The Asphalt Core Embankment Dam: A Very Competitive Alternative
The Asphalt Core Embankment Dam: A Very Competitive Alternative
The Asphalt Core Embankment Dam: A Very Competitive Alternative
embankment dam; asphalt concrete core; case studies; research results; design
The first embankment dam with a compacted asphalt concrete core was built in Germany in
1961-1962, and Hydropower and Dams (20081 ) provides a listing of asphalt core dams that have
been built and are under construction in different countries. The International Commission on
Large Dams (ICOLD) and others have summarized the experience with the design, construction
and performance of this type of dam (e.g., ICOLD 1992 2 ; Heg 19933 ; Creegan and Monismith
19964; Schnian 19995; Heg et al. 20076; Wang 20087).
Most asphalt core dams have been built in Europe or by European contractors, but China has
also built and is currently building several dams of this type, among them the 170 m high Quxue
Dam which will be the highest so far. Canada just completed an asphalt core dam, the first of its
kind in North America (Alicescu et al. 2008 8 ), and Hydro Quebec has decided to construct several
more embankment dams of this type in the Province of Quebec (La Romaine project). Brazil is
currently building its first asphalt core dam (Foz do Chapeco), and Spain, Saudi-Arabia and Iran
recently completed their first ones.
The paper presents the results from recent research, field experience and case studies and a
discussion of the relative merits of different embankment dam design alternatives.
Previous research and field experience have demonstrated that the properties of asphalt concrete
may, within fairly wide limits, be tailored to satisfy specific design requirements. The quality
control of the asphalt mix design and material properties is simple to carry out in the field
laboratory and during field construction. Asphalt concrete can be made virtually impervious and
flexible, is resistant to erosion and ageing, and it offers jointless core construction. The
viscoelastic-plastic and ductile properties provide a self-healing (self-sealing) ability should cracks
develop in the core wall due to differential displacements (shear distortions) caused by severe
earthquake loading. Asphalt concrete is a very forgiving material in its behaviour relieving itself
of stress concentrations. The use of softer bitumen than in previous construction increases the
self-sealing quality and allows lower operating temperatures and energy input during material
production, transportation and core placement. Among all the dams built, there is no case of
reported leakage through an asphalt core.
In the literature, only a few experimental studies have been performed to investigate the behavior
of hydraulic asphalt subjected to cyclic loads simulating earthquake shaking (Heg 2005 9). Breth
and Schwab (1973 10) performed a cyclic direct shear test on an asphalt specimen simulating an
element of the core inside an embankment dam and concluded that the imposed cyclic loading had
no degrading effects on the properties of the asphalt concrete. That was the state of the art until
Feizi-Khankandi et al. (200811; 200912 ) recently reported the results of cyclic triaxial tests to derive
material parameters for the seismic analysis of the Garmrood asphalt core embankment dam in
northern Iran.
Wang (2008 7) systematically studied the effects of cyclic loading on the stress-strain-strength
behavior and permeability of asphalt concrete. The author conclude: (1) the cyclic modulus versus
mean static stress showed an approximately linear relationship in a logarithmic diagram; (2) the test
temperature had a significant effect on the value of the cyclic modulus, as an example: at 1 MPa
mean sustained stress the cyclic modulus at 20C was approximately 900 MPa; (3) the number of
load cycles had no significant effects on the magnitude of induced cyclic strain; and (4) the cyclic
loading had very little degrading effect on the post-cyclic stress-strain-strength behavior and
watertightness of the asphalt concrete.
The results show that the asphalt core in an embankment dam in a seismic region can withstand
very severe seismic shaking without cracking and losing watertightness. The earthquake resistance
of the dam will rather depend on proper design and zoning of the embankment itself, considering
the available fill materials, the foundation conditions, and the seismicity of the site.
In general, aggregates for asphalt concrete should be made of sound and property-stable rock. The
aggregates should be clean and have suitable particle shapes (low flakiness index), surface texture
and gradations. For good aggregate-bitumen adhesion, alkaline aggregates like limestone are
usually required. In the past decade, acidic aggregates have successfully been used for road asphalt
by using anti-strip additives to improve the aggregate-bitumen adhesion.
