcoholic beverage.
Minor Repair Virginity
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Clr 2
Components: V,S
Range: Touch
Target: 1 living creature
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
This spell returns the subject to a state of physical virginity. A female will grow an intact hymen,
and any physical or medical damage caused by sex or childbirth will be eradicated. The subject
will legitimately be considered a virgin for all religious purposes except for the mental state (i.e.
unicorns will not respond to this character).
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 round per level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The victim of the spell becomes nauseated. Herbs, spells and substances, that would prevent or
lessen nausea caused by pregnancy, will reduce this effect or end it.
Nymph's Beauty
(by Muse of Fire)
Level: Brd 6, Clr 6, Src/ Wiz 7, *
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: special
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 2 minutes
Saving Throw: Fortitude halves
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell grants the caster the beauty of a nymph. The caster's charisma increases by 8 and
they gain the following special attacks for the duration of the spell:
Blinding Beauty: If the caster does not suppress their presence, the psychological impact of
their beauty will cause all viewers to go blind, their eyes forever after filled with an image of the
caster, unless they succeed at a will save, DC 15. This effects all humanoids within 60 feet.
Unearthly beauty: If the caster focuses and refines the force of their presence, all humanoid
viewers who look directly at her must make a will save, DC 17, or the intensity will stop their
heart. Those who succeed at the save are fascinated for 4d6 rounds. Casters using this spell
gain +2 animal empathy, even if they do not normally have that ability.
In order to unleash Unearthly Beauty the caster must disrobe. The spell also requires the tear of
a nymph, unless youre a cleric in which case your holy symbol will do, because most likely your
god of lust or love is not going to make you be a dick to a nymph, who quite frankly exude
sexuality, and probably wouldnt want to be so exuding for such a person.
Our Tiny Brothel
Evocation [Force]
Level: Src/ Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: touch
Area: 15 foot diameter sphere
Duration: 5 hours + 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
When this spell is cast, the caster creates an unmoving, opaque, sound-proof field of any
desired color around his person. Up to 7 other man-sized creatures can fit into the field with its
creator, and these can freely pass into and out of the brothel without harming it, but if the
spellcaster removes himself from it, the spell dissipate.
This spell was originally only available to sorcerers and wizards, yet somehow it also required the casters holy symbol um lolwut? Also, if a
nymph can be a bards muse there should be no reason the spell isnt available to bards
The temperature inside the hut is a cool 60 degrees Fahrenheit, if the exterior temperature is
between 0 and 100 degrees. An exterior temperature below 0 and above 100 lowers or raises,
respectively, the interior temperature on a 1 degree-for-1 degree basis. The tiny brothel also
provides protection against the elements, such as rain, dust, sandstorms, and the like. The hut
can withstand any wind of less than hurricane force without being harmed, but wind force
greater than that destroys it.
The interior of the hut is a hemisphere; the spellcaster can illuminate it dimly upon command,
or extinguish the light as desired. The floor of the hut is soft and springy. Nice big cushy pillows
are also in the brothel. The spellcaster can cause the brothel play soft romantic music upon
command. Note that although the force field is opaque from the outside, it is transparent from
within. Missiles, weapons, and most spell effects can pass through the hut without affecting it,
although the occupants cannot be seen from outside the hut. The hut can be dispelled.
The material component for this spell is a small crystal bead that shatters when the spell
duration expires or the brothel is dispelled, the hair of a prostitute, and a feather (duck feathers
work best).
Personal Fluidic Enhancer
Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0.
Components: V, S, F.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Instantaneous.
The target of this spell is capable of producing amounts of sexual effluvia that would make a
Titan proud. The upshot of this is that you gain +5 on saves to impregnate (you still cant
impregnate someone who is barren).
Arcane Focus: A Pint Jar containing the ejaculate of a Large humanoid, or an individual that has
the Bukkake Mode feat.*
Personal Prophylactic
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 0.
Components: V, M.
Casting Time: 2 minutes.
Range: Touch.
Targets: Self or one other person.
Duration: One bout of sexual activity.
Sorry I had to take liberties with making this spell compatible with my feat selection, and more accessible to those building their characters to
accommodate such conveniences.
relations with the caster willingly. Those who are doing so under duress or actually being
raped may still attack the caster with their abilities as normal.
Pheromone Enhancer
Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 2.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 2 minutes.
Range: Personal.
Area: 10 ft. radius emanation.
Duration: 30 minutes/level.
Saving Throw: Will negates.
Spell Resistance: No.
This spell causes the target to emit magically charged pheromones, driving all those of the
opposite sex within the area wild with desire. Any humanoids of the opposite sex who stray
within ten feet of the caster will find themselves irresistibly attracted to them (Arousal stage of
inhibition). The caster gains a +5 bonus to all Bluff, or Diplomacy checks against those affected
by the spell, but also has to put up with being pawed, groped and otherwise harassed.
Arcane Material Component: Expensive perfume containing musk.
Power Word, Orgasm
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: One creature.
Duration: See text.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
With a single utterance so profoundly obscene, shocking and pornographic that even the gods
of love blush to hear it, the mage causes the target to turn into a melting pool of orgasmic bliss.
Any creature with 50 hp or less is effectively stunned, writhing on the floor in bliss for 4d4
rounds. Creatures with 51-100 hp are stunned for 2d4 rounds and creatures with 101-150 hp
are stunned for 1d4 rounds. Otherwise this spell is essentially a limited form of Power Word
Reverse Gender
Level: Src/ Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 yards
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: Yes
Under the influence of this spell, becomes the opposite gender.
Sexual Nerd
Level: Brd 3, Src/ Wiz 3
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: touch
Target: 1 person
Duration: 24 hours (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Sexual Nerd makes the subject flirt like a clod, dance like an orc, and seduce like a used-chariot
salesman. The subject will experience appropriate withering, shrinking, and sagging, and will be
unable to achieve erection or lubrication. Affected creatures are treated as having a Charisma
of 3 by anyone they cruise or flirt with. Orgasm is impossible or else premature and highly
unsatisfying. All saves to keep on going fail automatically.
The material component is a leaf of tabacco.
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sex 1, Src/ Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: touch
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 5 minutes per level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell turns an innocent, sweet person into a wild and crazy nymphomaniac. The affected
person will be struck by the nymphomania insanity for the duration of the spell (see the end of
this section for rules). This spell is very popular with apprentices at school who like to cast it on
snotty, preppy girls.
Speedy Undress
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Arcane Lock Useful for chastity belts, but foiled by Knock since it only suppresses the
effect for 10 minutes, and the chastity belt is likely not actually being worn when the spell
expires, thus the belt cant be put back on without another knock spell, and the caster probably
wont care too much about doing that.
Arcane Mark this spell can create the appearance of a hickey. This mark can be
forensically used to identify the caster if such sciences exist in the setting.
Atonement if breaching a code of conduct or vow such as a chastity or marriage vow would
expel the character from a class, the character may atone and rejoin the class. This doesnt
change sexual status, and creatures that have attitudes based on sexual status still react as if
the character is a non-virgin. Characters that were married may divorce even if the character
Bestow Curse Doom the creature affected to never fulfill his desire: The character must
actually stop having sex to regain his inhibition, but can never be driven to 0 inhibition in the
Orgasmic Phase (and thus cant orgasm). The player should be told to imagine its like having
sex while trying to pass a baseball sized kidney stone.
Calm Emotions the target of this spell regains CLx10 points of inhibition.
Cats Grace This will add to the casters dexterity, with the obvious effects on the skills of a
character with the Sexual Finesse feat.
Change Self You appear as something else, allowing the indulgence of a fetish, even if
youre not that creature. This even works for tentacle fetishes as you can change your
appendage to look like a tentacle, but you need to make a bluff check and the GM should be
nice about allowing the normal disguise bonus to apply to bluff checks here.
Charm Person/Monster a charmed target is in the Excitement phase and will interact
with you sexually if you can succeed at a charisma check to convince it to do so. Since youre
essentially asking a friendly target for simple aid, the DC is 10.
Command a character using command or greater command may order the target to
masturbate. The target takes up a seated or prone position spreads its legs and begins to
pleasure itself. This doesnt necessarily require the target to drop items in hand, and is
equivalent to the fall command. A masturbating male may be commanded to have sex with a
female caster, or another affected target. Female targets commanded to have sex with a male
target already masturbating are treated as if given the fall command.
Inhibition Loss on a round by round basis is determined by finding normal inhibition loss, adding
the caster level of the character casting this spell and dividing by 10. Thus if two characters
have skill +9, the male rolls 19 and the female rolls 12, and the caster is level 9, the spell inflicts
(9+19+9)/10=3.74 inhibition loss on the female and (9+12+9)/10=3.13 on the male per round
for the next 9 rounds or until they make will saves (but note characters who become aroused or
worse may take penalties to the rolls).
Loss of free will is not as strongly implied with this line of spells as it is with dominate, thus the
GM may declare that commanded creatures still retain awareness of their situation.
Contagion this spell may be used as an abortifacient without causing the mother to develop
a disease. The mother may still opt to accept the disease on a failed save to prevent the death
of her baby. This spell may also cause sexual diseases without the caster having the disease
itself (GMs option which ones are allowed though).
Daze While I acknowledge that the caster gets a free action against the target (up to 5 HD), Ill
also note that the description specifies the subjects mind as being clouded. Id go so far as to
say that the spell doesnt work as written in BUCK, due to the mental clouding being
counterproductive to actual erotic stimulation. I would further state that they cant make the
save as BUCK stated because they dont need to. This sort of logic applies the same way as the
difference between suggestion, command, and dominate. They have different effects because
they have different methodology, and the daze methodology involves complete disruption of
Detect Thoughts:
Often used to read surface thoughts, maybe to find out what the victims turn ons are or if they
are "in the mood." This spell can be helpful while having sex to improve the control of the
pleasure centers, if the caster has Aroused Casting.
