Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics
Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics
Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics
This expository paper discusses the area of
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as pertaining
to the subject of solid mechanics. FEA as a
computational tool has evolved rapidly in the
past fifty years and continues to do so with
technological advances in the computer
industry. The paper briefly presents a historical background together with the current
status of the field, and the future trends.
Fig. 1
If the topology is one dimensional (or a composite of onedimensional parts) such as the frame of building, or a communications tower, the beam elements have to be used. On
the other hand, if the topology is two-dimensional such as
a pressure vessel or aircraft wing, the shell elements covering surfaces are the most appropriate. Finally, for a
bulky object with no specific topological characteristics,
solid elements are commonly used In principle; every
structure can be modeled with solid elements, but the
demands on resources make it impractical even with
todays computing power. All these elements have to be
modified in one form or other to be able to handle special
situations such as: material incompressibility, material
plasticity and visoelasticity.
N.G. Zamani
ca>, Department of
Automotive and
Materials Engineering
University of
Windsor, Windsor,
Ontario, Canada
the details of the code may vary, but all FEA codes basically
give the same results. This is assuming that the same elements
are used and the same numerical integration algorithm is
employed. The minor differences are due only to code implementation.
A geometric nonlinearity refers to the case of large displacements, large rotations, and large strains. These are considered
to be mild nonlinearities which can easily be handled with a
good iterative solver. All nonlinearities require an iteration
approach for the numerical solution. Such algorithms are variations of the Newton-Raphson method or its secant implementation. For a mnemonic of this behavior, see Fig. 2(a).
The material response is also known as the constitutive law.
This represents the relationship between the stress and the
strain (or force and deflection). Most materials display a linear
response in a very narrow range. To give the reader a better
idea, consider the stretching of a rubber band. For small forces,
the relationship between the applied force and the resulting
stretch is linear. However, very quickly this linearity is lost and
a rather complicated path is traversed. This is an example of a
nonlinear elastic response. The situation in plasticity is considerably more complicated but falls into the category of nonlinear constitutive response. Material nonlinearity is also considered to be a mild nonlinearity. For a mnemonic of this behavior, see Fig. 2(b).
Presently, the majority of commercial FEA codes are capable
of handling both geometric and material nonlinearities. The
degree of their performance (in terms of efficiency and accuracy) varies from code to code. Furthermore, some codes have a
vast database of material properties which could be preferred
by the users.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
The primary role of a commercial finite element package is to
perform analysis. However, the ability to perform analysis naturally leads to the idea of optimization. In this situation, the
objective function, constraints and design variables are defined
first. A sequence of analysis is performed which systematically updates the design variables such that the objective function
is optimized [13]. The optimization calculations can be based on
the gradient methods or more recent approaches such as the
Genetic algorithm [14]. Most recent commercial codes have an
optimization module. To give a concrete example of how optimization is used, consider the design of a loaded part to have a
One of the important points that is being raised in this expository article is to emphasize that not all FEA software packages
are the same. The user should clearly identify the needs for
his/her analysis. The decision should also factor the CAD
requirements. The cost of the software has a direct link to the
capabilities of the acquisition. Another factor which should be
seriously taken into account is the type and level of the technical support available for the CAE software. One should not
assume that the softwares documentation is sufficient and well
enough written for an average reader. This could be a major
issue, as training courses can be extremely expensive, and in
some cases not even available. Online searches and sharing
information with other users can be of great value to decide
which software fits the users needs.