However, very little has been reported on the research of aggregate suitability for hydraulic
dense grade asphalt concrete with air porosity less than 3%. A difference in aggregate strength has
been documented to have little effect on the stress-strain-strength properties of hydraulic asphalt
concrete (Heg 19933 ). For many dam projects, in remote areas, alkaline materials are not available
locally, but only acidic materials such as granitic rocks which are strip-prone. The alternative to
using the locally available strip-prone aggregates may be long transportation distances to get more
suitable aggregates often at large extra costs.
An extensive series of laboratory tests was therefore performed to study aggregate-bitumen
adhesion and its effects on asphalt concrete stress-strain-strength behaviour (Wang 20087). The
authors conclude from the study: for hydraulic asphalt with air porosity <3%, the permeability is so
low with a significant bitumen film thickness covering the aggregate particles, that water
immersion and freeze-thaw cycles have no effects on the compressive, tensile and bending
strengths even when strip-prone aggregates are used. Therefore, it seems safe to use strip-prone
aggregates in hydraulic asphalt without having to replace them with imported alkaline aggregates
or to use adhesion-promoting measures like amine or hydrated lime.
2.4 Cracking resistance and self-healing properties
Fissures or cracks may tend to open up locally due to large shear stresses or tension stresses
caused by loads, imposed displacements, or temperature changes. The strain levels at which cracks
open depend on a number of factors, e.g. asphalt mix design, the loading rate (strain rate) and the
temperature level. Wang (20087 ) presents the results of a series of experiments and compares his
findings with those previously docuneted in the literature.The results show that the magnitude of
tensile strain that asphalt concrete can undergo (tolerate) before cracking occurs, can be
significantly increased by using a richer asphalt concrete mix, softer grade of bitumen or by adding
admixtures to improve asphalt concrete ductility.
If cracks do occur, asphalt concrete has self-healing (self-sealing) properties due to its viscous
behavior. Wang (20087 ) studied crack self-healing and the regaining of tensile strength using
several different asphalt concrete mixes tested at various temperatures and stress levels. The crack
self-healing was evaluated by measuring the rate of water leakage through specimens cracked by
splitting.Within only a few hours, the rate of leakage dropped 2 orders of magnitude. The regained
tensile strength of the cracked laboratory specimens was determined by performing tension
splitting tests after the cracked specimens were self-healed under the vertical stress of 1.0 MPa for
24 hours at 7C. The strengths of intact (no cracks) specimens were also tested by splitting. The
average regained strength for three groups of three specimens each was found to be 55%. The
unique self-sealing and self-healing ability of asphalt concrete may eliminate the need for remedial
measures due to possible fissures and cracks caused by earthquakes and differential settlements in
asphalt core embankment dams.
If required, one may use significantly higher rates of asphalt core construction than previously
practiced (i.e. two layers a day of 20 cm compacted thickness) without reducing the quality of the
compacted asphalt concrete in the core. Tschernutter (199713) reports that the maximum
construction rate of the asphalt core for Feistritzbach rockfill dam was 3 layers a day (60 cm
compacted). The air porosity in all specimens drilled out of the core was found to be less than
2.5%, meeting the conventional design requirement for asphalt cores of less than 3% air porosity.
Saxegaard (200214 ) built a full scale 15 m long model test section of a dam core using asphalt
concrete mix with 6.7% bitumen content (type B180) to test the effects of layer thickness and
number of layers placed per day on the resulting core quality. In one case he placed four layers of
20 cm compacted thickness in one day (i.e.80 cm/day). In another case he placed three layers of 30
cm compacted thickness in one day (i.e. 90 cm/day). Test results of specimens drilled out of the
compacted core showed air porosity less than 3% for both cases.
The Zhaobishan gravel embankment dam in China, 71 m high with an asphalt core of 64 m, is
located in a narrow gorge. Due to the threat of flooding and overtopping during construction, the
asphalt core had to be raised rather quickly. During the critical period of the first 67 days the
construction rate was 70 cm/day for 25 days and 90 cm/day for 7 days.The air porosity of drilled
core specimens was less than 3% (Wang et al. 200915).