Dominate Person/Monster/Animal if you are a different type of creature than the
target, by definition, having sex with you is against its nature and allows it a +2 bonus on its
save vs. this spell. If you are both humanoid (or whatever) you dont usually suffer the -2
penalty except where issues of sexuality or fetish arise. Dominated creatures are zoned out
and dont perform with enough enthusiasm to entertain you quickly (-2 to any inhibition loss).
Eagles Splendor as a charisma enhancing spell, the applications of this spell should be
Etherealness/Ethereal Jaunt these spells allow the caster and/or target(s) to make
love to ghosts or other ethereal beings. Note that energy drain, incorporeal touch, corrupting
touch, or other negative energy may have adverse affects on those not protected from that
type of energy. This is up to the GM but commonly includes sterility and/or impotence.
Geas/Quest can be used to command the target to have sex as much as is humanly possible.
Failure to do so on any given day forces a cumulative -3 to all ability scores (up to -12) that
persists until the activity is performed. In some places, casters using this spell for such a
purpose can be convicted of mass rape, all while their target suffers no recrimination.
Glibness magical seduction anyone?
Grease a character with a greased penis may eliminate up to -10 in penalties to stuff it into a
partners orifices.
Hypnotism as with Dominate, sexual suggestions using this spell allow a +2 on the saving
throw if they wouldnt normally be done by the target.
Invisibility/Greater Invisibility/ Mass Invisibility/Invisibility Sphere
creatures with an invisibility effect ongoing get +40 to stealth if stationary, +20 if moving. With
regular invisibility (and individual members of an invisibility sphere), attacking ends the effect.
This doesnt happen with Greater Invisibility
an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them
attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger
traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks directly,
however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its gear. Spells such as bless that
specifically affect allies but not foes are not attacks for this purpose, even when they include
foes in their area[...]and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as
swimming in water or stepping in a puddle)
According to the Book of Erotic Fantasy, a creature using greater invisibility does not become
visible while engaging in sex and in Pathfinder, sex doesnt specifically end any invisibility
(though it should always be considered loud enough to permit detection, and the GM is within
his right to extend the attacking her metaphor to invisibility). A society as a whole may
literally make sex an invisible act, only indulging while invisible. Whether this is done
individually, or in groups, it may be more stimulating than regular sex. Anyone with a fetish
involving giving or receiving invisible sex increases exhibition loss per maneuver by the caster
level of the spell in effect.
As discussed previously, this can open chastity belts.
Mage Hand much like telekinesis, this spell can be used to move clothing such that it
reveals genitals or breasts, but unlike telekinesis, the clothing cannot be ripped asunder, nor
like speedy undress can the spell remove all of the targets clothing. No matter where the
actual law stands, most mages guilds restrict this use of the spell. Initially it can be met with a
stern warning, while repeated offense can be fined (again with the caster being fined as if he
had committed indecent exposure rather than the target) and chronic offense might result in
expulsion from the guild or jail time (accompanied by a sexual harassment conviction).
Modify Memory Often used to make a victim forget that she was impregnated with a
demon seed, or implant a false memory, such as during a pitiful sexual encounter, the caster
may implant the memory of a thunderous orgasm. Furthermore, due to the suggestibility of the
human(oid) mind, the GM may allow the caster to force an orgasm (of just such intensity as if
she had the Cytheria Mode feat) on the target if she fails a will save against the spell.
Open/Close Common containers opened in sexual games include blouses, bodices,
brassieres, and corsets.
Polymorph depending on whether youre doing it to self or other, it may or may not be
permanent but it certainly can indulge some of the finer fetishes.
Prestidigitation this spell may be used to give the character a haircut. Hair removed this
way is gone as long as it would normally be gone if the character had waxed it. It may be used
to color hair and lasts as long as a professional dye. This spell may also induce 1 point of
inhibition loss, causing nipple stands or erection as if the target had their genitals rubbed or
groped through their clothing.
Restoration (all) these spells may fully restore a character to her virgin state. It removes
all ranks spent on sexual skills (which may then be spent elsewhere) and repairs her hymen.
Unicorns and dragons are not aware of any preexisting sexual tendencies or experience and
react to those opting for this restoration as if they are really virgins. Characters subjected to any
restoration may opt not to accept this form of restoration if they are eligible for it. They cannot
be partially restored (lose some skill ranks and regrow their hymen for example).
Greater Restoration cast on a person who has taken age penalties restores the character to
Adult age but does not decrease their mental scores in the process. They return to a starting
age appropriate for their class, but this is an apparent age. They retain their actual age, and
when they age to the next category, they suffer its penalties as well (unless they use Greater
Restoration again). This may be the basis for the Immortality discovery. Neither of the other
two restorations may return the character to his or her youth.
Remove Disease no brainer.
Suggestion much like domination, suggestion can be used to compel sexual activity, but the
target is more aware of their situation while simultaneously being more complacent. The only
real drawback in comparison to a domination effect is that the suggestion must sound
reasonable. Using Mass Suggestion with the suggestion Lets all fuck! to create an orgy may
do so if some members of the group think such a thing is reasonable.
Summon Monster this line of spells has no direct impact on the sexual aspect of
Pathfinder but a single variant spell could be researched (summon sexual partner) that
summons a humanoid or creature with 1 rank in Sexual Techniques per caster level. For the
purposes of this variant spell, replace all instances the word attack with breed in the
Telekinesis the violent thrust option can move up to 25 lbs per caster level can be used to
remove up to 25 lbs of clothing or armor per caster level up to 375 at 15th level. Objects such as
metal or stone, which are worn, cause 1d6 per 25 full pounds. Objects such as leather that are
worn cause 1 point per 25 lbs. Items that are merely stowed dont cause damage, nor does
cloth. Using the disarm option must be done separately from the apparel ripping option.
Telekinesis is better than Speedy Undress due to the potential for telekinesis to actually be
beneficial in combat; however Speedy Undress could be considered a stepping stone. In
addition to the above effects, telekinesis may facilitate an entirely one sided sexual interaction
for the target of this spell as the caster touches the target from a distance, or creates dildos of
force The DC to perform sexually explicit actions requiring finite control is +5 and may apply
the casters Sexual Techniques ranks.
Unseen Servant The ultimate in masturbation (if you can call it masturbation), it can be
used cause 10 points of inhibition loss (as a shapeless force, you can envision this as sucking,
stroking, riding, or pounding but these arent literally accurate) per minute until dismissed.
Mundane Items
Armor Bikini
This provocatively cut, furlined armor loincloth (and bodice for females) is essentially Piecemeal
Armor (Ultimate Combat) but has different stats than standard Torso or Leg armor. The
brassieres use lesser stats and half the value of Torso Armors, while the panties use lesser stats
and half the value of leg armors. Some armor pieces are changed for evenness.
Armor Piece
Brassiere Piece
Max Dex
Check Penalty
Spell Fail
Speed 30 ft
Speed 20 ft
1 lb
2 lbs
7 lbs
8 lbs
10 lbs
10 lbs
15 lbs
15 lbs
25 lbs
All statistics are assumed for Medium characters. For small characters assume half the weight
and cost, for large creatures, double those values. For those listed as Heavy, you can only run at
x3 speed rather than x4. In all cases if the brassiere is worn alone, count it as 1 weight category
lower cumulative with armor material. Characters with DDD or larger cups must pay double the
normal cost.
Panties represent shaped material (held to the hips by reinforced leather strips in the case of
metal or stone panties) tied to the groin area, and covering little more than the gluts and
crotch. Statistical modifications are the same as for brassieres.
Armor Piece
Panty Piece
Max Dex
Check Penalty
Spell Fail
Speed 30 ft
Speed 20 ft
1 lb
2 lbs
5 lbs
7 lbs
7 lbs
7 lbs
10 lbs
10 lbs
20 lbs
Padded: Gives +1 to apparent cupsize while worn, and a +1 enhancement bonus to diplomacy
checks made to influence those with breast fetishes. Has no additional effect on those already
in a relationship with the wearer.
Lacy: gives +1 to Diplomacy rolls made to seduce someone if your target can see it. Has no
additional effect on those already in a relationship with the wearer.
Silk: Something of a status symbol, this brassiere gives +3 on rolls to seduce someone who can
see it. This brassiere includes bonuses from Lacy and Padded so it isnt cumulative with those.
Leather: +1 on Intimidate rolls made to indulge a masochism fetish.
Studded/Spiked Leather: +2 on Intimidate rolls made to indulge a masochism fetish. The armor
gains no special bonus for being studded and spiked.
Plate: A plate brassiere is treated as if part of a half plate.
Stone: A brassiere commonly worn by dwarves that can afford the special alchemical process
that allows stone masons to shape stones into curves, this armor is a widely appreciated
magical innovation in the caverns of the Northlands.
Gold Armor: Gold can be fashioned into light or medium metal armor. The softness and the
weight of the metal decrease the armor/shield bonus by 2, and increase the armor check
penalty by 2. Gold armor has a hardness of 5. Gold armor is automatically parade quality,
granting +2 on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made to influence a person from the
appropriate country.