The latest systematic series of field tests on the effects of layer thickness and number of layers
placed per day, are presented by Alicescu et al. (20088 ) from the construction of Nemiscau-1 dam
in Canada. They conclude that 4 layers of compacted thickness 22.5 cm may be placed per day, still
maintaining high core quality with air porosity well below the required 3%.
Wang and Heg (200916 ) used four different laboratory compaction methods, i.e. the Marshall,
Vibration, Static and Gyratory methods, to investigate the effects of type of compaction method on
the triaxial stress-strain behavior of asphalt concrete and compared it to that of asphalt concrete
compacted in the field by a vibratory roller. Although the asphalt concrete specimens were all made
of the same mix and compacted to approximately the same density (air porosity), the resulting
stress-strain curves were very different. The secant modulus up to 1% axial strain for the Gyratory
compacted specimens was 6 times that of the field compacted specimen, and the axial strain of the
field specimen at failure was 6 times that of the Gyratory specimen.
A study was undertaken by the authors to determine the reasons for the differences among the
specimens compacted by the various laboratory methods. The authors concluded that the
differences in aggregate structure, grain skeleton arrangement and degree of interlocking achieved
during the various methods of compaction explain the large differences in observed stress-strain
behavior. Sawed sections through the specimens compacted by the different methods, support this
explanation. It is the elongated and plate-shaped form of some of the aggregates that create the very
significant skeleton structure effects, which will strongly depend on the method of compaction.
Considering the limitations of the conventional laboratory compaction methods, Wang (20087 )
developed a new laboratory method and procedure to better simulate field compaction of hydraulic
asphalt concrete in dam cores and facings. The new laboratory compaction is called the SC-method
(Simulating field Compaction). The proposed SC-compaction method gives laboratory specimens
with stress-strain behavior similar to that of field compacted asphalt concrete and may be used for
mixes with all types of natural and crushed aggregates (Wang and Heg 200916).
The asphalt concrete barrier in hydraulic structures must exhibit flexible and ductile stress-strain
behavior to be able to adjust to differential displacements or distortions in the embankment without
dilation, cracking and increased permeability. Therefore, the field compaction must be adapted to
the conditions and asphalt concrete mix used. Extra compaction effort will not necessarily lead to
improved asphalt concrete properties and behavior. Over-compaction may lead to excessive
aggregate skeleton interlocking resulting in stiff, possibly somewhat brittle, behavior of the
material, which may experience cracking when the dam is deforming due to static and dynamic
loads and differential foundation settlements.
Tschernutter (1997 19) presents the design and construction of the 85 m high Feistritzbach asphalt
core rockfill dam. The main challenge proved to be that the available rock from the local quarry
turned out to be much inferior to that anticipated during design. It was partly severely weathered
and crumbled badly during processing. The poor rockfill resulted in embankment deformations at
twice as large as originally calculated. The field observations and back-analyses show that the
asphalt core followed all deformations of the embankment without any cracking, and it is virtually
Heg et al. (20076) present the Storglomvatn and the Holmvatn asphalt core dams which both,
especially Holmvatn, have much lower quality rockfill than that used in previous dams of this type
in Norway. The Storglomvatn Dam is 125 m high, and the saddle dam, Holmvatn, 56 m The
upstream slope of the two dams built on rock foundations is 1V:1.5H, the downstream slope
between the berms is 1V:1.4H. The quarry close to the Holmvatn dam contained meta sandstone
with significant intercalated zones of mica schist/shale. During quarrying the schist from the quarry
turned out to be of even poorer quality than anticipated in design, and some of the truck loads
brought on to the dam had to be rejected. After vibratory roller compaction, the rockfill surface was
in some cases so pulverized that the top layer was removed before the next lift could be placed. To
reduce the breakage, the 15-ton roller initially specified was replaced by a lighter 11.7-ton roller.
Although the rockfill was inferior to that assumed in design, it was decided to proceed with the
construction using the same close-by quarry, thus accepting that the construction and
post-construction deformations probably would be significantly larger than for the earlier asphalt
concrete dams built in Norway. The asphalt core for the Storglomvatn Dam is 90 cm wide at the
bottom decreasing to 50 cm, and the top 51 m has a constant width of 50 cm. The asphalt core for
the Holmvatn Dam has a constant width of 50 cm. As the construction and post-construction
deformations in the two dams were expected to be larger than in previous Norwegian asphalt core
dams, and the dams are located in a region with some earthquake activity, the designers specified
an asphalt mix with softer grade bitumen (B 180) and somewhat higher bitumen content (6.7% of
total weight) than in the earlier dams.
The performance of the two dams has been monitored for twelve years since their completion in
1997 (Heg et al. 20076 ) and back-analyses of the dam deformations and asphalt core behaviour
have been carried out (Wang 20087 ). It is concluded that the behaviour is very satisfactory in spite
of the large embankment deformations.
was built on top of a deep compressible and inhomogeneous alluvium deposit. During construction
the foundation settled about 2.20 m in the middle of the valley, and there were large differential
settlements over short distances. In addition come secondary settlements after end of construction.
No noticeable leakage has been recorded through the asphalt core in the Eberlaste Dam since
construction of the dam 40 years ago. This must mean that the core has been able to adjust to the
large differential settlements, tension stresses and shear strains without cracking or a noticeable
increase in permeability. It is a demonstration of the materials ductility and/or crack self-healing
ability. The designers had the foresight to specify the use of an especially soft grade bitumen
(B300) and a fairly high bitumen content in order to accommodate the anticipated large shear
Wang (20087 ) and Hao and He (200817 ) present the Yele asphalt core rockfill dam, China. The dam
has a maximum height of 125 m and a crest length of 411m with a 300 m long extension over the
right bank. The dam is located on an extremely complex foundation in a region of high seismicity.
There is a quartz diorite rock base under an alluvial overburden of 35-60 m on the left bank, a
55-160 m overburden on the river bed, and more than 220 m of overburden on the right bank
(Fig.1). The crest elevation is 2654.5 m and the dam is located in a very cold and rainy area.
For the difficult geological foundation conditions with an irregular and compressible
overburden, and with the high regional seismicity, only an embankment type dam was considered
feasible. Three alternatives were examined for the impervious barrier in a rockfill dam: (1) earth
core (ECRD), (2) upstream concrete facing (CFRD), and (3) asphalt core (ACRD). To decide
among these alternatives emphasis was placed on costs, severe weather conditions during
construction, earthquake resistance, and compatibility with the geological conditions which might
cause significant differential settlements across the valley. After all aspects had been considered,
the ACRD alternative was decided to be the most suitable.
Due to the high seismicity at the site, the rockfill dam is designed with relatively gentle slopes
1V:2H upstream and 1V:2.2H downstream and a wide crest of 14 m. In addition, the top 30 m of
the dam as well as the lower part of the upstream slope was reinforced by horizontal geo-grids.
An extensive field monitoring program has been implemented for Yele Dam, and the recorded
results are back-analyzed and compared to those of other high rockfill dams with asphalt core.
Based on the field measurements, the back-analyses, the tests on the properties of the asphalt
concrete and the joint between the core and the plinth, it is concluded that the asphalt core of the
Yele Dam performs very well. There are no indications of any leakage through the core or at the
joint between the asphalt core and the concrete plinth above the foundation cut-off wall. However,
as anticipated at this geologically very difficult site, there is some leakage under the dam in spite of
the extensive use of deep cut-off walls and curtain grouting. In early 2008 the leakage amounted to
about 260 l/s. Continuous surveillance is taking place to study and control the development of this
under-seepage (Hao and He 200817).
The relative merits of four embankment dam design alternatives are discussed below: dam with (1)
earth core, (2) asphalt core, (3) concrete facing, and (4) geomembrane facing. In addition to
estimated construction costs, other important factors determine which design alternative is
preferred for a given site, e.g. safety aspects; weather conditions; total construction time (time until
reservoir is full/useful); required construction expertise (contractor experience); potential dam
overtopping during construction; maintenance costs; and environmental aspects affected by dam
type and different construction activities. Foundation conditions will often govern the design. The
safety and performance of a dam is inseparable from the capacity of its foundation.