This armor bonus applies to either armor or clothing and provides a +2 circumstance bonus (+4
if the armor is both breastless and crotchless) on Diplomacy checks against characters that
enjoy seeing breasts or groin. Wearing the armor in public may violate decency laws, but it also
grants its bonus against the arresting guards and the magistrate if they would otherwise enjoy
seeing the body parts involved. This bonus can improve attitudes to the point where the target
doesnt want to attack the wearer, and of course allows the wearer to use feats related to skin
exposure. The drawback is that they must suffer -1 to AC for every +2 to Diplomacy. Price is
These mainly exist as a fetish indulgence and are usually made of gnomish rubber, however a
hair band can accommodate cloth cat ears. Whether this works on Furries or not is up to the
This penis shaped (usually, sometimes theyre knobby) shaft is used for self pleasure. If made of
wood (or, GM allowing, ivory), they may be rendered unbreakable by the Ironwood spell. Such
dildos will never splinter under normal use and will always be as smooth as the day they were
made. Glass Dildos are fragile and will deal damage to any user rolling a 1 on sexual techniques
as a weapon of the appropriate size (less than 1 foot deals 1d4, 1 foot deals 1d6, 2-3 feet deals
1d8) piercing to either the hand, anus, or vagina. If the damage is to the anus (either by using it
on the anus, or by pounding which effectively gives you less control over which hole the dildo
goes into), the character will need to make a roll to avoid contracting Filth Fever (as normal). If
you mount the dildo while it rests on the floor, damage is maximum, dont even bother rolling.
Masterwork dildos do not break. Gnomish rubber dildos do not break.
Gnomish Rubber Clothing
This clothing does not breathe well and is considered heavy for the purposes of
environmental hazards such as heat or cold. It is however, very form fitting, and if you have any
positive charisma modifier it improves this bonus by +1. Simply wearing rubber clothing may
fulfill a fetish, and if you are wearing transparent rubber clothing and meet someone with a
rubber fetish and a voyeurism fetish, both effects stack. Transparent rubber clothing also allows
you to activate feats that require skin exposure, and if worn publically, it allows you to indulge
an exhibitionism fetish if you have it. GM allowing, you can purchase rubber clothing thick
enough to function on par with Leather Armor, but this doubles its weight and makes it awfully
damn expensive (compare to full plate, or even to a plate armor bikini).
Gnomish Rubbers
A gnomish innovation that prevents insemination. Safe sex practices arent up to what they
might be in the real world, so you can bet at 3 gp/pop people try to use them more than once.
Each time you use one roll 1d20. If you roll higher than the number of times youve already
used the rubber, it survives and you dont inseminate your partner. On the 20th use it breaks
automatically. Abnormally large penises must special order their condoms and they are more
Harlots Outfit
This outfit contains a loose frilly sleeveless lace up blouse, corset, long skirt, and high heeled
knee high boots (effectively spikes, they deal 1d4 damage with a kick or stomp). Sheer clothing
is transparent and allows the harlot to activate any feat that requires skin exposure. In addition,
while wearing transparent clothing, the character is considered to be indulging a voyeurism
fetish for their partner and (if worn publically) an exhibitionism fetish for themselves 60gp, 3
Quick Release- This mundane addition can be applied to any clothing or armor. On clothing or
piecemeal armor it allows the article to be removed as an immediate action. On a full suit, it
reduces time taken to 5 rounds (unless the full suit is like a robe or dress, which takes an
immediate action). This modification costs 50% of the modified equipment.
Makeup Kit
By taking up to three hours to prepare, apply cosmetics, fashion hair, wash and otherwise
primp and preen the character agent can add up to three points to her Charisma score, one per
hour of preparation (5 points in 5 hours for a masterwork version). The slightest strain or
exertion, such as combat, removes this bonus immediately as hair gets mussed, makeup
smeared and fine clothes rumpled. This includes sexual activity so, much like real life, one can
go to bed with a fox and wake up with someone altogether different it need not be just to do
with the cider either. 5 gp, 5 lbs, a masterwork version is 100 gp, 10 lbs both kits are exhausted
after 10 uses.
Chastity Belt
The chastity belt is a common imposition made upon wives and daughters of paranoid and
powerful men, but some women take to wearing it for their own protection. Sturdily built, the
chastity belt fits snugly to the body with a grille or series of holes to allow the elimination of
wastes. A lock is an integral part of this device. Chastity belts have a hardness of 10, 10 hit
points and the DC to break them open is 26. A chastity belt is worth 50gp plus the price of its
lock. It can be modified for Quick Release, though this defeats the purpose of it, unless youre
using it to disguise yourself as a nun or something of that nature.
Riding Crop
This is a small safety rapier worth 30gp
Safety Manacles
These manacles have a safety catch that takes a DC 25 Perception check to find.
Sexy Undergarments
This garment is either Lacy or Silk, and is both the panty and the brassiere.
Magical Items
Armor Quality
Revealing: This suit of armor is similar to those with the glamered special ability, save that
rather than assuming the appearance of a common set of clothing, the armor appears to shrink
to reveal more and more of the wearer's body. While the armor retains all of its properties
(including weight), it can be shrunk to uncover as much or as little skin as is desired by its
possessor. Needless to say, this type of armor can be quite distracting to those of the opposite
(or preferred) sex.
Moderate abjuration CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shrink item; Price +1 bonus.
Specific Armors
Boneless Leather
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot armor; Price 12,160 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
This suit of +1 leather gives its wearer the ability to twist and contort his body in virtually any
direction. He gains a +5 bonus on Escape Artist checks*, a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks to
reduce damage from falls, a +5 bonus to CMD, and DR 5/piercing or slashing.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, alter self, creator must have 5 ranks in the
Acrobatics and Escape Artist skills; Cost 6,160 gp
Battlemaid's Tabard
Aura strong abjuration; CL 13th
Slot armor; Price 16,700 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
This extremely supple and finely crafted +3 light fortified leather armor is only made for
females. In addition to being self cleaning and self mending, it supports the wearer's torso and
can be made to appear and feel like a wet sleeveless shirt. This leaves little to the viewer's
imagination, since they can see right through it. Feats that rely on body exposure may be used
while wearing this armor.
Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, disguise self, create water, prestidigitation, limited
wish or miracle; Cost 8,350 gp
This bonus may be applied to Perform (Sexual Techniques) as well, or instead of. If such a separate armor exists it may be called
Contortionists Leather.
Ring of Enhancement
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot Belt Price 2000 gp
This silver ring, bedecked with small red and pink gemstones is a bit larger than the thumb of its
wearer regardless of size. A DC 10 INT check reveals that the ring resizes to the diameter of
something else. Applied properly, it will increase length by 50% and add +1 to charisma.
Contrary to the normal use of such rings, the wearer can whisper a command word to become
flaccid while still retaining the physiological effects of an erection (Arousal Phase of inhibition)
thus avoiding embarrassing social situations. Whispering the command word again allows the
character to resume his erection. The ring never causes damage from constricting blood vessels
even though it is metal.
Requirements Forge Ring, body enhancement; Cost 1,000gp
Ring of Quantity
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot Belt Price 500 gp
This ring affects the user with a constant personal fluidic enhancer spell, allowing for some very
messy yet fulfilling encounters and increasing odds of conception.
Requirements Forge Ring, personal fluidic enhancer; Cost 250 gp.
Ring of Penetration
Aura faint Conjuration CL 5th
Slot Belt Price 1000 gp
This makes the wearers member slippery as though it was under the effect of a constant
grease spell.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, grease; Market Price: 500 gp.
Ring of Sir Ronald Jerome
Aura faint conjuration and transmutation CL 5th
Slot Belt Price 3500
A lowly knight in the service of General Elzbeth Barret, Sir Ronald Jerome thought it would be
wonderful to simply combine the effects of the abovementioned rings. His personal ring
enhances the wearers member by 50%, adds +1 to charisma, adds +5 to pregnancy rolls, and
enacts a constant grease effect on the wearers Ron Jeremy.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, grease, personal fluidic enhancer, body
enhancement; Market Price: 1750 gp.
Dutch Courage
Aura faint abjuration; CL 1st
Price 50 gp
This potion has a rich golden color, a foamy head and a bitter taste. When imbibed this magical
brew instills the drinker with confidence, enabling them to muster the courage to do things
they would not normally do. The drinker gains a +1 bonus to their Will saves and any skill
checks made to impress or seduce someone for a period of one hour.
Requirements Brew Potion, resistance; Cost: 25 gp.
Potion of Expansion
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Price 350 gp.
A single draught of this potent brew causes an immediate swelling in the chest area of the
imbiber, regardless of sex. Within moments their bust is far more impressive than it was a
moment ago, increasing a full cup size in one round (multiple doses are cumulative). If already
wearing tight clothing this expansion can become somewhat explosive, which makes this potion
something of a favorite amongst pranksters and the immature as well as the character looking
to fill out that dress just a little better. The effects last for 24 hours no matter how many doses
are taken. The GM may rule that taking this potion daily for a consecutive week causes a
permanent increase in cup size provided that the next feat available goes to the purchase of a
trait or feat that would permit such an increase.
Requirements Brew Potion, alter breasts; Cost 175 gp
Potion of Lust
Aura moderate transmutation, CL 4th
Price 300 gp
This effervescent and luridly pink potion comes in small vials that are easily concealed in sleeves
or bracelets. It tastes of a mix of strawberries and oysters and fizzes on the tongue when drunk
neat, although it is tasteless when mixed into another liquid. Once drank, the imbiber becomes
overwhelmed with waves of lust unless they make a successful Will save (DC 14). If they fail
they must jump the first thing that even remotely fits their idea of an acceptable mate, usually
the one who slipped it to them. Habitual use of this potion leads to Nymphomania as the Skank
spell with a DC of 14
Requirements Craft Rod, animate objects, blast of semen, a small garnet, a small aquamarine;
Cost 109,250 gp
Wondrous Items
Belt of Rapid Gestation
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot Belt; Price 234,000 gp; Weight 1 lb
This slim belt is made of green silk and gold, and is set with coral. It shortens the time a female
wearer is pregnant to one day per month that the birth would normally take, reduces labor
time to 1d4 minutes, and eliminates any penalties to childbirth rolls. The magic of this belt has
no adverse affect on the development of the baby.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, accelerate pregnancy, assist labor; caster must be a cleric
Cost: 117,000 gp;
Brassiere of Breast Alteration
Aura Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot Chest; Price 100 gp (+1), 400 gp (+2), 900 gp (+3), 1,600 gp (+4), 2,500 gp (+5) Weight .5
This brassiere has had Alter Breasts enchanted to it. This brassiere will modify cup size by up to
5 steps and assumes a +1 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy against fetishists per size change,
even if they cannot continue adding to cup size because they have already reached HELLO!
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alter breasts, Cost 50 gp (+1), 200 gp (+2), 450 gp (+3), 800
gp (+4), 1250 gp (+5)
Drider Silk Dress
Aura Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot Body; Price 2,100 gp
Extracted at great peril from the tunnels under the earth there is no finer silk and nothing so
soft against the skin as a dress crafted from it. The material has a milky glow to it and a
pearlescent sheen and clings to the body in a flattering way. It is normally opaque but viewed at
just the right angle it is transparent. This dress doesnt break public decency laws because it can
be proven to be opaque. It can be used with the Dazzling Display (Ahem!) feat. Due to the
expense the dresses are usually short; a thigh length, sleeveless scooped-back dress with a
plunging neckline. As well as being hellishly expensive, the dress also makes a good party dress
as, once per day, the wearer can surround herself with dancing lights as though cast by a 3rd
level sorcerer. The dress also confers a +1 material bonus to diplomacy versus anyone who
enjoys a little voyeurism. You never suffer a penalty for wearing the same dress to two parties
within the same year, and courtiers dont really care whether you add jewelry to this ensemble.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, eagles splendor, dancing lights Cost 1,050 gp
Teeny-Weeny Bikini
Aura faint enchantment CL 3rd
Slot Body Price 12,000gp Weight 1 lb
This bathing suit appears to be a well made, full body garment. When worn, however, it shrinks
upon command to reveal more and more of the wearer's body. It will never reveal more than
the wearer desires, but when it gets smaller than a modest one-piece it has distracting effects
upon characters normally attracted to the wearer's sex. A failed Will save (DC 11) will cause
such characters to become Fascinated as per hypnotism except that the bikini affects every
applicable person in the area. If used in combat, wearers gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC
against enemies attracted to humanoids as they dont want to target the character.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, hypnotism, reduce; Cost 6,000 gp;.
Everful Baby Bottle
Aura faint conjuration CL 3rd
Slot None; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 2 lb
This glass bottle fitted with a nipple is always full of milk. The milk always fresh and warm, and
is most nutritious. The bottle produces milk belonging to the holders species, or an animals
milk if that would be more nutritious (for example, goats milk is more nutritious for a dwarf
than humans milk, if the dwarf is being fed by a human).
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, lactation; Cost 3,000 gp;
Cursed Item
Girdle of Opposite Gender
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot belt; Weight 1 lb.
When this magical belt is put on, the wearer must immediately make a DC 20 Fortitude saving
throw or be transformed into a person of the opposite gender (or a hermaphrodite if the
GM/Player prefers). The characters abilities, mind, and spirit remain unaffected; only the
characters sex changes. If the characters saving throw is a natural 1, the item actually removes
all gender from the wearer, giving him an androgynous, neutered appearance. The change is
permanent unless undone with curse-removing magic. Once its magic takes effect, the belt can
be removed without effort. A creature can only be affected by a particular girdle once, though
other girdles of this type can cause another transformation.
Magic Items any belt
Eye of Undressing
Aura strong Illusion, Transmutation, Enchantment (Compulsion); CL 15th
Slot none; Weight Some centuries ago, mistaking one of the eyes for a more powerful artifact, a foolhardy
adventurer exploring the crypts of an old church put out one of his eyes and replaced it with
the artifact. To his horror he discovered he had gained none of the powers he expected, and
crying out in anguish turned to his buxom ranger companion to complain, and then stopped
cold. She was entirely naked! After asking why she had stripped and having taken a severe
beating for it he realized the truth, the eye was allowing him to see everyone naked, as much of
a curse as a blessing as you have to take the rough with the smooth.
Both eyes are currently without owners and are somewhere out in the world. To use the eye
one must put out their own eye, losing 1d6 hit points and one point of charisma permanently.
Then the eye of undressing must be placed into the socket, where it knits itself to the flesh.
After this the eye cannot be removed without the loss of another 1d6 permanent hit points.
The eye confers the following abilities upon its user, all cast as if by a 15th level wizard.
Bernadettes illusory nakedness Constant.
Speedy undress 5/day.
Irresistible dance (striptease) 1/day.
Caster Level: 15th; Weight: .
Book of Erotic Fantasy
This heavily thumbed manual, complete with moving images depicting various sexual positions
in action, was originally commissioned by the Caliph of Pichii-Kyyn, an oasis city deep in the
southern desert. The city was peaceful, rich, powerful and the people were happy with the rule
of the Caliph. This, combined with his radical practice of not making an evil bastard his grand
vizier, left the Caliph with little to do with his time but spend it pleasurably in his ten-story
seraglio with his concubines and wives. After about a decade this grew tiring and having already
worked his way through several volumes of erotic lore he sent his scouts out into the world to
seek new positions, games and tricks for him to try out.
One by one the scouts returned, though none brought back anything the Caliph had not already
done or considered. Finally the last scout, long thought dead, returned barely alive and
clutching in his hands the notes that would form this manual. A hale and hearty man of twentytwo years when he left, he returned looking eighty and infected with every venereal disease
known to man. His sacrifice enabled the Caliph to enjoy a further ten years of marital bliss and a
statue was erected in the scouts honor bearing the legend check the hole before you put
anything in it.
The Book of Erotic Fantasy takes 48 hours to read over a minimum of six days. Once completed
the reader gains enough XP to put herself at the midpoint of the next level. Furthermore, the
next time she would take a feat, it must be a sexual feat. She does not have to meet the
prerequisites for this feat. If the feat expends a feature such as Channel Energy, ki pool, arcane
pool, etc, she gains the use of the feat 3 times per day plus the modifier of the attribute she
uses for Sexual Techniques. She may gain other feats that require the original feat (such as
using the book to gain Pleasure Touch and later gaining Improved Pleasure Touch).
Caster Level: 17th; Weight: 5 lb.
Arousal: The Loss of Inhibition.
Each character has what is called an inhibition score an innate resistance to sexual dalliances.
Characters with higher levels tend to have more experience and take longer to arouse while the
young bucks arent unlikely to er jump the gun so to speak. Inhibition score per phase is equal
to the total of Fortitude and Will (total nude score or if wearing equipment providing sexual
bonuses you may use that) modified by your alignment. Each of a Lawful or Good component
adds +5 inhibition, while each of Chaotic or Evil alignment subtracts -5.
Optional Rule- Me Love You Long Time: The default system allows for a typical time of 1-2
minutes per step, which according to some polls in New England and Canada* could be a decent
amount of time (5-10) minutes. For players who want to really drag it out, they can apply half
their Sexual Techniques score (Thats score, not ranks, so class bonuses like Kama Sutra and
race bonuses affect it)
Characters start at Indifferent (They must be indifferent unless they have an assault fetish, or
are genuinely being assaulted) with no loss of inhibition, and not in a state of arousal. They
enter the Excitement phase with a single opposed check against the appropriate skill as
described below. Once in the excitement phase the seducer must begin chipping away at
Inhibition with the same checks or with flirtation, dance, or kissing (or fondling if situationally
appropriate such as in privacy, a married couple, or an easy target). Inhibition is reduced by half
the margin which represents a minute of work.
Sexual Techniques always reduces inhibition by its full result, and is never opposed by a bluff
check for seduction, but it takes a penalty of -5 per attitude shift below indifferent and -5 if
the advance is unwanted (regardless of initial attitude). For example, making unwanted
advances on a hostile partner (commonly done as part of a viking pillage campaign) modifies
any check result, and subsequent inhibition loss by -15 to a minimum of 1 inhibition loss per
minute. Having sex with an angry wife takes a penalty of -10 (-5 for being unfriendly, and -5 for
unwanted advances)
Once in the arousal phase, Inhibition resets. Normal skills such as Diplomacy or Intimidation are
no longer necessary and only Sexual Techniques can reduce inhibition (by their full check
result). Each maneuver takes one minute. Wash, rinse, and repeat until orgasm, though the GM
may apply -2 to checks if either partner used the same technique the previous minute
(cumulative). DC to resist inhibition loss is 10+Loss, thus a character must roll a Fort or Will save
in addition to a Perform check each minute
his Fatigue DC to zero and remove the Fatigued and Exhaustion conditions at various levels. The
Scarred Rager may re-roll failures for the effects due to the Tolerance feature.
Holding Back: Whenever you hold back for 1 sexual maneuver, for each -2 you take on your
Sexual Techniques roll, you may reduce any fatigue or orgasm DC by 1. While you are holding
back, you dont gain nonlethal damage for having sex while exhausted.
Sexual Delirium: A character that has become exhausted due to sexual activity is considered
helpless and can do nothing but perform sexual actions, or rest until they have recovered from
exhaustion. A sexually delirious character must make a will save (against their partners check)
to hold back Characters driven to sexual delirium must save versus Nymphomania even if their
partner does not have Addictive Coitus.
Rubbed Raw: Characters who become exhausted due to sexual activity suffer a penalty on
attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks equal to -1 per 5 points (or portion thereof) of
nonlethal damage they took during their acts, until they heal the nonlethal damage.
Regaining Inhibition: If sex is stopped prematurely, characters involved recover inhibition points
at a rate of 1 point per minutes. Thus if a character with 4 inhibition per stage is at Plateau
phase, he becomes normal over 12 minutes.