Earth core
When suitable earth core material is available within a reasonable transportation distance, other
designs can generally not compete with the earth core design in terms of economy. It may also be
the most suitable type of design if the foundation is very compressible. An embankment with a
wide earth core and wide filters is also a very good alternative to provide safe dam earthquake
resistance, especially in cases where fault displacements may take place in the dam foundation.
However, if the available earth core material has a high clay content, and the dam is to be
constructed in a region with heavy precipitation during long (or unpredictable) periods of the year,
the construction schedule becomes uncertain and the core quality control may become difficult due
to the inclement weather. The core material may be modified by material processing (e.g. mixing
with other materials and/or drying) to make it more suitable for use, but then costs are added. The
increased concern about interior erosion has led to very stringent filter design and construction
criteria, and more processing of filter materials is required. This leads to increased costs. If the core
is to be founded on fissured/fractured rock, it is mandatory to treat the rock surface with grout or
concrete and properly placed protective filters to avoid erosion of core material into open cracks.
This aspect has too often been overlooked, even in fairly recent dams. In the case of possible floods
during construction, the earth core design is more vulnerable to damage by overtopping than for
instance a dam with concrete facing or asphalt core. Scarps caused by earth core borrow areas are
of more concern now than a few years ago and may, in some cases, become an important factor in
the decision process.
Past experience shows that one must be prepared for leakage through opened joints and tension
cracks in the upstream concrete facing, especially in the vicinity of the perimeter joint and over the
abutments. However, in a properly designed CFRD, with gradually coarser rockfill material from
upstream to downstream, even a large leakage does not endanger the overall stability if the dam has
been provided with ample downstream drainage capacity to safely accommodate the leakage flow.
In many such cases a significant reduction in leakage through the facing has been achieved by
merely dumping silt and fine sand (crack-stopper material) in the reservoir upstream of the leakage
location. If the cracks are not too large, the silt then migrates into the crack and makes it much less
pervious, especially if the sandgravel zone under the concrete facing is made to function as a
cohesionless filter arresting any further migration of the crack-stopper material.
However, recent experiences have shown the development of very large compression and
shear cracks in some high CFRDs in narrow valleys (Pinto 2006 31; Johannesson 200732,33; Sabrinho
et al. 200734 ). These cases have now been analyzed to explain the unexpected behavior of the
facing. It has to do with the vertical settlements and lateral displacements of the rockfill towards
the center of a narrow valley and the resulting vertical and horizontal strains imposed on the
concrete facing (e.g. Pinto 200935). To avoid such cracking one requires high quality and extremely
well compacted rockfill and special design considerations for the facing and the joints, designing
compressible joints between the central slabs of the facing. Furthermore, the concrete facing should
preferably not be placed until much of the post-construction creep deformations of the rockfill have
taken place.
The asphalt core exhibits viscoelastic-plastic, ductile behaviour and has therefore the ability to
relieve any stress concentrations and self-heal any tendencies to fissure or crack formation. There is
no case of reported leakage through an asphalt core. It may be considered maintenance-free. An
asphalt core can also tolerate foundation settlements and embankment deformations due to static
and earthquake loading better than the inclined upstream concrete facing, and one can therefore
accept the use of lower quality compacted earth- or rockfill (see Section 3). The asphalt core is
protected from impact loads and damage by reservoir debris, deterioration due to weathering, and
acts of sabotage (terror).
An experienced contractor is required to properly construct a concrete facing with attention to
construction details, water stops and reinforcement at joints in the slab and along the important
perimeter joint at the plinth. The construction of an asphalt core and the simultaneous placement of
the transition zones on either side, is a much simpler and controllable operation than the
corresponding construction of the concrete facing. Furthermore, the hazard the workers on the steep
upstream CFRD slope (usually 1.3H:1V) is exposed to, is much higher than that experienced in
asphalt core construction.