The Sixth Stage of Arousal, Addiction
Sex can be addictive, but functions more like an insanity than an addiction. Characters who
have insanity roll each week to reduce their save DC by 2. They continue to suffer the effects of
the insanity until the save DC is 0. Consider using the following effects for your games:
Type Insanity; Save varies, special
Onset 1 day;
Effect Sickened on any day you havent had sex (you should also roleplay irritability);
Special if the nymphomania results from a Skank spell, an initial will save stops its effects. The
DC for that save is 11+ the casters attribute (spell level is already taken into account). If the
addiction occurs as part of the Addictive Coitus feat, or as the result of Sexual Delirium, the
save DC equals the Perform [Sexual Techniques] check of the character afflicting it.
If a nymphomaniac character is directly confronted with an opportunity to have sex, he must
make a Will save against the insanity or try to have sex with whoever presents the opportunity.
Generally good or neutral characters should only consider people they have brought willingly to
bed as an opportunity, though they should try to seduce those they are attracted to at every
opportunity. Evil characters might perceive someone they are attracted to walking down an
empty street or alley as an opportunity to have sex and may need to make this roll to avoid
raping that person. This includes Lawful Evil people who might justify their actions with the
opinion that shes askin for it.
Fetish (-philia)
Type insanity; Save Will DC 20
Onset immediate
Effect Characters exposed to their philia automatically suffer 1d6 inhibition loss, and -2 to
resist seduction attempts made by those who present the object of their philia. Furthermore,
during sexual activity, using the object of the characters philia reduces their inhibition by 1d6
points per maneuver.
A desire for an object, position, or condition is a philia, also commonly called a mania. Common
fetishes include*:
Acrotomophilia- sexual attraction to amputees or their amputated limbs.
Asphyxiaphilia- desire to be choked to unconsciousness during a sexual act.
Biastophilia- the desire to have sex with a partner who is being rough and emulating a rape
Coprophilia- sexual attraction to defacation.
Cryptozoophilia- sexual attraction to creatures of the aberration, or ooze, type
Dictophilia- sexual desire derived from being given commands in an authoritative manner.
Ephebophilia*- sexual attraction to pubescent humanoids (aged 60-75% if their adulthood age).
Erotophonophilia- desire to murder someone during a sexual act. Characters must have an evil
alignment for this philia to manifest.*
Exhibitionism- the desire to expose oneself publically. Whether this includes breasts or not is
limited to the local laws and customs regarding such exposure. Characters with this fetish
usually have a chaotic alignment but this isnt required.
Frotteurism- the desire to rub others with genitals against their will.
Hypoxyphilia- the desire to choke ones partner into unconsciousness during a sexual act.
Intellective Necrophilia- sexual attraction to the undead.
Lyncanthrophilia- sexual attraction to were creatures
Metahomophilia- sexual attraction to humanoids of a race other than your own. Usually
manifests as an attraction to the iconic features such as ears, tusks or beards.
Narratophilia- the desire to talk dirty or use vulgar language as a means of arousal, or to have
your partner do so.
Necrophilia-* sexual attraction to the dead.
Ophiochaetaophilia An intense sexual arousal brought upon by the writhing mass of a
medusas barnet.
Pedophilia*- sexual attraction to pre-pubescent humanoids.
Pregophilia- sexual attraction to large bellies that accompany the second and third trimester.
Raptophilia*- sexual desire to rape others. Often accompanies Erotophonophilia
Sexual Machochism- desire to suffer pain (nonlethal damage). Characters with this fetish suffer
inhibition loss equal to the amount of nonlethal damage dealt to them during sexual acts. If
Fetishes marked with an asterisk are not recommended regardless of alignment due to the sensitive nature of the subject; however, each
gaming group is free to use its own discretion in choosing fetishes.
You cant actually rape the willing otherwise this is the fetish of being raped
This might be spelled wrong, but Im reasonably certain that it has an -o, -a, -um ending.
In any case, any sexual maneuver where the the character is being given orders normally in a firm voice they suffer 1d6 inhibition loss. When
they fail to resist (or willingly forgo resistance) to a charm/compulsion spell they suffer inhibition loss equal to the spell level.
they are instead humiliated, they suffer the normal 1d6 inhibition loss while the humiliation
Sexual Sadism- desire to cause pain during sexual acts. Characters must have an evil alignment
to cause lethal damage, but suffer inhibition loss equal to any damage they deal, or +1d6
inhibition loss while they are humiliating another. This fetish often accompanies
Thaumaphilia The subject becomes aroused by the presence, or exercise of magic. Especially
wands or staves.
Urophilia- sexual desire to urinate on others or be urinated on as part of a sexual act.
Vomerophilia- sexual desire derived from vomit. This sexual desire may accompany Bulimia
Voyeurism- sexual desire to view others nude or in sexual acts.
Xenophilia- sexual attraction to monstrous humanoids, constructs, or outsiders
Zoophilia- sexual attraction to creatures of the Animal or Magical Beast type.
Fetishes and Traits- Characters who take on sexual fetishes voluntarily are eligible to earn traits
on a 1 for 1 basis. They work like insanities normally work, with each weekly save reducing the
DC by 2 until the character is cured by reducing the save DC to 0.
Post Orgasmic Woes- If you fail your fortitude save versus orgasm and dont want to
impregnate you need to make a Reflex Save with DC equal to the failed orgasm DC. Success
allows Coitus Interruptus. If you fail, each partner makes a fortitude save against pregnancy
(after all youre checking the health of both parents). If both are successful, time for bubble
gum cigars. The DC of the check depends on the ages of the partners according to the table
Pregnancy Save DCs
Young Adult (12-15 for a human according to d20 Modern)
Middle Age
40 (if possible)
The results of this table mean that first level characters need natural twenties to get pregnant
unless their total Fort is +6 or higher (1/40 chance, or 2.5%). Since NPCs usually use the default
array, they will likely only have a 15 Con if theyre building for HP. First level dwarf barbarians
with Con 20 and Fort total +7 can roll as low as 18 (6/40 for an equal pair or 15%) while it takes
a Con 10 wizard or sorcerer 18 levels to accomplish a 19+ (4/40 for an equal pair, or 10%). In
fantasy settings, high level characters often retire either due to pregnancy (sometimes
accidental, sometimes not) or marriage which subsequently results in pregnancy. A pair of 20th
level characters has as high as a 49% chance to impregnate (Fort +12 plus constitution modifier
which could be as high as +7 nude means a mature couple needs two rolls of 6 or better).
Act normally.
Bicker incessantly.
Manic- +1 morale bonus until you fail a task, then become depressed
Shaken (depressed)
Severe depression, attack self with weapon in hand or perform suicidal actions
Severe anger, attack someone else
This isnt literally true due to most babies not being in the 30 pound range, but for the purposes of movement limitations, Medium Load
This is also not literally true, but for the purposes of movement limitations, Heavy Load applies.
Contagion: if the mother fails to save versus this spell, her baby she has the option to abort her
baby rather than to suffer the effects of the chosen disease.
If the mother consumes enough drugs to develop any addiction, the baby suffers the ability loss
associated with the addiction, and the ability loss associated with the actual drug. If this would
put the babys adult scores at 0, the baby is stillborn and there is no salvation for it, however, if
this would only put the babys birth scores at 0, the stillborn baby can be revived with magic.
Nymphomania cannot be transferred until the child hits puberty.
Childbirth takes 4d6 hours and deals 2d6 damage to the mother (Fort DC 10+damage dealt to
halve the damage. Critical failure automatically causes Massive Damage which requires a
Fortitude DC 15 save for both the mother and child to avoid death). A character with Profession
(Midwife) or Heal can make a DC 20 check to reduce the labor time by margin hours.
Additionally, both the father and the midwife can use Aid Another to grant her a bonus to resist
damage. The father uses Bluff (Itll be ok naw my hand doesnt hurt at all and finally
Breeeeeeeeeeeeeathe he-he-hew).
Baby Length
Roll 1 dice of the type rolled for the mothers height and add half maximum possible to the 1d
roll. For example humans start with 1d10+5. Add the higher Strength and Constitution
modifiers of each parent, and then subtract 2 for every month premature. Human babies are
almost always diminutive, but the babies of other races may be fine size. Ill present a table
here for ease of use:
Half Elf
Half Orc
Baby Weight
To calculate a babys weight, assume half of its length plus the dice roll presented above for
Base Baby Length*. Thus if a dwarf can have a baby that is 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 14 inches long, it will
weigh 7 + 1d4 + 2lbs. This also means that if a human can have a 23 baby it will weigh
12+1d10+5 lbs.
Belly Expansion- During the second trimester increase a womans belly measure by 2/3 her
babys weight and during the third, increase it by her babys weight. It takes (Baby Weight Str)
weeks for a woman to get her stomach back in shape.
Adults seem to weigh more than twice their heights but this can be explained by the fact that babies have less dense bones.
Physical Defect- subtract 1d6 from any of the three physical scores. If using the roll 4d6
method, roll 3d6 for that score instead. If using point buy, lower the zero point cost level for
that attribute by 1d6 and buy back up from there (for example if you roll a 4, the zero point
cost level is 6 a score of 7 costs 1, 8 costs 2, 9 costs 3, 10 costs 5, 11 costs 7, 12 costs 10 and
so on13 costs 13, 14 costs 17, and each additional point costs +4).
Mental Defect- Subtract 1d6 from any of the three mental scores as for physical defects.
The first level effects of one of the following curses- Clouded Vision, Deaf, or Lame. You get
no level based benefits that an oracle would otherwise have unless you are of the oracle
(I cant believe Im saying this) In homage to Byron Halls retard strength, you may suffer a
mental defect in exchange for a bonus to a physical attribute or vice versa. The GM reserves
the right to veto this option, or allow a lesser bonus in exchange for the penalty.
For those that have the Advanced Race Guide, you can exchange one racial ability from your
normal race for another of equal or lesser RP cost from any race allowed in the campaign.
For example, orcs mate with elves a lot more than theyd like to admit and half orcs often
trade orc ferocity for keen senses.
Can Undead have children?
Short answer, no, long answer: Maybe. A gentle repose spell can preserve the
reproductive organs of a lich or vampire that becomes one intentionally, though it needs
to be recast, enchanted onto an item, because even a single hour of non-preserved junk
means no bun in the oven without a wish or miracle. Even then, once the reproductive
system is restored, gentle repose needs to be maintained. Pregnancy term for undead
creatures is typically the duration of their initial race
The simplest way is to calculate gestation periods is to base it on the ratio of Venerable Ages.
For example Humans are venerable at 70, and elves at 350. This is a ratio of 5-1. Traditionally
elves dont have 3 year and 9 month gestation periods, but several sources cite 2 years as a
good benchmark. Elves are considered frail, and the GM may halve the ratios for creatures
with this sort of description, or those that are small. Half races may calculate gestation based
on the average of their parents gestation periods. Alternately, gestation can be calculated by
using years equal to the ratio of starting age relative to 20 years (a humans starting age is 15
plus 1d4, 15 is 75% of 20, and 9 months is 75% of a year) but this gives weird numbers for some
races, so you may decide to check both results and see what you come up with.*
And even still, some games may combine the two as one has results the GM likes for some races, but the other method has results the GM
likes for other races.
Half Elf
Half Orc
Post Pregnancy
Breast Enlargement- Extra milk allows the woman to claim +1 cup size while she is nursing.
Nipples are often both larger and darker. After nursing, the womans breasts may droop
considerably more than they did before pregnancy and in such cases will be more floppy than
Post Partum Depression- that couldnt have came from me! Rarely (at least in games) does the
depression or anger get significant enough to actually harm the baby, but the Shaken Condition
may occur some days for months after the birth.
Taverns/Dens of Iniquity/Prostitution
Taverns are at heart, a place where characters can unwind and throw back a flagon or two. But
much like the heart is only a small part of the body. A tavern is not at all exclusive to handing
out brew. Taverns in Pathfinder also seem to include inns, which serve to rent out rooms.
Among amenities mentioned in the GMG, those that bear specific mention here are Bath,
Companionship and Massage.
A bath is either cold or hot water as specified by the price the character paid, and the use of a
cloth to wash with and towel to dry off. A maid might come and check on you to make sure
youre all right but if you want her to do any washing it counts as a Massage (1sp) and loan of a
bar of soap. Oral or a hand job until orgasm counts as a massage as well (another sp). If she has
to undress (either partially or fully) is worth 1cp. Dances are 1cp/d6 minutes
Companionship according to GMG costs 1gp and up; this means one sexual act that ends with
the clients orgasm or 1gp per hour, whichever comes first. A working girl typically has 12-13 in
Charisma, 1 rank in Sexual Techniques, +3 for it being a class skill, and Skill Focus (+3) for +8 to
skill. A skill roll of 7+ gives her an income of 5.5 silver per day or 3 gold 8 silver, 5 copper per
week. a skill roll of 12+ gives her 11 gold, 5 silver, 5 copper per week. Failure is a day spent
rolling Survival to find food or gain a Fortitude bonus against bad weather. A prostitute gains +1
per level after the first, and +3 at 10th level as her skill focus improves
The madam typically asks 3 gold 6 silver rent per week, to pay both her and her girls costs of
living. Spending 10 of 14.4 gold, the madam needs three girls to pay the cost of living for
everyone unless she pays poor cost of living for her own girls, which is bad business (and
probably illegal in some places where prostitution is legal).
High Class- Profession (Courtesan) represents a higher class of companion that doesnt drop
garters at the drop of a hat. She also has a more stable income, earning half her check result in
gp per week. This represents the number of hours of companionship she had during the course
of the week. To keep it in line with monthly Cost of Living, it is also fair to say that you earn
twice your check result per month (unless your month has a different number of weeks).
Courtesans are not as such required to perform sexual acts but it is assumed that it would not
be inappropriate to ask. Courtesans typically start at +8 (or +9 for an attribute of 14-15) and
progress at +1 per level, and +3 at level 10. All other High Class professions progress the same
Profession (Masseuse) is someone who gives you a good rub down. Some give happy endings
but some dont. You run the risk of drawing a bouncers attention if youre wrong about a
Additionally Profession (Mistress) represents someone who caters to the higher class of people
always performing sexual acts, but never dealing with the riff-raff (for a given value of riff-raff
that does not include those with deep pockets e.g. adventurers).
Profession (Madam) is someone who has multiple prostitutes or mistresses working for her in
exchange for rent. The madam must by default purchase a building in which to house her
Madams who have Leadership can use their cohort for their Guard Captain and at the very
minimum have one of their upper level followers be a guard for every 10 first level followers
they have. For example with a leadership score of 15 the madams guard force should have her
10th level cohort, one third level and one second level warrior, while at leadership 25, her guard
force should be her 17th level cohort, her 6th, 5th, and 4th, level warriors and 5 of her third level
warriors. This means that typically her loyal followers will consist of skill +8 to skill +10
prostitutes (average 8 or 9).
Price of a Den of Iniquity
Typically purchasing any building requires entering into a monthly payment agreement. It is
assumed that the agreement doesnt require payment of more than 1% of the total building
cost in a given month, and you can typically pay them off in 8-10 years (Characters are also able
to use their adventure spoils to pay for one outright as well). The following several pages list
several rooms, their size, pricing, and typical decor you can use to build your domicile of
negotiable affection, these prices were determined using an old 3rd edition stand by: The
Stronghold Builders Guidebook. That book isnt necessary here as all the information has been
In all cases use the Purchase Limit of the settlement to determine whether a building can be
purchased. Also, even though it isnt specified, the purchase limit determines the maximum
character level of any individual in the settlement (as does its Spellcasting level). For example, a
Metropolis with a Purchase Limit of 100,000 can support 19th level characters, while a Thorp of
500gp can support only 1st and 2nd level characters. Thorps can buy and sell the Basic Bedrooms
and Basic Suites as huts though their normal spending limit is exceeded by 200gp at least. The
GM may reduce their prices to 500gp. Alternately, since a Barracks is sparsely decorated, the
GM can declare that some of the space has been left empty and require that the Barracks is
used in Thorps.
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 400gp
This densely packed room can support 10 people, often used to save space for harem style
structures. Barracks in brothels often have a privacy curtain unless the room is intended for
orgies. See Orgy Room for a better fit. To represent cheaply furnished rooms, trade 1 bed for
a privy, 2 beds for a kitchenette (not a full kitchen), and simply take the other unused beds out,
using the space for open gathering area.
Basic Bedroom
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 700gp
Two 10x20 rooms can house two working girls. The furnishings here are basic straw mattresses
and cotton or wool linens with low thread count and a patchwork quilt. A wood bench by a
table and chest of drawers provides sitting and storage space. The two bedrooms share a privy.
This room can also be converted to a one tenant hut by using the second room as a kitchenette
and using its wash basin to bathe in. Characters that purchase this unit for such purposes can
pay it off in less than 10 years at average Cost of Living.
Fancy Bedrooms
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 4,000gp
Two 10x20 rooms have fairly comfortable cotton batting mattresses with wool blankets and
fine cotton sheets. The bureau and wardrobe are handsomely carved and there is an
upholstered bench by the writing desk. The two bedrooms share a privy.
Basic Suite
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 800gp
Decorated much the same as the basic bedrooms, this larger suite has a walk in closet and its
own privy. Characters can bathe using a large basin in the privy.
Fancy Suite
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 5,000gp
Decorated much the same as the fancy bedrooms, this larger suite has a well appointed walk in
closet and its own privy. Sexual Techniques checks are made at +2 in this room
Luxury Suite
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 25,000gp
Prerequisite: one valet who sees to the warming of bath water and cleaning of the garderobe.
This living space features the most opulent of dcor, its main room containing two marble
bureaus filled with clothes, its large walk in closet bedecked with rows of shelves for footwear
and the finest of handmade hangers for clothes. The four poster bead is made of the finest
wood hung with the most expensive silk surrounding a fine feather mattress with silk linens.
The walls are adorned with fine art. The walk in privy is large enough for two people and
features a large iron or ceramic tub. Sexual Techniques checks are made at +4 in this room.
Basic Common Area
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 500gp
This waiting room features bare floors and rough hewn benches. The walls may have mounted
Basic Tavern
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 900gp
Prerequisite: 2 servants, Kitchen
This rough place serves drink to rough people. A fireplace sits on one wall and the bar is on the
opposite wall. Tables surrounded by benches or stools fill the rest of the space seating up to 20
people. Two wenches (Profession: Bartender +8 or more) serve the drink and food. In a pinch
you can substitute your working girls.
Fancy Tavern
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 4000gp
Prerequisites: 3 servants, Kitchen
Wine, liquor, and beer are served from a polished marble topped bar. The adjoining kitchen
serves food. There are a few booths on the walls while round solid tables and chairs or stools
take up the majority of any floor space. The place requires 3 wenches to support 20 people.
Luxury Tavern
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 4000gp
Prerequisites: 3 servants, Kitchen
This place serves the finest assortment of alcoholic beverages of any in the area and serves only
the best gourmet meals. The bar is marble and the chairs are finely upholstered, while the
tabletops are covered in fine linens and actual silverware arranged as only those in high society
would even bother. The walls are bedecked with gorgeous decorations including works from
the best artists in the land. Four waitresses serve the meals and drinks to up to 20 people.