The plinth for the asphalt core is shorter than for the CFRD and is much simpler in design and
construction. The required width of the plinth to reduce the hydraulic gradient to safe levels, is
determined as for the CFRD plinth. The foundation grout curtain under the plinth for an asphalt
core dam is therefore also shorter than for a CFRD. On the other hand, a significant advantage of
the CFRD design is that the plinth construction and the grouting under the plinth may take place
almost independently of the construction of the other zones of the embankment. The construction
of the asphalt core and the adjacent transition zones cannot start until the plinth and grouting are
completed under the deepest section of the dam.
The concrete facing of the CFRD provides slope protection against wave action, while the core
dam requires rip-rap protection. Furthermore, the rockfill under the CFRD facing has the advantage
of being dry (or only partly saturated) under static and earthquake loading conditions and can
therefore have a steeper upstream slope than core dams. The asphalt core dam may have a steeper
slope than a dam with a wide or sloping earth core. However, if the embankment is to rest on a
weak foundation, the external dam slopes for all three alternatives may be governed by the
foundation strength and stability.
The crown portion of a core dam is usually significantly more robust than that for the CFRD
which, for economy, relies on the use of steep dam slopes and a concrete parapet wall that may be
vulnerable, for instance during earthquake loading.
The asphalt core allows reservoir storage during construction such that the reservoir may be full
by the end of embankment construction. The CFRD cannot provide storage during construction
unless the facing is built in sections (and not only after the embankment is completed). Some of the
more recent CFRDs have been built in sections (stages) to shorten the construction period. This
requires special attention to rockfill deformations and their effects on the facing and joints as some
areas of the facing are already in place while the embankment rockfill is being raised above that
level and in some cases also adjacent to the already constructed concrete panels. After the
experiences with high CFRDs in narrow valleys (e.g. Pinto 2009 35), one may return to the practice
of constructing the facing after the embankment is completed. However, this will lengthen the total
construction period.
Geomembrane facing
The flexible geomembrane used as upstream facing provides many of the same advantages as the
concrete facing but avoids some of the disadvantages due to membrane flexibility and ability to
accommodate the rockfill deformations during and after construction and earthquake loading. The
membrane may, for instance, be placed directly on extruded concrete curbs as used for modern
The quality and toughness of geomembranes are steadily improving, as well as the methods of
installation, but remaining concerns in the profession are their vulnerability to impacts, ice loads
(tearing), acts of terror, and the effects of aging and weathering. To alleviate some of these
concerns the membrane may be fully or partly covered by a protective layer, but if that is deemed
necessary, it increases costs and reduces the relative competitiveness. However, the geomembrane
alternative will undoubtedly replace the use of stiff reinforced concrete facings in many future
We now have 50 years of successful experience with the performance of asphalt core embankment
dams. Among all the dams that have been built, there is no case of reported leakage through the
asphalt core.
Recent research and field studies have documented that (1) asphalt concrete is very resistant to
earthquake loading and can tolerate high tensile and shear strains without cracking, even at low
temperatures; that (2) the strict requirements to aggregate quality used in pavement design may be
relaxed, and locally available aggregates may be used; that (3) the asphalt core may be raised at a
higher construction rate than that practiced for earlier asphalt core dams without compromising
core quality, and that (4) several grades of bitumen exist, and admixtures may be used to further
improve the geo-mechanical properties of the asphalt concrete mix if required to satisfy special
design requirements.
Case studies have demonstrated that asphalt core dams may be successfully constructed with
much lower quality rockfill than that used in previous dams of this type. Asphalt core dams have
also been built where rockfill is not available and other materials have been used.
Most existing asphalt core dams rest on rock foundations, but there are other cases where
asphalt core dams have been built on deep and compressible alluvial deposits.
Comparative studies in several recent projects have shown the asphalt concrete core
embankment dam to be a very competitive design alternative both with respect to safety and
economy. Presently there are more dams of this type under design and construction than ever
[1] Hydropower and Dams. Asphaltic Concrete Core Dams, Listing in H&D 2007 World Atlas and Industry
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[2] ICOLD. Bituminous Cores for Fill Dams. International Commission on Large Dams, Bulletin 42, Paris,
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[11] Feizi-Khankandi, S.,
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