Servants Quarters
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 400gp
These rooms are the bare bones necessities required to house any working girls that arent
actively working. They accommodate for any overflow in the event that some customers value
privacy over companionship
Size: 16 squares
Cost: 250gp
Due to the need for aisles and sensible stacking you can only use about 2000 cubic feet of this
space. Its a rather bland room with rough walls and an unfinished floor. This room can serve as
client or worker lockers (clients would check their weapons into such a room), or as food
Bed: This is a wooden bed frame containing a tightly packed straw mattress. It tends to collect
bugs unless the straw is changed out regularly, but it's comfy. Cost: 6 sp per square,
square Weight: 35
lbs. per square.
Bed, 2 person: This bed takes up 4 squares Cost: 24
24sp, Weight: 140 lbs.
Bed, Heart-Shaped: a heart shaped bed built for medium sized characters takes up 8 squares a
combat map. Itt would be shaped as shown below:
Cost: 48 sp, 280 lbs.
Bed, Masterwork: Masterwork beds, instead of straw padding,
have felt padding treated with an alchemical potion to ward off
insects, and are extremely comfortable. Aside from being great
spots for sex, they're excellent for bed rest, offering a +2 bonus
to H
eal checks for long term care to anyone who rests exclusively
on a masterwork bed. The cost to make a masterwork bed is 50
gp per square.
Mithril Frames: Bed frames made from Mithril dont squeak and they weigh half as much. The
headboard makes a sound like banging a wooden spoon on a cookie sheet if you bump it during
sex though. Divide weight by 2 and add 500 gp per pound of the new weight to determine the
cost for a mithril bed.
Brothel Income
Find the minimum Sexual Techniques level of your prostitu
prostitutes (usually around +8).
Calculate the average DC the prostitutes can hit by adding 10 to this number. Reference that
number to the Sexual Techniques Weekly Average entry. (18 would be 3 gold, 8 silver, 5
copper). Multiply by 4 (or technically 4.4) to get monthly average (about 16 gold, 9 silver, 4
copper). Multiply by the number of prostitutes
Pay their cost of living, which is usually 10gp/month. The remainder is 6 gold, 9 silver, 4
copper per prostitute.
Repeat steps 1-33 for named prostitutes with higher skill levels.
Pay your cost of living from the remainders of both the named and unnamed
If you dont own the building outright, make a 1% payment on it.
Anything still left over is profit. Divide it amongst your peeps.
Finding a Brothel
The DC to find a brothel is 40 - Madams Skill (if the GM is going into great detail on his cities,
he can also add law but subtract crime and corruption).
Already discussed. Martha is 38HELLO!-23-29.
Hair Color
Eye Color
Lt. Blue
Milky White
Dk. Green
Lt. Red
Lt. Green
Dk. Blue
icy color, roll again
Each Eye Different, roll twice
With a roll of 2, 8, and 7 Martha has brown hair, light green eyes, and pink skin.
Roll 1d10
Demon Fever
Devil Chills
Red Ache
Crimson Welts
Whores Delight
Crotch Plague
Filth Fever
Roll two diseases, disregard further instances of this roll
Roll 3 diseases, disregard further instances of this roll.
Gnomes have pink, purple, blue, green, yellow, black, and white hair
Fey hair changes with the season. Red in summer, yellow in fall, white in winter, and green in spring. Water type fey typically have blue, black,
blue, black, or white hair.
Prostitutes may specialize in a given maneuver, earning +2 for that maneuver. They likely have
invested in the Skank feat.
96-100 Other
Ive already decided that in a town less than 60 people, Martha has no specialization though
mammary shouldnt be unreasonable considering her particulars.
Attitude- Initial attitude is indifferent unless the GM states otherwise
Fetish- In addition to a specialization, prostitutes may also have fetishes that allow their
customers to gain an edge on them in terms of arousal. If a customer invokes a fetish that the
prostitute has, he may subtract 25% from his bill. The following fetishes are likely to be invoked
by clients (See The Sixth Stage of Arousal for details):
Sexual Machochism
Sexual Sadism
Match Game, A.K.A. Gnomish Cog Reels
The gnomes have invented a machine which uses reels on cogs. The best way to simulate the
game on a tabletop roleplaying game is use 3 dice of the same type. You are looking for 3
instances of the same number
There are different pay outs for different dice types due to the differing odds of each result
coming up. Adding up all the payouts should be less than the total chances for the house to
maintain an edge. Each payout should be about half (or less) than the next one up. The highest
payout should be less than half the maximum odds.
3d4- There is a 1 in 64 chance that all 4s come up.
If all dice are 4, the payout is wager x30 (.468 payout)
If 3s, x15 (.234 payout)
If 2s x8 (.125 payout)
If 1s x4 (.063 payout)
House Edge: 11%
3d6- There is a 1 in 216 chance all sixes come up, and a 6 in 36 chance for any matching set.
If all dice are 6, the payout is x100 (.462 payout)
If 5s, the payout is x50 (.231 payout)
If 4s, the payout is x25 (.115 payout)
If 3s, the payout is x10 (.046 payout)
If 2s, the payout Is x5 (.023 payout)
If 1s, the payout is x2 (.011 payout)
House Edge is 11.2%
3d8- There is a 1 in 512 chance all eights come up. Going to x250 odds for all eights produces
only a 4% edge which isnt likely to get the house what it wants thus a slightly lower payout of
x200 for the best result is used for 3d8s
If all dice are 8 the payout is x200 (.390 payout)
If 7s, the payout is x100 (.195 payout)
If 6s, the payout is x50 (.097 payout)
If 5s, the payout is x25 (.048 payout)
If 4s, the payout is x15 (.029 payout)
If 3s, the payout is x8 (.015 payout)
If 2s, the payout is x4 (.007 payout)
If 1s, the payout is x2 (.003 payout)
House Edge is 21%.
Cog Reels can be tricked for the top pay out with a DC 25 Disable Device check (cleverly
sabotage a clockwork device) but this takes 2d4 rounds. They also are usually fitted with a good
lock. Cog Reels have hardness 8 and 20 hp.
The set up is simple; the house sets cost per dice. Each round, players all buy 1d20. The
objective is to get as close to 100 without going over. Play stops when everyone has either
stopped buying dice or goes over 100. 3/4 of the pot goes to the winner and the rest is split
among the others that did not go over (including the house). The house is instructed not to go
over 85. All players involved, including the house (Profession: Gambler or Sleight of Hand +9)
can use their associated skills to increase dice rolls (blindly) or take 10 on a particular turn, but
be warned, increasing an individual roll past 20 indicates cheating.
Liars Dice
The game starts with a maximum number of dice equal to thrice the number of players.
Players each ante up whatever they want but all other players must match the maximum ante
Each round players roll concealed dice (in a cup).
The player chosen to bid first expresses how many of one result exist in the combined rolls of
all players. He also declares whether bids go clockwise or counterclockwise
The player adjacent in his chosen direction chooses to outdo his bid or call him out. A player
cannot bid back down
For example the player might declare clockwise play and say two threes. The player to his left
must either declare more than two threes, any number of a larger dice or call him out. The
second player cannot call for example one three, but he could call one five. The players cannot
call multiple dice rolls either (two threes and one five for example). Bids continue until
someone is called out.
When the round ends, all players reveal their dice. If the number and rank of dice equals or
exceeds the amount the last bidder said, the caller gives the bidder a dice. If the bidder is wrong
the bidder gives the caller a dice.
Play continues until only one person has dice. This isnt much of a house game since the
house can run out of dice just as easily as anyone else.
Alternately if dice (or other players) permit, ousted players may buy dice to re-enter the game.
Typically 1 unit of the largest coin in the pot is traded for 1 dice to return ousted players to the
game, though since he is at the mercy of the other players they can ask for more.
Not Really Gambling At All Card GamesThe house is always considered to be taking 10, and its dealers either have Bluff or Sleight of
Hand at +8 (Heroic NPC stats, with their 15 either in Cha or Dex as appropriate to their skill and
Skill Focus as appropriate to their skill). A settlements Corruption modifies the houses Bluff
checks while its Crime modifies the houses Sleight of Hand checks. Since the house takes 10 all
the time, the DC to win at most poker games is 18 plus the crime or corruption modifier as
appropriate. PCs can use Perception checks to find fair dealers, or Sense Motive to see bluffs.
Black Market
A note on drugs- Overdose occurs whenever the user has consumed one dose per constitution
modifier. Negative modifiers indicate that the character overdoses on the first half dose (or
divides the size of a dose by the absolute value of the constitution modifier). Resisting the
overdose takes another fortitude save of the same difficulty. Overdose effects are cumulative
per dose after the initial overdose.
This treated wafer dissolves into a chalky paste when placed under the tongue and then gives
the imbiber a jolt of restless energy. It eliminates the effects of fatigue for the next 8 hours;
when the drugs effect ends, the user is exhausted. Allnight makes its users jittery and unable to
focus; they suffer a 2 penalty on all skill checks until its effects wear off. Price 75 gp
Bachelor snuff
If inhaled through the nose, this sooty smelling golden powder renders humanoid males
temporarily sterile without otherwise affecting their performance. A dose typically lasts 13
days. Long-term users of bachelor snuff tend to develop a slight, but still noticeable, gilded
tinge to their teeth and nails. (Daily users develop a minor addiction) Price 1 gp
This blue-black liquid can be taken straight, but is commonly added to a drink. It is made from
exotic crushed minerals found in desert regions. It encourages sexual activity but makes the
user sensitive to light. It has a very mild metallic taste (Perception DC 20 to notice, decrease DC
by 2 per extra dose used). Making blackout is DC 15
Type poison, Injested; Save Fortitude DC 20
Price 20 gp
Onset 5 minutes
Initial Effect 1d4 Wis damage; Secondary Effect Suggestion (sexual only) Cure 1 save
Overdose 1d4 Con damage, -5 to resist the suggestion.
Golden Haze
These small rhomboidal golden tablets are taken like pills. They produce intense arousal in the
Type Injested; Save Fortitude DC 18
Price 750 gp
Effect -2 to perception as the users vision is altered by a golden haze; Secondary Effect
Characters enter the Arousal Phase, (DC 18) Cure 1 save
Overdose Characters are brought to the cusp of orgasm and left there. They are considered
sickened for 1d4 hours or until they achieve a critical success, at which point they achieve a
very strong orgasm.
Hot Flush
Hot flush is a prank concoction often poured into the drinks of unsuspecting women. It is
colorless, tasteless, and odorless. Within minutes of consumption, the imbiber will get very
warm, flushed and sweaty (Fortitude DC 15 to ignore, -4 if wearing heavy clothing), possibly
needing to strip off a little in order to get cool (Will DC 15 to ignore, -4 if wearing heavy
Type Injested; Save Fortitude DC 15, then Will DC 15
Price 5 sp
Onset 1d4 minutes
Effect suffer 1d4 nonlethal damage as if from mild heat exhaustion Secondary Effect suggestion
to remove clothing Cure save against either effect.
Night tea
This frothy tea made from the bone-white, triangular leaves of the night tea plant renders a
humanoid female sterile if drank every day. In high doses, it may be able to end a pregnancy.
Price 1 sp
Sex Slaves (+1 to +10 ranks in Sexual Techniques) 100gp per plus
89-145 lbs for a human
124-152 lbs for a dwarf
92-138 lbs for an elf
32-46 lbs for a gnome
94-138 lbs for a half elf
114-158 lbs for a half orc
27-41 lbs for a halfling
These are typical values, and reflect near minimum weights for the height range according to
the optional build table, however there is the occasional buyer with a fat fetish. Increase
maximum weight dramatically to accommodate these (figuring maximum weight according to
the maximum dice shown on said table).
These crushed and shredded leaves range in color from peppery red to black; users can either
smoke or chew them. Tobacco users experience a certain level of calm and are more easily able
to shrug off hunger pangs. Tobacco is addictive (Fort DC 15 to resist is fair since most people
take 10), and long-term users suffer Constitution damage (DC 15+1 per year to avoid 1 point of
damage that persists until you beat the addiction). 1 gp 2 lbs
This drink is brewed by pouring boiling water through crushed, roasted coffee beans. Coffee is a
common part of many cultures. Coffee is potent enough to reduce the penalties from the
fatigued condition from 2 to 1 for 1 hour. 1 cp/cup 1/2 lb
Also known as Qadiran coffee, kahve is served with generous helpings of milk, sugar, and spices
to counteract its natural bitterness. Kahve is drunk throughout the day, both at home and at
coffeehouses. The grounds left in the bottom of a cup are sometimes used for fortune-telling. 2
cp/cup 1/2 lb
A popular beverage in most civilized regions of the Inner Sea, tea is usually served with milk,
sugar, or spices. 2 cp/cup 1/2 lb
In general, a character can consume a number of alcoholic beverages* equal to 1 plus double his
Constitution modifier before being sickened for 1 hour per drink above this maximum.
Particularly exotic or strong forms of alcohol might be treated as normal drugs. Optionally the
safe drinking limit may be the total of Str and Con modifiers. Additionally, characters who get
shit-faced drink more than double this limit and are considered staggered for the same
duration, then sickened. If a character continues to drink while staggered, he must make a
fortitude save (DC=base DC+total drinks) or become unconsciousness. A failure by more than 5
causes his HP to become -1 and he starts dying. He can be stabilized by remove poison or a Heal
check with the same DC as his last save.
Those who regularly abuse alcohol might eventually develop a moderate addiction.
Pathfinders GMG makes this statement without specifying what the DC of the save is. Each
addiction is listed as having a variable save as well. The rules I provide here should not be
considered canon by any stretch of the imagination. They serve to fill a gap.
Characters that drink themselves to the point of being sickened (The use of class abilities may
or may not count depending on your GM) more than 3 days out of a given week (called Binging)
must make a fortitude save as detailed for contracting addiction with a DC equal to the drugs
normal save plus the number of days they last binged.
New Trait-Iron Liver: Due to a lucky constitution or frequent exposure, your body is resistant to
poison, including alcohol and drugs. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against poison
and drugs, and a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid the effects of alcohol.
Mwangi coffee
Coffee brewed Mwangi style has a wine-like acid taste that is too strong for a novice palate.
(Mwangi Coffee might not actually be alcoholic in Pathfinder lore, however it is included here in
the event that GMs want to use it as an alcohol) Base DC 5. 3 cp/cup 1/2 lb
A beverage, or drink constitutes 12 ounces of a stout or other alcohol with 10% or less alcohol. Subtract 2 ounces per 10% of alcohol the
beverage has, to a minimum drink size of 2 ounces.
Dwarven stout
More a family of beers than one single drink, dwarven stout is known by different names all
across the land. Dwarven stouts are dark beers characterized by a slightly burnt flavor and a
foamy head; they are said to be as filling as a meal (GMs call). Base DC 12. 4 cp/mug 1/2 lb. A
gallon has 10 servings and costs 4 sp.
A foul mix of different alcohols and whatevers handy, grog was invented by pirates and sailors
and never managed to crawl far onto land. Grog is no ones first choice of drink, but anyone
whos spent enough time on a ship has had at least a taste. Grog has a higher toxicity than
typical alcohol. Addiction to grog is severe instead of moderate. Base DC 15. 2 cp/mug 1/2 lb.
Linnorm mead
The favorite drink of the Ulfen, this honey mead has traveled with them into the southern
lands. It is sweet and strong and, according to Ulfen bards, is an indisputable aid to singing
(GMs call). Base DC 10. 5 cp/mug 1/2 lb
Oldlaw whiskey
This single-malt whiskey is made in Molthune at a distillery that has existed longer than the
country itself. The smooth rye whiskey is a favorite of old soldiers everywhere. Base DC 12. 20
gp/bottle 1 lb
A potent drink featuring rum, wine, ale, eggs, sugar, and spices, rumboozle is served warm in
finer taverns around the Inner Sea. Base DC 12. 1 sp/glass 1/2 lb
Crime and Punishment
Most of the things discussed above are illegal or partially illegal (such as being restricted to
adults or people of a given age). On the most part, watchmen and magistrates are people too
and can be swayed with the right attitude, or perhaps palm grease. The following tables serve
to depict the legal repercussions associated with a given illegal activity, however they are not
intended to sidestep roleplay, merely to suggest guidelines for the sort of punishment a given
action can illicit.
Characters that get the wrong sort of attention from the watch for some illicit activity may end
up in jail, or worse, sentenced to execution. In any case, the safest skill roll to attempt in
exchange for freedom or a warning is Diplomacy, since talking nice doesnt typically arouse
suspicion. Characters may Sexual Diplomacy with the Erotic Dance, Flirtation, or Sexual
Techniques skills as well, but doing so may make the watchman or the magistrate angry. Bribery
may Illicit either a better or worse reaction depending on whether the guard or watchmen
seems receptive to this sort of thing. A Sense Motive check to reveal a hunch is needed to
discern intent or desire. The officer or magistrate may use Bluff, in which case you need only
beat his roll. The GM rolls this in secret, due to the inherent danger of misreading social cues in
arrest and trial situations. Players may roleplay this Your honor, may I request a short lunch
recess? We just had lunch. Your honor, may I approach the bench? Ill allow it<she
approaches the bench and props an arm up on the gavel plaque, turning to the side and
revealing most of her left breast in the process> Your honor, I was talking about a different
kind of lunch
The Arrest
Watchmans Reaction
Attacked on sight, then fined 10,000 gp if still alive
Fined 1000 gp, then go to trial
fined 100 gp, then go to trial
Fined 10 gp, no trial necessary unless you contest the fine
Let off with a warning
The Trial
Magisters Reaction
Limb removal or branding
Public flogging or the stocks
2d4 days in the cells
A warning
Modifiers to Reaction
Exhibitionism bribe
Sexual bribe
Cash bribe, up to half the legal fine paid directly to the watchman or magistrate.
Settlements Law Modifier
Foreign Quarter
Market District
Red Lamp District
Temple District (depending on which temple)
Modifiers for Specific crimes
Public Intoxication
Petty Theft
Multiple arrests on record/previously given a warning
Sexual Harrassment
Non-sexual Assault
Sexual Assault
Grand Theft
Fraudulent Merchantile
Resisting Arrest/Unprovoked assault on a guard
Serial Crime/Repeat Offense in the same arrest
Check Modifier
as normal
-2 per previous arrest/warning
-5 per offense
Before I get to the OGL Id like to point out that these citations are exact copy pasta
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative
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10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
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12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game
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13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days
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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to
make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Advanced Players Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
Encyclopaedia Arcane - Nymphology copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing.
Macho Women with Guns Copyright 2003, Mongoose Publishing
Pathfinder Companion: Adventurers Armory Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jonathan Keith, Hal Maclean, Jeff Quick,
Christopher Self, JD Wiker, and Keri Wiker.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjaman Bruck,
Jason Bulman, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd
Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis,
Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik
Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A.
Vaughan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob
McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Cam Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle,
Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Steven Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreary, Hal Maclean,
Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike
Selinker, Lisa Stevens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Skip Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff.
Quintessential Temptress Copyright 2004, Mongoose Publishing
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Book of Experimental Might Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
The Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge has no copyright information included but was used
Tome of Horrors Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey
Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Any material that appears as written in the above documents is used with permission as Granted by OGL version 1.0a. Any stated deviations are
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